Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Fri. Evening Plenary: -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000007A

00:33 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
00:38 just to take Him at His word,
00:43 just to rest upon His promise,
00:48 just to know, "Thus saith the Lord."
00:53 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him;
00:59 how I've proved Him o'er and o'er.
01:04 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus.
01:09 Oh, for grace to trust Him more.
01:15 Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus,
01:20 just to trust His cleansing blood;
01:25 and in simple faith to plunge me
01:30 'neath the healing, cleansing flood.
01:36 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him;
01:41 how I've proved Him o'er and o'er.
01:46 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus.
01:51 Oh, for grace to trust Him more.
01:57 Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
02:02 just from sin and self to cease;
02:07 just from Jesus simply taking
02:12 life and rest, and joy and peace.
02:17 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him;
02:23 how I've proved Him o'er and o'er.
02:28 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus.
02:33 Oh, for grace to trust Him more.
02:39 I'm so glad I learned to trust Him,
02:44 precious Jesus, Savior, Friend.
02:49 And I know that Thou art with me,
02:54 will be with me to the end.
02:59 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him;
03:05 how I've proved Him o'er and o'er.
03:10 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus.
03:16 Oh, for grace to trust Him more.
03:25 Amen.
03:26 Our next song is going to be, Lead On, O King Eternal.
03:40 Lead on, O King eternal, the day of march has come;
03:49 henceforth in fields of conquest Thy tents shall be our home.
03:59 Through days of preparation Thy grace has made us strong;
04:08 and now, O King eternal, we lift our battle song.
05:39 Our last song this evening is going to be our theme song.
05:43 Before the Throne of God.
05:44 I invite you to stand with us as we sing.
08:07 Amen. You may now be seated.
08:10 Amen. I love that song.
08:13 Happy Sabbath, dear Christians.
08:17 Amen. Do you realize the significance of that name?
08:21 That we are Christians.
08:23 You know, it's Gentiles who coined that name
08:27 for the disciples.
08:28 They saw these disciples and they saw that they
08:31 worked like Jesus worked and they talked like Jesus talked.
08:35 And it is Christians that, because they have allowed
08:39 the Holy Spirit to work in them, have caused revivals
08:42 that have put bars out of business,
08:44 that have caused cops to lose their jobs.
08:47 And it's Christians who have been burned at the stake.
08:50 And it's as Christians that we stand before the
08:52 throne of God today.
08:53 Amen?
08:55 On behalf of GYC, I want to welcome you tonight.
08:58 We want to welcome the Sabbath together.
09:01 GYC tiene traducción al Español.
09:05 For our Scripture reading tonight we are going to turn
09:08 to Revelation chapter 22.
09:11 Revelation chapter, what?
09:13 Twenty-two. You got it.
09:15 Revelation 22:11-12
09:20 Revelation 22:11-12
09:22 And it reads, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still:
09:27 and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still:
09:30 and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still:
09:34 and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
09:36 'And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,
09:42 to give every man according as his work shall be.'"
09:45 Amen. Let's pray together.
09:48 Heavenly Father, we have these words ringing in our minds
09:53 this evening that You are sending Your Son quickly.
09:59 And Father, we not only want to long for this day,
10:04 but we want to hasten it.
10:06 So Father, this evening we pray, we implore
10:09 that You would pour Your Holy Spirit upon us,
10:14 Father, that Your work on this earth would be hastened.
10:17 We are tired of tarrying on this world, dear Father.
10:22 So we thank You for hearing our prayers.
10:23 We thank You that You are more willing to give us
10:26 the gift of the Holy Spirit than parents are to
10:28 give good gifts to their children.
10:30 So we pray these things in Jesus' mighty name.
10:33 Amen.
10:38 We serve a risen Savior who's in the world today, amen?
10:42 And one of the ways that we can see our risen Savior
10:45 operating in the world today is through His people
10:48 operating in ministry.
10:50 And today I have nine people to introduce to you
10:53 who are representing eight different ministries.
10:55 And I cannot wait to explain to you or have them share with you
10:58 what is happening in their ministries.
11:00 Our very first person is Dawn Lewis who is the
11:04 president of the southwest chapter of the ministry
11:07 called, ASI, which stands for,
11:09 Adventist Laymen Services and Industries.
11:11 So can you please share with us what's happening
11:14 in your ministry?
11:15 Thank you, Shauna. Good evening, GYC.
11:18 Well this past year ASI Ministries have been very
11:21 actively involved in the medical missionary work
11:24 and health evangelism.
11:25 And through the Pathway to Health program
11:27 and the Jumpstart Free Health Clinic program
11:31 together we served over 12,000 members of the community
11:36 delivering free medical care.
11:38 So Pathway L.A. served over 8000,
11:41 Beckley West Virginia served 1700,
11:44 and the one in Killeen Texas served about 2000 people.
11:48 So we're very excited about that.
11:49 Additionally, ASI has partnered with the world church
11:53 to continue to conduct global evangelism.
11:56 And this year, using the New Beginnings Bible series,
12:00 Bible study series developed by ASI,
12:03 conducted meetings in Rwanda
12:05 which resulted in 100,000 baptisms.
12:09 And this effort is going to continue over the next year.
12:12 Next year 20,000 meetings are planned in eastern Africa,
12:16 whereby several more thousands are scheduled to,
12:20 or we're praying that they will be baptized.
12:24 And so we're very excited about that.
12:26 And GYC, on behalf of ASI, would like to invite
12:29 all of you to return right here to Houston in August
12:33 of this year for the ASI National Convention.
12:36 We look forward to seeing you here.
12:38 Thank you. Amen, amen.
12:39 Thank you so much.
12:41 Wonderful things are happening in your ministry.
12:43 Our second ministry is American Christian Ministries
12:46 being represented by Jonathan Cherne.
12:48 This is an audio and literature ministry that is
12:50 preserving messages from past and present,
12:53 and making them accessible across different platforms
12:56 for listeners today.
12:57 Can you tell us what's happening in your ministry?
12:59 Yes, it's amazing what God is doing at
13:02 American Christian Ministries.
13:05 Some of you might know the ministry as
13:06 American Cassette Ministries.
13:10 It was founded in 1975 when the founder was like,
13:15 why aren't the Adventist messages being recorded?
13:19 And so he started going to camp meetings and recording
13:22 these messages so that they can be preserved
13:25 for us today.
13:27 And those were originally on cassettes.
13:28 But recently God has provided funding to put all these online
13:33 for free and on an app so that you can have them on your phone
13:38 and listen to them wherever you are.
13:40 As well, people around the world can listen to it
13:42 wherever they are.
13:45 People like H.M.S. Richards, Joe Crews;
13:48 these timeless messages.
13:50 And so even though cassettes might not be anymore,
13:53 and these speakers might not be anymore, but God has
13:56 preserved the message for us to listen to today.
14:00 Thank you so much.
14:02 Wonderful things are happening.
14:04 Our next ministry is called, Mission 365,
14:07 which is a General Conference initiative
14:09 that's related to the Total Membership Involvement.
14:12 We have Eric Isaiah and Elder Duane Mckey.
14:14 Tell us, how is God using your ministry?
14:16 Well, this past week we know that there was a GLOW
14:19 mission trip that passed out over one million GLOW tracks.
14:22 It's amazing, right?
14:24 And we thought about it, and we thought, what if there was a way
14:28 that we could actually get, this upcoming year, we could get
14:31 one billion pieces of literature out
14:34 to people in the communities.
14:36 And you're thinking, "Wow, that would be about like a thousand
14:39 GLOW mission trips."
14:40 It's actually a lot simpler than that.
14:42 We can summarize it in three words.
14:44 Total member involvement.
14:47 It's an initiative the General Conference started out called,
14:51 Mission 365.
14:53 And this initiative is really simple.
14:55 If they could get every single member to simply pass out
14:58 literature every day in the year 2017,
15:02 we could reach out to all these people.
15:05 If we could get them to pass out just one tract,
15:08 the vision basically is to pass out one tract every day,
15:11 we could reach a billion souls for the kingdom of heaven.
15:15 Amazing, right?
15:16 Now you thought, we think, "Well, how would we be
15:18 able to track something like this?
15:19 What would we be able to do to see how many people we reach?"
15:22 We decided to come up with this app called, The Mission 365 app.
15:26 You can download it in the app store.
15:28 And this app is still under construction,
15:30 but there's going to be some updates coming very, very soon
15:32 that will make this a really cool tool
15:34 to update how many tracts you get out this upcoming year.
15:38 You'll also be able to share testimonies with
15:40 the world church and all the other people participating
15:43 in this initiative.
15:44 Now we have here with us Elder Duane McKey.
15:46 He's from the General Conference.
15:48 Why don't you tell us what happened a couple of weeks ago
15:51 with all the world church leaders.
15:53 Actually it was in October, October 8th.
15:55 We had General Conference people coming from
15:57 all over the world for year-end meetings.
15:59 And we also had young people coming from Columbia Union,
16:02 Pacific Union, Souls West, and they taught
16:05 the General Conference executive committee,
16:07 division presidents, how to witness
16:08 and pass out GLOW tracts.
16:10 We knocked on doors.
16:12 We actually, all of us, went out and knocked on doors
16:14 on a Sabbath afternoon and invited people
16:16 to read the GLOW tracts and also had prayer with them.
16:19 What a blessing that was for the General Conference committee.
16:21 The first time in the history of the church.
16:23 Thanks you. Amen.
16:25 I encourage you all to get involved with this ministry.
16:27 Thank you so much for sharing.
16:30 Our next ministry is from the Middle East
16:34 and North African Union.
16:35 This is my friend, Elizabeth.
16:37 Please share what is happening.
16:39 So one day I was sitting in my house in the Middle East
16:42 North Africa region, and there was a knock on the door.
16:45 There was a lady there, she was my English student.
16:47 And I hadn't seen her for four months.
16:50 Four months before, her husband had left her with
16:53 four small children.
16:55 And providentially, by God's grace, she came to my house
16:59 and knocked on the door a week before my husband and I
17:02 were moving to another country in the Middle East
17:04 North Africa region.
17:05 I asked her, "How are you doing?"
17:08 And she just looked sad.
17:09 And I was like, "Come in, please sit down with me.
17:11 Let's talk."
17:13 And as I was talking with her, God impressed me to tell her,
17:17 "God loves you."
17:20 How many of you guys know that God loves you?
17:23 Amen.
17:25 But I am here to tell you that in the Middle East
17:26 North Africa region, 500 million people there,
17:30 they do not know that God loves them.
17:32 As I said these words to her, tears began to come down
17:36 her cheeks and she let me pray with her.
17:39 And by the end of our conversation she had joy,
17:42 she had peace from God and Jesus Christ.
17:45 The Bible says in Isaiah 59:10 that without Jesus Christ
17:49 we are as dead men in desolate places.
17:53 And there are millions of people just like this woman
17:56 in the Middle East North Africa region
17:58 that are as dead people in desolate places.
18:01 But Jesus Christ wants to be their Savior.
18:03 And then when He comes into their lives
18:05 they arise and shine, for their light has come,
18:08 and they're an instrument to reach other people.
18:11 But guys, there are hardly any Seventh-day Adventists
18:15 in the Middle East North Africa region.
18:17 We need people to share the gospel message
18:20 with these lovely people.
18:22 Two ways that people can go into this region is
18:24 as an academic missionary, a Waldensian student,
18:27 and as a tent maker.
18:29 What that is, is you get a job in a secular organization
18:32 in any profession; business, teaching, music,
18:34 artist, computer science, and share Jesus.
18:37 If you would like to learn more, if God is calling you,
18:40 come by our booth; it's 501.
18:44 It's very, very, very powerful.
18:45 Thank you so much for sharing.
18:48 Our next ministry is the Middle East University,
18:51 which is based in Lebanon and it was founded in 1939.
18:55 Here we have Dr. George Jackson
18:56 who is a faculty member there.
18:58 Can you please tell us how God is working
19:00 through this university?
19:01 Yes, it all started with a mission trip about
19:03 four years ago when I went to do health ministry in Lebanon.
19:07 And after several years I ended up moving there.
19:11 And now I'm the chair of the health sciences,
19:13 or the dean of the faculty of arts and sciences.
19:16 And we're starting a pre-med program there
19:18 at Middle East University.
19:19 You know, it changed my life.
19:21 I'm a different person.
19:23 Going to the Middle East, I've never felt the
19:26 power of God work in such a remarkable way
19:28 as it did when we were working with the many
19:30 refugee people and doing the health ministry.
19:33 Now on campus it's my home, the country is my home.
19:36 And we have opportunities on our campus.
19:39 Our students want Christian friends.
19:41 They want Adventists, solid Adventists,
19:43 that they can learn about our Adventist world view
19:45 and all our truths.
19:48 And we have many wonderful witnessing opportunities,
19:51 mission opportunities, just outside our gates.
19:54 Just within two kilometers of our campus we have Iraqi
19:57 and Syrian refugees.
19:59 And I sat in an Iraqi's refugee's house
20:04 and she told me the story of what happened.
20:06 Many of these people have left everything behind;
20:09 houses, cars, furniture, and they fled with their lives.
20:13 And now many of them are coming to our local Adventist church
20:15 down the hill, and we have many opportunities to go
20:18 and minister to these people.
20:20 What we need are Adventist committed GYC people
20:26 willing to come and help us.
20:28 It is such an overwhelming ministry there
20:30 in the Middle East.
20:31 They can come and they can study for a year,
20:33 they can take classes and they can transfer back.
20:35 We have a list of Iraqi refugees that need visiting.
20:39 There's health expos and mission trips
20:41 in the region we'll be doing.
20:42 So if you want to be overwhelmed by the power of God
20:45 in your life, come to the Middle East.
20:48 It will change your life, like it did me.
20:50 Praise God.
20:51 Praise God for Middle East University.
20:52 Thank you so much for sharing.
20:55 Our next ministry is called, F5, which stands for,
20:58 Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Fun, and Fortitude.
21:01 Here we have Elisa Harboldt to represent the ministry.
21:05 - What is happening? - Thanks, Shauna.
21:07 So I want you to close your eyes for just a second
21:10 and imagine two things.
21:12 First, you weight 429 pounds.
21:16 And second, you just lost your entire family.
21:19 Okay, open your eyes.
21:21 That didn't feel very good, did it?
21:23 Well that's the situation that my friend, John, was in
21:25 earlier this year.
21:27 He had lost his health, he lost his wife and his kids,
21:29 and he was very discouraged.
21:31 So discouraged, in fact, that he had decided to leave the church.
21:33 But thankfully someone from our church invited him
21:36 to the F5 challenge.
21:38 Well what's the F5 challenge?
21:39 So as Adventist we're known for eating healthy, right?
21:43 And that's important, it's a big part of our health message.
21:45 Our ministry is excited about promoting fitness
21:48 and physical activity within our church.
21:51 But not just promoting it, but providing activities
21:55 where Adventist young people can come together
21:57 for adventures, to camp, to hike, to climb rocks,
22:01 to worship together, and also to invite people
22:04 who might not know Jesus.
22:05 So John got invited to this.
22:07 And he trained all summer for it.
22:09 He lost 50 pounds.
22:11 And he came in October to the Grand Canyon,
22:13 which is our kickoff event, and he hiked
22:15 from rim to rim, to rim, in the Grand Canyon, which is 48 miles.
22:19 But more exciting than that, John got his hope back
22:22 and he's now actively involved in his church.
22:24 So that's the power of the health message.
22:26 Second story, Calvin on our F5 team met a girl
22:30 named Lily in the airport.
22:32 Now Lily wasn't interested in God at all,
22:34 but she likes triathlons.
22:35 So they connected and became Facebook friends.
22:37 And she saw when Calvin posted about the Arizona event.
22:40 She sent him an email, "Hey Calvin, I'm not religious,
22:43 but can I come?"
22:45 So we're excited about the health message, one, because
22:49 as we follow God's health principles it helps us to
22:51 become more fully alive; and two, because in the process
22:56 we have this beautiful opportunity to be able to share
22:58 Jesus with people that we might not be able to otherwise.
23:01 Amen.
23:02 I have friends that were involved in that Grand Canyon
23:04 trip and it was an incredible experience for them.
23:08 Our next ministry is GYC Guatemala,
23:12 which is our newest GYC affiliate.
23:14 And here to represent them is David Paño.
23:16 Please tell us the exciting things that are
23:18 happening in Guatemala.
23:19 Well last year three young people from Guatemala
23:22 came to Louisville, Kentucky and they experienced GYC.
23:26 They went back to their room and they started praying.
23:28 They said, "Lord, we want GYC in Guatemala."
23:32 And they started making plans.
23:33 And this year, December 8th, is when they had
23:36 the first GYC in Guatemala.
23:38 And when they made plans, they were expecting
23:41 250 young people to show up.
23:44 But the registration was going to cost $100.
23:48 And for Guatemala, that was a lot of money.
23:50 A lot of people told them,
23:52 "You know, you're not going to get even 50."
23:54 The day came and there were 450 young people
23:58 in Guatemala worshiping God.
24:01 And it was beautiful to see this enthusiasm
24:06 with these young people.
24:07 That Saturday afternoon they went and they did outreach.
24:11 And Sunday they went and made stoves for the natives
24:15 in the local areas, in the rural areas.
24:18 So it was beautiful to see the work that
24:21 has been done over there.
24:22 And I was talking with a young lady, and I asked her,
24:26 "How did this weekend impact your life?"
24:29 And she said, "David, I went to the seminars,
24:31 I listened to the sermons."
24:34 And she said, "Now I want to be a missionary in my life."
24:37 So as she experienced that experience with Jesus,
24:41 many others as well.
24:43 Amen, amen.
24:45 Praise God for GYC Guatemala.
24:47 Our final ministry is the Hope Channel.
24:50 I'm sure all of you are very familiar with this.
24:52 This is the Seventh-day Adventist television network.
24:54 And here we have Derek Morris who is the president
24:57 of Hope Channel.
24:58 Tell us how God is working through the Hope Channel.
25:01 Thank you so much. Good evening, everyone.
25:03 It's been such a blessing for my wife and I to meet
25:06 so many of you and to know you are watching Hope Sabbath School
25:10 interactive Bible study.
25:11 But this morning I met three young people
25:14 from Stoney Brook University, New York.
25:16 They're here at GYC.
25:19 Munifa, Emile, and Frances.
25:23 And they are downloading the outline of Hope Sabbath School
25:27 and leading an interactive Bible study on Friday night
25:31 at their campus.
25:32 - Someone say amen. - Amen.
25:34 You see, God doesn't just want us to learn the Word,
25:36 God wants us to share the Word.
25:38 Amen?
25:40 And so I want to encourage you to go to
25:42 Learn about the Word of God, but also take the resources
25:46 and share them so that next GYC we can have some more people
25:49 here who have come to know Jesus.
25:51 - God bless you. - Amen.
25:53 The ministries that you've heard from this evening,
25:56 they've only scratched the surface.
25:57 So I encourage you all to keep them in prayer
25:59 and to also consider doing ministry yourself.
26:23 When I saw what laid before me,
26:31 Lord, I cried, "What will You do?"
26:40 I thought He would just remove it,
26:47 but He gently led me through.
26:55 Without fire there's no refining;
27:03 without pain, no relief;
27:10 without flood there's no rescue;
27:17 without testing, no belief.
27:28 Through the fire,
27:35 through the flood,
27:40 through the water,
27:46 through the blood.
27:52 Through the dry and barren places,
28:03 through life's dense and maddening mazes.
28:14 Through the pain and through the glory,
28:25 Through it all we'll tell the story
28:35 of our God whose power and mercy
28:47 will not fail
28:59 to take us through.
29:25 Happy Sabbath, GYC.
29:28 How are you doing today?
29:30 Are you blessed?
29:31 Praise the Lord.
29:33 Through the blood and through the water
29:35 is how we receive salvation.
29:37 I was asked to present to you in a brief time
29:40 why I believe in righteousness by faith.
29:44 If I had all weekend long, it wouldn't be enough time
29:46 to cover the signs of salvation that will be the
29:49 occupation of God's redeemed throughout eternity.
29:52 But my prayer is that through this presentation
29:55 you will catch a glimpse of God's glory
29:58 and it will encourage you to engage more
30:00 in the signs of salvation and finding out how God
30:03 deals with humanity.
30:04 What is righteousness by faith?
30:07 Let's briefly dissect this term.
30:10 What is righteousness?
30:12 Righteousness is right doing.
30:15 Righteousness is all that is morally right
30:18 to be, think, and do.
30:19 Righteousness is defined by God, His being, His character.
30:24 Righteousness is being in perfect harmony with God
30:28 in intentions, thoughts, words, and acts.
30:31 Righteousness is holiness.
30:34 It is constant voluntary agreement with God
30:38 and obedience to Him, His will, and His law,
30:41 motivated by love.
30:43 Jesus is righteousness.
30:46 What is faith?
30:48 Faith is believing God with unwavering trust,
30:52 no matter the circumstances or feelings.
30:55 Faith can grow from little weak faith
30:58 to the perfect faith of Jesus.
31:00 Faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
31:03 the conviction of things not seen.
31:05 Faith is making Christ the only door to enter
31:09 into the kingdom of heaven.
31:11 Faith is the condition which God has given to pardon sinners.
31:17 What then is righteousness by faith?
31:20 Righteousness by faith is being accounted righteous
31:24 in the eyes of God, perfect in harmony with God,
31:27 His character, and His law, on the simple condition
31:31 of believing that very status to be a reality to me
31:36 through Christ alone.
31:37 Righteousness by faith becomes a sinners experience
31:41 through the acceptance of the unmerited loving grace of God
31:45 that declares him righteous and transforms his character
31:48 into Christ's likeness.
31:50 Righteousness by faith is justification, sanctification,
31:54 and glorification of a lost sinner
31:56 through Christ's merits and blood alone.
31:59 Righteousness by faith is accepting the robe
32:02 that covers and welcoming the grace and power that transforms.
32:07 Righteousness by faith is constant surrender
32:10 of self, motivated by love, and continually receiving
32:14 God's will and grace and power.
32:17 Righteousness by faith is the imputed acceptance with God
32:21 and the imparted obedience to God gifted to us
32:25 on the basis of His love and Christ's perfect life,
32:28 and sacrifice, and ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary.
32:31 Righteousness by faith is letting Christ
32:35 do the humanly unachievable in me.
32:40 How is this possible?
32:42 When God speaks, reality exists.
32:47 When God speaks, reality is created.
32:50 John 3:16 says whoever believes in Jesus
32:53 shall have everlasting life.
32:55 Because God Himself said so.
32:57 Because if I believe in it, this becomes a reality for me.
33:01 I am saved because I believe, because I agree,
33:04 because I have faith, because I trust God
33:07 and His Word, and blood, and righteousness.
33:10 The promise in Matthew 5 is, if you hunger and thirst
33:13 for righteousness, you will be filled.
33:15 Not, you may be filled, you might be filled.
33:18 It says you will be filled.
33:20 I believe it.
33:21 That means I will be filled.
33:23 Hebrews 7:25 says that God is able to save to the uttermost.
33:28 Not halfway, but fully.
33:30 I believe it; so it is so.
33:32 Righteousness by faith is believing God all the time.
33:36 It is taking His word and His promises as they read
33:40 and accepting His power to be sufficient to save
33:44 and to lead me on the path of everlasting life.
33:47 In all of this, there's nothing in my own power,
33:51 nothing I can do that pays in any way
33:55 for the gift of salvation.
33:56 It is received freely based purely on God's love
34:00 and what Christ has done and is doing.
34:04 The experience of salvation can be described then
34:06 in the following way:
34:08 I am a sinner.
34:10 The Holy Spirit reveals to me my sinfulness, my unworthiness,
34:15 by reflecting my character in the light of the law.
34:18 I see sin and all its ugliness
34:21 and my incapability to be freed from it in my own power.
34:24 Then He shows me the loveliness
34:26 and the love and beauty of Christ
34:29 as revealed in all His dealings,
34:30 and especially in Gethsemane and Calvary.
34:34 I see and believe and accept His promise to save and forgive.
34:38 With nothing to pay for it I cast myself fully upon Christ
34:42 who graciously gives repentance, forgiveness, and justification.
34:46 Now I am a child of God, cleansed from past sins,
34:50 justified, and a partaker of the divine nature.
34:54 As I continually behold God, His love, beauty, and truth,
34:57 I joyfully surrender moment by moment,
35:00 empowered by His Holy Spirit to do right,
35:03 growing through Christ in me, the hope of glory.
35:07 Then duty becomes a delight and sacrifice, pleasure.
35:12 When in my weakness I stumble and fall,
35:15 I have the assurance of His faithfulness and forgiveness
35:17 as I confess and repent.
35:19 Striving for excellence in my walk with Christ,
35:22 giving my best, desiring not to sin,
35:25 and shunning evil; those are God given desires and goals.
35:29 But none of them pay in any way for my salvation.
35:33 Rather, they are the natural result, the natural outcome of
35:36 Christ's work in me to will and do of His good pleasure
35:40 so that I may never boast in anything except in the cross
35:44 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
35:45 Righteousness by faith is the righteousness of Christ
35:48 imputed and imparted to us.
35:51 The imputed righteousness or justification, the pardon,
35:55 is mine through faith in God.
35:57 The imparted righteousness or sanctification is mine
36:01 through faith in God.
36:02 He gives the gift of surrender
36:04 and the gift and the power of the Holy Spirit.
36:06 He gives grace to joyfully obey and overcome sin.
36:11 The promise and hope we all have is summarized
36:14 in this statement in, Desire of Ages, page 664.
36:18 "Jesus revealed no qualities and exercised no powers
36:22 that man may not have through faith in Him.
36:26 His perfect humanity is that which all His followers
36:30 may possess if they will be in subjection to God as He was."
36:34 Absolute surrender is possible through faith in Jesus.
36:40 The Bible is full of
36:41 righteousness by faith illustrations.
36:43 The fiery serpents in the desert.
36:46 Snakes crawling up your legs biting you,
36:48 infusing poison in your body.
36:51 A symbol for Satan and sin.
36:53 Killing people left and right.
36:55 The solution: look at the uplifted serpent,
36:58 look at Christ crucified, and live.
37:03 Look away from self and sin,
37:04 and look at Jesus who became sin for us.
37:07 The lost son, with nothing but a crippled weak faith
37:10 returns back to his father and is joyfully accepted
37:14 into his home and treated as if he had never left.
37:17 Peter walking on water.
37:19 When all confidence in self is lost, with his eyes
37:22 fixed upon Jesus, Peter is guided and empowered,
37:26 doing the impossible by faith in Christ.
37:29 So why do I believe in righteousness by faith?
37:32 I believe in righteousness by faith because I believe in the
37:35 loving God of the Bible who created the universe
37:38 in which freedom of choice and trust are the means used
37:42 to secure eternal peace, love, and life.
37:46 I believe in righteousness by faith because it is the only
37:49 way for sinners like me to be freed from sin and its power,
37:53 to be reinstalled into the society of heaven,
37:56 and to glorify God.
37:57 And I believe in righteousness by faith
37:59 because I believe in Jesus, because I love Jesus,
38:02 and because I need Jesus.
38:04 And Jesus is my only hope, my only way.
38:07 He is my King of kings, my Lord of lords.
38:09 He is my righteousness.
38:13 Without Him, there is complete failure.
38:16 But with Him, there is complete victory.
38:19 Nothing in my hand I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling.
38:25 Amen.
38:30 Happy Sabbath, GYC.
38:33 Blessings are already starting to pour in for GYC.
38:38 Remember I lifted up a book last night?
38:41 I forgot to tell you it's free.
38:44 And there's only limited copies of this.
38:47 So there's only like 1500 copies and there's like 3000 of you.
38:52 So when you go out, go out slowly.
38:55 There's a table waiting for you, and there will be
38:58 books waiting for you.
38:59 And if you have already read the book, give it to somebody else.
39:03 You might be wondering why I'm wearing these
39:05 traditional clothes tonight.
39:09 I'm representing the countries in Asia
39:12 that are inspired by GYC.
39:14 Last November I spoke at the Indonesia,
39:18 no not Indonesia, India youth conference.
39:21 And it's so inspiring to see a lot of young people who are
39:24 inspired by the spirit of GYC.
39:26 And it's not just happening in India.
39:28 Also in Asia: Indonesia; in Jakarta, Sulawesi, Bali.
39:33 In the Philippines; Philippine Youth for Christ.
39:36 And also in Malaysia; Sabah Youth for Christ.
39:39 And there are some representatives here.
39:41 God has been blessing this group of young people
39:44 who have been coming together and being on their knees.
39:47 And tonight I'll be sharing with you something,
39:50 no, my friends will be sharing something about the things that
39:53 God has done to them.
39:55 And take note, every morning we go here in this
40:00 convention center at 6:00 to pray.
40:03 And all the while I thought that when I come before 5:30
40:07 that I'd be the first person in the prayer room.
40:10 But lo and behold, I was only the third person
40:13 in the prayer room.
40:14 And the first person was this guy.
40:17 My friend Joel, tell me, what happened?
40:20 Well I had a pretty tough night and the Holy Spirit
40:23 reminded me that the prayer room was open.
40:26 So I went.
40:27 And when I went in there God convicted me,
40:30 "Start praising Me about My character."
40:32 And I started praying to God.
40:34 And all of a sudden, everything that I had been studying
40:38 for the past couple of weeks just started melding together,
40:42 and I saw God in a new way.
40:44 And I just realized, and I started crying,
40:47 that it was so easy with the Holy Spirit there.
40:51 And I realized that I should be praying
40:53 even more for the Holy Spirit.
40:55 That room was saturated with the Holy Spirit.
40:57 And every morning we've been there it's been so powerful.
41:00 And I realized that this is the key to our lives.
41:04 And I recommend everyone, please go, because
41:07 your lives will be changed.
41:09 Thank you so much, brother.
41:10 And you know what?
41:12 As a missionary, I appreciate the labor and the things
41:17 that you do for the people who are unreached.
41:19 And with this being said, at 9:30 tonight
41:22 in the booth, Jesus For Asia, 603,
41:25 we will be praying for the unreached.
41:27 Amen. Yes.
41:29 And the next person who will be sharing tonight,
41:32 she is just an infant in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
41:36 She got baptized in June this year.
41:39 Natasha, tell us about your story in the prayer room.
41:42 Thanks. So my walk with God has been a real journey.
41:45 And in the last couple of months I've really felt convicted
41:48 by God about the importance of prayer, both personal prayer,
41:51 but also united prayer.
41:53 And back home in our small group ministry we've started
41:56 doing united prayer and seeing the power of God
41:59 move in ways that just blow your mind.
42:02 So coming to GYC and looking at the opportunity
42:05 for united prayer, I was really excited
42:07 to be able to get involved.
42:09 And coming to the prayer meeting on Thursday morning
42:13 I expected the presence of God to be there,
42:16 but not like the way He actually was.
42:18 There were so many people there.
42:20 And I mean, even an hour went by in the blink of an eye.
42:22 Two hours today went by without even thinking about it.
42:26 And it wasn't, there was nothing that was boring,
42:28 there was nothing that was an effort.
42:30 It was just being completely humbled
42:32 at the foot of the cross.
42:33 And to be completely in the presence of Jesus
42:36 was an absolutely inspiring moment
42:38 and something that I would highly recommend.
42:41 That if anyone here, I would highly recommend
42:44 wherever you are, if you've known Jesus your entire life,
42:46 if you met Him yesterday, that you should be there
42:48 in the prayer meeting.
42:50 For me, this has been the highlight of GYC,
42:52 to be able to just be completely humbled in the presence of God.
42:55 And I would highly recommend it.
42:57 That it's been...
42:58 If you're not sure, if you'd even question that Jesus
43:02 may not be real, be there tomorrow at six o'clock.
43:05 Trust me, He'll show you His presence.
43:08 Amen. Wow!
43:10 So if you will miss the highlight, it's so sad.
43:14 Do not miss the highlight, my dear friends.
43:17 This morning when we started at 6:00,
43:19 more or less there were 200 people who were there.
43:22 And the experience was amazing.
43:24 Don't let GYC pass by and not visit the prayer room.
43:28 I remember a few months ago when we had
43:31 Philippine Youth for Christ, at 5:00 am,
43:35 all the while I thought that there'd not be much
43:38 people who will come.
43:39 But lo and behold, 400 young people came
43:43 at 5:00 in the morning, my dear friends.
43:45 And at that conference we had felt
43:50 the presence of the Holy Spirit.
43:51 Some of the speakers told me, "Gem, I've never been
43:54 to a place where you could sense the thickness
43:58 of the presence of the Holy Spirit."
44:01 And I was reminded of the powerful quote from,
44:04 Central Advance, February 25, 1903.
44:07 It says here, "The power given..."
44:10 What power is this?
44:11 This is the power of the Holy Spirit.
44:13 "The power given will be proportionate
44:15 to the unity of the members and their love for God,
44:19 and their love for one another."
44:21 How much power do we want to see being poured out
44:25 in our time right now?
44:27 It depends upon our unity.
44:29 It depends upon our corporate humility before God.
44:32 Our love for God and our love for one another.
44:35 My dear friends, as we separate into three's or two's
44:40 tonight, let us continue to intercede for one another.
44:43 Let us pray for one another.
44:45 And there's a prayer request.
44:47 A daughter of a missionary from AFM, a three year old daughter,
44:52 has had a stroke.
44:54 So please keep her in your prayer.
44:55 We don't want to say the names, but just lift up
44:58 this situation, and lift up one another.
45:01 And we'll spend one minute in prayer.
45:15 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary;
45:23 pure and holy, tried and true.
45:32 With thanksgiving I'll be a living
45:41 sanctuary for You.
45:56 Into my heart, into my heart,
46:03 come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
46:13 Come in today, come in to stay;
46:24 come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
46:34 Prepare our hearts, dear Father, for the blessings that You're
46:37 about to pour upon us this Sabbath day.
46:40 We pray this in the loving name of Your Son Jesus.
46:43 Amen.


Revised 2017-10-16