Participants: Chad Kreuzer
Series Code: 16GYC
Program Code: 16GYC000018A
00:40 Before the throne of God above
00:44 I have a strong and perfect plea 00:48 A great High Priest whose name is love 00:53 Who ever lives and pleads for me 00:57 My name is graven on His hands 01:02 My name is written on His heart 01:06 I know that while in heav'n He stands 01:10 No tongue can bid me thence depart 01:15 No tongue can bid me thence depart 01:21 When Satan tempts me to despair 01:25 And tells me of the guilt within 01:30 Upward I look and see Him there 01:34 Who made an end to all my sin 01:38 Because the sinless Savior died 01:42 My sinful soul is counted free 01:46 For God the just is satisfied 01:50 To look on Him and pardon me 01:55 To look on Him and pardon me 02:01 Behold Him there, the risen Lamb 02:05 My perfect, spotless Righteousness 02:09 The great unchangeable I AM 02:13 The King of glory and of grace 02:18 One with Himself, I cannot die 02:22 My soul is purchased by His blood 02:26 My life is hid with Christ on high 02:30 With Christ, my Savior and my God 02:35 With Christ, my Savior and my God 02:45 Good morning, GYC. 02:47 When I was 16 years old there was a young couple 02:51 that came to our church to hold an evangelistic series. 02:54 And you may all be seated by the way. 02:56 And over the next 11 weeks that we spent together 02:59 their cheerfulness in the face of opposition, 03:01 their love for each individual, 03:03 their sacrifice and the clarity with which I saw Christ's life 03:07 and love lived out through them 03:08 had a really large impact on my life then, 03:12 and continues to have an impact on my life in ministry today. 03:15 Chad Kreuzer was raised as a Calvinist 03:18 and while attending college was invited by a friend 03:21 to a Bible prophecy seminar. 03:23 This was a life changing experience for him. 03:26 Prior to this he had never seen the Bible opened to him 03:30 in such a dynamic way. 03:32 Shortly after the meetings 03:33 he began his journey in the ministry 03:35 and has been blessed to share the everlasting gospel 03:38 with so many for the last 15 years. 03:41 Today, Chad and his wife Fadia 03:44 have a ministry called Anchorpoint Films 03:46 which produces documentary films 03:48 to reach the secular mind. 03:51 They travel fulltime all over the world 03:53 speaking on subjects about 03:55 prophecy, health, the gut, brain connection, 03:58 and overcoming habits and addictions 04:00 as well as things like scripture memory. 04:03 This morning we have the privilege of hearing him 04:06 deliver our final charge and before he speaks 04:10 let's go to God in prayer 04:11 and ask that Lord will speak through him this morning. 04:18 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You so much 04:20 for Your faithfulness and the love 04:22 that You have for us 04:23 and the love that we have seen bestowed 04:25 in the way that the Holy Spirit has been poured out 04:27 during this conference. 04:29 Lord, I want to ask 04:30 for a double measure of the Holy Spirit 04:32 to be poured out on Chad this morning 04:34 that as he speaks 04:35 that his words will not be his own, 04:37 but that they will be Yours 04:38 and that he will be an empty vessel poured out 04:41 willing to be filled and used by You. 04:43 And I pray that You will prepare our hearts 04:45 to hear this message that You have given him, 04:47 may it stay with us throughout the year, 04:49 and continue to draw us closer and closer to You 04:52 as we desire Your soon return. 04:54 We thank you so much 04:55 we ask all these things in the name of Jesus, amen. 05:17 On another time 05:21 On another time 05:28 And here I mean to stand until 05:35 God gives me more light 05:42 And that is today, today 05:48 Today until He comes 05:55 I have fixed my mind 05:58 On another time 06:04 On another time 06:14 I have set my course on the narrow way 06:21 On the narrow way 06:27 For I know the time is close at hand 06:34 For which I watch and pray 06:40 And that is today, today 06:47 Today until He comes 06:54 I have set my course 06:58 On the narrow way 07:03 On the narrow way 07:09 Even so Lord come quickly 07:16 This is my fervent prayer 07:23 For I've caught a glimpse of glory 07:30 And I'm longing to be there 07:48 When shall the Son of Man appear 07:54 The trumpet sound its blast 07:59 And Christ descend in glorious fire 08:05 With all the saints amassed 08:10 We'll rise with those 08:14 Who sleep no more 08:17 To meet Him in the air 08:25 When shall the Son 08:29 Of Man appear 08:36 The Son of Man appear 08:44 And that is today, today 08:50 Today until He comes 08:57 I have fixed my mind 09:01 On another time 09:08 On another time 09:29 Amen. 09:30 Good morning, GYC. Amen. 09:33 How is everybody doing? Man, that was weak. 09:38 You're all tired that's why isn't it? 09:41 Like, "Man, it's New Year's Day and I just stayed up too late 09:45 and got up too early." 09:46 Well, I'm gonna share with you 09:50 from the Word of God this morning and I'll pray, 09:52 but I wanna share with you something 09:53 before I start, you know, 09:57 a number of years ago 09:58 after giving my life to the Lord. 09:59 You know, when I was younger, I believed in God, 10:02 but I never thought about Him. 10:04 I wouldn't seek Him and when I believed Him... 10:07 I really was not a Christian although I... 10:09 If you would have asked, I would have said I was. 10:12 And, you know, 10:14 if I was on the street and people were chasing me, 10:16 I never thought, "Oh, Lord, help me." 10:19 I remember, you know, getting in a fight 10:22 and getting the tar just beat out of me, 10:24 and I never thought about God, I just didn't look to God, 10:27 and so I took that right into my experience 10:29 when I came into the church. 10:31 So if something happened I would think of myself, 10:35 you know, when I actually initially look to God 10:37 and to years of God to work in me, 10:40 to change that and what ended up happening 10:42 was just one experience by the way of, 10:45 I mean, you have to continually learn to draw closer 10:47 to the Lord and trust in Him and seek Him. 10:49 But I was with my wife now Fadia, 10:53 we travel around full time together, 10:54 and we were traveling through from Florida to New Mexico, 11:00 and we chose to go camping in the state of Mississippi. 11:04 So we're backwoods Mississippi, I mean, backwoods. 11:08 And while we're there we went for this long walk, 11:11 we didn't intend for it to be this long, 11:12 but it was like 11 mile walk 11:14 through backwoods of Mississippi. 11:16 And as we were walking through Mississippi 11:18 we got to this point, I was carrying a walking stick, 11:21 and these dogs were kind of were in the line, 11:24 we could tell we're gonna walk into these dogs 11:26 and they were already barking, they seemed angry. 11:29 And, you know, I'm not real good 11:30 with like angry dogs. 11:32 And I'm not real comfortable and wife is like, 11:35 you know, Fadia says, "Well, let's just keep going." 11:37 And I'm thinking, "I don't want to, 11:39 I don't wanna go." 11:40 But, you know, guess what I'm a man. 11:44 And so what do you do when a woman acts like 11:46 you should do something 11:47 that you shouldn't be afraid of, 11:48 you go and so I went, but I was annoyed, 11:50 I actually didn't want to go. 11:51 So as the dogs starting coming at us, I got a stick. 11:53 And remember when troubles come by nature 11:56 who I was to trust in self, I don't look to God. 12:00 And so I get the stick and I'm yelling at the dog 12:02 and get back and whatever, right? 12:04 Being the man with a stick. 12:06 And what ended up happening was 12:09 we kept going finally the dogs backed away 12:12 and on the way back, 12:15 we had to go back by the dogs, and I'm annoyed. 12:17 I'm like, "Man, we've got to go back 12:18 by those dogs again, I wish we would've done this." 12:20 I'm kind of, you know, annoyed with Fadia. 12:22 And so as we start going back, 12:25 I get this deep impression throw down the stick. 12:30 And I am like, "No, I don't want to." 12:34 Throw down the stick, throw down the stick, 12:37 you need to just trust in me that I can take care of you. 12:41 I didn't wanna throw down the stick 12:43 because I trusted in myself 12:46 that I could take care of myself. 12:50 But as we're getting closer and closer, 12:52 this turmoil within me as you just need to trust in me. 12:55 And finally with this turmoil and I can't even... 12:58 It's not even logical, 13:00 but it was just this conviction in my heart 13:01 throw down the stick. 13:03 I finally decided, "All right, 13:04 if the dogs attacked me, they attack me, 13:06 but I'm throwing down the stick." 13:07 I mean, talk about a lack of faith, 13:09 I mean, I threw it down 13:10 so there's a little faith there, 13:12 but I'm just still thinking 13:13 the dogs are gonna like ravage me or something. 13:15 And my wife sees and she has a stick too, 13:17 you know, so like 13:18 and she looks at me and she's thinking 13:20 it was hers was a really nice walking stick 13:22 she had found. 13:23 And she's like she realized 13:24 there was this battle going on in me 13:26 and so she threw her stick too. 13:28 And later she regretted it she was like, 13:29 "Man, I wish I would have kept that stick, 13:31 it was such a good walking stick, you know." 13:34 But as we got closer to the dogs 13:36 and they're coming and my heart is racing, 13:37 but I'm not gonna trust in myself 13:39 if they tear me up, they tear me up, 13:41 I mean, backwoods Mississippi. 13:44 I don't remember what kind of dog it was, 13:46 but it wasn't a happy dog. 13:49 And so as I'm walking up to it, all of the sudden 13:51 right before we get to it as they're barking at us, 13:54 right before this drunk man comes out of the house 13:57 and he is like, you know, 13:59 and he stop the dogs from attacking us. 14:05 And it was just one of those daily experiences, you know, 14:07 I mean nothing great, nothing grand 14:09 but it's even when the Holy Spirit 14:12 speaks to your heart, 14:13 we need to learn to live by faith. 14:18 Let's begin with the word of prayer. 14:22 Heavenly Father, great God 14:23 who loves us with an eternal love 14:27 we need You. 14:29 I pray that Your Spirit would rain down upon us 14:32 and that You would teach us faith, 14:35 teach us to live by a righteousness 14:37 that comes from faith, 14:39 fill us with Your Spirit, give me clarity, 14:43 and Your Word this morning in the name of Jesus, amen. 14:50 Now hear the conclusion of the whole matter. 14:54 Fear God and keep His commandments, 14:59 for this is the whole duty of man. 15:03 For God shall bring every work into judgment 15:07 with every secret thing 15:08 whether it be good or whether it be evil. 15:11 Now this is interesting in the context of Ecclesiastes. 15:17 Solomon says, listen, here it is, 15:19 here's the end of it all, 15:22 here's the most important thing. 15:25 And then he says in the context of the judgment 15:27 that you are to do two things they were to, what? 15:31 Fear God and keep His commandments. 15:35 He said in the context of the judgment, 15:37 you need to fear God and keep His commandments. 15:40 Now what I find very interesting 15:42 as you look into the Book of Revelation 15:45 in the context of the last day message 15:47 of the judgment and the three angels' messages. 15:51 You know, the first angel's message begins 15:53 and I saw in Revelation 14:6, 15:55 and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven 15:57 having the everlasting, what? 16:00 Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, 16:02 to every nation, kindred, tongue, 16:04 and people saying with a loud voice, what? 16:08 Fear God. 16:10 It's interesting it says the first thing 16:12 that comes out of the angel's mouth. 16:14 Now the message that we are to give 16:15 is the everlasting gospel, 16:17 but the first thing it says saying fear God. 16:21 So the message at the end of time 16:22 in the context of the judgment is fear God, 16:26 and then you go through the three angels' messages, 16:28 you come to the last, 16:30 the third of the angels' messages 16:32 and in verse 12 it says, 16:34 "Here are they that keep the commandments of God, 16:39 and the faith of Jesus." 16:40 They keep the commandments by faith, 16:43 but it's interesting the three angels' messages 16:45 begin with fear God and they conclude 16:48 with keep His commandments. 16:51 The whole duty of man for humanity 16:54 in the times of Solomon was fear God, 16:56 keep His commandments. 16:57 The whole duty of man at the end of time is similar, 17:00 fear God. 17:01 So the three angels' messages 17:03 are book ended with fear God, 17:08 keep His commandments. 17:11 So let's try to break this down a little bit. 17:12 We're gonna try to figure out 17:14 what fearing God and keeping His commandments 17:16 by faith are somewhat about, 17:19 what they're all about that would be going too far, 17:21 but we're gonna try to figure out 17:22 some things to make it practical 17:24 that we by the grace of God can live this message out. 17:26 Now fearing God... 17:29 Remember, it says in Revelation 14, 17:30 "Fear God and give glory to Him." 17:33 And when we think of giving glory, 17:34 many times you think of, 17:36 you know, in some of our meetings 17:37 we say give glory. 17:39 Well, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, 17:41 "Whether therefore you eat or you drink 17:42 or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God." 17:46 That by your lifestyle including 17:49 what the way that you eat, the way that you drink, 17:51 there are certain things that you could drink 17:53 that are not good for you, they inebriate the brain. 17:56 There are certain things that you eat 17:57 that may not be good for you, 17:59 but there's also things that are good for you 18:00 that by your lifestyle habits can give glory to God. 18:04 But what's interesting, 18:05 we're looking at fearing God and giving glory. 18:08 Now in the context of fearing God, 18:11 Proverbs 10:27 says, 18:14 "The fear of the Lord prolongs days." 18:19 The fear of the Lord prolongs days, 18:21 but the years of the wicked shall be shortened, 18:24 so there's something about the fear of God 18:26 that has to do with longevity, isn't that interesting? 18:31 The Bible also says in Proverbs 14:27, 18:34 "The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, 18:38 to depart from the snares of death." 18:40 So if you fear God 18:42 it will actually lengthen your days 18:43 the Bible says, this is interesting. 18:46 So there's something about health 18:48 that's connected right there in the fear of God. 18:52 Now the Bible also says in the context of fearing God 18:56 and keeping His commandments. 18:57 Now by the way fearing God, yes, 18:59 it has to do with honoring, respecting, 19:02 giving reverence for an almighty God realizing 19:05 and recognizing I am but dust. 19:08 But Deuteronomy 6, Moses tells us. 19:11 Actually, yeah, Deuteronomy 6:24, 19:15 it says, "And the Lord commanded us, 19:18 to do all these statues." 19:19 That means the Lord commanded us 19:21 to keep His commandments, 19:22 and the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes 19:25 to fear the Lord our God. 19:27 So those are the two things 19:28 to keep the commandments of God, 19:30 and fear Him, fear God, 19:31 keep His commandments right there in Deuteronomy 6:24. 19:33 And the Lord commanded us to do all these statues to fear 19:37 the Lord our God, why? 19:39 It says for our good always 19:44 that He might preserve us alive as it is this day. 19:49 So in the context of fearing God 19:51 and keeping His commandments it helps preserve life, 19:57 but it says this was given to us, 19:59 God gave His commandments. 20:00 He called us to fear Him actually for our good. 20:05 Meaning there's a benefit, 20:07 there is a benefit from God to us 20:09 when we yield to what He desires. 20:12 His desires are not just to keep us from pork. 20:16 When I first heard about pork that it was unhealthy, 20:18 I was not happy. 20:20 You know what I did? 20:21 I went and ate some pork and I got sick, 20:24 just a coincidence, you know. 20:26 And you know what I did? 20:28 I went and ate some more pork another time, guess what? 20:31 Got sick again. 20:32 And I realized maybe God is trying 20:34 to show me something. 20:35 See I'm a hardheaded person, right? 20:36 You trust in yourself by nature that was me, and I'm learning, 20:40 learning, I'm not where I need to be, 20:41 but I wanna continue growing in the Lord. 20:44 And so God has given 20:46 the health message for our good, 20:48 He's given us the commandments in general for our good. 20:51 And what's so powerful is why would this be 20:53 in the context of the last days, 20:55 I mean, come on who really cares about 20:56 what you eat I thought. 20:59 And it's interesting, 21:03 Ellen White says one of the reasons 21:04 God gave us the health message, do you know? 21:06 She said it is to make us happy. 21:12 Did you know that? 21:14 You're like, "No, no, it makes me unhappy. 21:18 I wanna eat this or that or whatever," right? 21:20 And she is saying, 21:21 "No, no, there's actually science in it." 21:24 And right now you may know this, 21:25 you may not know, 21:26 my wife and I put on a seminar about the gut brain connection 21:29 that right now it is cutting edge science. 21:33 The fact that what you eat can affect your brain. 21:36 Amen. 21:38 Isn't that powerful? Amen. 21:39 Right now scientists are looking 21:41 at this all they think... 21:42 The Bible is the first place 21:43 that I know of that speaks about it. 21:45 Daniel is the first scientific study 21:47 according to the Daniel 1, 21:48 according to the National Institute of Health 21:50 is the first scientific study. 21:53 This is what we're telling in all recorded history 21:55 and it's a study of the gut brain connection. 21:59 What they ate affected their intellect. 22:02 Modern studies are showing the same thing 22:05 that the food you eat can enhance your intellect 22:08 and actually make you happier. 22:10 Amen. 22:11 God gave us a message for our what? 22:16 For our good, right? 22:17 It's for our good, for our health. 22:19 Yes, that also. 22:20 So let's think about this for a moment. 22:21 So God has given us this, 22:23 part of it is the health message 22:25 because if we are happier, 22:26 it's easier to trust in God more. 22:28 Now we need to trust in God 22:29 even when we're down and we're depressed. 22:32 Each of us have probably experienced some, 22:34 you know, maybe not full on depression, 22:35 but some of us have 22:37 and even in that we need to trust in God 22:38 with all of our hearts. 22:40 I've been there, 22:41 where you are so down at your worst point 22:43 and at that worst point of my life 22:45 I finally said to God, 22:46 "God, even if I had to live this way 22:47 for the rest of my life, 22:49 I would accept it 22:50 because there's nowhere else to go 22:52 because you have the words of life." 22:53 Amen. 22:55 This is what we need, we need faith. 22:57 And we can look back on those times, 22:58 I look back on those times when God brings you out of it, 23:00 and by the way it was His health message 23:02 that helped bring me out of it, 23:03 and as I came out of it having peace, 23:07 but I look back and rejoice that God brought me 23:09 through those experiences. 23:12 God brought me through 23:13 and I praise His holy name for that. 23:15 But we're looking at fearing God 23:16 and it's interesting 23:18 because part of fearing God is to make you happy, 23:20 isn't that interesting? 23:22 You think fearing God that sounds kind of scary, 23:23 but then you realize, "No, no, no it's for your good. 23:25 It actually helps you live longer." 23:27 Very interesting. 23:28 And looking a little deeper in fearing God, 23:32 the Bible says in Proverbs, I love this passage, 23:35 it's Proverbs 2 23:36 and we have this message that says, 23:39 "My son, if thou wilt receive my words, 23:42 and hide my commandments with thee." 23:45 Now it's gonna get to fear God in a moment, 23:47 but it begins in the context of fearing God 23:50 or how to fear God. 23:51 Fearing God is more than just a theological concept. 23:56 It is a living experience that you can only, 23:59 you can't fully understand until you do 24:02 what Proverbs 2:1-5 talk about. 24:04 And what it says is, "My son, if thou wilt receive my words, 24:08 and hide my commandments with thee." 24:12 So the first part is receiving God's Word, 24:15 spending time in God's Word, but even laying it up, 24:18 hiding it in your heart and in your mind, 24:21 hiding it inside of you. 24:23 We are told in Last Day Events, page 67, 24:28 "The time is coming when many will be deprived 24:30 of the written word. 24:32 But if this Word is printed in your memory, 24:36 no one can take it from you." 24:38 Isn't that interesting? 24:39 Meaning, it doesn't say everybody's gonna be deprived 24:41 in the end, but many of us will, right? 24:43 And by the way you can't run to the mountains, 24:44 flee to the hills with your iPhone, 24:47 it be a tracking device, right, that's not gonna work. 24:50 And so, but we're told that many, 24:53 many are gonna be deprived of the written word, 24:54 but if that word is printed in the memory, 24:57 no one can take it from us. 24:58 And in the context of fearing God, 25:01 we're told if you receive my word, 25:02 and hide my commandments with thee. 25:05 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, 25:08 and apply thine heart to understanding. 25:10 So you're seeking the word and you're trying to hear 25:12 what it means, you're saying, 25:14 you're seeking with your heart to discover 25:16 what it is saying for your personal life. 25:21 And then it says, if you criest after knowledge 25:24 and lift us up thy voice for understanding. 25:27 So you're saying, "God, help me." 25:29 I don't get it. 25:30 Listen, when I became an Adventist, 25:31 I didn't know what Adventist did. 25:33 I went to the Mission College, you know, what happened? 25:35 I had a roommate who had been there for a while, 25:37 and I didn't know what Advents did 25:39 so I figured I'll just kind of do 25:40 what they doing. 25:41 So at five in the morning the guy next to me, 25:44 I mean, I had my own bed he had, 25:45 you know, he wasn't like in the bed with me, 25:46 but the guy in the, 25:48 you know, the bed over there at five in the morning 25:50 he turned the light on and he rolled out of bed, 25:52 he didn't even stand up or anything, 25:53 he just rolled out of bed and start praying. 25:55 And so I realized, 25:56 oh, that's what Seventh-day Adventist do. 25:57 So I just rolled out of bed 25:59 and start praying too just like he did, you know. 26:02 And then when he was done praying, 26:03 he started reading his Bible so you know what I did, 26:06 I did what Seventh-day Adventist do. 26:07 I started reading my Bible and so he read his Bible 26:09 for three hours so what did I do? 26:11 I read my Bible for three hours 26:13 because that's what Seventh-day Adventists do. 26:15 And so I did that every day, 26:16 and so day after day I was doing this 26:20 and what a blessing it was, 26:21 I mean, I'm glad I ran 26:23 into that Seventh-day Adventist, right? 26:25 Because I didn't know, I mean, it could have been, 26:27 you know, somebody else. 26:29 Later on I moved to California 26:30 and I found out that not everybody does that. 26:35 But I got way off subject, 26:37 I don't even know I talked about that. 26:40 I guess it's good to read the Word of God, yeah. 26:42 Oh, yeah, that's what 26:44 we're talking about reading the Word of God. 26:45 Yeah, we're talking about Proverbs, right? 26:46 Seeking the Word of God with your whole heart 26:49 and you're seeking to know what it means... 26:50 Oh, why I was gonna say it was this was because 26:53 I remember Pastor Louis Torres came up to me 26:56 and I just read my Bible for three hours and he said, 26:58 "Hey what did you read this morning?" 26:59 And you know what? 27:01 Nothing came to mind after three hours. 27:06 And you may think, "I read my Bible, 27:08 I get nothing out of it." 27:12 I thought I got nothing out of it, 27:13 but God was doing a work in my heart. 27:16 You spend that time even if you feel nothing 27:20 it is not about some feeling. 27:21 Now praise the Lord if the Lord gives the feeling, 27:23 that's nothing wrong with that, that's a blessing. 27:25 And I have that from time to time, 27:27 but it's not like everyday 27:28 it's like this moment of ecstasy, 27:30 well, I'm reading God's Word, 27:32 but it's not an option 27:33 for a Seventh-day Adventist to read the Word of God. 27:37 It said, "If we criest after knowledge, 27:39 lift us up our voice for understanding." 27:42 And then verse 4 says, "If you seek her as silver, 27:46 and search for her as for hid treasures." 27:51 God is calling us to seek 27:53 after His word as for hid treasure. 27:55 And all of us know probably 27:56 what it's like to seek for hid treasures. 27:59 For some of you it's on 28:02 hour after hour reading, 28:04 you know, how many stars 28:06 does this particular thing have, right? 28:08 This curling iron, 28:10 what is the best curling iron, right? 28:13 And you seek for this as for hid treasure, right? 28:17 For someone like, 28:18 "Oh, that's not me, I'm not into that, you know." 28:20 But maybe for you it's Facebook, 28:21 you're just scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, 28:23 scrolling looking for hidden treasure, 28:24 something grand, 28:26 but it's just more of the same 28:27 somebody had a hamburger, right? 28:30 But we seek in, we seek in, we seek, but God says, 28:34 "Listen, I want you to seek my word 28:36 like you seek for the things of the world." 28:39 This is what God wants out of us. 28:42 And not just to like get you to sit 28:44 and read a book, 28:45 but there is something about it that's for your good. 28:50 There's a blessing in it 28:51 that God wants to bestow upon you, 28:54 your family, your friends, 28:56 your coworkers, your schoolmates. 28:58 God has a plan for you, 29:00 but we have to be in the Word of God, 29:03 we have to be there. 29:04 So how does this connect to fear God? 29:07 Verse 5 says this, 29:08 "After telling us about hiding God's word 29:10 in our minds, and in our hearts, 29:11 memorizing the Word of God, seeking it, 29:13 praying for guidance, seeking with our whole heart, 29:16 looking for it as gold or silver." 29:18 It finally says in verse 5, 29:19 "Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, 29:24 and find the knowledge of God." 29:27 Isn't that powerful? 29:28 So meaning it's not just a theological idea, 29:31 it is an experience you only experience 29:33 when you seek God's Word as for your life. 29:39 You have to experience it. 29:40 I wanna challenge you, 29:41 I wasn't interested in reading the Bible, 29:43 but once I started doing it, 29:44 it has changed my life sure for... 29:46 Actual I'll tell you, 29:47 it seem like for years I got very little out of it, 29:49 but overtime it began to come together, 29:52 it began to make more sense, 29:54 and began to come to life for me. 29:57 Friends, we got to read the Word of God 30:00 for the blessing that is contained therein. 30:04 You know, the Bible says in Proverbs 8:13, 30:10 "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. 30:13 Pride, arrogancy, and the evil way, 30:16 and the froward mouth, do I hate." 30:18 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. 30:19 We're gonna make a transition here in this message. 30:21 We talked about how there's a health component 30:24 to the last days 30:26 that God's people are gonna seek 30:27 to live a healthier lifestyle 30:28 so that they can give more glory to God, 30:30 they'll be happier, they'll have clear minds 30:33 which is the most important point of the health message. 30:36 There is a longevity aspect, 30:38 Ellen White talks about and so does the Bible, 30:40 but what's interesting is that the Bible also says... 30:44 You know, that there is this fear of God 30:46 that we discover when we study God's Word, 30:48 and then we read that the fear of God 30:50 is to hate evil or the fear of God 30:53 is to hate unrighteousness as it were. 30:57 This brings us back from fearing God 30:59 to keeping His commandments, how does that connect? 31:03 How do these things connect? This is a good question. 31:06 Looking at righteousness by faith. 31:10 What is righteousness by faith? 31:12 Many times we use terminology in church 31:14 and we have no idea what it means. 31:16 How many of you can attest to that? 31:18 You hear stuff in church and you think like, 31:20 "I know what that is." 31:21 And if somebody asked you, 31:23 "Well, tell me, explain it to me 31:24 so that I can live it out." 31:25 Would you really be able to do it, right? 31:27 But I want you to think about righteousness by faith. 31:29 Let's look at it because fear God keeping 31:31 His commandments by faith. 31:33 Remember, here are they 31:34 that keep the commandments of God 31:36 and the faith of Jesus, 31:37 so they keep the commandments by faith. 31:40 What is righteousness? 31:42 Now in order to understand 31:43 what righteousness is maybe it will help us 31:46 if we understand what unrighteousness is. 31:49 1 John 5:17 says, "All unrighteousness is sin, 31:54 and there is a sin that is not unto death." 31:57 So all unrighteousness is what? It's sin. 32:01 Now what is sin? 32:02 You may know 1 John 3:4 says what? 32:04 It says, "Whosoever commit a sin 32:07 transgresses also the law, 32:09 for sin is the transgression of the law." 32:12 To say it simple, sin is breaking the law. 32:17 Now if unrighteousness is sin, 32:23 and sin is breaking the law, 32:27 that means unrighteousness is what? 32:31 Breaking the law. Breaking the law. 32:33 Do you see the connection there? 32:34 Did I make that confusing? 32:36 If unrighteousness is sin and sin is breaking the law, 32:40 then breaking the law is unrighteousness. 32:45 So unrighteousness is breaking God's law. 32:47 Now righteousness would be 32:49 then the opposite of unrighteousness, 32:53 yes or no? 32:54 Yeah, I mean, unrighteousness is the lack of righteousness 32:57 and if unrighteousness is breaking the law, 32:59 what would you to do so would be righteousness? 33:05 Keeping the law, right? I mean, it seems pretty simple. 33:07 So many people have sought out 33:09 then I just need to keep the law 33:11 and then I could be righteous, right? 33:12 How many of you have tried that? 33:13 I have and then you stumble terribly 33:16 because if righteousness is in the law. 33:19 Isaiah 51:7, "Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, 33:22 the people in whose heart is my law." 33:25 So people who have the law in the heart, 33:27 that's the new covenant by the way, 33:28 they have righteousness. 33:31 So, but I'm gonna share with you a group of people 33:34 who saw with all their heart to be righteous 33:36 and thoroughly failed. 33:37 Turn with me to Romans 9, 33:43 "These are a group of people who knew that righteousness, 33:46 the law was righteous, holy, just and good," 33:48 as Romans tells us. 33:50 And so these people saw to keep the law, 33:55 but they failed miserably, why? 33:57 Romans 9, we're gonna begin in verse 31. 34:02 And obviously we're beginning right here 34:04 talking about Israel, the people of Israel. 34:06 We're looking in Romans 9:31. 34:10 The Word of God reads, 34:12 "But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, 34:16 hath not attained to the law of righteousness. 34:20 Wherefore?" 34:21 Because they sought it not by faith, 34:23 but as it were by the works of the, what? 34:27 Law. 34:28 So here are the Israelites, they knew the law was righteous 34:30 and they sought to keep the law but they failed. 34:34 They knew that the law was good, holy, just, righteous 34:37 and so they looked to the law and tried to keep it 34:40 and they didn't do it and it says wherefore, why? 34:43 Because they didn't seek it by, what? 34:45 By faith. What does this mean? 34:47 Hopefully we can grasp this in just a moment. 34:50 So what ends up happening, it says, verse 32, "Wherefore? 34:54 Because they sought it not by faith, 34:56 but as it were by the works of the law. 34:59 For they stumbled at that stumblingstone. 35:01 As it is written, behold, I lay in sion a stumblingstone 35:04 and rock of offence, and whosoever believeth in Him 35:06 should not be ashamed." 35:09 So what does it say? 35:10 Get the idea, so the Israelites here on a path, 35:13 they're on a pathway and their goal 35:15 is to keep the law, 35:17 so they're looking at the law for righteousness. 35:18 It says they actually seek to keep the law, 35:20 and as they're seeking to keep the law, 35:22 it said, they stumbled, right? 35:24 There was something in the pathway 35:25 and it says that they stumbled over it, right? 35:28 Did you see that? 35:29 Now it says they stumbled at the stumblingstone 35:33 as it is written behold 35:34 I lay in sion a stumbling stone and a rock of offense. 35:38 Who would that rock of offense be? 35:41 Who was the rock of ages cleft for me? 35:45 It was Jesus. 35:47 So get the picture, 35:48 they're on their path to try to be righteous, 35:50 so they know the law is righteous, 35:51 so they're keeping their eyes on the law, 35:53 but as they're seeking to keep the law 35:55 something's in their way 35:56 and it's a rock and that rock was Christ. 36:00 And as they go, if their eyes are on the law, 36:04 they might miss, 36:05 not see the rock and they stumble over 36:07 and they fall down, 36:08 and they're unsuccessful at attaining righteousness. 36:11 You see that. 36:13 Because their eye was focused in the wrong place. 36:17 The law, Romans 8:4 tells us "Was weak through the flesh." 36:23 The law can not save you. 36:27 Yes or no? It can't. 36:30 And so they were looking to the law 36:31 as it were for salvation, 36:33 but if they would have turned their eyes, 36:34 their focus of their eyes from the law to the rock, 36:39 to Jesus Christ would they have tripped over Him? 36:42 No, they might have kneeled down before that rock, 36:44 they would have then received a righteousness from Him. 36:50 Now let's go back. 36:51 Notice this, jump back in the same chapter to verse 30, 36:54 it says, "What shall we say then? 36:58 That the Gentiles, 37:00 which followed not after the law of righteousness, 37:03 have attained to the law of righteousness, 37:06 even the righteousness which is of," what? 37:09 "Faith." Do you see that? 37:11 So they received the righteousness by faith, 37:15 meaning they received a righteousness 37:17 greater than their own. 37:18 The Bible says in Philippians 3:9, Paul said, 37:22 "And be found in Him, 37:23 not having mine own righteousness." 37:26 See, if you try to keep your own righteousness, 37:27 you try to keep the law, you try to do the right thing, 37:29 you try to be better, 37:31 you try to be good on your own, focusing... 37:33 And notice, I keep saying you, you, you or me, me, me, 37:36 trusting self. 37:38 As you seek to trust yourself, 37:41 do you think that's gonna help you be more like Christ? 37:44 No, it doesn't even make sense, 37:46 but we do it not thinking it through. 37:48 And so the Israelites, 37:49 if they would have looked to something else, 37:51 these ones, not the gentiles now rather, 37:54 the gentiles sought their righteousness 37:57 by faith in Jesus Christ. 38:01 And Paul said, "Be found in Him, 38:03 not having mine own righteousness, 38:04 which is of the law, 38:05 but that which is through the faith of Christ, 38:08 the righteousness of God by faith." 38:11 Paul says, "We need a righteousness from God 38:14 because my righteousness 38:15 will never be good enough by myself." 38:18 Do you believe that? 38:20 And I heard Eugene Furr use this illustration, he said, 38:22 "If you went into a store yesterday 38:25 and stole a candy bar, 38:28 and then today you don't steal a candy bar 38:30 does that make up 38:32 for you stealing a candy bar yesterday? 38:34 No. 38:35 Meaning, what if you stop sinning today 38:37 and never sinned again till Jesus came, 38:39 would you deserve to go to heaven, yes or no? 38:42 Why? 38:43 Because all of the sins of the past you cannot atone for. 38:47 Do you follow? 38:48 You need a righteousness beyond 38:50 what you could ever self-create. 38:53 You need a perfect righteousness 38:55 so that when you go to heaven, your record is perfect. 39:00 But the problem is your record isn't perfect, 39:02 right? 39:03 You need the righteousness of God, 39:05 you need Jesus 39:07 who died on the cross for your sins, 39:09 and upon the cross how many of your sins that He take? 39:13 Every single sin you've ever done. 39:14 If He kept, if He received all of the sins 39:17 you've ever done, the Bible tells us 39:19 that He gives His perfect righteousness 39:24 in exchange for your filthy rags, 39:27 isn't that good news? 39:29 You see why righteousness by faith is so beautiful, 39:33 but it actually goes further than just covering you, 39:36 it fills you with righteousness 39:39 so that you can have the strength 39:40 to walk in the law of God, 39:43 but I'm gonna share with you that in a minute. 39:44 So let's look at this. So this is the idea. 39:46 Now, turn with me to Romans 4, 39:48 I love this, this is so powerful. 39:50 The person that is given over and over in scripture 39:53 for this great man of faith 39:54 is a man by the name of Abraham. 39:56 And I think sometimes maybe you're like I was, 39:58 and you're like, "Why Abraham?" 40:00 I mean, it's just kind of a weird story. 40:02 You know, in Genesis 15:5 it says, 40:04 "And he brought him forth abroad, and said, 40:06 'Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, 40:09 if you be able to number them,' 40:10 And he said, 'So shall your seed be.'" 40:13 And then it says, "And he believed the Lord, 40:16 and he counted it to him for righteousness." 40:18 That's just kind of weird like, huh. 40:20 You know, the guy can't have a baby, 40:22 he's old, his wife's old, 40:23 it's impossible for them to have a baby, 40:25 and God says, "You're gonna have a baby." 40:26 And Abraham is like, "Okay, all right, I believe it." 40:28 And God is like, "Okay, you're righteous." 40:31 How does that work together? 40:33 Doesn't that sound kind of strange? 40:35 And why is this like the great proof of 40:37 what it's like to have righteousness by faith? 40:40 Now, I want you to look at it when we read in Romans 4, 40:43 we're going to begin in verse 19, 40:46 this is powerful, speaking of Abraham, 40:49 "And being not weak in," what? 40:52 "Faith." 40:53 See, Abraham could have been weak in faith and thought, 40:55 "Man, I'm an old man, this is impossible." 40:57 "And being not weak in faith, 40:58 he considered not his own body now dead, 41:02 when he was about an hundred years old, 41:03 neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb." 41:06 Do you follow? So here is Abraham. 41:10 His body is as good as dead, 41:12 meaning, the guy's up towards 100 years old at this point, 41:14 his wife is up towards 90 and guess what? 41:16 Adventists are the longest 41:18 living people in the world today, 41:19 not because any glory to us, 41:21 it's just because we went back to what the Bible said, right? 41:23 You go back to the Bible. 41:24 It's interesting, creationists are the longest living people 41:26 in the world today. 41:28 Yes or no? 41:29 Evolution has not enhanced 41:31 the length of life like creation has, amen? 41:34 It's powerful. 41:36 And so, but even though Adventists are living 41:38 as the longest living group of people on the planet, 41:41 have you ever heard of any 90-year old Adventist 41:43 getting pregnant recently? 41:46 No, right, and so you wouldn't expect that. 41:48 So Abraham could have said when God said this, 41:51 "This is impossible." 41:53 He could have considered his own body 41:55 which was as good as dead 41:57 or the deadness of Sara's womb, he said, "This is impossible." 42:00 But he didn't, he said, "If God said it, 42:03 He must have something miraculous in store." 42:06 Do you follow? 42:07 And within the church and within society, 42:09 and within other Christian groups, 42:12 there is this real trouble of believing 42:13 that God can give victory. 42:15 Yes or no? Have you ever heard that? 42:17 Why would you keep the Sabbath? 42:18 We sin all the time, we can't stop sinning, 42:20 all we do is sin, we are just sinners, 42:24 but the Bible says that you can actually find victory, where? 42:27 I mean, Revelation 14:12 even prophesies it, 42:30 "Here are they that keep the commandments of God, 42:33 and the faith of Jesus." 42:34 They have keep the commandments by faith, 42:35 they have righteousness by faith. 42:39 God said that's gonna happen. 42:40 And I could say, "Listen, man, I've tried, 42:43 I really sought to do the right thing 42:44 and I haven't really succeeded many times, 42:47 and I wanna do the right thing, and I wanna keep the law, 42:50 I wanna do what it says, I wanna do what it says 42:51 and I stumble, right, I trip. 42:53 You follow? 42:55 And so then I could say, 42:56 I could consider my own body now dead 43:00 and I could say, "God, 43:01 you can't fulfill what You said." 43:03 I could do that, do you see. 43:05 I could not give glory to God, 43:07 says that Abraham gave glory to God by faith. 43:10 He said, "If God said, 43:12 He must have something miraculous in store." 43:14 He didn't consider his body. 43:16 You may have tried 1,000 times to overcome 43:19 and so you maybe even come to the theological conclusion 43:22 it's impossible, and you know what? 43:24 You're right, it is impossible for you 43:26 to overcome sin by yourself. 43:29 But is it impossible for God to bring light out of darkness? 43:35 Is it possible for a God 43:37 who says He's gonna make a group of people overcome? 43:39 Is it possible for Him to do what He says, yes or no? 43:42 Yes. 43:44 Do you see how this is an important issue 43:47 in the area of righteousness by faith? 43:50 It is not an issue of, "Can I do it? No, I can't." 43:54 The question is, can Christ in me do it? 43:58 Yes, He can. 44:00 And so Abraham did not consider his own body now dead. 44:04 Now check this out. 44:06 Read it again verse 19, "And being not weak in faith, 44:08 he considered not his own body now dead, 44:10 when he was about an hundred years old, 44:11 neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb." 44:13 Check this out, verse 20, "He staggered." 44:16 So check this out, he is on his path 44:18 and he doesn't stagger, right? 44:20 He doesn't trip in his path 44:22 like the ancient Israelites did. 44:24 "He staggered not at the promise of God 44:27 through unbelief, but was strong in," what? 44:31 Faith, giving glory to God." 44:34 You see giving glory to God 44:35 is not only eating right and drinking right, 44:37 but it is living by righteousness by faith. 44:41 Do you see what it said? It said... 44:43 I wanna read it again just so you don't miss that, 44:45 that's a key point. 44:46 It says, "He staggered not at the promise of God 44:48 through unbelief, but was strong in faith, 44:51 giving glory to God. 44:53 Do you see how your righteousness by faith 44:54 when you trust that, "Hey, if God said it, 44:56 I really believe it 44:57 even though I struggle with this 1,000 times." 44:59 Maybe you struggled with pornography 1,000 times 45:01 and you wanted to quit. 45:02 You've struggled with anger. 45:04 You've struggled with whatever it is 45:05 that you struggle with lust or maybe your clothing 45:08 and you like to show off your body quite a bit, 45:10 you know, whatever it is. 45:12 And God says, listen, I can give you the victory, 45:15 even if you've done it a thousand times, 45:17 do not consider your body. 45:20 Don't consider whether you have the strength, consider God, 45:23 keep your eyes not on the law, not on something else, 45:27 but keep your eyes on Christ. 45:31 And if our eyes are upon Him trusting 45:32 that He can do what He said, 45:34 then He gives us righteousness by faith 45:36 not only to cover us 45:38 but to strengthen us to overcome. 45:41 And it says, verse 20, 45:43 "He staggered not at the promise of God 45:45 through unbelief, but was strong in faith, 45:46 giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that, 45:49 what he had promised, he was able also to perform." 45:52 He trusted God could do it. 45:54 And therefore it was imputed, 45:57 it was put into him for righteousness. 46:00 Not only was he covered but now, 46:02 he actually had to act out this having a child, 46:05 so he had to go do something with his wife. 46:08 God told him it was impossible, his body was as good as dead, 46:11 but God made it as good as good, 46:12 right, as good as alive. 46:14 Our bodies, we are dead in trespasses and sins. 46:17 We can't overcome, 46:18 but God can bring life to that which is dead. 46:22 He calls that which is not as though 46:25 it were as we read earlier in this very same chapter. 46:28 He can call life into you, if you 46:31 but trust in God to guide you 46:35 and place your confidence is in Him. 46:38 You'll find Him always there beside you. 46:44 We are promised this. 46:45 God has given us His word, you know. 46:51 Could Jesus really give a group of people the victory? 46:55 I would say it more like this. 46:58 It just happens 47:00 if we continually seek God with all our heart. 47:04 It's not an issue of like, 47:05 I'm just going to do better in 2017, right? 47:08 Pick up my bootstraps 47:09 and I'm gonna move along, right? 47:12 Once again you start going back to, 47:14 I'll take care of myself. 47:15 I'll get a little better this year. 47:18 But rather I'm going to turn away from myself this year. 47:22 I want to think less about Chad in 2017 than in 2016. 47:27 I want to end 2017 closer to Jesus Christ this year 47:31 than in any year in the past. 47:36 Wouldn't that be nice to end this year changed? 47:42 To end this year living out righteousness by faith, 47:44 so we don't have to constantly fear are we saved. 47:49 We bring out one quotation by Ellen White that says, 47:51 "No, sanctified tongue will be found, saying, 'I am saved.'" 47:54 And we miss out all the other text where she says, 47:56 you don't have to question whether you're saved. 47:59 You can know if you're right with God today, 48:01 you would be ready if Jesus came today. 48:03 Amen. 48:05 There's a balance, meaning, I won't go around saying, 48:07 I'm saved, I'm good to go, man. 48:08 Yeah, I'm a good man, I'm a righteous man, right? 48:11 Nothing will happen, I can never be lost. No. 48:13 There is this humility, a reverence, a fear of God 48:17 that He is God but He loves me with all His heart 48:19 that I am but dust and ashes but He can save my soul 48:22 and I want to yield everything in my life to Jesus Christ 48:25 right here, right now. 48:28 And I can trust that He can forgive my sins today 48:30 and if my sins are given 48:32 and I'm not holding on to them today, 48:34 I can know that I'd be ready if Jesus Christ came today. 48:38 Is that good news? Amen. 48:41 You know what the gospel means? 48:44 Good news, it's for our good. 48:49 God has brought these things together. 48:50 One thing that proves to me the divinity of the Word of God 48:54 is the connections all throughout scripture, 48:57 they're all there. 48:59 How could all these men, 35 to 40 men over 1,500 years 49:02 come up with stuff like this? 49:05 The prophecies that have come true to our day. 49:06 God has established His word 49:08 and He wants to establish it in your heart 49:11 if you'll receive it, if you spend time in it. 49:16 I do believe Jesus is coming. 49:20 And Jesus wants more than anything for you to be ready. 49:24 But He actually even wants more than that. 49:26 He wants you to be ready so that He can help you 49:29 get the people around you ready, 49:31 so that you can go home 49:32 and you can be a witness outside of GYC 49:34 that you can take the experience 49:35 that you've obtained at this conference 49:37 and you could spread it around the world. 49:40 When you travel internationally, 49:41 when you're at work, it doesn't matter what you do, 49:43 but you are an undercover missionary giving glory to God 49:47 because you believe by faith 49:49 that Jesus is going to work in you. 49:51 You're trusting in Him. 49:53 Friends, Jesus wants to give us the victory. 49:57 We've talked about three main things today, 49:59 it's kind of a just a bunch of information here. 50:01 I wanted three main things we looked at, 50:03 number one, something, 50:04 there's something within fearing God 50:06 about a health message, 50:08 there's something within fearing God 50:10 about of our health 50:11 and this actually helps us draw closer to Jesus. 50:14 It's not to be saved but because we have been saved, 50:16 we try what He says and when we try, 50:18 the science shows, oh you're happier, 50:20 you're better able to overcome lifestyle diseases. 50:24 Your mind becomes clearer and it helps you better 50:28 overcome temptation through the gut brain connection. 50:33 So one thing we looked at is there's a health component. 50:35 Number two, we looked at 50:36 that there is a component of fearing God 50:39 by seeking His word with your whole heart. 50:43 And we give glory to Him by righteousness by faith, 50:46 we keep His commandments through righteousness by faith. 50:50 That is the third thing we looked at. 50:52 And so I want to make a challenge to you 50:54 to begin this year 2017. 51:00 God is calling us to a higher level of spirituality. 51:02 Eating food is not, 51:04 it doesn't save you in and of itself, right? 51:06 There's been plenty of people who've eaten bad 51:07 but they'll still be safe, 51:09 but it makes it easier to overcome 51:10 and we need all the help we can get in these days, 51:12 wouldn't you say? 51:14 It's so hard to overcome. I'll tell you this. 51:16 We know through the gut brain connection, 51:17 you can see, you know, we're told, 51:19 you know, spicy food makes you more lustful 51:20 and there's no question it does. 51:22 So the issue isn't like, 51:24 oh, just get rid of the way from that 51:25 and then you get to go to heaven. 51:26 No, but it will make it so much easier 51:28 not to look at pornography. 51:30 Getting back to God's plant based diet, 51:32 you'll see your mind starts getting clearer 51:34 when you get back to God's diet. 51:36 You don't get to go to heaven, God's like, oh, good job, 51:38 you're a vegan for four years way to go, right? 51:41 No, but God is saying, listen, didn't make it easier, 51:43 wasn't it easier to trust in God by faith? 51:47 So the first challenge I want to make to you today. 51:50 How many of you would like to say, 51:52 and maybe you don't even want to that much for you're like, 51:53 hey, man, I got diabetes, 51:55 maybe I could learn to overcome it, 51:56 or maybe I just want to overcome 51:57 but God is saying, listen, in 2017, 51:59 let's choose to literally be health reformers. 52:03 As a church, we can encourage each other 52:05 and I'm not telling you 52:06 everybody needs to turn to vegan tomorrow, 52:07 if you're a meat eater, begin to eat more plant food, 52:10 slowly make a transition, 52:11 but in 2017 would you like to say, 52:14 whether it's exercise, whether it's sunlight, 52:15 whether it's the eight laws of health. 52:17 You say I want to try this year to begin the year 52:20 on the right foot living out God's health law 52:22 and giving glory to Him through my health. 52:25 Is that's your desire? 52:27 I ask that you just stand where you are, 52:28 this is the first appeal, simple appeal. 52:30 You want in 2017, seek to live a healthy lifestyle 52:33 to give glory to God through that. 52:34 Number two, maybe you say, 52:37 I want to recommit my life to God here to begin 2017. 52:42 I want to recommit my life. 52:45 I want to walk with Him this year 52:48 in righteousness by faith. 52:50 I want to learn to trust Him 52:51 even when I struggle with doubt. 52:53 I want to just trust Him even in the darkest time, 52:56 I want to have righteousness by faith. 53:00 Is there anyone who by the raising of their hands say, 53:01 you know, I want that righteousness by faith, 53:03 I want it here today. 53:05 I want to know that I'm in a saving relationship 53:07 and I want to give my sin to Jesus. 53:10 Amen? 53:12 We want to know that, we want peace in our hearts 53:14 to know that we are walking with, 53:15 and we can have that, Spirit of Prophecy, I mean, 53:16 you don't need the Spirit of Prophecy to tell you that, 53:18 the Bible just says it. 1 John 5:13 tells us 53:22 that he wrote the Book of 1 John 53:24 so that you could know that you have eternal life, 53:26 you can know it, the Bible says it 53:29 and the Spirit of Prophecy says it. 53:30 And number three, 53:31 how many of you want to commit that in 2017? 53:37 You want to fear God and you can't, you're like, 53:39 I don't even know if I want to do that, 53:40 but he says listen, the only way 53:42 you can even experience it 53:43 is by spending time in the Word of God, 53:46 hiding in your mind and in your heart. 53:49 Seeking God, asking, God, 53:51 please help me to understand what it means. 53:52 Please, Lord, give me the victory. 53:55 Help me to be changed by Your Word 53:56 even if I feel like I get nothing out of it, 53:58 Lord, be with me. 54:00 How many of you want to say, 54:01 I want to covenant this year to spend every single day, 54:03 some time every day with Jesus Christ. 54:06 Let us close with prayer. 54:07 Heavenly Father, we need You, we cannot do this, 54:11 we're not looking to us to be better ourselves this year. 54:13 We're looking for righteousness by faith. 54:15 Give us the strength 54:17 because we don't happen to spend time 54:18 every single day with You. 54:21 Help us live out Your health message, 54:22 not to be a bunch of legalistic hypocrites, 54:24 but rather to find victory, 54:26 the strength that You give us in the name of Jesus. 54:30 Amen. Amen. 54:35 You may be seated. 54:39 Thank you. Thank you. 54:44 Amen. Have you been blessed? Amen. 54:49 You know the darker the days will be, 54:52 the brighter the light will shine. 54:55 The brighter the light of God's Word will shine 54:57 and God is gonna do a mighty work, 54:59 so I'll invite you to arise and shine with me arise 55:04 as we'll sing our closing song 55:08 and as we look forward to see each other 55:10 in Phoenix, Arizona, 55:12 December 27 to 31st to arise and shine 55:16 and we will sing together, 55:18 "We have this hope". 55:30 We have this hope 55:33 That burns within our hearts 55:38 Hope in the coming of the Lord 55:46 We have this faith 55:49 That Christ alone imparts 55:54 Faith in the promise of His Word 56:01 We believe the time is here 56:05 When the nations far and near 56:09 Shall awake, and shout and sing 56:13 Hallelujah! Christ is King! 56:21 We have this hope 56:23 That burns within our hearts 56:28 Hope in the coming of the Lord 56:38 Amen. Let us pray together. 56:40 Dear heavenly Father, 56:41 this hope burns within our hearts, 56:44 hope for the coming of the Lord, 56:46 may You keep us faithful, 56:48 faithful, faithful till the end, 56:51 in the name of Jesus' we pray, amen. |
Revised 2017-09-28