Move by His Power

If You Want to Grow, Then Go!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jelena Shipton


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000002

00:16 Would you like to bow your heads with me for prayer?
00:20 Dear Jesus, thank You so much,
00:22 that we have the privilege of having so much truth,
00:26 more than humanity has had at any time in history.
00:30 Please make the soil of our hearts good soil.
00:34 May this message be tailored to meet the needs
00:36 of every single person here this morning
00:40 that they may have the privilege
00:41 of hearing a word from You.
00:42 You promised in Deuteronomy 6:6 that,
00:46 these words, which are commanded this day,
00:48 shall be in your heart.
00:50 So You do have a word for us every single day
00:52 and may our hearts be ready to receive it.
00:55 I ask for the power of Your Holy Spirit.
00:59 And I thank You that I know You will answer this prayer,
01:01 for Your namesake, amen.
01:05 So the message that I'm sharing with you this morning
01:08 is titled, "If You Want to Grow, Then Go!"
01:13 So, If You Want to Grow, Then Go!
01:17 The great commission in Matthew 28:19,
01:21 you don't need to turn there for this verse,
01:24 but Jesus said, "Go therefore, and make disciples."
01:28 And so the premise of our devotion this morning
01:32 is that if we want to grow spiritually,
01:35 if we want to increase, then outreach service to others
01:41 is one of the best ways to grow spiritually.
01:43 So if you want to grow, then go.
01:47 It's the cure for spiritual stagnation.
01:49 It's the cure for wealthiness, for selfishness,
01:52 for whatever things we struggle within our life.
01:55 Jesus promised in Luke 6:38,
01:57 "Give and it shall be given unto you."
02:01 So as we put ourselves in the service of Jesus
02:04 and we go, as we start making sacrifices,
02:09 reaching out to others, serving,
02:11 emptying ourselves, then Jesus fills us again.
02:16 So give and it shall be given unto you.
02:19 And so we'll see that,
02:20 as we look at what the Bible has to say.
02:24 If you'd like to turn with me to James 5:7,
02:27 one of the theme verses for this conference as well.
02:31 So James 5:7.
02:40 And in James 5:7 it says,
02:44 "Therefore be patient, brethren,
02:46 until the coming of the Lord.
02:48 See how the farmer waits
02:50 for the precious fruit of the earth,
02:53 waiting patiently for it
02:54 until it receives the early and the latter rain."
02:59 Okay, so this is one of my favorite verses.
03:04 Who's the farmer? What do you think?
03:07 Feel free to answer, I'll say your answer as well
03:10 so everyone else can hear.
03:11 Who do you think the farmer is?
03:14 Who's the farmer who's waiting
03:16 for the precious fruit of the earth?
03:19 Jesus Christ, absolutely.
03:20 And there are many other verses to support this.
03:23 For the sake of time we won't look there now.
03:25 So Jesus is the farmer and we are His precious fruit.
03:29 And He is waiting for us
03:32 until we receive the early and the latter rain.
03:36 The early rain, and we'll hear more about this tonight,
03:38 the early rain was obviously
03:40 when the Christian church started with power,
03:42 when it spread through the whole known world
03:45 in just a few decades.
03:47 The latter rain, is what we believe
03:49 is yet to come and soon to come and that will be,
03:52 you know, the closing of the work.
03:55 Something that I found interesting is when,
03:58 not being from a farming background myself,
04:00 someone told me that the latter rain
04:03 is the rain that comes at the end of the harvest.
04:06 So the crops are almost ready but they're not quite ripe.
04:10 So the latter rain is primarily to help the crop to mature,
04:15 to reach maturity, to be ripe.
04:19 And so even though we know from Spirit of Prophesy
04:21 that there will be many new converts,
04:24 new believers at the time of the latter rain,
04:27 I believe its primary purpose will be to help
04:30 believers reach spiritual maturity.
04:33 To grow up into Jesus Christ, to grow up into perfection,
04:36 and when I say perfection, I mean spiritual maturity.
04:41 To be able to fulfill the promise
04:44 which Jesus said in John 14:12, "He who believes on me,
04:49 the works that I do shall he do also,
04:51 and greater works than these shall he do
04:54 because I go unto my Father."
04:56 If Jesus is saying this it means it's possible.
05:00 It means it's possible for us to do the same works
05:03 that Jesus did when He was on this earth.
05:05 And He said even greater. Why greater?
05:08 Well, because there's more of us,
05:10 we'll spread across the whole world.
05:13 Imagine being able to do what Jesus did,
05:14 to be teaching, preaching, healing,
05:18 to be so committed to serving others,
05:21 so selflessly serving.
05:24 I know I haven't reached that stage in my life yet.
05:26 When I look at the ministry of Jesus, of Paul,
05:28 I know there is so much further to go
05:31 when it comes to self sacrifice
05:33 and unselfish service to others.
05:36 So if we're talking about spiritual growth,
05:39 what are we trying to grow into?
05:41 Jesus is the goal, the very highest you can go,
05:44 that's the high ideal that we have.
05:47 I'd like to share one of my favorite quotes
05:51 and it's from Great Controversy page 611 and 612
05:56 and listen carefully to this, Ellen White said,
05:59 "The great work of the gospel is not to close with less power
06:04 than marked its opening.
06:07 The prophecies which were fulfilled
06:10 in the outpouring of the early rain,
06:12 at the opening of the gospel are again to be fulfilled
06:16 at the time of the latter rain.
06:18 Servants of God, with their faces lighted up
06:21 and shining with holy consecration,
06:23 will hasten from place to place
06:25 proclaiming the message from heaven.
06:28 By thousands of voices, all over the earth,
06:31 the warning will be given."
06:33 What warning?
06:35 That it's the time of judgment and that Jesus is soon to come.
06:40 "Miracles will be wrought, the sick healed,
06:43 signs and wonders will follow the believers.
06:47 Satan will also work with lying wonders,
06:49 even bringing down fire from heaven
06:51 in the sight of men.
06:52 Revelation 13:13, references that.
06:56 Thus the inhabitants of the earth
06:58 will be brought to make a stand."
07:01 Okay.
07:03 Do you long for this?
07:05 When you hear this quote,
07:07 are you hungry for that to be fulfilled?
07:12 Do you know people in your life who need miracles and healings?
07:16 Do you need God's healing power in your life?
07:20 Do you know people with needs?
07:22 As you look at the wider world, you know, the news,
07:25 but also in our very lucky country
07:27 that we live in, Australia,
07:30 one of the best places in the world.
07:34 But even in this country, do you know people
07:36 who have problems and great needs?
07:40 Do you know people who need Jesus?
07:43 I do.
07:45 I know so many people and as I'll share today,
07:51 as I've given myself to Jesus,
07:53 I've had the privilege of being a channel of His truth
07:56 and mercy to others,
07:57 but I know that it's just been a few drops
08:00 compared to the ocean that is out there.
08:03 And I believe you're here today
08:04 because you are longing to, to a far greater degree,
08:08 be a channel of God's power, transforming power,
08:12 to help people who have such great needs,
08:14 maybe for physical healing, for character transformation.
08:19 There are so many, you know,
08:22 it's not just physical health, mental health
08:24 is such a big problem in our society today.
08:26 People are lacking peace and joy in their life.
08:31 They're struggling with addictions of all kinds.
08:35 People really need Jesus in our society, so much.
08:39 Okay, so I know you're here today
08:42 because you do want to grow, you want to increase.
08:44 I know that you share the same hunger
08:46 that I have in my heart for greater things
08:49 than we've ever seen before.
08:51 And so to see how we can have that process,
08:54 that growth in our life,
08:57 I'd like you to turn to 1 Thessalonians Chapter 1,
08:59 it will also be up on the screen.
09:01 Just because I've highlighted certain words,
09:03 this is our key text for today.
09:05 So 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10, this passage is one,
09:12 when I first saw it I didn't think much of it,
09:15 I sort of just read Paul's greeting to the church
09:17 and kind of skimmed through this.
09:21 But I've come to see through,
09:22 mainly though doing fast discipleship,
09:26 which is organized by Dan Vis,
09:27 hands up if you've ever done fast discipleship.
09:31 Well, you must check out the website
09:33, very simple,
09:39 It's an excellent discipleship program
09:41 and through Dan Vis
09:43 I was able to see this passage in a new light
09:46 and for what it actually is saying.
09:48 So let's read together.
09:49 "For our gospel did not come to you in word only,
09:52 but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit
09:55 and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men
09:59 we were among you for your sake.
10:02 And you became followers of us and of the Lord,
10:04 having received the word in much affliction,
10:07 with joy of the Holy Spirit,
10:09 so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia
10:14 who believe.
10:15 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth,
10:19 not only in Macedonia and Achaia,
10:21 but also in every place.
10:23 Your faith toward God has gone out,
10:25 so that we do not need to say anything.
10:28 For they themselves declare concerning you
10:30 what manner of entry we had to you,
10:32 and how you turned to God from idols
10:37 to serve the living and true God,
10:41 and to wait for His Son from heaven,
10:43 whom He raised from the dead,
10:44 even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come."
10:50 All right, so when we look at this passage,
10:54 I want to first have a look at what
10:55 Paul and his co-laborers did.
11:00 So what was their responsibility?
11:02 What were they doing? You can see the words in blue.
11:06 What is Paul giving them?
11:09 Feel free to call out.
11:11 So what is he giving them?
11:14 So his responsibility is preaching the gospel,
11:18 the words of the gospel, is that all?
11:23 What else?
11:25 So the power of the Holy Spirit,
11:27 it's not just words,
11:28 the power of the Holy Spirit is present in Paul's life,
11:31 in his preaching.
11:33 And then you have also one more thing,
11:35 "what kind of men we were among you for your sakes."
11:38 Which sort of gives a hint that
11:42 they were very positive examples.
11:43 So it's not just their preaching
11:45 when they were away from the pulpit,
11:48 if you like, they had a sermon,
11:52 they were preaching a sermon with their life.
11:54 That was their responsibility.
11:56 We are the living word to you,
11:58 Thessalonian people, Paul saying, you know,
12:01 we're the living word with what we're preaching,
12:04 with the presence of the Holy Spirit
12:05 which is with us and the example of that life
12:09 as we're spending time with you in your homes, in your city.
12:14 That's a pretty big responsibility, isn't it?
12:17 They're doing a lot, it doesn't sound like
12:18 they're just giving an hour a week, does it?
12:21 Sounds like a pretty big sacrifice,
12:23 I mean, time commitment.
12:26 And one of my favorite verses is in 1 Corinthians 11:1,
12:30 where Paul says,
12:32 "Be followers of me, as I am of Christ."
12:37 And that is such a powerful verse.
12:39 Imagine being able to say,
12:41 follow my example just like I'm following Jesus.
12:44 So I'm so closely walking behind Jesus
12:47 that if you walk in my footsteps,
12:50 you are following Jesus.
12:53 And obviously he's not talking about,
12:56 you know, putting man instead of God,
12:59 but just that mature Christians
13:02 should be such a powerful positive example,
13:04 that they can be doing the works of Christ,
13:07 and can be such an amazing example.
13:10 Now that was Paul's responsibility.
13:12 What about the Thessalonians?
13:14 What were they, if you look at the green writing,
13:16 what were they expected to do
13:18 at this first stage or first phase?
13:23 Yep, they're receiving, they're listening,
13:26 and they start to follow.
13:28 Okay.
13:29 And we know that it says in 1 Peter 2:2,
13:34 Peter talks about how,
13:36 when you first accept the gospel,
13:38 you receive it, you start following,
13:41 you're a new born baby.
13:44 It's his desire the pure milk of the Word
13:46 that you may grow by it.
13:50 I've got a six month old baby and I actually was thinking,
13:53 when she was born, I have a five year old as well,
13:57 she's five tomorrow, and basically I'd forgotten
14:00 what having a baby was like.
14:02 The sleep deprivation was incredible.
14:06 And if-- I've only got two kids
14:07 so anyone out there with you know, more than two,
14:10 yes in a few decades you'll be able to sleep again.
14:13 But anyhow, I was amazed how dependant this baby is.
14:18 I felt like saying can't you change your own nappy?
14:21 Can't you just get your own milk?
14:23 Oh, that's right, you can't.
14:24 You know, they literally can't do
14:25 anything for themselves, almost nothing.
14:29 Wouldn't it be ridiculous to expect
14:30 a new born baby to look after itself?
14:34 And yet, that is what we do
14:36 when someone starts to follow Christ.
14:39 They get baptized and we leave them,
14:41 as if their spiritual growth, their spiritual journey
14:44 has finished, rather than just begun.
14:48 Okay.
14:49 If we keep reading, the 7, it says that with that
14:54 continued investment in their spiritual growth,
14:57 it says they became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia.
15:02 So now just like Paul, who said, you know,
15:06 you know what kind of people
15:07 we were among you, for your sakes.
15:10 Just like Paul, they also are examples now.
15:13 So now they're becoming disciples,
15:15 they're living examples of God's principles.
15:18 Isn't that awesome?
15:20 And if we keep reading in verse 8,
15:23 the words that are in red,
15:25 what do we have them doing now?
15:28 Are they just-- so they're being examples,
15:31 they're obeying God, they're learning
15:35 to have God's principles as part of their life.
15:39 But when you look at the writing in red,
15:40 what have they progressed to now?
15:43 Sharing, absolutely.
15:45 So from you the Word of God has sounded forth,
15:48 everywhere, to the whole world.
15:51 And Paul says now,
15:52 I don't need to say anything, my work is done.
15:56 Isn't that amazing?
15:57 That was what made the gospel so powerful,
16:01 in the time of the early rain.
16:03 That it wasn't-- I know Paul was a superstar,
16:07 he was amazing, he was such, such a close picture of Jesus
16:13 and Jesus' selfless ministry.
16:15 But the point is, Paul didn't take the gospel
16:18 to the whole world single-handedly,
16:20 he helped disciple people
16:22 who could then do the same work he did.
16:25 And he didn't have to say anything anymore,
16:26 they were not dependant on him
16:27 to preach to them every Sabbath.
16:30 They could do it.
16:32 They were independent workers for Christ.
16:36 So that we do not need to say anything
16:38 because everyone can see
16:40 that the Thessalonians have turned from their idols
16:43 and now they serve the living God.
16:48 And so based on this verse,
16:54 if we could-- I'll actually ask you to look up one more verse,
16:57 sorry, 1 Thessalonians 3,
17:00 so just two chapters over, and verse 8-10.
17:04 So yes, they were now independent workers,
17:08 they were mature workers for God,
17:11 but did Paul leave them even then?
17:15 Let's have a look.
17:16 In 1 Thessalonians 3:8-10, it says, Paul says,
17:21 "For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.
17:25 For what thanks can we render to God for you,
17:28 for all the joy with which we rejoice
17:30 for your sake before our God,
17:32 night and day praying exceedingly
17:35 that we may see your face
17:37 and perfect what is lacking in your faith?"
17:40 So Paul is saying, for now we live,
17:42 for now I live, if you stand fast in the Lord.
17:47 So Paul is saying, my reason for living,
17:50 for being on this planet is to make sure
17:55 that you stay on the path that you've started.
17:58 Yes, your mature worker is for Christ now,
17:59 but the journey is not over.
18:02 The Bible is full of sad cases of people
18:05 who were fully converted and fell away.
18:09 Think of the story of Saul. He was so humble.
18:13 He didn't even want to be king,
18:14 he was hiding behind, you know, some material, don't pick me.
18:18 Until later he was willing to,
18:20 you know, destroy God's own priests,
18:24 so he could keep his crown.
18:26 So just because you've started on a good path,
18:27 and I even a mature worker for God,
18:30 we've still got to make it to the end.
18:33 And you can see Paul didn't just say,
18:35 oh, my work is done.
18:36 His heart had been--
18:37 and time had been invested in those people
18:39 and he could no more forget about them
18:42 than I can forget about my own children
18:45 night and day praying exceedingly for them,
18:48 longing to see them again.
18:50 Have we done that?
18:51 Have we invested spiritually in people to the point
18:53 where they are never far from our heart and thoughts?
18:59 And in another place in Thessalonians,
19:01 the reference escapes me,
19:02 Paul says what is our crown, what is our joy,
19:05 what is our hope to see you
19:07 in the presence of Jesus, at His coming.
19:09 That was why he was on this earth.
19:12 Everything else was secondary.
19:14 His tent making job, obviously and his leisure time
19:18 and everything else he did was just a,
19:21 you know, a very distant number two on the list.
19:26 So let's see what we can learn from the Thessalonians.
19:29 Would you like to follow the same path in your life?
19:34 And I, I've grown up in the church
19:36 and you know, when I see in the New Testament,
19:37 it didn't take that long for people
19:39 to become mature workers.
19:42 Jesus spent a few years with the disciples
19:44 and even while He was discipling them,
19:46 and they were not quite there yet,
19:48 He was still sending them out.
19:51 Paul was teaching at the school in Tyrannus
19:54 I think it is, forgive my pronunciation,
19:56 he was teaching for about two years,
19:58 so it shouldn't take that long
20:01 to go from a new born baby to a worker for Christ.
20:06 Especially because the biblical principle
20:08 is that as soon as you start to believe in Jesus,
20:11 you can start witnessing for Him,
20:13 even when you're a new born baby.
20:15 Just like the woman at the well,
20:16 you can share what Jesus has done for you
20:18 if you have allowed Him to do something for you.
20:21 If there's something He's saved you from,
20:23 helped you in-- helped you within your life,
20:26 you can share it.
20:27 And as you share, you'll grow.
20:30 As you give, more will be given,
20:32 and so you'll grow and the more you share,
20:35 the more you'll get and the faster you will grow.
20:38 And so we don't need to be for decades,
20:42 being new born babies and stagnating spiritually.
20:46 Basically, when we look at the Thessalonians,
20:49 we can see that they turn from idols to God.
20:53 And so today, I really want to make two,
20:56 just two main points and that is,
20:59 we need to turn from our idols, to let God be God.
21:03 God is either God of all or not at all.
21:07 And the second point is to serve, to give,
21:09 that we may continue growing.
21:11 And if we are already mature workers for Christ,
21:14 I'm sure that we can sacrifice and give more,
21:17 I'm sure that we can't say,
21:19 yes, I'm at the point where Paul was,
21:22 or I'm at the point where Jesus was today.
21:24 I mean, we're gonna keep growing more
21:25 to be like Jesus in eternity.
21:27 So I'm pretty sure we haven't arrived now, today.
21:30 So those are the two main points.
21:33 The Thessalonians grew
21:34 because they turned from idols to God
21:36 and everyone could see it.
21:38 Their families, their neighbors,
21:40 their workmates, they saw a change.
21:43 And secondly, they were sharing,
21:46 sharing and therefore growing.
21:49 Idols, we don't have idols of wood and stone and gold today.
21:54 What is an idol?
21:56 A common definition is something
21:58 that takes the place of God in our life,
22:00 the role that God is meant to have in your life.
22:03 So I'd like you to help me out,
22:05 what is the role of God in your life?
22:11 What has He done for you?
22:12 Tell me, and I'll repeat what you say, your answers.
22:15 What has God done in your life for you?
22:23 Okay, so He's the one who's in control.
22:26 You obey Him. He gives you peace.
22:32 He gives peace, He gives me happiness,
22:36 I feel so happy when I spend time with God.
22:40 He gives me a sense of purpose in life.
22:44 That's the reason why I'm on this earth.
22:45 He gives me direction.
22:46 I'm on this earth because of God.
22:48 Okay, comfort, life.
22:53 I like-- and I like that someone said comfort,
22:55 so in hard times we turn to Him.
22:58 And we could keep going.
23:00 And what is our role towards God?
23:01 What are we meant to give to God?
23:03 We did mention obedience, what else?
23:06 Our heart, our lives, and that includes our time,
23:12 our thoughts, our conversation,
23:14 our time, money, our love.
23:19 What was that? Our service, absolutely.
23:23 So that's, that's the list
23:25 and I know we could keep going as well.
23:27 So if you have an idol instead of God,
23:30 that means that you turn to that
23:34 when you're feeling low, as you escape.
23:39 You turn to that for purpose in life.
23:44 That's why I exist, that's what I'm planning for,
23:46 that's what I'm giving my time and money for,
23:48 that's what I talk about that's what I think about.
23:51 Okay. Idol can be anything.
23:54 You know, when you're feeling low
23:55 you can turn to alcohol
23:58 or entertainment or just something
24:00 that's like a band aid on an amputated limb.
24:04 That's what it is.
24:05 And it's in-- I think in my own life
24:07 it's an insult to God
24:09 that I turn towards things that can't help me.
24:13 And I'm sad to say I've done it so many times.
24:18 And God is merciful, that's why I'm here today.
24:21 But let's not waste any more time.
24:25 Those idols can't help us, they can't hear us,
24:29 they can't give us a sense of purpose
24:30 and direction in life.
24:32 And Jesus wants us to turn to Him.
24:37 And that should be our focus.
24:38 I spent many years trying to fight those idols
24:41 and they just keep creeping back.
24:43 Our focus should be looking at Jesus, okay.
24:48 In Romans 14:12 it says,
24:49 "Be not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good."
24:54 So crowd out those idols in your life with the truth.
24:58 If there's some habits you struggle with,
25:01 don't focus on doing that less,
25:03 focus on reading the Bible more,
25:05 on praying more, just crowd out the idols
25:08 until God helps you to start seeing how,
25:12 how weak and petty and ridiculous
25:14 they are compared to the grand,
25:17 amazing plan He has for your life.
25:21 In Hebrews 12:2 it says, well, in Hebrews 12:1, 2
25:24 it says you know, we're surrounded by witnesses,
25:28 the people around us, the universe
25:30 and I know you know that and that like me
25:32 you probably are frustrated sometimes with yourself like,
25:35 oh, I want to represent Christ better,
25:37 because people really need Him, the need to know about Him.
25:42 But you won't ever find the strength inside yourself,
25:45 and that's why I love Hebrews 12:1, 2 where it says,
25:47 you know, there's witnesses around us,
25:49 we need to shake off those idols and sins.
25:52 How?
25:54 Verse 2 gives us the answer, by looking unto Jesus,
25:57 the author and finisher of our faith,
25:59 who for the joy that was set before Him,
26:01 endured the cross, despising the shame,
26:04 and is now sat down at the right hand
26:06 of the throne of the Father.
26:08 So how will we overcome those things in our life?
26:11 By looking at Jesus and specifically
26:14 how He on the cross endured it
26:16 because of the joy that was set before Him.
26:19 The joy, that He knew people
26:22 would be saved one day in heaven
26:23 because of what He was doing.
26:26 And so as we look at Jesus and His sacrifice,
26:29 our hearts will be warmed and we'll be motivated
26:31 to make more sacrifices to be cured from selfishness
26:34 and our wealthiness and whatever idols we have.
26:37 Because we know that if we make that sacrifice,
26:40 we'll have the joy too, that Jesus has,
26:43 of want to seeing people in heaven because of us.
26:47 And how can a few moments of sinful pleasure compare
26:52 to an eternity of joy that we will have.
26:56 And that's obviously overlooking the fact
26:58 that serving others gives us joy even in this life,
27:01 filled with uncertainties and temptations and problems.
27:06 Now I just wanted to quickly mention, briefly.
27:13 One of the things I have to mention this--
27:15 one of the things which is I've struggled with in my life
27:19 and idol or an obstacle to spiritual growth.
27:24 Because I want to make it practical, I guess.
27:28 In quotes from "Historical Sketches
27:30 of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists"
27:33 page 212 and 213,
27:35 that's a long reference, Ellen White says,
27:38 "There is no more effectual hindrance
27:41 to growth in grace than a disposition to criticize
27:46 and condemn others."
27:50 So we're talking about, I want to put away my idols,
27:53 I want to grow.
27:54 We all want this.
27:55 I know you do, and that's why you're here today.
27:58 And Ellen White is saying,
27:59 okay, well on the flipside, the biggest hindrance,
28:04 so there's no more effective stumbling block to you growing
28:08 than a disposition to look at other people
28:11 with a critical eye,
28:13 to criticize and condemn others.
28:16 Why?
28:17 Why would this be the biggest obstacle?
28:20 And Ellen White mentions many other problems
28:23 that were big problems in her day
28:24 and are even bigger problems today.
28:26 With moral standards, there are many issues
28:29 and we know it, we just have to look around.
28:30 But why do, I wonder why she says this.
28:34 As I was thinking about it I thought well,
28:37 I think it's because when we look at other people
28:42 we forget about our own spiritual growth.
28:46 So I'm busy looking at the weaknesses
28:50 and faults of others, the problems in the church
28:53 and all those exist but I forget my need.
28:59 I forget about the extremely important work
29:01 I'm meant to be doing,
29:03 growing in grace, increasing in service to Jesus.
29:08 Ellen White says how must the continual fault
29:11 finding appear to the heavenly messengers
29:14 who are sent forth to minister to God's people.
29:18 If only we could see the holy angels
29:19 walking amongst us,
29:21 surely we would be more guarded.
29:23 And instead of talking about the weaknesses
29:25 of our brothers and sisters,
29:26 we would focus on seeking Gods with our whole heart.
29:32 And when I think about that, I think,
29:34 yes, how big is the gap between God and me?
29:39 How big is the gap between angels and me?
29:42 And yet they do not caste me off.
29:46 They-- God still sees fit to have mercy on me
29:49 and to trust me with ministry for Him.
29:53 How can I then judge
29:54 and criticize my brothers and sisters
29:56 when the gap between us is so miniscule?
29:59 And I think sometimes when I see people,
30:02 and you see their faults, their sins, their problems,
30:07 you think, well, I'm not saying to deny--
30:11 you know, you can't-- you can deny reality
30:13 but when you see them, think well,
30:16 what if I had been born in their shoes?
30:19 What if their history was my history?
30:20 And Ellen White talks about people having sad histories
30:23 that are guarded from human eyes
30:24 that we know nothing about.
30:27 What if I had been born in their shoes,
30:28 and had their upbringing and the spiritual opportunities
30:32 they've had or haven't had?
30:34 Maybe I would be 10 times worse than they are.
30:39 To whom much is given, much is expected,
30:40 to whom little is given, little is expected.
30:44 And I love when Ellen White talks about when they--
30:48 when in 1844, she said,
30:50 "How great was the anxiety to know
30:53 if each one's own heart was right before God.
30:57 We would meet together and say,
30:59 'Brother, sister, have you seen anything in me
31:01 that's not right, please tell me."
31:04 Because I want to be ready for Jesus to come.
31:07 What humility.
31:08 When I get criticized it's like, help me, Lord,
31:12 I can feel pride coming up
31:13 and I just want to like defend myself, you know.
31:16 Do you struggle with that? Anyone else?
31:18 You know, defending yourself, pride.
31:22 How humble they were.
31:24 That should be our attitude
31:25 and that's the last I'll say about that particular idol.
31:29 And it is an idol because we make human opinion
31:33 and standards greater than God's opinion and standards.
31:36 And if we're busy looking at other people
31:38 and criticizing, giving a bad report,
31:42 you know, even if it's true, but it's a bad report.
31:45 You know, if we're telling someone else.
31:47 If we're bothering to tell someone else,
31:49 but we haven't taken the time to pray for that person,
31:52 to actually be their friend,
31:54 to directly talk to them, encourage them,
31:57 reprove them, they'll accept your reprove
32:00 if they know that you love them and you're their friend.
32:02 So if we haven't done that
32:03 we shouldn't be talking about them to anyone else.
32:08 Our attitude should be,
32:11 I love this, in 2 Chronicles 20:12 King Jehoshaphat
32:17 had three big enemies come against Israel.
32:20 The people of Ammon, Moab and Amalekites I think,
32:25 they were overpowered.
32:28 And he said, we have no strength
32:32 against this enemy, and we don't know what to do.
32:36 But our eyes are up on you, Lord.
32:38 That needs to be our attitude.
32:41 I don't have strength, I don't have wisdom in myself,
32:44 my eyes are on you, Lord, not on other people.
32:48 Because if we focus on other people,
32:51 Ellen White says in another place that,
32:52 what we look at, we become.
32:57 We start to then care what people thing
32:59 and then we start to work to please others,
33:01 'cause we don't want to be criticized,
33:03 like we're criticizing others.
33:05 And we can become people pleasers, doing things,
33:09 you know, dressing in a way to please others.
33:13 Another idol in my life, dress.
33:15 You know, man looks at the outward appearance,
33:17 that's one of the easiest things to judge
33:18 but may God help us to be like Jesus.
33:22 In John 5:41 he said,
33:25 "I do not receive honor from men."
33:28 We need to stop looking at people
33:31 with a judging critical eye and instead our attitude to be,
33:37 how can I help you?
33:39 How can I help you in the long, hard journey to heaven?
33:43 That motive of love.
33:47 And our own attitude for ourselves to be,
33:48 I don't have strength or wisdom, Lord,
33:50 help me with my idols,
33:52 help me with my spiritual growth.
33:56 Satan is the accuser of the brethren
33:58 and that is not a title we should want for ourselves.
34:02 I have to share one more thing.
34:04 I'm sorry, it's so powerful.
34:07 "Ernest workers," in "Gospel Workers" 479,
34:11 "Earnest workers have no time
34:13 to dwell upon the faults of others.
34:15 We cannot afford to live on the husks
34:17 of other people's failings."
34:20 So instead of looking at others
34:21 and they ought to real problems that exist in the church,
34:25 we could have spent that time talking about Jesus,
34:28 and what He's done in our life.
34:30 Isn't that so much better?
34:33 Wouldn't that be so much better for our own spiritual growht
34:36 and for the people we're talking to as well?
34:39 One verse, I'll get you to look up
34:40 2 Corinthians 10:12,
34:47 so 2 Corinthians 10:12.
34:58 Oh, I better look it up too.
34:59 My apologies, I moved house yesterday
35:02 so I'm extra tired today, but the Lord is my strength.
35:09 2 Corinthians 10:12, all right.
35:17 "For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves
35:20 with those who commend themselves.
35:23 But they, measuring themselves
35:25 by themselves, and comparing themselves
35:27 among themselves, are not wise."
35:32 So we dare not class ourselves
35:33 with those who commend themselves.
35:36 My opinion is the right one,
35:38 my standard is the right one, I am the judge.
35:42 That should not be our attitude.
35:43 We should not be comparing ourselves
35:45 or measuring ourselves with others.
35:48 Maybe you're a really awesome worker
35:49 for God compared to the average lukewarm person.
35:55 But we can't look at people.
35:58 You know, Jesus is our ideal, He is what we're aspiring to.
36:03 We want to love and selflessly serve the way He did
36:07 and the way Paul did with the Thessalonians,
36:10 night and day praying exceedingly for them.
36:13 That is our goal.
36:17 There's a beautiful quote in "Gospel Workers" as well
36:19 which says, "We are dependent upon one another,
36:21 closely bound together by the ties
36:24 of human brotherhood," and sisterhood.
36:26 I added the sisterhood bit,
36:27 but anyway and I'll say one more thing,
36:32 I mentioned that when we look at people,
36:34 when we-- and it's easy for us
36:37 to worship, to focus on what we see.
36:39 Just like the Israelites of old.
36:42 Why did they worship the idols?
36:45 Because they could see them, and they couldn't see God.
36:49 And so we tend to look at each other
36:50 and, I mentioned before, dress,
36:53 people can see your outward appearance
36:56 and I'm sorry, this might not apply so much to the boys,
37:00 although I think you can take the principle of you know,
37:03 how important image is in our society,
37:05 but because image and outward appearance
37:07 is so important in our society, as a woman,
37:11 the topic of dress is such an important one.
37:15 Okay, we live in a society where women are judged
37:17 by the way they look.
37:18 Doesn't matter if they're an athlete, a politician,
37:21 doesn't matter what they are, primarily people will discuss
37:24 what they're wearing, which is really sad.
37:27 And so it's not about standing here
37:28 and saying, ah, you're not allowed to dress like that,
37:31 or this or-- it's about hey,
37:33 God has something better for you,
37:35 for your worth to come
37:36 from being part of His eternal kingdom
37:39 and being a worker for Him.
37:42 It's not about, it should be 10 centimeters
37:44 below the knee, it should--
37:46 it's about love is the motivation.
37:49 God has helped me to realize it's about love.
37:51 I love others so I don't want to outshine someone
37:55 by wearing a luxurious garment
37:57 and someone who can't afford it feels bad.
37:59 I love others, because we love others.
38:02 We should not want to steal attention
38:04 that is not ours to have.
38:08 Because I don't want people to look at me,
38:10 I want them to look at Jesus.
38:12 You know, do they remember what I was wearing
38:14 or do they remember that I was talking about Jesus.
38:19 And so love should be the motivation for these,
38:22 for this particular theme.
38:25 But as I said, the cure is not, okay, I need to fix that,
38:29 I need to stop criticizing people,
38:31 I need to stop spending too much time
38:33 and money on clothes, my car, technology, whatever it is.
38:37 Whatever the idol is, remember the cure is, looking at Jesus.
38:41 And then, you'll see these idols for what they are.
38:46 Weak and ineffective, cannot make you happy.
38:50 That is the cure.
38:51 And then service is the key to keep on growing.
38:55 Give, and the more you give, the more you will receive.
38:59 If you give a little bit, you'll receive a little bit.
39:03 If you give a lot,
39:04 you will receive a great measure of God's power.
39:09 I want to share one more verse, 1 Thessalonians 3,
39:13 appropriate to a verse in Thessalonians,
39:16 Thessalonians 3:12, 13.
39:19 One of my all time favorite verses,
39:21 I love this verse.
39:24 I get really excited about this verse, can you tell?
39:27 I love it, you're going to love it too.
39:29 1 Thessalonians 3: 12-13, and it says,
39:36 "And may the Lord make you to increase
39:39 and abound in love to one another
39:42 and toward all, just as we do to you,
39:47 that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness
39:51 before our God and Father at the coming
39:54 of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints."
39:58 You know, there can be so much talking at churches
40:01 or maybe in our own walk with God,
40:03 we wonder about the whole perfection thing
40:06 and, you know, spiritual maturity.
40:10 What does this verse say?
40:11 In verse 13 it says, "Our heart will be established
40:14 blameless in holiness when Jesus comes."
40:18 How will that be achieved?
40:19 What is it saying, in verse 12?
40:27 So what does, not us,
40:29 what does God need to do in our lives
40:30 so that we will be blameless, wholly perfect,
40:35 spiritually mature in God's eyes?
40:40 To increase in abundant love.
40:43 Just like I have loved you, says Paul to them.
40:46 And we saw how Paul was working for the Thessalonian church.
40:51 I'm not talking about a weak wishy-washy love
40:54 that doesn't care about someone's life
40:57 enough to pray for them
40:58 or to call sin by its rightful name,
41:00 I'm not talking about that.
41:01 I'm taking about God's definition of love,
41:04 which is the only thing,
41:05 and He is the one that makes it happen.
41:08 That is what makes you increase in love,
41:11 abound in love,
41:13 to the point where you will turn from your idols
41:16 and you will make a change
41:19 and I want to be honest and practical.
41:21 When I went to witness, last time,
41:24 I didn't go last year 'cause it was a few days
41:27 before my baby was born, so I didn't go the last one
41:31 but I went for the first time in the 2013 one.
41:35 And that was a time
41:37 of real spiritual stagnation in my life.
41:39 I grew up at Salisbury church,
41:42 anyone knows Salisbury Yugoslav Adventist Church?
41:45 And I was active there, I was very involved,
41:48 but I hadn't really given up the idols in my life.
41:51 And I was sort of struggling between two masters.
41:55 I was really struggling,
41:56 because I really wanted real Christianity.
41:58 I didn't want to show weak powerless
42:00 Christianity to my friends
42:02 and people who really needed to know about God.
42:05 So I was kind of, you know, working for God
42:07 and you know, I could be this kind of person
42:10 but if I was people who weren't Christians,
42:12 you know, I could talk about the same things they were
42:14 because was watching the same shows,
42:16 I was wearing the same clothes,
42:17 I was doing everything they were.
42:19 Not everything but you know, some of it.
42:22 And so I was really struggling.
42:24 Then I came to Mt Gravatt
42:25 and because I was new, I didn't know anyone.
42:28 Suddenly I wasn't involved,
42:29 I wasn't being asked to help out
42:32 and so for like a good year I did nothing.
42:36 And I really stagnated. I really struggled.
42:39 My idols came up bigger than ever
42:41 and I was sort of trying to fight them
42:43 in my own strength and just feeling discouraged
42:46 and depressed with my lack of spiritual growth,
42:51 which is why God want's us to grow.
42:53 And then I came to the Witness Conference
42:54 and I was so blessed.
42:56 Was anyone at the 2013 one?
42:59 I was really blessed and I started praying every day
43:02 after the Witness Conference.
43:05 I realized I really need God's help.
43:07 I'm back at square one, sadly, you know, sad to say,
43:10 and I started praying, Lord,
43:11 give me a desire to spend time with You.
43:14 Give me that hunger,
43:15 so I started spending more time in Word and prayer
43:17 and I started praying every day,
43:18 Lord, help us to have family worship together.
43:21 Help us to have family worship together,
43:22 we've got, you know, our child,
43:24 later on another one on the way,
43:26 and I was praying, Lord, make me a witness for You,
43:28 give me opportunities to serve You.
43:32 Do you think there are prayers
43:33 that God will answer maybe or definitely?
43:37 Like He's longing for us to pray Lord,
43:39 make me a witness for You.
43:41 God is so good, even though I was this lukewarm Christian
43:45 who instead of becoming a mature worker
43:48 who's turned from the idols in like a year
43:50 or two or something, it's been decades.
43:54 You know, what a terrible example.
43:59 But I want to give hope that if there is anyone in my shoes,
44:01 you've grown up in the church and you've struggled
44:03 to make that full turning away from idols,
44:06 turning-- and to turn to God,
44:09 and to be an example and a witness,
44:11 there's hope for you.
44:12 If God had-- if God didn't give up on me,
44:15 He won't give up on you.
44:16 If He uses me, He will use you.
44:19 And He did use me, He answered all those prayers,
44:21 and I had to persevere, it took a few months,
44:23 but all those prayers were answered.
44:26 We now run a soul winning small group
44:28 from our house every Friday night.
44:31 And I still struggle with, you know, self,
44:33 you know, I'm like, oh, I'm so tired, Lord.
44:35 I just want to go to bed early tonight.
44:37 But every time small group finishes,
44:39 I'm like, yes, that was awesome!
44:41 I'm so glad we had small group tonight.
44:44 There's a young man that comes to our small group
44:46 and he's struggling with so many addictions,
44:50 such a painful past in his life.
44:53 We invited him to Witness last year,
44:55 and he along with others, made a decision for baptism.
44:59 And he's still struggling, he's not there yet.
45:02 But he started Bible studies
45:05 and he's already starting to share what he has
45:08 and 'cause of that, he will grow.
45:11 He went, he met a friend of his,
45:13 sorry, now it's a friend of his,
45:14 he met a guy at a pub one night,
45:18 and he saw he had a religious tattoo,
45:21 and he said to him, ah,
45:23 I see you have a religious tattoo,
45:24 I love the Bible.
45:26 Paul's my favorite person in the Bible.
45:28 You know, how he changed, he became Saul, Paul.
45:31 And the other guy was like,
45:32 oh, I don't really know the Bible, I believe in God,
45:35 but I don't know the Bible.
45:36 And so our friend said to him,
45:38 oh, come to our Bible study group on Friday nights.
45:42 Changed numbers, the next day,
45:46 this guy called our friend
45:47 and said, it wasn't just the drink talking,
45:49 I really want to come.
45:51 And so our friend said, all right, come.
45:54 And a few of you know who I'm talking about.
45:57 And-- but then the guy didn't come.
46:00 And so he invited him, he didn't come.
46:02 He said, all right, I don't want to be pushy.
46:04 Stopped inviting him.
46:06 Then he went to get a haircut,
46:07 our friend from small groups, went to get a haircut,
46:10 somewhere he's never gone before to get a haircut,
46:12 Trim Set shopping center.
46:15 And he randomly sees this friend walking a lone.
46:20 Bumps into him completely coincidentally,
46:23 providentially, and they have lunch together.
46:26 And he invites him to small group, and he comes.
46:31 He's an army guy, and has a little army Bible.
46:34 He came along and at that time small group
46:37 was at Anna's and Andrew's place.
46:39 And later he told us, you know when he came
46:42 he didn't even seem like he was that
46:43 interested in spiritual things.
46:45 With my human eyes, I was like, oh,
46:47 why is he here for, the vegetarian food?
46:51 We didn't have any girls at our small group,
46:53 it was just guys.
46:54 So I'm like, there's no ladies for them to meet,
46:56 why is he here?
46:58 Then, much later he told us,
47:00 you know, when I came to this small group,
47:02 at that time, at Anna's and Andrew's place,
47:04 he said, when I left, I had so much peace in my heart.
47:10 I can see you guys care for me, like,
47:13 and he said I love coming here.
47:16 And that just broke my heart,
47:18 because, I'm such a work in progress,
47:21 and just to think, I didn't give him peace,
47:23 I can't manufacture it,
47:25 I can't make a difference in his life with his problems,
47:28 he's had a loved one die, he's got struggles
47:31 and right now, he really needs prayer.
47:33 He is, Satan's really attacking him.
47:38 And I guess I can't make a difference in his life.
47:43 The fact that he felt peace shows me
47:44 Jesus was present there, just as much as He was present
47:49 when people would go to a house
47:50 and He was present there, healing, you know.
47:52 And so I'm so grateful to God for those things.
47:56 And I guess I want to appeal to you,
47:58 at the end, that if God can use me,
48:03 if He didn't give up on me, He can use you.
48:07 I promise you that, I didn't think this witness
48:09 I would have had the experiences
48:12 like last time I went, I didn't think
48:13 I would have had the experiences I've had.
48:16 Just because I prayed, I asked, reading my Bible,
48:20 and just service to others, you know,
48:22 just whatever point you're at, start serving the Lord.
48:25 And I'm just gonna say a prayer, to close
48:28 and I guess I want to appeal to you
48:32 to put yourself in the service of God, wherever you are.
48:34 If you're already a mature worker for God,
48:37 pray that God would help you
48:38 to give more, to sacrifice more.
48:40 What else can I give up, money, time, talents?
48:45 Wherever you are, you can grow further.
48:48 Let us not set limits
48:49 on what God want's to do in our life.
48:51 It's only just begun, but the time to work is now,
48:54 because the night is coming, when no man can work.
48:57 But it's time for the harvest to ripen
48:59 and we are His precious fruit.
49:03 Okay, let us bow our heads in prayer.
49:07 Dear Jesus, thank You so much
49:10 that we could be here together this morning.
49:12 And Lord, as we read about what Paul did to Thessalonians,
49:15 help us to remember they were not some superheroes,
49:18 in and of themselves,
49:20 Paul would have still been Saul,
49:22 criticizing and persecuting his brethren.
49:25 And the Thessalonians
49:27 would have been worshipping their useless idols.
49:30 And that's our faith too, Lord.
49:31 The difference is if we turn to You,
49:33 if we turn from our idols
49:36 and if we turn to You and give You our all.
49:38 Help us not to be afraid, Lord, but to trust that
49:42 You really do want what's best for us.
49:44 You really have our best interest at heart
49:46 and that excitement and joy and purpose will be found
49:50 as we start making a difference
49:51 in the lives of those around us,
49:53 many who desperately Lord, need You.
49:56 Please answer this prayer
49:57 and bless every single person here
49:59 and I ask that if there's someone here today
50:02 that wants to raise their hand, right now
50:05 and say, Lord, I want to turn from my idols fully.
50:08 Make a record in heaven that I want to turn from them
50:12 and I don't want to give up until they're gone.
50:15 But put me in Your service, and if there's someone else
50:18 who want's to raise their hands and say Lord,
50:20 put me in your service, help me to increase
50:23 and not to set limits on what You can do in my life.
50:25 Use me to help others
50:27 so they can be in heaven one day.
50:29 I pray in Your name, amen.


Revised 2015-03-26