Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Thu. Evening Plenary: -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jason Sliger


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000005A

00:34 It's my privilege tonight to introduce to you
00:37 and to pray for the speaker tonight.
00:40 I was also asked to share a few words about him.
00:45 I could tell you that he was born in Ohio,
00:47 that he moved to England at the age of thirteen,
00:51 but that's not the most interesting thing.
00:54 I could tell you that he went to Washington Hills Academy,
00:59 that he went to Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism,
01:03 but that's not the most important thing.
01:05 I could tell you that he worked as a Bible worker
01:07 for four years,
01:09 Amazing Facts evangelist for eight years,
01:12 is currently employed as a pastor in Michigan,
01:15 but that's not the most important thing.
01:17 I could tell you he's married and has three children.
01:22 That's not the most important thing.
01:23 I could tell you that his wife and my wife are sisters,
01:25 so we're kind of family,
01:29 that I was his best man and he was my best man,
01:32 but that's not really that interesting
01:34 or important.
01:37 The most important thing I could tell you
01:39 is that after knowing him for 25 years,
01:44 traveling together, working together,
01:48 staying in the same house together,
01:50 having fun together,
01:54 that I've seen him go from being a rebellious teenager,
01:57 like I was, to a genuine, Christian, godly man.
02:05 That he has taken this appointment tonight seriously,
02:09 that he has spent much time in prayer,
02:11 much time in study, and that I know God
02:14 will use him tonight.
02:17 So I'd like to invite you to bow your heads
02:20 as we pray for the preacher tonight.
02:24 Father in heaven, we thank You that tonight we have the
02:28 privilege to hear Your Word.
02:30 Tonight, Lord, I pray for the preacher, that You be
02:34 with Pastor Jason Sliger.
02:37 I pray, Lord, that You may use him as You have
02:41 done in the past.
02:43 But Lord, we ask and pray that You would use him
02:46 more mightily than You have ever used him before.
02:50 I pray, Lord, that tonight we would know that we have
02:54 spent time with You.
02:56 Use Your manservant tonight.
02:58 Fill him, Lord, we pray with Your Holy Spirit.
03:02 That he will speak with boldness, with power,
03:06 with humility, and the love of Christ.
03:09 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
03:38 O Lord, You are my God and my King,
03:44 and I will always bless Your holy name.
03:51 Singing alleluia. Alleluia.
03:58 Alleluia. Alleluia.
04:09 Upon Your wonders, Lord, my mind shall dwell,
04:16 and of Your greatness I will surely tell.
04:23 Singing alleluia. Alleluia.
04:30 Alleluia. Alleluia.
04:38 Lord I will exalt Your name each and every day.
04:45 You fill my heart with joy more than I can say.
04:52 Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia.
05:03 O Lord, You are my God and my King,
05:11 and I will always bless Your holy name.
05:17 Singing alleluia. Alleluia.
05:23 Alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia.
05:32 Alleluia. Alleluia.
05:41 Alleluia.
06:01 Good evening, everyone.
06:04 I trust that the Lord blessed you today, amen?
06:07 What a blessing it is to be at GYC.
06:10 I know that the Lord has a blessing in store
06:12 for each one of us, and I'm glad that I can be part
06:16 of that blessing with you this evening.
06:19 We are here to study the Word of God.
06:21 And so I'm going to invite you to bow your heads with me
06:24 as we start with a brief word of prayer.
06:34 Loving Father in heaven, we Thank You, Lord,
06:39 that we can come into Your presence tonight
06:44 with our Bibles in our hands, knowing that we serve a
06:49 God who wants to speak to us.
06:53 And Lord, that's all we ask for tonight.
06:57 Send Your Holy Spirit.
07:00 Thank You, Lord.
07:02 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
07:11 I want you to imagine with me tonight
07:14 that everybody here in this room represents
07:20 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
07:23 So all of us here this evening represent
07:28 the over 19 million members of our church.
07:35 Now what I want you to do is quickly look to the person
07:40 on your left-hand side.
07:42 Okay, good.
07:44 Now look to the person on your right-hand side.
07:47 Okay, great.
07:48 Now look to the person next to the person on your left.
07:53 Got that?
07:56 Okay.
07:59 According to a study that was done of over 18,000
08:04 Seventh-day Adventist young people,
08:10 only one in the four of you in your group;
08:14 yourself and the three other people that you just looked at,
08:18 believe in a distinctive doctrine of the
08:21 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:23 Only one in four of you
08:26 would believe in that distinctive doctrine.
08:30 According to this study, one in four Seventh-day Adventist
08:35 young people believe in the doctrine
08:41 of the investigative judgment.
08:46 One in four Seventh-day Adventist young people,
08:50 according to this study, believe in the distinctive
08:53 doctrine of the investigative judgment.
08:59 Now that's particularly alarming in light of some
09:02 advice and counsel that we have from the pen of inspiration
09:07 in the book, Great Controversy, page 488,
09:11 where the servant of the Lord says,
09:13 "The subject of the Sanctuary and the investigative judgment
09:20 should be clearly understood by the people of God."
09:25 What should be clearly understood?
09:27 The understanding of the Sanctuary
09:29 and the investigative judgment.
09:31 She goes on and she says this, "All need a knowledge..."
09:35 How many need a knowledge?
09:37 "All need a knowledge for themselves of the position
09:42 and work of their great High Priest."
09:46 Yet studies reveal only one in four Seventh-day Adventist
09:51 young people believe in the doctrine
09:53 of the investigative judgment.
09:55 There is a loss of their identity.
10:00 I'll be quick to say, though, that many of these people
10:03 probably have not cognitively or willing rejected that doctrine,
10:08 but most of them have probably not been educated
10:12 on this wonderful truth.
10:14 Perhaps they didn't learn it when they had their
10:16 baptismal class, or their Sabbath school class,
10:20 or in class in school, or something like that.
10:23 They are not willingly ignorant, I might say.
10:27 Perhaps some of you here this evening know people
10:29 who have left this great denomination
10:32 because of this teaching.
10:34 Maybe you yourself have grappled with its biblical
10:37 significance in your own life.
10:40 And this evening I want to share with you that I believe
10:44 unequivocally that the doctrine of the investigative judgment
10:48 is biblical.
10:55 Where did this doctrine come from?
10:58 Was it something that just was conjured up in the minds of
11:02 early advent believers in an attempt to cover over the
11:07 seeming mistake of the great disappointment
11:11 of October 22, 1844?
11:14 Where did this doctrine of the investigative
11:15 judgment come from?
11:17 Is it something that came from the pen of Ellen White
11:21 and is a doctrine of hers?
11:23 Perhaps the reason why this has been rejected
11:27 is because it is a doctrine of Ellen White and not a
11:31 doctrine of God's Word.
11:33 Again, I submit to you tonight from my personal study...
11:37 And I'm not suggesting that you take my study
11:39 as your study.
11:41 But from my personal study, I believe unequivocally
11:45 that the doctrine of the investigative judgment
11:48 is biblical.
11:49 Amen?
11:50 There's no question about it in my mind.
11:54 Coming in as fundamental belief number 24,
11:56 the doctrine of the investigative judgment
11:58 formed the foundation of our faith since the mid 1800's
12:03 with the genesis of the term, "investigative judgment,"
12:07 first being used in 1856 by an Adventist evangelist
12:12 by the name of Elon Everts.
12:14 Shortly after that, about a month later,
12:17 James White adopted the same term.
12:20 And it became a very common theological expression
12:23 that you and I are familiar with today.
12:27 Yet history reveals that the birth of this doctrine
12:31 of the investigative judgment came out of much work.
12:35 It was a long laborious process.
12:38 Over 13 years of study, and Bible study, and prayer,
12:43 that finally led to the conclusion of what you and I
12:47 believe today according to Scripture to be
12:49 the doctrine of the investigative judgment.
12:52 Now in order for this doctrine to exist,
12:56 from a historical standpoint, there were four biblical facts
13:02 that were discovered along the way.
13:05 As the early advent believers studied the Word of God,
13:09 there were four biblical facts that they discovered
13:13 in their journey that ultimately led to the conclusion
13:17 of the investigative judgment.
13:18 You can kind of think of it like a car.
13:22 A car needs to have four wheels in order for it to be able to
13:26 move in an appropriate direction given that it has
13:29 all of the other equipment.
13:31 The doctrine of the investigative judgment
13:33 needed these four biblical facts to move it
13:37 forward, if you will.
13:38 And tonight I want to just quickly go over these
13:42 four biblical facts that have formed the foundation
13:46 of the investigative judgment.
13:50 The first biblical fact, for those of you that are
13:52 taking notes, is the fact of the heavenly Sanctuary
13:57 in heaven.
13:59 The day after the great disappointment of
14:02 October 22, 1844, God began to give the early advent believers
14:09 an understanding of what had just taken place.
14:14 Dear Jesus obviously did not come as they had
14:18 expected Him to on October 22, 1844,
14:22 which ultimately led to this great disappointment.
14:26 Obviously you know one of the reasons that led
14:29 to the disappointment was the commonly held belief
14:32 that the earth was the Sanctuary.
14:35 And that on October 22, 1844 Jesus would come and purify
14:41 the earth by fire at His second appearing.
14:47 However, the very next day after Jesus did not return,
14:52 God came to a man who just the day before
14:56 had wept and wept until the day dawned
15:00 and gave him a word of encouragement that help lead
15:04 the discouraged flock into what it is today.
15:09 You've probably heard of this man.
15:11 His name was Hiram Edson.
15:13 And as Hiram Edson on October 23, 1844,
15:18 the day after, him and a friend of his, Owen Crosier,
15:22 were walking through a corn field on their way
15:26 to go speak some words of encouragement
15:28 to the disappointed flock.
15:32 According to the history, as Edson was going through this
15:35 corn field, he was hit with the realization
15:39 that the Sanctuary and the cleansing of it wasn't the earth
15:43 but it was the Sanctuary in heaven.
15:46 In fact, in Hiram Edson's own words, he says,
15:50 "The Sanctuary I saw is in heaven.
15:53 And Jesus entered yesterday upon the work of cleansing it."
15:58 This was the first theological concept
16:01 that would help form ultimately the doctrine
16:04 of the investigative judgment.
16:07 This doctrine was fundamental, it was ground breaking,
16:11 it was ultimately a paradigm shift for the
16:15 early advent believers.
16:17 For before this, they believed the Sanctuary was the earth.
16:20 The paradigm shift from the earth to the
16:23 Sanctuary in the heavens.
16:25 In a special sense we could actually say that the
16:30 Seventh-day Adventist Church was born in that corn field.
16:36 That's how fundamental this understanding of the
16:39 heavenly Sanctuary was.
16:43 Biblical fact number two was the teaching or the understanding
16:48 of the two compartment ministry of Jesus
16:51 in the heavenly Sanctuary.
16:54 Sitting around a round table a couple of days after this
16:59 experience in the corn field, Hiram Edson, Owen Crosier,
17:07 and another friend by the name of Dr. F. B. Hahn
17:11 were there with their Bibles open, two copies of the
17:15 Cruden's Concordance, and a mess of Millerite material.
17:21 As they began to pour themselves over the study
17:23 of God's Word to get a better understanding
17:26 of this new found belief or this new found understanding
17:30 of the Sanctuary being the Sanctuary in heaven.
17:33 As they poured themselves over Scripture,
17:35 they came over some fascinating passages
17:37 such as Hebrews chapter 8 and chapter 9.
17:40 And as they began to go through these Bible passages,
17:43 prayerfully studying them, gaining a deeper understanding
17:47 of this Sanctuary in heaven, they began to understand
17:51 that if they wanted to understand what Jesus was
17:53 doing in the heavenly Sanctuary, they needed to go back and
17:56 look at what happened in the earthly Sanctuary.
17:59 For the earthly was a reflection of the heavenly.
18:05 As they began to read the books of Moses,
18:08 it did not take them long, these three lay Bible scholars,
18:13 to come to the understanding that with the earthly Sanctuary
18:19 there was two compartments in the Sanctuary;
18:21 the Holy and the Most Holy.
18:23 Of course, there was the court place too.
18:24 But the Holy and the Most Holy.
18:26 And in the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place,
18:28 there were two services; the daily and the yearly.
18:33 And as they began to delve into the daily and yearly services
18:36 and what the significance of those two services were,
18:40 it began to give them a broader understanding
18:43 of the ministry of Jesus in heaven.
18:46 Because as Seventh-day Adventists, we know
18:50 what Jesus is doing in heaven.
18:51 Would you say amen?
18:54 So as they study their Bibles, they came to the realization
18:57 that from the ascension of Jesus to October 22, 1844
19:02 Jesus was doing His work in the Holy Place
19:05 of the heavenly Sanctuary; doing the work of forgiveness.
19:08 But on October 22, 1844, He shifted His ministry
19:13 from the Holy to the Most Holy, and began this work
19:16 of purification of the heavenly Sanctuary.
19:21 Now this was a significant finding.
19:22 For if you understand that many evangelical churches,
19:26 they mainly focus on, not the ministry that we understand,
19:31 but rather what Jesus has done in the court place.
19:35 Now we believe in the sacrifice of Jesus.
19:38 We understand the significance of the cross
19:40 and what happened there.
19:42 But many evangelicals stop there.
19:44 But Seventh-day Adventists who are biblical follow Jesus
19:49 from the courtyard into the Holy Place.
19:51 And then they follow Jesus from the Holy Place
19:54 into the Most Holy Place.
19:55 Would you say amen?
19:57 So as Seventh-day Adventists, we have a broader understanding
20:00 of the ministry of Jesus, praise the Lord,
20:03 based off of the study of these godly men.
20:07 So the first biblical fact that they learned was
20:10 the understanding of the heavenly Sanctuary.
20:13 The second biblical fact was the understanding of the
20:16 two phased ministry in the Holy and the Most Holy.
20:20 The third biblical fact that they came to,
20:23 or the third biblical fact that they gained an understanding of
20:27 was the understanding of the blotting out of sins.
20:31 The blotting out of sins.
20:33 In February of 1846, Owen Crosier was approached
20:42 by his two friends, F. B. Hahn and Hiram Edson.
20:47 Owen was a gifted writer, and so they asked him,
20:51 "Listen, we've been studying the Bible for quite some time.
20:55 We've gained a deep understanding.
20:57 And now it's time to write this stuff out
20:59 and to get it out there.
21:02 So they asked Owen to begin to write down their findings
21:05 in an article that would be published in a small publication
21:10 called, The Day-Star.
21:12 And Owen Crosier took their advice and he
21:16 wrote this article out.
21:18 Now it's a lengthy article.
21:19 We don't have time to go into all that.
21:21 You can go back and dig it up in your study.
21:23 And it's well worth your read.
21:25 But in that article, he made a fascinating connection
21:30 between the earthly Sanctuary's two phase ministry
21:34 in the Holy and the Most Holy and that connection and
21:37 application to what is happening in the heavenly Sanctuary.
21:41 And this is what Owen Crosier said in his article
21:44 in, The Day-Star.
21:45 He said, "The atonement which the priest made for the people
21:49 in connection with the daily ministration was different
21:53 from that made on the tenth day of the seventh month."
21:56 Or on the Day of Atonement.
21:59 "The first, or the daily service, was made for the
22:03 forgiveness of sins.
22:06 The second, or the latter, for the blotting of them out."
22:13 So Owen came to this connection that the
22:15 first phase ministry of Jesus in the Holy Place
22:19 was the ministry of forgiving people of their sins.
22:22 But when Jesus moved from the Holy into the Most Holy,
22:26 He began the work of blotting sins out,
22:29 of cleansing the Sanctuary of sin.
22:33 That was a pivotal understanding in the development
22:37 of the investigative judgment doctrine.
22:41 Now it so happened that it appears like Ellen White
22:44 was either on their mailing list or somehow she got a copy
22:48 of Crosier's article.
22:50 And when she read it, the historical account is
22:53 that she was thrilled by what she heard Crosier say.
22:57 She was excited as she read the writing of Crosier.
23:01 Her visions that she received confirmed Crosier's findings
23:09 that he wrote about the heavenly Sanctuary.
23:12 Now it's important to note here that Owen Crosier,
23:15 F. B. Hahn, and Hiram Edson did not know about
23:19 Ellen White's visions at this point.
23:21 At this point, it was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears
23:24 pouring over the Bible, pouring over the Cruden's Concordance,
23:27 and obviously spending a lot of time in prayer.
23:34 Later, after Ellen White read this article by Crosier,
23:38 this is what she said:
23:39 In, Word to the Little Flock, page 12, she said,
23:45 "The Lord showed me in vision...that Brother Crosier
23:49 had the true light..."
23:51 What did he have?
23:53 Does God lead His people in the study of His Word?
23:56 Come on now.
23:58 Does God lead His people in the study of His Word?
24:00 Amen. Amen.
24:03 "The Lord showed me in vision...that Brother Crosier
24:06 had the true light on the cleansing of the Sanctuary,
24:09 and that it was His will," God's will, "that Brother C."
24:15 or Brother Crosier, "should write out the view which
24:19 he gave us in the Day-Star, Extra, February 7, 1846."
24:24 Listen to this:
24:25 Ellen White says, "I feel fully authorized by the Lord
24:30 to recommend that Extra to every saint."
24:37 Full endorsement of what Crosier wrote in that article.
24:42 Now, the doctrine of the blotting out of sins
24:46 in the heavenly Sanctuary was another truth,
24:48 it was one of the four truths, that lead to the ultimate
24:51 conclusion of the investigative judgment.
24:55 But at this point they still did not quite connect
25:00 their findings with the judgment.
25:02 The Lord was still leading them, the Lord was still guiding them
25:05 in their study of the Word of God.
25:08 But they still had not made that connection.
25:10 In fact, it wasn't for another seven years
25:15 until they finally made the definitive connection
25:18 with what they had studied being connected with the judgment.
25:23 In fact, it's interesting, in 1845 history shows that
25:29 William Miller actually made the connection.
25:33 But most of the early advent believers
25:35 missed that connection.
25:38 It wasn't until years later that J. N. Loughborough,
25:42 the great historian, made the connection.
25:44 And this was the connection:
25:46 Two key passages that we understand as
25:48 Seventh-day Adventists.
25:49 In fact, you've got them rooted and grounded
25:51 in your long-term memory.
25:53 You and I, as Adventists today, we take it for granted
25:58 the knowledge that we have in our mind.
26:00 But that knowledge that we have today came out of many
26:05 hours of Bible study and prayer.
26:07 And we should treasure the knowledge that we have.
26:10 That was a weak, "amen."
26:13 Come on now.
26:15 Amen? Amen.
26:18 Two Bible passages.
26:20 This is the two Bible passages.
26:25 Daniel 8:14
26:29 "Unto two thousand and three hundred days,
26:31 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
26:33 See, you've got it in there.
26:35 Revelation 14:7, "The hour of His..."
26:42 What? " come."
26:45 It took years for the early advent believers
26:49 to make the connection that the cleansing of the Sanctuary
26:52 in Daniel 8:14 and the hour of God's judgment
26:56 in Revelation 14:7 is talking about the same exact event.
27:02 It took years of Bible study.
27:04 The fourth biblical fact was the fact of the judgment.
27:10 And when they finally had all of these pieces
27:13 and these ingredients put together, they were able to
27:16 come to the conclusion that on October 22, 1844
27:21 Jesus entered in to the work of the investigative judgment.
27:27 It was a long process that led to this conclusion.
27:31 This brief analysis of the history of the development
27:36 of this doctrine...
27:39 I don't want you to miss this point.
27:41 ...came out of much Bible study and prayer.
27:44 Where did it come from?
27:46 Much Bible study...
27:48 Years of Bible study and prayer.
27:52 Pouring themselves over Scripture.
27:54 Listen, today we are lazy when it comes
27:58 to studying God's Word.
27:59 These brothers and sisters back in the day,
28:01 they would spend countless hours.
28:04 And they didn't have the fancy equipment that we have today.
28:06 They didn't have the computer.
28:09 They weren't able to do a word search,
28:11 and all that kind of stuff.
28:12 All they had was the Bible, and the Cruden's Concordance,
28:15 and the Holy Spirit.
28:16 And that's all you need to study God's Word.
28:19 Come on now.
28:24 I don't want you to miss this point.
28:27 The doctrine of the investigative judgment
28:29 was birthed out of Bible study.
28:32 The doctrine of the investigative judgment...
28:34 If you forget everything that I've said this evening,
28:37 don't forget this.
28:39 The doctrine of the investigative judgment
28:41 is not a doctrine of Ellen G. White.
28:47 Ellen White teaches it, Ellen White writes about it,
28:50 and Ellen White believed in it.
28:52 But it was not a doctrine of Ellen White.
28:57 The doctrine of the investigative judgment
28:59 is a doctrine of Scripture.
29:04 And tonight I submit to you again that this doctrine is
29:09 one hundred percent biblical.
29:14 And if anybody tells you that it is a doctrine of Ellen White,
29:18 they are misinformed and they are leading
29:21 you in the wrong direction.
29:22 And that is not the spirit that we want to
29:24 follow as God's people.
29:28 Now tonight I want to take just a few moments
29:30 to quickly share with you from Scripture
29:33 how this doctrine is biblical.
29:36 And for that I want you to quickly turn with me
29:37 in your Bibles to the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12.
29:45 Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
29:49 Again, this is another passage that we have rooted
29:52 in our minds, in our long-term memory.
29:56 The Bible says this, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14,
29:59 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
30:04 Fear God, and keep his commandments;
30:08 for this is the whole duty of man."
30:10 You cannot miss the connection with the
30:11 first angel's message there.
30:14 Verse 14, "For God shall bring every work into judgment,
30:20 with every secret thing, whether it be good
30:24 or whether it be evil."
30:25 Will there come a time that God will judge?
30:28 Yes or no?
30:30 You can't deny it.
30:31 Scripture says that God is going to judge our works,
30:35 whether they're good or whether they're evil.
30:37 They will be brought into this time of judgment.
30:40 There is no question about it that the Bible teaches
30:43 a judgment that is to come.
30:45 And by virtue of a judgment,
30:48 there must exist an investigation.
30:52 Have you ever heard of a court case that had no investigation?
30:57 By its very existence the concept of a judgment,
31:01 by its very existence there is an investigation
31:04 into the evidence so that a decision can be made.
31:07 So when the Bible introduces this idea of a judgment,
31:10 it's already assumed that there's going to be
31:13 an investigation into the evidence.
31:15 And Solomon tells us what the evidence is.
31:18 The good and the bad works.
31:23 I want to pose to you two questions tonight.
31:26 I'm going to do my best to answer them
31:27 in the time that I have.
31:30 Two questions.
31:32 When does the investigative judgment take place?
31:38 And who is the investigative judgment for?
31:41 For the first one, I invite you to turn with me in your Bibles
31:43 to the book of Daniel.
31:47 Daniel the 7th chapter.
31:48 The case for a pre-advent investigative judgment
31:51 is anchored in our chronological understanding
31:53 of the book of Daniel.
31:55 You can't get around it.
31:57 You have to have the book of Daniel.
31:58 The book of Daniel just reveals to us
32:01 when it happens and how it happens.
32:06 Now as you're turning there, you know that Daniel chapter 7,
32:09 the first part of it we're very familiar with.
32:11 You've heard it in evangelistic series multiple times.
32:14 You have this succession of earthly kingdoms.
32:17 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, division of Europe,
32:21 and then the Papacy.
32:23 But it's what happens after that which often times
32:26 is not really elaborated on.
32:28 And that's where we want to take a look at in our study tonight.
32:31 Daniel chapter 7 beginning in verse 9,
32:35 this is the part that's of interest to us tonight.
32:39 Daniel says this...
32:44 "I beheld till the thrones were cast down..."
32:47 Some translations say, "put in place."
32:50 "...and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was
32:54 white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool.
32:59 His throne was like a fiery flame, and his wheels
33:03 as burning fire.
33:04 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.
33:09 Thousand thousands ministered unto him,
33:12 and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.
33:15 The judgment was set, and the books were opened."
33:21 Now notice what it says in verse 13.
33:22 "And I saw in the night visions, and behold,
33:25 one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven,
33:29 and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought
33:33 him near before him."
33:39 In Daniel chapter 7, there is a sequence
33:43 that is repeated three times.
33:46 And if you're not familiar with the terminology
33:48 and what's going on there, you might miss that sequence.
33:52 And that sequence is critical to understand
33:55 to the understanding of the investigative judgment.
33:58 The sequence that is repeated three times
34:01 is this: fourth beast, ten horns, little horn, judgment.
34:10 Fourth beast, ten horns, little horn, judgment.
34:16 Fourth beast, ten horns, little horn, judgment.
34:21 Did you catch it? Yes or no?
34:23 That sequence is repeated three times in Daniel chapter 7.
34:28 Don't take my word for it.
34:30 Go back and check it out for yourself.
34:32 It is there.
34:33 Three times Daniel goes through that.
34:35 And he does it for a reason.
34:36 Because he's trying to help us see in point of time
34:40 when the investigative judgment or when this judgment
34:43 that he talks about would take place.
34:45 And according to Daniel's sequence, the judgment
34:48 in heaven would take place after what?
34:55 After the little horn.
34:59 Did you catch the sequence?
35:02 Fourth beast, ten horns, little horn, judgment.
35:08 So the judgment, according to Daniel,
35:09 according to the sequence, would happen sometime after
35:14 the arise of the little horn.
35:16 But the great thing is, Daniel doesn't just leave us
35:18 hanging there.
35:20 He gives us more information.
35:21 He hedges it in a little bit more for us so that we can
35:25 better identify when this thing would happen.
35:28 And that happens in the third sequence
35:31 in Daniel 7:26.
35:34 This is what Daniel says.
35:35 He says, "But the judgment shall sit..."
35:38 The judgment what?
35:40 Will sit.
35:42 "...and they shall take away his," or the little horn,
35:47 the antichrist, "dominion, to consume
35:51 and to destroy it unto the end."
35:53 So now what Daniel does is he says, "Listen, not only
35:56 is the judgment happening after the arise of the little horn,"
36:00 but now he tells us that it's going to happen
36:03 before its demise.
36:06 So he says the judgment happens after the arise
36:09 of the little horn but before its demise.
36:13 Did you catch that?
36:14 It happens before the arise of the little horn...
36:18 Or after the arise of the little horn, but before its demise.
36:22 Now according to Paul's writings in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2,
36:27 Paul tells us when it is that the little horn
36:30 will be destroyed.
36:32 Notice this, just jot it down in your notes real quickly here,
36:35 2 Thessalonians 2:8
36:36 This Bible says this, "And then shall that Wicked,"
36:40 or the man of sin, the antichrist, "be revealed,
36:43 whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth,
36:47 and shall destroy..."
36:49 Finish it for me.
36:51 "...with the brightness of his coming."
36:54 What do we call His coming?
36:56 The second coming.
36:57 So Paul really narrows it down for us.
37:00 And as we compare these two passages of Daniel 7 and
37:03 Paul's writings in 2 Thessalonians,
37:05 we conclude that the judgment in Daniel 7
37:08 would happen after the arise of the antichrist
37:11 but before the second coming of Jesus.
37:14 Therefore, the judgment in Daniel 7
37:17 is a pre-advent judgment.
37:21 Come on, somebody say amen.
37:23 Listen, we don't follow cunningly devised fables.
37:26 We don't listen to the teachings of men.
37:28 If you don't understand this, Ellen White tells us
37:32 everybody should have a clear understanding
37:34 of the investigative judgment.
37:37 And if you don't have a good understanding of it,
37:39 I appeal to you tonight, when you get home
37:42 make it your study.
37:45 Because this is what's going on in heaven right now.
37:55 I don't want you to miss something here in Daniel 7.
37:56 It's easy to go over it.
38:00 But the other thing that Daniel mentions here
38:04 is that there will be books that will be opened.
38:08 Everything that anybody has ever said or done
38:11 will be reviewed in this time of great judgment.
38:16 And that should give you some pause to think about
38:18 as you are reflecting upon the study here this evening.
38:23 Now as I've mentioned tonight, we've seen in Daniel 7 that the
38:27 judgment happens after the rise of the antichrist
38:29 but before the second coming.
38:31 But it's in Daniel chapter 8 that we're really able to
38:33 pinpoint when this thing happens.
38:35 And I've got a chart, they're going to flash it
38:36 up on the screen here for you tonight.
38:38 You can take a picture of it with your smartphone
38:39 and go back and study it.
38:41 Listen, we need to be Bereans here and go back
38:43 and study this stuff for ourself.
38:44 Not just because some presenter at GYC has said these things.
38:48 We need to have this in our own minds and understand it.
38:51 But as you compare Daniel 7 with Daniel 8,
38:55 you will find that again Daniel is following
38:58 the same sequence of events that he already
39:01 talked about in Daniel chapter 7.
39:02 He's repeating it again in Daniel chapter 8.
39:05 He's doing this method of what we call, repeat and enlarge.
39:08 He repeats what he said and then he enlarges upon it
39:11 in Daniel chapter 8.
39:13 So what we find is that in Daniel 7 there's the
39:17 lion, the bear, the leopard, the dragon, the ten horns,
39:19 the little horn, and then the judgment.
39:21 In Daniel 8 you have the ram, the goat, the little horn,
39:24 or Rome, and then the little horn again, which is the Papacy,
39:27 and then the cleansing of the Sanctuary.
39:28 As you compare these two chapters, you've got to
39:31 go at this yourself and hammer it out
39:33 so that it's clear in your mind.
39:34 But as you compare these two chapters, what you find
39:37 is that the judgment in Daniel chapter 7 in heaven
39:40 is the same as the cleansing of the Sanctuary in Daniel 8.
39:45 It's the same thing.
39:47 And from that we can pinpoint when that judgment
39:50 would take place.
39:52 And we don't have time to go into that tonight,
39:53 but there are lots of great Bible studies
39:55 that you can take or that you can look at
39:57 that go through the 2300 days.
40:00 I must hasten on.
40:02 The second question I want to pose to you tonight is this:
40:05 Who is the pre-advent judgment for?
40:10 Who is the pre-advent investigative judgment for?
40:15 Critics of the investigative judgment will say this:
40:17 "There's no need for the investigative judgment
40:20 because God knows everything."
40:24 God is omniscient.
40:26 He knows all things.
40:27 He knows the end from the beginning.
40:29 He knows all the decisions that people are going to make;
40:32 who's going to be saved and who's going to be lost.
40:34 If God is omniscient, why is there a need
40:39 for an investigative judgment.
40:40 What's the point in it anyways?
40:43 Now I don't think any Bible believing Seventh-day Adventist
40:46 would argue with the fact that God is omniscient.
40:48 God does know everything.
40:49 So what is it for?
40:51 What's the purpose of the investigative judgment?
40:53 Now there is a number of text we could go to,
40:56 but we're already in Daniel 7.
40:58 And I just want to use what we've already looked at
40:59 to answer this question.
41:01 As we look at the judgment in Daniel 7,
41:04 we find that the Bible describes who is there.
41:07 We have the Ancient of Days, God the Father Himself,
41:10 we have the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, who is there,
41:13 and then we have this great throng of heavenly beings.
41:18 Ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.
41:21 Now we already know God is omniscient.
41:23 We already know that Jesus is omniscient.
41:25 But I'm here to tell you this evening that the angels are not.
41:31 The angels are not omniscient.
41:33 And during the investigative judgment
41:35 God is revealing to them why He made the decisions that He made.
41:41 He's showing them the records of why He has chosen
41:47 certain individuals to be saved based on the evidence,
41:50 not arbitrarily, but based on their evidence,
41:53 and why others have been lost.
41:58 And this is why we have statements like this
42:00 in Revelation 3:5 where the Bible says,
42:02 "And he that overcometh, the same shall be
42:06 clothed in white raiment;
42:07 and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life..."
42:10 Listen to this, "...but I will confess his name before
42:13 my Father, and before the angels."
42:18 Luke 12:8, Jesus says this:
42:21 "Also I say unto you, whosoever shall confess
42:24 me before men, him shall the Son of man also
42:27 confess before the angels of God."
42:33 The investigative judgment does not decide who will be
42:36 saved or who will be lost.
42:38 The investigative judgment reveals why God made
42:41 the decisions that He made.
42:44 Listen to me carefully.
42:48 God has to show these heavenly beings
42:53 that there is a group of people in Houston, Texas
42:59 who have been so thoroughly transformed into His image
43:04 that although they at one point were infected with sin
43:09 they have so much the atmosphere of heaven in them
43:14 that they are safe to bring into the kingdom of heaven.
43:20 God has to show...
43:21 Listen, the angels are not interested in seeing
43:24 Lucifer's story repeated again.
43:28 And they want to see us saved just as much as
43:30 God wants to see us saved.
43:32 But God wants them to be convinced that yes there are
43:37 young people in Houston, Texas who are so serious and dedicated
43:42 to God that they are like Enoch.
43:44 They walk with God day after day.
43:47 They live in the presence of God.
43:49 They live for Him, they breathe for Him,
43:53 they work for Him.
43:55 Everything in their life is revolving around God
43:58 and His soon coming.
44:00 And God wants to show the angels that these people
44:03 are safe to take into heaven without tarnishing
44:07 the atmosphere of heaven.
44:10 The question is, will I be one of them?
44:22 The decision on behalf of the dead has already taken place.
44:30 When man dies, his destiny is already decided.
44:35 But for those of us that are still alive,
44:39 that destiny is yet to be made.
44:44 It's unequivocal.
44:47 The Bible tells us in Acts 17:31 that God has appointed a day
44:55 in which He will judge the world.
45:02 And that includes you.
45:04 And that includes me.
45:07 God has appointed a time in which He will
45:11 judge the world.
45:14 And Peter brings it home even more.
45:17 In 1 Peter 4:17 he says, "For the time is come
45:22 that judgment must begin at the house of God."
45:28 Every man, every woman, every boy, every girl,
45:31 rich, poor, free, bond, everybody who's ever existed
45:36 in this world who has professed the name of Jesus
45:40 is the house of God.
45:43 And the Bible tells us that judgment will start with them.
45:46 God reached back into the recesses of history
45:50 and started with the very first man at the beginning of
45:54 the investigative judgment in October 22, 1844.
45:57 And since then, it has progressed through time.
46:01 And we know not when it will switch from the judgment
46:04 of the dead to the judgment of the living.
46:07 And that, my young friends, should give you
46:10 pause in your life.
46:19 It was 1821, there was a young man by the name of Charles
46:26 who landed a job in a law office.
46:30 He wanted to be a lawyer.
46:32 He was getting training how to do that.
46:35 And one morning Charles was in this law office
46:39 before anybody arrived for work that day.
46:41 He was there alone sorting out his papers.
46:48 And as he was sitting there in the quietness
46:50 of his office, the Lord started speaking to him
46:55 and asking him some questions.
46:58 "Charles, what are you going to do after your training?
47:02 What are you going to do after your schooling?"
47:06 He said, "Well, I suppose I'll start my own law office
47:09 and start practicing law."
47:12 "And then what?"
47:14 "Well I suppose I'll make a lot of money and get rich."
47:19 "And then what?"
47:21 "Well I guess I'll retire and enjoy my wealth."
47:24 Sounds like today's society, doesn't it?
47:28 "And then what?"
47:31 "I suppose I'll die."
47:36 "And then what?"
47:38 And it hit him like a lightning bolt.
47:41 And then the judgment.
47:46 Instantly, texts flashed through his mind from his childhood
47:51 that "it is appointed unto man once to die,
47:55 and afterwards the judgment."
48:00 Instantly, Charles leapt out of his chair.
48:03 He ran out of the front door of his law office,
48:05 and he ran down the road for half a mile
48:08 until he found a grove of trees.
48:10 And there he went into that grove of trees
48:13 and he had it out with God.
48:15 He knelt down on his knees and he was determined
48:18 that he would not leave until he had peace with his Creator.
48:24 After the long struggle, that evening Charles
48:29 found that peace.
48:31 He surrendered his will to God.
48:35 He came out of that grove of trees a different man.
48:40 Not ambitious after worldly fame and wealth and prosperity,
48:46 but ambitious to be a servant of God.
48:54 Charles went into that grove a lawyer.
49:01 After a day of prayer and wrestling with God,
49:06 he came out of that grove the mighty evangelist and revivalist
49:12 who served the Lord for 50 years; Charles Finney.
49:19 Leading untold multitudes of people to the Lord
49:24 and to Jesus to give their hearts to Him.
49:29 He went into that grove a lawyer.
49:31 He came out of that grove a worker for God.
49:34 And brothers and sisters, I want to tell you tonight,
49:36 you might do well to go into a grove of woods
49:39 and have it out with the Lord for a day in prayer.
49:42 God might change the entire trajectory of your life.
49:46 You might think you're going in this direction,
49:49 and God says, "No, I don't want you to go that direction.
49:52 This is the way I want you to go.
49:53 Yeah, you want to get wealthy, you want your education,
49:57 you want all the fame, all the popularity,
49:59 all that kind of stuff.
50:00 Yes you want that, but I have something better for you.
50:04 Yes you want wealth here on this earth,
50:06 but I want you to lay up treasures in heaven.
50:08 where moth does not corrupt and where thieves do not
50:11 break through and steal."
50:14 You might do well to have it out with the Lord
50:16 in the grove of woods sometime.
50:19 Because He might change the course of your life.
50:22 And your life may never be the same.
50:29 Maybe when you think about the judgment,
50:33 you tremble at the thought
50:38 that, "Everything that I've ever done,
50:40 everything that I've ever said,
50:42 everything that I've ever thought
50:45 is documented in heaven."
50:52 We don't like to feel uncomfortable.
50:55 And so we tend to push these kinds of thoughts
50:57 out of our mind, and we keep ourself busy doing other things.
51:00 Even ministry.
51:03 As long as we can soothe that mind.
51:06 But I want to take you tonight and the next two nights,
51:09 and I want you to look right into the investigative judgment.
51:17 The Bible tells us about a man who, when he heard about
51:21 the judgment, he trembled.
51:23 You've heard about him.
51:24 Paul, in the book of Acts, was standing before this
51:29 mighty man, Felix.
51:32 And the Bible tells us in Acts 24:25 that as Paul
51:36 reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment
51:40 to come, Felix trembled.
51:46 Now here's the amazing thing to me about this Bible passage.
51:50 Felix trembled at the thought of a future judgment.
51:56 Yet you and I today are living in the hour of God's judgment.
52:01 It is not future anymore.
52:03 It is current.
52:04 And we would do well to think about that.
52:09 Trembled, the Bible says.
52:12 And he told Paul, he said, "Go thy way for this time.
52:16 When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee."
52:25 Inspiration tells us in the book, Acts of the Apostles,
52:28 that Felix never was to receive another call from God.
52:38 We're not guaranteed tomorrow, but we do have right now.
52:44 And God is wanting to reach into the depths of your heart
52:50 and get you ready for His soon coming.
52:56 He wants to change your life
52:59 so that it is a reflection of Him.
53:03 Today, right now as we speak, in the kingdom of heaven
53:08 names are being accepted and names are being rejected.
53:12 Is it a reality to you that one day in the heavenly court
53:17 there will be some angelic being who will pick up the
53:21 books of record and they will leaf through the pages
53:25 that are written about you?
53:28 That one day some angelic being, some heavenly messenger
53:33 will form on their lips the name of you.
53:39 That your name will reverberate through the courts of heaven.
53:43 How will it be when your name rings
53:46 through the courts of heaven?
53:48 What will be seen, what will be heard,
53:51 what will be observed about your life
53:56 that you have created?
53:59 This has to become a reality to us.
54:02 This is not a future thing, brothers and sisters.
54:05 This is not something that we've got time to gamble with.
54:08 The time is running short.
54:11 Jesus wants to finish this thing up, and He wants to use you
54:16 to help finish it.
54:19 So I ask you tonight...
54:21 Or maybe, rather, we can say this:
54:25 Maybe as you have listened to the message
54:28 you realize that you are not ready
54:32 for the investigative judgment.
54:35 Have it out with the Lord in prayer.
54:37 "God, what is Your will for my life?
54:39 I want this way, but I want Your way.
54:42 What is Your will for me?"
54:43 Don't follow Felix's example and wait
54:46 for a more convenient season.
54:47 The devil is happy when you put things to the side and say,
54:50 "I'll do it later."
54:52 Because he knows that later never comes.
54:56 The more we put it off, the more we push it away,
54:59 the less that conviction is there.
55:02 Tonight you're saying, "I'm not ready
55:03 for the investigative judgment.
55:05 I know that, in the depth of my heart,
55:07 I know I'm not ready for it."
55:08 Listen, as I prepared these messages,
55:10 I had to get on my knees and weep at the feet of Jesus.
55:14 I would go on long walks in my prayer time
55:17 and say, "Father, I can't do this.
55:20 This is too big.
55:21 The stakes are too high."
55:28 Have it out with God in prayer.
55:32 Tonight you're saying in the depths of your heart,
55:35 "I'm not ready for it.
55:36 But by God's strength, I'm willing to let Him do
55:41 whatever it takes to prepare me for it."
55:44 Is that fair?
55:47 If that's your desire, I'm going to ask you to
55:48 stand tonight with me.
55:50 Just let the Lord know.
55:51 If it's not your desire, don't stand up.
55:53 Don't just do this because everybody else is doing it.
55:57 But you're saying tonight before God, before the
56:01 heavenly intelligences, and before the fellow attendees
56:05 here at GYC, "I want to be ready when the courts of heaven
56:11 ring with my name.
56:14 I want the angels to look at the books of record
56:17 and see that I have the character of God in my life.
56:22 That I've been transformed into His image."
56:26 Let's pray.
56:27 Father in heaven, oh God, my heart is heavy,
56:38 for the work is great.
56:41 Not only is there a work without,
56:45 but there's a great work that needs to be done within.
56:50 And oh Lord, tonight we stand before You on our feet,
56:55 not because we can, but because we recognize
57:01 that in our humanness we're not ready.
57:08 But Lord, deep in our hearts we have a passionate desire
57:15 to be ready.
57:17 And Father, if that means we need to find a quiet place
57:22 and clear our schedule for a day,
57:25 to weep at the feet of Jesus and ask for peace,
57:31 may that be the case.
57:33 And may we be willing to make whatever sacrifice
57:35 that may need to be made to achieve that.
57:40 Oh Lord, help us.
57:44 For we cannot do it on our own.
57:47 Thank You, Jesus.
57:49 Thank You, Jesus.
57:52 Thank You, Jesus, for hearing and answering this prayer.
57:58 For we pray it in the almighty and all powerful name of Jesus.
58:05 Amen.


Revised 2017-03-27