Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Sat. Afternoon Plenary: No Need to Fear

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christian Reeves


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000013A

00:33 Good afternoon, GYC.
00:35 Welcome to the Sabbath afternoon program,
00:37 glad that you can be here, hope you had a good lunch.
00:41 Have you ever had one of those nights
00:43 where you cannot sleep,
00:45 and you can't sleep, you see no way forward,
00:49 and I'm not just talking about because of financial trouble
00:52 or because of car problems or bad grades,
00:56 but something that's spiritual.
00:59 You've ever had one of those nights
01:01 where you're just not sure where God is at.
01:04 Well, those of us on the GYC Music Committee,
01:07 we've had some of those nights too,
01:09 and we know that God's children
01:10 who have gone before us have too.
01:13 And we hope that as you listen to the music
01:16 and the stories this afternoon
01:18 that you will gain a fresh confidence
01:20 in the Heavenly Father's love for us
01:22 even in the darkest of times.
01:53 Times I've to wonder
01:57 How You still love me Lord?
02:00 After all the times
02:02 I've turned my back on you
02:07 Your love is such a mystery
02:11 It's hard to comprehend
02:15 But You would give Your life
02:18 For fallen man
02:22 And even when we stumble
02:25 Yes, even if we fall
02:29 There is a path to victory
02:33 Went on Your name
02:36 We call it's all true
02:43 Your love is true
02:58 God so loved the world below
03:02 He gave his only son
03:06 Who so Lord believe
03:08 They would not perish
03:12 And Jesus came into the world
03:16 To save and not condemn
03:20 And those who will receive Him
03:22 Find new life again
03:27 And even when we stumble
03:30 Yes, even if we fall
03:34 There is a path to victory
03:37 Went on Your name
03:40 We call it's all true
03:47 Your love is true
03:53 His love is everlasting
03:57 His mercy knows no avenge
04:00 But we must take His hand in faith
04:03 Keep our eyes always focused
04:07 On Him
04:12 Join me.
04:13 So turn Your eyes
04:17 Upon Jesus
04:22 Look full in His wonderful things
04:30 And the things of earth
04:34 Will grow strangely dim
04:40 In the light of His glory
04:45 And grace
05:04 Let's pray.
05:06 Father in Heaven, as we're here this afternoon,
05:10 I pray that these stories that we look at of a few people
05:14 who've gone before us will encourage us in our way.
05:19 And we thank You for this day in Jesus' name, amen.
05:22 It was March 1840,
05:26 a traveling preacher came to town,
05:30 he rode in, came up on Casco Street of Portland, Maine
05:34 and he entered a little church.
05:38 And as the preacher named William Miller
05:40 stood up to preach,
05:41 he saw that every pew was packed with people,
05:45 every aisle, people were standing shoulder to shoulder,
05:48 the foyer was packed with people
05:50 and even though the stage was lined with people,
05:54 it seemed as if all of Casco or sorry Portland, Maine
05:58 had come to hear William Miller preach.
06:04 And William Miller stood before the congregation that day
06:08 and he opened his Bible,
06:10 and he very carefully, methodically,
06:15 and persuasively
06:18 went through the Books of Daniel and Revelation.
06:23 And then he made a most profound statement.
06:31 He said based on the things we've seen here,
06:34 Jesus will be coming back to this earth
06:37 in just three years time.
06:43 There was no loud commotion or shouting
06:46 or falling over that attended his meetings.
06:49 No, the message like that it was a great sense of awe.
06:55 And in the audience that day
06:58 was a girl only 12.5 years old.
07:03 And as she listened,
07:06 this girl by the name of Ellen Harmon,
07:09 of course, later became Ellen White
07:12 began to have a heart filled with fear.
07:18 "Jesus coming in just three years time?
07:23 Oh, I could never be ready.
07:27 I'm such a great sinner.
07:31 Oh, I've made so many mistakes."
07:37 She went home and began a cycle of sleepless nights,
07:43 she would go to bed,
07:44 and after the rest of the house
07:46 all were asleep even her twin sister
07:48 that shared a room with her,
07:51 Ellen would fall on her knees and begin to pray,
07:54 "Lord, I know You're coming soon,
07:59 and I'm gonna be lost, I could never be ready."
08:04 And finally in the wee hours of the morning,
08:06 she would cry herself to sleep.
08:12 She attended a meeting with her brother Robert,
08:14 just the two of them, they were good farm kids,
08:16 they knew how to get the horse out,
08:18 hook on the buggy, and what they did,
08:20 they headed into town.
08:22 And this preacher
08:23 preached the same thing as William Miller,
08:25 he said, "Jesus is coming soon, and if you aren't ready,
08:30 you're gonna meet the judge
08:32 and your eternal destiny won't be good."
08:38 He stood up before them all that preacher and he said,
08:41 "The day of the Lord is at hand,
08:44 and who shall be able to stand when He appeareth?
08:50 And little Ellen, her heart filled with fear
08:53 to such an extent that
08:55 when she got back in the buggy that night,
08:57 and her and her brother Robert headed home,
09:01 she didn't say a word.
09:04 Went after a little while all that had been heard
09:06 was the continual rumble
09:07 and clippety-clop of the horses' hooves
09:09 on the dry dirt road.
09:12 Ellen finally looked at her brother, "Robert?"
09:17 "Yes, Ellen?"
09:22 "Do you think God will spare me to live till I get home?
09:26 Or because I'm such a sinner,
09:28 do you think He'll take me in my great sins now?"
09:34 And for the first time
09:37 she realized with Robert's delay,
09:39 he too was feeling the fear.
09:43 "Well, Ellen, I'm sure if you ask Him and faith,
09:51 He'll save you."
09:54 And the two rode home in silence,
09:57 and that night Ellen cried herself to sleep
10:01 with a tear running down her cheek
10:03 in the early hours of the morning.
10:07 And just a few nights later,
10:10 one of these troubled nights
10:11 when Ellen finally drifted off into a horrible fitful sleep
10:16 she had a dream.
10:19 And as she dreamed, she looked out
10:21 and there was all these people going back and forth
10:26 with their buggies, with their wagons
10:28 pulling loads, all were busy.
10:31 And as she looked past those people,
10:32 she saw a temple a little ways out.
10:36 And then she learned that all who must be saved
10:38 must enter that temple.
10:42 Well, Ellen thought, "I'll just watch for a minute."
10:44 And as she watched she saw a few try to enter the temple,
10:47 but as they did somebody would come along and grab him
10:50 by the arm, "Oh, don't go in the temple,
10:53 don't so waste your time,
10:56 you're an embarrassment to your family, come on, man."
11:00 And Ellen thought, "Oh, my..."
11:02 A timid little girl as she was, she thought,
11:04 "You know, I'll just wait
11:05 for some of these mean people to leave,
11:07 and then I'll try to go and see
11:08 if I can enter the temple unharmed."
11:11 But as she waited
11:12 more and more people came into that area
11:16 and it got so congested,
11:17 she realized she must leave at once to enter the temple
11:21 or it would be too late.
11:22 And so little Ellen got to her feet
11:25 and started along
11:27 and she reached the door of that temple,
11:29 and as she walked in so beautiful
11:33 and she looked up there was this pillar
11:36 right in the center of the temple
11:37 held up all the roof,
11:39 and as she looked at this pillar eyed it down,
11:44 her eyes caught something terrible.
11:49 Right at the base of that pillar was this little lamb,
11:51 it just looked like it been beat,
11:53 and bruised, and battered,
11:55 and it was chained to the pillar.
11:59 Oh, that's the lamb she thought.
12:01 Oh, she thought that must represent Jesus' sacrifice
12:04 for my sins.
12:07 And if I repent, I'm sure I'll be saved,
12:12 and then as she looked a little higher,
12:13 she noticed on the other side of the pillar
12:15 where all these elevated seats,
12:18 and there was people on the seats
12:20 with great big smiles, they just looked so happy.
12:25 Ellen thought, "Boy, if I repent on my sins,
12:29 then I'm sure I'll be happy like those people,
12:31 and I'll get to sit with those people."
12:35 But just then, phew,
12:40 all things vanished
12:42 and there was Ellen left standing alone.
12:48 It was too late.
12:54 And as she awoke from that dreadful dream,
12:57 didn't come from Jesus by the way,
13:00 that was a devil's dream.
13:03 She awoke from that dream.
13:06 You know, how dreams are especially when you're a child,
13:09 they're so vivid, so real.
13:13 She despaired of life itself.
13:15 She wished that it would for ever end.
13:23 She began to lose weight.
13:25 She was so exhausted and worn out all the time,
13:27 she would faint.
13:30 But just a few nights later,
13:33 she once again fell off into a fitful sleep.
13:38 And as she did, she dreamed another dream.
13:42 And in this dream she was looking out a window
13:45 and it was so peaceful outside,
13:46 everything was so green and the birds were singing,
13:50 it just looked like such a happy world.
13:54 And Ellen thought, "Oh, why can't I be happy?"
13:59 And her face just fell into her hands
14:02 and she began to cry,
14:04 "Oh, Jesus, if you were on this earth,
14:07 I would go to You
14:11 'cause I know You wouldn't turn me away,
14:14 and You would make me happy.
14:17 I could tell You all my troubles,
14:18 and You would fix it."
14:21 But just then her thoughts were interrupted,
14:26 a door behind her opened.
14:31 She turned around.
14:33 And there stood a gentleman at the door.
14:36 He looked down at her and said,
14:38 "Ellen, would you like to see Jesus?"
14:44 "Oh, yes.
14:45 Yes, I would like to see Jesus," said Ellen.
14:47 "Okay," he said, "Gather your little things
14:48 and come with me."
14:51 And she followed the gentleman, he went out,
14:53 and went to a steep long, long, long, long staircase.
14:57 And as he started up, he halted a minute,
14:58 and he turned to look at Ellen, he said,
15:00 "Now, Ellen, keep your eyes up,
15:01 many have tried this way and they've fallen off."
15:03 He climbed the staircase
15:04 and Ellen followed the gentleman.
15:07 And as she got to the top,
15:09 there was a door and he looked at her again,
15:10 said, "Ellen, are you sure, you want to see Jesus?"
15:15 "Oh, yes," said Ellen, "I do want to see Jesus."
15:19 "Okay."
15:21 And he opened that door and Ellen looked in that room
15:28 and she saw Jesus.
15:30 And she almost fell from fear, she thought, "Oh, I a sinner,
15:34 how could I ever stand before Jesus?"
15:36 But before she could,
15:39 she saw these tender eyes and a smile,
15:44 and Ellen saw a friend, and she fell at Jesus' feet.
15:53 And Jesus as He always does for His children,
15:58 He reached out and He put His hand
16:00 on Ellen's shoulder and He said,
16:02 "Oh, Ellen, you have no need to fear."
16:23 No need to fear
16:26 Though doubt may wage its war
16:31 Oppression's storm beats at your door
16:38 No need to fear
16:46 No need to fear
16:48 Though evil seems so strong
16:53 The power of sin is not for long
17:00 Be still my soul and trust in God
17:08 And place your life into His hands
17:16 For He will never
17:21 Fail you
17:24 And in the morning
17:28 You'll see His face
17:31 No need to fear
17:36 Don't fear
17:38 Don't fear Don't fear
17:45 No need to fear the evil and the scorn
17:52 Of those who boast in what they own
18:00 No need to fear
18:05 For what remains when life's brief day is done
18:13 Their glories are a setting sun
18:20 But as for me of this I'm sure
18:28 God has redeemed my soul from death
18:36 And He will never fail me
18:43 And in the morning
18:47 I'll see His face
19:01 And He will never fail you
19:09 No one can tear you from His love
19:16 And He will never forsake you
19:24 And in the morning
19:27 You'll see His face
19:31 No need to fear
19:36 Don't fear
19:38 Don't fear Don't fear
19:45 Don't fear Don't fear
19:55 Amen.
19:58 As Ellen got up from that dream,
20:00 oh, she was much encouraged.
20:03 She finally had the strength to go talk to her mother.
20:06 And, you know, how mothers are,
20:08 they can always make you feel so much better.
20:10 She said, "Mother, I've been struggling so long,
20:16 I've wondered how Jesus could save me."
20:21 And her mother said, "Oh, Ellen, I could tell
20:24 you're losing weight, you look so stressed.
20:28 Ellen, I'll tell you what you should do.
20:32 Why don't you go talk to Elder Stockman?
20:35 He is such a kind gentleman and a man of God.
20:39 I just know he'll make you feel so much better, Ellen.
20:42 Why don't you go talk to Elder Stockman?"
20:45 So Ellen did.
20:47 Twelve year old Ellen went and found Elder Stockman,
20:51 and she told Elder Stockman all her troubles.
20:57 And Elder Stockman looked at her,
21:01 and he put his hand on her head, and he said,
21:03 "Oh, Ellen,
21:07 yours is a most singular experience
21:11 for one your age.
21:14 God must be preparing you for something special."
21:19 Amen.
21:21 "Ellen, just the fact
21:24 that you feel this way means
21:25 that God is still striving with you.
21:28 Many people have excused their sins for so long,
21:31 they feel just quite okay the way they are.
21:35 But, Ellen, I want to tell you
21:38 what will make all the difference."
21:42 And for just a few minutes
21:43 Elder Stockman told Ellen of the love of Jesus.
21:53 She later wrote
21:55 in the Testimonies for the Church,
21:58 Volume One, good book to read by the way.
22:01 That those few minutes with Elder Stockman,
22:03 she learned more about the love of God
22:06 than she had learned from all the sermons
22:08 and exhortations from her whole life.
22:13 And then Elder Stockman finished by saying this,
22:18 he said, "Go free, Ellen.
22:20 Return to your home trusting in Jesus,
22:24 for He will not withhold His love
22:26 from any true seeker."
22:33 And that night there was a prayer meeting
22:35 and so Ellen attended still under this heavy weight
22:40 that had been nearly crushing her.
22:43 And she went to the prayer meeting
22:45 first one person prayed and then another prayed,
22:49 and Ellen says before he even realized,
22:51 she realized to herself,
22:52 she had lifted her own voice in prayer.
22:56 And she began to claim these promises
22:58 that Elder Stockman had given her.
23:00 She said, "It seemed like the promises
23:02 were just gems for the taking for those who wanted them."
23:06 And as she prayed that weight
23:09 that had discouraged her for so long fell away.
23:15 And Ellen learned a life long lesson
23:19 that as long as you call on the name of Jesus,
23:22 you can ever fall any further than your knees.
23:37 As you step into the unknown
23:44 I know you're frightened
23:47 And you feel alone
23:51 But there's something you should understand
23:59 You are my child
24:02 You're in my hand
24:07 And I will
24:09 Never let you fall
24:15 This is a promise to believe
24:22 And I will
24:24 Never let you fall
24:31 Any further than your knees
24:43 Now I hear you praying for a brother
24:51 And you're so afraid
24:54 He'll choose to blunder
24:58 But don't forget my love is true
25:06 And I will guide Him
25:09 As I've guided you
25:13 And I will
25:16 Never let him fall
25:22 This is a promise to believe
25:29 And I will never
25:31 Let him fall
25:38 Any further than his knees
26:00 And I will never let you fall
26:08 This is a promise to believe
26:16 I will never
26:18 Let you fall
26:25 Any further than
26:30 Any further than
26:34 Never further than your knees
26:49 Of course, Jesus didn't come in 1843,
26:52 so people got together
26:55 and they started to study again.
26:58 Realized they messed up their math
26:59 and they hadn't fully understood prophecy.
27:03 So they narrowed it down to October 22, 1844
27:10 that was the date Jesus would come.
27:14 And many people gave all, they were ready,
27:18 they wanted Jesus to come.
27:21 One individual turned farmer to preacher
27:24 by the name of Hiram Edson,
27:28 he sold all he had, he printed tracks,
27:31 and he began to preach Jesus is coming.
27:34 He went around to his neighbors
27:36 and he preached to his neighbors.
27:42 It's actually reported that on October 22, 1844
27:45 when Hiram Edson was waiting for Jesus
27:47 to come between 300 to 400 of his friends and neighbors
27:50 were right there waiting with him.
27:52 Now that's an evangelist.
27:55 Well, they preached
28:00 and they prepared,
28:02 and then the day came October 22, 1844.
28:08 Hiram Edson went outside and he found the perfect place,
28:12 he could watch the sky, and he would see Jesus come,
28:15 his friends and neighbors surrounded him
28:19 and they waited,
28:22 but the day kept taken along.
28:27 And that continual tick of the clock
28:31 became the worst sound they had ever heard.
28:35 And every hour it would bong out the hour
28:42 until with hearts that sink
28:48 the clock called out midnight.
28:52 October 22 had come and gone,
28:56 and Jesus did not come.
29:01 And Hiram Edson was so disappointed,
29:06 he didn't have the courage to get to his feet,
29:09 and he stayed in that field
29:10 and wept all night long until the sun rose.
29:16 And James White heard it said by a brother,
29:22 "Well, I guess we should get ready for winter now
29:26 and when it dawned on him,
29:27 we'd have to spend another winter on this earth."
29:29 He fled the building and went outside
29:31 and he wrote himself that he wept like a child.
29:37 One preacher had been preaching that Jesus was coming.
29:44 And just a few weeks before
29:46 the date this preacher was walking down the road.
29:52 Elder Fitch was his name and as he did,
29:54 he saw a whole group of people coming
29:55 and they said, "Oh, Elder Fitch,
29:57 we want to be baptized,
29:58 we just so want to be baptized before Jesus come,
30:01 will you baptize us?
30:02 Please, Elder Fitch."
30:04 Of course, it was October and it's a cold October.
30:06 Well said Elder Fitch, "I wouldn't turn anyone away."
30:09 And he went away and he turned around
30:11 and he walked off to the river,
30:13 and there he baptized that whole group of people
30:16 in that freezing cold water.
30:20 And then shivering Elder Fitch got out
30:22 and he began to walk home,
30:25 there it came another group of people,
30:27 "Oh, Elder Fitch,
30:28 please we want to be baptized before Jesus comes,
30:32 will you baptize us, Elder Fitch."
30:35 "Okay, let's go back to the water."
30:38 And poor Elder Fitch walked back
30:40 and he got in that cold river,
30:42 and he baptized the whole crowd of people,
30:47 and he came out chilled to the bone,
30:51 hardly could feel his toes.
30:55 And he caught a sight,
30:57 here came a third group of people,
30:58 "Oh, Elder Fitch,
31:00 we want to be baptized before Jesus comes,
31:02 will you baptize us?"
31:06 "Okay."
31:07 They went back to that water,
31:09 and Elder Fitch baptized
31:11 every one that day who wanted to be baptized.
31:16 He made his way back home he caught pneumonia and died,
31:21 eight days before Jesus would come.
31:26 And his little children were sad
31:28 as they watched their daddy be buried,
31:33 but mommy said, "Oh, children, it's okay.
31:36 Daddy is coming in just eight days,
31:40 in just eight days you'll see daddy."
31:44 And so when October 22 came around,
31:46 they excitedly came up to mommy,
31:48 "Mommy, when is daddy coming?"
31:51 They knew the answer, but they want to hear it again.
31:52 "Oh, children, today you'll see daddy."
32:00 But on October 23,
32:04 they came in sobbing,
32:05 "Mommy,
32:09 when are we gonna see daddy?"
32:13 All there hopes,
32:17 all they had was tied up
32:21 in the desire to go to heaven and to be with Jesus.
32:44 I wanna go to heaven and pick a never fading flower
32:50 From the mountain overlooking
32:54 The temple of my God
32:59 I wanna go to heaven
33:01 Where all is light and glory
33:05 How I long to be with Jesus!
33:08 How I long to be with God!
33:13 Some times I think I can stay here no longer
33:20 I feel very lonely here
33:23 For I've seen a better land
33:27 Oh! that I had wings like a dove
33:33 Then would I fly away
33:37 And be at rest
33:45 I wanna go to heaven I wanna hear the voice of Jesus
33:51 I've washed your robes in my blood
33:55 You stood stiffly for my truth.
34:00 And when I get to heaven
34:02 I'll cast my crown at Jesus feet!
34:06 I wanna praise His name forever!
34:09 For He has done so much for me!
34:14 Some times I think
34:17 I can stay here no longer
34:22 I feel very lonely here
34:24 For I've seen a better land
34:28 Oh! that I had wings like a dove
34:34 Then would I fly away
34:38 And be at rest
35:08 I wanna go to heaven
35:11 I wanna hear the voice of Jesus
35:14 I will gird myself and serve You
35:18 For You suffered much for me.
35:23 And when I get to heaven I wanna sit at Jesus' table!
35:28 Oh! to eat the fruit of that land
35:32 To go back to earth no more!
35:37 Some times I think I can stay here no longer
35:44 I feel very lonely here
35:47 For I've seen a better land
35:51 Oh! that I had wings like a dove
35:57 Then would I fly away,
36:01 And be at rest
36:06 Oh! that I had wings like a dove
36:12 Then would I fly away
36:15 Then would I fly away
36:23 And be at rest
36:42 Amen! Amen!
36:45 Elder Edson out there,
36:50 wept the night away until the sun came up.
36:56 And then he called out to his few friends still there.
36:59 You know, how these things are,
37:00 disappointments weeds the crowd out real fast.
37:03 But a few remained and he said,
37:06 "Well, friends,
37:09 let's go off to the barn and pray."
37:13 So they went off to Elder Edson's
37:14 little granary there and they knelt down
37:16 and they prayed.
37:18 "Lord, why?
37:22 What did we miss?
37:24 Why disappoint us?
37:27 We studied, we thought we knew,
37:30 what do we make of this?
37:32 What do we do now?
37:34 Lord, please show us the next step."
37:38 And they didn't get the answer.
37:41 And they began to keep praying, "Lord, please, why, help us."
37:47 And they still didn't get the answer,
37:49 but they got the assurance
37:51 that Jesus knew what He was doing,
37:53 and He would make sense of the whole thing,
37:56 and that was good enough for them.
37:59 And they got up off their knees
38:01 and they walked off into the house,
38:03 they did one of those impromptu breakfasts,
38:05 you know, nothing planned open the cupboards,
38:07 get what you can, get a little to eat.
38:11 And then Elder Edson
38:12 turned to his good friend Elder Crosier,
38:14 he said, "Well, Elder Crosier,
38:16 why don't we cross the cornfield,
38:18 there are some believers over on the other side,
38:21 they were looking for Jesus to come.
38:23 I'm sure they're discouraged.
38:25 Let's go, try to encourage them and pray with them."
38:28 "Okay," said Elder Crosier, "Sure, let's go."
38:31 So the two men started out and as they crossed the field
38:35 Brother Crosier was so deep in thoughts,
38:38 he hadn't noticed
38:39 that Brother Hiram Edson had stopped walking,
38:43 and there he stood, Elder Crosier kept going,
38:47 and after some time he realized,
38:48 "Hey, where is Brother Edson?"
38:49 He turned around, he was way back there
38:51 in the field.
38:52 "Hey, Brother Edson, are you coming?
38:54 What's up?"
38:55 And he looked
38:56 and there was Brother Edson deep in thought
38:59 and as he came back Brother Edson said,
39:01 "Oh, I now know,
39:05 I now understand,
39:08 Jesus wasn't coming to this earth
39:10 to cleanse this earth like we thought
39:12 to take us home,
39:14 there's a heavenly sanctuary,
39:16 He's gone in there,
39:19 He's doing a work there."
39:22 And that began a long study,
39:25 the believers would open their Bibles,
39:27 they'd sit around the table,
39:28 and they would look for a verse that would explain.
39:30 And if they couldn't find it
39:32 they would go down on their knees.
39:34 And once they were impressed where to look in their Bibles,
39:37 they'd get up and they'd find the answer,
39:39 and then they would be confused,
39:41 and they would go on their knees
39:42 and they would pray, and they would get up,
39:46 and they realized
39:48 that what happened was on that day
39:49 that they were also disappointed,
39:51 Jesus didn't come here to take us home,
39:54 it wasn't judgment day in that sense,
39:56 it was a different kind of judgment day.
39:58 Jesus has gone into the most holy place
40:00 of the sanctuary
40:03 there to intercede for you and me.
40:07 There He's dedicated His work,
40:09 He's doing all He can
40:10 to see that you and I make it up there.
40:16 In the sanctuary, Jesus is interceding for us.
40:34 We have a High Priest
40:38 Up in heaven
40:41 Hallelujah
40:45 Oh, hallelujah
40:48 He's our Defender before the Father
40:56 In the temple made by God not man
41:02 Behind the veil in a placemost holy
41:10 Hallelujah,
41:13 Oh, hallelujah
41:16 Investigating,
41:20 He clears the record
41:24 Of those redeemed by His own blood
41:30 He's blotting out my sin
41:37 In the sanctuary
41:45 He seals my bond with Him
41:51 In the sanctuary
41:56 Up in heaven
42:01 He makes provision for me
42:06 In the sanctuary
42:13 He's purifying heaven's temple
42:21 Hallelujah
42:24 Oh, hallelujah
42:27 In preparation for His returning
42:35 For those who love and follow Him
42:42 He's blotting out my sin
42:48 In the sanctuary
42:56 He seals my bond with Him
43:03 In the sanctuary
43:08 up in heaven
43:12 He makes provision for me
43:17 In the sanctuary
43:22 At the mercy seat
43:25 In the holy of holies
43:32 In the holy of holies
43:39 We meet
43:47 He's blotting out my sin
43:53 In the sanctuary
44:01 He seals my bond with Him
44:08 In the sanctuary
44:12 Up in heaven
44:17 He makes provision for me
44:22 In the sanctuary
44:29 In the sanctuary
44:37 In the sanctuary
44:54 Amen.
44:56 Oh, they were so encouraged when they learned that.
45:01 But the courage didn't come so easy to all of them, no.
45:05 One brother by the name of Samuel Rhodes,
45:08 year before the expected date of Jesus' return
45:11 he had sold his farm, he'd use the money,
45:14 he printed tracks and he went around to preach.
45:19 He was a man described having a lot of dash and verve.
45:23 People referred to him as the Peter,
45:25 the one who could preach,
45:27 and he preached that Jesus was coming,
45:29 and when Jesus didn't come he didn't take it too well.
45:35 And as he go to town people,
45:37 "Hey, Brother Rhodes,
45:41 still here I see, are you going the next time,
45:45 we're good enough, ah, oh, well have a nice day."
45:48 And the taunts and the jeers got to be too much.
45:53 And finally, one day Brother Samuel Rhodes
45:56 he got his pony,
45:58 grabbed a few hand tools, he hopped up on his pony,
46:01 and with a bit lip, he said,
46:03 "Goodbye, world, I'm leaving you."
46:05 And he rode off.
46:06 By the way if you're gonna try to leave the world,
46:08 don't do it on a pony, it doesn't work very well.
46:10 But he tried and off he rode.
46:14 He left Oswego, New York State he lived
46:16 and he rode 70 miles east to Boonville.
46:21 And then not named after Daniel Boone by the way,
46:23 it was named after Garrett Boone,
46:25 he was an agent for a land company.
46:29 Anyway Elder Rhodes rode his pony
46:31 down in Indian trail few miles past Boonville,
46:34 crossed the Black River
46:36 which is kind of the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains,
46:41 cleared a little plot of land and he built a little cabin
46:44 and he just lived like a hermit,
46:46 and every day he felt more rejected of God
46:48 and despised of men.
46:52 Well, Brother Edson tried and he would go to visit
46:57 Samuel Rhodes and said,
46:59 "Samuel, come on back, Jesus loves you,
47:03 you don't have to be discouraged,
47:05 Jesus loves you, come back."
47:07 Samuel Rhodes had none of it.
47:11 Brother Edson talked to Ellen White by this time,
47:15 she was now married, and she said,
47:17 "Well, I'd tell you that Brother Rhodes,
47:19 he's so far gone, I wouldn't even mess with him."
47:22 He doesn't deserve the sympathy we're giving him.
47:25 But then she was impressed by Jesus
47:27 that was a mistake,
47:28 and the people could be brought back.
47:31 So she went back to Brother Edson,
47:33 and she said, "I tell you what,
47:34 why don't you go try to get Samuel Rhodes
47:36 and bring him back."
47:37 So he rode 70 miles to Boonville,
47:40 cross the Black River,
47:42 and there he saw
47:44 Brother Samuel Rhodes out working in his field.
47:49 And as he walked up a friend that was with Edson
47:51 by the name of Richard Ralph called out,
47:54 "Brother Rhodes, greetings."
47:57 And Brother Rhodes looked up
47:59 and saw Richard Ralph and Hiram Edson.
48:01 And I'll tell you, he was none too welcoming.
48:04 "Well, hello, what do you want?"
48:08 "Oh, Brother, said Edson, Jesus loves you.
48:13 We're here to bring you back."
48:17 He said, "Why don't you come with us,
48:19 Brother Rhodes?
48:20 We're having meetings."
48:22 "Well, I can't go today.
48:24 I've got really way too much to deal,
48:26 maybe tomorrow."
48:27 He really didn't have anything to do that day,
48:29 but Hiram Edson wasn't about to be outdone,
48:31 he said, "Okay, no problem."
48:33 And Hiram Edson stayed there all night.
48:35 And then the next day, he said, "Well, Brother Rhodes,
48:38 I'm sure now you're ready to go."
48:41 Well, "Okay," said Brother Rhodes, "I guess."
48:45 And so they started walking across the Black River
48:50 and started down that Indian trail
48:52 when all of a sudden Brother Rhodes
48:54 who was in the back of the line,
48:56 split, and broke,
48:58 and he took off running
48:59 full speed as fast as he could through the woods,
49:01 and as he ran,
49:03 Elder Edson wasn't about to be outdone,
49:05 he turned around, and he chased him.
49:07 It was like two squirrels going mad
49:09 through the forest.
49:10 Brother Samuel Rhodes is running
49:12 and he had an advantage,
49:13 this was his terrain, he knew it.
49:15 And as he ran, he was trying to lose
49:17 Brother Hiram Edson,
49:19 and he was running around the trees
49:20 and over the hills.
49:21 But Brother Edson
49:23 had an advantage and that was determination,
49:24 he wasn't about to let this Samuel Rhodes
49:26 get away from him,
49:27 and he continued after Samuel Rhodes.
49:29 And as Brother Edson came running around
49:31 this large clump of bushes,
49:36 he saw Brother Rhodes,
49:40 he was at the edge of a clearing down on his knees
49:45 with his face in his hands crying,
49:51 "Oh, Jesus,
49:54 why do my brethren love me so?
49:58 Why do they seek me like this?
50:02 Jesus,
50:04 is it possible You love me like this?"
50:10 And Brother Hiram Edson
50:13 had the great privilege walking up,
50:17 putting his hand
50:19 on the shoulder of Brother Rhodes
50:22 and telling Brother Rhodes that,
50:23 "Yes, Jesus loves you like this."
50:29 And Jesus grace,
50:32 it's so amazing, it will cover you.
50:53 My faithful Father
51:00 Enduring friend
51:04 Your tender mercy is like a river
51:10 With no end
51:13 It overwhelms me
51:19 And covers my sin
51:24 Each time I come into Your presence
51:30 I stand in wonder once again
51:38 Your grace still amazes me
51:45 Your love is still a mystery
51:52 Each day
51:55 I fall on my knees
52:00 And ask Your blood to cover me
52:07 Your grace still amazes me
52:27 Oh, patient Savior
52:34 You make me whole
52:38 You are the author and the finisher
52:45 Of my faith
52:48 What can I give You
52:54 Lord, what can I say
52:58 I know there's no way to repay You
53:05 Only to offer You
53:10 My heart
53:13 Your grace still amazes me
53:20 Your love is still a mystery
53:27 Each day I fall on my knees
53:35 And ask Your blood to cover me
53:42 Your grace still amazes me
53:47 I'll walk with and see my sin
53:54 How can your love extend to me
54:00 The price You paid
54:03 The gift You gave
54:07 Your majesty
54:10 It's so much more than anything
54:16 My eyes have seen
54:18 Your grace still amazes me
54:25 Your love is still a mystery
54:32 Each day I fall on my knees
54:40 And ask Your love to cover me
54:48 Your grace still amazes
54:55 Me
55:17 Well, after that experience,
55:20 Samuel Rhodes was happy to follow Brother Edson,
55:23 and they went back together.
55:26 And Samuel Rhodes began
55:28 to study the Bible with these brothers
55:30 and see all he had missed,
55:32 he heard of the three angels' message,
55:34 understood what judgment was happening up in heaven.
55:41 It was later written down by James White,
55:48 he said, "No man has ever
55:51 more freely given all for a treasure in heaven
55:54 than Brother Rhodes.
55:56 His commendable zeal in the cause
55:58 and success in convincing people of truth
56:02 has caused our enemies to wickedly reproach him."
56:10 You know, I don't know each of you here tonight
56:12 or this afternoon,
56:14 but even if I knew all of you by name,
56:17 I could never know
56:19 all the secrets of your heart.
56:25 But maybe one of you,
56:27 maybe you are like young Ellen,
56:30 you're fearful, "How could I ever be ready?
56:35 How could I stand before the judge a sinner?"
56:40 And if that's you,
56:42 I come to you in the place of Elder Stockman
56:47 to tell you of the love of Jesus,
56:51 a Savior wanting to save you.
56:59 Now maybe the reason
57:01 you feel uneasy about Jesus coming,
57:05 is because you know there is something
57:07 you've been keeping between Him and you.
57:10 And if that's the deal, friends,
57:12 you need to deal with it.
57:16 You know that job that you've been working
57:18 a little too late on Friday,
57:19 it's time to get that dealt with.
57:23 You can have the peace that passes understanding,
57:25 but you need to get these barriers
57:26 between you and Jesus out.
57:30 And I want to tell you something,
57:32 if you think you have something that's so little,
57:34 that there's no way
57:35 could ever really get between you and Jesus
57:37 and after all even if it did, you get rid of it later.
57:41 You're already confused.
57:43 There is nothing
57:44 that can go between you and Jesus that is little.
57:48 If it's been between the two of you,
57:50 it's a big deal.
57:54 You know, growing up through my teen years,
57:55 and then into my 20s,
57:57 I've had many, many wonderful friends,
58:01 mission minded friends,
58:04 the friends that would get together with me
58:06 in the evening and pray, would go to give Bible studies.
58:10 And did you know now,
58:13 I can count on one hand the number of friends
58:18 who have kept their faith.
58:21 And it all started
58:22 with something between them and Jesus
58:23 that was just very little.
58:30 So I'm going to ask you,
58:32 if you want to experience
58:35 that peace that passes understanding,
58:38 if you want to hear sermons on the judgment
58:43 without losing your sleep,
58:46 then give all to Jesus.
58:51 If there's something you want to give up to get the Jesus,
58:54 I'm just gonna ask you to stand.


Revised 2017-08-28