Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Divine Service -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000012A

00:34 Happy Sabbath GYC.
00:37 Our speaker this morning is a storyteller
00:39 from the land of the kiwis,
00:41 he says things like aluminum and zebra
00:47 You may know him
00:48 as speaker/director of It Is Written,
00:50 what you may not know is that he was not raised an Adventist,
00:53 in fact, he was an altar boy for Catholic Church
00:56 when he was a kid.
00:58 As he was going older when he was a teenager
01:00 he became involved in radio,
01:02 and he about my age about 20 something,
01:06 he found himself as a broadcaster
01:08 for a secular radio program.
01:10 So how is he here speaking today?
01:13 Well, when he was a teenager
01:14 someone that was very important to him
01:16 gave him a Great Controversy.
01:20 He didn't read it.
01:22 In fact, that same person came back to him and said,
01:25 "Hey, did you read that book that I gave you?"
01:27 "No, well, I'm..."
01:28 "Here's another one, read this one."
01:31 So he got to chapter 1 opened it up,
01:33 read part of chapter 1 and life kind of happened
01:37 and he didn't read the rest of it.
01:40 But he kept praying, "God, there's something out there
01:41 that I'm missing,
01:42 there's some truth that I need to know."
01:46 So Great Controversy number three
01:49 shows up in his mailbox.
01:51 And he said, "I better read this one."
01:54 So he did, as he was reading the Great Controversy
01:57 in his bathtub some time,
01:59 He heard the voice of God saying,
02:01 "This is it, John, this is my plan,
02:04 this is how it works, and I want you to be on board."
02:08 There's a lot more, in fact,
02:10 if you ever get to read his testimony
02:11 or hear his testimony is well worth it.
02:14 But he has dedicated his life to sharing the gospel
02:17 and to inspiring others to do the same.
02:19 After special music,
02:21 the next voice you'll hear is Pastor John Bradshaw.
02:53 There's a place I go to rest
02:58 One again I've failed the test
03:03 Gentle arms that right my path
03:08 Show your love instead of wrath
03:13 In this hour, precious hour
03:19 I have met Redemption's power
03:24 In this place, holy space
03:30 I have seen amazing grace
03:35 Blistered soul begins to heal
03:40 Cease to hide that which is real
03:45 Walls I build dissolve away in this hour
03:53 when I pray
03:55 In this hour, precious hour
04:01 I have met Redemption's power
04:05 In this place, holy space
04:11 I have seen amazing grace
04:16 Then gentle words between us flow
04:22 Yours start easy, mine start slow
04:28 But patiently
04:30 You listen close to every burden I disclose
04:38 In this hour, precious hour
04:43 I have met Redemption's power
04:48 In this place, holy space
04:53 I have seen amazing grace
04:59 You help me with the words I can't yet say
05:06 When I can't quite reach You
05:09 You meet me on my way
05:13 And if my heart is silent
05:15 You still stay in this hour
05:21 When I pray
05:26 In seasons of distress and grief
05:34 My soul has often found
05:39 Relief
05:47 And so You wait to meet me there
05:53 In this special place of prayer
05:59 Savor every moment shared
06:04 And linger in this hour of prayer
06:10 In this hour, precious hour
06:16 I have met Redemption's power
06:20 In this place, holy space
06:26 I have seen amazing grace
06:57 I can savor moment declare
07:04 And linger
07:08 In this hour
07:12 Of prayer
07:28 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.
07:31 You glad to be here today?
07:32 Amen.
07:33 Did you come here to worship? Yes.
07:35 Are here as a spectator or as a participant?
07:38 Participant.
07:40 We shall see.
07:42 I hope you're right.
07:43 I'm glad to be at GYC again.
07:46 What a fabulous convention.
07:48 I want to thank God
07:53 and commend the leadership of GYC
07:59 for being relentlessly Christ-focused.
08:04 Amen.
08:05 For being unapologetically biblical.
08:10 Amen.
08:11 For being consistently mission-focused,
08:15 and for being unashamedly supportive of the teachings
08:23 and the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:28 I don't understand why there aren't more people
08:32 here at GYC.
08:34 Popping the fact that we couldn't get
08:36 any more people in this room.
08:38 I don't know who would not be blessed
08:41 by being at GYC.
08:43 Well, I can imagine,
08:44 I can imagine actually one group of people
08:49 that would not be blessed at GYC,
08:53 dead people.
08:58 But if you have a pulse,
09:02 then I would encourage you to be part of GYC
09:07 not an event, not an experience,
09:13 but a life of commitment to Jesus Christ.
09:16 Amen.
09:18 Well, we're gonna begin with praying
09:19 by praying if you don't mind, and I don't suppose you do.
09:22 Let's pray and expect God to bless us
09:24 over these next few minutes.
09:26 Shall we? Let's pray.
09:29 Our Father in heaven, we've been blessed already
09:30 today powerfully.
09:34 We've been transported into the throne room
09:37 of the heavenly sanctuary on the wings of prayer.
09:42 We have been moved by music
09:49 that left me convinced
09:50 that angels were singing without singers
09:53 and playing alongside our players.
09:59 And now, Lord, we come to this place
10:01 where we open Your Word
10:04 and we appeal to You to speak.
10:08 I pray that You would not permit
10:10 the limitations of fallen humanity
10:13 to frustrate either the proclamation
10:17 or the reception of Your Word.
10:23 You know our needs and we trust You with them.
10:29 So, Lord, speak and be heard.
10:33 Bless us with your transforming
10:39 saving grace.
10:42 We pray in Jesus' name.
10:44 Please say...
10:46 Amen. Amen.
10:53 In 1944, a ship
10:58 loaded with explosives
11:01 ran aground in the River Thames,
11:04 just downstream a few miles from London,
11:08 just offshore from the town of Sheerness,
11:11 it's still there today
11:12 which is perhaps
11:16 credit to divine intervention.
11:19 The ship was one of many Liberty ships
11:22 2,710 of them in all built during World War II.
11:25 They were essentially cargo ships,
11:27 and by and large they took stuff
11:30 from the United States to Europe.
11:32 And during World War II,
11:34 there was a lot of action in Europe.
11:35 This one was to take 1,500 tons
11:40 of high explosives to Normandy.
11:43 It stopped off in London, well, downstream from London.
11:48 But things didn't go right, the ship ran aground,
11:52 they tried to salvage it,
11:53 but wait a moment
11:54 here it was now resting on the bottom of the Thames
11:56 loaded with 1,500 tons of explosives.
12:00 And the fear was that if they monkeyed with the ship,
12:03 boom.
12:05 The ship would be no more and that would be a problem
12:08 because if the ship was no more,
12:09 then a column of water three hundred feet wide
12:13 would shoot 10,000 feet into the air.
12:15 Every window in Sheerness would be destroyed,
12:18 a great wave would inundate the place
12:20 and as for the people who tried to remove the explosives,
12:27 well, they would be seen no more.
12:28 What do we do with a boat full of explosives,
12:30 it was decided we do nothing with it at all,
12:33 we leave it right where it is.
12:35 And so today you could travel to Sheerness in England.
12:41 And you would see a little off the shore,
12:44 off the river's edge some buoys,
12:48 we call them buoys
12:49 in civilized countries buoys here,
12:51 but they are buoys.
12:53 You would see some buoys and some signs,
12:56 and the signs would say danger, explosives, stay away.
13:03 You can even see the masts of the ship,
13:05 it was the SS Richard Montgomery
13:09 poking up out of the water.
13:12 Testament to the fact that beneath the water
13:14 there is a lot of power, real power, explosive energy,
13:20 untapped just sitting there latent.
13:26 And no one wants to go near it.
13:30 I have wondered if the church might not be a little bit like
13:35 the wreckage of the SS Richard Montgomery,
13:39 perhaps there's a vast untapped reservoir of energy
13:43 sitting ideal
13:45 with the enormous potential to impact the world
13:50 and launch devastation
13:53 upon the kingdom of the enemy of souls.
13:57 God, friend, is looking to unleash His power,
14:01 He wants to unleash it upon you,
14:05 and through you our place in history.
14:09 Right now He is witnesses God
14:12 calling to His people to light up the world
14:15 like fireworks light up the night sky.
14:18 We're gonna take a moment to look into the Bible
14:20 and see God's power on display.
14:22 Open your Bible with me please
14:24 to the third chapter of the Book of Daniel.
14:26 Daniel and his friends had experienced
14:28 the highs and lows of faith.
14:30 They were believers,
14:32 but they were taken from their homes
14:33 and families and marched across a barren desert
14:35 to a foreign land,
14:37 a pagan country, fed inedible food,
14:41 pressed into service as slaves, their masculinity violated.
14:47 But these boys were not afraid to stick their necks out.
14:51 They could have compromised but they would not,
14:54 even though they knew that their faithfulness
14:56 would likely lead to their demise.
14:58 Instead, they stayed true to God
15:01 and as a result they thrived, promoted to serve
15:05 in the inner circle of a monarch,
15:08 but then owing to the chicanery of others.
15:11 An executioner was sent to dispatch them.
15:15 Daniel and his friends
15:18 were only moments from cooling to room temperature
15:23 when they asked for time to interpret the king's dream
15:28 and when they did, they were elevated again,
15:32 when they were challenged,
15:34 they met their challenge with faith unshakable
15:39 and God came through for them,
15:42 by the time we get to Daniel 3.
15:45 Three of them are commanded to bow down to an image
15:50 and worship it.
15:51 And when that happened,
15:53 they knew exactly what they were to do.
15:57 Their inspirational leader,
15:59 a prophet no less was not with them.
16:01 If ever there was a time to compromise,
16:05 this was that time.
16:08 And it would not have been hard
16:10 when you hear the music bow down,
16:13 but they would not, they squared off with the king
16:17 and they said, "Oh, King,
16:19 we are not careful to answer thee in this matter."
16:22 They were not being smart alecs,
16:24 they had simply settled it in their heart
16:27 that they would be faithful to God
16:30 irrespective of circumstance.
16:32 "Our God should He choose to do so
16:35 is able to save us from out of the fiery furnace.
16:38 But, King, it must be known by you
16:41 that even if God does not save us,
16:45 we're still not going to bow down."
16:52 The king was enraged, "Led him burn," the king said.
16:58 Now you've heard the story
17:00 so many times that you think now
17:01 it's just a bedtime story.
17:03 Funny, isn't it the bedtime stories
17:04 we tell our children?
17:05 And then a lion was going to tear him limb from limb
17:08 and eat him up.
17:11 Sleep tight.
17:18 We're familiar with the story.
17:19 Oh, that we're gonna be thrown into a fiery furnace.
17:21 Oh, whatever.
17:23 No, no, no, wait a minute, this was life and death,
17:27 and these three young people chose execution over existence.
17:31 And think about their experience,
17:33 they had fought, and scrapped, and scraped, and prayed,
17:37 and trusted God and kept their heads down,
17:39 and hope that one day they'd be reunited
17:41 with whatever was left of their families.
17:43 And that one day they would see beautiful Jerusalem again
17:47 and now they would die young in a foreign land
17:52 owing to the whim of a megalomaniac.
17:57 But, you know how the story ends,
17:58 Daniel 3:23, "Shadrach, Meshach,
18:02 and Abed-Nego fell down bound
18:03 into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.
18:06 But the kind was astonished,
18:08 'Didn't we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?'
18:11 'Yes, sir.'
18:13 'Well, wait I see four men loose,
18:16 walking in the midst of the fire
18:17 and they have no hurt.
18:19 And the form of them is as the form of the Son of God,
18:23 or is like one of the sons of God.
18:25 How did he know what a son of the gods looked like?
18:28 How did he know that this was the Son of God?
18:30 He had seen Christ
18:33 in the person of Shadrach, Meshach,
18:35 Abed-Nego, and Daniel.
18:37 "Ah, I've seen this one before, He is their leader,
18:41 their guide, this is their God.
18:45 He has shown up with them in the fire.
18:48 At a time of unthinkable difficulty,
18:51 at a time of enormous pressure,
18:53 they saw the power of God
18:56 when they had no earthly support,
18:58 no resources,
19:00 when their wits couldn't help them,
19:03 and their street-smarts meant nothing.
19:06 They may a stand
19:11 and in their extremity
19:14 when they made a stand, Christ stood with them.
19:20 Come on, and say amen today. Amen.
19:23 And it's not the only stand
19:25 Jesus makes in the Book of Daniel.
19:28 This year's convention has revolved
19:31 around a certain theme as conventions I wanted to do.
19:34 When all has been heard
19:36 or as the wise man said in Ecclesiastes 12:7.
19:40 "Let us hear the conclusion of the matter."
19:45 He went on to say, "Fear God,
19:46 and keep His commandments:
19:48 for this is the whole duty of man."
19:50 Because God will bring into judgment
19:54 every work with every secret thing,
19:57 whether it be good or whether it be evil.
20:01 Since 1844, Christian friend,
20:05 we have been living in the time
20:06 of what we have come to refer to as
20:09 the investigative judgment.
20:12 Now I know that this is a subject
20:14 that is not fashionable in certain circles,
20:17 but let me tell you this,
20:19 if you care about being theologically fashionable,
20:24 you will one day find yourself in the in crowd
20:28 crying out
20:29 crucify Him, crucify Him.
20:35 There are some who have little to say,
20:38 or little that is positive to say about this judgment.
20:44 But you can deny it if you want to,
20:45 the judgment is like gravity,
20:47 sooner or later its impact is gonna be felt on you.
20:50 It's a little bit like aging.
20:53 You don't think it's affecting you,
20:55 until one day you look in the mirror
20:57 and you say, "There is evidence
21:02 that I'm not immune from this."
21:07 We did not arrive at this place by accident.
21:11 You know the story well.
21:14 During the war of 1812 in the Battle of Plattsburg
21:16 on the banks of Lake Champlain,
21:18 a farmer named William Miller saw bombs,
21:21 rockets and shrapnel shells falling as thick as hailstones.
21:27 And explosion two feet away from him
21:29 killed one man and injured others,
21:30 but it left him unscathed
21:32 and this caused the deist William Miller
21:35 to reconsider his position.
21:37 He thought maybe after all there must be a personal God
21:42 who does interfere in the experiences of humanity.
21:48 And he was led on a search
21:49 to rediscover his Baptist faith.
21:51 His search led him into God's Word,
21:54 and eventually he found his way to the Book of Daniel.
21:56 Daniel 8:14 where he read,
21:59 "Unto 2,300 days
22:02 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
22:08 Like at least 65 other Bible expositors
22:13 on at least four continents between 1800 and 1844.
22:19 Miller believed that the 2,300 day year period
22:22 would be fulfilled sometime between 1843 and 1847.
22:26 But Miller believed that the prophecy taught
22:29 Jesus was coming back to the earth,
22:31 they didn't all teach that.
22:33 And Miller believed it was going to happen in 1843.
22:36 And he had good reason to think this way.
22:41 The signs indicated
22:43 that the return of Jesus was imminent.
22:46 Matthew 24:29,
22:48 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days
22:51 shall the sun be darkened,
22:53 and the moon shall not give her light,
22:54 and the stars shall fall from heaven,
22:57 and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."
23:00 The dark day happened in 1790, the falling of the stars 1833,
23:05 and earthquake in Portugal in 1755 had 35 times
23:11 the amount of energy
23:12 contained in the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.
23:15 If that earthquake had hit Los Angeles,
23:18 it would have destroyed
23:19 San Francisco and shaken Chicago,
23:22 it was a monster.
23:25 These were signs to the world that something was going on,
23:30 and those who were studying the Bible recognized.
23:33 "Yes, there is something all right.
23:37 The return of Jesus, we are getting closer."
23:40 Miller said, "That's what it is,
23:42 the sanctuary is being cleansed,
23:46 Christ will return."
23:49 Except, of course, the Baptist...
23:52 What was his denominational affiliation?
23:55 Could you say that again little louder?
23:57 Baptists. Did we agree he was Baptist?
24:00 I heard about a 100 people agree
24:02 that he was a Baptist.
24:03 William Miller was a what? Baptist.
24:06 Can you say it for the world to hear?
24:07 Baptist. There we go.
24:11 Seventh-day Adventists
24:12 get blamed for Miller's mistake.
24:15 Let me be quite frank with you that, friend,
24:17 was a Baptist mistake,
24:19 it was not a Seventh-day Adventist mistake.
24:22 Credit where credit is due.
24:25 Adventists have made plenty of mistakes
24:27 1843 and 1844
24:29 were not a Seventh-day Adventist mistake.
24:30 There's enough credit to go around here.
24:36 The Baptist William Miller was wrong,
24:39 Jesus did not come back in 1843 or 1844
24:44 and the disappointment was great not only for Miller,
24:46 but for those who followed him, the thousands.
24:48 The hope of Jesus' return was sweet in the mouth,
24:51 like the prophecy in Revelation 10 said it would be sweet,
24:55 sweet as honey,
24:57 sweet as manuka honey from New Zealand, so sweet.
25:03 But the disappointment was bitter in their bellies,
25:07 bitter, so bitter.
25:09 Hiram Edson said,
25:11 "We wept and wept until the day dawned.
25:13 Bitter isn't a lot of fun.
25:14 A few years ago my wife and children
25:16 discovered that everything they were eating
25:18 was bitter in their mouth,
25:19 everything, even water that they drank,
25:21 they tried sugar, sugar was bitter,
25:24 they made some inquiries, they had pine nut syndrome.
25:29 A bad batch of pine nuts
25:31 imported from China left them
25:33 with the bitterness in their mouth
25:34 that might last them for two weeks.
25:38 As it was, it lasted them for one week
25:40 that was one day that dad was really, really glad
25:43 he was out of town.
25:47 Bitter is bitter,
25:49 but imagine the bitterness of waiting,
25:53 believing Jesus is coming back tonight.
25:58 I tell you something
25:59 these people believe, didn't they?
26:01 They closed their shops,
26:02 they left their crops in the ground,
26:04 they gave stuff away.
26:05 Do we believe Jesus is coming back?
26:07 Oh, yes, we don't.
26:12 We say we do
26:14 and we certainly do to a certain extent,
26:17 but these people believed
26:22 and they were wrong.
26:23 But, you know something,
26:25 God has brought glorious things out of mistakes before.
26:31 Jesus told the disciples again and again,
26:33 He was gonna be killed and when He was crucified,
26:36 they looked at each other and they said,
26:37 "What in the world happened?"
26:40 Jesus tried to impress upon His friends
26:42 the spiritual nature of His kingdom.
26:44 And as far down as the first chapter of the Book of Acts.
26:49 His friends are asking Him
26:50 if He is going to restore His kingdom now.
26:54 Jesus works best with faulty people.
26:58 As a matter of fact,
27:00 Jesus only works with faulty people.
27:04 He would bring something glorious out of this mistake.
27:06 Jesus did not come back in 1844,
27:09 but God had plain counsel for the disappointed.
27:11 Revelation 10:11, "He said to me,
27:15 'Thou must prophesy again before many peoples,
27:18 and nations, and tongues, and kings.'"
27:23 They went back to the Word of God
27:25 and they discovered, no, Christ wasn't coming back,
27:28 but He entered the most holy place
27:30 of the heavenly sanctuary
27:31 to begin His final work of judgment
27:34 that the phase of His ministry
27:36 involving the blotting out of sins
27:39 and the cleansing of both the sanctuary
27:41 and individual believers.
27:43 was now in play,
27:46 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
27:48 for the hour of His judgment is come,
27:52 judgment had come."
27:55 Ellen White wrote in the Great Controversy,
27:58 "The subject of the sanctuary
27:59 opened to view a complete system of truth,
28:02 connected and harmonious,
28:04 showing that God's hand
28:05 had directed the great advent movement,
28:09 and revealing present duty
28:11 as it brought to light the position
28:12 and work of His people."
28:14 Prophesize again, this wasn't Christ's return,
28:19 we must tell the world, this is judgment.
28:24 You know, friend, there are some things
28:25 that Satan does not want you to know.
28:28 The subject of the sanctuary
28:30 in Christ's high priestly ministry
28:33 is one he attacks relentlessly.
28:36 In the judgment
28:38 there is a priest in heaven for you
28:41 according to the Bible, not against you.
28:44 The judgment says,
28:46 "I may have made a mess, but Jesus is on my side."
28:52 Judgment says, "I may be weak, but Christ is strong."
28:58 Judgment says, "Even though I'm down,
29:02 I'm not out
29:04 because what a friend we have in Jesus."
29:08 Listen, friend, when I say the name William Miller,
29:12 you think 2,300 days, you think great disappointment,
29:15 and you are doing him a disservice.
29:17 It's true he drilled way down into Daniel 8:14,
29:21 but Miller said this.
29:24 He said, "The Scriptures became my delight
29:29 and in Jesus I found a friend."
29:33 Bible study for Miller
29:35 was more than an exercise with his abacus.
29:39 Miller found a friend in Jesus,
29:43 have you done that studying
29:46 the Bible Miller found a friend,
29:50 someone he could trust,
29:52 the Christ of the judgment is the friend of sinners.
29:57 But Satan doesn't want you to know that.
29:58 He does not want you to know that you can come boldly
30:01 to the throne of grace, and find mercy,
30:03 and grace to help in time of need.
30:06 Yes, you, not just the people in the choir,
30:08 not just those folks upfront, not just the people
30:11 that the nominating committee sentenced
30:13 to a position in the church,
30:15 but you can find grace to help in time of need.
30:22 Devil doesn't want you knowing that you have an advocate
30:24 with the Father.
30:25 Jesus Christ the righteous,
30:27 Jesus is in heaven now appearing
30:30 in the presence of God for us,
30:33 it cannot get any better than that.
30:36 Satan doesn't want you to know its good news.
30:38 You say, "What is this judgment?
30:40 What is it?"
30:41 Listen, it's an audit, that's all it is.
30:47 When your name comes up in the judgment,
30:48 Jesus is not gonna wring His hands
30:50 and scratch His head and tap His chin and say,
30:53 "What do we do with her?
30:54 What do we do with him?"
30:56 In the judgment Jesus just looks at the evidence and says,
30:58 "This one claimed Me,
31:01 this one died saved or lived saved,
31:03 I'll honor that, this one turned her back,
31:06 turned his back,
31:07 I have no choice but to honor that."
31:09 The judgment is simply Jesus honoring the decisions
31:14 that you have made for Him or against Him,
31:17 that's all, it's no more mysterious than that.
31:22 Here on the eve of a brand new year,
31:26 there is a call to God's people.
31:29 The pioneers have bequeath to us a sacred legacy.
31:33 It's bound up in that other stand
31:35 Jesus made in the Book of Daniel.
31:36 In Daniel 3, Jesus stood,
31:39 He stood with those three young men.
31:41 In Daniel 7:9, the Ancient of Days sat,
31:45 judgment began.
31:48 In Daniel 12:1, Michael,
31:51 Jesus stands, judgment ends.
31:56 The high priestly ministry of Jesus is over.
32:00 Some years ago the noted and respected,
32:04 the great evangelist
32:05 and church administrator Charles Bradford
32:07 wrote a book for the Ministerial Association
32:09 called "Preaching to the Times".
32:12 In that book Bradford said,
32:15 "That we need to heal more sermons
32:18 about such things as living in the sight of a Holy God
32:23 without a mediator."
32:25 That's what he said. Think about that.
32:28 When judgment is over,
32:29 Jesus takes off His high priestly robes,
32:31 leaves the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary,
32:34 and journeys to heaven.
32:35 There is silence in heaven.
32:37 There is no mediator there, none.
32:40 God's people for a time will live on this earth
32:44 in the sight of God without a mediator,
32:48 consider that.
32:50 We've been told Great Controversy, page 425,
32:53 "Those who are living upon the earth
32:55 when the intercession of Christ
32:56 shall cease in the sanctuary above
32:59 are to stand in the sight of a holy God
33:02 without a mediator."
33:04 But we've quit preaching about that
33:10 and Bradford knew it, that's why he wrote it.
33:13 We don't want to say too much about that anymore,
33:16 living in the sight of a Holy God
33:17 without a mediator.
33:19 Is that a call to holiness?
33:21 Yes, it is.
33:23 Is it a call to righteousness?
33:25 Yes, it is.
33:26 It is a call to heavy duty surrender to the will
33:31 and to the presence of Jesus Christ.
33:34 This is not playing church,
33:37 you can cut it any old way you want,
33:39 but one day sooner or later Jesus is going to say,
33:43 "Ready or not, here I come."
33:46 He will leave heaven
33:48 and come back here to this earth
33:51 which means this time is preparation time.
33:58 Maybe some of us don't wanna make that kind of preparation,
34:01 maybe we love the world too much,
34:05 maybe sin has a great hold on us.
34:07 So maybe our God is so small,
34:10 we don't believe that
34:11 He can truly attach our heart to His.
34:17 One day soon Jesus leaves the sanctuary,
34:19 there is no mediator.
34:22 Man, this is good news.
34:24 This is an opportunity here,
34:25 and there are some opportunities
34:27 that are just too good to miss.
34:29 The fellow who started Apple Computer
34:32 was a man named Steve Jobs, not but wait,
34:35 Steve Jobs started Apple with another fellow
34:38 whose name was Steve Wozniak, but wait there's more.
34:43 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer
34:45 with a third guy whose name was...
34:50 Exactly, this man wrote the manual
34:55 for the Apple-1 computer.
34:56 This man designed the logo.
34:59 This man drew up the partnership agreement,
35:01 and at the beginning Apple was a partnership.
35:04 But two weeks after the partnership was formed
35:07 Ron Wayne sold his 10% share in Apple Computer
35:13 for $800.
35:16 If he sold it yesterday,
35:19 he would have made $65 billion.
35:26 Eight hundred or sixty five billion.
35:29 He says, "He doesn't regret it."
35:32 I say he's lying.
35:37 Man that was an opportunity he wanted,
35:40 and okay it's only money.
35:42 But it makes the point that some opportunities
35:44 you don't wanna pass up,
35:45 and God is presenting you with one right now,
35:48 an opportunity that is too good to miss,
35:50 an opportunity to live for Him to the extent
35:54 that you are kept by the power of the Holy Spirit,
35:58 and remade in the image of God.
36:00 What an opportunity to see the power of God.
36:02 This is gonna be like being in a fiery furnace
36:04 with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego
36:06 and your hair is not even being singed.
36:08 Wow, a theatre for the universe,
36:12 demonstrating the power
36:14 and the goodness of Almighty God.
36:17 And don't you love to see power?
36:20 Man, I was excited when my son discovered
36:22 the awesomeness of explosions,
36:26 then we could do some stuff involving a potato cannon,
36:30 and a target that we had set on fire,
36:35 and a projectile full of flammable liquid,
36:39 and an iPhone videoing the whole thing.
36:42 We even told my wife about it after we'd done it.
36:47 Awesome, showed her the video.
36:50 There's something cool about witnessing power,
36:53 and God is calling you to allow the universe
36:58 to witness His power in and through your life
37:03 on a scale that has never been seen before.
37:10 The power of God to transform a life,
37:13 a life that speaks of God's goodness and love.
37:17 Friend, when it comes to this thing
37:18 we don't need any more theory, we already have all we need.
37:22 We can debate, agitate, abnegate, abrogate, denigrate,
37:28 obfuscate, vacillate, and pontificate,
37:32 but none of that will help,
37:34 we need to let God's Spirit operate.
37:38 Let us what? Illuminate.
37:41 If you will consecrate, your life is gone,
37:44 the universe will see
37:46 what the power of God really looks like
37:47 in the life of a sinner.
37:50 Now before you panic,
37:52 when we're talking about living in the sight of God
37:54 without a mediator,
37:55 and right now there are some people panicking.
38:01 We are not assuming the responsibility
38:03 for our own salvation.
38:05 The end of Jesus' ministry in the sanctuary
38:07 doesn't coincide
38:09 with the death of the Holy Spirit.
38:11 Amen.
38:12 The Spirit of God is alive and well.
38:14 Amen.
38:15 God's people will be kept then the same way they are kept now
38:21 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
38:23 We've been told that God's people will be sealed
38:26 with the seal of God,
38:27 a settling into truth both intellectually ands spiritually
38:31 so that they cannot be moved.
38:35 Man, we want that, don't we?
38:36 Yes, we do. We want that.
38:39 Higher than the highest human thought can think
38:41 is God's ideal for His people.
38:44 Godliness, God likeness is the goal to be reached.
38:47 The plan of salvation contemplates
38:50 our complete recovery from the power of salvation.
38:53 Hallelujah.
38:56 I have a friend whose 16-year old daughter
38:58 is in hospital right now.
39:00 And he wishes, they wish she was out.
39:04 She'll get out, she gonna recover,
39:06 God is great and He is still the great physician.
39:08 They want to see a complete recovery.
39:13 Pray for Amy, would you?
39:14 A complete recovery
39:17 and this is what the plan of salvation involves for us,
39:21 complete recovery from the power of Satan.
39:25 How?
39:26 Through the power of God.
39:30 God is calling His people to be sweet generous, one of a kind,
39:34 unique, the 144,000.
39:38 Now listen, Christian friend, listen to me,
39:39 there's a real danger we face here,
39:42 for when we talk about getting serious about salvation.
39:46 Very often all you need to do is listen
39:48 and that whooshing sound you hear
39:50 is the sound of well intentioned people
39:53 hurtling into legalism,
39:56 and they rush into it like lemmings
39:58 following each other off a cliff.
39:59 God does not want us to be any more legalistic.
40:04 I'll be holier if I could only eat
40:07 the right amount of almonds, all right.
40:11 I will please God if I can look
40:12 just slightly more Amish than I do.
40:16 God will be satisfied
40:17 if I recommit to my vow of misery,
40:20 the one I took when I was baptized.
40:22 No, man, that's not it.
40:24 The devil wants you to think
40:26 that a commitment to God
40:27 is commitment to self-righteousness,
40:29 it's exactly the opposite.
40:30 It is a commitment to Christ's righteousness.
40:34 God does not want you coming to Him making promises.
40:37 God wants you coming to Him believing the promises
40:41 that He has made to you.
40:43 And when we get it right side up,
40:45 nothing is gonna stop us
40:48 from leaving this earth in glory.
40:52 Praise the Lord.
40:55 You can live however you want,
40:57 but let your lifestyle be an expression
40:59 of your love for God,
41:00 not an attempt to earn the love of God.
41:03 2 Corinthians 4:6, 7,
41:05 "But God who commanded the light to shine
41:07 out of darkness,
41:09 has shined in our hearts to give or bring the light
41:11 of the knowledge of the glory of God..."
41:13 Where? "In the face of Jesus Christ.
41:16 But we have this treasure..."
41:17 Where?
41:18 "In earthen vessels,
41:20 that the excellence of the power may be of..."
41:21 Who, tell me now? "Of God and not of us."
41:26 Listen to what Malachi wrote
41:28 with direct reference to the judgment.
41:31 Malachi 3, "'Behold, I will send My messenger,
41:35 and he shall prepare the way before Me.
41:37 And the Lord, whom you seek,
41:38 shall suddenly come to His temple,
41:42 even the messenger of his covenant,
41:43 in whom you delight in.
41:45 Behold, He shall come, said the Lord of hosts.
41:47 But who may abide the day of His coming?
41:49 And who shall stand when He appeareth?
41:51 For He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap.
41:58 And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver
42:02 and He shall purify the sons of Levi.'
42:06 " You can hear handles Messiah, can you not?
42:08 "And purge them as gold and silver
42:11 that they may offer unto the Lord
42:13 and offering in righteousness.
42:17 God Himself is committed to preparing you for eternity.
42:22 You just got to sign up and say, "God, do Your thing."
42:28 The refiner's fire is intended to make metal purer,
42:32 fullers' soap makes things cleaner,
42:36 the purifier of gold and silver starts with something precious,
42:40 and by dint of the purification process
42:43 makes it more precious.
42:46 God's intention is to make you so precious,
42:49 you'll be a jewel in His crown.
42:52 God refines, God cleanses,
42:54 it matters not where you've been.
42:57 Once you fix your eyes on Jesus,
42:59 it's all about where you are going?
43:01 How sinful has your life been?
43:03 Oh, come on, get over yourself
43:06 and look full in His wonderful face
43:08 and believe that Jesus died for you
43:11 that Jesus can cleanse you, that Jesus can change you,
43:16 that Jesus is coming back for you.
43:22 One day, man, gravity is gonna loose its power
43:25 over the soles of your feet.
43:27 You are going up
43:30 when Jesus leaves the heavenly sanctuary.
43:32 You're not gonna sweat, you're gonna sing,
43:34 you're gonna praise,
43:35 you're gonna testify this is only good news.
43:40 And let me tell you something.
43:41 If you're planning on going to heaven,
43:44 you really already planning on sharing your faith.
43:46 This is one of the things that I so appreciate about GYC.
43:48 This is a mission oriented conference.
43:53 Serve others, serve God,
43:55 you are robbing yourself of a precious experience
44:01 when a life of service
44:02 is not a key component of your life.
44:06 Back in 1930 Percy T. Magan
44:08 wrote to the president of General Conference
44:11 Elder W. A. Spicer.
44:12 Listen, "W. K. Kellogg begged me to quit work
44:17 and join him in the corn flakes company,
44:20 which at that moment was in the process of organization.
44:22 He offered me a block of stock
44:24 then $10,000 worth at par value.
44:29 He wanted me to take charge of stocks sales
44:31 and offered me a commission of all I sold...
44:33 And give me a plan and so forth.
44:35 That $10,000 today would be worth somewhere
44:37 in the neighborhood of $1 million.
44:40 And, of course, trading on that
44:41 I would have made it probably $3 million or $4 million,
44:43 the offer was tempting."
44:47 I looked it up.
44:49 A dollar then was worth $13.75 now,
44:53 $4 million then is worth $55 million today.
44:57 Would you be tempted by $55 million?
45:01 I didn't know if Magan was tempted,
45:03 but he thought about it.
45:05 He said he went out under the old oak tree
45:07 at Berrien Springs and prayed all night long.
45:10 He said...
45:12 When my season of prayer was over,
45:13 I was convinced that God had called me
45:15 to make Adventists, not cornflakes.
45:20 Fifty five million dollars, man,
45:22 he let it go for the privilege of serving God.
45:26 That brother was committed to mission, of course,
45:27 you can be committed to mission in a business world,
45:29 you can be filthy rich and be committed to mission,
45:31 that's all right.
45:32 But as you sit here today,
45:34 you've got to be planning a future
45:35 that involves serving God and sharing your faith.
45:37 Sharing your faith with somebody,
45:39 anybody, everybody whatever God can do.
45:43 On Christmas Day in Alsberg, Germany about 40 miles
45:45 from Munich 54,000 people were evacuated
45:49 from their homes.
45:50 They found as...
45:52 Occasionally they do an unexploded bomb
45:54 from World War II.
45:56 There was so much power in that bomb
45:57 that if people didn't get out of town,
45:59 they had been blowed out of town.
46:01 They left.
46:03 That power being sitting underground untapped,
46:05 unutilized, just waiting to go boom
46:08 or waiting not to.
46:12 Man, I want it today, I really do.
46:14 God has called us to an amazing calling
46:17 and He's given us power.
46:20 I'm wondering if it's just sitting there
46:21 buried in the earth,
46:23 sitting on the bottom of the sea
46:24 are we experiencing the truth
46:26 that the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper
46:29 than any two-edged sword.
46:30 Listen to what Peter wrote,
46:32 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
46:35 who according to His abundant mercy
46:37 is begotten us again into a living hope
46:39 by the resurrection of Jesus Christ
46:41 from the dead to an inheritance,
46:42 incorruptible, undefiled that fades not away,
46:45 reserved in heaven for you,
46:47 who are kept by the power of God
46:50 through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed
46:53 in the last time."
46:55 Begotten of God, kept by the power of God.
46:58 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego
47:00 saw the power of God and when they did,
47:02 a golden statue 90 high set foot gotten
47:08 on the plain of Dura.
47:09 God's power was front and center.
47:13 They went into those flames claiming the promises of God.
47:16 Listen, man, claim the promises of God,
47:19 connect to God, appeal to God.
47:21 "Lord, I might be rotten, but if you take me,
47:24 I am connected to you."
47:27 That's all right and then let God work.
47:30 They simply made a commitment,
47:31 they could not save themselves from those flames,
47:33 they said, "God, we trust You,
47:35 You do what You want, and we'll just trust You."
47:38 Friend, we're living in the time of the judgment.
47:40 Man, that's all right, this is a time to say,
47:42 "God, we trust you."
47:44 One day Jesus is gonna leave the heavenly sanctuary,
47:47 there won't be mediator there.
47:49 Don't let your posts quicken at the thought,
47:52 other than the though of the excitement of Jesus
47:54 coming back.
47:56 "Lord, if you wanna save me, save me, come on now,
47:58 save me, Lord."
48:01 You know in recent times coming up to the election,
48:02 there were lot of fake news stories.
48:05 There's so many fake news stories
48:06 that made the news.
48:07 Pope Francis endorses Donald Trump for president,
48:10 this sort of thing.
48:12 Hillary Clinton is selling weapons to ISIS.
48:16 People believe those stories.
48:18 Those stories got like a million recognitions
48:21 on Facebook.
48:23 Can you believe it?
48:24 Fake stories, people believing a lie.
48:28 Today, friend, we can believe the truth.
48:30 The truth is that God is love.
48:31 The truth is that there is power, power,
48:34 wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb.
48:37 The truth is that God's Word is alive.
48:40 There is power in the Word of God
48:41 to transform you, and save you, and keep you,
48:45 and to present you faultless before the throne of God.
48:48 God is willing to do whatever He needs to do.
48:51 And He's waiting for you, friends,
48:52 simply to yield to Him.
48:54 Man, this is good news,
48:55 we are living close to the edge of eternity.
48:58 God could have seen to it
49:00 that you popped up on the world stage
49:02 1,000 years ago or 5,000 years ago.
49:05 But here you are so that in your life
49:08 the universe can see what God's power can really do.
49:14 It's a best ride you've ever been on.
49:17 Friend, how is it with you today?
49:19 How was it with you and God?
49:20 How was it?
49:21 Are you experiencing that power?
49:23 Do you want to experience that power?
49:25 Have you given yourself over to God
49:28 so that He can work in you
49:29 both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
49:32 Do me a favor, please stand up right
49:34 where you are, just stand up right now.
49:36 Stand up if you would, I need to speak to your heart.
49:39 I know you've heard appeals at GYC already,
49:41 so you can expect to hear another one.
49:44 Listen very carefully.
49:45 This is not general.
49:47 If you arrived here today happy in Jesus,
49:49 just stay where you are.
49:53 But if you arrived here today not in Jesus,
49:55 then you have to come forward right now.
49:57 We're gonna see to it that you and Jesus get connected.
50:00 If you've never given your heart to Christ,
50:02 come forward right now.
50:04 If you're living well outside the will of God,
50:06 and you've got to get right with God,
50:07 this is the time to come.
50:08 Don't wait, we don't have all day.
50:11 Don't wait.
50:12 Listen, specifically if you not ever be baptized,
50:15 now is your chance,
50:16 you're gonna come forward right now,
50:18 and you'll be committed to Christ
50:19 and you will make a decision right now.
50:21 Must I come? Yes, you must.
50:24 There is something powerful in coming forward
50:25 and acting on a decision made, come now, don't wait.
50:30 I'm not gonna ask a singer to come out,
50:32 I'm gonna ask you to come forward.
50:35 The choir is gonna sing in a few moments
50:38 after this appeal.
50:39 Listen, friend, Christ is inviting you
50:42 to give Him your heart.
50:43 Come forward, we have people waiting to meet you here
50:46 that will pray with you, connect you with God,
50:49 and you can leave this place
50:51 knowing that you are God's child.
50:53 Friend, are you ready to experience the power of God?
51:00 God speaks, God calls, He urges you to come.
51:06 If you've not been baptized,
51:08 I'm inviting you in Christ stead
51:10 to come forward and give your life to Christ and baptism.
51:12 I mean that God bless you man.
51:14 Meet me down here, there are others,
51:15 they're coming now.
51:17 If you've never given your life to Christ,
51:18 come now...
51:20 You don't wanna leave today saying, "Oh, wonderful,
51:22 I heard some theory about the power of God."
51:27 You can leave this place saying,
51:29 I signed up to experience the power of God
51:32 and let God truly have my life.
51:36 I'll wait.
51:38 Listen to these words, listen to this beautiful music,
51:42 and be encouraged,
51:43 and come and bring your heart to Jesus Christ,
51:46 while this song is sung, come now.
52:29 Holy words long obeyed
52:34 For our walk in this world
52:40 They resound with God's own heart
52:45 Oh, let the ancient words
52:48 Impart
52:53 Words of Life, words of Hope
52:58 Give us strength, help us cope
53:04 In this world, where e'er we roam
53:09 Ancient words will guide us Home
53:17 Ancient words ever true
53:22 Changing me, and changing you
53:27 We have come with open hearts
53:32 Oh, let the ancient words
53:35 Impart
53:45 Holy words of our Faith
53:50 Handed down to this age
53:55 Came to us through sacrifice
53:59 Oh, heed the faithful words of Christ
54:05 Martyr's blood stains each page
54:09 They have died for this faith
54:14 Hear them cry through the years
54:19 Oh, heed these words and hold them dear
54:24 Ancient words ever true
54:29 Changing me, and changing you
54:34 We have come with open hearts
54:39 Oh, let the ancient words
54:42 Impart
54:48 Ancient words ever true
54:56 Changing me, and changing you
55:03 Everyday our hearts renew
55:09 Hold us and change us
55:12 through and through
55:19 We have come with open hearts
55:25 Oh, let the ancient words
55:28 Impart
55:32 We have come
55:34 With open hearts
55:40 Oh, let the ancient words
55:47 Impart
56:05 Come on, now, let's pray together.
56:08 Let's pray. Let's bow our heads together.
56:09 Father in heaven,
56:12 You have called us
56:15 on to the stage of this world
56:19 for such a time as this,
56:25 to be vessels of Your goodness,
56:28 demonstrations of Your power.
56:33 We know, Lord, there is no goodness,
56:36 no power in us,
56:39 and we thank You for Your plan
56:41 that Jesus would live His life in us.
56:47 Lord, let it be so
56:49 those who have given their hearts to You fully
56:52 during this convention, bless them.
56:55 Those who have come forward today, keep them.
56:59 Let life begin again in Christ,
57:04 a life that will extend to the sea of glass
57:07 and to an earth made new.
57:11 We offer You ourselves.
57:14 We thank You that You would take us as we are.
57:17 Keep us Lord please.
57:20 We know that this great judgment
57:21 will not last indefinitely.
57:24 When it comes to an end,
57:26 find us kept by Your Spirit settled into truth,
57:29 connected to you one with our Savior Jesus.
57:35 In Jesus' name we pray.
57:37 Please say, amen.


Revised 2017-08-20