Move by His Power

Privileged Eyes and Transformed Lives

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Taj Pacleb


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000012A

00:17 Tonight I would like to share with you a message entitled:
00:19 "Privileged Eyes and Transformed Lives"
00:23 I want you to bow your heads with me as we pray together...
00:28 Our Father in Heaven, We thank You so much, Lord,
00:31 for the blessings we have received today,
00:33 and these past few days, and how Your Spirit has
00:36 been poured out upon us.
00:38 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place,
00:41 and we thank You so much for helping us to recognize,
00:44 and acknowledge that presence in our lives.
00:46 Lord, tonight, we've had a long day,
00:49 we've been blessed; perhaps our minds are tired,
00:52 but we ask, dear God, that You please give us,
00:53 an attentive mind, a soft heart, and a sensitive Spirit
00:57 that we might soak up every word, every blessing You have
01:01 in store for us this evening, that You would not only
01:04 instruct us, but that You would inspire us to know
01:07 that You are a God that is alive and well, that Jesus lives,
01:10 and He ever lives to make intercession for us.
01:14 I pray Lord, that as a result of this presentation tonight,
01:18 that you stir our hearts with Holy Spirit conviction
01:22 that will result in a deeper conversion experience,
01:26 that You would bring revival that will result in
01:28 reformation and restoration and redemption of our lives.
01:33 Please, dear God, hide me behind the cross,
01:37 give me the words to speak and bless us now as we wait
01:41 upon You tonight.
01:43 In Jesus precious name we pray... Amen, Amen
01:49 Our message tonight entitled:
01:50 "Privileged Eyes and Transformed Lives"
01:54 I invite you to take your Bible and open with me to
01:56 the book of Matthew, we're going to go to the
01:59 13th chapter where we find Jesus speaking to those disciples.
02:05 These unlearned and uneducated, common fishermen whom
02:10 He had called to train, to disciple and to send out
02:16 to do a work that would change the whole world.
02:19 I want us to notice what Jesus said to them in Matthew 13
02:23 beginning with verse 16. Matthew 13:16
02:28 Here the Lord Jesus says, "But blessed are your eyes..."
02:33 are you there? Matthew 13:16, Jesus says,
02:37 "But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears
02:44 for they hear; for verily I say unto you,
02:47 that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those
02:51 things which you see, and have not seen them,
02:55 and to hear those things which
02:57 you hear and have not heard them."
03:01 Here we find the blessed Christ pronouncing a blessing upon
03:06 his disciples.
03:08 These were the privileged ones that were able to look upon
03:11 those things which holy men of old could only dream
03:15 and write about and cogitate and converse upon.
03:18 The ancient prophecies of the past were being fulfilled
03:22 in their presence and with their own faintly seeing eyes
03:26 they were able to behold the majesty of the heavens
03:30 in the flesh.
03:32 He in whom the patriarchs and prophets saw in vision,
03:36 and wrote about, and longed to see in their day,
03:39 these were the ones that were able to see
03:41 the fulfillment of those prophecies.
03:44 Those generations of the past went to their graves failing
03:48 to see its fulfillment, but these 12 were the chosen
03:52 ones; they were the blessed ones; the privileged ones,
03:55 and yet all of them realized not the special solemn
03:59 significance of the things that they saw in front of them.
04:04 They saw through a glass darkly,
04:07 even though they were face- to-face with the King,
04:11 and God of the universe.
04:13 Even though they did not fully understand, nonetheless,
04:16 they were blessed, and by and by, they would come
04:20 to understand more fully just how blessed they were...
04:23 But as we read these words applied to the early apostolic
04:27 church and those disciples way back then,
04:29 the blessing pronounced upon them by the merciful,
04:31 merciful Messiah at the first coming is even more
04:35 relevant for you and I today.
04:37 Those of us who live before His second coming,
04:39 the great climatic event, and we will see our
04:44 King face-to-face.
04:47 You see, for since the days of the early apostolic church,
04:51 God has revealed more light to us.
04:54 The Divine Insider has filled us in on the rest of the story
04:59 of redemption and we know how the story
05:01 is going to unfold in minute detail,
05:04 and we know who is going to come out on top
05:06 as the victor in the controversy.
05:08 The book of Revelation tells us that God wins in the battle,
05:11 and because He wins, we win as well!
05:15 You see friends, we've been told that God would do His
05:19 greatest work through the weakest generation,
05:23 and we, here, today, belong to that generation.
05:28 We have the accumulated knowledge of every generation
05:32 before us, and truth has never been clearer than it is today,
05:36 and God has called us to give the full and final display
05:40 of the love and mercy and power of Jesus in these last days.
05:44 We are the privileged ones that are to finish
05:46 the story of redemption.
05:49 The patriarchs and prophets, and apostles, and protestants,
05:52 and pioneers of the past, many of them saw our day in vision,
05:56 and they wanted to be right here because we're living in the
05:58 most exciting period of this world's history.
06:01 They wanted to see the things that we see with our eyes,
06:04 to hear the things that we have heard with our ears,
06:06 but God said, "No," to them, and He said, "Yes," to us.
06:10 We, indeed, are the privileged generations,
06:12 so, my brothers and sisters, tonight I want to declare to you
06:15 from the Word of God, blessed are your eyes
06:18 for the things that you see,
06:19 and your ears for the things that you heard.
06:21 We are the blessed and privileged generation,
06:24 and many of us do not realize we are blessed more than
06:29 we recognize and we are surely blessed more than we deserve.
06:34 You see, those who came before us,
06:35 played in the seasonal games.
06:38 But you and I, friends, we have made it through the playoffs,
06:40 and we're now in the super bowl headed to the
06:43 2- minute warning and the good news is that with the
06:45 Father as the general manager, and Jesus as the head coach,
06:49 and the Holy Spirit as our team captain,
06:51 we are on the winning team.
06:55 Please forgive me for using the American football illustration,
06:58 but someone told me today that the super bowl is
07:01 pretty popular here, down under, as well.
07:04 And so friends, fear not Little Flock,
07:06 it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom
07:10 We've been told that as we pray like those early apostles did,
07:14 that what they experienced in the past is but a glimpse
07:16 of what God wants us to experience
07:18 right now in the present.
07:20 I love what it says in Jeremiah 33:3
07:22 The Bible says, "Call unto me and I will answer thee,
07:26 and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not."
07:32 Friends, when we pray and God answers and He reveals
07:36 to our eyes these wonderful things, He calls us
07:40 to remember them and never forget.
07:43 I love what it says in the book, "Gospel Workers," p. 374,
07:47 notice what it says.
08:33 How many of you are thankful for that?
08:34 You see, friends, when you study Revelation, you are tempted to
08:37 become afraid at the coming crisis that is just before us,
08:41 but fear not Little Flock, what God has done in our past,
08:44 He is able to do for our present as well as our future,
08:47 and we can have absolute confidence the same
08:50 God back then is the same God today that will lead us
08:53 all the way to the golden shore,
08:55 all the way to His eternal kingdom.
08:59 It says, "Then let us take up our work just where we find it,
09:04 believing that nothing can come, but that strength will come
09:09 proportionate to the trial."
09:12 And so God calls us to remember the wonderful things
09:16 He has revealed to us, the things that we have been
09:23 privileged to look upon with our own eyes.
09:25 Psalms 77:11-12, it says...
09:37 And friends, this evening, that's exactly what I want to do
09:41 God commands us to remember, to record, to recount,
09:46 to report and to repeat often all the things
09:51 that He has done for us in our past and why is that?
09:55 Because looking back in the past, we are instructed,
09:58 but also we are inspired to know that God
10:02 is going to do great things in the future.
10:05 And so tonight, I'd just like to share with you
10:07 the modern acts of the Holy Spirit.
10:10 Just share with you from my heart - the things that
10:13 God has allowed my eyes to see, and I pray that through it,
10:18 you would be inspired to know that it does not matter
10:22 who you are, what you are like, and where you've been,
10:26 God can use anyone to make a difference for Him, Amen?
10:32 You see, every saint has a past, but thank God,
10:36 every sinner has a future.
10:38 And, I for myself, was not brought up in a Christian home.
10:45 I was conceived out-of-wedlock.
10:48 My mom and dad were very young, and they never went to church.
10:53 They were not spiritual and so growing up,
10:56 they could not give to me that which they did not have
10:58 themselves, and so I grew up in a broken home.
11:01 Sometimes I would live with mom,
11:02 and other times, I would live with dad,
11:03 and going back and forth.
11:05 There was a lot of dysfunction in my household.
11:07 And as a result, when I got into high school,
11:10 I started getting around, hanging around with the
11:12 wrong crowd and I started making terrible decisions,
11:15 and I don't want to glorify or talk too much about the past.
11:18 I'm not sharing my full testimony tonight...
11:20 That's another story for another time,
11:22 but let me just show you a picture of what I used to be;
11:25 what I used to look like about 15 years ago.
11:27 I was a youngster, a druggie, getting high every
11:30 single day of my life.
11:31 If you look into those eyes, there is no life in those eyes.
11:35 I was chasing the world, burning up my brain cells,
11:39 and trying to have fun in this life and I was stimulated,
11:44 but I was never satisfied.
11:45 There was an emptiness within, a great void, a great abyss,
11:48 and I was trying to fill it with everything that the world offers
11:52 but it only left me thirsting for more.
11:55 The world can stimulate, but it can never satisfy.
11:59 But I'm thankful that in this lost condition
12:02 where people to used know me as a druggie, as a chronic,
12:05 as a pothead - in this lost condition, 16 years old,
12:08 all of a sudden 2 young people came to my door,
12:13 and they knocked on it, and they invited me to a
12:15 Bible Prophecy Seminar.
12:18 Have you ever heard of anything like that before?
12:23 And I went to those meetings.
12:26 Many times I came to those meetings -
12:28 my mind clouded with drugs.
12:31 I came to those meetings,
12:36 and the Word of God was so powerful.
12:38 The Holy Spirit was there in a very profound way,
12:41 and even though my mind was clouded on drugs,
12:44 the power of the gospel, the love of Christ
12:46 was able to penetrate my clouded mind and pierce my
12:50 heart and to make a long story short, friends,
12:53 after those meetings, I gave my life to Jesus.
12:57 That's where Jesus found me.
13:00 I was baptized, 16 years old, I had more hair then.
13:06 I was baptized and I just haven't been the same since.
13:11 It was August 31, 1999; 2 weeks after I was baptized,
13:19 my experience in evangelism began.
13:24 On September 11, 1999, I found myself leaving on a
13:27 jet plant heading on my first mission trip
13:31 to the country of New Zealand;
13:32 Aotearoa, the land of the long white cloud,
13:36 and I was there joining the same evangelistic team
13:39 that had just finished the meetings at the church
13:40 that I was converted at.
13:42 Now I joined the team and I was a 16-year-old youngster,
13:45 and I got on a plane by myself; they had gone before me,
13:48 and I got on a plane by myself.
13:49 First time out of the country;
13:50 first time on a mission trip,
13:52 just 2 weeks after I was converted...
13:53 And I was involved in going door-to-door,
13:56 and inviting people to the meetings.
13:58 I will never forget meeting a young person at the door
14:01 in New Zealand and they actually came to the meetings,
14:03 and I was so overjoyed because I had just experienced
14:06 the peace and the victory of Jesus in my own life.
14:08 And now, this individual that I invited was at the meetings!
14:11 And I remember that night when he came!
14:13 The evangelist made an appeal and that young person,
14:16 that I knocked on their door and invited,
14:18 he responded to the appeal, and when I saw that,
14:20 oh friends, the joy was inexpressible!
14:23 I went back home, after a month, on fire for the Lord.
14:30 And immediately I got involved in ministry and I had gone to a
14:34 public school all my life, but I decided that I would go to
14:37 the local Christian academy, Hawaiian Mission Academy,
14:42 our church school, and I remember when I went
14:44 there, I thought that everyone would be on fire for the Lord
14:46 like I was.
14:52 But even though it wasn't like that,
14:55 myself as well as a few other brothers of mine that were
14:58 baptized at those same meetings,
14:59 we decided that we wanted God to use us to start
15:03 some type of revival on campus with the new kids on campus.
15:07 And so we decided to have prayer meeting
15:09 every single day before school would start.
15:11 We invited people, all the students, all the classmates
15:16 in the school to come to come to the prayer meeting
15:18 early in the morning and we would come.
15:20 Only a few people would come,
15:21 but I remember one particular boy.
15:23 There was only about 3 or 4 of us and there were some young
15:25 ladies that were there, some classmates of ours,
15:27 and, you see, I was fresh.
15:30 I had just given my life to Christ;
15:31 I never went to a college, or experienced formal training
15:34 or anything, but I remember that
15:36 no one was leading out that morning and so I decided
15:38 that I would simply share, and my first Bible study,
15:42 I simply strung 3 verses together, read them
15:46 with conviction, gave a short commentary on it,
15:50 and after reading those 3 verses with conviction,
15:53 one of those girls began to weep with conviction
15:58 in her heart recognizing her desperate need of Jesus...
16:03 And when I saw that, and how the power of the Word
16:06 was able to change someone and how God allowed me
16:08 to be able to share the Word, let me tell you friends,
16:10 at that moment, I was hooked!
16:12 I found my calling and my purpose in life,
16:17 but here's the thing, friends, I was the most
16:19 unlikely candidate to speak for God.
16:24 I was slow of speech, lacking brain cells,
16:29 growing up as the only child most of my life,
16:31 I was very introverted, socially awkward,
16:34 extremely shy, and not only that, there was a
16:37 great disadvantage because I grew up in the beautiful
16:40 islands of Hawaii and English is my second language.
16:44 My first language is broken English.
16:49 That's what we speak in Hawaii.
16:51 We take a paragraph and we say it in a sentence.
16:55 We simplify it.
16:57 We take a sentence and we say it in 2 words.
17:00 We take 2 words and we say it with our eyebrows.
17:05 And so granted, my English was so terrible,
17:08 I was the least likely candidate; I'm still very shy,
17:11 and an introverted person naturally.
17:13 I burnt up a lot of my brain cells and so I was the
17:17 least likely candidate, and so how can God
17:19 use someone like me... who had straight F's in school.
17:25 It doesn't stand for "fantastic."
17:29 How could God use someone like me,
17:30 but here's the beautiful thing about the Lord Jesus...
17:33 God is not dependent on our skills and our abilities,
17:36 and our talents, and our good looks, and our resources.
17:38 He's not dependent on any of those things!
17:41 Nor is He limited by our lack of those things.
17:45 The only thing God is dependent upon is a willing Spirit;
17:49 a Spirit that is teachable and moldable,
17:53 and that's what I have.
17:55 I love what it says in the book
17:56 "Acts of the Apostles," on page 17, it says:
18:20 I'm thankful for that, friends.
18:22 Jesus passed learning eloquence and power;
18:24 He chose the humble and the unlearned and through these
18:27 moldable, teachable disciples, He was to empower them.
18:32 They were to move by His power and they would do a ministry
18:36 that would shake the world,
18:38 turn the whole world upside down.
18:40 You see my friends, it is our humility and our dependence
18:43 upon God that is our greatest,
18:46 and, basically, our only qualification.
18:49 That's what makes us safe for God to bless.
18:52 You see, God wants to bless us with the power
18:54 to change the world, but many times, He doesn't
18:57 because He can't trust us with that blessing.
19:00 You know, many times, we ask God to bless us,
19:02 but I think that our prayer ought to
19:04 adapt a little bit, change a little bit.
19:05 Instead of saying, "Lord, bless us,
19:07 we ought to pray, "Lord, make us safe for You to bless."
19:12 And that which makes us safe for God to bless,
19:16 is our humility and our dependence because God knows
19:20 that we will not steal the glory to ourselves...
19:24 And so, I was the least likely candidate,
19:27 but God began to work in my life.
19:29 My first sermon I ever preached, when I was 16 years old,
19:32 I was just converted and I had a testimony,
19:36 and every now and then, my pastor in my local church,
19:41 I'll never forget, that's where I learned to be ready always
19:45 because sometimes he would get up without any notice,
19:48 just before he preaches a sermon,
19:50 he says, "I would like to invite Taj to come up
19:53 and share something with us right now,"
19:55 without any notice and so, it got to the point where
19:59 every time I came to church, I was always ready to preach
20:03 or to share something.
20:05 Be ready always, Amen? in season and our of season.
20:09 And so, God began to train me and mold me,
20:12 and I remember that for my senior year of high school,
20:15 I went back to my public high school that I had gone to,
20:18 ... my senior year, that's year 12- is that right?
20:21 So year 11, I went to the Hawaiian Mission Academy,
20:24 but year 12, I decided to go back to the public high school
20:27 simply to witness to my friends before graduation.
20:30 So I went back and I held Bible studies every single day,
20:35 and I would invite the whole school in this public high
20:37 school to come during the lunch period to have Bible studies.
20:40 Now friends, I didn't know much, but I knew Jesus,
20:43 and that's what made the difference.
20:45 And I simply shared the little that I did know,
20:48 and let me tell you, hundreds of young people
20:50 came to those Bible studies every single day,
20:52 and I was able to go back to my old friends
20:53 that I used to smoke weed with, and apologize to them,
20:56 and for the negative influence I had, and I would pass out
21:00 "Steps to Christ" all over the school...
21:02 And I remember one particular day,
21:03 in the physical education class, it was basically a free period,
21:07 and in this period, almost the entire football team
21:09 was in this class; the most intimidating brothers
21:13 in the school, these party guys and whatnot - big brothers.
21:17 And it was a free period, so I decided instead of wasting
21:20 time, I would read by Bible.
21:21 So I went into the corner of the classroom,
21:23 and I started reading the Bible and all of a sudden,
21:25 one of them came and asked me, "What are you reading?"
21:27 And I began to share with him and then another came,
21:29 and another came, and by the time the class period was
21:34 finished, I had the whole football team surrounding me
21:37 in the corner.
21:39 And the Lord came upon me, and I was just preaching
21:43 with the power of the Holy Spirit and you could hear a
21:46 pin drop - everyone, you could see conviction on the
21:48 faces of these brothers.
21:49 And when the bell rang, no one moved,
21:52 and one of the guys said, "Taj, would you please
21:54 pray for us right now."
21:56 "Can you please pray for us right now, that we would
21:58 experience what you experience?"
22:01 God was moving in a powerful way and as a result of those
22:03 Bible studies that we had in high school
22:05 when I was in my 12th year in high school,
22:07 as a result of those Bible studies,
22:09 6 of my friends and their family members
22:11 accepted Jesus and was baptized into His church.
22:15 And so God was confirming the calling He had placed
22:19 upon my life with fruit!
22:22 And I'll never forget, there was an ESL student
22:24 that came from Taiwan, and he saw me reading the
22:29 Bible one day and he asked and he would ask questions.
22:32 He had no knowledge about anything about Christianity.
22:36 He asked, "Who's Jesus?" "What is heaven?"
22:40 "Why did Jesus have to die?"
22:42 His mind was like a sponge.
22:45 And so, I began to mentor him and share Bible studies with him
22:48 And he was baptized, and after I graduated,
22:51 and he became a senior, he was the spiritual leader
22:54 of the school.
22:55 He was the one that was preaching.
22:57 So God was blessing.
23:00 After graduating from high school,
23:04 there were different opportunities presented
23:06 before me - to go to school, go to college,
23:10 but I was convicted by God that I needed to stay home;
23:14 to spend a year to reach out to my family,
23:18 and my community.
23:19 I was reading one day in the book of Acts 1:8,
23:22 and what Jesus said to the disciples, He said:
23:40 And so, when I read this, I was convicted.
23:42 You know, the Lord was telling His people to start close,
23:46 start at home first.
23:48 To do the duty that lied nearest,
23:49 and then after they are finished in Jerusalem,
23:51 then they go to Judaea and Samaria;
23:53 then they continue to spread out to the uttermost
23:57 parts of the world, and so I was convicted
23:59 by this and, for me, the Holy Spirit impressed me that
24:01 instead of going off to school, I would just stay home
24:04 and reach out to my community.
24:07 And my goal was this... In one year, I want to knock
24:09 on every single door in my town to offer Bible studies.
24:18 And so I did that for a year.
24:20 I supported myself by canvassing.
24:23 God was training me, I never went to a canvassing program.
24:27 The Literature Ministries director just gave me a
24:30 canvass and gave me some books, and let me loose!
24:33 I love was it says in the book "Ministry of Healing," p. 472,
24:37 "Whether pleasing or unpleasing, we are to do the duty that lies
24:42 nearest - to be faithful with that which
24:45 God has already given to us."
24:47 Do the duty that lies nearest.
24:49 And then it says, "Testimonies to Ministers," p.119, it says,
24:51 "God can teach you more in one moment by His Holy Spirit,"
24:56 than you can learn from the great men of the earth."
24:59 And that was my experience; God was teaching me
25:01 here at home and the Lord was blessing in a special way.
25:05 And after that year was finished,
25:08 I then went to a small Bible College in the dry, hot, arid
25:12 desert of Arizona... leaving the beautiful
25:15 white, sandy beaches of Hawaii to Arizona,
25:18 and that was my wilderness experience.
25:22 Two years at the training school "SOULS-West" where they used
25:26 literature evangelism to train individuals to do
25:29 ministry for the Lord, to train individuals
25:31 to be leaders, and so, it's not an accredited school,
25:34 it's just a simple training school and I was there for
25:36 2 years and this was the class.
25:38 And we learned how to be leaders for the Lord;
25:40 how to be effective in reaching people for Christ.
25:43 I want to read you some quotations on what
25:45 the Spirit of Prophecy says concerning this special work.
25:48 In the book, "The Colporteur Evangelist," p.93, it says:
26:10 Wow! "Better prepared," it says.
26:13 And then notice, "Colporteur Ministry," p.57...
26:27 I want to put a plug in right here...
26:29 If you want to be trained, if you want to grow by
26:32 leaps and bounds, get involved in the literature ministry work.
26:36 That's how God led me, now I'm forever grateful
26:40 as a result of it.
26:42 And the reason why I believe that inspiration calls this
26:44 "the best preparation," and even in some cases,
26:46 can be better preparation, is because at the door,
26:49 you're dealing with the one-soul audience,
26:52 and God teaches you how to make friends with strangers
26:55 in a very short time period.
26:59 How to read people and ask the right questions,
27:01 how to be wise and tactful, how to answer objections,
27:04 and close for decisions, how to pray and push
27:06 through your own struggles, and limiting mindsets.
27:09 It builds faith and confidence in you to know what God can do
27:13 as you see the Great Controversy
27:14 before your very eyes at the door,
27:17 and mainly it's character-building.
27:19 It fits you for heaven.
27:21 And so, for those 2 years at that Bible college,
27:24 I was being taught by the Holy Spirit on the front lines,
27:27 and after 2 years in the wilderness of Arizona,
27:30 we graduated and shortly after that,
27:32 I married my high school sweetheart,
27:36 and we've been a team in ministry for the last 9 years...
27:40 And shortly after, the Central California Conference
27:44 hired us to do evangelism.
27:48 We've been there for the last 8 or so years,
27:51 and God has taken us many different places,
27:55 sharing the good news of Christ; being a conference
27:58 evangelist for the last 8 years and in this short time,
28:00 we've done 55 full-scale evangelistic meetings,
28:03 and we've seen with our own eyes, over 1,100 people
28:06 baptized through those meetings.
28:08 We've seen church members revived and marriages restored,
28:11 broken homes healed and the chains of addiction broken.
28:14 We've seen young people come alive, relationships
28:17 restored and prayers answered, miracles performed,
28:19 and heaven's population has been increased as the result.
28:25 I would like to share with you just a few stories...
28:30 And let me just say this...
28:31 To God be the glory, great things He hath done.
28:34 The only thing that I can boast about is the mercy of God
28:39 on my life.
28:41 Preaching the gospel is simply
28:44 one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.
28:46 We're all beggars, Amen?
28:49 So this is from one beggar to another.
28:51 God can use each and every one of us.
28:54 I would like to share with you a few stories
28:57 and the lessons I have learned... by the way,
28:59 here's Brother Justin - if you noticed him.
29:01 He says to tell you "Hi," I had the privilege of
29:03 working with him in a few of those meetings.
29:05 But let me share with you, friends, some of the lessons
29:07 I learned from doing evangelism in the last 8 years,
29:10 and there's still a lot more that I still need to learn,
29:13 but one thing I have learned very clearly in doing
29:16 evangelism and reaching out in many different contexts
29:19 and many different churches, is that there is nothing
29:21 wrong with our message!
29:24 Our message is relevant.
29:27 We don't need to change or modify our message
29:30 to reach the postmodern world, it is this message
29:34 that our postmodern world needs!
29:37 And let me give you the evidence.
29:38 We did meetings in Santa Cruz, California,
29:41 the lesbian capital of the United States.
29:44 This town that is known as very secular, a New Age town
29:48 that is involved in a lot of spiritualism and New Age things.
29:53 We did meetings, we have a church there,
29:55 and many, even in the church, doubted that anyone
29:58 would actually come to the meetings in secular Santa Cruz.
30:03 But let me tell you about "Bill and Becca."
30:06 Sister Becca lived in Santa Cruz and Becca was actually
30:10 attending some classes in Santa Cruz, attending classes,
30:15 to learn how to be a goddess.
30:17 A goddess class, learning how to perform miracles,
30:20 and do different things like turning water into wine,
30:23 and whatnot, and so she's learning how to be a goddess.
30:26 And one day, she decides to go to the doctor's office
30:29 to get a B12 shot.
30:31 And the doctor's office she chose happened to be a
30:33 member of the church.
30:35 And this doctor had some of our flyers in the foyer,
30:39 and so, Becca going there, she saw the flyer and she
30:42 began to dialog with the doctor, and after getting the B12 shot,
30:46 the doctor invited her to come to the meetings,
30:48 and she came to the meetings.
30:50 Not only that, but she also brought her husband, Bill,
30:53 and Bill was the assistant district attorney for the city
30:57 of Santa Cruz - a very influential educated man.
31:01 And so they both came to the meetings and Bill
31:04 came to the meetings with his critical lawyer's mindset.
31:08 He wanted to see if there was any reasonable doubt
31:11 concerning the message, and as I think back on that,
31:13 I often wonder to myself, why he did not go to the
31:16 goddess meetings with that same mindset,
31:19 but he came to our meetings.
31:21 He didn't have no problem with the goddess meetings,
31:23 but he wanted to make sure that our meetings weren't crazy.
31:28 And they were loving the meetings, friends.
31:32 Here's Bill and Becca, a picture of them - they were loving
31:34 the meetings - they started coming every single night,
31:36 but finally we came to the night where we discussed
31:38 the state of the dead and the dangers of spiritualism,
31:40 and the deceptions of the devil behind all of these things,
31:43 and after the message was over, Becca came to me with a
31:46 stunned look on her face, and she said,
31:49 "I don't know, I don't know about this,
31:50 I don't know what to believe now."
31:51 "This is very different from what I was used to
31:53 in the goddess meetings and I like the goddess meetings.
31:56 I don't know if I can do this."
31:57 We encouraged her; we prayed with her;
32:00 we invited her to come back the next night,
32:02 and she came back the next night and she said to me,
32:05 "I made up my mind, I'm never
32:07 going back to that place ever again."
32:09 She made up her mind.
32:13 To make a long story short, at the end of those meetings,
32:15 both of them were baptized.
32:17 And Becca at her baptism, she testified...
32:20 here are her words and I quote,
32:21 Here's what Becca said, the one that was going to
32:23 be a's what she said...
32:25 "I never expected a simple trip to Dr. Sal's office
32:29 for a B12 shot would change my life!"
32:33 "While I was in the waiting room, my eyes were drawn to a
32:36 flyer for the seminar and after about 20 minutes
32:38 of discussing questions about the seminar and how to
32:41 pray with the doctor, I left his office not knowing that
32:44 in 23 days later, my husband and I would be baptized
32:49 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church."
32:52 Our message works, friends.
32:54 Nothing wrong with our message.
32:57 The post-modern mind needs it!
32:59 And Bill testified... here's what Bill said,
33:01 the lawyer, here's what he said,
33:03 I was baptized as a small child, but until this seminar,
33:07 I had no real appreciation of how much God loves us,
33:11 and the true meaning of what the sacrifice that Jesus
33:15 meant for us."
33:16 Now mind you, Bible Prophecy seminar and here's
33:19 what he got out of it, why?
33:20 Because in our seminars, we make sure that the message
33:23 is Christ-centered, Christ-focused
33:26 in the context of prophecy and, friends, when prophecy
33:28 is preached in the context of Christ, there's POWER
33:32 in the message!
33:35 And he said, "It became clear, during the seminar,
33:37 what the right choice was to make."
33:39 And he said, "Not only did I not find any reasonable doubt,
33:42 I found no doubt at all!"
33:44 And they are faithful members even till today, Amen?
33:47 You see friends, our message works.
33:48 There's nothing wrong with our message.
33:50 Let me tell you, we did meetings in the beautiful islands of
33:53 Hawaii on the island of Maui, and that's where
33:55 we recorded the seminar that you're seeing on 3ABN,
33:58 and we did meetings there, it was beautiful...
34:00 The church was packed every single night and at the end of
34:03 the meetings, over 70 people were baptized into the church,
34:08 and to Christ.
34:10 Lily and her husband, were two of them...
34:13 Lily... let me tell you about her.
34:15 Lily grew up in the Pentecostal Church.
34:17 In fact, she was one of the leaders in the church.
34:19 She led out in the music, and she would preach very often,
34:23 and she decided that she was just going to come one night,
34:26 and she didn't expect much.
34:28 She said, "I'm just going to come one time."
34:30 She came that night blown away;
34:32 she started coming every single night.
34:35 When the call was made, her and her husband responded.
34:37 There they are, responding to the Lord Jesus.
34:41 And after both of them were baptized,
34:44 Lily testified before the church.
34:46 She said, with tears in her eyes,
34:47 she said, "The Lord, through these meetings, has set me
34:51 free from spiritual pride and self-righteousness."
34:54 "You see, I grew up in the church and I thought I
34:56 knew my Bible; I would preach and I would lead out,
34:59 and I was proud of my spirituality,
35:01 but in these meetings, I recognized
35:03 I don't know my Bible, and the Lord has set me free
35:06 from self-righteousness."
35:07 And then she said, "You know, in our church,
35:10 we use music to get people excited and to get people
35:13 in the mood, but it's interesting,
35:14 when I came to these meetings, I realized that the Bible
35:17 is exciting all by itself!"
35:22 Nothing wrong with our message, friends.
35:24 The secular and the satisfied, the post-modern,
35:29 and the New age, everyone, the whole world
35:32 needs our message. Amen?
35:36 I got the chance a few years ago to do meetings
35:38 in paradise... the Garden of Eden,
35:41 the beautiful island of Kauai, it's the Garden Isle.
35:45 It's actually known as that.
35:48 Any of you ever been to that island?
35:50 Oh friends, you must go - it's amazing, it's beautiful.
35:52 And so we did meetings there, in a little church
35:54 country church in the Island of Kauai,
35:56 and usually when I do meetings, I go and visit the churches
35:59 6 months to a year ahead of time to let them know
36:01 what the game plan is and what they need to do to prepare,
36:04 and what they need to do afterwards to keep the people,
36:06 and I passed out my testimony on DVD to all the
36:10 church members and I told them, "Use this testimony
36:12 share with your friends and family members,
36:14 and afterwards, you can let them know that we're coming
36:16 back to do a longer series of meetings,"
36:18 and so, on that testimony, I share how I grew up riding
36:22 dirt bikes and how, you know, I just love...
36:26 This is the thing that my parents taught me since I was
36:29 a very young boy, and there was an individual
36:32 that got that DVD.
36:34 He wasn't a church member, and he was also a dirt bike
36:36 rider - his name is Jess, here's Jess.
36:38 And he watched the DVD and he said, "Wow, this guy
36:41 rides a dirt bike, he's just like me...
36:44 and he preaches; I need to go to those meetings!"
36:48 Something little... a little connection,
36:50 and, friends, that's what we need to do.
36:51 We need to connect with people in the different contexts
36:54 that God places us in, Amen?
36:57 And from that little connection, he came to the meetings,
36:59 and he brought his girlfriend that he was living with
37:02 for many years and they started coming night after night...
37:05 And I'm so thankful that on the days off, Brother Jess took me
37:08 dirt bike riding in the beautiful islands of Kauai,
37:11 and he even took me to the place where they filmed Jurassic Park!
37:14 And so I was just waiting for a T. Rex to come out and get me.
37:18 It was a amazing! It was amazing!
37:21 And we connected, to make a long story short.
37:24 At the end of those meetings, they were convicted by God
37:26 that they needed to make things right,
37:29 so they got married.
37:30 We married them on the last day of the seminar.
37:36 You can see the joy in their face.
37:38 We married them or officiated in their wedding,
37:42 and immediately after that, they changed into the
37:46 baptism garments.
37:48 They went into the pool together,
37:50 and here they are, starting like fresh with Jesus.
37:55 Look at the JOY! Look at the JOY!
38:00 And you know I had to get in on that!
38:08 God is good - He's in the business of restoration, friends
38:15 It all started with something little,
38:17 connecting on dirt bikes.
38:19 During those same meetings, we had some sign wavers.
38:21 I like to have sign wavers to wave signs
38:25 at the entrance of the church every single night to
38:27 you know, advertize to the people driving down the road,
38:30 and one day, there was an individual that came to the
38:34 meetings just by seeing the sign.
38:35 He pulled in and this individual, his name is Keith.
38:38 He is a very interesting man.
38:41 Keith owns one of the 8 of the Hawaiian Islands.
38:46 He owns the Island of Niihau,
38:48 which is called "The Forbidden Island"
38:50 The reason why it's forbidden is because no one can go there.
38:53 There's a few hundred people that live on the island,
38:56 native Hawaiians - no running water, no electricity.
38:59 They speak fluent Hawaiian and you can't go there
39:01 unless you're invited and unless you're 100% Hawaiian.
39:05 And the owner of that island came to the meetings!
39:07 He, himself, was a Hawaiian, as you can see.
39:09 And he also owns a large portion of land on the
39:14 Island of Kauai, and so we were
39:16 so excited that he was there at the meetings!
39:18 And the reason why is because the Bible tells us...
39:21 that the gospel before Jesus comes, must go to every
39:23 nation, kindred, tongue and people,
39:25 and that includes that little island of Niihau,
39:27 and so I want to go to that island.
39:32 I want to go - I have a message to share with those people!
39:35 But you can't - it's forbidden, but here's the gatekeeper at
39:38 the meetings, and so we were so excited until we looked at his
39:43 registration card and he did not leave an address,
39:47 just his name... And so there's no way we could find him.
39:52 And we were kind of discouraged about that, but THEN we
39:56 learned that there is actually a helicopter tour on the
39:59 island of Kauai that lands on his property,
40:04 and then he gives a 30 minute talk about his botanical plants.
40:09 We didn't have his address, we didn't know how to find him,
40:11 but we knew that this helicopter would take us there.
40:13 So about 5 of us on the team, we chartered the helicopter,
40:18 and it was the most exciting evangelistic visitation
40:21 I've ever had in my life!
40:24 We got to see the whole island of Kauai, and by the way,
40:27 you know the waterfall in the Jurassic Park movie?
40:30 He owns that waterfall.
40:31 That's the waterfall on his property.
40:33 And so, we land on his property, and it was amazing...
40:35 Here I am just getting into the helicopter.
40:37 And they put earphones on us, and they were playing the
40:40 "Indiana Jones song," and so we were on a mission man!
40:43 It was amazing!
40:44 So we land on his property, and here he is talking to us,
40:47 and we're all surrounding him just waiting for an opportunity
40:49 just an opening,
40:51 and he kept going on and on and on about his plants.
40:54 We were like - "Man! Lord help us!"
40:57 And we started talking about the fact that he owns Niihau.
41:00 And we started throwing hints here and there,
41:02 but he didn't respond to it, and so finally, I said,
41:05 "Hey Man, you're the gatekeeper to Niihau,
41:09 we have a message to share with them - we need to go!
41:14 So what is it going to take... just straight up!
41:16 We want to go!
41:18 We tried to let him know that
41:20 maybe he would help, but that didn't work.
41:21 He said, "Oh, those people don't care about that."
41:23 And finally we told him and then he responded.
41:26 He said, "Well if you can make friends with the people that
41:29 are from Niihau, then you can go."
41:33 We gave him all of our DVDs,
41:35 and as a result, he actually came back to the church,
41:38 and, as a first step, to what we are praying will be
41:41 penetration to "The Forbidden Island of Niihau." Amen?
41:45 But it all started from a simple sign.
41:47 The point... little things make a huge difference. Amen?
41:52 God is calling us to be pioneers in the work
41:55 to go to places that seem to be impossible,
41:59 but we serve the God of the impossible. Amen?
42:02 With Him all things are possible.
42:04 Another lesson I learned is that music is powerful.
42:08 Music is powerful - let me tell you about
42:11 an individual by the name of "B.J."
42:13 He had the number one selling song in iTunes.
42:19 He was satisfied because he had
42:21 a lot of success in his reggae band.
42:23 He was invited to come to our meetings,
42:27 but he wouldn't, he refused to
42:28 come because he didn't want to hear the message,
42:30 until finally one of our team members said,
42:32 "Well, don't come for the meeting,
42:33 just come to hear the singers rehearse."
42:34 And so he came 10 o'clock at night after the meeting
42:38 was finished to hear the singers rehearse.
42:43 And by listening to "The Revelation of Hope Singers,"
42:46 he was convicted.
42:47 He said, "Man, I'm using my gifts to glorify myself.
42:52 I need to use it for the Lord."
42:54 So a result, B.J. convicted... here he is singing
42:58 in his reggae band.
42:59 He decided to come to the meetings and this time,
43:02 instead of coming 10 o'clock,
43:03 he started to come at 7 o'clock.
43:05 To make a long story short, at the end of those meetings,
43:09 before the whole church, he ripped up his
43:12 medical marijuana card.
43:13 He gave up alcohol.
43:16 He left his band... He was baptized,
43:20 and he joined "The Revelation of Hope Singers"
43:24 And he is a Bible worker for the Lord Jesus today,
43:27 can you say Amen?
43:29 I just have one more story to share.
43:32 But this one is the most special one.
43:35 In 2007, we got the chance to do meetings
43:40 in the City of San Francisco.
43:42 I had been a Christian for 8 years at that time.
43:46 For those 8 years, I had a strong burden for my family.
43:50 None of them ever went to church with me.
43:53 And my grandma and my grandpa, during that time period,
43:56 were the people that was heavy on my heart.
44:01 They were separated for many years.
44:04 Grandpa had done something and grandma was bitter,
44:07 and she couldn't let it go.
44:11 It's the story of a broken relationship.
44:14 But in 2007, we did meetings in San Francisco,
44:17 and during that time, grandma was in Hawaii,
44:19 but grandpa was in San Francisco
44:21 living with my aunt.
44:23 And so because it was close by,
44:25 grandpa decided to come to the meetings.
44:28 Not because he was interested in the Bible,
44:30 he simply came because he wanted to hear his grandson
44:33 stand up and talk in front of people.
44:35 So he came the first night,
44:37 then he came the second, and the third.
44:39 He started coming every single night.
44:42 He even came on a night when we didn't even have a meeting!
44:46 He didn't realize that that was the night off.
44:48 And he was addicted and finally it came to the evening
44:51 when we talked about the God of restoration.
44:54 The God that gives us new beginnings,
44:56 and I made the evangelistic appeal inviting people to
44:59 come to the front for baptism.
45:01 I wasn't sure if he would respond.
45:04 Oh, but the joy I experienced when I saw grandpa stand up,
45:07 walk down the aisle giving his life to Jesus.
45:13 This is the moment in time, friends... he came!
45:16 This grandfather, the patriarch of the family,
45:19 the one that held me when I was a little baby boy,
45:21 and was there when I graduated from high school...
45:24 the man of the family!
45:26 At the end of those meetings, I was able to hold him
45:29 in the waters of baptism.
45:31 As he began life over again, I'd like to say that
45:35 he held me when I was born,
45:37 but I held him when he was born again.
45:40 Who would have thought, friends, that God
45:42 could use the third generation to reach the first generation,
45:45 but that's what Jesus can do!
45:48 He's the God of restoration!
45:51 Grandpa is baptized now...
45:52 This is the first family member I won to the Lord Jesus,
45:55 and now his number one goal is to reconcile with grandma;
45:59 2 years go by, but grandma would not forgive.
46:02 No matter how much grandpa prayed and pleaded,
46:05 and demonstrated that he was changed,
46:07 grandma wouldn't believe it.
46:08 She was a slave to bitterness.
46:11 But in 2009, God allowed us to go back to Hawaii
46:16 to do meetings in the same church
46:17 I was converted in 10 years before...
46:19 You see, 10 years before, I was the 16-year-old listening
46:22 to the evangelist and when I was there, my mind clouded
46:24 on drugs hearing the Word of God...
46:26 It was as if God was telling me, "Taj, one day you're going
46:30 to stand where that man is standing;
46:31 one day, you're going to do what he's doing,"
46:33 and 10 years later, I was standing at the exact spot
46:39 over 60 individuals making decisions for baptism
46:42 during those meetings.
46:44 And during that time, both grandma and grandpa
46:46 were in Hawaii and because it was close by,
46:49 grandpa brought grandma to the meetings.
46:52 And she came, not because she was interested,
46:54 but because she was forced, and she sat way in the back,
46:57 the very last pew - the farthest away she could get,
47:01 and she was there and I was so happy...
47:03 But every night that I would greet people on the way out,
47:05 I would give my grandma a hug and say,
47:06 "Grandma I'm so thankful you're here, thank you for coming,"
47:09 but her face was stone cold, emotionless.
47:12 Her heart was so hard,
47:14 it seemed like nothing was penetrating.
47:16 I would go home and plead on my knees for her soul,
47:18 come back the next night, preach my heart out,
47:20 and the same thing... emotionless, no response.
47:23 She was a slave to the bitterness and
47:25 unforgiving spirit she had, but I continued to pray.
47:29 And finally came to the night when we talked about
47:31 the God of restoration.
47:32 The God of new beginnings.
47:34 And we gave the appeal for people to come to the front
47:36 to start over with Jesus in baptism,
47:38 and multitudes came to the front - you can see them coming,
47:41 and coming and I was rejoicing in my heart when I
47:43 saw all the people coming, I was saying, "Yes Lord,
47:46 thank you for these," and my heart was overwhelmed
47:48 until I saw my grandma, way in the back,
47:51 just sitting there - she wasn't moving.
47:54 My heart was broken, and I continued to call,
47:56 and in my mind, I was saying, "Lord, I'm thankful for these,
47:59 but what about my own flesh and blood?"
48:00 And so I'm praying and pleading and preaching
48:03 at the same time, but she would not move.
48:06 And so I continued to go on, and on, and on,
48:08 and on... just like tonight!
48:10 And finally, finally, after about 10 minutes,
48:19 I saw grandma, way in the back, stand and by herself,
48:25 walk down the aisle, like a bride walking down the aisle,
48:30 and she responded to Jesus.
48:33 And after that, she was baptized as well.
48:37 God set her free from bitterness.
48:40 During this time period, it was my
48:41 grandparents 50th wedding anniversary,
48:44 and because of what Jesus was doing in their life,
48:46 and how He was restoring them,
48:48 guess what they wanted to do
48:49 for their 50th wedding anniversary...
48:52 They wanted to renew their vows!
48:55 And who do you suppose they asked to help with that?
49:02 And I had the privilege of renewing the vows of my own
49:06 grandparents in front of my whole family
49:08 because our God is a God of restoration.
49:12 And now there's peace where there was no peace before.
49:17 There were smiles where there once were frowns.
49:20 God is good!
49:22 I close with these statements... "Education," p.296
49:37 My friends, as we close tonight,
49:40 the greatest adventure of your life
49:43 is being moved by the power of Jesus.
49:47 Blessed are your eyes for the things that you've seen.
49:49 Blessed are your ears for the things that you have heard.
49:54 Tonight, I want to leave you with the words of Jesus...
49:57 He said, "Go teach all nations, baptizing them in
50:03 the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
50:06 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
50:08 I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always,
50:12 even unto the end of the world."
50:16 Tonight, how many want to say, "Lord, yes, help me to go."
50:20 God is not dependent on your skills or abilities,
50:23 just a willing heart... Are you willing?
50:26 Father in Heaven, Thank you so much, Lord,
50:31 for the blessing we have received tonight
50:34 to know that You are alive and well,
50:37 and You are still in the business of restoration.
50:42 Lord, we need that in our own hearts.
50:45 Tonight, Lord, as we make this special invitation,
50:48 we realize that before we can go, we first must come.
50:56 So Lord, help Your people to come even now
51:01 as we make this call.
51:03 And as your heads are bowed,
51:05 as your eyes are closed,
51:07 as your heart is opened to God in prayer,
51:11 God calls us to go...
51:13 Many of you are going to go.
51:16 But I believe that tonight, there are some people here
51:18 that have not yet come to Jesus,
51:22 and I want to give you an opportunity to respond
51:26 to the invitation of the blessed Christ
51:29 when He says, "Come unto me,
51:32 all ye that are weary and heavy-laden,
51:34 I will give you rest."
51:37 Perhaps you can relate with some of the stories
51:40 we've shared tonight about individuals who
51:42 came from broken pasts;
51:46 addicted slaves.
51:50 Tonight you want to be free.
51:52 You want to experience the joy that you saw upon the
51:54 countenances of the people you have seen,
51:57 and you've heart their story tonight.
52:00 This is not a general appeal, but I'm wondering if there...
52:04 I know that there are individuals here who
52:06 the Spirit of God is speaking to that you would like to
52:09 respond and say, "Yes, Lord, I am coming to You fully,
52:12 giving you my whole heart, and I want to seal this decision
52:17 in the waters of baptism or re-baptism if I've fallen away."
52:26 If that's you, I want to invite you to come right now
52:30 for special prayer.
52:32 The Spirit of God is stringing those heart strings,
52:37 is calling you.
52:39 You've made mistakes in your past;
52:42 bring those mistakes to Jesus, He is the God of restoration.
52:47 Is there someone here, being in His presence
52:51 in these past few days, we've heard powerful
52:54 heart-stirring messages, and now it's time for us
52:59 to surrender fully to Christ,
53:02 and if that's you, would you please stand.
53:06 Would you please come?
53:08 I want to have a special prayer for you.
53:10 Who will be the first? God bless you, my brother.
53:13 Is there someone else who would like to respond?
53:17 The devil is seeking to knock you out,
53:20 destroy your life... Why don't you come?
53:24 Tell the devil, "I'm through with you.
53:27 I'm following Jesus now."
53:29 If you would like to come to say, "Yes Lord, I
53:31 want to prepare for baptism or re-baptism
53:34 in the near future...
53:35 God bless you, my brother.
53:38 Who else will come before I close?
53:41 God bless you brothers.
53:42 You're making the right decision.
53:45 These individuals are passing from death into life tonight...
53:49 The best decision of their lives!
53:52 God bless you, friend.
53:54 Oh, don't be ashamed of the gospel.
53:57 Jesus died for you, won't you live for Him?
54:03 God bless you.
54:04 Is there someone else who would like
54:05 to respond before I close?
54:08 Bless you, young man.
54:11 Oh my brother... Heaven rejoices over decisions
54:16 that are made for Christ tonight.
54:20 Heads are bowed, eyes are closed...
54:21 If you don't need to make this decision because
54:23 you have already been baptized and you're following Jesus,
54:25 would you please pray for the person sitting next to you
54:28 that's struggling.
54:30 Don't look around, look within,
54:31 and say, "God are You calling me?
54:33 If so, give me the courage to stand...
54:35 And let me tell you, friends,
54:36 you can't change yourself, all you can do is choose.
54:41 And when you exercise your ability to choose,
54:43 God will bring the change.
54:46 If someone else would like to respond...
54:49 as I get ready to pray... God bless you.
54:55 For the rest of us, maybe you don't need
54:57 to be baptized, you have already been baptized,
54:59 but you want to be more committed to Christ,
55:03 and you want to make yourself available to be used by Him...
55:07 You've already come, now you are saying,
55:09 "Lord, I want to go, and I will go
55:11 wherever You want me to go."
55:12 If you would like to commit yourself to that
55:15 commission tonight, I invite you to stand with me,
55:19 and stand with these as we pray
55:22 and close this meeting tonight.
55:28 Father in Heaven, Lord, it has been good
55:34 to have been in Your presence today.
55:37 We thank You for all the blessings.
55:40 Thank You for Jesus who is the God of restoration.
55:45 And Lord, tonight I want to pray for my friends,
55:47 those who have come to the front,
55:49 these who have come to the spiritual alter,
55:51 who are laying down their lives before You, dear God.
55:55 Lord, You know each and every one of them.
55:58 You know where they've been,
56:00 You know where they are,
56:01 and You have a mighty plan for them in the future.
56:04 Lord, I just want to pray right now that You would
56:06 wrap Your loving arms around them and may they
56:08 sense Your presence very near.
56:11 I pray that You would fill them with the power
56:13 of the Holy Spirit; that You would cleanse them
56:15 from all of the sinful mistakes of their past,
56:19 and that You will give them the peace
56:20 that passes all understanding;
56:22 the peace that they have never experienced before...
56:24 Bless them, dear God, tonight with that assurance...
56:28 And I pray Lord, their names be written in the Book of Life,
56:32 and that nothing will blot it out.
56:34 May this truly be the beginning of eternity for them,
56:37 and I pray that as You work in them,
56:40 that You will work through them to change the world.
56:42 Bless them in a special way, and Lord, the rest of us,
56:44 we stand not because we're strong, but because we are weak,
56:47 and we're pleading for Your strength, Your power,
56:50 that we might move forward as a movement of destiny
56:53 to fulfill the commission as we go and give Jesus to the world.
57:00 Lord, bless us with that experience tonight.
57:05 We thank You for hearing and answering this prayer.
57:08 In Jesus name we pray...
57:09 Let all of God's people say... Amen


Revised 2015-07-13