Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Thu. Morning Plenary: Human Trafficking

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alex Niculaescu


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000003A

00:40 All is well, all is well,
00:49 angels and men rejoice;
00:59 for tonight darkness fell
01:08 into the dawn of love's light.
01:17 Sing alle,
01:21 sing alleluia.
01:31 All is well, all is well,
01:40 let there be peace on earth.
01:49 Christ is come; go and tell
01:58 that He is in the manger.
02:07 Sing alle,
02:11 sing alleluia.
02:21 All is well, all is well,
02:30 lift up your voice and sing.
02:39 Born is now Emmanuel,
02:49 born is our Lord and Savior.
02:57 Sing alleluia.
03:02 Sing alleluia.
03:11 All is well.
03:31 Hello, GYC.
03:34 I'd ask you all how you are, but you'd probably all
03:36 give me different answers.
03:39 It's good to be here.
03:40 I'm very, very honored.
03:42 A bit nervous. There's quite a lot of you here.
03:44 I've never spoken before so many people before.
03:47 There we go, that's a little bit better.
03:49 Now you're all one person, one large person.
03:51 Like the body of Christ should be.
03:54 Alright.
03:56 So today's topic, Human Trafficking.
04:01 I don't know how much you guys know about it,
04:03 but I was asked to speak to you about human trafficking,
04:08 about my testimony, about prayer,
04:11 and about the investigative judgment;
04:12 and I've got 49 minutes.
04:16 There were some things I was going to leave out,
04:18 and I was going to basically just focus on the testimony
04:20 just because the amount of time that we have,
04:23 but in all honesty I don't think that you'd be able to
04:26 truly understand the gravity and the enormity
04:31 of what we call human trafficking
04:33 without including some parts.
04:34 So I've written them down so that I can, for sake of brevity,
04:37 read through it real quick.
04:40 I want to warn you...
04:44 ...human trafficking is not a pretty subject.
04:46 So we are going to talk about some, I guess you could say,
04:48 more mature subject matter.
04:50 If you get uncomfortable about those kinds of things,
04:52 I won't feel offended.
04:53 I know it's not on the heart of everyone.
04:55 It's a bit difficult for some people to swallow.
04:58 But I would also like to ask for forgiveness.
05:02 If anybody in here knows who I am and I've offended
05:04 you in any way, then please forgive me.
05:08 Because I cannot bring my gift before the altar
05:10 until I've made it good.
05:12 And so I pray that you would do that.
05:14 I'd like to begin with the definition of human trafficking.
05:17 Human trafficking often times is associated
05:20 with just trafficking; moving of persons
05:23 from one place to another.
05:24 When I talk about it, people generally assume
05:27 that it's, "Oh, some people coming from Thailand or Europe
05:30 or Africa to America being prostituted and whatnot."
05:33 I'm not talking about that.
05:35 Human trafficking often times is used as an umbrella term,
05:39 but in reality what I'm talking about is modern day slavery.
05:43 And I want to give you a definition of what slavery is.
05:46 At its core, it is the exploitation of another
05:50 person's vulnerability for the sake of one's own profit.
05:55 If we think about what that means, ultimately you and I
05:59 can be traffickers, because we do that to each other.
06:03 There are vulnerabilities that we see in other people,
06:05 and sometimes we just want to take advantage of it
06:08 to get our own way.
06:10 We are all capable of being human traffickers.
06:15 We're all capable of peddling lies or peddling each other.
06:20 But what we're talking about today is that principle,
06:24 but at the higher level.
06:26 Slavery in the modern day world.
06:30 If you'd bow your heads with me, I'd like to open
06:32 with a word of prayer.
06:37 Father, Lord You are our Father.
06:42 And sometimes I wonder how it is that You see us, Your children,
06:47 and what it is that we do to each other.
06:50 How it must break Your heart, not only what we do
06:53 to each other, but often times those who are nearest to You
06:56 neglect to help those that are in need.
07:00 Lord, I pray that You would open up our hearts,
07:02 that You would open up our minds, to see
07:06 how it truly plays out in the great controversy,
07:08 this idea of slavery.
07:10 And how You, oh Lord, the God of the exodus,
07:14 Christ on the cross, all the examples that You've given us
07:18 of how You've come to set us free,
07:21 to deliver us, oh Lord, from slavery.
07:23 How You also want to make us abolitionists;
07:27 redeemer, oh Lord, of those who are lost.
07:31 I pray, Lord, that You would give us wisdom, that You would
07:33 give me, oh Lord, the words to say.
07:35 There's a lot I could say, but I pray, Lord, that You would
07:37 give me what I should say.
07:39 I thank You, Lord, for Your goodness,
07:40 for the answering of this prayer.
07:42 May Your Holy Spirit be upon us.
07:43 For we ask it in the name of Jesus, amen.
07:47 Well my last request before we start is, I want you guys
07:52 not to draw quick conclusions.
07:54 There's a tendency, when we talk about a subject
07:56 that is so great, that it's very difficult for me
07:59 to kind of reduce it.
08:01 So there's a lot of aspects that exists, but we're not
08:05 going to really discuss them.
08:06 I'm going to focus on a very, very, very small window.
08:09 I'm going to do the best that I can to give you a general view,
08:12 but most of it is going to be how I believe God has
08:15 called us to answer the problem.
08:18 If you have more questions about what the problem looks like,
08:21 find me and I'll tell you.
08:23 But I believe that the most important part is for us
08:26 to know how God answers this problem.
08:30 I'd like to begin with a quick story.
08:33 There were two Australians and they were in London.
08:37 And they were at a bar, at a pub, getting drunk.
08:40 And they came out late at night drunk, stammering,
08:42 falling all over themselves.
08:44 And they walked up to a gentleman and they said,
08:46 "Excuse me, sir, do you know where we are?"
08:49 And the man, he was a very decorated naval officer,
08:51 he felt offended that these drunk men came to him
08:54 and asked him for directions.
08:56 And he said, "Do you know who I am?"
09:00 In response, one of the drunk Australians turned to his friend
09:03 and said, "We're in trouble now.
09:04 We don't know where we are and he doesn't know who he is."
09:11 The main thing is identity.
09:14 We laugh at it, but we struggle with it.
09:17 We don't know who we are.
09:20 If we did, we'd fight in a very different way.
09:26 Because who we are is dependent, not on what we do,
09:29 but who we belong to.
09:31 Who we are is a hundred percent dependent on whose we are.
09:37 And we were His, we'd fight like Him.
09:44 I'd like to read some notes that I wrote real quickly,
09:51 just to kind of give an overview of the great controversy.
09:55 Terms that we've discussed of exploitation and vulnerability.
10:00 It all began in heaven with a glorious angel who had
10:02 turned his strength into his greatest weakness.
10:05 Namely, his wisdom and beauty.
10:06 Ezekiel 28:17 says, "Thine heart was lifted up
10:10 because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom
10:13 by reason of thy brightness."
10:15 But listen well, for it says,
10:17 "Thou hast corrupted thy wisdom..."
10:19 This mystery of iniquity is that no one created his
10:22 vulnerability but he himself.
10:25 And no one set to exploit him but he himself.
10:28 He created his own vulnerability and exploited it.
10:31 It can be at times that our greatest blessings,
10:33 we can turn them into our greatest curses.
10:36 And that which was meant for our benefit,
10:38 wrongly received, causes our greatest fall.
10:41 As Lucifer began to fuel a false aggrandizement of himself,
10:46 he began to place his Creator on a lower plain
10:48 and himself on a higher one.
10:50 And thus began his belief in himself to be who he was not,
10:53 and his Maker to be who He was not.
10:56 The corruption of his wisdom grew ever greater
10:59 until a simple fracture in his thoughts became a fissure,
11:02 and a fissure became a great divide.
11:05 Because angels had never experienced anything other than
11:07 God's goodness, they had no concept of evil.
11:10 Because of their great trust in the covering cherub
11:13 who dwells in the presence of God, they were ripe
11:15 for the seeding of doubt; that something or someone
11:18 other than God can be righteous without obedience
11:21 to God's law.
11:23 Because of his position and proximity to God,
11:25 and the angels' ignorance to any other option than God's law,
11:28 he was able to sow doubt in the angels' mind
11:30 of God's true character; falsely representing Him
11:33 and sowing doubt into the need to heed God's law,
11:37 falsely representing it as restricting of freedom.
11:41 This vulnerability, Lucifer exploited to the fullest.
11:44 When the righteous angels attempted to plead with the
11:47 discontented ones to cease from their revolt,
11:49 placing before their eyes how God had only been
11:52 good and just with all creation, Lucifer once again exploited
11:55 his previously created vulnerability,
11:57 the doubt in God's justice, by claiming that God
12:00 was not the type to forgive rebellion once it had
12:03 already been entertained, and that they had already
12:05 gone to far to be forgiven by Him.
12:08 He solidified the demise of a third of the angels
12:10 by simply misrepresenting both parties in the controversy,
12:14 by misnaming, if you will, God as stern and unforgiving
12:17 of rebellion, and themselves as the righteous underdogs
12:20 that were already set on a path of no return.
12:23 So their fate they cemented according to their beliefs.
12:27 This pattern was repeated to our first parents, Adam and Eve,
12:30 whose vulnerability of ignorance of evil ended up being exploited
12:33 in much the same way as the angels.
12:35 And so began the earthly controversy
12:37 between the two seeds; those who believe God is
12:41 who He says He is and those who believe the devil
12:44 is who he says he is.
12:47 Satan wants nothing more than to destroy the image of God
12:50 in the eyes of all creation.
12:52 And by destroying the image of God, he is destroying
12:55 our identity in God.
12:59 When Satan can peddle you a lie about who God is,
13:02 he can peddle you a lie about who you are.
13:05 And once he manages to peddle you a lie about who God is
13:09 and who you are, he can peddle you.
13:15 Ezekiel 28, once again, says that by the multitude of his
13:20 merchandise, he has filled the earth with violence.
13:25 And by reason of his trafficking he will be devoured by fire.
13:30 Satan is a peddler.
13:33 He is a merchant of souls.
13:37 His job is to create a divide.
13:41 His job is to create fractures.
13:46 But he represents God in that way.
13:49 But God is actually the one who repairs the breach.
13:53 He's the restorer of paths to dwell in.
13:58 What Satan really wants is, he wants to destroy the family,
14:02 which is the image of God.
14:04 And that's why we have an early pagan religion:
14:08 ritual rape.
14:10 Pagan rites where tons of people will basically come together
14:13 with their faces covered and they have sex
14:17 so that the children being born to the women, they have
14:19 no idea who the fathers are.
14:21 That was one of his ways of destroying the family.
14:25 When you don't have a father, you have no identity.
14:28 When we don't have our father, we have no identity.
14:33 I want to read to you some statistics
14:35 before I start my story.
14:39 Here's some information to try to solidify my point.
14:43 Ninety-five percent of victims have a history
14:46 of family issues or abuse.
14:48 Actually, one of the pimps that I talked to, he said,
14:50 "I really have to hand it to the fathers, because
14:51 they just started her off in her training.
14:53 I picked up where he left off."
14:57 That's not saying that all of it is done by fathers,
14:59 but it's all done by a close figure.
15:02 Generally a family or family friend.
15:05 Ninety-five percent of victims of human trafficking
15:08 have a history of family issues or abuse.
15:10 Over 70%, and it's about 75% of blacks,
15:14 65% of Native Americans, 50% of Hispanics,
15:18 and 30% of white children are born to unmarried women
15:22 in the United States.
15:25 No fathers.
15:27 Over 700,000 children are abused annually.
15:31 80% due to neglect, 10% to violence, 10% to sexual issues.
15:36 I believe it's more than that, but.
15:39 40% of the abuse was perpetrated by a family member
15:41 or a caregiver, 25% of the abusers were other children.
15:45 One out of every three girls and one out of every five boys
15:50 will have been abused by the age of eighteen.
15:52 That's 33% of children in the United States
15:56 will have been abused by the age of eighteen.
16:00 Roughly 800,000 children go missing in the U.S. a year.
16:03 That's more than 2000 children a day.
16:08 And many of them are not even reported.
16:12 80% of those are vulnerable runaways who easily
16:14 fall victims to pimps and traffickers.
16:19 What's the conclusion?
16:21 Satan is preparing the world to be trafficked.
16:25 He's creating as many vulnerabilities in the lives
16:29 of children that he possibly can
16:32 by destroying their identity, by destroying the family structure.
16:39 Most people don't know who they are.
16:42 That's pretty sad.
16:45 I've been involved in counter human trafficking
16:47 for the past seven years.
16:48 And I've seen a lot, but it kind of came to a culmination in 2013
16:54 when I was in New Orleans during the Super Bowl.
16:56 I just felt darkness like I had never felt before.
16:58 I don't know if you guys have ever walked into a place
17:00 and you just feel like the air is so thick
17:03 you could just like cut through it with a knife.
17:05 It's just, I don't know, just oppressive atmosphere.
17:08 And I knew that the following year, 2014, there was
17:11 going to be a lot of trafficking going on
17:15 during the FIFA World Cup.
17:17 Because events like that, they just bring people
17:20 who want other types of entertainment as well.
17:22 So I did some research.
17:24 It's turned out that 500,000 kids were already being sold
17:27 into slavery in Brazil during that time,
17:29 and the government had believed that it would increase by 300%
17:33 during the FIFA World Cup.
17:36 I wasn't in the best spiritual place.
17:37 I was kind of depressed.
17:39 I was tired of being in the darkness.
17:40 I was tired of trying to fight the darkness.
17:42 And the thing is, when you spend so much time
17:44 in darkness, it just gets to you.
17:46 I said, but I know that I need to do something.
17:49 So I went to ASI, I went to GYC.
17:52 I tried to talk to a lot of Adventist organizations.
17:55 There's not a lot going on in the realm of human trafficking.
17:58 There was probably one; I think Asian Aid
18:00 that did some things in Nepal and India.
18:03 But nobody wanted to hear anything about it.
18:07 Nobody wanted to hear anything about it.
18:08 "Oh, that's nice."
18:09 "Yeah, okay."
18:11 "We don't know who you are. You're a nobody.
18:12 Do you have some organization or something?
18:14 You're a nobody. Okay, that's nice.
18:16 Go do your thing."
18:17 I said, "Well, you know what, if nobody wants
18:18 to help me, that's fine. I'll do it."
18:20 I felt that if I did nothing, knowing what was going on,
18:22 I would not be able to live with myself as a man.
18:25 Knowing that generally it's me who is the problem.
18:31 Men, we are the problem.
18:33 I mean, women, don't hate on us.
18:34 Because we're also part of the solution.
18:36 But help us.
18:40 And so I made connections with non-Adventist organizations,
18:42 and they seemed more willing.
18:44 I got to Brazil and all those connections
18:46 completely fell through.
18:48 No emails were answered, no phone calls were returned.
18:52 And I was like, "Man, I already committed.
18:55 I told everybody that I was going to
18:56 be here for at least six months.
18:58 What's going on?
18:59 So what do I do?"
19:03 I was tired of being depressed and feeling sorry for myself,
19:05 so I started to walk outside.
19:07 And literally, just a block away from where I was staying
19:11 I saw this woman who looked so much more
19:13 depressed than I was.
19:14 I was like, "Um, maybe I should say something to her."
19:19 I didn't speak Portuguese at the time so I said,
19:20 "Oh, you know what? I'll just pray for her."
19:22 So I ended up praying for her.
19:25 And so I prayed for her. That's not something that I do.
19:26 I'm not a praying person. Let me do something.
19:29 I want some action. I want to build something.
19:30 I want to rescue some kids.
19:31 I want to do something, you know.
19:33 But, you know, at this moment, praise God
19:35 I didn't speak the language, I couldn't talk to her.
19:37 I couldn't give her my wisdom on how to deal with her problems.
19:39 So I just prayed for her.
19:40 And after I'd prayed for her, I started walking again.
19:45 Saw another person.
19:46 Prayed for him.
19:48 Saw another person. Prayed for them.
19:49 I'm like, "What is wrong?
19:50 Is this like depressed day or something,
19:52 that everybody is walking around looking all gloomy?"
19:54 So I just started praying for people and walking.
19:56 And I walked through a place that I knew
19:58 seemed a little bit shady.
19:59 I mean, my experience in trafficking said that this is
20:00 probably a place where there's either drug or prostitution use.
20:04 And so I prayed for that place.
20:06 And before I knew it, five hours had passed.
20:09 And all I did was just pray.
20:12 And I got back to the house and I look at myself,
20:14 and I go, "This is what You wanted to tell me
20:17 the entire time, isn't it?
20:19 You wanted to basically root out my dependence on people,
20:23 on programs, on organizations.
20:25 And all You wanted to do was to show me that You're enough.
20:29 I get it.
20:30 I know I'm stubborn, but I get it.
20:33 But I'm going to need something from You.
20:34 If You want me to pray, I want to go to every single city
20:38 that is hosting the World Cup.
20:39 And You know I've only got $800 and I've got six months left.
20:45 You're going to have to take me to every single city
20:47 in Brazil, twelve capital cities of states in Brazil,
20:52 that are hosting the World Cup.
20:53 And I'm going to walk a thousand miles minimum."
20:55 And I ended up walking fifteen hundred.
20:57 I'm going to walk a thousand miles minimum,
20:59 and pray, and intercede for each one of those cities.
21:02 I'll walk around the stadium seven times.
21:04 But then I was later corrected that Joshua actually
21:06 done it thirteen times.
21:07 I had forgotten that he did six days one time and
21:10 then on Sabbath he did it seven times, and then it fell down.
21:12 But anyway, I walked around seven times around each stadium.
21:14 I had my friend that actually came with me,
21:16 my friend Levi, so that I wouldn't go alone.
21:17 I mean, it looks kind of shady if you walk by yourself
21:20 and say you're praying for prostitutes, right?
21:21 I mean, so.
21:23 So I needed somebody to keep me accountable
21:24 and be with me and make the ministry work.
21:27 And so my friend, Levi, just on short notice.
21:28 He came also with no money.
21:30 And we decided, "Okay, let's do this.
21:33 We've got 800 bucks."
21:35 By the way, at the end of the time period that we had,
21:38 we had received $8000 in donations without asking.
21:41 And we never had to stay in a hotel.
21:43 There were just people who'd wait for us at the airport
21:45 and at the bus stops we'd never met in our lives before
21:47 and let us stay in their homes.
21:49 Talk about like the book of Acts, you know.
21:51 It was kind of like that.
21:54 We gave ten percent, God gave the rest.
21:56 We tithed, and He gave us the rest.
22:01 But I wanted to do more than just pray for the stadiums.
22:04 I wanted to actually go into favelas.
22:05 And favelas are basically Brazil's type of slum.
22:09 Now the favela's are quite notorious because
22:12 not even cops go in.
22:13 If there's anything that they have to accomplish,
22:15 they'll go in, basically, as a swat team.
22:16 Twenty minutes, thirty minutes; they're in, they're out,
22:19 and they're on with their life.
22:20 Because they don't want to stay in there.
22:21 It is just a bad place.
22:23 Not all favela's are like that, but general, that's kind of...
22:27 So we were in a town called, Recife.
22:31 And we were staying there.
22:32 And the family said, "Listen, we really like
22:35 what you guys are doing; we appreciate it.
22:36 You guys can stay at our house.
22:38 But please do not walk into a favela.
22:39 You guys are ignorant Americans.
22:42 You don't know our culture or what goes on in there.
22:45 I know you think you can handle it.
22:46 But you will get shot, you will get robbed."
22:49 And I said, "You know what?
22:51 I really appreciate it, mom."
22:54 She was kind of like our Brazilian mom.
22:56 They adopted us.
22:57 But we have verses that we had the foundation of our mission.
23:04 It was Proverbs 1.
23:05 Our ministry was called, Crying at the Gates.
23:08 But at this point there was another verse that was
23:09 coming to mind; and that was the one that Natasha read to you.
23:12 "Judgment is turned away backward,
23:14 and justice standeth afar off;
23:15 for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
23:18 Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil
23:20 maketh himself a prey.
23:22 And the LORD saw it, and it displeased him
23:23 that there was no judgment.
23:26 And he saw that there was no man,
23:28 and he wondered that there was no intercessor."
23:32 You know, people said, "Well, you can intercede from outside."
23:37 Well sure, I suppose so.
23:39 But that doesn't make us very good soldiers in that regard.
23:41 I mean, when Satan came as a representative
23:44 of his territory, he basically said, "Look, I'm coming
23:47 from walking to and fro in my place."
23:49 And God says, "No, I've got My outpost right there
23:53 in the middle of your territory.
23:56 For his reason, have you even considered him?"
23:59 See, we've got to be in the midst of Satan's territory
24:02 if we're going to be representatives for God.
24:03 I mean, God, He allows, He respects choice and free will.
24:08 He's not going to enter a place where He's not been invited.
24:11 Satan doesn't follow those rules.
24:12 He'll force anything that he wants upon anyone.
24:17 But God has to be invited, He has to be asked.
24:19 He's not going to violate.
24:22 That's His rules of engagement in this spiritual war.
24:25 We have to go.
24:26 We have to cry from the midst of that place.
24:29 And we're going to believe what God said to Joshua,
24:33 "Everywhere you have placed the sole of your foot,
24:36 that have I given you."
24:37 So I said, "We're going to place the sole of our feet
24:40 in the midst of those places.
24:41 If it risks our life, then whatever."
24:44 So we did.
24:45 We went into those places, we walked in,
24:48 and a guy stopped us at the door, and he basically said...
24:51 At the door, at the entrance.
24:52 One of the roads leading into the favela.
24:54 And he said, "What are you guys doing here?'
24:56 We said, "Oh, you know..."
24:57 We had a friend with us who was Brazilian.
24:58 Because we still didn't speak Portuguese at this time.
25:00 He said, "Oh, these are Americans.
25:01 They're here to pray for you, and stuff like that.
25:03 Yeah, we just wondered if we could walk in."
25:08 "You're here to pray for us?
25:09 Oh yeah, come on in. Come on in.
25:11 We love..."
25:13 "You love what?"
25:14 "Anything.
25:16 You come pray for us."
25:18 "Ok, alright."
25:19 So we walked in, and the first person he takes us to:
25:22 the high priest of black magic.
25:24 Candomblé, it's called.
25:25 The high priest of black magic, voodoo religion,
25:27 in that place.
25:29 And we talked with him, and basically this is the situation.
25:32 The favela's are controlled by candomblé religion, in general.
25:36 This is a religion of black magic,
25:38 this is a religion where you cast curses.
25:40 And believe me, it works.
25:41 There are so many people who have lost their spouses
25:42 because other people cast spells on them.
25:45 One of the prostitutes that we talked to later on
25:47 said that she was working as a prostitute because
25:50 on her three children someone cast a black magic spell.
25:54 And she was so afraid that they were going to die
25:56 that she had to pay ten thousand dollars equivalent
26:00 to pay another high priest to cast a protective spell.
26:05 We're walking into the situation where darkness rules the place.
26:10 And he says, "You know what?"
26:12 He says, "No one comes in here and talks to us.
26:15 We know that spiritual warfare exists.
26:17 We know because we see the darkness of it.
26:20 We wish we had something else, that someone would
26:22 give us another option, but nobody comes in here.
26:24 They're scared.
26:27 You're the first person to come in and pray for us.
26:30 You think we want to do what we want to do?
26:32 You think we like doing what we do?
26:34 But we don't know anything else."
26:41 The man that let us in ended up crying as we were leaving.
26:46 The Lord answered that prayer,
26:49 whether we should enter or not into favela's.
26:51 We ended up entering into more than fifteen
26:53 while we were there.
26:55 Next was the prayer whether we should be praying for
26:58 prostitutes or not.
27:01 So we were with another friend.
27:02 Once again, we didn't speak Portuguese at the time.
27:05 In the same town.
27:06 And we were driving, and he said, "Oh hey, Alex,
27:09 look, there's a prostitute under that bridge.
27:11 Do you want to stop and talk to her?"
27:12 I said, "Yes absolutely, let's stop and talk to her."
27:15 And so he rolls down the window, she comes by.
27:18 She's looking in.
27:20 He says, " Oh listen, I've got two Americans here."
27:21 "Oh Americans, alright. Do they want a program?"
27:24 "Oh no, no, no, no, no. They're not here for that.
27:26 They're here to pray for you."
27:29 Her face changes.
27:30 As if she was a completely different person.
27:32 Because let me tell you; in prostitution,
27:34 prostitutes are two different people.
27:37 They put on a mask to make you think
27:39 that they're someone who they're not.
27:43 So she comes up and her demeanor just completely changes.
27:46 She says, "Oh, that's wonderful.
27:49 Thank you so much for coming to pray for me."
27:52 She says, "You know, I don't want to be doing what I'm doing.
27:54 But you know what, I've got two kids and my husband left me."
27:57 She says, "I don't have any skills whatsoever.
27:59 He used to pay the bills for everything.
28:00 And so I'm trying my very best to support my family.
28:03 And I don't know what else to do.
28:05 But every single day, I pray to God that He would send
28:08 someone to take me out of this.
28:11 And I've been studying the Bible and I want to get baptized,
28:14 but I'm afraid that if people know who I am
28:18 that they won't let me get baptized.
28:19 And I don't know if you've ever heard of the Adventist church,
28:21 but I believe everything they say and I want to get baptized."
28:27 What?
28:34 She's looking for us, and we're not looking for her.
28:42 "Listen, we know who you are, and we're Adventists,
28:44 and we don't care.
28:45 Because we know who you really are."
28:48 And you know what her name was?
28:50 Hosanna.
28:52 And we praise the Lord for that.
28:56 We ended up going to another city.
28:58 We said, "Ok, now we know we need to pray for prostitutes,
28:59 but now we need to train people in every single city
29:02 to go and pray."
29:04 And we had a project in mind.
29:05 Because in the three years that I worked with the ministry
29:07 in Atlanta, we did something called, princess night.
29:09 And what princess night is, we basically go out,
29:12 we hand out cards with little messages, a phone number,
29:15 and a rose, to prostitutes on the corner of streets.
29:18 And we tell them, "Hey listen, you've got value.
29:19 You're beautiful, you're special.
29:21 God does not want you to be here.
29:24 I know that you've only seen bad things, and people have
29:26 said that they love you and they care for you,
29:27 and have only treated you like dirt.
29:29 So there's very little reason for you to believe us,
29:31 but I'm asking you that you believe me."
29:33 And they did this for years.
29:34 And the organization that I worked with, the first year
29:37 that we ran a twenty-four hour call center
29:39 forty-five women came off the street.
29:41 The second year, a hundred and fifteen.
29:42 And the third year, two hundred and forty-five.
29:45 And it was all because there were people praying
29:48 twenty-four hours a day every day for the ministry.
29:54 So I said, "Lord, You've got to give us somebody.
29:56 You've got to send people to us to pray.
29:57 Because we're not going to just walk in here.
30:00 You know, we can pray for the stadiums,
30:02 we can pray for favelas, but we need somebody
30:03 to constantly be here to pray for those in trafficking.
30:08 So You've got to bring us somebody."
30:10 So we went to the next city and we arrived at the same time
30:12 that Carnaval was going on in Brazil.
30:14 Now during Carnaval, most Adventists leave the cities
30:16 because they don't want to observe what's going on.
30:19 And they actually go into little camps.
30:20 So we went to this little camp.
30:22 And, you know, something happened and some people were
30:25 speaking English, and they were trying to show off
30:27 how good their English was.
30:28 And then I spoke up in English, and they go,
30:30 "Oh, your English is really good."
30:31 I said, "Oh, well I'm from America."
30:32 "Oh you're from America. That's fantastic.
30:34 Do you want to tell us what you're here for?"
30:35 I said, "Oh, well I'm here doing a project in anti-trafficking."
30:38 "Oh, do you want to come up and present?"
30:42 And so they give me a little spot.
30:43 And basically, you know, it was voluntary.
30:45 You didn't have to come and actually listen to me.
30:47 But forty people actually came.
30:49 It was a group of maybe eighty there, so about half the people
30:52 came and listened to me for three hours.
30:54 Now you're not going to have to go through that.
30:56 Don't worry about it, alright?
30:57 I've only got about another twenty minutes left.
31:00 But they listened to me for three hours.
31:01 And afterwards, afterwards, a group of like ten,
31:04 or I don't remember if it was ten or twelve,
31:06 young people came up to me and said, "Listen, three weeks ago,
31:09 three weeks ago the Lord put it upon our hearts
31:11 that we should start singing songs or doing something
31:12 for prostitutes in the streets.
31:14 And we don't even know why, because we don't like them.
31:17 But here you come three weeks later saying how you're looking
31:19 for people to go into the streets and minister to them.
31:21 And we're thinking, you're an answer to our prayer."
31:23 And I'm thinking, you're an answer to mine.
31:26 So we trained them.
31:28 We write the cards, we get the flowers.
31:30 In America, you know, you usually go with twenty roses
31:32 and you come back with five after three or four hours.
31:34 I mean, very low acceptance rate.
31:37 We take them to the streets and in forty-five minutes
31:39 all the flowers and cards are gone.
31:41 People are crying, five people want Bibles,
31:43 and two want Bible studies.
31:46 These kids come back and they're like,
31:49 "How could I have been so wrong?
31:53 I thought they wanted to be there.
31:55 I thought that was their life.
31:56 I thought that they enjoyed that kind of thing."
32:02 They began to see their own faults,
32:07 their own misconceptions.
32:11 And God was taking the blinders from their eyes.
32:14 They stood for, I don't know, two and a half hours
32:16 talking to one o'clock at night with their parents
32:19 just crying and telling them, "I had no idea.
32:23 I feel so bad.
32:26 And one of them gave us his real name."
32:28 One of them was a man.
32:29 Sometimes it's safer to be a man in the streets
32:32 dressed as a woman than it is to be a woman.
32:36 We won't go into that.
32:38 But they said, "He gave us his real name.
32:42 He felt that we had treated him with enough dignity
32:46 that we deserved to know who he really was,
32:49 not who people thought he was."
32:53 His name was Alexandre.
32:55 Alexandre.
32:59 And they thought that was the greatest thing ever.
33:03 There's a lot of power in a name.
33:05 There's a lot of power in identity.
33:08 Do we know who we are?
33:13 The next city, I don't want to leave it out.
33:15 I may not even get to a conclusion.
33:18 If you ever want to hear part two, come talk to me.
33:23 But I have to tell you about the last city.
33:25 It's not the last city, but the last city on our list.
33:27 We ended up going to eight more after this.
33:30 But the name of it is Fortaleza.
33:34 And Fortaleza is the second biggest destination
33:39 for child sex tourism in the world;
33:41 after Bangkok, Thailand.
33:44 And so I knew that we needed to do something.
33:46 We get there, and the pastor doesn't want us
33:51 to talk about our ministry.
33:52 He said, "Listen, it's nice. We do enough projects here.
33:55 Listen, you know, we're doing evangelism,
33:57 we're doing outreach, we're doing all this stuff.
33:58 We really don't want our people going and talking
34:02 to prostitutes, honestly."
34:04 I said, "That's fine, I understand that it's a bit of
34:07 a difficult subject, situation.
34:10 Don't worry about it. It's okay."
34:12 But that same week a man came in asking for help
34:18 to the church while the pastor was there.
34:20 And he said, "Listen, I'm from Sao Paulo
34:22 and I need to get back.
34:24 Will you give me money to get back to Sao Paulo?"
34:27 And Sao Paulo is very far away from Fortaleza.
34:29 And so it cost a good bit of money, and the pastor said,
34:32 "No, we don't give money away.
34:33 But if you're willing to work, we'll buy your ticket."
34:37 He says, "Okay, that's fair enough."
34:39 "So what do you do?"
34:41 He said, "Well, I paint."
34:43 "Good, our church is due for a nice fresh coat of paint."
34:45 So he started painting the inside.
34:47 The pastor had mentioned that two Americans were staying
34:49 at his house, and the guy says, "I want to meet them.
34:52 Can you have them come paint with me on Thursday?"
34:55 He's like, "Okay, I don't know why, but sure."
34:58 And this was on Monday or Tuesday, I don't remember.
35:02 So a few days had passed and he had been listening
35:05 for about three days to the pastor and the Bible worker
35:08 going through a Revelation seminar.
35:12 And he just quietly listened because they were basically
35:14 preparing, so he had basically heard the entire
35:16 27 days or 28 days worth of Bible studies in three days
35:21 while he was painting.
35:22 He said, "I really, really need to meet these Americans."
35:25 "Okay, we'll be here tomorrow, Thursday."
35:28 So we came in and we started painting with him.
35:32 His name was Williams, and he said,
35:35 "I know why you're here."
35:38 "Okay."
35:39 He said, "I know why you're here."
35:41 He said, "There's a lot of things that I can't
35:43 tell you right now, but I've listened to absolutely
35:46 everything that this pastor and the Bible worker have said,
35:49 and I assure you that I've never heard anything like that
35:53 from a Christian religion in my life.
35:54 And being a Satanist...
35:57 ...and I've been in Satanism for a long time.
35:59 And every single one of my family members is part of
36:01 either the Church of Satan or the Masonic Lodge in Sao Paulo.
36:06 And I tried, you know, I was thinking that I'd get away
36:09 by coming here, but nothing worked out.
36:10 So I was going to go back.
36:11 But I came into this church and I've heard a part of the gospel
36:14 that I've never heard before, no other church is preaching.
36:16 And I know you guys have the truth.
36:17 But I still know that even though you talk about
36:19 the controversy, they don't know.
36:22 The pastor and the Bible worker don't know, but I know."
36:25 He said, "I know what you're doing.
36:27 But I have to get baptized first before I can tell you."
36:31 He said, "That's why I've decided
36:32 to get baptized this Sabbath."
36:33 In three days he was ready to get baptized.
36:36 So he came, he got baptized.
36:38 After he got baptized, he comes to me and he says,
36:40 "Alex, Levi, what you're trying to do is take
36:46 Satan's property from him.
36:49 Those are his girls.
36:51 You don't understand that. They're his.
36:52 He doesn't play nice.
36:54 Other people talk and they evangelize, and they do things,
36:57 but you are literally taking, plucking his property
37:00 from his hand.
37:02 You can't do that without fear of repercussions.
37:08 Everyone talks about the great controversy,
37:09 everybody talks about spiritual warfare,
37:11 but nobody engages in it.
37:13 You're on the front lines. You're doing something.
37:15 And I don't know if you understand how much
37:16 in danger you are."
37:19 I'll be honest with you. I didn't.
37:22 He says, "I'm telling you because Satan wants your life.
37:25 You've been marked because of what you're doing.
37:28 And I feel sorry for you.
37:30 I'm glad for you and I'm glad you're doing this,
37:32 but I feel so sorry for you.
37:35 Because Satan is going to do everything to either cause you
37:37 to fall into sin or to completely end your life.
37:42 Will you listen to me and take some certain precautions?
37:44 All the people who just want to be part of this ministry
37:47 because it sounds cool and looks cool,
37:49 get some t-shirts, stay away from them.
37:53 Their very presence with you while you enter into
37:55 these places where your life is in danger
37:57 will endanger you more.
37:59 The very presence of someone who doesn't
38:01 think in a manner of prayer, in a manner of intercession,
38:04 is risking your life.
38:07 You can't walk into the devil's territory
38:09 thinking about soccer."
38:20 We got the warning. We got the warning.
38:24 Afterwards, I came and I apologized to my friend, Levi,
38:28 and our translator at that time, Andréa.
38:30 I said, "There's something I need to tell you.
38:33 I didn't tell you before because I didn't think
38:35 we'd confront it."
38:38 But in the previous years that I've been involved in
38:40 human trafficking, in reality
38:43 there's a lot of religion involved.
38:47 There's a tendency for us to think that it's organized crime,
38:50 that it's just some small time pimp, that whatever.
38:52 But in reality, you know, the pimps, they use William Lynch's
38:57 manual for how to train slaves.
38:59 That's how they basically beat into them
39:02 the whole slave/master relationship.
39:04 If you think that slavery is over, it's not.
39:06 The same manual that was used in colonial times
39:09 is still being used now to make prostitutes.
39:17 We've had girls that we've rescued, and at times
39:20 on specific days of the year they disappeared.
39:23 And they showed up a few days later,
39:25 usually two to three days later, gang raped and dead
39:29 on the side of the street.
39:31 It was always after pagan feast days.
39:37 We had girls that had tremendous amounts of dissociative
39:40 identity disorder.
39:43 They had gone under certain types of programming,
39:46 monarch programming.
39:47 You guys probably don't know about that.
39:50 Mind control programming.
39:51 You think it's a joke. It's not.
39:52 I see it. I've seen it.
39:56 I'm not some conspiracy theorist.
39:58 I've dealt with people caught in it.
40:03 There are churches in America that are working actively
40:07 to destroy Christianity.
40:11 "Everywhere I go, I've tried to disassociate it sometimes
40:15 and just think that all I'm dealing with is just,
40:17 oh it's just we're dealing with some pimps
40:18 and some organized crime.
40:20 And I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand that we are
40:22 really in spiritual warfare.
40:24 And only until this man came and really told us that
40:26 Satan is trying to kill us am I finally getting it.
40:32 We need to pray."
40:35 So the three of us started to pray.
40:36 I prayed, Levi prayed, Andréa prayed.
40:39 While Andréa was praying, I began to see a tree.
40:44 And I saw a tree, and its branches reached to
40:46 the ends of the earth, and I couldn't see the horizon at all.
40:51 The tree was just vast.
40:53 It covered the sky completely.
40:55 And it was kind of dark, you know.
40:56 Very little light was filtering through the branches,
40:58 through the leaves.
40:59 And all of a sudden I hear this like clanging sound.
41:01 And I look up in the branches and there's these dolls
41:05 and these mannequins without a face, tied about the neck
41:08 with chains, dangling from these branches.
41:11 A very eerie and unsettling scene.
41:13 And I'm wondering, "Why in the world is this coming to my mind
41:15 while we're praying?"
41:19 And I open my eyes and it's still there.
41:21 It's not going away. I'm shaking my head.
41:23 I'm looking, "Lord, take this away, this is ridiculous.
41:25 I have no idea why I'm thinking about this."
41:29 And after time I just lose my patience.
41:31 So I start grabbing the chains, these dolls and these mannequins
41:35 without faces, and I'm pulling them from the branches.
41:36 And it's not helping at all.
41:41 And all of a sudden I get desperate and I just say,
41:43 "God, help me.
41:45 Please help me."
41:47 The moment that I cried out for help, I noticed
41:49 the base of the tree, the trunk.
41:51 And there was a man standing there with an ax.
41:54 And I was getting the idea that he was about to do something.
41:56 And I said, "Yes. Lord, give him strength."
42:00 And the man picked up the ax and he began to
42:01 chop at the base of the tree.
42:03 And the tree was shuttering.
42:04 And all the branches were shaking.
42:05 And these dolls and mannequins were
42:07 raging violently from side to side.
42:09 And I said, "I don't care how unsettling it is.
42:11 Cut down the tree."
42:17 He kept on chopping, and chopping, and chopping.
42:19 And finally the tree gave way and it fell.
42:21 And all the branches, for some reason,
42:22 it didn't make sense to me, they all were spread out
42:25 around me on the floor.
42:26 And the first thing that I did was look up.
42:28 I could see the sun, and I said, "God, thank You."
42:31 And then I began to pull the chains
42:32 once again from the branches.
42:34 And this time the chains disappeared.
42:38 By the time it finished, Andréa had finished her praying.
42:43 And I told Levi and Andréa what I had seen.
42:45 And we all agreed.
42:47 Just like it was for Nebuchadnezzar.
42:50 The tree was a system, a kingdom, whose influence
42:54 spreads to the ends of the earth.
42:58 There's not one thing that is not under its influence.
43:02 And the dolls and the mannequins,
43:03 the mannequins were adults and the dolls were children,
43:06 with no face, no identity,
43:08 that were being held by this system of oppression.
43:13 And if we try in our own strength like I did
43:15 to pull them free, to rescue them,
43:19 it does absolutely nothing.
43:22 Only when I cried out to the only One who is able,
43:25 Christ the Intercessor, to cut down the tree,
43:30 once He separates that tree of slavery, that system
43:33 of corruption from the roots of sin,
43:36 once we've interceded on behalf of those who are caught in it,
43:40 and He's covered them in His righteousness
43:41 so that they're not held by the bonds of sin,
43:44 so that His Spirit can reach into their lives.
43:46 Just like He did into that prostitute
43:47 who said she was studying to be an Adventist.
43:56 It is only by intercession that this system can be brought down.
44:02 And once intercession has been made, then you can rescue.
44:07 Then you can pull free.
44:11 But until that point, our efforts are useless.
44:14 Evangelism is useless.
44:17 Debate is useless.
44:20 We read in Isaiah 59 that truth is fallen in the streets.
44:24 "Yeah well, all we stand for truth."
44:25 No, truth is fallen. It's not standing.
44:29 Judgment has turned away backward.
44:31 Justice is far away. And equity, where is it?
44:34 Oh, it can't even enter the gates.
44:37 We stand for truth, and social justice,
44:39 and judgment, and equity.
44:41 Oh great!
44:42 But it's dead. Because what?
44:44 Something's missing.
44:46 Intercession.
44:50 What power do we have without God?
44:54 When will we get it, that in this great controversy
44:56 our efforts are nothing?
45:01 If we knew who God was, the great Intercessor,
45:04 we would be intercessors. Why?
45:06 Because we'd realized that the battle that we fight
45:08 is a spiritual one, and only He can fight it.
45:12 I mean, don't we know the verses?
45:13 "We war not against flesh and blood, but against
45:15 principalities, against powers that rule the darkness
45:17 in high places."
45:22 And yet, what do we do?
45:23 Programs.
45:26 "Let's do more programs. Let's get together.
45:28 Let's think how we can solve these issues."
45:29 No, God has the solution.
45:33 I'm not belittling organization. It's great.
45:37 I'm not belittling evangelization.
45:39 It's great.
45:42 I'm just saying, we can't do it without the power of God.
45:47 And too often we do.
45:52 I want to tell you a little story about vengeance.
45:54 You guys like vengeance?
45:56 I'm going to see if you have the wrong idea about it or not.
46:00 Suffice it to say, that in that town where we received
46:03 very little welcome, Fortaleza, at 11:00 o'clock the day
46:07 before we were suppose to leave, two people said,
46:11 "We'll do your project."
46:13 Talk about the eleventh hour, right, you know?
46:16 They said, "We'll do it.
46:18 But we don't have enough time to train."
46:20 So the people from the previous city who we had trained
46:22 who were so willing came and trained them.
46:26 "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. We'd love to do that.
46:28 Let me show you how to do the cards
46:29 and the roses and everything."
46:30 They were so excited.
46:32 That's what we wanted.
46:34 I get a call a month later after I'd left Fortaleza.
46:38 And they said the girl, Hadassah, who agreed
46:42 to do the project, she said, "I got this phone call.
46:46 Because two weeks ago we did the princess night.
46:49 We reached out to the prostitutes.
46:51 And two weeks after we had done it, I get this phone call.
46:56 And I thought you should know about it.
46:57 You know, we give the cards with our phone number.
46:59 I put my phone number on there.
47:01 And this woman calls me and says, 'I don't know if
47:03 you remember me, but two weeks ago you were out
47:05 handing cards and roses to the prostitutes.
47:09 And I was one of them.'
47:11 She says, 'And I want to let you know that my husband
47:13 had left me and I've got kids that I have to take care of.'"
47:16 The same thing, fatherlessness.
47:18 If you think it's not an issue.
47:20 "And I didn't know what to do.
47:22 And so I decided that I was going to
47:23 sell myself into prostitution.
47:26 But I want to let you know, that was the first night
47:28 that I was going to do it.
47:30 And before I got to my first client,
47:32 you stopped me midway.
47:36 You stopped me midway.
47:37 And you prayed for me.
47:39 And you gave me a card and you told me that I have value.
47:42 And I realized that God values me so much
47:44 that I can't do this to myself."
47:47 You know, the church had asked us a question that
47:49 even the pastor and his wife and a lot of
47:51 well meaning people said.
47:54 "Listen, we like this idea, but you don't have
47:56 a recovery program.
47:58 Once they come off the street, what are they going to do?
48:01 I mean, you need institutions and all this kind of stuff."
48:02 I said, "Listen, if you don't even have the need
48:07 on your radar, there's not going to be
48:09 organizations to receive them.
48:12 You've got to realize that there's a need first,
48:14 and then the organizations will come."
48:16 Anyway, this woman said, "So, um, I didn't believe you.
48:23 It took me two weeks to get up the courage to actually
48:25 call the phone number on the card.
48:27 But I'm desperate. Will you help me?"
48:30 And she said, "Yeah, come clean my house."
48:34 And members from the church heard what happened
48:36 and they started hiring her to clean their house.
48:40 To me, that's vengeance.
48:43 Not the way that you think it is.
48:44 "Oh yeah, we revenged on the pastor."
48:46 No, no. He was a wonderful man.
48:48 He helped us so much. We stayed in his home.
48:50 What I'm talking about is true religion vengeance.
48:55 Do you know what true religion is?
48:57 What does James 1:27 say? Does anybody know?
49:00 "True religion before God and the Father is this..."
49:02 What?
49:03 "To visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction,
49:05 and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
49:08 That's true religion.
49:09 Isaiah mentions the fatherless and the widows so many times.
49:11 Why?
49:14 Because to the Hebrew, identity, name, was everything.
49:19 If you don't have a name, you don't have an inheritance.
49:21 If you don't have an inheritance,
49:23 you suffer the second death.
49:24 You're forgotten.
49:27 A widow and an orphan has nothing.
49:30 No name, no man to give them an identity.
49:35 That's why true religion is to intercede on behalf of
49:38 those who are most vulnerable.
49:40 Namely those who don't have a name.
49:44 The widow and the orphan.
49:46 But every single time it mentions,
49:48 almost every single time it mentions the widow
49:50 and the orphan in Isaiah, it always couples it with vengeance
49:54 or judgment.
49:55 And even this verse that we read in Isaiah 59
49:57 where it's talking about how all this stuff is going wrong
50:00 and judgment is backwards, and all that kind of stuff,
50:03 and how intercession was needed, if you read later
50:08 in verse 17, "He put on righteousness as a breastplate,
50:14 the helmet of salvation upon his head,
50:15 he put on the garments of vengeance..."
50:17 He clothed himself with vengeance when he saw that
50:20 nothing was going right and that there was no intercessor.
50:24 Why?
50:25 Why is the widow and the orphan always associated with
50:28 judgment or vengeance?
50:30 You know what's interesting?
50:31 We always think that vengeance is,
50:32 "Oh, God's going to judge the wicked.
50:34 He's going to lay down the smack down.
50:36 You know, we're going to pummel these guys.
50:38 I'm going to take my Bible and smack some people on their head,
50:39 show them that they don't have the truth."
50:42 That's not vengeance.
50:44 That's not vengeance.
50:46 If you have ten against ten, alright,
50:48 ten people against ten people, and you manage to kill five,
50:53 is that great?
50:55 No, because Satan doesn't care if his own people die.
50:57 Why? Because that's a person who's died lost.
51:01 Satan has no loyalties to the people who follow him.
51:05 He wants you to die while serving him.
51:07 Because that means God can't have them.
51:11 God's vengeance is redemption.
51:14 So say that we've got ten against ten,
51:16 and five have been converted, we're now three times
51:18 the number of them.
51:22 That's why He says, "'Avenge not yourselves, but rather
51:24 give place unto wrath; for vengeance is Mine,'
51:26 says the Lord."
51:29 "Therefore, if your enemy hungers, feed him.
51:31 If he thirsts, give him drink.
51:32 For in so doing, you shall heap coals of fire upon his head."
51:35 "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
51:40 Every single time somebody learns of their true identity,
51:44 God is avenged.
51:47 Every single time you get on your knees and you intercede
51:49 for somebody who is lost, God is avenged.
51:57 The war that we fight is one over identity.
52:00 God has been misrepresented.
52:03 If we knew who He was, we'd know who we are.
52:08 If we knew who we are, we'd intercede because
52:11 Christ is an intercessor.
52:12 Was it not the greatest intercession on the cross?
52:16 Do we not follow in our Savior's footsteps?
52:20 Do we not say that we're a part of the great controversy?
52:27 "God beheld that there was no man, there was no intercessor."
52:33 I pray that will not be the case with us.
52:35 Will there be a man?
52:37 Will there be an intercessor?
52:39 I've come to the end of my time, I probably...
52:42 They said, oh they said I can go two to three minutes over.
52:44 That's good.
52:48 There's still a lot I wanted to say, but.
52:54 Let me make an appeal to you.
52:58 Let me make an appeal to you.
53:00 First of all, I want to make an appeal to the abused.
53:05 There are some people here no doubt...
53:06 The church is not foreign to the existence of abuse,
53:11 of exploitations, of vulnerabilities
53:13 in our own church.
53:15 It's just as bad as the rest of the world.
53:17 We can't ignore that.
53:20 If you have suffered from abuse, I would first and foremost
53:22 like to apologize myself.
53:26 I'd like to apologize that I was not always aware
53:29 of your existence, of your plight,
53:32 of the things that you go through.
53:35 And that even after I became aware, I did not always
53:37 intercede on your behalf.
53:41 I feel very responsible for that.
53:43 I'm sorry.
53:46 But if you have been, I ask that you avenge not yourselves.
53:52 But rather give place unto wrath.
53:54 "Vengeance is Mine," says the Lord.
53:57 God will avenge you, God will give you a name,
54:00 better than sons and daughters.
54:04 Please accept that.
54:06 And by that, I don't mean saying that if you're already
54:08 caught in it, that you just accept what's happening to you.
54:10 By no means.
54:11 If you are caught in it and you can hear me right now,
54:13 I encourage you, I want to give you the courage
54:16 to get out.
54:18 I know you've been scared, you've been shamed,
54:21 you've been told lies into thinking that it's your fault.
54:26 That's not true.
54:28 The devil always misrepresents himself.
54:31 And he always misrepresents God.
54:33 God wants to give you freedom.
54:35 So please accept it.
54:37 To those who want to do well.
54:41 I know there's a lot of people who want to do well.
54:43 I know I wanted to do well.
54:44 But sometimes you get so bogged down by sin, by lust.
54:49 You know, I personally don't believe that lust or
54:52 problem relationships or serial relationships
54:55 is a problem of perverseness.
54:59 It may be.
55:01 But I honestly think that most people who are struggling
55:02 with lust, who are struggling with always having
55:05 to be in a relationship, with always seeking attention,
55:08 do it because they have never fully accepted
55:10 God's adoption of them.
55:13 You don't know fully who you are because maybe
55:16 you don't know fully who God is.
55:20 Please accept God's call to adoption.
55:24 And let that be your key to freedom
55:26 from what it is you struggle with.
55:29 And last of all is a call for everyone.
55:31 Especially the righteous in here.
55:34 The leaders in here.
55:35 The, "I'm doing pretty well spiritually right now."
55:38 My question first and foremost is,
55:40 why haven't you interceded?
55:41 Because God says there's no man.
55:43 And He wondered that there was no intercessor.
55:45 Is the world a mess? Yes.
55:46 The same as it was in Israel during that time.
55:49 Our intercession is either rather sporadic or weak.
55:56 You don't have to stand up, you don't have to come up,
55:57 unless you really want to.
55:59 But I really want you to think about it.
56:04 Will you become an intercessor?
56:08 Can God look and say that judgment was facing forward,
56:14 that justice was coming close,
56:17 that truth was standing and that equity was nearby,
56:22 it was entering at the gates,
56:23 because there was a man and a woman, there was an intercessor?
56:28 And by their intercession, they brought vengeance.
56:33 Do you want to be that person?
56:35 Do you want to be the avenger, the intercessor?
56:41 That's my brother here; I guess stand if you do
56:45 so that I can pray for you.


Revised 2017-03-23