ASI Conventions, 2016

"Sexual Purity; Lost & Found

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danielle Harrison (Host), , Souls West (Michael Tuazon), New Beginnings (Dan Houghton)


Series Code: 16ASIC

Program Code: 16ASIC000006A

00:19 It is good to see you here today,
00:21 hasn't it been a powerful morning already?
00:24 Amen.
00:26 Let's hear it, amen.
00:28 And it's been wonderful.
00:29 If you really want to hear some a cappella harmony
00:33 go to the early morning 6 o'clock prayer session,
00:35 it is beautiful.
00:37 Anyway we've had breakfast,
00:39 and we've had our devotional this morning,
00:41 and I just want to say welcome to beautiful Phoenix, Arizona,
00:45 ASI convocation night 2016, is been powerful already.
00:50 And I know that we're going to be in store
00:52 for even more wonderful things today,
00:55 powerful things that God has laid the burden
00:59 and message on the hearts
01:01 of those who are gonna to speak to us.
01:03 So I hope that you're comfortable
01:05 and you're ready for some more powerful speakers
01:09 as they share with us
01:11 their burden and their concerns
01:14 for reaching the lost for Jesus.
01:17 This morning, I just imagined seeing Jesus' face,
01:22 isn't that wonderful?
01:24 I thought it was so powerful for my own experience,
01:27 but just imagine when we get to see Jesus.
01:30 So anyway welcome, God bless you
01:33 as we continue forward in this beautiful day
01:36 that God has given us.
01:37 God bless you.
01:39 The next voice you will hear is Scott Griswold.
01:42 He's gonna talk about reaching into those dark areas
01:46 of our communities with the gospel.
01:49 Good morning.
01:51 With 4,051 unreached people groups in the world,
01:55 God is gonna have to pull out every stop
01:57 to keep His promise, but so are we.
02:00 And one of the areas that He has found
02:02 to bring the world right to us is through tourism.
02:06 Now maybe after ASI you have plans
02:08 to visit the Grand Canyon, Arizona, and Bryce
02:10 or some other time a place to go.
02:13 But think about all the places
02:14 that people from around the world come
02:16 including Hollywood and Disneyland
02:19 and the metro areas like New York City.
02:21 Thirty eight million people nonresidents visit the USA
02:26 just in 2015,
02:28 that's over a 10th of our population
02:30 passing through,
02:32 and they are coming from countries
02:33 that need to be reached.
02:35 Three out of the top 21 are Japan, China, and India,
02:40 major places that God is seeking to find a way.
02:44 It's not just the tourists,
02:45 it's also those who are working in the different places
02:49 like our national parks,
02:50 25% of those short term workers
02:53 come from somewhere besides the United States.
02:56 Right there at Mount Rushmore, I met a young Chinese man
02:59 who was selling souvenirs, what can we do for them?
03:03 It starts by having a prayerful heart
03:05 by saying, "Lord, open my eyes to see them
03:07 and to care about them."
03:09 You see, if we think that Jesus loved them so much
03:12 that He would die for them,
03:14 and we think that if they are not in heaven,
03:16 He will miss them for eternity,
03:18 it will change the way that we treat those
03:21 who we pass.
03:22 I love to carry with me
03:25 a card that we've created
03:27 that has more than 150 languages
03:30 with Seventh-day Adventist Biblical materials
03:32 that we can share with people
03:34 of so many different backgrounds,
03:36 and just take it and hand it to them.
03:39 But others have even started ministries,
03:41 like in the past recreation unlimited
03:43 doing ministry to campgrounds,
03:45 so much more that we could do
03:47 maybe even right outside the doors of Disneyland.
03:50 We may be the only Christian that ever befriends them.
03:55 Let's listen for just a moment to what Ellen White wrote
03:57 in Christian Service, page 200.
04:00 "God's hand was in their coming to America,
04:04 that they might be brought
04:05 under the enlightening influence of the truth
04:08 revealed in His Word,
04:10 and become partakers of His saving faith."
04:13 We must see each one of them as sent by Him
04:16 and partner with Him to reach them.
04:18 Let's pray together today for Phoenix,
04:21 for the people we see
04:22 even in the international restaurants that we go to,
04:25 and ask him to reach the world next door as soon as possible.
04:29 As far as you can, we'd like to,
04:31 let's kneel together
04:32 as we begin this morning with prayer.
04:38 Father in heaven,
04:40 we cannot comprehend the love that You have
04:43 for the seven billion people in this world,
04:45 and we ask You to fill our hearts with it.
04:47 To open our eyes,
04:48 to be ready like Philip and the Ethiopian
04:51 to meet those that you are sending to us.
04:54 Lord, You can see where we will be traveling,
04:57 whether it's on the plane or on vacation
04:59 or on business,
05:00 but, you know, and You can mastermind divine appointments
05:03 so that we can be used by You.
05:05 Lord, we give our lives to You and we ask this morning
05:07 that You would speak to us individually,
05:09 directly through what spoken by different people
05:12 from up front or as we pass one another
05:15 and pray together and plead
05:17 for that outpouring of Your Holy Spirit
05:19 which will transform our lives
05:20 more and more to the coming of Christ,
05:22 but will also prepare us to reach the world
05:25 that You have sent to us.
05:26 Thank you in Jesus' name, amen.
05:40 We return our gifts and talents slow to You
05:46 To ask Him multiply them within many or few
05:53 In the home and in the marketplace
05:56 May lives of service speak
05:59 A testament of Jesus love
06:03 Before all humanity
06:07 Reflecting Christ is our most earnest prayer
06:14 To shine His light
06:18 To a dying world out there
06:21 The gospel of salvations love
06:25 His Words of life to share
06:28 Will dispel the darkness with His glorious light
06:35 When we are reflecting Christ
06:44 We desire to be like Jesus more each day
06:50 His hands of help and healing
06:54 Serving others on life's way
06:57 And though we are unworthy Lord
07:00 Through His love may others see
07:03 The light of your redeeming grace
07:07 Shining down from Calvary
07:10 Reflecting Christ is our most earnest prayer
07:18 Shine His light
07:21 To a dying world out there
07:25 The gospel of salvations love
07:28 His Words of life to share
07:31 Will dispel the darkness with His glorious light
07:38 When we are reflecting Christ
07:45 Reflecting Christ
07:51 It's our most earnest prayer
07:54 To shine His light
07:57 To a dying world out there
08:01 The gospel of salvations love His Words of life to share
08:07 Will dispel the darkness
08:10 With His glorious light
08:14 When we are reflecting Christ
08:21 Will dispel the darkness with His glorious light
08:28 When we are reflecting
08:34 Christ
08:44 Amen.
08:45 Good morning, ASI.
08:48 So glad to have you here
08:49 to hear more from our offering and action segment.
08:53 And accompanying me to the podium
08:56 is Michael Tuazon,
08:57 he is the director for SOULS West.
09:01 Michael, tell us where is SOULS West located?
09:04 And what is the focus of the ministry?
09:06 SOULS West is the Pacific Union's school of evangelism,
09:10 it's a two-year program,
09:11 it's located in Prescott, Arizona
09:13 also in our union office in Westlake Village.
09:16 And tell me how did this start?
09:17 Because this is relatively a young ministry,
09:21 so how did it start
09:22 and how did you get involved in it?
09:24 Well, personally it was a funny story,
09:26 what happened was after my conversion
09:28 a friends of mine were walking in Redlands California
09:31 and we were real zealous for the faith,
09:34 and we wanted to share our beliefs with someone,
09:36 and we saw a Mormon Ward.
09:38 Now if you don't know what a Mormon Ward is,
09:39 it's a Mormon sanctuary
09:41 that's where they fellowship for worship.
09:43 And we said, "Hey, let's go into that ward,
09:45 and let's convert that whole church to Jesus."
09:47 And so my friends and I went in and they said,
09:49 "Hey, we're gonna to wait for your signal,
09:50 the moment you pull out your Bible,
09:52 we'll pull out our Bible too,
09:53 and we're just gonna tell them about the Sabbath
09:55 and state of the dead and everything.
09:56 And so we went into the Mormon Ward
09:58 and we were greeted by two of the elders,
10:00 they sat us down, they were very nice and cordial.
10:02 And before you talk to them about,
10:04 you know, what they are in the area
10:07 and you want to kind of make friends with them.
10:08 So I started to ask them about their church
10:11 and what they believe and why are they missionaries,
10:14 and I will never forget what they told me,
10:16 they said, "We are missionaries for two years,
10:18 we don't get paid, and we've been saving up
10:20 since we were little kids our birthday money,
10:22 Christmas money, everything we've ever had,
10:24 we're saving so that we could be missionaries.
10:26 And let me tell you something, Debbie,
10:27 we came out of that place refute.
10:30 A kind of a watered down your youthful fervor.
10:34 Yes. Just a little bit.
10:35 Yeah, here are these individuals
10:37 they don't have the truth,
10:38 but were living as if they had the truth,
10:40 and here we have the truth
10:42 and we're living as if we don't have the truth.
10:44 And that really struck a chord in my heart
10:46 and so I wanted to find a ministry
10:48 that would also do something
10:50 and be involved in frontline evangelistic work.
10:53 And so that's where SOULS West came in.
10:55 Right. All right.
10:57 I found a two year Bible college
10:58 that goes door-to-door most of the year,
11:01 30 weeks out of the year actually,
11:03 and does evangelistic series and goes all over,
11:05 and work symbiotically with the union conference,
11:07 local church, and laity.
11:09 Amen.
11:10 Now let's talk about this year's project.
11:12 What's the focus of this year's project?
11:14 You have a couple of things here that we can show people.
11:16 In addition to the two-year Bible college,
11:20 we try to focus on ways that we can distribute literature
11:23 and many of you heard of GLOW.
11:25 GLOW is something that
11:26 came from some graduates of our school,
11:28 and now it's gone all over the world.
11:30 And this year what we wanted to do
11:32 is find something to reach the atheists,
11:34 agnostics,
11:35 as you know the Seventh-day Adventist Church
11:37 has been featured on Oprah, and on the Blue Zones,
11:39 and so we capitalized on that.
11:41 We just made this book, got off the press,
11:43 this is by ASI so thank you, ASI.
11:46 Called "Habits that heal",
11:48 and what it is, is it follows the lives
11:51 and the longest living people Seventh-day Adventists
11:54 and it shows their healthy habits namely Newstart,
11:57 and it goes through
11:58 how they can live to 100 years old.
12:00 And the nice thing about this is
12:02 really the reading the book Ministry of Healing.
12:05 So we've modernized Ministry of Healing,
12:07 we've backed it up with doctors' research as well.
12:09 So how many of these books are available
12:12 or have been printed at this point?
12:14 We have just printed off 75,000 in our first press 75,000
12:20 and they've been distributed all summer long.
12:22 And let me tell you one quick story.
12:24 We reached some real secular areas of San Luis Obispo,
12:27 San Francisco all throughout the nation,
12:29 all these people who don't believe in God.
12:31 And when we show them a Great Controversy
12:33 or a Steps to Christ,
12:34 they don't want anything to do with it.
12:35 They said, "I'm not religious, don't want to see it,
12:37 don't want anything to do with it."
12:38 But when we show them this book and we...
12:40 The canvas is real simple,
12:42 we say, "Hey, this book takes
12:43 a look at America's longest living culture.
12:46 They will entreat, and they look through this
12:48 and they end up purchasing the book,
12:50 and we say, "You know, with the purchase of this book,
12:51 you're gonna want your spiritual health in check too."
12:53 And we give them a Great Conversely
12:55 or a Steps to Christ.
12:57 Now, you have a story that gives an example
13:00 of the kind of impact that this has had already.
13:03 Yes.
13:04 There was one particular story, it's a pretty powerful story.
13:08 A young individual knocked on a door
13:09 and the guy who came out was openly homosexual
13:13 and he says, "What are you doing here?
13:15 I want nothing to do with you?
13:16 I'm not religious, I'm living a homosexual lifestyle."
13:20 And the young person who was canvassing
13:22 gave them these books and showed them,
13:24 and the person, long story short, said,
13:26 "Well, I'll give it a try," and got one of our books.
13:29 And it happened to be Steps to Christ,
13:31 and as he was going through the books,
13:33 he was reading Steps to Christ
13:34 and he saw the love of Jesus,
13:37 he saw what forgiveness is like,
13:38 he saw what it's like to have a personal walk with God,
13:41 and he then called his friend who went to church that night
13:45 and said, "You won't believe,
13:46 I've been reading this book that's changing my life."
13:49 And he was in tears, and he was crying,
13:51 and saying I want to change my life,
13:53 and you won't believe it,
13:54 the next day that same colporteur
13:57 went to a church, knocked on the church door
13:59 and it was the church secretary.
14:01 And they canvas them also on these books
14:03 and the church secretary said, "Wait a minute,
14:06 my friend who is homosexual told me about these books,
14:10 and how these books are changing his life,
14:13 I got to see these books."
14:15 And the colporteur said, "I want to see him,
14:16 do you have a picture of your friend?"
14:18 And the church clerk said, "I do."
14:20 And she opened up her phone
14:21 and showed a picture of her friend,
14:23 and that was the homosexual man the day before
14:26 who was looking to find God.
14:27 So we could see the immediate impact of these books,
14:30 and it was beautiful to see
14:31 that the church clerk thanked us.
14:34 A non-Seventh-day Adventist Church thanked us and said,
14:35 "Thank you for reaching my homosexual friend."
14:38 Amen, amen.
14:39 Now what's in the future for SOULS West?
14:42 We have been asked by the General Conference
14:43 to teach and to train our world leaders
14:45 at this coming fall Council.
14:47 We're gonna be taking all the division and world leaders
14:50 who come, we're gonna be taking them door knocking.
14:52 And so it's not gonna be unlike any other meeting,
14:54 we're gonna take them door knocking,
14:56 having them to go glowing
14:57 and so they don't know that yet,
14:59 but I guess I kind of let the cat out of the bag.
15:01 But we're gonna be doing that this coming fall
15:04 in October during annual council,
15:05 we're gonna be taking our world leaders out
15:07 and letting them experience the testimonies
15:09 that we've experienced.
15:10 Excellent. Wonderful.
15:12 Now we have a video clip that we'd like to play
15:13 that just gives an example of how the church views
15:18 and appreciate SOULS West.
15:27 Hi, My name is Kyle Allen and I'm the secretary,
15:29 treasurer for ASI at the North American division.
15:32 When I was a pastor
15:33 in Southeastern California Conference,
15:34 I had the blessing of being able to work with SOULS West
15:38 as a local church pastor.
15:40 Over three different years
15:42 as the pastor of the Mentone Church,
15:44 we had SOULS West students come
15:46 and help us with our evangelism,
15:47 and it was really made a huge impact on our church.
15:52 Of course, we had decisions that came out of the meetings
15:55 and over the three years we had 85 decisions
15:58 as a result of those evangelistic meetings
16:00 and the series that we had.
16:02 But perhaps even more significant than that,
16:05 we had over 100 of our church members
16:07 that were trained on giving Bible studies
16:09 on how to reach their friends and neighbors for Jesus,
16:12 on how to reach out to those
16:14 in their communities for Christ.
16:15 And not only is SOULS making an impact on local churches,
16:19 but now that I'm at the North American division,
16:21 I see the impact still happening.
16:23 We actually just had
16:24 an evangelism brainstorming think tank for ASI
16:27 over the past couple of days here
16:29 at the General Conference headquarters.
16:30 And over half of our group were graduates from SOULS West,
16:35 and they came up with amazing ideas.
16:37 My prayer is that the ministry of SOULS West
16:40 would not only expand in the Pacific Union,
16:42 but across our entire North American division
16:45 so that Jesus will come soon.
16:51 I'm Kurt Johnson, I'm the Bible School Director
16:53 for the Voice of Prophecy here in North America.
16:56 And we have over 2,000 Discover Bible schools
16:59 in the division,
17:00 and we give those Bible schools support
17:02 by helping them to learn
17:04 how to make door-to-door visits,
17:06 how to obtain decisions in Bible studies.
17:09 And over the last few years in order to provide trainers
17:12 and to assist with our discover schools,
17:15 we have hired four different individuals
17:16 who are graduates from SOULS West,
17:19 and we really appreciate working with Michael
17:22 and the SOULS West team
17:23 because the graduates have the exact types of skills
17:27 that we need.
17:28 And so we just want to continue this relationship,
17:31 and we pray that SOULS West
17:33 will continue to turn out the graduates
17:35 to the caliber that we have currently experienced.
17:43 Hi, I'm a Duane McKey, Director of Sabbath School
17:44 and Personal Ministries
17:46 and the Total Member Involvement Director
17:48 for the General Conference.
17:49 Greetings to you, and I just want to say
17:51 just a word about SOULS West
17:53 since I was president in the Arizona Conference,
17:55 I'm quite familiar with it.
17:56 It's a wonderful program,
17:58 it transforms young people's lives.
18:00 They also going to our churches,
18:02 and they transform those churches
18:04 because when older members see young people
18:06 get excited about soul winning, outreaching and evangelism,
18:09 they get excited about it as well
18:11 and it revitalize those churches.
18:12 So thank you so much for your support
18:15 for SOULS West.
18:16 I believe SOULS West is an answer
18:18 to get our young people involved all around the world.
18:20 So we have encouraged SOULS West
18:22 to work with us here at the General Conference
18:24 as we reach out to different parts
18:26 of the Adventist Church worldwide.
18:28 Thank you, thank you, thank you.
18:33 Hello, my name is Ramon Canals and I am an Associate Director
18:36 for the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department
18:39 at the General Conference.
18:41 And I just want to talk to you a little bit about SOULS West.
18:46 SOULS West is a wonderful school for training leaders
18:52 in the North American division.
18:54 We wanted to do something like SOULS West in our union,
19:01 in the North Pacific Union, and we tried several models,
19:05 and then we found out
19:07 that the one that works the best
19:10 is the SOULS West model.
19:14 And that's why now in this position
19:18 in the General Conference,
19:19 I would like to see this model throughout the whole world.
19:25 God bless you.
19:38 Amen.
19:39 Well, that sounds very exciting.
19:41 We really appreciate
19:42 everything that you're doing through SOULS West.
19:44 And those young people
19:46 that are really leading the path
19:48 about what's going to be happening
19:49 and what they're doing.
19:51 Oh, and we also have it in Spanish.
19:52 I forgot we have it in Spanish.
19:53 So if it's habla espanol, you know,
19:55 we got the Habits that Heal in Spanish as well.
19:58 So I just wanted to let you know
19:59 that it's in English and Spanish.
20:01 Thank you very much, Michael.
20:02 God bless you and SOULS West.
20:06 So interestingly I did ask Michael,
20:09 they don't have a booth
20:10 because all their young people are out working,
20:12 distributing the books.
20:14 So go to their website
20:17 and you can get the information
20:18 that you need about their ministry.
20:20 Oh, Dan. Hello, Debbie.
20:22 So good to have you here with me.
20:24 We want to talk a little bit about
20:25 the New Beginnings DVD sermons.
20:28 Now, you know, for those of you have been with ASI for a while,
20:32 this is a wonderful ministry,
20:34 a tool for evangelism that has literally transformed
20:37 the public evangelism, empowering laypeople,
20:43 and church workers to use this particular tool
20:46 to reach out and to let people know about Jesus
20:49 and His soon coming.
20:51 And I was so excited, Dan,
20:53 that we were on the ground floor
20:56 of this ministry,
20:57 we actually piloted this in on the Island of Mindanao
20:59 in the Philippines.
21:01 Share with us where it's come from since then?
21:03 Okay, I will.
21:04 You know, this started the whole idea
21:06 of New Beginnings actually started
21:08 when Garwin McNeilus and Bob Paulson
21:11 went to India to hold an evangelist meeting.
21:13 And when they went over there,
21:15 they had some slides up on a screen
21:16 and they were preaching,
21:17 and all of a sudden the idea started coming together,
21:19 Pastor Mark Finley was involved and helping to birth this idea.
21:23 But I remember one day Denzil McNeilus called me
21:25 on the phone.
21:27 Denzil and I are good friends and he said, "Dan,
21:29 I think you and I ought to go preach
21:30 a series of evangelistic meetings in the Philippines."
21:33 I said, "Okay, I'm in."
21:34 He said, "We need to create some new resources,
21:37 some new graphics and put together a whole plan
21:39 that anybody can use."
21:41 And the next thing I know
21:42 if you know Denzil, it is expanded.
21:44 And we ended up, Debbie, having 70 of us go over,
21:47 that was in January of 2001,
21:51 so it's been fifteen and half years ago.
21:54 And we had a group that went over there
21:55 and we had actually put together
21:57 a series of presentations with all the graphics,
22:00 all of the sermons and Don Gray helped
22:03 and some other people got involved,
22:04 we were making all this come together.
22:06 And we had a chance to test that
22:09 and we held I believe there were
22:10 13 or 14 evangelistic series
22:12 all throughout that part of Northern Philippines.
22:15 And, Debbie, there were 3,300 as I recall baptized.
22:19 And we got all excited.
22:20 We had tested the idea
22:22 of being able to have the sermons created
22:23 so a lay person could use them,
22:25 and that was only one language at that time
22:27 but since then it has caught fire
22:30 as many of you know.
22:32 Now, today, right now it's in 38 plus languages right now.
22:37 We know 38 plus, there are more being created,
22:39 and the graphics are being customized
22:41 for each individual culture.
22:43 And we have gone from originally
22:45 calling it the DVD project.
22:46 You notice that we call it New Beginnings now,
22:48 but then our name for it was the DVD project
22:51 because DVD was a brand new technology
22:54 at that time.
22:55 We could put it on and just take a little DVD player
22:57 and put it on a computer on a screen whatever.
22:59 Today, well, actually
23:00 I'm jumping ahead of myself, Debbie.
23:02 We actually went through a process we're, "Okay,
23:04 let's put this up on the Internet."
23:06 How many of you have been
23:07 to our website?
23:09 Anybody? Okay, there's a few of you that have.
23:11 Several years ago we actually were able to bring
23:14 all of those languages and all of that material up
23:17 so that you can go on to the website
23:19 and download that, in fact, anyone can.
23:21 And then most recently we've discovered that
23:23 in some places in the world it's difficult
23:26 to get fast enough internet access
23:28 so we have little thumb drives.
23:29 And I actually intended to have one of those,
23:31 and I don't have it, but a little thumb drive
23:33 that has the entire evangelistic crusade
23:37 on a thumb drive,
23:39 all it needs is a human being that knows how to do something,
23:42 and that has come in 15 years
23:44 to where now it is being used all over the world
23:48 by laypeople and pastors alike.
23:51 What's on the horizon for New Beginnings?
23:55 Well, I just came from a late breakfast meeting this morning.
23:59 In fact, yesterday I was in a meeting
24:00 with some of our division presidents
24:02 and the division president from that part of East Africa
24:05 where Rwanda took place.
24:07 And many of you have heard
24:08 that there has been 100,000 people baptized
24:11 at an evangelistic meeting held by pastors
24:14 and many, many laypeople
24:15 in Rwanda back earlier this year.
24:18 Well, I heard the division president
24:21 from that division Elder Ruguri say
24:24 that 90% of all of those
24:26 evangelistic meetings took place
24:28 were using a little thumb drive with New Beginnings on it.
24:31 And those meetings were taking place
24:32 and 100,000 people have been baptized,
24:35 and I just heard this morning in another meeting
24:37 that they're anticipating in 2017
24:40 having 17,000 more evangelistic meetings
24:43 that laypeople were conducting
24:44 all throughout that section of Africa.
24:46 And West Africa, Duane McKey told me this morning, in 2018
24:50 they want to do 20,000 meetings.
24:52 So they're translating more languages so, Debbie,
24:55 it's amazing we had no idea
24:57 what we were getting into, did we?
24:58 Absolutely, absolutely.
24:59 And, you know, it's touched thousands,
25:02 thousands of the lives.
25:04 And I just want to share with you one
25:05 that you may remember from way back then,
25:08 and we have some pictures
25:09 I just want to scroll through pretty quickly.
25:11 This young lady, her name is Lakshmi.
25:14 And you may remember Bob Paulson and Garwin
25:16 went back to India, held a series
25:18 and this young crippled girl came to the meetings
25:22 just kind of pulling herself up because she couldn't walk.
25:26 And so she was baptized and Lakshmi has really grown.
25:31 She was baptized, she went to school,
25:34 she graduated with a bachelor's degree.
25:38 There is she is with Garwin.
25:40 And then the next picture I think
25:41 shows her having graduated.
25:43 And then after that she married a minister,
25:46 and since then she has had a baby
25:50 and so she is growing
25:52 and teaching now her young daughter
25:55 or her child about Jesus and His love
25:58 all because of New Beginnings.
26:00 That's right.
26:02 So how many more Lakshmis can we reach?
26:06 Well, I just talked with Denzil
26:08 by the text a few minutes before.
26:09 I just wanted to get the latest things on this.
26:11 We have now trained over 200,000 people
26:15 to be able to share and use New Beginnings.
26:17 And we have no idea how many millions of people
26:19 have actually participated,
26:21 but one look at Lakshmi if it was only for one,
26:24 wouldn't that be worth it?
26:25 The other thing that's really popular in business today
26:28 is to look at what the long term impact
26:30 of something is going to be.
26:31 This goes back 15, 16 years,
26:34 and we have the privilege today to look back
26:36 and see how God has blessed,
26:37 and I wonder what today will we be doing
26:41 that will have that kind of a trajectory into the future.
26:44 We shouldn't expect that this is the last of it,
26:46 this is just the beginning of it.
26:48 New Beginnings is having a New Beginning,
26:49 it's time to go for a New Beginning.
26:51 Well, thank you, Dan,
26:53 for helping us to tell the story,
26:55 and to let everybody know that we still need that support.
26:57 Yes, we do.
26:59 So that we can enhance the reach of New Beginnings.
27:01 Thank you. Amen. Thank you.
27:08 Five years ago several individuals
27:11 met together
27:13 at SoCal camp meeting in California
27:17 for the purpose of exploring
27:19 the possibility of working together,
27:22 combining their individual ministry efforts
27:26 as a united effort to deal with the LGBT issue
27:31 not only in the world but in the church.
27:35 Out of that meeting was born Coming Out Ministries.
27:40 And our purpose in Coming Out Ministries
27:43 is not only to inspire,
27:45 but to enlighten, to educate,
27:48 and to equip the church to deal with the LGBT issue
27:53 in a redemptive way in the LGBT arena
27:59 as well as every other arena.
28:03 About two years ago
28:04 Danielle Harrison joined our Coming Out Ministries group,
28:08 and since then she's been traveling the world
28:11 turning the world upside down with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
28:15 from her powerful testimony perspective.
28:20 And I'm delighted today to introduce Danielle Harrison
28:23 to share with you her amazing testimony,
28:27 and I know that you will be blessed, Danielle.
28:30 Amen. Thank you, Ron.
28:32 It's a privilege to work together in ministry,
28:34 I'm sure that any of you who work in ministry
28:37 can understand the blessing
28:40 it is to labor for God together.
28:45 I'm so glad to be here this morning,
28:47 I'm sure that many of you are as well.
28:50 ASI I believe is not only a networking opportunity,
28:54 but it's also like a family reunion,
28:56 so it's great to come together
28:58 and to be encouraged
29:00 by what other people are doing in ministry,
29:03 hearing the stories of how God is answering prayers
29:06 and moving abundantly.
29:08 So I think that is a big part of the ASI experience.
29:13 I've heard that every year on Friday morning
29:15 they have a very powerful testimony,
29:18 and I was humbled and a little bit shocked
29:22 when I received the call to be that powerful testimony.
29:27 So I come this morning excited
29:31 and very humbled again to be able to have this opportunity.
29:37 And I will be sharing my testimony this morning,
29:40 the way that the Lord has led me
29:42 out of the world and into ministry.
29:45 And so I hope it will be a blessing
29:46 and an encouragement to all of you.
29:48 Let's say a word of prayer before I begin.
29:53 Dear Heavenly Father,
29:56 I want to thank You so much
29:57 that in this place as Your children
30:00 have gathered together,
30:02 we can invite Your presence
30:05 and, Lord, You promised in Your word
30:07 that if we ask for Your Holy Spirit You will send it,
30:11 and so, Lord, we know that You're here with us.
30:13 And I just ask You humbly now,
30:15 Lord, that You would please anoint my lips
30:18 with a call from Your altar
30:20 that You would hide me behind Your cross
30:22 and that Jesus Christ would be seen.
30:25 Lord, because this has less to do with me
30:27 and more to do with Jesus and His power.
30:31 It's His book, I'm just the pages,
30:34 and so, Lord, help me to have ears
30:37 to hear Your Spirit and words to speak Your Words,
30:41 and help everyone here to have ears also to hear,
30:44 in Jesus' name I pray, amen.
30:48 So when I share my testimony,
30:49 I always start from the very beginning
30:52 because I believe that there were experiences
30:54 that happened for me very early on in my life
30:58 that paved the way
31:00 for a lot of other things that would come.
31:03 And as I was coming into the world,
31:07 my parents were struggling in their relationship,
31:10 they weren't expecting to have another child,
31:13 and I was a surprise,
31:15 but nonetheless I was very loved,
31:17 I was a very happy baby.
31:19 And my mom says
31:20 that she remembers of my character
31:22 that music was a big part of my joy,
31:25 a big part of my experience.
31:27 I loved music.
31:29 And unfortunately the music that came into our home
31:33 was not of a heavenly type of atmosphere
31:38 or heavenly Spirit,
31:39 it was from the world
31:41 through the radio and television,
31:44 Hollywood movies, and that kind of a thing.
31:46 So we had an abundance
31:48 of the world available in our home,
31:50 and it wasn't a Christian home
31:52 so I didn't have Jesus there to pattern after,
31:57 instead I was patterning after the world,
31:59 and this was what was building my character.
32:02 Now I want to share with you a quote
32:05 from the book Appeal to Mothers.
32:08 Now as I share my testimony,
32:10 I'm going to be focusing
32:13 or expressing my journey
32:16 through sexuality.
32:19 I think that this is sort of taboo
32:22 in our churches
32:23 and to a lot of the conservative environments,
32:26 we don't really talk about sex, right?
32:28 But I think that this is a topic
32:30 that needs to be addressed
32:32 because if our young people
32:34 aren't receiving information from us,
32:37 from the church,
32:38 then the world is the only place
32:40 they're getting their information.
32:42 And what a scary thing that is, right?
32:45 So I'm gonna be talking about that this morning,
32:48 and I'll start by sharing this quote Appeal to Mothers
32:51 found on page 11, it says,
32:53 "Mothers, you cannot be too careful
32:56 in preventing your children from learning low habits.
33:00 It is easier to learn evil,
33:02 than to eradicate it after it is learned."
33:05 So it's a lot easier to learn how to sin than just learn
33:09 how to stop sinning once we've been there, right?
33:12 "Neighbors may permit their children
33:14 to come to your house,
33:16 to spend the evening
33:17 and the night with your children."
33:19 But she says, "Here is a trial, and a choice for you,
33:24 to run the risk of offending your neighbors
33:26 by sending their children to their own home,
33:29 or gratify them,
33:31 and let them lodge with your children,
33:33 and thus expose them..."
33:35 Meaning your children,
33:36 "To be instructed in that knowledge
33:38 which would be a life-long curse to them."
33:42 Now if you look at this quote contextually,
33:45 the way that it's found in the context of the chapter,
33:48 you'll see that this curse here
33:49 that she's talking about is the curse of self-abuse.
33:53 Now that's kind of an old term
33:54 that we don't necessarily use a lot today,
33:56 the medical term
33:57 that we use today is masturbation.
33:59 Unfortunately,
34:00 my mom didn't know this council.
34:02 And I was permitted to have frequent sleepovers
34:05 when I was younger.
34:06 And this very curse came into my life
34:09 through this very avenue.
34:11 How important it is for us to read and learn
34:14 from the Spirit of Prophecy and from the Bible
34:17 so that we can walk in the way that God is directing us.
34:21 My parents separated
34:22 when I was six years old and my mother,
34:24 my siblings and I moved
34:26 into a low income housing development,
34:28 and it was there that a young girl
34:30 lived down the street,
34:31 she was my same age,
34:32 and she was being sexually abused by someone,
34:35 so she was learning things about her body
34:36 that she should not have known.
34:38 And so as a result of her sharing
34:41 that knowledge with me,
34:42 I also was learning things about my body
34:45 that I should not have known.
34:47 So I was only seven years old
34:49 when I started to have sexual interactions
34:53 with the same sex
34:54 and masturbation soon became an addiction for me,
34:57 this was a stronghold in my life for many,
35:00 many years until the Lord gave me victory.
35:05 A couple of years later, I was actually baptized.
35:08 I had been attending church frequently
35:10 with a family friend,
35:12 and the pastor sat us down and asked us
35:14 if we wanted to be baptized and we were.
35:17 But I wasn't making a commitment to Jesus,
35:19 I just thought that's what you do
35:20 when you love Jesus so I was baptized.
35:22 I knew that Christians were good people,
35:24 and I wanted to be a good person
35:26 so I started making some promises to myself.
35:29 I had learned a little bit about sexual purity
35:31 so I promised myself I wanted to stay virgin
35:34 until I was married.
35:36 And I wanted to abstain from all drugs and alcohol
35:39 because I'd seen the way that those things
35:40 had played a part in my parents' struggle
35:43 in their marriage and their separation.
35:46 But it didn't take very long for me
35:47 to start to realize
35:49 that there was this deep chasm between the person
35:52 that I wanted to be
35:54 and the person that I naturally was.
35:57 It didn't take very long for me
35:58 to start breaking those promises
36:00 that I made to myself
36:01 because our promises and our resolutions
36:04 are just like ropes of sand, right?
36:06 They're nothing that we can cling on to
36:08 or grab on to.
36:10 And so this was my experience
36:12 because I could not control my thoughts
36:15 or my impulses or my affections.
36:18 And so I started very young in my early teenage years
36:23 not only to have these sexual experiences
36:25 with these girls
36:27 because it had happened not only with that first girl
36:29 but many other girls as the years went on.
36:32 But I also started to have sexual interactions
36:34 with the boys too
36:36 because why is it a big deal to share it with them
36:38 if I've been sharing it with these other girls
36:41 for so many years.
36:44 And this for me, it was creating a struggle
36:47 as I was breaking the promises
36:48 that I wanted to keep to myself.
36:50 And, you know,
36:51 I started to really struggle with depression.
36:54 I started to dislike myself,
36:58 and I started to blame God
37:01 because I couldn't be who I wanted to be.
37:04 I couldn't be what the Bible told me to be
37:05 so I got angry at God, I blamed Him for it.
37:10 There's a quote in the Great Controversy,
37:12 it's found on page 525, and it says that,
37:16 "It is a law both of the intellectual
37:18 and of the spiritual nature
37:20 that by beholding we become changed."
37:22 It says the mind gradually adapts itself
37:25 to the subjects upon which it is allowed to dwell.
37:28 And I believe that
37:30 this was what was happening for me,
37:32 I was so saturated in the things of the world,
37:35 I was saturated in the sin
37:38 that the world had brought into my life,
37:40 and that I had welcomed in.
37:43 So I was blinded to receiving the light
37:46 that I was now receiving from the Adventist neighbors
37:50 that we had moved in next door to and started studying with.
37:53 My sister was choosing Jesus,
37:56 being baptized and walking in one direction,
37:58 and I was walking in the other.
38:02 You know, I was about 15 years old
38:05 when I came out as bisexual.
38:09 Coming out to the world and saying this is how I am,
38:11 and you can't change it,
38:12 and who I am
38:14 was the biggest part of the sentence.
38:17 It wasn't just what I did behind closed doors
38:19 in the privacy of my own bedroom,
38:21 it was who I was, it was my persona,
38:25 and I think that's why so many people
38:27 who struggle with same sex attraction
38:29 have such a hard time coming out of it.
38:31 Because not only is it a stronghold sin
38:34 this bondage that is so hard to break free from,
38:37 but it becomes your identity.
38:39 You base who you are upon it.
38:41 And that was what was happening for me,
38:44 15 years old was when it started.
38:46 By the time I was 17, I moved away from home,
38:49 and I dropped out of school, and music became my idol.
38:54 Now I say that music was my idol
38:55 because music was the thing that I turn
38:57 to when I should have been turning to God.
39:00 When my friends let me down, when I was confused,
39:03 when I was upset, when I was angry,
39:05 those strong feelings come in, I turn to my music
39:08 because my music was always there for me,
39:10 my music made me feel better.
39:12 But really it just encouraged those negative feelings
39:15 that I wanted to be free from.
39:18 And as I started to allow this music
39:21 to come into my mind,
39:22 I started to develop a taste
39:25 for the music of the world in it,
39:26 and the music that I gravitated towards was darker
39:30 and darker and by beholding I became changed.
39:34 Image it would be called number two here,
39:37 is the person that I became
39:40 as I was about 18, 19, 20.
39:45 In my younger years I started to dress the part,
39:49 extravagant hair, makeup, and dress
39:51 became my way of life.
39:53 I wanted to be art
39:55 because that was the only thing
39:57 that really made sense to me anymore.
39:59 And the music was a gateway drug,
40:03 music really can't be a drug, for many people it is.
40:07 Music was my gateway drug into the world,
40:09 and it was yielding a very satanic crop in my life.
40:13 I began to wear devil horns
40:16 at first to concerts and parties,
40:18 but eventually just to the supermarket
40:19 on a Tuesday afternoon
40:21 or walking down the street because this was my persona.
40:24 And I didn't believe in God or Satan anymore
40:26 so why would it be a big deal to joke about it.
40:29 And to joke about the silly Christians
40:31 that actually believed in it.
40:33 There's a quote in Mind Character and Personality,
40:36 she calls it the degrading process.
40:39 Says, "The mind of a man or woman does not come down
40:42 in a moment from purity and holiness
40:45 to depravity, corruption, and crime.
40:47 It takes time to transform the human to the divine
40:51 or to degrade those formed in the image of God,
40:55 to the brutal or the satanic."
40:58 This was what was taking place in my life, why?
41:01 The next word say because "By beholding,
41:04 we become changed."
41:07 I was being made into the image that was ever before me.
41:10 I was struggling with anxiety attacks,
41:13 eating disorders, multiple drug addictions,
41:16 I was dabbling in witchcrafts
41:18 so I was seeing shadows crawl and hearing voices.
41:22 You know, when I was younger
41:23 there was a turning point in my life
41:26 where I sat down on the couch and I thought,
41:28 "I don't have to listen to what everybody tells me
41:30 I need to do, I can do whatever I want,
41:32 I can be crazy if I want,
41:34 what's the worst thing that could happen?"
41:36 Now I was experiencing what could happen,
41:39 it was a very dark and scary place
41:42 in that wilderness
41:43 where I had walked very far from God.
41:46 It was enslaving there.
41:48 And I wanted to change, I was desperate for change,
41:51 I had this aching void inside of me that,
41:54 that I tried to fill with anything and everything
41:57 from the world.
41:59 The parties didn't do it, the drugs didn't do it,
42:01 the girlfriends didn't do it, the boyfriends didn't do it.
42:04 And every time I tried to fill that space
42:06 that only Jesus can fill,
42:09 I just sense the emptiness more and more and more.
42:14 And one day, I was thinking about my life,
42:16 I was thinking about this desire for change.
42:20 And this thought and a still small voice
42:22 came into my mind and it said,
42:24 "Danielle, you have got to change
42:26 or you're going to die."
42:28 And I knew this was a call from the divine
42:33 that I needed to make a change, but I didn't know how
42:35 so I decided I was gonna move out
42:37 into the country with my dad,
42:38 get away from the city,
42:40 and that was the first change that I made.
42:42 God impressed one change upon my heart
42:43 that I could make,
42:45 and then he led me to make another change
42:46 and another change and another as I started to become sober
42:49 and get away from the drug addictions,
42:51 and I started to go vegan
42:53 mostly for animal rights reasons.
42:55 You know, I said, "I'm gonna save the world
42:57 one chicken at a time, if that's the best I can do."
43:01 But as I was making these little steps,
43:03 my mind was becoming clearer.
43:06 And even though I was calling God by the wrong name,
43:10 even though I was searching for the divine,
43:12 looking for love in all the wrong places.
43:15 And my quest for knowledge
43:17 in the new age search through
43:19 all different types of religions of the world,
43:22 and new age healing modalities, and everything in between.
43:26 Even though I was calling God by the wrong name
43:29 and looking in all the wrong places,
43:30 He was hearing my prayers.
43:33 And as far as my prayers fit into His will,
43:35 He was honoring those prayers,
43:36 and He was moving me gently in the direction
43:40 that I needed to go, to be able to receive more light.
43:43 And I know that God was able to speak into my life,
43:46 into my heart in the darkest place
43:48 of my experience
43:50 because my mother and my sister were earnestly praying for me.
43:56 And so if you only remember one thing from my testimony,
44:00 don't let be the devil horns
44:01 and the, you know, the crazy dark point,
44:05 let it be that the thing that shifted my experience
44:08 was the earnest, and consistent,
44:11 and fervent prayers of the people that loved me.
44:15 And not only do I recognize that in my experience,
44:18 but so do every single one of my colleagues
44:20 in Coming Out Ministries
44:22 that it was the prayers of our family that invited God
44:26 who's a perfect gentleman,
44:28 and will never force Himself upon us into our lives
44:31 when we needed Him the most.
44:35 So my sister could see
44:37 that my heart was softening a little bit
44:39 because before when I was running around
44:40 with devil horns and I didn't want to talk about God at all,
44:43 but now I'm talking about spiritual things.
44:45 And her husband was going to be going out to the Black Hills
44:48 Health and Education Center
44:50 to do an internship on the farm.
44:52 So because their family was going out,
44:54 there she invited me to go with them.
44:57 It was a challenging decision, but to make a long story short,
44:59 I ended up going.
45:01 Expecting to be there for six months,
45:03 but I was there for three and a half years.
45:05 And it was there that I sincerely met
45:08 the man named Jesus.
45:10 I met that man through His Spirit manifest
45:15 in His children.
45:17 There was one man in particular
45:19 that really, really caught my attention.
45:22 His name is Dan Gabbert
45:24 and he's the spiritual counselor there.
45:26 And every time we would cross paths
45:29 and we'd exchange words,
45:32 I would walk away from him,
45:33 and I was so impressed by the gentleness,
45:37 and the kindness, and this joy and this piece
45:40 that just flowed out of him,
45:42 and I wanted that kind of spirit.
45:44 And I thought I don't know what's working for that man
45:47 but I wanted too.
45:49 And so one day I decided, I was gonna go to church
45:51 when I knew he was speaking
45:53 not because I was interested in the gospel
45:55 because I wasn't, but because I wanted to know
45:57 what was working for him.
45:59 So I sat down in the church in the very back
46:01 hoping no one would notice me,
46:02 and I was just kind of drawing on my little drawing pad there,
46:06 and he said today we're gonna talk about the crucifixion.
46:11 And in my mind I thought, "Oh, the crucifixion,
46:12 why that anything but that."
46:14 Because when I thought about God, I thought about light,
46:16 and love, and peace, and joy,
46:18 I didn't want to think about
46:19 death, and war, and tribulation,
46:21 and the crucifixion like I read about in the Bible.
46:24 But then the next thing he said was,
46:26 "And maybe you're thinking,
46:27 "Oh, the crucifixion, why that anything, but that."
46:33 And when he said what I had just thought,
46:35 I knew that God was about to speak to me.
46:39 And he started to describe sin.
46:42 That when we transgress the law of God,
46:43 we are separated from Him,
46:45 and because He is the source of all life
46:48 if we are separated from Him,
46:49 the natural occurrence is death.
46:51 And so by choosing sin, we deserve that death.
46:54 But if we will choose Jesus
46:56 and we will accept the sacrifice
46:58 He has freely given, then Jesus bridges the gap
47:01 for us to come back to God and eternal life.
47:03 This massage shook me from the very core of my being,
47:09 and it wouldn't let me go.
47:10 All day I was wandering around just praying to God,
47:13 walking around the hills, praying out loud,
47:15 and just trying to reconcile this beautiful life
47:19 with all of the understanding spiritually
47:21 that I had that it conflicted with.
47:24 But that was when I finally decided
47:25 I would give Christianity another chance.
47:28 And God brought many other people
47:30 to minister to me and to teach me.
47:34 Chad and Fadia Kreuzer with Anchor Point Films
47:36 were especially prominent in teaching me
47:39 a lot of the things that I learned.
47:41 But when Thom Mayer from Little Light Studios
47:44 came with his family, and they were working on a film,
47:49 they developed a friendship with me
47:50 and when he left,
47:52 he left me five DVDs of the documentaries
47:54 that he makes with his ministry.
47:56 And I watched the documentary called Magic Kingdom,
47:59 it's about Disney.
48:01 Who could have imagined
48:02 that God was about to totally shatter my earth
48:08 as it were.
48:10 I was not ready for the profound truth
48:12 that was going to come from it, my guard wasn't up, right,
48:16 because God uses the simple things
48:18 to profound the wise.
48:20 I had professed myself to be a wise, I'd become a fool.
48:23 And God needed to use something very simple
48:27 to get into my heart,
48:28 and so He did from the simple documentary.
48:30 The first thing that stuck out was Disney says,
48:33 "Follow your heart, listen your heart."
48:35 But the Bible says that the heart
48:36 is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked
48:39 who can know it.
48:40 I knew that I couldn't trust my own judgment,
48:43 I had enough experiences to know that,
48:45 so why am I trying to figure out
48:47 God and the universe all on my own,
48:49 was the thought that came into my mind
48:51 after I was hearing this.
48:54 Then it started talking about spiritualism and witchcraft
48:57 and a cult symbology in Disney.
49:00 And I thought that this was very unlikely being
49:04 that I was very interested in all of these things,
49:06 but then I started thinking about the story lines.
49:09 And my two favorite movies growing up
49:11 were filled with the two spiritualisms
49:15 that I was most interested in as an adult.
49:18 I thought maybe these movies did have an impact on the way
49:21 I've used spiritual things.
49:23 But then it started talking about
49:24 how Disney portrays the woman's body,
49:27 whether it's an old movie or a new one
49:29 they have the very highly hourglass curvy figure
49:32 and co-in seductive facial expressions,
49:35 and overly sensual body language.
49:38 This documentary was saying that
49:40 presenting this notion of femininity
49:42 to a young child's mind
49:43 is simply unhealthy and inaccurate
49:46 to teach them what femininity is.
49:49 But there came that still small voice again
49:51 as I was watching this part of the documentary
49:53 and it said, "Danielle, you've been programmed
49:56 from the young age to view life the way that you do,
49:59 to view spirituality the way that you do,
50:02 and to view sexuality the way that you do,
50:04 to view the woman's body the way that you do,
50:06 and it's not my plan for your life
50:08 for you to be a lesbian."
50:09 Because at that point I wasn't only identifying as bisexual
50:12 that hadn't worked out very well as you can imagine,
50:15 it was a very messy track record.
50:18 And so I thought, "Well, I must be a lesbian
50:20 maybe that will actually work."
50:23 Through this simple documentary, the Holy Spirit,
50:25 nobody could have imagined
50:27 spoke these powerful words to me
50:28 and my heart was broken.
50:31 I finally was willing to accept God's will
50:33 for my life instead of my own.
50:36 And nobody knows how the Holy Spirit can come in
50:38 and do that but He does.
50:41 And for me it was a very, very powerful experience.
50:43 You know, some people ask me,
50:44 "Do you think that people are just born gay?
50:48 Did you choose to be gay?"
50:51 And I say, "Well, I didn't choose my temptations."
50:53 I don't think any of us really do.
50:55 You know, God, if I'm gonna be tempted,
50:57 can we choose this, this and this.
50:58 I don't think any of us had that conversation.
51:01 But even though we don't choose our temptations,
51:04 when the temptations do come in,
51:06 we make a choice,
51:07 are we gonna turn and indulge in those temptations or not?
51:11 So we don't choose our temptations
51:12 but there is a choice and the matter.
51:16 And this was what I finally came to understand.
51:19 And I finally came to reanalyze that, that Satan is real,
51:22 the Great Controversy is real.
51:26 And that I'm not safe unless I'm with Jesus.
51:29 And this was when I truly started to surrender
51:31 my heart to Him,
51:32 I started to develop a relationship with Him
51:34 that I didn't have when I was little,
51:36 when I was baptized.
51:38 I started to interact with Him through His Word and spend...
51:41 Have conversation with Him through prayer
51:43 and I had started to develop a trust for Him
51:47 and love blossomed out of that trust.
51:50 And when we have a love in our hearts for God,
51:52 commitment and sacrifice naturally flow
51:55 out of that love.
51:56 It isn't something that we need to fabricate,
51:59 it's something that God places in our heart,
52:00 and it flows out of us for everyone around us
52:03 to experience as well.
52:05 So after, or the day that I was baptized,
52:09 this would be photo number four.
52:11 All day before my baptism, I wore a white dress
52:14 and all day after my...
52:16 Oh, I'm sorry, all day before my baptism
52:17 I wore a red dress,
52:19 and all day after my baptism I wore a white dress
52:22 because I wanted everyone to know
52:25 was mine to claim
52:28 that if I confess my sins, God was faithful
52:30 and just to forgive me
52:32 and to cleanse me of all unrighteousness.
52:35 And I said, "Lord, today,
52:36 I want to enter into a new covenant with you,
52:39 and I ask you to wash me clean and make me a virgin
52:42 in Your sight
52:43 because I can't keep myself pure, I tried.
52:47 But, Lord, with my hand in Yours You can."
52:51 And this was the new experience that I entered into with Him.
52:54 After my baptism, God started opening up doors
52:57 for me to share my testimony locally at first,
53:01 and then He'd move me to a new area,
53:03 and I'd speak there a few places,
53:05 and He moved me around quite a bit for a year or two.
53:09 And while I was still at the Black Hills
53:12 before I left,
53:13 there was this morning that I was,
53:14 I had watched a sermon by David Asscherick
53:17 and it moved me, it was so powerful,
53:19 and I was weeping.
53:20 And I just fell on my knees, and I said, "Lord, you know
53:23 that I want to do public speaking."
53:25 That was what I had an interest in doing
53:27 before I became a Christian.
53:29 Lord, You know that I want to do public speaking,
53:31 but I want you to use me to do whatever You want me to do
53:36 if I can do it with this kind of Holy Spirit power."
53:39 I saw the Lord moving through that message
53:42 so powerfully to move my heart,
53:44 and I said, "Lord, I want you to use me
53:46 to move the hearts of men
53:48 to come to know You and understand
53:49 who You are more clearly
53:51 like I have seen through this message.
53:52 And whatever it is for me to do,
53:56 I don't want to try and make it happen anymore.
53:58 Lord, I'm just gonna trust You that You will do it."
54:01 And so I laid that baby on the altar, right.
54:04 And that was when things really started moving forward,
54:08 and I started speaking more.
54:10 I said, "Lord, I'll go where You want me to go,
54:11 and I'll say what You want me to say."
54:13 I didn't really talk about sexual purity at that time
54:16 because we don't really talk about that, right?
54:18 I didn't know what I was getting myself into
54:20 when I prayed that prayer,
54:22 I'll go where You want me to go, right.
54:24 And I went to GYC one year
54:27 and I ended up at the Coming Out Ministries booth.
54:30 I started having a conversation with my colleague Wayne,
54:33 and through the course of the conversation
54:36 I ended up sharing some of my testimony with him.
54:39 And he said, "Wow, would you be willing to share your testimony
54:43 with us some time?"
54:44 And I said, "Oh, I'll pray about it."
54:46 And I'm thinking, "No way,
54:49 not this, Lord, anything but this.
54:54 But you know what, God remembered
54:57 the prayer that I had prayed.
54:59 And I said, "Lord, if You want me to do this,
55:01 You're gonna have to confirm it to me,
55:03 and You're gonna have to open up the doors."
55:05 And you know what, He's been doing that ever since.
55:08 And I have been working with them
55:09 for the last two years,
55:10 and it has been such a blessing for me.
55:13 God knows exactly
55:15 what we need to go through, right?
55:17 Sometimes we need to be humbled to speak about something,
55:19 we don't necessarily feel that comfortable speaking about,
55:23 but sometimes He has us in a very different position.
55:28 So for you today, I just want to ask you,
55:31 is God calling you
55:34 into a ministry experience for Him?
55:36 Maybe you've said, "No way, Lord, not that."
55:39 You kind of digging your heels, right?
55:42 But I can tell you from my experience
55:44 that no matter what it is, if God is calling you into it,
55:48 He has a plan greater than you could ever fathom.
55:52 God has showed me so much through this ministry,
55:56 has built my faith so much
55:58 as He has led us into the speaking engagements,
56:00 He has brought us around the world,
56:02 and He has now helped us to develop a film
56:05 that we will be releasing in September of our testimonies
56:08 that we pray will go out to many, many people
56:11 that maybe would never come to our meetings.
56:13 It's been powerful and profound,
56:15 so keep an eye out for that
56:17 Journey Interrupted film that's coming out.
56:19 These are the kind of things that God does,
56:20 He moves for us in ways
56:22 that we don't foresee happening.
56:24 So I just want to close here together
56:27 as we all have a season of prayer.
56:30 And so I want to invite you
56:31 to turn to the person next to you
56:33 if you're sensing that conviction
56:34 to respond to God and ministry in ways
56:38 that He's calling you into bigger things
56:40 and you haven't had the courage to do it.
56:42 Let's pray and surrender our talents and time
56:46 to the Lord today.


Revised 2022-06-11