Move by His Power

Prophetic Significance of the Latter Rain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000007A

00:16 Good evening everyone.
00:19 It's so good to see you out this Friday evening,
00:22 and we know that if you're here, the Lord is here.
00:31 Oh can you can say "Amen" to that.
00:33 Because He said in His word, "Where 2 or 3 are gathered,
00:37 there I am in the midst of them."
00:41 I want you to pray tonight because something
00:48 divine has to take place here tonight,
00:50 and I know that my human vessel is not sufficient
00:54 to do what God wants to be accomplished here tonight.
00:59 So as I pray, I would invite you to pray with me
01:02 before we go to the Word of God.
01:05 Let's bow our heads together.
01:08 Heavenly Father, Thank You that opportunities
01:12 like these remind us that God is great.
01:18 And so Lord, tonight, send Your Spirit to do what
01:22 none of us is qualified to accomplish.
01:28 Send Your Holy Spirit into this place Lord,
01:30 and speak to our hearts,
01:31 we pray in Your precious and holy name... Amen
01:38 Now tonight, they tell me that my topic is supposed to be
01:47 I've summarized all that with 3 words... "PREACH THE WORD"
01:52 Tonight, if you have your Bibles,
01:53 open with me to the book of Acts 4:31
01:57 Now as you read this, I want you to keep in mind
02:00 that the early church experienced a glorious
02:07 outpouring of God's Spirit without measure.
02:11 And God's desire is to do that again...
02:15 to pour out His Spirit without measure,
02:17 on His last day church.
02:20 But as you read the text, what I want you to also
02:22 acknowledge and understand is - before the disciples
02:26 could receive the outpouring of the Spirit of God
02:29 to preach the Word, they had to walk with the Word.
02:34 They walked with the Living Word
02:36 before they can preach the written word.
02:39 So tonight, when you read this verse,
02:41 understand that what is described here
02:43 wasn't something that happened instantaneously,
02:46 they lived a daily life, a connection with the
02:49 Living Word before they were
02:51 qualified to preach the written word.
02:54 The Bible describes the success of the New Testament church.
02:58 The Bible says in Acts 4:31- "And when they prayed,
03:03 the place where they were assembled together was shaken,
03:07 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
03:12 and they spoke the Word of God with boldness."
03:17 Now there's a quotation that I'm going to ask
03:20 for them to put on the screen behind me
03:22 because I want you to follow along this quotation
03:24 as I read it, it's very significant.
03:26 And let me just qualify the purpose that I chose
03:30 this particular quotation.
03:32 You know, we talk about the latter rain,
03:34 and we say that in order for the latter rain to come,
03:36 we must pray for the latter rain.
03:38 But there is something more that we must do
03:40 than just pray for the latter rain.
03:44 And the reason why the sermon is entitled - "PREACH THE WORD"
03:46 is because the Word of God is indelibly connected
03:51 to the outpouring of the latter rain.
03:52 Without the Word of God in your life,
03:54 before the latter rain, you are not qualified
03:56 to receive the latter rain.
03:58 Listen to what Ellen White says:
04:00 And the quotation appears on the screen. She says...
04:54 Can you say "Amen" to that?
04:55 What she's saying is - When we study God's Word,
04:58 and when we pray for the infilling of God's Spirit,
05:01 if we do what we must do by the direction of God's Spirit,
05:05 only then will He open the windows of heaven
05:08 and pour upon us the latter rain.
05:10 That's why today, with all these electronic devices...
05:13 As-a-matter-of-fact, just recently at my church
05:15 in Thompsonville, we began a new youth group called
05:18 "I.D. FOR CHRIST"
05:20 And as we put this group together, we said,
05:23 "We know that your Bible is on your iPad, your iPhone,
05:27 and your android, but what the church needs
05:29 is we need to carry a physical Bible.
05:31 The devil is not afraid of a sword
05:34 if you only have a picture of it.
05:36 Come on - say "Amen" to that!
05:38 And what we ought to understand is
05:41 it's good to be in electronic form, but what's missing
05:44 in our day is we are being desensitized and neutralized
05:48 by the digital media because if there is a power
05:51 outage, the Word of God disappears!
05:53 But if there's a power outage and you have a
05:55 physical Bible in your hand,
05:56 the Word of God continues. "Amen" somebody.
05:58 So whether you know it or not, there is still a need
06:02 for the written Word of God, and by the way,
06:05 it is the only piece of the armor of the Christian
06:09 that is offensive...
06:10 Which means the devil does not care how nice
06:13 your uniform looks; how strong your helmet is;
06:17 how all the other components of the Christian armor look,
06:22 if you don't have a sword,
06:23 you are not prepared for the battle!
06:26 So tonight, let's talk about the most important,
06:29 and the most powerful weapon on earth...
06:31 the Bible - is that all right?
06:34 Listen carefully, the Bible can outlast any onslaught
06:37 and transform any life.
06:39 It can humble the exalted and educate the simple.
06:42 It is a light to those in darkness,
06:44 and a pathway for the lost.
06:46 It can encourage the weak, and comfort the weary.
06:49 If you are hungry, it will feed you.
06:51 If you are thirsty, it will soothe you.
06:53 I speak of nothing other than the Holy Bible.
06:56 This Book reveals the mind of God; the state of man;
06:59 the way of salvation; the doom of sinners,
07:01 and the happiness of believers.
07:03 Its precepts are binding; its history is true;
07:06 its decisions are immutable.
07:09 Read it to be wise; believe it to be saved;
07:12 practice it to be holy.
07:14 It contains light to direct you;
07:16 food to nourish you, and comfort to cheer you.
07:19 It is the traveler's map and the Christian charter.
07:23 It can't lie, but it can detect one.
07:25 It has no pulse and yet it lives.
07:27 Come on, say "Amen" somebody!
07:28 In it, paradise is restored, heaven opened
07:32 and the gates of hell closed.
07:34 Christ is its grand subject.
07:36 Our good, its design, and the glory of God
07:39 is its end; read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully.
07:43 It is a mind of wealth, a paradise of glory,
07:46 and a river of pleasure.
07:48 It will reward the greatest labor,
07:50 and condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.
07:53 Paul turned the world upside-down with it.
07:56 Elijah called down fire through it.
07:59 And God created the world by it.
08:01 It can't be stopped, prevented, denied or destroyed.
08:05 It will outlast any novel, and outlive any show.
08:09 It is divine, dynamic, didactic, and delightful.
08:13 It is a conundrum to the proud,
08:15 and a solution to the humble.
08:16 It can open and close eyes at the very same time.
08:20 It can confound the scoffer and enlighten the seeker.
08:23 THE BOOK! The Book of Books; the Book of Life;
08:26 the Book of God; the Bible; the Revelation of God
08:29 to man, but it comes with a warning.
08:31 This Book will keep you from sin
08:33 or sin will keep you from this Book.
08:35 Reading and confessing this Book will do the following:
08:39 terrify the devil, stupefy the rebellious,
08:42 mystify the world, pacify the critic,
08:44 ratify the covenant, edify the church,
08:46 magnify the Word, glorify the Lord,
08:49 and guess what? It is still the best
08:51 selling book of all time. Can you say "Amen?"
08:53 THE BIBLE! The only Book that will
08:56 outlast any novel ever written, any electronic device
09:00 ever created... The Bible!
09:01 And Ellen White says in the book, "Darkness Before Dawn,"
09:05 she says, "None but those who have fortified the mind
09:10 with the truths of the Bible
09:11 will stand through the last great conflict."
09:14 That's why you should never come to church without
09:17 the most important and potent weapon of all time,
09:21 the only book that the devil is
09:23 nervous about - The Word of God.
09:25 You know, when Jesus outlined the conditions of the last days,
09:29 in the book of Matthew 24... He described a condition
09:33 that will soon become a worldwide pandemic.
09:37 Open your Bibles to Matthew 24:7-8 with me,
09:40 and read what Jesus described.
09:42 This pandemic is on its way!
09:44 Matthew 24- The condition of the last days according
09:49 to the One who knows best, hear the Word of the Lord.
09:54 Matthew 24 beginning with verse 7 and the Bible says:
09:57 "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom
10:02 against kingdom and there will be famines, pestilences,
10:10 and earthquakes in various places.
10:13 All these are the beginning of sorrows."
10:17 Now when you read that list, most of the last day signs
10:21 describe a catastrophe, epidemic and depravation.
10:25 But there is one of those signs that God tucked in that
10:29 description that has a spiritual application,
10:34 and that word is "famine."
10:36 There is a famine coming.
10:37 Now notice how the Bible describes famine,
10:41 but let's begin with a description from
10:43 Webster's Dictionary - A famine is described as a widespread
10:48 scarcity of food caused by crop failure and population unbalance
10:55 In other words, when there is too many people,
10:59 and not enough food, it leads to a famine,
11:02 but follow closely.
11:03 It is then followed by malnutrition
11:07 and increased causalities.
11:09 Now my wife and I have, to date, traveled to more
11:12 than 50 countries and I've got to tell you,
11:15 that there is a famine happening in many
11:19 Seventh-day Adventist Churches around our world.
11:21 I hate to say that and I say that as a Seventh-day Adventist
11:25 pastor in good and regular standing...
11:28 Come on, say " Amen" somebody!
11:29 Because, you know, a lot of times, we can hear that
11:31 from people that are not connected to the church
11:34 and we can say, "Well they're throwing darts at the church,
11:36 or they don't like the church," I love this church! Amen?
11:40 This is God's church!
11:41 As-a-matter-of fact, let me even go further...
11:43 When Ford fails and Apple no longer produces computers;
11:47 when there's no longer an Android phone or an iPhone;
11:51 God's church is still going to be standing,
11:53 come on - what do you say?
11:54 This is the only organization that you can work with
11:57 that's going to last through the great, final conflict.
12:01 God's church! And He said...
12:03 Here's the guarantee that was printed on the side of God's
12:06 church when He built it...
12:07 He said, "The gates of hell shall not prevail
12:10 against My church." What do you say?
12:12 So if you're a part of the church, it's going through!
12:14 It may look like it's going to fall,
12:17 but sinners will be sifted out and the righteous will remain.
12:21 So when people criticize the church, you can criticize it,
12:24 but let me just say this...
12:25 Just like the Ark, sometimes the church may stink,
12:29 but I'd rather be inside of this kind of ark, what do you say?
12:33 Sometimes it's like animals, but I rather be in a
12:37 floating church, than in a sinking world.
12:41 So I don't criticize the church because I want to
12:44 throw darts at it, but we travel around the world,
12:46 and we hear complaints about famine in the church.
12:48 The most common thing we hear is people say,
12:51 church members say, "Pastor, we don't hear sermons
12:53 about the second coming, about prophecy,
12:56 about Sabbath truth..." just to name a few.
13:00 But the faithful prophet, Amos, describes exactly
13:03 why that occurs even in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:07 Go to Amos 8:11- Notice what the Bible describes...
13:12 What's always amazing to me is we have more books,
13:14 I believe, than any other denomination on the earth.
13:17 Isn't that right?
13:18 The problem is we don't need more books.
13:21 We need the Holy Spirit.
13:24 It is not what we don't know that's the problem.
13:27 It is what we know is the problem.
13:29 Most of the time, people are not in darkness because of
13:33 ignorance, they are in darkness because they
13:35 refuse to do what they know.
13:39 So another book is not going to change the condition.
13:41 Notice how Amos describes it.
13:43 He says, The famine that's coming...
13:46 "Behold, the Bible says, the days are coming,
13:51 says the Lord, that I will send a what church?
13:54 "a famine on the land."
13:57 Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,
14:01 but of the hearing of the Word of the Lord.
14:06 I have a soapbox, my church members know that.
14:10 I don't know if you know what a soapbox is.
14:12 It's an old-fashioned term that means...
14:16 "There he goes talking about that again."
14:19 I never hesitate to tell my church members...
14:22 "You need to be in church on Wednesday night."
14:25 "You need to be present when the sermon is being preached."
14:27 Whenever there is a spiritual activity at the church,
14:30 you need to make sure to be there."
14:31 You know why? Because the privilege
14:33 we have to be in this church without the doors being shut
14:38 by the law of the land, is a privilege
14:40 that's not going to last very long.
14:44 And I'm amazed that people will stand in the cold weather
14:49 at a football game; they'll run to the front
14:54 in a concert; they'll spend the night
14:59 in cold weather to buy the first ticket to a
15:03 championship game, but when they come to church,
15:07 you have to bribe them to come to the front.
15:11 I say, in church, that the best seats
15:15 are still free... Amen somebody?
15:17 I read a quotation one day, as-a-matter-of fact,
15:19 I was doing an evangelistic series as a young man,
15:22 and, that's when I still had black hair - don't worry
15:27 about it, I'm not getting older, I'm getting wiser,
15:32 and an old Adventist man came up to me and he had a
15:35 quotation on a card...
15:36 Charissa, this is an amazing quotation,
15:38 you can use it whenever you want to.
15:40 But, he showed me the quotation and
15:43 he said, "Now this is a part of the Ellen White Estates.
15:47 I worked for them many years ago and I wrote this down as
15:50 I was going through the archives.
15:52 Whether or not it made the published writings,
15:54 I don't know, but here it is:"
15:56 "Read it to the congregation tomorrow night."
15:58 And Ellen White says this: "Whenever the message of God
16:02 is being preached, and there are empty chairs between the
16:06 preacher and the congregation, those chairs are occupied
16:09 by evil angels to prevent the hearer
16:13 from receiving the Word of God."
16:15 I mentioned that the night after;
16:17 I mentioned that the next night and everybody in the back
16:19 moved to the front.
16:22 I was hoping that this side would just get excited
16:25 and just get up, but that's okay, you're all right tonight.
16:28 They'll be in the front row tomorrow.
16:31 But the fact of the matter is, we should be so excited
16:34 that God has seen fit to preserve the Word of God
16:39 against every attempt to extinguish the Word of God.
16:42 I call the Word of God, the anvil that has
16:45 worn out the hammers of persecution
16:47 through the Dark Ages, God's Word still survives!
16:52 A number of years ago, John Carter can tell you that
16:55 when he held an evangelistic series in Russia...
16:57 And those of us who are part of 3ABN know the story...
17:00 When the Kremlin was opened and people that had been in
17:03 darkness for more than 40 years heard that God's Word
17:06 was being preached, and the hall could not
17:09 contain anymore, there were people breaking the windows
17:12 in the ground floor of the building just to get in.
17:16 They had to close the doors!
17:18 People were begging - "We have been waiting more than
17:20 70 years to hear God's Word, PLEASE don't keep us out!"
17:27 They said - old people were climbing through windows
17:29 that you could hardly slip through under the base
17:32 of the building, climbing up the back way steps.
17:37 And the stage was filled with people that had been
17:40 waiting for decades just to hear the Word of God.
17:44 When they mentioned that they were giving out Bibles,
17:46 even the police officers said, "Please give us a Bible."
17:53 I was so excited, I think I may have shared this yesterday,
17:55 but I repeat it again.
17:56 And you know what's good about God's Word?
17:58 God's Word never returns to us void.
18:02 If you want to plant something that will grow,
18:04 plant God's Word.
18:06 It may not grow in your time,
18:07 but it's going to produce harvest.
18:09 God's Word is living and powerful and quick.
18:12 If you want to see results, plant God's Word,
18:14 and leave the results to God.
18:16 In our church school there in Thompsonville, Illinois,
18:19 right there where 3ABN is located,
18:20 there is a young man that had been in our church school
18:23 ever since he was in the first grade,
18:25 and he was a part of a different family.
18:29 He was not an Adventist, and for many years,
18:31 because his family members worked with 3ABN,
18:34 they provided education for him at a very reduced rate,
18:38 and he went one year after the other, after the other.
18:41 And now he is one of the graduating students.
18:44 He graduated actually last year and he's now in the 9th grade.
18:48 And he is back in our school taking correspondence courses.
18:53 But it took him all of 8 years to write what he wrote
18:58 on Facebook yesterday.
19:01 This young man... I'm so excited,
19:03 I cannot wait to get back, I cannot wait to get back
19:05 to Thompsonville just to hug him.
19:07 He said, and I wish my wife could bring that up...
19:09 Do you still have that page, if you could find it, please,
19:12 I don't know, but it's powerful!
19:13 I'll just try to paraphrase it.. 15 years old
19:17 He said, "I can no longer deny my conscience."
19:24 He said, "I've been Baptist all my life and I did not
19:27 even know why, but I know now, God is
19:30 calling me to be a Seventh-day Adventist,
19:32 come on, say "Amen" somebody!
19:33 He said, "Because I've studied God's Word and now I
19:36 know what God's Word has taught and I can
19:39 no longer deny my conscience."
19:42 He said, "I know that many of my family
19:44 members and friends are going to be angry with me,
19:46 but I've made my decision, I'm following God,
19:49 and following the truth of His Word."
19:51 Amen church?
19:52 Young folk, you've got an advantage to know that God
19:57 has preserved the Word to get down to you.
19:59 That's why, whenever I preach, I don't preach philosophy,
20:02 I don't preach opinions, I preach God's Word.
20:05 It's the only guarantee that I have
20:08 that somebody's life is going to be
20:10 changed to preach the Word.
20:11 When you think about the famine here that Amos
20:13 talks about, it almost suggests that God is the one
20:17 sending the famine because the Bible says,
20:19 The Lord said, "I will send a famine in the land."
20:22 It almost seems as if God is responsible for
20:26 the famine, but follow me carefully.
20:28 He's not responsible for the famine,
20:29 but if God is giving you something that is contrary
20:34 to your appetite and you don't eat it,
20:36 the natural result is famine.
20:38 You see, the children of Israel had an appetite
20:41 for what God was not giving.
20:42 They desired what God was not going to produce,
20:45 and they looked for things that God was not going to give them.
20:48 The point of the matter is... If your appetite is not
20:51 for the Word of God and the Word of God is
20:53 the only thing that God is going to give you,
20:55 and you refuse to eat it,
20:57 the only result is going to be famine.
20:59 So when the Bible says that God is sending a famine,
21:01 He is not sending a famine, He's sending His Word!
21:06 And if you don't eat it, you're going to die of hunger.
21:08 Brothers and sisters, God's Word tastes too good
21:12 to die of hunger... Come on, somebody.
21:14 You got to taste it, "Taste and see
21:16 that the Lord is good!"
21:18 I remember when I came back to the Lord,
21:20 I had a Bible that only had Genesis to Revelation.
21:25 But I had even more than that, I had a desire to
21:28 find out about something that I had not been exposed to,
21:30 God's Word, and sometimes the Word of God can be difficult
21:34 to read, so I told somebody just recently,
21:36 I said, "Whenever you read God's Word,
21:38 if you're not accustomed to reading God's Word,
21:41 begin like you would approach your assignments in college.
21:45 Read it because you have to, not because you want to."
21:48 But what you don't understand is
21:50 the brain has a physiological and maybe some of the
21:52 physicians here can confirm this...
21:55 The brain has a physiological operation that God
21:58 built into it - that when you begin something new
22:01 that you've never done before,
22:03 the first time, the brain says, "What are you doing?
22:05 You've never done that before."
22:08 But you do it tomorrow and the brain says,
22:10 "You did it again."
22:11 And the next day, the brain says, "I get it."
22:15 And the fourth day, the brain says, "I'll cooperate."
22:19 And it begins to build groves in your brain that says,
22:24 "I'll work with you on this new project."
22:27 You see, one of the reasons why some of you are
22:29 good at what you do is because you do it over and over,
22:31 and over and over again.
22:33 If you read the Bible because you have to
22:36 you'll develop an appetite
22:37 to read the Bible because you want to.
22:40 You cannot become an avid lover of God's Word
22:44 if you don't read it because you have to.
22:46 Let me tell you something...
22:47 When I carry my Bible and I give Bible studies,
22:51 when I get home, my wife says,
22:52 "You haven't eaten for hours,"
22:55 and you know what, the best diet is reading the Word of God.
23:01 You don't need diet plans and shots and vitamins,
23:04 just give a Bible study.
23:05 Let me tell you from experience, when I give Bible studies,
23:08 I lose all desire for physical...
23:11 I can talk about the Bible for hours!
23:15 Based on my shape, you can tell I've done
23:16 that quite a bit. Amen?
23:19 If you want to get me going, as-a-matter-of-fact,
23:22 some nights, my wife, we would sit down after a long day,
23:25 and I'm laboring at church, and prayer meeting,
23:27 and counseling and Bible studies and dealing with
23:29 conflicts and I come home, I'm just completely
23:32 tired and drained and praise God for a godly wife.
23:36 She says, "Let's read something before you go to bed."
23:39 And, she'd pick a devotional or maybe a couple of
23:42 chapters in the Bible to read, and, Andre, all of a sudden,
23:50 God will shine a light on a particular word
23:53 in what we just read and she'd start a fire that would last
23:57 in me for the next 3 hours.
23:59 And I said, "Honey, I... She said, "Come to bed."
24:01 I said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute."
24:03 You know, I don't know if you know what it's like,
24:05 but sometimes... when God reveals something
24:08 to you - you can't wait to write it down tomorrow,
24:11 you know what I'm talking about?
24:12 You gotta write it down right now,
24:13 you gotta dig even deeper.
24:15 It's like getting a glimpse of your favorite sandwich,
24:18 you can't wait until tomorrow because it will be stale!
24:21 You gotta get a bite of it right away...
24:22 Come on - say "Amen" somebody!
24:24 Sometimes God's Word is like a good sandwich,
24:27 you just get a whiff of it and you know it's
24:29 in the kitchen cooking, and you can't wait until
24:30 tomorrow, you got to get up and say...
24:31 "It's like a good cinnamon twist!"
24:34 Oh, you're not American, you don't know what that is.
24:37 But cinnamon CALLS you! You know what I'm talking about?
24:40 Cinnamon CALLS you!
24:42 Certain foods that you like, it CALLS you!
24:45 When you study God's Word, and you develop an appetite
24:48 for it, you say, "I smell it."
24:51 As-a-matter-of fact, we had a friend at the "Heritage Singers"
24:54 When we were in California... you'd like this,
24:56 she came into our room, I never forgot her,
24:59 and she said to my wife and I,
25:00 "You room smells like Bible studies."
25:05 That's a good smell... right?
25:07 It didn't smell like cigarettes or alcohol.
25:09 She said, "Your room smells like Bible study."
25:12 Friends, I tell you, "You can never go wrong,
25:16 when you study God's Word."
25:18 A famine is when you are looking for what God is not giving;
25:21 waiting for what God is not sending;
25:23 praying for what God is not answering.
25:26 God does not answer every prayer!
25:29 God always answers when we pray in harmony with His will.
25:33 Never pray for God to take away your appetite for His Word,
25:36 He will not answer that prayer...
25:38 Because the church's greatest need is an increased
25:41 appetite for the study of God's Word.
25:44 I have a hobbyhorse and I firmly believe
25:47 that those that are waiting for the coming of the Lord
25:49 will take advantage of every opportunity
25:54 when the Word of God is being proclaimed,
25:56 when the Word of God is being given.
25:58 Like I said last night - it fits again because there
26:00 are more people... "Never ask the question
26:03 "Who is preaching?" that's a bad question.
26:07 You don't go to the restaurant and ask, "Who is cooking."
26:12 You don't go to the mall and ask,
26:15 "Who is working in the clothing store?"
26:17 You don't ask, "Who is delivering your mail?"
26:19 It's an insult to ask, "Who is preaching?"
26:22 You gotta ask, "WHAT are they preaching?"
26:24 If they are preaching the Word, you ought to be there.
26:27 Amen - somebody!
26:29 Because the opportunity is to feast on this Book,
26:31 The Word of God, the Bread of Life,
26:34 the Book that continues to nourish,
26:36 is an opportunity that this generation is being robbed of.
26:41 We read today, just all these new electronic gadgets
26:44 that are being developed and created and I'm a gadgetarian.
26:49 you don't know what that is...
26:50 You know what a vegetarian is, but I'm a gadgetarian.
26:53 You'll figure that out, it's not in the dictionary.
26:57 A gadgetarian is a person that likes gadgets!
27:03 Our world is presently locked into a pursuit
27:07 to make us slaves to gadgets.
27:10 I read an article today, my wife brought to my attention
27:13 that the CEO of Google said, "That not too long from now,
27:19 the internet will no longer exist. Google executive"
27:24 We read that article today.
27:26 He said, "Not too far from now, the internet
27:30 will no longer exist. It will cease to exist."
27:32 But he went on to follow the article...
27:33 He says, "As Michio Kaku, a futurologist," that many
27:39 scientists consult about what's happening in the future,
27:41 he said, "the internet will be nowhere,
27:45 but it will be everywhere.
27:47 Computers will cease to exist as a handheld device.
27:49 They will be nowhere but they will be everywhere...
27:53 Because they are building around us a virtual
27:56 world that will exist, not only in our presence,
28:00 but also in our imagination."
28:02 Now let me tell you where that's headed...
28:04 Satan is trying to get our world like the world
28:07 like the world just before the flood came,
28:10 where we are so bombarded by media, that our thoughts
28:13 and intentions of our hearts will only be evil continually.
28:18 You gotta be careful... the devil is trying to
28:20 find ways to completely bombard our minds with man-made media
28:25 so that God's Word is no longer desired.
28:27 Let me tell you how he's doing that...
28:29 If you can type on the internet and get information
28:33 within a matter of seconds, and that's the kind of
28:37 life you live - on your phone you're texting,
28:40 and somebody in Russia or in Europe,
28:42 you get an answer back in a matter of seconds,
28:44 as we all are familiar with that, then you're accustomed
28:48 to getting answers immediately.
28:50 But then you go home and you pick up the Word of God
28:53 ... this antiquated Book, and you turn pages,
28:55 and answers are not coming within a matter of milliseconds,
28:59 and the devil says, "Isn't that boring?"
29:04 But I want to tell you, don't handle the Bible like
29:08 the internet, handle the Bible
29:10 like you're digging for hidden treasure.
29:13 You may call a guy that's a gold miner - a fool,
29:17 but when he strikes the vein, and he's on the front page,
29:21 and now he's a multibillionaire,
29:23 you say, "Man, he wasn't a fool after all!"
29:27 DIG in God's Word - there's good and there's treasure here
29:31 that you cannot find and it cannot be replaced
29:34 with any instantaneous access to modern technology.
29:38 Read the Word of God, spend time like Martin Luther
29:42 and Zwingli, Huss, Jerome and Wycliffe...
29:44 Men that were willing to give
29:45 their lives to sustain the Word of God.
29:48 I praise God today for those pioneers during the Dark Ages
29:52 that stood up against the Church of Rome
29:55 when they tried to block out the Word of God.
30:01 Those men whose names are
30:03 still etched on the wall of the faithful.
30:05 Those men who I believe will be
30:07 coming forth in the first resurrection.
30:08 They stood firm for what they understood
30:10 and what they believe.
30:11 Well how much more responsible are we?
30:14 We have much more information
30:16 than they will ever have access to.
30:18 But how do we handle that?
30:20 Are we willing to give our lives for it?
30:22 If we lost our Bible, how would we feel?
30:24 I was in the Heritage Singers, once again I remember this
30:26 very well... and after a concert,
30:28 we were driving away in the bus, and I went to my locker
30:32 thinking my Bible was there, and I ran to the front
30:35 of the bus and I said to the bus driver,
30:36 "Wait, wait, wait, my Bible is in the church!"
30:39 And I ran back to the church, ran to every door,
30:43 banging to see if somebody was in the building,
30:45 calling and we could not get anyone,
30:48 and they said, "Well the church is locked up,
30:50 they're not going to open again until Monday,"
30:52 and this was a first day church.
30:54 Wherever we did concerts, I always carried my Bible.
30:59 And they said, "John, we're not going to be able
31:01 to get your Bible... What are you going to do?"
31:03 You know what? I'll be very honest with you,
31:05 nobody could talk to me for two days.
31:08 You know why? I was mourning over the
31:11 loss of my Bible.
31:13 But I'm amazed, as a pastor, people come to our church
31:16 and in our Lost and Found, we've got two shelves
31:20 of Bibles and peoples names in it, and I could almost
31:24 guarantee pastor may have had the same experience.
31:26 People come to church and leave their Bible,
31:28 and there is no phone call saying,
31:30 "Did you find my Bible?"
31:35 And then you go to some peoples' homes
31:36 and they say, "Well I have many translations."
31:38 I'm not concerned about the translations you have,
31:40 but HAS the Word of God translated you?
31:46 The devil is not afraid of Bibles that are new.
31:49 He's only afraid of lives that are new.
31:52 He doesn't care if it's on the coffee table,
31:54 but he's concerned if it's in your heart.
31:56 This is the generation that needs to restore
31:58 the meaning of the Word of God.
32:00 You need to have a physical Bible.
32:02 Don't settle... you know why?
32:03 Somebody said in the youth group that we're
32:05 developing now... Somebody said to me,
32:07 "You know, Pastor, we already have a Bible...
32:11 it's on our iPad, it's on my iPhone."
32:13 I said, "If you're out on a field trip or on a
32:16 camporee somewhere, and your iPhone dies,
32:18 so does your Bible study."
32:20 He said, "You have a good point."
32:22 So now, they're getting their own Bibles
32:25 pulling it together so that wherever they are,
32:28 the Word of God never dies. Can you say "Amen" church?
32:31 And the reason why it's so vitally important is
32:33 when we look at how we got into sin,
32:35 we got into sin and the tactic that Satan used to
32:39 get us into sin, is the same tactic he is using today.
32:43 Why invent anything new when the old stuff still works?
32:47 What do I mean by that?
32:48 He questioned Eve on whether or not she understood
32:52 God's Word.
32:53 He said, "Has God really said?"
32:55 And here's the point, the application,
32:57 if you don't know what God has said,
32:59 you may be caught in a predicament
33:03 as you stand to make a decision between the
33:06 knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil.
33:09 If Eve had been faithful to God's Word,
33:12 she would not have been in a predicament where she
33:14 made a decision for the for the knowledge of evil.
33:18 If she had only been true to God's Word.
33:21 The very same issue is today.
33:23 We go to colleges and schools and university
33:26 and if your mind is not encapsulated by God's Word,
33:30 you may take home, rather than truth, you might be filled
33:34 with a knowledge of evil.
33:37 That's why the Lord said, in Hosea 4:6,
33:39 "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge."
33:44 Not because knowledge does not exist, but he says,
33:47 "Because you have rejected knowledge."
33:49 In other words, when there is an unquenchable desire for
33:53 something other than the Word, it becomes increasingly
33:57 difficult to ingest the Word.
34:01 My wife is a good cook, and as we travel,
34:03 one of the challenges we have is appetite.
34:06 You know, we visit with people, we stay in hotels,
34:08 we stay in homes.
34:09 We are staying with a wonderful couple, Pastor Artu
34:17 and his lovely wife, Leslie, and they've introduced us
34:19 to some Italian food... if we come back again,
34:24 we'll stay there again! "Amen" somebody.
34:28 Last night he got together and whipped up something
34:30 I never had before and I thought, "Man, if he could do
34:33 that and really titillate my appetite,
34:38 what can God put together to nourish our spiritual appetite.
34:42 The recipes in God's Word are there
34:45 if we would simply stick to God's Word...
34:47 And let me also add another thing to that...
34:48 You know, the other challenge of the modern day church,
34:51 the last day church, the Adventist Church
34:52 is that we have to follow the pattern of Jesus.
34:56 When Jesus was in the wilderness and He was faced
34:59 with temptation, He said something that gives us
35:02 an indication that the only place we find our strength
35:06 and our security and our safety is in doing what Jesus did.
35:10 Never try to win an argument by vain philosophy
35:14 or human intelligence.
35:15 You can only win yourself in a moment of darkness
35:18 by simply saying, "It is written."
35:21 Now if "It is written," was needed for Jesus
35:24 in His hour of temptation, how much more do we need
35:28 God's Word in our hour of increasing temptation. Amen?
35:32 If it worked for Jesus... If He needed to quote
35:35 the Word of God in His moment of temptation,
35:38 how much more do we need the Word of God
35:41 in our day of temptation?
35:42 Keep this in mind, there are a lot of good messages,
35:45 but when you think about all the messages
35:47 in the world today; all the churches; all the movements;
35:49 and all the denominations, and those of you that are
35:51 in the shadow of "Hillsong," I'll be back...
36:00 Don't adopt their commission
36:05 because they will not adopt our commission.
36:09 Our commission is the "Three Angels Message."
36:11 Our commission is the "Sabbath Truth,"
36:12 "The Second Advent," "Righteousness by Faith."
36:16 Don't try to do what they do,
36:18 they need to try to do what we do.
36:21 You cannot sustain revival by music,
36:24 and I'm saying that as a musician... I love music.
36:28 But Paul didn't say, "Sing the song,"
36:30 he said, "Preach the Word."
36:32 He didn't say, "If you throw your CD on the water,
36:34 it will come back after many days."
36:36 He said, "If you throw your bread on the water,
36:38 it will come back." What do you say?
36:40 The seed of God's Word; Jesus did not go forth
36:45 planting iPods!
36:48 He went planting SEED!
36:50 There's nothing wrong with the seed of God's Word.
36:53 Get back to our commission.
36:55 The only thing that will sustain
36:56 growth is the planting of God's Word.
36:59 You see, if we keep planting the Word,
37:01 there will be no crop failure.
37:04 If there's no crop failure, they'll be no malnutrition.
37:07 If there's no malnutrition, there will be no causalities.
37:10 We gotta preach the Word.
37:12 What did I say? We gotta do what?
37:13 Preach the Word... and when you preach it,
37:17 don't put ice in it, and don't water it down. Amen!
37:25 Don't try to make it soft, let the Spirit of God
37:30 take the Word of God, and accomplish what only
37:33 God intends for the Word to accomplish - preach the Word!
37:36 I'm the kind of person that I don't
37:38 apologize for telling the truth.
37:39 Sometimes I'm put off by pastors that... I heard a story,
37:44 as-a-matter-of-fact, a sermon that I preached
37:45 just before I came here was entitled, "A Train is Coming,"
37:49 and I was thinking about my sermon, studying my sermon,
37:53 and I got a call from one of our very animated
37:55 church members in Fairfield, California that I was pastoring
37:58 a number of years before, and she called me and said,
38:01 "Oh, I'm so glad I have the right phone number."
38:05 I said, "Is this - and I named her name."
38:09 She said, "Pastor, I am so glad to hear your voice."
38:13 She said, "I put your name in the hat."
38:14 I said, "What hat?" "To be our pastor."
38:18 She said, "But I know you're not going to accept it.
38:19 I just did it, because I know you're at 3ABN.
38:22 I know you're not going to come but I just did it to let them
38:24 know I know you."
38:27 She said, "But I'm so glad I'm talking to you now."
38:30 She said, "We just got rid of our pastor."
38:32 I said, "What do you mean, you got rid of your pastor?"
38:34 She said, "You know, we had had enough of it."
38:35 And I said, "What do you mean by that?
38:38 She said, "Because he would preach anything but the Word.
38:42 I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "Well he, now he'd
38:43 preach, but it would be
38:45 a message you could hear anyplace else.
38:47 It was not an advent message."
38:49 And she walked up to him one day and she said,
38:51 "Pastor, do you know that a train is coming?"
38:56 He said, "I know a train is coming, but the church
38:58 is not ready to hear that yet."
39:00 And she said, "Pastor, so you mean to tell me
39:03 that you know the train is coming and you are content
39:07 to have your church members just sit on the platform,
39:10 drinking their coffee and their sodas,
39:14 and fiddling with their phones and their iPods,
39:17 and you know that the train is coming,
39:18 and you're not going to blow the horn and tell them
39:20 that destruction is coming...
39:21 You know the train is coming, but you're not going to say it?"
39:24 She said, "When he said, "No, they're not ready for it,"
39:26 she said, "Well that did it. I got together with the
39:28 church board and we prayed about it, and we didn't
39:31 say for him to leave, but God moved him."
39:36 And I don't want to sound like I'm the only one.
39:39 I want to be an Elijah.
39:40 There are so many more... you got a good preacher right here.
39:43 Sister Charissa Fong, Amen somebody.
39:46 Gifted and anointed by God, and so many others that
39:49 are a part of this Witness Conference.
39:50 I'm not the only one, but I praise God
39:53 for those who are willing to not
39:55 put their candle under a bushel,
39:58 but they want to be a city that's set on a hill,
40:00 and allow the light of God's Word to continue shining.
40:03 This is not the generation that
40:05 needs to be turning the light off.
40:06 As-a-matter-of-fact, in America, there's a hotel
40:09 or a motel chain called, "Motel 6"
40:11 and I was so upset when I heard their slogan...
40:13 because their slogan should be our slogan!
40:16 And the slogan was, "We'll keep the light on for you."
40:21 Brothers and sisters, we ought
40:22 to keep the light on for the world... What do ya say?
40:24 Because Ellen White says, "That this church,
40:26 the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been established
40:29 by God as a sentinel in the world."
40:32 Do you know what a sentinel is?
40:33 A keeper of the gate to make sure that nothing passes
40:38 that can bring destruction and she also says,
40:41 "If the devil can shut us down, I'm paraphrasing...
40:44 "If he can shut us down, he has captured
40:48 the entire Christian world."
40:50 So I still preach about the mark of the beast.
40:53 Even though it's not popular.
40:55 I still warn people about the movements in the Vatican.
40:58 and the coalition of apostate Protestantism and Catholicism...
41:02 I still preach that, it's out of date you know, but you know
41:05 what I did, I went to the archives... You didn't get that!
41:08 I went to the library and I went to a section called,
41:13 "Out-of-Date Sermons" and I took those sermons
41:16 and revived them again.
41:17 This church still needs to hear what Revelation
41:21 has made relevant for us!
41:23 Don't be apologetic... you know why?
41:26 Because if God's people are still in Babylon,
41:29 how are they going to come out of Babylon
41:31 if we don't make the trumpet clear?
41:34 Give the trumpet a certain sound and don't apologize.
41:37 Do you know why? Because you don't have to say
41:38 you're sorry to somebody if you
41:40 say to them - You're house is on fire - come on out of it.
41:43 Babylon is going down.
41:44 We're simply saying, "You better get out before it comes down."
41:48 So every time somebody comes and joins our church
41:50 in Thompsonville, I praise God...
41:53 Whether they're old or young...
41:54 One Wednesday night, we had a young man, 79 years old.
41:59 come to our church and his wife and he stood up,
42:01 and I said, "Are you - after prayer meeting...
42:06 "Are you visiting 3ABN?" "No"
42:11 Southern Illinois accent... "No"
42:14 I said, "Are you an elder?" Cause he looked like
42:16 he could be an elder. "No"
42:18 "Are you a deacon?" "No"
42:21 "Well, what are you doing here?"
42:22 He said, "Well, a couple of months ago,
42:25 when you were doing a Bible program on 3ABN,
42:28 you challenged me... You said, "I'm going to give you
42:30 5 words - take these 5 words,
42:36 and look them up, and whatever you find, take it to your pastor
42:39 and ask him to explain it to you."
42:41 He said, "I did that - that's why I'm here."
42:44 I said, "Tell me the story."
42:46 He said, "Well, I want to tell you, I've been a
42:47 Presbyterian for 40+ years, my wife for 39 years.
42:53 I've been an elder in the Presbyterian Church
42:54 all my life, all my life, and she's been
42:58 the treasurer 37 years.
43:00 When I found what you told me to look for,
43:03 I took it to my pastor and I said, "Pastor, could you
43:06 please tell me why we're not keeping the Sabbath?"
43:09 And he proceeded to hear the Pastor say, "Now look,
43:12 I'm the pastor, you're the member, I preach you listen."
43:17 "He said, "Pastor, that's not good enough for me."
43:20 So he said, the pastor proceeded to take him out of office.
43:24 He removed him from being a Sunday school teacher
43:27 because he began now - to teach what God revealed
43:30 to him in his research.
43:34 So he got so upset, he went away for 2 months,
43:37 and... sorry for 2 weeks, and he and his wife
43:41 they said, they just prayed for 2 weeks and kept
43:44 studying God's Word to make sure that they were right.
43:46 And they came back to his pastor...
43:48 "Pastor please, tell us why is it that
43:51 we don't keep the Sabbath?"
43:53 And he looked over at his pastor's Bible and he saw
43:56 highlights all throughout his pastor's Bible
43:58 and, for a brief moment, he said, "Pastor, I am
44:01 so glad that you're a man that studies the Word."
44:04 He said, "What do you mean?"
44:05 He said, "All those highlights."
44:06 And he said his pastor said, "Oh no, those places that
44:09 are highlighted... See when we were in Bible College,
44:12 ... This blew my mind... He said, "When we were in
44:14 Bible College, all those highlights in my Bible
44:18 are things that we were taught in seminary NOT to preach about"
44:24 So wherever the highlights were, whatever was highlighted,
44:28 he said, "We don't preach about that."
44:31 And then he said, "Pastor, please tell us once."
44:34 And his pastor, he said, "He got louder and arrogant."
44:36 He said, "Look, you got the problem, you fix it."
44:38 He said, "We're fixing it, we're gone."
44:41 We're going to join the Adventist Church."
44:42 They're still members today, what do ya say?
44:44 When I finished that conversation that Wednesday
44:46 night, he said to me, "How old is too old to be baptized."
44:49 I said, "Are you breathing."
44:53 And we baptized he and his wife.
44:55 We had another Baptist couple come to our church,
44:58 and when I met them on a Sabbath afternoon,
45:01 they said, "We only have one regret."
45:02 I said, "What's that." "That we didn't do this sooner"
45:06 They studied our message for 4 years.
45:08 They went to the internet.
45:10 I said, "Do you ever get tempted to go back?"
45:12 They said, "No we never get tempted."
45:14 I said, "Why?" They said, "Because we
45:15 searched the internet, we know about all
45:17 those things that people say about Ellen White.
45:19 We've heard all the arguments; how she's not a true
45:22 messenger of God; how she's a false prophet;
45:24 we read all about plagiarism,
45:26 but we are convinced that God has called her!"
45:29 Baptists saying that!
45:32 And Adventists walking away talking about - she's irrelevant
45:36 You're irrelevant! Amen?
45:40 You want to know what's going to happen tomorrow?
45:42 Read the "Great Controversy" She's relevant!
45:46 If a woman could read like that and write like that
45:48 with only a 3rd grade education...
45:50 Somebody once said, "Ellen White can't be true,
45:52 she does not understand Greek."
45:54 And somebody replied, "Why would she need to understand
45:56 Greek, when the God who inspired her understands Greek?
46:00 Amen? So they said, "Pastor,
46:06 our minds cannot allow us to go back... back to what?"
46:14 And there they are, actively involved in our church,
46:17 and this young man that just came out of the Baptist Church,
46:21 and I want to caveat that by saying,
46:23 there are many lovely Christians in every denomination.
46:25 What do you say?
46:26 But that's not it, you see, we often say
46:30 that God loves you where He finds you...
46:34 But I never stop that, God never leaves you where He finds you.
46:39 He said, "Howbeit when He the Spirit of Truth is come,
46:42 He will lead you and He will guide you
46:44 into how much truth?" Come on!
46:45 All truth! So don't settle for some,
46:49 if you can have it all.
46:51 Why settle for less when God wants to give you more?
46:56 And so, today, Church, if the preaching of the Word
46:59 was needed at the inauguration of the church,
47:01 how much more is it needed as we get ready
47:05 for the coronation of the church?
47:07 If the Word was needed by Christ,
47:09 how much more is it needed by us?
47:13 If the world was created by the Word,
47:15 lives are transformed through the Word,
47:17 and the world will be prepared for the coming of Christ
47:20 by the proclamation of the Word...
47:22 We ought to do what the New Testament Church did...
47:24 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke
47:28 the Word of God with boldness.
47:31 So now, when I travel, I have at least two things with me,
47:34 and I apologize of using the word "thing,"
47:37 but I cannot preface it by saying it a different way.
47:42 I make sure that I'm equipped with two very special items...
47:45 my wife and my Bible.
47:49 You know why, because I'm getting ready
47:52 for the latter rain.
47:53 So my brothers and sisters, my message is simple.
47:57 Get back to the Word.
48:00 We are told that the church was prepared for the
48:03 outpouring of the Spirit because they were walking
48:06 with the Living Word.
48:07 You cannot be prepared for the spoken Word.
48:10 until you start walking with the Living Word.
48:13 If you're walking with the Living Word,
48:14 you have to be connected to the spoken Word.
48:17 So, if you're looking forward to seeing the Living Word,
48:19 you got to get together with the spoken Word. Amen?
48:22 So I end with these words, remember this...
48:24 We've traveled together my Bible and I,
48:27 through all kinds of weather with smile or with sigh,
48:31 In sorrow or sunshine, in tempest or calm,
48:34 thy friendship unchanging my lamp and my Psalm.
48:38 We've traveled together my Bible and I,
48:40 when life has grown weary, and death has drawn nigh.
48:44 But all through the darkness of mist or of wrong,
48:47 I found here a solace, a prayer and a song.
48:51 So now, who shall part us, my Bible and I,
48:53 Shall isms or schisms or new light, just try.
48:57 Shall shadows for substance or stone for good bread,
49:01 supplant thy sound wisdom and give folly instead?
49:04 Oh yes, my dead Bible exponent of light,
49:08 the sword of the Spirit will put error to flight.
49:11 And still through life's journey until my last sigh,
49:15 we'll travel together, my Bible and I. What do you say!
49:18 Preach the Word! Don't apologize for it.
49:22 Don't hide it and be equipped by a solder.
49:26 As a soldier should be equipped.
49:27 The only thing that makes the devil tremble
49:30 is a praying Christian and a Christian
49:32 filled by God's Spirit and God's Word.
49:35 Tonight, my appeal is simple...
49:37 Do you want to get back to the Bible?
49:40 I'll be right back... Let's try that again.
49:42 You want to get back to the Bible? "Yes"
49:44 If that's your desire tonight, stand with me as we pray.
49:47 Getting back to God's Word... The famine is coming.
49:50 If you're filled, you won't be starving
49:53 when the famine arrives.
49:54 Heavenly Father, This is Your church,
49:58 we are Your people.
50:00 We hunger and we thirst, Lord, sometimes for the wrong things.
50:04 Lord, tonight as we continue in this Witness Conference,
50:08 how can we be witnesses except we are filled and
50:12 fortified by Your Living Word.
50:15 Heavenly Father, may the subjects of the Bible
50:18 not be a fleeting thought, but a burning thought,
50:22 an ignited flame, a passion that cannot be quenched.
50:26 And Father, as we love Your Word, we are one day
50:30 preparing to see the Living Word.
50:33 Oh Lord Jesus, I'm looking forward to the day
50:35 when the heavens part as a scroll and I see the Rider
50:40 on the white horse, upon which His thigh will
50:44 reflect the Words, The Word of God.
50:47 So cause us to be faithful. Cause us to be urgent,
50:52 and may this church militant one day stand strong
50:55 as the church triumphant because of what
50:58 You have done in our lives.
51:00 This we pray and thank You, in Jesus precious name,
51:03 and God's people said... Amen


Revised 2015-04-28