Participants: Randy Skeete
Series Code: 16GYC
Program Code: 16GYC000009A
00:34 Our Scripture reading this morning is going to be found
00:36 in Romans chapter 12. 00:38 So I'll give you a second to turn there 00:40 with me in your Bibles. 00:47 Romans chapter 12. 00:51 Say amen when you're there. 00:54 Amen, okay. So a couple of us. 00:59 Romans chapter 12 starting in verse 10. 01:06 And the Bible says, "Be kindly affectionate one to another 01:11 with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; 01:16 not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; 01:19 serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; 01:22 patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; 01:27 distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. 01:32 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. 01:36 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, 01:38 and weep with them that weep. 01:41 Be of the same mind one toward another. 01:44 Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. 01:49 Be not wise in your own conceits. 01:52 Recompense to no man evil for evil. 01:56 Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 02:00 If it be possible, as much as liveth in you, 02:04 live peaceably with all men. 02:06 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, 02:10 but rather give place unto wrath: 02:12 for it is written, Vengeance is mine; 02:15 I will repay, saith the Lord. 02:18 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; 02:22 if he thirst, give him drink: 02:25 for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 02:29 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." 02:35 Let's pray. 02:37 Father in heaven, we thank You so much for this opportunity 02:42 to come and worship You this morning 02:43 on Your Sabbath day. 02:45 Thank You for giving us the Sabbath to rest 02:48 and remember that You are our Creator. 02:50 And Lord, now as we listen to the preacher, 02:52 I pray that You would place Your words in his mouth, 02:55 Father, that we continue to pray for him as he speaks, 02:59 that Your words would we heard. 03:01 Lord, prepare our hearts to hear this message. 03:04 Lord, that if we're battling with anything, 03:06 if Satan is holding us in any lies, 03:08 that this morning we would be 03:09 released from those lies, Father. 03:11 We ask that Your holy angels would be here, 03:13 that Your Spirit would be guarding this place, 03:16 that You put a hedge of protection 03:17 from the evil one around this place. 03:19 We love You so much. 03:21 In Jesus' name I pray, amen. 07:37 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, 07:40 and all the host of them. 07:43 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; 07:47 and he rested on the seventh day from all his work 07:50 which he had made. 07:52 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: 07:57 because that in it he had rested from all his work 08:01 which God created and made." 08:04 Say it with me now. 08:05 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 08:09 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 08:14 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God. 08:17 In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, 08:23 nor thy daughter, thy manservant, 08:25 nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, 08:28 nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. 08:31 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, 08:34 the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: 08:40 wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." 08:45 - And so I say, God is good... ~...all the time. 08:48 - And all the time... ~...God is good. 08:50 - Try it again. God is good... ~...all the time. 08:52 - And all the time... ~...God is good. 08:54 Let me hear the ladies. 08:56 - God is good... ~...all the time. 08:57 - And all the time... ~...God is good. 08:59 Where are the men. 09:01 - God is good... ~...all the time. 09:02 - And all the time... ~...God is good. 09:04 The family of God. 09:06 - God is good... ~...all the time. 09:08 - And all the time... ~...God is good. 09:10 As they say in Kenya, "And that's His nature." 09:14 - Good morning, everybody. ~ Good morning. 09:17 Thank you. Happy Sabbath to you. 09:20 How did you sleep? 09:22 You slept well. 09:23 How many of you dreamed of Jesus? 09:25 May I see your hands? 09:27 Nobody dreamed of Jesus. 09:29 It's alright. 09:30 He has no grudge against you. He loves you. 09:32 Do you realize you and I are awake and alive now 09:36 because of the mercies of Christ? 09:40 The Bible says, "In Him we live, and move, 09:44 and have our being." 09:46 In Christ. 09:48 In Matthew 5:45 the Bible says, "For he maketh his sun 09:52 to rise on the evil and on the good, 09:56 and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." 09:59 Because of that verse every day I ask God, 10:02 "Be merciful to people who are suffering, 10:05 even to those who don't follow You. 10:09 Because that exercise of mercy may lead them to follow You." 10:13 I ask God every day, "Be merciful to those 10:17 who are suffering, including those who do not follow You." 10:21 Why? "Because Your Word says, 'He maketh His sun to 10:24 rise on the good and on the evil. 10:27 He sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.'" 10:31 And as long as probation continues, you can pray 10:36 for those who are suffering. 10:38 You can pray for the evil, for the evil doers and sinners, 10:41 because God's grace still extends to them. 10:45 I'm happy to see you. 10:47 Let me thank you for your cooperation yesterday. 10:51 I rebuked you rather sharply. 10:53 None of you rebelled, as far as I could see. 10:57 I complained about the constant walking around, 10:59 and I believe you made a concentrated effort 11:02 to stay in your seats. 11:04 I want you to repeat that, 11:05 particularly on these holy hours. 11:08 Discipline yourselves. 11:11 Stay where you are, I won't be long. 11:14 I'm not given enough time to be long. 11:17 Who is with us for the very first time since GYC began? 11:21 May I see your hand? Very first time. 11:24 God bless you, God bless you. 11:25 I mean the very first time this week. 11:29 God bless you, God bless you wherever you are. 11:31 And I mean it when I say, God bless you. 11:33 It's a word, a prayer made up of three words, 11:36 which I offer with my eyes open. 11:38 God bless you. 11:39 Now, is there anyone with us now, you are not 11:43 a Seventh-day Adventist, may I see your hand? 11:47 God bless you. 11:48 God bless you. 11:50 Anyone else, just move your hand so I can... 11:52 Ah, God bless you. God bless you. 11:54 Anybody else? 11:56 You are not a Seventh-day Adventist 11:57 but you're with us, just move your hand so I can see it. 12:00 Anyone? Anyone? 12:02 In my mind... Ah, I see you way in the back. 12:04 God bless you. 12:05 And I mean that with concentrated seriousness. 12:08 God bless you. Now say amen for our guests. 12:11 ~ Amen. - Ah, that's weak. Say it again. 12:13 ~ Amen. - One more time. 12:15 ~ Amen. 12:16 - God is good... ~...all the time. 12:18 - All the time... ~...God is good. 12:19 Yes, I love God. 12:21 How many of you love God? Can I see your hand? 12:23 - Was that the truth? ~ Yes. 12:25 Well confirm it by raising your hand again. 12:27 Ah, God bless you. 12:28 You know, God is a God who confirms. 12:30 He gave two dreams to Pharaoh. 12:33 And Joseph explained to Pharaoh the dream was given twice 12:37 that it might be established of God. 12:40 So when you ask God for something, and you think 12:42 He's leading you in a direction, you say, "God, confirm it." 12:47 God is a God who confirms. 12:49 What does the Bible say? 12:51 "In the mouth of two or three witnesses 12:54 every word shall be established." 12:56 Ask God, "Is this the man for me?" 12:59 If you think He said yes, "Father, confirm it." 13:03 Our subject for this morning, A Tsunami Warning. 13:08 - What did I say? ~ A Tsunami Warning. 13:10 What was our subject yesterday? 13:13 You're a little slow. 13:15 What was our subject the first morning? 13:17 I knew you'd get that one quickly. 13:19 Alright. LOL. 13:21 I love you. 13:23 - I said, I love you. ~ Love you too. 13:26 I wasn't fishing, but thanks for that. 13:29 Now the Bible says, "This is My commandment that you do..." 13:32 What? " one another." So I am obeying God. 13:35 I love you, not because I am commanded, 13:37 but because you are so lovable and you look so nice 13:41 in those dresses God gave you, and those expensive suits. 13:46 Thank you very much. 13:47 Now before I begin, since you're in a mood to cooperate, 13:50 what's this? 13:52 ~ Cell phone. - What's that? 13:54 ~ Bible. 13:55 What's the proper name for this? 13:56 ~ Holy Bible. 13:58 - What is this? ~ Cell phone. 13:59 - What is this not? ~ Holy. 14:02 It is not the holy iPhone. 14:03 So please put it away as I am putting mine away. Turn it off. 14:07 Now very seriously, every time I make that request, 14:11 there's some person saying, "I don't care what he says, 14:14 I will leave my phone on." 14:17 Don't do that. 14:20 Practice cooperation... 14:21 By the way, any time a leader of the church especially 14:27 asks you to do something, if it is not a sin 14:31 and it does not affect your conscience, 14:33 try to cooperate. 14:38 If it is not a sin, and it does not offend your biblically 14:43 informed conscience, try to cooperate. 14:50 All phones off. 14:52 And iPads. 14:54 Open your Bible. 14:56 Who can recite all 66 books of the Bible 14:58 from Genesis to Revelation? 15:00 Oh my, how nice. Come. 15:04 Come. 15:05 You raised your hands. Come. 15:08 How do you get up here? 15:09 Come. This is my time. You come. 15:13 Find some way to get up here and come. 15:15 There are some stairs around here somewhere. Come. 15:19 Next time someone asks you a question, 15:20 be careful how you raise your hand. 15:23 Come, sister, come. I'll wait for you. 15:25 While she comes, let's recite the fourth commandment again. 15:28 "Remember the Sabbath day," 15:29 come on, say it, "to keep it holy." 15:31 Now this side, you continue. Come on. 15:34 "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 15:37 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God." 15:40 Not bad. Keep going. 15:42 "In it thou shalt not do any work..." 15:43 Stop. "... thou, nor thy son, 15:46 nor thy daughter, thy manservant..." 15:48 - You're a little weak. ~ "...nor thy maidservant, 15:50 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates." 15:53 Pick it up. 15:54 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, 15:57 the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day." 16:02 - All together. ~ Wherefore the LORD 16:04 blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." 16:06 And of all the commandments, that one is commandment one. 16:12 Did you hear what I said? 16:14 Of all the commandments, that one is commandment one. 16:17 - Sister, what's your name? - Alexis. 16:19 You look like a nice person. Are you married? 16:20 No, sir. 16:22 Well learn to cook and you'll get a husband. 16:23 Alright. 16:25 The books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. 16:27 Go ahead, the whole world is watching you. 16:29 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, 16:32 Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 16:37 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, 16:41 Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, 16:44 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, 16:48 Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, 16:51 Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, 16:55 Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, 16:58 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 17:03 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 17:06 Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 17:11 Titus, Philemon... 17:14 ...1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 17:21 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, Jude, Revelation. 17:27 Amen. 17:29 Now you can take that back. 17:31 God bless you. What's your name, you said? 17:33 - Alexis. - Alexis, God bless you. 17:35 - God bless you. - Thank you. 17:37 God bless Alexis. 17:38 Favor number two, while I am speaking pray for me, 17:40 and say what? 17:42 Lord, put Your words in that man's mouth. 17:44 By the way, that's a very serious request. 17:46 I make it every time I stand. 17:48 My words cannot save you. 17:50 The words of God will transform your life. 17:52 The words of God will bring back that child that left the church. 17:56 The words of God will heal your marriage. 17:58 The words of God will improve your health. 18:00 If, of course, we accept the words of God into our lives. 18:04 Pray and say, "God, put Your words in that man's mouth." 18:08 And favor number three, I want you to think as you listen. 18:12 Let's pray. 18:14 Loving Father in heaven, I surrender myself 18:16 into Your hands. 18:18 If I've offended You in any way, forgive me, dear God. 18:21 Father, use me as a tool, as an instrument. 18:24 Father, if necessary use me like a disposable razor. 18:28 But just use me first, dear Father. 18:31 Put Your words in my mouth, dear God. 18:34 Help me to speak with boldness, with fearlessness, 18:38 with courage, but with compassion, Father. 18:41 For I too am a sinner. 18:43 Bless this beautiful congregation, dear God. 18:46 Everyone You love. 18:47 You sent Your Son to die for them. 18:50 In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, bless them 18:53 with the presence of Your Spirit, Father: 18:56 the Spirit that enlightens the mind, 18:58 the Spirit that guides us into truth. 19:01 In a very special way bless all those who are not 19:03 Seventh-day Adventists. 19:05 We are so honored by their presence, dear God. 19:07 And hasten the day when they will say, "Yes, I am 19:10 a Seventh-day Adventist." 19:12 Bless this entire service to Your glory exclusively, Father. 19:16 And to our blessing I offer this prayer. 19:19 In Jesus' name, let God's people say, amen and amen. 19:24 Acts 4, we shall read from verse 34. 19:27 Our subject, A Tsunami Warning. 19:31 Acts 4, reading from verse 34. 19:34 While you're searching for Acts 4, there are some 19:38 personalities in the New Testament that always 19:41 pop into the mind when we think of outstanding servants of God. 19:46 We think preeminently, of course, of Jesus Christ. 19:49 But He's in a class by Himself, so we will exclude Him. 19:53 Of all the New Testament characters 19:56 that are outstanding, who pops into your mind? 19:59 The apostle Paul. 20:01 Stephen, the first martyr. 20:02 We think of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. 20:05 But there is a man that is not frequently mentioned, 20:07 and I want him to be the person who introduces 20:10 this message this morning. 20:12 And that man is called, Barnabas. 20:15 Our subject, A Tsunami Warning. 20:18 Let's learn a little about Barnabas. 20:21 Acts 4 reading from verse 34. 20:24 Before we read, let me set it up. 20:26 In the early church, whoever had a need 20:29 had that need met by the generosity 20:32 of other church members. 20:34 Let me say it again. 20:35 No one in the early church suffered, because all other 20:39 church members came together and gave what they had 20:43 to meet the needs of those who were in crisis. 20:47 And so verse 34 says, "Neither was there any 20:50 among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors 20:55 of lands and houses sold them, and brought the prices 21:00 of the things that were sold, 21:02 and laid them down at the apostles' feet: 21:05 and distribution was made unto every man 21:08 according as he had need." 21:10 And so the Bible says those who were wealthy, 21:12 they sold land, they sold houses. 21:15 They sold to meet the needs of those in the church 21:19 less fortunate. 21:21 Ah, how the church would be different today 21:24 if we functioned that way. 21:27 "And Joses," verse 37, "who by the apostles 21:31 was surnamed Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, 21:35 the son of consolation,) 21:37 a Levite, of the country of Cyprus, 21:40 having land, sold it, and brought the money, 21:43 and laid it at the apostles' feet." 21:46 We are introduced to Barnabas as a generous man, 21:50 a soft-hearted member of the church, 21:53 who felt that the need of a member in crisis 21:56 was his personal responsibility. 22:01 Let me say it again. 22:03 Some of us have this attitude, "That's your problem." 22:06 No. When a member of the church suffers, 22:09 it is all of our problems. 22:11 - Somebody say amen. ~ Amen. 22:13 Barnabas, his mindset was, "Your suffering in my problem." 22:17 He sold land and brought the money 22:21 and gave it to the apostles. 22:23 Now some of us today, we will make contributions 22:26 but we want to decide how the money will be used. 22:30 Nuh-uh. 22:32 Those early church members, they gave the money 22:35 and they trusted the apostles to distribute the money 22:39 as the Holy Ghost led them. 22:41 Do not use your money to deliberately try to determine 22:44 what the church should do. 22:46 If you're convicted to give, give, 22:49 and leave it up to the Spirit of God to guide those 22:52 to whom the money is entrusted. 22:53 If that's clear, say amen. 22:55 Don't use your wealth as a weapon to whip the church 22:59 into compliance with your desires. 23:04 Barnabas was a giving man, a generous man, 23:07 Let's look at Barnabas again. 23:09 We go to Acts 9, we'll read from verse 26. 23:12 This is the chapter in which Paul, or Saul as he was then, 23:16 collides with Jesus Christ. 23:19 He's knocked off his horse, he's made blind. 23:22 He goes through conversion. 23:23 He meets with the church at Damascus. 23:26 Now he preaches in Damascus. 23:28 His life is threatened, he leaves Damascus, 23:30 and he comes to Jerusalem. 23:33 Verse 26, Acts 9; A Tsunami Warning. 23:37 "And when Paul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed 23:41 to join himself to the disciples: 23:43 but they were all afraid of him, and believed not 23:46 that he was a disciple." 23:48 This man used to arrange for the killing 23:51 of those who followed Christ. 23:53 He had a reputation as a very cruel man. 23:57 If you go to verse 1 of Acts 9, 24:00 "And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter 24:04 against the disciples of the Lord..." 24:06 He was constantly seeking out Christians to have them 24:09 murdered, killed, destroyed. 24:11 The apostles knew of Saul. 24:13 So when he came to Jerusalem and tried to join them, 24:16 the Bible says they were afraid. 24:19 Verse 27, "But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles, 24:26 and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, 24:31 and that he had spoken to him, and how he had 24:33 preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus Christ." 24:38 Barnabas took Saul when all the other apostles 24:42 were terrified of Saul. 24:44 And Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles 24:48 and said, "This man is okay." 24:52 We have a generous man. 24:54 We have a giving man. 24:56 We have a fearless man. 24:58 He went by himself, got Saul, and took him and put the minds 25:04 of the other disciples at rest. 25:08 When Stephen was martyred, 25:10 the church at Jerusalem scattered. 25:12 Cyprus, Antioch, Cyrene. 25:16 And as they ran, they preached. 25:19 And their preaching had effect. 25:21 And in Acts 11, when the church at Jerusalem, 25:24 because the leaders remained in Jerusalem, 25:27 when they heard what was going on in the area of Antioch, 25:31 the Bible says in verse 22 "...they sent forth Barnabas, 25:34 that he should go as far as Antioch. 25:37 Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, 25:42 exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart 25:44 they would cleave unto the Lord." 25:46 Now Barnabas was sent by the church 25:48 to assess what was going on 25:51 in the area of Cyprus, Cyrene, and Antioch. 25:54 Now, when the church chooses a man to assess 25:58 a spiritual situation, the church chooses a man 26:01 who is grounded in the Word, 26:03 who is grounded in the writings of the prophet 26:05 of the Lord, Ellen White, who knows how to discern. 26:10 In 1900, September 13 to September 23, 26:16 there was a camp meeting in Muncie, Indiana. 26:19 The church had heard of a disastrous movement called, 26:23 the holy flesh movement. 26:24 Which essentially said, to prepare for translation 26:27 this body had to go through some suffering. 26:29 It had to go through the garden of Gethsemane experience, 26:32 that through the suffering the flesh might be perfected 26:35 in readiness for translation. 26:38 And at those services the people worked themselves into a frenzy. 26:42 Loud music was played, just like in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. 26:45 And people would fall down and faint. 26:49 And then they were declared to have passed through the garden 26:52 of Gethsemane experience. 26:54 And they were now sinless in the flesh 26:56 and ready for translation. 26:58 When the church heard of that, 26:59 the church sent two men to investigate. 27:02 Just as the church at Jerusalem sent Barnabas to investigate 27:06 the evangelism going on in Cyprus, Cyrene, and Antioch 27:10 the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1900 sent two men, 27:13 S. N. Haskell and A. J. Breed to confront this error 27:17 called, the holy flesh. 27:19 But the point I'm trying to stress, when you send someone 27:22 to assess a situation, to meet it and to confront it, 27:25 you must send a man or a woman who can defend 27:28 the teachings of the church. 27:29 Can you say amen? They sent Barnabas. 27:34 He knew the Word. 27:35 He was a man of balance and a man of discernment. 27:38 A man who could see the workings of the enemy 27:40 where no one else could. 27:41 A man of fearlessness. 27:43 They sent Barnabas. 27:48 Let's look at Barnabas a little more. 27:50 Acts 13 reading from verse 1. 27:54 Acts 13:1 27:55 Our subject, A Tsunami Warning. 27:58 "Now there were in the church that was at Antioch 28:01 certain prophets and teachers; 28:03 as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, 28:07 and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been 28:11 brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. 28:15 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, 28:20 'Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work 28:23 whereunto I have...'" What? 28:26 Yes. "...I have called them." 28:27 Now by the way, let me digress meaningfully and briefly. 28:32 There are some among us who believe the Holy Ghost 28:34 is not an intelligent personality. 28:37 When you hear that, go in the other direction. 28:41 The Holy Ghost is fully divine. 28:45 The Holy Ghost is God. 28:47 I didn't say the Holy Ghost is the Father. 28:49 I said the Holy Ghost is God. 28:52 Jesus is God. 28:55 The Father is God. 28:57 Don't keep giving me these anemic amens. 28:59 - Say amen. ~ Amen. 29:03 The Holy Ghost is God. 29:05 The Holy Ghost is divine. 29:08 The Bible says, "The Holy Ghost said..." 29:11 He communicated with those prophets and teachers. 29:15 And He selected Barnabas and Saul. 29:19 Not Saul and Barnabas. 29:23 If you read the early history of the apostle Paul, 29:26 he traveled initially with Barnabas. 29:28 But they are mentioned as Barnabas and Saul first. 29:32 Meaning, at some point Barnabas was a mentor to Saul. 29:39 How do you mentor the apostle Paul, 29:41 unless you're Jesus? 29:43 Barnabas was a mentor to Saul. 29:46 The Holy Ghost handpicked Barnabas. 29:51 I am stressing this. 29:53 Generous, soft-hearted, loved the brethren, 29:57 fearless, could defend the truth against error. 30:02 Handpicked by the Spirit of God 30:06 for a work that God desired he and Saul should do. 30:11 This is Barnabas. 30:14 - Say amen for brother Barnabas. ~ Amen. 30:17 Let's learn some more about Barnabas. 30:21 Let's go to Galatians 2. 30:23 We read from verse 11. 30:25 Thank you for holding your seats. 30:28 I just thought I should remind you to continue to be nice. 30:32 We forget very quickly. 30:34 What book did I say? Galatians. 30:36 - What chapter? ~ Two. - What verse? ~ Eleven. 30:39 Verse 11. 30:41 "But when Peter was come to Antioch..." 30:44 Or Jerusalem. 30:46 "...I withstood him..." How? 30:48 " the face..." Why? 30:51 "...because he was to be blamed. 30:52 For before that certain came from James, 30:56 he did eat with the Gentiles. 30:57 But when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, 31:01 fearing them which were of the circumcision." 31:04 What is Paul saying? 31:05 Peter, that great apostle, would mingle with the Gentiles 31:10 when no Jews were around. 31:14 When the Jews showed up, Peter backed off. 31:21 And Paul didn't like that. 31:24 "When they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, 31:27 fearing them which were of the uncircumcision." 31:30 Now listen to verse 13. 31:31 "And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him." 31:37 Now we have a chain of events. 31:38 Listen to verse 13 microscopically. 31:41 Read it with me if you have the King James Version. 31:44 "And the other Jews..." Did what? 31:46 "...dissembled..." Or acted hypocritically. 31:48 How? What's the next word? 31:50 "...likewise..." What does that mean? 31:53 Just like Peter. 31:56 Follow me closely. 31:57 One man acted hypocritically, and a group followed that man. 32:05 "The other Jews dissembled likewise with him." 32:11 Listen to me carefully. 32:15 You have one of two options. 32:17 Your presence on this earth can be the reason why 32:21 some people go to hell or heaven. 32:26 There are people in your classroom, in your college, 32:29 your academy, your university who may end up in hell 32:33 or heaven because of you. 32:39 All the Jews present watching Peter's behavior 32:45 followed him. 32:49 Now we'll re-read verse 13 and come to the sad 32:51 conclusion of that verse. 32:54 "The other Jews also dissembled likewise with him; 32:57 insomuch..." 33:00 What does that mean? 33:02 To such an extent. 33:04 Finish the verse for me. 33:06 "...Barnabas also..." Finish the verse. 33:08 Was what? "...carried away..." 33:11 Finish the verse. "...with their deception." 33:12 Now, what's our subject? 33:14 Tsunami Warning. 33:16 You're too slow. What's our subject? 33:17 ~ Tsunami Warning. - Tsunami Warning. 33:19 What does a tsunami do? 33:22 How many of you are from Indonesia? 33:25 Ah, God bless my beautiful Indonesians. 33:26 I love Indonesia. 33:28 I've been there about six times. I want to go six more times. 33:31 What happened December 26, 2004, I believe it was? 33:36 A tsunami. 33:38 Any of my friends from Indonesia from Banda Aceh? 33:42 You are from Banda Aceh? 33:44 It perhaps received the worse effects of that tsunami. 33:47 It washed away buildings. 33:51 A few years ago in northern Japan there was a tsunami. 33:56 You know the Fukushima nuclear plant? 33:59 The tsunami came over a 30 foot wall. 34:03 Washed away villages. 34:09 Influence is a tsunami. 34:15 Ah, your sleeping with your eyes open. 34:18 Did you hear what I said? 34:19 What did I just say? 34:21 Influence is a tsunami. 34:25 Barnabas, that strong man, that man the denomination 34:30 can trust to confront what was going on 34:33 in Antioch, Cyrene, Cypress. 34:35 When I say confront; to determine 34:37 whether it was genuine or not. 34:38 That man who was not afraid of the apostle Paul, 34:42 that man who was generous, 34:44 that man who was in the early life of Paul's ministry, 34:48 a mentor to Paul, that man the Holy Ghost handpicked; 34:53 he was swept away by a tsunami of influence. 35:01 "And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; 35:04 insomuch," the hypocrisy was so great, "that Barnabas..." 35:11 Now the Bible singles out Barnabas 35:15 to emphasize the degree to which Peter's negative behavior 35:21 affected the Jews and the ripple effect 35:23 that reached to Barnabas. 35:29 Barnabas should have stood alone like Paul, 35:33 because Paul saw it and he was not swept away. 35:37 Are you listening to me? 35:39 Paul saw it, verse 14. 35:41 "When I saw that they walked not uprightly 35:44 according to the truth of the gospel..." 35:46 Paul was watching this. 35:52 And he said, "This isn't right. 35:54 "When I saw that they walked not uprightly 35:57 according to the truth of the gospel, 35:59 I said unto Peter before them all..." 36:00 Paul confronted this mass hypocrisy. 36:04 He was a wall to stem this tsunami. 36:12 My young friends, and my not so young friends, 36:17 don't consider yourselves immune to the tsunami of the influence 36:20 of people around you. 36:23 Unless you think you're stronger than Barnabas, 36:27 unless you think you have more gifts than Barnabas had. 36:31 If Barnabas could be swept away... 36:33 Of course not permanently. I'm sure he repented. 36:36 and I can be swept away if we are not careful. 36:42 We need to learn to take personal 36:46 individual stands for God. 36:50 Nothing to do with the crowd. 36:51 By the way, for those of you who are in position of authority, 36:55 my clock doesn't function, 36:56 so I don't know how much time I have left. 36:58 And I'm happy for that. 37:01 We need to learn to take individual stands. 37:05 Listen to Joshua. 37:07 "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, 37:10 choose you this day whom ye will serve; 37:13 whether the gods which your fathers served 37:16 that were on the other side of the flood, 37:18 or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: 37:21 but as for me and my house..." Pause. 37:24 Listen to Joshua. 37:26 "As for me and my house..." 37:28 Joshua could have said, "As for my house..." 37:32 And that would have included him. 37:34 The house meaning, family. 37:36 But Joshua identifies himself as an individual 37:41 in his family. 37:43 "As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 37:48 Meaning, "If my house chooses not to serve God, 37:52 if my wife leaves God, if my in-laws leave God, 37:56 if my children leave God, I will serve the Lord." 38:01 How many of you will say, "If the whole world leaves God, 38:04 I'll be faithful to God," can I see your hand? 38:06 If the whole world leaves Jesus, I'll be faithful to Christ. 38:09 We need that mind. 38:14 Jesus had that mind. 38:17 That's why you and I can be saved. 38:20 Why do I say that? 38:22 When Christ was confronted in the garden of Gethsemane, 38:24 yes, the garden of Gethsemane, by the Roman soldiers led by 38:29 brother Judas, the Bible says in Mark 14:50 of the disciples, 38:36 "They all forsook Him, and fled." 38:42 Peter, James, John; His inner circle, they ran. 38:48 Listen to me carefully. 38:51 The only person you can depend on absolutely is Jesus. 38:59 God bless your wife and your husband, 39:01 and your mother and your father. 39:03 The only person you can trust absolutely is Jesus. 39:08 He does not run when things get hot. 39:12 The Bible says that all forsook Him and fled. 39:15 And Jesus held His ground, because Christ could have run. 39:22 Now He's on the cross. 39:23 Same book of Mark 15:34. 39:28 "And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, 39:31 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' 39:33 which is, being interpreted..." Finish the verse. 39:35 "My God..." Come on, say it. 39:37 "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" 39:41 For a while the Father turned away from the Son. 39:47 The disciples were gone. 39:50 The Father turned away. 39:53 Jesus was on that cross... 39:55 What word do I need to use now? 39:57 ...alone. 40:00 He could have been swept away by the influence of the 40:03 departing eleven disciples 40:05 vanishing in the night of Gethsemane. 40:08 But love for you and the Father held Him rooted to the ground. 40:14 When the Father turned away, 40:16 Christ could have left that cross. 40:18 Because He and the Father had never been separated before. 40:23 And the Father swore that this rending of the Godhead... 40:26 You take a garment and you rip, you tear. 40:28 That is what happened on the cross 40:30 when the Father turned way. 40:32 And the Father swore it would never happen again. 40:35 But it happened. 40:39 Let's reason together. 40:41 When the Father turned away, 40:43 what do you think the Holy Ghost did? 40:48 Can the Holy Ghost go against the Father? 40:50 What do you think the Holy Ghost did? 40:53 Turned away. 40:55 When the Father turned away and the Holy Ghost turned away, 40:58 what do you think the angels did? 41:04 And Christ was on that cross... 41:06 Give me the word. ...alone. 41:08 Listen to this verse. 41:10 "...who being the brightness of his glory 41:12 and the express image of his person, and upholding all things 41:16 by the word of his power, when he had by himself 41:20 purged our sins..." 41:25 Christ by Himself. 41:28 The disciples gone, the Father turned away, 41:32 the Spirit turned away, the angels turned away. 41:36 Christ on that cross alone, 41:39 not being swept away by the tsunami of people leaving Him. 41:44 And He stayed because He loves you. 41:48 Forget the person next to you; He loves you. 41:51 An individual decision to stay. 41:58 We must understand the importance of 42:00 individual decisions. 42:02 When God made Adam... 42:04 Just listen to the word. 42:05 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, 42:08 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; 42:11 and man became a living soul." 42:13 When that occurred, Eve did not exist. 42:18 So when Adam was made, Eve was not around. 42:21 It was Adam and God. 42:23 That's it. 42:25 When Eve was made, Genesis 2:21, 42:28 "And the LORD God caused a deep sleep 42:31 to fall upon Adam, and he slept." 42:32 Now could God have left Adam awake to watch 42:36 the creation of Eve, yes or no? 42:37 Yes. 42:41 But notice the language of the Bible. 42:43 "And the LORD God caused..." What kind of sleep? 42:46 ~ A deep sleep. 42:47 What does sleep represent in the Bible? 42:49 ~ Death. - Death. 42:50 In a certain sense, to all intents and purposes, 42:53 Adam was dead. 42:57 He had nothing to do with God's interaction with Eve. 43:05 Eve had nothing to do with God's interaction with Adam. 43:09 So when Adam opened his eyes, whom did he see? God. 43:12 When Eve opened her eyes, whom did she see? God. 43:15 By the way, young people, 43:17 see God first before you see your boyfriend. 43:21 I'm talking to myself. 43:23 Nobody is listening. 43:24 Listen to me. 43:26 See God first before you see your boyfriend. 43:30 Or girlfriend. 43:31 Or somebody else's girlfriend. 43:36 See God. 43:38 Because when you see God, now you have proper perspective. 43:42 You have divine GPS to guide you. 43:45 See God first before you buy that house. 43:50 See God first before you choose a career. 43:53 See God first before you decide to have an eighth child. 43:58 See God... What's the word? 44:00 ...first. 44:03 When God made Adam, Eve was not around. 44:07 When God made Eve, Adam was not around. 44:09 Why? Because God begins at the individual level. 44:14 Until you understand the importance of individual 44:18 decision for God, you and I are at risk of being swept away 44:22 by the tsunami of the influence of others. 44:28 Your church decides to rebel against the General Conference, 44:31 and you're swept away. 44:34 Your church board decides to rebel against whomever, 44:36 you're swept away. 44:40 Your classroom teacher decides to teach that 44:44 Jesus is not divine, all the other students believe it, 44:47 you're swept away. 44:49 Why? Because we like to be part of something. 44:55 Some of you listening to me, deep in your heart 44:58 you want to serve God, but you want to please your friends. 45:02 Deep in your heart you do not like what you're becoming, 45:05 but you want to please your friends. 45:08 You know you ought to stop that behavior on Friday night, 45:10 you want to please your friends. 45:14 Ask God for the courage to make an individual decision 45:19 to do what is right in the sight of God. 45:24 In the judgment you stand before God by yourself. 45:30 You don't take your parents, 45:32 you don't take the friends that led you into drugs, 45:34 you do not take the friend that led you into sexual immorality. 45:37 You stand before God by yourself. 45:44 My brothers and sisters, this message this morning 45:47 is a tsunami warning. 45:50 In, Child Guidance, page 201 paragraph 3, 45:53 Ellen White writes, "Every course of action 45:56 has a twofold character and importance. 45:59 It is virtuous or vicious, right or wrong, 46:01 according to the motive which prompts it. 46:04 A wrong action, by frequent repetition, 46:08 leaves a permanent mark upon the mind of the actor, 46:11 and also on the minds of those that are connected 46:14 with him in any relation, either spiritual or temporal." 46:18 What is she saying? 46:19 When you are connected to an evil doer, 46:21 his or her behavior affects you. 46:29 And so she writes in, Councils for the Church, 46:32 page 312 paragraph 3, listen carefully, 46:35 "The society of unbelievers will do us no harm 46:40 if we mingle with them for the purpose of connecting them 46:45 with God," here's how it ends, "and are strong enough 46:50 spiritually to withstand their influence." 46:56 Every person on the face of the earth is a tsunami. 47:03 It can be good or it can be bad. 47:06 Let the tsunami of your influence wash people to Jesus. 47:11 - Can you say amen? ~ Amen. 47:14 There are men in graveyards right now who are there 47:18 because of the influence of a friend. 47:21 There are men, young men, in prison because 47:25 of the influence of friends. 47:28 "Come on, join us." And you can't say no. 47:30 You join to be part of the group: prison. 47:34 There are people in rehabilitation programs now 47:37 because of the tsunami influence of a friend. 47:42 There are young people who dress the way they dress 47:44 because of the tsunami influence of those on MTV, 47:47 or whatever the station is. 47:55 Take a stand for Jesus. 47:57 - Somebody say amen. ~ Amen. 47:59 It is you and Christ. 48:01 "What man of you, having an hundred sheep 48:05 if he lose..." How many? 48:07 One. That's the one on one, you see. 48:09 "...doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness 48:12 and go after that which is lost, until he find it?" 48:16 So when he finds it, it is the shepherd and the sheep, 48:18 no one else. 48:20 One to one. 48:23 You know you should be baptized, 48:25 but your friends are laughing at you. 48:27 And so you change your mind. 48:29 You know you ought to obey your parents, 48:31 but your friends laugh at you because they don't. 48:33 You change your mind. 48:35 You're trying to act like a demon when God is trying to 48:38 make you a saint. 48:39 Because of your friends. 48:43 Parents, I'm sure you'll understand 48:44 what I'm about to say. 48:46 At a certain age the only thing that matters to the youth 48:49 are friends. 48:51 "My friends have a phone, why don't I have one?" 48:54 "My friends come in at twelve at night, 48:56 why do I have to come in at nine?" 48:58 "My friends wear short skirts, why do I have to wear a gown?" 49:02 "My friends," whatever, "go to the theater, 49:06 why do I only go to church?" 49:08 "My friends are allowed to use some vegetarian curse words, 49:11 why do I have to talk like Jesus?" 49:13 It is always, "My friends..." "My friends..." 49:16 Perhaps, mothers and fathers, you're sick to death of hearing, 49:19 "My friends..." 49:21 That's a tsunami. 49:25 "My friends..." 49:27 Jesus is a friend. 49:29 - Come on, say amen. ~ Amen. 49:30 The Holy Ghost is a friend, huh? 49:32 If Christ is your friend, the Father is your friend. 49:35 They are Friends of heavenly origin 49:39 with whom you can associate. 49:44 My young brother, hiding in the crowd, 49:47 you need to stop what you're doing. 49:50 Stop it no matter what your friends say. 49:53 Leave that gang. 49:54 Leave those friends who are leading you 49:56 in the wrong direction. 49:58 Young lady, you know your trouble deep in your heart 50:01 what you're doing is wrong. 50:02 As you access your life the past six months, 50:05 you realize, "I am heading in the wrong direction." 50:08 God sends you here to change directions. 50:11 Older man, older lady, whoever you are, 50:15 break the influence that friends have on you, 50:19 if it is negative, by clinging to Jesus Christ. 50:23 Make a decision like Daniel. 50:28 "I will pray only to God, even if it means facing lions." 50:34 Make a decision like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. 50:37 Even though they are named together, 50:40 they made three individual decisions. 50:48 Don't follow the crowd. 50:50 Follow Jesus. 50:52 This message this morning is a tsunami warning. 50:57 It applies to all ages. 50:59 You adults, putting yourself into financial debt 51:03 to get a house as big as your neighbor's house. 51:07 Putting yourself in debt to buy a car that your in-laws drive. 51:12 Putting yourself in debt to keep up with the Jones, 51:16 and the Smiths, and the Garcias. 51:21 The tsunami of influence affects every single age. 51:27 Not just the youth. 51:29 When we hear the term, "peer pressure," 51:31 we think only of the youth. 51:33 No, it applies to every living being. 51:36 We do things because we see others do them. 51:39 I am saying this morning, change that attitude 51:41 and do what you do because the Bible says do it or not do it. 51:46 And so this morning I'll ask you, and I want you to answer me 51:49 with honesty, unmixed honesty, 51:53 do you desire a one to one relationship with your God? 51:58 How may would say yes, can I see your hand? 52:00 One to one. 52:02 Hands down. 52:04 Now this one will take some courage and guts. 52:06 Well not guts. 52:08 They don't like the word, "guts," in Australia. 52:09 Forgive me, Australia. 52:11 Who will have gumption and courage? 52:13 Listen to the call. 52:15 There's someone listening to me, 52:16 you are being wrongly influenced by your friends. 52:19 Listen to me. 52:20 Right now as you listen you are being wrongly 52:25 influenced by your friends. 52:26 If that applies to you, stand up. 52:31 Ah, I like courage. 52:33 Come, come, come. 52:35 It's easy to come when you're standing. 52:36 Come, come, come. 52:37 Come right here. 52:39 You are being wrongly influenced, and you know it. 52:41 Come. Come quickly. 52:44 I have about three minutes left, I think. Come. 52:47 You are being wrongly influenced, and you know it. 52:52 When the Israelites came out of the wilderness, 52:54 God told them, "Do not intermingle with the heathen. 52:57 They will turn you from Me." 53:01 They'll turn you. 53:02 Why? Because we're naturally that way by birth. 53:06 And so evil appeals to us more quickly than good. 53:10 My call is, right where you sit and stand you know 53:13 you are being negatively influenced by your friends. 53:16 Come. 53:20 I'm talking to all ages. 53:24 There's a behavior you're engaging in 53:26 because of your friends. 53:27 Come, and break that. 53:32 By the power that broke death, Jesus Christ resurrection power, 53:37 is the power He makes available to us to deliver us 53:40 from any bondage. 53:42 What's the call? 53:43 I am, right now, I know I am in a situation 53:46 I am negatively influenced by friends. 53:49 Come. 53:52 Come quickly. You're young. 53:54 But I'm calling all ages. 53:56 Negative influence. 54:01 I have another call for you. 54:05 Some of you, you know you need to be baptized. 54:08 You haven't made a decision yet, but you know you should be. 54:11 One of the deceptions of the devil is, 54:13 wait until you know everything. 54:14 That will never happen. Only God can claim that. 54:17 You know enough that God wants you baptized 54:21 and be a member of His body. 54:22 The sacramental entrance into Christ is baptism. 54:26 And if you'll say, right where you stand, or wherever you are, 54:28 over there, "Father, I will at least make a public decision 54:32 to let heaven and earth see where my mind is, 54:34 a decision I am willing to be baptized." 54:38 Willing. 54:39 If you have that willingness, let me see your hand. 54:42 "I'm willing." Okay, I see that hand. 54:43 Keep it up. 54:45 Someone come and scan something. 54:47 Willing. Keep that hand up. 54:49 Now if you're in the congregation, come. 54:52 You raised your hand, "I'm willing." 54:53 Come. 54:55 If you're in the congregation, willing; come. 54:56 "I am willing." We're looking for willingness. 54:59 In other words, is your heart in that direction? Come. 55:01 "I am willing to be baptized." 55:03 Come. 55:05 You read, Christ came to be baptized. 55:06 John said, "No." Jesus insisted. 55:09 "I'm willing." We're looking for willingness. 55:12 Who does the scanning? 55:14 Come and scan. 55:16 Somebody else come. 55:18 My apologies to 3ABN if I've exceeded my time. 55:21 God bless you, Sammy. 55:23 Come. 55:25 Come stand right up front. 55:26 "I'm willing." I'm looking for willingness. 55:29 You know the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. 55:30 God understands. 55:32 "Bring Me that willing spirit," says God. 55:33 "I am willing." You come. 55:35 Somebody else? Quickly. 55:38 Come. "I am willing." 55:39 "I'm willing." 55:41 I have a second call. 55:43 "I was baptized, but I have drifted from God." 55:45 Not made a mistake, "I have drifted. 55:48 And if the church knew the life I live, 55:49 I'd be disfellowshipped immediately, if not sooner. 55:52 I have drifted. 55:54 I need to renew that contract with Jesus through re-baptism." 56:01 Come. 56:04 "I need to be re-baptized." Come. 56:07 "My life has been anything but representative of God." 56:09 "I'm not saying I made a mistake." 56:11 Your life has been an insult, disgrace to God. 56:14 "I need to start all over with God by re-baptism." 56:18 Come. 56:21 In Acts 19, first seven verses, 56:23 twelve disciples were re-baptized. 56:25 Evangelism, page 375 paragraph 2, Ellen White writes, 56:29 "When a soul is truly reconverted, 56:31 let that soul be re-baptized." 56:32 Anyone else? 56:35 God bless you. 56:36 Is the scanning going on? 56:38 Isn't someone suppose to scan these things? 56:43 Okay, you want them to follow you? 56:45 Ah, where? 56:47 Right into the back, okay. 56:49 Listen to me carefully. You won't miss anything. 56:50 When I offer the benediction, follow... 56:53 Sisters? 56:55 Two attractive sisters not listening to me. 56:57 Okay. 56:59 Stay right where you are. 57:00 Follow them right there so they'll know who is baptism 57:04 and who is just a recommitment. 57:05 Are you following me? 57:06 Do not change your mind for any reason. 57:08 Now, I have to pray first. 57:10 Brother Sammy, stay where you are. 57:11 Let me pray first, let me pray first. 57:12 Okay, let me pray first. 57:14 Anyone else? Baptism. 57:15 "I'm willing." "I need to be re-baptized." 57:17 Come. 57:18 Alright, I see your hand. Come. 57:19 We're going to go to the back. 57:21 Anybody else? 57:24 Now third call. 57:25 There's someone listening, you are not a Seventh-day Adventist, 57:29 but you've been blessed. 57:30 You'd like some more information to understand 57:32 what we believe, raise your hand. 57:35 Ah, okay we have one. 57:36 You are not a Seventh-day Adventist, 57:38 you would like some more information. 57:39 Raise your hand wherever you are. 57:41 Move it so I can see it. 57:42 Ah, okay. God bless you. 57:45 Make that known to them in the back 57:46 so we can get you information that will change your life. 57:49 And then God can use you to change other people's lives. 57:52 Three calls: "I am willing to be baptized." 57:54 "I need to be re-baptized." 57:56 "I need to know more about what Adventists believe." 57:59 And of course, "I am negatively influenced. 58:01 I need to break that." 58:03 Anyone else coming? 58:06 Anyone else? 58:08 You'll never have this privilege again, never. 58:11 You may go to other GYC's, other conferences. 58:14 They will never be exactly like this. 58:18 Never. 58:20 Come. |
Revised 2017-11-01