Move by His Power

Turn Aside and See

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charissa Fong


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000006A

00:16 My sermon title today is entitled:
00:19 "TURN ASIDE AND SEE" and those words
00:22 come to us from a very interesting chapter in the Bible
00:25 If you have your Bibles, I invite you to take them
00:27 and turn with me to the book of Exodus 3.
00:32 An incredible story unfolds for us here in this text, Exodus 3,
00:40 and we are going to begin in the very beginning.
00:43 Notice with me verses 1 thru to 3.
00:49 Exodus 3:1- "Now Moses was tending the flock of
00:54 Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Median,
00:57 and he led the flock to the back of the desert,
01:00 and came to Horeb, the mountain of God."
01:04 By-the-way, Horeb means desolate.
01:05 Verse 2- "And the angel of the Lord appeared to him
01:09 in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush.
01:11 So he looked and behold, the bush was burning with fire,
01:15 but the bush was not consumed.
01:17 Then Moses said, "I will now turn aside and see
01:22 this great sight, why the bush does not burn."
01:25 Now Moses is one of the most interpreted characters
01:29 that we find in all the Bible...
01:30 so much so that many people believe he looks like
01:34 Charlton Heston - that's how they all think of Moses
01:37 when I mention the name.
01:38 And I am sure that on this particular day,
01:41 his day had begun like every other day.
01:44 He was probably wishing for something... anything
01:47 to break the daily monotony of his life
01:50 which was all about tending sheep.
01:53 After 40 years of looking after sheep,
01:56 Moses' life had become incredibly predictable.
02:00 He knew all the best grazing places,
02:02 and all the best waterholes.
02:04 All the locations of those waterholes
02:07 were etched in the back of his mind.
02:09 And to help past the time, he probably
02:13 spent time talking to his sheep,
02:15 and maybe even talking to himself.
02:18 The occasional serpent or snake or wild animal
02:22 would provide the only excitement or dramatic edge
02:26 to his days as he was out there tending sheep.
02:29 And as the years had rolled by, these 40 years,
02:33 with the passing of time, all of his grand dreams
02:36 and hopes of being able to deliver God's people,
02:39 to take them out of Egypt, had grown dimmer and dimmer,
02:42 and I am sure he must have wondered,
02:45 on more than one occasion...
02:46 "Is this all my life has been for?"
02:49 "Is this all I was meant to live for?"
02:52 Little did he know that it was on this particular day,
02:56 here in this wilderness experience of his daily life,
03:00 that Moses was about to encounter God.
03:03 God was waiting to meet him here in this bush encounter.
03:07 And in the distance on this particular day,
03:10 as he is looking after his sheep,
03:11 he looks and his keen watchful eye sees something
03:16 that instantly snaps him out of his thoughts,
03:19 and it arrests his attention.
03:21 Something was burning in the distance - a bush!
03:25 And since there was no real hurry and nothing else
03:28 demanding his attention, curiosity gets the better
03:31 of him and he goes over for a closer look.
03:34 And the closer and closer he comes to this bush,
03:38 the more brilliant the sight before him becomes.
03:41 And I want you to notice in the text that the Bible says
03:44 that the angel of the Lord is the one who appears
03:48 to Moses in this instance.
03:50 Notice it does not say "an angel of the Lord,"
03:54 It says, "The angel of the Lord."
03:57 This is not just ANY angel!
03:59 And you say, "Well, who is this celestial visitor."
04:01 This is the same angel of the Lord who appears
04:05 to Abraham in Genesis 22.
04:07 It is also the same angel of the Lord that appears
04:10 to Gideon in the threshing field and to Elijah
04:13 in 1 Kings 19, when he is in the wilderness.
04:16 If you do a study on "the angel of the Lord
04:19 in the Old Testament, you will discover
04:21 that he speaks as God; he identifies himself with God,
04:25 and he exercises the authority of God.
04:29 So this is very important because,
04:30 friends, I believe that the angel of the Lord
04:33 who meets Moses here at this bush, is none other
04:37 than the very One who would
04:38 one day become his Savior as well.
04:40 This is a "theophany" - that's a very fancy word,
04:44 I just wanted to put it in there.
04:46 This is a theophany of Jesus Christ Himself.
04:49 A "theophany" means a visible manifestation of God
04:52 right here. Okay? You following? Yes! Good!
04:57 Now let's keep reading... Verse 4- "So when the Lord
05:02 saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him
05:05 from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses,"
05:09 and he said, "Here I am."
05:12 I was talking to my grandpa about this story
05:15 because I like to talk to people about the Bible because we all
05:17 notice different things when we come to the Scriptures.
05:20 And I said to my grandpa... I said, "Grandpa,
05:23 why do you think God called his name twice?"
05:26 I mean, "Why didn't he just say, "Moses?"
05:28 You know, why did he say, "Moses, Moses?"
05:31 My grandpa looked at me and he said, "I think you've
05:33 been around Avondale for too long."
05:35 The bottom line and this is really the most important thing,
05:38 is that when God calls your name, respond!
05:43 That was an AMEN moment!
05:45 Now, I just want you to know here - and I'm going to chase
05:47 a little kangaroo because I like to chase them...
05:50 But, do you know that God knows your name?
05:53 I was really... I love this verse.
05:55 Just hold your finger in Exodus 3.
05:58 Come over to Psalm 147.
06:00 This is one of my favorite verses and one day
06:03 when I have time, I'm going to spend a lot of time
06:06 studying the stars so I can develop a message on it.
06:09 But Psalm 147:4- Listen to what the Bible says,
06:17 "He counts the number of the stars;
06:20 He calls them all by name."
06:23 I don't know if you've ever gone outside at night,
06:26 in a country place, but there are a lot of stars out there.
06:30 We can't even see all of them from the dark places
06:33 there in the country, but I think to myself,
06:36 that if God knows the number of the stars,
06:39 and He calls them all by name, then God knows me,
06:42 and God knows you as well.
06:44 God is a personal God!
06:45 Back to Exodus, slip over there.
06:47 We're back here in Exodus 3; we're noticing now verse 5.
06:51 "Then He said, "Do not draw near this place,
06:54 take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand
06:58 is holy ground."
06:59 Put yourself in Moses' sandals for just a moment.
07:04 The ground wasn't holy there because of the geographic
07:07 location of the dirt.
07:09 This ground was holy ground because God's
07:12 presence was there.
07:14 If this was you and you were in his sandals,
07:16 how would you feel?
07:18 Well, whenever we are in God's presence, we are on holy ground.
07:23 I believe that... and I'm not suggesting, this afternoon,
07:26 that we should all take our shoes off
07:28 the moment we entered the sanctuary,
07:30 but what I would like to suggest is that this says to us that
07:33 when we come into the presence of God, we should assume
07:37 a posture of reverence.
07:39 Yes, He's our forever Friend and we can come boldly
07:42 before the throne of Grace and bring our petitions
07:44 there, but He is God!
07:46 He is the Creator!
07:47 He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
07:49 We need to come into His presence and give Him
07:52 the respect that He deserves.
07:55 I've been to funerals and when the funeral is over,
07:58 and people are filing out of the church,
08:00 and the deceased is in the building...
08:02 out of respect for the deceased,
08:04 everybody doesn't even say a word.
08:06 And yet, when we come to church, sometimes, the moment
08:09 the sermon is finished, we turn it into a marketplace
08:12 with all of our chatter.
08:14 It would be well for us to think about this
08:16 whenever we're in God's presence...
08:18 We need to assume a posture of reverence.
08:22 All right, let's keep reading, verse 6.
08:25 "Moreover, He said, "I am the God of your Father,
08:29 the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."
08:32 Do you get the impression that God is almost bursting
08:35 to introduce Himself to Moses right here.
08:38 "And Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God."
08:42 Verse 7- "And the Lord said, "I have surely seen
08:45 the oppression of My people who are in Egypt,
08:48 and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters,
08:52 for I know their sorrow."
08:54 "So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the
08:58 Egyptians and to bring them up from that land
09:00 to a good and large land, to a land flowing with
09:04 milk and honey to the place of the Canaanites
09:07 and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites
09:09 and the Hivites and the Jebusites."
09:12 Friends, I wish that I knew how to preach on this
09:15 because this is just the most beautiful verse ever!
09:19 Well, I say that about a lot of
09:20 verses when it comes to the Bible.
09:21 But, when my dad first read this several years ago,
09:24 he said to me, "Charissa, you need to preach on the
09:28 cry of God's people," and I couldn't understand it
09:30 until I came and visited the passage
09:32 and parked myself here...
09:33 Because, listen to this... The telephone to glory works!
09:39 I used to have a ringtone on my mobile...
09:41 cell phone if you're in a different country,
09:43 for our American friends...
09:45 But I used to have a ringtone on my phone that was so nice,
09:48 every time my phone rang, I just let it ring
09:50 because I just wanted to hear my ringtone.
09:52 But God is not like me, Amen?
09:55 The Bible wants us, not to miss this,
09:56 God doesn't want you to miss this.
09:58 God wanted His people to know that He had seen
10:02 their oppression and He heard their cry.
10:05 Is there someone here who has been crying out to God lately?
10:09 Perhaps you have been praying and crying out to God about
10:13 something and yet you see no answer from Him.
10:17 Dear Friend, God's message to you from His word
10:20 says that He sees, He knows, He remembers and He hears.
10:26 He understands.
10:27 You and I have never looked into the eyes of someone
10:30 who doesn't matter to God.
10:32 And I want you to notice the progression here...
10:34 First of all, God says, "I have seen the misery of My people."
10:38 Well, you can see something from a distance, right?
10:41 But then the next step, He says, "I have heard their cries."
10:46 In order to hear a cry, you have to
10:48 move in a little bit closer.
10:50 And then God says that He knows their affliction.
10:54 Friends, He is present with them in their experiences,
10:58 and in their suffering.
10:59 We are looking a picture of a personal God right here.
11:03 And you know what, it's nice when someone says that
11:06 they can see what you're going through.
11:07 And it's good when they say that they can hear your pain,
11:11 hear what your struggle.
11:13 And it's helpful when they say that they even know
11:16 what it's like, but it's something else when they say
11:19 to you, "I have come to help you."
11:22 And that's what God is saying here to Moses.
11:25 Verse 9- God continues... "Now therefore, behold the cry
11:30 of the children of Israel has come to Me,
11:33 and I have seen the oppression
11:36 with which the Egyptians oppress them.
11:37 Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh
11:42 that you may bring My people, the children of Israel,
11:44 out of Egypt."
11:48 When I went to the ASI program in August of last year,
11:53 going to America, my dad has never been to America,
11:57 and so he was a bit worried about my sister and I
11:59 traveling to America.
12:01 And so before we left Australia, he said to us,
12:04 "I want you to take my credit card and I want you to take it"
12:07 and I've got the words that he wrote right here...
12:09 He said, "Go have a good time... you see something nice, buy it,
12:12 and treat yourself... You know, if you're hungry,
12:15 eat something - don't starve, eat something."
12:17 So I took dad's credit card with me to America, and we had a
12:22 great time, it was a wonderful time, we had a blessing!
12:25 And while we were over there, I was with some friends,
12:28 and we went to a restaurant, and we ate...
12:30 And at the end when the bill came, I said, "No, I've got
12:32 this," and we had this big fight over it.
12:34 I let them all, you know, try and win the fight,
12:37 and then I said, "No dad said," and everybody backed off,
12:40 because "dad said."
12:42 Then we went shopping and I said to them,
12:44 "Hey, buy yourselves some souvenirs, get a souvenir.
12:47 You're hungry, we haven't had breakfast that day,
12:49 put some food in the trolley, we'll go and we'll eat.
12:52 Put everything you need in here, "Dad said, dad said!"
12:55 So we put all that stuff in; we went to the checkout,
12:58 $80 worth of souvenirs and breakfast food,
13:02 and I was SO happy, whipped out my "dad-said"
13:05 credit card, put it there; she tried to process it,
13:08 and she said, "Sorry ma'am, but this is not going to work."
13:10 And I said, "Well, you sure?"
13:13 And she said, "It's not going to work."
13:14 My friend was with me, she looks at me and she said
13:17 "Dad said, huh?"
13:19 She ended up paying for all of what dad said,
13:21 and when I got home, my dad said, "That's not what I meant."
13:26 "I didn't mean to go and just spend and spend,
13:28 I meant - just for emergencies."
13:30 But, my point was - I think it's a wonderful thing that
13:34 you know, when my dad said something,
13:36 I just believed him, you know, I just took him at his word!
13:40 Amen! Wouldn't you love for your dad to say that to you too?
13:44 But the point here is, really for Moses, there was only
13:48 one response that was necessary.
13:50 God had said... "Go, it's time to go,
13:53 and take My people out of Egypt."
13:55 And the only response he had to give was - to go.
13:59 Right? God had said it, he should do it!
14:02 But instead, Moses - ahh, he proceeds to beat
14:06 around the bush. That was a good one!
14:09 And what follows - we have 5 objections
14:14 that he comes up with to God's call to him.
14:19 And they are worth studying this afternoon because I
14:21 think you and I may discover that some of us
14:24 have more in common with Moses than we might have realized.
14:27 So, what's his first objection?
14:29 Verse 11- "But Moses said to God, who am I that I
14:34 should go to Pharaoh, that I should bring
14:37 the children of Israel out of Egypt."
14:40 Moses can't get his arms around God's calling.
14:44 Who me? Couldn't be!
14:46 Now here was a man who was once a very prominent man,
14:50 from one of the most civilized nations in the world,
14:53 Egypt, he was a prince in Egypt, and, yes, now he is
14:56 self-deposed to the role of a shepherd,
14:58 to the rank of a shepherd, working for his father-in-law.
15:02 But listen, 40 years ago, this man had tried...
15:05 he had volunteered himself to deliver an Israelite.
15:09 Remember? He got really passionate,
15:11 and he ended up killing the man in so-doing.
15:13 But 40 years later, we find a very different
15:17 picture of this man.
15:18 Forty years in the wilderness of watching sheep
15:20 and in the wild has humbled him to the point where
15:24 he has an utter distrust in his own ability.
15:28 What influence could he, a despised shepherd,
15:31 and he knew the Egyptians didn't like shepherds.
15:33 That was a despised vocation!
15:35 What influence could he possibly have over the king of
15:39 the most powerful nation on the planet?
15:41 And the people... well, they didn't even like him!
15:44 They had rejected him when he was a mighty man,
15:46 and what were the odds of them subscribing to his
15:49 leadership now that he was returning from his
15:52 time in the wilderness.
15:53 The odds weren't even worth calculating.
15:55 They'd surely reject him now as surely as night follows day.
16:00 Have you ever felt like Moses?
16:03 I can't go! I can't speak! I'm too shy!
16:07 I have never studied theology at Avondale College!
16:10 I haven't even been to ARISE.
16:13 This is my first witness! Are you kidding me?
16:15 How can I go and serve the Lord?
16:17 Well, who am I that God should call me?
16:23 That's the objection!
16:24 Notice the Divine response...
16:26 Verse 12- "So He said, - God said- I will certainly
16:31 be with you and this shall be a sign to you that I
16:35 have sent you when you have brought the people
16:38 out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain."
16:42 The Divine response, God says, "I will be with you."
16:47 God didn't negate Moses' concerns, they were valid,
16:51 but Moses needn't have worried
16:53 because God assures him of His presence.
16:56 Did you know that the Bible records God saying,
16:58 "I will be with you, I am with you."
17:00 It records that saying over 360 times - in fact 365.
17:06 Which means there's a verse like that, a promise like that
17:09 for every day of our year.
17:12 God wants us to know that He is with us,
17:15 and I can think of no greater promise that this.
17:18 God is manifesting himself to Moses because he intended
17:21 to work through Moses.
17:23 And is it just me or does this verse sound strikingly
17:27 similar to the great commission in Matthew 28
17:31 when Jesus said, "Surely I will be with you
17:33 MOST of the time even to the end of the age"... NO
17:37 Jesus said, "I will be with you" how often?
17:39 ALWAYS - to the very end of the age."
17:43 And so we read on... Verse 13
17:45 "Then Moses said to God"... and he has answered the
17:48 first objection... "Indeed when I come to the children
17:51 of Israel and say to them, "The God of your fathers
17:53 has sent me to you, and they say to me,
17:56 "What is his name?" What shall I say to them?"
17:59 So Moses' first objection was, "Who am I?"
18:03 The next objection is, "Well, who are you?"
18:05 Question: Why would Moses want to know the name
18:10 of God before he goes to the Israelites
18:13 in order to deliver them?
18:15 I can only think of 2 reasons, maybe you can think of more.
18:18 The first reason, perhaps, may have been due to their worship
18:22 of other gods, Egyptians gods.
18:25 We get an indication that this may have been possible
18:27 from Joshua 24:14- That they have been perhaps looking to
18:33 other gods for help, and so when Moses comes
18:36 saying that God has called him, well, they may be wondering
18:39 WHICH of the gods is answering their prayers.
18:42 That's the first reason, and the second reason is
18:44 because one's name is a good indication of one's character.
18:50 If Moses' authority was wrapped up in God's commission,
18:54 and call for him to lead his people out of Egypt,
18:58 then the name by which God chooses to identify Himself
19:01 will capture the essence of his character and will assure
19:05 them of God's willingness to do as He has said He would.
19:09 How does God respond to Moses' objection?
19:13 Verse 14- "And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM."
19:18 And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel,
19:22 "I AM has sent me to you."
19:25 The Divine response, He responds with His name,
19:29 and it reveals His character and this is good news for us.
19:34 We can have assurance and heart because of this name.
19:37 You say, "Hang on a minute, what does this mean?"
19:39 "I AM" - what does "I AM" mean?
19:42 Friends, the "I AM" is the God who exists independently.
19:47 He is the self-existent One.
19:51 This is why the Spirit of Prophecy says of Christ...
19:53 "In Christ, is life original, unborrowed,
19:57 and underived." "Desire of Ages," p. 530
20:00 He is the One who is and was and is to come.
20:03 This is the God who meets Moses here.
20:05 And we continue to read His response...
20:07 Verse 15- "Moreover, God said to Moses, "Thus you shall
20:11 say to the children of Israel,
20:15 the Lord God of your Fathers, the God of Abraham,
20:17 the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
20:19 has sent me to you.
20:21 This is My name forever and
20:23 this is My memorial to all generations."
20:25 "Go and gather the elders of Israel together and say to them,
20:29 "The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,
20:33 Isaac and of Jacob appeared to Me saying,
20:36 "I have surely visited you and seen what is done to you in
20:40 Egypt and I have said, "I will bring you up out of the
20:43 affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites,
20:46 Hittites, Amorites, Para... I almost said "parasites,"
20:48 Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites
20:52 to a land flowing with milk and honey."
20:54 "Then they will heed your voice and you shall come,
20:57 you and the elders of Israel to the king of Egypt and you shall
21:00 say to him, "The Lord God of the Hebrews has
21:03 met with us and now please let us go 3 days' journey
21:06 into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord
21:09 our God"... and it goes on there
21:11 and I'm just going to stop right there...
21:14 because Moses, after God gives answer here,
21:17 he's just.. God is saying, "Listen Moses - stop worrying,
21:21 I've got it all sorted... the whole plan is there!"
21:23 Moses comes up with objection #3...
21:26 All right, what's objection #3?
21:29 Chapter 4:1- Then Moses answered and said,
21:33 "But suppose they will not believe me or listen
21:36 to my voice; suppose they say,
21:38 "The Lord has not appeared to you."
21:42 I'm going to say a word on behalf of Moses
21:44 even though he is clearly in the wrong here.
21:46 But first of all, I understand why he finds it difficult
21:50 to really jump at the call of God right here...
21:52 Because, have you ever had to face a group of skeptics,
21:56 and tell them and try to convince them that God has
21:59 sent you, based upon a conversation you had
22:02 at a burning bush?
22:05 I can understand why he's fearing to go forward.
22:08 People just don't stand around talking to burning bushes,
22:11 not even today.
22:13 But now Moses' question is not only dangerous, it is sinful.
22:18 You see, in verse 18, God had just said to him
22:23 that the elders of Israel will listen to him,
22:27 but we find that Moses is still doubting God's word,
22:31 right after God said it.
22:32 And I'm not going to read to you the Divine response here,
22:35 but God gives Moses 3 signs to prove that they will believe.
22:41 You remember the first sign?
22:42 He said to take the rod that he had in his hand,
22:45 cast it down and it became a snake... serpent. Yes
22:50 And then what was God's instruction?
22:52 Pick it up by the tail.
22:54 Have you ever picked up a snake by the tail?
22:56 No, you don't pick them up by the tail.
22:58 I'm not a snake charmer, but IF I was,
23:00 I would definitely not go for the tail,
23:02 because the head would just around and bite you!
23:04 But God had said, "Take it by the tail,"
23:07 because He wants Moses to trust Him - that's the first sign.
23:10 The second sign was take your hand, put it in your cloak
23:13 ... it came out leprous.
23:15 You remember this - it's in the movie - you remember?
23:18 It came out covered in leprosy.
23:21 And then he put it back in and it was restored again.
23:23 God had the power to do that.
23:25 And the third sign was one that he would do
23:27 when he got to Egypt... it was the water of the
23:30 Nile river turning to blood, and they worshipped the Nile.
23:33 So God was showing Moses and by extension he would show
23:36 the people that he had power.
23:38 He was more powerful than the gods of Egypt.
23:41 So this is God's response...
23:43 But Moses comes up with another objection!
23:46 Does he sound familiar?
23:48 Can you relate to Moses?
23:50 Some of us, God has been trying to call and every time He calls,
23:53 we keep coming up with excuses.
23:55 Verse 10- Moses said to the Lord, "O my Lord,
24:01 I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have
24:05 spoken to Your servant, but I am slow of speech,
24:09 and slow of tongue."
24:11 Moses said he has a speech problem.
24:14 But you know what, I find that hard to believe!
24:17 Ask Stephen, you have to ask Stephen about Moses,
24:20 because in Acts 7:22, if you want to go and check what I'm
24:25 going to read, but I'll read it to you.. go to my notes.
24:27 This is in Stephen's message.
24:29 This is the words of Stephen.
24:30 He said, "And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the
24:35 Egyptians and was mighty in words and deeds."
24:38 So he had the ability, but now he is doubting.
24:41 He is doing God a disservice by refusing not only to
24:44 believe that God could send him but that God could use him.
24:49 Moses need not have trusted in his own abilities
24:52 and now he was denying the abilities that God had
24:55 given to him and the gift that God had instructed to him.
24:59 He was essentially telling God,
25:00 "Lord, I can't do this because you didn't make me good enough."
25:04 "You didn't make me well enough."
25:06 We need to avoid these two extremes as well
25:08 when it comes to God's service.
25:10 There is one extreme which says, "Lord, Here I am,
25:13 I've got what it takes, use me!"
25:15 God says that's dangerous because God doesn't
25:17 call the equipped, He equips the called. Amen!
25:21 And the other extreme is saying, "Lord, I can't go,
25:24 I really can't go, I don't have what it takes."
25:26 And God says, "I am here, and I will equip you."
25:30 Those are the two extremes and that is exactly God's response.
25:33 In verse 11- "So the Lord said to him, "Who has made
25:37 man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf,
25:40 the seeing or the blind?
25:41 Have not I, the Lord?
25:43 Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth
25:47 and teach you what you shall say."
25:49 The Divine response - "I will teach you what you should say."
25:53 God reminds him that He is his Creator!
25:55 He fashioned him suitably for the task and if He
25:58 commissions him, He will provide everything
26:01 that he needs for his work assignment!
26:04 Listen to this, Spirit of Prophecy...
26:07 "One worker may be a ready speaker,
26:10 another may be a ready writer,
26:12 another may have the gift of sincere, earnest,
26:15 fervent prayer and another the gift of singing.
26:18 Another may have the special power to explain the
26:21 word of God with clearness, and each gift is to become a
26:24 power for God... listen... because He works
26:28 with the laborer."
26:31 Oh, I hope you're enjoying
26:33 listening to the promises of God right here.
26:35 I was once ironing a load of washing... I don't like ironing.
26:40 But while I was ironing, I think perhaps I was trying to
26:42 iron this whole load because my cousin was visiting
26:45 from Samoa and I was trying to show off to my cousin.
26:49 And I was ironing this load of washing -
26:51 we were talking away and I didn't notice,
26:53 but while I was ironing this load of washing,
26:55 she went, got up and she switched the iron off.
26:58 And I was still ironing this load of washing,
27:01 and I happen to be a little bit OCD or CDO
27:04 if you put them in alphabetical order.
27:06 And so I was spending a long
27:08 time trying to iron these clothes.
27:10 It is impossible to iron a load of washing
27:13 without being connected to the power source.
27:16 Friends, God was not calling Moses to go and
27:20 deliver His people in his own strength!
27:23 God was calling Moses to go and move in His power.
27:28 BY His power - I got the theme wrong.
27:30 God is calling him to go and move BY His power!
27:33 And Moses kept trying to resist.
27:35 He says, "I haven't got a budget,
27:37 I haven't got a theology degree, I haven't got enough training,
27:39 I don't have the personality for it."
27:41 But God has met every one of his excuses with His promises,
27:45 and the promise of His presence, and His sufficiency.
27:48 Verse 13- Would you believe... I can't believe this, watch this
27:53 "But he said, "O my Lord, please send by the hand of
27:58 whomever else You may send."
28:01 Objection #5... "I don't want to go."
28:05 If Moses was a Pathfinder, then he has forgotten his pledge.
28:09 "Loving the Lord my God, I will daily seek His presence,
28:12 show friendship to others, keep the Pathfinder Law,
28:15 and go where He sends."
28:18 Is that the right law?
28:20 No, I think I got it wrong, but it's part of
28:22 the Pathfinder Pledge or Law, somewhere there...
28:24 he has forgotten his pledge.
28:27 And when he has offered all of his excuses,
28:30 and they've all been proved to be invalid,
28:32 suddenly his hidden motive surfaces.
28:35 Now, it's helpful to be trained.
28:39 It's helpful to go to training schools of evangelism,
28:42 but the real problem now is not a method of evangelism,
28:46 the real problem is Moses' motive.
28:48 Moses has a motivational problem...
28:51 He just doesn't want to go!
28:53 "Here am I... Please send somebody else."
28:57 His response is almost curt and rude
29:00 when you read it in the original Hebrew.
29:03 No reason is stated why God should send somebody else,
29:06 but, basically, Moses is putting the breaks on...
29:08 ..."It doesn't matter what you say, Lord, I will not go!"
29:12 And so, what had first appeared to be a doubt,
29:16 of his own ability, now reveals itself as a
29:20 distrust of God's ability to use him.
29:24 Now verses 14 and 15 read: "So the anger of the Lord
29:29 was kindled against Moses and He said,
29:31 "Is not Aaron, the Levite, your brother?
29:33 I know that he can speak well and, look, he is also coming
29:37 out to meet you and when he sees you,
29:39 he will be glad in his heart.
29:41 Now you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth,
29:44 and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth,
29:47 and I will teach you what you shall do."
29:50 The Divine response to Moses' 5th objection...
29:55 "Moses, just trust Me."
29:57 Moses might not have known who God was,
30:00 but God knew who he was, and He already had
30:03 Aaron on his way coming to help him.
30:06 The One who calls you from the burning bush
30:08 is also the One who knows your strengths and your weaknesses.
30:12 He knows you.
30:13 2 Corinthians 12:9- Let's go there because this is
30:17 a beautiful text if you've never
30:27 seen it before... 2 Corinthians 12:9
30:30 I love this verse.
30:33 Here, the Bible says, "And He said to me,
30:36 My grace is sufficient for you,
30:41 for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
30:45 Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities
30:49 that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
30:54 "Gospel Workers," page 323, says, "Moses was the
30:58 prospective ruler of Egypt, but God could not take him
31:02 from the king's court to do the work appointed him.
31:06 Only when he had been for 40 years a faithful shepherd,
31:10 was he sent to be the deliverer of his people."
31:14 The desert is a dry and barren place,
31:18 but there is nothing false in the desert.
31:20 There is no put-on, there's nothing fancy.
31:22 Everything is raw, real and dry.
31:26 But it is in a place like this that is unmistakably real
31:30 that tests Moses' character.
31:33 That changes him, that molds his character, this experience.
31:36 That God allows him to tread for 40 years before
31:40 He is ready to use him for this mission,
31:42 before He comes and meets him in a blaze of glory.
31:46 And this is a remarkable paradox when you stop
31:48 and you think about it...
31:49 Because in order for us to be sent by God,
31:53 we have to be empty first, of our own qualifications...
31:57 Because we have none, really worth
31:59 recommending to God. Amen?
32:02 The curriculum of the wilderness was designed by God
32:05 to lay bare human weakness.
32:07 When I was a little girl, my dad did something to me
32:10 which I have since seen many fathers do to their kids.
32:12 I was minding my own business one day...
32:14 He came along, saw me, picked me up, put me on this fence,
32:18 like a wall, like this here, and he said, "Jump!"
32:21 He stepped back and he said, "Jump to me!"
32:23 And I looked at him and I couldn't understand
32:25 why he would do this because I was quite happy on the floor,
32:28 but I looked at him and I saw...
32:30 My dad is not a little guy, and he's a strong man,
32:33 so I decided that I would trust him,
32:34 and I would jump to him.
32:36 And I did, I jumped into the
32:38 open arms of my dad and he caught me!
32:40 And the moment he caught me, he put me straight back up
32:43 on the wall again and he said, "Jump!, jump again!"
32:45 And he repeated this over and over and over and over
32:47 until soon, it became so natural for me to "jump"
32:50 to my dad, that whenever I saw him coming
32:53 in our house, I would climb things to jump to him,
32:56 and he had to be ready to catch me because if he
32:58 dropped me, there was the broken trust.
33:00 But the thing is... that's what the wilderness was all about.
33:04 That's was God was trying to get Moses to do.
33:07 He was trying to lay bare Moses' weakness
33:10 so that Moses would learn to trust Him.
33:14 There are some things that no university,
33:16 no seminary, no college, can ever teach you,
33:19 and the wilderness is a great teacher.
33:21 Some of us are in wildernesses right now.
33:24 They don't always look like the barren desert
33:27 that Moses was in, but they come in many
33:29 different shapes and sizes, different forms.
33:32 Some of them are bad relationships, family problems,
33:36 health name it, there are many
33:39 wildernesses that God can lead us through.
33:42 And that's the point, by the way, God leads us through them.
33:45 He always brings us out.
33:46 But the man or woman who God brings into the wilderness
33:49 is always entirely different when they come out.
33:52 The man or woman who goes into the wilderness,
33:53 they go in knowing their strength,
33:55 when they come out, they know their weakness,
33:58 and God's strength.
34:00 The burning bush was a turning point in the history of Israel.
34:05 And again, I'm going to read to you.
34:07 "Spirit of Prophecy," "Never could Moses describe
34:10 the impression made upon his mind by the sight
34:13 he then saw and by the sound of the voice that spoke to him,
34:16 but this impression was never effaced.
34:19 Heaven came very near to him
34:21 as with reverent awe, he listened.
34:24 What wondrous condescension for God to leave
34:27 the heavenly courts and manifest Himself to Moses
34:30 talking with him face-to-face
34:32 as a man speaketh unto his friend.
34:34 God came down and speaks.
34:37 You know what... As I think about this story,
34:39 I recognize that this story is almost a parable for us now.
34:44 It's a real story but we can take this story,
34:46 and apply it today because there is a second Exodus
34:49 coming at the end of time.
34:51 God has His people, this time they're not in
34:53 Egypt, they're in Babylon.
34:55 And God is calling His people to come out of Babylon.
34:58 Come out of her, my people.
35:00 And God is calling YOU, who are not in Babylon,
35:03 to help call His people out of Babylon to help bring them out.
35:07 God is looking at a generation of Moses here,
35:11 and He is saying, "GO because it's time to bring them out."
35:14 And what are we offering to
35:15 God on the brink of His soon return?
35:19 We offer God excuses... "Can't go, can't speak,
35:23 who am I, who are you?"
35:25 We give God all the same excuses and objections
35:28 that Moses gave as well.
35:30 But friends, we need to stop and listen.
35:35 Listen to what God says.
35:38 One man turned aside to see and because he turned aside
35:43 to see, the whole history of Israel was changed.
35:46 Because even if Moses had not stopped to check the bush out,
35:50 think of how history might have happened differently.
35:54 I think that this is really important for us to
35:57 stop and think about because I think that not
36:00 many of us are actually doing what Moses did.
36:03 Not many people will actually turn aside and see.
36:06 We have not learned to find God in the places where we
36:09 least expect Him - perhaps in our struggles, in our trials.
36:13 We think we can only find God on a Sabbath morning at church,
36:16 or in nice places, but God can be found anywhere.
36:20 And the other thing too... We're creatures of community.
36:23 We like to be together in a group,
36:25 but notice that God gets Moses alone.
36:28 It is when he is by himself that he is able to speak to him.
36:32 When every other voice is still,
36:34 that is when Moses hears God's call.
36:37 And I wonder as I think on this story,
36:39 given the time and history in which we live,
36:41 I wonder how many times God must be reaching out to us
36:45 during our day-to-day activities.
36:47 And instead of us paying attention to God's call,
36:50 we just keep on doing everything that we're already doing.
36:54 and we're missing God's call because I believe
36:57 that God is putting many more burning bushes
36:59 in our experience than we may recognize.
37:02 I was traveling on an airplane coming back from
37:07 and overseas country, and while I was traveling
37:09 on this airplane, I had two prayers...
37:11 "Lord"... Well more than that and I was praying I'd get to
37:14 my destination on time and safely...
37:17 But I said, "Lord, please seat me next to somebody
37:20 who won't wake me up too much during the flight,
37:22 and also somebody that I can witness to.
37:25 So this man comes... this young guy and he comes
37:28 and he sits next to me on my row on the plane.
37:31 And there was one seat between us and he was a very
37:33 polite, young man and we made light conversation
37:37 in the beginning of our trip, then the journey began,
37:40 and I fell asleep.
37:42 When I woke up, I looked over at him and he wasn't there.
37:45 He had gone and I felt, "That's strange."
37:47 I didn't remember him asking me to move
37:50 so that he could get up out of the seat.
37:51 So I just closed my eyes again.
37:53 A couple of minutes later, I looked over
37:55 and he was there again.
37:57 It was a turbulent flight and the first thought that came
37:59 to my mind was - "Maybe this man was an angel"
38:02 because he hadn't woken me up.
38:04 Well, that thought quickly disappeared when the
38:07 refreshments came around and he asked for the
38:08 ham sandwich - Hello, this is not an angel!
38:13 Anyway, we didn't talk until the end of our journey,
38:17 and at the end of the journey, just before the plane
38:19 comes in to land, we start talking.
38:21 And he just opened up to me and he was telling me about
38:25 his life story; his girlfriend had just left him;
38:29 he had, in a matter of 2 days, decided that he was going
38:33 to leave his job, which is a very good job
38:35 and he'd just up and leave countries and move to Australia.
38:37 And he said to me, "I just don't know if I'm
38:39 doing the right thing - I just don't know what I'm doing."
38:42 I said, "Well you know what, God is going to help you
38:44 and this is a new chapter, God will bring you through it."
38:48 And I was trying to put in, you know, little moments
38:50 where I could try and witness to him about Jesus,
38:53 but he didn't quite bite, but we kept talking and talking,
38:57 and finally I said to him...
38:59 He kept talking saying to me, "I just don't understand,"
39:00 and I said, "Well God is going to help you."
39:02 "God is going to help you," and he said, "Yeah, you're right."
39:05 The plane starts coming in to land, and I had two prayers.
39:08 The first one that God would put me next to someone
39:11 who wouldn't wake me up - He had answered that prayer.
39:13 And the second one was that I would have opportunity
39:15 to give a "Steps to Christ" to this person to witness to them.
39:19 And, as the plan is coming in to land, I said to him,
39:22 "Would you like this little book that I have in my bag,
39:25 I wanted to give it away before I reached my
39:27 destination, would you take it?"
39:28 He said, "Yeah, I'd love to take it."
39:30 So I got to give this man a book,
39:33 "Steps to Christ" on my trip.
39:35 Now that's a really little thing, but I think that
39:38 was like a burning bush experience.
39:39 God put me in an opportunity and I talked to him,
39:42 and God gave me the ability, the opportunity to
39:45 witness to this man right here.
39:47 Another example of how this can look in your daily life...
39:52 I was mowing the lawn one day and I was really proud of
39:55 myself because when I finished one tank of fuel,
39:58 I went and got another tank of fuel to fill up
40:02 the lawn mower and it just so happened that while I was
40:05 doing that, the phone rang and it was
40:06 Pastor Youlden on the phone.
40:08 And I told him what I was doing, I was mowing the lawn
40:11 ... showing off, yes, a little bit.
40:13 I was telling him that I was changing the fuel
40:15 and he was very impressed - "Oh, that's so good!"
40:18 As soon as I hung up, I went to start the mower,
40:20 I realized I put the wrong fuel in the mower,
40:24 and this was a very serious thing because
40:26 the last lawn mower that we had, had died because
40:29 we put the wrong fuel in it and this was a brand new lawn mower.
40:34 So I thought, "What am I going to do - my parents
40:36 they are not going to be happy with this."
40:38 So I remembered when I was in the Islands in Samoa,
40:41 my cousin had done exactly the same thing,
40:44 and when we were in the Islands, she had taken a hose,
40:47 stuck it in the fuel tank and siphoned it out.
40:50 So I went, got a hose, and tried to siphon out the fuel.
40:54 My attempt was stopped when my phone rang again,
40:59 and this time, my phone call was not a good one,
41:02 and this phone call... You know those phone calls
41:05 that you get and your whole world changes?
41:08 The news that this person has on the other side,
41:10 that's what it was for me.
41:12 My whole world came crashing down and I just couldn't
41:16 believe what was going on in this phone call...
41:18 This person was sharing something with me
41:20 that never shared before and it was just very devastating.
41:23 I hung up on the phone call and now I had a wrecked mower,
41:29 and my life felt like it was a mess!
41:31 And I said to the Lord then,
41:33 I said, "Lord, if you could fix this mower,
41:34 then I know that You could fix this situation."
41:37 That was a Friday; the next day, I went to church,
41:39 and while I was there at the church,
41:42 I was wishing everybody a "Happy Sabbath,"
41:43 but it was a very fake Happy Sabbath that Sabbath,
41:46 because in my heart, I was not happy,
41:47 or didn't want to be there.
41:49 And that night... I'm the youth leader in my
41:51 local church and, generally, they like to do things
41:54 on a Saturday night... that Sabbath I managed to
41:56 convince every single one of them that it was better
41:58 we all just go home!
41:59 So we all went home that night and I came home
42:02 that night and I was angry.
42:04 I got angry and I couldn't understand what was going on,
42:08 and I didn't like what was happening,
42:10 and I fell asleep rehearsing all the things that I wanted
42:14 to say to this person when I finally saw them
42:17 face-to-face, it was terrible.
42:19 I woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning,
42:21 and I woke up still rehearsing the same things
42:25 that I wanted to say to this person.
42:26 That's how I knew I was so worked up about the
42:28 situation and that's when God got my attention.
42:33 "Charissa, what are you doing?"
42:35 "You're angry at somebody who doesn't even know
42:37 that they have upset you; it's 2 o'clock in the morning,
42:40 what are you doing?"
42:41 And I came and I knelt beside my bed and I prayed
42:45 and it was one of those prayers where you're just alone,
42:47 just you and God and you just want to make sure that
42:50 your prayer reaches heaven.
42:51 Remember, the phone line to glory is always open.
42:55 But that night, when I prayed, I told the Lord my address.
42:58 I told Him how He could find me when He reached
43:00 the front door of my house...
43:02 I'm in the upstairs room, I'm on the left.
43:04 I gave God specific directions because I needed to hear
43:07 His voice, and I told Him about everything that was
43:10 upsetting me and do you know what God said to me?
43:12 "Just trust Me."
43:14 He often says that to me.
43:16 And do you know what, I went to sleep that night,
43:20 and I had this peace come over me.
43:22 The next day, I woke up, made a phone call to this person,
43:25 and would you believe... we talked it through,
43:27 and the whole situation God turned it for good at the end!
43:31 Not only that, remember I said, "Lord, if You
43:34 were to fix the mower, then I know that
43:36 You could fix anything."
43:38 Well, on the Thursday of the following week,
43:40 my mom said, "Charissa, we better take the mower
43:42 and we better get it replaced," so I went to go in the backyard
43:46 to get it so we could put it in the car,
43:48 and before I put it in the car, I thought,
43:50 "I'll just try it once more."
43:51 Prayed... Went to start it, and the whole thing
43:54 kicked over again! God is good!
43:56 He turned that whole experience around!
43:58 I'm running out of time and I had other things here to say.
44:01 But listen, let me close with these words here...
44:05 Moses' problem was that he failed to
44:08 believe that God could help him.
44:10 He failed to believe that God could use him,
44:12 and so we find in "Patriarchs and Prophets" that it says,
44:17 "Every failure on the part of the children of God
44:19 is due to their lack of faith."
44:22 Friends, God wants you to know something this afternoon,
44:24 that it's not about YOU!
44:27 It's all about HIM! Amen?
44:30 God wants us not to move in our own strength,
44:33 but to move by His power.
44:35 So friend, if God is calling you, step out in faith,
44:39 and know that you are not alone when you
44:42 follow His leading. Amen?
44:44 I wanted to put in something here because, listen...
44:48 "There is no limit to the usefulness of one,
44:51 who putting self aside, makes room for the indwelling
44:55 of the Holy Spirit.
44:56 Some of us are waiting for God to give us a sign
44:59 so that we know we can move forward in faith,
45:01 and trust Him, but God just wants us to trust Him.
45:04 Just step out in faith and know that I will be there.
45:07 When I was in high school, I got to school one morning,
45:10 and I was in year 8, and I was very shy,
45:14 and I was talking with my friends one morning,
45:16 my English teacher walked past and she said to me,
45:18 "Charissa, have you got your English speech ready for class?"
45:22 And my friends and I, we looked at each other...
45:23 We didn't know about any speech
45:25 that was due in class the next period.
45:27 She said, "Well, it's due next period,
45:29 you better go write something."
45:31 So we showed up at class and, of course, teachers know
45:34 when you haven't done your homework...
45:35 They put your names on the top
45:37 of the list when you haven't done your homework.
45:39 And my name went at the top of the list on this board.
45:42 So, I had to give this speech.
45:43 This particular speech was a monologue where you get up
45:46 and you pretend to be like you're somebody else.
45:49 And so I thought, "Well, I've been reading a book called,
45:52 "Rachel's Tears," has anybody read this book?
45:55 Nobody - okay... someone.
45:57 It's a book about a girl who died during the
45:59 Columbine High School shooting.
46:01 She was a Christian, they pointed the gun at her head.
46:03 They said, "Do you believe in God?"
46:04 She said, "Yes," and so they shot her.
46:06 And the whole book is about her story,
46:07 a wonderful person that she was.
46:09 I decided that I would be the brother of this girl in the book
46:13 So I'm 14 years old, in year 8, and I stood up in front of my
46:17 classmates and I'm going through this speech pretending I'm
46:20 this other person, and at the end of the speech,
46:22 I thought to myself, "Why don't I make an appeal like the
46:28 evangelists do in their crusades, after all,
46:30 I'm just pretending to be like somebody else."
46:33 And I have grown up always practicing
46:36 how to preach in front of a mirror.
46:37 When I was a little girl, my mom brought my sister and I
46:40 to church and we would practice in front of the mirror
46:43 and we played church together.
46:45 She would do the offering, sing, do the welcome,
46:48 and sing the hymn, do the special items,
46:51 then I got up preach and then we'd stand together sing
46:53 our closing hymn and then I'd stand at the door of our room,
46:56 shake her hand and thank her for coming!
46:59 And so I'm in my speech with my class, a live audience,
47:02 and this idea comes, why don't you make an appeal,
47:04 so I thought, "Great!"
47:05 So I get to the end of my speech and I said,
47:07 "And now if you would like to accept Jesus as your
47:09 personal Savior, would you mind raising your hands at me."
47:13 The whole class just sat there!
47:15 And it felt like a very long time because I've never seen
47:19 an appeal done when nobody responded,
47:21 so I didn't know what to do if nobody responds.
47:25 So I was just going to wait there until somebody moved.
47:28 Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity,
47:30 my friend in the front row, finally she put her hand up
47:34 and I said, "God bless you," friend, and sat down.
47:36 When I went home that night, I felt like Moses.
47:40 I felt like Moses felt in the wilderness.
47:42 I felt a failure - I never wanted to go back to that school
47:46 I said to my mom, "Can you please change my school,
47:48 I don't ever want to see them again."
47:50 "They're just going to think I'm weird."
47:52 Well the next day, I showed up at school,
47:54 and to make things worse, my friends weren't there.
47:57 But my teacher was walking across the campus,
47:59 and as she was walking across, she says,
48:01 "Good morning Charissa." "Good morning," I said.
48:03 She says, "Walk with me."
48:05 So I obeyed and walked with her across the school campus.
48:07 She says to me, "That was an amazing
48:09 speech that you have the other day."
48:11 I said, "Really?" She said, "How would you like
48:13 to give it in assembly today?"
48:14 I said, "You mean the whole thing?"
48:18 "You mean the hands up thing and everything?"
48:19 She said, "Yes, I've been talking with the teachers.
48:22 We want the whole thing in assembly.
48:24 You got 99 out of 100."
48:25 I said, "Really? What did I lose the mark on?
48:27 She said, "You went too long."
48:29 That's... I'm going too long now too.
48:31 "That's because nobody put their hands up."
48:34 Well friends, I prayed very hard that morning,
48:37 and when the opportunity came for me to deliver that
48:40 same speech to my whole school,
48:42 I changed the appeal just a little bit because I wanted
48:45 more hands and when I made the appeal,
48:47 nearly every hand in the school went up.
48:49 And I remember coming off the platform that day
48:52 thinking, "I felt shaken because God had just used me."
48:56 And if God can use me, if God can use Moses,
49:00 God can use you too. Amen?
49:03 All we need to do is trust Him.
49:05 So, I've been talking for probably too long right now,
49:08 but I'm going to finish right here
49:10 and I just want to ask you...
49:12 We've had a wonderful time at this witness conference.
49:14 I've been really blessed as I have sat here and
49:18 been listening to God's words and I've felt impressed.
49:21 There have been convictions that have come to my heart,
49:24 and as I come to this message, and as I think on this story,
49:27 I believe that God is calling people in this room
49:30 to a specific task, to a specific mission,
49:34 to a specific place of service.
49:39 And if that is you, if you sense that God is
49:41 calling you, maybe it's not to deliver
49:43 the whole nation of Israel out of Egypt,
49:46 but God has people that He can use you to speak to.
49:49 Use you to witness to.
49:51 Maybe God has been placing their names on your mind,
49:54 then I just want to encourage you.
49:55 Do not give God objections.
49:58 Take Him at His word and trust Him,
50:00 because He has everything that you need. Amen?
50:04 So, if that is you, do you sense that God is calling you?
50:08 Hands - do you sense it? Amen!
50:11 Then friends, if God is calling you, let nothing stop you!
50:14 Let nothing and no one come between you
50:17 and responding to the call of God.
50:19 Let's bow as we close...
50:21 Father in Heaven, We thank you for the story
50:24 of Moses, who turned aside to see, and when he did
50:28 he had this encounter with you.
50:30 We live in this world where there are so many things
50:32 that are competing for our time and attention.
50:35 So much so that I'm sure, on many occasions,
50:37 we are missing the call of God in our lives.
50:40 We are missing the opportunities that You are placing
50:42 in front of us because we're too busy, we're too distracted.
50:45 But right now, this afternoon, we just want to say,
50:48 "Lord, here we are, send us."
50:51 We believe that Your word is true. That You are faithful
50:54 and You will do as You have promised.
50:56 I pray that you will use us in Your service,
50:58 and there is a call for everybody here.
51:00 I pray that You will speak very clearly to them,
51:03 and make known to them Your will,
51:05 because You're coming soon, and we long to be ready
51:08 to meet You when You come and with everybody
51:10 around us that we love, we want to be ready
51:12 to meet You as unbroken families
51:14 with our friends and loved ones.
51:15 And we ask this in Jesus name... Amen


Revised 2015-05-13