Participants: Danny Shelton (Host)
Series Code: 16HC
Program Code: 16HC000001A
00:49 We do welcome all of you to 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting.
00:54 How many of you came ready for your heart to be prepared 00:58 for the coming of the Lord? 01:00 Amen. Amen! Well, we welcome you. 01:02 We welcome our viewing audience. 01:04 You know people are watching us, Danny, from all over the world. 01:08 I know. It's absolutely amazing. 01:10 And again, thank you for those of you who've come from a number 01:13 of states and even from Russia back here. 01:15 We'll be seeing Julia a little later on. 01:17 And for those of you watching from around the world: 01:19 thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support 01:22 of 3ABN as we continue to take this gospel of the kingdom 01:26 into all the world. We have a lot of things 01:29 that's going to happen this weekend. 01:31 If you don't leave here excited, 01:33 something's wrong. We want you to check your pulse 01:35 and make sure you're still alive if you're not excited 01:37 because... excited for the Lord. 01:39 Some great testimonies! God is doing some absolutely 01:42 incredibly marvelous things. 01:45 I can't use enough adjectives to tell you 01:47 what God is doing because He's coming back very soon - 01:50 Amen! in the clouds of glory. 01:52 What a privilege that He allows us to be a part of the work. 01:55 He doesn't need us, but He says: "I'm going to give you 01:58 an opportunity. " We need to be witnesses 02:00 and go into all the world for our own salvation. 02:02 So we're not just thinking about me, myself, and I... right? 02:05 God could finish the work but He's privileged 02:07 each and every one of us. So it's our responsibility 02:11 and our privilege to take this gospel into all the world. 02:14 Brian, before we get too much farther along 02:17 you've gotten into a ministry that you probably never thought 02:19 you would get into. And just a year or two ago 02:23 maybe a little longer... And you just got back from 02:25 a trip. And Brian was like this. 02:27 Now treasurers - hold your ears a second, 02:30 Brian - hold your ears any treasurers. 02:32 Treasurers... they're kind of "businessy" you know. 02:34 And sometimes it's hard to get emotional 02:37 about things 'cause they're always counting numbers. 02:39 But Brian is back full of excitement and energy. 02:42 We've gotta hear what's going on. 02:44 Tell us where you've just been and what you've been doing. 02:46 OK. We spent two days in a prison in Indiana. 02:49 Pendleton, Indiana. Now as it of your own accord 02:52 or did you? Just so the folks will know. 02:55 But you know there are some people who are dying to get out 02:58 and there's others of us who are dying to get in. 03:01 But we're going in for ministry 03:04 rather than for other reasons, OK? Oh, good. 03:06 I want you to know that. OK. 03:08 No embezzlement... none of those kind of things 03:09 are having me. It's good to know about your treasurer. 03:11 Yeah... it's good to be an honest treasurer, I think. 03:16 But yes, we spent two days 03:18 in a facility called the Correctional Industrial 03:20 Facility. That's an interesting name. 03:23 They have a factory connected with the prison 03:27 there in Indiana. 03:29 And we got to spend two days in that prison. 03:32 That was kind of... For us that was exciting. 03:34 You know, when you do services in a prison you maybe get 03:38 15, 20... maybe as high as 50 guys out for your service 03:42 each week. And that's great. We enjoy that. 03:44 We fellowship with them and get to share the Word. 03:47 But how do you impact the entire prison? 03:50 I mean, there's 1,200... 1,800 other guys 03:55 or women if it's a women's facility 03:57 that you don't touch at all. 03:59 And so what we did is we connected with an organization 04:03 called Christmas Behind Bars who pack gift bags 04:06 for inmates in prison. 04:08 And they had a gift bag prepared for every one of the inmates. 04:11 We went through 1,200 gift bags that weekend. 04:15 And we had about a 40- to 45-minute service 04:20 for each 100 to 150 that came into the chapel. 04:24 And they brought the whole prison in a group at a time 04:27 like that. Now Vonda Beerman... The whole prison! 04:30 Yeah. Vonda Beerman did a mini-concert. All right. 04:33 She joined us and her husband Merlin. Um-hmm. 04:36 And it was just a... it was a high! 04:39 It was like you guys coming back from London... 04:42 only I didn't have to go clear to London to get the job done. 04:45 So... All right. But anyway, that was exciting, it was 04:48 real ministry. You could tell the guys were touched. 04:51 Their hearts were touched and softened 04:54 by the singing and the testimony. 04:56 It was just wow! You know what I love about 04:58 the people that I'm privileged to work with like Brian 05:02 that's willing to go out and to minister one on one 05:05 or minister to groups. Everybody up here 05:08 is willing to go one on one to meet people. 05:11 They don't just talk about it on the air 05:12 or just be on television or radio 05:14 but they're willing to go out - in fact, love to do it - 05:17 and I would hate to say no 'cause I'm afraid they wouldn't 05:20 listen and might beat me up 'cause they love going out 05:22 to tell the world about Jesus. 05:24 And Mollie, before we really get into some other testimony 05:28 I don't know whatever's on your heart you can share it 05:30 but I'd like for you to say a prayer - OK - too. 05:32 And we're inviting the Holy Spirit because we want Him 05:35 to move mightily this Camp Meeting... not only here 05:38 for each of us but for those watching 05:40 around the world. And what we pray and ask 05:43 is that God will prepare the hearts of everybody that's going 05:47 to be viewing, that's going to be listening, 05:49 and that's going to be here. So how many of you want God 05:52 to open up your heart? 05:53 You know, the Sower goes and sows the seed. 05:56 And where does He sow that seed? It's in your heart. 05:59 And what we want is for God - by the power of His Spirit - 06:02 to take the word, Danny, that goes forth. For it to take root 06:05 in our hearts. And for it to grow and for it to prosper 06:09 and to produce a harvest. Not 30-fold, not 60-fold, 06:13 but what kind of return do we want on the word that's going 06:16 forth this weekend? Hundred-fold return. 06:18 So let's pray: Holy Father, we come before You in the 06:21 name of Jesus. And we praise You and we thank You 06:24 Holy God for Your presence that we already sense here. 06:27 And thank you, Father, for the power of Your Spirit 06:30 to take Your Word and to embed it deeply within our hearts. 06:34 Father, we pray that as Your Word goes forth 06:37 that it will find a home in our heart, 06:39 that it will take root, and that it will grow. 06:42 And Father, we ask by the power of Your Spirit 06:44 that You would seal that Word in our heart 06:47 that the enemy can't come and steal Your Word out of our heart 06:50 but Father, it will produce Your image and Your likeness 06:54 in every one of us. Father, that is our prayer 06:56 in the name of Jesus. And everybody in agreement 07:00 said? Amen... Amen, Amen. 07:02 Bro. John, why don't you come up and talk to us a little bit, 07:05 our folks, about London, about evangelism... 07:07 that happened there. And then maybe ask some of these folk 07:10 to share their testimony. 07:12 Well Danny, the privilege was ours to be able to go to London. 07:15 Those of you who are listening and those of you who are here. 07:16 By the way, welcome to Camp Meeting. 07:18 We had a chance this year to do something different. 07:21 Now evangelism has always been the heartbeat 07:23 of 3ABN but they decided it's been a long time 07:26 since we did an evangelistic series. 07:28 And they gave me this crazy title that I still don't know 07:32 what it means: Director of World Evangelism. 07:34 Because only God can direct world evangelism 07:37 because only He sees it other than the way that we see it. 07:41 But the privilege was ours to join with the South England 07:43 Conference, and we went over there last year: Danny, 07:47 C.A. and I went to England and met with the Conference 07:50 president, Elder Richard de Lisser and now 07:53 the new acting Conference president Elder Emmanuel Osei 07:56 and we chose nine different churches - 07:59 nine different evangelists. 08:01 And many of them are here. We had Shelley Quinn... 08:04 was one of our preachers in London. 08:06 We had Pastor C.A. Murray. We had Pastor John Dinzey. 08:09 We had Pastor Kenny and his wife Chris were a part of the team. 08:13 Also we had Greg and Jill... were the heartbeat of it all. 08:17 They were the axle in the wheel. 08:19 If they were not functioning everybody would have fallen 08:22 apart. Jill was the liaison between 3ABN 08:27 and London, and we praise the Lord for their diligent work. 08:31 But we haven't stopped going since we started going! 08:34 That's right. Also we had singers. Yvonne Lewis came. 08:38 Danny came. Tim was there for the most of the time with us 08:42 from the very beginning. We had Reggie and Ladye 08:44 that were there. Also we had Melody. 08:47 And then some others joined us. Yolanda Innocent-Palmer. 08:52 We had Charles Haugabrooks and who else? 08:55 Neville Peter. They tell me all the names behind me. 08:58 And Neville Peter... and boy, the spirit was powerful 09:03 over there in London. I was privileged to be at the Croydon 09:06 church. And what I want to start, I want to invite Kenny 09:09 and Chris to come. Give them a microphone because... 09:12 Kenny and Chris are a wonderful team. 09:15 How many of you saw the series? Just raise your hand. 09:18 OK. If you didn't see it, you've gotta get a chance to go back 09:21 because they are available. Am I understanding correctly, 09:24 Pastor C.A.? They are available still? 09:26 If you go to London2016? 09:29 If you go to London2016- am I saying that correctly? 09:33 09:36 If you go to that website, 09:39 you can look at all the chur- ches. Are the iSites also there? 09:43 Each night just before the program was done 09:47 Greg and Jill hosted a number of iSites 09:50 giving peeks at all the different locations. 09:52 So... and also on Youtube. Wow! I didn't even know 09:57 that! Amen! I'm learning as I stand here. 10:00 Pastor Kenny Shelton and Chris were at the Hampstead 10:03 SDA church. Um-hmm. Kind of tell us what it was like 10:06 to be at the Hampstead church there in London. 10:08 You know, as we look back right now and think on the 10:11 beauty of the things that took place we saw 10:15 the power of the Holy Spirit in a very very marked way. 10:17 We've mentioned it before. We see that God is taking 10:20 the reins in His own hands right now. 10:23 He's doing mighty, marvelous things for His people 10:26 who hold up the truth. We saw it every day we were there. 10:30 Day in, day out... hour after hour 10:33 the Spirit of God was working impressing hearts and minds 10:36 and lives. He was actually speaking to those who have never 10:40 ever observed the Sabbath telling them to go to 10:42 such and such a church: here they would hear the message 10:45 that they had questions on. Um-hmm. 10:47 You know, talk about that be- cause there was a guy that came 10:49 to your church on two successive nights 10:51 and he had questions. And the Lord... tell us what the Lord 10:54 did. Four... he had four, didn't he, honey? Yes. 10:56 Four nights. Go ahead. And the first one 10:59 was his first Sabbath. We call him Mark. 11:02 It's spelled a little different but we call him Mark. 11:04 And Mark... he had just been reading the Bible. 11:07 And he said the Holy Spirit just told him "It's time 11:10 for you to keep the Sabbath. " 11:12 And he said: "Well Lord, how am I supposed to do that? " 11:15 And God told him to go to the Hampstead SDA church. 11:20 And that very Sabbath he was speaking on how to keep 11:24 the Sabbath. And this happened time and time again. 11:28 Another time it was on the judgment. 11:31 And that was a question that he had. He walked in and 11:33 he asked the greeter. He said: "What is he going to speak on 11:36 tonight? " And he said: "I think it's on judgment. " 11:38 And he just raised his hand: "Hallelujah! " 11:40 That man: he followed it all the way to baptism. 11:43 And when he came up both hands went in the air. 11:46 It was such a blessing! Amen! 11:48 There is no greater miracle than to see the Holy Spirit 11:52 come in and change the hearts of these people. 11:56 Pastor, I wish everyone could have gone with us. 11:59 I really do... because it would be such a blessing 12:01 you will never get over and you won't want to get over it. 12:04 So no one better say "We need to go back" 12:06 because my hand will be going up. 12:07 You know, to some degree this is a test because in London - 12:10 we've mentioned this but if you didn't watch 3ABN you may have 12:13 missed it - there are 80,000 registered witches in London. 12:17 About 40,000 registered pastors... 30... 30,000. 12:20 Thirty thousand pastors, 80,000 registered witches. 12:23 Not counting that, but Christianity is shrinking 12:26 and every other religion: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam. 12:29 One of them... one of them showed up at your church, 12:32 didn't she? Um-hmm. Wow! Tell us about it. All right. 12:34 Well I'll hold onto that. I'm going to hold that a little 12:36 later, but yeah, this is amazing. 12:38 But I want to give you the time. Anything else you want to talk 12:40 about? We serve One greater than those 80,000 or 10 million 12:43 or whatever it is. There's one God who sits on the throne. 12:46 He's the ruler; He sets them up, He takes them down. 12:49 He's going to have His will. Can you add to that? 12:51 Our youngest baptismal candidate was 11 years old 12:55 and her name is Gabriella. Gabriella's parents 12:59 had turned on 3ABN as that child was very young. 13:03 She grew up with 3ABN. 13:05 That's how she learned to love the Lord. 13:08 And when she heard that 3ABN was going to be in London 13:11 doing evangelistic meetings she asked her parents. 13:14 Her parents weren't even planning on coming. 13:16 She asked her parents to bring her to the Hampstead church. 13:19 And she was so excited. On one of the nights - 13:22 we always gave cards out at the end - and one of the nights 13:24 she wrote me a little note. She said: 13:26 "Would you please pray that God will help me not to be afraid 13:30 to get up in front of people. " 13:32 So we did. Two nights later she came up 13:35 to the front and gave her heart to Jesus 13:38 and said: "I want to be baptized. " 13:40 In fact, she wanted Pastor Kenny to baptize her 13:43 but he went ahead and let the other pastor... which is... 13:45 is what we normally do when we're doing evangelism. 13:48 But she insisted that we come up around the tank. 13:51 So we were right there in touching distance with her. 13:54 We were representing 3ABN right there. That was our goal. 13:56 Such a blessing! But it's so important 13:59 that we keep that signal on. That's right. 14:01 That we get it on for our children, our grandchildren. 14:04 What a testimony of 3ABN! 14:05 Wow! I think you're on fire for the Lord. 14:07 Oh, you'd better believe it. Praise the Lord. Amen church? 14:10 All right! Shelley, come and join us. 14:12 Shelley is a lady of the Word, a student of the Bible. 14:17 She doesn't consider herself a preacher, but she was preaching 14:20 in England, I know that for sure. 14:21 Tell us about the church. You were at the Stoke-Newington. 14:24 Yes. First of all, let me tell you something: 14:26 after 19 days in London 14:29 oh is it good to come to the country again. 14:33 You know, when you're a country girl 14:35 that's... that's New York on steroids in London. 14:38 But the people of London are lovely. 14:41 They're lost but they're lovely. 14:43 They were so friendly. The people outside of the church 14:45 even is who I'm talking of. 14:47 And one thing I loved is that everywhere I went 14:49 there were 6' tall women everywhere! 14:52 I mean I felt short in some places! 14:56 But at Stoke Newington the church is so lovely, 14:59 and I just want to give a shout out to all of my brothers 15:02 and sisters there. They made J.D. and I honorary members. 15:05 But I have to tell you: this is my new love. 15:08 Evangelism is my new love 'cause I'm a connect-the-dots 15:11 kind of teacher, and it's so much fun to 15:14 lay a foundation one night and build on it and build on it. 15:17 But as you watch the Holy Spirit move 15:21 people... you know, you may not realize this 15:24 but when you're hearing the message and the Spirit is moving 15:27 on you it's almost like your face lights up. 15:31 So as a teacher or a preacher - whoever is standing at the 15:35 front - you look out and you see people getting it. 15:38 And it was so exciting. 15:40 We had one young man who - similar to what you all were 15:44 talking about - who came in. 15:46 And he came the first night, found out that he had gone 15:50 online. The Lord had... He had just read through the Bible 15:54 and he had questions. And the Lord directed him to 15:57 look for a SDA church. And he found out 16:00 Stoke Newington was doing this evangelistic series. 16:04 So he came, and similar to the story that Kenny and Chris 16:09 just shared he would have questions. 16:12 He'd come up to me and he'd say: "You know, I really don't 16:15 think baptism by immersion is that necessary. " 16:18 I said: "Well be here tomorrow night and we'll see 16:20 what you think. " And so he was the first one to raise his hand 16:23 to be baptized. But it was so exciting 16:27 so see even the church come alive. 16:32 A revival also. This was as much a revival 16:35 session as it was for evangelism. 16:39 But many people - not just at my church 16:42 but at so many different churches - said afterwards: 16:46 "Now we understand why we believe what we believe. " OK. 16:51 You know, this tells me one thing: 16:54 we MUST be students of the Bible. Yes! That's right! 16:58 There will come a time when we may not have our Bibles 17:01 available to us. It needs to be hidden in our heart 17:04 because, you know, James says that this word that's hidden in 17:08 your heart has the power to save your soul. 17:11 So don't ever accept anything just because 17:14 somebody in a pulpit tells you. 17:17 Study your Bible. Let that Word that's alive and active 17:20 be in your system. Wow, thank you Shelley. 17:22 You have two more evangelistic series lined up. I do! 17:25 I was just going to say that. Can you tell she's ready? 17:27 I'm ready... Wow! Thank you, Shelley. Thank you so much. 17:31 Pastor John Dinzey. He had a very interesting story 17:34 I wanted to tell you about. Kind of like Haman in reverse? 17:37 But you were at the Walthamstow. That's a mouthful! 17:42 And Johnny Dinzey's pastor was an Indian gentleman. 17:46 And at the church where he was they though John Dinzey 17:50 was Indian. 17:54 And they even gave him an Indian outfit. 17:56 He told worship a few days ago at 3ABN, I said: "All you need 17:58 is little round glasses 18:00 and people will think you're Gandhi. " 18:03 But tell us about your experience at Walthamstow. 18:06 It was a tremendous blessing. I was with Pr. Mohan Abbadasari. 18:10 Your wife was also there? Idalia was with me 18:12 and she was taking the iSite and also doing the appeal songs. 18:16 And what a blessing it was to be there. I mean, you know, 18:20 you're praying and praying for the Lord to use you. 18:22 And I can tell you, if you say feelings, I felt 18:26 the Holy Spirit speaking through me, 18:30 and I praise the Lord. Because, you know, you're looking at 18:33 people and you see them paying attention 18:35 but also you see people taking notes. 18:38 And later you find out they're already Seventh-day Adventists 18:41 but they were taking notes. So God was doing something 18:45 even in the lives of the members. I'm echoing what 18:48 the others have said... doing something in the lives 18:51 of the members to bring them back alive. 18:54 I mean, not that they were dead 18:55 but to bring that fire back into them to bring the gospel... 18:59 Revival! Thank you for that. Thank you... I appreciate it. 19:02 And there were some - a couple of them - that said to me: 19:06 "Oh, I'm going to be preaching this! " And he was taking notes 19:08 because he said: "I'm called to be a lay preacher" 19:11 he said. And so I praise the Lord for what He has done. 19:14 Tell us about this gentleman now. There was a gentleman 19:17 there that interestingly enough about six years ago - 19:21 a carpenter - he was hired to build a baptismal pool 19:24 at the Clapton Seventh-day Adventist church. 19:27 We were in the Walthamstow Seventh-day Adventist church. 19:30 The Clapton church was receiving the streaming. 19:33 But he was there every single night. 19:36 Every appeal he came forward. 19:38 And when the appeal for baptism came up, he came up 19:41 and we started hearing his story. I'm going to have to cut 19:44 it down because I know I have very limited time. 19:46 BUT when they asked he said: "I want to be baptized. " 19:51 And he said: "But I do have a request. " 19:54 "And what is it? " "I want to be baptized at the 19:57 Clapton SDA church because I built the baptismal 20:00 pool there. " And so he was baptized in the same pool 20:03 and it's remarkable what God has done. 20:05 And while he was there six years ago somebody said: 20:07 "Hey, you need to be baptized. You're not baptized? " 20:10 "No I'm not. " "You need to be baptized. " 20:12 "Well I'm not ready yet. " But January came 20:15 and he knew. He told us the Lord was calling him. 20:18 The Lord was calling him. And so every time 20:20 an appeal was made he was up there. 20:23 And this is a man that has been changed. 20:26 If we have about 45 seconds I'll try to squeeze... 45 seconds. 20:30 Before the baptism he said: "I have to make this right. " 20:34 So he called his wife that was in the process of being his 20:38 ex-wife - wow - and couldn't get through because 20:43 she blocked his number. So he said: "I have to make this... " 20:46 He went to Facebook and sent her a message: 20:48 "Please call me, it's urgent! " 20:50 So she's thinking: "Oh, he wants to know how soon this 20:54 this divorce paper is coming through. " As soon as she got 20:56 the phone she said: "You know, the paperwork is coming soon. 21:00 I was just at the attorney's. " 21:01 "No, no, please listen: I want to ask for your forgiveness. " 21:04 "Please forgive me for all that I've done. " 21:06 "I'm about to be baptized. " "You're about to be baptized? " 21:09 "Yes, I'm about to be baptized 21:11 and I do have a question for you: would you be willing 21:14 to try again with Jesus as part of our lives? " 21:17 Amen! And she broke in tears, you know, and she said: 21:20 "I do! I do want to! " 21:22 And so what a blessing that he could start his life again 21:25 and restore his marriage. Wow! Praise be to God. 21:28 Praise the Lord for that. His story was Haman in reverse. 21:31 Haman built a gallows that he was hung on, but this man 21:34 built a baptistery. Pastor C.A. come and join us. 21:37 Pastor C.A. and his wife Irma were at the - tell us: 21:41 Tottenham West Green. Have to say it like they say it 21:43 over there: Tottenham West Green. 21:46 Tell us about your good time over there. 21:48 Beautiful church! Our pastor was Jude Jeanville and his wife Ann. 21:52 And Irma did my videography and did a very fine job 21:55 as sort of "Bible worker in the pews. " 21:58 But we had a wonderful time. The church was full every night. 22:02 The spirit was very very high and I must echo what others 22:05 have said. God blessed with His presence every night. 22:08 This was evangelism without and evangelism within 22:12 because many fires that had grown cold were re-ignited 22:15 in those churches. And that fire we believe will burn on and on 22:18 and on and on. At our church two quick stories. 22:22 There was a young lady 15 years old. Tall beautiful young woman 22:25 preparing to go to college. She took her college entrance exams 22:29 and failed in one little area. 22:32 And she had given her heart to the Lord. 22:34 She had committed a little infraction some time ago, 22:37 and she said "When I stood up to give my heart to the Lord 22:39 I just felt the Spirit of God take that weight off my 22:41 shoulders. I am so happy in Jesus. " 22:43 She was almost dancing. But then the college board people 22:47 told her "You've got one little area that's going to keep you 22:50 out of college. The only way you can make that up is 22:52 if you take classes on Sabbath. 22:54 And if you want to go to college you're going to have to take 22:56 classes on Sabbath. " And so she was in tears 22:59 and she was upset because she had just given her heart 23:01 to the Lord. And they said: "The first class starts this 23:04 Sabbath. " So we prayed with her. 23:06 We told her that "God is going to do this for you; 23:08 God is going to take care of it. " 23:09 And so that Sabbath morning she was there; she was in the 23:12 baptismal pool. She gave her heart to the Lord 23:14 and she is a baptized SDA to this day. 23:16 God blessed us. We baptized 9 and we left about 15 23:21 in the baptismal class for baptism in just a little bit. 23:24 The second and final story: a young man by the name of 23:27 Prosper. Ten-year-old little fellow. Very proper, very neat. 23:32 Suit...very, very articulate young man. 23:34 And he said: "Pastor, I have come a long way 23:38 and this night you have confirmed 23:40 I am going to be an evangelist. " Amen! 23:42 I said: "Oh, you're going to be a pastor? " "No! 23:44 I'm going to be an evangelist. " OK! "I've heard your sermons 23:47 and God has called me to preach. " 23:50 And a young man, he was bap- tized. Powerful! He's going to 23:53 be a powerful powerful witness for the Lord. 23:55 He knows his Jesus; he knows where he's going; 23:57 he knows what he wants to do. He's given his heart 24:00 to the Lord, and I think God is going to do great things 24:01 through a young man by the name of Prosper. 24:04 Prosper. With a name like Prosper you've gotta prosper! 24:06 You can't go wrong with that. Thank you, Pastor C.A. 24:09 And you know what? This is just the beginning. 24:11 This is not the end of evangel- ism; we're just getting started. 24:13 And I also want to mention there were four other speakers. 24:16 Pastor Kevin Hart, Pastor C.A.'s son-in-law, 24:20 Am I correct? Um-hmm. Son-in-law. 24:22 Also we had Cory Jackson who was at the London Ghana church. 24:26 At the Brixton church Gamal Alexander 24:28 and Philip Wesley also at another one of the SDA churches. 24:30 But almost 100 baptisms after just two weeks. 24:34 Can you say amen to that? Amen! 24:36 And then hundreds more preparing for baptism. 24:38 We take our hats off to those who are laboring there 24:41 in London. But a few stories before I turn the time back over 24:44 to Danny. I was at the Croydon church, 24:46 and the Adventist Review did a story on things that were 24:50 happening here featuring many of us. And they started with 24:53 the phrase or the headline: Occultist hated 3ABN's 24:58 John Lomacang, then she visited his evangelistic meeting. 25:03 We met a lady one evening. I made a call; she came forward 25:06 and she identified herself. I want to be a little vague. 25:09 It's more specific in the story. 25:10 And she said: "The Lord impressed me a few days ago 25:13 to come to Croydon. I told my daughter 25:16 that the Lord is calling me to go to Croydon. " 25:18 And she said: "I did not know why, but when you made the call 25:21 when I came in tonight... " she said... "now I know why. " 25:23 "A few years ago when I was living in South Africa 25:26 whenever you would come on I would turn the TV off. 25:29 I would say to my daughter 'I hate that man; 25:31 please turn that off. ' " She said: "The Lord 25:34 told me to come to Croydon and when you made the call tonight 25:37 I understood why. " She said: "I now know it was not 25:41 you that I hated but it was the message that you preached 25:43 that I hated. " And she gave her life to the Lord that night. 25:46 Amen somebody? Amen! And the next night she brought 25:48 her husband. They both surren- dered their lives to the Lord. 25:51 They're in the hands of the pastor there at the Croydon 25:54 church preparing for baptism when that time comes 25:57 as the Lord prepares their hearts. But one very interesting 26:00 story. There was a young lady that was baptized on our first 26:02 baptism. We didn't know this, but 26:06 they told her story. When I preached on the Sabbath 26:09 I mentioned during the sermon about somebody who also 26:12 gave their lives to the Lord about the Sabbath message. 26:14 And I mentioned that when this young lady was baptized 26:17 she went home. Her mother didn't know 26:18 and her mother said: "How could you get baptized without me 26:21 knowing first? " And she said: "Well mom, 26:23 my relationship with God has nothing to do with you. " 26:26 And I think that encouraged this young lady because we 26:29 found out when she was baptized her father is 26:31 a Sunday pastor. And he pastors a Sunday church. 26:36 She... her father nor mother knew that she was baptized 26:39 that Sabbath. After the baptism she was supposed to disclose 26:43 to them that she gave her heart and her life to the Lord. 26:45 Amen somebody? Amen! And lastly, Danny, I'm going to 26:48 give the time back to you. Come on up here and join me. 26:51 One young man whose life was changed in a tremendous way. 26:55 When I say young, he was beyond, I think, in his early 80's. 26:58 The pastor was visiting one of the church members 27:01 and he was in the bed next to this elder... 27:03 who eventually passed away. 27:05 But he heard the pastor and the church members praying 27:08 with this man, and he said to the pastor: 27:10 "Whatever he has... that's what I want! " Amen! 27:14 Long story short: he couldn't make any of the meetings. 27:16 But the church had worked with him in the absence of the 27:19 meetings and he was baptized that first Sabbath. 27:21 Can you say amen? Amen! So Danny, I don't know what God 27:24 is going to impress you with next or where we're going to go 27:26 next but I'm humbled by the fact that I'm even a part of this. 27:31 The Lord used broken vessels that He can allow the light 27:34 of His glory to be shining through. Praise the Lord 27:36 for that! Well, the Lord impressed us to go to London 27:39 and people said: "Why are you going to London? 27:41 It's so hard, and it's such a country... so diverse. " 27:45 And so many... as John already said... 80,000... 27:49 In one city, 80,000 registered witches. 27:52 Now how many that is not registered? I'm sure there's 27:54 a lot more. But I said: "Well we could go to India 27:57 or to Africa. We could go, but maybe the Lord wants us 28:00 to go to these cities where the churches aren't growing. " 28:04 So when we met Elder de Lisser 28:06 and John, quickly just tell the story: we were the three of us 28:09 there, and Elder de Lisser is still having health problems. 28:12 And tell us what he said when we talked about coming to London. 28:17 He said: "I don't know why they voted me in to be 28:20 president. " Because he was newly appointed, just fresh 28:24 in office. And he said: "I think the Lord put me here 28:27 just for this because evangelism is my heartbeat. " 28:31 And he with his staff said: "We're going to accept this 28:35 initiative. " And they all got on board with him. 28:37 And unfortunately, he couldn't be at the series. 28:39 But he was the one God chose to open the door for 3ABN to come 28:43 to the South England Conference. 28:44 Absolutely. So we actually have baptized close to 100 28:48 but there are several hundred that are studying for baptism. 28:51 Because you know we don't do it all in two weeks' time. 28:53 And so hopefully we'll go back towards the end of the year 28:56 and we'll see the rest of the story. 28:58 But what we have seen there is tremendous 29:00 revival and reformation among church members 29:03 who are now saying: "You know, evangelism really does work 29:06 and so we want to join with you. " 29:08 So thank all of you who supported us 29:10 financially and prayerfully for this. 29:13 And Julia's there. We were say- ing: "Boy, wouldn't it be great? 29:16 This coming year is 25 years since Russia, 29:20 John Carter, 1992. " Who knows? I haven't talked to Pastor John. 29:24 I know he's been in Cuba so we'll talk to him. 29:26 Maybe we'll go back and do a 25-year celebration. 29:29 Go back and do a huge campaign there. 29:32 There's other areas we've been talking about 29:34 even here in America. 29:36 We have one conference who's asking us to help them do 29:38 evangelism in a very slow- growing as far as church is 29:42 concerned membership. And so we believe that that's 29:45 what God wants us to do. Not only through the airwaves 29:48 but reach the people touching people everywhere. 29:51 And so thank you for your love and your prayers 29:53 and financial support. And one last thing: 29:55 if you didn't get the website for those of you that are 29:57 watching and listening it is 30:01 where you can see all the programs from all the churches. 30:04 You can choose your speaker and also you can download 30:06 all of the lesson outlines... All of the topics covered 30:10 are also available in outline so that you can also carry 30:14 this evangelistic series in your home. 30:16 All right; thank you. I'm going to call my sister Tammy out 30:19 right now, and Tammy's going to do a little bit of music 30:23 for us. And some of you may know or may not know... 30:27 In fact, three months ago today - 90 days ago - 30:30 I had vocal cord surgery. 30:32 I literally got where I couldn't talk at all. 30:35 My voice would break and I mean, I couldn't sing, 30:38 couldn't speak. So I went to Vanderbilt University 30:42 and Dr. Ossoff spent three hours inside. 30:44 And I guess it's just abuse 'cause for so many years 30:47 I've talked and speak hours and hours. 30:49 I get excited and I get loud and don't always talk right. 30:52 And so, you know, some people have cirrhosis of the liver 30:55 because they drink too much. I have nodules on my vocal cords 30:58 'cause I talk too much I guess. 31:00 And so what I was going to say right before I introduce Tammy 31:05 so my uncle... Stand up back here Uncle Clinton. 31:10 He's got the cowboy hat on back there. 31:12 'Cause I want everybody to be able to look at you. 31:14 So get a shot at Uncle Clinton. 31:16 So he came by like a good uncle. My Aunt Ruby's there beside him. 31:20 Like a good uncle came by. I got home from Nashville 31:23 and was home for a few weeks and they said "You can only do 31:26 10 minutes in the morning and 10 in the afternoon. " 31:29 And so he came by and he said: "Well I don't want to take 31:32 too much of your time. How's it going? " 31:34 I said: "Well, they put me on three months - 31:37 probably more - but for three months 31:41 they want me to speak very little. " 31:43 And I said: "But people are praying for me 'cause 31:45 three months makes Camp Meeting and I really want to be able to 31:47 speak or sing. " And he said: "Oh, yeah, " 31:50 he said: "I've been praying for you, too, 31:52 but I was praying that maybe it'd be four or five months. 31:55 I've enjoyed the rest. " 31:56 So just so people will know that's my uncle that said that 32:00 to me. Don't you love family? 32:02 But I know he loves me. We kind of get each other 32:04 but I said: "That took me by surprise. " 32:06 All of that said, I came out right before the service started 32:11 a little bit, and I heard my own sister and Tim Parton 32:15 doing a song and nobody invited me to sing. 32:18 And I said: "Well, I could sing a little bit. " 32:21 You know, I don't know the song too well, but... 32:23 So they... The uncle paid us to have me not sing? 32:26 So just for that I'm going to sing with them. I think 32:29 we're going to try this song. 32:37 When I first fell in love with Jesus, 32:41 I gave Him all my heart. 32:45 And I thought I couldn't love Him more 32:49 than I did right at the start. 32:52 But now I look back over the mountains 32:56 and the valleys where we've been 33:00 and it makes me know that I love Him so 33:04 much more than I did then. 33:07 And I keep falling in love with Him 33:10 over and over and over and over again. 33:15 I keep falling in love with Him 33:18 over and over and over and over again. 33:23 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by; 33:28 oh what a love between my Lord and I 33:31 just keep falling in love with Him 33:34 over and over and over and over again. 33:45 There's a hand that I hold onto 33:49 through each valley and each trial. 33:52 There's a shoulder that I lean upon 33:56 as I face another mile. 34:00 There's a love that I can depend on... 34:04 it's fresh and new each day. 34:08 And with love my heart is overflowing 34:12 that is why I say: 34:15 I keep falling in love with Him 34:18 over and over and over and over again. 34:23 I keep falling in love with Him 34:25 over and over and over and over again. 34:30 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by; 34:35 oh what a love between my Lord and I 34:38 just keep falling in love with Him 34:41 over and over and over and over again. 34:46 I keep falling in love with Him 34:49 over and over and over and over again. 34:53 I keep falling in love with Him 34:56 over and over and over and over again. 35:01 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by; 35:06 oh what a love between my Lord and I 35:09 just keep falling in love with Him 35:11 over and over and over and over again... 35:16 over and over again... 35:21 over and over again. 35:27 All right! I'm out of breath... what about you? 35:30 You're out of breath? Oh yeah, me too... absolutely! 35:32 Now after listening to myself I understand why they didn't 35:35 ask me. But it was fun anyway. 35:38 We're so thrilled to have Tim Parton as part of 3ABN 35:42 on a full-time basis starting a brand new music channel, 35:46 television channel. And what's it called, Tim? 35:48 Praise Him Music Channel. Praise Him Music Channel. 35:51 And so we're going to have another channel that's going to 35:54 be 24/7 music. How do you like that? Gospel music. 35:57 So all of your apps and those with the mySDA boxes 36:01 and those on computers, whatever, however you get 3ABN. 36:04 So he's putting together, doing an incredible job. 36:07 And I've known Tim for many, many years 36:09 and we've done a lot of music together. 36:12 And he's a great studio musician as well as a great person. 36:16 And I honestly say this: "Tim is... " and I don't say 36:21 this to uplift him... "one of the greatest musicians 36:24 I've ever had the privilege of being around. " 36:26 Other musicians literally marvel 36:31 at what he can do with the piano. 36:33 And God has also gifted him with a great voice. 36:36 And most of all he ministers under the anointing of the 36:39 Holy Spirit... so I know you're going to be blessed 36:41 tonight by Bro. Tim Parton. 36:43 Another thing that God has blessed me with was 36:46 the privilege to join the team in London. 36:49 And it was my delight each night to share 36:53 in the ministering. Music is such a vital part 36:57 of ministry I believe in church. 36:59 And tonight it's great to see such a wonderful crowd 37:03 that has taken time out of your busy schedule 37:07 to be a part of this Camp Meeting. 37:10 So I believe that since you've decided 37:13 to be here I think it would be only appropriate 37:16 that we make a declaration 37:19 that we have decided to follow Jesus. 37:22 We are here to learn more about Him 37:25 so that we can love Him more and we can love people more. 37:28 But tonight I just wish that you would sing with me 37:31 as we make again that decision to follow Christ 37:36 wholeheartedly. Sing this: I Have Decided. 37:39 I have decided 37:43 to follow Jesus; 37:48 I have decided 37:52 to follow Jesus; 37:56 I have decided 38:00 to follow Jesus... 38:04 no turning back, 38:09 no turning back. 38:12 And the Bible says we are "in the world 38:15 but not of the world. " And we have the choice to make 38:20 to follow Him, and He hides us behind His cross 38:25 if we make that decision. 38:27 The world behind me... 38:31 the cross before me; 38:35 the world behind me... 38:39 the cross before me; 38:43 the world behind me... 38:47 the cross before me... 38:51 there's no turning back, 38:56 no turning back. 39:00 And as we saw over in London 39:03 there are times that it's a lonely decision when our 39:07 family members aren't in agreement necessarily with us, 39:11 our friends may not encourage it, 39:16 following Christ may not be the popular thing to do. 39:20 But we must decide that though none go with us 39:25 still we will follow. 39:27 Though none go with me 39:32 still I will follow; 39:36 though none go with me 39:40 still I will follow; 39:45 though none go with me 39:49 still I will follow... 39:54 no turning back, 39:58 no turning back. 40:02 So wholeheartedly let us declare we will follow Christ! 40:07 We have decided 40:11 to follow Jesus; 40:15 we have decided 40:19 to follow Jesus; 40:23 I have decided 40:27 to follow Jesus... 40:31 no turning back, 40:35 no turning back... 40:38 there's no turning back, 40:43 no turning back. 40:52 Amen? Amen! 41:19 Maker of this heart of mine, 41:24 You know me very well. 41:29 You understand my deepest thought, 41:33 more than I know myself. 41:38 So when I face the darkness, 41:43 when I need to find my way 41:48 I'll trust in You 41:51 Shepherd of my heart. 41:58 Keeper of this heart of mine, 42:02 Your patience has no end. 42:07 You've loved me back into Your arms 42:12 time and time again. 42:16 So if I start to wander 42:21 like a lamb that's gone astray, 42:26 I'll trust in You 42:29 Shepherd of my heart. 42:35 You're the beacon of my night, 42:40 You're the sunlight of my day. 42:45 I can rest within Your arms, 42:50 I can know Your loving ways. 42:58 So let the cold winds blow... 43:01 let the storms rage all around 43:07 I'll trust in You 43:10 Shepherd of my heart. 43:21 Giver of this life of me, 43:26 You're what I'm living for. 43:31 For all my deepest gratitude 43:36 You love me even more. 43:41 So as I walk through the valleys 43:45 listening for the Master's call 43:50 I'll trust in You 43:53 Shepherd of my heart. 44:00 You're the beacon of my night, 44:04 You're the sunlight of my day. 44:09 I can rest within Your arms, 44:14 I can know Your loving ways. 44:21 So as I walk through the valleys 44:26 listening for my Master's call 44:31 I'll trust in You 44:34 Shepherd of my heart... 44:40 I'll trust in You 44:44 Shepherd of my 44:50 heart. 44:59 Amen! Amen. Thank you, John... that's beautiful. 45:05 Well, it's my privilege to introduce for those who may not 45:08 know Sr. Vonda Beerman. 45:10 How many know Vonda and have seen her sing around the country 45:13 and around the world? And it's been quite a while 45:16 since you've been to 3ABN. 45:17 But Brian says you were ministering there 45:20 and she agreed to come here and minister to us. 45:24 You and your husband, you became Adventist Christians 45:27 how long ago? It's been a while, right? 45:30 Wow... you make me count... I don't know. 45:32 You were brand new, and I think 3ABN had something to do with it 45:36 didn't it? Yeah. We came here in 1996 I believe - 45:41 OK - to start singing... but before that 45:44 I was... You didn't tell me you were going to interview me. 45:47 Well that's all right. We've just got a minute, so... 45:51 It's a long story, but I was 45:54 pregnant with my oldest child and quit work 8 months pregnant. 45:59 And I was used to loud... I was used to just 46:02 the TV being on all the time. I was raised, you know, 46:05 where my stepfather always had the TV going 46:08 and noise. OK. 46:11 And I started watching soap operas. 46:15 Never watched them before 'cause I just, you know I wanted 46:18 noise in the house. And then it started when I'd wake up 46:22 in the morning - um-hmm - I had this thought: "What are 46:26 Susie and Joe going to do today? " 46:28 And then all of a sudden the Holy Spirit spoke to me 46:30 'cause I was growing, a growing Christian. 46:33 Somebody had mailed us a book and we were reading it. 46:36 We were listening to Christian radio 46:38 but I was still watching that TV. 46:41 And the Holy Spirit was speaking to me 46:43 and said: "Do you want to live the rest of your life 46:46 worrying about somebody else's make-believe life? " 46:51 Oh wow! And I said: "Wow, Lord, 46:53 I want to quit watching this junk, but You need to just 46:57 give me something, give me some- thing, Lord, to replace it. " 47:01 And just that next day - I think it was the next day - 47:04 we went over to eat at my in-law's 47:07 and my father-in law said: "Did you know 47:09 that the Adventist church has started a new TV station? " 47:13 And he introduced me to 3ABN. 47:15 You guys were brand new. OK, yeah! And so I was eating that, 47:20 I was eating the Word and became transformed. Yes. 47:24 All right... praise the Lord. We're glad you're here. 47:26 What are you going to sing for us tonight? 47:28 His Eye Is On The Sparrow. Oh, I love it! 47:30 Thank you, Vonda. 47:51 Why should I feel 47:54 discouraged? 47:59 And why 48:01 should the shadows come? 48:07 And why should my heart 48:11 be lonely 48:16 and long for heaven and home? 48:24 When Jesus is 48:28 my portion... 48:33 a constant Friend 48:37 is He. 48:41 His eye is on 48:45 the sparrow 48:49 and I know 48:52 He watches me... 48:58 His eye is on 49:02 the sparrow 49:06 and I know 49:09 He watches me. 49:15 Oh, I sing because 49:19 I'm happy 49:23 and I sing 49:25 because I'm free. 49:32 His eye is on 49:36 the sparrow 49:40 and I know 49:43 He watches me. 49:48 Oh, I sing 49:51 because I'm happy 49:57 and I sing 49:59 because I'm free! 50:05 His eye is on 50:10 the sparrow 50:14 and I know 50:16 He watches... 50:21 and I know 50:24 He watches... 50:28 and I know 50:32 He watches 50:40 me. 51:13 Some seek the Lord 51:17 but they don't seek Him right. 51:21 They play all day 51:24 and they sleep all night. 51:29 But I thank God it's almost over! 51:35 Almost over... 51:39 almost over... 51:46 my Lord. 51:50 And I thank God 51:53 it's almost over. 52:08 Sister, if 52:12 your heart is warm 52:16 snow and ice 52:19 will do you no harm. 52:23 And I thank God it's almost 52:27 over... 52:30 almost over... 52:35 almost over... 52:42 my Lord. 52:46 And I thank God 52:49 it's almost over. 53:03 Oh brother, better mind 53:06 how you step on the cross. 53:10 Foot might slip 53:12 and your soul get lost. 53:17 But I thank God 53:20 it's almost over... 53:24 almost over... 53:28 almost over... 53:35 my Lord. 53:39 And I thank God it's almost 53:43 over! 53:54 And when we get to heaven 53:58 we'll be able for to tell 54:02 how we shunned 54:04 the gates of hell. 54:11 And I thank God 54:14 it's almost over... 54:19 almost over... 54:24 almost 54:26 over! 54:36 And I thank God 54:41 it's almost 54:44 o- 54:50 ver! 55:06 Amen! Thank you, C.A. Beautiful song! 55:09 Well, we're coming to the close of the first hour. 55:12 We're going to have a panel here in just a few moments 55:15 then after that we're going to have Ivor Myers. 55:17 You all are going to be blessed tremendously, so we've got a 55:20 full evening but we've got a minute or two. 55:22 What have you got there? 55:31 Surely the presence 55:36 of the Lord is in this place. 55:41 I can feel His mighty power 55:46 and His grace! 55:52 I can hear the brush of angel's wings; 55:58 I see glory on each face. 56:04 Surely the presence 56:09 of the Lord is in this place! 56:14 Sing it with me. 56:18 Surely the presence 56:23 of the Lord is in this place. 56:28 I can feel His mighty power 56:32 and His grace. 56:37 I can hear the brush of angel's wings; 56:43 I see glory on each face. 56:49 Surely the presence 56:53 of the Lord 56:56 is in this place. 56:59 Lord, we thank you for your blessings. 57:01 We thank you for Your love. 57:02 We thank you for Your plan of salvation 57:04 and thank you that we feel Your presence here tonight. 57:08 It's our desire, Lord, to follow You 57:11 and when You come back in the clouds of glory 57:13 that we can look up and say: "Lo, this is our God 57:16 whom we've waited for! 57:17 You have come to save us! " 57:20 Thank you, Father, for hearing, for answering our prayers 57:23 and blessing and anointing this Camp Meeting. 57:25 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen! |
Revised 2017-01-23