Move by His Power

Stick to the Script

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000014A

00:16 You know, I think about this generation,
00:19 and this generation is quite a bit more technical
00:23 than the generation I was raised in...
00:25 We only had telephones when I was being raised.
00:28 We didn't have all these gadgets and devices nowadays...
00:31 And it is so easy, if you want to, to watch a movie
00:34 anytime you want to.
00:36 And so one day, I was sitting down reading my Bible,
00:38 and a thought came to my mind that will be revealed to you
00:42 in the sermon today.
00:43 The message is entitled: "The Script"
00:47 Let's open our Bibles to 1 John 3:1-2
00:51 The message is entitled: "The Script"
00:57 The Lord gave me a sermon for this modern generation.
01:03 1 John 3:1-2- The Bible begins with the word...
01:09 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
01:15 that we should be called "The children of God.
01:19 Therefore, the world does not know us,
01:22 because it did not know Him.
01:25 Beloved, now are we the children of God."
01:29 Can you say Amen to that?
01:30 We are not becoming the children of God,
01:32 we are God's children now.
01:36 And it has not yet been revealed what we shall be.
01:40 ...But we know that when He is revealed,
01:44 we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."
01:51 Let us pray...
01:53 Heavenly Father, This is Your time,
01:55 I am your servant, I'm in Your hand, Lord,
01:59 do what I cannot do. In Jesus name... Amen
02:05 Thomas Jeffrey, you may not have heard about him before.
02:12 He was born in 1956, to be specific, July 9th.
02:18 Maybe I should use the name that most of you are
02:21 most familiar with... the man by the name of "Tom Hanks."
02:26 He was born in 1956; he is an American actor;
02:33 producer; writer and director.
02:37 Tom Hanks is best known for his roll in "Money Pit,
02:41 Big, A League of Their Own, Sleepless in Seattle,
02:45 Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, You've Got Mail,
02:51 The Green Mile, Castaway..."
02:53 I did my homework - can you say, "Amen"
02:55 "The Da Vinci Code and the animated film,
02:59 The Polar Express, and Toy Story,"
03:01 but the one that most people remember the most...
03:03 "Forrest Gump"
03:07 People think they know him because they have seen him
03:10 so many times in so many different roles,
03:14 but the fact of the matter is
03:16 most people don't know him at all.
03:18 Most people also don't know that when Tom Hanks
03:21 was a teenager, he was a Bible-toting evangelical.
03:26 One of the films that best describe the kind of
03:28 young man that he is is the film - "Forrest Gump"
03:32 The reason is, it best describes his youthful years.
03:38 He was interviewed by "Rolling Stone Magazine,"
03:40 and list to what he said, Tom Hanks says,
03:43 "When I was young, I was a geek, I was a spaz,
03:48 I was horribly, painfully, terribly shy.
03:51 At the same time, I was the guy who would yell out
03:55 funny captions during film strips,
03:58 but I didn't get in trouble.
04:00 I was always a real good kid, and pretty responsible."
04:05 People mostly identify the man with the role that he plays.
04:10 You see, he's so good at what he does.
04:13 But when you boil it down, Tom Hanks is just a good actor.
04:19 Tom Hanks could be whatever he wants to be.
04:21 He played the role of a pilot, a soldier, a prison guard,
04:26 an astronaut, and a stranded FedEx worker,
04:30 but truth be told, we don't really know Tom Hanks.
04:35 What we know about him is not what he
04:37 knows about himself.
04:39 We are not really sure if, in Tom Hanks' life,
04:44 that life is really like a box of chocolate.
04:48 The one thing that we can almost be certain of is this...
04:51 sooner or later, Tom Hanks will add another character to
04:55 his acting resume and he did not too longer after I
04:59 put this sermon together in the role of "Captain Phillips."
05:03 In studying for this message, and I hope you are following me,
05:06 this is very deep today, I know you are following me,
05:08 I appreciate that.
05:09 In studying for this message, I discovered that
05:12 Tom Hanks is really not in charge.
05:17 When he is on the set, the director is in charge.
05:21 Having said that, we ought to give the director
05:25 as much credit as we give to the actor
05:28 because it is the director's job to keep the actor
05:33 in character!
05:36 You see, the director envisions the character
05:39 before the actor can bring it to reality.
05:42 The actor trusts his character to the mind of the director.
05:48 You see, in movie-producing, the director calls the shots.
05:53 I mean literally calls the shots.
05:55 For that matter, "Robert Zemeckis"
05:58 is one that should be given the credit for the movie,
06:03 "Forrest Gump."
06:05 You see, "Forrest Gump," aka, Tom Hanks,
06:08 would have been a production failure had it not been
06:13 for that academy awarding winning director called,
06:16 "Robert Zemeckis."
06:18 And the fact of the matter is, you can have the most
06:20 esthetically-appealing movie set; the largest budget;
06:24 the best production team; but if the actor and director
06:29 are on different pages, the end result is a failure.
06:34 Continue to follow... So far, we've talked about
06:37 the actor, the character, and the director,
06:40 the production team and the movie set...
06:42 However, a key element is missing...
06:46 And here's the question, How can the same actor
06:50 transition from one character to another,
06:53 from one movie to another, and still capture his audience?
06:58 And the answer is simple... By following the script!
07:03 You see, without Eric Roth,
07:05 Tom Hanks would never have been "Forrest Gump."
07:09 Robert Zemeckis was the director,
07:11 but Eric Roth wrote the script.
07:14 Eric Roth, an Oscar-winning screenwriter,
07:18 authored the script for the movie, "Forrest Gump."
07:22 And what I've learned is... follow carefully..
07:25 Before the actor accepts the role, he looks at the script
07:29 to see if it represents the character he wants to become.
07:33 If it does, then the actor commits himself;
07:37 he signs the contract with the author of the script,
07:40 which is an agreement to do whatever the author says.
07:47 Now allow me to add this scriptural component
07:49 to my description...
07:51 You see, the Bible says that God became the author
07:55 of salvation to all who will obey Him.
08:00 Can you say "Amen" to that?
08:01 You see, what I love about this story,
08:04 as God had given it to me, is that the Lord sees us
08:08 in a role that we are one day going to occupy
08:12 long before the character is fully developed.
08:15 God sees us in His kingdom.
08:18 God sees us as His sons and daughters.
08:21 God sees us on the streets of gold.
08:24 God sees us living a sinless life.
08:26 God sees us eating from the Tree of Life.
08:29 Do I need to keep going before I get an "Amen?"
08:32 I'm not African, but it does help for Americans too.
08:36 God sees in us long before we become what He sees.
08:42 He commits Himself to us, and get this,
08:44 only as we commit ourselves to Him - what do ya say?
08:48 The script has everything to do with who we become.
08:53 You see, the character that God wants to create in us
08:56 can only occur if we obey the Author.
09:01 And don't forget this, you cannot obey the Author
09:05 unless you follow the Script.
09:09 Years ago, when I joined the church,
09:12 and I should put that in the proper context...
09:14 when I came back to the church.
09:17 If Bible study had not become an indelible part of my life,
09:21 I would not be who I am today.
09:24 You see, when this conference is over,
09:26 we had so much Bible study, we've had conferences,
09:28 we've had seminars, and workshops and good sermons,
09:31 but if you don't continue studying your Bible
09:34 from day to day, committing yourself to the script of God,
09:37 a righteous script, you will never become who God
09:41 envisions that we can be one day.
09:44 God sees us in the final production.
09:46 And you know what, when you think about your life,
09:48 the Bible says, "It has not yet been revealed what we shall be."
09:51 In other words, if you're discouraged about
09:53 the things that you see in your life,
09:55 if you simply stay on the set, and commit yourself
09:58 to the director, and follow the script, you too, like Tom Hanks,
10:03 can become what you never envisioned - can be your reality
10:07 God sees us as His children.
10:10 God sees us in the final production.
10:15 The other thing I discovered, is that after signing
10:19 the contract, the actor then commits himself to the director
10:23 to produce a character that he sometimes is even
10:27 surprised by when he fulfills the role.
10:30 The actor submits to the work of the director.
10:35 Now let me make that very, very clear...
10:36 Some of us are good singers, some of us are good teachers,
10:40 some of us are good Bible students,
10:42 some of us are good Bible workers,
10:43 some of us have many gifts, but let us not ever forget as
10:47 Paul says in Philippians 2:13, When we think that we are
10:50 the ones in charge of doing the work, the Bible says,
10:53 "For it is God who works where? in us, both to will,
10:59 and to do of His good pleasure."
11:01 In other words, God is able to make us into whatever
11:05 He envisions, but we have to submit to His creative power.
11:10 My first point is this... write this down if you can.
11:12 We will never become what God envisions
11:15 unless we commit to the script.
11:17 We will never become what God envisions unless
11:21 we commit to the script.
11:23 You see, I repeat this again...
11:25 This is the only thing that the devil is really upset about,
11:28 the only Book that he's really afraid.
11:30 We've got to keep our scripts with us.
11:32 There are some young people I know...
11:34 My wife and I were coming... I can't remember where we were
11:37 coming from, but we were going to, I think it was, Oregon.
11:40 And what I discovered that, the more you study God's word,
11:43 the less ashamed about Jesus you will become.
11:50 Let me put that in context...
11:54 In the streets of New York, people will walk up to you and
11:56 give you flyers and pamphlets and invitations to things that
12:01 don't match our Christian character.
12:03 If they can do so boldly representing the world,
12:06 how much more bold should we be
12:08 in representing the God that we serve? What do ya say?
12:11 We should be bold, but the only way that you get the boldness
12:14 is in studying the script, getting to know the director,
12:17 getting to know the character that God wants us
12:19 to portray before the world.
12:21 As we got off the plane, I believe it was
12:23 in Portland, Oregon, when we were getting up,
12:25 we saw this young lady that was sitting in a seat right
12:29 across the aisle, and we made eye contact with her,
12:32 and she said, "Hello," and we said, "Hello," and we
12:36 exchanged our names and she said, "What do you do?"
12:38 I said, "I'm a pastor," and she said, "Well, I'm a
12:40 Christian," and we talked for a little bit but then we had to
12:45 exit the plane and we met again by the baggage claim area.
12:50 And this young teenage girl said to us,
12:52 "Can I pray for you before you leave?"
12:56 Amen... somebody?
12:58 Now what amazes me is that with this powerful message
13:01 that God has given to us, we should never be afraid
13:05 to pray for somebody in public...
13:11 because the world is living a sinful life in public.
13:14 The Lord wants us to shine.
13:16 But I firmly believe, that until we have an intimate
13:19 relationship with Christ, until we have such a connection
13:21 that cannot be broken, until we have such a
13:24 relationship that we are not ashamed of,
13:26 we really wouldn't be confident to represent Him in society.
13:30 I'm the kind of person that I don't mind who I run into.
13:33 As-a-matter-of-fact, I like to
13:35 run into people that are in public.
13:37 I like to share my faith.
13:39 I remember giving a Bible study to a young lady
13:41 that was working at my wife's job in Orlando, Florida,
13:44 she was a Jehovah's Witness...
13:46 And, in many cases, Jehovah's Witnesses
13:49 don't study with Adventists.
13:52 I mean, they know who not to mess with.
13:55 But this young lady, still not yet confirmed in what
13:59 she wanted to be... My wife said, "Hey, why don't
14:04 you let us give you Bible studies?
14:05 And so, she went ahead and contacted one of the elders
14:10 in her church, one of the elders that are Jehovah's Witness,
14:14 and we set the Bible study up, and when we walked into the
14:19 house where the Bible study was to be,
14:21 they had two seats set in the middle of the living room.
14:25 And, around the walls of that living room, we were surrounded
14:32 by Jehovah's Witnesses.
14:35 And the elder that was going to give the Bible study,
14:39 he sat in a big easy chair, a recliner.
14:43 And he had a kind of cocky, self-confident look,
14:46 but what he did not know, he was about to run into a
14:49 buzz saw called a "Seventh-day Adventist."
14:52 And he made the ground rules having done his homework,
14:56 he said, "Now we cannot use any other books."
14:58 He thought I was going to pull out "Ellen White."
15:01 I want to tell you this...
15:02 Ellen White says, "Our creed is the Bible,
15:05 and the Bible only."
15:09 If you study your Bible, you don't need
15:12 Ellen White in a public setting to convince somebody
15:15 about a "Thus saith the Lord."
15:18 Primarily, her writings are mostly for us.
15:22 Anyway, the Bible study began, and he started...
15:25 Well, let's talk about the nature of Christ -
15:28 he began with that one, and that's a favorite one.
15:31 You know, they say that Jesus is mighty God,
15:33 and that His Father is Almighty God.
15:35 They say Jesus is a lesser God, and His Father is a greater God.
15:39 So we began with that topic and he was meandering
15:42 in the maze of mediocrity, pondering at the political
15:44 popularity, negotiating at the table of the enemy,
15:47 and then he brought up scriptures that one by one by
15:50 using God's word, we were able to defend the fact
15:54 that Jesus is not mighty God, Jesus is Almighty God!
16:01 And then he said, "Well let's go to another subject.
16:03 Let's go to the commandments."
16:05 Lord have mercy! Let's go to the commandments.
16:08 Because they say that the commandments were nailed
16:10 to the cross, we don't have to really keep the commandments.
16:12 You don't want to mess with an Adventist when it comes to the
16:14 commandments... What do ya say?
16:16 So he's going down, going down, going down, going down,
16:19 and I don't remember, but I may have said something like this...
16:22 "If you say that we cannot keep the commandments,
16:25 which one are you breaking?"
16:29 "Let's go to another subject," he said.
16:33 So we went to the Sabbath.
16:35 Well it wasn't maybe 15 minutes into the discussion about
16:38 the Sabbath, that he called for one of the other
16:42 Jehovah's Witnesses to go and get another book...
16:44 I said, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, remember you said,
16:47 "No other books."
16:49 And surely as we predicted to that young lady,
16:54 "We said, "Now let me just tell you what's going to happen."
16:56 "They may have one Bible study with us,
16:58 but no sensible Jehovah's Witness will have more
17:02 than one Bible study with an Adventist that knows the Script"
17:07 And surely enough, they never met with us again.
17:11 We had a couple that joined our church about 2 years ago.
17:14 And we sat in the living room... I'm talking about
17:17 the beauty of God's Script, the power in God's Script,
17:22 the transforming power, the defensive power,
17:24 the exaltation power in God's Script.
17:27 My point again - We will never become what God envisions
17:30 until we commit to the Script.
17:34 Ellen White says in "Messages to Young People,"
17:36 "Higher than the highest human thought can reach,
17:39 is God's ideal for His children.
17:43 Godliness is the goal to be reached." Amen somebody!
17:48 Godliness - and He said, "As Christ is, so are we."
17:53 He is godly, we ought to be godly.
17:55 He is holy, we ought to strive for holiness.
17:58 I was sitting down with this couple that had somewhat of a
18:02 nondenominational background, kind of a pseudo-Pentecostal
18:06 Church of God in Christ - you know, the loud music,
18:08 the shouting, the halleluiahs, the jumping over the pews
18:11 and all that emotionalism, and the Lord worked in a
18:15 powerful way to get them in contact with us,
18:18 but the young lady that was a part of that,
18:20 her uncle had his own church, and they committed themselves
18:23 to being baptized.
18:25 So a week before their baptism, she invited us to their
18:27 home on a Friday evening.
18:29 She invited her uncle, who is the pastor of the church,
18:32 and one of the elders or one of the deacons of the church
18:35 and when we walked in, I remember this very well...
18:37 I didn't understand until after the Bible study
18:39 what the actual body language meant,
18:41 but when we walked into their house to study the Bible
18:44 together, the deacon looked at the pastor,
18:47 and went like this... In other words, watch us
18:53 make mince meat out of this Adventist pastor... NOT
19:00 Like the young people say, "NOT"
19:03 So I sat there and I said, "What topic would you like
19:08 to begin with... And surely enough, he began to pull out...
19:10 He attacked those things that he knew were near
19:12 and dear to us... the Sabbath, the second coming,
19:14 the state of the dead...
19:16 And the Holy Spirit fell down on me and in about
19:23 10 or 15 minutes, the deacon started getting defensive.
19:27 And I began to open my Bible and go from one verse to
19:30 the other, from one chapter to the other,
19:31 and the pastor said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute,
19:33 why are you going throughout the whole Bible?
19:35 Aren't you supposed to stick in one book?"
19:37 I said, "Oh no, "Line upon line, line upon line,
19:41 precept on precept, precept on precept,"
19:44 and he sat there and he had to take it.
19:46 And when we got to the Sabbath, this cordial, nice God-loving,
19:50 smiling deacon got up and said, "I'm done! I'm outta here!"
19:55 I said, "Brother, this is exactly what I did not
19:57 want to happen... why don't we pray and ask for God's Spirit
20:00 to recover our attitude toward..."
20:02 He said, "I ain't praying with nobody!"
20:05 And he got up and left.
20:07 You know what?
20:08 They said, "Resist the devil." Come on now...
20:11 And he what? He'll get out of there.
20:13 "He will flee from you."
20:15 When you are standing on the power of God's word,
20:18 Satan will run.
20:20 Well, you gotta know this guy to understand this next gesture,
20:24 but the pastor sat there just to maintain pride,
20:27 and to be cordial to his family members...
20:28 He sat there and there was a text after text, after text
20:31 after text, and I got on my knee in front of them,
20:34 and I said, "Now pastor, let me make a point...
20:36 You're the pastor, you are a whole lot more
20:40 responsible than your members here.
20:41 You cannot say... you're the pastor and be ignorant of
20:46 God's word because God is going to hold you accountable!"
20:50 And he went like this...
20:58 Like "whatever."
21:01 I tell you what I like about God's word,
21:04 it will take the devil by the tail and, as the saying goes,
21:08 "turn him every which way, but loose."
21:12 The POWER of the script that is found in God's word.
21:16 You will also discover - we'll never know how badly
21:19 we need Jesus until Jesus is all we recognize that we cannot
21:23 have His character without being connected to Him.
21:26 The word of God connects us to the One who is
21:29 the author of salvation.
21:31 It connects us to Christ.
21:32 He says, "I am the vine... together - I am the vine what?
21:36 "Ye are the branches, abide in Me and I in Him.
21:39 When we do that, we bear much fruit for without Me,
21:43 you can DO nothing."
21:45 I was invited once to sing at a television station in
21:50 Northern California when I was pastoring in the
21:52 Northern California Conference, and I was invited to sing often,
21:56 but I knew that God had given me more than just the ability
21:58 to sing and during Thanksgiving, not Thanksgiving,
22:02 but Valentine's Day - it a celebration in the states,
22:05 they invited me to sing and they said,
22:08 "Just sing Christian songs about love -
22:10 you know, like "Yes, Jesus Loves Me,
22:12 the Language of Love, all those songs that had to do
22:14 with the particular theme of love."
22:16 Well that day... let me caveat and say this,
22:20 "You know, there are times when you know that God is
22:22 about to do something in your life that is not
22:25 going to be ordinary."
22:27 That day when I was singing, I was sitting in the green room
22:32 kind of like when Rosemary puts the makeup on you,
22:34 that room there... I was sitting in the green room,
22:36 and after they put the makeup on me, I went to the foyer
22:38 to wait for them to call me to sing,
22:40 and there was a little corner, a little dark corner in the room
22:45 I was waiting and I peaked outside and I looked
22:49 at the couch, the set where they have the guests
22:51 sitting down... it was a first-day station.
22:55 They believed everything that we did not believe,
22:57 and I said to the Lord, "Lord, I know that You have me
23:01 here for something other than just to sing.
23:03 And then I said this, "LORD, I want to be on that couch."
23:09 And I turned my head and went to the corner of that room
23:11 and I prayed, and I prayed, and I prayed.
23:15 And I went and sat on somewhat of a high chair...
23:18 It looked like a director's chair.
23:19 I sat on the chair, right in the foyer,
23:22 and then they had a meeting in the foyer about a
23:26 new program they were starting called, "Coast-to-Coast."
23:30 That means from the north coast to the south coast in California
23:35 And then the question was asked by one of the employees,
23:38 "Well, what's going to be our first topic?"
23:39 Now, you gotta get this... this powerful.
23:41 It's a first-day station, they keep Sunday.
23:44 And the program director and the station's owner's son
23:48 said, "Our first discussion is going to be
23:52 "Sabbath versus Sunday"
23:57 And then they said, "What? Sabbath versus Sunday,
24:02 Where are you going to find somebody
24:05 to represent the Sabbath?" Laughter from audience...
24:11 He went like this... "John, John - he's an
24:17 Adventist pastor - we'll have him get two folk!"
24:21 Amen somebody!
24:23 So here I am, I'm bubbling like a kettle.
24:27 I'm saying, "Lord, I knew it!"
24:30 And so they set it up, "Sabbath versus Sunday"
24:33 Now there's going to be the discussion...
24:36 They set the date and they said "Invite two guests."
24:40 Well, I invited Doug Batchelor, and my good old Jewish
24:45 friend from New York City, Alan Reinach,
24:46 who is with "Religious Liberty" in the General Conference there.
24:50 Two Jewish guys and a fired-up Adventist!
24:55 As somebody once said to me just recently,
24:57 he said... I was preaching at a funeral in Oregon,
25:00 and he said, "I don't want anybody at my father's funeral
25:03 that's going to be a wet noodle in the pulpit.
25:05 I want a gun-toting, former gang member from
25:09 New York to preach at my dad's funeral."
25:12 He said, "I want somebody that's going to throw down."
25:14 So here I was, still had black hair,
25:18 and I had my Doug Batchelor, and Alan J. Reinach
25:21 and the guy began the program with this phrase...
25:24 to the television camera, he said,
25:25 "Hey, welcome to the first program of Coast-to-Coast.
25:29 On this show today, the topic is going to be
25:31 "Sabbath versus Sunday."
25:33 Now I could see all the evangelicals...
25:35 I could hear heads exploding from coast to coast.
25:39 He said, "Now here's what we want to do today."
25:42 He said, "We don't want to go to church on Sunday because
25:44 grandma said it, or because we learned that in Bible college,
25:48 or because that's our tradition, we only want to go to
25:51 church on Sunday because the Bible says it."
25:56 That sounded like Haman building a gallows.
26:00 He says, "Get your Bibles, get your pens,
26:03 and at the half-time, we will you know, field your questions."
26:06 It was a one hour program.
26:09 And then the war began... Laughter from audience
26:12 He was the moderator; he had 3 guys that were
26:15 representing his viewpoint, and Doug and I and Alan Reinach
26:18 were on the other side, and at the 30-minute mark,
26:21 they had a 3-minute break, and at the 3-minute break...
26:23 this is funny, at the 3-minute break, he got up from
26:26 the table where he was sitting, came down around the
26:29 front of the table where the other guys were sitting,
26:31 they looked like they were sheep without a shepherd,
26:34 and he leaned his head over and he said to his side...
26:38 "Guys, they're killing us." Laughter...
26:42 He said to them, "Give me SOMETHING..."
26:46 Well, you can't give what's not in the Script...
26:48 Amen somebody?
26:49 You can't find light and dark in the same Book.
26:51 You can't find sweet water
26:55 and bitter water at the same well.
26:59 When the program was over,
27:01 ... I heard about it about a week later-
27:03 He told me, and you know what, he was an honest pastor.
27:06 You know why, he said the thing that motivated
27:08 him to do that topic is he was preaching on the
27:10 Ten Commandments and when he got to the fourth,
27:12 he said to his congregation,
27:13 "I really don't know about the Sabbath,
27:15 so I'm just going to talk about the work ethic."
27:17 And that's what motivated him to have the topic about the Sabbath
27:22 The good news is he invited us back... Laughter
27:29 This time, he was smart, he invited me to defend
27:33 the position that he and I had in common...
27:35 Come on, say "Amen" somebody.
27:36 This time, he invited me to defend his position on the
27:39 Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
27:41 because his former Assemblies of God pastor
27:44 believed in three manifestations of God, and we believe
27:48 in the scriptural teaching of the Godhead and the Holy Spirit.
27:54 And after the program... I never forgot this...
27:58 He pulled me aside and said, "Okay, okay, I need to ask you
28:02 some questions... Tell me about Ellen White."
28:11 Ellen White?
28:13 He said, "Tell me about Ellen White, I read about her.
28:17 You tell me about Ellen White."
28:19 All right, we got through that.
28:20 All right, "Tell me what you believe about diet,
28:25 about clean and unclean foods."
28:30 Clean and unclean... you want to know?
28:32 And I explained... He said, "Now I want you to know
28:35 my congregation and I don't agree on everything."
28:38 He said, "I was invited to one of their homes for a luau."
28:40 You know what that is... where the pig is put on a
28:43 stick and they roast it in a circle.
28:45 Don't you Adventists remember what that is?
28:54 Now I'm glad you don't know,
28:55 that means you don't eat pig.
28:58 But he said, "One of them, they cut the pig,
29:00 and they put a big chunk of pig in his mouth,"
29:02 and he said, "I said the prayer, went to the bathroom,
29:04 and I spit it out."
29:06 Then he said, "Tell me about jewelry."
29:12 And his wife was sitting right next to him with
29:13 some of the most expensive jewelry,
29:15 and I said, "Now R.C. are you serious?
29:18 I mean, your wife... and he said this,
29:21 "My wife and I don't agree on a lot of things." Laughter
29:26 And she bumped into the conversation...
29:28 She said, "Now R.C." when it really got heated,
29:30 She said, "Now R.C., R.C., R.C., remember now,
29:33 it's our 7th anniversary..." and she got him back -
29:36 "And don't forget, 7 is God's number."
29:40 Brothers and sisters, when you stand on God's word,
29:43 you never have to be ashamed. What do you say?
29:45 You see, we can see God developing in us
29:47 all those things that represent Him, and like some of the
29:50 actors when they get their Academy Awards,
29:53 and their Oscars, I've heard them say,
29:55 "I did not think I could do it, but the director
29:59 saw in me something that I could never see."
30:01 You see, God sees in us things that He is yet developing
30:05 and you'll never know until the time goes by...
30:07 I listened to Pastor Taj last night and I sat there
30:11 marveled- can you say "Amen?"
30:13 I sat there marveled, I was ignited,
30:16 I was so excited, I said, "Now that's a young
30:19 man that I can identify with."
30:21 Because we had a similar prayer...
30:22 "Father, put me in the ministry, open the door,
30:24 take me from where I was to where you want me to be."
30:27 And I'm looking back now, 28 years in pastoral ministry,
30:31 to this knucklehead that was on the streets of Brooklyn
30:34 partying and gambling and pool hustling,
30:36 and to say that God has transformed my life
30:40 is a minimal statement.
30:42 To God be the glory... can you say "Amen" to that?
30:45 God can do anything with anybody!
30:47 As-a-matter-of-fact, somebody said, "God has done
30:49 so much with so little for so long, that God could do
30:53 anything with nothing!
30:55 Isn't that right?
30:57 He speaks and it happens... praise be to God!
31:01 When Paul the apostle talks about that,
31:03 you see this Witness Conference is good,
31:05 but it's only as good as our spiritual follow up.
31:10 If you dedicate yourself after this is done,
31:12 you'll see God do as Paul says,
31:14 "He can do things exceedingly abundantly above all that
31:18 you ask or think and how according to the power
31:22 that works in us."
31:25 Let me add another component...
31:27 It is not enough to just have God working in you,
31:31 but you have to participate with the process.
31:33 Go to Romans 12, very quickly.
31:35 Romans 12- It's not enough just to have God working in you.
31:39 This is not a puppet-master relationship,
31:42 God wants us to participate in the process.
31:46 Romans 12:1-2: Paul the apostle appealing to the Romans,
31:52 and now he appeals to us through the very same set of verses.
31:58 The Bible says, "I beseech you, therefore brethren,
32:02 by the mercies of God that you present your... your what?
32:06 Your body is a living sacrifice, that's your mind,
32:09 your heart, your activities...
32:11 ...holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service."
32:15 And get this, "And do not be conformed to this world,
32:19 but be transformed by the...what?
32:21 ...renewing of your mind that you may prove
32:25 what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
32:30 A lot of people ask the question ... "What is God's will?"
32:34 Like we want a single answer!
32:37 God's will is that we commit ourselves to Him every day,
32:41 for it is God who works in us both to will and to do
32:47 of His good pleasure.
32:49 He wants us not to be conformed,
32:52 but to be transformed.
32:54 And what you need to know is that character development
32:57 requires sacrifice.
32:59 In other words, it takes time to read the Script.
33:05 I read the story about Tom Hanks.
33:06 He said, "When I was studying to be Forrest Gump,
33:09 he said, "There were days that I didn't feel like
33:11 reading the script." I was reading this in
33:12 "Rolling Stone Magazine," He said, "I didn't feel like
33:15 reading the script, but if I wanted to be ready
33:17 for the movie, I had to not go based on feeling.
33:21 I had to commit myself based on fact."
33:25 The movie was going to be filmed; they had the air date;
33:29 they had the production schedule...
33:30 He said, "I couldn't waste time, I had to commit myself.
33:33 It wasn't whether or not I was tired,
33:35 the question was... whether or not I really
33:38 want to be what the writer and the director
33:41 has envisioned me to be."
33:43 You see, God has a blueprint,
33:47 and He knows what He wants us to be,
33:50 but in order for us to be what God has envisioned,
33:53 we gotta find a way to get God's vision of us
33:57 from here to here.
34:01 Thus Paul says, "Let this mind be... where?
34:04 ... in you which was also in... where?
34:07 ... in Christ Jesus.
34:08 It's not enough for the word of God to be here...
34:10 because the character of God will never be developed
34:13 if we don't invest time in reading the Script.
34:16 In other words, before Tom Hanks became Forrest Gump
34:19 externally, he had to become Forrest Gump internally.
34:23 He had to think like Forrest Gump,
34:25 walk like Forrest Gump, be discombobulated
34:29 like Forrest Gump, act geeky like Forrest Gump!
34:33 And if you've seen in the movie,
34:35 he did a really good job, didn't he?
34:36 Aww come on, you know you saw it. Laughter...
34:41 Are you holier than thou folk...
34:47 You see, the last day battle is not just for
34:49 the condition of our minds.
34:52 The last day battle is also for the location of our bodies.
34:56 Let me say that again...
34:57 The last day battle is not just for the condition of our minds,
35:00 but the last day battle is also for the location of our bodies,
35:04 and this is where the church comes in.
35:07 I'm always amazed when people say,
35:09 "Do I have to join your church if I get baptized?"
35:13 Well, let's go to Tom Hanks...
35:15 Do I have to show up on the
35:17 movie set in order to be the actor?
35:21 Well see brethren, we are not only to commit ourselves
35:24 to the study of the word, but we have to be on the set.
35:29 We have to show up on the set.
35:31 How can an actor stay away from the set,
35:34 and say that he is in harmony with the director?
35:37 How can a Christian stay away from church and say that
35:42 they are in harmony with God? It is not possible.
35:47 In these last days, some of you folk that can't handle church,
35:49 I'm amazed, it seems like something is happening
35:52 in the Adventist Church.
35:53 People are getting antsy when the sermon is 5 minutes longer.
35:56 I was in a church once, when I first started there,
35:59 and at noon, I heard like 5 alarms go off.
36:04 Five alarms! A 5-alarm fire.
36:08 And I thought to myself, and I said this
36:11 from the pulpit, I said, "I heard of the midnight cry,
36:14 but I never heard of the midday cry." Amen somebody.
36:18 I said, "Would you please deactivate your alarms."
36:21 And I kept preaching past 12 o'clock
36:23 until they got used to it. Amen somebody.
36:25 Because here's my point...
36:26 If you cannot handle church just for one hour,
36:29 how are you going to handle heaven?
36:34 God ain't going to say, "Well, Sabbath's over,
36:36 go to the mall." Laughter...
36:40 Forever throughout eternity, we will be learning
36:42 the themes of godliness and righteousness.
36:46 Brothers and sisters, develop an appetite for Godly things
36:51 and for Godly time.
36:54 I don't know why people are rushing from church
36:56 to go home to do what? To read the mail?
36:59 We don't read mail on the Sabbath.
37:01 Some folk want to... what do you want to go home and do?
37:03 Smell your laundry?
37:05 What do you want to go home and do?
37:06 Clean the house?
37:07 We don't clean the house on Sabbath.
37:09 Some folk ought to get used to the idea...
37:11 As one of my board members once said...
37:13 One of my board members said...
37:17 Have we forgotten that Sabbath is 24 hours?
37:22 I think some people have.
37:24 That's why the writer of Hebrews tells us...
37:27 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,
37:30 as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another
37:33 and so much the more, as you see the day approaching."
37:40 And the other reason why we have to go to church is that...
37:44 ... this is powerful, are you listening, here we go...
37:47 You'll never know whether or not you're becoming like
37:50 the character that God has envisioned
37:52 unless there's some church member to test your character.
38:00 I had a church member that one day bought a baseball bat
38:03 to church.
38:05 The lady just came out of the Assemblies of God Church,
38:08 a black lady and the white deacon and she said to me,
38:12 ... as I was standing in the foyer,
38:14 "Happy Sabbath," and she had a baseball bat in her hand,
38:20 a small, little wooden baseball bat, and I said,
38:21 "Sister Hall, what are you doing with a baseball bat?"
38:23 She said, "I'm going to beat up the head deacon."
38:27 "Are you serious?"
38:28 She said, "I am sick and tired."
38:29 And she listed all these things
38:31 that she was sick and tired of him doing.
38:32 What I discovered is, she came out of the church
38:36 that was so involved in spiritualism,
38:38 that she started seeing spirits in her house,
38:40 and she associated one of the spirits to the head deacon.
38:45 And I said to her, "Can we pray?"
38:50 And I prayed and I prayed,
38:53 Lord, please chase the devil out of here."
38:56 I didn't say, chase Sister Hall out of here because
38:59 as one church member said, "If you can see them,
39:02 they're not your enemy."
39:04 Our battle is not against flesh and blood.
39:08 I prayed that prayer and praise God,
39:10 between Sabbath School and the sermon,
39:12 she went home and left the bat and came back.
39:14 But I want to tell you, that deacon kept his
39:16 eye on her all service long. Laughter
39:22 You'll never know whether or not God is really
39:24 working in you unless you're in church.
39:25 Some of us need to come to church... you know why?
39:28 Because iron sharpens iron!
39:31 There are some hard folk in the Adventist Church.
39:34 Somebody once said, "This is the hospital."
39:36 No, it isn't, it's an insane asylum.
39:38 There are some fruits and there are some nuts.
39:41 We are really vegetarian to the core.
39:47 Character will be tested, that's why the key of the sermon is
39:52 the script.
39:53 You see, the Holy Spirit is the director;
39:58 Jesus is the author, and unless the word of God
40:03 is hidden in your heart, you are on the battlefield
40:06 without the proper armor.
40:08 We got to follow the example of David, the psalmist...
40:11 "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not
40:14 sing against thee." Amen somebody.
40:17 And the other thing I want to also put together...
40:20 Because there are a whole lot of fruits and nuts in the church,
40:23 the other thing that you have to do - as God is developing
40:26 within you, the character that He envisions you to have
40:29 throughout eternity, you gotta stop looking
40:31 at the other actors... because there are some folk
40:37 in the church that are not where you are, and you are not
40:41 where some of the other people are.
40:43 One Sabbath, after church fellowship lunch,
40:47 or during church fellowship lunch, we had a person that just
40:51 started coming to church; not a member yet,
40:53 but they wanted to contribute something to potluck.
40:56 And we had one of our elders that was raised
40:58 in heaven and he came to earth to spend time with us.
41:01 ...You know, those godly people that never touch the ground;
41:04 no sin in their lives.
41:07 And he walks up to this guest in her second week of church...
41:10 She brought something for fellowship lunch,
41:12 and instead of looking at his own life,
41:15 he walked up to this lady who was just getting
41:17 excited about the Adventist Message,
41:19 and he said to her, "Is there any pork in that?"
41:24 Pork? Do you guys eat pork?
41:30 We ought to let... I'm gonna say it.
41:33 We ought to let God clean the fish.
41:36 God calls us to catch the fish.
41:40 Some of us want to do the work of the Holy Spirit.
41:42 You can never do the work of the Holy Spirit.
41:44 That's why I'm always amazed when we talk about
41:47 the unpurified church.
41:48 There are a lot of unbalanced folk in these last days
41:51 that they think that their job is to purify the church
41:54 when, in fact, God never appointed any human agent
41:56 the job to purify the church.
41:58 It's God's work!
42:00 Your job is to live by the Script.
42:03 Get your own mirror out and examine yourself
42:06 to see whether or not you're in the faith.
42:09 The fact of the matter is, I can't make it to heaven
42:11 for my wife and she can't make it for me.
42:13 We each have to battle through our own struggles in life.
42:16 Each one of us has to have our own relationship with Christ.
42:19 We have to allow God to clean each of us up.
42:21 She can't be clean for me, and I can't be clean for her.
42:24 I cannot examine where she is
42:25 and she can't examine where I am...
42:27 Because the Lord is the only one that knows
42:29 the issues of the heart.
42:31 So when you see somebody that is new to the church,
42:34 don't become an inspector.
42:36 Christ is the One - we have to look to Jesus the author
42:39 and finisher of our faith.
42:41 As-a-matter-of-fact, in "Christ Object Lessons,"
42:43 Ellen White says, "Christ is waiting with longing desire
42:47 for the manifestation of Himself in His church."
42:50 This is powerful... now I have to put this in context.
42:54 Why do you think the enemy works so hard on keeping us
42:59 in our old character? This is powerful!
43:02 You see, if Tom Hanks was settled with his old character,
43:05 he'll never be known as the actor he is today.
43:10 We have to be just as discontent about our old character
43:14 as actors are about their former role.
43:17 He has played so many roles, and he could only
43:20 fit into the new role as he disconnects
43:22 himself from the old role.
43:25 Why does the devil work so hard on our character?
43:27 Ellen White says here is the reason why...
43:30 Here is the reason why he works so hard on keeping us
43:33 to be anything other than what Christ wants us to be.
43:36 She says, "When the character of God shall be perfectly
43:40 reproduced in His people, then He will come
43:43 and claim them as His own." Amen somebody!
43:46 You know why I'm excited about that - because one day
43:48 there is going to be an academy award...
43:50 it's called a crown of glory. Amen!
43:52 And I'm looking forward to that - I don't want an Oscar;
43:54 I don't want a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
43:56 where, you know, animals will ... you know what happens there.
44:00 I don't want any earthly crown.
44:02 I want that heavenly crown. Amen somebody?
44:05 But Christ is waiting for us to be reproduced
44:08 after His similitude, and how does that happen?
44:11 Points again - study God's word. Say that... "Study God's word."
44:15 That's the only way that He can develop
44:17 within you the character.
44:19 Secondly, stay on the set. Do what church?
44:21 Stay on the set! Stay in the church.
44:25 And finally, my closing story...
44:28 You know, I read another magazine article about a man,
44:31 an actor named "Rob Lowe," and you may have
44:34 or may not have heard about "John Fitzgerald Kennedy, JFK",
44:36 one of the famous American presidents that was
44:39 assassinated in 1963...
44:42 This young man by the name of Rob Lowe...
44:44 He told the story how he played the role of John F. Kennedy.
44:48 He said, listen to this...
44:51 When he received the call to play the role,
44:54 that he was highly honored to be like John F. Kennedy.
44:58 He said that all his life, he admired the
45:00 former President John F. Kennedy.
45:02 Rob Lowe said he read every major book written
45:06 by John F. Kennedy.
45:07 He said that he had all the knowledge that he needed,
45:12 but he did not yet have the character.
45:16 He read the books, but he did not have the character.
45:19 And then he said, "To become the president in character,
45:25 he studied the script every waking moment."
45:30 He studied the president's mannerisms, his smile,
45:34 the way Kennedy spoke, and the way he walked,
45:38 and when the day came for him to step on the set,
45:41 Rob Lowe said, "In my mind, I had become John F. Kennedy."
45:47 Now brothers and sisters, if an actor on a temporary set,
45:51 in a character that will be forgotten in eternity,
45:53 will do all that, to become a temporal president,
45:57 what must we do if we're going to become like Jesus?
46:00 Amen somebody.
46:02 He studied his mannerisms.
46:03 You want to be like Christ? Study!
46:06 It is not the fruits of the Spirit...
46:07 we gotta change - it's the fruit of the Spirit - one fruit
46:12 has in it love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
46:17 meekness... You don't eat a patience fruit today,
46:20 and a longsuffering fruit tomorrow.
46:22 It's all in one fruit, come on somebody.
46:24 It's all in one fruit.
46:25 When you bite that fruit, you become loving,
46:27 kind, compassionate, gentle... it's in one fruit.
46:30 It took one fruit to plunge us into sin;
46:32 it's going to take one fruit to get us out of sin.
46:35 That one fruit - so I say again, the good news is that
46:39 God sees us in the final production.
46:42 One day, we're going to step out on set,
46:44 we're going to step on the set, we're going to step
46:46 into the set - the New Jerusalem and throughout eternity,
46:52 we're going to be actors in the eternal kingdom.
46:55 What do I mean by that?
46:57 We're going to go from one unfallen world to the other,
47:00 and tell them how God developed us into His own character.
47:04 For only us, only us, are familiar with what sin has done.
47:10 We're going to be telling our story...
47:12 So if you're going to tell the old, old story,
47:15 if you're going to proclaim the everlasting gospel
47:17 throughout eternity, you have to become familiar
47:22 with that everlasting gospel today.
47:25 We must commit to Christ, the Author of salvation;
47:28 commit to the Holy Spirit, the Director,
47:30 and commit to the Script, God's Holy Word.
47:35 Then finally, we will see Him as He is, the Director,
47:42 the Author, and finally, we will be everything
47:46 He always envisioned us to be.
47:48 So when you go home, your prayer should be
47:52 "I want to be like Jesus."
47:53 Can I hear somebody say that?
47:54 Come on - "I want to be like Jesus"
47:59 in the Word, on the set, and in the Lord.
48:03 Shall we pray... Heavenly Father,
48:05 These are your children.
48:07 These are the sheep of Your pasture.
48:09 These are the characters that You are developing
48:12 for eternity.
48:13 Lord, help us after this Witness Conference is done
48:17 to commit ourselves endlessly to the process,
48:20 allow the Spirit to direct us, the Word to mold us...
48:24 that one day when we stand before on the heavenly
48:28 academy awards and that crown of glory
48:31 is placed on our foreheads, we can thank You
48:34 for seeing in us something that one day
48:39 will amaze even us.
48:41 Strengthen us and make us into Your glory,
48:44 we pray in Jesus name... Amen


Revised 2015-07-28