Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chantal Kayumba


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000010A

00:33 I'm so thrilled that each and every one of you are here.
00:36 Turn to someone next to you and say, "Happy Sabbath.
00:38 I'm glad you're here."
00:41 Amen.
00:43 Well if you'll turn in your Bibles with me
00:44 to Matthew 28:18-20, we'll read that.
00:50 Matthew 28:18-20 says, "And Jesus came and spake
00:58 unto them, saying, 'All power is given unto me
01:02 in heaven and in earth.
01:04 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
01:08 baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
01:11 and of the Holy Ghost:
01:13 Teaching them to observe all things
01:15 whatsoever I have commanded you:
01:18 and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the
01:23 end of the world. Amen.'"
01:26 Let's pray.
01:28 Dear heavenly Father, thank You that You are with us
01:31 even to the end of the world.
01:34 Thank You that we are never alone.
01:36 And as we move into this time of worship and study,
01:39 and as we grow and learn together,
01:41 I just pray You will be with us, fix our hearts and minds on You
01:44 that we can see You clearly and reflect You to others.
01:48 Thank You. In Jesus' name, amen.
02:16 Here is love, wide as an ocean,
02:21 loving kindness as the flood,
02:26 when the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
02:31 shed for us His precious blood.
02:36 Who His love will not remember?
02:41 Who can cease to sing His praise?
02:46 He can never be forgotten
02:51 throughout Heaven's eternal days.
03:06 On the mount of crucifixion
03:11 fountains opened deep and wide,
03:15 through the floodgates of God's mercy
03:20 flowed a vast and gracious tide.
03:25 Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
03:30 poured incessant from above,
03:35 and Heaven's peace and perfect justice
03:40 kissed a guilty world in love.
03:45 Oh how marvelous, oh how glorious,
03:54 is my Savior's love for me.
04:03 Oh how marvelous, oh how glorious,
04:13 is my Savior's love for me.
04:26 Of your fullness You are pouring
04:31 Your great love on me anew,
04:36 without measure, full and boundless,
04:41 drawing out my heart to You.
04:45 You alone will be my glory,
04:50 nothing in the world I see;
04:55 You have cleansed and sanctified me,
05:00 You Yourself have set me free.
05:07 Oh how marvelous, oh how glorious,
05:16 is my Savior's love for me.
05:25 Oh how marvelous, oh how glorious,
05:34 is my Savior's love for me,
05:46 for me,
05:53 Your love for me.
06:13 This morning I'm so excited to share with you
06:15 what God is doing all around the world.
06:18 Our Sabbath school today will focus on service and its impact.
06:22 And so we have five young people who will share
06:24 what God has been doing through various missions.
06:26 And my prayer this morning is that you will be inspired
06:29 to go and commit yourselves to evangelism and service
06:33 every single day.
06:34 Amen?
06:36 We will start off with Elder Duane McKey
06:38 who is the assistant to Ted Wilson on the
06:40 Total Membership Involvement initiative.
06:42 And he will share with us the success of this model
06:45 all around the world.
06:46 Thank you, Chantal.
06:47 Chantal, by the way, is an international evangelist.
06:49 She was with us in Rwanda where 100,000 people were
06:53 baptized just a few months ago with Total Member Involvement.
06:56 Somebody said to me, "I know what TMI means."
06:59 I said, "What's that?"
07:00 They said, "Too many people in Indianapolis."
07:05 No, it's Total Member Involvement.
07:07 Have you ever heard of the sticky principle?
07:08 There's a book written about it.
07:10 Use a title like TMI that people understand
07:12 and know and remember, and connect something else to it
07:15 that you want to communicate, and it works well.
07:17 People don't forget.
07:18 TMI, Total Member Involvement.
07:21 Turn with me in your Bibles
07:25 to Matthew 28.
07:34 Matthew 28:18, "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying..."
07:39 Notice the next words.
07:40 We sometimes don't look at these next words.
07:44 "...saying, 'All authority has been given to Me
07:49 in heaven and on earth.'"
07:52 "All authority has been given..."
07:56 This is pretty important, isn't it?
07:57 All heaven.
07:59 All authority.
08:01 God has given Jesus this authority.
08:04 Our Creator.
08:05 And then He says, "Go therefore and make disciples
08:10 of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
08:13 Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
08:16 teaching them to observe all things that I have
08:18 commanded you; and lo, I am with you always..."
08:23 Jesus is with us when we go and preach,
08:27 and teach, and baptize, and share, and witness.
08:32 TMI, Total Member Involvement, is about everybody doing
08:36 something for Jesus.
08:37 Whether it's prayer, medical missionary work,
08:42 medical seminars, cooking schools,
08:44 media, Bible studies, GLOW tract distribution, ADRA,
08:49 community service projects, small groups, evangelism.
08:52 All planned.
08:55 Let me say that again. All planned.
08:58 Next week is the beginning of the ten days of prayer, right?
09:02 All around the world.
09:03 Why don't we meet together in our churches
09:05 with the church leaders, the church ministry directors,
09:08 and plan the year?
09:10 It's calendar driven.
09:11 Put it on the calendar, put the events together,
09:13 connect the dots.
09:16 If you have an event by itself, a cooking school all by itself,
09:21 or an evangelistic meeting all by itself,
09:23 it won't be terribly successful.
09:26 But when it's all planned together throughout the year...
09:30 So calendar driven, connect the dots, and thirdly, synergy.
09:37 Do it together.
09:38 When a conference or a union or country does it all together...
09:40 Columbia said last night, "We're going to do
09:42 TMI in October, 9000 evangelistic meetings."
09:46 You hear me?
09:48 At one time.
09:51 East Africa, 20,000 meetings in March and June next year.
09:55 Eastern Europe, 4553 evangelistic meetings
10:03 in eastern Europe and Russia.
10:05 Whoever thought it?
10:07 Wow!
10:08 God is doing something.
10:10 113,000 TMI events next year.
10:17 That's tomorrow, isn't it?
10:20 2017.
10:23 A week ago yesterday Kathy and I were in Okinawa.
10:29 We came to Hacksaw Ridge and we remembered back.
10:35 1945, it was Sabbath, May 5, Sabbath.
10:39 The American offensive was getting ready to push forward,
10:41 but they were halted.
10:42 They wouldn't move, the troops wouldn't move.
10:45 The generals became irritated and agitated.
10:48 And the commands, the questions went down
10:50 the chain of command, "Why aren't we moving?"
10:54 "Well, sir, there is this private,
10:59 he's studying his Sabbath school lesson,
11:05 and he's praying."
11:08 Private Desmond Doss.
11:11 The end of that day he was the only one up there.
11:15 The only one left.
11:17 Dragging out wounded friends.
11:19 Seventy-five of them.
11:20 Private Desmond Doss.
11:22 Young people, like 26 year old Private Doss,
11:26 love on the edge, exciting, thrilling experiences.
11:30 Heart pounding experiences.
11:35 Erin Langworthy, it was New Year's Eve five years ago,
11:39 Victoria Falls, one of the most exciting, adrenaline,
11:44 rushing experience in the world.
11:48 She jumps off the bridge.
11:51 50,000 people had jumped off that bridge before,
11:56 Victoria Falls bridge,
11:59 and nothing had happened.
12:00 But that time the bungee broke.
12:05 She hit the water, thinking she had died.
12:09 Crocs nearby heard the water splash, they swam toward her.
12:14 Her cord got caught in the rocks below.
12:16 She dives down in the Zambezi River, unhooks herself.
12:21 Finally, gasping, she makes her way through the rapids
12:24 to the shore.
12:25 A fisherman helps her out.
12:28 Why do young people do crazy stuff like that?
12:33 I know some GYC people who have ever done that.
12:36 Don't do it.
12:38 Because they like heart pounding, adrenaline rushing,
12:44 exciting, thrilling, on the edge experiences.
12:47 If you want to do something out of the box,
12:52 knock on a door,
12:57 preach a series of evangelistic meetings.
13:01 Wow!
13:02 Go to Japan next year before Christmas.
13:07 Kathy and I were just there two weeks ago
13:11 And in Tokyo we see, this is a non-Christian nation,
13:14 it wasn't, "Happy Holidays," it was, "Merry Christmas."
13:20 And the hotels and the shopping centers
13:22 in Okinawa, the same thing.
13:24 I'm thinking, "Wow, what would happen if GYC kids,
13:26 next year before Christmas..."
13:28 Because, you see, we have a special focus in 2018 on Japan.
13:33 If GYC kids would go with GLOW tracts,
13:35 "Do you know the true meaning of Christmas,"
13:37 in Japanese, and pass out a million GLOW tracts,
13:42 wouldn't that be exciting in preparation?
13:44 Driving people to a special website where they can
13:46 sign up for Bible studies, learn about the true meaning
13:50 of Christmas.
13:51 Wow!
13:54 Take your Bibles and turn...
14:01 Mark chapter 1.
14:09 I'm sorry, let's go over now to Romans 10.
14:14 Romans 10:14
14:20 Gospel Workers, page 351, says, "The work of God in this earth
14:26 can never be finished until the men..."
14:30 Any men here?
14:33 "...and women..." Any women here?
14:37 " and women comprising our church membership
14:40 rally to the work and unite their efforts
14:43 with those of ministers and church officers."
14:47 Wow!
14:49 It will never be finished.
14:51 H.M.S. Richard Sr. use to say, "The work will never get done
14:53 until all the preachers are put in jail."
14:56 My wife doesn't like that.
14:57 I like this solution better.
15:00 Men and women working together to finish the work.
15:02 Romans 10:14
15:04 "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
15:09 And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
15:13 And how shall they hear without a preacher?
15:16 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?"
15:20 Are you willing to be sent by Jesus?
15:24 Are you willing?
15:26 You're willing to be sent by Jesus.
15:29 Do you want, young people, a heart pounding,
15:34 adrenaline rushing, on the edge, over the top experience?
15:42 Get out of your comfort zone, do something in TMI,
15:46 Total Member Involvement, for Jesus.
15:48 Amen.
15:54 Amen.
15:55 This morning I have the privilege of sharing
15:57 with you all how the Lord has worked in the country of Rwanda
16:02 and how He worked in my life through this mission.
16:07 When I look at the life of Jesus, I often ask myself,
16:10 "What is it that made His ministry so successful?"
16:15 Was it because He was Jesus Himself and He had all the
16:17 power of heaven at His aid?
16:19 Or was it because He simply followed the very command
16:23 He gave to us?
16:25 God commands us to go, to teach, to preach, and to baptize.
16:31 When I first hear about the mission of Rwanda
16:33 and saw the numbers of baptisms our church was praying for,
16:36 I thought, "Wow, that's quite a number.
16:39 60,000 baptisms?"
16:41 And shortly after, they increased that number by 40,000.
16:46 Little did I know that the Lord would lead me
16:49 to the very mission that would change, not only my life,
16:52 but also the very country of Rwanda.
16:55 As many of you many know, we had over 2000 sites
16:59 in the country of Rwanda.
17:00 And I had the incredible privilege of preaching
17:03 at an Adventist university which had over 2000 students.
17:08 I was told that 85% to 90% of the students were non-Adventist
17:13 and that they hadn't had much success at reaching them.
17:17 At the end of the evangelistic series,
17:19 173 young people were baptized.
17:24 I remember the pastor came up to me that afternoon
17:26 of the baptisms, and he said this:
17:30 "When I was told I was going to have an American preacher
17:33 come to my site, I was very excited.
17:37 I was expecting a big, strong, tall, white man.
17:42 And when we had our meeting and they presented
17:44 you as our speaker, I was very disappointed.
17:48 A small woman.
17:50 So I didn't expect much.
17:53 But my dear sister preacher,
17:55 I'm so sorry for my little faith.
17:58 You have done a work that none of us have been able
18:01 to do at this school."
18:03 I share this, not to boast of myself or lift myself up.
18:07 Because truthfully, I don't have much to offer.
18:10 But when you have a willing heart, God will do
18:14 extraordinary things.
18:16 Often times, and most of the time, we limit God to the
18:20 blessings He has, not only for us,
18:22 but for the rest of His children.
18:24 If we just take our eyes off of ourselves
18:27 and our incapabilities, and place our eyes on Jesus
18:32 and His capabilities, then things like this,
18:35 experiences like mine, would be part of our everyday life.
18:41 The outcome of this mission, as a whole,
18:43 was over 100,000 baptisms.
18:47 But what was it that made this mission so successful?
18:51 Was it because we had preachers coming from America
18:54 and other parts of the world?
18:55 Was it because of the equipment and PowerPoint that we used
18:58 to attract the locals attention?
19:01 Of course we know that God alone can work in such a mighty way.
19:05 But what was different about this mission
19:08 that brought out such a tremendous outcome?
19:12 Dear friends, the answer is simple.
19:14 Total member involvement.
19:17 Literally, having every church member do their part
19:20 can bring out such an outcome.
19:23 While I was in Rwanda, day after day I saw the local
19:27 church members actively involved in one mission alone:
19:31 reach one to bring one.
19:33 The local church members made it their personal duty
19:36 to reach out to their surrounding communities.
19:39 They put aside the idea that evangelism is the
19:42 pastor's duty alone and they embraced the opportunity
19:46 of co-laborers with God.
19:49 The church members had no special training,
19:51 they simply used their God-given talents.
19:56 And they used them and brought them together
19:58 to reach those Christ came to save.
20:01 They realized that time is short
20:03 and that Jesus is, in fact, coming soon,
20:06 and that as Seventh-day Adventists, we have
20:08 a higher calling.
20:09 And they answered to their duty by saying,
20:12 "Here am I, Lord, send me."
20:14 I met so many people, young and old alike,
20:17 who said, "Vanessa, I have been in the church for so many years,
20:21 and never have I seen the church do something like this.
20:24 But now, now I realize I don't have to wait on the church.
20:28 It simply starts with one person.
20:31 It starts with me."
20:33 Young people came to me and said, "I'm not a preacher,
20:36 I'm not a singer.
20:38 But I have a lot of friends, and I hold a lot of influence.
20:41 My life will be the sermon.
20:43 And because of everything I've learned during this
20:46 evangelistic series, I'm going to start giving Bible studies."
20:51 The sincerity and the zeal of these simple people
20:54 changed the country of Rwanda,
20:57 very much the same way Jesus and His twelve disciples
21:01 changed the world in three years.
21:03 How much more could we do as a church
21:06 if we take hold of this mission of total member involvement,
21:11 how much faster would we see Jesus?
21:14 I'm going to be honest and vulnerable with you.
21:17 It was 2015, just last year, I had one of the most
21:21 difficult years yet.
21:23 Fake friendships, family issues, a broken relationship,
21:26 it all brought me down to the deepest depression
21:29 I have ever experienced in my life.
21:31 I thought nothing could bring me out of this.
21:34 And because of all the pain, brokenness, and darkness
21:36 I felt, I began to question my purpose.
21:40 If God truly had a plan for my life,
21:43 then why did I feel this way?
21:45 And so that's when I decided to challenge God.
21:49 You see, I grew up in an Adventist home,
21:51 had an Adventist education.
21:53 I went to boarding academy, Bible college,
21:55 medical missionary training,
21:57 and had gone on quite a few mission trips.
21:59 And I still found myself questioning my purpose.
22:03 You'd think that after having all of these experiences
22:06 I'd have it all together.
22:08 But I was still making the same mistakes.
22:10 I felt spiritually dead and incapable
22:13 of making a difference.
22:15 And so at last year's GYC conference
22:18 at the New Year's prayer session, I prayed,
22:21 and I said, "Lord, if You truly have a plan for my life,
22:26 I give you 2016 to prove it to me.
22:31 I'll give You a whole year to show me Your hand in my life,
22:34 and if by the end of next year I don't experience
22:38 Your life-changing power, then I'm done with this
22:40 whole idea of Christianity.
22:43 Lord, if You can still use me, even with my broken
22:47 and marred past, please show me."
22:51 And that night I realized that if I was going to challenge God,
22:54 then I needed to do my part in surrendering everything to Him.
23:00 Dear friends, looking back at 2016, I can truly say
23:05 that this year has been the most incredible year
23:08 of my 23 years.
23:10 My experience in Rwanda was only the beginning
23:15 to what has been part of my everyday life as a Bible worker.
23:20 For me, the purpose behind total member involvement
23:23 is to revive yourself.
23:25 And by doing so, you revive the church.
23:28 And by reviving the church, the church will be a light
23:31 to its community.
23:33 Maybe today you are a young person sitting down
23:36 at this conference or watching us online
23:39 and you can identify with my story.
23:42 Perhaps for most of your life
23:44 you have been going through the motions,
23:46 and honestly, you're afraid.
23:48 Afraid of taking that step because you feel your past
23:51 is stained and broken.
23:53 You feel that you've gone too far or too low that now
23:56 you have nothing to offer.
24:00 Or maybe you've just been a bench-warmer.
24:03 You go to church, give your tithes, fulfill your duties,
24:05 but you're completely unattached to the church;
24:08 but most importantly, unattached to God.
24:12 But this morning, and throughout this conference,
24:14 God has been calling to your heart.
24:16 You hear these testimonies and you think,
24:18 "If only that could be me."
24:21 The reality is, it can be you.
24:24 With total member involvement, you don't have to go to
24:26 other countries to experience something life-changing.
24:30 Our home is a mission field.
24:32 Our communities are a mission field.
24:35 And our churches are in great need of our presence
24:38 and our involvement.
24:40 You don't have to go far to make an impact.
24:43 Start with you.
24:44 Start with your church.
24:46 This will make a direct impact on this world,
24:48 and your decision to follow God will be the drop
24:52 that causes the ripple effect.
24:54 And you will begin the revolution that will
24:56 change this world in our generation.
24:59 God has a plan for each of His children.
25:02 It's up to us to allow Him to write it.
25:05 A well-known missionary, David Livingston, once said this:
25:08 "God, send me anywhere.
25:10 Only go with me.
25:12 Lay any burden on me, only sustain me.
25:16 And sever any tie in my heart
25:18 except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
25:22 May this be our daily prayer.
25:27 Good morning, everyone.
25:29 Wasn't that a beautiful testimony?
25:32 My name is Felecia, and I would like to share with you
25:36 an excerpt from a book that I love.
25:39 It's called, Alone With God, by Matilda Andross.
25:42 "Over the hills and far away is a never failing spring.
25:47 From it, a small stream runs laughing down the valley;
25:51 a stream so small that you can step across it.
25:55 As it goes on and on down the valley, slipping past
25:59 a hundred hills, darting through fertile fields,
26:02 skirting thriving cities, it grows until it becomes
26:06 the irresistible river flowing at your feet.
26:10 All along the way, the river takes into its bosom
26:13 water from smaller streams.
26:15 But it takes to give.
26:17 All along the way it is giving itself.
26:21 It waters the grass and the flowers on its banks;
26:24 the trees slip down their roots and drink its moisture;
26:28 the birds bathe in its pools; the cattle quench their thirst
26:31 in its cooling current; the fish depend on it for food.
26:35 ...and commerce upon its bosom.
26:37 And finally, without seeking reward,
26:42 its waters slip quietly on, and lose themselves
26:46 in the eternal deep.
26:48 This is the story the river tells.
26:51 It is the story of the unselfish and efficient life:
26:55 the life that counts."
26:57 The life of evangelism.
26:59 The life that every single Adventist member
27:02 should be living.
27:04 There are many persons who feel that the mission field
27:07 is some far away land in some remote village in a
27:10 forest somewhere, or standing frail on a mountain side.
27:13 But we know that there is a great mission field right here
27:17 in the cities of the United States or in your home town.
27:21 I would love to share with you an amazing opportunity
27:23 we had this summer where we implemented
27:27 a model for evangelism that we hope you will adopt
27:30 and implement in your home churches.
27:33 On June 17- 29, a small group of young people
27:37 led by Chantal Kayumba, the Director of Missions for GYC,
27:41 came together in Houston for mission work.
27:44 First, we chose a home base.
27:47 For work like this, you have to have a home base.
27:50 Having a home base allows you to receive encouragement
27:54 and support.
27:55 Each member of the church is called to be a missionary.
27:59 In the mornings we gathered for worship and for workshops
28:02 that highlighted topics such as the role that personality plays
28:06 in evangelism and the influence that personal devotion
28:10 has on a lifestyle of evangelism.
28:13 After our morning presentations, we engaged in community work
28:17 in an effort to build relationships with people,
28:20 businesses, and ministries in the area around the church.
28:24 Some of the activities included packing medical supplies
28:27 for shipment to needy areas around the world,
28:30 GLOWing busy areas, and visiting a seniors home,
28:33 and also leading a health expo.
28:36 A group of canvassers had been working the area
28:38 while we were there, and they received a lot of
28:40 requests for Bible studies.
28:42 On Sabbath afternoon church members came together
28:44 and we went out into the community to drop off
28:47 Bible study packages.
28:49 There were three main things that we sought
28:52 to stress through this method.
28:54 First, we wanted to emphasize that evangelism
28:58 is not just something you do.
29:00 It is a lifestyle.
29:02 On your job, on campus, in our neighborhoods,
29:05 we should be constantly creating ways to bring persons
29:09 to know Jesus Christ.
29:11 Being a missionary is not simply going abroad.
29:14 It is completing the mission that Christ has given you
29:16 right in the area where He has placed you.
29:19 Secondly, we sought to engage every single
29:23 member of the church; from the member who says
29:26 that she's too busy to get involved
29:27 to the member who says that he feels he has nothing to offer.
29:31 We fail to realize that a church is as strong
29:35 as their least active member.
29:38 Finally, we wanted to establish and maintain connections
29:42 with businesses and people in the area around the churches.
29:46 Seventh-day Adventist churches should not be ornaments
29:49 in a community, but an active force creating vibrations
29:53 in the surrounding areas.
29:56 One of the most impactful experiences that I had
29:58 while I was there was visiting a home for seniors.
30:01 It reminded me of how fragile life is.
30:05 We have youthfulness one moment, and then life passes away.
30:09 One of the missionaries said that she loved seeing how
30:11 the persons there responded to our presence,
30:14 how they enjoyed us just singing with them.
30:16 Another young missionary said she enjoyed working for
30:19 Project Cure where we helped pack medical supplies.
30:23 It was amazing that the little that you do locally
30:26 can have such a far reaching impact.
30:29 We went GLOWing in several areas, and I was amazed
30:33 at the shear amount of people who were willing to have
30:36 someone pray with them, who were willing to receive a tract.
30:40 Usually we allow unsubstantiated fear to stop us from fulfilling
30:43 a mission that God has commanded us to do.
30:46 We look at people and assume that they are okay.
30:50 One gentleman had lost his brother two days before.
30:53 One lady was excited and nervous about a new pregnancy.
30:57 And another lady felt as if her life was falling apart.
31:00 All of them expressed how blessed they were to have
31:03 a stranger pray for them.
31:06 I remember in particular two gentlemen in a park,
31:09 we offered him a GLOW tract and he didn't want it at first.
31:11 We walked away, but when we were passing by, he called us.
31:14 And he said, "I noticed a few of you in the park.
31:17 And I noticed that you look so peaceful.
31:20 And whatever it is that you have, I want it.
31:23 We have so much reason to be stressed,
31:24 but you all look so at peace.
31:26 What is it that you have? Please, can I have it?"
31:28 And we handed him a GLOW tract again, and we said,
31:31 "This is something that can possibly give you hope."
31:35 He was in church the following Sabbath.
31:38 We love to say as young people, many of us,
31:41 that the church is not serving young people
31:44 and that the church is not catering to our needs.
31:46 I have personally found the opposite is true.
31:50 Many of us as young people are not serving,
31:53 and we are not catering to the needs of others.
31:56 We say that we are not being given the opportunity
31:59 to serve, but we fail to realize that the church doesn't
32:02 have to give us the opportunity to be a missionary.
32:05 It is a lifestyle.
32:08 God has gifted every single one of us here with gifts,
32:12 talents, abilities, energy, strength, and resources
32:17 to fulfill the gospel commission.
32:19 What is it that's stopping us?
32:22 In Psalm 90:12, it says, "So teach us to number our days,
32:27 that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
32:29 Realizing that you don't have a lot of time
32:32 has an impact on your attitude and your actions.
32:36 In 1844, when the church thought that the coming of Christ was
32:41 very near, their perspective and their lives changed
32:45 dramatically, and it showed in the way that they lived.
32:49 We have a short time left.
32:52 My appeal to you is to transform your church
32:55 into a home base for soldiers fulfilling a mission.
32:59 Create a vision to win your city,
33:02 and then go out and win that city for Christ.
33:06 Romans 10:13-14
33:09 "For 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
33:14 How then can they call on the One whom they have
33:16 not believed in?
33:18 And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard?
33:22 And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?"
33:26 Will you go out and preach to them today?
33:34 Good morning, everybody.
33:36 You want a heart pumping experience?
33:38 Get nine minutes, and every word counts.
33:40 Okeydokey. Here we go.
33:42 So my wife and I are missionaries in the
33:45 Middle East-North Africa Union.
33:46 Also commonly referred to as, MENA.
33:48 In MENA there are two initiatives.
33:50 One of them is the Tent Maker Program where professionals
33:54 can get into the MENA region and they can work,
33:57 and they can witness within their work sphere. Okay?
34:00 Another initiative that my wife and I are involved in
34:03 is called, the Waldensian Student Program.
34:06 And here it takes students, gets them plugged into
34:08 public universities in this area.
34:10 And through the classroom, they have an opportunity to witness.
34:13 The first time we heard about the Adventist church
34:16 doing any kind of significant work in the
34:18 Middle East-North Africa was actually last year at GYC.
34:23 In fact, I think that if we hadn't gone to GYC,
34:26 we wouldn't be where we are today.
34:29 It was there that we heard about the great need for workers
34:33 in the Middle East-North Africa.
34:34 And we responded to a call to move forward.
34:38 We heard staggering statistics, such as, in the country that
34:43 we're serving in now, there are only five Seventh-day Adventists
34:47 natively from this country in the whole world.
34:53 And this is a country that has a population
34:56 greater than that of Texas.
35:00 Imagine if we knew that there were only five
35:03 Seventh-day Adventists from Texas.
35:06 Like, that's just crazy.
35:09 So my husband and I really started praying about
35:12 if this was really where God was calling us to go.
35:15 And we started wrestling with God
35:17 about going to the Middle East.
35:20 Yes, this was a difficult decision.
35:21 It wasn't one that we could make easily or lightly.
35:24 We knew that the decision that God was calling us into
35:27 was going to bring heartache to our families, for one.
35:30 Even to ourselves, because were were going to have to
35:31 really literally wrestle with God about this decision.
35:34 A big opposition that we had at first was from our families.
35:38 You know, they were concerned for us.
35:39 As you can imagine, imagine one of your children
35:43 or your brother, somebody like that, says, "We're going to go
35:45 to the Middle East- North Africa,"
35:46 and you only know what's on the media. Okay?
35:49 You're going to be concerned.
35:50 You're going to say, "Well maybe there's
35:52 definitely a felt risk there."
35:54 But in reality, what we learned is that there is a different
35:57 kind of lifestyle that is lived there.
35:59 It's very much like normal life.
36:01 It's actually really nice.
36:02 But the difficult decision that we were facing from our family,
36:06 it brought tears, it brought some separation
36:09 at times, you know?
36:10 And we really had to wrestle,
36:12 "Does God really want us to be here?"
36:14 Because our parents, we want to follow them,
36:16 we want to listen to them, we want to obey
36:17 what they're saying, you know?
36:19 But we also want to obey God first.
36:22 Because He is our heavenly Father.
36:24 And so another opposition that we faced, or at least a...
36:29 What's the word? Objection.
36:31 ...ah, an objection that we faced was that we were already
36:35 actively involved in ministry here in the United States.
36:37 We were both Bible workers, and with schools of evangelism,
36:40 and things like that.
36:42 Very full-time doing mission work or ministry
36:46 right here in the United States.
36:47 And we were presented with,
36:49 "Hey, you can be a missionary anywhere."
36:50 And I believe that. Don't get me wrong.
36:52 But the thing that kept coming back to my mind is,
36:55 "If we all stay here and no one goes over there,
36:58 then how are these people over there going to be reached?"
37:00 And the thing is, in our country there are eight workers.
37:05 Eight.
37:07 Out of the whole country of millions,
37:08 30 something million people, there's eight workers.
37:12 Okay?
37:13 This area needs people.
37:15 It's definitely needing people.
37:16 And so when we looked at this, we realized that
37:18 it was going to cost something for us.
37:21 We really were still struggling with the decision to go.
37:24 And it was the weekend before our ticket to go to
37:27 the Middle East, as we were still on the fence.
37:30 "Should we go or not?
37:31 Is this really what God is calling us to do?"
37:34 And so I prayed.
37:35 And I asked God that if He wanted us to go,
37:38 that He would have me meet somebody from the Middle East
37:42 at church the next day.
37:44 And without me knowing, my husband prayed
37:47 that he would meet a converted Seventh-day Adventist
37:51 that converted from Islam in church.
37:56 And we went to a tiny little church that day
37:59 out in the country that we had never been to before.
38:02 And we saw in front of us during the service
38:06 a man reading his Bible in Arabic.
38:09 We found out afterwards that he was Iranian.
38:12 He had escaped from Iran in fear for his life
38:16 because his father and his brother found out that
38:19 he had been reading the Bible.
38:21 And when he got to Denmark, there was
38:24 a Seventh-day Adventist tourist handing out tracts
38:28 as a Sabbath outreach.
38:30 He got one, he came to church, and eventually he got
38:34 Bible studies and he was baptized.
38:37 Then through a refugee program, he was moved to the tiny
38:40 little town where we went to church that day.
38:43 And so, brothers and sisters, when we saw how God
38:48 answered this prayer, we said, "Okay, we're going."
38:53 But really, thinking about this story of this man,
38:57 it's not an unusual story of sacrifice.
39:00 When a Muslim leaves their faith to follow Jesus,
39:05 they sacrifice everything.
39:07 They know that they'll be rejected by their family.
39:10 They might even be killed by those they love the most.
39:14 They face a life of complete trial and persecution.
39:18 And this is very real.
39:20 So wasn't I willing to make a much smaller sacrifice
39:25 that I might reach these people?
39:29 And not only that, I thought about the sacrifice that
39:31 Jesus made for me.
39:33 He left a place that was comfortable.
39:36 He left a place that was safe to go to a place that was
39:38 uncomfortable and dangerous.
39:41 And He did it so that He could save you and me.
39:45 And so, wasn't I willing to go to a place that I perceived as
39:50 dangerous and uncomfortable that I might win some to Him?
39:54 So we ended up going.
39:55 And now that we are in this region in the
39:57 Middle East-North Africa, our experience has been wonderful.
40:01 We've been able to make friends and have some good experiences,
40:05 and being able to share Jesus with people in conversation.
40:08 So through the Waldensian Student Program
40:10 you have the opportunity to take classes with regular
40:12 Muslims in a regular environment through their everyday life.
40:16 And through this we met a friend, okay?
40:18 And one of our friends we would spend a lot of time with,
40:20 she spoke English so it was very easy
40:22 to start a friendship there.
40:24 And we would often times go to eat, get something after class.
40:27 And during this time, before we would eat
40:30 my wife and I would say, "Hey, do mind if we
40:32 ask a blessing on the food?
40:34 You know, just pray real quick."
40:35 And at first she was kind of like, "Well, okay.
40:38 You can try that, sure. Go ahead."
40:39 And so we did it, and we said, "Amen," at the end of it.
40:42 She was kind of quiet.
40:43 But then we kept on doing this.
40:45 And eventually she started saying, "Amen," also.
40:47 And it got to the point where she was kind of expecting,
40:49 "Alright, we got the food now.
40:51 You guys are going to pray now, right?"
40:53 And it was like, it was starting to click with her, you know?
40:56 Because every time you pray with somebody,
40:59 like for a blessing, for example,
41:00 you get 30 seconds to have a sermon with them.
41:03 Okay? 30 seconds they have to listen to you.
41:06 And it's a great opportunity.
41:09 But it's a great opportunity to talk about
41:11 your relationship with God, how you view God.
41:13 And for her, it was something new. Okay?
41:16 And she started, actually she told Julie... Sarah...
41:19 Uh, oh boy.
41:23 Oops.
41:25 Forget that. Alright, please.
41:28 She told Sarah here, my wife...
41:33 Okeydokey.
41:35 We've got one minute left, alright.
41:36 She told her that... Or she told me...
41:38 I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, Sweetheart.
41:40 I've got it. That's okay. I've got it.
41:41 She told her, "You know, I've started to do this at home also.
41:45 I've started to pray before meals."
41:48 And so anyways, we're at our graduation dinner, okay?
41:51 This is for one of our language schools.
41:53 And we went out with all of our Muslim friends,
41:55 and the food was served.
41:57 And before we were about to eat, she was like,
42:00 "Wait, wait, wait, guys. We have to pray first.
42:02 Uh, Jonah..." That's me.
42:04 "Jonah, pray for us right here."
42:07 And for me it was kind of like, I was put on the spot, you know.
42:10 Because I didn't have this same relationship with everybody
42:13 that we were in class with, you know?
42:15 And so I said, "Are you guys cool with that?"
42:16 They were like, "Yeah, yeah, it's great."
42:18 So again, 30 second sermon right there.
42:20 But the thing is, guys, we all have an opportunity
42:23 to do something for God. Okay?
42:25 If God is laying on your heart Muslims in particular,
42:29 come by our booth.
42:30 We're there in the exhibit hall.
42:31 We have a lot of different avenues to get you guys
42:33 plugged in, resources that we can direct you to
42:36 about how to do this here at home and abroad.
42:38 Because the thing is, as the name "Jonah" implies,
42:43 whenever God calls us to do something,
42:45 it's always safer to do it the first time.
42:47 If God is laying on your heart a burden and a passion
42:49 for these people, literally to go back to Nineveh, okay,
42:53 just remember, if you don't want to get swallowed
42:55 by a big fish, just go. Alright?
42:58 But never the less, really guys, God has a huge amount of
43:02 people here that He wants to see come back home.
43:05 And I can't believe that no one has used this yet,
43:07 but Houston, we have a problem.
43:08 And we've got to get them back home, alright?
43:11 Thank you guys.
43:16 Have you been blessed by the testimonies this morning?
43:21 Before I start, I'd like to share a quick story with you.
43:25 So I'm a nursing student.
43:26 And in nursing, we have what we call, clinical placements.
43:29 And so you're placed in a hospital for about four months,
43:32 and you practice all the skills that you learned in class.
43:37 And the majority of nursing students are women.
43:40 So last semester I was in my nursing clinical placement,
43:43 and there happened to be a guy among us.
43:46 For nurses, you know, this is a very special thing.
43:49 Not only was there a guy, he happened to be
43:52 very, very good-looking.
43:55 And so I was very happy.
43:56 I spent a little bit more time getting ready in the morning
43:59 to go to clinical.
44:02 And as we were sitting, the girls, we were sitting
44:06 together one day, and one of the girls was like,
44:08 "Hey, Chantal, he looks at you a lot."
44:11 And I'm like, "Oh, let's all stay calm.
44:16 We don't want to get carried away here."
44:18 And so I continued to remain calm and collected and cool.
44:23 And one day he came up to us and he said,
44:26 "I have something to say."
44:28 And so we all listened intently, and he said,
44:30 "I just wanted to tell you, Chantal,
44:31 that you have really nice eyes."
44:33 Wow!
44:36 I was amazed.
44:37 Like out of all the seven girls, he came up to me
44:41 and told me that I have nice eyes?
44:43 Wow!
44:45 And so, I remained calm and collected
44:48 and continued not to get my hopes high.
44:51 Eventually our relationship blossomed.
44:54 And he began to bring me smoothies,
44:56 knowing that I was Adventist.
44:58 Coffee didn't work.
45:00 So he brought me smoothies every morning,
45:02 and he'd have one for himself and one for me.
45:05 And so by now I knew, this was my man.
45:08 God had brought my man to my clinical,
45:10 and it was just an answer to prayer.
45:13 And so I told my parents about it.
45:15 I was like, "Mom, dad, I don't want to alarm you, but
45:18 I think God brought my husband to my clinical placement."
45:22 One day I decided, you know what?
45:24 Enough is enough.
45:26 He's been doing so much for me, it's time for me
45:29 to reciprocate.
45:30 And so I thought really hard.
45:32 What can I do to show this man that I love him?
45:37 And so I woke up one morning, got dressed in my scrubs,
45:42 and did a little bit extra, and bought two smoothies.
45:47 One for me and an extra-large for him.
45:50 And I arrived at clinical bright and early
45:52 and waited around the nurses desk,
45:54 waiting for him to arrive so that I could casually
45:57 give him a smoothie.
45:59 And so finally he came in through the doors,
46:02 and I had my two smoothies.
46:03 And just as I was walking up to him to finally, you know,
46:07 proclaim my love, I see another girl walk by.
46:13 And so I paused with my two smoothies in hand,
46:16 and I watched very closely.
46:19 And so this girl walked up to him...
46:23 ...and she hugged him.
46:25 She hugged my man.
46:28 And so I watched it happen.
46:31 And then she proceeded to kiss him.
46:35 So now I'm standing there like, "Who is this girl?
46:37 And why is she kissing my man?"
46:41 So I turned around with my two smoothies,
46:43 very disappointed and embarrassed,
46:44 and went to tell the girls, "You won't believe what happened.
46:48 He has another girl. He must have another girl.
46:50 I mean, there's no way that this girl,
46:52 this stranger, came and kissed him."
46:54 And so we all talked about it for a while,
46:56 and we came to one conclusion.
46:58 The conclusion was, "Men are trifling."
47:05 This morning I was not sent to speak about men,
47:10 or their trifling nature.
47:14 I was sent to speak about service and evangelism.
47:19 And so, how do the two connect?
47:21 Ellen G. White has a quote, a very profound quote.
47:23 And it says, "To trifle with hearts is a crime
47:26 of no small magnitude in the sight of a holy God.
47:30 And yet, some will show preference for young ladies
47:32 and call out their affections, and then go their way
47:35 and forget all about the words they have spoken,
47:38 and their affect.
47:39 A new face attracts them and they repeat the same words,
47:43 and devote to another the same devotions."
47:47 Could it be that you and I are trifling
47:51 with the hearts of humanity?
47:53 That even our ministry is of a trifling nature?
47:58 You see, I'd like to change the quote a little bit and say,
48:01 "To trifle with hearts is a crime of no small magnitude
48:05 in the sight of a holy God.
48:06 And yet, some will show preference for a community
48:10 or initiative and call out its affections and attention,
48:14 and then go their way and forget about the gospel
48:18 they have spoken, and its affect.
48:21 A new community and initiative attracts them
48:24 and they repeat the same gospel, and devote to another
48:29 the same attentions."
48:31 Could it be that you and I, in our very ministry,
48:35 are trifling with the hearts of humanity?
48:38 Before I continue, let me share with you what God did
48:41 in the island of Manitoulin.
48:43 This is an island that has no Adventist presence.
48:46 Not a single Adventist on the entire island.
48:50 And so GYC had the privilege of going there two years ago.
48:54 And on this island I was the leader of the mission.
48:57 There was about forty of us.
48:58 And it was my first time leading.
49:00 I want to pause right there.
49:01 Because some of us haven't gone on mission,
49:03 some of us haven't become involved because we think,
49:06 "I lack experience."
49:07 Friends, God does not need your experience.
49:11 He needs your willingness.
49:13 And so we go to this island.
49:15 And we didn't even have a game plan.
49:18 I didn't know that you create an itinerary
49:20 before you go on mission.
49:22 And so we went there free-spirited, free-minded.
49:26 And as we were canvasing one day, I handed
49:29 the Great Controversy to one of the people on the island,
49:32 on a reserve.
49:34 And he looked at the front, he looked at the back,
49:36 he read a little bit, and he got really excited.
49:39 And I was excited because he was excited.
49:42 But then he handed the book back to me and he said,
49:45 "When I read this book, when I get converted,
49:48 who will I share what I find with?"
49:51 And I wanted to tell him, "You know what,
49:52 on Saturday you can go to the Adventist church.
49:55 On Wednesday you can go to prayer meeting.
49:57 Maybe this elder will come and visit you."
50:00 But there is no Adventist on the island.
50:02 There would be no one to follow up with him.
50:07 We went to another reserve on the island, and this reserve
50:10 is one of the only unseated reserves.
50:12 They have no accountability to the Canadian law.
50:17 And so we went there, and before we arrived
50:19 we were warned about the violence and the crime.
50:21 And we were told that if anything happened to us
50:24 that the police couldn't save us.
50:26 I didn't know the GYC insurance policies, but you know,
50:29 we went forward.
50:31 And when we arrived, with fear, God did something amazing.
50:36 That day was the day that we sold the most books.
50:40 And at every door we went to, we saw a need.
50:44 I remember going to one door, and it was a homosexual couple.
50:46 Both of them had grown up abused.
50:49 And you could see that the home was just devoid of hope.
50:53 We went to another door and it was a woman with seven kids.
50:57 And some of them weren't even hers.
50:59 And she didn't know how to take care of them.
51:00 Every single door was full of need.
51:04 And I wanted to direct them to community services.
51:06 I wanted to direct them to someone.
51:10 But there's no Adventist presence on the island.
51:13 And that was two years ago.
51:17 We went to another reserve and we held a health expo.
51:21 And on the third day of the health expo
51:23 the Chief kicked us off the reserve.
51:26 And we were very discouraged.
51:29 Four months later we went back for follow-up.
51:31 And we realized, or we found out that the Chief of that reserve
51:35 had soon been removed and replaced by the daughter,
51:40 the daughter of the mother whose home we had remodeled.
51:45 And when the mother told us the story, she said,
51:48 "You guys are more than welcomed back.
51:51 How can my daughter refuse the angels
51:54 who remodeled my home?"
51:56 Friends, the island of Manitoulin is full of potential.
52:00 And this was two years ago,
52:01 and there remains no Adventist presence on the island.
52:06 How long will we trifle with the hearts of humanity?
52:11 I long to see a small group on this island.
52:14 I long to see a church on this island.
52:20 And more than I long for it, God longs for it.
52:25 How long will we be proud of our simple results?
52:28 Friends, I'm not proud of our results.
52:31 Because I know that there is much more that can be done.
52:34 I'm not happy when I see a hundred people come up
52:37 for a mission appeal.
52:39 Because there are thousands here.
52:42 How long will we be proud with our simple results?
52:45 How long will we trifle with the hearts of humanity?
52:51 There are hearts that are ready to hear and respond
52:54 to the gospel, but the laborers are few.
52:57 Will you go?
53:00 This morning you've heard testimonies from
53:02 all around the world.
53:03 You've heard testimonies from Rwanda,
53:05 you've heard testimonies from Houston, from the Middle East.
53:09 God is moving in mighty and vivid ways.
53:12 I had the privilege of being in Rwanda.
53:14 And on the day of the baptisms at my site
53:16 I noticed an old man crying.
53:18 And I was like, why is this man crying?
53:20 He's not being baptized, he didn't preach.
53:23 I didn't see him put any effort into anything.
53:25 Why is he so entitled? Why is he crying?
53:28 And so I walked up to him and I said, "Sir, why are you crying?"
53:33 And he responded to me, he said, "You know what,
53:36 I have no talents.
53:38 But I have a truck.
53:39 And every single day, I went to the farthest area
53:43 and I picked up people in my truck."
53:45 And I'm tell you, like 70 people would come out of this truck.
53:48 And he said, "A few of them are being baptized today.
53:52 I was part of this baptism."
53:56 Friends, what is holding you back?
53:59 What is holding you back today?
54:01 How long will you trifle with the hearts of humanity?
54:06 Today God is asking us to go.
54:09 And I wonder, who will go?
54:12 How long will we come to conferences like GYC
54:15 and hear the gospel spoken, and remain in our seats
54:19 and go home the same?
54:21 How long will we trifle with the hearts of humanity?
54:25 The harvest is ready, I've seen it around the world,
54:28 but the laborers are few.
54:33 I'm tired of one hit wonders.
54:35 I'm tired of two week missions where we come back
54:38 with testimonies, and we write about them, and we share them,
54:41 but we forget about the communities
54:43 who we've trifled with.
54:47 Two years ago we went to Manitoulin.
54:50 And there remains no Adventist presence on the island.
54:55 The unreached areas remain unreached.
54:59 And yet, we sit here proud of ourselves.
55:04 You see, I believe that more than trifling with the
55:07 hearts of humanity, we've trifled with the
55:10 heart of God Himself.
55:15 We've trifled with the heart of God Himself.
55:17 We trifle with Him when we show interest in Him.
55:20 We hear the gospel spoken at GYC and we get excited.
55:24 I've heard so many people in the hallway saying,
55:26 "I'm so excited about what I'm hearing."
55:30 But then we fail to commit to a relationship with Him.
55:35 We fail to go public with our love for Him.
55:40 God longs for our personal commitment.
55:43 And if you're sitting here and you're wondering,
55:45 "Lord, why am I not seeing miracles?
55:47 There's times when I read the Bible and I thought it was false
55:50 because I had not seen miracles like that."
55:53 Friends, until you go out and you risk for God,
55:56 you will not see miracles.
55:58 Do you need miracles to wake up and do ordinary things?
56:02 But when we do extraordinary things for God,
56:05 when we go out for Him, you will see the very hand of God.
56:09 How long will we trifle with the heart of God?
56:14 This weekend we've heard so much.
56:17 Our hearts have been touched,
56:18 we've been inspired and strengthened.
56:20 But I submit to you that unless you get involved
56:23 in evangelism and service, this weekend will soon
56:26 become a memory.
56:27 And the gospel will become mere information.
56:30 How long will we trifle with the hearts of humanity
56:34 and with the heart of God?
56:37 This morning I would like to make a specific appeal.
56:39 And I'm looking for hundreds of young people.
56:42 I'm expecting much...
56:46 ...because we have a God who's done much for us.
56:50 I'd like to make a specific appeal for young people
56:53 that are ready to stop trifling with the hearts of humanity,
56:58 young people that are tired of flirting with God.
57:02 Young people that are saying,
57:04 "I want to go out and do something."
57:09 There's four opportunities for you today,
57:11 four specific opportunities.
57:13 The first is, you're saying, "I want to be part
57:15 of the solution in Manitoulin.
57:17 I want to go on a GYC mission."
57:20 If that is your desire today, I invite you to come forward.
57:23 And if you're not coming forward, you're praying
57:25 for the people next to you.
57:27 If you're saying, "I want to be part of the solution
57:30 in Manitoulin," I invite you to come forward
57:33 and join us on a GYC mission.
57:36 Thank you.
57:39 My second appeal is to someone who's heard the testimony
57:43 by Vanessa, and saying, "I want to go on a TMI mission.
57:48 Sign me up."
57:49 I invite you to come forward.
57:53 The third appeal is for someone who is willing to go and die.
57:59 Someone willing to go to the Middle East-North Africa Union.
58:03 If that is your desire, I invite you to come forward.
58:08 And my last and final appeal is for someone who is saying,
58:13 "I want to go to my campus, I want to go to my church,
58:16 as a missionary.
58:18 Not as an ordinary person, because I have the gospel.
58:21 I want to go."
58:23 I invite you to come forward.
58:25 How long will we trifle with the hearts of humanity?
58:30 If you're not coming, you're praying.
58:33 This is a salvational issue, my friends.
58:36 We can no longer call ourselves Christians and remain inactive.
58:40 God was never passive in His approach to us.


Revised 2017-11-15