Move by His Power

Orchestration of the Holy Spirit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: André C. Waller


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000008A

00:16 Good Morning, Happy Sabbath!
00:20 Before we begin, I realize that I'm not smart enough
00:23 or intelligent enough to communicate the realities
00:26 of the gospel to you this morning,
00:28 and because of that, I'm going to ask,
00:29 if you don't mind, if we could kneel together
00:31 and ask God for special help - is that all right?
00:41 Dear Father in Heaven, It is a wonderful privilege
00:47 to be able to call You our Father and our Friend,
00:53 our God and our Confidant, and Lord, surely Your presence
00:59 is in this place, but Lord, we're not satisfied...
01:05 We desire more of You, Father.
01:09 Father, right now we ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit
01:12 which is the only effectual Teacher of truth.
01:16 And we pray this in the name of Jesus,
01:17 and we claim the merits of His
01:19 Holy and most precious blood... Amen, amen
01:24 This morning I'm going to tell you a personal story...
01:33 A few years back, many years now, actually...
01:37 I was a freshman in college, and I received a phone call
01:43 from my little sister and she said to me...
01:45 "Andre, Andre, mom has chased dad out of the house."
01:52 Now, if you know anything about my family,
01:55 you know my mom doesn't run after anybody,
01:58 and for her to call and say to me that she has chased
02:00 dad out of the house - didn't make any sense either.
02:02 Let me just give you a little background..
02:04 You see, my family, if you had seen us growing up,
02:07 we were considered the "ideal Adventist family
02:12 sitting on the front row, you know, from dad to mom
02:15 to big brother, middle sister, little sister.
02:18 You know, we sit in order...
02:19 You follow what I'm saying?
02:20 Everything was exactly the way it was supposed to be,
02:24 but I get a phone call from my sister in my freshman year...
02:27 "Andre, mom has chased dad out of the house."
02:31 You see the ostensible... what looked like a religious
02:35 home, was actually in great turmoil.
02:38 What was unity in heaven on earth when I was little,
02:41 when I became older, actually became hell on earth.
02:45 I began to think about this.
02:48 I called around trying to figure out where everybody was.
02:51 I called my mother and she answered the phone,
02:53 and I said, "Mom, what's going on?"
02:55 She said, "Well, your dad did this,
02:56 and your dad did this, and your dad did this."
02:59 Went through a whole list of all the things that my dad did.
03:01 I said, "Mom, well is there anything that you may have done"
03:07 She said, "Well maybe."
03:09 I said, "Well mom, let me ask you a question,
03:11 and I said, if God brought the family back together,
03:14 would you allow God to bring the family back together?''
03:17 She said, "Yes, if God brought the family back..."
03:20 I said, "Thank you mother." I hung up the phone.
03:22 I called around trying to figure out where my dad was,
03:25 and finally found my father - he was at his mother's house
03:29 and I spoke to him.
03:30 Now you have to understand something about my father...
03:33 My father is a very, very educated man;
03:36 two Master's degrees, working on his doctorate even today,
03:39 and one of his degrees is in theology...
03:43 You know, Master's in Divinity, I don't know how
03:44 you can master divinity... you follow what I'm saying?
03:47 But he had a Master's in Divinity and I'm calling
03:50 my father on the phone, and I'm talking to him
03:53 and he is like - you know how you say something
03:56 and it's just going into a dark hole.
03:58 Everything I said was just going into darkness.
04:01 There was nothing being effectual in what I was saying.
04:04 And finally I asked him the question...
04:06 "Dad, if you allow God to bring the family back together..."
04:09 He said, "Andre, let me just tell you right now,
04:11 your mom did this, your mom did this, your mom did this,
04:14 and your mom did this."
04:15 I said, "Dad, I'm not asking you all those questions,
04:18 I'm asking you one question...
04:19 If God brought the family back together,
04:23 would you allow God to bring the family back together?"
04:26 He said, "Only if God does it."
04:28 I said, "Thank you very much," and hung up the phone.
04:30 That night, 19-year-old man, myself, cried myself to sleep
04:35 in a fetal position because all I knew, all I understood
04:39 about my Christianity was wrapped up in my parents.
04:42 The God of my parents was not yet my own God.
04:46 So I cried myself to sleep that night and I asked God
04:49 to do something to save my family,
04:52 and I got up the next morning, it was a Sabbath morning,
04:54 put on the nice suit, you know how we do
04:56 when we come to church fronting... yeah
05:00 Put on a nice suit, came to church and the pastor
05:03 had an appeal or a special prayer and he said,
05:06 "Is anyone dealing with anything or do you want special prayer
05:09 for your family, just come down to the front."
05:12 And a whole bunch of people came down to the front,
05:14 and I came down to the front, and I knelt on
05:16 the left-hand side which is your side, my left, your right,
05:20 and I knelt right there.
05:22 I remember it to this day.
05:23 I'm on my knees and I feel like, listen to me,
05:27 I love my family so much, I felt like
05:29 I was going to die right there.
05:32 On my knees, I was crying and I could not stop crying.
05:35 There was nothing anybody could do or say that would put
05:39 back together my brokenness in that moment.
05:42 And I remember as I was on my knees praying
05:45 and asking God for help, I remember asking Him
05:47 for one of two things...
05:48 I said, "Father in Heaven, You have to do one of two things
05:51 for me... Either You have to bring my mom and dad
05:53 back together or you have to give me what the Bible says
05:56 is "Peace that passes all understanding."
06:00 You gotta do one of the two things, Father,
06:01 because if You don't do this,
06:03 I don't know what I'm going to do,
06:04 I feel like I'm going to die."
06:06 And as I prayed that prayer, I promise you, my friends,
06:09 I'm not making this up, I remember it to this day,
06:12 a woman put her arm around me
06:14 because she saw that I was crying uncontrollably...
06:16 She put her arm around me, but then there was something else
06:19 that transpired...
06:20 There was a hand - I believe a hand from heaven,
06:24 came down and touched my shoulder,
06:27 went through my shoulder and touched my heart,
06:31 and there was peace...
06:32 Listen, this thing about Christianity and the gospel,
06:36 and Jesus is this peace and He is the wonderful counselor,
06:40 this is not a game, it's not a theory, it is a reality!
06:45 And as I'm on my knees and this peace just comes over me,
06:48 I couldn't make it up, it didn't make any sense to me,
06:51 but I felt completely at ease with God.
06:54 And in that moment in time, I knew, no matter what the
06:58 situation was, everything was going to be all right.
07:01 Now I tell you that story and I want to transition now
07:05 to another story - about another war.
07:08 Revelation 12- Go there with me if you will.
07:10 Revelation 12- There's another war, another family dispute
07:15 that took place, but this war was more than just
07:17 on planet earth between husband and wife, son and daughter...
07:22 This war is a war that took place in heaven and the Bible
07:26 tells us in Revelation 12, beginning at verse 1,
07:29 the Bible says, "And there appeared a great wonder
07:32 in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under
07:37 her feet, and upon her head,
07:38 a crown of how many stars, my friends? 12 stars.
07:42 And she being with child travailing in birth,
07:45 and pain to be delivered, and there appeared another
07:49 wonder in heaven. And behold, a great red dragon
07:53 having 7 heads and 10 horns, and 7 crowns upon his heads."
07:59 Well you've seen the imagery you've seen this before.
08:01 You've been to an evangelistic meeting, is that right?
08:03 Now, you've seen the woman impregnated,
08:06 and you see the dragon on the other side,
08:07 a great red dragon and you see that this woman
08:10 is not in any way advantageous.
08:14 She is actually at a disadvantage as this dragon
08:17 seems to be coming after her... "seems to be"
08:20 But I want you to see verse 4...
08:22 It says, "And his tail drew the third part of the stars
08:26 of heaven and did cast them to the earth.
08:27 And the dragon stood before the woman which was
08:30 ready to be delivered for to devour her...
08:34 what does it say there, my friends?
08:36 To devour her child as soon as it was born."
08:39 Is the dragon there for the woman, my friends,
08:41 is the dragon there for the woman in this text?
08:43 No, the dragon is there to devour the child.
08:46 There's something about this child that the dragon
08:48 does not like.
08:51 Again, just to test your Biblical acumen...
08:53 A dragon in Bible prophecy is a symbol of what?
08:59 Look at verse 7, you see there in verse 7,
09:02 it says, "And there was war in heaven and Michael and his
09:04 angels fought against the dragon,
09:05 and the dragon fought and his angels,
09:07 and prevailed not; neither was there a place
09:09 found any more in heaven.
09:13 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent
09:18 called the Devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world;
09:23 he was cast out into the earth,
09:26 and his angels were cast out with him."
09:28 So a dragon in Bible prophecy is the Devil and Satan.
09:31 Is everybody all right with that?
09:32 What about a woman in Bible prophecy?
09:34 You tell me... what is a woman in Bible prophecy?
09:36 Church! Very good.
09:38 Now I'm not going to ask you where it is in the Bible,
09:39 but I'm going to tell you where it is - is that all right?
09:41 Go to Jeremiah 6:2, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5,
09:46 all tell you that a woman in Bible prophecy
09:50 is a symbol of the church.
09:51 So you have a warfare between the devil and the church.
09:54 And the church is impregnated with a child
09:58 that causes the devil to fear.
10:01 Now let's take a moment...
10:03 The Bible also says that the devil used his tail.
10:06 What is a "tail" in Bible prophecy?
10:08 Open your Bibles to Isaiah 9,
10:13 and we're looking now at verse #15.
10:16 Isaiah 9:15 and I love the sound of the pages turning.
10:23 I hope you're taking notes.
10:25 You should not trust any preacher that
10:26 stands in the pulpit. Amen?
10:29 Well this is not the time to trust preachers,
10:31 no matter how charismatic or exciting you think they are
10:34 "Thus saith the Lord," and you need to make sure
10:36 it's coming from the Word of God. Amen?
10:38 Isaiah 9:15- The Bible says, "The ancient and honorable
10:43 He is the Head and the prophet
10:46 that teaches lies, he is the - what, my friends? Tail.
10:50 So the dragon used his tail or he used lies
10:54 to take down one-third of the stars.
10:57 Now you're going to give me a good answer on this one as well.
10:59 Revelation 1:20 tells you that stars equal what?
11:03 "Angels" - very good. You're very smart.
11:06 Revelation 1:20- tells you that stars equal angels,
11:08 so watch carefully - I'm going to say this slowly
11:11 because I need you to make sure you understand the
11:14 principle that I'm laying right here.
11:16 The devil used lies to deceive one-third of the angels.
11:23 Think about that for a second!
11:26 Angels who have never sinned;
11:28 angels who were perfect in all their ways.
11:33 I wonder what kind of lies the devil told the angels
11:38 to get them to take their eyes off their loving God.
11:42 I want you to open your Bibles now - you're already in Isaiah.
11:45 Go to Isaiah 14, look at verse #12.
11:49 Isaiah 14, beginning at verse #12...
11:52 Please notice here what the Bible has to say...
11:55 Isaiah 14:12- The Bible says: "How art thou fallen from
12:02 heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
12:06 How art thou cut down to the ground which
12:09 didst what, my friends?
12:11 Put a little flag there, I'm going to come back to that.
12:14 Which didst weakened the nations.
12:16 Verse 13- For thou hast said in thine heart,
12:18 "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne
12:21 above the stars of God.
12:23 I will sit also on the mount of the congregation
12:25 in the sides of the north.
12:27 I will ascend above the heights above the clouds
12:30 I will be like the Most High."
12:36 Tell me, you tell me, you see right there in that text,
12:39 you tell me what is the devil's problem?
12:42 He has an I problem, is that right?
12:45 The devil has an I problem.
12:46 I wonder if anybody in this church has an I problem.
12:50 I wonder if anybody in this room has an I problem.
12:53 You see, this I problem caused him to have a vision
12:57 or a goal that usurped his position.
13:00 He wanted something that did not belong to him, my friends.
13:04 He wanted something that did not belong to him.
13:08 He thought he knew better than God.
13:11 I wonder what he was thinking
13:13 when he started thinking this way.
13:16 I want you to hold your hand here or -
13:17 you have 10 fingers, is that right?
13:20 Four fingers, 2 thumbs, whatever, 8 fingers, 2 thumbs.
13:25 Go to Ezekiel 28 for a moment.
13:29 Ezekiel 28, notice here what the Bible says...
13:32 Ezekiel 28:12- Notice here what the Bible says in
13:37 Ezekiel 28:12- and brothers and sisters, I really
13:43 need you to pay attention as we do this, all right?
13:45 Ezekiel 28:12- "Son of man, take up a lamentation
13:50 upon the king of Tyre, and say unto him,
13:53 "Thus saith the Lord God, Thou sealest up the sum
13:58 full of wisdom and perfect in beauty... interesting
14:05 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God.
14:07 Every precious stone was thy covering; the sardius,
14:11 the topaz, the diamond, the pearl, the onyx, the jasper,
14:14 the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle and the gold.
14:18 The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes
14:21 was prepared in thee in the day that thou was
14:25 ... the key word there... "created."
14:27 Now pause for a moment, think about it.
14:30 I actually went back and just wanted to see
14:32 what these stones looked like, right.
14:34 So I went and looked up what a sardius stone looked like,
14:36 and a topaz and an emerald, and a carbuncle.
14:38 I went and looked them up.
14:39 Do you realize this man was made out of blue stones,
14:43 and orange stones, and red stones, purple stones.
14:48 This is a beautiful angel!
14:50 Absolutely gorgeous, and in my mind,
14:53 as I try to picture what this angel looked like,
14:56 I can see why this created being
15:00 began to get confused about his position.
15:04 Listen to me, this created being...
15:07 remember he is created - this created being
15:09 begins to get confused about his position
15:11 because he's made out of the most beautiful elements
15:14 that you could possibly see!
15:16 And in fact, just to emphasize this idea,
15:19 notice what the Bible says, continuing on there in verse 14
15:23 Look at verse 14, it says, "Thou art the anointed cherub
15:27 that covereth and I have set thee so."
15:31 He's the anointed cherub?
15:33 What does the word "anointed" mean?
15:34 You've been here in the conference...
15:35 what does the word "anointed" mean?
15:37 That at this point, this angel is filled with the Spirit.
15:43 Nobody is listening right now.
15:45 This angel is anointed.
15:50 This angel has direct connection with the God of heaven.
15:54 This angel that God created has somehow lost this
15:59 fullness of wisdom and now at some juncture
16:03 in his experience... Look at what it says in verse #17.
16:06 Look what it says, actually verse 16.
16:08 Look at verse 16- it says, "By the multitude of thy
16:12 merchandise, they have filled the midst of thee with...
16:20 what my friends... Remember, what was he filled
16:23 with before?... What was he filled with before? Wisdom!
16:28 But the merchandise has confused his mind.
16:31 What is the merchandise?
16:33 The diamond, the beryl, the onyx, the emerald...
16:37 These jewels confused his brain cells because
16:41 somehow he's taking the blessing of God,
16:45 he begins to worship the blessing of God
16:48 over the God of the blessing.
16:50 Y'all are not hearing me right now.
16:53 Did you hear what I just said?
16:55 He begins to worship the blessing of God.
16:57 You have a job right now, right. You have a job.
16:59 You make money, it comes in.
17:01 Some of us want to worship our jobs over the God
17:03 that gave us that job.
17:06 We have children, right?
17:08 The children are the joy of our life.
17:10 They are our precious seed.
17:11 Oh whatever they ask for, we want to give them.
17:14 But some of us as parents, worship our children
17:17 over the God that gave us those children.
17:21 It's by the reason of his own beauty,
17:23 his reason becomes confused.
17:25 No longer is he full of wisdom, he is now full of violence.
17:31 Well that's strange.
17:35 I want you to keep your hand here...
17:37 go back to Isaiah 6... I want you to see something else.
17:41 Isaiah 6- Remember the Bible says that he's an anointed
17:45 covering cherub.
17:47 Isaiah 6:1- Please notice here what the Bible has to say.
17:52 Isaiah 6:1- The Bible says, "In the year that King Uzziah
17:58 died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne,
18:01 high and lifted up and His train filled the temple.
18:05 ... watch this now... Above it stood the seraphims
18:08 each one had 6 wings, with twain he covered his face,
18:14 and with twain his covered his feet,
18:16 and with twain he did fly... and watch this...
18:19 And one cried unto another and said, "Holy, holy, holy
18:25 is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory."
18:31 Now tell me something...
18:32 You've just read the text, so you know the answer already.
18:35 In the text, what is the purpose of the wings?
18:38 With two wings, he covers his feet;
18:41 with two wings he flies, and with two wings
18:44 he covers his face... well that's interesting.
18:48 If you ever look at the anointed covering cherub,
18:50 the cherub doesn't cover his face.
18:53 The anointed covering cherub has wings,
18:55 they connect one to the other,
18:57 and they look down directly into the presence of God.
19:00 See Lucifer was not a seraphim.
19:03 Lucifer didn't have to cover his face.
19:06 Lucifer looked directly into the presence of God,
19:10 and him - Lucifer, know the word
19:11 "Lucifer" means light bearer; one who bears light.
19:15 Listen, I use my imagination when I study the Bible
19:17 so awesome, so here you go, he's made out of
19:20 gold and carbuncle, emerald, topaz, sardius,
19:25 and all these things - so he's like blue, purple,
19:27 and imagine the glory of God shining through this angel.
19:32 Can you imagine that?
19:35 This is a beautiful angel.
19:36 But this angel does not cover his face.
19:41 He sees directly into the presence of God.
19:43 He has access like no other created being has...
19:49 And this angel leaves God's presence,
19:52 and begins to spread lies about God.
19:54 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
19:57 So some of you now, you know, I've traveled here,
19:59 you like me now because I'm here in your country.
20:01 Right? You like me! Amen, praise the Lord!
20:05 So I'm here in your country, you like me,
20:07 and what if I got up here and I began to tell you
20:09 a story about my wife, and I began to slander her,
20:11 and say bad things about her.
20:13 You've never really had to encounter her face-to-face
20:16 on a one-to-one basis,
20:17 but because you like me, you know what I'm saying...
20:19 Because you like me, you will be more leaning
20:22 towards believing what I'm saying...
20:24 You hear what I'm saying?
20:27 Remember, the other angels couldn't look directly on God.
20:31 Lucifer does; he leaves the presence of God,
20:33 and he begins to spread his lies about God.
20:39 They don't have access like he has access.
20:42 Remember, Lucifer is supposed to be a messenger of God.
20:45 Can you imagine what that would have been like
20:47 if someone that's so close to God,
20:50 comes from God and says, "You know what,
20:52 God is really like this...
20:53 He's not really like what you think He is."
20:57 Begins to question God's authority in his person,
20:59 and the principles of how heaven is supposed to run.
21:02 Can you imagine what impact that might have had
21:04 if someone so close left the side of God,
21:07 and began to slander the character of God.
21:12 Brothers and sisters, it caused great chaos in heaven.
21:15 I want you to go back with me now to the book of Ezekiel.
21:17 Go back to Ezekiel 28, and listen, to be honest
21:24 with you, the same warfare that took place in heaven
21:27 and the same way that Lucifer did his dirt in heaven,
21:30 is the same thing that happens in the church today.
21:32 I say it with a smile... the same thing.
21:38 Little whisperings here and there...
21:41 Little backbitings here and there.
21:43 Little talking about members here and there...
21:45 causing dissension and separation in the church.
21:48 That happens today!
21:50 I remember being at church on time and the guy
21:52 didn't know that I was sitting around the corner.
21:55 And I heard them saying, "Oh brother Andre, you know
21:57 oh he's a fanatic." When he said it,
22:04 I waited until he was done talking and then I
22:06 walked around and he stops and says,
22:08 "Oh, happy Sabbath, Brother Waller."
22:13 That happens too often, don't you think?
22:16 One moment we say one thing to somebody in their face,
22:19 but behind their back, we're destroying them.
22:23 In fact, I want you to see something...
22:25 Go back to Ezekiel 28, look at verse #16...
22:30 Remember now when I showed you here in Ezekiel 28:16,
22:33 it says, "By the multitude of thy merchandise,
22:36 they have filled the midst of thee with violence,
22:40 and now has sinned; therefore I will cast thee
22:43 as profane out of the mountain of God.
22:48 And I will destroy thee, O covering cherub,
22:50 from the midst of the stones of fire."
22:52 Well that's interesting to me because in this verse,
22:57 it's saying that he's filled with violence.
22:59 Now I want you to go to John 8:44
23:03 The Gospel of John 8:44.
23:07 Please notice here what the Bible has to say...
23:12 John 8:44- The Bible says, "Ye are of your father,
23:19 the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do."
23:24 He was a... what's the word there...
23:27 He was a murderer - remember, he was filled with violence,
23:30 but here my question is, "How was he a murderer
23:32 from the beginning?" What made him a murderer?
23:35 He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not
23:38 in the truth because there is no truth in him.
23:44 There's no what in him, my friends?... Mercy
23:50 When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own
23:54 for he is a liar and the father of it.
24:00 You know, in America, there is a little slang that comes out...
24:05 "Who's your daddy?" "Who's your daddy?"
24:12 Now, let me ask you a question...
24:14 Is it ever okay to lie? EVER?
24:18 Nobody? Is it ever okay to lie?
24:23 NEVER is it okay to lie! Never
24:26 No white lie, purple lie, green lie, blue lies.
24:31 No small lies, no lie works out for good... none!
24:37 It may, for a moment, stop you from getting arrested,
24:40 or it may, for a moment, stop the great wrath of
24:43 your mother, your granddaddy or whatever!
24:46 But at the end of the day, that lie will lead to your death
24:52 No matter what the lie is, big or small,
24:55 that lie is your death, and every time you lie;
24:59 every time you falsely say something that is not true;
25:03 every time you express something that is not legitimately
25:06 from the Word of God, or even in your experience
25:08 or your disposition, every time you do it,
25:10 you are saying, "the devil is your daddy."
25:15 He is the father of lies!
25:18 He is the originator of lies!
25:21 I don't want him as my dad. Is that right?
25:23 I don't want to believe a lie; I don't want to live a lie;
25:26 I want my life to be the reality of what God
25:28 has intended for it to be for me - is that all right?
25:32 Now, 1 John - I want you to go to 1 John now.
25:34 1 John - remember he's a murderer from
25:38 the beginning... 1 John 3:15
25:48 1 John 3:15- Please notice, please notice
25:52 what the Bible says in 1 John 3:15
25:56 The Bible says, "Whosoever hateth brother is a
26:02 ... what's the word?
26:05 Remember, I just read to you that the Bible says
26:08 that Lucifer was a murderer from the beginning!
26:12 This just told us that if you hate your brother,
26:15 you are a murderer.
26:19 Now how do you show hatred to someone - how do you do that?
26:24 It's easy to do, you know.
26:27 When you see someone on the street they need food to eat,
26:30 and you turn your back and you walk the other way.
26:33 You just murdered your brother... Amen
26:39 You see a member in need and you ignore the
26:42 reality of the member of your body
26:45 because we are one body.
26:46 You see a member in need and you turn your back
26:49 on that member, you are a murderer.
26:51 You're a murderer!
26:54 Who is your brother? Who is your mother?
26:56 Who are these individuals that
26:57 you're supposed to take care of?
26:58 Who is your neighbor? Jesus said...
27:02 Brothers and sisters, we gotta wake up and say to ourselves
27:07 "We don't want to believe a lie."
27:08 I don't want to say, ...listen to me...
27:10 I don't want to say that I am a Christian
27:12 and then my life is completely opposite of what
27:14 Christianity is all about.
27:17 I don't want to come to church once a week and
27:20 sing songs and praises to God,
27:22 but then all week long, I'm living something
27:24 completely opposite... That's a lie.
27:29 You're committing murder, you're murdering yourself,
27:31 and you're murdering other people... Every time!
27:34 Listen, and I pray and ask God to help me because,
27:37 listen, there are times when I just don't feel,
27:40 "feel" - this is a key word -
27:41 I don't "feel" like being a Christian.
27:43 Anybody ever felt like that?
27:46 I don't "feel" like having devotion.
27:49 I don't "feel" like going to knock on doors.
27:51 I don't "feel" like preaching.
27:53 I don't "feel"... guess what?
27:54 Christianity is not based on your feelings.
27:57 Feelings - faith, faith and feelings are as
28:00 far from each other as the
28:02 east is from the west, my friends.
28:05 The Christian does not operate on his feelings.
28:08 The Christian does not even operate on "I think."
28:14 The Christian operates on the Word of God.
28:17 That's the Christian, that's the true Christian position.
28:20 So 1 John 3:15 again says, "Whosoever hateth his brother,
28:25 he is a murderer and ye know that no murderer
28:29 hath eternal life abiding in him... keep that in mind.
28:34 I want you to go into Proverbs, the book of Proverbs,
28:42 Psalms, Proverbs - I believe it's the 28th chapter
28:46 I want to go to... Proverbs 26.
28:54 Proverbs 26, so we're going to begin reading at verse #22.
28:59 Proverbs 26 beginning at verse 22,
29:02 please notice what the Bible has to say.
29:05 In Proverbs 26:22, the Bible says,
29:07 "The words of a talebearer, ... what's a talebearer?
29:11 That's a gossiper!
29:15 You know, I'll stop right there, just to mention a point.
29:17 Gossip websites, gossip magazines,
29:22 gossip, gossip, gossip is of the devil.
29:29 Can I say it again?
29:31 You see, when you imbibe this gossip, this spirit of gossip,
29:35 it is actually the spirit of the devil.
29:38 And some of us don't know, so we're just trying to be
29:40 entertained; trying to, you know, deal with life,
29:42 and our pressures, and so forth and so on,
29:44 but this says the words of a talebearer are as wounds.
29:48 And in the New King James, it says they are as
29:50 trifles, they're sweet like morsels.
29:53 They go down into the inner most parts of the belly.
29:56 "Burning lips and a wicked heart are like potsherd
29:59 covered with silver dross."
30:00 Now watch this... "He that hateth dissembleth
30:05 with his lips and layeth up deceit within him,
30:08 when he speaketh fair, believe him not; for there are
30:12 7 abominations in his heart whose hatred is
30:16 covered by deceit." Happy Sabbath, brother Waller.
30:19 That was deceitful.
30:22 Whose hatred is covered by deceit... now watch this.
30:27 His wickedness shall be shown before the whole congregation."
30:32 Verse 27- "Whoso diggeth a pit, shall fall therein,
30:36 and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him."
30:40 Now what does that mean?
30:41 That means if I'm gossiping on somebody else,
30:44 guess what, somebody's talking about you.
30:48 Is that right?
30:49 Now watch this - last point that I want to make before
30:52 I transition to another thought.
30:53 It says, "A lying tongue hateth those who are afflicted by it.
31:02 Do you see it? What kind of tongue?
31:05 Hates... a lying tongue.
31:08 He was a murderer from the beginning.
31:11 He was full of violence.
31:13 In his heart was deceit.
31:15 He lied about the character and person of God.
31:19 And we have a problem because if God's character
31:24 is impugned that way; if he's attacked in that nature,
31:27 from someone that's so close to Him,
31:29 how will God ever vindicate Himself?
31:33 Have you ever... it's funny you know,
31:36 have you ever got in trouble or you've seen someone
31:39 get in trouble and they defend themselves.
31:44 How well does that defense work?
31:45 It seldom works, my friends.
31:49 It seldom works.
31:50 What you have to do... you have to have
31:52 someone else outside of yourself come in
31:55 defense of you...
31:56 Are you hearing what
31:58 I'm saying... You have to have
32:00 someone else - you can't just say to yourself,
32:02 "No, I didn't mean that, I didn't do that."
32:04 No, you have to have someone else vouch for you
32:06 to say, "You know what, in the mouth of
32:08 two witnesses, or the mouth of three witnesses,
32:11 let the matter be established."
32:13 So let's see what God does.
32:15 I think God is ultimately wise and powerful.
32:18 Remember, Lucifer was full of wisdom.
32:21 I want you now to go with me to the book of Proverbs.
32:25 The book of Proverbs 3 now, and we are looking
32:28 particularly at a couple of more points because
32:30 my time is running from me.
32:34 Proverbs 3- I want you to see verses 1, 2 and 3.
32:38 Place close attention, please write these things down.
32:41 Proverbs 3, verses 1, 2 and 3, notice what the Bible says,
32:46 "My son, forget not My law, but let thine heart
32:53 ... let thine what, my friend?
32:55 Let thine heart keep My commandments.
32:59 Well watch, what's the result of this?
33:01 For length of days and long life,
33:04 and peace shall they add to you.
33:08 So when your heart retains God's commandments,
33:11 long life, length of days is given to you.
33:14 So what gives long life, length of days?
33:16 What gives it, my friends... The commandments
33:19 Now watch - I want you to go to verse 13, watch carefully.
33:23 Watch carefully my friends.
33:25 The Bible says in verse 13, "Happy is the man that
33:28 findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
33:34 For the merchandise of it
33:38 is better than the merchandise
33:41 of silver and the gain thereof of fine gold.
33:46 Did you get it or did you miss it?
33:47 See, this is what I got. This is what I got.
33:48 Lucifer was confused because of his merchandise.
33:53 Remember, he was full of wisdom,
33:56 but his wisdom is corrupted because of the merchandise.
34:00 Now here, the wise one is saying...
34:04 "Look, wisdom and understanding
34:06 is more valuable than merchandise."
34:11 Watch what he says... "Happy is the man that
34:13 findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding.
34:15 For the merchandise of it is better than
34:16 the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof of fine gold.
34:20 She is more precious than rubies;
34:22 and all the things that thou canst desire
34:24 is not to be compared unto her.
34:26 Length of days is in her right hand,
34:31 and in her left hand riches and honor."
34:33 Question... What else gave us length of days prior to this?
34:37 What gave us length of days? The Commandments!
34:40 So the commandments and wisdom are synonymous
34:46 ...listen to what I'm saying to you,
34:47 are you hearing what I'm saying to you?
34:48 The Commandments of God and the wisdom of God
34:52 are synonymous - they go one and the same together.
34:55 Lucifer was full of wisdom, that means Lucifer
34:59 beheld the Law of God and loved the Law of God.
35:03 He beheld it and he loved it.
35:07 David says he meditates on the law day and night.
35:13 Question... Do you do that?
35:17 Just asking questions, not pointing any fingers.
35:21 Do you meditate upon God's Law day and night?
35:25 And then you should ask yourself the question,
35:26 "How can I meditate on God's Law day and night?"
35:31 Go with me to Psalm 119, watch this...
35:38 Psalms, Proverbs, Psalms 119 beginning at verse 97...
35:47 And notice what the Bible says in Psalm 119:97...
35:53 The Bible says, "O how I love thy law!
35:56 It is my meditation all the day.
35:58 Thou through Thy commandments has made me wiser
36:04 than mine enemies, for they are ever with me.
36:06 I have more understanding than all my teachers,
36:10 for Thy testimonies are my meditation.
36:13 I understand more than the ancients because I keep
36:15 Thy precepts. I have refrained my
36:18 feet from every evil way that I might keep Thy word.
36:21 I have not departed from Thy judgments
36:24 for Thou hast taught me."
36:27 That's powerful. Let me ask you a question.
36:31 Just a personal question, a private question...
36:33 When you get up in the morning, and you put your
36:34 plate on the table...
36:35 do you take the law and compare it to your plate?
36:39 When you take your clothes, and you put them on,
36:41 you're thinking to put them on,
36:43 do you take God's law and compare it to your clothes
36:45 to see if this is the right thing to do?
36:48 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
36:50 Because of our natural selves, our own intellect and wisdom,
36:55 will lead us to destruction.
36:57 Look around our world! Look around our world!
37:02 Think about marriages that are broken up...
37:06 because the husband stepped out on the wife,
37:09 or the wife stepped out on her husband.
37:11 Think about the children that are disrespecting
37:13 their parents all around the world. Think about it!
37:17 You tell me if God's way is not the best way.
37:21 There's a problem in the land today...
37:22 Man thinks that he's wiser than God.
37:26 Man thinks.. because he went to school,
37:28 that his education now puts him in the position
37:30 to look at the Bible and critique it
37:32 as if he has some type of power.
37:37 I'm going to share something with you...
37:38 I find it fascinating. I want you to hear...
37:39 In fact, before I share it with you,
37:40 I want to go now to the book, oh yes, same book, Proverbs.
37:47 Proverbs, go back to Proverbs.
37:49 I moved to Psalms, go back to Proverbs.
37:53 Psalms, Proverbs - go back to Proverbs.
37:54 Watch this now... about to make a transition.
37:58 In Proverbs 3- same chapter, look at verse #19.
38:07 It says, "The Lord by wisdom... The Lord by wisdom
38:16 hath founded the earth; By understanding,
38:21 hath He established the heavens.
38:24 By His knowledge, the depths are broken up,
38:27 and the clouds dropped down the dew."
38:30 So based on this verse, the Lord, by wisdom
38:34 established the whole world.
38:36 I thought that was fascinating.
38:38 But go back to the book of Genesis now.
38:39 Go to the book of Genesis 1, and watch carefully
38:43 as I read to you what began to transpire at creation.
38:47 In Genesis 1 beginning at verse #3, the Bible says,
38:50 "And God said, "Let there be light."
38:55 Verse 6, "And God said, "Let there be a firmament."
38:59 Jump down to verse #11, "God said, "Let the earth
39:03 bring forth grass, and the herb yielding seed."
39:05 Jump down to verse #14, "And God said, "Let there be
39:08 lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the
39:10 day from the night and let them be for signs,
39:13 and for seasons, and for days, and for years."
39:18 How did God create the world?
39:21 He said it. Could I ask you a question?
39:24 How many of you think you are God?
39:28 Can you speak and things come into existence?
39:32 The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep;
39:34 He spoke - birds came! That's power!
39:39 God spoke and animals just started appearing out of nowhere
39:43 The Word spoke and it was done, and this Word
39:47 was based on wisdom.
39:51 There was nothing... think for a moment,
39:54 think for a moment with me.
39:55 There was nothing, there was absolutely nothing.
39:57 Everything here is just chaotic; there was just water
40:00 a bunch of places, and God speaks and as He speaks,
40:03 all of creation just kind of orchestrates around His word.
40:07 I tell you, that's power! That's power!
40:12 I'm going to read something to you now.
40:14 Based on what I just said to you, watch this...
40:17 The creative energy that called the worlds
40:22 into existence is in the Word of God.
40:26 Wait - This Word imparts power, it begets life.
40:33 Every command is a promise accepted by the will,
40:38 received into the soul, it brings with it
40:43 the life of the Infinite One!
40:47 So when I open this Book... this is no ordinary Book.
40:49 You see, this is not Shakespeare.
40:50 This is not some book for school for a class young man.
40:54 This Book, when I open this book,
40:55 this is the Word of God.
40:57 And when I read it, and I believe it,
40:58 there's transformation power that begins to affect my life!
41:04 Accepted by the will, received into the soul.
41:08 It brings with it the life of the Infinite One.
41:13 Oh that's why the devil is so smart, you know.
41:15 You see, he does everything possible to
41:17 get us not to study the Word.
41:21 You think about your life, I don't even have to tell you.
41:24 The Holy Spirit is already telling you,
41:25 "Think about your life, think how busy you are.
41:28 Think about all the books you read outside of the Bible.
41:34 Think about all the TV shows you watch,
41:36 and the games you like to play,
41:38 and the sports you want to do."
41:39 "Think about all those things and then think about
41:41 how much time do you really spend in this Book
41:44 that gives you transformation power!"
41:54 The Lord, by wisdom, established the earth.
41:58 He spoke and it was done.
42:02 I don't care what a pope says, there's no such thing
42:05 as evolution...Amen! God spoke and it was done!
42:10 Take that idea now... I want you to go with me
42:15 ... Oh, I have to move so quickly,
42:16 but I believe the Spirit will help me.
42:18 I want you to go with me to the book of John.
42:19 John 1 beginning at verse #1
42:24 Please HEAR what I'm going to say to you.
42:27 John 1:1- The Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word
42:35 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
42:38 The same was in the beginning with God.
42:39 All things were made by Him and without Him
42:44 was not anything made that was made.
42:47 In Him was life and the life was the what?.. the light of men."
42:56 My friends, the Word...
42:59 Who is this Word? Tell me who this Word is?
43:00 This is the Word of God, this is JESUS in flesh.
43:04 In... now watch, watch what I say to you now...
43:07 Remember the Spirit of God moved upon the faces of deep.
43:10 The earth was completely corrupt, it had no order.
43:14 They used the word "abuso" as if there's this deep, dark pit.
43:18 And when the Word came into "abuso,"
43:20 He now organizes and orchestrates what the
43:23 world is supposed to be when the Word comes in.
43:27 The Word was made flesh.
43:32 Verse 14- "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt
43:37 among us, and we beheld His glory...
43:39 The glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
43:43 full of grace and truth.
43:44 Look at verse 18- "No man has seen God at anytime.
43:47 The only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father,
43:52 He has declared Him."
43:54 Wait, why is that important?
43:55 Remember, I told you, Lucifer was an anointed
43:57 covering cherub; he stood in the direct presence of God.
44:00 He was as close as a created being could get,
44:02 but then God said, "I will send someone
44:04 that's even closer to Me to vindicate Me to mankind."
44:09 No body heard me!
44:12 Listen to what I said...
44:13 Remember, I told you, God is not just going to say
44:15 himself, I'm not evil, so He sends someone that's
44:20 tight in his bosom.
44:21 He said, "Son, will You go down and let the
44:24 world know what I'm really like."
44:27 "Son, will you go down and demonstrate for the
44:30 confusion that is in humanity,
44:32 I want You to put on that confusion... flesh,
44:36 put it on, and that creative energy that I used
44:41 to create the world... Well, I want you to use it
44:42 to re-create man.
44:45 I want you to use it to re-create man in the very
44:48 image of God. I want you to put on flesh.
44:50 I want you to walk among them.
44:51 I want you to show them what they can be
44:54 if they simply trust the Word." 2 Corinthians
45:04 2 Corinthians chapter 4, 2 Corinthians 4.
45:11 I'm going to start reading verse #3.
45:17 2 Corinthians 4 beginning at verse #3
45:20 please notice as I begin to wrap this up what the Bible says
45:23 It says, "But if our gospel be hid...Now who would hide it?
45:27 Who would hide the gospel? Well the devil would do that.
45:31 If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. Why
45:36 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds
45:40 of them which believe not, lest the light of the
45:45 glorious gospel of Christ who is the... Who is He?
45:48 He is the image of God. ... should shine unto them.
45:53 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord,
45:56 and ourselves, your servants for Jesus' sake."
45:58 Now watch this... For God who commands the light to shine
46:03 out of darkness... Remember, He said, "Let there
46:05 be light, and there was light."
46:08 "For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness,
46:11 hath shined... where my friend? in our hearts."
46:16 So what God is doing, God is equating the confusion
46:20 of the original world...
46:22 to the confusion of each one of our hearts.
46:24 That's what He's doing, and I don't care if you're
46:27 Adventist for 50 years, you still have the same
46:30 type of heart if you haven't given it to Jesus.
46:33 You can cover it with all your religious activities
46:36 if you want to, but we need the Spirit to work inside of us
46:40 to orchestrate, if you will, a rejuvenation,
46:44 a revolution in our hearts, my friends.
46:48 It says, and I'm finishing, "For God, who commanded
46:51 the light to shine out of darkness hath shined
46:54 in our hearts to get the light of the knowledge
46:57 of the glory of God in the ... what does it say?
47:01 ... in the face of Jesus.
47:04 I'll tell you a funny story...
47:07 My wife and I, you know we're married now for 8 years,
47:10 praise the Lord...but when we first got married,
47:12 you know, I go to bed for one reason - I go to bed to sleep.
47:17 My wife likes to go to bed and talk.
47:22 So I come to bed and I lay down and, you know,
47:25 she starts talking to me - you know we're face-to-face,
47:27 the lights are off now, we're face-to-face,
47:29 and we're talking and then, you know, I start kind of
47:31 dozing off, and so I kind of turn my shoulder to go to sleep
47:34 on the other side, right? And she pokes me.
47:39 So I have to turn my face back this way to
47:42 engage her once again, even though it's dark...
47:45 you understand what I'm saying?
47:49 She wants me to face her even in the dark.
47:55 I wonder why it says, "We behold the image of God
47:58 in the face of Jesus."
48:02 It doesn't say - We could behold Him in His kneecaps,
48:04 or in His side or in His knees or anything like that.
48:06 We behold Him in His face.
48:07 There's something about looking into someone's face,
48:11 and the devil does not want you to look at Jesus' face.
48:15 He doesn't want you to see Him!
48:17 Because when you see Him, He's the most lovely,
48:20 the most awesome, the most beautiful.
48:23 He's the most caring, the most wise, intelligent being
48:27 that you could absolutely link up with for
48:30 the rest of your life, but He doesn't want you to see His face
48:32 but I want to see His face, don't you want to see His face?
48:36 My dad told me a story, I was there,
48:40 but I was a baby, so my dad said that he was
48:45 painting the mom and dad told me the story.
48:46 He was painting the house and as he was painting the house,
48:49 my mom went into labor.
48:52 And as my mom went into labor, they called him at his house,
48:55 and he said he couldn't catch the bus because the bus
48:58 was running late and he said, "You know, Andre, I ran
49:02 from the house to the hospital," and he said the song that he
49:07 sang on the way was, "I just want to see his face,
49:12 I just want to see his face."
49:16 Now, all the way, he's running, just running.
49:20 That's what I want to do, I just want to see His face.
49:23 I just want to see His face.
49:27 And God is preparing youth and adults right here in this
49:29 last generation to see His face. Not to...
49:32 listen, not to die and then see Him. No, no
49:35 He wants the generation to be here and just look
49:37 on His face - this is who I have been waiting for.
49:42 NOT AFRAID! Not afraid of the crisis.
49:45 No, send me through the crisis.
49:47 Father, if you see fit to send me, send me,
49:50 because I know you'll be with me through the whole way.
49:53 I want to tell you the end of the story of my mom and dad.
49:57 You know they're married today much happier now than before.
50:01 God stepped in with His Word, and recreated, rejuvenated
50:05 their life and I believe God can do the same
50:08 for any family or any child, or any boy, woman,
50:10 anybody in this room today.
50:12 How many want God to do something special
50:15 in their hearts today?
50:16 How many want God to rejuvenate and create
50:19 in you something that you yourself don't
50:21 have the ability to do.
50:22 You want that for yourself?
50:24 Go to your knees with me...
50:25 Let's ask God to help us.
50:35 Lord I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart.
50:51 Lord I want to be a Christian in my heart.
51:03 In my heart, in my heart,
51:15 Lord I want to be a Christian in my heart.
51:27 Lord I want to be more holy.
51:29 Lord I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart.
51:46 Lord I want to be more holy in my heart.
51:59 In my heart, in my heart,
52:12 Lord I want to be more holy in my heart.
52:25 Lord I want to be like Jesus.
52:26 Lord I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart.
52:44 Lord I want to be like Jesus in my heart.
52:57 In my heart, in my heart,
53:10 Lord I want to be like Jesus in my heart.
53:23 Dear Father in Heaven,
53:24 You've heard our prayer in song.
53:27 We just want to be like You.
53:29 We don't want to take Your place.
53:31 We just want to be like You.
53:32 We want to love You, Father.
53:34 We want to learn to love other people.
53:36 We want to be sacrificial, but we're not, Father.
53:38 Our hearts are far from You, Lord.
53:40 And we ask, Father, that You take our hearts,
53:43 we cannot give them; they are Your property.
53:46 We ask, Father, that You keep
53:47 them for we cannot keep them ourselves.
53:49 We ask, Lord, that You raise us into a pure and holy
53:52 atmosphere where the rich currents of your love
53:55 float through our souls.
53:57 And we pray all this in the name of Jesus.
53:59 And we thank You for answering our prayer... Amen


Revised 2015-06-09