ASI Conventions, 2016

The Radical Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Derek Morris


Series Code: 16ASIC

Program Code: 16ASIC000003A

00:19 Good morning, ASI.
00:22 It is such a privilege
00:23 to welcome you here to this meeting.
00:25 You may be seated
00:26 and we are about to begin this weekend
00:31 that I look forward to every summer.
00:33 And I believe that the Lord has rich blessings for us,
00:36 and just a reminder that
00:38 there is live streaming happening on the ASI website,
00:41 and so for those who aren't able to join us,
00:43 let them know they can still be a part of this high weekend.
00:47 And with me is Pastor Scott Chris Wald,
00:49 who is going to once again share
00:51 a little bit about how God is bringing the world
00:53 to our doorsteps,
00:55 and the opportunities we have to share the gospel,
00:58 and he will also open with prayer afterwards.
01:02 Good morning.
01:04 What an incredibly beautiful day
01:06 with so much potential.
01:07 I'm excited to see what God will do through this weekend.
01:10 Let's consider Thailand just for a moment.
01:12 My family and I lived there for ten years.
01:15 It's very much on our heart, we love the people so much,
01:18 an incredibly beautiful country.
01:20 Yet my heart also breaks when I think of Thailand,
01:23 because I know that there are millions of people
01:26 who have never met even one Christian.
01:29 They are people who are close to 67 million un-reached,
01:34 one of the largest un-reached people groups in the world,
01:36 yet the door is wide open for the gospel
01:39 to be shared there with complete religious liberty.
01:42 As I think of those people,
01:43 I think can you imagine if you were one of them,
01:46 if you were a Buddhist there
01:48 who your relatives are Buddhists,
01:50 your neighbors are Buddhists,
01:52 your whole country pretty much is Buddhist,
01:54 and you basically never seen anything else
01:56 to consider becoming.
01:59 They believe in karma that everything
02:01 that has happened to them is
02:02 because of something they did good or bad in the past
02:06 and that everything that they do now will be
02:09 either rewarded or punished in some future life.
02:13 I will never forget staring into the face of a man
02:16 who had been a pimp,
02:18 a trafficker of children into slavery and prostitution.
02:21 I watched as his eyes just poured with water
02:24 as he cried realizing that Jesus had died
02:27 for people even like him, to set them free,
02:31 to give them forgiveness,
02:32 and prevent them from having to experience
02:35 the punishment for their sins.
02:37 Doesn't that make you want to share
02:38 with Thai Buddhists too?
02:41 The joy is that you do not have to go
02:43 over to Thailand or learn Thai
02:45 to be able to share with the Thai Buddhists.
02:48 Just right over there in Southern California
02:50 about 20,000 of the Thai people and they're scattered around.
02:55 Where can you find them?
02:56 Well, if you love green curry and pot Thai
02:59 and sticky rice and mangoes, you probably know.
03:03 There are Thai restaurants everywhere just in this,
03:06 this place right here,
03:08 this metropolitan area there are 37 restaurants
03:11 and they're scattered in little country towns too.
03:14 Many of the workers that are there come to America
03:16 just to learn English while they're cooking.
03:20 So they're eager for a friend and you would find it very easy
03:23 to begin speaking a little bit with them,
03:25 ask about their country
03:27 and then offer to practice English with them.
03:30 Jesus can lead you right to that place
03:33 and be able to share and to touch their lives.
03:36 So I want to encourage you to be thinking,
03:37 to be praying.
03:39 We even have a whole set of studies
03:40 that ASI sponsored a few years ago,
03:43 called New Beginnings, Bridge of Hope,
03:46 special message for Thai Buddhist people,
03:48 that you can find out at our website there as well.
03:51 God has a plan to reach the whole world.
03:53 Jesus said, "I was a stranger and you welcomed me."
03:58 He personally will take it to His heart
04:01 as you welcoming and loving Him as we reach out together.
04:05 Let's pray.
04:06 Let's stand together as we pray
04:09 and seek the Lord asking Him to fill our hearts
04:13 with His love for these people.
04:15 Father in heaven,
04:17 You are loving and reaching and caring
04:21 for every single person in the world,
04:23 today through the power of the Holy Spirit
04:25 and as you strive with the hearts
04:27 of the very special Thai people,
04:29 the majority who do not know their Father in heaven
04:31 do not know Jesus' death on the cross.
04:34 We ask that You would fill our hearts with love
04:37 that You would raise us up
04:38 and throw us into this beautiful harvest
04:40 that You have brought from around the world
04:43 right into our neighborhoods,
04:44 that You will find ways to lead them to the knowledge
04:47 that they do not have to strive through their own merits,
04:49 their own good deeds to win their way to heaven,
04:52 that they can be forgiven, they can be transformed,
04:55 they can die to self through Jesus Christ.
04:58 Lord, we thank You that You will finish Your work,
05:01 and we ask that we might be right in the center of that
05:03 as You finish it up and we see Jesus return.
05:06 Please bless this meeting now,
05:08 pour out Your spirit on Elder Morris
05:10 as he preaches on those who have a part.
05:12 Fill us and speak to us exactly what You are wanting to say
05:15 throughout this convention that we might go home
05:18 and be a channel for Your blessing,
05:20 we ask in Jesus' name, amen, amen.
05:24 You may be seated.
05:28 Good morning ASI.
05:30 I have somewhat difficult opportunity of introducing
05:34 someone to you that most of you already know.
05:36 Derek Morris will be our speaker this morning,
05:38 has helped many, Sabbath school teacher,
05:41 have a lively Sabbath school class
05:43 through his Hope Sabbath school.
05:44 How many of you have been
05:46 blessed through that presentation?
05:47 Amen, I can see many of your hands.
05:49 Derek has a heart for passion.
05:51 One of his great desires is taking scriptures
05:55 and putting them to song.
05:57 He does that with his wife Bodil,
05:59 his book, Radical Prayer,
06:01 has impacted many peoples' lives.
06:03 Currently Derek serves as president for Hope TV,
06:07 the arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
06:10 and it's our great privilege
06:11 to welcome Derek this morning to ASI.
06:13 I am sure you will be richly blessed
06:16 through his presentation.
10:10 Good morning. Good morning.
10:12 I'm happy to be at ASI this morning
10:14 and thank you for that beautiful music,
10:16 that's an old British hymn, you know,
10:19 Charles Wesley, And Can It Be,
10:21 that I should gain an interest in my savior's blood.
10:27 As I was flying here with my wife yesterday
10:29 from Washington D.C,
10:32 I was impressed that I should change my topic
10:34 for this morning, I hope that's okay,
10:36 but I brought a gift for you
10:39 because the topic that Steve Grabner alluded to,
10:44 the radical prayer has so changed my life
10:46 and my ministry.
10:48 If you've not heard that message,
10:50 I brought a thousand CD's at the Hope channel booth,
10:54 and there's a three part series DVD,
10:56 I'd love you to pick one up,
10:58 even want to share with a friend
11:01 who needs to realize that God wants to use us
11:05 to change the world, amen?
11:07 We are not here just to make a living.
11:10 We're not here just to stay out of trouble until Jesus comes.
11:14 We are here on a mission.
11:16 And so before I share the message this morning,
11:19 I want to teach you a song,
11:21 I want to thank our AV people
11:22 for the great work they're doing.
11:24 We're going to put the words up on the screen.
11:27 The harvest some of you already know it,
11:29 some came to me this morning said,
11:30 "Are we going to sing?"
11:32 The scripture song from Luke 10:2
11:35 and I invite you to sing it with us.
11:50 Let's sing together.
11:54 The harvest truly is great
11:58 But the laborers are few
12:01 The laborers are few
12:05 The harvest truly is great
12:09 But the laborers are few
12:13 Therefore pray
12:15 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
12:21 To send out laborers
12:26 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
12:32 To send out laborers
12:37 Into His harvest
12:42 Into His harvest
12:49 The harvest truly is great
12:52 But the laborers are few
12:58 Do you not say
13:04 There are still four months And then comes the harvest
13:09 Behold I say to you
13:15 Lift up your eyes and look at the field
13:20 For they are all ready white
13:26 For the harvest
13:29 You've learnt it, now sing it with us.
13:32 The harvest truly is great
13:36 But the laborers are few The laborers are few
13:43 The harvest truly is great
13:47 But the laborers are few
13:51 Therefore pray
13:53 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
13:59 To send out laborers
14:04 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
14:10 To send out laborers
14:15 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
14:21 To send out laborers
14:26 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
14:32 To send out laborers.
14:39 God's people said...
14:40 Amen! Amen.
14:42 You sounded beautiful this morning.
14:43 And again I want to invite you to get a copy of the DVD
14:46 from our Hope Channel booth, the radical prayer,
14:48 because God wants to use you
14:50 to be an effective harvest worker,
14:52 and part of my testimony today,
14:54 as I pray the radical prayer talking to,
14:57 to people even in the back
15:01 who are praying the radical prayer
15:02 like Scott Griswold saying,
15:04 "Lord, wherever You want me to go,
15:06 whatever You want me to do, whenever You want me to do it,
15:09 I'm available."
15:10 Amen.
15:12 And when you pray that prayer,
15:13 God will use you in amazing ways.
15:16 Well, it was April 11, 2016.
15:22 I was standing in the back
15:24 of the General Conference auditorium
15:27 about to find my seat for worship.
15:31 And as I was about to move toward the seat,
15:34 one of the vice presidents of the General Conference
15:37 tapped me on the shoulder and said,
15:41 "I'd like to talk to you on the third floor."
15:44 Well, I didn't know if I was in trouble.
15:47 But I found out when I got to the third floor
15:51 that I was to be asked,
15:54 if I would consider serving
15:55 as president of the Hope Channel.
15:58 Now, they knew my heart.
16:01 They knew that I was a passionate volunteer
16:04 with Hope Sabbath School for the last eight years.
16:08 With more than a million people now participating in that
16:11 interactive Bible study, so they knew my heart,
16:14 and even in ministerial
16:16 where we had started a program called "Ministry in Motion"
16:19 to train pastors and elders,
16:21 so they knew,
16:22 I was committed to the mission of Hope Channel
16:25 and to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
16:27 but what they didn't know is I was very happy in my work
16:32 in the General Conference Ministerial Association.
16:34 But when you pray the radical prayer,
16:38 you give God permission
16:40 to throw you out into His harvest
16:42 where He knows you will be most effective.
16:45 Amen?
16:46 It's not about us,
16:48 it's not about how we feel how talented or strong we are,
16:53 it's about God,
16:55 the Lord of the harvest knowing
16:56 where we will be most effective.
17:00 So my first reaction was resistance
17:03 because they said, "Take your time,
17:06 we need to know by 3 o'clock this afternoon."
17:13 My wife and I prayed, I called one of my mentors.
17:16 Some of you may know Dr. Jack Blanco.
17:19 I love him as a spiritual mentor and father,
17:23 I said, "Jack, please pray for me."
17:26 My wife and I were praying seeking counsel listening,
17:30 "Lord, what do You want us to do?"
17:33 And I was walking into the Hope Channel Studio
17:36 where I would be filming again not as an employee,
17:39 but as part of ministerial all day.
17:42 And as I was walking in,
17:44 I saw the media screens from Hope Channel, Africa,
17:48 from Hope Channel, India,
17:50 from Hope Channel International,
17:52 all around the world and on one of those screens,
17:55 Greg, I was teaching Hope Sabbath School.
17:59 And on another screen,
18:01 one of my favorite preachers
18:02 Dwight Nelson was talking to someone,
18:04 and then the camera switched and it was me.
18:08 And the Lord in that moment said, "Derek,
18:11 I have been preparing you for the last ten years
18:14 for what I'm asking you to do."
18:17 You see when you pray that radical prayer,
18:20 you give God permission to do what He knows is best.
18:24 I hope you'll get a copy of that DVD from our booth.
18:28 We've got a thousand.
18:29 I don't know if there's a thousand here yet,
18:31 but there will be this weekend, so make sure you get a copy.
18:35 Well, that afternoon
18:36 I've been filming most of the day
18:38 and Jack Blanco called me,
18:40 he said, "Derek, I was just praying,
18:42 to be honest, I had no idea what you should do,
18:46 and as I was praying, the Spirit of God said to me,
18:49 "Call Derek and tell him to take the assignment."
18:54 Well, you say so did you take it?
18:55 Well, I'd already felt some conviction,
18:57 but let me tell you,
18:58 when a person who walks with God
19:01 and cares about you calls you like that,
19:04 it leaves a bit of an impression on you.
19:07 Then I'm walking through the building
19:09 and a vice president came up to me with tears in his eyes.
19:13 Now I know this man, he walks with God,
19:16 I respect him deeply.
19:18 He said to me,
19:19 "Derek, I have been praying for you today.
19:22 I want to tell you that committee is not calling you,
19:26 God is calling you."
19:27 Amen.
19:29 You see when you pray the radical prayer,
19:33 it's not based on how strong you are.
19:36 Jesus said, "I send you out as lambs
19:39 in the midst of wolves,
19:41 but God in His wisdom knows that you will be more effective
19:47 where He throws you than where you go by yourself.
19:50 Amen? Amen.
19:53 And so after praying through the day,
19:55 I went to the board meeting for Hope Channel that night
19:59 and I knew something was up when I walked in, I said,
20:02 "When does the assignment start?
20:03 They said, "It just started."
20:08 I'm so glad that God put me there
20:11 because otherwise I would feel overwhelmed.
20:13 In fact, God led me to a passage of scripture
20:16 that I'm going to share with you today.
20:19 Some lessons that maybe you need to learn too.
20:23 God said, "Derek, because I have echo bellowed you,
20:26 thrown you out into this position,
20:29 there are some lessons you need to remember."
20:32 And those are the lessons
20:33 I will share with you this morning after we pray.
20:38 Our Father in heaven,
20:39 thank You that Your word is a lamp to our feet
20:42 and a light to our path.
20:45 Thank You that when we pray the radical prayer,
20:48 when we give You permission to throw us out
20:50 into Your harvest that You will put us
20:52 where we will be most effective in Your work,
20:55 that's our desire to be faithful,
20:59 fruitful, harvest workers.
21:01 We believe You've called us to be involved, all of us,
21:04 total member involvement to do what you want us to do?
21:09 Where you want us to do it?
21:12 And so as we come to scripture today,
21:15 the passage that you brought to my heart
21:18 to reflect upon for these past weeks.
21:21 I pray that some lessons here would bless many lives
21:24 of those present here today
21:26 and those who will watch this recording.
21:29 And we will be quick to give you all of the praise
21:32 in the name of Jesus, amen.
21:36 His name was Hacker.
21:42 Not as in computer hacker
21:45 but hacker as someone who hacks things down.
21:50 Now, I have no idea
21:52 why parents would name their little boy Hacker.
21:56 But God had amazing plans for this young man's life.
22:02 Later in the story he's given another name Jerub-baal
22:07 which means one who contends with Baal.
22:11 But we know him by his first name
22:14 Gideon, the hacker.
22:19 As I began to read the story of Gideon again.
22:24 As the Spirit of God said, Derek,
22:26 because the Lord of the harvest has thrown you
22:29 out into his harvest,
22:30 into this new assignment with Hope Channel.
22:34 There are some lessons I want you to learn
22:37 from the story of Gideon.
22:40 And so I took my Bible
22:41 and if you have your Bible with you,
22:43 we're beginning in Judges 6.
22:46 I took my Bible
22:48 and as I began an initial reading of Gideon's story.
22:54 There were two important insights that I learned.
22:58 Firstly, Gideon was fearful.
23:07 Gideon was what?
23:08 Fearful.
23:10 Fearful when the angel came to him
23:15 to announce that the Lord was with him.
23:18 Where did the angel find him?
23:22 Did the angel find him standing boldly
23:25 in the field of wheat with a sword strapped to his hip
23:28 in the face of his Midianite oppressors
23:32 threshing the wheat, answer?
23:36 He was hiding in an abandoned winepress
23:39 trying to thresh wheat with nobody seeing him.
23:44 Gideon first glimpse was fearful.
23:50 When the angel of the Lord told Gideon
23:54 that he needed to tear down
23:56 the altar to Baal at his family house
23:59 and to cut down that's where the name Hacker comes from,
24:03 to cut down the poled idol to Ashura
24:08 the Canaanite goddess.
24:11 Scripture records in verse 27 of Judges 6.
24:16 "He feared his father's household
24:19 and the men of the city."
24:22 So as I begin to read about this man Hacker.
24:27 The first thing that impressed me
24:28 was that he was fearful.
24:32 I see that fear rise again in Chapter 7 of Judges.
24:38 When the Lord said to him in verse 9,
24:42 "Arise, go down against the camp,
24:44 for I have delivered it into your hand,
24:47 but if you are afraid to go down..."
24:50 What did the Lord say to him?
24:51 If you're afraid, do what?
24:54 "Go down to the camp with Purah your servant.
25:01 And you shall hear what they say
25:02 and afterward your hand shall be strengthened
25:05 to go down against the camp..."
25:07 Notice the next part of the verse,
25:08 maybe you missed it before, "Then he went down..."
25:12 What does it say with Purah?
25:14 If you're fearful the Lord said,
25:16 take Purah and Gideon went down
25:20 with Purah to the camp.
25:24 The first thing I learned
25:25 as I read the story of Gideon is that he was full of fear.
25:31 I don't know about you.
25:35 Have you ever had times when,
25:36 when interferes or outward anxiety held you back
25:40 from being all that God wants you to be.
25:43 The woman of God, the man of God
25:45 He wants you to be.
25:46 Maybe more concerned about
25:48 what people think than what God thinks.
25:52 If you've ever felt fear or sometime hold you back
25:55 and you said, "Oh Lord, take away my fear,
25:59 that I can be strong and courageous."
26:02 Gideon, he understood.
26:05 He struggled with fear.
26:10 There's a second insight I learned
26:11 from an initial reading of the story of Gideon.
26:14 I say the Lord is trying to teach me a lesson here,
26:17 maybe a lesson for you too,
26:20 when He calls you to do
26:21 something extraordinary for Him.
26:24 Gideon was full of fear,
26:26 and secondly his faith was weak.
26:32 His faith was weak.
26:36 The angel of the Lord, Judges 6:12, said to him,
26:41 "The Lord is with you mighty man of valor.
26:45 And Gideon said to him, verse 13,
26:48 "Oh my Lord, if the Lord is with us,
26:51 why then has all this happened to us.
26:56 And where are all His miracles
26:58 which our fathers told us about saying,
27:01 "Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt
27:05 but now the Lord has forsaken us..."
27:08 The Lord has what?
27:10 Forsaken us.
27:11 "Forsaken us Gideon said,
27:13 and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites."
27:17 Does this sound like a man full of faith?
27:20 No.
27:23 He's full of fear and his faith is, is weak.
27:29 The Lord has forsaken us.
27:32 Well, Gideon turns to the angel of the Lord and says,
27:36 "I need a sign that you are actually who you say you are."
27:42 The Lord, the angel of the Lord says to him,
27:45 put an offering on a rock.
27:48 And I want you to notice,
27:49 maybe you didn't see this before in verse 21.
27:53 The angel of the Lord, Judges 6:21,
27:57 "Put out his staff that was in his hand touch the meat
28:02 and the unleavened bread..."
28:03 I don't know what it says in your Bible, mine says,
28:06 "And fire rose out of the rock."
28:10 That sounds pretty dramatic, doesn't it?
28:13 We know Elijah saw fire coming down from heaven.
28:16 This fire is coming up out of the rock.
28:20 Your faith is weak Gideon,
28:22 let me show you I am who I say I am,
28:26 and fire comes out of the rock and consumes the sacrifice.
28:31 You say, well that ought to be enough.
28:34 But Gideon comes back again.
28:38 In Chapter 6:36,
28:41 "If you will save Israel by my hand as you have said..."
28:48 That ought to be enough as you said but,
28:50 but if you'd say,
28:51 I am going to put this fleece on the floor.
28:56 And in the morning, do you remember,
28:58 you remember that story, in the morning,
29:01 I want the floor to be dry
29:03 and the fleece to be wet.
29:09 And the Lord does not argue with him and say,
29:11 "Well, I've already shown you that I am the one
29:14 and you will deliver Israel by My hand."
29:18 Gideon comes back the next morning.
29:20 That fleece is so wet,
29:23 it says he could ring a bull full of water.
29:29 And all around it's dry.
29:33 Now, I'm amazed that the Lord didn't get upset with him.
29:36 The Lord got upset with Moses when he kept arguing,
29:39 didn't He?
29:40 But Gideon says, "Well, my faith is weak,
29:43 but I'm going to ask for another sign.
29:48 Now, I want the floor to be wet and the fleece to be..."
29:54 Dry!
29:57 Are you not amazed at the patience of God?
30:02 You know, it is remarkable, my wife says,
30:04 "Derek, why do you always tell people
30:06 that you're not that strong and not that smart."
30:08 Because God uses weak,
30:12 fearful people to accomplish His work.
30:17 If we will do what God asked us to do,
30:22 all of us do something.
30:28 While Gideon says, I need another sign,
30:30 so he comes the next morning,
30:31 the fleecy is dry and the floor is wet.
30:38 Now, he didn't have the audacity
30:40 to ask for another sign,
30:42 but the Lord actually gave him a sign
30:46 that he didn't ask for.
30:47 You see God, even when our faith is weak,
30:52 He will give us the evidence that we need to be strong
30:57 and courageous for Him.
30:58 Amen?
31:00 He's so good, isn't He?
31:03 The Lord says,
31:04 "Arise, go down into the Midianite camp."
31:10 Judges 7:13,
31:13 "When Gideon had come there,
31:14 there was a man telling a dream to his companion.
31:17 He said, 'I've had a dream,
31:20 to my surprise a loaf of barley bread tumbled
31:23 into the camp of Midian.
31:25 It came to a tent and struck it so that it fell and overturned
31:29 and the tent collapsed."
31:31 ' Did that dream come from the Lord?
31:32 Yes or no? Yes.
31:34 Absolutely, the dream came from the Lord,
31:37 but this man doesn't know what it meant.
31:39 A barley loaf rolling into the camp, what's that?
31:45 But there's another part to the miracle,
31:47 Judges 7:14,
31:49 "Then his companion answered and said,
31:52 "This is nothing else but the sword of Gideon,
31:56 the son of Joash, to the man of Israel,
31:59 into his hand God has delivered Midian
32:03 and the whole camp."
32:06 And from that additional super natural revelation
32:13 Gideon goes with courage.
32:16 I am just so thankful today
32:19 that God can take fearful,
32:24 weak faith people and empower them to do
32:29 a mighty work for Him.
32:30 Aren't you thankful for that?
32:33 Total member involvement, is not saying, well,
32:36 just have the strong do the work
32:38 and we'll sit there and clap for them.
32:41 God wants to use you to change the world.
32:45 God wants to use you to do
32:47 something that no one else can do.
32:52 And what impresses me about this fearful,
32:55 weak faith man is in spite of his fear,
32:59 he does what God asked him to do.
33:01 Amen?
33:02 In spite of his weak faith,
33:06 he'll go not with 32, 000 or with 10,000
33:11 but with how many?
33:13 300 against the 120,000
33:16 that's outnumbered 400 to 1.
33:21 And they don't even take weapons,
33:22 at least I don't know,
33:24 you've got a pot, and a torch and a trumpet.
33:26 I suppose you could hit someone with your trumpet.
33:31 But I think that God is saying,
33:34 the battle is not yours, it's God's.
33:38 But He wants to use you
33:41 to join Him in His harvest work.
33:45 Gideon goes and the battle is won.
33:51 And that's all I remember of the story as a child,
33:54 I guess that's a nice place to end.
33:58 But there are two ends insights to the end of the story
34:01 which I want to draw your attention to.
34:02 I think they come to me as warnings from the Lord.
34:07 Perhaps not just for me, but for all of us,
34:11 in Judges 8.
34:15 There is some good news.
34:18 And some very bad news at the end of Gideon story.
34:24 Having trusted God and obeyed Him
34:30 and God working a great deliverance through him
34:34 and the 300,
34:35 Judges 8:22,
34:40 "Then the men of Israel said to Gideon,
34:44 'Rule over us.
34:47 Both you and your son and your grandson also,
34:51 for you have delivered us from the hand of Midian."
34:58 ' What's wrong with that statement by the way?
35:02 Well, I want to want to affirm Gideon at least for responding,
35:06 "I will not rule over you, nor shall my son rule over you,
35:11 the Lord shall rule over you."
35:14 Amen?
35:16 But he should also have said, and by the way it wasn't me,
35:22 it wasn't me and the 300.
35:25 It was the Lord who work in spite of our frailty,
35:29 because we were willing to trust and obey.
35:35 I learned that song when I was little,
35:36 they don't sing it much anymore,
35:38 trust and what?
35:39 Obey.
35:40 That was the key right there, it's just three words
35:42 trust and what?
35:43 Obey.
35:45 He wasn't that strong, but he decided to what,
35:46 trust and what?
35:47 Obey.
35:49 Yeah, he, he struggled with fears, but he decided to what?
35:51 Trust and... Obey.
35:53 He should have said, you know, I'm not that strong,
35:55 it was the Lord's victory but we decided to what?
35:58 Trust and... Obey.
36:00 And obey.
36:02 He said, I'm not going to rule over you, the Lord,
36:05 He is King over us.
36:08 But then comes the bad news, verse 24,
36:15 "Then Gideon said to them, the men of Israel.
36:20 I would like to make a request of you..."
36:22 Be careful.
36:25 I would like to make a request of you.
36:30 What strangely missing from that comment?
36:34 The Lord has this word for you, this is what the Lord wants us.
36:38 No, no, I would like to make a request of you.
36:42 And what is the request?
36:47 "That each of you would give me the earrings from his plunder.
36:51 For they had gold earrings,
36:54 because they that is their enemies were Ishmaelite..."
36:57 This how they carried their bank accounts.
37:02 They've taken that having killed their enemies,
37:05 "They answered, "We will gladly give them."
37:09 They spread out a garment
37:10 and each man threw into it the earrings from his plunder.
37:13 Now the weight of the gold earrings
37:16 that he requested was 1700 shekels of gold."
37:22 My Bible says that's about 43 pounds
37:25 by today's gold rate
37:26 that's a little over a million dollars.
37:28 You say, oh, no, you sound like Achan.
37:31 You remember Achan in the story of Jericho.
37:34 You sound like Achan,
37:35 told to give all of the glory to God,
37:37 not take the spoil and you wanting the gold.
37:40 I wish that's all it was though,
37:42 that would be serious enough,
37:43 but something even worse happens,
37:46 he takes this gold, scripture records Judges 8:27,
37:51 "Then Gideon made it into an ephod."
37:57 What my brothers and sisters is an ephod?
38:04 Help me, what's an ephod?
38:07 An ephod was the garment that the priest wore, right?
38:11 Why did he make a golden garment of a priest?
38:19 Had the Lord asked him to do that?
38:21 No.
38:23 What was he thinking?
38:24 I mean do you remember
38:26 how easy it was to take a symbol
38:27 like the snake on the pole,
38:29 they ended up calling it Nehushtan
38:32 and worshiping the snake on the pole,
38:34 you remember that?
38:36 Why did she make this golden ephod,
38:38 I have no idea,
38:40 but the Bible says,
38:41 "He set it up in the city of Ophrah
38:44 and all Israel played the harlot with it there,
38:47 they began to worship this golden symbol."
38:54 It became a snare to Gideon and his house.
39:02 I said, Lord, why do you want us
39:03 to reflect on the story of Gideon,
39:06 what lessons do you have for me?
39:09 What lessons do you have for us this morning?
39:12 And I'm saying, well,
39:14 this man was certainly full of fears
39:15 and his faith was weak, but in spite of all of that,
39:18 he decided to trust God and what?
39:21 He believed that God wanted to use him
39:24 to make a difference for the Kingdom of Heaven,
39:27 so he decided to trust and obey,
39:30 even when he was afraid,
39:32 even when the obstacle seemed overwhelming.
39:37 But I want to just bring you to the end of the story.
39:42 Because when you decide
39:44 and what a wonderful thing it is
39:46 that we're being called to total member involvement,
39:48 that we all have a work in, in doing the harvest work,
39:52 but I want to tell you
39:54 the devil will be there to attack you
39:57 if you decide to be part of the 300.
40:01 The devil would try to distract you with temporal concerns,
40:06 with fame or fortune.
40:09 I learned as I read the end of Gideon story
40:12 that we must determine to be faithful to God
40:15 in every aspect of our lives.
40:18 Amen? Amen.
40:20 We're not talking about earning our way to heaven.
40:24 We're not talking about salvation.
40:27 That victory has already been won
40:30 through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
40:32 but we're talking about joining
40:35 the Lord of the harvest in His work.
40:37 You think the enemy is going to sit around
40:40 and admire us.
40:44 When the Lord throws us out into His harvest, He says,
40:47 "I throw you out as lambs in the midst of wolves."
40:53 Determine that you will honor God
40:56 in every aspect of your life.
41:00 Determine that you will trust and obey Him
41:04 even when you are tempted to be afraid.
41:07 Determine that you will trust and obey Him
41:10 even when you are fearful
41:12 and you feel that the enemy is too big for you.
41:17 Determine that you will trust and obey Him
41:20 even if your family,
41:22 by the way I know the father says,
41:24 "Well, let Baal defend himself."
41:26 But, but he doesn't defend Gideon very much
41:29 even if your family doesn't come to your aid,
41:32 trust God and obey Him.
41:34 Amen.
41:35 And if we will do that,
41:38 I believe that the great victory won back
41:44 in the Book of Judges
41:45 where God can use a little band.
41:47 You see, I think the 300 is a symbol
41:51 of the Seventh-day Adventist movement.
41:54 Hopelessly outnumbered, limited resources,
42:01 not that strong,
42:03 but if we will trust God
42:05 and obey Him implicitly in every aspect of our lives,
42:11 He will use us to accomplish His great victory.
42:16 Do you believe that? Yes.
42:18 I want to appeal to you this morning.
42:22 If you want to be part of that Gideon's band.
42:25 I'm talking about those who will trust and obey.
42:30 If you'll say, Lord, I want to,
42:32 I want to be involved in your work
42:34 and I choose today to by Your grace
42:38 and the power of Your Spirit to honor You
42:39 in every aspect of my life.
42:43 I want to invite you as we pray to stand.
42:44 is there someone that say, I want to be part of that band.
42:47 Amen. God bless you.
42:49 People are standing all over this congregation.
42:51 Maybe you're watching this recording,
42:53 you're standing in your living room,
42:55 wherever you are in your church,
42:57 God is raising up a people who will trust and obey
43:04 and be involved in His work,
43:06 and when Satan throws snares at us,
43:08 we will not compromise in any area of our lives.
43:12 We will honor Him in all things.
43:16 Let us pray.
43:17 Our Father in heaven,
43:19 lessons from Gideon.
43:24 We are amazed that you would look at someone
43:26 who was so fearful and whose faith was so weak
43:28 and you would still see in him,
43:31 someone You could use in supernatural ways.
43:36 And, O Lord, we have courage to believe
43:37 that You see us that way too.
43:41 That You have a plan for us not just to be saved
43:46 as wonderful as that is,
43:48 but you have a plan for us
43:50 to join you in Your harvest work.
43:54 You have a plan for us to participate with You
43:58 and the miracles that You will perform
44:00 in these last days of earth's history.
44:03 We're standing Lord not because we feel
44:06 we're stronger than others or that our faith is,
44:09 is somehow superior to others.
44:11 We're standing because we're willing.
44:15 And I pray Lord that you would throw us out
44:17 into Your harvest,
44:19 You put us where You want us to be.
44:22 And when the miracles happen, when the victories are won,
44:27 we will be quick to give You all of the praise.
44:31 And day by day by Your grace
44:34 we will honor You in every aspect of our lives.
44:40 We pray this and we thank You in the wonderful name of Jesus'
44:46 amen, amen.
44:49 Be seated please.
45:27 I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus
45:34 Since, I found in Him a friend so strong and true
45:42 I would tell you
45:45 How He changed my life completely
45:50 He did something
45:52 That no other friend could do
45:58 No one ever cared for me
46:04 Like Jesus
46:08 There's no other friend so kind as He
46:16 No one else could take the sin
46:21 And darkness from me
46:27 O how much He cared for me
46:35 All my life was full of sin when Jesus found me
46:43 All my heart was full of misery and woe
46:50 Jesus placed His strong and loving arms around me
46:58 And He led me in the way
47:02 I ought to go
47:07 No one ever cared for me
47:13 Like Jesus
47:17 There's no other friend so kind as He
47:25 No one else could take the sin
47:30 And darkness from me
47:35 O how much He cared for me
47:45 Every day He comes to me with new assurance
47:53 More and more I understand
47:57 His words of love
48:01 But I'll never know just why He came to save me
48:09 Till someday I see
48:11 His blessed face above
48:17 No one ever cared for me
48:23 Like Jesus
48:27 There's no other friend so kind as He
48:35 No one else could take the sin
48:40 And darkness from me
48:46 O how much He cares for me
48:55 O how much He cares for me.
49:19 Let us bow our heads together for a word of prayer.
49:23 Our Father in heaven,
49:24 we are so grateful that You care so much for us.
49:29 We thank You for the friend in Jesus that we have.
49:34 And we thank You for the reminder this morning
49:36 about the importance of trusting and obeying
49:39 You fully and completely,
49:41 and we pray that You will help us
49:44 to avoid the pitfalls that Gideon fell into,
49:50 that we may be faithful to You
49:52 and be a part of Gideon's band in the end.
49:55 And we just are grateful that we can be here,
49:58 that we can hear
50:00 how Your work is going forward around the world
50:03 and to sing praises to You and to study Your word,
50:07 and we thank You, in Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Revised 2022-06-02