Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Sat. Evening Plenary: -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jason Sliger


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000015A

00:34 Good evening, everyone.
00:36 I trust that the Lord has blessed you today, amen?
00:40 The Word of God says, "O taste and see that the Lord is good."
00:45 And I want to tell you, brothers and sisters, tonight,
00:48 I have never tasted and I have never seen
00:51 anything better than God.
00:54 In my personal time of developing the presentations
00:58 for GYC, it has been a special time that I've had
01:03 together with the Lord.
01:05 And I covet this same experience for each one of you.
01:10 I believe that the Lord has another blessing
01:12 for us here this evening.
01:14 And I have made the decision that the Sabbath is going to end
01:18 when I'm done preaching.
01:20 Is that okay?
01:22 We're going to linger.
01:23 I know the sun has set, but we're going to linger
01:26 on that beautiful blessing that God has given
01:28 to us on the Sabbath.
01:29 Would you bow your heads with me as we begin this evening
01:32 with a brief word of prayer?
01:41 Merciful God and ever loving Father,
01:47 we come to you tonight with a desire in our hearts
01:53 to hear a message from You.
01:57 Lord, we have our Bibles in our hands and we have minds that are
02:02 willing to hear the Holy Spirit speak to us tonight.
02:08 So Lord, send the presence of Your Spirit here, I pray.
02:13 And may we be blessed as we linger in Your presence.
02:18 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
02:26 How is the subject of the judgment relevant to a
02:31 GYC attendee tomorrow?
02:35 They get in their car, they get on a plane,
02:38 and travel back home.
02:42 How is the subject of the investigative judgment
02:47 relevant to you on Monday when you go back to school
02:52 or work, or whatever it is that you start on Monday?
02:57 How is the subject of the judgment relevant to you
03:01 when you go about your business around town
03:06 or taking care of various tasks in your daily life?
03:10 How is the judgment relevant in our everyday life?
03:14 Today, by God's grace, I want to share with you
03:19 something from the Bible that I believe will help us
03:22 to see the relevance of this subject today
03:27 in the time that we are living in.
03:28 Its practical application, if you will.
03:31 As I have studied this out in my personal preparation time,
03:36 this has been a subject that has challenged me to my core.
03:42 I pray that the challenge is the same for you.
03:45 The subject of passage that has been chosen for the theme of
03:48 this great convention, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14,
03:53 again I repeat, the Bible says,
03:55 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
03:57 Fear God, and keep his commandments:
03:59 for this is the whole duty of man.
04:01 For God shall bring every work into judgment,
04:04 with every secret thing, whether it be good,
04:07 or whether it be evil."
04:08 We're familiar with the passage.
04:11 And maybe passages like this perhaps leave you feeling
04:15 a little helpless and hopeless.
04:19 Maybe passages like this make you feel like you are
04:22 never going to make it into the kingdom of heaven.
04:26 The thought of your entire life in all of its hideous details
04:32 being reviewed by somebody, it makes you shudder
04:37 when you think about it.
04:39 Yet the fact still remains that the Bible tells us
04:42 there is a time of judgment.
04:45 And we are living in it right now.
04:47 I fear that for some of us, when we read passages such as this in
04:51 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, that when we think about it,
04:59 that we cross our fingers in hope that maybe we might
05:03 just happen to slide through and make it through
05:07 on the time of judgment.
05:09 That maybe we hope that if we do something good enough
05:12 that God will recognize that good deed
05:15 and will take it and allow us to make it through
05:18 on the time of judgment.
05:20 Now I'm here to tell you this evening
05:22 that the Word of God offers something better than luck.
05:27 That the Word of God offers something better
05:32 than just chance.
05:34 And I want to share with you a passage of scripture that has
05:37 spoken to my heart.
05:38 And I invite you to turn there with me if you would
05:41 to the book of 1 John 4, and we're going to look at verse 17.
05:49 1 John 4, and we're going to look at verse 17.
05:56 Beautiful passage of scripture here.
05:58 The Word of God says this:
06:04 "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have
06:10 boldness in the day of judgment:
06:14 because as he is, so are we in this world."
06:20 The question I want to ask you is, can I have boldness
06:25 in the day of judgment, yes or no?
06:27 There is no question about it.
06:29 The Word of God tells us that we don't have to cower
06:33 at the time of judgment, but that we can have boldness.
06:36 In fact, in the Greek it tends to give the idea
06:39 of cheerful courage in the time of the judgment,
06:43 or confidence in the time of judgment.
06:46 When our cases are brought in review before God
06:50 we can have hopeful expectation that by God's grace
06:55 working in and through us that we can be found
06:59 as conquerors in the eyes of God.
07:03 We can have boldness in the day of judgment.
07:08 Now the question then is,
07:10 how do I have boldness in the day of judgment?
07:12 This is a great question.
07:14 How can I have that cheerful expectation,
07:17 that cheerful courage, that confidence
07:20 on the day of judgment when I know that my records
07:22 are going to be reviewed?
07:24 How do I get that, preacher?
07:26 Well go back to the text with me, if you would.
07:28 And let's let it plainly speak to us this evening.
07:30 The Bible says, "Herein is our love made perfect,
07:34 that we may have boldness in the day of judgment."
07:38 Don't miss it, the Bible tells us that our boldness
07:41 in the day of judgment comes by having our love perfected.
07:52 So then the question is, how do I have my love perfected?
07:58 Let's just let the Bible continue to speak to us
08:00 here this evening.
08:01 In verse 12 of the same chapter, going up a few verses,
08:04 the Bible tells us this:
08:06 "No man hath seen God at any time.
08:09 If we love one another," listen to this, "God dwelleth in us,
08:16 and his love is..." What, everybody?
08:20 "...his perfected in us," the Bible says.
08:24 Don't miss it. How is our love perfected?
08:26 It is perfected when we allow God to give us love,
08:30 not just for Him, but for our fellow
08:33 brothers and sisters in Christ.
08:36 There's no question about it, the Bible is clear.
08:38 It is not necessary for us to be fearful in the time of judgment.
08:42 In fact, in this very chapter of 1 John 4,
08:45 John tells us that perfect love casts out...
08:49 Finish it for me.
08:51 All fear.
08:55 We can have boldness, confidence,
08:58 in the day of judgment when our cases are brought before God
09:02 if we have that perfected love for God and for one another.
09:07 Now I want to give you a snapshot of what this
09:09 looks like in the Bible.
09:10 You have your Bibles, so go with me if you would
09:12 to Matthew the 25th chapter.
09:15 Matthew the 25th chapter, and here we will see a snapshot
09:18 from our Savior Himself that He is going to give us
09:22 of what this perfected love, what this pure love,
09:26 what this divine love, what the love of Jesus looks like
09:31 in practical manifestation.
09:35 Again we're looking at, how can I have confidence
09:38 in the day of judgment?
09:40 By having my love perfected.
09:41 What does that look like?
09:43 Matthew chapter 25 and we're looking at verse 31.
09:48 We'll begin in verse 31.
09:49 The Bible says this:
09:51 "When the Son of man shall come in his glory,
09:55 and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit
09:59 upon the throne of his glory.
10:01 And before him shall be gathered all nations:
10:04 and he shall separate them one from another,
10:07 as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats."
10:11 Verse 33, "And he shall set the sheep on his right hand,
10:15 and the goats on his left."
10:18 When Christ comes there will be two groups.
10:21 There will be the converted and the unconverted.
10:23 There will be no middle ground.
10:26 Verse 34, "Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,
10:34 'Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom
10:39 prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'"
10:42 How many of you here tonight want to hear Jesus
10:45 say that to you, amen?
10:47 Lord Jesus, please let that be what you say to me.
10:52 "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom
10:55 prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
10:57 Verse 35, "For..."
11:02 So He's giving the reason why they can inherit
11:07 the kingdom of God.
11:08 "'For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat:
11:14 I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink:
11:16 I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
11:18 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me:
11:21 I was in prison, and ye came unto me.'
11:23 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying,
11:26 'Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee?
11:30 Or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
11:31 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?
11:34 Or naked, and clothed thee?
11:35 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?'
11:40 And the King answered and said unto them,
11:42 'Verily I say unto you, insomuch as ye have done it unto
11:46 one of the least of these my brethren...'"
11:49 What does it say?
11:51 " have done it unto me."
11:52 Now don't miss it.
11:53 Why do the righteous inherit the kingdom of heaven?
11:57 It is obvious that the righteous have done a lot of good things.
12:03 It is obvious that the righteous have done a lot of things right.
12:08 But when it all comes down to it, when Jesus boils it down,
12:12 He puts His finger on one reason.
12:16 And the reason that He points to is that they have ministered
12:22 to Him through ministering to the needs of those around them.
12:28 I would submit to you tonight that the overarching reason
12:32 is that they have had the character of Christ
12:36 perfected in their lives.
12:38 And that character of Christ is not just a theoretical thing,
12:42 but it is seen in the expression and the actions of their life;
12:47 how they help those around them.
12:56 Those who inherit the kingdom of God,
12:59 listen to me carefully, they do not have a theoretical religion.
13:04 It's not just here.
13:07 But it's in their life, it's how they live.
13:09 In the book of James, James chapter 1, the Bible tells us,
13:12 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father
13:16 is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,
13:23 and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
13:29 The religion of the righteous compels them
13:32 to works of benevolence; meeting the needs of those around them.
13:39 The word for, "love," in 1 John, the perfected love,
13:42 is the word, "agape."
13:44 You're familiar with it, you've heard it before.
13:46 But recently I've dug into this subject
13:50 that is very familiar to us.
13:52 And what I have found in my study of agape
13:54 has really been mind-blowing.
13:57 And this is what Jesus is describing here
13:59 in Matthew chapter 25.
14:00 He is describing in an example, in vivid terms,
14:05 what agape looks like.
14:08 You see, agape is not something that we as humans
14:12 see very often.
14:14 Human love is something that has to be reciprocated.
14:18 You give somebody love, they give love back to you.
14:21 And therefore, that love exists.
14:23 Often times when the other party ceases to love you,
14:27 that love begins to grow cold unless it is agape love.
14:31 Because agape love is a special kind of love that can
14:35 stand on its own without needing to be reciprocated to.
14:40 That's why Jesus was able to make statements such as this,
14:43 "Love your enemies."
14:47 Do your enemies reciprocate that love?
14:49 Absolutely not. But that's agape.
14:51 When you see the love of God, when you see the love of
14:55 God the Father, He loved the world so much,
14:58 He loved the world so much that it compelled Him
15:02 to do what He could to redeem fallen man.
15:05 And this is what Jesus is describing here
15:08 in Matthew chapter 25.
15:10 He is describing what agape looks like.
15:13 That God's people in the last days that are living in the
15:16 hour of God's judgment, they will be compelled
15:19 to works of charity because the character of Christ
15:22 is in them.
15:29 I love this statement from 9 Manuscript Releases, page 128.
15:34 Listen to it carefully. It's a one liner.
15:38 She says, "A loving, lovable Christian..."
15:42 What kind of Christian, everybody?
15:45 Now listen to me carefully.
15:47 It's one thing to be loving.
15:52 It's another thing to be lovable.
15:55 Come on now. Amen?
15:57 "A loving, lovable Christian," listen to this,
16:01 "is the most powerful argument in favor of the truth."
16:07 Let the people of God say amen.
16:10 "A loving, lovable Christian is the most powerful
16:14 argument in favor of the truth."
16:15 And I want to tell you tonight that the world is starving
16:19 for a manifestation of this today.
16:23 All around us the world is looking for a religion
16:27 that is not theoretical, but is experienced
16:30 in somebody's life.
16:32 That the knowledge that they have has taken such deep root
16:35 in their hearts that it becomes who they are and how they act.
16:40 It's befuddling to me that much of the charitable work
16:45 that is done in the world is done by Gentiles.
16:53 Kind of fits the story of the good Samaritan,
16:54 doesn't it, brothers and sisters?
16:57 And I praise the Lord for those, quote unquote, "Gentiles,"
17:02 that are doing the work of benevolence.
17:05 I praise the Lord for their work to try to lift up humanity.
17:09 But shame on us.
17:14 The world is looking for a demonstration of the character
17:19 of Christ in His people.
17:21 The story goes on.
17:23 Verse 41, the Bible says this:
17:26 "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand,
17:30 'Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire,
17:33 prepared for the devil and his angels.'"
17:35 These people must have done something pretty bad.
17:39 Verse 42, "For..." Or because.
17:42 This is the reason why.
17:44 "'...I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat:
17:47 I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
17:50 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in:
17:53 naked, and ye clothed me not:
17:55 sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.'
17:58 Then shall they also answer him, saying,
18:01 'Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst,
18:04 or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison,
18:08 and did not minister unto thee?'"
18:09 It's almost like they said, "Lord, if we had known
18:12 it was You, that we would have done something."
18:20 Verse 45, then Jesus says, "Then shall he answer them,
18:24 saying, 'Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it not
18:29 to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.'"
18:35 And we want to hit the delete button on verse 46.
18:39 But we don't do that.
18:41 The Bible says, "And these shall go away into everlasting
18:45 punishment: but the righteous into life eternal."
18:52 That's a promise.
18:54 That is a promise.
18:56 Why did the goats lose out on heaven?
18:58 Notice that Jesus did not list all of the
19:00 bad things that they did.
19:01 Of course they did bad things.
19:03 But Jesus does not list those bad things that they have done.
19:07 What Jesus does is, He goes to the heart of the issue.
19:10 He doesn't talk about what they did.
19:14 He talks about what they did not do.
19:17 And He says, "This is the reason why.
19:20 Because those around you that were in need,
19:24 you did not reach out to them and help them."
19:28 Listen to this from the book, Desire of Ages.
19:30 This is Ellen White's commentary on this story.
19:33 The very beginning part of the chapter she says this:
19:36 "Thus Christ on the Mount of Olives pictured to His disciples
19:39 the scenes of the great judgment."
19:43 What is the scene here in Matthew 25?
19:45 The great judgment.
19:48 "And He represented..."
19:49 Don't miss this point. Listen to me carefully.
19:51 "And He represented its decision as turning upon one point."
20:00 Did you catch the significance of that?
20:03 "...turning upon one point.
20:05 When the nations are gathered before Him,
20:08 there will be but two classes, and their eternal destiny
20:13 will be determined by what they have done or have neglected
20:17 to do for Him in the person of the poor and the suffering."
20:22 Tell me, brothers and sisters, this is important stuff here.
20:26 She's telling us that when it comes to the judgment,
20:29 it is hinging on this one thing here;
20:32 that those who minister to the poor or who do not minister
20:37 to the poor, it is hinging upon this point.
20:40 The implications of this parable are explosive.
20:44 The one point that the whole judgment turns on
20:47 is the point that will determine the destiny of
20:49 every person in the world.
20:51 It is how much I have cared for Christ in the person
20:55 of the suffering and the poor.
20:57 Simply put it is, have they had agape perfected in their hearts?
21:05 Have they had the character of Christ in their lives?
21:11 Listen, the righteous, what they did will reveal what they had.
21:19 And what they had is the character of Jesus.
21:24 And it was seen in what they did.
21:29 How many times have you walked past a homeless person
21:34 in your life, and maybe here while you were at GYC?
21:40 How often have you soothed your conscience with the thought,
21:44 "Well if I gave him some money to help him out,
21:46 he would probably just waste it anyways."
21:51 I remember not too long ago, 2015, when I was in
21:54 San Antonio, Texas for the General Conference session.
21:59 What a tremendous privilege it was to be there.
22:02 But in the area where I was staying while I was there,
22:05 there were a large number of homeless and downcast people.
22:10 I would drive past in my truck with all of the things
22:14 to keep me comfortable, and the food to keep me fed,
22:17 clothes to keep me warm.
22:19 And I would drive right past them, my heart would go out
22:22 in sympathy, but I did not lift so much as a finger
22:26 to relieve their suffering.
22:28 And as I walked past those poor, downcast people,
22:32 today I realize that I walked past Jesus,
22:39 and an opportunity to minister to Him
22:42 in the person of the poor.
22:45 When GYC comes to Houston, the homeless and the downtrodden
22:50 should know about it.
22:52 They should know that the people of God
22:54 have descended upon the city because of the expression
22:58 of Christ's character in their lives.
23:04 So I ask you this evening,
23:09 if your name was to come up in the judgment right now,
23:15 based on what Jesus has told us in Matthew 25
23:18 what would be the outcome?
23:20 Only you know.
23:23 But I think as uncomfortable as a question like that makes us,
23:26 it is worth us taking a moment to reflect upon that.
23:30 Because Jesus here is clearly outlining what it is
23:33 that He is looking for in His people when He comes back.
23:36 It's not the works, but it's His character inside of them
23:40 that is manifested in the works.
23:43 Don't misunderstand me here this evening.
23:47 We are not saved by our works.
23:49 We believe that we are saved by grace through faith.
23:54 But we all understand that the salvation that Christ
23:57 gives to us is manifested in the works of our life.
24:01 But to be perfectly honest with you here this evening,
24:03 sometimes I wonder if we wished that the judgment
24:07 would hinge on how much knowledge we have in our head.
24:11 Sometimes I wonder if we wished that the judgment
24:14 would hinge upon how much work we have done,
24:20 how many Bible studies we have given,
24:22 how much Scriptural knowledge we have in our head,
24:24 how many summers we have colporteured,
24:27 how many souls we have won to God.
24:29 Now don't get me wrong, brothers and sisters.
24:33 I'm not preaching a social gospel here.
24:36 I dedicated years of my life to public evangelism.
24:40 And I believe in that work.
24:43 It is important, it must be done.
24:45 God has given us a gospel commission.
24:47 But in Matthew 25, when Jesus separates the sheep and goats,
24:52 Jesus doesn't point to that.
24:54 He points to the manifestation of His character in His people
24:59 being revealed in the works that they have done
25:02 in helping the poor and the needy.
25:12 Too often I think...
25:15 ...that our church is kind of an "either/or."
25:19 We either do evangelism or we do community outreach.
25:26 And I don't think it should be an "either/or."
25:28 I think it should be a "both/and."
25:30 Amen?
25:32 And I think when we choose between one or the other
25:36 it weakens our witness.
25:39 If we take the two of them together, as Jesus did,
25:42 I believe that we would see results in our public evangelism
25:46 that are explosive.
25:49 When you look at Acts 2, all of those thousands of people
25:52 that were baptized in one day as a result of Peter's preaching
25:57 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, often times
26:00 Peter is the one that gets the credit for that.
26:02 But we know that harvest came from the seeds that were sown
26:07 by Jesus in His three and a half years of earthly ministry.
26:12 And that as those seeds were sown, they brought forth
26:15 a bountiful harvest when the Pentecost came
26:19 and the latter rain fell.
26:21 And brothers and sisters, how many seeds are we sowing
26:24 so that when the latter rain falls we can have an outpouring
26:28 of the Holy Spirit that will bring a bountiful harvest
26:31 to the glory of God?
26:34 Now is the time to be sowing those seeds.
26:38 Listen to this, That I May Know Him, page 334.
26:44 Listen carefully.
26:45 "When the cases of all come in review before God..."
26:49 That's the judgment.
26:51 "...the question, 'What did they profess?' is never asked,
26:59 but, 'What have they done?'"
27:02 Let me read that one more time.
27:04 "When the cases of all come in review before God,
27:06 the question, 'What did they profess?' is never asked,
27:09 but, 'What have they done?'"
27:11 And she clarifies what she means by, "What they have done."
27:13 "Have they been doers of the Word?
27:15 Have they lived for themselves or have they been exercised
27:19 in works of benevolence, in deeds of kindness,
27:22 in love preferring others before themselves,
27:26 and denying themselves that they might bless others?"
27:32 And here's the promise. I love promises.
27:35 "If..." "If..."
27:36 "If the record shows... self-denial and benevolence,
27:41 they will receive the blessed assurance
27:45 and benediction from Christ, 'Well done.'"
27:51 Amen.
27:53 If they have showed self-denial and benevolence,
27:58 that's what they will hear come from the lips of Jesus.
28:01 It's the character of Christ practically manifested
28:05 in the life of His people.
28:07 Now I don't want to dwell on this too much,
28:09 but I cannot skip over it.
28:10 The stakes are too high.
28:12 Jesus clearly tells us why it is what He says
28:18 to those who neglect the poor and needy.
28:20 He says to them, "Depart from Me, ye cursed,
28:23 into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."
28:27 Those who find themselves in hellfire will find themselves
28:30 there for many reasons.
28:32 But Jesus puts His finger on one of those reasons.
28:34 And He says it's because they neglected to help those in need.
28:39 They were more concerned about themselves
28:43 than they were about other people.
28:45 And I want to tell you something tonight, brothers and sisters.
28:47 I think there will be some people in that group
28:48 that have a lot of sound theology in their heads.
28:54 But that sound theology didn't do much to change
28:56 the way they lived their lives.
29:00 On the other hand, why do the righteous
29:03 help the poor and the needy?
29:05 Why is it that they are willing to spend of their time
29:08 and their energy to relieve the suffering of humanity?
29:11 It is because Christ's character is in them
29:14 and they cannot do anything else but what Jesus did.
29:19 That's why. Simply put.
29:22 After all, didn't Jesus feed the hungry?
29:27 Didn't Jesus visit the sick?
29:29 Give water to the thirsty?
29:31 The gospels are full to overflowing with examples
29:36 of Jesus' life, examples of Jesus' acts of benevolence
29:41 and love to those that He ministered to.
29:46 We know from the gospels that Jesus spent more time
29:49 ministering to the needs of people than He did preaching.
29:54 Yet for some reason today we think we need to preach
29:56 to people more than we need to help them.
29:58 Lord have mercy on us.
30:01 What ever happened to following Christ's method alone
30:04 for true success, where the servant of the Lord tells us
30:12 that He mingled with them,
30:17 that He showed them sympathy, and that He ministered
30:21 to their needs and won their confidence.
30:24 And then He bade them, "Follow Me."
30:28 What ever happened to following Christ's method alone?
30:31 Listen, I have heard this quote so many times
30:34 in connection with soul winning.
30:36 But I've recently begun to think to myself,
30:38 do we really believe what that passage says
30:41 or are we only paying it lip service?
30:44 We like the idea of bidding people to follow Him,
30:47 but we don't spend much time, energy, and means
30:51 in the preparatory work.
30:54 We leave that to the little old ladies in our
30:56 church to take care of.
31:03 If some refugees moved into your town,
31:08 or enrolled into your school, would you go out of your way to
31:12 make friends with those people who are socially outcasts?
31:19 If a dirty homeless man showed up at your church
31:23 on a communion Sabbath, would you be the one that
31:27 walked up to him and said, "Hey, brother, can I wash your feet?"
31:34 Tonight I want to ask you a question.
31:38 As you leave GYC, can Jesus say of you,
31:46 "I was hungry, and Jason gave Me meat.
31:51 I was thirsty, and he gave Me drink.
31:55 I was a stranger, and he took Me in."
31:58 Oh we don't like that one.
31:59 We don't like strangers in our house.
32:02 "Naked, and he clothed Me.
32:04 I was sick, and he visited Me.
32:06 I was in prison, and he came unto Me."
32:09 I am certain that there are people in our great denomination
32:13 who Jesus could say this to.
32:16 I praise the Lord for those people.
32:18 Keep on working.
32:19 I know you're in the trenches and it's difficult.
32:21 It's a difficult work, but keep going forward.
32:25 Because this is the work that Jesus did.
32:28 And it will bring great harvests to our church one day.
32:35 However, I fear that this is not the majority.
32:38 There is a growing concern in my mind
32:42 that we as a people have come to believe that our entire work
32:48 is evangelism.
32:50 And I always have to qualify myself,
32:52 less somebody misunderstand me.
32:53 I believe in evangelism.
32:56 I do it in my churches.
32:58 I've dedicated my life to it.
33:00 I believe in evangelism.
33:06 However, brothers and sisters, the reality of it is this:
33:10 You can do evangelism and still be selfish.
33:16 You can do literature evangelism and still be selfish.
33:19 You'll be more effective if you're not.
33:23 But you can do it and still be selfish.
33:25 But I want to tell you something tonight.
33:27 What Jesus is telling us here in Matthew chapter 25,
33:30 this is a very difficult work to do selfishly.
33:38 If all that our work is is public evangelism,
33:41 and that is definitely an important part of it,
33:44 but if that is all we do, if that is where we stop
33:46 and we don't go where Jesus is taking us tonight,
33:49 then when Jesus comes in the clouds of heaven
33:51 He will not be able to say to you,
33:53 "I was hungry, and you gave Me meat.
33:55 I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink."
33:57 Preaching the gospel is important, but never to the
34:00 detriment of meeting the needs of those around us.
34:04 And I believe firmly that if we take Jesus' example,
34:08 that we would see explosive results
34:10 in our public evangelism.
34:13 Does it bother you that there are people in your school
34:19 that nobody hangs out with?
34:21 What are you going to do about it?
34:23 Does it bother you that there are visitors who come
34:26 to your church and nobody invites them home
34:29 to have a fellowship meal afterwards?
34:31 What are you going to do about it?
34:32 Does it bother you that nobody goes and visits
34:35 the shut-in members in your church?
34:38 What are you going to do about it?
34:39 Does it bother you that your community service center
34:42 at church needs staffing?
34:44 What are you going to do about it?
34:46 Does it bother you that there are people in nursing homes
34:49 who have nobody that comes and visits them?
34:52 What are you going to do about it?
34:53 Does it bother you that you see homeless people
34:55 who are cold and miserable?
34:57 What are you going to do about it?
34:59 Does it bother you that there are elderly people
35:01 who have to bear the shoulder of hard work
35:04 that they shouldn't have to do in their old lives?
35:06 What are you going to do about it?
35:07 Does it bother you that there are people in your church
35:11 who are cold and unfriendly?
35:16 What are you going to do about it?
35:19 What are you going to do about it?
35:23 Listen to me carefully.
35:25 In the judgment, telling Jesus, "I was too busy,"
35:32 is not going to cut it.
35:37 Telling Jesus, "I was too busy," is not going to cut it.
35:43 I want to tell you a story tonight in closing
35:46 that I believe illustrates this form of evangelism.
35:49 Because it is evangelism.
35:54 Dianna had been notified that she was going to
35:57 get a new patient.
36:00 Her name was Corky.
36:02 According to the notes, she needed intensive nursing care.
36:08 It said that Corky was non-compliant, combative,
36:12 maladjusted, unmanageable, and terminal.
36:16 Sounds like the patient everybody wants, right?
36:21 On the first visit to Corky's residence,
36:23 Mike answered the door.
36:27 He showed Dianna around the house,
36:30 how he was remodeling it for Corky.
36:32 He said, "I bought this place for her because
36:34 she always wanted to live next to the ocean.
36:38 And I'm going to put her right here in this room
36:40 where she can look out the window and be able to see."
36:46 Corky turned out to be just as difficult as her
36:48 medical history said she was.
36:51 She had a massive cantaloupe sized oozing sore
36:55 underneath one of her arms.
36:57 And her untreated cancer was causing her horrific pain.
37:04 She was uncooperative and angry.
37:09 Twice daily the nurses would come to minister to her needs.
37:13 Give her showers, dress her wounds,
37:16 take care of the house.
37:18 And Mike was there around the clock.
37:20 Day in, day out he was there helping Corky.
37:28 Helping her with her pain medication,
37:31 comforting her tenderly, urging her to eat and drink,
37:34 taking her pain medication.
37:36 And usually, abusive swearing was all the reward that
37:41 Mike would get for his work of tenderness and care.
37:48 Finally the inevitable day came, and Mike and Dianna
37:54 stood over the bed of Corky and watched her chest
37:58 raise up and go down for the last time.
38:03 And there she laid on the bed, still.
38:06 No signs of pain in her face any longer.
38:10 Peaceful.
38:15 Dianna looked over at Mike.
38:21 And this is what she says she saw.
38:27 "He stared at her silently.
38:30 Tears running down his cheeks and dripping off of his chin.
38:36 His suffering affected me more deeply than Corky's death.
38:41 Choking back sobs, I mumbled some sort of condolence,
38:46 and finished by saying that he had done more
38:49 than most husbands would have done under the circumstances,
38:54 and that she could not have doubted his love."
39:04 Mike looked at Dianna sharply, "Husband?
39:11 I'm not her husband.
39:13 I hardly knew her."
39:17 Seeing the expression of bewilderment in Dianna's face,
39:21 Mike went on, "She lived on the streets.
39:26 That's where I found her.
39:28 She didn't have anyone who cared about her.
39:32 I knew she was dying, and I bought this place
39:36 so that she would have somewhere to go.
39:39 If I hadn't taken care of her, who would have?
39:44 She had no one else."
39:47 That is Matthew 25.
39:51 That is what Jesus would have done.
39:56 And Dianna said when she looked into the face of Mike
39:59 she saw the face of Jesus.
40:04 There's no question about it, friends,
40:07 the work that Jesus has outlined for us here
40:08 in Matthew chapter 25 is a messy and difficult work.
40:15 There's no question about it.
40:17 It's a work that provides very little glory
40:21 to the one who performs it.
40:23 It's a work that is very hard to quantify its success.
40:27 There's no gauges or measures.
40:29 It's hard to come up with solid numbers
40:32 that reveal the success of this type of evangelism.
40:36 There's no way that you can really come up with a
40:39 fancy report that shows the success of meeting the needs
40:43 of those around you.
40:44 Because what I have found as I have begun to apply
40:47 this method of ministry in my life,
40:50 that as you go around helping those in need
40:52 you get very little credit.
40:54 In fact, 99% of the time you never see the person again.
41:01 But Jesus is not concerned with that.
41:04 He's still working with that person.
41:06 You are just part of that experience.
41:09 But He wants to use you to awaken in their hearts
41:13 that, yes, there are people who are Christians,
41:16 who are believers in God, that are willing to help
41:19 those who are in need.
41:21 And that seed will grow, it will germinate.
41:24 They will take it with them.
41:25 And when they are in the very depths of despair,
41:28 when they are in the gutter of sin,
41:30 that seed will germinate.
41:32 And the character of Christ reflected in your life
41:36 may bring that poor helpless soul to the cross of Jesus.
41:42 It didn't take a Bible study,
41:46 it just took being friendly,
41:48 and getting involved in the mess of their lives.
41:53 Maybe somebody else will do the Bible study later on.
41:56 Because God wants to lead His people in the truth as well.
42:04 Tonight, how many of you want to make the judgment
42:08 relevant in your life by reflecting
42:11 the ministry of Jesus?
42:14 If that's you desire, stand with me this evening.
42:18 Lord, tonight, the last day of 2016,
42:26 I want to make the judgment relevant by reflecting
42:31 the ministry of Jesus in my life in meeting the needs
42:35 of those around me.
42:38 Listen, brothers and sisters, this is not an easy thing to do.
42:42 What you are responding to is not a flippant thing.
42:46 It's not something that you just do on a whim.
42:49 You are going to spend and be spent.
42:52 You are going to be uncomfortable.
42:53 You are not going to necessarily enjoy it.
42:56 It will not bring you glory.
42:58 But you are showing Jesus that you want to do what He did.
43:08 The book, Desire of Ages, page 641, says this:
43:12 "When we love the world as He loved it,
43:20 then for us His mission is accomplished.
43:26 We are fitted for heaven, for we have heaven in our hearts."
43:35 Listen, we can't just put this fruit on.
43:38 This work of Matthew 25 has to come from the heart.
43:43 It has to come from the character of
43:45 Christ that is in you, the hope of glory.
43:50 Now I want to take it one step further.
43:53 Maybe there of some of you here this evening,
43:57 and in your local church there is not a ministry
44:02 of Matthew 25 taking place.
44:06 There is no ministry where there is reaching out to the needs.
44:09 Yes, there's Bible studies; yes, there's literature;
44:12 yes, there's evangelism; yes, there's all of that stuff.
44:15 And we praise God for that.
44:16 But the work of Matthew 25 is languishing in your church.
44:22 And tonight you feel the pricking, the conviction
44:26 of the Holy Spirit in your life saying, "You are the one."
44:30 Tapping you on your shoulder.
44:32 I want you to start that flame.
44:36 Maybe your church isn't even interested in doing this.
44:39 And tonight you want to say, "Lord, I don't care.
44:41 If the church doesn't want to do it, I'm going to do it myself."
44:46 Maybe your church does have some sort of
44:50 beneficent work that's taking place,
44:52 reaching out and helping those that are in need,
44:56 but it's struggling to keep its head above water.
45:00 You know, I don't know what it is, but every church
45:02 I've ever gone to, the community service center
45:05 is always run by older people or retired people.
45:07 And that's a shame.
45:11 That's a shame on us as young people.
45:15 And tonight you want to tell the Lord,
45:16 "Lord, I want to take my youthful energy
45:20 and I want to apply it to the work in my local church,
45:25 meeting the needs of people in my community."
45:30 If you fit one of those things, and you feel the conviction
45:33 of God prompting you in that direction,
45:35 I'm going to ask you to come on forward here
45:37 and tell the Lord, "In 2017, Father, I want
45:42 Matthew 25 to be me.
45:45 I want Jesus to be able to look at me and, yes,
45:48 see the wedding garment on, but also see it in the
45:51 practical expression of how I meet those in need around me."
45:56 Praise God that there are people who are saying,
46:00 "Yes, Jesus, I'm going to start this work.
46:04 Yes, Jesus, I'm going to add my youthful energy to this work.
46:08 Yes, Jesus, if nobody does it, I will do it."
46:12 Praise the Lord.
46:14 For those of you that are still contemplating it this evening,
46:19 we're going to be blessed with beautiful special music.
46:22 And I pray that you would reverently listen to the words
46:26 and pray them in your heart tonight.
46:51 Thomas the disciple had an unbelieving heart
46:58 that Jesus was alive again.
47:05 When he saw the scars he realized it was true.
47:13 Jesus told him what it means to have a true faith;
47:20 trusting without your vision.
47:27 "No matter what comes," you'll say.
47:32 Yes, I believe; I believe with all that's in me.
47:39 Yes, I believe; though the world rises up against me.
47:46 I will be faithful to the choice I have made.
47:53 I am determined I will not be ashamed
47:59 to live so the whole world can see that, yes, I believe.
48:09 There will never be a reason to lose His confidence,
48:16 for I have found where my assurance lies.
48:23 It is not my own power, but in whom my Savior is.
48:29 Because of this conviction forever I'll say,
48:36 yes, I believe; I believe with all that's in me.
48:43 Yes, I believe; though the world rises up against me.
48:50 I will be faithful to the choice I have made.
48:56 I am determined I will not be ashamed
49:03 to live so the whole world can see that, yes, I believe.
49:12 We believe He is risen.
49:16 In Him we have life because of the gift,
49:22 His great sacrifice.
49:28 Yes, I believe; I believe with all that's in me.
49:34 Yes, I believe; though the world rises up against me.
49:41 I will be faithful to the choice I have made.
49:47 I am determined I will not be ashamed
49:54 to live so the whole world can see that, yes, I believe.
50:03 I believe. I believe.
50:21 Tonight I want to encourage you to mark down the
50:25 decision that you have made, like we talked about last night.
50:29 And I want to encourage you to actually take
50:31 those decisions and write them in the
50:35 back flyleaf of your Bible.
50:37 Put the date next to them.
50:39 "This is the day I made this decision
50:42 to get involved in the work of Matthew 25.
50:46 This is the day I made this decision at GYC."
50:49 And reflect on those decisions in your devotional time.
50:53 And pray and say, "Dear Jesus, I don't know how this is
50:57 going to happen, but please help me
51:01 to follow through with the decisions I made at GYC."
51:06 Would you bow your heads with me as we pray?
51:08 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You for the awesome
51:13 challenge that You have given to us.
51:17 And Lord, we want, we desperately want
51:22 the character of Jesus in our lives.
51:26 Lord, we want the good works to come forth from within,
51:32 that they would just tumble out because of who we are,
51:38 because of what You have created us to be.
51:42 And Lord, we pray that any work that is done in our lives,
51:47 that all glory would be reflected back
51:51 to the source; to You.
51:55 Lord, thank You for these precious young people,
51:58 even some adults here today,
52:00 who have come forward and said, "I want to put my energy
52:05 into doing the work of Matthew 25.
52:07 Not to the neglect of the gospel commission,
52:11 for we would never do that,
52:13 but in addition to the great work of spreading the
52:17 three angels' messages.
52:19 Oh Father, help us to have a steady gaze on Jesus.
52:24 That we would look unto Him and find our salvation.
52:28 That we would look unto Him and find the example
52:31 of how we ought to live our lives.
52:33 That we would go about sowing the seeds of good works
52:37 that would bring forth a bountiful harvest
52:40 when the showers of Pentecost, of the latter rain, fall
52:45 upon this world.
52:48 Oh Lord, we want this work to be over with.
52:51 We're anxious, Father, to be with You on the streets of gold.
52:57 But we recognize there's some work
52:59 that still needs to be done in us.
53:01 And we humbly submit our will before You tonight,
53:04 saying, "Lord, we are willing to be made willing."
53:10 We are willing, Lord.
53:12 Father, as we start a new year out, 2017,
53:18 may there be a change in the way that we live.
53:22 And may Jesus be the all absorbing focus
53:27 in our lives.
53:29 We love You, Lord, with all of our hearts.
53:32 We thank You for doing the work that only You can do.
53:37 For we pray it in the all mighty and all powerful
53:41 name of Jesus.
53:44 Amen.


Revised 2017-05-24