3ABN Homecoming 2016


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16HC

Program Code: 16HC000008A

00:49 Hello and happy Sabbath!
00:52 We welcome you once again to night #2 of Fall Camp Meeting
00:56 2016 where we feature the Spirit of God.
01:01 And we're talking about revival in our hearts
01:03 and throughout the world.
01:05 I'm C. A. Murray and this is Danny Shelton,
01:07 our president and our founder and he who is not supposed to
01:09 speak too much, so I'm just going to stand here in front
01:12 because we don't want him to talk too much.
01:14 Me and my shadow...
01:17 We could do something like that you know.
01:18 Some folks are old enough to remember that.
01:21 You know, when I came to 3ABN
01:22 one of the fleeces that I put down was "I've got to like
01:26 the head guy right away. " And from the time I met him
01:29 I've loved him. He's a good Christian man
01:32 and I respect him greatly.
01:33 Praise the Lord! We have a great time, don't we?
01:35 Indeed we do. We actually do hang out together.
01:38 C.A. says people ask him and they do us:
01:40 "Now you guys... we see you on the set all the time.
01:43 Do you really like each other? I mean, is that real? "
01:46 And we actually... When we're not on set we hang around.
01:49 We go eat places; we visit each other's homes
01:51 when we have time. Um-hmm. We just enjoy it. I mean,
01:53 we've got a great 3ABN family. Indeed we do!
01:56 Now we've got our extended family with us
01:58 and those around the world. Thank you for your love
02:00 and your prayers and financial support
02:02 of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
02:04 Without you we couldn't possibly go anywhere.
02:08 We'd just be right here and no one would hear us
02:10 except those right here in the audience.
02:13 Amen... amen. Praise the Lord! What a time we're living
02:15 that we can speak... and as we speak right now, folks,
02:18 this is going around the world in a matter of like 2 seconds.
02:22 It's amazing! Can be seen and heard
02:25 by millions and, yea, even a billion or two
02:28 is what the evangelistic figures Mollie gives me.
02:32 That's very very true. That's a big potential - indeed -
02:34 so praise the Lord and thank you for what you do
02:36 for your support. And we praise the Lord!
02:38 Actually I think it's about three seconds, but I'll give you
02:41 that second 'cause you're getting old. Three seconds?
02:42 OK... all right. Now that's true... that's a true statement
02:46 you said. But you know what? You're young as you feel.
02:48 Is that what they say? Amen! I'm not sure that's true, but
02:51 it makes you feel good, right? Right.
02:53 People say you're just young as you feel.
02:54 Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter
02:57 so it's all right.
03:00 All right. Well once again thank you for joining us.
03:02 For all of you. We have folks from a number of states
03:04 and a number of countries.
03:06 We're glad Tim is here, and since he's at the piano
03:08 what we're going to do... We're going to have Julia Outkina
03:11 come out in just a minute. Tremendous miracle stories,
03:14 testimonies. But Tim, I'm going to put you on the spot.
03:16 Maybe have you just play us something here quickly
03:19 and we'll bring Julia out meanwhile.
03:22 It's an excuse for me to get to hear Tim play.
03:24 What about you? Amen! You appreciate his music?
03:26 Praise the Lord! Thank you.
05:17 Amen! Beautiful!
05:20 That's put you in an attitude of worship, won't it?
05:23 I'm going to introduce Julia Outkina, but before I do
05:26 Julia, we want to have a word of prayer.
05:29 We had planned on having a video tonight.
05:31 She had about a 10-minute video and it's not going to be able
05:35 to be shown so I said: "You know what?
05:37 Maybe this is the Lord's will we don't have the video.
05:39 We'll just hear it straight from you. "
05:42 And so we want to pray and we want to ask God's
05:44 blessings on everybody here and those around the world
05:46 watching. And for those in the area where the Sabbath
05:50 is coming in we just want to bring in the Lord's Sabbath.
05:54 Father, we thank You for Your many wonderful blessings.
05:56 We thank you for life and for health and for strength.
06:00 And Lord, we thank You for this wonderful Sabbath.
06:03 We thank for this Camp Meeting that we have people here
06:06 and people watching literally around the world.
06:08 And it reminds us that soon and very soon
06:11 we'll be able to go home with You.
06:13 We'll live and rule and reign forever
06:15 and we'll have a continuous Camp Meeting...
06:17 be constant praising and magni- fying and glorifying Your name.
06:21 Father, I pray right now that each person here:
06:25 no one will leave this Camp Meeting the way they came.
06:28 That each of us will be drawn closer to You.
06:31 What a wonderful opportunity that we have here!
06:33 Thank you, Lord, that we can resubmit and recommit our lives
06:37 to You. And I pray that You will give us eye salve
06:39 that we can see. That we can catch a vision
06:42 that we are living in the clos- ing moments of earth's history
06:45 and that You have called us as Christians and Seventh-day
06:49 Adventist Christians - those of us here -
06:51 to take an undiluted three angels' messages,
06:54 one that would counteract the counterfeit,
06:56 into all the world. And I pray, Father, we know
06:59 that we can't... as Ivor said last night, pastor said last
07:03 night, we can't give what we don't have.
07:05 So I pray for revival and reformation
07:07 in each of our hearts and may we go tell others
07:10 what You have done for us.
07:12 Thank you for Your blessings,
07:13 for the anointing of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray,
07:17 Amen. Amen! Sr. Julia... this is Julia Outkina,
07:20 and she is the executive director of the Russian 3ABN.
07:25 And how many know Julia and have seen her before?
07:28 All right? OK. For those of you that don't,
07:30 we... Julia came... In 1992 we went to Russia
07:35 with Pastor John Carter, and Elder Carter had an
07:39 evangelistic series in the town of Nizhny Novgorod,
07:42 formerly Gorky.
07:44 About 3-1/2 million people
07:46 and an Adventist church of only about 200 people...
07:50 something like that.
07:52 Julia was a professor. She's Dr. Julia Outkina.
07:55 Specialty - doctorate I guess - of linguistics
07:58 and her specialty was English. That's right.
08:01 And she intimidates me, by the way,
08:02 'cause she speaks much better English than I do.
08:05 And... But she had never really heard English spoken.
08:09 Ever spoken, right? And so when Elder Carter came
08:13 and 3ABN team was there,
08:16 she decided to come and just hear someone speaking
08:19 the language. That's right. But something happened to you.
08:22 Oh yes! You know,
08:27 I first was just listening to the language.
08:30 But Pastor Carter used the Bible so much
08:33 and he used such beautiful things from the Bible
08:37 it felt like this is what I had been looking for
08:40 all my life. You know, I was a Ph.D. in linguistics by that
08:44 time. I was married... I had my son.
08:47 My brother was the governor of the region,
08:49 the youngest governor in the whole country of Russia
08:53 with so much success.
08:56 And I was never sure of myself.
08:58 I was never confident... as if all that was not enough.
09:02 And then, you know, just lis- tening to the English language
09:07 first I believed, I don't know, in spite of myself
09:13 the message started penetrating my heart.
09:16 And I remember the words through which I was converted.
09:20 And of course, all the message was piling up,
09:24 piling up in my heart. The words that converted me were:
09:28 "Don't you know that you are a temple of the Holy Spirit? "
09:31 And I thought: "Oh, a sinful... I mean a simple
09:35 and sinful and ordinary person as I am
09:38 I AM the temple of the Holy Spirit! " This is how
09:41 I heard it. I am already the temple of the Holy Spirit.
09:46 He wants to dwell in me and He dwells in me
09:48 and He can dwell in me. So it was God's love
09:51 because He gave it to me in advance!
09:53 That He dwells in me even before I deserve it...
09:57 and I have never deserved it.
09:58 And I don't deserve it now either.
10:01 And so that was the moment when
10:05 His love penetrated my heart. I felt like I was showered with,
10:09 with light... with happiness.
10:12 And, you know, very soon after that
10:16 quite by chance humanly speaking
10:19 I was translating for Danny Shelton, who was meeting with
10:22 the conference president there in our conference.
10:27 And very soon I started working as a translator.
10:30 Next summer it will be twenty-five years
10:36 since that happened. And I want to introduce these guys
10:41 because you know they are the fruit of those evangelistic
10:45 series also. Alexey Britov: he is our
10:48 new general manager. He was converted at the age of 13
10:53 through Pastor Carter's meetings in 1993.
11:00 Then he became a pastor;
11:03 then he has expertise in business.
11:07 And then the Lord put us together.
11:10 So he is new general manager for 3ABN Russia.
11:13 Very thankful to the Lord for him!
11:15 Vadim, his grandparents and his parents
11:18 were in the underground church during the Communist times.
11:23 They were hiding to try to make copies of the Spirit of Prophecy
11:27 pages in the cell so that the sound of the typewriter
11:32 is not heard outside. And he said that
11:36 his first visit to the church was when he was two days old.
11:42 And he is our production coordinator
11:45 and does a lot of different things.
11:48 So actually, you know, the Lord is performing
11:52 miracles through us, through the human vessels
11:58 who seem to be so, you know, simple
12:02 but who are willing to serve the Lord
12:05 and who are willing to help people to find Him.
12:08 Then He can do miracles. Amen!
12:10 And the first time I met Julia we actually... I was...
12:14 John Carter and I were called into the governor's office
12:17 to throw us out of the country.
12:19 So Elder Carter knocked on my door at the hotel
12:23 and he said: "Danny, we've been summoned to the governor's
12:27 mansion. " I said: "What for? "
12:29 He said: "I don't know, but there are some... "
12:31 I said: "I don't think I want to go. Why don't you go? "
12:33 He says: "Look, there's about 4 armed guards
12:37 right here, and they say we're both going. "
12:39 I said: "All right... we'll both go! "
12:41 So I showed up, and a young, very good looking
12:45 34-year-old I think governor - youngest governor...
12:48 Around 34, 35- yeah - by then?
12:50 I was 39 when I was converted and he was six years younger
12:55 than myself. Thirty-three or so years old.
12:57 And U.S. News and World Report had said
13:00 that he was very progressive and he actually was not Communist.
13:04 That Communism had just fallen
13:06 and that he was very progressive. So we went
13:09 in to talk to him. And so basically through translators,
13:13 we went with the church leaders,
13:14 they told us to get out of Russia.
13:16 We had had a baptism and baptized 2,532 people.
13:21 And so... This would never... 20,000 people a night
13:25 were showing up for meetings that would only hold 6,000
13:28 people... auditorium.
13:31 And we were cramming in 7,000 and we would hold three meetings
13:33 a night. Amazing for these folk to be coming like this!
13:37 And so we didn't know if anybody would come
13:39 because we didn't know what to expect.
13:42 But the Lord opened up the doors for us to go there.
13:45 And so when I was at the governor's office
13:48 it's one of the few times in my life
13:51 that I didn't say anything for almost an hour!
13:54 Elder Carter was speaking, and he spoke under anointing
13:57 of the Holy Spirit... so I had sense enough to be quiet.
14:00 But he told the governor: "Look, you can kick us out
14:03 but you can't take away Jesus in the hearts of the people
14:06 that are here. " And so he said: "They're going to continue
14:10 and more Adventists will come to give the message. "
14:13 And he was very... So I'm thinking: "Well, they're going
14:15 to put us in jail... throw the key away. "
14:17 Because here you are, I mean, they had armed guards
14:20 everywhere. The governor didn't know us.
14:22 We didn't know Julia, but Julia came to visit
14:25 that day your brother. And you I guess peeked through the door
14:28 and saw us there, right? Yeah, that's right.
14:30 I don't believe in coincidences any more
14:33 because they came there for a meeting. I had never known them.
14:37 Each meeting I was in the far- thest part of the auditorium.
14:43 I was bashful, you know, just to come and speak to any of the
14:48 foreigners there. I would just be very quiet.
14:51 But for some reason that day... And by the way,
14:54 you know, they were not guarding my brother's office too much
14:58 at all because no one just asked me why I was going there.
15:02 I could come to his office when I needed.
15:05 And so for some reason I came that day and I looked
15:08 through the back door where his room was...
15:12 room to rest... to spend some time alone.
15:17 And then I looked through the door and I saw Danny there,
15:20 I saw Pastor Carter there.
15:22 And then after their meeting was over I came up to them.
15:26 This was the first time that I approached them,
15:28 and actually this is how we met.
15:31 And then again by another so to say coincidence
15:34 I was translating for the meeting at the conference.
15:38 Well, it looked like we were out of Russia.
15:41 Leaving not of our own will.
15:44 And the governor said to Elder Carter, I'll never forget this,
15:50 "Why do you think you have to baptize people?
15:52 Our people are Orthodox. They're born that way.
15:55 They're Russian Orthodox.
15:56 What can you give them that the Russian Orthodox church
16:00 can't give? " Elder Carter said: "Governor,
16:03 I've received about 6,000 letters since I've been here.
16:05 Most of them are in Russian... I'm having people translate...
16:09 but one is written in beautiful English. "
16:11 And he said: "I'd like to read it. May I read it? "
16:15 And the governor kind of nodded his head.
16:17 So it started out and said: "Dear Elder Carter,
16:20 thank you so much for coming. You brought me out of darkness
16:22 into marvelous light. " And it was a testimony...
16:26 a fabulous testimony. And the governor was just so-so about it
16:30 and he was listening... being kind enough to listen.
16:33 And at the very end he said:
16:35 "Signed by Julia Outkina. "
16:38 And the governor said: "What? Who? Let me see that letter. "
16:42 He goes: "That's my sister! That's my sister! "
16:46 Now, is that coincidence or divine providence?
16:49 At that moment, cause there were some, I guess,
16:52 news folk outside
16:55 and they wanted to comment on the stories,
16:59 write about them. So at that minute he suddenly changed.
17:03 He said: "Listen... " The archbishop was there.
17:06 I don't know if you call him that? Nicoli.
17:07 Nicoli? Yeah. OK. He was there, too, and he
17:10 he was not happy at all... but he was happy when we
17:12 were gettin' run out. But then the governor says:
17:14 "Look, here's what we're going to do:
17:16 we have to work together. We have to allow these folk
17:19 to stay in Russia. " He said: "We have a bigger enemy
17:23 than each other... and that's Communism. "
17:25 So he said: "Mr. Shelton, Mr. Carter,
17:28 and Archbishop Nicoli? Archbishop Nicoli
17:32 get here, and we want... when the news media comes in
17:36 we want you to be smiling" he told Nicoli.
17:38 "You be smiling and you be shaking hands. "
17:41 And so that's what we did.
17:43 And as we built the facility 13 businesses were privatized
17:47 by foreign countries. They actually sold.
17:49 It was the first region to do that.
17:51 And all the businesses except 3ABN actually fail to exist
17:56 any more. But Julia's brother became a great asset
17:59 to 3ABN and Julia also.
18:02 And without him I have to say
18:04 God put him there for such an hour as that
18:07 because we were able... Then he went up on
18:09 into... Went for Yeltsin, I think, was... worked for
18:12 Yeltsin's administration. He was the first deputy prime minister
18:16 of Russia - yeah - in Yeltsin's government.
18:18 And then after that he became... actually
18:22 an independent... they call it opposition - yes - leader.
18:24 And some of you may know... It's only been about a year
18:26 and a half? Yeah... February the 27th
18:30 it'll be two years. So about a year and a half ago
18:33 it was on national news. I'm sure you saw it.
18:36 Her brother was killed in the...
18:39 in Red Square because he was in opposition to the government.
18:44 And so it made national news. He was known around the world.
18:47 He'd even done an interview with CNN
18:49 before that saying this would probably happen to him.
18:52 Um-hmm. But I'm so thankful
18:55 and I know it's from your parents and your mother
18:58 raising you because what I saw in him I saw in Julia.
19:01 They wanted truth and they were willing to stand up for truth
19:04 against all odds. And Julia has done that. Yes.
19:08 And then not long after that she gets home...
19:10 and has it been about a year now?
19:12 It was in July last year.
19:16 Last July then her husband
19:20 was in an accident and died.
19:23 So Julia has lost her brother and her husband
19:26 in the last less than two years.
19:28 So, she's been through a tremendous amount of stress
19:33 and emotions that you go through. Those of you who have
19:36 lost loved ones like that so close to you
19:39 but yet she's strong in the Lord.
19:40 And I'm amazed at her strength
19:42 and only God could give her this.
19:44 What I want you to talk about for just a couple minutes
19:46 is the miracles. We went on satellite
19:49 and praise the Lord it's been a couple years ago. Um-hmm.
19:54 Went on satellite to Russia because we wanted to reach
19:57 a lot more places and to be available.
20:00 Well, the cable stations are growing really fast
20:04 and they need programming. And so the last two years
20:07 it's $12,000 a month.
20:09 We went to Israel, and didn't know how we were going to do it
20:12 and someone said: "I'll pay that for you this year. "
20:15 Then the next year they did it again.
20:17 So tell us... I want you to update for the folks
20:21 what is happening because there's a law that we've been
20:24 hearing about here in America that says... the Russians passed
20:27 a law that you can no longer do public evangelism.
20:30 You can't proselytize; you can't do any of these things.
20:34 Tell us about it. Step up here just a little closer.
20:37 And then tell us about the cable stations that are now
20:40 carrying 3ABN. OK.
20:42 November 23 will be two years that we are on satellite
20:48 24/7 in Russia.
20:50 In Russia satellite is becoming a very very big
20:55 means of reaching people.
20:59 For very many years during Communism there were less than
21:04 ten major channels controlled by the government
21:09 and no cable companies.
21:11 Now they are more and more into private business
21:14 and they realize that cable can be profitable.
21:18 And so there are very many cable companies
21:21 that just sprout and they are short of content.
21:25 They need content. They want to present a good package of
21:28 programming to their viewers.
21:30 And so they approach us themselves
21:33 through our website searching for new programming
21:38 and finding what good programming we have.
21:42 And you know, when this law was passed
21:46 recently we were afraid. We just thought:
21:49 "Oh, what is going to happen? "
21:50 Because all these cable companies now may become scared
21:53 and just not want us any more.
21:56 You know, when the Lord has His way
21:59 that no government and no human can stand in His way.
22:03 That's right! So first of all
22:07 I'm very thankful to all those people
22:10 whose hearts were with Russia at that moment
22:13 when they were presenting the draft of that law
22:16 because that was a bad law with bad wording in it.
22:21 Against... it was a law against terrorism, but
22:26 within the law they put that part that
22:30 meeting as a religious group may be considered as...
22:34 or may be used for bad purposes.
22:38 And the wording could be used in such a big variety of ways
22:44 so, yes, people really got concerned.
22:47 Let me tell you that two hours before the law was passed
22:51 they had a directive from the president's office
22:55 that the wording was wrong
22:56 and that the wording should be changed.
22:59 And just two hours before the law was passed
23:01 the wording became - you know - very mild
23:05 and just none of those restrictions
23:10 that we were scared by at the beginning. No! None of them
23:14 are in the law. So... And those cables keep wanting us
23:18 and they keep calling us.
23:22 Let me give you the recent example.
23:25 First of all, to give you the general figures
23:28 we are on about sixty cable companies.
23:32 They are covering about 60 million potential viewers
23:37 in Russia. Can you imagine that?
23:39 We have about 130 million - about - 130 million
23:46 people in Russia, and half of it is already reached
23:49 by the stations who have contract relations with us.
23:55 So... let me tell you a miracle about
24:01 the Muslim outreach. I had no idea until I came here
24:05 that it is a really God-ordained trend
24:10 in the whole of the Adventist church.
24:13 I didn't know about that, but I learned about it
24:15 after I came to 3ABN.
24:17 But what happened there in Russia:
24:19 we went to one presentation that was in Zaoksky Theological
24:24 Seminary. It was a Bible conference for pastors
24:27 and we presented 3ABN Russia to them.
24:29 We tried to advertise our activities as much as we can
24:33 so that more companies, cable companies and local TV stations
24:38 want to take us. And after our presentation
24:42 a pastor who is Iranian by origin
24:45 who used to be a Muslim and who now is a SDA pastor
24:49 for Muslims in the Moscow region of Russia
24:52 which has a lot of immigrants from Muslim republics
24:55 and a lot of local people who are Muslims.
24:59 So he approached our general manager, Alexey, who you have
25:03 just met and said: "Alexey, I feel impressed
25:06 that I want to put together a series for Muslims
25:09 in Russia and I want it to be taped on 3ABN Russia.
25:12 What do you think? " And Alexey said: "Oh, yes, definitely so!
25:16 We want that! " And I'm so glad, you know, Alexey was brave enough
25:20 to say that because when he reported to me later
25:24 I just thought: "Oh... I'm not really sure
25:27 what the response of people may be. "
25:30 But I thought: "Oh, he has done it
25:32 so I believe it's from the Lord
25:34 so let us just go on with it. "
25:36 Then I started getting confirmations from the Lord
25:39 that this was the right thing to do.
25:42 There is a Muslim Republic in Russia which is called
25:47 Tartarstan - a huge region where about 80% of people
25:53 are Muslim. Well, they are not as, you know,
25:57 practice religion very much but they consider themselves Muslims
26:01 so they call themselves Muslims.
26:04 And they are Muslims.
26:05 So one of those new cable companies, the biggest in that
26:10 region has approached us before and said that we will be willing
26:14 to have your programming because we don't have enough
26:17 programming. Amen! And "Oh, yes! " we said...
26:21 "That's fine! " And then as soon as Alexey made
26:24 that agreement with the pastor to tape programs
26:27 immediately - I don't know, in an hour - he received a call
26:31 from our marketing department lady
26:33 and she said: "You know, I am amazed. The second largest
26:37 cable company of the same Tatarstan Muslim Republic
26:42 has called us and say that they want our programming also. "
26:47 So very quickly arrangement with the pastor was made in May.
26:52 In June we already taped the program.
26:55 Added some Arabic touch to the set.
26:59 Just very slight touches but it's very nice.
27:02 It's already on the air! Can somebody say amen?
27:06 I mean... is that amazing?
27:07 You see, sometimes we worry: how can we get done?
27:10 Folks told us to go to London. "Well people just aren't
27:13 spiritual there. They don't want to hear the truth.
27:15 It's a tough place to go. " I believe everybody -
27:18 every person on earth - has a homing device
27:21 and they're looking to where their home is.
27:23 And that homing device is the Lord Jesus Christ; it's heaven.
27:26 And so we're looking for some- thing; we're looking for truth.
27:29 So we say: "How're we going to reach the Muslims? "
27:32 You know what? God is so great
27:34 that He's... In our church all over people are saying
27:37 "How do we reach the Muslims? " No! God has a bigger plan:
27:40 the Muslims reach us.
27:42 They're reaching out to 3ABN Russia
27:44 literally thousands and hundreds of thousands of people
27:47 Muslims - will be watching 3ABN Russia. Can somebody say amen?
27:53 Yeah! All right! If you didn't, somebody next to you
27:56 check their pulse. We may need to get an ambulance.
27:58 Somebody may need to go 'cause you've got to be excited
28:01 about that! I mean, this is an amazing...
28:04 I mean, there are a billion and a half at least probably
28:06 Muslims in the world, and what an opportunity to get on
28:10 now two cable stations that have been requested
28:14 to put on 3ABN Russia. That's absolutely amazing!
28:18 One of the great blessings is because they have very little
28:22 programming. Cable stations are new
28:25 programmers so they want whatever programming.
28:27 But the fact that Adventists... we don't eat pork.
28:31 And there's a number of things that we have in... alcohol
28:35 and tobacco... things like that.
28:37 They see that and the healthy lifestyle
28:39 and they want this programming. So all I can say is a big praise
28:43 the Lord. We want you to think about it and pray about it.
28:46 We have to renew that contract in the next month or two.
28:49 And I can tell you - as always - we don't have the money
28:51 right now to do it, but through you we'll be able to do it.
28:55 So you pray and ask the Lord what He would have you to do
28:57 for Russia and for the great work. Thank you so much Julia.
29:00 God bless you, and I love you in the Lord, all right?
29:02 God bless you. All right. Thank you so much. Yes.
29:05 Wow! Isn't that exciting, folks?
29:07 I'm telling you... What we want to do: we're going
29:09 to get Reggie Smith out here. We're going to have some music
29:12 for the next several minutes. We've got several folks
29:14 that's going to come and bless. Anybody know Reggie?
29:16 Have you heard Reggie's music and singing?
29:18 Absolutely! Reggie, thank you so much for - you and Ladye -
29:21 for being here. You just got back from the
29:24 quartet convention. You sang there with the Hoppers.
29:27 Hopper Brothers 2.0. 2.0... OK.
29:30 And so also I'm sure you've seen him
29:32 on the Gaither videos and of course on 3ABN a lot.
29:35 But to me he and his wife Ladye... they're incredible
29:38 wonderful people that love Jesus with all their hearts
29:40 and some of the most fantastic singers and musicians
29:43 I've ever had the privilege of knowing.
29:45 The song you're going to do now is a song that the Lord gave to
29:48 Lanny Wolfe and me just a few months ago.
29:51 We put it on the Calvary project and hopefully they're going to
29:54 be able to put the screen back there to show what our...
29:57 That's a beautiful screen by the way, Danny.
29:59 Well it is, praise... I will say we were back stage
30:01 and listening to Julia's story. First of all,
30:03 she's an amazing lady and been through so much hardship.
30:06 Which we all go through hardship... Um-hmm.
30:09 But this is not much of a hard- ship, but as singers, you know,
30:12 we have allergies and things like that.
30:14 And I started noticing we were sneezing
30:16 on the side. Well, it's these trees in the back!
30:20 And these leaves! He's from Mississippi.
30:23 It's all right. It's OK... Don't worry about it.
30:25 Don't tell me any different... I think it's real.
30:26 Looks pretty real. Well, I think they're going to put
30:30 the scenery behind you as you sing this song
30:32 that the Lord gave us, and we give Him the credit.
30:34 Gethsemane.
30:51 All the way from heaven's splendor
30:57 robed in flesh,
31:00 born in a manger
31:04 Jesus came to set
31:08 the captives free.
31:15 "Father, not My will
31:19 but Thine be done"
31:22 was the prayer He prayed...
31:25 God's only Son.
31:28 So He drank the bitter cup
31:33 for you and me.
31:39 He suffered Gethsemane
31:45 through blood, sweat, and tears.
31:51 Each drop of blood He shed
31:56 bought me
31:58 a million years.
32:04 God's crowning sacrifice,
32:10 His spotless Lamb...
32:16 now risen from the grave
32:22 He is the Great I AM!
32:31 All alone, He felt forsaken.
32:37 In the garden, His heart was breaking...
32:43 yet He chose to die
32:48 on Calvary.
32:54 Jesus, blessed Savior
32:59 and Redeemer,
33:02 all to Him I now surrender.
33:08 Could I do less
33:11 after all He's done
33:15 for me?
33:19 He suffered Gethsemane
33:25 through blood, sweat, and tears.
33:31 Each drop of blood He shed
33:36 bought me
33:38 a million years.
33:43 God's crowning sacrifice,
33:50 His spotless Lamb...
33:56 now risen from the grave
34:01 He is
34:02 the Great I AM!
34:10 He could have left us
34:13 to die in our sin
34:17 alone... forever lost.
34:21 But grace would change
34:25 how the story ends
34:29 Jesus blood
34:30 would pay the cost!
34:40 He suffered Gethsemane
34:43 through blood, sweat, and tears.
34:49 Each drop of blood He shed
34:54 bought me
34:55 a million years.
35:00 God's crowning
35:04 sacrifice,
35:08 His spotless Lamb...
35:13 now risen from the grave
35:19 He is the Great
35:22 I AM!
35:26 God's crowning sacrifice,
35:32 His spotless
35:36 Lamb...
35:40 now risen from the grave
35:45 He is the Great I AM!
35:53 Now risen
35:55 from the grave
35:58 Jesus is
36:01 the Great
36:03 I AM!
36:13 Jesus is the Great
36:17 I AM!
36:32 Hallelujah! The Savior is risen!
36:38 He's not in the grave.
36:42 The hope of the world is Jesus
36:45 and that makes me excited. Does that make you excited?
36:49 That was a wonderful, wonderful song, as Danny said, written
36:53 by Danny and Mr. Wolfe. Who was it?
36:57 Lanny. I'm so sorry Lanny if you're watching.
37:00 I'm so very sorry. We're like this...
37:04 No... I tell you: to me that's a very inspired song
37:08 that they wrote. And Jesus gave them that
37:12 the night before we were to record the Calvary CD...
37:14 the night before.
37:16 Just in time... always.
37:18 I want to introduce somebody that's real special to me.
37:20 She's my honey...
37:23 my sweetheart of 21 years. Yeah! Come on out here baby.
37:30 I call her baby. You might call her Ladye.
37:34 A lot of people say "Well how in the world
37:37 could a mother... " I'm taking liberties. Sorry, honey.
37:41 "could a mother name a child Ladye Love? "
37:45 Well I thought: "Well maybe she's a hippie. "
37:48 "She's a flower child. "
37:51 No... she was older than that.
37:53 She was before that generation but she named her Ladye Love
37:57 and I'm so glad because she has been my love for 21 years.
38:01 And babe, I want you to sing a song -
38:04 another song that Danny wrote - called Calvary Says Love To Me.
38:07 And I love this song when you sing it, so please share.
38:26 In compassion and love
38:31 He looked down to earth
38:36 then He sent His Son...
38:40 born of a virgin birth.
38:46 He knew from creation
38:51 what was to be...
38:56 with great love for man
39:00 He planned Calvary.
39:08 Calvary says love
39:13 to me
39:18 like words
39:20 could never say.
39:27 The blood He shed
39:32 was love written in red:
39:38 Calvary says love
39:43 to me.
39:54 Separated by sin
40:00 was the whole human race.
40:05 Man was destined to die
40:09 were it not for grace.
40:15 A cross and three nails
40:19 never held Him there...
40:24 He willingly chose
40:30 the cross to bear.
40:37 Calvary says love
40:42 to me
40:46 like words
40:49 could never say.
40:56 The blood He shed
41:01 was love written in red:
41:07 Calvary says love
41:11 to me.
41:31 The blood He shed
41:35 was love written in red:
41:41 Calvary says love
41:46 to me...
41:51 The blood He shed
41:55 was love written in red:
42:03 Calvary says love
42:08 to me...
42:13 Calvary says love
42:22 to me!
43:02 When anyone looks at me
43:08 let them see Jesus.
43:14 Let me be a reflection
43:18 of His love and mercy to them.
43:28 When they start to read
43:31 my life story
43:34 I want it to bring my Savior glory...
43:40 when anyone looks at me
43:45 let them see Him.
43:54 I'm not lookin' for fortune
43:59 and I'm not seeking for fame.
44:05 I'm not so concerned
44:09 that all the world knows my name.
44:18 But I am concerned with one passion:
44:24 to tell what the Lord's done for me.
44:31 And I want my life
44:34 to shine with the light
44:37 so all those around me can see.
44:44 When anyone looks at me
44:49 let them see Jesus.
44:55 Let me be a reflection
45:00 of His love and mercy to them.
45:09 When they start to read
45:12 my life story
45:15 I want it to bring
45:18 my Savior glory.
45:22 When anyone looks at me
45:26 let them see Him.
45:34 Every good and perfect gift that I possess
45:40 was sent from the Father above.
45:46 In thanks for the way
45:49 that I've truly been blessed
45:53 I'll give from my heart
45:56 and give to the world His love.
46:06 When anyone looks at me
46:11 let them see Jesus.
46:18 Let me be a reflection
46:21 of His love and mercy
46:25 to them.
46:31 When they start to read
46:34 my life story
46:37 I want it to bring my Savior glory.
46:43 When anyone looks at me...
46:48 well, when anyone
46:52 looks at me...
46:56 when anyone looks at me
47:03 let them
47:06 see Him.
47:11 Mmm-mmm-mmm.
47:20 Thank you, Tammy. I'm going to introduce
47:23 Celestine and Farrah Barry:
47:26 a great addition to the 3ABN family.
47:29 A number of years ago moved with their family
47:33 to southern Illinois. And Farrah... we've got to watch
47:36 her grow up. And what a blessing that you've been
47:40 and what an incredible talent God has blessed her and gifted
47:43 her so much. But I know where it comes from: your parents.
47:46 Of course, your momma and daddy. And Celestine,
47:48 we appreciate you and love you and have been praying for you
47:52 that God will continue to lead and guide and direct
47:54 in your life. And thank you for sharing your beautiful music
47:57 with us... both of you.
48:33 Remember Me?
48:38 I'm the One who gave up everything
48:42 for you.
48:46 I'll never leave your side.
48:49 Remember Me?
48:52 The One who cares for you no matter what
48:57 you do.
49:01 The One who's arms are here
49:05 to give you rest.
49:08 The one who's seen you at your worst
49:12 and knows you best,
49:16 your closest Friend...
49:19 remember Me?
49:24 When you smile you are the joy
49:27 that's in My eyes.
49:31 You are the Father's pride...
49:35 remember Me?
49:39 Your sorrow and your
49:42 happiness are Mine.
49:46 The grace I give will always
49:50 be enough
49:54 for there will never be
49:57 a greater love
50:01 than My love for you.
50:05 Remember Me?
50:32 Remember Me?
50:37 As you take My broken body
50:41 torn and bruised
50:45 let it give you life...
50:48 Remember Me?
50:52 That this blood you take
50:54 to drink was shed for you.
50:59 Let its power and its mercy
51:02 give you strength
51:06 Let My endless cup be all
51:10 you'll ever need.
51:15 Remember Me?
51:24 Remember Me?
51:38 Remember
51:41 Me?
52:06 Amen! Thank you... beautiful!
52:09 Celestine, why don't you just stay out here?
52:11 Stay here with Reggie and Ladye and Yvonne.
52:13 We've got just a couple minutes left. Ya'll been blessed so far?
52:17 I really have, and I'm looking forward to
52:19 this next hour with Pastor Ivor Myers.
52:23 So we want you folks from around the world watching
52:26 to know that you're going to be blessed.
52:27 This is just a warm-up group.
52:29 We're just a warm-up... Why don't we get the folk
52:31 involved at home? Let's do something like He Touched Me.
52:34 You wanta do that?
52:36 Help us... Shackled
52:39 by a heavy burden
52:45 'neath a load of guilt
52:49 and shame.
52:54 Then the hand of Jesus touched me
53:01 and now I am no longer the same.
53:07 Stand up and sing with us.
53:09 He touched me...
53:12 oh, He touched me!
53:17 And oh, the joy
53:21 that floods my soul.
53:27 Something happened
53:31 and now I know
53:35 He touched me
53:37 and made me whole.
53:42 Is that your key?
53:44 Since
53:46 I met this blessed Savior,
53:53 and since He cleansed and made
53:57 me whole
54:02 I will never cease
54:06 to praise Him...
54:10 I'll shout it
54:13 while eternity rolls. Everybody now:
54:19 He touched me! Aren't you glad He did?
54:22 Oh, He touched me!
54:28 And oh, the joy
54:32 that floods my soul.
54:38 Something happened
54:42 and now I know
54:47 He touched me and made
54:52 me whole.
54:56 Surely the presence
55:00 of the Lord is in this place.
55:05 I can feel His mighty power
55:10 and His grace. I can hear the brush...
55:15 I can hear the brush of angels' wings,
55:20 I see glory on each face...
55:26 Surely the presence
55:30 of the Lord
55:33 is in this place.
55:38 There's a holy
55:41 hush around us
55:43 as God's glory fills this place.
55:49 I've touched the hem of His garment;
55:54 I can almost see His face.
55:59 And my heart is overflowing
56:05 with the fullness of His joy.
56:10 But I know
56:13 without a doubt
56:16 that I've been with My Lord.
56:22 Surely the presence
56:27 of the Lord is in this place.
56:32 I can feel His mighty power
56:37 and His grace.
56:42 I can hear the brush of angels' wings...
56:48 I see glory on each face.
56:54 Surely the presence
56:58 of the Lord
57:01 is in this place.
57:06 Father God, we just thank you for Your presence.
57:10 We thank you, Lord, that You are in our midst
57:12 for wherever 2 or 3 or more are gathered in Your name
57:16 there You will be. And so we thank you for Your presence.
57:19 We thank you for Your power; we thank you for Your anointing.
57:23 We thank you, Lord God, that we can come to You
57:25 with everything. There's nothing too great
57:28 or too small. There's no challenge for You.
57:31 You're not standing in heaven wringing Your hands
57:34 about what to do next.
57:36 You are the omniscient omnipotent God
57:39 and we praise You from the depths of our being.
57:42 And so right now, Lord God,
57:44 please bless us
57:46 with Your continued presence. You are welcome in this place.
57:49 We sense Your presence in this place.
57:52 We love You, Lord; we adore You, Lord!
57:55 We praise You, Lord God. Thank you.


Revised 2017-06-06