Series Code: 15ASIC
Program Code: 15ASIC000010A
00:22 Music...
00:23 It touches my heart to see so many people, 00:25 praise God, I'm glad you're here 00:27 and I'm here to welcome you to Spokane, 00:31 welcome to National ASI Convention for this year. 00:35 It's a blessing and I hope that you realize 00:39 that we're here to join hands together, 00:42 walk shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, 00:44 we're marching to Zion, that's what we're doing 00:47 and we're congregating together as much as we can 00:50 to encourage ourselves 00:51 and I hope you're finding encouragement here, 00:53 I don't know about you but I got a tremendous blessing 00:56 this morning and if you want to know 00:59 what righteousness by faith is, we heard it... this morning 01:03 and if you weren't here, 01:05 I urge you to get that message from John Bradshaw, 01:08 it was amazing... amazing to me... 01:10 God bless you, thank you for coming 01:12 and I hope that you continue to enjoy the whole day, 01:16 I hope you stay all day, God bless you. 01:19 Frank Fournier, President of ASI, is leaving the stage. 01:24 I would like to invite you, 01:26 wherever possible, 01:28 if you would kneel with me in prayer. 01:30 Kneeling... 01:33 Loving heavenly Father, what a wonderful God you are, 01:41 what a wonderful dad you are to us 01:43 that you invite us to this annual feast 01:47 where we can come together as a family, 01:50 a global family and meet and rejoice and share 01:55 and participate in this great work that you have for us, 02:00 but Lord, we can't fully enjoy 02:05 all of the things that you have prepared for us here 02:08 because while we are feasting, there are many who are fasting 02:13 and there are many who are in famine, 02:15 so we pray that you will give us everything that we need 02:19 which you have already done through your Son, Jesus Christ, 02:23 so that we might be agents of yours, 02:27 agents of peace in this world and soon... you will return... 02:32 where we can really enjoy that feast around that big table. 02:37 We pray that today will be a foretaste 02:41 and as our Speakers and our participants 02:46 present and show us what you have in store for us, 02:51 we pray that we might take it in 02:54 and not be the same afterwards, in Jesus' name I pray, amen. 02:59 Piano playing... 03:08 Let us now stand together as we sing our opening song, 03:13 "Watch Ye Saints. " 03:16 Piano playing introductory 03:25 music... 03:32 Let us sing together... 05:41 Sinners, come, while Christ is pleading; 05:46 Now for you He's interceding; 05:51 Haste, ere grace and time diminished 05:55 Shall proclaim the mystery finished. 05:59 Lo! He comes, 06:03 Lo! Jesus comes, 06:07 Lo! He comes He comes all glorious! 06:11 Jesus comes to reign victorious, 06:16 Lo! He comes, 06:21 Yes, Jesus comes. 06:29 Audience: Amen... Leaving the stage... 06:37 Good morning and Happy Sabbath, please be seated. 06:39 Now I know those of you who have been here 06:47 at the Convention, 06:49 know that when you see me, I have a project to share. 06:51 Well, I do, I have five that I want to highlight 06:55 for you today, this morning, 06:57 you know there are many ways at our disposal 06:59 to share Christ in our Marketplace, 07:02 and what I want to do is introduce to you 07:04 Kyle Allen who's going to help us understand 07:07 SOULS Northwest and the kind of ministry that they have 07:12 and what they're doing to reach Christ in their marketplace. 07:14 All right thank you Debbie, happy Sabbath everyone 07:17 and with me... 07:18 next to me is Jason Worf 07:21 who is the Director of SOULS Northwest 07:22 and so Jason I'm going to start out by asking you 07:24 what is SOULS Northwest? 07:26 It's the North Pacific Union's two-year training school 07:30 for Outreach Evangelism, we do Literature Ministry, 07:33 Bible Work and Health Ministry 07:35 and we've got a special relationship 07:37 with the local church and Conference 07:39 so our students get a lot of practical experience 07:42 in real-life situations 07:43 and we like that because it gives us a good balance 07:45 between on-the-job training 07:47 and the religious instruction we'd like to do. 07:49 Absolutely and how long is your Program? 07:50 It's a two-year Program. 07:52 Okay, so... and I noticed that you're not alone, Jason, 07:55 tell us who's next to you? 07:56 so this is Ethan and then Faatasiga and Ruejeina, 08:00 they're students at SOULS Northwest. 08:02 All right, very good, now Ethan, let's start with you, 08:04 tell us... why are you at SOULS Northwest? 08:08 Well, in short, because God has led me here, 08:11 I felt His call in my life to Pastoral Ministry 08:14 and I had everything ready to go to Walla Walla University 08:17 to study Theology there 08:18 but yet, God intervened and He said, 08:20 "No, I want you to go to SOULS Northwest first" 08:22 and then continue with that and I was challenged with this... 08:26 with making this decision but God has shown me 08:28 that He wants me here to prepare me for my upcoming ministry 08:31 and so God is changing me 08:33 from a life of self to life of service 08:35 and meeting people where they are 08:37 in going door-to-door with literature and Bible Studies. 08:40 Amen, now Ethan I understand 08:42 that recently you had an experience at a door 08:44 where you met a man that didn't seem quite open at first, 08:47 tell us what happened. 08:48 Yes, he was closed off at first because of his past experience 08:52 of meeting people at doors and he had been burned by them 08:55 and so the books weren't going anywhere 08:57 and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, 08:58 "You know, just... 09:00 just get to know him as a person" 09:01 so asked him about himself and shared with me 09:03 personal pain that he had been through 09:06 and I gave him a copy of Steps to Christ 09:08 and said, "This is for free, I believe that it will help you 09:10 with what you're going through" 09:12 and I left shortly after that. 09:13 Then three months later, 09:15 he calls me up on the phone 09:17 and he says, "You'll never believe what happened, 09:20 thank you so much for coming to my door, 09:22 this past weekend, 09:23 I went to the local Adventist Church, 09:25 I loved the people there, I loved this potluck 09:28 and I enjoyed the outreach afterwards so much 09:31 thank you and I will definitely be back. " 09:34 Amen, so Literature and Potlucks 09:36 bring people to our churches, amen. 09:38 Faatasiga, you're also a student at SOULS 09:41 and I understand that you actually experienced 09:43 the great controversy firsthand recently 09:46 when you went to a door. 09:47 Yes, I asked this young lady if I can speak to her mom 09:51 so I can share some literature with her 09:53 and she says, "My mom is not home" 09:56 and I said, "Well, I can see her sitting in the house" 09:58 and she was like, "Well, you know, 10:02 the past few months 10:03 there has been some paranormal activity in our home" 10:07 And I said, "Lord, I'm going to the next house... " 10:10 but the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, 10:14 "May I come into your house?" 10:16 So as I came into the house, 10:18 I had eye contact with the mother 10:20 and she started biting herself and stated sweating, 10:24 the young lady comes to me and she gives me holy water 10:27 and a rosary... 10:29 and I said, "No, we need to pray" 10:31 so we got around in a circle and we started to pray 10:34 and at the end of the prayer, 10:35 I felt like... as heaven was in the home 10:38 and I left that home with "The Great Controversy" 10:40 and a "Bible Answers For The Home" 10:42 with that experience, I realized 10:44 how there was a great controversy in my heart 10:46 and I need to be in it to win the soul 10:48 and also at each door... there truly is a great controversy. 10:52 Amen, praise the Lord... 10:53 Faatasiga, what has this done for you as a young adult? 10:55 Going out, doing this ministry, 10:57 experiencing that great controversy in this work? 10:59 Truthfully, it has deepened my desire 11:03 to see what God can do... 11:04 what I cannot do for myself or for anyone else, 11:07 and it has been a blessing to see God work. 11:09 Amen, amen, thank you, and Ruejeina, 11:12 I understand that you took the training 11:14 at SOULS Northwest and you had a passion 11:17 for taking that back to your local church in Hawaii, 11:19 tell us what happened. 11:20 Yes, so I went back home to Hawaii on break 11:24 and I wanted to canvas to earn a little bit of money 11:26 but I told God... I didn't want it to be just about that, 11:29 I told him, "I wanted to win a soul for you" 11:31 and that's when I met Glenda, 11:32 she only got a cookbook and a kid's book 11:35 but as we talked about spiritual matters, 11:37 she said that she didn't find a church that she felt at home at 11:40 so I told her to come to mine 11:42 and she said that she would love to attend, 11:44 at the end, she even signed up for personal Bible Studies, 11:47 two weeks after I left, my Bible Worker met with them 11:51 and they started Bible Studies and he says that 11:53 they are ripe and ready for the truth... 11:54 these people are searching, 11:55 three days later she calls me and asks me for directions 11:59 because her and her family 12:01 were on the way to my church that Sabbath morning 12:02 and they are still... they love the church... 12:05 the kids enjoyed Sabbath School so much, 12:06 they loved the service and they want to come back 12:08 and they've been back 12:10 and they are still continuing to study the Bible. 12:11 Amen... amen... praise God Ruejeina for that testimony, 12:14 now Jason, I understand that there's one other family 12:17 that we wanted to share about 12:18 that is impacted by the ministry of your students. 12:21 You know, some people ask about evangelism, 12:23 does it make an impact... do people get baptized? 12:25 Well, Literature Evangelism and Bible Work... sometimes... 12:28 is the front-end... you're not seeing all the results 12:31 but Kenny and Tina were watching 3ABN 12:34 and they didn't know what they were watching 12:35 but they started going back to the Lutheran Church 12:37 and then they get a knock on the door 12:39 and one of our students leaves them with 12:41 "The Great Controversy" and "Peace Above the Storm" 12:43 a few weeks later, they're watching this guy 12:45 running back and forth on stage 12:46 and David Asscherick holds up, "Peace Above the Storm" 12:49 and they say, "Wait, I've got that book" 12:53 and they go back... 12:54 they read the "Peace Above the Storm" 12:56 that week, they go to the Fairview Church 12:57 right here in Upper Columbia Conference in Yakima 13:00 and they said that they just felt 13:02 like they were home right then 13:04 and they... Kenny got baptized this past summer 13:07 and just... amazing experience. 13:10 Amen, amen... praise God... amen... 13:12 now Jason, I know that you and your students here 13:15 believe that Jesus is coming soon, 13:16 why is this work... of training young adults 13:18 for evangelism and service so important? 13:20 Well besides the fact that we're told that it's... 13:23 to a great extent, the literature 13:25 that will bring in thousands upon thousands at the very end 13:28 we know Jesus is coming soon and the most effective way 13:31 to share the gospel with the world 13:33 is one-on-one... person-to-person... 13:34 and we're training our young people 13:36 to be leaders, to raise up our church members 13:38 to do that very work, to organize and to train members 13:42 to actually do the personal ministry. 13:44 Amen... and your... your... the offering today... 13:46 part of it will go to help SOULS Northwest 13:48 helping students attend there, 13:50 what difference does it make for those students Jason? 13:52 It makes all the difference, 13:53 it's going to be the difference between somebody going to 13:56 coming to SOULS and getting Gospel-Worker training 13:58 or going to a Community College 13:59 and it's literally going to be the difference between 14:01 somebody hearing about Jesus' love for them 14:04 in the next few weeks or not at all. 14:06 I think that it's going to mean the world of difference 14:08 for a bunch of young adults... 14:10 young Adventists who want to share their faith 14:12 and a bunch of people that are yet to be Adventists. 14:14 Amen... amen... praise God, thank you guys for your ministry 14:17 and thank you for supporting SOULS Northwest. 14:20 Thank you very much, Kyle and the Team... the... 14:23 the SOULS Northwest Team, 14:25 there is no greater investment 14:27 that we can put into our young people... 14:29 isn't that exciting? Amen... 14:30 Now the New Beginnings DVD Project 14:33 is probably one of the most successful that ASI has done 14:38 and Norman Reitz, our VP for Evangelism 14:41 and Ruben Diaz, a Businessman from British Columbia 14:43 are going to share with us an update on that. 14:46 In Eternity... we are going to meet people 14:49 whose language we never spoke, 14:51 whom we never met in person 14:52 and whose lives were radically different from our own 14:55 they didn't have the privilege 14:57 of living in beautiful British Columbia, 14:59 technology-driven Silicon Valley 15:02 mostly their lives were dreary and difficult, 15:05 but somewhere in their lives 15:06 they came to know about Jesus Christ, 15:08 they came to know about the God of heaven, 15:11 they came to know that they were invited to the Kingdom 15:13 and the New Beginnings materials 15:16 have been extremely impactful in the world. 15:19 We want to give an update today 15:21 on a few aspects of the ministry, 15:23 there was a major DVD Training program 15:28 in Cuba a few years ago 15:30 and we couldn't tell you the whole story 15:32 so Ruben Diaz who was instrumental 15:34 in making that Program happen, 15:36 can update us with some things that are now able to be told 15:40 that we have diplomatic relations with Cuba 15:42 and it's not such a sensitive subject... Ruben... 15:45 That's right Norm, it was really, really a blessing 15:48 to be personally involved with New Beginnings, 15:51 let me tell you it changed our lives... 15:54 our family's life... totally... 15:56 and I'd like to share some details... 15:58 you know, back in 2008, it was not possible to send 16:03 money to Cuba through the US 16:05 and Denzel, one day, told me there was this big challenge 16:10 and we know that as business people... 16:12 challenges are what? Great opportunities... right? 16:17 So, this was a project that you... ASI America... 16:21 worked very closely with ASI Europe 16:24 and since we were able to send funds to Cuba, 16:27 we started in 2008 and we met... 16:31 I remember a meeting that we had in Miami 16:33 with the Union Leaders of Cuba with Mark Finley and Denzel 16:39 and we planned it, you know, it was... 16:42 an incredible miracle, the whole thing 16:44 because we have to send funds to Cuba 16:47 because we couldn't 16:48 import DVD players in Cuba, it was impossible 16:51 and the Government had this monopoly, 16:54 so we had to buy them there locally, 16:56 so this money was sent to Europe, from Europe... 17:00 it actually took... the first wire... 17:02 took about 2 to 3 months to be credited 17:05 but it happened and then when it happened, 17:07 the other challenge was to buy them, 17:09 you know, there was a law that said 17:11 you could buy one DVD... one DVD each person... 17:15 so you could imagine, it was really hard 17:16 but praise the Lord that 2,000 DVDs were bought 17:21 by a team of four or five, so that's incredible 17:25 and, you know, I remember one story 17:27 that was told afterwards by the faithful Cuban members there, 17:31 that once... they were buying these DVDS from the stores 17:34 and they were running out of stock 17:36 so whole Cuba had no DVDs 17:38 and then they were going back again... 17:40 "No, we don't have them" 17:41 and then once they had 20 or 30, 17:44 then, they went there and got them, 17:46 one time they got... 17:48 I think a 100 or so... it was really incredible 17:50 it was an opportunity to buy a hundred, 17:51 and this took about 4 or 5 months 17:53 and when they bought the hundred, 17:54 they put inside the truck, they were leaving the place, 17:58 there was an arrangement with the place 18:01 and then, at the right moment, they turned the corner, 18:04 the police stopped them... 18:05 and, as you can imagine, everybody was extremely nervous 18:10 but they prayed right there in the moment 18:14 and you know what happened? 18:15 The policeman went back, opened up the trunk 18:19 it was full of DVDs, completely packed, 18:22 it was illegal to have one more... 18:24 more than one DVD... and it was opened, 18:28 he looked at it, he said, "It's fine... just go" 18:32 so, praise the Lord that today 18:36 we still can see miracles working. 18:39 If you haven't been involved in New Beginnings, 18:43 if you haven't personally been involved in Evangelism, 18:46 this is the time, 18:47 and Norm is going to share with you details... 18:49 do you have details about some new projects in China? 18:52 Well, I've been trying to do a full... 18:55 presentation here in a minute about China 18:57 but I would like to share my experience on China, 18:59 we went last year and when I went to Hong Kong, 19:02 it was about ten other ASI people, 19:04 they said, "Norman, you can't present 19:07 in Beijing, it's gong to be a problem, 19:08 give the material to the Pastor... " 19:10 so I was prepared to do that, 19:12 the second day, they said, "You can't present... 19:14 get your stuff ready... 19:15 give it to the local pastor... " 19:17 then they didn't say anything, then we went to Beijing, 19:20 then we presented in Beijing, Shenyang, Chanshung, 19:24 in Northern China 19:25 the DVD material is being used today 19:28 in remote parts of China, Outer Mongolia, 19:31 places where there never was a church, 19:33 there is no DVD Player, there are no tracts, 19:35 there's no market in hardware but the electronic version 19:40 gets out there in the field... and it can be used 19:42 and we were blessed last year 19:44 to do a very high quality Mandarin version 19:47 so along with the ShareHim materials, 19:49 the New Beginnings' Materials 19:51 it's a high-quality product, 19:53 Chinese are very careful craftsmen... 19:56 you can't give them junk, 19:57 you have to give them something high-quality... 20:00 our material is something 20:01 that you can send to an Art Exhibition 20:04 and you would get good reviews on the quality of the material 20:08 but it's saving souls today and you're generosity 20:11 in offerings... you may not know 20:13 but you're going to meet these people in heaven 20:15 and you can be credited with helping their salvation. 20:21 Audience: Amen... 20:22 Debbie: Amen... amen... New Beginnings DVD... 20:25 a set of sermons with the culturized graphics 20:29 that can be used around the world 20:31 in each respective culture so that you can preach the Word 20:34 by Lay people 20:36 to let them know that Jesus loves them 20:38 and that He is coming soon, 20:39 now, Norm and Ruben mentioned China 20:41 and China is a place that still has tremendous need 20:45 and we're going to have Pastor Finley share a little bit 20:47 about that with Audrey Folkenberg 20:50 who's from the China Union, and Chuck Cleveland, 20:54 the Director for Health Education Resources. 20:58 Thank you Debbie, 21:00 one of the most significant challenges 21:02 the most formidable challenges 21:03 that we face as Seventh-day Adventists, 21:05 is in the country of China 21:07 with its multiplied millions of people, 21:09 now, China has many challenges but one of those challenges 21:14 is that our Chinese brothers and sisters... 21:17 most of them have never been out of the country of China, 21:21 so they're not certain 21:23 about their connectedness to their World Church, 21:25 we don't have any Unions in China 21:28 as we would know them here today, 21:30 no Conferences in China so the church governance system 21:34 is largely a congregational governing system, 21:38 we began to wonder at the General Conference 21:42 what can we do to connect 21:45 our brothers and sisters in China with the world church, 21:48 it was last year at ASI that we made a presentation 21:53 to the ASI Leadership, Elder Bob Folkenberg, 21:57 Audrey's husband was with me 22:00 and we sat down and talked about the challenges of China, 22:03 the ASI Leadership committed a 120,000 dollars 22:08 to bring leading pastors from China 22:11 to the General Conference Session. 22:13 For the first time in history we had 65 delegates from China 22:20 at the General Conference Session... 22:22 Audience: Amen... 22:23 They were overwhelmed to see 22:25 the Adventist mission and ministry 22:27 in 216 different countries from around the world 22:32 just overwhelmed to know 22:34 that they were a part of an international family. 22:36 After that session was over, my wife and I, 22:39 Elder and Mrs. Folkenberg, Jim Nix and his wife, 22:44 took these 65 on a tour of Adventist History, 22:49 we took them to the General Conference, 22:51 we took them to Washington, New Hampshire 22:54 and studied the Bible Sabbath there in Joseph Bates' home, 22:57 we took them to the William Miller Farm 22:59 and studied the second coming of Christ, 23:01 took them to Hiram Edson Farm and studied the sanctuary, 23:05 took them to Battle Creek 23:07 and studied our Adventist Health Message, 23:08 showed them Andrews University, 23:10 the last night they gave a testimony service... 23:13 absolutely amazing... saying, 23:16 "We sense we're a part of the world church, 23:18 we sense we're a part of a much larger family... " 23:21 let me share with you one simple story 23:24 that illustrates their dedication, 23:27 on our tour, there was a woman probably... 23:31 oh, she was less than 5 feet tall, 23:34 probably 4' 9" or 4' 10" Audrey... 23:37 and she was less than a 100 pounds, 23:41 she was sent as a Mission Pioneer 23:44 and many of you are sponsoring Mission Pioneers 23:47 to China, it's making a difference, 23:49 she was sent as a Mission Pioneer 23:51 to a city of 13 million 23:53 where we have no Seventh-day Adventists, 23:55 it was a struggle for her, I said to her, 23:58 "What are your biggest challenges?" 23:59 She said, "The loneliness... " 24:01 she said, "Many times, I was thinking about giving up... 24:04 but it was as if somebody was praying for me. " 24:07 She said, "I lived in a dark, damp apartment 24:10 the first years I was there... " 24:11 she said that the most frightening thing 24:13 was at night in the darkness when the rats in that apartment 24:17 would come and bite my feet. " 24:19 She stayed there for ten years 24:21 and today we have a church of 200 in that city 24:24 because of that Godly woman, 24:26 but more challenges, Audrey, what are they? 24:28 Well, Mark, as you've already mentioned, 24:31 the challenge is huge, just the numbers alone, 24:34 China is the largest unreached group... the "people group," 24:38 that have yet to hear about Jesus 24:39 and you may think 24:41 that the church is growing rapidly in China and say, 24:44 "Ah, what do I need to do from this side of the world?" 24:47 But the fact is, the growth rate in China 24:50 has slowed down to about 2.5 to 3 percent annually, 24:54 "Why is that?" You might ask, 24:56 well it's that combination of a Government 25:00 that is very much against religion, 25:01 especially Christianity combined with materialism 25:05 and secularism and we have cities 25:09 of millions without an Adventist presence, 25:11 we have provinces without an Adventist presence, 25:14 we have provinces that have just built their first church 25:18 so... in my mind... the largest challenge is, 25:21 the numbers combined with the obstacles... 25:23 and that is... the materialism and secularism 25:26 that is there, but I want to thank ASI, 25:28 you Mark and Elder Nix 25:30 for the difference you all have made 25:32 by bringing these members to the GC Session. 25:35 I know that they go back with a solidified desire 25:40 to be unified as a church and part of the world church 25:43 and then to go to these Adventist Heritage sites... 25:47 no question... they have... 25:48 identified, highlighted and underscored the importance 25:52 of being a part of a prophetic church 25:55 who is fulfilling a message to reach the world for God. 25:57 You know Audrey, 25:59 that was exciting to be on that trip together 26:02 and to see what God did in their lives 26:04 as we studied Scripture in the Adventist History sites, 26:07 the health message is making an impact in China. 26:11 Well, it is absolutely making an impact, 26:14 God's method, Christ's method alone 26:16 was to go in and identify the needs, 26:19 to meet them... to win their hearts 26:21 and then bring them to Jesus 26:23 and I just heard a story... just yesterday 26:25 about a team that is in an unreached city of 3 million 26:29 with basically a handful of Adventists 26:32 and what they have done is they've worked 26:35 with what Elder Cleveland here is helping us bring into China 26:38 and that is... these Health Expo materials... 26:40 the banners... and I just heard 26:42 that because of these banners that were out on the streets, 26:45 people were walking by and saying, "What is this?" 26:48 They have come in to a "Center of Influence" 26:51 which we have now... 40 in China... 26:53 twenty of which have your Health Expo materials, 26:56 they came in and they learned about health, 26:59 they were invited to study the Bible, 27:01 they started coming to church and next Sabbath 27:04 because of entering unreached cities with the health message 27:08 we will be having... in that city of 3 million... 27:10 five baptisms... and that is... next Sabbath 27:13 so thank you for all that you are doing 27:15 for Kingdom Growth in China. 27:17 You know, Elder Cleveland, you have been working in China 27:19 for a number of years now, how long have you worked there? 27:21 Elder Cleveland: Just about three years. 27:22 Mark: And how many times have you been to China? 27:24 Elder Cleveland: Seven times. Mark: Seven times... 27:25 what are you... 27:27 what are you doing in China, what kind of health ministry? 27:29 Well, we have a goal 27:30 we're working with the Chinese Union Mission 27:32 to supply a 100 sets of banners 27:34 to reach out to the Centers of Influence... 27:36 all 40 of them... but we're equipping them one by one, 27:39 we're doing the Sanitariums that are in China, 27:41 we have a number of growing-little Sanitariums 27:43 and then our key churches and that is... 27:46 it's thrilling to hear these reports, 27:48 we're moving into a new phase now... with the offering today 27:52 to help equip a 100 sets of children's banners... 27:55 activities... what they can do with young people 27:59 to go to a new level to equip our people 28:02 not only to reach out to the adults in China, 28:04 through a method that the Government appreciates 28:07 helping people with their health, 28:09 now we want to help the children 28:10 and it will broaden the ministry that we can offer. 28:13 So you have about a 100 different sites 28:16 that you're working with in Health Ministry Outreach 28:19 and what about Sanitariums? 28:22 How many Sanitariums 28:24 are you connecting and working with today? 28:27 It's about 20 Sanitariums 28:28 on different levels throughout China, 28:30 I have the thrill of my life just recently 28:33 returning from there... 20 individuals... 28:36 Leaders of these Sanitariums... 28:37 ten of them came to one city, 28:39 and we had a whole week together 28:41 and, you know, I'm not very good with languages 28:43 but when you talk with 28:45 Medical Missionaries to Medical Missionaries, 28:46 you almost don't need a translator 28:48 and we just bonded 28:50 as we talked about the work of Lifestyle Centers 28:53 and how to use that as a ministry in China. 28:55 On our tour, I interviewed one pastor 28:59 who had a local congregation of about 3,000 29:05 he had a number of churches 29:08 that he had raised up in his city 29:10 and he told me about a vision, I don't mean a vision... vision 29:16 I mean a vision in your mind... 29:17 a dream in his mind he had 29:20 of building one of these health centers 29:22 and Evangelistic Outreach Centers 29:24 and they built that... a three-story beautiful building 29:29 in the center of the city in the last ten years 29:33 there have been four to five thousand patients 29:37 and they baptized 1,200 of them 29:40 as the result of the health ministry. 29:41 What ASI is doing for China in so many different ways 29:47 is making a difference. 29:48 Your offering today 29:50 and your commitment to Health Ministry in China 29:54 is going to make a difference 29:55 in one of the largest countries in the world 29:59 that has been somewhat isolated from the Adventist Church 30:03 but they sense... they're part of a family 30:07 praying for China, sharing Christ with China 30:10 through the Health Ministry 30:11 bringing our pastors from China here, 30:13 that is making a difference 30:15 and we will see mighty results for the kingdom of God, 30:19 thank you ASI. 30:20 Amen... 30:22 Thank you very much, 30:25 it's thrilling to hear what's going on 30:26 around the world isn't it? 30:28 And Health truly is the entering wedge, 30:31 all right now... 30:32 I have a special place in my heart for the next project 30:35 because I happen to be intimately involved 30:37 with Dr. Lela Lewis here... 30:39 as the Board Chair, we have been working together 30:42 to plan events that will reach out to people 30:45 and provide primary care services, dental services, 30:48 eye-care services, primary care... specialties... 30:52 all kinds of things to reach people 30:55 and so what I want to know... 30:57 actually, I want to give some Stats first, 30:58 just to put some context to the impact of this Ministry... 31:02 over the last 15 months... 31:05 that's just a little over a year, 31:06 God has blessed us to touch 13,000 individuals 31:13 Dr. Lela: Amen... 31:15 13,000... to a tune of over 38 million dollars 31:19 in free healthcare. 31:21 Now if people could use that money to get healthcare, 31:25 it would evaporate into nothingness 31:28 long before we reach a 1,000 people 31:31 so we are blessed to have been able to use 31:34 all of these volunteers... have them come and support us 31:37 but you know, we want to kind of drill down 31:39 and focus in on a personal testimony, 31:41 and you've got a really exciting one 31:44 that you can share with our members here. 31:46 Well Debbie, you know, the story actually begins 31:48 before Pathway to Health, San Antonio 31:50 and the prelude... timing... when we were actually planning 31:53 and during that time, 31:55 one of the things that we always look for 31:57 is making sure we have a good follow-up 31:58 medical system in place, 32:00 we were blessed that the CEO 32:02 of one of the largest healthcare systems in all of San Antonio 32:05 agreed to provide all the Path and Pap smear follow-up 32:09 and also those Reads... 32:10 and he was very excited about that, 32:13 his Assistant, if you will, Sarah, 32:15 Head of the Pathology Lab wasn't quite so excited, 32:18 in fact, she gave me a call about two weeks 32:21 after he had talked to me and said, 32:22 "You know, I'm not sure this is going to work 32:25 and I'm actually a little afraid 32:26 some patients are going to fall through the follow-up. 32:28 I assured them that our System is in place 32:31 and I personally take a vested interested 32:34 and we make sure 32:35 that the patients get the care they need, 32:37 fortunately, praise the Lord, 32:39 she seemed to be encouraged by that 32:40 and we were able to proceed. 32:42 So, you actually discovered that she came, unannounced, 32:45 you weren't expecting her, 32:47 to come and kind of figure out what was going on 32:49 at the Pathway to Health Event, what happened? 32:52 So when she showed up, she looked around, 32:54 she was so excited about what she saw 32:56 she actually came up... she said, "You know what? 32:59 Dr Lela, is there any way... I have a special request, 33:01 is there any way I could get my family members to come in here? 33:04 I said, "Well okay, what's the situation, Sarah?" 33:06 She went on to say that her niece, her niece's husband, 33:09 their children... hadn't seen a doctor in over five years, 33:11 had no healthcare, 33:13 they had no access to get any healthcare, 33:15 we said, "No problem... " 33:17 she was really concerned we were going to make them wait outside, 33:19 and as you know that's terrible 33:21 because patients have to wait all night long sometimes, 33:23 no problem, we took care of the situation, 33:26 and she was able to get her family members cared for. 33:28 Wonderful, now when she came, she was seen 33:31 and then you were at your desk sometime after the event 33:34 going through some of these reports, 33:36 and what kinds of things did you discover, 33:37 and what transpired then? 33:38 Well, you know, we always follow up 33:40 making sure that all the patients 33:41 get appropriate follow up medical care 33:44 and we had several patients with actual cancer... 33:46 Melanoma, Cervical Cancer, lots of different things, 33:49 we had gone through the first batch 33:50 of these Path reports and we'd plugged those patients in 33:54 to the appropriate specialists, 33:55 two weeks after, I get a whole new stack 33:58 of Path reports and one in particular... 34:01 I was very concerned about, 34:03 immediately I picked up the phone and called the patient 34:05 and tried to explain to the patient what was going on, 34:08 and that she needed to get appropriate follow-up care, 34:11 I immediately then... after that... 34:13 called our local physician... our contact physician, 34:15 I was explaining to him, 34:17 "Dr. Urbee, we've got to get this patient in 34:19 right away to a specialist, she's got early form of cancer 34:22 and it needs to be treated right away. " 34:23 He said, "No problem... " 34:25 as I was talking to him, 34:26 my phone beeped, and lo and behold, 34:28 it was Sarah from the Cyto-Pathology Lab, 34:30 I said, "You know what? I've got to talk to Sarah, 34:33 I've got to tell her, we've got her patients covered," 34:35 I clicked over... I was describing to Sarah 34:38 this particular patient's lab results 34:40 and we were following up... 34:41 in fact I was on the phone with the doctor when she called 34:43 and she said, "I already know... " 34:45 I said, "You know? 34:47 I mean, how do you know I'm on the phone 34:49 talking to the other doctor in San Antonio?" 34:51 She said, "Well, actually... " 34:52 she said, "Dr. Lela, do you remember my niece?" 34:55 I said, "Well, yes, I remember the one we pre-banded... " 34:57 she said, "My niece's name is Mirza Gutierrez" 35:00 and I looked at the sheet and lo and behold, 35:03 it said, "Mirza... " 35:04 I said, "You're kidding!" 35:06 She said, "I want to tell you something" 35:07 she said, "Had it not been for Pathway to Health, 35:10 my niece... " and she's right... 35:12 "my niece would have gone on to develop full-blown cancer 35:16 and probably would have died 35:17 and never have received the care that she needed, 35:19 not even knowing that she needed the care... " 35:21 she said, "I want to tell you something" 35:23 she said, "There is a God and your System works, 35:26 there is a God and your System works... " 35:29 three times she said it, Debbie, 35:30 and it was so powerful 35:32 because I knew she didn't believe in God 35:35 so God was making up great inroads... 35:37 Wow! that's exciting... let's just... 35:39 so these Path Reports... we know what that means... 35:42 so Pathology Reports are the results of certain procedures 35:45 that we were blessed to be able to do at Pathway to Health. 35:47 Exactly, surgical procedures, so biopsies, excisions, et cetera. 35:52 So then, what happened next, you actually discovered 35:54 that she... but talk about the follow-up 35:58 because this happens in a couple of different places. 36:00 Exactly, so I told her, we didn't leave there... 36:02 I said, "Yes Sarah, we need your family member, for sure, 36:07 to follow up with the appropriate Specialist, 36:09 but in addition to that, I want to tell you, Sarah, 36:12 it's really important you follow up 36:14 at our Health Information Centers... " 36:15 now, our Health Information Centers 36:17 are our Seventh-day Adventist Churches 36:19 and I said, "You know, 36:20 at these Health Information Centers, 36:22 Mirza, her husband, you Sarah are going to learn 36:25 ways that you can prevent, treat and in some cases 36:29 even defeat disease using simple dietary, 36:31 lifestyle-changing principles. " 36:33 So was she excited, did she say, 36:34 "I'm going to tell them right away... " 36:36 Oh yes, she said, "I'm going to tell them... no problem, 36:37 we're going to go... we're going to go, no problem" 36:38 and I thought everything was taken care of, 36:41 a few weeks later, 36:42 actually it was eight weeks later, 36:44 I get a text on my phone and you know, 36:46 "Before they call, I will answer... " right Debbie 36:49 well, I was having this particular day 36:51 when I really needed some encouragement from God 36:53 and I get a text on my phone and it says, 36:56 "Dr. Lela, I'm sitting here in Alejandro Bullón's series 36:59 and a patient just stood up, 37:01 she and her husband, they're getting baptized 37:03 and she said she was diagnosed with cancer 37:06 at Pathway to Health... was treated... 37:08 and now she and her husband are getting baptized, 37:10 and I said, "Who's the patient?" 37:13 because I had followed through personally 37:15 all these Pathology results in these cancer patients, 37:18 she texted me back again, just at the right time 37:22 and she says, "the name of the patient is Mirza Gutierrez" 37:26 and I leapt up and I yelled for joy, 37:30 I said, "Praise God, hallelujah," 37:32 I called the husband and I said, 37:35 "I'm coming to General Conference in two weeks... " 37:38 I had never had the opportunity of meeting the family, 37:40 who I had been praying for and working with all this time, 37:43 I said, "Is there any way 37:44 that you and I could meet together and we could talk. " 37:48 We had that opportunity, Debbie, at General Conference Session. 37:51 Wonderful, wonderful, now tell us just... 37:53 very quickly, we only have a few seconds left, 37:56 what was really significant about your interaction 37:58 with the husband now, that you discovered? 38:00 So, the husband indicated, and if we put on the screen, 38:03 we can see her family picture, the husband indicated that 38:06 he had actually never been told by the Aunt 38:10 about the Information Centers, 38:12 in fact, he had fallen back into alcohol 38:14 after ten years of giving his heart to Jesus... 38:17 ten years previously in giving up alcohol 38:19 he was feeling really discouraged, 38:20 when he had come to Pathway to Health 38:22 he had found himself so impressed 38:24 by the physical, mental and spiritual help, 38:27 he wanted to know more about this group... 38:29 the Seventh-day Adventists who did this, 38:31 but he didn't know where to go, so he's at work, 38:33 he's feeling depressed, he starts drinking again 38:35 and he cries out to God, he said, 38:37 "God, if you're the God of these people, 38:40 have somebody from this Church... 38:42 this Organization reach out to me... " 38:44 no sooner had he prayed that, the phone rings 38:46 and it's one of the pastors from San Antonio 38:49 inviting him... all the patients... 38:51 he was just going through the list of patients 38:53 that hadn't followed up with the Health Information Centers, 38:55 calls him and invites him to come 38:57 to the Health Information Centers, 38:59 he and his wife come to the Health Information Centers, 39:01 they then get invited to Alejandro Bullón's series 39:04 and by God's grace, 39:06 they were baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 39:08 Debbie: Amen... amen... 39:10 But Debbie, there's one last thing, 39:12 and I have to say this, he want on to say 39:15 "I have to tell you one more thing, Dr. Lela," 39:18 he said, "My father and my family, 39:21 are from Puerto Rico... " 39:23 I said, "Praise the Lord," 39:24 he said, "But there's more," 39:26 he said, "they're all Seventh-day Adventists, 39:28 in fact, my father, has been praying for me 39:31 to give my heart and soul to Jesus for 30 years, 39:35 and by God's grace, 39:37 He answered the father's prayer. " 39:39 Amen... amen... so you see... the health message works. 39:41 Amen... 39:43 And we don't know at what point 39:45 we might be involved in bringing someone to Jesus. 39:47 Dr. Lela, thank you very much for what you do 39:50 with Pathway to Health and for that testimony. 39:52 Our last one has to do with another initiative of ASI 39:58 the One-Day Church and One-Day Schools 40:01 and I want to tell you... I don't have... 40:04 I left all my numbers backstage, but I will tell you, 40:07 well over 6,000 One-Day Church structures 40:12 have been erected thus far 40:14 and I believe, it's over 3,000 schools 40:17 that have been erected so far, 40:19 so, they are going up all over the place, 40:22 let me tell you that the need is still great 40:25 for the one-day structures to provide a home 40:28 for members and an opportunity 40:30 for children to learn about Jesus. 40:33 With me is Alex... Alexa Hernandez 40:36 and she is the Marketing and HR Director for Daystar Academy 40:40 so then you ask me, "What is Daystar Academy 40:44 here in the United States, have to do with One-Day Church 40:48 overseas...?" 40:49 Let me tell you, One-Day Church... 40:51 one-day structures are coming home 40:54 so we're looking at moving or having one-day structures 40:58 actually being built here in the United States 41:02 meeting the codes of North America 41:05 there have been requests often about, 41:08 "Can't we have a One-day School... 41:10 a One-day Church here? 41:11 Well, now it's going to happen. 41:13 Alex... Alexa... tell us how are one-day structures... 41:17 how is that going to be used in Daystar Academy? 41:19 Well Debbie, we're so excited to be the first One-Day Campus 41:24 in North America, 41:26 what an incredible opportunity 41:28 and what that means for our Academy is, 41:31 we are going to get new staff homes 41:34 which means we'll have single staff homes 41:38 as well as large as three-bedrooms staff homes 41:41 we'll have a new Administration Building, 41:43 a new Campus Church, 41:45 we will have a new Elementary School 41:48 we'll have new Industry and Agriculture buildings 41:52 this is going to be such a great transformation for our campus 41:56 and the other great aspect here is that our students 42:01 can become involved in the... putting up the structures 42:06 they can learn and improve their skills in construction 42:10 whether it be drywall or cabinetry or woodworking 42:17 it provides great opportunities for them. 42:20 The structures are easy to erect and they're also sturdy... 42:25 they're hurricane proof and they are built to meet 42:28 North America Building codes 42:29 so... a great, wonderful opportunity 42:33 and we're excited not only for our campus 42:35 but for the other campuses around North America 42:38 because they have the same opportunity 42:41 and this is going to meet so many needs, 42:43 I'm very excited... 42:45 so if anyone is interested in blueprints... 42:47 we have further detailed information, 42:49 please visit our booth, it's booth number 711 42:53 or you can visit the One-Day Church Booth 42:56 which is 816, I believe. 42:58 Alexa, that sounds very exciting to know that 43:00 all of those different structures, 43:02 all of those different facilities 43:03 are actually going to be accomplished 43:05 through the One-Day Structure process. 43:07 Wonderful, thank you, let me talk to Duane Mckey 43:10 now here for a little bit, this is... 43:11 now this is a story, Duane, tell us a little bit 43:15 about what's happening with One-Day Church 43:18 and specifically... a story that you know about 43:20 that occurred in Africa. 43:22 Just about 11 months ago, Kathy and I were in Africa 43:25 preparing for meetings with Elder Wilson... 43:27 some others... to go to Harare 43:28 and I heard about this group of people 43:31 they call them "the lost village" 43:33 the Doma people... if you... 43:34 if you think of Zimbabwe... 43:36 at the center of that... Victoria Falls... 43:38 at the bottom of the Country of Zimbabwe... 43:41 you follow the Zambesi River up to the top, 43:44 and you're near Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia... 43:47 inside Zimbabwe... there's a group of people... 43:50 about 3,000 of them that have lived there for years... 43:52 they're called "the lost village" 43:54 or the Doma People, 43:55 the Government has had no contact with them... 43:57 they've tried to but they run into the hills 43:59 in the mountains and hide, they live... 44:02 they're like the Pygmies in the Congo, 44:04 very interesting people 44:06 and to make contact with them... about three years ago 44:09 Patrick Johnson Moboshe... 44:11 he's the President of the Conference there, 44:14 he said, "I've got to make contact with these people... " 44:16 the pastor had told him about them 44:17 and so at first they took a truck load... 44:20 ADRA truck load of food in and left it there. 44:22 The people are hungry and they don't have a lot of food 44:25 because they hunt and they dig for gourds and things 44:28 and roots and so they're... they are malnourished... 44:31 and they left a truck of food and the people came out 44:34 and helped themselves 44:36 and they came back a month later and left a truck of clothes, 44:39 Duane: They had no clothes... no clothes... no clothes... 44:43 and so, I heard about these people and Johnson said, 44:46 "We have got to do something and find a school for them 44:50 because there are 300 children 44:51 and they have never been to school... " 44:53 no school... no education... 44:56 Debbie: And I wonder why they haven't been to school 44:58 is there not anywhere for them to go? 45:00 Well, they're nomadic... 45:01 and so they hide in the hills and the mountains 45:03 so they finally have come down, they're near a village... 45:06 and about 12 miles away there is a school but it's not safe. 45:08 Debbie: Why isn't it safe? 45:10 Duane: Well, because there are wild animals around... 45:12 But wild animals... don't they usually maybe hunt at night 45:15 so the kids are going to school during the day... 45:18 That's normal... they do hunt at night... 45:19 we were just there in May 45:21 and talking about these One-Day Schools 45:23 structure that we could put up on the hill 45:25 overlooking the village... 45:26 the people... it's a different village... 45:29 they don't put their huts together... 45:31 their houses together like normal villages are... 45:34 but they scatter them out all across the valley 45:36 and there's high grass between the different villages, 45:39 the different huts... the different houses. 45:41 Oh, we have a couple of pictures, 45:43 let's have the first couple come up 45:45 so that we can take them along the way, what's this first one? 45:47 This first one is... is a road across the river... 45:51 you have to go there in the dry season 45:52 and so they cut trees... they lay them down... 45:55 and then they put dirt on top of the trees 45:57 and then we could drive across to get across. 45:59 Okay and then the next picture shows us something interesting. 46:01 Yeah, this is one of the... this is a village... 46:05 and you can see the... again they're scattered out... 46:07 this is one of the houses 46:08 that people live on top... this is another one... 46:10 and if you look up in the top of the picture, 46:12 you can see... kind of a hole in there... 46:13 it's dark... there it is... 46:15 and that's where the people live. 46:16 I've never seen a village like this 46:18 where the people live up off the ground... 46:19 they do so because they're afraid of lions... lions... 46:22 Debbie: Lions... 46:25 Duane: Lions... that's what they told me. 46:27 Okay, so why are they... 46:28 again... I felt lions do their hunting at night so this is... 46:33 Duane: Yeah, Jerriall thought so too, 46:34 she was ten-years old and mom and dad said, 46:38 "Jeriall, you can play around the hut in the day time 46:40 and it's safe but don't go into the tall grass" 46:42 but Jerriall said, "Oh, lions, they hunt at night, 46:44 it's all right... " so one day she was out there 46:47 just playing hide and seek with herself 46:49 in the tall grass and she heard a noise, 46:52 and she looked and her heart stopped. 46:54 A big male lion... and then some others... 46:57 and some others, and some others... ten lions... 47:00 a pride of lions 47:02 surrounded ten-year old Jerriall... 47:05 she started to run, she screamed for help, 47:08 the lions are fast... 47:10 and so that just happened three weeks ago... 47:14 and Jeriall... her parents are so sad... 47:18 and they pray and they thank us... 47:20 they know the One-Day School is coming... 47:22 it won't just be a One-Day School... 47:24 it'll also be a school with a game fence around it 47:28 to protect from the lions. 47:30 So it will be a Lion-proof One-Day School. 47:34 Lion-proof One-Day School, on the top of that escarpment... 47:36 looking over their village and they'll be safe... 47:39 the children will... 300 of them 47:41 to go to school every day and learn about Jesus. 47:44 Oh! praise God... so I understand this story, 47:48 they haven't been going to school, 47:49 number one, because they're nomads... 47:51 but secondarily and most important... 47:53 because of the fear of lions especially with this situation, 47:56 they're fearful to let their children go 47:59 because they're at risk for 48:01 being attacked by wild lions. 48:03 Now they'll have a school right there in the village 48:04 on the hill behind the school... the village. 48:06 Praise God, praise God for the One-Day structures. 48:09 Praise God and thank you... thank you ASI... 48:11 Thank you... thank you very much Duane and Alexa. 48:13 That's amazing... 48:17 it's amazing to know what can happen 48:22 when we put our minds and our hearts 48:26 and our hands together and give of our resources 48:32 so that ministries like the 48:35 One-Day School and One-Day Church... 48:37 ministries like "Your Best Pathway to Health," 48:40 ministries like what's happening in China 48:44 with Health Education Resources, 48:46 ministries like the DVD empowering laypeople 48:51 to go out and to preach and to spread the gospel, 48:54 ministries like SOULS Northwest that are engaging young people 49:01 and giving them tools, equipping them for service, 49:05 it is amazing what these... just a few of these 49:08 and the others that we've shared with you can do 49:11 if they have the resources 49:13 necessary to accomplish that purpose. 49:15 You know, I'm thinking about a text in 1st Peter 5 49:20 that says, essentially... our adversary... the devil 49:24 is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, 49:28 you think about that little girl, Jerriall, 49:32 who was far away from the perimeter of safety 49:36 and the lions got her, 49:39 this reminds me of what's happening in our world today, 49:44 there are many people that are outside the perimeter of safety, 49:48 we are here, we are safe, 49:51 we know Jesus is coming, we have hope 49:55 but what about so many more that are outside 49:58 the perimeter of safety? 50:00 How will we reach them, will we reach them in time 50:05 before the devil snatches them up? 50:08 This is the time when we can make a difference. 50:12 I asked you last night to do something, 50:15 I asked that we would pray and really consider 50:20 how God can use us 50:22 even more than we think we can be used 50:26 by giving of our resources. 50:28 We are sitting here comfortably and in an air-conditioned place, 50:32 we have clothes and food and a place of residence, 50:36 there are so many... that not only don't have that 50:41 but they don't have the safety and security 50:44 and the hope of the knowledge of the gospel 50:48 and we may not be going to SOULS Northwest, 50:52 we may not be able to go and erect a One-Day Church, 50:56 we may not even be able to volunteer 50:59 for whatever reason with a Pathway to Health Event, 51:03 but what we can do, is we can give of our resources 51:07 so that those things can go forward 51:09 so that they can be successful 51:10 and so I'm asking that as I give some instructions 51:14 about what you can do with the envelope 51:17 that is in your booklet, 51:19 that you pray and send that prayer up 51:21 and say, "Okay, Lord, now is the time, 51:24 what can I do 51:25 so that there are no other Jerialls out there 51:28 that will be attacked by Satan, 51:31 what can I do so that I can bring more people 51:34 into... with me... into the perimeter 51:37 of the safety of the knowledge of Your will, 51:40 Your gospel and Your soon coming. " 51:42 In your booklet, you have an envelope... 51:45 and just now, we'd like you to pull that out 51:48 if you would please and it asks for some information 51:52 as the deacons are coming 51:53 and preparing to lift the offering, 51:55 it has places where you can put your name, your address, 51:59 credit card information, so you choose 52:01 and then on the left side, there's a place where 52:04 the Lord has told you, "This is what I want you to do" 52:08 now is the time, 52:09 remember I said, "Now is not the time to hasten the work, 52:12 now is the time to finish the work... " 52:16 the signs are telling... 52:18 what's going on in our Society 52:19 tell us that Jesus' coming is just at the door, 52:24 just at the door, 52:25 how can we think that we can just have and keep some aside 52:30 just in case, 52:31 "I'm making these plans, 52:33 I just want to have a little bit of control, 52:34 a little bit of help 52:36 and just make sure that I'm taken care of?" 52:39 Well, didn't Jesus say that He would take care of you? 52:43 If we give of ourselves completely, 52:47 He will honor that sacrifice 52:50 and make sure that our needs are met. 52:52 Let us pray... and then I'm going to ask 52:55 for the deacons to lift the offering. 52:58 "Father in heaven, I thank you 53:01 that there are so many that are willing to give 53:04 of themselves... to sacrifice 53:07 so that they can serve you and finish the work 53:12 by letting other people know 53:14 that you are Lord and you are coming again soon, 53:18 we want more than just this great audience here 53:22 at this congregation here to be in heaven, 53:23 there are so many more that we want to take with us 53:25 and so we thank you Lord in advance 53:28 for the miraculous and marvelous things 53:31 that you're going to do today as we give to you 53:36 of ourselves, in Jesus' name I pray, amen. " 53:39 As the deacons are taking up the offering, 53:43 I'm going to ask... if you would please move into the center, 53:46 there are many that have come to join us 53:49 and we want to give them opportunity to have a seat 53:52 and to enjoy the remainder of the Sabbath Service. 53:55 Thank you. 53:59 Music... 54:04 some more music... 54:10 more music 54:14 So Danny, I've got to ask you a question, 54:16 how many people out there watching 3ABN 54:19 do you think might have attended an ASI Convention 54:21 at some time or another? 54:23 Oh, many, many thousands. 54:24 I would get... I bet you're right... 54:26 and you know, one of the things I am thinking... 54:28 the feeling that we get here when the appeal is made, 54:30 people that are at home and have been here before... 54:32 they know what that is 54:34 and they maybe wanting to participate 54:35 in this offering as well, what do you think? 54:36 Absolutely and we're asking you to do that today, 54:39 you hear these stories 54:41 and what's happening around the world 54:42 and Debbie set it up so beautifully, 54:44 we're in the comfort that we're in 54:46 but look at the people around the world... 54:48 Brothers and Sisters that need the help, 54:50 these One-Day structures, for instance, 54:52 what an incredible ministry that is... Dan, 54:55 and so I know folks at 3ABN and Viewers around the world 54:58 will want to support this project. 55:00 Amen, and we're so grateful for your support, 55:01 I want to say, whether you've been to an 55:02 ASI Convention or not 55:04 or whether you're just sitting there 55:05 and just tuning into this for the very first time, 55:07 if you want to participate, there is an 55:09 address on your screen... 55:11 not only a web address but a physical address, 55:13 if you want to write a check and send a check in 55:15 to be a participant in this offering, 55:16 or if you want to go on our website 55:18 and learn a little bit more about ASI, 55:19 there's also a link there of how to donate, 55:21 we're very grateful, 55:22 we're delighted that 3ABN is going to be 55:24 one of the beneficiaries of this offering, 55:26 we just... what you have seen 55:28 is only five out of about 30 different offering recipients 55:31 that are going to be benefiting from this 55:33 and we just want to thank you as the Lord moves on your heart 55:36 and Danny, thank you for what 3ABN does for ASI, 55:38 you've been here every year for these Conventions... 55:41 Danny: You and I've attended our first one 30 years ago 55:44 and so it's been a blessing to work together 55:46 and work with ASI so we're going to ask you 55:48 to really pray and ask the Holy Spirit 55:50 what He would have you to do 55:51 in support of this great ministry of ASI 55:54 reaching people around the world. 55:57 I just want to comment... just while the music is still going, 56:00 this whole idea of a Lion-proof School... 56:02 and a Lion-proof Church, isn't that an awesome idea 56:05 to think, you know, here... in the text that Debbie shared, 56:09 "The devil as a roaring lion is walking around 56:12 seeking whom he may devour" 56:13 what! you know... we're going to put up a church 56:16 that has a Lion-proof slide, 56:18 isn't there some symbolism there? 56:20 Oh absolutely, and for those of us 56:22 in many parts of the world... 56:23 we would never even see that need 56:25 but thanks to all those who are out on the frontlines 56:28 that say, "These are the needs" 56:30 now they bring that back to us, we have an opportunity 56:33 to ask you to join us in this offering. 56:36 And thank you so very much, 56:37 we'll be praying for you as you give... 56:39 thank you. 56:40 ASI Spokane, Washington |
Revised 2016-07-21