Move by His Power

Prophetic Significance of the Early Rain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000004

00:16 Heavenly Father, this is Your hour.
00:21 Do with it Father what will glorify
00:23 Your holy name,
00:27 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
00:33 They tell me on the program
00:34 that I'm supposed to be preaching about
00:36 the prophetic significance of the early rain.
00:39 That's what they have in the book
00:42 and so that's what I'm going to do, is that all right?
00:45 But I like you to turn with me in your Bibles
00:47 this evening to the Book of Acts,
00:51 what book did I say?
00:53 The Book of Acts, A-C-T-S,
01:00 chapter 2 and we're gonna read together verse 1 and 2,
01:03 and I'm reading from the New King James Version,
01:05 but whatever version you have is just fine.
01:09 Acts Chapter 2:1 and 2,
01:19 and the word of the Lord reads as follows,
01:22 "When the day of Pentecost had fully come,
01:27 they were all with one accord in one place
01:32 and suddenly there came a sound from heaven
01:36 as of a rushing mighty wind
01:40 and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."
01:45 I am looking forward to the day
01:47 when God will fill the house again, what do you say?
01:50 Come on, you could say amen better than that,
01:52 what did they say?
01:54 One day God is really going to fill His house, hallelujah.
01:58 Right now, they are those who are being watered
02:03 but the day is coming that God is going to separate
02:05 the wheat from the tare,
02:06 and everybody that's going to be in the house
02:08 is going to be those that are filled
02:11 by the power and presence of God's Holy Spirit.
02:16 You wonder about the condition of the day of Pentecost,
02:20 I wasn't there, but I plan on being here
02:23 when the Lord pours out His spirit again
02:26 on His last day church.
02:29 I read a story about a place
02:30 that seems to be unusually unique,
02:32 it is called "the driest place on earth,
02:36 "the Atacama Desert," a plateau in South America
02:41 covering 1000 kilometers, a single strip of land,
02:46 about 600 miles if you're from America.
02:50 What makes this desert so unique is its location.
02:55 It is not located in the central region
02:58 of South America, far away from a body of water,
03:03 but on the Pacific Coast
03:05 nestled between the Pacific Ocean on the west
03:09 and the Andes Mountains on the east.
03:13 In spite of its location right by the ocean,
03:18 the Atacama Desert is the driest non polar desert
03:22 or place in the world.
03:24 And when I read the story,
03:26 the question that came to my mind
03:28 is how can you be so close to water
03:31 and still be the driest place on earth?
03:35 Which says to me that proximity is not everything,
03:41 and let me make application immediately.
03:43 We can talk about how close we are to Jesus
03:46 and still have the driest Christian
03:49 experience on the earth.
03:52 It's not enough to be close to Jesus,
03:54 the Bible does not teach if any man is close to Jesus,
03:59 the Bible teaches if anyone is in Christ Jesus,
04:03 he is a new creation.
04:04 What do you say?
04:06 See, it's not enough to be close to Christ.
04:10 We've got to be in Christ.
04:12 One of the greatest places
04:14 of a blessing today, in these last days
04:17 is not to be close but to be in.
04:21 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
04:24 "Old things have passed away,
04:27 behold all things have become new."
04:30 I know that very well myself.
04:32 When I was growing up, I shared with a young man
04:34 in my class today, when I was growing up
04:36 I was a disc jockey, I was a partier,
04:39 I was a gambler, I was a pool hustler,
04:43 not swimming pools but billiards.
04:47 And I was in the church, I was in the building,
04:50 but I was not in the Lord.
04:51 I would sit where you sat,
04:53 I would come to church on Sabbath mornings.
04:55 Matter of fact when I was in my party mode,
04:58 I was a dating a young lady who is now my wife.
05:00 She was my girlfriend back then, she is now my wife,
05:03 but she is also my girlfriend, can I say amen.
05:06 They're the same.
05:09 But I was in the building and when Sabbath morning came
05:15 and I was just getting home
05:16 from a party about 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning,
05:19 and I promised that I would be there
05:21 and I didn't show up,
05:23 my girlfriend would come to my house,
05:26 get my father to open the door,
05:29 wake me up, iron my clothes, make me take a shower
05:34 and get me down to the church
05:35 and I would sit in the back like many of you
05:37 but I would be sleeping.
05:38 Thank God, you are awake tonight, amen somebody?
05:41 And I would sit in the back
05:42 and I would nod as the sermons were preaching,
05:45 I would sleep, I would snore, I was dressed,
05:48 I was in the building, but I was not in the Lord.
05:51 Let me began it by saying tonight,
05:53 it's not enough to be in the building,
05:54 we've got to be in Jesus, what do you say?
05:57 We got to be where the power is
05:59 and sometimes we get satisfied with our church membership,
06:04 but it's fellowship that's going to make
06:07 the difference between who we were
06:09 and who we can become in Christ,
06:11 but she kept inviting me, I was there from week to week
06:14 until one day the Holy Spirit fell down in my life
06:17 and the rest is to the glory of God, what do you say?
06:21 You see the value of your Christianity
06:23 has everything to do with your connection to Christ.
06:27 Location is everything.
06:29 You can be just like that, that South American desert
06:34 located between the Pacific Ocean
06:36 and the lush snow covered
06:39 mountain tops of the Andes Mountain
06:41 and still be drying up from the lack of thirst.
06:46 Location is everything.
06:48 We can sit in the church
06:49 where the power of God is flowing
06:51 and still remain untouched.
06:53 We can stand a few feet away from the baptismal pool
06:57 for the rest of our lives and still be lost, why?
07:00 Because we fail to connect to the only source
07:03 that can really change our lives.
07:06 Location is everything.
07:10 When I began to continue to dig into the story about
07:14 this unusual desert, not like the Sahara,
07:18 not like in the West of the United States
07:21 far away from any body of water.
07:24 A number of very interesting facts
07:26 began to stand out to me
07:27 that had spiritual significance.
07:29 For example, it is pointed out statistically that
07:33 this desert receives less than,
07:36 and I'm trying to be Australian,
07:38 so you have to help me out.
07:40 This desert receives less than 15 millimeters of rain.
07:47 I got to go back to America that's less than half an inch,
07:52 105,000 square kilometers, 49, 000 square miles
07:58 and all it receives in one year
08:00 is a little more than half inch of rain.
08:04 That's why it was so dry, right on the Pacific Ocean,
08:08 right in the shadow of the Andes Mountains
08:09 that can fill that land with abundance of water
08:14 when the snow begins to run down,
08:17 which says to me
08:18 until the Holy Spirit softens our lives,
08:21 our hearts will be nothing more than hard hearted Christianity.
08:26 You know what my prayer has been and continues to be.
08:28 I don't want my heart to be hard,
08:29 with hard with just doctrines,
08:31 I want my heart to be softened
08:34 by the influence of God's Holy Spirit.
08:36 What do you say?
08:38 Asking Christ to come in, to have that personal
08:41 one-to-one relationship with Christ.
08:43 And it really makes a difference between
08:45 who you are and who you can be in Christ.
08:47 I remember my first encounter with God,
08:50 and you know there's amazing ways
08:53 that God finds ways to come into our lives.
08:56 One Friday evening, when I was visiting with my girlfriend,
09:00 she is the youngest of eight children,
09:02 she has five Jamaican brothers
09:04 and that's a big deal.
09:06 If you know anything about Jamaicans,
09:08 they really protected their sister.
09:09 So the only way that they would let me come
09:11 to her house is if it was for family worship,
09:14 that's a good reason.
09:18 This particular Friday night, she introduced to me
09:20 to a book called "The Great Controversy"
09:22 and I've heard about the book, but I've never read it.
09:25 The first chapter that I read in "The Great Controversy"
09:28 was the time of trouble that will get your attention,
09:33 and then I read the promises of Christ's second coming,
09:35 and that Friday evening the Lord stepped
09:37 into this young man's life and began to break down
09:40 all the obstacles between Him and me
09:44 and led me to the place
09:45 where I got rid of all the albums,
09:47 the pool stick, the nightlife,
09:50 and from Friday evening
09:52 when I read "The Great Controversy,"
09:54 I didn't wait to go to the school of evangelism,
09:56 I didn't go to a training seminar,
09:58 I'm gonna tell you what God can do in your life.
10:00 From that Friday evening,
10:01 and let me put this in the context,
10:03 I worked at Bank of America down in Wall Street area.
10:06 When I went to work everyday I had a boom box.
10:08 Anybody know what that is?
10:11 You guys have iPads and iPods,
10:12 you don't know what a boom box is.
10:14 A boom box is a radio
10:16 that can boom your head right off your shoulder.
10:19 I went to work with the boom box
10:21 and a pool stick everyday.
10:24 I would gamble after work
10:25 and I'd play music at my lunch hour.
10:28 But when the Lord came into my life that Friday evening,
10:30 I traded my boom box and my pool stick
10:32 for a "Bible and The Great Controversy."
10:35 Come on, can you say amen to that.
10:37 And when I got to work on Monday morning,
10:39 I didn't go to any lengthy process.
10:41 You see, some of us need the schools of evangelism.
10:45 That's a good thing, you can sharpen the skills.
10:47 Well, let me say this,
10:48 when the Lord comes into your life,
10:50 you can be a witness immediately.
10:53 That Monday morning, when I went to work,
10:54 this is unusual in New York City,
10:56 I was on the train and in Brooklyn
10:59 any part of New York for that matter in the greater city,
11:02 you don't walk up to people on the train
11:04 and just start talking to folk.
11:07 But whenever people made eye contact,
11:09 that Monday morning see I was shy on Friday,
11:12 but I was excited about Jesus on Monday.
11:16 There was a young lady that made eye contact
11:18 with me on the train, on my way to work
11:21 and I said to her,
11:22 "Would you like to have Bible studies at lunch hour."
11:26 Amen, somebody.
11:27 Now I want to let you know,
11:28 I had no concordance in that Bible,
11:32 it was one of those prison ministry bibles
11:34 just Genesis to Revelation.
11:37 But what God had revealed to me on Friday
11:40 was all I needed to know to share
11:41 with somebody on Monday.
11:42 Can you say amen to that?
11:43 You see, when the Lord comes into your life,
11:45 the greatest evidence of the change in your life,
11:47 as you can share your testimony
11:49 as to what difference God made in your life.
11:53 We had Bible studies at the base
11:54 of the World Trade Center.
11:55 The difference was just two days,
11:58 Friday, three days, Friday to Monday.
12:05 God is waiting to do the same thing
12:06 to His church in these last days.
12:09 God can do in an instant,
12:11 what it takes man to do in a lifetime.
12:14 When I was sitting down
12:15 in the Northern California Conference as a young pastor,
12:18 I remember this very well,
12:19 I was sitting down with a Ministerial Director
12:21 and after I left the Heritage Singers
12:23 back in 1986, some of you weren't even born,
12:26 don't tell me that.
12:32 My wife and I got involved in the, in the work industry.
12:36 I worked in banks and law firms and insurance companies
12:39 in the Wall Streetarea downtown New York City.
12:42 But when I travel for two years
12:44 with the Heritage Singers and came back home in 1986,
12:47 I thought, well, let me just go back into the business field,
12:50 but the Lord had so changed
12:52 my attitude about working in His vineyard
12:55 that I could no longer sit behind a desk.
12:59 And my wife and I got a job together
13:01 working at a construction excavation company,
13:03 and she walked passed my office and she looked at me
13:06 and I was so unhappy and she said to me,
13:08 "John, why are you so unhappy?"
13:10 And I said, "Honey, there's got to be more to life than this,
13:13 I want to be in the ministry,"
13:16 and we began to pray, we began to pray.
13:19 I believe when prayer goes up, blessings come down.
13:23 We began to pray, everyday we began to pray.
13:25 We knelt on our beds and began to pray
13:27 and doors began to open up, and I began to ask the Lord
13:31 is this the door You want us to walk through?
13:34 And God would say "no" and I would say I'm not going.
13:37 The Lord called us to the Virgin Islands,
13:39 now that's a good place to be an evangelist,
13:40 what do you say?
13:42 But we prayed and said
13:43 that's now where God is calling us,
13:45 then the call came to go to some place in the Midwest,
13:49 I forgot where it was but it was a cow town
13:52 and I knew God was not calling
13:54 this New Yorker to a cow town, so we said "no."
13:58 But one Sunday afternoon, we met some friends in the mall
14:01 and they said we can never get you,
14:03 you're never home,
14:04 so we brought an answering machine and we prayed.
14:08 Here's what happened.
14:09 We said, Lord, we want to be involved in ministry
14:11 but we'll go anywhere except California.
14:15 Don't ever limit God, but when we prayed that week
14:20 for seven days straight, we knelt on our beds like,
14:24 you know, like the Muslims pray with their face to the ground.
14:27 We knelt on our beds and say, "Lord, we will go anywhere."
14:31 And the first phone call
14:32 we got on that answering machine
14:34 was from the Northern California Conference
14:36 and here's how it went,
14:41 "A position open up in evangelism,
14:44 if you're interested give us a call."
14:46 Was I interested, I called and they gave me the details
14:53 and here were the details.
14:54 "Here's how much you'll get per month,
14:56 for only one year, no insurance,
15:00 you have to find your own place to live,
15:02 you've to get out here however you can.
15:04 That's 3,000 plus miles away
15:07 and at the end of that timeframe
15:08 we can say thank you, but no thanks."
15:11 Would you accept that, I said, "We're on our way."
15:16 And here's the reason why?
15:17 When you ask God to pour into your life,
15:21 He's able to do, and listen to me carefully,
15:24 He's able to do exceedingly abundantly
15:26 above all that you can ask or think.
15:29 Why?
15:30 Because God is not involved in failure.
15:32 What do you say?
15:33 So there we were, we were in Northern California Conference,
15:36 God open the doors
15:38 and at the end of that 11 month period,
15:39 I sat in the Ministerial Director's Office,
15:41 and he said what do you want-- the President's Office,
15:44 what do you want us to do for you young man?
15:47 I said, "I simply want us to believe our message.
15:50 I think it's time that we believe what we preach."
15:52 And he said, "What do you mean by that?"
15:53 And I said, "Well, didn't Ellen White said that
15:55 in the last days, that God will call men,
15:59 that were not trained by our literary institutions
16:03 and call them from their vocation
16:05 to the field of ministry."
16:06 Didn't she say that?
16:07 He said, "She did." And I said, "I believe that."
16:10 He said, "I believe that too.
16:11 What kind of church do you want?"
16:13 And I'm gonna tell you, they gave this New Yorker,
16:16 this young, no gray hair New Yorker,
16:21 a church in the mountains of Northern California
16:23 that only had old people in it.
16:29 I'm glad you didn't say amen.
16:33 When we went-- when we got to that church
16:35 it was so empty on Sabbath morning,
16:37 if you shot a shotgun inside, you would hit no one.
16:42 I kid you not, but by the time we left,
16:46 22 months later, it was standing room only,
16:50 come on, somebody say amen.
16:52 Up in the mountains of Northern California,
16:55 God transforming and using our lives,
16:57 and one thing that my wife and I've learned
17:00 is that we have to get away
17:01 from the legalism of Christianity
17:05 to the spirit field walk in Christianity.
17:08 We've got to connect our connection--
17:09 our connection with Christ
17:11 has to be more than just a good diet.
17:15 I believe that health is a good thing,
17:16 I mean look at me I'm 75 years old,
17:20 I'm just kidding, I'm past 50 but you give me your best,
17:27 I bet you I could play basketball
17:29 and beat anyone of you guys in here.
17:33 Don't take me up on that
17:34 unless you really want to be embarrassed.
17:37 I said that one Sabbath morning
17:39 at a church in Central Florida, I thought I'm in trouble.
17:43 But praise God, He prevailed.
17:47 God can do anything He wants in our lives
17:50 if we simply make ourselves
17:51 available to God, for Him to begin to trickle,
17:56 then drizzle, then pour into our lives.
18:00 What had happened that was so sad
18:03 that by the time Jesus arrived,
18:06 He came and found a people that were just simply comfortable
18:10 with their formal religion
18:12 and He could not do anything with them
18:14 and that's why He rose up, He raised up 12 disciples
18:20 that all they wanted to do was get n touch with Jesus.
18:24 In the book Christians Service,
18:26 listen to what Ellen White says,
18:27 she says, "Legal religion will not answer for this age,
18:33 we may perform all the outward acts of service
18:36 and yet be as destitute of the quickening influence
18:40 of the Holy Spirit as the hills
18:42 of guilt bow over destitute of due in rain."
18:46 We all need spiritual moisture.
18:49 If you want to see something die,
18:51 extract the moisture from it.
18:54 Formal religion is a religion without moisture.
18:58 We cannot boast about our institutions,
19:00 we can only boast about
19:01 the infilling of Christ's Holy Spirit.
19:04 We cannot say that
19:05 because we have the right message
19:07 that we have the right relationship.
19:10 We have to have more than just the right message.
19:12 We have to have the right connection to Christ
19:15 for a people that had the right message.
19:18 I thought it was amazing
19:19 when I was preaching around Christmas,
19:20 this thought came to my mind
19:22 and I had never received this thought
19:25 before, I'll finish the quotation in just a moment,
19:28 but the thought came to my mind
19:29 when I was thinking about the wise men.
19:31 Why the angels chose to lead the wise men to Jerusalem
19:37 before the angels led them to Bethlehem?
19:41 Amazing concept, it never came to me after 28 years,
19:43 31 years of marriage, 28 years of pastoral ministry,
19:46 it finally came clear why the angels led them
19:49 to Jerusalem first, and then to Bethlehem.
19:52 The angels led the wise men to Jerusalem to reveal to them
19:58 what happens to a people
20:01 that is only satisfied with religion.
20:05 We've got a powerful message.
20:08 Can you say amen to that?
20:10 But what we need more than a powerful message
20:12 is a powerful connection to Christ,
20:15 because the message is a fact,
20:17 you can't argue the Sabbath,
20:18 you can't argue the State of the Dead,
20:19 you can't argue the 2,200 days,
20:21 you cannot prove that wrong at all.
20:24 But I know, as I go back to my own experience,
20:27 when I believed all that
20:30 I was still partying every Saturday night.
20:33 I was a junior usher in the church,
20:36 but I still partied when the Sabbath was over.
20:38 I had the right doctrine
20:40 but the wrong connection to Christ.
20:41 And I must say one of the reasons
20:43 I'm glad about the witness conference
20:44 is young people, many of you are faced
20:46 with some of the same challenges
20:48 and deficits that I had as a young man.
20:50 Well, let me encourage you,
20:51 all you got to do is simply put your hand
20:54 in the hand of one who knows no failure
20:56 and God can deliver you from anything that binds you
20:59 and transform your life so that His glory
21:03 and His message maybe reflected through your life.
21:07 I thought about that.
21:09 The Lord led them to Jerusalem.
21:11 He found the people with the right day of worship.
21:14 Follow me carefully.
21:15 They had the right day of worship in Jerusalem.
21:20 They had the right diet.
21:22 They had the right dress, message.
21:26 They had right prophetic angle,
21:29 but they had no connection to Christ.
21:34 From Jerusalem to Bethlehem,
21:38 and Peter, I was thinking about a sermon,
21:41 instead of preaching a sermon about Jerusalem,
21:43 I said we ought to entitle it Bethlehem,
21:46 because it's not until the wise men found Jesus
21:49 that they were able to bow on their knees,
21:52 offer to Him their worship,
21:54 and present their gifts to Christ.
21:56 And here's my point.
21:57 Until we have a connection with Christ,
21:59 our worship will never be activated
22:01 and we'll never get to the place.
22:03 Young folk, where we are willing to give
22:05 all the gifts that we have back to Christ.
22:08 You have a lot of gifts.
22:10 I've seen that, some of you are good at teaching,
22:12 some of you are great musicians,
22:14 but until you have a connection with Christ,
22:16 you can go through the motions,
22:18 but if we're talking about the early and the latter rain,
22:21 God does not just want people that have good skills,
22:24 He want people that have a good connection to Him,
22:28 amen somebody.
22:29 Hard, stony, barren conditions,
22:33 God is not looking for a people that have the right things,
22:38 but a people that have the right connection.
22:41 And I thought about the early rain
22:43 as I'm talking about
22:44 the prophetic significance of the early rain.
22:47 You see Jesus came at a time when what His church needed
22:50 more than anything else
22:52 was a fresh infilling of an early rain.
22:58 Jesus came at the right time.
23:01 The prophetic significance of the early rain is this.
23:04 Jesus came at the right time.
23:08 Galatians 4:4 the Bible says,
23:10 "When the fullness of time had come,
23:12 God send forth His son, born of a woman,
23:16 born under the law."
23:19 Jesus became the precursor to the day of Pentecost.
23:25 He had to come before the day of Pentecost, why?
23:29 Because Jesus had to come to find new soil
23:32 into which to pour His Holy Spirit.
23:36 He came at the right time,
23:37 He came when man was at his worse,
23:42 Jesus came to offer His best.
23:45 He came during the desert of human spirituality.
23:48 I mean, the Bible makes it very clear.
23:50 Look at John 1:11, if you have your Bible very carefully.
23:53 Look at the people that had a message
23:55 for almost 2,000 years,
23:57 look at what time had reduced them to.
24:01 John 1:11 here is what the Bible says.
24:06 It says, "He came to His own,
24:10 and His own did not receive Him."
24:15 But they had the right oracles,
24:17 they had right message, they had right day of worship.
24:21 That's why when we have these things
24:23 God has given us all these right things,
24:26 not to boast about our rightness,
24:29 but to boast about His righteousness.
24:33 Never find security in the right message,
24:36 find security in the right relationship.
24:38 When you have the right relationship,
24:39 the right messages falls into place.
24:43 We got people coming to our church there in Thompsonville.
24:45 One of the most amazing stories that
24:47 I find God is still moving on hearts.
24:49 Let me just say this.
24:50 When you're out there laboring for the Lord,
24:51 never get discouraged because you may not see
24:54 the results of your labor but oh, how sweet it is
24:56 when God allows you sometimes
24:58 to see the results of your labor.
25:00 This lady that came to our church with her husband,
25:02 their name is Mike and Kris
25:04 and they're part of the beauty of the 3ABN success story.
25:08 They said 30 years ago, when 3ABN was being built,
25:11 they were Baptist.
25:12 They said they saw the buildings going up
25:14 but they were determined to have nothing to do with 3ABN
25:19 for 30 years.
25:22 When Danny was building,
25:23 they said they would borrow the tractor,
25:25 Danny used the tractor on Sunday to build,
25:27 they would say can we use it on Sabbath.
25:29 They said, "We used the same machinery
25:33 but we had in our minds, we were determined
25:35 not to be connected with Adventism at all."
25:38 And then she said,
25:39 "When the radio station was established,"
25:41 my wife works for 3ABN Radio, she said,
25:44 "The sermons would come on
25:45 and every time the Sabbath came on
25:47 she would turn the radio off."
25:48 She said, "Those Adventists are tripping over the Sabbath."
25:53 All they talk about is the Seventh-day,
25:55 the commandments of God.
25:57 She said "I was sick of it."
25:58 But here's the beauty of God,
26:00 here's the beauty of the Holy Spirit,
26:02 the Holy Spirit never stops pursuing a heart
26:05 that is seeking after God.
26:06 Come on, say amen somebody.
26:08 She had a relationship with Christ,
26:10 but she needed, she needed time
26:12 for God to trickle into her heart,
26:16 then pour in, and soften all those areas
26:19 that were hard to receive the truth
26:21 that God had made available to them.
26:24 And so she said it was, she said,
26:25 "You know, one day a dawn dawned on me
26:28 as I was in church on Sunday."
26:30 She said, "I was reading there
26:32 and the pastor was preaching a sermon,
26:35 and he read John 14 and 15,"
26:36 which you all know come on say it together
26:38 if you love me what?
26:40 She said, "All of a sudden it jumped out at me
26:45 that if I really love the Lord,
26:46 I cannot say, I really love the Lord
26:48 and not keep His commandments."
26:50 And she said, "When she got home,
26:51 her husband and her they looked at each other
26:55 and they said you know what our Christianity is false.
26:59 If we really do love the Lord,
27:00 we got to keep His commandments."
27:03 So they showed up at the last camp meeting,
27:04 that we had not too many months ago,
27:06 actually around October the Fall Camp Meeting
27:08 when Pastor Batchelor was there,
27:10 and now they're in my church every Sabbath
27:12 and I'm looking at them
27:13 when we study the Bible, it is so good.
27:15 You see, if you want to get excited about Jesus
27:17 and the message you have,
27:19 go to people that don't know the message
27:22 and don't get weary and well doing for him,
27:24 in due time the Bible says,
27:25 "You will reap if you do not faint."
27:27 One plants and another waters
27:29 but God gives the increase but now on Sabbath morning,
27:31 there they are and she piped on this last Sabbath
27:34 before we left to come here
27:36 and she said, "Pastor, I just want to say something,
27:38 I'm going through an experience that is blowing my mind."
27:40 I said, "What do you mean?"
27:42 She says, "I am having to go through my Bible
27:44 and cross out stuff that I put in there
27:47 and put the right thing in."
27:48 Amen somebody?
27:50 She says, "I used to believe in the rapture,
27:52 but I don't anymore."
27:54 And what makes it even more difficult
27:56 is she is living in her own hometown.
27:58 She's surrounded by all her Baptist friends
28:02 and you know what she said,
28:03 she says, "For the first time in my life,
28:05 I'm not ashamed to say
28:08 I'm going to the Adventist church."
28:10 What made the difference?
28:12 You see God, we got to put--
28:13 we can't put God on the timetable,
28:15 because sometimes people labor
28:19 but they never live to see the results of their labor
28:22 and I could use my mother as an example.
28:24 The lady that raised me,
28:26 as I was abandoned at three months old,
28:27 some of you know the story.
28:29 It's good to be abandoned in a home
28:31 of a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
28:35 My natural mother left me there,
28:38 but she left me under the care of a woman
28:41 who had the right God, the right relationship,
28:44 and a powerful message
28:47 but when she, when she passed away
28:49 when I was 12 years old, I left the church
28:51 and I told you about my journey going out into the world.
28:56 But because the seeds were planted
29:00 and the Holy Spirit continued to water those seeds,
29:05 God brought His son back to the place
29:08 that God always knew I would be.
29:11 So when I see people that are straying away
29:13 and I wanted to say this for a particular reason,
29:15 if you know somebody and chances are,
29:16 you know someone that may have been in the church
29:18 and they've strayed away.
29:20 You cannot be discouraged by that
29:21 because the Lord is working more diligently
29:24 than you are to bring that person back.
29:26 Amen somebody?
29:27 For Jesus says,
29:28 "I'm not willing that any should perish."
29:30 The work of the Holy Spirit is to convict of sin
29:33 and of righteousness and of judgment.
29:36 And as young folk that are fired up
29:37 about the message you have, just simply do the Lord's work
29:40 and leave the results to God.
29:44 I look back on where I was and where I am,
29:48 and I'm so glad for that good old hymn that says,
29:50 "When things are dry and rough,
29:52 there shall be showers of blessings."
29:55 This is the promise of love.
29:58 There shall be a season of refreshing sent
30:01 from the heaven above.
30:03 When Jesus came the first time,
30:05 Jesus came to begin a refreshing work.
30:09 He came to revive a sleeping people,
30:11 to restore a broken nation,
30:13 to revitalize a forgotten message,
30:16 and to recharge a complacent community.
30:20 Acts of the Apostles, Ellen White says it this way,
30:23 "Priests and rulers became fixed
30:25 in a rut of ceremonialism,
30:28 they were satisfied with a legal religion,
30:31 and it was impossible for them
30:33 to give to others the living truths of heaven."
30:37 They rejected the truth, the truths died to them,
30:41 that's why I pray for our church today.
30:42 Let me say this and you know I'm somewhat of militant,
30:45 I'm from Brooklyn first of all.
30:47 I'm somewhat military in my approach to the gospel,
30:50 because I firmly believed
30:53 that when God gives you something that's true,
30:56 you've got to protect that
30:57 and not allow that to be modified
31:00 or watered down by anything that is false.
31:05 God has given us a beautiful message.
31:07 Can you say amen to that?
31:08 But what's so important and significant about that
31:11 beautiful message is this.
31:12 Whenever you meet people that don't believe like you do,
31:15 you got to give them time
31:16 for their eyes to adjust to the light,
31:19 but never apologize for the message
31:21 that God has given to you.
31:24 Don't apologize for it because if the light gets turned off,
31:27 if the light gets turned off here,
31:30 where are people going to find the light,
31:32 we are a people of light.
31:34 When the Lord came,
31:35 He came to give back to the church
31:37 something that they had lost.
31:39 I like the way that Isaiah the prophet says it.
31:41 Go to Isaiah 45:8.
31:43 Look at this very wonderful verse,
31:45 if you've not seen it before,
31:46 this is the beautiful indication
31:48 of what Jesus came to do.
31:50 At a time when His people need it the most,
31:53 He came to revive what had dried up.
31:57 Isaiah 45:8,
32:01 the words of the Lord said what a wonderful prophecy.
32:08 It begins with two powerful words,
32:10 "Rain down you heavens from above
32:13 and let the skies pour down righteousness,
32:17 let the earth open, let them bring forth salvation
32:21 and let righteousness spring up together,
32:24 I the Lord have created it."
32:28 And when I looked at that, I asked myself the question.
32:30 Well, if the Lord was coming to rain down on humanity,
32:34 this beautiful message of heaven,
32:35 why did He come as a babe?
32:38 And the Lord just poured into my mind
32:39 something that I never thought about,
32:42 He came as a babe for two reasons.
32:43 One, He came as a babe to take on the human flesh
32:47 that everyone of us are in possession of,
32:50 that's one obvious reason.
32:52 But the second reason why Jesus came as a babe,
32:56 is He came to exemplify the simplicity of the gospel,
33:02 because His people were not ready
33:05 for the glory of the gospel.
33:07 Let me say that again.
33:09 Had He come as a king,
33:11 His own people were not ready to receive a king,
33:14 so He came, Ellen White says
33:16 He came in the simplicity of a babe
33:20 because His people were not ready
33:22 for the glory of the gospel.
33:25 He came to give them time to get used to the idea
33:29 that the king was here, He came to remind them
33:32 that this babe although small
33:34 is very much the same Son of God.
33:37 He came to remind them that don't get put off by my size,
33:42 I'm still the same Lord that created heaven and earth.
33:45 Jesus veiled His glory in the simplicity of a babe.
33:49 But He was in fact very much the Son of God.
33:52 As a matter of fact Mary was not carrying Jesus,
33:56 Jesus was carrying Mary.
33:58 Mary did not deliver Jesus, Jesus delivered Mary.
34:02 Mary was the momentary garden for the Rose of Sharon.
34:04 She was the vessel out of
34:06 which the oil of gladness would flow.
34:08 Mary was a temporary walking nuclear reactor,
34:12 can you imagine that?
34:13 She had more power in her
34:15 than all of humanity combined together.
34:19 Had Jesus not come as a "helpless babe,"
34:22 Mary would've been consumed but He was not a helpless babe,
34:27 He was on this earth for 33 years
34:29 but He was not 33 years old.
34:31 He just took a vacation
34:32 from hanging galaxies for 33 years.
34:35 Come on, say amen to that.
34:37 This galaxy hanging God
34:39 sneaked into the backdoor of Bethlehem
34:43 to revive and revitalize His church.
34:46 But I tell you when He comes again,
34:47 He's not sneaking in any door, He's coming
34:49 and He's not going to be silent.
34:50 What do you say?
34:51 He's coming back for a revived church,
34:54 a church filled and revitalized and refreshed
34:57 and ready to work for the coming of the Lord,
34:59 that's why these conferences.
35:01 My wife and I don't mind traveling far,
35:03 people on our church say, "You're going again?
35:07 Where are you going this time?"
35:09 And you know what the condition or the mindset
35:12 of Australians in America is you guys are so liberal,
35:16 there's a whole lot of apostasy over here.
35:19 I don't want to hear it, and you guys say,
35:22 "Everything is going bad" and they always say,
35:25 "Well, you know Desmond Ford came from Australia."
35:28 Well, I say when they focus on Desmond Ford I say,
35:31 "Well, you know Ellen White went to Australia."
35:37 You could've say amen,
35:38 but I know you got caught in the exchange.
35:44 So it's not all bad on Australia,
35:46 I said don't, don't feel bad for Australia,
35:49 because God is working as powerfully in Australia
35:52 as He is in America, what do you say?
35:56 So you young folk keep on, keeping on, don't get tired.
36:00 Go against the flow, don't slow down
36:03 because people want you to get down.
36:05 Don't move out of the way
36:07 because it seems like an inconvenient thing to do.
36:10 Keep holding the torch high, it's good to be a people,
36:13 or young people that are fired up about the message
36:16 that God has given to them.
36:18 The people that have lost the message
36:22 and deny the power of the message,
36:25 Jesus came to revive again
36:27 and it's not that they didn't have something that was good
36:29 but in the book, My Life Today,
36:30 Ellen White said this.
36:32 "It is not because of any restriction on God's part
36:36 that the riches of His grace did not flow to men,
36:40 if all were willing to receive
36:43 all would be filled with the spirit."
36:46 But she says, "We are too easily satisfied,
36:49 get this, with a ripple on the surface
36:52 when it is our privilege to expect
36:54 the deep moving of the spirit of God."
37:00 That's why the devil is so busy nowadays,
37:02 he wants young folk to be distracted
37:05 by the music and the entertainment
37:07 and all the world is trying to flood you away.
37:10 When you read Revelation 12,
37:11 you see the devil is involved in that too
37:13 because he poured out a flood
37:15 after the women trying to wash away
37:17 all that God was trying to fill the women with
37:20 and he's still pouring out floods today.
37:23 And even though the Sanhedrin rejected Jesus in his day,
37:26 the Lord found a wonderful place to fill 12 men,
37:31 and on the day of Pentecost not only men
37:33 but also women, filled them with the power
37:35 to carry the gospel to the world.
37:37 And when you read about the progress
37:38 of the New Testament church,
37:40 it is said that they cover the entire world
37:42 with a gospel in only 34 years.
37:44 They began with just a 120.
37:48 And I submit to you,
37:49 if they can turn the world upside down with only 120,
37:52 what can we do in Australia with more than a 120?
37:55 Come on, say amen, somebody?
37:57 You know what they prayed for?
37:58 They prayed for the infilling of the spirit of God,
38:00 and let me say this,
38:02 "You can't pray for a single event,
38:04 you got to pray every day
38:06 in preparation for the great event,
38:08 you can't wait for the latter rain,
38:10 to receive the latter rain you got to work toward
38:13 and pray toward and revitalize yourself every day
38:16 in preparation for the latter rain."
38:20 Because before the day of Pentecost came,
38:23 Jesus breathed on His disciples and He said,
38:27 "Receive ye the Holy Spirit."
38:30 They were special not because of what they knew
38:34 but because of to whom they were connected.
38:36 You see the only good thing about us, is not who we are,
38:41 but is the goodness is in the God we're connected to
38:44 and in the power of the message that we preach.
38:47 We don't have good preachers, we got a good message,
38:53 because you know some of those people in other churches
38:55 if it's about preaching style,
38:58 there are other preachers that can out preach us.
39:00 I'm so glad it's not about the preaching style,
39:02 but it's about the message, come on, say amen.
39:05 Because I don't care what the postman looks like
39:07 as long as I get my letter, am I right?
39:12 Some people get hung up on the preacher
39:14 don't, don't discount the message,
39:16 some people say who's preaching?
39:17 Oh, that's a bad question.
39:20 What are they preaching is the real question
39:23 because some people could preach really well,
39:24 but what they're preaching is what makes the difference.
39:28 The light that we reflect makes us who we are.
39:32 That's why Peter says it this way,
39:34 "But you are a chosen generation,
39:36 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
39:38 His own special people, and here is the reason
39:40 why that you may proclaim the praises of Him
39:44 who called us out of darkness
39:46 into our church into His marvelous light."
39:52 I think about the way I used to be before I met Christ.
39:55 I thought that fun was going from Brooklyn to Manhattan,
39:58 that was the extent of my lifestyle.
40:01 And I thought I was really living it up,
40:02 you know the devil can do a job on you,
40:04 he can make you think your life is successful,
40:06 but you really won't know what success really is,
40:08 and what power really is, until you put your life
40:10 in the hand of God who can do much more for you
40:13 than you can ever envision.
40:15 And let me make this point very clear.
40:17 God doesn't do anything for us to campaign for us,
40:22 but everything God does for us He does through us,
40:28 but He has to first do it in us.
40:31 Are you ready for the formula?
40:34 God works on us so He can work in us,
40:40 then He can work through us.
40:44 If you don't let God work on you,
40:46 He can't work in you,
40:47 and He surely won't work through you.
40:51 When God called me out of the world,
40:52 He had to work hard on me.
40:54 And I want to tell you,
40:55 some of us know what that's like to have God working on us,
40:59 to have Jesus chiseling away at all the things
41:02 that used to be connected to our former life.
41:04 We know what's it's like to be worked on,
41:08 but how wonderful it is,
41:09 when the working on transitions to the working in,
41:13 and then God transitions to the working through.
41:16 So what God does through your life
41:18 always give the glory back to the Lord.
41:21 Amen, somebody?
41:23 I believe that when we're convinced
41:24 that Jesus cannot fail,
41:25 then we will make ourselves available to Him.
41:30 You see the early rain was not just the day of Pentecost
41:34 because Jesus had a work for the disciples to do
41:36 before the day of Pentecost.
41:39 We won't get involved in the greater work
41:42 if we neglect the lesser work.
41:45 God will not pour out the latter rain on
41:47 those who are idle, nor on those who claim
41:50 that they have nothing to do.
41:52 The Acts of the Apostles,
41:54 listen to what inspiration tells us, page 54.
41:59 "There are some who, instead of wisely improving
42:03 present opportunities, are idly waiting
42:06 for some special season of spiritual refreshing
42:11 by which their ability to enlighten others
42:14 will be greatly increased.
42:18 They neglect present duties and privileges,
42:20 and allow their light to burn dim,
42:23 while they look forward to a time
42:24 when, without any effort on their part,
42:27 they will be made the recipients
42:29 of special blessing, by which they will be transformed
42:33 and fitted for service."
42:34 You know what, my brother and sisters,
42:36 the transformation comes moment by moment and day by day.
42:39 What do you say?
42:41 That's what you have to-- everything you do everyday
42:43 cannot be done naturally, it has to be done spiritually.
42:45 Let me confess as a pastor.
42:47 You know, they say confession is good for the soul
42:49 but hard on the reputation.
42:52 You can work so hard for God
42:54 that sometimes you can fail at allowing God to work in you.
43:01 Don't get caught up in just working for God
43:03 but also realize that God wants to work in us.
43:07 You can be in the work of God,
43:09 but sometimes fail to allow that same God to work in you.
43:15 My wife and I were on our way to California.
43:18 When we moved there for the first time,
43:20 that is moved there more permanently
43:22 to get involved in ministry,
43:23 and I remember the distance was so far,
43:26 the journey was so long that we thought that
43:28 that we can drive from Orlando, Florida to Northern California
43:31 and we had about three days to do it
43:33 and so we drove to the middle of Texas
43:35 and we decided to stop in the middle of Texas.
43:38 And we woke up the next morning,
43:42 got in our 4Runner with our u-haul connected behind it.
43:47 I don't know what you call that out here, caravan,
43:50 you got some strange terminology in Australia,
43:53 we call it the trunk, you call it the boot.
43:55 We wear boots anyway, let me not try to sort it out,
44:01 so in Australia you put your boots in the boot,
44:05 but in America we put our boots in the trunk.
44:08 Don't worry about it
44:09 and then Australia elephants have trunks,
44:10 I understand, so let's not even go down that road.
44:14 But we got up that morning to continue our journey,
44:17 and as we are journeying to our destination
44:21 my wife said, she commented at about
44:23 maybe 15 or 20 minutes in the journey she said,
44:25 "Hey, you know what John,
44:29 they have a restaurant just like that,
44:33 we passed the restaurant just like that
44:34 yesterday didn't we, yeah."
44:37 10 minutes later, "Hey, you know what
44:38 they've a monument just like that,
44:41 we passed yesterday it by half hour, yeah, we did."
44:46 It dawned to me after about 35 minutes,
44:48 we were going in the wrong direction
44:51 and here's my point this has spiritual significance to that,
44:53 if the things that you passed
44:55 began to show up in your life again
44:58 you're going in the wrong direction.
45:04 That is the greatest need for prayer in our lives.
45:10 The devil wants to bring back the things
45:12 that we passed in our ultimate journey
45:16 to fulfillment in Christ.
45:17 If the things that you pass
45:20 began to show up in your life again,
45:21 that means you're going in the wrong direction,
45:24 but the good news is if you're going
45:25 in the wrong direction, God allows u-turns.
45:28 What do you say?
45:30 I got of the exit, realizing we lost 35 minutes of time
45:34 and turned around
45:35 and headed in the right direction.
45:37 And so what I want to do tonight
45:39 in preparation for my time with you
45:41 that is from this particular point preaching,
45:43 what I wanted to do tonight
45:44 is something a little differently.
45:46 I don't want to just end with the prayer,
45:48 but I want to begin our time together with a commitment.
45:52 Because I know that you are here
45:53 for the witness conference, you paid,
45:54 you registered for the classes,
45:56 this is the time of spiritual refreshing and renewal
45:59 and a time where we reconnect with Christ,
46:02 but tonight I want to make an appeal,
46:03 a very specific appeal.
46:05 If your desire is to reconnect,
46:10 now, now hear me carefully, there are some of you
46:12 that are not yet fully connected as you could be.
46:15 But if your desire is to reconnect
46:19 your relationship to the power
46:22 that Christ wants to make available to you,
46:26 you want to reconnect because you know that
46:29 you're not where God want you to be.
46:31 If your desire tonight is to reconnect to the Christ that
46:36 wants to work in your life, simply stand tonight
46:39 wherever you are, I want to pray for you.
46:40 If you want to reconnect,
46:43 praise the Lord, there somebody that admits
46:45 to praise the Lord to someone else.
46:47 Praise the Lord.
46:49 Praise the Lord.
46:51 If there's something in your life
46:53 that you know needs to be disconnected
46:55 and you want to reconnect to Christ to have Him,
46:58 to continue His work in your life,
46:59 praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
47:02 a young folk and people of very young ages.
47:05 You see this is the time of self examination,
47:07 I'm not waiting for the latter rain,
47:09 I want to make sure that I've got it right now.
47:12 I don't want to wait for some great opportunity
47:14 in the future where everybody says
47:15 "Hey, the latter rain just fell."
47:17 I want you to know that the latter rain is falling on
47:19 people to your left and to your right.
47:21 God wants to transform your life before that great
47:23 and glorious outpouring of the latter rain.
47:27 But He wants us to examine ourselves to see
47:30 if things are showing up in our lives
47:33 that were once in our past.
47:35 Then my final appeal is this.
47:37 There are those that are standing,
47:38 we gonna pray for those that reconnect their hearts
47:40 and their lives to Christ,
47:43 but then there are those of you that are saying,
47:45 "Lord, I don't know where I fit in Your work,
47:47 I'm not exactly sure what You are going to do in my life
47:52 and how glorious that's going to be,
47:54 but Father tonight I simply want to make myself available
47:58 for the Holy Spirit to come in."
48:01 If there's somebody here tonight
48:03 that wants to make himself or herself available
48:06 for the spirit of God to come in
48:07 and begin a work in your life,
48:09 why don't you stand tonight and join with me?
48:11 You want to make yourself available.
48:13 Young man, young lady,
48:15 you want to make yourself available.
48:20 Available.
48:24 You know what the day of Pentecost was?
48:27 A 120 folk that simply made themselves available
48:31 that's what it was.
48:33 Look at what God did.
48:35 He turned the world upside down.
48:36 And I want to say as I pray tonight,
48:39 I'm gonna pray for God
48:40 to keep the things of your past in your past,
48:45 and then to fill your life
48:48 with such an abundance of His Holy Spirit
48:51 that you're no longer worrying about
48:52 what God is going to do in your life.
48:55 Whether you're equipped educationally or not,
48:58 the world is going to look at your life
49:00 and say that they maybe uneducated, and unlearned,
49:06 but they've surely been with Jesus.
49:08 The day is coming again.
49:11 God wants to do something powerful in your life.
49:14 When the day of Pentecost had fully come,
49:17 it's going to come again
49:19 and God wants to transform your life.
49:20 Bow your heads with me tonight.
49:22 Heavenly Father, Your people are standing tonight
49:25 in commitment at the beginning of my time with them.
49:30 Father, You've done so much in my own life,
49:33 yet You call me as a preacher of righteousness,
49:38 to see to it that the things of my past
49:42 don't show up again in my present.
49:44 And so, Father, those who have stood tonight,
49:46 making a commitment asking
49:48 for You to disconnect them from their past,
49:50 Lord Jesus send Your spirit to severe those things
49:53 that are calling us to go back,
49:56 that we may put our hands to the plow and not look back.
50:01 Those that are standing tonight, Father,
50:02 that are not sure about
50:03 what You're going to do in their lives.
50:06 We pray, Father, that they not be worried
50:09 that they simply make themselves available
50:12 for You to work in them.
50:15 This mighty host of all ages, and all races,
50:19 and all classes of people will one day stand up
50:22 when they're fully transformed into Your likeness
50:26 and they'll finally understand
50:28 what it means to be connected to that eternal power.
50:31 So heavenly Father, come Holy Spirit,
50:35 fill this place, fill Your people,
50:38 that the world may know that Jesus is coming again.
50:43 This is our prayer and this is our desire,
50:46 we pray in Jesus name and all of God's people said,
50:50 amen, and amen.
50:52 God bless you, you maybe seated,
50:54 you maybe seated.


Revised 2015-03-26