3ABN Homecoming 2016

Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16HC

Program Code: 16HC000010A

00:49 Welcome! Glad you could join us today:
00:52 those of you who are here with us,
00:53 those who are viewing around the world. God bless you!
00:56 Welcome to our Fall 3ABN Camp Meeting.
00:59 We pray that each one's having a blessing.
01:02 It's been a blessing to be here.
01:03 We have been blessed and we pray that each one of you
01:05 have been blessed also.
01:07 Welcome to our Sabbath School class.
01:09 We're going to have a wonderful study today
01:11 and I'm sure that not a one of you will want to miss
01:14 what's going on because this is a subject that we will
01:16 look at: the story of Job.
01:20 And how interesting that is because there's so many
01:22 questions about Job and his life and what he went through.
01:27 And I think some of us can relate to it.
01:29 And there's a lot of things that maybe are left unanswered.
01:32 By the grace of God... We've had prayer;
01:34 we're going to have prayer again in a moment.
01:36 But first, you know, I just want to just introduce our panel.
01:39 Praise God, you know, for those who are willing to show up
01:42 and say: "I want to be God's mouthpiece today. "
01:45 And I believe as you prayed about it God will use you
01:47 to help us on your part of the lesson
01:50 that you've been, I know, earnestly studying for.
01:52 You know, we have Brian. I want to call him pastor all the time.
01:57 I just have that bond and that kin. Even though you're the
01:59 chief financial officer of 3ABN.
02:02 We know that, but I know you have a heart for Jesus
02:05 and you love Jesus. You love the truth and the gospel.
02:08 We're glad to have you today.
02:10 Well thank you Kenny... thank you. And I am a pastor.
02:12 I pastor three churches here in the area...
02:15 only they're in prison. Amen.
02:19 Bless you heart. You know, that takes a special, doesn't it?
02:21 That takes a very special anointing of the Spirit
02:24 to be able to do the work that needs to be done.
02:27 And Sr. Mollie Steenson.
02:29 Praise God! We're glad you're here.
02:30 Always have a nice smile on your face.
02:32 The vice president of 3ABN and I've seen you wear
02:35 an awful lot of different hats
02:37 so I'm not going to go into all the hats that she has on
02:39 but she has to wear a lot of different hats
02:40 and doing a tremendous job for the cause of Christ.
02:43 And we're glad you're here today.
02:44 Thank you very much. It's a joy to be here
02:47 and to see all these lovely people.
02:50 Happy Sabbath everybody. Happy Sabbath!
02:54 You can tell they're excited today, right? They're excited!
02:56 The Holy Spirit's present here.
02:58 And next to her we have Pastor John Lomacang.
03:00 And we realize he's the pastor of the Thompsonville SDA
03:05 church here. And of course he's... I like the newer title,
03:09 pastor, that overwhelms you at times.
03:11 You know, you're the head of world evangelism for 3ABN.
03:14 And every time you say it I get goosebumps.
03:17 I get goosebumps because I've always felt that 3ABN
03:20 is for evangelism. Amen. Well praise the Lord. Happy Sabbath
03:24 everyone and those who are joining us via
03:26 whatever form of media. We welcome you to join us
03:29 in this wonderful time of the study of God's Word.
03:31 Amen. Of course, next is Pastor C.A. Murray.
03:35 Special friend. Anointed of God. A pastor.
03:39 You know, we've grown to love all of you
03:42 and Pastor C.A., you, too. You know, you talk about here
03:45 you're the general manager of 3ABN Proclaim!
03:49 we realize and also you do some production of the Today program.
03:54 So you're a busy man and you travel and you speak
03:56 and you're just involved in every aspect.
03:58 And praise God! We're glad you're here.
04:00 Good to be here. The Lord is kind.
04:02 I see that it is a little cloudy outside, but -
04:06 um-hmm - we always used to sing that whenever Christ shows
04:09 His smiling face there's sunshine in our souls.
04:11 So it's sunshine inside today even though it's a little cloudy
04:15 outside. And God's got a word for us in this Sabbath School
04:18 lesson. Amen. He always has some sunshine
04:21 for us - praise the Lord - and always a nice smile.
04:23 Sr. Shelley... bless your heart.
04:25 We're glad you're here today. Always answer the call...
04:27 answer the bell, right? when God calls.
04:29 And Sr. Shelley is the 3ABN program development manager.
04:34 Could you tell us real quick what that encompasses?
04:37 Mercy. I put it on her... it's all right.
04:41 Basically all of the new programming
04:43 and then we work on other programming. It encompasses
04:47 just coming up with the ideas, the graphic packages,
04:51 the opens... various things.
04:53 So it's a lot of fun, but that's about that much
04:56 of what I do at 3ABN.
04:57 I just want to say Happy Sabbath to you all.
05:00 This is one of my favorite formats - Yes!
05:04 for Sabbath School. Yes!
05:06 Because we all look through the lens of our own experience
05:11 as we're reading the scripture, and it's just so much fun
05:14 to hear different people bring in different aspects
05:18 that maybe you hadn't considered.
05:20 So we hope that you all will enjoy it also.
05:23 Amen. And really you're warmed up right now
05:26 so we need another prayer. Would you pray for us right now
05:29 that the Holy Spirit will help us? Certainly.
05:31 Heavenly Father, once again we come before You in the
05:34 name of Jesus, thanking You that You invite us
05:36 as Your children to come boldly before Your throne.
05:40 Father, we're so grateful to You that You're a God of
05:43 covenant love and that You have given us the gift of Jesus
05:45 Christ, Your Holy Spirit, and Your Word, Lord,
05:49 to change us, Father, and to restore Your image
05:55 within us. And Father, we are grateful
05:58 to You for the Sabbath School quarterly
06:01 published by the Seventh-day Adventist church
06:03 and for the deep study that they provide for us, Lord.
06:08 And we ask in the name of Jesus
06:10 now that You would send Your Holy Spirit.
06:13 Give us ears to hear what the Holy Spirit would have to say.
06:17 Let Him be our teacher. Anoint our minds; anoint our tongues.
06:22 Just take a coal from Your altar and place it over our mouth,
06:27 Lord. But we ask in the name of Jesus
06:30 that Christ will be uplifted today
06:33 that He may draw all people unto Himself.
06:36 In Jesus' name we pray, thanking You for the answer
06:40 to the prayer of faith. Amen.
06:42 Amen! Praise the Lord! You'll notice in our lesson...
06:45 Some of you may have it... I know you have your Bible.
06:47 You make sure you want to get those out + a pencil and a pen.
06:50 Jot some of these things down. I thought this was interesting,
06:52 and I hope it's OK to say panel... interesting
06:55 to where we begin a lesson and it says we begin at the end.
06:58 That might be a little confusing.
07:00 Now why would we begin at the end?
07:03 And I think there's a good answer to that.
07:05 We're going to start and we're going to look at the book of Job
07:08 but we're going to look at the end first.
07:10 There's a reason why. You know, if we look at the end
07:13 of Job because it brings up some questions
07:15 that affect your life and my life today
07:19 and also for eternity.
07:21 These are things that we want to address
07:23 and will be addressed. I'm sure there's questions.
07:27 It's been around I think in our lesson. It's a perennial
07:29 question. And people will say: "If there is a God... "
07:34 Have you talked to someone? "If there is a God... "
07:36 And I want the panel to take this to heart because
07:38 I know each one's going to hit on these things.
07:40 "If there is a God and He's so good
07:43 and He's so merciful... He's so kind; He's so loving. "
07:45 And yet the question still comes back:
07:47 "Why is there so much... " What? "suffering? "
07:50 "Why do things go on in this world like they go on
07:53 if He's what the Bible says that He is? "
07:55 And then we find the answers to some of these things
07:58 but not all of them.
08:00 You may have found all the answers... I did not find
08:03 all the answers to this. I still have some questions
08:05 and I'm sure they'll be answered today.
08:07 Job shows us in this lesson...
08:09 This is just a quick overview. Job shows us in this lesson
08:12 how the supernatural and the natural are combined
08:16 together. How important they're linked together
08:18 and how God works in behalf of His people.
08:22 I looked at the account of Job
08:24 and it covers - what we are interested in today - it covers
08:28 not only our own life... it covers our family.
08:30 It covers our friends; it covers our possessions
08:34 that we have or God has given to us.
08:37 It covers difficult situations.
08:40 It covers suffering and even covers death.
08:44 So we talk about death quite a bit in this Job account
08:47 but yet we're talking about a happy ending...
08:51 endings or beginnings and happy endings.
08:54 And how does that happen when there's death
08:55 knocking at the door?
08:57 We're going to talk about restoration.
09:00 So I want the panel to really listen because restoration is...
09:03 Is it partial or is it complete?
09:06 And if it's partial, when? how? why?
09:09 And if it's complete, when does that happen?
09:12 And we need to realize that we live in a world...
09:14 Understand why we live in a world of evil.
09:18 And not only that but how we are to live
09:22 in this world, I think, very very important.
09:24 Two other quick points I think will be discussed on... here
09:28 is progressive revelation.
09:31 What does that really mean? Might be a little bigger word
09:34 but it's really simple. But progressive revelation
09:36 in the cause of Christ. And what is retribution theory?
09:40 Retribution. That could be, we talked about just a moment ago,
09:43 that can be a very dangerous thing if not handled properly
09:48 'cause some people read and they get what they want out of it.
09:51 And all of a sudden they're thinking: "Hmmm, retribution
09:54 theology. " We're going to go to the first part of our lesson
09:57 and I want you to notice with me.
09:59 Just the topics that you have I thought was interesting.
10:03 Yours, Bro. Brian, the first one is Happily Ever After.
10:07 But then the next one goes and says: "Unhappy Endings. "
10:10 The next one says: "Partial Restoration. "
10:13 And then "Final Kingdom and The Resurrection of Life. "
10:16 So how can we get happy over this story of Job?
10:21 Can you help us with that this morning on Happily Ever After?
10:26 OK Pastor Kenny. I'm assuming that
10:28 all of you have faithfully studied your lesson
10:32 and you've read the text here.
10:35 And yes, Bro. Goldstein starts us out at the end of the book
10:39 instead of at the beginning of the book.
10:42 And so we go to the last chapter and we read from verses 10
10:45 on through to the end of the chapter.
10:47 And we find out the Lord restores Job's losses.
10:51 Verse 10: "When he prayed for his friends, indeed, the Lord
10:56 gave Job twice as much as he had before. "
10:59 So he received more donkeys and more camels,
11:02 and more oxen... twice as much.
11:06 He had ten more children... poor Mrs. Job.
11:09 This means 20 in total that she birthed.
11:15 You know, three more daughters renowned for their beauty.
11:19 And he lived a long, full life: 140 years
11:24 and then died.
11:26 Well maybe it's not so happily ever after
11:30 because death is still here,
11:33 you know... and that's the problem, OK?
11:36 So it doesn't end... the story doesn't end with the end of Job.
11:40 There's something more to the story than that.
11:44 And we have to have the rest of the scriptures
11:46 to get the rest of the story.
11:49 Pastor Kenny, I appreciated your giving us some overview
11:53 and I want to take a few minutes to kind of enlarge a couple
11:57 items there. You were talking about the sovereignty of God.
12:00 How can God who is so good
12:03 and yet sovereign over all - I mean, He is the top dog.
12:07 There's' nobody sittin' on top of Him -
12:09 OK. He's on top of everybody.
12:13 So He's sovereign and He's good.
12:15 How does this evil happen?
12:17 Well, the book of Job... it's contribution to us is that
12:21 it pulls back the curtain and we get to see through.
12:25 No, it doesn't answer all the questions
12:29 but it gives us some insight into the dynamics
12:33 of what's going behind the scenes.
12:34 Things that we see that Job never saw.
12:38 Job never understood what it was and why it was
12:42 he was going through what he was going through.
12:44 But we know it... and so it helps us.
12:48 So, the sovereignty of God and human suffering.
12:52 It give us some bit of answers to it.
12:55 But what is interesting to me is
12:58 Job went through this horrendous time of trouble.
13:02 I'm wondering... this is like our good pastor preaches
13:06 to us in the evening.
13:08 I just wonder if there is another time of trouble
13:13 coming such as never was before.
13:18 And pastor, I'm wondering if there will be a people
13:22 who will pass through that time of trouble
13:25 with a horrendous experience like Job
13:28 losing everything. I mean, losing all earthly possessions,
13:34 all earthly securities.
13:36 Even their friends turning against them.
13:39 I mean, fellow Christians talking about them
13:43 as if they're evil people.
13:45 And yet, through it all in Job's case
13:49 he stayed faithful to God.
13:52 He trusted God and kept absolutely loyal to God
13:57 even though he didn't understand why it was
14:01 that in his mind God was doing this to him.
14:04 And in the last days these people will go through
14:07 a darkness so dark that they won't see out the other
14:10 side of it. And yet they stay faithful to God,
14:15 trusting in God, absolutely loyal to God.
14:20 You see? So this gives us some insight
14:24 to what we may face and how we need to pass through it
14:29 successfully.
14:31 When I'm thinking about this, Job faces an experience
14:37 worse than death. You think about it.
14:40 I mean, for Job... he's ready to embrace death
14:44 as merciful to him
14:47 because the experience he's passing through is worse
14:51 than death. Our Savior,
14:54 the Redeemer that Job talked about seeing in the last days,
14:57 our Redeemer, our Savior, faced a death
15:01 that made all human suffering pale in comparison
15:07 so that we wouldn't have to face that second death. Yes!
15:12 So that's interesting.
15:15 When we look at Job we need to be very careful -
15:19 in my mind - very careful about
15:23 not taking everything in the book of Job
15:27 hook, line, and sinker because there's more than one voice
15:30 speaking through the book of Job.
15:33 You have the 3 friends of Job.
15:37 And you think of the very first one - Elphaz - as he
15:40 begins his first speech to Job.
15:43 He says: "I was asleep at night
15:47 in the deepest part of night, the deepest sleep
15:51 and I had this vision. And my bones shook
15:56 and my hair stood on end. Why? Because the spirit,
16:00 spirit being wafted into my bedroom
16:04 and he stood there and was silent and then he spoke. "
16:10 Whoo! What kind of spirit could be wafting in his bedroom
16:15 and speaking? And Elphaz is using
16:18 the speech of that spirit being as truth to present to Job.
16:24 And we need to be careful... that is NOT truth! That's right!
16:28 What that spirit being is telling Elphaz that he's telling
16:32 Job and he's telling us is not the truth. That's right!
16:35 And it has to do with an issue that weaves in all through
16:39 the book of Job, and that is: can man stand before God
16:43 righteous? Now can he? God says: "Yes! "
16:48 And Job says: "Yes. " But that spirit being
16:52 and his friends say "No. "
16:56 I find it interesting that many of our Protestant brothers
17:00 and sisters today say that man can stand DECLARED righteous
17:06 before God but they can never be righteous.
17:11 I'm sorry, but that's the voice of the spirit being.
17:15 Because you see, yes, we stand before God
17:19 declared righteous but at the same time God
17:23 imparts to us - Jesus imparts to us -
17:26 so that we can actually BE righteous before God.
17:31 Go to Job 31. We don't have time this morning
17:34 but go to Job 31 and see all that Job is saying.
17:38 "I wasn't lustful; I was honest; I was benevolent. "
17:42 All the things... he's doing a self-examination
17:45 and he finds no fault for why this is happening to him.
17:49 God's people in the end will be that same way.
17:51 Be that same way. Well anyway
17:53 I find this a fascinating book.
17:56 And, no, he didn't live happily ever after
18:00 but there will be a day
18:02 where there will be a happy ever after. Yes! Amen.
18:05 I wonder if a question could be posed, and anybody
18:08 can kind of answer this. It may be simple.
18:10 I jotted it down; I thought it was interesting.
18:12 So is it, then - after we've heard what you had to say -
18:16 is it realistic in this world to look for happy endings?
18:21 Is it realistic in this world
18:24 to look for happy endings?
18:26 Or should we? Any thoughts?
18:30 No... not in this world.
18:33 We can find peace in our heart - OK -
18:36 no matter what the outward circumstances are.
18:39 OK... all right. That's what God promises us.
18:41 He says: "A peace I give you...
18:44 not as the world gives give I unto you. "
18:47 But He also says in John 16:33
18:50 "In the world you WILL have tribulation. "
18:53 But He says: "Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. "
18:56 So, no, when you look for peace in the world -
19:00 I remember preaching a sermon called Peace
19:02 and I got a lot of flack on it because I said:
19:05 "You can't have peace in a world of tribulation. "
19:08 And so many of my own brethren said: "You CAN have peace.
19:12 There's no peace in this world. " But I said:
19:13 "Well what did Jesus say? " "In Me you will have peace. "
19:16 Yes! And so we focus on peace in the wrong places.
19:19 We focus on peace in our families. We're not going to
19:21 have that. Um-hmm. Well... go on.
19:26 A man's foes will be those of his own household
19:30 the Bible says. You'll betray one another.
19:32 I can tell many of you who come from large families
19:35 you know what I'm talking about.
19:36 Sibling rivalry... that's where that came from.
19:39 But no, we can find peace only as we are abiding in Christ.
19:43 I think we have to look at ultimate realities.
19:47 If in this world alone we have hope,
19:51 we are of all men most miserable.
19:54 And so your...
19:57 And so your peace comes from focusing on ultimate reality.
20:02 If death were the end of all things,
20:06 that would propose one set of circumstances.
20:09 But it is not. It is the cessation of life.
20:12 It is a suspension. But then on the other side of death
20:15 there's some other stuff. So if you keep your heart and your
20:19 mind focused on the other stuff it allows you to deal with
20:22 the stuff you've got to deal with in this world.
20:24 So make it clear: not on the other side of death...
20:27 on the other side of the resurrection.
20:29 Because if you believe that on the other side of death
20:31 there is another reality... But I know what he meant.
20:34 On the other side of the resurrection. Yes.
20:36 Got to make it clear. There is hope, that's right.
20:38 Realistically, right, because we look beyond this world
20:40 to a better world.
20:42 Isaiah 26 verse 3 says that if we keep our eyes focused on
20:46 Him trusting in Him
20:47 He will keep us in perfect peace.
20:49 So it's only as we look to the problem solver
20:52 not the problem that we'll be in peace.
20:54 But could I share two quick thoughts?
20:56 When Brian was talking about being declared righteous
21:00 but people who say we cannot be righteous
21:02 in I John chapter 2 verse 29
21:08 John writes: "If you know that He... " God... "is righteous,
21:13 you know that everyone who practices righteousness
21:16 is born of Him. " So we will definitely...
21:20 God works in us to will and to do His good pleasure
21:23 so we'll definitely practice righteousness.
21:26 But the other thing I wanted to mention...
21:29 we can't go through Job 42 and verse 10 without saying this...
21:32 It says: "The Lord restored Job's losses... "
21:38 When? "when he prayed for his friends. "
21:43 When Job got the focus off of him
21:47 and began praying intercessory prayer for these friends
21:51 who were giving such miserable advice
21:54 he was praying for his enemy... he was loving his enemy
21:59 if you will. And I just want to encourage because
22:01 someone here needs to hear this.
22:03 That if you are going through something,
22:06 if you feel someone is persecuting you,
22:09 pray for them. It is very pleasing to God
22:13 because it shows that you believe God can change
22:17 the situation and that you care enough, you love someone enough,
22:22 to pray for them. Amen.
22:24 I knew I could ask a question that would get them going.
22:27 And it was simple but I... Praise the Lord!
22:29 Getting the thinking caps on so it's all good because we come
22:32 from different perspectives. So I might throw another one out
22:34 before Sr. Mollie gets on here. It's good because we're talking.
22:38 Well I still want to say something about peace.
22:40 Well please do. I just wait for a bite and I have to just
22:42 jump in there. "Great peace have they that
22:46 love Thy law and nothing shall offend them. "
22:49 If something is offending thee, there's some part of God's law
22:52 that you don't love.
22:54 So... bury yourself in God's Word.
22:58 Allow God's Word to drive all that agitation and offense out
23:02 of you. Amen! Covered well... thank you!
23:04 Yes. And thank you Shelley that you brought this up
23:08 and Brian introduced this point about the righteous aspect.
23:11 II Corinthians 5:21: "For He made Him who knew no sin
23:15 to be sin for us so that we might become
23:18 the righteousness of God in Him. "
23:21 So if the character of Christ has done nothing for you
23:25 then we have nothing to offer anybody else.
23:27 That's right... amen. OK... good point!
23:29 And "If we confess our sins He is... "
23:31 "faithful and just to forgive us of our sins... "
23:35 And He goes one step further. What does He do?
23:37 "cleanses us from all unrighteousness. "
23:39 If you're cleansed from all unrighteousness,
23:42 what are you? You're righteous.
23:45 Praise God! How wonderful! That's good!
23:47 Write it down. Yes! Brother Brian mentioned
23:50 about Job... about all the things that were replaced
23:54 and sometimes there's this ques- tion that goes through our mind.
23:58 I wrote it down... I thought it was interesting.
23:59 Is there any danger that we might fall prey
24:03 to materialism or materialistic
24:08 because of what happened to Job?
24:10 That way if something bad happens to us all of a sudden
24:13 we're going to get a whole lot more in return.
24:14 Is this the way that it always works?
24:17 We find that in our lesson... I'm sure it's going to be
24:19 brought out. Is there a danger?
24:24 Somebody say yes... There's always that danger.
24:31 There's always that danger.
24:32 Do you want me to go into unhappy endings?
24:35 Just go. Let's look at unhappy endings.
24:37 How many of you would like for somebody to speak over you
24:41 in all honesty and say: "And they lived happily ever after. "
24:47 Wouldn't you like that?
24:50 And Brian lived happily ever after
24:53 and that meant that... But how many of you know
24:56 that that's not always the way things play out?
25:01 I want to say this at the beginning of my section here.
25:06 If you go to sleep in Christ,
25:09 you will have an eternity that will far exceed
25:13 even the happiest times you will ever have here in this earth.
25:16 Amen! If you go to sleep in Christ,
25:19 there is nothing on this earth to compare
25:23 with what we are going to have for an eternity.
25:27 So we can't... And I'll probably say this again, too:
25:31 we can't be short-sighted.
25:34 This isn't all there is.
25:36 This is just our proving ground.
25:38 This is where we build that character within us
25:43 that will give us... What is the only thing you can take
25:46 with you into the portals of heaven?
25:48 And where do you build your character?
25:50 Where is the integrity placed in your character?
25:53 See, it's on this side of eternity.
25:56 So not everybody is going to live happily ever after.
26:00 And I think of all the testing that Job went through.
26:03 And I want to get to some characters in the Bible
26:06 that didn't live happily ever after.
26:08 But I'm thinking... Some years ago - about 21, 22 years ago -
26:14 I went through one of the most difficult times
26:17 in my life, and I had a Job experience.
26:21 Lost everything. Lost my home, lost my church.
26:24 And I wrote an article about it one time in a 3ABN World
26:29 magazine, so if you want all the gory details
26:31 get the old World magazine and read about it.
26:33 But I lost so much.
26:36 And thank goodness there was a man named Danny Shelton
26:40 that said: "Mollie, when you are to the place
26:43 that you need to there is always a place for you here at 3ABN. "
26:47 And so I came out here
26:51 to 3ABN where I had lost everything.
26:54 But I got to thinking about it.
26:57 Where did God place the most integrity
27:00 or start purifying and perfecting the integrity
27:03 that was in my character? Not when I was on top of
27:06 the world but it's when I was going through those difficult
27:10 times. Unhappy endings... I had an unhappy ending.
27:14 But in the midst of that there was some purifying
27:17 and perfecting that went on.
27:19 Now let me just give you an example.
27:22 When I came out to 3ABN
27:24 I had been the queen of the flock.
27:28 I was first lady. That's a better word for it.
27:33 And so I came out here and you know what I did?
27:36 I was a correspondence secretary.
27:38 And that was fine. I took...
27:40 And someone will tell you that just last week
27:45 we had a commode stopped up at 3ABN
27:48 in the lobby. And they said: "We need a picture of this"
27:51 because I went and unstopped that commode.
27:53 But when I came out here
27:55 to 3ABN I got a phone call one Friday
28:00 and I was told: "When you come back Monday
28:05 we want you to work in the mail room. "
28:07 And I'm thinking: "I will not work in that mail room.
28:10 What do they mean putting ME in the mail room? "
28:13 See, I would have told you at that time
28:16 that pride had thoroughly been dealt with in my life.
28:18 Had it? Oh, no... I was "eat up" with it
28:22 and I didn't even know it. Do you know that we can be
28:25 blinded? We can be self-deceived.
28:27 And so that weekend when I went home
28:30 thank goodness I had Sabbath and Sunday
28:34 for God to deal with me.
28:36 Oh, did I have a wake-up call from the Spirit of the Living
28:40 God. You know, when I came in Monday morning
28:42 it's "not my will but Thine be done. I'll do what... "
28:45 But it's because there was stinking pride in me.
28:48 Had I not gone through what I went through
28:50 who's to say where my eternity would be?
28:53 Because pride separates you... pride and vanity
28:56 separate you from God. So there is not always
29:00 a happy ending, but I want you to know this:
29:02 God will work within you every way He can
29:05 to secure you in Him that you will go to sleep in Jesus
29:10 so that you can wake up and have an eternity with Him.
29:13 I'm not sure if I'm out of time.
29:14 When I start gettin' out of time you just snap your
29:16 finger and I'll hush. OK.
29:18 Did? I'm looking at Abel. Did Abel have a happy ending?
29:26 Do you know what I was reading on this?
29:28 It says that Cain took a rock and crushed his head.
29:33 That's not a happy ending.
29:35 And did Abel do anything? No, he was the good one
29:41 and yet he didn't have a happy ending.
29:44 Uriah, Bathsheba's husband,
29:47 do we see where he did anything wrong?
29:50 Did he have a happy ending? No!
29:53 Eli the priest. He was a priest!
29:56 He was the one that trained Samuel!
29:58 And he... But you know what he didn't do?
30:02 He didn't train his own sons.
30:03 Didn't we find that to be the case?
30:06 And so they went to war and they took the ark of the covenant
30:11 unbeknownst to him. And when the runner came back
30:16 to tell Eli or to give a report
30:19 he said: "Both of your sons have been killed. "
30:22 That didn't seem to faze him but when he said
30:26 "and the ark of God has been taken, " you know what happened
30:29 to Eli? Fell over backwards and it broke his neck.
30:33 No... he didn't have a happy ending.
30:35 King Josiah. King Josiah was the youngest king that ever was.
30:40 You know at eight years old he became the king
30:44 and did he do a great thing for his nation?
30:47 They located the book of the law
30:50 and he re-instituted righteousness and holiness
30:54 in the nation. Did he have a happy ending?
30:57 No... he got... John the Baptist!
30:59 How many of you want to have your head whacked off?
31:02 He was the forerunner of Jesus Christ!
31:05 No... he didn't have a happy ending.
31:08 Steven... Preach! Preach! I'm preaching.
31:14 He lets me preach. Preach. OK!
31:19 What happened to righteous Steven?
31:22 He was in a rock fight and he didn't have any rocks.
31:28 In real life: not everybody comes out happy.
31:32 But I am going to tell you this: whether you're a martyr...
31:35 Whether you're martyred for a good cause,
31:37 dying from a horrible disease,
31:40 murdered frivolously, whether you're innocent or guilty
31:44 very few make it out of this world without pain and agony.
31:47 However, this isn't all there is.
31:49 If - I'm going to say it again - you go to sleep in Christ
31:53 you will have an eternity that far exceeds even the
31:57 happiest time you've ever had here in this world.
32:00 Wow! Amen! Praise the Lord! Well done!
32:05 Praise the Lord! Boy, that got Pastor John fired up!
32:08 Shall we have closing prayer? Yeah!
32:11 They don't let me out very often. Ya'll know that.
32:14 Boy, Sr. Mollie really... she really unpacked that.
32:17 You know, the reality of it is we don't deserve a better
32:19 understanding in this world.
32:21 We don't serve God for a better understanding in this world.
32:24 We serve God for the blessed assurance
32:26 of the next world. Amen!
32:28 This world can guarantee you a good funeral;
32:31 only Jesus can guarantee you a better resurrection. Amen!
32:34 So we have to keep in mind that it is not what we get in this
32:37 world but what we get in the next world. See, she got me
32:39 started so... that's all right - you're in trouble.
32:41 Sorry. Loss must always be measured on an eternal scale.
32:47 Amen! We don't measure loss on an eternal scale.
32:50 We often measure loss on a temporary scale.
32:52 We weigh earthly things... We weigh heavenly things
32:57 with an earthly scale. That's the problem.
32:59 And somewhere we've adopted the idea that we need to know
33:02 everything. We don't need to know everything.
33:04 If we knew everything we would be God.
33:07 We would not need God.
33:08 The Bible says in Deuteronomy "the secret things belong unto
33:10 the Lord our God, but the things which are revealed
33:14 belong to us and to our children. "
33:16 So Job did not deserve - even though God declared him
33:20 a righteous man above all that were on the earth at the time -
33:23 he did not deserve the sovereignty that God had.
33:26 I like it when Job got beside himself
33:28 and the Lord flipped the script on him and said: "Now it's my
33:32 turn. " Yes! "Where were you when I laid the foundations
33:36 of the world? Where were you when I told the ocean
33:38 go this far but no farther? "
33:40 "Where were you when I threw the stars in the sky
33:43 and gave them each a name? " And Job said: "That's enough! "
33:45 The Lord said: "No, shut up and take it like a man. "
33:48 Sometimes... Sometimes God comes at us in a way
33:52 that we did not know we could handle.
33:53 But the beauty of God's sovereignty is
33:55 He will never come at us in a way that we cannot bear it.
33:59 So when we go through difficulties
34:01 don't get caught in the struggle.
34:03 Get caught up in the God that allows you to go through
34:06 the struggle. If you really believe that He will not
34:08 allow us to be tempted above which we are able,
34:10 He would not bring burdens to us which we cannot bear
34:13 but with every burden, every trial make a way of escape...
34:16 If you really believe that, then you can go through
34:19 the Asa experience and come out on the other side.
34:22 You know, in Psalm 73- one of the most amazing stories -
34:24 also I Kings and Chronicles Asa is talked about.
34:28 But Asa ran into a wall in his experience with...
34:32 as a man chosen by God. He made the mistake
34:36 of looking at the prosperous wicked people around him.
34:39 My wife and I came back just recently from
34:41 London with the 3ABN team, and we made a mistake
34:44 and went to Harrod's. Uh-oh!
34:47 I can tell you don't travel much.
34:50 Harrod's is a store you don't go into unless you have money.
34:53 Don't ask prices.
34:54 We walked up to the counter in the candy section of Harrod's
34:57 and they had chocolate for 3,450 pounds.
35:02 Not dollars... pounds!
35:04 For a box of chocolate.
35:06 And I asked the lady: "What is in that chocolate? "
35:08 She said: "A slice of gold. "
35:10 And each piece... I said: "Can you eat it? "
35:12 She said: "No, you really can't digest it. "
35:14 "So why do you buy it? " "Just because you can! "
35:17 And we looked at that and said: "Honey, we need to get out
35:19 of this store. " So we bought our little four pieces of
35:21 $7 chocolate and walked out like we had a million bucks.
35:25 On the outside we saw all of these cars and we couldn't even
35:28 mention their names. And we sat in this restaurant
35:30 miserable - didn't even look like we belonged in there -
35:32 could only afford spaghetti. And thought: "Lord, there's
35:36 something wrong with this picture. "
35:37 Amen! Asa had the same problem. Asa said...
35:41 Psalm 73: "Truly God is good to Israel. "
35:44 And I'm not going to go through. When you want to understand
35:47 how you often feel: Psalm 73 verses 1-17.
35:50 I'll just give you a few verses.
35:52 He said: "Truly God is good to Israel
35:53 to such as are pure in heart... BUT
35:56 as for me, my feet almost stumbled.
35:59 My steps nearly slipped for I was envious of the boastful
36:03 when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. "
36:05 Then he goes down and talks about their life and their pain,
36:08 their possessions. He says: "Even in their death
36:10 there is no pain. " Even when they have sorrow.
36:13 He said: "They look at God and question God. "
36:17 And he couldn't understand why they had so much prosperity.
36:20 Have you ever been there? Come on... have you ever been there?
36:22 Watchin' Oprah: she gives people cars
36:25 and you wonder why you didn't get invited to that show.
36:27 Come on... am I talking the truth? Yes!
36:29 Folk paying for other people's houses, buying people cars
36:32 for the rest of their lives. Why is nobody calling me?
36:35 Don't worry about it. We've got a mansion somewhere!
36:38 And so Asa, stumbling over this misunderstanding,
36:43 said... finally he said:
36:45 "When I thought... " Psalm 73 verse 6:
36:48 "When I thought how to understand this
36:50 it was too painful for me
36:53 until I went into the sanctuary of God.
36:56 Then I understood therein. "
36:58 We spend so little time in the presence of God
37:01 trying to find understanding in our own human presence.
37:03 If you get into the presence of God, you'll begin to understand
37:06 things that God never made available in a human setting.
37:09 You've got to also understand this. He says: "I've got
37:12 a thought about... " You know when you think...
37:13 what is God thinking about us right now?
37:15 You want to know what God is thinking about us all right...
37:17 You know what God is think- ing about all of us right now?
37:19 Here's what He's thinking. He told me to tell you today
37:21 what He's thinking. Jeremiah 29:11.
37:25 "For I know the thoughts I think towards you says
37:28 the Lord. Thoughts of peace and not of evil
37:30 to give you a future and a hope. "
37:32 Let me wind it up on this point
37:33 so Pastor C.A. can keep the fire going.
37:35 I know Shelley's going to explode.
37:38 I can hear her horse right there just tryin' to break out of
37:41 the stall. But I tell you: if you know that God
37:46 thinks peace about you and He only wants to give you
37:50 a future and a hope, consider hope in a broader sense.
37:54 The Bible says... If we are saved in this hope,
37:58 hope that is seen is not hope. That's right!
38:02 Why do we hope for what we already see?
38:04 If you've seen it, don't hope for it
38:06 because what you haven't seen is really hope.
38:09 He says: "Now hope does not disappoint... "
38:12 If He's going to give you a future and a hope,
38:14 hope will not disappoint. When you see what God has in store
38:17 for you, you will forget.
38:19 "The former things will not be remembered
38:21 nor come into mind. " So finally the point I want to make is this
38:26 "If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
38:29 we are of all men... " What? "most miserable. "
38:31 Here's where misery comes from:
38:33 when we insist on finding answers where God does not
38:37 give answers we arrive at a place called misery.
38:40 But when we trust God we live in a place called hope.
38:44 Hope does not disappoint. If in this life only
38:48 we have hope in Christ... I'll speak to those
38:50 who've lost loved ones. I've lost loved ones. Go on.
38:54 We're going to still lose loved ones. Yes!
38:55 But remember what the faithful did. They didn't serve God
39:00 for a better funeral. They said they did not accept
39:05 deliverance... Hebrews 11:35... "did not accept deliverance
39:09 that they might obtain a better resurrection. "
39:12 Yes... Job did die.
39:14 Yes, all of his life he probably mourned the loss
39:18 of his children. As we said in the green room:
39:21 a mother could have 12 children, lose one and go for the rest
39:24 of her life mourning the loss of one.
39:26 Can you imagine how Job felt? All the kids he had were gone.
39:28 God gave them all. He probably said...
39:31 called the new ones by the name of the old ones.
39:34 Never mind... And all of his life
39:38 he thought about all the kids he'd lost.
39:39 Job is going to come forth in the resurrection
39:41 and meet those kids again. Amen!
39:43 So let's not focus on this life
39:45 where there is no real understanding.
39:47 Give the understanding that... accept what God has revealed
39:52 and leave what He hasn't revealed in His own hands. Amen.
39:55 So would we say? What you've covered here that
39:58 not all suffering, right? All suffering that happens in this
40:02 world is going to be restored on this earth.
40:04 No! No, not at all!
40:06 What was really the restoration of Job?
40:08 Was it more of the heart?
40:10 Ah... it was partial restoration. Partial.
40:13 You see, we are all... Every one of us has a broken place.
40:16 Don't we all have a broken place? Yes.
40:18 The Lord mends us at the broken places
40:21 until He removes the broken places.
40:23 Amen! We are all broken at some point.
40:26 So we are mended at the broken places
40:28 until we are completely restored.
40:30 Excuse me. That's what breakfast does to you.
40:33 Sorry about that. Go ahead Pastor C.A. -
40:35 take it away. We are mended.
40:37 The final kingdom. What does that really mean?
40:41 Is there good news here or is there bad news?
40:43 Oh there's always good news when you're in Christ Jesus.
40:46 When I was pastoring the Ephesus church I preached
40:48 117 funerals in seven years.
40:51 I averaged one funeral every 18 days...
40:53 sometimes I had three, four funerals a week.
40:55 And every one of those funerals I said the following:
40:57 "Death in Christ is not such a bad thing.
41:01 Better to die in Jesus than live without Him. "
41:04 That's right! Amen! And that's the ultimate reality.
41:07 I'd rather go to sleep in Christ - Amen -
41:10 than live on without Him.
41:12 Because those who die in Jesus have the promise
41:15 that they will live forever. Yes.
41:17 So Daniel chapter 2 verse 44 the Bible says:
41:21 "In the days of these kings... " That's our day;
41:24 that's these days...
41:25 "the God of heaven will set up a kingdom
41:28 which shall NEVER be destroyed.
41:31 And the kingdom shall not be left to other people.
41:34 It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms
41:38 and it shall stand forever. "
41:41 So that's the ultimate promise. That even if you get...
41:44 and I use this term "dealt a bad hand" in this life...
41:47 there is coming another life, there is coming another kingdom
41:52 and that kingdom will indeed stand forever.
41:55 Back in the 1860's the Adventist church was wrestling with -
41:58 we weren't the Adventist church yet -
42:00 we were wrestling with what do we call ourselves.
42:02 And there were various factions and various groups.
42:05 And James White was with a group that said:
42:08 "We ought to be called the Church of God. "
42:11 And they said: "That's a good title... Church of God. "
42:14 "We are godly people; we ought to be the Church of God. "
42:16 And they took it to Ellen White
42:18 and probably said: "We want to be called the Church of God. "
42:21 And she said: "No... un-umm. "
42:26 She says: "Not enough. "
42:28 She said: "Really the Church of God hides more
42:30 than it reveals. You can hide a lot under the Church of God.
42:33 We need something with a little more punch,
42:36 with a little more statement, with a little more authority,
42:39 with a little more anointing. "
42:41 So they went back to times of prayer and they came up with
42:43 Seventh-day Adventist church
42:46 because it highlights the two salient doctrines of our church!
42:50 We keep the seventh day and we are looking for the advent,
42:54 the coming of Jesus Christ.
42:55 It's all about the advent.
42:57 If there were no advent, then you and I are wasting our time.
43:01 What are we doing here if Christ is not coming back?
43:03 "If Christ be not risen... "
43:06 our preaching is in vain. We ought to kick up our heels
43:09 and find some club and go out and party
43:12 and live for now because there's nothing more.
43:14 But the Bible says there IS something more!
43:16 Amen! That the kingdoms of this earth
43:19 are going to be become the kingdoms of our Lord
43:21 and of His Christ. The first coming of Jesus
43:24 was a global event with global ramifications.
43:29 The second coming of Jesus is a cosmic event
43:34 with cosmic ramifications. That's right.
43:36 At that time sin and sinners will be suspended.
43:40 The third coming of Christ is a universal event
43:45 with universal ramifications.
43:48 At that time sin and sinners will be destroyed
43:53 and we will live forever and forever.
43:55 I want to read something very quickly.
43:57 Shelley, if you'll hold my sword here for a second.
43:59 I want to thank you.
44:05 Ta, ta, ta: "Thy Word I have hid in my iPad. "
44:10 This is actually from the Great Controversy
44:13 the last chapter: The Controversy Ended.
44:15 I'll read the first paragraph and then I'll read the last.
44:18 "At the close of the thousand years
44:21 Christ returns to the earth. " This is the third coming.
44:24 "He is accompanied by the host of the redeemed
44:27 and attended by a retinue of angels.
44:30 As He descends in terrific majesty
44:33 He bids the wicked dead rise to receive their doom.
44:38 They come forth a mighty host
44:41 numberless as the sands of the sea.
44:44 What a contrast to those who are raised
44:47 in the first resurrection. The righteous were clothed
44:51 with immortal youth and beauty. "
44:54 That's us. Amen!
44:56 I said "Amen. " AMEN!
44:58 "The wicked bear the traces of disease and death. "
45:03 Now I go down to the very last paragraph
45:05 of this wonderful book:
45:08 "Every creature which is in heaven and on earth
45:12 and under the earth and such as are in the sea
45:16 and all that are in them heard I saying: 'Blessing
45:20 and honor and glory and power
45:24 be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne
45:27 and unto the Lamb forever and ever. "
45:30 And then that last wonderful paragraph:
45:32 "The great controversy is ended!
45:36 Sin and sinners are no more.
45:40 The entire universe is clean. "
45:43 You see, there's just one little black spot in the whole
45:46 universe; one little blot on the escutcheon of heaven.
45:50 One little cloud floating out there, and that's this planet
45:54 earth. But, "the entire universe is now clean.
45:58 One pulse of harmony and gladness
46:01 beats through the vast creation.
46:04 From Him who created all
46:07 flow life and light and gladness
46:10 throughout the realms of illimitable... "
46:14 illimitable... illimitable, Shelley... Yes...
46:17 "illimitable space.
46:20 From the minutest atom
46:23 to the greatest world
46:25 all things - animate and inanimate... "
46:30 That's people and rocks and trees and flowers...
46:34 "animate and inanimate in their unshadowed beauty
46:39 and perfect joy declare
46:42 that God is love. "
46:46 Amen! Amen? Amen! And amen.
46:49 That's what keeps you going in the night season when you're
46:52 all alone. Amen! That's what keeps you going
46:55 when the doctor says: "That's cancer. " All right.
47:01 That's what keeps you going when you go into work
47:02 on Monday and they tell you your job has been downsized.
47:08 Umm? All right; all right. That's what keeps you going
47:11 when your husband or wife says: "I'm tired of this.
47:16 I'm gone... I'm leaving. "
47:19 So you don't find the nearest bar or the nearest cliff.
47:23 You bow to your knees and you go to Jesus,
47:27 who's right where you left Him the last time you spoke to Him.
47:30 He hasn't moved. Because you're not looking
47:34 at the here and now... you're looking at eternity.
47:38 Amen! You know that one day
47:41 and one day soon sin and sinners will be gone.
47:47 Amen! So you don't have to lay awake nights
47:49 thinking of ways to try to get back at those
47:51 who've done stuff to you. Amen?
47:54 You just keep on doin' right,
47:57 keep on serving Jesus,
47:59 and let God take care of the rest BECAUSE
48:01 one day the kingdoms of this earth
48:04 are going to become the kingdoms of our Lord
48:06 and of His Christ. Amen?
48:09 Hebrews chapter 13 five and six and then I'm done,
48:11 leaving it with Shelley. All right.
48:13 Paul says to the Hebrews:
48:16 "Live your life without covetousness. "
48:19 "Don't look on other peoples' plates.
48:21 Keep your eye on your own plate. "
48:23 My wife and I have this running joke when we go to Panama.
48:26 Whenever we get food at a restaurant I always say:
48:29 "How come she got more than me? "
48:32 It's kind of a running joke, and there's a certain restaurant
48:35 we go to. And they know when they put the food down
48:37 that I will say that. And sometimes they will double mine
48:41 just - you know - because they know us.
48:44 And even if it's double I will say:
48:46 "How come she got more than me?
48:48 Hers is bigger than mine. "
48:50 Well Paul says: "Keep your eyes on your own plate. " Amen!
48:53 Because you don't know what's behind that smile
48:56 of the person sitting next to you.
48:58 You don't know what they've gone through.
49:00 You don't know what they've done.
49:02 You don't know what they've been through.
49:04 I like to tell the story and I'll tell it real quick.
49:06 There was a lady at a certain church
49:08 who was praising the Lord too much.
49:10 She was just praising the Lord too much.
49:12 Right in the middle of the sermon she would get up and say:
49:14 "Praise the Lord... praise the Lord. God bless you. "
49:17 She would walk right up to the pulpit: "God bless you;
49:18 praise the Lord! " And the elders got together
49:20 and the elders said: "You know, we've got to hush
49:23 that woman up 'cause she's disturbing our service. "
49:27 And she was a big person.
49:30 Take Shelley Quinn and put about 150 pounds on her
49:33 then you've got this woman.
49:34 About six foot... big girl. Thank you.
49:38 She was a big person like Shelley Quinn.
49:44 So... Have the sword back... in the...
49:46 in the elders' meeting the brethren said:
49:49 "Before we determine who's going to go
49:52 let me tell you the story about that woman. "
49:54 They said: "That woman has just gotten out of prison.
49:58 She's been in prison 25 years. " Ooh!
50:01 So they asked: "What's she been in prison for? "
50:06 And they said: "Killing her husband. "
50:11 True story. He was abusive...
50:16 he beat her; he mistreated her.
50:19 But in prison she found Jesus
50:21 and she was such a model prisoner
50:24 that they cut her sentence short.
50:26 Amen! But in prison she said
50:30 "Lord, I make You two promises:
50:34 1. I will praise You wherever I go. " Amen!
50:40 " I will never stop praising You.
50:42 And 2. I will never take any stuff from any man. "
50:49 The elder said: "OK, armed with that information
50:51 which one of ya'll are going to tell her to stop praising God? "
50:58 So you don't know what's behind that smile.
51:02 So Paul says: "Let your life be without covetousness. "
51:05 Why? "Covetousness. " Why?
51:07 Because God has said He will never leave you
51:10 nor forsake you. So it doesn't matter what your problem is
51:13 because the answer to all the problems is the same.
51:16 The reason doctors diagnose stuff is
51:19 so they know how to treat it.
51:20 'Cause you can't treat a hangnail like you can cancer.
51:24 But when you have a common cure, it doesn't matter
51:28 what your disease is. Amen!
51:31 So you don't need to sit around and talk about your disease.
51:34 I've got stuff... you've got stuff.
51:37 All God's children got stuff!
51:41 But who cares about your stuff?
51:43 Why should we discuss your stuff?
51:46 'Cause you've got your stuff... I've got my stuff.
51:49 And the answer to all of our stuff is the same. It's Jesus!
51:54 So let's stop talkin' about the "stuff"
51:57 and talk about Jesus. Amen? Amen!
51:59 So He has promised: "I will never leave you
52:01 nor forsake you, so what can man do to me? "
52:04 Yes... cool him down.
52:06 Ain't nothin' on you - yes - 'cause you've got Jesus.
52:09 So one day soon the kingdoms of this world
52:14 are going to become the kingdoms of our Lord
52:17 and of our... " And you'd better stop.
52:20 See, I used to be his pastor.
52:23 and now... This is Sabbath school; he's preaching!
52:27 You know, I lean on Sr. Mollie. I said: "See what you got
52:31 started? " Holy Spirit fell down on Sabbath School.
52:34 Praise God! Keep on. Wind up 'cause Shelley's gotta go,
52:37 you know. I know. OK. You're taking my time. Yeah.
52:47 Jesus is coming soon. Amen?
52:50 So hold on because in a little while
52:54 He that shall come will come
52:57 and will not tarry. So we can hold on a little while.
53:01 We can handle it because one day the kingdoms of this earth
53:05 are going to be the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ
53:08 and He shall reign forever. Amen! Praise the Lord!
53:13 That's a good word in due season, wasn't it?
53:16 Praise the Lord for that. We still have about 19 minutes
53:19 or so, so Sr. Shelley will have some good time.
53:21 I don't know... You don't want to follow that, right?
53:25 I'm sure, but you know you have... it's a good topic.
53:27 I have to tell you something that's so funny.
53:29 When John got started while ago I thought you were just
53:32 commenting on Mollie's lesson. I didn't realize
53:34 you were on your day. And I thought: "There'll not be
53:36 any time left! " Could I add something to
53:42 what Mollie was saying because this thought
53:45 occurred to me. I've been talking with someone
53:48 who's living in constant pain.
53:49 I know people - I know several people -
53:52 too many people who live in excruciating and constant pain.
53:57 And some people are able to
54:00 still praise the Lord in the midst of it.
54:02 Sometimes people get so weary. We need to... we need to be
54:06 sure when someone is going through these circumstances...
54:10 You know, if you are physically depressed you can get
54:13 emotionally depressed and then get spiritually depressed
54:16 and begin to doubt God even in saying: "Why would God allow
54:20 me to go through this? "
54:21 And I just wanted to read something
54:24 that came to my mind when Mollie was speaking.
54:27 And this is in Romans 8. I'm going to begin with verse 15.
54:31 It says: "You did not receive the spirit of bondage again
54:35 to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption
54:39 by whom we cry out 'Abba. ' " Oh Papa... Father.
54:44 The God of covenant love who loved you so much that
54:48 He sent His Son to die for you while you were yet sinners.
54:50 And then he says: "The Spirit Himself bears
54:54 witness with our spirit that we are children of God. "
54:57 Do you think our suffering escapes a God of love?
55:02 Do you think God in any way enjoys watching His children
55:07 suffer? But he says: "And if children, then heirs...
55:11 heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. "
55:15 If... here's a condition...
55:18 we're heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ,
55:22 "if indeed we suffer with Him
55:28 that we may also be glorified together. "
55:32 See, I think sometimes we think
55:35 that when we become Christians
55:37 everything is going to be happily ever after
55:39 because we have such a marvelous Savior
55:42 and He's all-powerful.
55:44 But we forget how much He suffered.
55:47 And as Mollie brought out suffering is sometimes
55:51 the only way that God can reach us
55:55 and deal with our pride... deal with issues in our life.
55:59 But because you're suffering doesn't mean you're prideful.
56:03 You know, it is a result of sin in this earth.
56:07 Not your sin necessarily but the curse of sin upon the earth.
56:11 So... we will suffer
56:13 but I've got the blessing of doing Thursday's
56:17 lesson... which is about the Resurrection and the Life.
56:22 First of all, let me ask you: how many of you would say to God
56:28 "Oh, Lord... that You would hide me in hell. "
56:34 Let's read this... Job 14.
56:36 We're going to read verses 12 through 15.
56:39 Actually we'll begin with verse 13.
56:41 Job 14 and verse 13.
56:45 First of all, understand Job did not know about this
56:50 conference between Satan and God. That's right.
56:55 Job loved God; he trusted God.
56:59 And he was confused as to why all of these bad things
57:04 were happening. He even felt that God was for some reason
57:08 trying to chastise him. And he couldn't even figure
57:11 why he was being chastised.
57:13 But he begins in Job 14 verse 13
57:17 "Oh that You would hide me in the grave.
57:22 That You would conceal me until Your wrath has passed.
57:25 That You would appoint me a set time and remember me. "
57:30 In the Old Testament the word he is using here
57:33 for grave is sheol.
57:36 It is translated grave 31 times;
57:41 it's translated hell 31 times
57:45 and pit 3 times.
57:48 So this word sheol was hell... was grave.
57:52 And I just bring that up because even in the New Testament
57:55 the word Hades 10 times is used.
57:59 They both have the same meaning. It is the place of the departed.
58:03 Whether you're good or bad.
58:06 Sheol, Hades, hell... was the place of the departed.
58:11 And here is Job saying: "Oh Lord, hide me in
58:15 the grave until Your wrath is passed. "
58:18 Until that strange act that You have to do is passed.
58:23 "Appoint me a set time; remember me, O Lord. "
58:26 Then he goes on in verse 14:
58:28 "If a man dies, shall he live again? "
58:31 Now some people think... I've read scholars who said
58:34 that, you know, Job wasn't really very sure about this.
58:38 That he wasn't sure... he's speaking in despondency.
58:44 I think they're wrong, and I'm going to show you why
58:47 I think they're wrong. I think this is a rhetorical question.
58:50 Job says: "If a man die, shall he live again? "
58:54 "All the days of my hard service I will wait... "
58:59 And that word wait means: "I will hope...
59:02 I will eagerly expect. "
59:04 "till my change comes. " What change is he talking about?
59:08 This word is renewal... it is replacement.
59:13 He's talking about the change of putting on immortality.
59:17 He said: "You shall call... " This is when Jesus said
59:21 "Don't think it's strange. Everyone that is in the grave
59:24 in Hades, in sheol,
59:27 everyone will hear My voice.
59:30 Some will come forward to the resurrection of righteousness,
59:33 others to the resurrection of condemnation. "
59:35 And Job trusted he was coming forth to the resurrection
59:39 of righteousness. He said:
59:41 "You shall call and I will answer You
59:44 when I hear Your voice saying 'Come up out of the grave'
59:47 Lord, I will answer. "
59:49 But look what he says: "You shall desire
59:53 the work of Your hands. "
59:56 Job knew God as a God of covenant love.
59:59 He is saying: "You are my Creator.
01:00:01 You are my Maker. You desire me, Lord.
01:00:05 You love me so much You made me in Your image.
01:00:08 You're going to desire me... You want... " He knew!
01:00:12 He understood that God created us
01:00:14 so that we could live with Him for eternity.
01:00:17 So hallelujah! When he's talking about "my change"
01:00:20 when does this change come?
01:00:22 Turn to I Corinthians chapter 15
01:00:25 and we're going to look beginning with verse 51.
01:00:28 Job is asking God: "Hide me in the grave;
01:00:33 hide me in hell, in sheol. "
01:00:35 "I'm going to wait there Lord till my change comes
01:00:39 when You call me. "
01:00:40 And here's when our change comes: I Corinthians 15:51.
01:00:47 You know, some people think we die and we're changed
01:00:50 because there is a doctrine of immortal life that has been
01:00:54 introduced to our church - to the Christian church -
01:00:57 by a pagan philosopher who converted to Christianity.
01:01:01 His name was Tertullian
01:01:02 and he was a philosopher... he followed Socrates and Plato
01:01:08 who both taught that man was immortal.
01:01:12 Now that's not what the early apostolic fathers taught.
01:01:17 For the first century and 3/4... nearly two centuries
01:01:21 they taught there were only two ways:
01:01:23 the way of life, the way of death
01:01:25 and that man was mortal...
01:01:28 because the Bible says man is mortal.
01:01:30 So this doctrine of immortality that has come into the church
01:01:35 when I Timothy 3:16 says "only God is immortal. "
01:01:38 This doctrine of immortality has put... people read
01:01:43 the scriptures with a different lens
01:01:45 and they come up with the strangest things.
01:01:47 And so we hear people saying, you know:
01:01:49 "Mama's in heaven looking down on me. " Really?
01:01:53 Then when Jesus comes to resurrect her,
01:01:56 what's going to happen?
01:01:57 But listen to I Corinthians 15:51.
01:02:01 Paul says: "Behold, I tell you a mystery:
01:02:04 we shall not all sleep... " which is a metaphor for death
01:02:07 in the New Testament and in the Bible...
01:02:10 "We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed
01:02:14 in a moment... in the twinkling of an eye... "
01:02:17 Just like that!
01:02:19 When? "at the last trumpet,
01:02:23 for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised
01:02:26 incorruptible and we shall be changed. "
01:02:29 We can have that same hope that Job had
01:02:33 that we are waiting for the Lord, waiting for our change.
01:02:37 And it goes on in verse 53 to say:
01:02:40 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption;
01:02:45 this mortal... " mortal man... "must put on
01:02:50 immortality. " When? At the last trumpet.
01:02:53 "So when this corruptible has put on incorruption
01:02:56 and this mortal has put on immortality
01:02:59 THEN shall come to pass the saying that is written
01:03:04 'death is swallowed up in victory! '
01:03:07 O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? "
01:03:13 That's the happily ever after part of our lives.
01:03:18 See, Job could endure his present struggle
01:03:22 because he had hope in a God of covenant love.
01:03:26 He had hope that he would have eternal fellowship
01:03:30 and communion with God.
01:03:33 You know, Jesus promised... In John 14:19 He said
01:03:38 "A little while longer and the world will see Me no more
01:03:43 but you will see Me.
01:03:46 Because I live you will live also. " Amen!
01:03:51 That's God's promise that we're holding on to.
01:03:53 Now turn to Job 19 because I want to show you
01:03:58 Job knew. See, the Hebrew nation really didn't have
01:04:02 a well-developed doctrine on resurrection
01:04:06 until Job's time. I mean, Job encapsulates it all.
01:04:10 I love what Job has to say!
01:04:13 Job 19 verse 25- all right -
01:04:16 Job 19 and verse 25.
01:04:19 And he says:
01:04:21 "For I KNOW that my Redeemer lives... " That's right!
01:04:26 "I know that my Redeemer... "
01:04:29 What was a redeemer? In the time of ancient Israel
01:04:33 a redeemer was a close relative
01:04:36 who would purchase you back from slavery.
01:04:39 And so this is something... This redeemer would purchase your
01:04:45 freedom. Remember Ruth and Boaz?
01:04:47 Boaz was one of her relatives and he redeemed her.
01:04:52 So he says: "I know that my Redeemer lives
01:04:55 and He shall stand at last on the earth.
01:04:58 And after my skin is destroyed... " Come on...
01:05:01 after He's been hiding me in hell, in sheol, in the grave...
01:05:06 "after I have decayed this I know:
01:05:11 that in my flesh I shall see God. "
01:05:15 Amen! He knew that he would be restored
01:05:18 with a glorified body.
01:05:20 He knew that when God called him up from the grave
01:05:24 that he would be restored ultimately, totally, completely.
01:05:29 And then he says: "Whom I shall see for myself
01:05:33 and my eyes shall behold and not another.
01:05:38 How my heart yearns within me! "
01:05:41 Even though he's experiencing... Job was going through hell
01:05:45 on earth, was he not? Amen!
01:05:48 But even still in the midst of this
01:05:52 he knew love's justice would be brought to him.
01:05:57 You know, he doubted God... yes.
01:06:00 And let's be honest: how many of us have ever been there
01:06:03 where we're like "Why me, God? " Yes! "Why me? "
01:06:08 "Lord, what... what have You against me? "
01:06:12 "Why am I suffering this? "
01:06:14 But in the midst of this his faith broke through
01:06:18 just like the sun breaks through on a cloudy day
01:06:21 and he is talking about personally seeing God.
01:06:26 You know, Jesus said in John 11:25
01:06:31 He said to the sister of Lazarus
01:06:37 "I am the Resurrection and the Life.
01:06:41 He who believes in Me though he dies...
01:06:44 though he may die he shall live. "
01:06:48 In the Greek this is a strong double negative when He says
01:06:52 "though he may die he shall live. "
01:06:57 It means "he shall not die forever. "
01:07:01 If you believe in Jesus Christ, you're not going to suffer
01:07:06 the second, eternal death that Revelation speaks of
01:07:11 on four different occasions.
01:07:13 You're going to live forever.
01:07:16 And when you have that hope because of the resurrection -
01:07:20 the death and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior
01:07:23 Jesus Christ - you know what? You can endure anything.
01:07:28 He suffered so much for us.
01:07:31 And He humiliate... I mean, when He came down from heaven
01:07:35 to earth... You know scholars don't talk about
01:07:39 Him being humble. They talk about it being the humiliation
01:07:43 of Christ. God became one of us.
01:07:47 Mercy! Now I have to read this paragraph
01:07:50 from the Sabbath School quarterly because I thought it
01:07:54 was so beautiful. Says: "The New Testament teaches that
01:07:57 Christ has defeated death - Come on -
01:08:00 mankind's bitterest foe - and that God will raise the dead
01:08:04 to a final judgment. But this doctrine becomes
01:08:08 central to Biblical faith that after the resurrection
01:08:12 of Christ that it gained its validation in Christ's triumph
01:08:17 over death. " So we have this hope -
01:08:22 this Blessed Hope - that we shall see Christ,
01:08:28 we shall see God face to blessed face.
01:08:32 That we will live eternally with Him
01:08:35 and with those who are our family
01:08:38 including our church family
01:08:41 who have died, resting in the grave until He returns...
01:08:46 who have died in Christ Jesus.
01:08:48 That we will be I know looking for eons of ages
01:08:53 throughout eternity we are going to be trying to understand
01:08:57 God's covenant love and this whole process
01:09:01 of salvation that Job so beautifully and poetically
01:09:07 speaks. And I have that hope... I hope you do, too.
01:09:11 "For I know that my Redeemer lives! "
01:09:15 You know, just a quick... I just want to say very, very
01:09:17 quickly. Shelley touched on something there very fast
01:09:20 when Christ said: "I am the Resurrection and the Life. "
01:09:22 Mary and Martha. Martha... Ellen White says had a very
01:09:25 positive personality. She was... Martha was kind of hard core.
01:09:28 So when Christ came and Lazarus was in the grave
01:09:31 the only thing she said to Him was: "If You had been here! "
01:09:34 She had her finger in His face: "If You had been here! "
01:09:36 Christ says to Martha: "You're going to see your brother
01:09:39 again. " She says: "I know that. "
01:09:40 "Please... I know the resurrec- tion. I know the theology of
01:09:43 the resurrection. I know the ec- clesiology of the resurrection.
01:09:45 I know all about the resurrection. "
01:09:47 And Christ stopped her and said: "What I'm trying to tell you is
01:09:49 I AM the Resurrection
01:09:52 so when I say you're going to see him again I'm guaranteeing
01:09:55 you that because I am the Resurrection!
01:09:57 Death has been defeated. " And that's what we've got to
01:09:59 hold on to. Even in the face of death
01:10:01 Jesus IS the Resurrection. And if you've got Jesus,
01:10:04 the Bible says you've "got life. " Amen!
01:10:07 Now you know why... You know, we often apply this text
01:10:10 to the time of trouble ahead of us
01:10:12 but it applies to today. "He that shall endure
01:10:15 unto the end... the same shall be saved. "
01:10:18 Many will find their end before the time of trouble.
01:10:20 We are called to endure every day:
01:10:22 endure suffering, endure misunderstanding,
01:10:25 endure the dark moments. Endure when God seems
01:10:27 like He has disconnected your phone number.
01:10:30 We are called to endure the moments where God seems
01:10:33 absent. "He that shall endure. "
01:10:36 Remember... don't ever forget this.
01:10:37 And I went through... I could tell you my wife and I have been
01:10:39 through trials in our lives, in our relationship,
01:10:41 in our ministry that the devil came at us in so many ways
01:10:45 that it was times the trials would last for six months.
01:10:48 And one day I pulled along the side of the highway
01:10:50 and I just broke down in great tears from the difficulty.
01:10:53 And one Camp Meeting I stood in front of the church here
01:10:56 on a Wednesday night as Camp Meeting was beginning
01:10:58 and I said: "Do you ever feel like you want to drive past
01:11:01 the church? " I said: "I'm the pastor, and that's
01:11:03 how I feel today. " I didn't even want to stop here.
01:11:07 And it was six months I went through a difficulty.
01:11:09 God brought us through and I learned
01:11:11 that the silence of God does not equal the absence of God.
01:11:15 Amen! What a wonderful study!
01:11:18 We have just about a minute left. Anybody have a quick
01:11:20 thought? We want to have prayer before we end.
01:11:22 I've enjoyed this study... how about you?
01:11:25 What a blessing it's been for those I know for those who are
01:11:27 watching and those listening. The Holy Spirit has brought out
01:11:29 some beautiful beautiful things and thoughts.
01:11:31 I know truth is progressive.
01:11:34 I know that we have more light than Job had on this subject
01:11:37 but yet I still have a lot of questions.
01:11:39 So this... Answered bye and bye. It's going to be answered
01:11:41 bye and bye. The Lord's going to have a time to sit down
01:11:43 He's going to answer all the questions that you have
01:11:45 in the kingdom. He's going to have all the time
01:11:47 in the world for you.
01:11:49 Make sure we're there!
01:11:51 Any final thoughts? We've have, probably got 38 seconds left.
01:11:53 Maybe we should just have prayer. Sr. Mollie:
01:11:55 how about you? Would you close with prayer, please?
01:11:57 I would love to. OK.
01:11:58 Holy Father, we praise You and thank you
01:12:00 for the power of Your Word that's gone forth.
01:12:02 I thank you now for every heart
01:12:04 that has been under... able to listen and to
01:12:08 receive this word. Father, I pray that that word
01:12:11 goes deep within our hearts. That it effects a change
01:12:14 in us. Father, our heart's cry is that we won't be conformed
01:12:18 to this world but we will be transformed
01:12:21 by the renewing of our mind, Father. That we will be
01:12:24 conformed to the very image and likeness of our Lord and Savior
01:12:27 Jesus Christ. We give You our lives;
01:12:30 we ask You to direct our steps
01:12:32 and use us today as vessels of honor in Your kingdom.
01:12:35 In Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2017-06-05