Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Sun. ECOM Snapshot

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Various talks


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000017A

00:34 Today, we have a special section for you.
00:39 We want to answer the question
00:41 where are we going and what are we doing here.
00:46 We're going to introduce this special section
00:48 by introducing four different sub themes
00:53 to answer that question
00:54 where are we going
00:56 and what are we doing here in a practical sense.
00:59 We're going to look at the history of GYC,
01:03 take a look back.
01:04 We're also going to take a look into the future
01:07 of some of the things
01:09 we would like to achieve as a movement.
01:11 We're also going to ask the question
01:13 and answer the question
01:15 how to finish the work in this generation,
01:18 what are the things that we need to do
01:20 to finish the work, and how to stay plugged in.
01:24 I am so excited to go through this section with you.
01:27 The leadership of GYC
01:28 are going to answer those questions.
01:32 What is our history?
01:34 How does our future look like?
01:37 How to finish the work?
01:39 And how to stay plugged in?
01:41 Stay tuned GYC for more,
01:43 and God is going to bless us this New Year.
01:46 Amen.
01:58 Be not afraid for I have redeemed you
02:05 Be not afraid I have called you by name
02:11 When you pass through the waters
02:14 I will be with you
02:18 When you pass through the floods
02:21 They will not sweep o'er you
02:24 When you walk through the fire You will not be consumed
02:31 You are mine
02:32 You are precious in my sight
02:41 Be not afraid for I have redeemed you
02:48 Be not afraid I have called you by name
02:54 When you pass through the waters
02:57 I will be with you
03:01 When you pass through the floods
03:03 They will not sweep o'er you
03:07 When you walk through the fire
03:09 You will not be consumed
03:13 You are mine you are precious in my sight...
03:24 My love for you is everlasting
03:30 My love for you shall have no end
03:37 When you pass through the waters
03:40 I will be with you
03:43 When you pass through the floods
03:46 They will not sweep o'er you
03:49 When you walk through the fire
03:51 You will not be consumed
03:55 You are mine
03:56 you are precious in my sight
04:03 You are precious in my sight
04:10 You are precious
04:12 In my sight
04:27 I'm going to say something
04:30 that they told me not to say backstage.
04:34 Good morning, GYC.
04:38 So many people have come up on stage
04:40 and there's so many people that say, "Good morning, GYC.
04:42 Good morning, GYC."
04:44 And there's a little bit of fatigue that goes on
04:45 with when people say good morning.
04:47 So one more time, good morning, GYC.
04:49 Good morning.
04:51 The reason I start off with that greeting
04:52 is to share a little history about GYC.
04:59 There are only three letters
05:01 but the context associated with them
05:03 has now become vast and variegated.
05:06 In this movement's history,
05:07 the letters, G-Y-C,
05:12 they were an acronym
05:14 for the General Youth Conference,
05:15 for the Generation of Youth for Christ,
05:17 and now currently the Generation.Youth.Christ.
05:21 We thought putting the dots would make us cooler.
05:25 Call it reinventing ourselves or adaptation for the times
05:28 or whatever other incredible reason
05:31 why we changed our names,
05:32 these three letters have still stood
05:35 and they stand for something altogether irreproducible.
05:40 The movement started as an experiment in 2002.
05:44 How many of you were alive in 2002?
05:50 How many of you were not alive in 2002?
05:53 Lord, have mercy on all of us.
05:58 It's nearly 15 years ago to this weekend,
06:00 a young group of young adults from diverse racial
06:03 and educational backgrounds were inspired
06:05 by a set of ideals founded in Scripture
06:09 and best illustrated within the Adventist church.
06:12 In this exceptional convergence of personalities,
06:14 events, ideas, skills, and experiences,
06:17 the experiment sought to be reactionary
06:20 to the reactionaries and progressive
06:21 to the progressives.
06:23 Socially disturbed
06:25 with the critical and derogatory attitudes
06:27 of Christ-less Adventism,
06:29 this prototype saw a tone centered
06:31 on the character message and lifestyle of Jesus.
06:36 Cognitively dissonant
06:37 with the contemporary entertainment-mimicking models
06:40 of youth and young adult ministry,
06:42 this movement also sought to verify
06:45 whether young people regardless of background
06:48 would appreciate and respond
06:50 to the sobering claims of Biblical Adventism.
06:56 I'm going to read to you an email written, typed,
07:01 "December 14, 2001,"
07:03 email existed in 2001 before social media.
07:10 "We are living in an exciting time period.
07:14 And from reading the Spirit of Prophecy,
07:15 it's inferred that young people will play
07:17 an important part in these last days.
07:18 There are already things happening
07:20 that are just so exciting, they coincide with each other,
07:23 such as SPARC, Campus Hope @ Boston,
07:25 University of Michigan, you know, Brown University,
07:27 Rutgers, UVA, UTennessee, Princeton,
07:29 and a revived renewal happening in some members
07:33 in Andrews and Loma Linda.
07:35 There are still 7000 who have not bow down to Baal.
07:39 Our vision is to unite all these groups in America
07:41 and create a general youth conference.
07:44 These would only be the serious committed Adventist students
07:47 coming together once a year for one week
07:49 and would be very different from a retreat or camp meeting.
07:52 We would hold that once in the East Coast
07:53 and the West Coast and the Midwest or something,"
07:55 I don't know, like Houston, Texas.
07:57 "And only the most willing dedicated leaders
07:59 from all over the country would meet
08:00 including high school students,
08:01 collegiate, young professionals,
08:03 graduates, and young people.
08:05 Most importantly, it would be interracial,
08:07 not out of political correctness,
08:08 but of worship our Lord.
08:10 We want black people, white people, Hispanic people,
08:13 yellow Asian people, whatever have you...
08:17 Today, you only see each group doing their own thing.
08:21 I sincerely believe God blesses interracial worships
08:25 and fellowships more abundantly
08:27 because isn't that what heaven is supposed to be about?
08:30 We would invite the highest caliber of speakers
08:32 and each one would do a workshop for one full week.
08:35 This way, adult speakers would be able to network
08:37 and as well as student fellowships other youth,
08:40 not out of dating purposes,
08:41 but out of contacts
08:43 and creating guard tower stations.
08:45 These workshops would be
08:46 like a pseudo-school of the prophets,
08:48 where recreation and social activities
08:50 would be very limited but not eliminated,
08:52 where intense Bible studies would take place,"
08:55 and we could stay up till ungodly hours
08:57 in the morning to usher in the New Year.
09:02 "At this point, it's just a vision
09:04 and we dare not share it to anyone.
09:06 But in the midst of contacting the speakers
09:08 and getting dates for the winter of 2002,
09:10 we're looking for about,
09:12 I don't know, maybe 200 people might come.
09:16 I see this as the beginning of a large movement
09:18 with lots of work involved.
09:20 But what work for God is not a joy?
09:22 If you think
09:23 there is too much work ahead or if you're just uninterested,
09:26 if you doubt the potential, we understand.
09:28 But if not, please tell me what you think.
09:31 And therefore, my beloved brethren,
09:33 be steadfast, unmovable,
09:36 always abounding in the work of the Lord
09:38 for as much as you know
09:39 your labor is not in vain of the Lord,
09:41 1 Corinthians 15:58.
09:44 What was used was instant messengers,
09:48 newly introduced cell phones,
09:50 the size of refrigerators
09:52 which had buttons the size of ice cubes.
09:55 We had laptops the size of battleships,
09:58 and our credit cards had no credit on them,
10:01 because we are so poor.
10:03 What emerged was an expanding grassroots movement
10:05 with exponential growth within its first 5 years
10:08 from 200 to 1000 to 4000.
10:12 The growth was overwhelming and uncontrollable."
10:16 And the greatest underestimation
10:18 upon young adults
10:20 was all these leaders were coming to us
10:22 and saying, "Who's in charge here?
10:25 Who's the adult behind the scenes
10:28 that's controlling all this?"
10:31 We're in reality, when we look back,
10:33 there was one adult in charge, the Lord Jesus Christ.
10:37 Amen.
10:39 "Eventually, these groups
10:44 found were all over North America
10:46 as well as nations around the world.
10:47 The international scene of GYC has been persistent.
10:50 Its dynamic is clear evidence that something is happening
10:54 of which any simple human observation can explain.
10:58 The phenomenon of GYC
11:00 is not young people getting together,
11:02 it's not staying up,
11:04 it's not saying the Bible altogether."
11:06 It is a set of ideals. A set of what, everyone?
11:12 And in our world today,
11:14 ideals are mocked
11:18 and the expectation for young people
11:20 all around the world is far too low.
11:26 "The ideals of scriptural fidelity,
11:28 exploration into the historical roots of Adventism
11:31 such as the Spirit of Prophecy,
11:32 their expression of these ideals in a practical
11:34 and modern context for young adults,
11:36 the philosophy of excellence
11:38 and Christian cordiality converged
11:39 into an annual national convention,
11:41 an exploding network of global youth conferences,
11:44 and the formal organization
11:45 and natural growth pains of GYC."
11:47 These are all the ideals and let me just...
11:49 Bear with me.
11:50 Bear with me on some ideals that we have tried
11:52 to embrace over the years.
11:54 "Number one,
11:55 Church and Professional Leadership Development,
11:57 we are seeking to empower
11:58 young adults to change their immediate environments
12:01 in the church and professional arenas
12:03 for the furtherance of the Gospel."
12:05 God has given us jobs
12:07 to witness to every single person
12:09 around our cubicles.
12:10 God has given us mortgages, and houses,
12:12 and apartment buildings to witness
12:13 to every single person
12:15 in our apartments and our dormitories.
12:18 Once we finished witnessing to them,
12:20 guess what, time to move, time to get another job.
12:24 "Number two,
12:25 a Christ-Centered Knowledge lifestyle and character,
12:28 to calibrate every component
12:30 of the individual's life and lifestyle
12:31 for a heavenly trajectory."
12:33 Meaning, everything from the things that you eat,
12:35 from your shoelaces to screws in your glasses
12:38 must all be calibrated to Jesus Christ.
12:43 "Number three,
12:44 understanding the distinctive role
12:46 of Seventh-day Adventism in Christianity's timeline,
12:48 understanding what the word eschatology means,
12:51 and its implications in the 21 century.
12:54 Four, a Biblical faithfulness in application and issues,
12:58 rejecting the simplification
12:59 of theological issues as rhetoric,
13:01 but rather applying rigorous
13:03 and spirituality to the problems
13:06 that face our church today from Biblical perspective.
13:10 Five, the pursuit of excellence
13:11 in academia professions and spirituality.
13:13 Number six, radical discipleship,
13:15 going all out for Jesus.
13:17 And rather than complaining
13:19 about every little thing in the church,
13:20 but rather saying to the Lord,
13:22 "Lord, what else, what else?"
13:28 "Seven, youth ownership of and respect
13:30 of the Seventh-day Adventist church leadership,
13:32 reeducating young adults about the need for respect
13:35 the biblical organizations,
13:36 restoring hope and providing mentoring experiences
13:38 with the current leadership and exemplifying
13:40 how different generations can collaborate
13:43 in today's church for tomorrow."
13:44 Basically, embodying Malachi 4.
13:48 "Number eight, true education, rejection of groupthink,
13:52 but allowing for a format for spacious individuality,
13:55 obedient creativity, and craving for righteousness.
13:58 And lastly,
13:59 the experience of Jesus Christ and righteous by faith,
14:03 underscoring, italicizing, bolding, superscripting,
14:06 subscripting the imperative centrality
14:09 of the one and only Jesus Christ
14:11 as Lord, King, and High Priest of our faith."
14:17 In the end, all these ideals are found in the spirit of GYC
14:20 found in page five of your booklet,
14:21 in your jewelry necklace thingy that you have.
14:27 There is nothing like the ideal that invigorates the soul.
14:32 There is nothing like an ideal
14:34 that infuriates the soul.
14:39 This is called passion.
14:41 This is called conviction.
14:44 And whereas in previous generations,
14:46 young adults were sent to war to die,
14:49 different generations stood in movements
14:52 to stand for something.
14:54 Our generation just sits down
14:56 in front of a Smartphone liking everything around us.
15:02 GYC is a call for something much higher than that.
15:08 Can I get an amen?
15:10 Amen.
15:12 "When combined with truth and the Lord's blessing,
15:15 these ideals turn into grace,
15:20 amazing things happen.
15:22 With humility, these three letters G-Y-C,
15:25 has been greatly successful in some of these ideals
15:30 and has been quite dilatory in other ideals.
15:35 But after 15 years,
15:36 it does not repudiate any of these ideals.
15:38 It only sticks to affirm them, vivify them, find new ones,
15:41 and the growth of GYC around the world burgeoned
15:44 since its adolescent beginnings,
15:45 is clear evidence that the Lord Jesus
15:48 is wrapping things up.
15:51 He's finishing his anti typical work
15:52 in the second apartment of the heavenly sanctuary
15:54 and will return to bestow the merits of his blood
15:57 and judgment to those who await His arrival.
16:01 Until then, may GYC continue to yearn
16:05 for the breathing space of the Holy Spirit
16:08 to have full confidence of the judgment in Jesus Christ
16:12 and to fully rely on God the Father
16:16 to inspire continued generations
16:20 of young people for Jesus Christ.
16:24 Lord, help GYC."
16:27 Amen.
16:32 GYC desires to finish the work in this generation.
16:38 We wanna see the Lord come, is that your desire?
16:40 Yes.
16:41 You know, as GYC started in 2002
16:43 and continued to grow,
16:45 it went from just the North American vision
16:48 to something that became global.
16:51 As people would come from other countries to GYC,
16:54 they would want to take back to their own countries
16:57 what they had experienced here.
17:00 And that's how we've seen the growth of GYC
17:02 becoming a global movement
17:04 and not just something localized to North America.
17:07 I have the opportunity of explaining to you
17:09 and sharing with you a little bit of the vision
17:11 of the affiliates department of GYC
17:13 and how the reach is expanding around the world.
17:17 Today, as we speak,
17:18 we now have 20 affiliates of GYC in North America,
17:22 Canada, Central America, and beginning in South America,
17:25 and around the rest of the world.
17:27 And God is raising up young people
17:29 who are excited about
17:30 the Seventh-day Adventist message.
17:32 Amen. Amen.
17:33 They're excited about their church,
17:35 they want to support their leadership,
17:36 and work together to finish the work of God on this world.
17:40 Last year, there was a group,
17:42 two young ladies who came to GYC from Guatemala.
17:46 And as they were here at GYC,
17:48 they were inspired with the messages
17:50 and they began to understand that, "Man,
17:52 we need this in our country."
17:54 They went back to their hotel rooms
17:57 and they knelt down
17:58 and they began to plead with God for wisdom
18:00 of how to start GYC.
18:02 This is just last year's conference.
18:04 And as they were on their knees pleading with the Lord,
18:07 they got up from prayer and said,
18:08 "We need to find a group
18:10 of like minded young people in our country
18:11 who have the same burden."
18:13 So they started sending emails, text messages.
18:16 They got back to Guatemala
18:18 and they started to talk together
18:19 about what can we do for our country
18:21 and our young people here.
18:23 They work together with their local church
18:25 and they contacted GYC for help in becoming an affiliate.
18:29 And by God's grace,
18:31 at the beginning of December this year,
18:33 God worked in over 450 people
18:35 were in attendance at their first convention.
18:38 As we went on outreach,
18:39 175 people signed up for bible studies,
18:42 people are making decisions for the Lord Jesus.
18:45 And as they completed
18:47 the process of becoming an affiliate,
18:49 God was able to use them there in Guatemala
18:53 to really move his work forward.
18:56 Now there maybe some of you here from a country
18:58 that doesn't have
19:00 a large presence of young people
19:02 and you have a burden for the young people there.
19:04 I would encourage you to get together
19:06 with your other local youth
19:08 with your church leadership in prayer,
19:10 how is it that we can be faithful
19:12 in finishing the work in this generation.
19:15 If you have any questions, please email GYC.
19:17 We would love to help you
19:18 and assist you in any way we can,
19:20 so that you can be a blessing to the young people around you.
19:23 Amen. Amen.
19:25 So I'll tell...
19:26 I'm going to share like the global impact of GYC,
19:29 I'm gonna share a more personal impact of GYC
19:31 on my life in particular.
19:33 So this is my 11th GYC
19:36 and my experience at each conference has been
19:39 very, very different.
19:40 At my first GYC, I reduced it to camp meeting on steroids,
19:44 because I saw all the trappings of traditional Adventism.
19:47 I saw the morning devotionals, I saw the sermons,
19:51 and the modest clothing, and the lack of real cheese,
19:54 and I thought,
19:56 you know, I'm just going to turn my ears off
19:58 and I'm going to allow my body to go through the motions.
20:02 And back then, that was enough for me.
20:05 Eventually, I started to come to GYC, half indifferent,
20:09 half interested.
20:11 I remember one GYC,
20:12 when I smuggled
20:13 the second book of The Twilight Saga
20:15 into my luggage and I read it in my hotel closet
20:18 while my parents were praying
20:20 just a couple feet away from where I was hiding.
20:23 And later during that conference,
20:24 I was very convicted to just get rid of that book
20:27 and replace it with the Bible.
20:29 And I went home
20:30 and I was so energized and invigorated
20:32 with this renewed sense of my Christian identity,
20:35 my Adventists identity,
20:37 and so I started having daily devotions
20:39 for a solid two weeks.
20:42 And back then,
20:44 that one mountain top experience
20:45 per year was enough for me.
20:48 Later, I came to GYC with a strategy in place.
20:53 If I positioned my purse just right,
20:54 I could play games on my phone during morning devotions,
20:58 I could stay up late catching up with friends
21:01 by catching up on sleep during seminars.
21:04 I could find and enjoy
21:06 the best restaurants in the city
21:08 by missing half of the evening plenary.
21:11 Back then, unfortunately, that was enough for me.
21:15 I look back on these versions of myself
21:17 as a GYC attendee and I cringe.
21:21 I hear stories of people who come to GYC
21:23 and they're so transformed,
21:25 they're so grateful and yet I took it for granted.
21:29 I normalized my experience
21:31 so that the power of God could not impact my life.
21:35 But we serve a merciful God
21:38 who extends such grace to such unworthy people
21:41 and he transforms the ugliness of our lives.
21:45 Over the past couple years,
21:47 God has helped me transform
21:48 these very regrettable moments of my GYC past,
21:51 to remind me of four very profound lessons,
21:55 four lessons that GYC was teaching me all along.
21:59 The first one, remember to listen,
22:02 to incline your ear
22:04 and to come to Jesus because if you hear,
22:07 your soul will live and God will make
22:09 an everlasting covenant with you.
22:12 Whether in a plenary, a conversation with a friend,
22:15 something that feels really familiar,
22:16 even insignificant,
22:18 God is there and he can use that opportunity
22:21 as an opportunity
22:23 to reveal a more perfect picture of himself.
22:25 But we must be open to listening.
22:28 Number two, remember the bible, not a Twilight book, the Bible.
22:33 That it is a lamp unto my feet in a light to my path
22:37 that it takes precedence above everything
22:39 because it acts as the sword
22:41 that defends us from the forces of darkness.
22:44 Number three, remember to be consistently faithful,
22:49 the Christian walk is not an easy one
22:50 and it necessitates a daily death to self.
22:53 It requires us to take back the excitement
22:55 that we gain from this conference
22:57 and to plug it into our spheres of influence.
23:00 Number four, remember to put God first,
23:04 to have no other gods before Him,
23:06 no Gods of appetite,
23:08 no Gods of social capital, no gods of sleep,
23:12 to put God first.
23:15 If you could relate
23:16 to any of my past GYC experiences,
23:19 I encourage you to remember these four reminders,
23:23 to remember to listen, to remember the Bible,
23:27 to remember to be consistently faithful,
23:29 and to remember to put God first.
23:31 I encourage you to think and reflect critically
23:34 on your GYC experience as an attendee.
23:37 And I hope that you can come away
23:39 from conferences like these saying,
23:41 "This is not enough for me."
23:44 Lord, make me your instrument and plant my feet in the way
23:47 that you would have me go.
23:49 Amen.
23:50 Amen.
23:52 You know, I really appreciate what Shauna just shared.
23:55 I would say I have a different story.
23:57 I wasn't raised in Adventist.
23:58 And I had never been to a GYC and I don't like big crowds.
24:03 And so when Taylor asked me
24:05 if I could help with the evangelism team,
24:08 I was like, "No, I don't like big crowds."
24:10 But let me tell you something, I have a frustration,
24:13 that frustration began even before I was a Christian
24:16 and that was that I'm so tired of living a normal life.
24:22 I look around and I'm like,
24:23 "What really is the point of life?"
24:26 And, you know, you have
24:27 those deep melancholy philosophical thoughts,
24:29 those are the ones that I was having like,
24:31 "Am I going to really go ahead
24:33 and be that
24:34 and eventually get married and have kids
24:36 and all this and then I die."
24:38 Fantastic.
24:40 Wrong.
24:41 So I began to think to myself even before I was a Christian
24:44 that I have a major frustration
24:45 that life looks the same for every single person
24:49 and what gives.
24:50 What's finally going to give?
24:52 When I became an Adventist, I thought to myself, "Wow,
24:56 I have learned so many Biblical truths."
24:58 Then I truly did.
24:59 And I began to have a relationship with Jesus.
25:03 And to really believe
25:05 that there was a God in heaven who love me
25:06 but I still was very frustrated because guess what,
25:10 I saw no difference in the lives of many Christians
25:13 as when I wasn't a Christian.
25:15 Does that make sense?
25:16 So I was so frustrated and I thought to myself,
25:19 "Okay, Lord, I have one goal.
25:23 I want to change the world."
25:25 We're crazy.
25:27 And there's this quote and I want to know
25:28 if any of you know who says it, says,
25:30 "The people who are crazy enough to think
25:31 they can change the world are the ones who actually do."
25:35 Do you know who said that?
25:37 Steve Jobs said that.
25:39 Friends, he had a global...
25:41 people were mourning the death of this man.
25:43 And I thought to myself,
25:45 "How are the men of the world
25:46 having a bigger impact on society
25:48 than me as a Christian
25:49 who has the power of the God in heaven."
25:51 I thought, "Okay, this is this is out of control."
25:54 Then I started coming to these GYCs
25:57 and I would help here and there.
25:59 And I want to tell you something, friends,
26:01 I ran into a group of people
26:03 who are all crazy enough to think
26:04 they can actually change the world for Jesus.
26:06 Amen.
26:08 And I thought, "I found my people."
26:12 I look at the leadership of GYC
26:14 and, you guys, friends, they're very normal people.
26:17 We're very normal people.
26:19 And I look around and all they have is a burden
26:22 and a desire to see the Lord come soon
26:23 because you, my friends,
26:25 have the antidote to a hurting world.
26:27 How can you keep it to yourself?
26:29 So what impact has GYC had on me?
26:31 It's actually helped alleviate the frustration I've had
26:34 since I was a young girl,
26:35 that you can be a part
26:37 of something much bigger
26:38 than you could have ever imagined
26:40 that the plan God has for your life,
26:41 don't just reach your potential,
26:42 hit your God potential.
26:44 And there are a group of young people
26:46 who are striving to say,
26:48 "You know what, enough is enough.
26:50 Don't live a normal life, step out,
26:53 do something different for Jesus."
26:55 And I looked around and I realized, "Wow!
26:57 I've met a bunch of people who are crazy enough to think
27:00 they can actually change the world."
27:05 Amen.
27:07 Praise the Lord
27:08 to what has happened in the past
27:09 and how he has impacted all of our lives.
27:13 Now we want to take a look into the future of GYC.
27:18 So I want to ask Eric,
27:19 how does the future look for GYC?
27:23 You know, something that keeps
27:24 the GYC executive committee up at night
27:26 is trying to figure out
27:28 how we can reach the world in this generation.
27:29 And I don't know about you,
27:31 but many of us
27:32 we look at the conference and we say, "Wow,
27:34 you know, this is a great conference,
27:35 but we can do more."
27:36 Amen. Amen.
27:38 And as we look at it and we think and we grapple
27:41 with ministry in trying to figure out
27:43 how to do it, we look at our mission.
27:44 And I just want to read a portion of our mission
27:47 for a moment.
27:49 The GYC mission says, "There exists, today,
27:52 an army of dedicated young people
27:55 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church
27:57 who yearn to demonstrate the Nehemiah's leadership,
28:00 Daniel's integrity, Mary's humility,
28:03 Paul's passion for evangelism,
28:05 and Christ's love for God and humanity.
28:08 It is the goal of GYC
28:09 and its members to seek and galvanize
28:12 such young people.
28:13 We aim to mobilize youth
28:14 and young adult and it goes on."
28:16 And I just want to focus on that point
28:18 where we seek
28:20 and we galvanize youth and young adults
28:22 to get them cast out into ministry
28:26 all throughout North America and the world.
28:28 This last year,
28:29 we released the GYC ambassador program.
28:32 And as part of this program,
28:33 we wanted to have young people everywhere
28:36 being mentored receiving leadership training
28:38 and sharing with others in a way
28:40 that would win souls for Christ throughout the year
28:42 not just coming to a conference
28:44 and being aspired for a couple days
28:46 and going home and doing nothing.
28:48 So what we want to see in the future
28:49 as we move forward
28:50 is really every young person getting involved in our church.
28:53 We have a much smaller group this year,
28:55 but really you are all GYC ambassadors as well.
28:58 And we would be so thrilled if we heard back next year,
29:01 that people just came up to us from everywhere saying,
29:04 "I baptized this many, I baptized this many.
29:06 I studied with this many."
29:07 We really need to move to a place
29:09 where we have people mentoring each other and growing.
29:13 And that's what we want to do with the ambassador program.
29:16 Amen.
29:17 You know, John Knox was one of the great reformers
29:20 in Great Britain.
29:21 And Ellen White says
29:22 in The Great Controversy about him that,
29:24 "He feared not the face of men,
29:26 the fires of martyrdom blazing around him
29:29 served only to quicken his seal to greater intensity."
29:33 He was a man of prayer,
29:34 and men of prayer are men of power.
29:38 In the book, Evangelism,
29:39 she continues talking about John Knox,
29:41 and she says,
29:42 "If we have the interest that John Knox
29:44 had when he pleaded before God for Scotland,
29:47 we shall have success."
29:49 He cried, his prayer, "I must have souls.
29:53 I will never give up the struggle.
29:55 We shall find that God
29:56 will look upon our efforts with favor."
29:58 When we pray like that."
29:59 And he prayed,
30:00 "Lord, give me Scotland or I die."
30:04 You know, within GYC leadership circles
30:07 for many years,
30:08 there has been a ghost floating around.
30:10 And before you have a false idea
30:11 of what I'm talking about, this ghost is an idea.
30:14 It is the idea of having young people
30:18 descend upon a country
30:20 and taking over a country
30:23 not in a political sense but in a spiritual sense.
30:26 Imagine thousands or just hundreds,
30:28 God can do use any one.
30:30 Descend...
30:31 Of young people...
30:33 Descending upon one country and knocking on every door
30:36 getting into every home of that country,
30:38 we believe these things are possible
30:39 in the power of the Holy Spirit.
30:41 What would God do
30:43 if we start to pray like John Knox,
30:45 "Give me America or I die.
30:48 Give me Russia or I die.
30:51 Give me Indonesia or I die.
30:53 Give me the Middle East or I die.
30:55 Give me my city or I die. Give me my neighborhood.
30:58 Give me my family.
30:59 Give me my friends and my enemies or I die."
31:02 We need to be radically sold out
31:04 for the Lord's service
31:06 and we believe as GYC as going forward
31:07 into the future
31:09 that we will see great things happening
31:10 when we pray prayers like this.
31:12 So pray for us, we are praying for you,
31:15 and let us dream big for God.
31:17 And let us devote our lives to service to him.
31:20 Amen.
31:21 I want to tell you, friends,
31:23 no man is bigger than his prayer life.
31:25 Amen.
31:26 And we need to dream big because we have a big God.
31:29 So thank you so much, Eric and Jonathan.
31:31 And at this time,
31:33 we want to look into how do we finish the work,
31:36 what is it that is left in order for this generation
31:41 to finish the work.
31:42 So I want to invite some more of my friends here
31:44 to come up with me.
31:47 Eric, you're already here with me.
31:50 As we're going to be joined here
31:51 by some more of my friends,
31:53 we're gonna talk about what is it that is left
31:56 in order to finish the work
31:58 because we want to be all about mission.
32:01 Amen.
32:03 That was so weak.
32:05 Amen.
32:08 Elder Randy Skeete says,
32:10 "The angels, the universe is watching us right now,
32:13 we want to be all about mission."
32:16 Amen.
32:18 So what is left to finish the work?
32:21 You know, the very first step is absolute, total,
32:25 radical surrender.
32:26 More than anything else,
32:28 if we don't come to the place
32:29 where we're saying, "Lord, all of me is yours."
32:32 What are we doing?
32:33 You know, the moment
32:35 we keep a little room, or closet,
32:37 or drawer in our lives that is just left,
32:39 and that's not God's space, it's our space,
32:41 so that's the devil space, so that's whatever space.
32:44 How can we expect to move forward
32:46 in radical mission for God?
32:49 You know, the Bible is really, it talks about this,
32:51 Jesus said, "If anyone desires to come after me,
32:55 let him deny himself
32:56 and take up his cross daily and follow me."
33:00 My surrender today is different from my surrender tomorrow.
33:02 It's going to grow over time.
33:04 And at each and every step as I surrender,
33:06 and God looks at me
33:07 and he covers me in His righteousness,
33:09 he sees in me Christ perfection,
33:12 because I'm surrendered in following him
33:14 with all that I've got.
33:16 You know, Desire of Ages, 523 Paragraph 3 says,
33:19 "Self surrender is the substance
33:21 of the teachings of Christ."
33:24 Acts, the Apostles 51 paragraph 2 says,
33:27 "Holiness is not rapture,
33:28 it is an entire surrender of the will to God."
33:32 And in Faith and Works, page 100 says,
33:33 "God requires the entire surrender
33:36 of the heart."
33:38 This is what it is all about.
33:39 If we don't come to the place where we're willing to say,
33:41 "Lord, I'm yours,"
33:43 how can we expect to have victory in our lives?
33:45 How can we expect to move forward in the areas
33:47 that God has given us to minister?
33:49 How can we expect to be able
33:51 to inspire others to follow him,
33:53 if they see the hypocrisy is in our own lives?
33:56 And so truly,
33:57 this last year has been a journey for me,
33:59 the last couple of years really,
34:00 as I study this theme of surrender,
34:01 I see it everywhere.
34:03 And I think that as you spend the time
34:05 and maybe look for that theme in scripture,
34:06 you'll see the same thing.
34:09 Because you can have victories over little things
34:12 but when you're holding yourself back,
34:14 God can't release all his power in the same way
34:16 that he can when you say, "Lord, I'm yours."
34:18 So that's my challenge to you, GYC,
34:21 say, "Lord, here I am 100% surrendered to you."
34:25 Amen. Amen.
34:27 And part of that means surrendered
34:28 is to continue to grow more and more like Jesus
34:31 every single day.
34:33 But how do we do that?
34:34 Someone once asked me,
34:36 "How long do you think GYC is going to last?"
34:38 And off the top of my head
34:39 I just corresponded, "Well, five days."
34:42 And they're like, "No, no, no.
34:44 How long do you think GYC is gonna last?"
34:48 And it's a question I never thought about before
34:50 but I realized that, GYC,
34:52 the movement could end tomorrow,
34:57 if none of us do anything about caring for the spirit.
35:01 It could end tomorrow,
35:02 if we choose not to get training,
35:04 if we can choose to be content with mediocrity,
35:06 if we choose to be content with what we have now.
35:10 But we have to continue
35:12 to search for Jesus and His Word.
35:15 We have to continue.
35:16 And maybe for some of you,
35:17 that's going to a place like Salt or Souls West
35:20 For some of you,
35:21 that maybe even getting a theology degree
35:23 or a higher theology degree.
35:25 And for some of you, some of the people like me,
35:28 maybe just going to your pastor, your teacher,
35:30 or spiritual mentor and saying,
35:31 "Hey I want to become more like Jesus.
35:34 Will you study the Bible with me?"
35:36 Whatever that is for you,
35:37 God is calling each and every one of us to grow,
35:40 to not be content with our knowledge
35:42 of the Bible right now,
35:44 but to be like Jesus ever growing,
35:45 ever learning.
35:47 And to take the knowledge
35:48 that we have and continue to use it for His glory
35:51 because in the end that's what's going to matter.
35:53 In the end, are you going to look back?
35:55 Am I going to look back at my life and say, "Wow,
35:58 I lived a life in spiritual mediocrity."
36:01 Or we're gonna say, "Wow, praise the Lord."
36:04 I know more and more each and every day about my Jesus.
36:09 So if you need information on how to get more training,
36:11 you can email us and will direct you
36:13 to the places that are best fit for you
36:15 and your needs.
36:16 I'm at
36:20 So continue to grow in Jesus.
36:24 I have a story for you.
36:26 It was about six years ago that I became an Adventist.
36:31 And I was the only Adventist in my family but I...
36:34 if you guys know me and my little brother,
36:36 he's 6 feet, so my little big brother.
36:39 He was not a Christian and he was living a life
36:42 that made me think
36:43 I can't imagine going to heaven without him.
36:46 And I began to get this huge burden for my friends
36:49 and my family, can anyone relate?
36:51 You want to see them in heaven with you.
36:53 And he was crazy doing the things of the world.
36:56 And I remember thinking to myself,
36:58 I read in Matthew 6:7,
37:02 it says, "When you pray,"
37:03 not if you pray but when you pray.
37:05 And then later on, in the chapter verse 16,
37:07 it says, "When you fast,"
37:09 not if you pray and if you fast,
37:11 but when you pray and when you fast,
37:13 you start to see the workings of God happen.
37:16 So I thought I'm going to commit
37:18 one day a week indefinitely until Joey,
37:21 my younger brother becomes a Christian
37:23 and I'm gonna pray
37:24 and fast for him every Wednesday.
37:26 And I began to plead with God for my friends and my family
37:29 once a week
37:30 especially Joey that the Lord would bring him to him.
37:33 And I remember one night, I went into his room
37:36 and I sat on his bed and I prayed,
37:37 because he was out partying and doing his thing.
37:39 And I sat on his bed and I was like,
37:41 "I don't even know how to pray
37:43 but God help him like not to sleep.
37:44 I just really want to see my younger brother
37:46 in the kingdom of heaven with me."
37:48 I don't even want to go to heaven
37:49 if he's not there.
37:50 The thought is too heartbreaking.
37:52 God reminded me
37:53 that he shares the same heartache
37:55 that I was having.
37:56 Three weeks later,
37:57 my brother comes into my room and he's like,
37:59 "Man, I haven't been sleeping good."
38:01 And I was like, "Oh, well since when?"
38:04 And he begins to recount that he was around the time
38:05 that I had prayed.
38:07 Friends, I have three pieces of advice for you
38:09 in reaching your friends and family.
38:10 Number one, pray, consistently pray.
38:12 Number two, fast.
38:14 Tell the Lord, they're worth being in the Kingdom of Heaven
38:17 whatever it takes.
38:18 Number three, practical, consistent, loving character.
38:22 Be consistent around your friends and family,
38:24 you will see God work through the weapons
38:25 that He's given us to fight in this warfare.
38:27 Amen.
38:29 And God will bless you as you engage in evangelism.
38:32 The Spirit of Prophecy says,
38:33 "The Church of Christ has been organized on earth
38:35 for missionary purposes.
38:37 We are privileged to become missionaries for God."
38:40 Why do we emphasize this so much?
38:42 Because God works
38:43 through the work of evangelism in us,
38:46 He changes us
38:47 as we do service for others as we share Christ.
38:50 It's part of his plan to make us like Jesus.
38:54 And so as we engage in evangelism,
38:56 I want to encourage you.
38:58 Desire of Ages, page 195 says,
39:00 "Every true disciple is born
39:02 into the kingdom of God as a missionary."
39:06 We are all missionaries.
39:07 Listen carefully here, evangelism,
39:10 the sharing of truth
39:12 is not an event it is a lifestyle.
39:15 It is a continual work
39:17 where we constantly arise and shine as our theme
39:20 is going to be next year
39:21 where we share with others the truth,
39:23 the love of Christ through words, actions,
39:27 through literature, there are so many ways.
39:29 You don't have to be a Mark Finley,
39:30 you don't have to be a great pastor preaching,
39:33 you have gifts, you have words,
39:36 you can speak, you can do things,
39:38 you can invite people, there is so many ways.
39:42 Evangelism, it's not a spiritual gift.
39:46 Evangelism is not a spiritual gift.
39:49 It is a calling.
39:52 None of us have the gift of evangelism.
39:56 We all have a calling. Amen.
39:58 And we can use our gifts that we have for evangelism.
40:01 I want to encourage you, friends, share the truth.
40:03 There are so many things you could do.
40:05 For example, write down your personal testimony
40:08 in just a brief one-minute paragraph.
40:10 Write it down. How did you meet Jesus?
40:12 What has Jesus done for you? How has it changed your life?
40:15 And why do you love Jesus?
40:16 Memorize this one-minute testimony
40:18 and share it with somebody.
40:20 Have it always ready, have it with you.
40:23 What do I have in my hand here?
40:24 A glow track.
40:25 A glow track head with you glow tracks.
40:27 Be ready at all times. Have a sharing book with you.
40:30 There are so many opportunities,
40:31 pray for divine appointments.
40:32 I promise you God will bless you
40:34 with amazing experiences.
40:36 I want to encourage you,
40:38 give your life to Jesus in evangelism service,
40:42 it is our calling that we have as Seventh-day Adventists
40:44 in his last days.
40:45 Amen.
40:48 How many of you had a very difficult 2016?
40:51 I know I did.
40:53 And you know what,
40:54 as I was thinking about it this morning,
40:56 I decided that we can be part of the solution to 2016,
41:00 you know how?
41:01 Let us reach the unreached areas.
41:02 The Bible tells us that Jesus will come
41:06 when the Gospel has reached the entire globe.
41:08 That includes areas like the Middle East,
41:11 that includes areas like North Africa,
41:13 like China, like North Korea,
41:14 we must reach all of these areas.
41:17 Friends, in order for Jesus to come,
41:19 and you know what,
41:20 I don't want to get into the theology of it,
41:23 but we can hasten the coming of Christ
41:26 by reaching the unreached areas.
41:28 Amen.
41:30 So I invite you to diligently pray about it.
41:33 I know that God does not call all of us to go abroad
41:36 but I also know that he has called
41:38 more than those that are going.
41:40 And so pray about it.
41:41 See if God is calling you to go abroad.
41:44 And if he is calling you,
41:45 I invite you to answer immediately,
41:48 lest you lose the blessing
41:49 that God has in store for you.
41:51 Amen. Let us pray.
41:54 How many of you have ever wanted to do something
41:57 but didn't feel able to?
41:59 Please show off hands.
42:01 Definitely been in that boat before.
42:04 It's very easy to let our age
42:06 define our limits of what we can and cannot do.
42:10 But the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:12,
42:13 "Let no one look down on your youthfulness,
42:15 but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.
42:21 Show yourself an example of those who believe."
42:25 God has called us to do something, GYC,
42:28 God has called us.
42:29 And we see examples of this throughout the Bible.
42:31 We see Joseph and Daniel and Timothy
42:32 and many others
42:34 who did not allow their situations to limit
42:36 what they felt God was calling them to do.
42:39 I fully believe that we have the opportunity
42:41 to see Christ come in this generation.
42:44 But for this to happen,
42:45 we just need to be working in the work
42:47 that we have been called to do through Christ.
42:51 We serve a perfect God
42:53 and one of our goals should be to reflect his character
42:55 to all we come in contact with.
42:57 As a result, we should strive
42:59 for excellence in all that we do.
43:01 And anything that God has called us to do,
43:04 we should be striving to do it as best as we possibly can.
43:08 God can do great things through us, GYC,
43:11 if we give our lives to Him and allow Him
43:13 to work through us.
43:14 That is the only way
43:15 we're going to be able to finish the work
43:17 that he has called us to do.
43:18 Amen.
43:23 You know, GYC...
43:28 How long,
43:31 how long will we love the world
43:36 more than heaven?
43:40 You know, there's one thing that I think we lack,
43:45 that I might lack,
43:47 and that is the desire to see Jesus come.
43:52 Maybe we say, "Yes, I want to see Jesus come.
43:55 I really...
43:56 Oh, the second coming, halleluiah.
44:00 But, Lord, wait for me to get married first.
44:04 Lord, wait for me to enjoy my retirement.
44:06 Lord, wait for me to get that car,
44:08 wait for me to get that education,
44:10 wait for me to get that child.
44:13 Lord, I want you to come, but just wait a little bit."
44:20 You know, friends, this world is hopeless.
44:28 If it is not for Jesus Christ,
44:32 it is our only hope.
44:34 Christ's righteousness.
44:39 When I look at the future of our movement of our church,
44:44 of our world,
44:45 we need to be in the Word of God
44:48 like never before.
44:50 Amen.
44:51 We need to be sold up for mission like never before.
44:54 We need to love one another as brothers and sisters
44:57 in Christ like never before,
45:00 for the devil wants to divide us.
45:02 The future of GYC and the future
45:05 I believe of our movement
45:08 lies in our communion with God
45:12 and our love for soul winning.
45:17 You know, some people say, "Evangelism does not work."
45:19 But I tell you what,
45:21 evangelism does not work, if you don't work at it.
45:25 And we as young people can do a better work
45:29 at reaching our peers than any age group can do.
45:36 Did you know,
45:38 if a person was baptizing,
45:41 let's say 1,000 people a day.
45:45 And there was another person
45:47 that was winning one soul a year
45:50 and teaching that one soul how to win another soul.
45:55 So you have one
45:57 who is baptizing 1,000 souls a day,
45:59 just bam, bam, bam, 1,000, 1,000, 1,000.
46:03 You have another one
46:04 who is focusing on one soul a year
46:07 and teaching that one soul
46:09 to be rightly trained on how to win another soul,
46:12 and he too is winning another soul.
46:14 Guess, how long will it be till he reaches that person
46:18 that is baptizing 1,000 souls?
46:23 Any guess? Just raise your hand.
46:28 Thirty years.
46:30 About 30 years, even less than 30 years.
46:35 For that person that is focusing on one soul,
46:38 training that one soul how to win another soul,
46:41 less than 30 years,
46:43 he will catch up to that person
46:44 that is baptizing 1,000 souls a day.
46:51 This is my point. We are not one here.
46:56 We are more than one.
46:59 And if we got serious about wanting to see Jesus come
47:04 and if we truly love our neighbor as ourselves,
47:09 we could literally finish the work in this generation.
47:12 Amen.
47:15 In no less than five or whatever years,
47:17 I'm not date setting here,
47:19 that is not what the Lord has called us to do.
47:23 But what I am telling you
47:25 is that we really can finish the work.
47:29 How many of you have somebody in your heart
47:31 that you truly want to see won over through the Gospel?
47:36 My friend, this is the first thing I ask of you,
47:39 pray for that person, and make it your goal in 2017.
47:43 Maybe you have never given a Bible study, that's okay.
47:47 The women at the well
47:48 had never given a Bible study before,
47:50 but she got the entire village.
47:52 Amen.
47:55 But be serious about your faith,
47:58 be serious about Jesus Christ,
48:01 and pray for that person you have in your heart.
48:04 Win them over to the Gospel,
48:07 use the training you got at this GYC
48:09 to be a missionary everywhere.
48:14 I have a burden for cross-cultural outreach.
48:20 Here in the United States, we have unreached areas,
48:25 places in the world
48:27 where the Gospel cannot go officially,
48:29 and they are present here in the thousands,
48:31 and what are we doing about it?
48:34 We're sending missionaries over to those places.
48:36 Well, we have thousands here we can reach to.
48:39 My friend, I'm telling you they are our brothers
48:42 and our sisters.
48:44 Amen.
48:45 And Jesus sees them as equal value as any of us.
48:51 Each one, reach one, train, pray,
48:56 it's not about the numbers.
48:58 It's about the heart and the motive.
49:02 Ellen G White has a beautiful quote
49:04 I want to leave with you.
49:06 She says, "Success in this work
49:08 does not depend upon men's talents
49:11 but upon pureness of purpose."
49:15 GYC exists and we pray
49:19 that we will have a pure purpose
49:21 to truly see Jesus come in our generation.
49:26 Are you tired of this world, my friend?
49:28 I am.
49:29 I am so tired, may Jesus come.
49:32 Amen.
49:33 I want to invite two of my friends here to see
49:36 how we can stay plugged in.
49:39 I want to invite Shauna again and Esther.
49:44 And I want to ask you guys the question,
49:47 we want to reach somebody
49:49 but we also want to stay on fire for the Lord
49:52 so what must I do when I go back to my local church
49:55 or my campus or work, what should I do?
49:59 So I'm gonna tell you
50:00 how you can get involved with this conference actually.
50:02 So we serve a God who allows us feeble human beings
50:06 to unite divine power with human effort.
50:10 Amen. Amen.
50:11 He gives us the opportunity to participate in a work
50:13 that He could have done himself
50:15 because our participation in His work transforms
50:17 us profoundly.
50:19 And I know that I was transformed profoundly
50:22 at GYC by serving behind the scenes.
50:25 Being a volunteer and helping
50:27 to make this colossal effort happen,
50:29 showed me a picture of Christ
50:31 that he was faithful in the little things
50:33 and it also helped me to develop my character.
50:36 So there are a lot of volunteer opportunities
50:38 for each one of you to be involved with
50:41 at the conference.
50:42 And if you have a burden to serve
50:44 or to get involved with GYC on a deeper level,
50:46 I encourage you to contact volunteers.
50:49 That's V-O-L-U-N-T-E-E-R-S,
50:55 again that's
51:00 How can you stay connected throughout the year?
51:04 The theme of this year's conference was been,
51:06 "All has been heard."
51:08 To be honest, you've heard it all.
51:09 Now go back and do it.
51:11 We encourage you to get involved in your local church.
51:14 Use the website that GYC website
51:17 and look at the seminars that you've missed.
51:19 You'll be able to share those with your friends,
51:21 if you have questions on certain topics.
51:23 Also subscribe to our YouTube channel.
51:26 We are launching a special media project this year
51:29 and it will provide resources that you can use
51:31 in your local church as well.
51:33 Be the change that you want to see.
51:37 Read the Word of God but don't just read it but live it.
51:41 Amen. Amen.
51:43 Amen.
51:45 I want to leave you with some quotes
51:46 here as an executive committee to let you know
51:51 that this work that we do
51:55 is not just put by man's ideas or something you say,
51:59 "Let's just get together."
52:01 But this is what God is truly calling us to do.
52:05 "The greatest want of the world is the want of man and woman,
52:11 who will not be bought or sold,
52:13 man who in their inmost souls are true and honest;
52:19 man who do not fear to call sin by its right name;
52:22 man whose conscience is as true to duty
52:28 as the needle to the pole;
52:31 man who will stand for the right
52:34 though the heavens fall."
52:38 Book Education, page 262, paragraph 1 says,
52:41 "Success in any line demands a definite aim.
52:47 He who would achieve true success in life
52:50 must keep steadily in view the aim worthy of his endeavor.
52:55 Such an aim is set before the youth of today.
52:59 The heaven-appointed purpose of giving the gospel
53:02 to the world in this generation
53:04 is the noblest that can appeal to any human being.
53:09 It opens a field of effort to everyone
53:12 whose heart Christ has touched."
53:16 ""Go ye into all the world,
53:17 and preach the gospel to every creature,"
53:20 is Christ's command to His followers.
53:23 Not that all are called to be ministers
53:25 or missionaries in the ordinary sense of the term.
53:29 But all may be workers with Him in giving the "glad tidings"
53:33 to their fellow men.
53:34 To all, great or small, learned or ignorant, old or young,
53:39 the command is given."
53:42 Amen.
53:47 To conclude the section, I'd like to pray with you.
53:50 But we truly need to pray, you know,
53:53 all who engage in ministry are God's helping hand.
53:58 "With such an army of workers
54:01 as our youth rightly trained might furnish
54:05 how soon the message of a crucified, risen,
54:07 and soon-coming Savior
54:09 might be carried to the whole world,
54:12 how soon might the end come
54:13 the end of suffering and sorrow and sin,
54:16 how soon, in place of a possession here,
54:19 with its blight of sin and pain,
54:21 our children might receive their inheritance
54:24 where "the righteous shall inherit the land,
54:27 and dwell therein forever"
54:29 where "the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick,"
54:32 and "the voice of weeping shall be no more heard."
54:38 If you can bow with me at this time,
54:42 if you can ask in the Lord,
54:46 "Lord, I want to finish the work.
54:49 You know my condition, you know my local church,
54:52 you know my public campus, you know the country
54:55 where I'm going to the challenges that I face.
54:58 Lord, please help me."
55:07 Dear Heavenly Father,
55:10 oh, Lord, you gave us life today for a purpose.
55:16 Lord, your heart is yearning
55:21 that we will get to know you better
55:24 and have the same passion that you have.
55:29 Father, this world is hopeless.
55:33 But God is our only hope.
55:36 And if we turn our faces towards You, father, and look,
55:42 you can do a mighty work in our lives.
55:46 Father, deep darkness is surrounding us.
55:51 But we ask that our experience
55:53 will not be that of Elijah at the Mount Carmel,
55:58 but it will be the experience of Jesus Christ's
56:02 from glory to glory of Jesus living in our hearts,
56:08 our only hope of glory.
56:11 Father, please be with my friends here
56:13 who have gathered from all over the world
56:15 and the United States.
56:18 Bless us.
56:19 Keep us under Your grace for, Father,
56:22 we need it so much, for we cannot do anything,
56:26 Father,
56:28 in our strength but only Jesus Christ.
56:33 May we surrender, repent,
56:36 and serve You with all that we got.
56:40 Not because to earn our salvation
56:45 but because we are saved and we love our Maker.
56:49 Guide and bless us, Father, and keep us faithful.
56:54 In the mighty name of Jesus Christ,
56:57 let His people say, amen.


Revised 2017-09-26