ASI Conventions, 2016

Sexual Purity: Lost and Found

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danielle Harrison


Series Code: 16ASIC

Program Code: 16ASIC000004A

00:19 We're glad you're here tonight,
00:21 and on behalf of the 20,000 members
00:23 of the Arizona Conference, welcome to Arizona.
00:26 We thank ASI for being here
00:29 and the wonderful, wonderful things ASI does
00:31 around the world.
00:33 Praise the Lord. God bless ASI.
00:36 Let us pray as we begin tonight's program.
00:39 Our Father in heaven,
00:41 we are truly thankful for Your blessings.
00:44 Lord, tonight we pray for Your Spirit to guide
00:47 and direct each one who speaks, each testimony that's given.
00:52 Lord, may it truly bring us closer to heaven.
00:56 Lord, we pray that You bless each person here tonight,
00:59 that the Holy Spirit would speak to their heart,
01:01 and help them to really experience
01:03 the wonderful love of Jesus.
01:06 Lord, most of all,
01:07 we're preparing for that great day
01:09 when Jesus will come again.
01:11 And we just pray that every one of us here,
01:15 our families included will be ready for that day
01:18 that we will be of those that say, "This is our Lord,
01:21 we have waited for Him, and He will save us."
01:24 Lord, bless this gathering tonight we pray
01:26 in the name of our savior Jesus, amen.
01:40 More about Jesus
01:44 I would know
01:47 More of His grace to others show
01:55 More of His saving fullness see
02:02 More of His love who died for me
02:10 I want more, more about Jesus
02:18 We need more, more about Jesus
02:25 More of His saving fullness see
02:33 More of His love who died for me
02:41 More about Jesus
02:45 I would learn
02:49 More of His holy will discern
02:56 Spirit of God, my teacher be
03:03 Showing the things of Christ to me
03:11 More, more about Jesus
03:18 More, more about Jesus
03:25 More of His saving fullness see
03:33 More of His love
03:36 Who died for me
03:42 More about Jesus on His throne
03:49 Riches in glory all His own
03:56 More of His kingdom sure increase
04:03 More of His coming, Prince of Peace
04:09 I want more, more about Jesus
04:16 Tell me more, more about Jesus
04:24 More of His saving fullness see
04:31 More of His love
04:34 Who died for me
04:37 I want more, more about Jesus
04:44 We need more, more about Jesus
04:52 More of His saving fullness see
04:59 More of His love
05:03 Oh, more of His love
05:08 Oh, more of His love
05:15 Who died for me
05:21 Oh, He died for me
05:32 Amen.
05:39 This evening, we're going to continue
05:40 with an exciting interview with Adventist Review
05:43 and they're coming out here.
05:44 We have Bill Knot and Jared Thurmon.
05:47 I thank you so much for joining us,
05:49 but I understand that you've been playing hooky
05:51 that you just showed up.
05:53 You weren't even here yesterday.
05:54 So, tell us, Jared, why weren't you here yesterday?
05:57 We had the pleasure of sponsoring a two day conference
06:03 at the Camelback Seventh-day Adventist Church
06:04 called Fruition Lab.
06:07 And it was an Adventist entrepreneurial gathering,
06:10 individuals who have a passion for ministry
06:13 that may not be in a local church as a pastor,
06:16 but they have a calling to the business world,
06:18 sharing their faith in the marketplace
06:21 on a day to day basis.
06:23 So it was a number of executives and entrepreneurs
06:25 coming together to teach practical skills
06:29 on how people can refine their craft,
06:31 get started in one, start their own nonprofit.
06:34 And it was a huge success, great turnout,
06:37 and it was a big blessing.
06:38 Wonderful.
06:40 Well, Bill, why don't you tell us
06:41 why Adventist Review would be interested
06:43 in sponsoring this sort of event
06:44 or helping to sponsor it at least?
06:46 Well, it's exactly the kind of thing
06:47 that ASI has stood for 60 years
06:49 but it's bringing a new market
06:51 of young Adventist entrepreneurs
06:53 into the circle of ministry.
06:55 There are several ways
06:56 in which the Lord works with us.
06:57 Sometimes He says, "You go, fit this job description."
07:00 But more typically the Holy Spirit says,
07:03 "Church, frame a ministry around the gifts
07:06 that I have given individuals."
07:08 And that's what we're trying to do,
07:09 discovering the gifts that God has given to talented people,
07:13 business people, and find a way to empower them
07:16 to bring their witness into the marketplace.
07:18 I'll tell you,
07:19 watching a 120 people packing out an auditorium,
07:22 standing against the walls,
07:24 enthusiastic about sharing their faith
07:27 in relevant high quality business principles,
07:30 that's encouraging to old man like me.
07:33 Yes, that sounds wonderful.
07:35 Well, we really appreciate the relationship
07:37 that Adventist Review and ASI have had for quite some time.
07:40 In fact, it's almost been a decade
07:42 that we have been working together
07:44 in a close way.
07:45 Why is this relationship important to you?
07:48 There is nothing more faith building
07:50 than being around people
07:51 who are doing frontline witness.
07:54 I get to meet people in all kinds of environments
07:56 including many individuals who are several steps removed
08:00 from frontline witness, still doing important work,
08:02 but I love the opportunity to talk with people
08:05 who have fresh stories
08:07 of how the gospel changed today,
08:09 and yesterday, and will change tomorrow.
08:12 That's what we get when we come to ASI.
08:14 We spend most of our time here
08:16 talking with you in the hallways,
08:17 listening to your stories, taking notes,
08:20 following up so that our operation
08:23 both on the web, and in print, and soon coming app,
08:26 on short video we get to tell the stories
08:29 of God's faithfulness
08:30 worked out in the lives of ASI members.
08:32 Amen.
08:34 Well, I see this evening that on all of our chairs,
08:37 we have this beautiful new copy of the Adventist Review.
08:40 It's titled the Least of These.
08:42 And, Jared, could you share with us a little bit,
08:44 what's inside?
08:45 Absolutely, we live in a world where issues are pressing at us
08:49 from all directions.
08:50 And just before the return of Christ,
08:53 we are told immensely in the Spirit of Prophecy
08:57 that we would get back to a work
08:58 that was deeply to the least of these.
09:02 And Matthew 25 tells us that when we help those in need,
09:06 we are helping Christ.
09:08 So this issue is packed with some edgy topics,
09:12 real issues that are taking place in this world
09:15 that we are excited to be speaking about.
09:18 In it, you'll find also some ASI featured ministries,
09:21 Don Otis and Heritage Health Food
09:23 who recently acquired Cedar Lake
09:26 and Worthington Foods
09:28 which has made us all happy, right?
09:31 So anyway, we're excited, we hope you'll check it out.
09:33 We hope you'll subscribe to the Adventist Review.
09:35 Wonderful.
09:37 Well, when we think about Adventist Review,
09:38 primarily we think of the magazine,
09:41 the Adventist Review, right,
09:42 because that's what we're familiar with.
09:43 But when I say Adventist Review,
09:45 what are you thinking of?
09:46 These days, the print journal is one of the least things
09:50 I'm thinking about because, actually,
09:52 God has brought eyes and ears to this operation
09:57 that never look at the print journal.
09:59 We now have nearly half a million unique viewers
10:02 every month who come for the best in Adventist news,
10:04 short video, opportunities to read stories,
10:08 and commentary at length.
10:10 We're soon rolling out our own AR TV,
10:13 a streaming channel that will be shown up
10:15 in mid September,
10:16 and Adventist Review app will also be out in September.
10:20 Every possible way we can to help persons find faith,
10:24 find a community.
10:25 One of the things that has come back to us
10:27 in the analytics in this last year
10:29 that has startled all of us,
10:31 of those half million unique viewers,
10:33 the analytics tell us that 62 percent of them
10:36 are millennials.
10:38 That's more than 300,000 young Adventists
10:41 or persons on the edge of Adventism
10:44 who are engaging with the Adventist Review.
10:46 They're your children, they're your grandchildren.
10:49 They're people you care about
10:51 who are finding faith through this bridge.
10:53 We want to encourage you to pray for us,
10:56 send us your comments.
10:57 Tell us how we can do a better job
10:59 at serving that church.
11:00 Amen.
11:02 Well, on behalf of ASI,
11:03 I want to thank you, Bill and Jared,
11:05 for the beautiful partnership that we can enjoy together.
11:08 Thank you.
11:12 Jesus made an incredible promise
11:14 in Matthew 24:14,
11:16 that He will get the gospel to every nation in the world.
11:20 And then, He will come back.
11:23 But it seems so impossible. And yet, He has His ways.
11:26 And one of those is to bring the world
11:28 from around the world to us next door.
11:31 Consider with me, Bhutan.
11:33 Bhutan is one of those countries
11:34 that is hardly known.
11:37 It is so tiny nestled there among the Himalayan Mountains
11:40 dwarfed by Nepal, by Bangladesh,
11:44 by China, by India.
11:46 But in that country of less than a million people
11:49 are 73 distinct people groups.
11:52 Can you imagine?
11:53 So many in that place with a different culture,
11:56 different language or dialects.
11:58 They are part of
11:59 what the Joshua project describes
12:01 as the unreached people that are yet to be reached
12:03 before Christ comes,
12:05 those among 4051 groups yet to be reached.
12:10 So how can it happen?
12:12 When we worked with the Center for East Asian religions
12:14 with Global Missions,
12:16 we would often pray for Bhutan.
12:17 We say, "Lord, please find a way
12:19 to open this very resistant country
12:21 that has been closed to the gospel for so long."
12:24 But we were never able to visit
12:26 and very little happened there on the border.
12:29 And one day, I flew into Washington DC.
12:31 I went to a Target to buy some American food goodies
12:34 to take back to my children.
12:36 And I was walking down the aisle,
12:37 I saw a tall man, shaved head, orange robe.
12:41 And just by his look, I thought maybe he's from Bhutan.
12:44 I went up and met him and sure enough he was.
12:47 And that got me thinking
12:48 and wondering how many had come to America from Bhutan.
12:53 Ten percent of the country,
12:56 71,000 refugees over the last ten years
12:59 have come into our country,
13:01 they're scattered all over Ohio,
13:03 Pennsylvania, Texas.
13:05 God is moving and He has a plan,
13:07 I am thrilled.
13:09 At the same time, my heart breaks
13:10 to know that among this group are many
13:13 who have experienced so much sorrow
13:15 that they are counted as the largest suicide rate
13:17 for any group of refugees.
13:20 They need you and me to become their friends
13:22 and bring the hope of Jesus Christ.
13:26 So these 73 people groups unreached
13:28 that are part of that 4051 are on God's heart.
13:31 Think of this paraphrase of John 3:16,
13:35 "God so loved 4051 unreached people groups
13:39 that He gave His only begotten Son
13:41 that whosoever of the 3,065,065,
13:45 maybe 67, 68 now believes in Him
13:49 should not perish but have everlasting life."
13:52 So join me to pray for them and ask God to raise you up
13:56 or somebody up to find out
13:58 where they are right here in America
14:00 and share Christ's love with them.
14:02 Let's pray.
14:03 Father in heaven,
14:05 we cannot comprehend what Jesus experienced
14:07 on the cross as He bore the sins
14:09 of the people from Bhutan and every single people group.
14:13 But we know that Your love is great enough
14:15 that You will come through on Your promise
14:17 to take the gospel to every kindred,
14:19 tribe and tongue.
14:20 We want to be a part of that and You have brought them
14:23 and thrust them into our arms
14:25 that they might receive the good news
14:27 and take it back to their people.
14:29 Forgive us for our lack of faith.
14:31 Forgive us for our lack of love,
14:33 we need the eyesalve, we need the raiment,
14:35 the gold tried in the fire that we might, with You,
14:38 invite them to come
14:40 and let you knock on their door come inside
14:43 and save them for eternity.
14:45 Take us, Lord, and help us to reach the world next door
14:48 as soon as possible, in Jesus' name, amen.
14:54 Hello, everyone.
14:56 We are continuing this evening with one of our favorite parts
15:00 of our ASI Convention.
15:01 And that is our members in action segment.
15:04 And right now, I have with me, Lew Keith.
15:07 Perhaps, you could tell us
15:08 just a little bit about yourself.
15:10 There may be someone here who does not know you,
15:13 and perhaps would like to know a few things about you.
15:17 Have you always been a Christian?
15:19 Well, not always.
15:20 I was a...
15:22 You could say heavy drinker or drunk.
15:24 I was criminal.
15:25 I was as far from God as man could be.
15:27 I met my wife.
15:28 She was a new age spiritualist, she read my palm,
15:31 did my astrology chart, rode a motorcycle
15:33 and this is how we met.
15:35 And she got pregnant, took her to Wildwood Hospital,
15:38 met Seventh-day Adventist,
15:39 and that's how I came to know God.
15:42 Okay.
15:44 And so, in a nutshell,
15:45 you've told us how you became a Christian.
15:49 Tell us now, where you are?
15:51 Well, I hope to be in God's hands tonight,
15:53 but I went to Wildwood, joined the staff,
15:58 Pastor Atwood studied with me.
16:00 He endured the Bible study, baptizes my wife and me.
16:03 And then I went to Wildwood.
16:04 And there, I developed an orientation toward
16:06 using natural remedies for, you know, health challenges.
16:10 And in Wildwood, we purchased land in our city,
16:12 Tennessee, they sent us there.
16:14 And my wife and I, we had the thinking,
16:16 the mindset that we would just take guest
16:18 and use the natural remedies to help them.
16:21 And as it turned out our first guest,
16:23 nobody knew we were there, we had no money,
16:25 we had an old farmhouse, nobody knew we were there.
16:28 We had no furniture, we just prayed.
16:31 And, you know, I've noticed that
16:32 when you pray from an earnest heart,
16:34 God always hears and He answers,
16:36 but not always in the way you think.
16:38 So we prayed,
16:41 the Lord sent us our first guest,
16:42 he was a crack addict from New York City.
16:45 Second guest came out of jail in Silverdale jail,
16:47 and he was a dope dealer from Chattanooga.
16:50 And then the third guest, and the fourth guest,
16:51 and the fifth guest and they were all problems
16:53 with addictions, alcohol, depression, mental disorders,
16:57 and everything else.
16:59 And so we used natural methods.
17:00 You know what I found out,
17:01 they were just fine whatever the problem,
17:04 one size fits what?
17:05 Fits all, right.
17:06 So we used that and it really worked.
17:09 And by the way, that's a growing problem,
17:11 the war on drugs back in the '60s,
17:13 just say, no, it didn't work.
17:14 That's a growing problem outside and inside the church.
17:18 So as the ministry developed that was what we started doing.
17:22 And of course, on ministering to the same kind of
17:25 to the people, I was somebody like that.
17:27 So it's very easy to sympathize and have some compassion.
17:30 And by the way, in the Bible, you see, you know,
17:32 Mary has seven devils, the woman at the well,
17:34 John 4, had five husbands working on number six.
17:37 And Mark 5, the demoniac had a legion of devils
17:39 between his ears.
17:41 Those people, when they get turned around,
17:42 make the very best missionaries.
17:44 Can anybody say amen? Amen.
17:46 So I'm just going to give
17:47 just a short couple of stories about
17:49 what God has done
17:50 and this is recent like yesterday...
17:52 Before you do that... I'm sorry, Calvin.
17:54 We have one mic.
17:56 And I wound him up and now he's going.
18:00 Lew? Yes, sir.
18:02 Tell us the name of your organization,
18:04 you have told us about it.
18:05 But tell us where you're at and the name you said,
18:07 I haven't said it before.
18:09 Yeah, we're in a western part of Tennessee,
18:10 Butler Creek Health Education Center.
18:13 So we have a health center, small health center.
18:15 We have an educational program,
18:16 one year health evangelism training school
18:18 in organic farm.
18:20 We grow the food, food to feed our guests,
18:22 and to feed our patients.
18:24 But, you know, this morning, I got a phone call this morning
18:28 from a good friend named Travis.
18:30 He came to our program five weeks ago, crystal meth.
18:33 Everybody had told him, "You're a five time loser."
18:36 I say, "With Christ, you're a one time winner.
18:38 You're a new creature.
18:39 God can make a difference, God can change things."
18:42 In our program, you know, of these new start things,
18:45 the most important is number last
18:47 which is what?
18:49 Trusting God.
18:50 You know it, Romans 8:24 "We're saved by" what?
18:54 "Hope."
18:55 And to give people hope,
18:57 they come hopeless and helpless and to give them hope.
18:59 This is the best medicine we can give them.
19:01 Would you agree?
19:02 Proverbs 17:22,
19:04 "A merry heart doeth good like" What?
19:05 "Medicine."
19:06 And hope brings a merry heart.
19:08 So I got a call this morning, he came through a program,
19:11 God change that man's heart,
19:12 and he went back to Chattanooga.
19:14 Got a call from him this morning, had a baby.
19:17 He didn't have it, his friend had the baby,
19:20 eight pounds three ounces, the baby's healthy.
19:23 This friend of mine is now healthy,
19:25 his heart is healthy I expect, be going to first a marriage
19:28 and then a baptism very soon.
19:30 Now day before yesterday,
19:32 we had a lady Jerry leave our program.
19:34 I had their permission to use their names
19:35 and tell their story.
19:37 She came with debilitating depression,
19:38 completely pessimistic, completely negative,
19:42 saying she had no hope and she had no help.
19:44 And I knew she came to the right place,
19:46 not because of what we do but what God can do.
19:49 And God took that woman
19:50 and changed her life completely.
19:51 She walked out of here
19:53 yesterday of our program filled with hope,
19:56 filled with a positive attitude,
19:58 rejoicing in the Lord when?
20:01 Always, and again I say what? Rejoice.
20:03 And she found something to rejoice about,
20:06 she found her savior.
20:07 In spite of the weak human agents,
20:09 she found the savior.
20:11 When I met my wife, she is also a Buddhist.
20:14 We had a lady called
20:16 and she said, "You have a morning
20:17 and evening devotion on your program."
20:19 She said, "I'm a Buddhist and I don't wanna come."
20:22 I said, "Well, that's fine."
20:23 We offer it but it's optional.
20:26 So she came and as we did the first morning devotional,
20:30 she's standing out in the foyer
20:31 but I can tell, she's listening.
20:33 You know, the message
20:34 we have reaches past the outside
20:36 because Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, Jainist,
20:38 whatever you are, you have a body,
20:41 and you have health issues.
20:42 So when we say things like Proverbs 26:2,
20:45 the curse doesn't come without a cause,
20:47 that woman's ears perked up.
20:49 You can't prevent breast cancer unless you know the cause.
20:52 So we began to reason from cause and effect
20:54 and she was drawn into the worship.
20:57 She came to all our worship services
20:59 and when she left, that woman was baptized
21:01 way from the Buddhist
21:03 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:04 And just over, and over, and over,
21:06 we've run our facility.
21:08 From time to time,
21:09 we've run our facility from people that came in
21:11 and got an experience with God.
21:14 Now I think there's a stigma attached to,
21:16 you know, people that drink, smoke, and take drugs,
21:18 not in the eyes of God.
21:21 You agree, not in the eyes of God.
21:23 When God sees a person with those kind of issues,
21:25 He said, "That is a missionary in the making."
21:28 And when I turn that soul around,
21:30 He will do those things for Me
21:31 because He which is forgiven much,
21:33 he does what?
21:35 Come on, does what? Love as much.
21:37 And then one more, I got my 40 seconds.
21:40 We had a lady that came to our program a year ago,
21:43 heavy drinking problem.
21:46 She came, had a beautiful experience,
21:49 went back home, started drinking,
21:50 came back, beautiful experience,
21:52 went back home and started drinking,
21:53 came back for two programs, had a beautiful experience,
21:56 went back home and started drinking.
21:58 Came back to our program, had a beautiful experience,
22:00 and people began to say, 'It's never gonna work."
22:03 They do not know who Christ is
22:05 because if God is for you, Romans 8:31, what?
22:08 Who can be against you?
22:10 That woman went home and kept the experience.
22:14 She was married
22:15 and then baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist
22:17 and are close friends of our ministry.
22:19 I say, praise the Lord. Amen.
22:22 Thank you, Lew, before you leave...
22:27 Times up, yes.
22:29 Tell us if someone wants to help
22:31 or someone wants to contact you,
22:33 how can they do that?
22:34 I say number one, pray for us.
22:36 Number two, come by our booth and talk to us.
22:39 God has a plan and a place for everybody
22:42 including someone like me.
22:45 Yes.
22:47 Thank you so much, Lew.
22:51 Two forty something.
22:54 It's amazing that God can use all of us, no matter,
22:57 and he has quite a unique ministry.
22:59 Well, joining me now is the man
23:01 that actually needs no introduction.
23:02 You've just introduced yourself.
23:03 But for those who perhaps, maybe one or two,
23:07 who came in late, maybe you can say who you are
23:09 and where you're from.
23:11 Okay. My name is Steve Grabiner.
23:13 I'm president of OCI, Outpost Centers International,
23:17 currently coming from Tennessee.
23:18 Tell us just a little bit about OCI
23:20 and what you are doing right now?
23:23 Sure, OCI is a family of supporting ministries
23:26 about a 124 in 44 different countries
23:30 all around the world.
23:31 It's exciting to see what lay people are doing
23:34 in a variety of situations
23:36 and in very difficult circumstances,
23:39 but it's a privilege to be working with them.
23:42 Now, Outpost Centers is involved
23:45 with something that is brand-new,
23:47 well, always involved in things that are brand-new.
23:50 But a specific project that has caught my attention
23:54 and yours too, tell us about it?
23:57 Sure, about six or seven years ago,
23:59 the field president from the Israeli field contacted OCI
24:04 and some of its members, asking if we could come help,
24:07 try to do something in the country of Israel.
24:09 You know, in the early 1900s,
24:11 Ellen White had addressed a General Conference session
24:15 encouraging the church to do a specific work
24:17 for Jewish people found all around the world.
24:20 In fact, in the early 1900s, the church bought a building
24:23 outside the old city of Jerusalem.
24:26 And so we went...
24:28 some people from Herghelia in Romania,
24:30 and from ATR here in Tennessee,
24:34 and from Novi Obihody, a lifestyle center in Ukraine
24:37 and combined together to start doing some health work
24:40 in the country of Israel.
24:42 We have some pictures.
24:43 Perhaps...
24:44 are they pictures of the facility?
24:46 They are.
24:47 Just let me give a short background
24:49 before we get to pictures, is that okay, Cal?
24:51 And so for the past six years,
24:53 we've been looking for the right place
24:55 to start a lifestyle center in Israel
24:57 to minister to the secular Israeli.
25:00 And after six years of looking, and looking, and looking,
25:04 we finally found a beautiful place.
25:05 And maybe we can get a couple of those pictures up.
25:07 It's in a little town called Migdal.
25:10 It's really where Mary Magdalene was from.
25:14 You can see behind that hill little bit is Nazareth,
25:18 the area is, you know, very kind of Rome.
25:21 The next slide, please.
25:22 This is the picture of the house,
25:24 it's got five guest rooms attached to it,
25:27 plus four bedrooms in the main house.
25:30 Next one, thanks.
25:31 Here in the inside
25:33 where we'll be doing some health lectures.
25:35 This is one of the suites that guests will be staying.
25:41 Got nice place outside for lectures and health talks.
25:44 And it's right near the Sea of Galilee.
25:46 And on a very clear day,
25:47 you can see Mount Hermon in the distance.
25:49 Again it's a beautiful facility,
25:52 most of the land in Israel is
25:54 actually owned by the government,
25:56 and somehow lease to the different individuals.
25:59 Only about 6% is privately owned,
26:02 this land is privately owned.
26:04 Every other property we looked at
26:06 had some kind of legal issues to it,
26:08 or maybe a building wasn't built properly,
26:10 or it was built on the neighbor's property
26:12 or something like that,
26:14 but this property is really perfectly situated
26:18 for the work that we want to do.
26:20 There must be some miracles
26:22 that have been associated with you
26:24 acquiring this property, finding this property.
26:27 I'm sure that you'd probably like to tell us,
26:29 I don't know how much time we could go into all of that,
26:32 but is there maybe something that you could tell us
26:34 as far as how you were able to get this type of property?
26:38 It's been the result of a lot of prayer
26:40 and a lot of work.
26:42 Again, situation there in Israel is very unique
26:45 in terms of property,
26:47 little home that I own in Tennessee
26:50 would probably worth much more
26:52 than a million dollars in Israel.
26:53 Land is very expensive,
26:55 very hard to come across anything.
26:57 So for years, like as I said, a little team there
27:00 that have been working in leadership positions
27:02 in the local church have been scouring the countryside
27:05 from north toward the Lebanese border,
27:08 toward Nord, closer toward Jerusalem.
27:11 And again, finally the Lord directed us
27:13 through a series of providences
27:15 where, it was a friend of a friend
27:16 who heard of the place
27:18 told one of our church members there.
27:20 She went to see it and instantly felt,
27:22 "This is the right place."
27:24 And what's really exciting, when I went to visit
27:26 and Dr. Dan went to visit, we all had that sense,
27:29 "Now this is the right location."
27:31 The only problem was that
27:33 it cost about a million and a half,
27:35 it was very expensive,
27:36 but the Lord has really blessed,
27:38 a number of people have come together.
27:40 We've raised all the funds, we've purchased the property
27:42 and we take possession at the end of this month.
27:45 There are some unique challenges
27:49 in working in this particular type of environment,
27:51 a very secular environment.
27:53 How do you think that
27:55 you will be able to reach people
27:57 that have the secular mindset?
28:00 That's a great question.
28:02 And really, there is a two classes of people
28:05 we could say
28:06 among the Israelis particularly.
28:08 There are the Orthodox Jews
28:10 who are very devout and consecrated to their faith.
28:13 And then there is the secular Israelis
28:14 as you mentioned,
28:15 which is the vast majority of the population.
28:18 Our target is the secular Israeli,
28:21 and target is the wrong word,
28:23 the people we want to serve are the secular Israelis.
28:27 So that's gonna be our focus.
28:29 We're gonna invite people to come,
28:31 it's gonna be kind of like a bread
28:32 and breakfast to start.
28:33 We have permission to have people come,
28:35 we can give them health talks, we can feed them breakfast.
28:38 We can't feed them, we cannot feed them lunch
28:41 unless we do a cooking class together,
28:44 and then if we do a cooking class together,
28:46 they can eat what they cooked
28:48 and then we can do the same thing for supper.
28:50 And so we can have them come, we can do massage,
28:53 health lectures, and introduce them
28:55 to a healthy lifestyle that way.
28:57 But again, it will be a very gentle drawing
29:02 and winning of the people's hearts.
29:05 Seem to remember a quotation in some book,
29:06 some place about Christ method alone
29:09 will give us true success.
29:11 How Jesus mingled with people, won their confidence,
29:15 and then bathe them to follow Him.
29:17 And that's really gonna be our aim,
29:19 is to simply make friends, to serve the people there,
29:22 to show that we're real people.
29:24 And hopefully,
29:26 gently introduce them to their Messiah.
29:29 So we're looking at a very unique sermon in Jews
29:32 that will be reaching the people of Israel.
29:35 Something that we should've done all along,
29:37 and certainly something that the Lord has blessed you
29:41 with being able to acquire this property.
29:43 Now if someone wants to know more about this
29:45 or wants to help in some way,
29:47 how will they get in touch with you?
29:48 Well, you could...
29:50 for here you could come by the OCI booth,
29:51 Outpost Centers booth, booth number 616.
29:54 And when you hear about a health tour to Israel
29:58 where you could come see Israel
30:00 and as well come on a health vacation,
30:03 remember, that's us.
30:04 By the way, the name of the place is gonna be
30:06 called Migdalia.
30:08 Migdal means fortress or tower, lia of course, Yahweh,
30:12 Yahweh is my tower, my strength.
30:16 Migdalia, pray for us, pray for the work in Israel.
30:19 Thank you, Cal. Thank you, Steven.
30:25 Wasn't that powerful?
30:27 God is truly moving around the world
30:30 to prepare for His soon return.
30:31 Well, I have a question for you tonight.
30:34 How many of you have heard of a ministry called
30:36 Your Best Pathway to Health?
30:38 Anybody? Okay. You can put your hands down.
30:40 Now second question,
30:41 how many of you have volunteered
30:43 at Your Best Pathway to Health?
30:46 Quite a few hands, amen. Excellent, excellent.
30:48 If you haven't heard of it,
30:50 Pathway to Health is a mobile mega clinic
30:52 that provides medical, dental, surgical, and eye care
30:55 to the uninsured and underinsured populations.
30:59 And, so far, Pathway has served six cities in North America
31:03 in the last two years providing,
31:05 get this, $86 million in free health care.
31:08 Amen.
31:10 Servicing over 23,000 patients.
31:12 And on top of that to get all that done,
31:14 we've had over 9,000 volunteers that have made this possible.
31:18 And just recently, just about a few weeks ago,
31:21 we were in Beckley, West Virginia
31:22 in the mountains of West Virginia,
31:24 and we had over 700 volunteers at that event.
31:27 Dee Hilderbrand was one of our volunteers.
31:29 Dee, first question for you,
31:31 this was not the only pathway that you've been at.
31:34 Tell us how many pathways you've volunteered for?
31:36 This is my third one, I started in Spokane, did LA,
31:39 and then I did West Virginia.
31:42 Once you start, you can't stop.
31:43 You can't stop, like the Pringles, right? Okay.
31:45 So, Dee, question for you, how...
31:48 First, what is your normal day job?
31:49 You're not a medical person, are you?
31:51 Oh, no. I'm not medical.
31:53 Actually, I worked for 3ABN for the last 20 years
31:56 behind the camera, not out here.
31:59 So, we're glad to put you in front of the camera tonight.
32:01 Praise the Lord for the ministry of 3ABN,
32:02 we're so thankful for them.
32:04 Amen.
32:05 And now, you're invited to a Pathway event,
32:07 or how did that happen?
32:09 Well, I heard about it, of course, through 3ABN
32:10 and then when I heard all the stories,
32:12 I got very excited.
32:13 And I said, "Please, can I go to Spokane early
32:16 and volunteer?" Amen.
32:17 And it was wonderful because it's life changing.
32:19 Amen.
32:21 Now most recently, you served in Los Angeles and in...
32:24 West Virginia. Yes. West Virginia?
32:26 In the patient assistance department.
32:28 Tell us how did it impact you serving?
32:32 It's wonderful, because you find out
32:34 that you can change lives in a physical
32:36 and spiritual way.
32:37 And I'm not a medical person, so I never knew that
32:39 that would be a joy I'd get to enjoy
32:41 and it's wonderful.
32:42 The people that you meet,
32:44 the lives that you see change and changing your life,
32:47 and the people, the patients, and the people you get to meet
32:50 and work with the other volunteers.
32:51 Amen.
32:53 Now, Dee, one more question for you
32:54 before we move to Melody.
32:56 When you go on vacation,
32:57 you probably like to go to Hawaii
32:59 or stay at the beach, right?
33:00 Is that what you do with your vacation time?
33:02 No. I save my vacations and use them for Pathways.
33:05 What do you say?
33:06 Amen. Amen.
33:08 Dee uses her vacation time to serve others,
33:09 that's the true ASI spirit.
33:11 Praise the Lord, Dee.
33:12 Thank you for being a volunteer.
33:14 Well, Melody, not only Dee
33:16 but we have a lot of other volunteers in Beckley.
33:18 Tell us a little about the variety of people
33:21 that came together?
33:22 That's amazing, Kyle, we actually had people
33:24 that came all the way from Bermuda, from Brazil,
33:28 we had somebody that drove from Mexico,
33:31 even from Hungary just from all over the place.
33:34 All over the world? Yes, all over the world.
33:36 And we even had people in the community
33:38 that asked to volunteer.
33:40 We had a phlebotomy student
33:41 that came from the local college.
33:43 And she was only planning to be there for four hours,
33:46 and it was just so powerful,
33:47 she had to stay the entire time.
33:49 She was asking the team there, "Who are you people?
33:53 Who are Seventh-day Adventists?"
33:55 She even came to the evening meetings.
33:57 Okay. Well, that is powerful. Now, Melody, just a question.
34:00 There's probably an age limit, right, like,
34:02 if you're over a certain age,
34:03 I don't think you can volunteer like,
34:05 maybe if you're over 80 or 85, is that the cap?
34:08 There's no age limit. You know what?
34:10 This last Pathway, we had a lady volunteer
34:12 that was 99 years old.
34:14 Ninety-nine years old? What do you say?
34:16 How many of you are 99? No hands went up.
34:19 Maybe a few of you, okay. Well, you know what?
34:21 If you're 99, actually if you're 100, over 100,
34:23 you can volunteer for Pathway.
34:24 If you can smile and you have a heartbeat,
34:27 you can volunteer.
34:28 Amen. Amen. Well, it's truly a blessing.
34:31 Now, Melody, how does this impact you personally
34:33 to volunteer?
34:35 It was just powerful, you know,
34:36 I've been part of a lot of mission trips,
34:37 a lot of activities over the years.
34:39 And I would say that Pathway to Health is
34:41 one of the most impactful events
34:43 that you could ever be part of, amazing.
34:44 Amen. Amen. Amen. That's awesome.
34:46 But, you know, Kyle, it doesn't just affect the volunteers.
34:48 It affects the communities where the event is being held.
34:52 Every city we've gone to,
34:54 the mayor's office is being involved.
34:55 Tell me a little bit of the Mayor of Beckley?
34:57 That's right.
34:58 So the Mayor of Beckley
35:00 actually came to visit Pathway on Thursday.
35:02 You did that tour, Dr. Lela. Yes, that was exciting.
35:04 And he walked around and he saw everything
35:06 that was happening and, you know, I remember
35:08 because I was following you guys around.
35:09 And even then, his eyes were a little misty,
35:12 he was a little misty eyed.
35:13 He seems to be very impressed.
35:14 As he saw the ministry
35:16 that was taking place to the people of his city.
35:18 And he was so impressed
35:19 and just kept thanking us for what was happening.
35:21 Then we actually invited him...
35:24 To come to the gratitude session.
35:25 To come to a gratitude session
35:27 just because we wanted to say thank you to the city
35:29 for allowing us to come.
35:30 So we said, "Mr. Mayor,
35:32 please come at 3 o'clock on Saturday.
35:33 And he said he'd come.
35:34 And we thought he was gonna come.
35:36 So he said he was gonna come.
35:37 But we were there 3 o'clock on Sabbath and what happened?
35:41 No mayor. What do you think happened?
35:43 The mayor didn't show up.
35:45 And we were so sad because we wanted him to come
35:47 but we thought, "Well, you know, he's a busy guy."
35:49 You know, he's the mayor of 20,000 plus people
35:52 so it was okay.
35:54 Well, the next day on Sunday,
35:56 we're packing up
35:57 and pretty much everybody is gone.
35:58 The parking lot is empty.
36:00 Empty. Empty.
36:01 And all the equipments in the trucks.
36:03 And I was running late like usual
36:04 and anyway the Lord had a reason for me
36:08 being late that day.
36:10 And I was pulling out of the parking lot
36:12 and guess who drives in?
36:14 The mayor. The mayor.
36:16 It was 3 o'clock on Sunday and the mayor pulls in.
36:19 And I saw him get out of his car
36:21 and he's got his suit on, he's got a speech right there
36:23 and he's walking up.
36:24 And we're like, "Oh, shoot. We need to go talk.
36:25 Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor." And he's like, "Oh, man.
36:28 I'm so sorry." He was so apologetic.
36:31 He's like, "The parking lots are empty, did I miss it?"
36:34 And we're like, "Yeah, you missed it.
36:36 It was yesterday."
36:37 And he was so sorry, he was so sorry.
36:40 But then, we went in and we met with him
36:44 and we talked with him.
36:45 And he was just so thankful that we had come to his city
36:48 and blessed the people of his town.
36:51 And, you know what he said?
36:52 He said, "I've been..."
36:54 He's only been the mayor for two weeks at that point.
36:57 He's a new mayor
36:58 but he has lived in that city his whole life.
37:00 And he said, "I was here when this building was built
37:02 and, you know, I've been to countless basketball games,
37:05 and conferences, and other events at this place.
37:08 But never in my life,
37:10 not in this entire 30 years
37:12 has every square inch of this building
37:14 been put to better use than it was this week."
37:16 Amen.
37:17 "And I want to thank you for ministering to our city."
37:19 And, you know, we prayed for him
37:21 and when we said amen, I looked up
37:23 and his tears were streaming down his face.
37:25 And he was so thankful for the ministry
37:27 that had taken place.
37:29 And, you know what?
37:30 He even said that he's coming to our evangelistic meetings
37:32 starting this month.
37:33 That awesome, Kyle. That's so awesome.
37:35 So, it impacts not only the community
37:37 but it also impacts patience.
37:39 And Beckley was very special
37:41 because, you know, people get their teeth fixed,
37:44 and their eye glasses, and even haircuts
37:46 but in Beckley,
37:47 something very special happened, Dr. Lela.
37:49 Tell us about that?
37:50 To me, every event was very special
37:53 but Beckley was especially exciting.
37:55 And that was because
37:56 we change the focus of the evening meetings.
37:59 We made it patient focus so we invited the patients
38:01 to come join us and they came.
38:04 We changed it to whole person care.
38:05 It was very, very, exciting.
38:07 So is there one particular story
38:09 that impacted you the most?
38:10 Yes, you know, I think of Tiffany,
38:11 and when we look on our screen,
38:13 we'll have a picture of Tiffany.
38:14 Tiffany did provide us permission to share her story.
38:17 You know, Kyle, it was Friday afternoon,
38:19 and we were doing the thing that we hate to have to but...
38:21 Yes, you don't like to do it.
38:22 The last dental patient has been seen for the day.
38:24 And we know we've got to make the announcement
38:26 to the crowds outside, "No more dental patients."
38:28 We convert them to other services.
38:30 We convert them, yes, and they convert.
38:31 And this one particular lady named Tiffany.
38:34 I just felt a special drawing to her.
38:37 And I went up to her and I said, "Tiffany."
38:39 Of course, she introduced herself,
38:40 "You know, I really want you to come to the evening meeting.
38:42 I know we can't do dental, we have these other services
38:44 but would you please come tonight?
38:46 And we have free tickets for our evening meal as well."
38:49 And she came, she was so excited, she came.
38:51 She didn't just come, she brought her husband,
38:53 she brought her daughter, and their baby.
38:55 And they were so excited.
38:56 And her little daughter,
38:58 her little nine year old daughter,
38:59 Taylor came that night, Friday night.
39:00 She stood up on the stage
39:02 and she said, "I just want to tell you all,
39:04 I wanna volunteer at your next event."
39:06 It was just so beautiful. Amen, amen.
39:08 And she was crying, Tiffany. And she was crying.
39:10 Tiffany was crying
39:11 but she didn't just end Friday night.
39:12 She came to church the next morning,
39:14 she came to Sabbath afternoon.
39:16 And when she came to the Sabbath afternoon meeting,
39:18 she looked out of the congregation
39:20 and she said, "I just want to tell you all something.
39:22 You didn't just ministered to me physically,
39:25 you ministered to me emotionally,
39:27 but most importantly spiritually.
39:29 Amen. You are my family.
39:31 Amen. Amen. Amen. You are my family.
39:33 My friends, God is calling us to see others as our family.
39:37 God is calling us to impact the world for Him.
39:40 How many of you want to be members
39:41 in action tonight?
39:43 Jesus is coming soon
39:44 and Jesus is calling each one of us
39:46 to get up out of our seats
39:48 and to share the love of Jesus with the hurting world.
39:50 May God bless you. Amen.
39:54 Tell you what? I love members in action.
39:56 How about you? It's always exciting.
39:59 I feel like we get a chance to pull back the screen
40:02 and see behind what the Holy Spirit is doing
40:05 and what he longs to do in a much greater way.
40:08 I'm excited to be here this afternoon
40:09 with Alan Knowles from Riverside Farm in Zambia.
40:13 Alan, tell us a little bit about what Riverside Farm is?
40:16 Riverside is a adult training school
40:19 in the country of Zambia.
40:20 And we are privileged to have a farm
40:25 that funds our education system.
40:28 Amen.
40:29 Tell us a little more about
40:31 what's been happening there recently
40:32 and how that works?
40:34 We have some pictures for you here of Riverside Farm.
40:37 Yeah, let's go ahead and get a picture up here.
40:39 We are having privilege over the past few years
40:43 to be funded by ASI with several projects.
40:46 Here in the picture, you can see in the foreground,
40:49 three houses.
40:51 These are one day project houses for our staff
40:54 that had been built recently.
40:55 In the background,
40:57 you see two center pivots for irrigation systems
41:00 for our wheat and soy bean harvests.
41:03 But in the center is
41:05 what I wanna talk about this evening,
41:07 the banana crop.
41:10 This has been funded for us from ASI recently.
41:13 Okay, now for the mathematicians among us,
41:16 you should listen in, check this out.
41:19 In December 2014, we've received the funding
41:24 and we started planting.
41:26 Now you only planted just a few bananas, right?
41:29 Yeah, 20,000 banana plants.
41:33 If you line those banana plants up in a single row,
41:36 it'd be 20 miles long.
41:39 Wow. Right.
41:42 Our workers are proud of those bananas.
41:45 They even say they have them named already,
41:47 each one of them.
41:52 One year later, December 2015, the first fruits came out.
41:59 And from December 2015 till date,
42:03 the record that I just got from Jabil
42:06 is that we have harvested 600 metric tons of bananas
42:11 in the last six months.
42:13 Now, how many of you like bananas for breakfast?
42:17 Okay. Get ready.
42:19 Well, I need to translate the 600 metric tons
42:21 for some of you, I'm sure.
42:23 That's 1.3 million pounds of bananas this year so far
42:28 or let's say, it's 4.5 million bananas.
42:36 Are you hungry?
42:38 Well, by the end of the year, we project that
42:41 that number will be 1000 metric tons
42:44 or 2.2 million pounds or 7 million bananas.
42:51 And looks like there's about a 1000 people out here, Craig.
42:54 I think so.
42:56 How many bananas is that for each of you?
42:58 Mathematicians, it's your chance.
43:02 Yeah, that's a lot bananas for each of you.
43:05 About 20 a day for the whole year.
43:08 You better be hungry for breakfast is all I can say.
43:11 Now you do this
43:13 because you like to grow bananas, right?
43:16 We do it because we need to grow bananas to sell.
43:20 Okay.
43:22 So we can run our training program.
43:25 As I mentioned, adult training program
43:27 where we train evangelists, health educators,
43:31 we train in tailoring, and in gardening.
43:35 Very good.
43:36 It's really exciting to see what you've given going to work
43:42 and multiplying like the story of the talents
43:45 and putting more and more workers in the field.
43:48 Sure.
43:49 And this also provides work for local people too,
43:53 about 40 local people work in this banana farm.
43:56 And it gives them ability to send their children
44:00 to Christian education, Craig, that's a very important thing,
44:04 to provide their family with adequate food and shelter,
44:08 and to get adequate medical care also.
44:11 So there's a lot of people
44:13 that are affected outside of our school
44:14 that come in and work every day.
44:16 So Riverside Farm has been a blessing
44:19 not only to the students but to our community around.
44:21 Community as well. It's very good.
44:22 Anything else you'd like to share?
44:24 Well, I just like to say thank you to ASI
44:26 for the support
44:28 that you've given us throughout the years.
44:31 And we hope to be faithful
44:33 that we can have students trained
44:36 to go out into the field
44:38 to bring the coming of Jesus sooner.
44:41 And we want to thank you
44:42 for participating in that with us.
44:43 Thank you so much, Alan, for that.
44:45 Isn't that exciting? Can you imagine?
44:47 That's a lot of bananas, isn't it?
44:50 The next project we get to share with you
44:52 is actually coming from Congo.
44:55 We've got three folks here with us.
44:57 We've got Pastor Ongasa, we have Karolyn,
45:02 and Richard Leonard.
45:03 And they're gonna tell us a little bit about
45:05 Train Them 2 Fish
45:07 and the work God's doing in Congo.
45:08 Tell us a little bit about what Train Them 2 Fish is,
45:10 and some stories that you have?
45:13 Train Them 2 Fish is to help humanitarian work
45:16 as well as evangelism.
45:19 And I have a little story that goes back to 2012.
45:23 When there were a lot of Bible workers
45:26 who had been trained
45:28 and they had brought people to the Lord
45:30 and they always are there before the evangelistic series
45:36 so it helps.
45:37 But the interesting thing is that there were five pastors
45:44 from different denominations.
45:46 There were three Pentecostals.
45:48 There was one non-denominational,
45:52 and the other one was a Baptist.
45:54 They became interested in this evangelistic series.
45:58 Pre-Adventists.
46:01 Yeah.
46:02 And the three of them were sent to the Adventist University
46:06 in Lukanga.
46:08 And they're back now,
46:09 they had six months of training.
46:12 And they're working as lay pastors
46:13 or Bible workers.
46:16 And last but not least, the retention rate with these
46:22 newly baptized people is 95% to 98%.
46:25 Amen.
46:27 Unheard of.
46:28 That's really a testament, I believe,
46:29 to doing solid groundwork with your evangelism project.
46:34 That's so exciting. We've got another story.
46:36 Richard, tell us what you have to share?
46:37 There was a number of pastors
46:39 who are meeting together one day
46:40 and this woman came up to them.
46:42 And she asks them, "Can you pray for me?"
46:47 And they said, "Well, tell us a little bit about your story."
46:49 And so they prayed for this lady.
46:53 And what happened is her husband had left her
46:56 and she haven't seen him for three years
46:58 and wanted to just simply pray that she could find him.
47:03 Three days later, she came back and was just all glowing
47:07 because she was able to find her husband
47:09 and he was able to come back.
47:11 Amen.
47:13 She asked to give a testimony to the church.
47:17 And the pastor says, "Well, please tell us your story
47:19 so we can go ahead and have you do that."
47:21 And as he told, she had been a prostitute
47:24 simply because her husband had left.
47:27 She had no way to feed and clothe her children.
47:30 And the fact is that the church helped her
47:33 to have an education.
47:34 She now has her own business
47:36 and she's a faithful member of the church.
47:38 She wanted to be a member of it because God was in that church.
47:42 You know, God's in the business
47:44 of changing some people's business.
47:45 Praise the Lord. Amen.
47:48 Pastor Ongasa, tell us a little bit about
47:50 your burning vision for the Congo?
47:54 Yes, so the burning vision is to have a school of evangelism
47:58 for the French speaking countries.
48:01 The school will be based in the Congo.
48:03 So God has already provided, I learnt.
48:06 Our property, 24 acres,
48:09 so we're training Bible workers already and lay pastors.
48:14 And we want to include our training program
48:16 for medical missionaries as well.
48:19 Now, real quick, let me interrupt you.
48:21 Now, there's lots of schools like that
48:23 in the French speaking part of Africa, right?
48:26 No.
48:27 Are there any?
48:29 No.
48:30 It's really a need for French speaking training
48:32 there in that part of Africa.
48:33 In fact there is a great need for our school of evangelism
48:36 to reach out to the French speaking countries
48:38 in Africa because the gospel,
48:42 you know, let me give you an example
48:43 where the school will be located
48:46 like a state of 9 million people
48:50 but there are only 270 Adventist pastors.
48:53 Wow.
48:55 So this project want to fill that gap
48:59 and to train Bible workers, lay pastors, church planters
49:03 as well as the medical missionaries.
49:05 So April, we trained 68 people.
49:10 And right now, they're visiting families
49:14 and over 2000 Bible studies are going on every week.
49:20 Amen.
49:22 So God has provided 24 acres property
49:24 so the project is already there and we're expecting that
49:30 God will provide funds to build the school of evangelism
49:33 to reach out to the French speaking countries.
49:35 So tell me, if people feel moved to get involved,
49:39 how do they find you?
49:41 They can go to booth number 125,
49:46 and Train Them 2 Fish is there,
49:49 and we'll be willing to talk to them
49:51 and to share more about this ministry.
49:53 Amen.
49:54 Keep in your prayers, the work going on in Congo.
49:58 It is a field that really, really needs more workers.
50:01 Thank you so much for sharing with us today.
50:03 Oh, we thank you very much.
50:04 Thank you.


Revised 2017-08-20