Series Code: 15ASIC
Program Code: 15ASIC000006A
00:20 Welcome to another Offering in Action Segment
00:23 where we highlight for you one of the projects 00:26 that is in your program... 00:28 that will be a recipient of the offering this year. 00:31 With me is Jason Fournier 00:33 and he's the Director of Kibidula Farms. 00:35 Jason, tell us... where is Kibidula Farms? 00:38 Well, Kibidula is in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 00:41 the Eastern side of Africa. 00:43 And tell us what are some of the programs 00:45 that flow out of the ministry of Kibidula. 00:48 At Kibidula we have an Elementary School 00:51 of about 130 students. 00:53 We not only teach them ABCs and how to read and write 00:57 but we're... our goal is to teach them about Jesus 01:01 and that they become missionaries. 01:03 Now, I know that all of the children that come to the school 01:07 not all of them are able to kind of complete the grades 01:11 and the information that is given to them 01:14 what do you do with them? 01:16 Well, actually in our school, they all do pass 01:19 but we find in many schools around... 01:21 we get a lot of children who fail Primary School 01:24 and once they fail... there's no opportunity to continue 01:27 in the normal school system 01:29 so we have a School of Agriculture 01:31 where we take in these Primary or Elementary School dropouts 01:35 and we teach them agriculture and life skills such as 01:41 Carpentry, Sewing, Nutrition, Bible, English, Accounting 01:47 and we have them in our school for two years, 01:51 it gives them time to mature 01:53 before they go back to the village 01:54 and become more successful subsistence farmers. 01:57 So you actually give them some tools to work with 02:00 so that they... they haven't failed... 02:02 they can actually live a life. 02:04 Right... and what we actually find is many of them... 02:06 once they've been through our school, 02:07 they realize they can pass... 02:09 they go on to private secondary schools 02:14 and finish their education. 02:16 Wonderful, wonderful, share with us... 02:18 there's actually something there... 02:19 so even though it's called Kibidula Farms 02:22 or Kibi... as we affectionately call it, 02:24 you do... there's schooling 02:27 and obviously there's some farming 02:28 that occurs there as well... agriculture? 02:31 In the past... ASI has sponsored an Avocado Farm 02:37 which... the goal is to continue to support the mission 02:42 going on... we've planted about 10,000 trees 02:45 and they're in the process... 02:46 some are actually being harvested this year 02:49 and over the next few years, 02:50 that plantation will reach maturity. 02:53 Debbie: 10,000 trees? Jason: Yes. 02:55 That's a lot of trees, 02:56 so how many workers do you have... staff... 03:01 at Kibidula Farms to accomplish that? 03:03 Between staff and workers 03:05 we have about 60 on-campus workers. 03:09 Now I understand that you also have family recently... 03:13 involved yourself in some printing work, 03:16 tell us how that has come about and why. 03:19 Well, Kibidula has been involved 03:21 for many years in the publishing work, 03:23 we have been translating books, preparing them for printing 03:27 and arranging printing in either Korea or America and now Poland 03:31 but... 03:33 more recently... we've realized 03:36 that there is more need for tools for evangelism 03:40 that church members can have in their hands 03:41 to give out to the public and so we recently acquired 03:47 not only a printing press and its associated equipment 03:53 but a Printer from here in the United States 03:57 and he is running this press in his garage. 04:01 Oh, in his garage... okay... so I've seen... 04:05 I'm a daughter of a Printer and so I've seen it, 04:09 it's massive and you need a lot of space 04:12 so he must have a huge garage. 04:15 Actually it's not, 04:17 it's smaller than a standard garage, 04:18 and when you go in there, it's very crowded, 04:21 you've got three printers 04:23 and the machine for cutting the paper 04:28 and then in his kitchen, he's got the Plate Makers 04:31 and in his living room, he's got... Bindery Equipment 04:35 and when you're producing a small book, 04:39 you've got 1,000s of pages in little stacks 04:43 all over his dining room and kitchen counters and bedrooms 04:47 so it's quite complicated, actually. 04:50 Okay, so they might have him on "Hoarders" 04:54 hoarders of printing materials and everything, 04:56 so this is a... this presents the need 04:59 that's reflected in the project for this year. 05:03 Right, church members are craving these tools 05:06 and as we've been sending out these booklets, 05:09 pamphlets and Bibles Studies, 05:12 the orders are just coming in, people want more and more 05:16 and the space is way too small 05:17 and so the idea is to build a building 05:21 that will house the equipment 05:23 with enough space to work comfortably and efficiently. 05:26 Now you said that there was a lot of need 05:28 and requests for these materials, 05:31 you shared with me the experience of 05:34 having gone out and... someone... 05:37 that I think that's even gone through the school 05:40 that you saw and how they were using the materials. 05:43 We have a School of Evangelism on our place 05:47 and so we have about 50 people per year graduating 05:51 it's a five-month course, we do it twice a year 05:54 and as they go out... I don't remember them all 05:57 but we build one-day churches and many times 06:00 when I'm in distant areas building these churches, 06:04 I meet the person who is in charge of that group 06:07 where we're building the church 06:08 and they'll say, "Do you remember me?" 06:10 and I'm like... "The face is familiar... " 06:11 they attended our school and now they've gone out... 06:15 they've started a church 06:17 and they've been ordering Bible Studies, 06:20 they've been spreading them out 06:21 and here are the fruits... we see them 06:23 and this is all over Tanzania... this is happening 06:26 and it's such a blessing to be a part of this 06:30 and to now witness first hand time after time... 06:34 these churches are the result 06:35 of the work that's been going on at Kibidula. 06:38 So just a sidebar question, so you're involved in building 06:42 one-day churches all throughout Tanzania 06:44 to meet those needs? 06:45 Right... over the past several years 06:47 we've built several hundred churches 06:49 this year alone, 06:50 we are putting up about a 100 churches 06:52 and it's a huge blessing, 06:56 I can't say how much blessing this is, 06:58 it's not just housing members that are already there 07:02 once you build a church in the area, 07:05 the church grows rapidly because 07:07 it's one of the ways that attracts people 07:11 that there is a church here, what's it all about? 07:15 They start to attend and then they... 07:16 they fill it up... and it's such a blessing. 07:19 So the one-day church of some sorts 07:23 is a tool for evangelism as it attracts people to come. 07:26 It's a huge tool for evangelism. 07:28 And so the printing press, 07:30 the building that will house the printing press 07:32 will allow you to meet the needs of the requests 07:34 for literature that you receive. 07:36 That's right. 07:37 Thank you so much Jason, 07:39 we will continue to pray for Kibidula Farms, 07:41 it's way more than a farm but it's meeting God's bidding. 07:45 Thank you very much and thank you ASI 07:47 for supporting these projects. 07:48 Now coming to the podium is a team of four, 07:53 Henry and Arleen Stubbs, they lead out World Youth Group 07:58 and with them is Luis Armador and Yanet Carballo 08:02 who are coming, so come right on... 08:05 okay, you guys come on this way, you know, 08:08 when you get a whole lot of people, 08:09 we got to get close together, all right... 08:10 very good, all right, 08:12 so, Henry, first of all I'd like you to share with us 08:15 a little bit about World Youth Group, 08:18 give us an overview of what this is and what they do. 08:21 World Youth Group was a Sabbath School class 08:24 in a little church plant 08:26 my parents started in South Carolina, 08:28 it was a little group of youth 08:30 that wanted to do something for Jesus, 08:32 it was originally in Westminster 08:36 the WYG is what the youth started calling themselves 08:39 when we started getting involved in missions 08:41 first in Chile and later in Cuba 08:43 and as it outgrew and became a 501c3 08:47 the youth kind of renamed it and they said, 08:49 it's not just Westminister Youth Group anymore, 08:51 it's World Youth Group, 08:53 and we do four things in Cuba by God's grace, 08:56 and we're so grateful for what the Lord has done, 09:00 we do nothing but He does everything 09:03 and we are just grateful. 09:04 Those four things are: Train, Send, Harvest and Establish. 09:12 You got it? 09:14 Train, Send, Harvest and Establish. 09:17 We train young people, we train youth in Cuba 09:21 to dedicate a year or more of their life, 09:23 many of them are just staying with it now 09:26 because they're just excited about evangelism 09:29 but they go out and learn how to help people 09:32 in areas where we have no Adventist presence. 09:35 That's our burden... Debbie... 09:38 it is areas where... in Cuba... 09:40 where we've never been before as an Adventist Church 09:42 no Sabbath Keepers, very little Protestantism 09:45 and God has blessed. 09:46 Secondly, we support them to go out, 09:49 we have to buy a house in that town 09:51 and give them some money to live on 09:54 you can live on 25 dollars a month in Cuba 09:57 and we have 40 full-time workers now, 10:00 we're going to 60 and hope to go to a 100 soon. 10:03 And the third thing that we do is harvest. 10:07 We come down with North American young people... 10:10 North American youth and join the Cuban youth 10:12 in this new Unentered area after they've been there a year 10:15 and have a harvest and lastly... we establish. 10:19 We buy a house, we build a church, 10:22 we're building a school in Cuba, 10:24 we're building a Medical Missionary School 10:28 and a Bible Worker School to have a permanent presence 10:32 right now they've let us use the SDA Seminary 10:35 that's where we've been working 10:36 in harmony with them, it's been a blessing. 10:38 And so that's actually the project, 10:40 that we want to be able to support World Youth Group 10:44 so that they can build or purchase 10:46 and make provision for seven more house churches. 10:50 Let me ask Arlene a question, 10:51 Arleen, share with me... 10:53 you've been working with these youth from the beginning 10:55 what kind of impact is this having on their lives? 10:58 Well, it's been exciting for us and for them, 11:03 we started with just one youth and before we knew it 11:07 we had almost as many youth as we did adults 11:12 attending the whole church but they went around the world. 11:17 At one time we had youth working 11:20 I think, in about six different places as missionaries 11:24 and several have gone to Southern to study Theology, 11:29 some are pastors and pastors' wives 11:32 and we still stay in contact with many of them 11:36 and we love them and we're like family 11:38 and just like all of us here 11:41 and we just praise the Lord for the opportunity 11:44 to work with youth and... 11:45 God has really blessed in their lives and in ours. 11:48 Amen. Amen... 11:49 Now I'd like to actually shift it over to the Cuban... 11:53 the Cuban side, okay, with Brother Luis and Yanet. 11:57 All right, Yanet tell me what is your role... 12:00 you lived there in Cuba... 12:02 Yes... yes, we did... 12:03 And so, this is actually your first visit 12:05 to the States... to America? 12:06 Yes, it is. 12:07 Okay, tell me what your role is with World Youth Group. 12:10 Well, I first started as a translator, 12:13 then I turned into a teacher and then I turned into a mother 12:19 so everybody knows that that being a mother 12:22 is a very demanding task 12:24 so that's mostly what I do, 12:26 I take a little time to go and translate 12:29 and then I take a little time to go and teach 12:31 so this is how we got involved. 12:33 Okay and this is a husband and wife team 12:35 so your husband... Luis... what is your role 12:38 at the Cuban Union and tell me how 12:41 World Youth Group Harvest Ministry 12:45 has impacted the evangelism efforts for the Union. 12:49 Well, I'm working there as the Spirit of Prophecy Coordinator 12:53 for the Cuban Union and it's been a blessing 12:56 working with this ministry. 12:59 We met them in 2006, we started working with them 13:02 as a helper and translator as well, 13:05 in 2010, I was called to serve 13:08 in this position in the Cuban Union 13:10 and then the experience 13:12 we had had in the past with World Youth Group 13:15 we tried to implement that in the whole island 13:17 that means that now the three Conferences are in the mission 13:22 the Bible Workers there have been trained 13:25 and those Conferences have been equipped 13:28 with all the devices they need for Health Expos. 13:31 Today, I can say... I can tell you that 13:35 this is the most effective missionary tool 13:39 in the Cuban Union a lot of youth are on fire 13:44 they want to be a student of the LIGHT School, 13:47 every year, we receive a lot of phone calls, 13:50 they want to be a part of this dream as well. 13:53 And what kind of impact has it had in terms of response, 13:58 have you had baptisms, 14:00 you've got churches that are growing... 14:02 Wonderful question, we have 40 Bible Workers, 14:08 they are working full time 14:10 over 240 graduates from the LIGHT School, 14:17 we have had five one-month LIGHT Schools there 14:22 now we're planning to start a six-month LIGHT School, 14:27 lot of Leaders and Laymen... they are really desiring 14:31 a Bible Worker... 14:33 Medical Missionary in their communities. 14:35 So you mentioned... I want to bring this back 14:37 so that we don't miss it, you said, "A LIGHT School?" 14:41 So is this LIGHT that comes to provide the training? 14:44 The curriculum... yes... provided by LIGHT... 14:46 they really help us. 14:48 Okay so here again we see the connection... that's right... 14:52 and the collaboration of our ministries together for service. 14:55 Wonderful... wonderful. 14:57 For me this is a perfect example 14:58 of how the formal structure of the church 15:01 can be blended with the self-supporting ministries, 15:04 they are working in coordination 15:06 with the Leaders of the Conferences 15:08 and the Union... going forward to win souls for Christ. 15:13 Well, praise God, thank you very much, 15:15 Henry and Arleen... Luis and Yanet... 15:17 God bless you as you continue to serve Him in Cuba 15:19 with World Youth Group. Luis: God bless you too. 15:21 Greg... welcome... you're from? 15:27 Originally, I'm from around Grand Rapids, Michigan. 15:30 And, tell us a little bit about your upbringing as a young adult 15:36 or adolescent there. 15:37 I was raised a Seventh-day Adventist, 15:39 I'd... I had a really... 15:42 I had a really average Seventh-day Adventist upbringing 15:46 I was a Pathfinder, 15:48 a member of the lonia Seventh-day Adventist Church 15:50 so... an awesome childhood. 15:52 And so then, things changed a little bit with your family 15:55 and you went to a public school, then what happened? 15:59 Well, my parents divorced and ultimately I was led into 16:03 a public school system where I made the wrong friends, 16:06 started making the wrong choices... wrong decisions 16:09 which ultimately led me into a juvenile life of crime. 16:13 And what did that include? 16:15 It started with smoking cigarettes, 16:17 sneaking out of the house, 16:18 ultimately it led to smoking Marijuana 16:21 and ultimately... beyond that... to selling Marijuana. 16:24 And so, you actually became a dealer 16:27 and this became your profession, give us some idea 16:30 as to how much business you were doing in drug pushing. 16:33 By the age of 18, 16:34 I had made the acquaintance of an individual 16:37 who was in the Mexican Mafia, 16:39 he was not your average supplier 16:42 and by the age of... about nineteen and a half, 16:45 I was selling on average... about 40 pounds a week. 16:48 And so, in dollars that's... 16:50 you were selling about 8,000 dollars worth of drugs a day? 16:55 Yes. 16:56 And that profited you...? 16:58 About 2,000 dollars a day would be the average, 17:00 and some days I'd have some sales of over 32,000, 17:03 I'd make eight grand a sale... 17:05 Eight thousand dollars a day that you were making 17:09 and this lasted for a number of years 17:11 but then in 2002 what happened? 17:13 Hmmm... ultimately, I was arrested, 17:17 the DEA along with Central Michigan Enforcement Team 17:20 and lonia County Sheriff's office, 17:22 and State Police, arrested me. 17:25 And you were not only dealing... you started... 17:29 you were addicted and even doing some other crime, 17:34 robbery and... 17:35 Yes, absolutely, 17:37 it never stopped with the Marijuana, 17:39 Marijuana graduated into Ecstasy, 17:41 from Ecstasy... Cocaine... 17:42 from Cocaine came Shrooms and pharmaceuticals 17:44 and by the time that I was arrested, 17:47 I was an extremely bad addict. 17:49 And so, when you were arrested, 17:51 you were first in jail and then prison, 17:53 there's a difference... and what happened to you in there 17:58 when you saw what you saw in the prison? 18:00 Well, I'll back up a little bit, I... 18:03 for years I had been using drugs, 18:05 and in using drugs, I'd done a lot of bad things 18:09 including robbing my own parents 18:11 and by 2005, my addiction was so bad 18:13 that I was shooting up Panthenol Patches 18:16 mixed with Crack Cocaine 18:18 and my doctor's office cut me off with my pain patches 18:21 which then led me to breaking into homes 18:24 which then led to a seven-year prison term. 18:27 And so, what happened in prison? 18:29 It was when I got to prison, I started looking around me 18:33 then I realized who I had become. 18:35 I could look around and I could see these individuals 18:38 that had been in prison for ten, twenty years... 18:40 some were doing life on the installment plan, 18:43 coming back and forth every couple of years 18:45 and I could see that if something didn't change... 18:48 and change drastically, that was going to be me. 18:50 And so, did people visit you 18:53 and bring you Bibles and material 18:55 to support you... what happened? 18:57 No... ha... ha... ha... ha... no they did not 19:01 and for the first few months, it was just myself, 19:05 my parents used tough love, 19:06 they knew that if they didn't create an absence of... 19:11 of attention, I was just going to continue 19:15 down the path that I had been 19:16 so, by the time that I got to prison, 19:18 I had not had the family relationship that I was used to, 19:21 I had nobody to rely on and I was left with the fact 19:25 that if something didn't change, 19:27 my life was going to be totaled... 19:29 it was going to be drastic so... 19:31 So, when you experienced this, you saw that God was able to 19:38 reach you and that you did have value, 19:41 that He was still... 19:43 even though your family had lost connection with you 19:46 and even pastors who you wrote to... didn't respond... 19:50 but you still felt connected with God. 19:53 Well, that's true, as I looked around I realized 20:00 that my only option was God, 20:03 I'd been raised a Seventh-day Adventist, 20:06 I knew that Jesus Christ was my only option 20:08 and so the day came... 20:09 after 16 days of silence in myself, 20:12 that I finally gave up 20:13 and I didn't really know how to pray anymore, 20:15 it had been so long since I talked to God 20:17 but that night I got on my knees and I... 20:19 and I started asking God for forgiveness 20:21 for everything that I had ever done 20:23 and I was very specific and so as I'm confessing my sins, 20:27 tears started falling down my face 20:28 and I cried and I poured my heart out to God 20:31 and after a couple of hours of praying 20:33 and crying my heart out to God, 20:34 I got up and I laid on my bunk 20:36 and as I laid on my bunk, 20:37 and I've told this story before, 20:39 I swear I felt the weight of my sin rise off of my body 20:42 and it was then that I knew that I'd been forgiven 20:45 and it was that sense of hope... 20:48 of knowing that God loved me that I was cared for, 20:51 then I knew that no matter what happened beyond that point, 20:54 God was going to take care of me... that He loved me. 20:58 And so your past doesn't dictate... 21:01 you have a saying, 21:03 "Your past doesn't dictate your future... " 21:06 and so you felt free at that time 21:08 and that without Christ, there is certain destruction. 21:13 Oh, absolutely... so, once I was forgiven, 21:16 I didn't know what was in store 21:17 but I knew that my life was going to be different 21:20 so as the devil tempted and as these choices came, 21:23 I decided to turn my life over to God 21:25 and it happened one decision at a time 21:27 and over the next couple of years 21:29 and as I grew into God, my father had sent me a Bible 21:32 and the "Conflict of Ages Set" 21:33 and I began studying and the next thing you know... 21:35 I'm sharing in prison 21:36 and the next thing after that is... 21:38 I'm having Bible Studies in prison, from prison to prison, 21:41 I transferred 13 times over seven years, 21:43 but I watched as God took my heart and changed it 21:46 from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh 21:48 and I began looking at my fellow prisoners 21:50 not as convicts but as people 21:52 that needed the same freedom that I had. 21:54 So when you got out of prison, 21:57 you started a ministry, what's that called? 21:58 The Ministry is called, "Conviction Ministries. " 22:01 We have to move right along... and so the... 22:03 it's basically based on freedom from sin, 22:06 it's not just prison... 22:08 going and ministering to prisoners, 22:10 it's freeing them from sin. 22:12 Correct, my ministry is dedicated 22:14 to offering individuals the same hope that God gave me. 22:18 And so, when you got out of prison, 22:20 you connected with your community, 22:22 and who were some of the people you went in... connected with? 22:25 Well, most recently the Chief of Police in the town, 22:28 the very Officer who used to pursue me 22:29 and did his best to arrest me 22:32 is now the one handing out my book. 22:33 He's actually sharing my testimony 22:35 and helping others in my community 22:37 understand that with Jesus Christ, 22:39 freedom from sin is a reality. 22:41 And what's the name of your book? 22:42 It's called, "Where Darkness Reigned. " 22:44 And you feel that you can restore 22:47 and you were able to heal things 22:50 and correct things that you had broken. 22:52 Absolutely. 22:54 And so, tell us a little bit about 22:56 how people can become involved 22:58 and to avoid that 90 percent return to prison 23:04 and you can help them avoid that. 23:07 One of the biggest problems that I faced 23:09 upon getting out of prison was... 23:10 finding individuals that understood 23:12 that just because you were a prisoner, 23:14 you were a drug addict or you were addicted to something 23:16 doesn't mean that you don't have value, 23:18 with Christ Jesus, we are reborn, 23:20 we become new creations, we are a new creature 23:23 and I... Conviction Ministries is dedicated 23:26 to making that a reality in other people's lives 23:29 and so if individuals want to become part of that experience, 23:32 give me a phone call. 23:33 If you have a son or daughter that's addicted 23:35 or you know somebody that's struggling, 23:37 give me a phone call, I'd be more than happy to help. 23:39 So oftentimes in church we sit there 23:41 and act like everything's okay but there may be someone here, 23:45 there may be someone in your church, 23:47 who is suffering or has somebody who's at risk, 23:51 addicted to drugs... other things... 23:54 committing crime, they may be in prison 23:56 but the church pretends that there's really not a problem 24:01 so if you know of somebody like that or someone in your family, 24:05 contact Greg at his ministry, Conviction Ministries 24:12 and he will help reach out to these people 24:14 and give them the hope that they need. 24:17 Greg: Amen... thank you. 24:20 My name is Floyd Courtney and I have the privilege 24:25 of interviewing two very interesting ministries 24:29 the first one is... Dale Mole, 24:32 he's a Physician and Dale, 24:34 you told me a little bit about your beginning of your career 24:38 and it was an interesting way, it seemed like to me 24:41 that the Lord was preparing you for this part of your career, 24:44 tell me a little bit about it. 24:45 Yes, well I was a Physician in the United States Navy 24:49 for over 33 years and served part of that time 24:55 aboard submarines 24:56 and have been stationed around the world in many countries 24:59 including spending time in Iraq and Afghanistan 25:03 so... and the South Pole and so 25:08 I had a pretty good idea of what it was like 25:11 to try and provide good medical care in bad places 25:15 and when the opportunity came up to go to Nepal, 25:19 I thought this might be an opportunity to apply the skills 25:23 that I had acquired over the course of a lifetime 25:27 to do the Lord's work. 25:28 All right, so, what was the transition... 25:31 how did you segue over from being a Physician in the Navy 25:35 to getting to Nepal you said was... is where you have 25:39 done your ministry lately. 25:41 Right, well, when I retired from the Navy, 25:44 I served in the South Pole for a year 25:46 at Amunden-Scott South Pole Station, 25:49 I was... for that year... 25:51 I was the Southern-most Adventist in the world 25:55 but when I came back, I was in church one day 26:00 and Lowell Cooper, who many in the audience know I'm sure, 26:05 came up to me in church and said, 26:07 "Dale, I know you retired from the Navy, what are you doing?" 26:09 I said, "Well, I don't have to rent my time anymore, 26:13 I've reached that stage in my life 26:15 and I'm looking around for something interesting to do" 26:18 and several months later, 26:21 my wife, Susan, and I... find ourselves in Nepal. 26:24 Okay, tell us about that, 26:26 something interesting that you found to do for the Lord now. 26:28 Yeah, well, I tell you, 26:30 when we first stepped off the plane, 26:32 we actually... I don't know what my wife's reaction was 26:35 but I almost felt like getting back on the plane 26:37 and heading home, but I got to tell you 26:39 the first week I was there, I probably saw more miracles 26:43 performed than in the previous decade in the United States, 26:47 the... just... one quick story if I could, 26:53 there was a little ten-year old boy 26:57 who had untreated Typhoid fever 26:59 and he came into our Emergency Department 27:02 on the verge of death, 27:03 he was in what we call, "Septic Shock" 27:06 and we took him to the operating room 27:08 and performed surgery, 27:11 he had a hole in his bowel that we closed 27:14 and then he went to our Intensive Care Unit 27:16 which is where I first saw him, 27:17 he... he was on the verge of death... 27:23 he was just... 27:25 his Septic Shock state has an 80 percent mortality rate, 27:29 he then developed a condition that we call "Adult... " 27:32 not adult but "Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome" 27:36 which also has a very high mortality rate, 27:38 so this ten-year old Nepali boy, 27:41 I thought was not going to survive the night 27:44 and we prayed... the family was there crying... 27:47 you know, we told them it was in the Lord's hands, 27:51 I came in the next morning 27:54 and not only was he still alive but he was doing better, 27:57 that afternoon he was off the ventilator, 28:00 two days later, he was sitting up smiling 28:03 in our Pediatric Ward. 28:05 Interviewer: Wow! praise the Lord. 28:06 That is why, I went to Nepal and that's why I'm staying in Nepal. 28:10 Tell us a little bit about... on the news we heard about 28:13 earthquakes in Nepal, 28:15 how has that impacted the hospital and your work there? 28:19 Well, initially, we had nine patients that arrived... 28:23 they were dead on arrival... 28:24 but we treated over a 1,000 earthquake victims 28:27 and all the patients that arrived there remained alive, 28:31 and if I had more time I could tell you, 28:34 a number of stories about true miracles 28:38 that occurred during that time period 28:40 but the earthquake itself 28:41 was a real tragedy for the Country of Nepal, 28:45 it set it back probably about a decade, 28:46 but it has also provided a real opportunity for the Lord's work 28:51 many medical facilities were destroyed 28:54 so I think it is an opportunity to expand Adventist Healthcare 28:58 in Nepal... many schools were destroyed 29:00 I think it's an opportunity to expand Adventist education 29:04 in Nepal and we have had some great partners here 29:10 in the world church, especially Asian Aid USA, 29:15 Three Angels Broadcasting has really helped us raise money 29:20 that is badly needed for the hospital 29:22 not only just from an earthquake standpoint but also 29:26 just in the replacing of aging equipment and facilities. 29:28 Okay Brother, in the last little bit of time we have 29:31 tell us what is witnessing like, 29:33 I understand that there are laws 29:34 that are making it more difficult there 29:36 versus the United States and other places. 29:38 Yeah it is, you can be put in prison 29:41 for proselytization 29:43 so ours is certainly a work of ministry 29:46 not a work... a... oh... I'm sorry... 29:49 it's a ministry of work, of service 29:51 and not a ministry of Word but what we try and do is 29:56 have our patients see the compassion and love of Christ 30:01 reflected in the care that we provide to them 30:04 and by that method, we help to win souls in Nepal. 30:07 All right... have you seen any... 30:09 what response have you seen to the work 30:12 as far as spiritually, 30:14 are you seeing some changes in people's lives 30:16 and things like that or...? 30:19 Yes, I think very much so, 30:22 Susan and I have only been there eight months 30:25 but there are a lot of really talented Nepali people, 30:28 a lot of people who are really on fire for Christ, if you will, 30:34 so I am very optimistic about the work in Nepal. 30:37 Wonderful. 30:39 And especially with the help of people in the audience as well, 30:42 we certainly need your prayers. 30:43 Right... well thank you so much 30:45 for sharing with us about your work in Nepal, God bless... 30:46 Thank you. 30:48 And next we have Tim Rasmussen, 30:54 Tim is the President of Waters for Life, 31:00 it's an Organization that provides 31:03 the true physical water and the water of Life, 31:05 and he has his crew with him here, 31:08 and I'll let him introduce them... 31:11 Some time ago, I was wondering 31:14 how can I tell you about Water for Life in seven minutes. 31:18 Through the modern digital age I've discovered a way, 31:21 this is not a telephone, it's a reality recorder 31:25 and I'm going to push playback 31:27 and take you back to a conversation 31:29 that occurred some time ago 31:31 between Gary Bartholomew and his son, Rod. 31:34 Well, now that we got this drill rig set up here 31:41 and I'm a new volunteer, 31:44 I'd like to ask you some questions, 31:45 how did Water for Life get started anyway? 31:50 Rod, it's a "beauty from ashes story," 31:54 the ashes was 20,000 dollars spent 31:58 for a contractor on a failed attempt in Guatemala 32:02 the beauty was... when the Lord called and said, 32:06 "You grew up... a well driller, let's go for it. " 32:10 There seems to be a lot of people around here 32:14 helping... do you pay them a lot of money to come down and help? 32:18 Everyone involved in Water for Life is a volunteer, 32:21 we have about 40 each year 32:24 that go down to help in the well drilling 32:27 and the other efforts we do... 32:30 and many from different faiths. 32:33 How many wells have you drilled so far in Guatemala? 32:38 We've drilled 79... 32:39 Wow! how many people are drinking from those wells? 32:45 We figure, maybe 25,000 now, 32:47 most villages we drill in are remote 32:50 and there might be 200 to 600 people in each village. 32:54 Wow! that sounds like a lot, 32:56 does that really help the people though just a well... 33:00 just clean water? 33:01 Well, in the words of the health ministry there, 33:04 they say, mortality dropped 33:06 where Water for Life drills wells, 33:09 in the words of the villagers, they say, 33:13 "Thank you for that well last year, 33:15 we've lost none of our babies since you drilled last year. " 33:19 Amen. 33:21 Is there still a need for more wells, 33:24 I mean, 79 wells, we've already drilled... 33:27 is there a need for anymore? 33:28 In the radius that we work 33:30 there's need for hundreds and hundreds more wells. 33:34 And I've also seen Dentists and Nurses 33:38 working out in the different villages, tell me about those. 33:42 Yes, we provide medical and dental care as we can 33:45 in the villages where we drill, 33:47 we also ship a lot of medical equipment 33:50 in the yearly container that we ship down 33:53 with the drilling supplies and equipment. 33:55 And on my way here, I noticed, 33:58 we drove right past an Adventist Church, 34:01 are we involved with that at all? 34:04 We've drilled wells, bought property, 34:07 built a church and seen it fill up, 34:10 what a thrill, 34:11 we've partnered with Upper Columbia Conference 34:13 in this very Conference right here 34:15 in our Youth Department in building churches, 34:18 we've partnered with other ministries also 34:20 such as Amazing Facts. 34:21 Probably oh... 12 or 14 churches now, I believe. 34:28 Wow! do you think that... 34:30 that the wells really help with the Evangelism? 34:34 Rod, when we provide a well, 34:38 spend that few days drilling in a village, 34:41 we gain a relationship... we never lose, 34:45 we never lose that relationship. 34:47 How do we develop people for these churches? 34:54 How did we develop members to fill these churches? 34:57 We hire Bible Workers, we do VBS, 34:59 we have people come down from the United States 35:02 and do Evangelistic Meetings, 35:03 Light Bearers sends millions of pieces of literature 35:09 in Spanish, we ship pallets of Bibles, 35:13 we ship cases of Bible Studies to help build those churches. 35:18 Well, what do you... do you have to be a driller 35:23 to come and help out Water for Life down in Guatemala 35:27 I think there are several people out here 35:29 that probably aren't drillers. 35:31 No Rod, we need motel maids too, 35:33 we build a shop and several rooms 35:36 and so, we need motel maids 35:39 and we need helpers for the drillers, 35:43 we need painters, construction personnel, 35:46 we need translators, we need more medical people, 35:49 dental people. 35:51 That's a little bit about the Water for Life. 35:59 I have some friends from Guatemala here, 36:03 Mr. Leonardo and his wife, Dixel, 36:07 Mr. Berny, what does Water for Life mean 36:11 for the people of Guatemala? 36:12 To the people of Guatemala, it means hope, love, 36:17 everlasting life in Jesus Christ our Lord, 36:20 gracias, agua para la vida... 36:22 thank you Water for Life. 36:24 That's what I can tell you about Water for Life 36:29 and show you about Water for Life, 36:30 what I invite you to do is come and join us. 36:34 Water for Life provides life and Life-giving water 36:38 and the everlasting gospel to people that are thirsty 36:43 and hungry for it, thank you very much. 36:45 Audience clapping... 36:55 Boy! you've been enjoying these stories? 36:58 It's amazing what God's doing around the world, 37:01 I'm excited to be here this evening with you 37:04 with Millie and John Youngberg, 37:06 tell me where you're from 37:08 and a little bit about your ministry and what you guys do. 37:10 Well, we live in Berrien Springs Michigan 37:13 and we're both retired from Andrews University 37:16 and our ministry is, 37:17 "WIN! Wellness, Homes of Hope and Health. " 37:20 Very good, so tell me a couple of things 37:22 that you guys are doing in your ministry. 37:24 Well, we are touching the world with our ministry, 37:29 we felt that God had called us to be a blessing to the nations 37:35 and that's what we're trying to do 37:36 and... you tell us about the Jabez Prayer. 37:40 Jabez prayed that God would bless him indeed... 37:45 and so that is what God did for him 37:48 and extended his territory and we pray the same prayer 37:52 and God has sent us to the world. 37:54 Amen... so tell me a little bit about 37:56 what's happening in Vietnam. 37:58 Oh, this is very exciting, we trained some people 38:02 in Singapore to do WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope and Health 38:07 a few years ago and now, these people have translated 38:11 all of our materials into the Vietnamese language 38:14 and it's so exciting to hear that they are in small groups 38:20 in Vietnam and Hanoi and are using our materials 38:24 and the lady who spoke to us about the translation, she said, 38:28 "Your material is all over Vietnam," 38:31 I said, "All over?" 38:32 she said, "All over Vietnam and it's above ground" 38:37 and that's "Wow!" 38:38 Amen, it's really exciting, they were telling me 38:41 that these are small group materials 38:43 that have been put in 38:45 to public evangelism context and so they're using them 38:48 and getting baptisms through those materials. 38:50 Amen, so tell me about another project you guys are working on 38:54 in the Muslim territories of the world. 38:58 The Muslims of the world are a great privilege to reach 39:04 and the work isn't easy is it? 39:07 And we will not mention specific countries 39:12 because of political sensitivities 39:14 and religious sensitivities, 39:16 but one pastor... last year... he reported 5,000 baptisms 39:26 and over... about half of these 39:29 he attributed to the WIN! Wellness Program, 39:32 among these specifically, he stated that 39:37 20 Muslims were baptized and, you know, 39:41 we just have to praise God because... well the Bible says, 39:45 "He who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, 39:48 he shall be saved," and many of these people 39:51 are believing and God is reaching them. 39:55 In another country, the work is going also 39:58 among these people and the lady who reported to us 40:02 just told us how these people are interested in health, 40:06 they say it agrees with their philosophy and religion of life 40:11 and they're just happy to see this work going on. 40:15 I'd just like to ask... add that... 40:18 they have a special program for the Muslims, 40:22 they feed them breakfast, they do exercise with them, 40:25 they do "Love in action" things, 40:27 they meet their physical needs, health needs, 40:29 and as a result, there are these Muslims 40:32 who feel their love... 40:34 love in action is a very important part of ministering 40:37 to our Muslim friends. 40:39 Amen, you know it's really a burden of mine 40:41 to see us working in those kinds of fields 40:44 I was reading recently a Spirit of Prophecy quote 40:47 where it was saying, "How can we be satisfied 40:50 and to have known these truths for all our lives 40:52 and not shared in places that have never heard" 40:54 and it's really exciting to see 40:56 you using your ministry to do exactly that, 40:58 tell me one more exciting thing that happened very recently 41:01 in your ministry just before the GC Session. 41:05 Well, we have started small groups in our own home 41:10 and if 41:12 small groups are good for the world then it will be good 41:14 to do it in your own home, don't you think so? 41:16 And we knocked on doors down the street 41:19 and up to four non-Adventists were attending, 41:22 one of them... his name was John Nit... 41:25 and John Nit... he... first of all he said, 41:28 "Well, this is interesting, 41:30 and I'm just going to take little mini-steps... " 41:32 he was a little bit afraid of the truths of the Bible, 41:35 I'll just take mini-steps and... but then... first of all... 41:39 he said, "I give up my beer... " 41:42 then he took another mini-step, "I give up my pork... " 41:45 and what was the next one Millie? 41:47 Well, the next one was he gave up... 41:50 being mean to his wife and children. 41:52 Amen... 41:54 And so, God was good and on December 20, 41:58 it was my joy to see that you baptized him 42:03 in the waters of baptism, 42:04 a man with a new life in Jesus Christ, 42:07 now there's another one in our group, 42:09 which... he's coming right along... 42:11 he wants to be baptized next month, 42:13 I tell you... it works. 42:14 Amen... so we have just a little bit of time left, 42:17 tell me about what you're holding in your hand. 42:20 This is the book, "JESUS WHO IS HE? 42:26 the most important book Millie and I have ever written, 42:30 the story of Jesus, 42:33 here are 20 episodes in the life of Jesus 42:37 and if it never helps anybody else, 42:41 it has transformed our lives 42:43 and we'd just like to show you some of the pictures 42:48 can you get that? 42:54 You've seen Nathan Greene's "Second Coming of Christ" 42:58 every chapter except one is illustrated by Nathan Greene 43:03 and so we thank God that we can exalt Jesus, 43:08 we'll do well to spend a thoughtful hour every day 43:11 in contemplation of the life of Christ 43:13 and that's what we want our ministry to be, 43:16 that's what we want you to do in your ministry. 43:19 I just must add... when we were in India 43:23 we were working with some Hindus 43:26 and we didn't know that they were Hindus, 43:27 after the meetings were over, 43:30 a Hindu came up to someone and said, 43:33 I would like that lady to pray for me 43:36 so I go to the man and discover that he was a Hindu 43:40 and I said, "What would you like for me to pray about for you?" 43:44 And what did he say, John? 43:45 He said just two words... "More Jesus... " 43:50 Wow! it's from a Hindu's lips... and we praise God 43:56 that we can present "More Jesus... " 43:58 now, you can visit us in our Booth 44:01 number 427... and that we've got lots of more stories 44:05 and we'll be happy to share with you 44:07 and we'd like you to see our Jesus book 44:09 Reaching Out at a very little cost to be a "share book" 44:15 among those who don't know your loving Savior. 44:18 Thank you John and Millie for this great report, 44:20 you know they do all this from their home, 44:22 many of you may be wondering how you can get involved 44:25 to do something for the Lord Jesus, 44:27 start in your home and you can get going right away. 44:29 Thank you so much. Both: Our pleasure. 44:31 Isn't that great? 44:33 Next stop... we are going to be visiting 44:36 with Julia O'Carey and Kaila, her daughter, 44:38 who are from Michigan and are working with ASAP Ministries. 44:43 Julia, tell me a little bit about what ASAP stands for. 44:48 Well, ASAP used to stand for 44:51 Adventist Southeast Asia Projects 44:54 but God has expanded our territory 44:57 to other close countries outside of Southeast Asia 45:00 and so now it's 45:01 "Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted" 45:05 and our main focus is on training and empowering 45:09 over 400 national missionaries 45:12 to be Disciple Makers in their countries 45:16 and so, it's really exciting what the Lord is doing there. 45:19 Amen, now Kaila, 45:21 tell me a little bit about what you got to do 45:23 recently with ASAP on a Mission Trip. 45:26 Well... 45:30 What impressed you most? 45:34 Well, I really was impressed of how religious the people are 45:38 over there, they wake at 4:30 a. m. 45:42 they were lining the streets ready to give their offerings 45:46 to the Buddhist monks and I thought how big impact 45:51 they would be if they were serving in the Adventist Church. 45:54 Yeah, how many of us are lining up to give our offerings? 45:58 May something change. 45:59 You know, this area that we went to in Laos, 46:03 Satan really has a stronghold there. 46:06 They're very Buddhist, and even tourists would come in 46:09 and just go to worship Buddha there 46:14 and it was strange... I grew up in Asia and I go yearly for ASAP 46:21 but this night... the night we went to this 46:23 one town in Laos, a strange sensation came over, 46:27 I felt like my chest... I couldn't breathe 46:30 and my body was shaking and I was like, 46:33 "What happened, did I get food poisoned or... " 46:35 you know, it really scared me 46:37 and so I just prayed and I claimed Scripture 46:41 and I confessed any known and unknown sin, 46:43 I didn't want any stronghold in my life 46:45 and I said, "Lord, what is going on here?" 46:47 And this happened for hours and then I opened the Word 46:51 and I came to this story of a demon and I said, 46:54 "Oh, I know what... we're on Satan's territory 46:57 and we're wrestling against not flesh and blood 47:01 but against... yeah... the powers of darkness" 47:05 and so I woke my husband up and I said, 47:08 "AJ, we need to really pray... 47:10 God has something for us to do here... 47:12 tomorrow morning... and we need God's power" 47:16 so I prayed... and he prayed for me 47:19 and then I said, "Lord, I sense your presence... 47:21 but I know your Word says, 47:24 'He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world' 47:26 and I'm going to go to sleep in faith" 47:29 and praise God, I was finally able to sleep 47:33 and we woke up in the morning 47:34 and we were able to accomplish the mission 47:36 He sent us there for... 47:38 and this helped me realize that ASAP National Missionaries 47:42 go through this every day, they are battling 47:45 and they are winning thousands of souls for God 47:47 and we need many, many more of these laborers, 47:50 and it's not easy out there at all. 47:53 Amen... so Kaila, tell me a little bit about 47:56 what was one of your experiences while you were there. 47:59 Well, when we went to the villages, 48:02 I would smile at kids and I would 48:04 jump right in with them and play their games 48:08 and I learned that you don't need a language 48:11 in order to make friends for life. 48:13 Also, in one little village, I met this little boy 48:18 and he has Ptosis... which is an eye disease 48:25 that makes your eyelid droopy 48:27 and my heart went out to him because when I was his age, 48:31 I had the same disease, 48:33 so I told the parents that when he was old enough 48:37 I would get enough funds so that he would be able to have 48:42 the same surgery... and they were so happy 48:52 that it made me want to jump for joy. 48:54 You know, you have the opportunity 48:56 to help with that project, 48:57 they have a new ASAP Project called "Operation New Vision" 49:02 so if you want to help her with that goal 49:04 to help that young boy you can certainly do that. 49:07 Julia, tell me one more story 49:09 from your experience there this last trip. 49:12 I was so glad that I was able to go and worship 49:16 with the believers in this new little church 49:18 it's actually... they are worshipping in a house 49:21 and the next morning after that strange incident, 49:24 we went and they showed us land 49:27 and this house that they wanted to buy 49:31 and praise God... He worked a miracle 49:34 that was able to be purchased for them 49:37 and then... that same day 49:39 five Hmong men came from this village way up in the mountains 49:43 just to see us to thank us for how we were going to 49:47 help them with the water system 49:49 and toilets for their village, they had nothing 49:53 and also, a Church Planter 49:55 and I was able to share a testimony with them 49:58 and I said, "Listen, God knew your need 50:01 even before you asked ASAP" 50:03 and I hadn't even shared any communication 50:08 but an ASI member sent a 10,000 dollar check 50:14 for water systems in Laos 50:16 and it was the Holy Spirit that had impressed this person 50:20 and so we had that funding to do this, 50:23 now they have five wells in this village 50:25 and storage tank for the water, 50 toilets and a Church Planter 50:30 that's spreading the gospel there, 50:32 it's just such a blessing to see the way that the Lord works. 50:35 Amen, thank you so much for sharing 50:38 about what's going on there in your trips there 50:41 and thank you for doing the project 50:43 for the boy and his eyes. 50:44 We just want to invite you to come by the ASAP Booth 50:49 it's number... 604... 50:51 and we have a little mission project for your kids 50:55 and come by the Booth and we'll explain it to you, 50:59 I don't think we have too much time now 51:01 but a couple of other things I want to invite you to do, 51:05 ASAP Ministries now has a weekly mission video podcast, 51:09 it's only about 7 to 10 minutes and so if you subscribe to that, 51:14 you can share it with your churches 51:16 and get exciting stories of what God's doing 51:18 in other parts of the world 51:20 and God provided for us to have a new website 51:24 that was just launched today 51:26 so if you go to ASAPministries. org 51:29 you can check that out 51:30 and we're just so grateful to the Lord 51:33 in what He's doing in that part of the world 51:35 we'd love for you to be a part of that as well. 51:37 Amen, thank you so much, 51:39 you know, it's really exciting to see 51:41 how... when God impresses you to give to a project... 51:45 that you don't even really know about... God can use that 51:49 to answer people's prayers before they even happen, 51:51 thank you so much. 51:53 Next we're going to be visiting with a couple from New York, 51:58 Ivan and Heidi are going to be sharing with us 52:02 about their project in New York, 52:05 tell us what's the name of your project 52:07 and what do you do. 52:08 Sure, it's called Heidi's Health Kitchen 52:10 and God created Heidi's Health Kitchen 52:12 as a means to reach the people of New York City 52:15 through the health message, Medical Ministry work 52:18 and... which we all know is the right arm of the gospel 52:21 and so we offer free cooking classes, 52:24 health lectures and Bible Studies. 52:27 Amen, so it's a self-sustaining mission model 52:31 for both of you as Bible Workers. 52:32 Yes. 52:34 Excellent, now tell me a little bit about 52:36 an experience that you had in that program 52:39 that you're running recently. 52:40 Sure, well we've had several experiences, 52:42 we have some pictures to show as well 52:44 just of some of our cooking class attendees 52:48 we typically have between 35 and 70 people at a class 52:53 and... so this is just one picture 52:56 but the next picture actually shows... 52:58 demonstrating a natural remedy so we include all of that 53:03 within the cooking and the food demonstration 53:06 and this was a young girl who was experiencing some knee pain 53:10 and so I applied a poultice of turmeric and ginger 53:14 to relieve her knee pain. Interviewer: Excellent... 53:16 And so the next picture, 53:18 just shows a little bit of our team, 53:20 we are currently working with the Crossroads Church 53:23 in Times Square, New York City 53:25 and we're directly working with the 53:28 Personal Ministries Department 53:30 and it's been a real blessing to be working with the church, 53:33 Heidi's Health Kitchen is actually a part 53:36 of the long-term evangelistic plans 53:39 of the Crossroads Seventh-day Adventist Church 53:41 so these events are kind of like the bridge events 53:44 to prepare people and to build contacts and relationships 53:48 for our next Evangelistic Series. 53:51 So you're using your business with the exclusive purpose 53:56 of bringing souls to Jesus. 53:58 Heidi: Yes... Interviewer: So that's great. 53:59 And we do get Bible Study contacts 54:01 almost every cooking class which is a real blessing. 54:03 Amen. 54:04 And... and also, if we bring back the last picture 54:09 we can see that there's an Asian lady 54:13 standing at our Booth, this was at a Vegan Food event 54:17 and as we sell our products, 54:21 we also offer free Medical Missionary activities 54:23 like Blood Pressure screening, chair massage 54:28 and also some of the natural remedies as well, 54:32 and this was at Union Square, 54:34 we were invited by a National Animal Rights Day organizer 54:39 who was into New Age but he said he likes our kind 54:43 he said, "I want to help Heidi's Health Kitchen 54:45 so come and set up a Booth or a table 54:46 at Union Square for free" 54:49 and we were able to hand out health literature 54:51 which was run by Adventists like "Health and Wellness" 54:55 and "Take Charge of Health" 54:57 and "Amazing Facts Magazine on Health," so... yeah... 55:02 Amen, so tell me a little bit more about 55:04 this lady that was in the picture. 55:05 Sure, so Carol was introduced to me 55:08 at the end of the "Revelation of Hope" 55:11 with Mark Finley and Ted Wilson. 55:13 Carol had been reaching out to the Seventh-day Adventist Church 55:17 trying to find someone to teach her more about the Bible 55:21 and she had been a Buddhist for 38 years 55:24 and a chain smoker for 37 and when I met her 55:27 we met at the Library in Queens and her English was very limited 55:32 however, we were able to take out a Bible 55:35 that was parallel Mandarin and English 55:37 and we studied the Bible together 55:39 and it was just such a blessing to see the transformation 55:42 that God makes in a person who is searching 55:45 and wants God in their life 55:47 and so Carol quit smoking by God's power 55:51 amen... Interviewer: Amen... 55:53 and her life has been completely transformed, 55:56 she's on fire for the Lord, she is a supporter 55:59 and volunteer of Heidi's Health Kitchen, 56:02 she's on our Board and it's rewarding 56:05 to see someone become a disciple. 56:07 Recently before we went to the GC, 56:10 I had the joy... God gave me the joy 56:13 of seeing Carol involved in a Bible Study... 56:16 sharing her testimony with another Chinese woman 56:19 and it's just so amazing to be working for the Lord. 56:22 And that's really the goal of City Missions, 56:26 it's not only to see people won for Christ, 56:28 but to see the people you won for Christ 56:31 winning people for Christ. Heidi: Amen... 56:33 And so that's really exciting, now, tell me... Ivan... 56:35 a little bit about an experience you're having 56:37 right now that's from the City Mission. 56:40 Sure, absolutely, well, this is a little interesting, 56:42 there was somebody from India 56:44 who wanted to provide some services 56:46 for Heidi's Health Kitchen 56:47 and we said, "We're not at that moment yet" 56:51 and... but we told them 56:53 that we are basing our ministry and business 56:56 from a book written by a lady named Ellen White 56:59 and he asked about the name of the book, 57:02 I said, "there's a compilation called "The Restaurant Work" 57:05 and they're using that as a textbook for their whole venture 57:08 and then he started reading that book 57:09 and later on he read some other book which told him that 57:14 Ellen White was part of some kind of a secret society 57:17 and things like that 57:19 and then he thought I was also a part of secret societies 57:21 and he thought I was Jesuit... he said... 57:23 and then, anyway, so... 57:25 so later on as he did some more research, 57:28 he found out that Ellen White's writings were as per the Bible, 57:32 she had never deviated from the Bible, 57:33 so... and then he said that 57:35 "You know I did the research and I found out... " 57:37 and then so I took that as an opportunity 57:40 to pitch for some Bible Studies so I asked, 57:42 "Would you be interested to study the Bible with me?" 57:44 and then, since then we've been studying 57:46 using Mark Finley's Bible... "Search for Certainty" lessons 57:51 so I study with him on the phone every week. 57:55 So, did you hear that? 57:56 They're doing Bible Studies from their City Mission in New York 57:59 and India by the phone. 58:02 Can somebody say, "Amen. " Audience: Amen. 58:04 That's called global missions from your home. 58:07 Yeah. It's truly exciting, 58:09 well, thank you so much for sharing about that, 58:11 the Lord bless you in your work there 58:12 as you continue to work for the Lord in New York. 58:16 Thank you... Thank you. 58:18 ASI Spokane, Washington. |
Revised 2016-06-30