Move by His Power

The Highway to the Upper Room

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Taj Pacleb


Series Code: 15WAC

Program Code: 15WAC000001

00:15 Our message tonight is entitled
00:17 The Highway to the Upper Room.
00:19 We're going to discover the prerequisite
00:22 for the power of Pentecost
00:23 and so I invite you to take your Bible
00:24 and open with me to the Book of Revelation 12
00:29 as we begin our study tonight.
00:31 We're gonna go to the last book of the Bible,
00:33 this powerful prophetic book
00:35 written for God's people in the last days,
00:38 and in the 12 chapter we find a very powerful
00:41 and potent passage, describing in awesome language,
00:47 the final climatic conflict
00:49 between a dreadful demonic dragon
00:52 and a beautiful beloved bride.
00:55 Notice what it says in Revelation Chapter 12
00:57 beginning with verse 17, and if you're there
00:59 and if you're ready to study the Bible tonight,
01:01 would you please say amen.
01:03 The Bible says in Revelation 12:17,
01:05 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
01:08 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
01:13 which keep the commandments of God,
01:15 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
01:19 So here we're reading prophetic language,
01:21 a dragon that is filled with wrath
01:23 against a woman that has specific characteristics.
01:28 And the reason why this dragon
01:30 which is none other than Satan is angry at this woman
01:33 which is simply the beloved people of God
01:35 is because this is a bride or a woman or a church
01:40 that will bring his demise in the last days.
01:43 It's a moment that will push the gospel forward
01:47 that will carry the gospel
01:48 throughout the whole world order
01:50 that will bring in the return of Jesus,
01:52 our heavenly husband
01:54 and the final destruction of Satan.
01:57 And I want you to notice, friends,
01:58 according to this prophecy that
02:00 Satan is not angry at every church,
02:04 he is not mad at every movement.
02:07 He is only angry at the church or the movement
02:10 that is a threat to his kingdom,
02:14 and this woman is that movement.
02:16 We know that in prophecy woman represents a church.
02:20 Here is the church that Satan is threatened by
02:23 and he is angry at her for at least three reasons.
02:25 Number one,
02:27 is because she is the beloved bride
02:29 of his chief enemy, Jesus Christ.
02:32 Number two,
02:33 this woman keeps the commandments
02:35 of his chief enemy, she loves to follow Jesus.
02:39 And number three,
02:40 she has the testimony of Jesus Christ
02:43 which is Satan's chief enemy.
02:46 In other words this woman
02:47 having the testimony of Jesus,
02:48 she is always talking about Jesus,
02:50 she loves bragging about her husband.
02:54 And Satan hates that, and is through this woman
02:57 that Jesus is going to testify
03:01 against the false accusations of Satan
03:03 in this great controversy between good and evil,
03:06 proving his accusations false,
03:08 and so Satan wants to silence the testimony of Jesus Christ,
03:12 and in order to do so he must silence this woman.
03:17 But the question is, what exactly
03:19 is the testimony of Jesus Christ?
03:24 Where is it reviewed
03:25 and how is this testimony review to us?
03:28 Well, many of us are familiar,
03:30 we understand that according to Revelation 19:10
03:33 that the testimony of Jesus is the way.
03:37 The Spirit of Prophecy, you see friends.
03:41 This is a church that has the testimony of Jesus,
03:43 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
03:45 In other words it's a movement
03:47 that is moved by the inspiration
03:49 of the Spirit of Prophecy
03:50 because it's the Spirit of Prophecy
03:52 which is the testimony of Jesus that this,
03:55 that reviews to this woman, this church her mission
03:59 and her message as well as her method
04:03 of sharing the gospel with the word in the last days.
04:06 And so it's the prophetic testimony given
04:09 from Jesus through the Spirit of Prophecy,
04:11 that this woman is moved by,
04:13 moved by the power of the Spirit of Prophecy.
04:17 Now, friends, I want you to not miss that point,
04:20 the testimony of Jesus and the Spirit of Prophecy
04:22 are one and the same.
04:23 You see as the bride is to follow her husband,
04:27 so to we as the bride of Christ are to be moved
04:30 by the testimony of our husband Jesus Christ,
04:33 which is the Spirit of Prophecy,
04:34 and this Spirit of Prophecy
04:38 is what makes known to us Jesus' words.
04:41 Now I want you to notice in the Book of John 14:26
04:45 if you have a notebook,
04:46 I encourage you to write it down
04:47 for the sake of time,
04:48 some of these will be on the screen,
04:50 but Jesus says something very interesting here,
04:53 it says, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,
04:55 whom the Father shall send in my name,
04:58 shall teach you all things..."
05:00 How many things?
05:02 So the Comforter is to teach us
05:03 not just some of the council of God,
05:06 but it all, all things
05:07 "And bring all things to your remembrance,
05:10 whatsoever I have said unto you."
05:13 So notice carefully, friends,
05:14 that the Holy Spirit
05:15 does not speak His own words,
05:17 but it simply brings back to our remembrance
05:19 the words that Jesus has spoken to us.
05:22 Again the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy,
05:25 the Spirit of Prophecy is simply telling us
05:28 Jesus' words.
05:29 Notice another one in the Book of John 16: 12-13
05:34 it says, Jesus speaking,
05:36 "I still have many things to say to you,
05:38 but you cannot bear them now."
05:40 You see God is a God that understands
05:42 what we can handle and He doesn't overwhelm us
05:44 with too much information.
05:45 He reviews truth to us gradually
05:47 the path of the just is like a shining light
05:50 that shines more and more on to the perfect day
05:53 and so as we continue to be led
05:55 or moved by the spirit, the power of God,
05:58 we will have a deeper and deeper understanding
06:00 of the words of God with a testimony of Jesus.
06:03 Are you with me?
06:05 It says "However, when He, the Spirit of truth,
06:08 has come, He will..."
06:10 What is this word right here?
06:11 "Guide you into..." how much?
06:13 "All truth, for He will not speak on His own authority..."
06:17 We've already speak that.
06:18 "But whatever He hears He will speak,
06:20 and He will tell you things to come.
06:22 He will glorify Me, for He will take
06:25 of what is Mine and declare it to you."
06:29 Once again, friends, we see very clearly
06:31 that the role of the Holy Spirit
06:33 is to bring back to our remembrance
06:35 that what Jesus has testify to us,
06:37 the Holy Spirit is to guide us into the truths of Jesus
06:41 into all that Jesus wants us to understand,
06:45 it's-- in other words
06:46 the Holy Spirit is to fill us in.
06:49 On everything, Jesus wants us to know
06:52 and everywhere Jesus wants us to go.
06:55 And I want you to notice that this word guide
06:57 is very important for our study tonight
06:59 because the word guide denotes that there is a journey,
07:03 there is a pathway or there is a road
07:04 that we're walking upon,
07:06 leading to a specific destination
07:08 and the word guide denotes that we are being led in a way
07:11 that we naturally do not know ourselves.
07:14 It implies that there is movement
07:16 from a specific place to a specific destination
07:20 from point A to point B,
07:22 and that's what we are friends,
07:23 we are not just a church,
07:24 we are not just an organization,
07:26 we are a moment and tell me, friends,
07:28 what is the chief characteristics of a movement?
07:32 They are on the move, isn't that right?
07:35 They're moving,
07:36 a movement is not a movement if they are stagnant,
07:39 and so this woman is moved by the power of God,
07:44 moved by the testimony of Jesus
07:47 which is the Spirit of Prophecy,
07:49 but the question I want us to consider
07:50 it's not as this, from where to where
07:53 is the remnant being guided to?
07:55 From where to where?
07:57 In other words which way do they go
07:59 and, friends, listen carefully,
08:00 in order for us to identify and discover
08:02 the way in which this remnant
08:04 or we or-- we are to go,
08:07 we must in order to know that way,
08:09 we must study the people in the Bible,
08:12 who are known as the People of the Way.
08:17 You see, this woman in Revelation 12
08:20 represents the Early Apostolic Church.
08:23 The crown of 12 stars on her brows,
08:25 stars representing angels according to Revelation 1:20,
08:28 angels simply denoting messengers,
08:31 the 12 messengers, the 12 Apostles,
08:33 here is the church of the first century,
08:35 the Early Apostolic Church,
08:37 the church that Jesus founded upon that solid rock,
08:40 it's the original bride, the original church,
08:43 and friends, the Bible tells us that
08:45 Satan the dragon is angry at that church,
08:48 but he takes it out his anger out
08:50 on the children of the woman.
08:52 Notice in the prophecy in Revelation,
08:54 Satan the dragon is not attacking the woman,
08:57 her time has passed, but she has her remnant,
09:02 and so Satan takes out all his frustration
09:05 and his anger upon the remnant of the women,
09:08 and who is the remnant?
09:09 This word remnant,
09:10 it simply means that which remains
09:14 and he's just like the what?
09:15 The original.
09:16 In other words the remnant church of Bible prophecy
09:19 are those who remain original, those who have a pure faith,
09:23 those who follow Jesus.
09:26 Everywhere Jesus leads,
09:28 just like the Early Apostolic Church did.
09:31 They are the last church, the end time church
09:34 that is just like the original church,
09:36 that has a pure faith coming directly
09:40 from the words of Jesus, the testimony of Jesus,
09:42 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
09:44 So listen carefully, friends,
09:45 as we lay the foundation tonight.
09:47 In order for us to know how we are to move
09:50 as a movement today, we must study to see
09:53 how the spirit moved the early church yesterday.
09:57 To know where we need to be today,
10:00 all we have to do is look back to see what happened,
10:03 and how the Holy Spirit led the original church
10:06 because the remnant is just like the original.
10:11 And the original church,
10:12 they understood the testimony of Jesus,
10:14 they have the Spirit of Prophecy.
10:15 And by the way, friends, the Spirit of Prophecy
10:17 is not just referring to one prophet at the end of time.
10:20 The Spirit of Prophecy is the Holy Spirit speaking
10:23 through all of the prophets of God,
10:26 from the beginning of time to the end of time.
10:28 Can you say amen?
10:29 So it's a church that lives by every word
10:31 that proceeds out of the mouth of God,
10:32 every word that the Spirit of God has brought
10:35 through all the prophets
10:36 from beginning all the way to the end.
10:39 And, friends, I want to summit that
10:40 this is one of the reasons why Satan is so angry,
10:44 he is filled with wrath,
10:46 he is not angry at every church,
10:49 only the one that he is threatened by.
10:51 And so in order for us to understand
10:53 this final movement, let's go back
10:57 to study the original movement in the past.
10:59 And as we do here is a promise we can claim
11:01 from the book of Last Day Events
11:02 from amongst other places on page 72 it says,
11:06 let's read this together, shall we?
11:08 It says, "We have nothing to fear for the future,
11:12 except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us,
11:18 and His teaching in our past history."
11:21 So we don't have to be afraid of the future, friends.
11:24 As we read this and how the dragon is wrath,
11:27 wroth with us and wants to destroy us and,
11:29 and let me tell you friends,
11:30 if you've not yet been tested, the testing time
11:33 is gonna break upon each and everyone of us.
11:35 We are going to experience the wrath of the dragon,
11:38 but I'm so thankful that we don't have to be afraid
11:40 because the Bible says that
11:41 perfect love cast out fear from our hearts
11:44 as we understand the love of Christ for us.
11:46 It dispels all that fear as long as we do not forget,
11:52 as long as we remember
11:55 how the Lord led us in the past.
11:58 It says specifically the way, the what?
12:02 The way, He has led us in our past history.
12:06 As we look back to the past,
12:07 it gives us confidence to know that
12:09 the same God that led us in the past
12:11 is gonna lead us all the way in the future.
12:14 Amen.
12:15 All the way to the golden shore in that sweet by and by.
12:19 And so as we look back, friends, listen carefully,
12:21 as we look back to the mighty outpouring
12:23 of power in the past,
12:25 God is not just wanting to inspire us,
12:27 but He is also wanting to instruct us
12:29 as to what we are to do right now in the present.
12:34 And so what happened in the experience
12:37 of the Early Apostolic Church
12:40 is but a glimpse of what God is gonna do
12:44 through the remnant of that Early Apostolic Church.
12:49 And friends, when you read the Book of Acts,
12:52 their impact was so powerful and profound.
12:56 Spirit of Prophecy says that the whole world was shaken.
12:59 Even the enemies said that these--
13:01 the words of these Apostles, this early church
13:05 has turned the world upside down.
13:08 And, friends I want to experience that,
13:10 how about you?
13:11 But in order to have the result,
13:14 we first must need their--
13:15 we first must have their experience.
13:19 In order to have the results,
13:20 we first must have their experience.
13:21 In other words,
13:22 we need to see the things that they saw,
13:25 in order to experience what they experienced.
13:28 We need to hear the things that their ears had heard
13:31 and to know the things that they knew
13:34 because what they knew and what they saw
13:35 and what they heard made such a profound
13:37 difference in their lives
13:39 and because it made in them
13:41 it also made a difference through them
13:43 in the whole world.
13:45 And so to have the results,
13:47 we must have their experience.
13:48 And so question, what was the prerequisite
13:52 for the power of Pentecost?
13:54 What was it, friends?
13:57 Two things, how many?
14:00 At least these two things
14:02 summarize tonight with two words
14:05 and I will give it to you right now.
14:07 Number one, a Room, number two a Road.
14:14 Number one is what?
14:16 A Room and number two a--
14:18 and, friends, these two things the Road and the Room
14:22 was the prerequisite for the power
14:25 they experienced at Pentecost.
14:27 And so what we gonna do right now
14:28 is we want to trace it backwards
14:30 from Pentecost backwards from effect to its cause
14:34 and then later on we gonna review it
14:36 from cause to effect.
14:38 And so the question is what happened before Pentecost?
14:43 There was an upper room experience.
14:45 We all know that.
14:47 And what happened there?
14:48 Friends, in this upper room experience,
14:51 the Apostles were of one accord,
14:54 they came together uniting in the spirit
14:56 and they were able to be united in the spirit
14:58 because they humbled themselves before one another
15:01 and they, they made wrongs, right
15:03 and they between themselves
15:04 and God, and they-- they prayed together
15:06 and they pleaded for the power of the Holy Spirit
15:09 and as they come to get--
15:10 as they came together in that upper room experience,
15:13 God fulfilled the promise He made to their forefathers
15:16 in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where God had promised to us,
15:20 "If my people, who are called by my name,
15:23 shall humble themselves,
15:24 and pray, and seek my face,
15:26 and turn from their wicked ways,
15:28 then will I hear from heaven,
15:30 I will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land."
15:33 And as this early church got together in that upper room,
15:36 this powerful promise was profoundly fulfilled
15:39 in their experience
15:40 as the healing rain of God's power,
15:43 and love filled and flow through them
15:45 and the ripple effects drew into a tsunami of revival
15:49 that brought spiritual revolution to the whole world.
15:53 And it came, it began in that upper room experience.
15:58 And, friends, according to prophecy history
16:01 is gonna be repeated
16:02 in a more profound and powerful way,
16:04 I love what it says in the book Great Controversy
16:06 in page 464 it says,
16:08 "Before the final visitation
16:10 of God's judgments upon the earth
16:12 there will be among the people of the Lord
16:14 such a revival of primitive godliness
16:17 as has not been witnessed since what?
16:19 Apostolic times.
16:20 The Spirit and power of God
16:22 will be poured out upon His children."
16:24 At that time, notice what's gonna happen
16:26 as a result of this end time upper room experience,
16:29 it says, "At that time many will separate themselves
16:32 from those churches in which the love of this world
16:35 has supplanted love for God and His word.
16:38 Many, both of who?
16:40 Ministers and the people,
16:42 will gladly accept those great truths
16:44 which God has caused to be proclaimed at this time
16:47 to prepare a people for the Lord's second coming."
16:51 It's a prophecy describing a great in gathering
16:54 of individuals both ministers and members,
16:57 and leaders, and laity, and pastors,
17:00 and the people will come to hear this message--
17:03 preach and proclaim and demonstrated
17:06 by the powerful Holy Spirit,
17:07 from the lips of His people, and through their lives,
17:10 and as a result many will come.
17:13 Pentecost will be repeated in the last days.
17:17 Friends, it's up to us, if we gonna be a part of it.
17:20 I don't know about you, friends, I want it, amen.
17:23 I want to have that experience.
17:25 And the Lord has given me
17:26 in my personal ministry the privilege
17:29 of seeing this promise partially fulfilled
17:31 with my own eyes.
17:32 Just a few months ago
17:33 we did the meetings in the wicked
17:35 city of San Francisco and California.
17:38 Just a few months ago, this past September,
17:40 we did meetings there,
17:42 and it was a wonderful, wonderful experience.
17:44 We've done over 55 meetings in the past 8 years.
17:48 This was our 54th meeting
17:49 and I will never forget, our Brother Bill
17:51 who came to the meetings night after night.
17:53 He got the invitation and he was there
17:56 and he was soaking up the word of God
17:58 and, and you know, he'd been
18:00 had a lot of experience in spiritual things.
18:05 And I will never forget that night
18:07 when we talked about the God of new beginnings.
18:11 The God that wants to give us
18:13 a clean slate and a fresh start.
18:15 And we made an invitation for people to come to the front
18:17 to get baptize or to make a decision to be baptized,
18:20 to prepare for baptism,
18:22 and I will never forget Bill coming down to the front
18:24 and I met him at the altar and with tears in his eyes
18:27 streaming down his face,
18:28 he looked at me and he said to me,
18:30 is there room for an ordained preacher?
18:34 Is there room in this baptism for an ordained minister?
18:39 You see Brother Bill had been a minister
18:42 in the nondenominational church.
18:44 He came to our meetings, he heard the present truth,
18:48 end time message,
18:50 centered in Christ founded upon the word
18:52 and blessed by the spirit,
18:54 his heart was stirred within him
18:56 and even though he had been a minister
18:57 in the nondenominational church,
18:59 he felt God calling him to be re-baptize
19:02 and just before he was baptized on the last of our meetings,
19:04 he said these words and I quote, he said,
19:07 "I'm getting re-baptize because the Lord has led me
19:10 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
19:11 to unite with the remnant church of Bible prophecy.
19:15 I have been in the ministry for four and half years
19:17 in a nondenominational church,
19:19 and now I have received, I've been led to greater truth
19:23 and I'm recommitting myself to God
19:25 for even greater service."
19:26 Amen.
19:28 We see glimpses of an end time Pentecost,
19:31 taking place around this in pockets of Adventism
19:35 here and there and like the song says,
19:37 mercy drops round us are falling.
19:40 But friends we need the showers,
19:42 before those showers we must plead.
19:45 And so my question is,
19:46 what is it gonna take for the final Pentecost
19:48 of the last days to be realized?
19:50 What is it gonna take?
19:51 It's gonna take an upper room experience.
19:55 How many of you tonight see your need
19:57 for an upper room experience?
20:00 Us coming together, putting aside
20:03 our selfishness, and our pride,
20:06 humbling ourselves before one another,
20:08 before our great God that we might make room
20:11 for the spirit in our lives,
20:13 and we need that upper room experience.
20:16 And I'm so thankful for the-- for our denominational church,
20:20 our GC president calling for revival
20:23 and reformation in calling for this upper room experience,
20:25 but let me tell you friends,
20:27 I want to submit to us tonight that
20:28 many of God's people are not even ready--
20:30 not just are they not ready for Pentecost,
20:32 but they are not even ready for the upper room.
20:35 You see there is a previous preparatory experience
20:38 that we first must have
20:40 in order for the upper room to even make a difference.
20:45 I told you there are two things
20:47 that needed to happen before Pentecost could be realized.
20:52 A room and what's the next thing?
20:55 A road.
20:57 You see, friends, the reason why the prayers
21:00 of the Apostles worked in the upper room
21:03 is because they had this foundational experience,
21:07 you see before they could be
21:08 filled with the spirit in the upper room,
21:10 they first had to be led by the spirit
21:13 to the upper room.
21:16 Did you catch that?
21:17 Before they could be filled
21:18 with the spirit in the upper room,
21:21 they first had to be led
21:22 by the spirit to the upper room.
21:27 And thus the spirit of God would lead that early church,
21:34 up a road that would lead to the upper room,
21:37 a highway, a holy way
21:39 that would lead to a most holy place.
21:41 And, friends, all this what I like to call
21:44 upper road experience on this upper road experience
21:48 they would learn lessons that would prepare them
21:50 for the outpouring in the upper room.
21:53 I call it the upper road experience,
21:55 which is the prerequisite for the upper room.
21:58 It's what makes the upper room count
22:02 and so it's on this road
22:04 that I invite you to walk with me upon tonight.
22:08 And on this road what we gonna do, friends?
22:10 We are going to hear--
22:11 listen, listen on this upper road experience,
22:14 we are going to hear the testimony of Jesus,
22:18 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
22:21 And as we hear the testimony of Jesus
22:23 which is the Spirit of Prophecy,
22:25 we gonna be moved by that power,
22:27 we gonna be led by that spirit into the upper room
22:30 and then we gonna know how to pray
22:32 and that's, we make our prayers work.
22:37 And so let's walk up on this upper road experience
22:41 and this upper road that I'm referring to,
22:44 is found in the Book of Luke 24.
22:46 And so I invite you to take your Bible
22:48 and open with me to the Book of Luke 24,
22:51 it's a very familiar story to us.
22:54 Let's go back to visit, hear the testimony of Jesus,
22:58 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
23:00 Notice with me,
23:01 Luke 24 beginning with verse 13,
23:04 this is Jesus had just died and been buried in the tomb,
23:09 and the disciples had witness this,
23:11 and these disciples on this road heading to Emmaus,
23:15 they are walking this road away from Jerusalem.
23:19 They are leaving Jerusalem which means the city of peace,
23:24 and they were heading to a village called Emmaus.
23:26 And I want us to notice, friends,
23:27 the cogitations of their mind
23:29 and the meditation of their heart
23:31 was, was such that they were so discouraged,
23:34 Bible says in Luke 24 beginning with verse 13
23:36 if you are there would you please say amen.
23:39 It says, "And, behold, two of them
23:40 went that same day to a village called Emmaus,
23:44 which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.
23:46 And they talked together of all these things
23:48 which had happened."
23:50 And we have to understand
23:52 they are walking away from Jerusalem,
23:54 the city of peace, they had no peace
23:56 as they were heading to Emmaus.
23:58 The son of hope had gone down
24:00 and the night of woe had setter upon their hearts,
24:03 these two disciples were absorbed in gloom and glee,
24:07 they were utterly hopeless and bitterly disappointed,
24:10 they were crushed by confusion
24:12 and they were drowning in despondency and despair
24:15 because they had just witnessed
24:17 He who they thought was the Messiah
24:19 being nailed to a cruel cross
24:22 and as believers in Him they feel that perhaps
24:25 they would meet the exact same fate.
24:27 These two disciples were standing
24:29 in the dark shadow of the cross
24:31 and it was unbearable,
24:33 they didn't know how they gonna make it through.
24:35 They are confused by the things
24:38 that their eyes had seen.
24:40 The future was dark and uncertain.
24:43 And it seemed like there was no light in sight.
24:45 You see, friends, these disciples
24:48 had just witnessed the cross,
24:50 but they did not understand the significance of it.
24:55 Now I want to ask the question tonight.
24:56 Could it be possible
24:58 that we the remnant of this original church
25:02 that we have seen the cross,
25:05 but we really do not understand what it means?
25:09 That's the condition of these disciples.
25:13 You see these two disciples represent
25:14 all those who have suffered disappointment in life.
25:18 Those whose faith has faltered in,
25:20 whose commitments to Christ have cooled down
25:23 because of the cares of life.
25:27 They are so discouraged.
25:29 I want you to notice what Jesus does,
25:31 for those who are plagued with pain,
25:34 and crushed by confusion.
25:35 It says in the next verse, verse 15, oh, I love this.
25:39 "It came to pass,
25:40 that, while they communed together
25:41 and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near,
25:45 and went with them."
25:47 Bible says come now let us reason together.
25:50 Lord, you have to reason
25:52 with these two discouraged disciples.
25:56 Oh, friends, don't ever forget.
25:58 When you feel the farthest away from God,
26:01 that's when He is closest to you.
26:03 When the darkness is so dense
26:05 that's when the light is in reality
26:07 shining the brightest.
26:10 I don't know how you came to this conference,
26:13 may be you came here carrying heavy burdens,
26:16 may be you're going through something tonight
26:17 that no one else knows about,
26:20 financial difficulties,
26:22 may be your parents are going through divorce
26:23 and your heart is broken and you're confused.
26:26 May be you are married and your marriage
26:27 is being severely attacked by Satan.
26:30 May be you have health issues.
26:32 May be you've lost the loved one
26:33 and your heart is broken.
26:34 May be you've sinned and messed up
26:36 and failed God and you feel like you can't be forgiven,
26:39 you're doubting the mercy of God for you,
26:42 friends, you are in the right place,
26:46 if that's you?
26:47 Even though you might feel far away from Him,
26:50 that's when He is closest.
26:52 Let me tell you, friends, He is here,
26:55 and He is the one, He is the God
26:57 that draws near to the broken heart,
27:00 He is the one that,
27:01 that can turn our sorrows into sweet joy.
27:04 I love what it says in the Book of Micah.
27:07 "Rejoice not against me or mine enemy,
27:09 when I fall I shall arise,
27:12 and when I sit in darkness
27:13 the Lord shall be alight on to me."
27:16 And that's what He is going to be
27:18 for these two disciples who are sitting
27:20 as they were in spiritual darkness
27:22 the light of the universe draws near,
27:25 but at first they can't recognize His appearance.
27:29 He approaches them as a common traveler.
27:33 And, friends, I want you to just notice,
27:35 they are heading to a village called Emmaus.
27:37 Do you know what the word Emmaus means?
27:40 In the original the word Emmaus literally means warm baths.
27:45 What is it mean?
27:47 So they are leaving Jerusalem, the city of peace,
27:50 they have no peace and they are heading to Emmaus,
27:52 the village of warm baths.
27:54 And let me tell you, friends, their destination
27:57 was a reflection of their experience,
27:59 their commitment to Christ is cooling down
28:03 and they are heading to Emmaus,
28:04 the village of warm baths,
28:06 they are settling into a Laodicean lukewarm condition.
28:10 They are heading home,
28:12 trying to forget about their problems.
28:14 May be go home and just take a nice warm bath
28:17 and forget about their disappointment.
28:19 But, friends, by the time
28:20 Jesus is through with these disciples,
28:23 they are not lukewarm,
28:24 they are not cold, they testify,
28:26 did not our hearts burn within us?
28:30 They were on fire by the time
28:32 Jesus was finished with them.
28:34 And by the way, friends,
28:35 this experience on the upper road,
28:37 the road to Emmaus
28:38 when they herd the testimony of Jesus,
28:40 which is the Spirit of Prophecy and their hearts began to burn,
28:43 this was the beginning of the baptism by fire,
28:46 this was the beginning
28:48 of the fire of Pentecost, friends.
28:50 It happened before the upper room,
28:52 it began at the upper road,
28:55 from hearing whatever it is Jesus was saying.
28:58 This upper road is the prerequisite
29:01 for the upper room.
29:03 And so what exactly did Jesus do?
29:06 What He did for them He longs to do for us tonight.
29:09 What Jesus did, friends, is He helped these disciples,
29:12 this early original church,
29:14 to understand the significance of the cross,
29:17 and he enabled them to understand the cross
29:19 by putting it in the context of prophecy.
29:24 Notice with me in verse 25
29:29 "Then he said unto them,
29:31 O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the what?
29:36 All that the what?
29:37 Prophets have spoken.
29:39 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things,
29:42 and to enter into his glory?"
29:43 Verse 27, and beginning at where?
29:47 "And beginning at Moses and..."
29:49 how much of the prophets?
29:50 "All the prophets, he expounded unto them."
29:54 That means that word expounded he connected the dots.
29:57 It means He gave a systematic detailed explanation,
30:00 He expounded unto them in how much of the scriptures?
30:03 "All the scriptures the things concerning what?"
30:07 So Notice friends,
30:08 Jesus in this upper road experience
30:11 helped the disciples to understand
30:12 the significance of the cross
30:14 by putting it in the context of Bible prophecy.
30:19 He expounded to that in all the scriptures,
30:21 He did not so much pick and choose,
30:23 He went through it all and he showed that
30:25 all of the scriptures are a Revelation of Himself.
30:29 What these prophets have spoken
30:31 through the spirit is his own testimony.
30:34 Why, because the testimony of Jesus
30:35 is the Spirit of Prophecy,
30:37 that which the spirit speaks to the prophets
30:39 is the words of Jesus, friends, and so notice.
30:44 Christ approach is very unique and peculiar.
30:47 He did not do what most people would have done.
30:49 You see the easy and faster thing Christ could have done
30:52 is just reveal Himself to them
30:54 and say here I'm, I'm alive,
30:56 I'm no longer dead,
30:58 and if Christ would have performed that miracle
31:00 and just revealed Himself to them,
31:02 that would have satisfied them immediately.
31:05 But instead of doing that,
31:06 instead of taking the quick route,
31:08 Jesus took the time to break down
31:11 prophecy to them,
31:13 and showing how it all points to Himself.
31:18 I want you to know what it says
31:19 in book Desire of Ages page 796.
31:25 "Christ performed no miracle to convince them,
31:28 but it was His first work to do what?
31:31 Explain the Scriptures.
31:32 They had looked upon His death
31:34 as the destruction of all their hopes.
31:35 Now He showed from the whom?
31:37 Prophets that this was the very what kind of evidence?
31:40 Strongest evidence for their faith."
31:42 You see the strongest evidence for our faith
31:44 is not some outward demonstration,
31:46 is not a sign or wonder or miracle,
31:49 it is the evidence of the testimony of Jesus,
31:54 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
31:56 So Christ instead of perform a miracle,
31:59 He took the time to break down prophecy,
32:03 Jesus put the cross in the context of prophecy
32:06 and this is what made a difference.
32:08 This is what caused their hearts to begin to burn
32:11 and it was this lesson they learned on the upper road,
32:14 this highway that prepared them for the upper room.
32:17 Shortly thereafter Jesus appeared
32:19 to the rest of the disciples in another upper room,
32:21 and did the same thing,
32:23 He basically broke down the prophecies.
32:25 Notice what it says in verse 44 of Luke 24.
32:28 verse 44, it says, "And he said to them,
32:30 these are the words which" who?
32:33 "I speak unto you, while I was yet with you,
32:36 that all things must be fulfilled,
32:37 which were written in the law of Moses,
32:39 in the prophets, in the psalms, concerning me."
32:41 Verse 45 "Then opened he their understanding,
32:44 that they might" what?
32:46 "Understand the scriptures."
32:49 And then jumping down to verse 49, it says,
32:50 "And, behold, I send you
32:51 the promise of my Father upon you,
32:53 but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem,
32:55 until you be endued with power from on high."
32:59 So notice, friends, there is a sequence here.
33:01 Jesus in this upper road experience
33:04 broke down prophecy,
33:05 then He told them to go to the upper room
33:07 and wait there and pray there
33:09 until they be endued with the power
33:11 of the Holy Spirit from the Lord Himself.
33:14 And so notice, here is the point,
33:16 because they first understood Christ centered prophecy.
33:22 What kind of prophecy?
33:23 Because these disciples first understood
33:25 Christ centered prophecy,
33:26 they now knew how to pray in the upper room.
33:31 This is why their prayers worked.
33:33 Because it was based upon sound theology,
33:38 founded upon the word,
33:40 centered in Christ and blessed by the spirit.
33:44 Because they were led by the spirit
33:47 on the upper road,
33:48 they were now ready to be filled with the spirit
33:51 in the upper room.
33:52 And, friends, the remnant is just like the original.
33:58 The final church is just like the original church.
34:03 These are the ones that remain original
34:05 while all the world is changing,
34:07 and many of the churches of the world
34:08 are changing with the world,
34:11 and they call that being progressive,
34:13 but really it's been digressive,
34:14 it's taken us all the way back to the Garden of Eden,
34:17 when the serpent said, you should not surely die.
34:20 Whatever, anything goes,
34:24 but people label it as we are progressive,
34:27 by changing with the customs
34:29 and traditions and culture of the world,
34:33 but friends the remnant remain original.
34:37 They have the same experience.
34:39 And that because of that God can trust them with power.
34:42 You see here is the point.
34:44 God is not going to fill us
34:45 with the spirit in the upper room
34:48 to spread a false message.
34:51 The reason why He was able to trust
34:52 the disciples in the upper room with the Holy Spirit
34:55 is because they first have the upper road experience,
34:57 they had the correct message, a powerful message,
35:00 Christ centered prophecy that message they understood
35:03 and now God would empower them
35:06 to spread that message to the world in the upper room.
35:12 And so the remnant are those who remain original.
35:15 I want to share, friends,
35:16 I summit to us that's what we need tonight,
35:20 many of us are not ready for the upper room
35:22 because we fail to see
35:24 how Christ is in all the prophecies,
35:27 we think that is separate.
35:30 Now listen for every truth
35:32 there is a counterfeit, isn't that right?
35:35 For every truth there is a counterfeit.
35:39 There is a true upper room experience,
35:42 but there is also a counterfeit upper room experience.
35:45 And, friends, do you realize that
35:46 the counter upper room experience today
35:48 that is sweeping across the churches of our world.
35:51 It is basically an upper room experience
35:54 that skips the upper road experience.
35:57 Where churches are saying,
35:59 let's put aside all our doctrinal differences
36:01 and let just come together and pray,
36:04 that's unifying the spirit but it doesn't really matter
36:06 what you believe, and what you hold assure,
36:08 let's put all doctrines aside
36:10 and let just come together in the spirit
36:12 and friends it sounds nice, but it's a counterfeit unity
36:15 because God can never bless a unity
36:18 that is contrary to His word,
36:20 a union without truth would be an unholy union
36:23 and the Bible calls that spiritual harlotry.
36:28 You see, friends, without the road,
36:31 the room is not gonna make a difference.
36:33 A destination without a clear way of arriving,
36:36 listen, listen, if you don't have a clear path,
36:39 you just might end up in the wrong room.
36:43 You must have the road before you can meet
36:46 or get to the right destination or the right room.
36:49 And, friends, I summit that's
36:51 what's happening in Christianity today.
36:53 There is a watering down of the gospel message of Christ
36:56 and it's been replaced
36:57 by a false counterfeit gospel message,
37:00 talking about a counterfeit Christ,
37:02 and many of the churches of Babylon
37:04 are uniting under this false Christ.
37:07 In Christianity today
37:08 we see that there is a crises in theology,
37:11 an ecumenical apostasy that prophecy predicted
37:14 is emerging all around the world
37:17 and even within some parts of Adventism
37:19 we're hearing messages
37:21 that are downplaying our distinctive,
37:23 deemphasizing of doctrine and an emphasizing of Christ,
37:27 when you look upon it,
37:28 it's not the real Christ, it is a false Christ.
37:34 It is a one sided Christ.
37:37 But I swear, friends,
37:38 that we can't go to the upper room,
37:40 until we first walk the upper road.
37:42 True unity must be founded upon sound theology
37:46 because God never calls us to sacrifice truth
37:49 for the sake of unity and harmony
37:51 with the world friends, no.
37:53 And we have been warned that this would creep
37:55 within God's church in the last days.
37:57 I want to share friends that--
37:58 that there is a subtle deception,
38:00 a subtle deception that Satan has introduced
38:03 in Adventism today and here is the deception.
38:06 There are individuals who are saying
38:08 let's just talk about Jesus,
38:12 and I agree with that statement as it said.
38:16 But there is an implication
38:18 in that statement that is dangerous.
38:21 When people say let's just talk about Jesus,
38:23 they're saying we don't have to worry
38:25 about prophecy or doctrine,
38:27 let's stop talking about the Sabbath
38:29 and the sanctuary it's not very important,
38:31 let us just come together
38:32 and have a conversation about Jesus,
38:34 the faulty implication in the statement
38:36 is that prophecy and doctrines are not about Jesus.
38:40 But, friends, here is the question I want to ask you,
38:42 and I want you to think with me tonight.
38:43 Here is the question. Tell me friends.
38:45 Is it biblically possible to separate Jesus from prophecy?
38:51 Is it biblically possible?
38:52 Yes or no? No, why?
38:54 Because the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.
39:01 That which the prophets are speaking
39:03 is the words of Jesus Himself.
39:06 So it is an impossibility to separate these two together.
39:09 Now, let me tell you it's possible,
39:11 but it's not biblically possible.
39:14 It's possible to separate Jesus from prophecy,
39:16 people do it all the time
39:17 when they talk about prophecy without Christ
39:19 and it's a doom and gloom fear based message that--
39:23 that inspiration tells us is like an offering of Cain,
39:28 there is no fire, no power in such a message.
39:33 But then there is the opposite extreme
39:35 where people are saying,
39:36 forget about prophecy and doctrine,
39:37 and let's just talk about Jesus,
39:40 but it's not the real Jesus, friends.
39:43 It's impossible to separate Jesus from prophecy biblically.
39:48 Why?
39:50 Because Jesus said,
39:52 out of the abundance of the heart--
39:55 finish it, the mouth speaks.
39:59 In other words the words come from the heart.
40:03 In order to know the heart of God,
40:06 how is the heart of God made known?
40:08 By the words of the God.
40:09 Amen.
40:10 And so we can't separate Jesus from His own word.
40:13 You can't really know the true Christ,
40:17 by pushing away the words of Christ,
40:20 Jesus is the word that was made flesh,
40:22 He is the Logos, Jesus is the way,
40:25 He is the truth and the life,
40:26 it's biblically impossible to separate Jesus
40:30 from His own words,
40:31 it's true, friends, listen it's true
40:33 that we can preach doctrines without Christ,
40:35 but we cannot truly preach Christ
40:38 without preaching doctrines and standards and prophecies,
40:41 and everything that the Lord
40:43 has spoken through His prophets, amen.
40:48 We can preach doctrines without Christ,
40:50 but we cannot truly preach Christ
40:51 without preaching the rest.
40:53 Let me say like this,
40:54 doctrines without the love of Jesus is irrelevant.
40:58 Standards without the love of Jesus
41:00 are oppressive and legalistic.
41:02 Prophecy without the love of Jesus is scary
41:06 but the flip side doctrines
41:08 with the love of Jesus is important.
41:11 Prophecy with the love of Jesus is exciting,
41:14 and standards with the love of Jesus
41:17 is a blessing and a delight.
41:18 Can you say amen?
41:20 And, friends, it's a tragedy
41:21 that we see that even within our movement,
41:23 there are individuals that are trying to separate
41:25 that which is one and the same,
41:27 the testimony of Jesus
41:28 which is the Spirit of Prophecy,
41:30 let me say-- say it like this.
41:32 Every doctrine, every prophecy,
41:34 every standard and every principle
41:36 in the word of God is a lens,
41:40 to magnify the character of God.
41:44 Just like a camera lens,
41:45 what is the purpose of a camera lens?
41:47 To magnify and clarify an object.
41:51 Jesus is the object, amen.
41:54 The lens is all of the teachings of Jesus,
41:57 His words because out of your abundance
41:58 of the heart the mouth speaks,
41:59 the heart is known by the words,
42:02 so the Sabbath is the lens friends that magnifies Christ,
42:05 it's not an end in itself,
42:06 the Sabbath is to lead us to the rest we have in Jesus.
42:09 The 2300 day prophecy, the health message,
42:14 everything else that we believe as God's people
42:19 all of them are lenses to magnify the object of Christ
42:22 and it obviously the object is more important than the lens
42:26 but here is what happens when you remove the lens,
42:30 you can't see the object clearly.
42:33 When He gave out the Sabbath they say,
42:34 oh, we don't need to talk about that,
42:35 sanctuary oh, forget about that, 2300--
42:37 oh, that's not forget about it,
42:39 when you remove that you can't see Jesus clearly,
42:42 and so what happens is this,
42:44 you move the lens of doctrine and prophecy
42:46 and standards and the picture
42:48 that you have of God is hazy
42:49 and it's not very clear
42:51 and the more unclear your picture of Jesus,
42:54 the more easily Satan can introduce a counterfeit Jesus.
43:00 And you're looking and it looks like him,
43:02 it seems like him,
43:05 and let me say that this is exactly
43:09 what's happening in the world today.
43:12 Many of the churches and daughters of Babylon
43:14 are turning back to the mother church.
43:16 Why?
43:17 Because they have removed the lens of doctrine
43:19 and as a result their picture of Christ is blurry,
43:21 they can't see Him very carefully,
43:23 and as results Satan introduces
43:25 a counterfeit Christ, an antichrist.
43:28 You see, friends, the lens is so important.
43:31 Do you see that the lens is important tonight?
43:34 And that's the reason why friends
43:35 I believe that before He empower the early church
43:39 with the spirit of God in the upper room,
43:40 He first took the time to lead them
43:42 in the upper road to break down Christ centered prophecy.
43:47 You see, they needed to see clearly first
43:50 before they can pray and preach correctly.
43:54 And I have a heavy burden for us
43:55 as a people to understand this point.
43:57 What is the primary purpose of prophecy?
43:59 Let me just share these verses.
44:00 In 2 Peter 1:19
44:03 here is the primary purpose of the prophecy,
44:06 it says "We have also a more sure word of prophecy,
44:10 whereunto you do well that you take heed,
44:12 as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the--"
44:15 what? "Day dawn, and the--" who?
44:18 "Day star arise in your hearts."
44:20 Notice, friends, that the purpose of prophecy
44:22 is so that the Day Star can get in our hearts.
44:25 Who is the Day Star? He's Jesus.
44:28 Through the sure word of prophecy,
44:30 Jesus is trying to get in our hearts,
44:33 so that we can be ready for the day dawn,
44:35 which is the second coming of Jesus.
44:37 We can't separate it from Christ.
44:40 Revelation is a not a Revelation
44:41 of beasts and dragons and plaques,
44:44 it's a Revelation of Jesus, amen.
44:46 Not just a Revelation from Jesus,
44:48 but Revelation of Jesus through this end time book,
44:51 Jesus is trying to reveal Himself to us.
44:54 And whenever I do Bible prophecy seminar
44:56 that's my main emphasis in the seminar is that--
45:00 it's together, that the purpose of prophecy
45:03 is to point us to Christ,
45:05 is to reveal the power and love,
45:08 and grace, and victory of Jesus
45:10 over the beast in the last days.
45:11 Can you say amen?
45:12 And because Revelation is about Jesus,
45:15 it's not a scary book, it's a beautiful book.
45:17 It's all about Jesus.
45:19 You can't separate them from one another.
45:22 The Three Angels' Messages
45:23 are called the everlasting gospel,
45:25 ever lasting meaning
45:26 it doesn't have a beginning or end,
45:28 it's the same one from the beginning,
45:29 the everlasting gospel and tell me, friends,
45:32 what does the word gospel mean?
45:34 What kind of news?
45:35 It does not mean bad news, it doesn't mean scary news,
45:38 it's not a doom and gloom message,
45:40 it means good news.
45:42 And, friends, the very nature of news
45:44 is that it is to be communicated with others
45:47 and, friends, if the news is good,
45:49 it ought to be shared with power and enthusiasm
45:52 and great joy and this is the message
45:55 we're to give the three angels,
45:57 the everlasting gospel.
45:59 Any gospel without the three angels' messages
46:02 is an incomplete gospel, friends,
46:06 because it points us to Christ.
46:08 In the Bible there are-- there are two individuals
46:11 that are known as love by God especially,
46:15 do you know who they are?
46:17 God loves all of us, but the Bible emphasis
46:20 that these two individuals are loved by God.
46:23 Do you know who they are?
46:24 Daniel, though art greatly beloved,
46:27 and who is the other one?
46:29 John the beloved.
46:32 In fact John writes about himself
46:33 and he calls himself
46:35 the disciple whom Jesus loved.
46:38 In the Greek it's even more powerful.
46:40 It's the disciple whom Jesus kept on loving.
46:43 In other words John recognized
46:45 despite my failures and my mistakes,
46:47 despite my inconsistencies, Jesus just keeps on loving me.
46:51 He doesn't stop loving me.
46:53 I failed Him over and over
46:54 but His love continues to reach out to me,
46:57 I'm the disciple that Jesus loved.
46:58 You can say that about yourself tonight, friends.
47:02 And these two, John the beloved,
47:04 and Daniel the beloved
47:05 receive some of the deepest revelations of Jesus,
47:09 they understood the love of Christ,
47:11 and as result, they were able to understand
47:13 that deep prophecies from Christ.
47:16 In the Bible, what is the love chapter?
47:19 1 Corinthians 13 that's the love chapter.
47:23 What is the chapter that deals with the gift of prophecy?
47:27 1 Corinthians 14, talks about prophecy,
47:30 they're side by side
47:32 because you can't have one without the other.
47:35 Amen. They go together.
47:36 Once again the revelation--
47:38 the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.
47:44 Those who say I don't want prophecy
47:46 are really saying I don't want Jesus.
47:49 Those who say I don't want revelation,
47:51 they are saying I don't want see Jesus.
47:53 Those who are saying I don't want doctrine
47:55 they are really saying I don't want Jesus
47:57 because He is the doctrine, He is the Logos.
47:59 Those who say I don't want standards
48:01 are saying I don't want Jesus.
48:03 Why, because Jesus is called the Chiefest of ten thousand,
48:06 that word Chiefest means standard bearer.
48:09 He is the one that lifts up the standard.
48:12 Amen.
48:13 And so let's not separate that which is one and the same.
48:16 I want to read you few more statements notice with me,
48:18 in the book Lift Him Up page 98,
48:21 it says, "The shortness of time, the what?
48:25 Is frequently urged as an incentive
48:28 for seeking righteousness and making Christ our friend.
48:32 This should not be the great motive with us,
48:35 for it savors of selfishness."
48:37 Self preservation you're afraid of the end of time,
48:39 you just gonna do the right thing
48:41 because you are afraid, selfishness, self preservation,
48:44 that should not be the great motive,
48:45 then it she ask "Is it necessary
48:48 that the terrors of the day of God
48:49 should be held before us,
48:51 that we may be compelled to right action through fear?
48:54 It ought not to be so." Why?
48:57 "Jesus is attractive.
49:01 He is full of love, mercy, and compassion."
49:05 As so we need to preach prophecy the right way,
49:09 as it should be centered in Christ.
49:12 In the book Evangelism page 195,
49:14 it says "Let Daniel speak,
49:18 let the Revelation speak, and tell what truth is.
49:21 But whatever phase of the subject is presented,
49:23 uplift Jesus as the center of all hope."
49:27 It says if Daniel and Revelation
49:29 are being silenced,
49:30 and she appeals let them speak,
49:33 but whatever phase always in the context of Jesus
49:37 as our hope that's why we've taken the name
49:39 of our ministry Revelation of Hope Ministries
49:42 because it points us to Christ.
49:44 Notice one more, Evangelism page 196,
49:47 "Ministers should present the sure word of prophecy as..."
49:51 What is that next word?
49:52 "Foundation of the faith of Seventh-day Adventists.
49:55 The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation
49:57 should be carefully studied,
49:59 and in connection with them the words,
50:01 'Behold the Lamb of God,
50:03 which takes away the sin of the world.'"
50:06 How many of you want to give that message
50:08 in these last days?
50:10 Amen.
50:12 Now, friends, listen as we review
50:15 and bring this to a close.
50:18 One of the reasons why evangelism grows dim?
50:22 In many churches and conferences,
50:25 one of the reasons why faith grows weak
50:27 and love grows cold
50:28 is because sometimes we try to replace supplement
50:34 and water down Christ centered prophecy,
50:38 copying the churches of Babylon
50:42 who grow in number but by their ordered mission
50:45 are not really growing in spirituality,
50:48 increasing in quantity
50:49 but not in quality of experience.
50:54 Now let me see it again, friends,
50:57 before we can go to the upper room.
51:00 We must walk the way,
51:02 the highway that leads us there,
51:05 the upper road experience.
51:08 And where can we find this way?
51:11 Where is the way to the room?
51:17 Well, God tells us where His way is.
51:20 In Psalm 77 the Lord says--
51:24 it says "Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary."
51:30 You see, friends,
51:31 when you look into the sanctuary,
51:32 you actually see a road that leads to a room.
51:37 You see a road that leads from the outside
51:41 and it leads to a room, two rooms.
51:46 You see, friends the prophetic significance
51:51 of what we are studying tonight is absolutely profound.
51:54 Here is the point, friends.
51:56 The Early Apostolic Church,
51:57 here is what the Holy Spirit did,
51:59 the spirit led them from their disappointment
52:02 at the altar representing the cross,
52:04 remember they saw the cross but they were crushed by it.
52:07 Because they fail to understand it.
52:09 So what the spirit did is that the spirit
52:11 on the road to Emmaus
52:12 led them from their disappointment at the cross
52:15 to a divine appointment in the holy place.
52:18 You see the holy place was the upper room
52:21 of the original Early Apostolic Church.
52:23 Because in that holy place,
52:25 they were able to feast upon the bread,
52:27 the showbread which the word of God,
52:29 and they prayed at the altar of incense
52:32 and as a result of understanding
52:35 Christ centered prophecy at the table of showbread in
52:37 and praying for the Holy Spirit at the altar of incense,
52:40 they were now able to be set on fire,
52:42 filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit
52:45 that caused them to burn brightly for the Lord Jesus.
52:49 Amen. That was the upper room.
52:51 And by the way do you know the candlewicks were made of?
52:55 The old garments of the priest.
52:58 What do old garments represents?
53:00 Self righteousness must be consumed
53:06 in order for the light to shine.
53:10 Amen.
53:11 And that was their upper room,
53:13 that was the early church.
53:14 The remnant is just like the original,
53:18 so here is what God does with the remnant.
53:20 The remnant, He takes them
53:22 from their disappointment at the veil.
53:27 I don't have the time to explain that in detail
53:28 but let me say that when Jesus went beyond the veil
53:31 into the most only place,
53:32 it was a great disappointment for the early Adventist Church,
53:38 so what God was wanting to do
53:39 is take them from here all the way in the--
53:42 on the road to the final upper room.
53:47 The most holy place experience,
53:50 where they were able to understand exactly
53:52 where Jesus was?
53:54 And what Jesus was doing for them,
53:56 taking them from the basics of the bread
53:58 and the incenses and the oil and the light,
54:00 into the secret place of the most high
54:02 to bring us into the full light of truth.
54:05 This is what the remnant is being led
54:08 and this, friends, is what is awakening
54:10 and exciting the wrath of the dragon
54:12 is because he sees this people,
54:15 this movement who are moving into the final upper room
54:20 where they have the testimony of Jesus,
54:23 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
54:26 And so what then are we to proclaim?
54:31 It says in the book Early Writings page 63,
54:35 "There are many precious truths
54:38 contained in the Word of God,
54:40 but it is..." what kind of truth?
54:42 "Present truth' that the flock needs now.
54:46 I have seen the danger of the messengers running off
54:48 from the important points of present truth,
54:51 to dwell upon subjects that are not calculated to do what?
54:54 Unite the flock and sanctify the soul."
54:56 Notice, friends, the uniting
54:58 that upper room experience happens
55:00 when we understand the present truth.
55:04 But what is that?
55:05 In some places present truth has a negative connotation,
55:09 and sometimes it's for good reason.
55:11 As many people who are teaching present truth
55:14 are not teaching it in Christ
55:16 and therefore it is not present truth.
55:19 So what is present truth?
55:20 Well, friends, Jesus said...
55:24 I'm the way,
55:28 the truth and the life.
55:30 When Jesus said I am what tense is that?
55:34 It's present tense, not I was or I will be,
55:36 He said I am the way, truth and life.
55:38 I am truth.
55:40 In other words what is present truth?
55:41 Is Jesus.
55:43 I am truth, present truth,
55:46 Jesus is the present truth.
55:48 Are you with me?
55:50 But specifically present truth
55:52 is wherever Jesus is presently,
55:58 and where is Jesus, friends?
56:00 The message we're to give is present truth.
56:03 What is that?
56:04 Wherever Jesus is presently and where is Jesus?
56:07 Where is He?
56:09 He is in the upper room, friends.
56:12 He is not in the courtyard at the cross,
56:16 He's is not on the holy place,
56:18 He is in the upper room
56:21 and so that's where He calls us to follow.
56:26 And so we need to go there.
56:28 How many of you want to go there by God's grace?
56:30 We gonna learn what that means this weekend.
56:35 And so how many of you...
56:39 see your need of Jesus?
56:43 How many of you see
56:44 that you need more of Jesus in your life?
56:47 How many of you say, Lord,
56:49 help me to walk humbly with You,
56:52 that I might learn the lessons on the way,
56:56 that I might be ready for the room.
56:59 So that I might have the power of the final Pentecost,
57:04 so that the world could be warned,
57:07 so that the gospel can go, so the Jesus can come,
57:11 and so that I can finally go to the final room,
57:15 the place You're preparing for me in heaven.
57:17 Is that your prayer tonight?
57:19 If that's your prayer and desire,
57:21 I invite you to stand with me as we close.
57:26 By standing we are saying yes, Lord,
57:29 I need the road and I need the room.
57:34 Father in heaven,
57:37 thank You so much for speaking to our hearts tonight
57:41 in this very elementary and foundational presentation.
57:47 Lord, You're inviting us to that upper room experience
57:52 into the secret place of the most high.
57:55 And, Father, we pray that You'd prepare us
57:59 for that by leading us step by step
58:03 into a deeper understanding of present truth,
58:08 truth as it is in Jesus.
58:11 Help us not to buy into that lie
58:14 that prophecy and Jesus are different things.
58:18 But I pray Lord that we would truly be that remnant
58:21 who has the testimony of Jesus,
58:24 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
58:26 A movement that is moved by Your power,
58:31 make us Your people Lord, make us Your bride,
58:36 make us Your children.
58:37 Thank You so much for hearing this prayer
58:40 and we thank You for what You are going to do
58:42 this weekend in our lives,
58:44 but we ask this in Jesus' precious name.
58:47 Let everyone say, amen.


Revised 2015-03-19