Generation of Youth for Christ 2016

Wed. Evening Plenary: Keynote Address

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Moise Ratsara


Series Code: 16GYC

Program Code: 16GYC000001A

00:51 Before the throne of God above
00:56 I have a strong and perfect plea.
01:00 A great high Priest whose Name is Love
01:05 whoever lives and pleads for me.
01:10 My name is graven on His hands,
01:15 my name is written on His heart.
01:19 I know that while in Heaven He stands
01:24 no tongue can bid me thence depart,
01:29 no tongue can bid me thence depart.
01:36 When Satan tempts me to despair
01:41 and tells me of the guilt within,
01:46 upward I look and see Him there
01:50 who made an end to all my sin.
01:55 Because the sinless Savior died
02:00 my sinful soul is counted free.
02:05 For God the just is satisfied
02:09 to look on Him and pardon me, to look on Him and pardon me.
02:21 Behold Him there the risen Lamb;
02:26 my perfect spotless righteousness,
02:30 the great unchangeable I AM,
02:35 the King of glory and of grace.
02:40 One with Himself I cannot die,
02:44 my soul is purchased with His blood.
02:49 My life is hid with Christ on high,
02:54 with Christ my Savior and my God,
02:59 with Christ my Savior and my God.
03:12 You see this group walking up behind me, right?
03:16 This lovely group of people.
03:17 Now for many of us here today, GYC just started, right?
03:22 But let me tell you that this group of people,
03:25 last Friday GYC began for them.
03:28 And what they decided to do was, not only miss Christmas,
03:32 but sleep on the hard floor inside of a school gym
03:35 and pass out one million GLOW tracts
03:38 in four full days of work.
03:40 Can you believe this?
03:41 So this group here has been working very hard.
03:45 One thing to note...
03:47 Praise the Lord.
03:48 One thing to note is, we had 86 missionaries
03:52 and they would walk anywhere from up to 18 miles a day
03:57 passing out pieces of GLOW.
03:59 So they were, of course, getting their exercise in.
04:01 But more than just reaching the goal one million GLOW going out
04:06 were some of the incredible testimonies that we had.
04:09 So I have here to my left, Carsten.
04:12 Carsten was one of the leaders on our GLOW mission trip
04:15 here with GYC.
04:16 And he had an experience where he was trying to find
04:19 a mass amount of cars of Houston residents
04:22 so that he could blitz a bunch of GLOWs.
04:24 So Carsten, tell us where you went.
04:25 Yes, I was actually thinking about how and where to
04:29 find cars or doors, and how we could pass out GLOW.
04:33 And I thought about it at night, and I was...
04:36 The airport.
04:37 The airport is the place where there's thousands
04:39 and thousands of cars.
04:41 And so I was thinking about it, and the next day we decided
04:44 to go to the airport.
04:45 And we got to the airport, there was some confusion
04:48 because we were going up in these parking garages,
04:52 and it was super hard to go up and down, and come in and out,
04:54 and pay the price to get in and out.
04:57 And so it was really confusing.
04:58 Because there were so many cars that each missionary,
05:02 their bag got emptied in 20 to 30 minutes.
05:05 And so these GLOW's were going out
05:07 left and right in these cars.
05:08 And I wasn't sure what to do because sometimes
05:10 the missionaries, they didn't have GLOWs
05:14 for 15 to 20 minutes.
05:15 They didn't have it because I couldn't
05:17 get to them fast enough.
05:18 And so the second day we went to the airport,
05:21 because there were so many cars that we could go there two days,
05:24 and I was there, and so what I thought was that
05:27 why don't I bring a suitcase along with me.
05:30 Because it's kind of awkward to walk around in an airport
05:33 with a box of GLOW and go from car door to car door
05:38 with a box of GLOW delivering GLOW.
05:39 And so I brought a suitcase full of GLOW.
05:42 And what I would do, I would just go up the elevator
05:45 to whatever level they were on and deliver
05:47 GLOW through my suitcase.
05:50 And it was a huge blessing.
05:52 In just two days in the Houston George Bush Airport
05:56 we passed out 55,000 to 60,000 GLOWs.
06:02 What a blessing, amen, to see all of the GLOW that
06:04 was able to go out inside of an airport.
06:06 And now Erica had an interesting experience with someone
06:09 who she handed a piece of literature to.
06:11 Tell us about that experience, Erica.
06:14 So it was the last 15 minutes and I'm just running it hard
06:17 through the parking lot, and I come up on this man
06:19 and I handed him a GLOW tract.
06:22 And we started talking and I actually ended up
06:24 praying with him.
06:26 Well after prayer he shared with me how his son had
06:30 had a dream that he would be getting little pieces
06:34 of literature with messages of hope on them
06:38 and passing them out.
06:39 My jaw nearly dropped to the ground and I handed him
06:43 a hundred GLOW tracts.
06:45 I said, "God go with you, my brother."
06:46 So walking the streets of Houston today is a
06:50 non-Adventist, non-Christian person distributing out
06:55 the message of God.
06:57 Young people, we so need to be active in our communities,
07:02 at home, and abroad.
07:05 Thank you for sharing.
07:06 It's interesting how the Lord calls people to really
07:09 receive these messages right at the exact time.
07:11 People are having dreams that they are getting GLOW.
07:13 Now Isaac, you had an interesting experience
07:15 where you were passing out GLOW,
07:17 but you got help from an unexpected place.
07:19 Tell us about that.
07:21 So I was actually passing out tracts here in a parking garage
07:24 in downtown Houston.
07:25 And the thing with parking garages is that most of them
07:28 are heavily guarded by security.
07:30 So it's hard to get in.
07:31 I was in one of them and sure enough this one had lots of
07:34 security everywhere; I was caught.
07:36 He called me to himself.
07:37 I shared with him the tracts and he was immediately closed to it.
07:40 He said, "You need to get out of here.
07:42 You can't pass these out.
07:43 I don't want this stuff."
07:44 As he was speaking, though, I noticed on his name tag
07:47 his name had an Ethiopian origin,
07:50 which is where I had served previously
07:53 a couple of years ago.
07:54 I started talking to him in Ethiopian,
07:57 the little Ethiopian that I knew.
07:59 And come to find out as we were talking,
08:01 one of the cities that I had served in was his home town.
08:06 He said, "Thank you so much for reaching my family."
08:08 He took the tracts and his whole demeanor changed.
08:12 He said, "I'll take these tracts."
08:14 He took a couple of them to pass out himself.
08:16 He said, "You can pass them out amongst the whole garage."
08:18 He then led me to five more gates where he unlocked
08:21 the garages to five more garages, and said,
08:23 "Pass them out everywhere.
08:25 These people need to hear of the love of Jesus."
08:28 Isn't that exciting to hear, friends?
08:30 Well let me tell you, if you missed pre-conference,
08:33 you have a chance this Friday to join us for our Friday outreach.
08:36 Don't miss the opportunity to spread the
08:39 love of Jesus with someone.
08:40 So this Friday all you need to do is bring a pen
08:43 and join us at 10:30 in the morning right in here
08:46 for a short outreach training, and we will spend
08:48 the rest of the day reaching people who are looking
08:51 and searching so desperately for the
08:53 beautiful Jesus that you have.
08:54 Amen? God bless you all.
08:56 And please join us for our Friday outreach.
09:03 We have the privilege of worshiping together
09:04 for the next several days.
09:07 And my prayer is that the Lord will revive our hearts.
09:09 Amen. Is that your prayer?
09:12 The scripture reading and the scripture passage
09:15 for the theme of this year is found in Ecclesiastes 12
09:19 beginning in verse 1.
09:22 And Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 12:1,
09:25 "Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,
09:29 before the difficult days come, and the years draw near
09:33 when you say, 'I have no pleasure in them.'"
09:36 And skipping down to verse 13.
09:39 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
09:41 Fear God and keep His commandments
09:44 for this is man's all.
09:46 For God will bring every work into judgment,
09:49 including every secret thing, whether good or evil."
09:54 I pray that as we explore this passage of scripture
09:56 over the next several days that the Lord will give us wisdom
09:59 and revive us through His Spirit.
10:02 But how many of you think it would be good that we pray
10:04 and ask for His Spirit?
10:06 Why don't we pray together as we begin.
10:09 Father in heaven, we're gathered here and we're coming
10:13 before Your throne pleading that, Father, this would not
10:17 just be another convention, but, Lord, that You would
10:19 truly revive our hearts, that You would pour out
10:22 Your Spirit upon us.
10:23 That, Father, there would be revival, reformation,
10:27 and renewal that takes place this weekend.
10:30 Lord, we need You.
10:32 We need Your power to finish this work in this generation,
10:35 and to finish the work that You have started in our own hearts.
10:38 I just pray that as we spend this time, that we wouldn't
10:40 waste time, but Lord, that we'd spend it in Your Word
10:44 and in prayer seeking Your face.
10:46 In Christ's name we pray, amen.
10:53 I have the honor and privilege to introduce to you
10:56 tonight's speaker, Moise Ratsara.
11:00 He is currently the president of GYC,
11:04 and we affectionately call him, Mo.
11:08 Last night I got a text message from Jonathan and he said,
11:10 "Would you be willing to introduce Moise?"
11:12 And I said, "Of course I would.
11:14 It would be an honor."
11:15 And so immediately I started rehearsing, what would I say
11:19 about Moise in an introduction?
11:22 And it became abundantly clear to me that I didn't know
11:25 anything about Moise's worldly accomplishments.
11:30 And that may not be indifferent from your opinion
11:33 and where you sit, but for me it's a little bit unique
11:35 because I actually sit on the nominating committee of GYC
11:39 and the board that votes in the leadership of GYC.
11:44 So you should be saying, "Amen."
11:47 I know nothing about his worldly accomplishments, and yet
11:50 he is our president.
11:53 When you have an encounter and an experience with Moise,
11:56 you recognize that his passion and his love for his
12:00 Friend and his Savior Jesus Christ is contagious.
12:04 Moise is sort of like an onion as you begin to unpeel him.
12:07 He grew up as a missionary.
12:09 GYC has changed his life.
12:12 When you ask him, "What is the highlight of GYC,"
12:15 it is being a bus leader.
12:17 Going out on outreach.
12:19 He's going to share a little bit this evening as to
12:22 how GYC has changed him, how it has shaped
12:26 his Christian experience.
12:28 And I trust that you, like me, as you encounter Moise,
12:34 will experience this contagiousness that he has
12:37 for his Friend and Savior Jesus Christ.
12:40 It is Moise who will give us our message tonight.
12:43 And he is our president.
12:45 And we will welcome him to the stage.
12:50 Well praise the Lord.
12:54 You know, it's a real privilege to be here with you.
12:58 I want to thank certain people that make this happen.
13:03 The first person I want to thank is God Almighty.
13:07 I also want to thank my family, my beautiful wife Amy.
13:12 Amy, if you can wave.
13:14 Where are you? You're on the fifth row.
13:15 There she is.
13:17 My beautiful wife, Amy.
13:19 I want to also thank the churches that have
13:24 been so kind to me.
13:25 I serve as a local church pastor.
13:28 Two beautiful churches, Jackson and Bunker Hill,
13:30 I want to greet you.
13:32 And I know you're following us online.
13:34 And I just want to say, hi.
13:36 I also want to say hi to my friends who are
13:40 in the Cotton Prison facility, with whom we have fellowship
13:44 every Tuesday praising the Lord together.
13:48 I want to say hello, and I'm glad you're watching.
13:52 I also want to thank especially, you can see I'm very grateful,
13:58 the Southwestern Union.
14:00 Especially the youth department led by Elder Moody
14:04 who is here with us.
14:05 I also want to thank the Texas Conference.
14:09 Especially Elder Carlos Craig and his team,
14:15 and Elder Dan Searns, who have been so accommodating
14:18 to us, and they have blessed us tremendously.
14:23 I also want to thank all the local church pastors in Texas.
14:27 If you're a local church pastor here in Texas,
14:29 if you will please stand.
14:33 If there are any of them here, thank you, thank you so much
14:39 for all you do.
14:45 I also would like to introduce today a special friend of mine,
14:51 the president of my church, the president of our church,
14:57 a friend of the young people, a very humble man,
15:02 Elder Ted Wilson, who will share some few words with us
15:06 from his heart to encourage us.
15:09 After he's done sharing some words with us,
15:12 I will come back after special music to share with you
15:16 some words from my heart.
15:17 So I would like to introduce to you Elder Wilson.
15:21 I'd like to have a prayer with him
15:24 to ask that the Holy Spirit may fill him and give him strength
15:29 as he goes all over the world to proclaim the truth.
15:32 Let's pray.
15:34 Dear heavenly Father, here is your anointed servant
15:38 that you have called for such a time as this.
15:41 I pray for him, I pray for his family.
15:44 I pray for our worldwide church that we are so excited
15:48 we can be a part of.
15:50 Bless him and his ministry.
15:52 And Father, may You guide him, may You give him great wisdom,
15:57 and may You give him great health as well
16:00 as he carries out his duties all over the world.
16:02 Please be with him and his entire family.
16:05 And thank You so much for him and for his ministry.
16:09 Amen.
16:12 Thank you, Moise. God bless you.
16:17 I want to thank Pastor Ratsara for that wonderful prayer
16:25 and the opportunity to be here at GYC.
16:30 I'm looking forward to Pastor Ratsara's message tonight.
16:34 I know the Holy Spirit is going to use him
16:36 in a very dramatic way.
16:39 He told me a little bit about what he's going to speak about,
16:42 and I know that these are essential truths
16:45 for this time.
16:48 I want to tell you as a message this evening here at GYC
16:54 something important.
16:57 When all has been heard, GYC, young people around the world,
17:06 those who are watching, I urge you, don't give up on the ship.
17:13 For the ship is going through, by God's grace.
17:18 Now I've been very impressed, as I have arrived here at GYC;
17:22 the infrastructure, the organization,
17:27 you know, and you just meet so many people,
17:30 so many people who are on fire for the Lord.
17:32 Praise God for GYC.
17:36 There are all kinds of reasons that you ought to be happy.
17:40 But I want to tell you, I met all kinds of people.
17:42 I've got some people who are helping me.
17:45 Bailey, and Alex, and Christian, and R.D.
17:49 I met a fellow at the airport.
17:50 He said, "Are you Elder Wilson?" I said, "Yes."
17:52 His name is Diego from Philadelphia.
17:55 Diego, I'm not sure if you're here tonight yet,
17:57 but the Lord is going to bless you; this is your first time.
18:01 You know, I parked my car next to a lovely van
18:07 up here in the Hilton parking lot.
18:09 And it was from the Canton Seventh-day Adventist Church.
18:13 I hope, Canton, you're here tonight.
18:15 And God is going to bless you in a marvelous, marvelous way.
18:18 We met a young greeter. His name is Jericho.
18:21 What an exciting name to have; Jericho.
18:24 He's going to shake the place, let me tell you.
18:27 Jonathan Walter, vice-president for programming, has been
18:31 instrumental in helping us to focus on the right things.
18:35 And Juliana is helping us with photography
18:38 and all kinds of things.
18:40 Everybody working together to do something for Jesus.
18:44 I want to tell you, we were so impressed at Annual Council
18:48 back in the month of October when so many young people
18:51 came from SOULS West and many other organizations
18:55 to help church leaders distribute Christian literature.
19:01 What a privilege it is to have many of you who were there
19:04 with us here tonight.
19:06 In fact, I want to urge you this coming year, 2017,
19:11 re-read, or read if you haven't read it,
19:14 I think everyone here has, that beautiful book,
19:17 Steps to Christ.
19:20 125 years ago, as of 2017, this book was first put out.
19:30 Distribute this book.
19:31 Distribute The Great Controversy.
19:33 We're going to see God's blessing in a marvelous way
19:37 as you become involved in every activity of the church.
19:42 And remember, it is all based on our relationship with Jesus.
19:46 Revival and reformation which must continue
19:49 until the Lord comes.
19:53 Focus upon Christ and His righteousness,
19:57 upon His beautiful justifying and sanctifying power
20:02 that He will provide for each of us.
20:05 His Sanctuary message; what a beautiful message
20:09 God has given to us in the Sanctuary.
20:12 Use it, preach it, share it.
20:15 Be faithful to God and to His holy Word,
20:19 and to the spirit of prophecy,
20:22 and to what God intends for us to do as a people;
20:26 proclaiming the three angels' messages
20:29 of Revelation 14 and the fourth angel's message
20:32 of Revelation 18.
20:34 We are living in unusual times.
20:38 I want to tell you, when all has been heard
20:43 stay with the ship.
20:46 It's going through to the kingdom.
20:50 You see, total member involvement,
20:52 total youth involvement, total everything involvement,
20:56 is what the church is to be all about as we come to the
20:59 very end of time.
21:01 And that is what GYC helps all of you to do.
21:05 To be so involved.
21:08 In the month of May of this year, still 2016,
21:12 we had the wonderful privilege of holding evangelistic meetings
21:15 in Rwanda.
21:18 What a marvelous experience it was.
21:21 My wife even had her own meetings.
21:24 I don't have time to tell you all the details.
21:27 But we saw God's Spirit moving in a marvelous way
21:30 because the membership of the church became
21:33 so totally involved in everything that was done.
21:38 If you have a chance, come to the seminar that we're going to
21:40 be holding tomorrow to help understand what it means
21:43 to have pastors and church members working in a united way.
21:49 Total member involvement.
21:51 By God's grace, at the end of that massive evangelistic
21:54 meeting all across Rwanda with over 2000 sites
22:00 God blessed ultimately with over 100,000 baptisms.
22:06 And we praise God for it.
22:08 In February, in about one month, we will be in Ukraine
22:11 and also in Romania.
22:13 Romania is preparing for over or about 2000 sites.
22:19 About three quarters of those sites will be
22:23 operated and presented by laypeople.
22:25 As were the ones in Rwanda.
22:28 I want to tell you, God is doing something extraordinary
22:32 in getting everybody involved.
22:35 Total member involvement.
22:39 Now for the last few moments, because we want to hear
22:43 Pastor Ratsara, I want to talk to you about a ship.
22:49 Matthew 14, we don't have time to really get into the
22:53 full story, but you know that story.
22:56 The feeding of the five thousand.
22:58 Really there were probably about 20,000 people there
23:01 including women and children, and all that were there.
23:05 That beautiful experience where twelve baskets
23:08 were filled at the very end.
23:10 The people were so excited they were about to crown Jesus king.
23:14 It's a marvelous story, but I don't have time
23:16 to get into all of it.
23:17 I want to focus on some lessons from the sea.
23:22 Jesus sent the disciples away.
23:25 They were angry, they were bitter.
23:27 They thought that they were going to become
23:28 the high generals in an army that was going to
23:32 take care of the Romans.
23:33 But Jesus had other plans.
23:35 He sent them away.
23:37 And you can see in your minds eye those disciples
23:39 walking down to the ship, because Jesus said,
23:42 "Go into the ship out into the sea."
23:46 You can see them kicking the dirt,
23:49 muttering under their breath, "Who is this Person?
23:52 Maybe He's not even the Son of God.
23:55 He frustrated our plans."
23:58 I want to tell you, my dear young friends,
24:00 and all of us, because I speak to myself,
24:03 be careful that your plans that you focus on so intently,
24:09 and that you think are great plans, be careful,
24:13 else they be something other than God's plans.
24:18 Stay close to God's Word and to the spirit of prophecy.
24:21 Work together as a family unit.
24:25 I urge you to be involved with your local church
24:28 in every way possible.
24:30 Support your church.
24:32 Don't diverge from your church.
24:36 Listen to your church.
24:38 Work with your church.
24:41 Well, those disciples got into the boat.
24:43 Jesus went up into a mountain side and He was praying.
24:46 Read about it in, Desire of Ages.
24:48 It's an incredible story.
24:49 Jesus could see them out in the sea.
24:51 And He prepared a special storm just for them.
24:57 Sometimes when you run into problems,
25:00 maybe the Lord is testing you with your own
25:04 stylized unique storm.
25:09 As those disciples were struggling with the sails,
25:13 in Matthew 14 it tells us how they became so afraid.
25:20 "And when the boat was now in the middle of the sea,"
25:24 verse 24, "tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary,
25:28 now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them,
25:32 walking on the sea."
25:33 Why could He get to them at that point is because
25:36 they had given up on themselves.
25:39 In fact, when they saw Jesus, they said, "It's a ghost."
25:43 Now I grew up in Cairo, Egypt.
25:45 In the Middle East there are omens that
25:48 people kind of believe in.
25:49 If something happens, they say, "Oh, that's a sign.
25:53 Something terrible is going to happen."
25:55 These disciples saw this apparition on the water
25:58 and they thought, "For sure we're going to die."
26:00 They had set the sails as much as they could.
26:02 They threw out everything they could from the boats.
26:05 They tried to keep the boat balanced,
26:08 but it was going to sink.
26:12 When you give up on your own plans, then is when God
26:18 can help you with His plans for your life.
26:23 And as that boat was rocking in the midst of that storm,
26:33 and Jesus appeared, He said, "Be of good cheer.
26:40 It is I. Do not be afraid."
26:43 I want to tell you, GYC, those are the words that people
26:46 in this world are longing to hear through your
26:49 lips and your actions.
26:51 Let God use you in total member involvement
26:54 so that people will understand that you're connected
26:58 with the heavenly source of power,
27:00 that you're preparing people for Jesus' soon return.
27:04 Don't be afraid to be a Seventh-day Adventist.
27:12 Well, when Jesus spoke, Peter answered, "Lord, if it's You,
27:16 tell me to come out."
27:18 Well you know what happened.
27:19 Peter went out, went over the edge, started walking
27:23 on the water, got a little self-confident,
27:25 turned around to see if the rest of the gang was looking at him,
27:28 and he began to sink.
27:30 Never take your eyes off Jesus.
27:35 The one who will take the ship through is the one
27:39 who controls the storm.
27:42 Jesus Himself will take this ship through.
27:48 Peter learned his lesson, grabbed hold of Jesus,
27:51 walked back to that ship.
27:53 And when they got into the ship, the sea became like glass.
28:01 And finally, those disbelieving, angry, frustrated disciples
28:07 who were thinking that they had a better way,
28:11 that their way was the better approach,
28:16 bowed down and said, "Truly You are the Son of God."
28:24 As we go into 2017, I'm going to take a little license
28:29 and I'm going to say that 2017 is going to be one of the most
28:34 unusual years that you will have ever experienced.
28:40 We are coming to the very end of time.
28:44 I believe with all my heart that Jesus is coming soon.
28:49 He is asking for all of us to focus our attention upon Him.
28:57 "Desire of Ages" tells us in page 382,
29:02 "Those who fail to realize their constant dependence upon God
29:06 will be overcome by temptation.
29:09 We may now suppose that our feet stand secure
29:12 and that we shall never be moved.
29:13 We may say with confidence, 'I know in whom I have believed.
29:16 Nothing can shake my faith in God and in His Word.'
29:19 But Satan is planning to take advantage of our hereditary
29:25 and cultivated traits of character,
29:27 and to blind our eyes to our own necessities and defects."
29:33 And he'll try and do that even right here at GYC.
29:38 Even in this wonderful environment.
29:41 "Only through realizing our own weakness
29:44 and looking steadfastly unto Jesus can we walk securely."
29:51 My appeal to you in 2017 is to walk securely with Jesus.
29:59 Jesus is in the boat.
30:02 And Jesus will see the boat through.
30:07 Through the Holy Spirit He is present with His church.
30:10 And soon, by His grace, He will be coming to take us all home.
30:17 I want to do something just before I walk off.
30:22 I want to do something a little different
30:23 than I've ever done before.
30:26 Most of you will recognize this.
30:28 Because I want people to know who you are as a wonderful
30:34 group of young people.
30:37 I want to take a group selfie.
30:40 Is that okay?
30:43 I want to take this and I want to put it on my Facebook page,
30:50 because I want people to see young people who are
30:53 totally involved with God's church.
30:57 And if you are involved with God's church,
30:59 raise your hand and let's get a good picture here.
31:07 God bless you all.
31:08 We believe in GYC, we love you.
31:11 Stay with the ship.
31:13 The ship is going through.
31:40 One pair of hands formed the mountains,
31:48 one pair of hands formed the sea,
31:55 one pair of hands made the sun and the moon,
32:01 every bird, every flower, every tree.
32:09 One pair of hands formed the valleys,
32:15 the oceans, the rivers, and the sand.
32:23 Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
32:31 put your faith into one pair of hands.
32:40 One pair of hands healed the sick,
32:47 one pair of hands raised the dead,
32:55 one pair of hands calmed the ragging storm,
33:01 and thousands of people were fed.
33:10 One pair of hands said, "I love you;"
33:16 and those hands were nailed to a tree.
33:24 Oh, those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
33:33 put your faith into one pair of hands.
33:41 Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
33:51 put your faith into one pair of hands.
34:13 Amen, amen.
34:23 Would you have a word of prayer with me one more time.
34:27 Let's pray.
34:29 Dear heavenly Father, we are Your children.
34:35 You know me, Father, and I need You.
34:40 I ask that You will fill this place with Your presence.
34:44 And that at the end of this time together
34:48 we will never be the same again, because we have met Christ.
34:53 Please be with us, Father, is our prayer.
34:55 Amen.
34:58 I want to alert you that I am going to make
35:01 an appeal for baptism at the end of my address to you.
35:09 The reason why I tell you beforehand is because
35:12 I want you to make an intelligent decision.
35:15 I know some of you have been in the valley of decision,
35:19 and I am going to give you an opportunity
35:21 at the end of my address to make a commitment to Jesus today.
35:29 You know, GYC has one vision.
35:35 In the book, Education, page 262, it says
35:41 this one thing we do, "Success in any line
35:45 demands a definite aim.
35:48 He who would achieve true success in life
35:51 must keep steadily in view the aim worthy of his endeavor.
35:56 Such an aim is set before the youth of today.
35:59 The heaven-appointed purpose of giving the gospel
36:03 to the world in this generation is the noblest that can appeal
36:08 to any human being.
36:12 It opens a field of effort to everyone whose heart
36:15 Christ has touched."
36:20 I'm going to give you a rundown of what God has done
36:24 through GYC, a brief one.
36:27 Through God's grace, mercy, and help, this year alone
36:31 GYC has sent a couple of missionaries to the Middle East.
36:37 We are present in six different continents, except Antarctica.
36:43 We have eighteen different affiliates who have planned
36:48 more than twenty major events this year alone.
36:53 Countless GYCers were sent to preach full evangelistic series
36:58 all over the world, including Rwanda,
37:01 to support our beloved church.
37:04 We have more than 500 volunteers;
37:07 more than 100 of them serving here alone
37:10 spending countless hours waving flags, welcoming you,
37:16 giving you water, all the way to the person who had to
37:19 sign to get this convention center.
37:23 All are precious in God's sight.
37:27 GYC has reached the lives of thousands, including myself.
37:31 And some people who are here present have been won over
37:36 to the gospel because of our outreach in Louisville in 2015.
37:41 And they are here because of what you have done,
37:44 through God's grace.
37:46 GYC attendees have knocked on more than half a million doors,
37:52 passed more than a million pieces of literature
37:57 in the last five days.
38:01 But GYC has one mission.
38:04 To finish the work in this generation.
38:10 And in order to fulfill this mission, we must be all in
38:14 for Christ.
38:17 You see, the executive committee is not GYC,
38:20 though they are excellent people.
38:22 The Board of GYC is not GYC, though they're excellent people.
38:27 Moise is not GYC.
38:29 GYC is you.
38:32 You are GYC.
38:34 And this is your movement.
38:36 And this is your time to finish the work in your generation.
38:42 But we have a lot of work to do.
38:46 And the work lays closest through us.
38:49 There's a story of a young boy in the 1800's
38:52 by the name of William.
38:55 And when William was really young his father told him,
38:58 "William, I'm so sorry, but I have no money
39:02 to take care of you."
39:04 William now was a homeless boy at the age of sixteen.
39:07 And he decided to go to New York City
39:11 to make a life for himself.
39:14 There, he went on a canal boat, and he would have an encounter
39:18 that would change his life forever.
39:22 The sea captain, with a deep voice probably, told William,
39:26 he said, "William, young boy, what are you doing here?
39:32 And where are you going?"
39:39 William told him his story.
39:41 And the only thing that William could say that he had done
39:46 that was useful was make soap.
39:50 The captain looked at him and said,
39:52 "I will give you one advice.
39:54 One day there will be the best soap maker in New York City.
39:58 It might be you, it might not be you.
40:01 But whatever you do, whatever you make,
40:04 dedicate it to the Lord."
40:07 William eventually, at the end of his life,
40:10 was giving all of his money to mission work
40:14 all over the world.
40:15 Today we know him as William Colgate.
40:18 And some of you probably use his product in the morning.
40:23 But beyond that product, William Colgate gave all of his money
40:28 at the end of his life for missions.
40:32 But business people are not the only people
40:34 that need to be asked that question.
40:37 Where are you going?
40:39 What are you doing here?
40:41 But prophets as well need that question.
40:46 Turn your Bibles with me to 1 Kings 19:13.
40:52 1 Kings 19:13
41:04 1 Kings 19:13
41:08 And in there it reads, "So it was, when Elijah heard it,
41:15 that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out
41:20 and stood in the entrance of the cave.
41:23 Suddenly a voice came to him, and said,
41:27 'What are you doing...'"
41:32 Oh GYC, are you following me?
41:35 I know the day has been long,
41:36 but you've got to connect with me.
41:38 He said, Jesus said, "What are you doing..." What?
41:43 ", Elijah?"
41:47 And I want to ask the same question to you, GYC.
41:50 What are you doing here?
41:54 Where are you going?
42:01 I hope we are not here to be entertained.
42:05 We're not here to dance with the devil,
42:07 but we are here to walk with God.
42:09 To be men and women of God.
42:12 We are here to press together.
42:14 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,
42:17 as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another;
42:21 so much more as we see the Day approaching."
42:26 For we have a work to do.
42:31 We must press together like never before, friend.
42:34 For we, today, face tremendous challenges,
42:37 especially as young people, young professionals.
42:43 We are fighting ever the rising tide of secularism
42:47 and spiritual decay characterized by our
42:50 generation's religious disengagement.
42:55 We are facing the storms of division, even among
43:00 our ranks in God's family.
43:03 We have become polarized as a people,
43:05 to the point that we are spiritually naked
43:09 and we don't know it.
43:11 We are blind, and we don't know it.
43:13 We lack power, and we don't seek it.
43:15 We are drowning in the ocean of lukewarmness,
43:18 and some don't even care.
43:22 GYC, what are we doing here?
43:29 For if we know more how to argue than to pray like Christ,
43:33 we are in trouble.
43:35 If we are spending more time being consumed by the cares of
43:38 the world than understanding the heart of God,
43:43 there is a problem.
43:45 If we, as young people, are pursuing a career
43:48 more than a calling, we are in trouble.
43:52 If we, as young people, know more about the issues that
43:56 divide us more than the righteousness of Christ
43:59 portrayed in the three angels' messages
44:01 whose proclamation unites us as a people of God,
44:05 we are in trouble.
44:08 For we are suffocating ourselves spiritually.
44:14 And there is ever that constant danger of the undercurrent
44:17 of selfishness that sways even the best of us.
44:21 And through the obese of self, of eternal distraction
44:25 and impending destruction, we are in trouble.
44:31 But I pray.
44:33 Oh, I pray.
44:35 And I have a dream.
44:36 And I long that we have gathered here together to face the storms
44:41 in Christ's name.
44:43 That is why we are here.
44:45 We are here because we have gathered from all over
44:48 the states, all over the world, those of you watching on online,
44:53 we have gathered here because we seek to meet Jesus Christ.
45:04 A young boy and his family were traveling on a boat.
45:11 I praise the Lord, Elder Wilson talked about a boat.
45:13 I'm glad.
45:16 A young boy was traveling on a boat.
45:18 Unfortunately a mighty storm came
45:21 and the boat was not able to be stabled.
45:23 And it lost its balance and capsized at sea.
45:28 The next day the search party came, and all they could find
45:33 was a little boy.
45:39 They asked the little boy, they said, "Boy, are you okay?"
45:44 The little boy looked at them and he said,
45:46 "Yes, sir. The rock never moved."
45:50 And I tell you, friends, the Word of God has never moved.
45:55 And as we face these storms together, we shall stand
45:59 on the mighty rock of God.
46:02 That is why we are here.
46:04 Every year we come together looking for something profound,
46:09 something radical, something significant,
46:12 a purpose, a vision, a challenge.
46:16 We come to be motivated and energized.
46:20 We come because we want to be the changes our homes,
46:24 our schools, our churches, our countries desperately need.
46:29 We come to be filled more so that we can give more.
46:32 We come because we are GYC.
46:38 We are here to bury our idols of self, worldliness,
46:46 divisiveness, and pride;
46:50 and by God's grace raise an altar of loving sacrifice,
46:54 of humility, of surrender, of total devotion to our God
47:01 for a remembrance throughout eternity
47:05 and to raise it up here.
47:09 We are here to be with Christ, to lift our mortal face
47:14 and look into the face of the Eternal
47:17 who gave everything for you and me,
47:21 who was pierced on a tree, falsely accused, persecuted,
47:25 rejected, and alone.
47:28 But it was worth it all for you and me.
47:33 We're simply here to seek to be His disciples
47:37 in mind, and in heart, in action, to understand,
47:42 surrender, and be consumed by the greatest subject of all
47:46 that is found in all of Scripture and summarized
47:49 in three simple words: Christ our righteousness.
47:54 It is our only hope.
47:56 And we have gathered here because
47:58 we thirst after righteousness and the promises given
48:03 by a covenant God.
48:08 Go with me to Matthew 5:6.
48:14 We are here because we hunger.
48:16 We are here because we thirst.
48:19 We are here because we need more.
48:22 We are here because we, we, in Matthew 5:6...
48:28 You can read it with me if you have the King James version.
48:31 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst
48:34 after righteousness: for they shall be..." What?
48:38 "...filled."
48:40 Take it to the bank, my friend.
48:45 And I long that this promise will be fulfilled here.
48:53 That young people will be in their Bibles,
48:56 open up their hearts to God, where they will engage
49:00 in relentless evangelism and prayer,
49:02 where they will be active in their communities,
49:05 winning souls, visiting the orphans and the widows,
49:12 the poor and the mighty men of the world,
49:15 and reaching those who are in most need of the gospel,
49:20 and be active in their beloved church.
49:25 This is God's church, friend.
49:28 And this is the apple of His eye.
49:33 I long that this will be the generation
49:36 that will finish the work in our generation.
49:42 You know, I want to share with you my heart.
49:46 I grew up in a beautiful Adventist home.
49:49 I was a missionary kid.
49:51 I'm glad I have no worldly attainments.
49:54 Only Jesus, that is all that I have.
49:59 But my freshman year of college I started to
50:01 struggle with my faith.
50:04 Not because my parents had done something,
50:06 but some of you might understand what I was going through.
50:10 I was asking questions, and I came to a point where I started
50:13 to question my identity and my faith.
50:23 I realized that my faith could not depend any more upon
50:29 my parents or my friends.
50:33 I had to either choose the world or the Word.
50:42 And I, by God's grace, said, "Lord, I am going to
50:47 give You a chance."
50:49 I thought I knew God, but I didn't know God.
50:53 I told God that I would read His Word;
50:55 not only just to read, but to obey the Word.
50:58 There's a big difference, friends.
51:01 So I started to read.
51:03 And the first verse in the Word of God says what?
51:07 "In the beginning..." What?
51:09 "...God created..."
51:16 I hope you understand those words.
51:19 "In the beginning God created..."
51:23 And I said, "Lord, if I put You first in my life,
51:28 You could recreate in me a new heart, a new mind,
51:32 a new purpose, a new life."
51:36 I started to read the Bible through and through,
51:42 to the point that some pages were about to fall off.
51:46 You could ask my wife someday about my Bible.
51:51 But I don't say that to boast, but I say that to say to you
51:54 how precious those words are in the Word.
51:59 I started to pour myself into reading the spirit of prophecy
52:02 like nothing else.
52:04 I know there's a lot of people that have questions
52:06 about the spirit of prophecy, but friend, look at this:
52:10 You need all the light you need to finish
52:13 this journey in victory.
52:17 God spoke. The Bible is clear.
52:21 Don't be afraid to read the spirit of prophecy.
52:25 For even she herself, she said if we understood our Bibles
52:29 as we should, we would have no need for her writings.
52:33 But friend, it is a blessing.
52:35 And I poured my life into reading her writings.
52:39 And I can tell you that I love the Word
52:42 even more than ever before.
52:46 For we are a spectacle before men and angels.
52:50 At the cross is where we must be found.
52:52 We are now called and chosen, and ought to be faithful.
52:56 For when all has been heard, may the Word have seen
53:01 a reflection of the true character of God,
53:04 a spirit-filled life, through you and I in this generation.
53:11 For truly judgment has come, friends.
53:15 "For God will bring every work into judgment,
53:18 including every secret thing, whether good or evil."
53:23 Therefore, my friends, seek Him while He may be found.
53:29 You know, I feel your pain.
53:31 I know some of you don't want to be here.
53:35 I know some of you are here because of your parents.
53:40 I know some of you probably are questioning your faith,
53:43 and maybe some of you have even plans to leave the church
53:46 after GYC.
53:49 But I tell you, friend, we are great sinners,
53:55 but God is a great Savior.
53:59 Do not resist the wooing of the Holy Spirit in your heart,
54:05 but be wooed by God.
54:08 For God is truly coming.
54:13 And God loves you to the uttermost.
54:16 GYC, I ask you the question again:
54:21 What are you doing here?
54:24 And where are you going?


Revised 2017-06-06