ASI Conventions, 2016

Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16ASIC

Program Code: 16ASIC000012A

00:20 At this time I want to make sure that everyone has your offering
00:23 envelope. If you have that, you can begin to complete that.
00:29 For those of you who might have your phone,
00:32 a mobile device, you can actually go to the website
00:39 and click on the red button DONATE NOW.
00:42 So two very easy ways to register your donation
00:47 or your pledge, and to respond to the Holy Spirit
00:51 as He has led you.
00:54 I am hopeful that the questions that we've given to you
00:58 to ponder throughout this week:
01:02 what can we do to enlarge one's territory?
01:05 What can we do to enhance their capacity?
01:07 And what can we do to encourage their faithful continuance
01:11 and effort to reach others for Jesus?
01:14 That those questions will be answered in such a powerful
01:18 and affirmative way that it will be recognized
01:22 by the offering that will be taken up today.
01:26 So as you complete your envelope
01:29 or do your donation on your mobile device
01:32 I would like to pray before the offering is lifted.
01:38 Father in heaven, it is our privilege to work with You
01:43 for the saving of souls.
01:46 We have been inspired by the stories that we've heard.
01:52 We have been in awe of the passion and the sacrifice
01:56 made by so many that are in ministry for You.
02:00 Lord, You've given us blessings.
02:04 You've given us comfort.
02:06 You've given us the knowledge of Your love and Your soon coming.
02:10 We want to make sure that the millions that are out there
02:14 that don't know about You that they have the opportunity
02:18 to learn about Your love and that You're coming soon
02:21 to take us all home.
02:24 Lord, help us that we might be able to set aside
02:28 any sense of selfishness...
02:31 feeling like we might need to hold on to anything.
02:35 Help us to remember that You take care of us.
02:39 You provide for us.
02:42 And give us the courage to respond to the leading
02:46 of Your Holy Spirit and to provide the means necessary
02:50 for these projects to accomplish their call
02:54 because they've been chosen and they have committed themselves
02:59 to Your service.
03:01 We thank you in Jesus' name, Amen.
03:32 Fairest
03:35 Lord Jesus!
03:40 Ruler of all
03:44 nature!
03:49 O, Thou of God
03:53 and man
03:57 the Son!
04:16 OK, let's try this one.
04:17 glory, joy
04:20 and crown!
04:35 Fair are the meadows,
04:41 fairer still the woodlands,
04:47 Greetings to all of the 3ABN viewers
04:49 who are joining us here at the ASI Convention in Phoenix, AZ.
04:53 I know there are many of you from South Dakota
04:56 to Florida to Tennessee to Michigan to California
05:00 and even Colorado who are not able to be with us
05:02 this year that are regular attendees.
05:04 I want to give special greetings to you
05:06 and all the rest of you who may be watching and have just tuned
05:08 in today. It's been an in- credible spiritual blessing here
05:12 at our convention. And just now you've heard
05:15 the presentations about our ASI offering.
05:18 And we know that many of you out there may want to join us
05:21 here that are assembled in the Phoenix Convention Center
05:24 and participate in this offering that's coming in right now.
05:28 If you look behind me, you'll see the people taking
05:30 that offering up. If you would like to participate in this
05:33 offering, we want to tell you how to do that. There's an
05:36 address that's coming up on the screen just now
05:38 for our ASI office
05:40 in Silver Spring, MD. Also
05:42 our website: the website
05:47 If you go on our website
05:49 to that address right now there's a big red button there
05:51 that says DONATE. You can click on that
05:53 and you can be a part of this great offering
05:55 that's going to be reaching thousands of people around the
05:58 world with various resources and various services.
06:01 I want to thank you all for joining in the ASI spirit
06:04 that we are sensing here.
06:06 Continue to enjoy the beauty of the Glendale Church choir
06:09 that's singing right now as we continue our worship service.
06:12 God bless you and Happy Sabbath!
06:16 Jesus shines brighter,
06:22 Jesus shines purer
06:28 than all the angels
06:32 heav'n can
06:38 boast.
06:45 Ah, ah, ah, ah,
06:50 ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
06:56 ah...
07:00 Beautiful Savior,
07:06 Lord of all nature,
07:12 O, Thou of God
07:17 and Son
07:20 of man,
07:24 Glory and honor,
07:30 praise, adoration
07:36 now and forevermore
07:41 be Thine.
08:10 Fairest
08:12 Lord Jesus!
08:18 beautiful
08:22 Savior.
08:27 Fairest Lord
08:31 Je-
08:38 sus!
08:55 Amen!
08:59 Happy Sabbath ASI. Happy Sabbath!
09:03 It is my privilege to be able to
09:06 on behalf of ASI, ASI Missions Inc.,
09:09 and the ASI family to give a small token
09:12 of our appreciation for the work of Joan and Harold Lance.
09:16 Your know, I went back and asked Harold
09:18 and Joan when they first joined ASI.
09:22 Now I remember when I was in high school
09:24 singing in the choir and he was in the audience of ASI.
09:28 And it's been over - what'd you say - 41 years.
09:32 You know, there are few people
09:35 that have has as large an impact on ASI
09:39 and what you see today as Harold and Joan Lance.
09:42 I remember the first time I went to an ASI convention
09:45 which is a long time ago in 1983
09:47 Harold was the president of ASI.
09:49 I want you to know that Harold has served two different terms.
09:53 Not consecutive but two different terms
09:55 as president of the full organization.
09:57 The last 18 years he has served
09:59 as the president and chairman of ASI Missions Inc.
10:03 which is a very critically- important part of ASI
10:06 that is a separate organization under the board of ASI.
10:10 But you know, way beyond those titles,
10:12 Harold and Joan,
10:14 I think if you were to look back at a picture...
10:18 if we were able to put pictures up on the screen of all the
10:21 things that have been going on
10:23 you would see Harold trekking through one of the central
10:26 African countries with a big pack on his back going to one
10:29 of the outpost centers to help make things happen.
10:32 You would have seen him on an airplane that large frame of his
10:35 crunched in with Denzil in a little time
10:37 and almost crashing one time on a remote airstrip someplace.
10:41 Yes. You would have seen him sitting in board meetings
10:44 in India and Europe and Central Europe and in South America
10:47 and Asia. Very involved in the supporting ministries
10:50 here of North America but someone who has passionately
10:54 given what he has been given from God
10:57 to the service of his fellow man through the ASI organization.
11:01 And Harold, you and Joan are a special treasure to us.
11:05 Now I just want to let you all know that even though he is
11:08 retiring as the president and chairman of ASI Missions Inc.
11:12 we are not letting him off the hook. No we are not!
11:15 Harold is still going to be a member of the board
11:18 and executive committee of ASI Missions Inc.
11:20 so we will continue to have his expertise,
11:23 his insight, and his heaven-born wisdom.
11:26 Now one of the things that's going to happen, one of the
11:28 things that is going through my mind as I was thinking about
11:31 this moment: Harold is an attorney
11:34 as you may know if you've seen him up here before.
11:38 Harold spent - what was it? 32 years, Harold, in practice?
11:40 Right. Thirty-two years... thirty-two years in practice
11:43 but how many years have you been full time as a volunteer
11:46 in ASI? Twenty-seven. Twenty-seven... so it's almost
11:49 like a second career complete.
11:51 But which one of those two would be more rewarding to you?
11:53 Hey, it's been a blessing of God to be... to have the privilege
11:57 to be involved in ASI and the supporting ministry
12:00 work that we've had.
12:02 Well, one of the things that I know for sure
12:05 is that if you were able to look at all of the successful,
12:09 incredibly successful projects
12:12 that have Harold's fingerprints on them, those are things
12:16 that will go on all the way until the Lord comes.
12:19 I know that for a fact.
12:21 He has had his hands and has guided and carefully crafted
12:24 things for us and kept all of us kind of on track
12:28 many many times.
12:29 And Harold and Joan, we just don't know how
12:32 to thank you. But we know the angels of heaven are watching
12:35 and God is smiling right now as we are attempting
12:38 in our best way to give you the honor that we believe
12:41 you deserve. I think that our desire
12:46 is like Paul when his retirement party was taking place
12:51 in the jail he said:
12:54 "I have fought the fight;
12:58 I have finished the race;
13:00 I have kept the faith. "
13:02 And then he used a lawyer word:
13:04 "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness
13:08 but not for me only
13:10 but for all who believe in His coming. "
13:12 And that's what we think.
13:19 And that all who believe in His coming are all of us who are
13:22 here today and all of those who are watching by 3ABN right now
13:25 around the world. We thank you Harold for what you
13:28 do and continue to do and I know will continue to do.
13:31 But thank you so much.
13:33 Harold, just as a small token of our appreciation
13:36 we wanted to give you a globe.
13:39 And this globe is to represent
13:42 just a small portion of what you have had an impact
13:45 around the world with the ministries and the ministry
13:48 that you all have done. And we just want you to know
13:51 from the deep of our hearts how much we appreciate you.
13:54 And only until eternity
13:56 will we know the full impact of what you have done
14:00 for the Lord's work. Thank you.
14:02 Now Denzil, there's something I've just gotta point out.
14:05 There's a little thing here. I want you to know
14:06 for those of you who are watch- ing, this globe is upside down.
14:09 And you know, wasn't it talking about the world being
14:12 turned upside down? Yes. So I think that was symbolic.
14:15 I think the world was in process of being turned upside down,
14:18 Harold. So we know you've been a big part of that.
14:20 Amen. Thank you. Oh, that's lovely.
14:29 Happy Sabbath ASI
14:32 and to everyone who is watching or listening.
14:35 This is a beautiful Sabbath Day
14:37 and we serve a covenant- keeping God, do we not?
14:42 And you know what? Every time God made a covenant
14:45 He had a sign. For example,
14:47 with Noah He had the sign of the rainbow.
14:50 You know what the sign of the covenant of grace is?
14:53 The Sabbath. Exodus 31:13 God said: "This is a sign
14:58 that He's the One who's going to sanctify us. "
15:01 Well it is my privilege today to introduce our speaker
15:05 for divine worship: John Bradshaw.
15:08 And John began his professional career
15:11 in broadcasting as a disc jockey
15:13 in his home country of New Zealand.
15:16 There he worked for some of the top radio stations.
15:20 But God called him out of that
15:23 and into full-time evangelism.
15:25 And this gentleman in two decades of ministry
15:29 has conducted 100 evangelistic series.
15:33 Then he became a pastor at Lexington, Kentucky,
15:37 and also at College Park, Washington.
15:40 But in 2011
15:43 God chose him to be the fourth speaker/director
15:47 for It Is Written. And one thing that I really appreciate
15:51 that John has instituted since he's been there
15:54 is his little one-minute devotional for busy people.
15:58 And if you go to the website every day there's a new
16:01 devotional called Every Word.
16:03 John is an author.
16:07 He's a husband; he's a father.
16:10 But most of all he's a committed child of God
16:15 and a manservant of God.
16:17 And today his message is going to be
16:21 Committed is the title.
16:23 And the scripture reading is I Thessalonians 5:24
16:28 that says: "He who calls you
16:31 is faithful who also will do it. "
16:35 The next voice you hear after our special song
16:38 will be John Bradshaw, speaker and director
16:41 of It Is Written.
16:45 When I turn to you you are welcome to join us
16:48 in singing this beautiful hymn arrangement
16:50 of Crown Him With Many Crowns.
18:30 King of kings
18:35 and Lord of lords.
18:48 Crown Him with many crowns
18:52 the Lamb upon His throne.
18:58 Hark! How the heav'nly anthem drowns
19:04 all music but its own.
20:10 Who died and rose on high,
20:15 Who died, eternal life to bring
20:20 and lives that death may die.
20:30 King of kings
20:34 and Lord of lords...
20:53 Crown Him the Lord of life
20:57 Who triumphed o'er the grave,
21:03 Who rose victorious to the strife
21:08 for those He came to save.
21:14 To Thee be endless praise
21:19 For Thou for us hast died;
21:24 Be Thou, O Lord, thru endless days
21:30 adored and magnified.
21:37 King of kings
21:41 and Lord of lords...
21:48 Amen!
22:01 Amen!
22:08 Well that was beautiful!
22:12 Thank you! Praise the Lord! Good morning everyone!
22:14 Good morning. I know it's not morning
22:16 but I've learned long ago never begin by saying
22:21 good afternoon 'cause you lost them already.
22:24 So... good morning everyone!
22:27 Good morning! It's a blessing to be here at ASI, isn't it?
22:30 Amen!
22:32 That was tepid... that was kind of tepid.
22:35 It's a blessing to be here at ASI, isn't it?
22:38 Amen! Amen... it is!
22:40 And I trust you have been inspired
22:42 and motivated and encouraged and moved
22:46 and blessed even beyond that which you were expecting.
22:50 God is good. What do you say?
22:53 Amen! God is good... we are privileged to be here.
22:56 I just want to point out something.
22:58 Somebody contacted me and was concerned that
23:03 I was embracing polygamy
23:07 because the biography in the bio in the little program said
23:10 that John is married to Melissa and the father of two children.
23:20 You know I hardly know what to say.
23:24 I'm just grateful that God's people are open minded.
23:30 I'm also a little bothered that evidently many other people
23:36 read that and simply thought "OK! "
23:41 I'm a little worried about you today.
23:44 Anyway, we are here to pray and open up God's Word.
23:46 Let's do that in that order. Would you bow your head with me
23:48 as we pray? Our Father and our God,
23:52 we come to You in the name of Jesus.
23:55 We are grateful.
23:58 We are blessed far beyond our "deservingness. "
24:05 We are thankful today that You have carved out
24:09 a little time for us to gather here together
24:13 and look towards Your face
24:16 and look into Your Word.
24:19 And we pray that we would encounter Your Spirit
24:23 and be moved.
24:26 Lord, we gather together "warts and all"
24:30 as Your people.
24:34 Thank you for visiting us
24:36 and tabernacling with us this day.
24:40 I ask that the limitations of fallen humanity
24:44 would not prevent Your Spirit from doing a great work
24:48 over these next few minutes.
24:51 Speak and be heard.
24:55 We pray in Jesus' name - please say with me -
25:00 Amen.
25:07 They had come many years before
25:13 from eastern Polynesia.
25:19 Peace had become the cornerstone of their culture.
25:24 In the 16th century a tribal leader named
25:30 Nunuku heard the sound of young men fighting.
25:38 He went to that place and urged them to stop.
25:43 He appealed to the young men and the old men,
25:46 the young women and the not-so-young women
25:50 to fight no more. He said:
25:53 "We must not be a warring people. "
25:56 From then on, if there was conflict between the men,
26:01 that conflict could only be settled at harshest
26:05 by using what was known as a "tupuari, "
26:09 a long stick no thicker than a man's thumb.
26:11 They could use that as a weapon.
26:13 At the first sight of blood the conflict ended.
26:16 He who drew the blood was declared the victor
26:19 and they went right on.
26:21 That was as bad as it got.
26:23 In an era of war and inter- tribal conflict, these people
26:27 would not fight.
26:30 They were committed to Nunuku's law.
26:35 But in 1835 everything changed for the peaceful
26:39 Moriori of Rekohu, Chatham Island.
26:44 900 Maori from the Ngati Tama and Ngati Mutunga tribes
26:49 arrived aboard a British sailing ship.
26:53 They came from the mainland 500 miles away.
26:56 They arrived seasick, tired. They arrived hungry, worn out.
26:59 And so the kind-hearted locals fed them
27:04 and nursed them and invited them to stay
27:07 and share their provisions if they would like.
27:12 But their courtesy was not to be kindly repaid.
27:15 These were not visitors...
27:19 they were invaders.
27:23 The peaceful Moriori had a decision to make.
27:27 What would they do?
27:29 To not fight back would be to sign their own death warrant.
27:32 They would be killed or they would be enslaved.
27:35 And the practice of the invaders was to cannibalize
27:38 their victims.
27:41 This was a crisis and there was no way
27:46 it could end well.
27:49 The young men urged that they fight.
27:51 Two thousand locals against 900 invaders:
27:54 this could be done.
27:57 But the older men looked at it from a different perspective.
28:01 They advised the people should stay true to who they were.
28:05 These were a people who at their core -
28:08 you might say "in their DNA" -
28:11 were committed to non-violence.
28:15 They decided they would not fight back because
28:19 of who they were.
28:22 It's one thing to jeopardize your existence
28:25 to save the life of another person,
28:28 to advance your people, to achieve independence,
28:30 to throw off tyranny. But were the Moriori
28:34 really prepared to die for an ideal?
28:41 But wait... this was more than an ideal.
28:44 Non-violence was bound up with their identity...
28:47 inextricably bound up.
28:50 They had to be true to their core values, true to their
28:53 principles, true to who they were.
28:56 Why? Because they were committed!
29:01 So much so that within about two decades
29:06 that entire people group had been wiped out.
29:13 They were massacred.
29:16 The question that guided them was
29:19 quite simply: "Who are we?
29:22 What do we stand for as a people? "
29:28 To answer that question
29:31 would lead them to both greatness and oblivion.
29:36 And hindsight suggests
29:40 that the two cannot be separated.
29:43 That question... "Who are we? "
29:46 "What are we made of? " "What do we stand for
29:50 as a people? "Answer that question and it will define you.
29:54 Answer that question and you have found your cynosure,
29:57 you have found your polaris.
29:59 The theme of this year's gathering at ASI
30:02 speaks to that question.
30:04 "Who are we? " "What are we made of? "
30:06 "What do we stand for as a people? "
30:09 Called, chosen, committed.
30:13 We have been called. The Bible tells us that.
30:17 I Corinthians 1:9
30:19 "God is faithful, by whom you are called
30:23 into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ. "
30:26 Every person alive has been called by God.
30:29 Jesus died for "whosoever. "
30:32 Paul told Timothy: "God has saved us and called us
30:35 with a holy calling. "
30:37 There is no denying that you have been called...
30:40 called by God.
30:41 When you are not so sure of your place in this world,
30:44 not sure of your worth in the big picture,
30:47 not sure the direction of your life... where it should go,
30:51 where it might lead you, remember you have been called
30:57 by God. God has a plan for you.
31:00 God has a work for you.
31:03 God has a purpose for you... YOU have been called.
31:08 Would you say amen today? Amen!
31:11 We have been chosen.
31:12 According to Peter we are a "chosen generation. "
31:17 Jesus said in John 15: "I have chosen you. "
31:23 So that is settled.
31:26 Not chosen to represent your country at the Olympics.
31:29 Not chosen for elected office.
31:33 Chosen: hand-picked by God to be His
31:35 and everything that entails.
31:38 It is no accident that you are here today.
31:41 God wants you to be confident that He has chosen you.
31:46 There's nothing more certain.
31:48 Called you... selected you.
31:52 Called... for sure.
31:55 Chosen... undoubtedly.
32:01 Committed? Now there's a question.
32:07 Are we committed? We could answer that by saying:
32:09 "Of course we are! "
32:10 We are all committed to something...
32:12 there's no doubt. But to what are we committed?
32:15 God calls us to commitment.
32:18 Jesus told one man that the greatest commandment was to
32:20 love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.
32:25 Cultural Christianity is not Christianity at all.
32:30 It is too late in the history of this world
32:35 for God's people to be playing games.
32:39 There are myriad places in the Bible where we could see
32:42 commitment demonstrated, but I would like to lead you
32:44 down a road less traveled today. Please turn with me
32:46 in your Bible to Jeremiah chapter 35.
32:49 We will gallop through
32:55 a short passage in Jeremiah chapter 35.
32:58 We'll start in verse 1. Turn there.
33:00 Jeremiah 35:1, the Bible says:
33:03 "The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord
33:05 in the days of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah,
33:07 king of Judah, saying... " Listen...
33:09 "Go to the house of the Recabites.
33:12 Speak to them and bring them into the house of the Lord
33:15 into one of the chambers and give them wine to drink. "
33:20 Now this was God speaking through His prophet.
33:23 "Bring them into a room in the temple
33:25 and have them drink wine. "
33:29 So Jeremiah says later in the passage:
33:32 "I brought them into the house of the Lord
33:34 into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, the sons of Igdaliah,
33:38 Then I sat before the sons of the house of Recabites
33:42 bowls full of wine and cups
33:44 and I said to them: 'Drink wine. ' "
33:47 Now it's true he did not say: "God commands you
33:50 to drink wine. " But still, this was the prophet
33:52 and they knew that that was so.
33:55 Now let me just take a time out here and speak to something.
33:58 We know full well that there are voices, loud voices
34:01 some of them, and not all on the periphery,
34:04 who love to denigrate the prophetic message given by God
34:07 to His people. Friend of God, we are closing in
34:11 on the return of Christ. We cannot afford
34:16 to be soft on the gift of prophecy. What do you say?
34:19 Amen! We cannot! This is no time
34:22 to be undermining even passively
34:25 something that was only God's idea anyway.
34:30 Caviling and cynicism about what we believe
34:34 should be entertained like you would entertain cancer.
34:39 The truth is too precious
34:42 for us to surrender it now.
34:44 Amen! And so the Recabites answered.
34:47 They said: "We will drink no wine!
34:49 No wine! For Jonadab the son of Recab our father commanded us
34:54 saying: 'You shall drink no wine nor your sons forever. ' "
34:59 They went on to say:
35:00 "Thus we have obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Recab
35:04 our father in all that he charged us
35:07 to drink no wine in all of our days. "
35:09 "Jeremiah: we hear you; we understand ya.
35:12 We get ya... but we are NOT going to do what you say! "
35:16 "We might seem contrary; we might come off as uncooperative
35:20 but what we want you to know, Jeremiah,
35:22 is that we are committed. " And committed they were!
35:28 Jeremiah spoke up again and he said: "Thus says the Lord
35:31 of Hosts, the God of Israel:
35:32 go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
35:36 'Will you not receive instruction to obey My word? ' "
35:39 If you read on, you find out that God had a problem.
35:41 Here was His people. He had labored with them.
35:44 He had pleaded with them.
35:45 He had chastised them; He had turned them.
35:48 He had demonstrated His longsuffering to them
35:50 again and again and again.
35:52 And still they couldn't find it within themselves
35:56 to be faithful to the Creator God.
35:58 And here come the Recabites!
36:01 Jeremiah says: "I am the prophet of God
36:04 and I am telling you to drink wine! "
36:06 And they look him in the face and they say: "We are just
36:09 not going to do it. " God wanted Israel to understand
36:13 what commitment looked like.
36:15 I wonder if He wants us to know the same thing?
36:18 They were dedicated... they were committed. Interestingly
36:22 they didn't show up in the Bible until that time
36:25 and they don't show up again explicitly after that time.
36:28 That's the only place in the Bible
36:30 you read about these folks.
36:32 And they showed up on time to give us a demonstration
36:37 of commitment.
36:41 What is it we really stand for today as God's people?
36:46 Well we stand for the gospel...
36:48 especially as it is expressed in the three angels
36:52 in Revelation chapter 14.
36:55 We stand for Christ and what He stands for.
36:59 We are on this earth so that God's work can be done.
37:02 We stand for reflecting Christ,
37:05 for letting God have His way.
37:09 They tried to trap Jesus in His words.
37:12 He pointed them to God always.
37:14 His life spoke of commitment and He said: "If you've seen Me
37:19 you've seen the Father. "
37:21 Now God has given us a mandate, friend.
37:23 A mandate: "Go therefore
37:27 and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
37:31 name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. "
37:34 We have a transformational message:
37:38 one that offers to the world hope and wholeness.
37:42 There is a world to win. All around us are people
37:45 going down to Christless graves.
37:48 And as they do so - listen carefully -
37:51 the clock still ticks. We cannot go on
37:56 inventing ways of distracting ourselves
38:01 from the mission of God's church.
38:04 If ever there was a time for a full-court press
38:09 that time is now!
38:11 We are not unaware of the challenges.
38:15 And we understand that when the Bible spoke of the ten virgins
38:19 it said they were all asleep.
38:21 We read the message to the church of Laodicea
38:24 and you cannot say: "That applies to the faction of the
38:27 church that I'm not a part of. "
38:29 It applies to you, me, the liberals on the left,
38:32 the cranky conservatives way out on the right.
38:35 We are ALL involved in this thing.
38:39 But it's not possible to be committed to Christ
38:43 and not be committed to the church He loves.
38:46 It is not possible to be committed to Christ
38:50 and not be committed to the souls for which He died.
38:55 And hasn't God encouraged us again and again
38:59 that it pays off to be about His business?
39:01 How many were baptized in Rwanda recently? Tell me.
39:04 The better part of 100,000.
39:06 There's only one question to ask:
39:08 when are we doing it again?
39:11 How many were baptized the last time your church
39:14 got involved in soul winning?
39:15 What are you waiting for?
39:18 How many lives were touched during the last outreach effort
39:21 either by a gospel tract or a hand on the shoulder,
39:24 either by a smile or a kind deed?
39:27 Lives were touched and they are waiting to be touched again!
39:31 Who knew evangelism was so truly effective?
39:34 The work of God - evangelism - in all of its forms.
39:36 Can we not agree once and for all
39:42 that we as God's people are committed to evangelism?
39:46 We believe in evangelism!
39:48 We'll stop whispering beside the water cooler
39:51 about how evangelism doesn't work.
39:53 We believe in this because God believes in this!
39:57 And we'll not only believe in it... we'll be involved
40:00 in sharing Christ with as many as we can.
40:04 The critics may carp and bicker
40:07 but still we hear Nehemiah saying:
40:10 "I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down.
40:15 Why should the work cease
40:17 while I leave it and come down to you? "
40:19 There has never been a better time to be committed to the work
40:21 of the church than now.
40:23 Jesus said 2,000 years ago: "The fields are white
40:27 and they are ready to harvest. "
40:29 We stand on the verge of the greatest ingathering of souls
40:33 this universe has ever witnessed.
40:36 If you look at the glass half empty,
40:39 you might say: "What about those big cities
40:42 where we barely have a presence? "
40:44 But if you have a look at the glass half full
40:47 you will say: "Wait! There is a great work
40:50 just waiting to be done. " And we have it on the authority
40:53 of the Bible God will get it done before Jesus comes back.
40:58 The question is: will you be part of getting it done?
41:03 God votes for "ya" not against "ya. "
41:07 Now you will remember
41:09 from high school the periodic table of elements.
41:13 And being the good science student that you were
41:16 you remember that the first element of the table was what?
41:18 Hydrogen. All right! I found me a science student.
41:23 Then? Then?
41:31 Hydrogen, helium... then what?
41:33 Lithium. Then? Then?
41:38 Berylium. No Google now!
41:45 Hydrogen, helium, lithium,
41:48 berylium, boron, carbon,
41:49 nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine,
41:52 neon... Uzbekistan,
41:56 Afghanistan, Kurdistan...
42:04 If you look down to about number 50 something,
42:10 you'll find something on that table called cesium.
42:14 And cesium is a fascinating little beast
42:17 for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is
42:19 because it has one atom on its valence shell, it's outer shell.
42:23 And that atom spends its time... it is vigilant.
42:28 It spends its time looking for
42:32 what would you call it? Molecules? Molecules?
42:34 Oh, I don't know.
42:36 You know, I don't trust atoms anyway.
42:40 They make up everything!
42:49 Someone will explain it to you.
42:56 But it gets around - this cesium molecule with an extra atom
43:02 on its valence shell - it looks for molecules
43:05 and I hope I'm using the right terminology
43:08 that lack their complete complement of electrons.
43:13 And so if you put cesium near oxygen
43:16 and oxygen is looking for another electron
43:19 that extra cesium atom... or that one on the valence shell...
43:23 will leap and "BOOM! "
43:26 If you put it near iodine or bromide or fluorine,
43:29 you're going to get the same reaction.
43:31 Now it's not that cesium is a troublemaker,
43:34 but wherever it goes excitement is going to follow
43:37 because "BOOM! " you're going to have this reaction.
43:39 Why? Again, it's not looking for trouble.
43:42 Cesium just does what cesium does!
43:46 It does what it does because it is what it is.
43:50 That's all!
43:52 When God calls you to be His
43:56 you'll be a lot like that cesium molecule.
43:59 You will do what you do because you are what you are.
44:02 God calls us to ministry...
44:04 it must be our focus in whatever form God brings to you.
44:09 We cannot let the devil draw us away from what God wants us
44:13 to do. We've been commissioned; we've got a mandate.
44:16 "Go therefore... GO! Make disciples. "
44:18 Where? "Of all nations. " Do what?
44:20 "Baptize them! Teach them all things I have commanded you. "
44:24 When we become Christ's we are looking for that opportunity.
44:27 You don't see a lost person and turn and walk away.
44:30 Something stirs in your heart; you cry out to God
44:34 "Lord, can You use me here? "
44:36 And when God says: "Yes I can! "
44:38 then you are used by God.
44:40 You are familiar with the quote. It's the opening stanza
44:44 of the book Acts of the Apostles. Listen! I believe
44:45 these words and I know you do too.
44:47 "The church is God's appointed agency for the salvation of men.
44:51 It was organized for service and its mission
44:55 is to carry the gospel to the world.
44:59 From the beginning it has been God's plan that through
45:01 His church shall be reflected to the world His fullness
45:05 and His sufficiency.
45:07 The members of the church - those whom He has called out of
45:10 darkness into His marvelous light... "
45:11 Those He has called.
45:14 "are to show forth His glory.
45:16 The church is the repository of the riches of the grace
45:18 of Christ, and through the church will eventually be made
45:22 manifest even to the principalities and powers
45:25 in heavenly places the final and full display
45:29 of the love of God. "
45:31 We have been CALLED! God calls us to commitment.
45:36 What does it look like?
45:38 It looks like the Moriori on Rekohu...
45:41 Chatham Island 500 miles from the south island of New Zealand.
45:45 It looks like a woman breaking an alabaster box of ointment.
45:48 She gave Jesus the best she had.
45:50 It looks like a widow putting two mites in the offering plate.
45:54 She gave everything she had.
45:56 It looks like that little widow lady giving the last measure
46:00 of oil she had to the prophet.
46:02 It looks like Isaiah saying: "Here am I... send me. "
46:05 It sounds like Jacob saying: "I will not let You go
46:10 except You bless me. "
46:11 It looks like Samson saying: "Lord... give me strength
46:15 just one more time. "
46:16 It looks like David running toward Goliath.
46:20 It looks like people letting God work in them
46:25 that God's work is done and His mission is accomplished!
46:30 Noah built an ark; Elijah built an altar;
46:32 Moses built a sanctuary; Nehemiah built a wall.
46:35 They were committed to God and so they stood up,
46:39 they stepped up, and they lit up their corner of the universe
46:42 with a manifestation of God's character...
46:45 a demonstration of what commitment to God looks like.
46:48 We are called; we have been chosen. The question is
46:53 are we committed? We MUST be committed!
46:56 A young missionary from New Zealand - his name was Len
46:58 Barnard - went to Papua, New Guinea.
47:00 They said: "Len, don't go down into those valleys.
47:03 The cannibals will eat you. "
47:04 He went anyway.
47:06 He carried his Bible in one hand and a bag of medicine
47:08 in the other. The Spirit of God filled his heart.
47:11 50, 60 years later you can go back to those same villages:
47:15 beautiful villages filled with God's people.
47:18 Go to church on Sunday. It'd be empty, but up front will be
47:22 the offering plate still with the offering from yesterday.
47:25 The church has no windows and no doors.
47:27 No one's going to steal that
47:29 because God has got into those hearts,
47:32 changed those lives.
47:34 These are people who are committed because one man's
47:37 commitment drove him to jeopardize his own safety
47:40 and his own life.
47:41 A Scots Protestant minister named John Patton
47:44 determined to share Christ in what was then the New Hebrides
47:47 in the South Pacific.
47:49 A Mr. Dixon said: "The cannibals! You will be
47:52 eaten by the cannibals! " Patton said: "Mr. Dixon,
47:56 you are now advanced in years.
47:58 You will soon be laid in the grave and eaten by worms! "
48:04 "If I can live and die serving and honoring Jesus,
48:07 it will make no difference to me whether I'm eaten by cannibals
48:10 or by worms! "
48:12 "In the resurrection my body will rise as fair as yours
48:18 in the likeness of our Redeemer! "
48:20 We were filming for It Is Written recently in Scotland
48:24 and I stood at the place where the martyr George Wishart
48:27 was hanged and burned by the scoundrel archbishop
48:31 Cardinal Beaton. Here's what's interesting.
48:34 Eighteen years before Patrick Hamilton had been burned
48:37 250 yards away.
48:39 Wishart knew that.
48:41 He knew that going back to Scot- land and preaching Protestantism
48:44 would have him reduced to a pile of ashes.
48:46 What did he do? He went ANYWAY!
48:50 He could do no other... Christ had him!
48:54 What drives a person to do that?
48:56 Dr. Martin Luther King was standing on the platform
48:58 at Mason Temple. He knew about the threats on his life.
49:02 He knew that his plane - the one in which he flew to Memphis -
49:04 had been guarded that night before.
49:07 Otherwise somebody might have taken occasion to kill him.
49:10 And yet... yet he stood. And yet he spoke.
49:13 He said: "I just want to do God's will.
49:16 He's allowed me to go up to the mountain
49:18 and I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land.
49:21 I'm not fearing any man.
49:23 Mine eyes have been the glory of the coming of the Lord! "
49:28 The next day the unthinkable happened.
49:31 Room 306 of the Lorraine Motel
49:35 became part of the legend of this nation's history.
49:39 What drives a person to make such a sacrifice?
49:42 No wait... wrong question.
49:44 It's not a sacrifice.
49:47 It's what you do when you believe with all of your heart.
49:51 God says: "Go! " You go!
49:53 God says: "Share! " You share!
49:55 God says: "Be there. " You say: "Lord, I am there
49:58 because I am committed to Christ. " But wait!
50:04 "We are faulty people here.
50:06 Flawed... we are flawed. " Yes you are.
50:08 I'll tell ya: inadequate... broken.
50:13 How is it then that God can get His work done?
50:16 And the minute actually if you're listening carefully
50:18 you might be saying: "All of this call to commitment
50:21 sounds like a call to righteousness by works. "
50:23 It is the opposite! A call to commitment can only be
50:26 a call to righteousness by faith
50:29 because understood correctly commitment is not something
50:32 we can give to God. Commitment is something
50:35 Christ performs in us when Jesus has our heart.
50:39 You know as well as I do from bitter experience
50:42 that our promises are like ropes of sand.
50:47 How can we be committed to this God?
50:49 You are weak. God says: "My strength is made perfect
50:53 in weakness. " You are battling temptation
50:56 and God says: "I will make a way of escape. "
50:59 You are corrupt and God says: "A new heart will I put
51:05 within you. " God will do what needs to be done!
51:08 We read in the Bible: "Faithful is He that calls you
51:12 who also will do it. "
51:17 God had a plan... Jonah ran. God went after him.
51:21 The Prodigal Son left home and the Spirit of God followed him
51:24 to a pigsty. Three men were out there on the plain of Dura
51:27 and because they prayed the Holy Spirit locked their
51:31 knee joints, and they were un- able and unwilling to bow down.
51:36 Daniel - knowing that his life was on the line -
51:39 prayed to God anyway!
51:42 They threw him in the lion's den and God was there with him.
51:47 Daniel understood "He who has begun a good work in you
51:50 is faithful to perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. "
51:53 There is no need for discouragement here.
51:55 God takes responsibility for the work in you
51:59 and in the church! How do we reach the 10/40 window?
52:03 How do you reach your patients or your clients?
52:05 How can a small church minister effectively in its community?
52:08 How do we share Jesus with a massive population
52:11 who barely have ever heard His name?
52:14 Let me tell you something. The Bible says "This gospel
52:18 of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world. "
52:21 God is committed to His church.
52:25 He stands at the head of the work.
52:29 Somebody spoke to Jesus one day and said: "If you are willing
52:32 you can make me clean. " Jesus said: "I am willing. "
52:35 Jesus says to the church today
52:37 "I am willing. " Jesus says to the church today
52:40 "I want to. " Jesus says to the church today
52:43 "I will get it done in your life if you'll let Me
52:47 and in the mission and in the ministry of the church. "
52:49 Friend, I believe in this church.
52:51 I believe that weak and enfeebled though it is
52:54 it is still the one object upon this earth
52:56 upon which Christ bestows in a special sense
52:59 His supreme regard. This is no time for division.
53:02 This is a time for unity.
53:04 We may still disagree about this, that, or the other
53:06 but we must agree on that on which we must agree.
53:11 Christ is the head of this church
53:13 and there is nothing more impor- tant than reaching the lost,
53:18 doing our Father's business, and occupying until He comes.
53:25 And let me tell you something:
53:28 if you think your little commit- ment might not make much
53:30 difference, I want you to think back to my Moriori friends.
53:34 They were massacred, wiped out, but somebody named
53:36 Te Whiti o Rongomai
53:39 learned of their commitment
53:41 and led the village of Parihaka
53:44 in non-violent resistance
53:47 against the white Colonialists.
53:50 Now, here's what you might find interesting.
53:53 A man named Mohandas Gandhi knew about
53:57 Te Whiti o Rongomai and his stand, his non-violent
54:00 resistance. Take that one step further.
54:03 Dr. Martin Luther King
54:06 was inspired by the example of Gandhi.
54:09 Now you will excuse me if you feel like I'm stretching
54:12 a little bit. But I can stretch all I want 'cause I have the
54:14 microphone. And listen:
54:17 the Moriori are a people you've never heard of
54:20 and yet it may well be that their example in standing
54:25 for who they were and doing what they knew to be right
54:28 profoundly influenced the Civil Rights movement in this
54:31 country. To that I say: "Praise the Lord! "
54:38 The producers of Hacksaw Ridge, the Desmond Doss movie,
54:40 they were asked: "Why did you not do it accurately? "
54:42 "What? " "You have Desmond Doss dragging people
54:46 to safety when he dragged the first 2 and carried the rest! "
54:50 They said: "Well, that's right, but if we did it like that
54:53 no one would believe we were telling the truth. "
54:57 Desmond Doss dragged the first 2; carried the next 73.
55:01 And every time he lowered one down that cliff
55:03 his prayer was: "Lord, give me one more. "
55:06 "Lord, give me one more. "
55:08 "Lord, give me one more" seventy-four times.
55:11 The government actually believes 99 times.
55:14 Doss said 50; the government said 100...
55:16 so they split the difference.
55:18 That's why you hear the number 75.
55:22 Seventy-four times he prayed that prayer.
55:24 "Lord, give me one more. " Friends, we are out here
55:27 in the heat of battle. There are the wounded
55:29 out on the battlefield. Our prayer has to be:
55:31 "Lord, give me one more. "
55:32 "Lord, give us one more. "
55:34 "Lord, raise us up to preach again!
55:36 To prophesy again; to proclaim again; to witness again;
55:39 to testify again. Lord, give me one more. "
55:42 Even though commitment to mission might be unfashionable
55:46 to back off is unthinkable.
55:47 Distraction is unacceptable.
55:49 Misplacing our priorities is unconscionable.
55:52 To see more people lost would be unbearable.
55:55 Arguments against mission are untenable;
55:58 ignoring the world's great need... unacceptable.
56:01 Now you might be uncomfortable,
56:02 led to places that are undesirable,
56:04 immersed in cultures that are unpalatable,
56:07 challenged by the unforeseeable, prodded by the unpredictable.
56:10 But your experience with Christ will be unforgettable.
56:13 God's leading will be unmistakable.
56:16 We must be undividable, our faith unshakable,
56:19 our resolve unbendable...
56:21 believing that not one of God's people is unusable.
56:24 Amen!
56:26 The church will be unrecognizable!
56:29 God's people will be unstoppable
56:32 because His Spirit is uncontainable.
56:35 His power do this this work is unarguable.
56:38 We will see God work in us,
56:42 through us, around us
56:43 and we will say: "Unbelievable! "
56:47 Amen!
56:49 Jesus is coming back soon.
56:51 There's time to win one more.
56:54 "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
56:57 in all the world for a witness to all nations. "
56:59 The end will come. Why?
57:02 Because God is committed. Let's pray.
57:07 Our Father and our God,
57:09 we cannot tell You how much we love You.
57:11 We want to love You more.
57:14 And You must use us. We cannot go from here
57:18 less effective than when we arrived at this convention.
57:21 We cannot go from here less committed than when we
57:24 drove into town.
57:26 We cannot be the same.
57:28 Lord, it's time to raise up Your people,
57:32 Your church... it's time.
57:36 We want to see Jesus come soon.
57:39 Here we are. Help us, Lord, to reach one more
57:42 is our prayer in Jesus' name. Please say
57:46 Amen and amen.
58:04 Oh, safe to the Rock
58:10 that is higher
58:14 than I.
58:18 My soul in its conflict
58:24 and sorrow
58:28 would fly.
58:32 So sinful, so weary...
58:38 Thine, Thine would I be.
58:44 Thou blessed
58:47 Rock of Ages
58:51 I'm hiding
58:56 in Thee.


Revised 2017-07-13