ASI Conventions, 2016

Members in Action (group questions & answers)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16ASIC

Program Code: 16ASIC000013A

00:32 Amazing grace...
00:38 how sweet the sound
00:43 that saved a wretch...
00:48 a wretch like me!
00:53 I once was lost
00:58 but now I'm found;
01:04 I once was blind
01:10 but now I see.
01:21 'Twas grace that taught...
01:23 'twas grace that taught my heart to fear...
01:28 my heart to fear...
01:31 and that same grace... and that same grace
01:36 my fears relieved... my fears relieved.
01:41 How precious did
01:46 that grace appear
01:52 the hour when
01:57 I first believed.
02:09 Thru many dangers,
02:15 toils and snares
02:19 I have already
02:25 safely come;
02:29 'Tis grace hath brought
02:35 me safe thus far,
02:40 and surely grace... surely grace
02:46 will lead me home.
02:51 I shall go home...
03:06 When we've been there
03:12 ten thousand years.
03:17 Bright shining as
03:22 the glorious sun,
03:27 we've no less days
03:33 to sing God's praise
03:38 than since the day
03:44 we'd first begun...
03:56 than since the day
04:03 we'd first begun.
04:27 Amen! Thank you His Voice. Aren't they wonderful?
04:32 Good afternoon and Happy Sabbath once again
04:34 and welcome to this very special Sabbath afternoon program
04:37 entitled Unfinished Business...
04:40 a conversation with our world church leaders.
04:43 Truly we are blessed to have
04:45 representatives from every division
04:47 across the world, the leader- ship of our SDA church.
04:50 And we're looking forward to a tremendous couple of hours
04:53 together. We're divided up into four different groups
04:56 this afternoon. And our moderators:
04:59 Steve Dickman, our president of ASI,
05:01 and Andi Hunsaker, our general vice president.
05:03 will be leading out in the questions.
05:05 And I'm going to be introducing each of the leaders
05:09 that represents the divisions of the world field.
05:13 First this afternoon in our first group
05:15 I'm going to begin with Elder JaiRyong Lee, who is the
05:17 president of the Northern Asia Pacific Division.
05:21 The Northern Asia Pacific Division is one of the most
05:24 challenging divisions in the world.
05:27 It comprises the countries of China, Mongolia,
05:30 Japan, Taiwan, North and South Korea.
05:34 It is the most populated division in the world
05:37 with about 1.6 billion people living in that region.
05:42 The Adventist church membership of NSD
05:45 is about 700,000.
05:47 That ratio between Adventists and the general population
05:51 turns out to be one in every 2,200 people.
05:55 The mission challenges are everywhere in this area.
05:58 We need to work together, Elder Lee says, to spread
06:01 the 3 angels' messages to the millions of unreached people
06:05 in this vast territory.
06:06 It is a land of mission challenges and at the same time
06:09 it is a land of great opportunities.
06:13 Next to him is Pastor Saw Samuel who is the president
06:17 of the Southern Asia Pacific Division.
06:19 Pastor Samuel: you've only been in office for four months.
06:22 But that division head- quartered in Manila, Philippines
06:26 consists of four countries with 9 unions with two attached
06:30 missions. 1.3 million members
06:33 out of 1.3 billion in population.
06:36 More than 50% of the population are Muslim;
06:38 30% are Buddhist followed by many other religions.
06:42 There is an interesting dis- tribution of membership in SSD
06:46 as over 86% or 1.3 million of your members are from the
06:51 Philippines and Indonesia
06:53 and the rest of the 12 countries have only 14% of those members.
06:57 Their focus is to reach the unreached people groups:
07:00 the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, and the Chinese -
07:03 the secular Chinese - in their vast territory.
07:06 And they want to reach especially the urban cities
07:09 and the remote territories in the country.
07:12 Next to Pastor Samuel is Pastor Ezrus Lokra, who is
07:16 the president of the Southern Asia Division.
07:19 This division is comprised of the countries of India,
07:22 Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives Islands.
07:25 1.33 billion people live in this division
07:30 and various religions - Hindus, Islam, Sikh, Buddhism -
07:35 account for 98%
07:38 of the people living in that territory.
07:40 Christians account for only 2% of those living in that area.
07:45 There are 1.7 million Adventists;
07:47 there are 350 languages and 3,000 people groups
07:52 in this vast territory. And India is the largest
07:55 democracy in the world. Their greatest mission challenge
07:58 is to reach the Muslim and Hindu populations
08:00 and the current government restrictions that restrict
08:04 evangelism. Their greatest need is to have
08:07 more churches in which they can house their believers.
08:10 And their vision is to reach all of the different segments
08:13 of their society, especially in the large urban centers,
08:16 to share the good news of Jesus with the millions of people
08:19 that still need hope in that vast territory.
08:22 And finally in this group, Elder Glen Townend
08:26 is the president of the South Pacific Division.
08:29 And the South Pacific Division is the smallest division by
08:32 total population but it has the most Adventists
08:35 per person of the population.
08:37 One interesting fact that he told me: it's the only division
08:40 that you can be in today AND yesterday
08:43 or in today AND tomorrow at the same time.
08:47 In case you didn't get it that's the International Date Line. OK?
08:50 Membership: 450,000.
08:53 Countries: 17 countries.
08:54 The church is growing rapidly in the Pacific islands
08:57 and among the immigrant populations.
08:58 Their greatest mission challenge are the people living in the
09:02 secular urban centers. The vision of the SPD is
09:05 that they become a disciple-making movement
09:07 before Jesus comes.
09:11 Thank you, Kyle. What a blessing it is to be here today
09:14 with some of the leaders - the administrative leaders -
09:19 of our world church.
09:21 This afternoon
09:22 as you listen to this program
09:24 as you are here watching
09:25 and we're asking that you would be praying
09:29 about a response
09:31 that the Holy Spirit would convict hearts today.
09:35 And we have talked ahead of time
09:38 with the world church leaders
09:41 and we have asked them to share their heart with us.
09:46 Because we believe that if they share their heart with us
09:49 and we've opened our heart to the Holy Spirit
09:52 that God can use that to do something amazing.
09:56 And it's our desire as a result of the conversation
10:00 that we will have today
10:01 to see God at work all around the world
10:05 doing something amazing so that His work can be finished
10:09 and we can be in God's eternal heavenly kingdom
10:12 instead of here in this earthly kingdom.
10:16 This afternoon our first question that we would like
10:18 to bring to this panel from the area of the world
10:22 generally known as Asia to us
10:25 is: we would like to ask the question
10:28 what do you see as the things that may prevent
10:33 your members from fully engaging in the work of
10:38 spreading the gospel? And what solutions
10:42 do you see that might be possible
10:44 to help our members engage more completely?
10:47 We have 19... about 19 million members
10:50 in the SDA church,
10:53 and if all of those 19 million members were fully engaged
10:57 it seems as if we would be like a vast army, marching
11:01 forward and finishing this work.
11:03 And so this afternoon
11:05 speak from your heart. Tell us: what do you see
11:09 that might be preventing some of that, and how could
11:12 we work to address those problems?
11:15 And just give us your heart today.
11:18 If one of you would like to start,
11:21 we will just open the floor. Well I think all of us believe
11:26 that we are very special
11:28 people of God in the last days.
11:30 Amen! And God has called us;
11:33 God has chosen us;
11:35 and the Holy Spirit has led us to make commitment
11:39 to the mission of the church.
11:41 Certainly we are the people of mission.
11:45 And our mission is to spread the gospel message
11:49 to the entire world as soon as possible.
11:53 But you know Satan does not like this idea.
11:57 He is trying to bring all kinds of challenges
12:02 and problems and difficulties to us.
12:05 No wonder when you go out to the mission field
12:08 you get faced with all kinds of challenges out there.
12:12 For instance, in our territories
12:15 in China, in Mongolia, in Japan
12:19 we have all kinds of challenges there.
12:22 While at the same time I think we also have problems
12:25 internally. When Ellen White pointed out
12:29 that our church members are in Laodicean condition.
12:32 It seems that we are lacking the confidence
12:36 in God's work, and then the mission spirit is lacking.
12:42 But this afternoon I want to tell you
12:45 that we don't have to worry about all this because
12:48 we believe that this is God's church
12:50 and we are engaged in God's business.
12:53 And as long as we trust in the Lord
12:56 and that He will help us, He will empower us
13:00 so by the grace of God and through the power of the
13:03 Holy Spirit certainly we will overcome all these challenges
13:08 and we will certainly finish the work in our generation.
13:13 Elder Townend.
13:15 I was just thinking and reflecting. One of the
13:18 external factors is probably consumerism, materialism.
13:25 Trying to gain more toys
13:28 'cause the people with the most toys win.
13:31 We believe that way.
13:33 I think that's one of the external factors
13:36 that affects the church. And I think sometimes internally
13:40 even leadership at every level
13:43 can be too restrictive, and sometimes we don't allow people
13:48 the freedom and our plans. They say: "Oh, they're too
13:52 difficult; We don't understand them. "
13:53 And we need to make more simple plans.
13:56 And I can say: "Yeah, I've got to look at myself
14:01 and say: 'Sometimes maybe the way I want to do things
14:07 may not be how other people want to do it.
14:09 And who am I to say... ' "
14:12 I have a saying and some people know it in our part
14:15 of the world. They say: "There's more than one way
14:18 to skin a kangaroo. "
14:20 As long as the kangaroo - you know - gets its skin off.
14:27 And as long as we get the message out there I think
14:30 let's encourage the variety of ministry.
14:33 And that's what I see here, and I think that's a really good
14:35 thing. Elder Lakra: what would you say?
14:42 I also find a lot of challenges that we have.
14:46 Particularly I think that in India -
14:49 of course, in Southern Asia Division -
14:53 we have the vast population
14:56 and, you know, as has been read
15:00 1.33 billion people.
15:04 Different casts, creeds.
15:07 Different languages.
15:09 Of course we have the challenges - you know -
15:13 as has been said is the largest democracy
15:16 as well as I would say
15:21 is the largest constitution in the world
15:26 because we have different segments, different societies,
15:30 different language, different mentality, different culture.
15:35 And we find it really difficult that way to get into
15:40 and to bring them together.
15:43 And you know, when we have... Even politically we find
15:50 it difficult to really be so free
15:54 to spread the gospel.
15:57 And of course as far as our administration is concerned
16:02 we find challenge internally, too.
16:05 That we have, you know, sometimes the people
16:10 lose the confidence on us.
16:14 We try our best that we be accountable.
16:18 And that's what this concuimany feels that we should
16:23 win the confidence of the lay members
16:27 who are able to contribute their trust on us.
16:31 And there may be some areas
16:37 we may not be able to cope with what they think of.
16:40 But we are as much as we do it
16:46 that we are transparent in our dealings
16:50 and loving them, calling them, inviting them.
16:55 And now what we see: a lot of lay members, they come forward.
17:01 And that's the sign of the changes that we could see.
17:07 And it's difficult for us because I know as
17:12 I have come here for ASI.
17:15 But unfortunately we do not have the AIC... ASI
17:21 there in our country because of a lot of challenges
17:24 that we have. But I'm going through this...
17:27 a lot of learning there. The excitement that I have
17:32 that we could start. Because we are not able to win
17:37 the confidence of the lay members,
17:39 but we will see it. I know with God's grace,
17:44 the Holy Spirit that is working among the lay members,
17:48 and who have the confidence now. And they are coming up.
17:53 We have one point: the 7 million members we have
17:59 and out of that I know it: we plan to make it double
18:04 as what we... We want to involve the lay members
18:10 more of those and as they begin to have confidence
18:14 in us in spite of some challenges that we have.
18:17 Thank you very much.
18:19 Yes Elder Samuel. Thank you, Brother Steve.
18:23 I want to touch on a very fundamental issue.
18:29 Like Dr. Lee has mentioned
18:33 there are internal and external factors.
18:35 And the internal factor, I want to focus on the individual.
18:38 I think what Ellen White has
18:40 counseled us: a revival of true godliness among us
18:42 is the greatest and the most urgent of all our needs.
18:48 This is the point: that personal revival is the key
18:53 that is needed as I look at it.
18:55 I look at my division in SSD we have 1.3 billion
19:02 of population but our membership is 1.3 million.
19:07 Of the 1.3 86 are in two countries alone:
19:11 Manila, Philippines and Indonesia.
19:14 But this also: we have a problem with the uneven distribution of
19:19 membership. But there is also a blessing in the challenges
19:23 that we face everywhere.
19:25 But one thing is that... Another issue is that
19:28 what is our values? You know, what is our perspective?
19:32 That is very important.
19:34 I have to admit that I have a bias and a prejudice
19:38 against Muslims because I was mistreated by my own father
19:41 who is a Muslim
19:42 and that I want nothing more to do with Muslim
19:45 until the last year that during the devotional
19:47 part of ...? who came and talked about it.
19:50 And then I committed. And last year I went and I talked
19:53 to my father. Never I wanted to talk to him.
19:56 I always avoided talking to him, but I changed my mind.
19:59 And then I talked to him and as a result
20:02 my father - 50 years - he gave his life
20:06 and he is going to get baptized this year. Amen! Amen!
20:09 There is one thing: many times we have to personally
20:14 break down some of the prejudices, the bias that we
20:17 have and then seek the help of the Holy Spirit.
20:20 Sometimes we focus on our own people, our own tribe
20:23 and our own country. But today we have learned
20:27 that when we receive the calling
20:28 the calling is not only the place we belong.
20:34 Andi, you know, we've talked about some various...
20:37 some pretty serious internal and external issues here.
20:40 And I appreciate what Pastor Samuel said.
20:45 And sometimes it's in our own heart, isn't it,
20:48 where we need to resolve some things before we can fully
20:52 have that burn for souls that we need
20:55 and so that God can really do that. Andi,
20:58 summarize what you heard here this afternoon
21:00 in terms of those challenges for our audience.
21:03 Yeah, I'm actually very encouraged because
21:07 it's interesting. I have that quote that you mentioned.
21:10 "A revival of true godliness is
21:12 the greatest of all our works. "
21:13 And so I really appreciate that fact.
21:15 I think oftentimes we tend to look out there
21:18 at something else rather than looking in our hearts.
21:21 And I think that Daniel 9 gives us a great example of
21:26 how we should be looking at things.
21:27 We have sinned and done wrong.
21:30 And so I think if we begin there -
21:32 revival in our own hearts - I think the message
21:37 as Ellen White says will "go as far in the stubble. "
21:39 The other thing that you mentioned, Elder Lee, is
21:42 that we've lost the mission spirit.
21:44 Certainly as we look at the early pioneers
21:50 and the mission spirit they had
21:52 we can certainly see that, and one of you mentioned
21:54 Laodicea... you did...
21:57 Bro. Saw... No, Lakra... I'm sorry...
22:02 And so I really think that you gentlemen have really hit
22:04 on these points. I pray that our audience...
22:07 we're out of time... have heard the points that are made
22:09 and take those to heart.
22:11 Yes. Just one last point: I think that one thing is
22:16 that we all need to be reminded that God will do the work.
22:19 If we will furnish Him the instruments
22:22 that God will finish the work.
22:25 So sometimes we get confused.
22:27 Amen. Steve, I think it is true that
22:30 we may have even more challenges in the future
22:34 as we come nearer to the end of the age you see.
22:37 We may have more challenges in mission and so on you see.
22:40 But as Ellen White said this is not our work.
22:43 This is God's work, and God has started His work
22:46 and God will finish His work
22:48 using dedicated men and women.
22:51 So I would like to encourage all the lay people who are
22:57 you know engaged in missionary work
22:59 but don't be afraid of anyone, anything in the world.
23:02 This is God's work. Amen! And let us work together
23:05 with a united heart, and let's move forward together.
23:09 And by the grace of God through the power of the Holy Spirit
23:12 certainly we can finish the work soon in the near future.
23:15 Amen! Well this afternoon as part of our feature
23:19 one of the things that we'll be bringing to you
23:21 is some short stories about how things are working in some areas
23:26 where the lay people and the administration of the church
23:30 are working shoulder to shoulder.
23:32 And this afternoon now we'll have one of those stories
23:35 for you now.
23:39 Good afternoon! Good afternoon and it's so nice to be with you
23:44 today. I have the privilege of having
23:46 Elder Robert Folkenberg, Jr. with me.
23:50 He's the president of the Chinese Union.
23:52 Hello! Good afternoon.
23:54 And tell us a little bit about the work that you are doing
23:57 in China. Well, we are trying to continue the work
24:01 started in China by a layman
24:04 back in 1888.
24:06 Abram LaRue left California
24:09 with a burden for the Chinese and traveled all the way
24:12 to Hong Kong and began a life-long work -
24:15 he's actually buried in Hong Kong -
24:17 to reach the Chinese with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
24:20 Well praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! You know,
24:23 China is a very unique situation Elder Folkenberg
24:27 and how are you able to share the gospel message in China?
24:31 Well it's unique on many fronts. Number one: it's the largest
24:34 population in the world. We have 1.4 billion people
24:37 in China, and one can't help but ask
24:40 "How in the world can we reach that? "
24:42 Now I appreciate what Elder Bradshaw said this morning.
24:45 You can look at the glass half full or you can look at it
24:47 half empty. And we prefer as SDA's to look at it as
24:51 half full. Amen? Amen!
24:53 And in this case, the Lord is doing amazing things
24:56 amongst the Chinese. Yes, there are 1.4 billion
24:59 people to reach for Christ in China, but the Holy Spirit
25:03 is working. And up to now we have almost 1/2 million
25:07 members all across China.
25:09 Amen! Which is amazing given the fact that we're
25:11 in a country that does not believe in or support
25:16 belief in God or in religion at all.
25:20 That's amazing. And I know that you were mentioning
25:23 when I was talking with you a little bit about some of the
25:26 experiences and the testimonies
25:28 that you have from
25:30 people in China. Absolutely!
25:31 One of the things that we are...
25:32 we realize in China is that tra- ditional methods of evangelism
25:36 are not easily accomplished.
25:38 We cannot hold public evangelistic meetings.
25:41 But if you look at the writings of Ellen White
25:44 over and over again - probably twice as much as
25:47 anything else she talks about personal work.
25:49 Personal work. And personal work works everywhere in the
25:53 world. That is one person reaching out and connecting with
25:57 another person and making friends for eternity.
26:00 And the Chinese church has been doing this for many many
26:02 years. At the beginning of the Communist Revolution
26:05 in 1949 we only had 20,000 members in China.
26:09 When the church began to emerge from those difficult
26:13 years over 200,000 members were there.
26:16 Amen! And all of that took place through personal work.
26:20 And so one of the ways that we're doing this
26:21 in China is through setting up many centers of influence
26:25 as we call them, but in China
26:27 we don't call them centers of influence - we call them
26:29 service centers. And in the span of the last three years
26:32 we've started over 50 of these centers.
26:35 And these are small store fronts
26:38 and every single one of them have a couple - two people -
26:43 whose job it is to make friends and give Bible studies.
26:46 Can I share a story about one of those centers?
26:49 Absolutely... please do. Just last week I was talking to
26:51 our coordinator for the centers and he said: "Bob, you won't
26:53 believe what I just heard from one of our centers. "
26:56 Do you know what they do at that center? They sell health foods!
26:58 They sell whole grains, brown rice,
27:01 all kinds of vegetarian options and juices and so forth.
27:05 And they order all this health food from a wholesaler
27:11 in this big city that they're in.
27:13 And this wholesaler was curious: why is it this little store
27:17 orders all these bags of whole grains.
27:20 So he made a trip over to this little store front -
27:23 one of these service centers -
27:25 and talked to them and found out what they were doing.
27:27 And before their visit was over
27:29 they began Bible studies with this wholesale manager.
27:31 Amen! Oh, but that's not the end of the story.
27:33 What happened next was every day, every week
27:36 the wholesaler is sending material over -
27:39 you know, sending the whole grains and the rice
27:41 and all this - through a courier.
27:43 And the gospel worker pioneers that are in there
27:47 began to feed this courier. Every time he came there
27:50 they would sit him down and give him great food.
27:52 And before you know it he is also studying the Bible
27:56 with them. Praise the Lord!
27:57 Isn't that a wonderful wonderful miracle?
28:00 You know, I know for a fact there are many of our lay
28:03 ministries that are able to get into China
28:08 through the videos and other materials.
28:12 Tell us a little bit about that.
28:13 Absolutely! We are using media all the time.
28:16 In fact, we have Chinese Hope TV that is covering China
28:21 through satellite. We do those same programs over the Internet.
28:25 We work very closely with Amazing Facts.
28:28 We're starting to work with It Is Written
28:30 to put their programs. But what is amazing is
28:33 that even though it's not... OK, maybe I shouldn't say this
28:36 on television, but anyway we have satellite dishes
28:39 all across China now in all our churches. Amen!
28:42 So they're getting all this wonderful material.
28:45 Secondly, we are using the Internet.
28:48 Every single day nine million people download
28:52 our message through podcasts. Amen!
28:55 Nine million people!
28:56 And isn't also Adventist World Radio in there?
28:59 Adventist World Radio podcasts. Yes!
29:01 We produce programs which go from Guam
29:04 through Adventist World Radio. But then they take those same
29:07 programs and put them on podcast and they are downloaded
29:10 via podcast. Praise the Lord! You know, God is going to do
29:14 everything He needs to do to finish this work, and
29:16 you know, there's many many more stories that Elder Folkenberg
29:19 is going to be able to share. Tell us your booth number.
29:23 721... che-r-ee in Chinese... 721.
29:28 So please be sure to stop by their booth
29:32 and he will share with you many many more stories
29:34 and also give you some infor- mation if you want to get more
29:37 involved. Thank you.
29:42 Thank you so much Barbara and Elder Folkenberg.
29:45 How many of you are going to pray for China?
29:48 The Lord is going to do miracles in that part of the world!
29:51 Well, we have a wonderful line-up in our next group.
29:55 Group #2 is Europe and the Asian
29:59 Continent. And as they're going to be coming out
30:02 just now I'm going to introduce
30:04 the Trans-European Division
30:06 whose president is Elder Rafaat Kamal.
30:10 And the Trans-European Division which encompasses
30:12 22 countries was first organized in 1928.
30:16 Last reorganized in 2012.
30:19 From the breathtaking glaciers in the north of Europe
30:22 to the sun-washed shorelines of the south,
30:24 from the lush lands of Greenland in the west
30:28 to the great ice-capped mountains in the east
30:30 the Trans-European Division sparkles with diversity.
30:33 Rafaat Kamal wrote that I just want you to know.
30:35 Europe is the world's second smallest continent by land mass
30:39 covering only about 2% of the earth's surface.
30:42 In terms of population, however, it is the third largest
30:46 continent after Asia and Africa
30:48 with a population of some 733 million people
30:53 or about 11% of the world's population.
30:56 Amid a population of 205 million there are about 8 in the TED,
31:02 there are 86,000 Seventh-day Adventist members
31:05 worshiping in 1,165 churches across the division.
31:10 Most of their inhabitants live in a highly-secular region
31:13 of the world. Their ministries focus on evangelism
31:16 and outreach to those in secular thinking.
31:19 Their vision is that their 1000+ churches
31:22 will be salt and light to their communities.
31:26 Next to him is Elder Mario Brito
31:29 who is the president of the Inter-European Division.
31:32 The Inter-European Division is made up of 20 countries
31:35 with a total population of over 350 million people.
31:40 There's a great diversity of languages,
31:42 historical backgrounds, cultures, and traditions
31:45 that may be seen as a great challenge.
31:47 But more recently these countries have been confronted
31:50 with the arrival of a great number of immigrants
31:53 and refugees with their own lan- guages, beliefs, and cultures.
31:56 This very complex and apparently challenging situation
32:00 is being understood by the leaders of our church in the EUD
32:04 as a fertile ground for the advancement of the mission
32:07 that God has entrusted them.
32:08 Some of the immigrants and refugees are completely open
32:11 to receiving the gospel message.
32:13 Many of our churches are being greatly blessed now
32:16 as they minister to these newcomers.
32:19 and several church members are feeling the desire
32:21 of even having a closer relationship with God
32:24 as they minister to them.
32:25 A growing number of young people are also willing to
32:28 re-commit their lives to Jesus and be involved in mission
32:31 throughout the EUD. The leadership of the EUD
32:34 is confident that the tremendous challenges with which they are
32:37 confronted are concealed opportunities
32:40 for the prosperity and the growth of the SDA church
32:43 in this region of the world.
32:46 Next to him is Pastor Michael Kaminskiy,
32:48 the president of the Euro-Asia Division.
32:51 The Euro-Asia Division is a vast territory
32:53 with a small number of church members.
32:56 95% of them came into the church
32:59 as a result of the large evangelistic campaign
33:02 that took place in the fall of Communism in the 1990's.
33:05 There are 13 countries - including the large Russia
33:09 which we know - and Afghanistan that make up this division.
33:13 113,000 members
33:16 with a population of 320 million people.
33:20 They are very dedicated to the Lord, but now they are praying
33:24 for a positive example of how they can reach
33:26 their territory even without being able to hold
33:29 large public meetings.
33:31 Their challenge? They need places of worship.
33:34 Congregations in cities are worshiping in rental facilities
33:37 and the new laws that have been put in place
33:39 restrict such practices.
33:41 They also need church schools. And their vision
33:45 truly is to spread the gospel among the many non-Christians
33:48 in the 10/40 window.
33:52 Thank you very much for the introduction, Kyle.
33:54 Thank you gentlemen for joining us.
33:57 We were led very nicely to the second session
34:03 by our first group, one of whom mentioned a very important quote
34:07 "A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest
34:11 and most urgent of all our needs. "
34:13 And certainly you gentlemen, I'm sure, feel the same.
34:16 And I wonder... You know, most of us
34:19 keep awake at night sometimes just thinking
34:22 all sorts of things. I wonder, what keeps you up
34:25 at night or what drives you to your knees?
34:27 Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night
34:29 on your knees before the Lord?
34:31 What is it that you're grappling with before the Lord
34:34 as you see all the work that's before us
34:37 and a world in need?
34:40 Usually when I come home I am tired.
34:43 I sleep at least 2, 3 hours
34:47 and many times I wake up...
34:51 wake up and kneel down and pray.
34:55 Pray for the church
34:58 that God may wake us up.
35:02 We are so busy running from one place to another
35:07 that sometimes we don't have enough time
35:10 to think about what is the most important in life.
35:14 We are just visitors.
35:18 I will say we are passing by here.
35:21 Our home is heaven.
35:24 And while we don't understand this clearly
35:27 we put too much emphasis on our life here...
35:30 the material life...
35:32 and we forget that the most important thing is to invest in
35:36 people. And I would like our church
35:40 in general may have this clear understanding.
35:45 I also pray for the people outside of the church
35:48 because they also are busy.
35:50 And for many people in our territory
35:54 they don't think about these important values.
35:58 But it's true as was said in the introduction
36:02 the challenges through which we are going now
36:06 are making many people think
36:10 and seeing that our stay here
36:13 is not so sure as it may appear.
36:19 So what keeps me awake and praying is that
36:24 God may help us understand that this world is coming
36:28 to its end. When I say "us"
36:32 the church and the world.
36:36 Elder Kaminskiy? Very often we as the church
36:39 think that status quo we have now in many countries
36:45 I mean the peace and freedom, religious freedom,
36:49 will last forever. But that is not so.
36:54 For example, in Russia a few weeks ago
36:57 was signed new legislation that will restrict very severely
37:02 missionary activities of the church, religious organizations
37:06 in that part of the world.
37:08 But I think very often why we as the church
37:14 many times want pass later
37:19 in our activities in this world.
37:23 For the last 25 years after the 1990's
37:27 we in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union
37:31 have the golden time: 25 years.
37:35 We can go to any country.
37:37 Preach to anybody; invite anybody to the church.
37:42 And now when we have the new legislation
37:46 when we can't openly invite to the church
37:49 on the street people. When in the big cities
37:52 our biggest congregations can lose their places of worship
37:56 we start to ask the Lord: "Why? "
37:59 The Lord: "We are in such of the conditions. "
38:02 And for sure we will do all possible in this new
38:06 situation. And I would like to appeal to the church
38:11 while we still have the very open possibility to preach
38:14 the gospel: this will not last forever.
38:18 Use the possibilities of the moment today.
38:22 You have very openly to come to the people
38:25 and share the love of God.
38:27 Elder Kamal? I know that Jesus Christ is
38:31 building His church so I am at peace.
38:34 But when I wake up in the morning
38:36 I wake up with a lot of excitement
38:40 because God has good plans for us... for all of us.
38:43 I guess the thing that occupies most of my time,
38:45 my thoughts, my heart
38:47 is to discover what the Holy Spirit
38:50 is working... especially on the local church level.
38:54 That's where I believe where the rubber meets the road:
38:57 that's where the Holy Spirit is working.
38:59 So when I think about our 1,000+ communities
39:01 they are operating in a regulated social environment
39:05 in Europe... in a secular environment.
39:09 I'm just thinking about my town. When I drive to work
39:12 in the morning and I witness the cathedral which is not very
39:15 far from us - the Anglican cathedral -
39:18 there the bishop of the cathedral is a practicing
39:21 homosexual. And then you drive up the road and you see
39:24 hundreds and hundreds of students
39:26 making their way to school.
39:28 And we know that in the schools the idea of, concept of creation
39:32 the story of creation is not being told.
39:36 It's almost a taboo.
39:37 So how do you operate as a SDA Christian
39:40 with that identity, with that important message
39:43 living at the end of time in such a secular, regulated
39:47 society? So this is where I go on my knees.
39:51 I say: "God... help! " It takes a miracle.
39:54 We're not exceptional. Every single generation
39:57 of Christians from the early disciples
40:01 they had their own challenges.
40:03 Once you put the challenge + the power of the Holy Spirit
40:05 you get the miracle... you get the opportunities.
40:08 And I believe we're living in a time where
40:10 it is a time for opportunities for us.
40:13 That's what excites me; that's what occupies my time,
40:15 my thoughts. Something positive
40:17 that God has put in motion... a miracle!
40:20 And God is raising leaders; God is building this momentum.
40:23 We're going to see people flocking to come to Jesus Christ
40:27 as they await His soon return.
40:31 You know, Andi, I'm excited today when I hear the burden
40:34 of the hearts of our leaders, really.
40:36 The burden for the idea that sometimes
40:40 we have forgotten our sense of mission
40:43 and the burden for the idea that sometimes
40:46 we're not understanding the open opportunity we may have
40:50 right now. And I hear them
40:54 praying for their members
40:56 and praying for even those in their community
40:59 that they see that need Christ.
41:02 I'm encouraged by that
41:03 and I think, you know, what an opportunity for us.
41:08 I'm just thinking now as we're pondering maybe another question
41:14 "If a lay person is in your division
41:18 or maybe someone's even outside of your area,
41:21 how is it that the admini- strative structure of the church
41:27 is functioning in communicating those plans
41:30 to the... to the people that sit in the pews?
41:34 It seems like sometimes there might be a little disconnect
41:36 in there. What things could be done to improve that?
41:40 How can the lay people help in that area to improve where...
41:44 so that the plans that are being made are the plans that
41:47 the church members understand and can help to implement?
41:53 This is a very important question.
41:57 Already in the time I was working in the union
42:00 in Portugal I was always with my team to see how
42:03 can we communicate with our lay people.
42:07 Today we have many electronic means
42:11 that allows us to have direct access to the people.
42:16 But we still are trying to find ways of being
42:22 able to communicate with efficiency
42:26 that we can go through all the levels of our structure
42:30 with a very clear and fast message.
42:34 This is something we have to discuss because
42:38 I know it's not always easy.
42:41 But for me what is most important is to empower
42:45 lay leaders, to empower local pastors
42:48 that they know exactly what God is expecting from them.
42:52 That they don't depend so much from structure
42:57 but depend directly from God.
42:59 They receive the guidelines.
43:01 We are going to have this year in September
43:05 an advisory... all departments together
43:08 telling them that we have to work as a team at all levels.
43:12 Giving them the main lines that they may by themselves
43:16 follow without depending too much on this heavy structure
43:22 that is ours. I think we need to admit
43:27 that these multiple instruments we have today and we use
43:34 to bring the information to our congregation.
43:37 The first one: disconnect us as the pastors
43:40 and the leaders from the real life of the church.
43:43 Sometimes we see that we send a letter
43:45 or put the letter on the church board or give the
43:48 telephone call to somebody and we finish or complete our job.
43:54 That is not so.
43:56 At the beginning of this quin- quennium we tell to our church
43:59 as the leaders of the church and pastors
44:01 that we will not propose anything to the church
44:04 if we personally not be involved in that in the church.
44:08 Therefore I personally understand that if we together
44:12 with the church preach the gospel they will forget
44:16 all other things we are not highly doing in our
44:21 administration and our pastoral job. Preaching the gospel:
44:25 that's the reason of the church in this world
44:28 and our common...
44:34 common existing in this world.
44:38 I guess the communi- cation needs to be two ways.
44:42 Shouldn't only be from the leaders and the pastors down.
44:44 I think we need to encourage to create safe spaces...
44:49 spaces for the dialog that goes on
44:51 between laity and leadership and pastors.
44:54 I like the ASI model here where we see young people
44:59 at the front - lay members - taking a leading role
45:02 in the shaping of the ministry, shaping of minds.
45:05 There's a Holy Spirit receptivity there, and we are
45:08 working together as one team.
45:10 I feel a bit uncomfortable some- times when people talk about
45:13 laity or ASI "reaching to the church. "
45:17 My understanding is that we are all one.
45:19 That's true. And we are all one body of Christ.
45:21 Somehow we need to work also on our language
45:23 to detox from us and them.
45:26 But we are actually one, and so I am trying to encourage that
45:28 kind of language - inclusive- ness - at least in my division
45:31 that we are actually one family.
45:32 There isn't groups... because the devil wants to distract us
45:35 and create these kind of barriers between us.
45:38 And somehow we need to mitigate against that
45:40 and create that inclusiveness, that spirit, that we are one.
45:43 Brothers and sister in Christ focusing on the mission.
45:47 We are one church; we are united.
45:49 You know, that actually is one thing we were talking about.
45:52 Even in putting these questions together we had used the word
45:56 division... which we understand is a corporate word that
46:00 describes how we organize the church.
46:02 But we said: "You know, that word has kind of a negative
46:05 connotation, doesn't it? "
46:07 And so Andi and I were going through the questions
46:09 and we were trying to strike that word from our questions
46:12 and come to the point where we could talk about ourselves
46:15 even and even ask questions and dialogue
46:17 without using the word division.
46:19 Because I think that's God's plan is that we be unified.
46:22 Shoulder to shoulder... working together.
46:24 And so thank you certainly... thank you for that comment.
46:29 I know we're out of time again.
46:31 It's impossible! It seems that clock just keeps on running.
46:34 Questions about the division?
46:36 We are divided?
46:41 You know, I believe that we need to be united -
46:45 Amen - if we are to accomplish the mission.
46:48 We can see that in the early church
46:52 they received the Holy Spirit when they knelt down and prayed.
46:58 We need to receive the Holy Spirit.
47:01 Only the Holy Spirit can unite us,
47:05 can help us set our priorities.
47:09 If we don't go and if we don't feel that need
47:15 we will never be able to accomplish the mission.
47:18 It is the Holy Spirit that will bring conviction to our hearts,
47:21 that will help us be light on this world.
47:25 It's not just the oral message.
47:28 It is the living message. What is my example?
47:30 My influence? Amen.
47:32 Only through the power of the Holy Spirit on us.
47:36 Thank you so much for joining us today.
47:38 And now we have another story about somewhere in the world
47:42 where things are being done to advance God's work
47:46 working shoulder to shoulder.
47:50 Wonderful wonderful wonderful testimonies!
47:53 I can tell you these next two gentlemen... if we could be
47:57 here all afternoon but we know we only have a few short minutes
48:00 so I would like to introduce Dr. Viriato Ferreira
48:04 and Claus Nybo.
48:05 And they're working in the ASI Euro. So please
48:10 tell us first of all: how did you first start this ministry?
48:14 Well, it was a year ago
48:17 more or less that we were all surprised by something
48:20 that happened in Hungary
48:22 in the city of Budapest.
48:24 There was an ASI Europe convention
48:26 at the same time where thousands of people
48:29 had come that were fleeing from the Middle East
48:32 were in the city of Budapest.
48:35 They were in the train station; they were walking in the streets
48:38 and there was tremendous pain in their faces.
48:41 And there was a lot of hurt because they were refugees.
48:46 And so the ASI Europe convention was taking place at that time
48:51 and the ASI members were walking past the station
48:54 every day to go to the meetings.
48:56 When one ASI member said to us, came to ASI Europe and they said
49:01 "Look, here is 100,000 Euros.
49:03 You need to do something for these people. "
49:05 And that's how it all started.
49:07 So within five weeks with the help of organizations
49:11 including the church - like one of the Romanian conferences -
49:16 there was a medical bus. It was equipped.
49:20 It was a medical bus on an island of Lesbos
49:24 which was the main island that was receiving
49:27 where people were fleeing to from Turkey.
49:30 Up to 10,000 people a day were coming to that island.
49:35 Wonderful! And I know that you have some pictures
49:38 that you're going to be showing us, and that's one of those
49:41 pictures is what is happening right now on the island
49:44 of Lesbos. Yes! Well Claus, you were there. Tell us...
49:47 tell us what happened.
49:49 Well as we came there and started establishing a medical
49:52 facility to receive these refugees
49:55 we were able to place a bus
49:57 right on the beach as we see in this picture here
50:00 and receive refugees. They were coming in by the thousands.
50:04 This was in the fall a year ago.
50:07 And so at the height in October of 2015
50:10 we would have 50 boats that would arrive
50:14 just on the beach where we were at here every single day.
50:18 And you see as we go on in the boats that are coming in
50:21 they were full of people. There would be 50 people
50:24 typically on a boat as they were coming in.
50:28 And some of the places were rocky beaches
50:30 as you are seeing here where they are arriving in
50:32 and where they are getting help.
50:34 People were cold; it was cold water.
50:37 And a lot of people with hypothermia.
50:39 And so the medical team was there helping assess the needs
50:42 looking through all of these thousands of refugees coming in
50:46 and just simply showing them love and acceptance.
50:49 Wonderful! Well I know that you were telling me a story
50:53 about a young man, Doctor. Tell me a little bit about
50:56 this young man that came in.
50:58 Well I'll just tell you that in three months
51:00 where this was happening over 2,500 people were helped
51:04 at the medical bus, and one of them was this young man.
51:08 We had Dr. Michael John Panos and one of the volunteers there.
51:11 This young man arrived. He was hurting; he had a broken foot,
51:16 swollen foot. And Dr. Michael started
51:22 seeing him. And so the young man took his cell phone
51:26 and was showing some pictures of some children.
51:30 And then he just started crying and crying... uncontrollably.
51:35 And so through the translator
51:37 Dr. Michael got the story. This young man
51:40 he was... I believe he was in Syria...
51:45 and his two children were killed
51:50 and his wife was taken by ISIS militants.
51:55 He managed to escape. He jumped from a very high place.
51:58 When he landed he broke his foot but he couldn't stop.
52:01 So for one month he had been traveling through Turkey
52:04 to reach us at that point.
52:07 And still with this broken foot?
52:10 For one month. Still with this broken foot.
52:11 Completely swollen broken foot
52:13 for one month. Trying to escape. These are some of the people
52:15 that we were meeting there. I remember waking up one
52:18 morning early, and we were woken up by
52:23 screams and whistles blown from the sea.
52:27 And as we looked out the window we saw the picture
52:29 of what you see here of a boat coming in
52:32 half sunken and 150 people on there,
52:36 most of them standing outside trying to balance this boat.
52:39 And we started then a rescue effort to try and get
52:43 people off this boat. And we will see here in the video
52:46 how desperate people are to get off before this is sinking.
52:50 Inside of the boat were even more people -
52:53 women and children - that are all trying to get out of there.
52:56 Now these people have paid to get on these boats.
52:59 They paid 2,200 Euros a person.
53:03 You do the math and figure out how much the
53:06 smugglers earn on one boat like that that should never have been
53:09 at sea. These people have gone through a lot of things
53:13 and are desperate when they come here.
53:15 And it's this situation that we are meeting.
53:18 Claus, I'm just looking at the clock.
53:21 We are now in the second phase of this work.
53:25 And it is in mainland Greece
53:29 because now there are thousands and thousands of refugees
53:32 in Greece. They are stranded there, and the Greek government
53:35 has to look after them.
53:37 Basically there is a new camp. One of the refugee camps
53:42 the camp at Oinofyta.
53:43 And just two weeks ago there were up to... almost 700
53:46 or more people there. And they asked ASI Europe to be
53:49 responsible for the medical services in that camp. Amen!
53:53 So we've got a medical facility there
53:56 which Claus is going to describe this container.
53:59 Inside this 40 ft. container that's all a medical clinic
54:02 that is arranged, and here we have volunteer doctors
54:05 and nurses working all day long to serve these people,
54:09 to work with them, and to make friends and introduce them
54:12 in that way to the love of Jesus.
54:15 They have a lot of facilities there, but we need doctors.
54:17 We need nurses that can come.
54:20 And we are looking for volunteers. We have people come
54:23 from around the world to be part of this.
54:25 And you know, Dr. Viriato, you doing nothing else than this,
54:29 right? No, no... this is not my work.
54:32 OK. I've got a full-time work somewhere else.
54:34 This is... When do we do this, Claus? You also
54:38 have your full-time work. And this is at night!
54:41 It's sometimes in the middle of the night
54:43 that we have meetings to organize and to do this.
54:46 And you know what? This can only be done
54:49 if we work together. Amen!
54:51 When you see the needs, even if we have more than enough
54:55 to do, we haven't been able to ignore these people coming in.
54:59 And what we are asking is if any of you can help
55:03 go there for 1 or 2 weeks.
55:04 We could use people who like to cook and other practical
55:07 things there as well.


Revised 2022-06-21