Spring Camp Meeting 2014

Matthew 24:14 Must Be Fulfilled

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lyle Albrecht


Series Code: 14SCM

Program Code: 14SCM000023

00:38 Welcome back to 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting.
00:41 How ya'll doing? Great! All right. Still with us
00:44 after how many sermons now? About 18 and one more to go.
00:47 I think this is 19 comin'. Nineteen comin'.
00:51 You've been blessed as we have up here?
00:53 Amen! Absolutely! Praise the Lord for all of these
00:56 men and women who've dedicated their time,
00:58 their time, their abilities to telling the world
01:01 that Jesus is coming back very soon in the clouds of glory.
01:05 You know, one of the things that we've had a tremendous
01:07 time with is music that Bruce Fjarli and his team
01:10 have been leading. We want to thank you, Bruce.
01:13 Don't you appreciate the music with him? Yeah absolutely.
01:16 Amen. All right.
01:20 A real blessing to us.
01:22 And it gives folks... gives you all an opportunity
01:24 to sing a little bit, too - right - 'cause you're
01:26 sitting there. And I know all of you get so full of joy
01:29 you say: "I've got to get rid of some of this. "
01:31 So that helps you. You can sing and join in.
01:34 And to me it's been a big just praise and worship Camp Meeting.
01:39 Yes. And have I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit
01:41 here - Amen! -tremendously all week. Especially today it just
01:46 seems like. And now that we're coming to the last sermon
01:50 it's almost sad... Yes. You know? 'Cause we've got to wait
01:53 till Fall Camp Meeting now to do this again.
01:56 But we've got a lot to go on and go back and tell our friends
01:59 and everybody that we meet that: "You know what?
02:03 We know Jesus is coming very soon. "
02:05 Amen. And we're excited about that.
02:08 That's very true. And you know, tonight we get to listen to
02:10 Lyle Albrecht. And Lyle is an evangelist
02:14 that... How many of you have seen Lyle on 3ABN?
02:17 All right. Look at there.
02:19 And... He has a couple of series that he's done
02:23 and sometimes we rotate a series. And when we have rotated
02:27 people consistently call and say: "Put Lyle back on. "
02:31 "We want Lyle back on. "
02:34 So we've appreciated his ministry on 3ABN for many,
02:39 many years. His text is Matthew 24:14
02:44 and he feels that must be fulfilled.
02:46 And Lyle was named the Alumnus of the Decade
02:50 from Walla Walla University.
02:52 Wow! Now that's pretty good.
02:54 Neither of the schools that I went to will even acknowledge -
02:58 yeah - that I went there. Yeah.
02:59 It hurts my feelings sometimes you know.
03:04 I'm sensitive and they will not even admit
03:10 that I was a student. After all these sermons
03:12 you've got to get over it.
03:16 Oh wow! Well what a day!
03:20 And you know, the musicians that were here.
03:22 As they left, every one of them said to me
03:26 that they were blessed by being here with our group.
03:30 And you blessed them.
03:32 They blessed you but you blessed them, too.
03:35 And as some of you have guessed by now
03:38 some of these folk that came here we invited here
03:41 they're good friends or Christians but not necessarily
03:43 of our religious persuasion: Seventh-day Adventist.
03:47 But we said: "Man, we just love this!
03:48 We love the songs; we love the people. "
03:50 Thank you for being so friendly to everybody -
03:53 that's right - and be accepting of everybody.
03:55 Because they really love the Lord, and just as they did with
03:58 you but they say: "Whenever you want us back let us know.
04:01 We'd love to come back to a 3ABN Camp Meeting. "
04:04 So we said: "We're going to have you back for sure. "
04:06 Such a powerful way for us to witness to them
04:09 because they have a great impact on people as they visit
04:13 with them. They tell them about this ministry and about
04:16 3ABN and about the message that they hear on 3ABN.
04:22 Well Danny, this is our last meeting.
04:26 I know, I know. It's amazing because
04:30 when you think about eternity that we literally are going to
04:34 be able to have Camp Meeting for eternity
04:35 but we won't get tired there. You don't get sleepy.
04:38 No. But singing the praises of the Lord and being with those
04:42 that maybe we've been separated by death
04:46 for many many years. And being able to spend eternity
04:49 with Jesus. This has helped me I think more than anything
04:53 in the last number of years 'cause you hear a good sermon
04:56 now and then, but to hear all of these sermons
04:58 surrounded... surrounding the fact that Jesus is alive,
05:02 that He's well. He's on the throne ever interceding
05:05 at the right hand of the Father. Yes. It's just so encouraging.
05:08 And I can't wait for the Lord to come back...
05:12 especially as we get older. Yeah. As I mentioned before,
05:14 we realize... You do the math and you say:
05:16 "Lord come quickly. " Some of you guys
05:17 keep getting older. I tell you. It's amazing.
05:19 A few of us do. No comment to that? No, no.
05:24 You know, Danny, one of the great things that I enjoy
05:28 though about Camp Meeting is our afterglow.
05:31 So when this meeting is over historically you've come out
05:35 and led us in some more singing together.
05:38 And we'll have a few minutes right down to sundown
05:41 and we'll spend those last few minutes just having a time
05:45 together. It'll be your turn then to sing. Yeah.
05:47 That's what we look forward to.
05:49 Speaking of singing - yeah - we have some music right now.
05:51 We have a young lady that we both know very well
05:55 and it's Melody... my daughter Melody. Come on out Melody Dawn.
05:59 And we named her Melody in faith God would give her
06:02 musical abilities, and Dawn is the dawn of new music
06:05 in the Shelton family. So God has blessed.
06:08 Glad you're here, honey. Love you and all the babies.
06:10 All right. Thank you.
06:28 They say what doesn't kill us makes us strong.
06:36 And I've heard it's always darkest
06:39 before the dawn.
06:43 But all I know is that God's promises
06:48 are true, and He only wants
06:53 what's best for you.
06:57 We have this hope
07:00 that all hurting will be gone.
07:04 We have this hope
07:07 that all tears will be left behind.
07:12 I know down here life is hard
07:16 and the world is so unkind
07:20 but hold on because
07:23 we have this hope.
07:30 Every one of us has heartaches and trials.
07:38 Just remember we're only here for a short while.
07:45 Sometimes I feel I've had
07:48 more than my share,
07:53 but He won't give us more than we can bear.
07:59 We have this hope
08:02 that all hurting will be gone.
08:06 We have this hope
08:09 that all tears will be left behind.
08:15 I know down here life is hard
08:19 and the world is so unkind,
08:22 but hold on because
08:25 we have this hope.
08:29 And this hope for us
08:33 is Jesus!
08:42 So hold on because
08:45 we have this hope.
09:02 Amen. Amen! Thank you so much, Melody.
09:06 Wasn't that wonderful? Amen! That was wonderful!
09:10 Praise God!
09:16 I'm not exactly sure how I feel.
09:23 Danny was just here and said
09:26 "This is the last meeting. Tonight's the last meeting.
09:29 It's kind of sad. " Then he said: "Here's Lyle. "
09:51 It's true. They told me that camera'd add about 35 pounds.
09:56 It's true.
10:03 I've been invited to be here for Camp Meeting
10:06 on several occasions
10:09 but for the last several years - three or four -
10:13 we have had a grandson or granddaughter
10:18 graduating from church school
10:21 or from academy, and we have been to those
10:26 occasions certainly. Jesus comes first of all
10:29 and then my family.
10:36 By the way, my Peggy... Several of you have asked
10:39 about... She's great;
10:42 good health; beautiful.
10:47 That girl's hung with me for 54 years this July.
10:53 Can you imagine that?
10:55 Yeah... yeah.
11:00 Now I'm going to give you men some advice:
11:02 one thing that has helped our marriage to continue
11:06 has been I give the girl a lot of breathing room.
11:12 Yeah. I've told her again and again and again
11:16 "You're not locked in here.
11:19 I mean, I don't put you in a cage.
11:23 I'm not your keeper.
11:26 The door's open... you're free to go any time
11:29 but if you go I'm goin' with you. "
11:36 And I will.
11:38 She's like my American Express Card...
11:39 I don't leave home without her
11:43 except on rare occasions like this.
11:46 But I'll be back in her arms tomorrow.
11:52 So I alluded a bit ago to my kids going to school,
11:56 and I'm all in favor of that.
11:58 Help them anywhere I can.
12:00 And my appreciation of higher education
12:04 was indelibly impressed upon me by my Idaho neighbor
12:08 Bubba Hyder. And some of you have heard me
12:11 tell stories about him. He was as real as a heart attack.
12:17 He murdered the king's English. I mean he slaughtered it.
12:20 You've heard of double negatives?
12:23 He could use triple negatives.
12:25 They ain't never no mind and no use
12:28 and nothing and...
12:30 One time I said to him: "Bubba, you seem to take joy
12:32 in murdering the English.
12:35 I mean, it's like I've never heard before. "
12:38 Well he said: "I ain't had much education you know, Lyles. "
12:42 Called me Lyles.
12:46 "I ain't had that much education, Lyles,
12:49 seeing how I had to drop out during the third grade. "
12:54 I said: "Really Bubba? You did, really? "
12:57 "Yep. " "Did you get sick? Was that it?
13:01 Did you have to drop out of school to pull cotton?
13:04 What happened, Bubba?" "Oh, no, " he said,
13:06 "it was jury duty. "
13:13 Idaho for ya.
13:17 I was telling Idaho stories somewhere in mid-America
13:23 a while back. Born and raised there... I love it.
13:27 You have to know that. Those of you who've watched over the
13:31 years my programs, you know that.
13:36 I was sharing some Idaho stories, and afterward
13:39 a young lady I assume to be around 35 years caught me
13:44 out in the hall and she said: "I want to go on record
13:48 to tell you I don't appreciate your Idaho stories. "
13:53 And I said: "Well the joke's on me. I am an Idahoan
13:56 and I'm just really kind of putting myself down
13:59 when I do this kind of thing.
14:01 But if I've said anything at all that hurt you I'm sorry.
14:04 You have my honest and sincere apology. "
14:08 "By the way, " I asked, "what part of Idaho are you from? "
14:12 Said: "Are you crazy? I'm from Colorado! "
14:25 Now I was assigned a scripture
14:30 from Matthew's gospel chapter 24.
14:33 And my good friend Jim Gilley alluded to that a bit ago.
14:39 And I know that I'm not the first one to use it
14:41 during this Camp Meeting series.
14:43 I shall be the last, however.
14:49 And when my dear friend Walter Pearson began to speak
14:53 this morning he started off with Matthew 24:14.
14:58 And then he transitioned to another thought that I was
15:01 going to share and I said to myself: "He's going to preach
15:04 my whole sermon. " And I think he would've
15:06 but I prayed him off of it!
15:09 By the way, I listen to him preach still to this day.
15:18 C.D. Brooks. Ummh!
15:22 And I say to myself: "Why do you still try? "
15:29 I'll keep trying.
15:31 The greatest preacher... The great preachers of
15:34 the last 50 years of the Seventh-day Adventist church
15:39 have been our black brethren. Amen!
15:44 And I say that without apology.
15:51 And the highest compliment I think I've ever been paid
15:55 was when I was somewhere down in south Alabama
15:58 and a black lady came to me
16:02 after a sermon. She said: "Brother Lyle,
16:05 you're a reverse Oreo. "
16:13 I said: "What do you mean? "
16:14 She said: "You may be white on the outside
16:17 but you's black inside. "
16:24 Suits me.
16:37 Now I want to talk to you
16:40 about our Lord Jesus
16:44 and the idea of His invitations and His commands
16:50 "Come, " and "Go, " and "Come again. "
16:56 So you have your Bibles open now to Matthew's gospel
16:59 chapter 24. Matthew chapter 24 and Luke chapters 17 and 21
17:04 are an answer to the disciples' question: "Lord, tell us
17:07 what it's going to be like just before You come the 2nd time. "
17:10 And Jesus said: "It's going to be like this and this and this.
17:13 And when you see these things begin to happen then know
17:16 that My coming is near... even at the door. "
17:21 Here's one of the requirements He laid down.
17:25 Before He could come He said this...
17:28 chapter 24 and verse 14:
17:33 "This good news about My kingdom
17:37 must be preached in all the world for a witness to all
17:41 nations and then the end will come. "
17:48 "This wonderful truth about My righteousness and My love
17:52 and My grace and My mercy
17:54 has to go to... It has to go to Tennessee,
17:59 and it has to go to Texas
18:03 and it has to go to Iowa and it has to go to Idaho
18:07 and it has to go to India and it has to go to the whole world. "
18:12 So Jesus gives this commandment.
18:17 By the way, that's exactly what it is.
18:18 Some have referred to it as the eleventh commandment.
18:20 And there is another verse that goes with it exegetically
18:23 and hermeneutically and Biblically.
18:25 I don't know what that means
18:29 but the scholars do, and that is the verse from
18:32 chapter 28 verses 19 and 20.
18:34 Of course you know that. Go into the whole world,
18:37 preach the gospel, and do what else?
18:39 Baptize... and then keep on teaching.
18:44 "And lo, I'll be with you to the ends of the earth...
18:48 the end of the world. "
18:50 So He calls these twelve men.
18:54 Very ordinary men they were.
18:58 And I thought this: "You know, if you were starting a business,
19:01 and you had put out in the various public places
19:05 some application forms, and these guys got ahold of them
19:09 and filled them out and then mailed them to you
19:11 or brought them to you, you wouldn't give them an interview.
19:14 You'd say: "Well thank you very much.
19:17 Don't call us; we'll call you. " And you drop it in the circular
19:20 file. You wouldn't have wanted one of them
19:24 but Jesus did. There was Simon Peter,
19:29 the man who cried out... " By the way, not so very long ago
19:31 I preached a whole series of sermons.
19:33 I began to study the lives of the disciples
19:35 for my own spiritual edification.
19:38 I found myself in a little bit of a... Ah, I don't want to say
19:42 depression. Down a bit.
19:49 I'd looked in the mirror.
19:55 And so I'd say: "Well, these men were just men as well. "
19:58 And so I began to study.
20:00 I read through the gospel record through the book of Acts
20:03 and then I read The Desire of Ages
20:06 and the other wonderful things that Ellen White had written
20:08 about the disciples. And then because I was still so hungry
20:12 I went to the Christian bookstore - used book stores
20:15 there in Grand Rapids, MI - and I bought about 30 volumes
20:19 on the lives and times of disciples.
20:22 And what God was sharing with me was so good that I decided
20:25 I need to share it with others.
20:26 And so I've titled that little series The Master's Men.
20:29 There was Simon Peter, the man who cried out loud,
20:34 and there was Andrew, the first home missionary,
20:36 the first foreign missionary.
20:40 There was Matthew... the man from the IRS,
20:43 and there was Thomas... the man from Missouri.
20:48 Had to be "showed. "
20:51 So Jesus takes these very ordinary men
20:54 and He empowers them with the Holy Spirit.
20:57 His disciples... that means He taught them,
21:00 and then after they had been schooled He sent them out.
21:04 That means He apostled them... sent them out.
21:06 "Now I've taught you. Now you go and share
21:08 what I've taught with others. Go... go now. "
21:11 And they went out and they began to turn the world upside down
21:14 for Jesus as the devil got mad. And I want to tell you folks
21:16 when the gospel is being preached still today the devil
21:19 gets mad! He gets mad.
21:22 Now some have been telling me here about what's happened to
21:25 some of my friends... some of my favorite preachers
21:28 and just other friends and how the devil has come down on them
21:31 with illnesses and maladies and death in the families...
21:34 various things. The devil is angry
21:37 when God's Word is being shared.
21:39 And he's mad here during this Camp Meeting, you can be certain
21:41 about that. And if he hasn't jumped on you today
21:44 he's going to do it on the way home.
21:46 So be careful... he might use your wife... maybe...
21:52 Probably not.
21:56 Empowered with the Holy Spirit these disciples went out
21:59 and preached and then they did miracles just like Jesus did.
22:04 Opening blinded eyes and straightening twisted, withered
22:06 limbs and comforting hurting hearts.
22:08 And by the way, when they reported back in Luke chapter 10
22:12 it's quite obvious that even Judas was given this power.
22:15 Remarkable, isn't it now?
22:17 And that says that God will use any man that's willing
22:19 to be used... as long as he keeps his eyes on Jesus.
22:26 Exciting! "Take this good news to the world
22:29 and then I'll be back and we'll never be separated ever again. "
22:33 And that, by the way, is what heaven's all about, isn't it?
22:36 Never be separated again. I hold these meetings...
22:39 I've done about 201 of them now.
22:40 They last at least a month.
22:42 Somebody said: "When are you going to retire by the way? "
22:45 And I said: "When I can no longer climb the stairs,
22:47 that's when. " As long as God gives me a voice
22:51 and folks'll listen, I'm going to preach the good news.
22:54 I want Him so to come back. Amen!
22:58 So they went out; preached their hearts out.
23:04 And then He whom they believed was to be their earthly King
23:10 and within a few days or weeks at best
23:12 is crucified, and their hearts are broken.
23:14 Now you imagine with me. They've gone into hiding because
23:18 they are fearful that their own lives are going to be taken.
23:21 And He's in a tomb. Their dreams are shattered.
23:26 Brokenhearted they are.
23:28 And then on Sunday morning
23:34 there comes a voice from heaven: "Jesus, it's time to get up! "
23:38 And the stone is rolled away with unseen hands
23:41 and Jesus comes standing in the portal of the tomb.
23:44 He's alive forevermore!
23:46 But now I want you to notice something:
23:48 there are 101 men. There is a centurion.
23:51 That means he's in charge of 100 Roman soldiers
23:54 and they've been standing through the night trying to make
23:56 sure He stays in there.
23:58 And now they're flat on their backs in the dirt.
24:00 They're paralyzed... but they can see.
24:03 And He just turns and walks away.
24:06 Now... heartbroken on Friday night and on Sabbath.
24:12 And Jesus gets up on Sunday morning and goes to work.
24:16 Oh what a difference a Sabbath can make!
24:19 Amen! Praise God for the Sabbath. Amen!
24:22 So Jesus is alive, and they go out now
24:25 after they've gotten things together with Pentecostal power.
24:29 And they begin to preach again with great, great passion.
24:34 They did it, by the way, without computers
24:37 and without modern technology.
24:40 Even did it without these wonderful microphones
24:43 we're able to have nowadays. I want to share with you
24:44 a little bit of a story. How much time? Oh, I have time
24:47 for this story... maybe another one.
24:49 I have a clock right down here and they told me to watch that
24:52 clock. We had, out in the Pacific Northwest,
24:57 a wonderful Seventh-day Adventist worker of many many
25:00 years. He'd been an adminis- trator, pastor, evangelist.
25:04 And I must say I admired him. He must remain tonight nameless.
25:08 But he was really in favor of a lot of multimedia.
25:12 That's what it was called when it was first used, oh, 30 or so
25:16 years ago. And a lot of my fellow evangelists
25:19 had 17 projectors, 14 slide projectors,
25:25 and three movie projectors and five big screens.
25:31 And this man was really in favor of that. In fact,
25:33 he was producing material to be used in these kinds of programs.
25:38 And I didn't have any of that.
25:43 And some of the folks began to refer to me
25:46 as a suitcase evangelist. Said: "Old Lyle can take
25:48 all of his evangelism equipment in one suitcase. "
25:53 And so this man - this senior worker -
25:56 seemed to enjoy getting me in front of a crowd
25:59 and then kind of ribbing me a little bit
26:02 about not having multimedia.
26:05 And he'd tell me: "a picture is worth a thousand words,
26:07 Lyle. When are you ever going to come into the modern century? "
26:10 And he just needled me and needled me.
26:13 And one day I felt like I'd had enough. And he had me
26:15 in a group of mostly preachers but not entirely
26:18 and he was really kind of laying it on.
26:20 And I kind of "fuzzed up" a little bit and I said:
26:23 "Listen brother, if a man needs a crutch
26:26 he sure ought to use it. "
26:29 But I said: "If on the other hand
26:33 a man can take his Bible and just preach
26:38 and still hold the attention of some of the folks at least
26:41 I don't see what's wrong with that! "
26:43 "Oh, " he said, "I didn't mean to upset you. "
26:45 I said: "Oh, you didn't... much... much. "
26:56 And so here are these disciples now.
26:57 They've gotten it all together empowered with the Holy Spirit.
27:00 But what a commission! What a job! What a responsibility!
27:04 To go into the whole world. But God had put some plans
27:08 in place in advance. He gave them 101 eyewitnesses
27:13 to the glorious truth that Jesus was alive.
27:16 Now here they are, you see: 101 Roman soldiers.
27:19 They're conscripts. They've been drafted from the
27:21 whole of the known Roman Empire.
27:23 It's their job to keep Him in place.
27:25 And all the devil accomplishes now is to put 101 eyewitnesses
27:29 to the truth He's alive!
27:31 Now watch: these conscripts went home
27:35 after their commission was finished.
27:37 They went back to the various parts of the Roman Empire
27:41 and you can be certain that they called in the folks
27:44 from across the street, the folks across the backyard fence,
27:47 and they called in family members: uncles and aunts,
27:49 grandpas and grandmas, and they told them
27:52 "I was on duty. We guarded the corpse.
27:55 We thought He was a nobody
27:57 and I'll tell you: on Sunday morning the world changed!
28:02 He's out there; Jesus is alive! He's out there somewhere. "
28:09 The apostle Paul, before he finished his life, could say
28:13 and he said it as he wrote to Rome and also to the church
28:16 at Colossae, he said: "The gospel has now gone to
28:19 every place that men are known working and living in number.
28:22 It's gone to the whole world. "
28:23 Yeah... and they had no Walter Pearson
28:30 and they had no Mark Finley. They had no 3ABN.
28:33 But they had the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Amen!
28:36 And so Jesus said: "Go, Peter... go. "
28:39 "Go Paul... you go and take Silas with you. "
28:42 And "Go John. " "You go, Andrew. Go, go. "
28:46 And then God's clock struck a prophetic hour
28:50 and God raised up a movement
28:53 called Seventh-day Adventists.
28:58 And He said: "You have a special responsibility now
29:01 in these last days. You have a special message,
29:03 a timely message. Now you go as well! "
29:06 And so James and Ellen White went.
29:11 And then God said to J.N. Andrews: "I want you to go.
29:13 I want you to go over to Europe.
29:15 Oh, you might begin over there in Port Au Peluche among
29:17 the Waldensians. They're honest folks. " And so he did.
29:19 First Adventists in Europe were to be found there
29:23 in Port Au Peluche. We have a church there still.
29:25 Some of you perhaps have been there. "Go. "
29:27 "Go" said God.
29:29 And then as time drew on God said: "It's time
29:35 that I have some additional help... that I give you
29:39 some additional tools. "
29:42 And so he said to a guy by the name of Danny Shelton
29:44 "Get off that roof... put your hammer down
29:46 and go looking for a place where they have 3-phase power.
29:49 It's time to take this thing electronically to the world. "
29:52 Praise God! Amen!
29:55 And by the way, it's not too late to put in a little
29:59 extra offering. You can do that when you leave tonight.
30:01 Nobody'll mind.
30:02 But I want to tell you...
30:03 I'm going to now begin to tell you some thrilling stories
30:07 as a result of this ministry.
30:12 God said... Let me back up just a little bit
30:15 because this is important.
30:18 God said in 1948 to a Seventh- day Adventist book salesman
30:24 we call it colporteur. Can any of you remember
30:26 when they were colporteurs? All right!
30:28 As long as children pray I guess there'll be: "God bless
30:31 the missionaries and colporteurs. "
30:34 They said: "Brother Hayes, I want you to go out in a little
30:35 town of Fairfield, Idaho.
30:38 I want you to go right in the bar
30:41 and sign Walter Albrecht up
30:45 for Voice of Prophecy Bible lessons. Go, Bro. Hayes. "
30:51 And Bro. Hayes went.
30:54 And then years later God said to an evangelist
30:58 by the name of Glen Ofterhar: "Go to Baker City, Oregon. "
31:01 It was only just Baker back then.
31:04 "And take your singing evangelist Sunny Liu with you.
31:07 and I want you and Sunny to go and talk to Lyle Albrecht.
31:11 See if you can't use him to sing for your meetings. "
31:17 "Go. " And then He said to Lyle and Peggy: "Take your
31:21 two little kids and go on over to Walla Walla University
31:24 and do your four years' work there and then go to Andrews
31:27 University. Go. " And so we went.
31:32 And almost immediately God called us into full-time
31:34 evangelism. God said: "Lyle, Peggy: go down to
31:39 Warner-Robbins, Georgia, and rent a school auditorium.
31:44 And we did that.
31:48 We mailed out handbills and posters and all kinds
31:52 of things, but the meeting that night was a bit like
31:58 one Walter Pearson described... you know.
32:02 Look out in a hall that could seat several hundred and see...
32:05 yeah... maybe 20.
32:08 And several of those were church members there from the Macon,
32:11 Georgia, Warner-Robbins, Georgia, area.
32:14 But among the guests there was a man and his wife, middle-aged
32:16 folks, and they were every night, every night
32:18 in the same place. Every night they were there.
32:20 I decided I'd better go visit those folks.
32:23 And I did. I discovered they lived next door to a
32:26 Southern Baptist church.
32:28 And I visited with them. I discovered that Bill Thompson
32:32 was the pastor of the Southern Baptist church
32:35 and my heart sank. "Oh, it's my only interest
32:38 and he's a Southern Baptist preacher. "
32:40 They just kept coming. I presented the Sabbath message
32:43 and I went to visit him. I said: "Brother Bill, what'd
32:45 you think? " He said: "I think it's one of the most beautiful
32:46 things I've ever heard. "
32:50 I preached on the state of the dead.
32:52 I thought: "I'm going to lose him. "
32:54 I went and visited with him. I said: "What'd you? "
32:56 He said: "I think it's the most peaceful, wonderful thing
32:58 I've ever heard. " At the end of those meetings
33:02 I baptized Bill and his wife in the Warner-Robbins church
33:05 baptistery. Amen! And he said: "I must go now. "
33:10 Said: "I've had it too easy up until now. I've got to go! "
33:13 And so he moved back to his home country in central Oklahoma
33:17 and began to hold Revelation seminars.
33:19 And about every month he would write me or phone me:
33:22 "Lyle, where's this article? Where is this scripture?
33:24 Where's that statement? Where can I find this? "
33:28 God said: "Go... Go Lyle, go. " And then He said:
33:31 "Bill, you go... " and Bill went.
33:35 Then because of that experience
33:41 I was invited by my then president...
33:44 I was the union conference evangelist of Southern Union.
33:47 I followed Kenneth Cox there when he went to Mid-America,
33:50 to Central America rather.
33:54 And during that same year that Bill and his wife were baptized
33:58 we baptized two other Protestant pastors
34:02 with very different backgrounds.
34:04 And my then president Al McClure - who later went
34:08 to the North American Division said: "I want you to fly
34:12 in to our Camp Meeting at Southern College
34:15 and tell about this experience of baptizing these preachers
34:19 then we'll raise some evangelism offering. "
34:23 And I said: "Chief, I'm concluding
34:29 down here in Atlanta a meeting on that Sabbath
34:34 and I'm teaching a Bible class at 9:30 AM
34:38 and I'm preaching at 11 o'clock.
34:40 And at 6 o'clock we're going to have a review of what we've been
34:44 teaching and at 7 o'clock we're going to begin to baptize
34:47 about 40 folks. " I said: "I don't see how
34:51 I can be here and bind off this meeting
34:54 and be up at the Camp Meeting at the college. "
34:59 Said: "Lyle, I'll work it out for you.
35:01 I'll work it all out for you. " He said: "I know a man
35:03 who is a pilot. " I said: "Is he a good pilot? "
35:07 "Oh, " he said, "he's an instrument pilot. This man
35:09 has ferried airplanes across the big waters.
35:13 Yes indeed. " Now he said: "Here's the plan:
35:16 you preach on Sabbath morning but instead of going to
35:19 the... " By the way, folks. I have an issue about this.
35:23 You know this if you've been to my meetings.
35:25 We don't in the Adventist churches have potluck...
35:28 we have fellowship lunch.
35:30 And I'll harp on it as long as I have a voice.
35:33 Potluck sounds like you're going to a casino and gambling with
35:35 ptomaine poisoning. We have fellowship lunch.
35:43 So he said: "You don't have to go to that fellowship lunch. "
35:46 He said: "You shorten your sermon a little bit"
35:48 and he said "I'll have this pilot in a car waiting
35:51 and there'll be an airplane out at the field waiting.
35:54 And he'll fly you up there, and you just speak for 15 minutes.
35:59 He'll fly you back. He'll have you back by 6 o'clock. "
36:02 Now Peggy and our youngest - our boy Troy - was still with us
36:06 and they were down in Atlanta.
36:09 And so I shortened the sermon
36:12 to about an hour and a half.
36:20 And I ran out and here was this man
36:22 and a 13-year-old granddaughter.
36:26 And we raced out to the airport
36:28 and he did a quick walk around and then he got in
36:33 and got the microphone and keyed it
36:36 and said: "This is Charlie Fox blah-blah-blah-blah
36:39 asking for clearance for take-off. "
36:41 And there was nothing.
36:45 And he waited a few seconds then he did it again...
36:47 and there was nothing but silence.
36:49 And he looked at his watch and he cranked that airplane up
36:54 and we took off.
36:57 No radio. Now we got up around Chattanooga
37:01 and there were storm clouds. In fact the skies this afternoon
37:04 reminded me of the story that I'm telling you right now.
37:07 Those big old thunder clouds filled with electricity and all.
37:10 And so we had to fly around them and fly around them,
37:12 fly around them. And I noticed, I'd worked Chattanooga before
37:16 that holding meetings in there, and I knew the city fairly well.
37:19 And I saw when we flew by Chattanooga and headed out
37:22 to Collegedale, Tennessee.
37:24 And we got out into that area
37:27 and that pilot began to look for the runway.
37:30 He began to look and he had me looking.
37:33 And he had his granddaughter looking.
37:35 And then he said: "I'm going to have to tip her up. "
37:40 And he tipped that airplane up on this side. I mean,
37:42 he really banked it and we flew around in circles
37:44 a couple of times. And then he banked it the other way
37:48 and we flew around circles that way.
37:57 I said: "I'm getting sick. "
38:02 He said: "But the real problem is
38:05 I'm really sick. "
38:09 I said: "That's a problem... that IS a problem! "
38:17 And by now his granddaughter right behind us is crying:
38:20 "We're going to crash. I know we're going to crash...
38:21 I know we're going to crash. "
38:23 By now it's 3 o'clock. I was to be on the platform
38:26 telling these stories at three o'clock and now it's 3 o'clock.
38:31 Said: "Well I just can't find it, " and he says "I'm getting
38:34 kind of... I don't know where I'm at. "
38:37 And I said: "Well I know where we are.
38:38 I know at least that much. "
38:40 "You turn this thing around, " I said. "I know right how we can
38:42 find the Chattanooga airport. We're going to land in
38:44 Chattanooga. We're going to get out; we're going to get
38:47 a drink of water; we're going to walk around a little bit. "
38:49 And so we did. And so we come back into Chattanooga
38:53 and he's on that radio: "Chattanooga, this is foxtrot
38:57 number 9-er 9-er um, um, um, um. "
38:59 Silence... and so we just dove right in and landed.
39:04 We taxied over to the hangar
39:07 and before we got there there came running out
39:09 a man, and his face was white and he was shaking his fist
39:12 and he was using some language that I won't be able to use
39:14 here tonight. You folks wouldn't understand it anyway.
39:20 And he said: "You crazy... " He said " Do you know what
39:22 you've just done? You just dropped in in front
39:25 of a 727 jet loaded with passengers.
39:28 He had to pull up and go around. "
39:34 And my skilled pilot said: "Sir, I tried to talk to you
39:38 but you wouldn't talk back to me. "
39:40 And this guy reached in and pulled the jack out
39:43 and plugged it in between the seats. "Now, " he said,
39:45 "see if that won't work. " And it did!
39:54 So... so I asked: "Would you mind if we'd get out
39:59 and walk around a little and maybe go in and get a drink? "
40:04 He said: "Don't get out of my sight. " So we did that
40:09 for about a half hour. Now in the meantime you must know
40:12 my Peggy is back in Atlanta
40:15 and they have called from Camp Meeting and said:
40:16 "They never showed up and there's bad weather around. "
40:20 Um-hmm.
40:27 So after about 1/2 hour, and I knew that I had barely
40:31 enough time if we had good weather to get back to Atlanta
40:34 for my baptism program,
40:37 we got in and taxied out.
40:42 And this 727 jet
40:47 was on the end of the runway
40:50 getting ready to leave, and now our radio was working.
40:53 And I heard the pilot of that jet say to the tower
40:57 "Is that that Piper Cub? "
41:05 And the tower said: "Affirmative. "
41:10 He said: "You tell that fool to get on out of here. "
41:12 He said: "I'm not going to move a wheel
41:13 till he's out of my sight. "
41:17 And that, by the way, is the last time I've ever taken an
41:19 airplane ride in one of those little airplanes.
41:21 I fly in the big airplanes when I have to.
41:23 Like I did yesterday; like I will do tomorrow.
41:26 You've heard of flyers that are white-knuckle flyers?
41:29 Kind of when they take off and when they land
41:31 they've got white knuckles? I'm white knuckle all the time!
41:36 I don't really care for it.
41:38 Oh, and besides that my Jesus said this...
41:41 He said: "Low I'll be with you always. " Low.
41:50 And I heard You, Lord.
41:58 And then Jesus said: "Lyle, I want you to go to Sunnyside,
42:01 Washington. Want you to go there and hold meetings
42:04 in the Seventh-day Adventist church. "
42:08 Now there happened to be in Sunnyside, Washington,
42:11 a family that owned one of the largest cattle spreads
42:16 in central Washington.
42:21 The father-in-law of this man who with his family owned the
42:27 spread had been a Seventh-day Adventist medical doctor.
42:32 He had graduated from Loma Linda University
42:34 in the mid 30's. The day he graduated
42:36 he dropped out of the church
42:38 and worked overtime in all kinds of other hospital jobs
42:42 and various things so he could put his family
42:44 through... Ha... is that Marilene?
42:48 No? You're from Sunnyside. Ah, she knows this story.
42:55 If I'd have had my glasses I'd have know you weren't
42:58 Marilene... probably.
43:01 I don't need glasses. A guy saw me...
43:05 He said: "Would you like to borrow my reading glasses? "
43:09 I said: "No sir, but if you'd like to take my Bible and hold
43:10 it against the back wall I'd appreciate that. "
43:17 So Tim Foster... big, rugged cowboy... reminded me of...
43:22 You remember Cheyenne Bodie? You remember that?
43:25 Cheyenne? Clint Walker... Cheyenne Bodie.
43:27 Narrow at the waist, broad shoulders, muscles.
43:30 Tim reminded me of Cheyenne Bodie.
43:32 And quite a gem... a real cowboy.
43:35 His wife had been watching my programs on 3ABN
43:39 and she kept after him: "Tim, sit down and watch this;
43:41 just watch this one program. He's an old farm boy...
43:43 an old logger. I think you'd enjoy it. "
43:45 "I don't have time. I've gotta... "
43:46 Finally she said: "If you'll just watch one time
43:49 I won't ask you again. " "All right, " he says.
43:51 And he sat down and watched and then he said to her at my amen:
43:56 "If that guy ever came here I'd go to every meeting. "
43:58 She said: "Guess what? He's starting here
43:59 next Saturday night. "
44:08 And he was there every night... front row. And his wife
44:15 and his daughter who is an attorney
44:18 and her son, and then another son and a girlfriend
44:24 and also her daddy...
44:28 the doctor who is now 100 years of age.
44:32 On his 100th birthday you may have seen him on
44:33 Good Morning America! He was waterskiing there
44:36 on the family lake on his 100th birthday.
44:40 Dr. Shearer. And so they came to every meeting.
44:44 Dr. Shearer came to many of the meetings and I went out to
44:47 visit with him and get them ready for the baptism.
44:49 And Dr. Shearer was out saddling his own horse.
44:53 Throwing a big saddle up there and I went over to him. I said:
44:56 "Doctor, I know you love the Lord. I know you love this
45:00 family. I know you love this message.
45:05 Wouldn't you like to be in the water with your family?
45:09 They so would love that. "
45:12 He began to cry. And so we baptized
45:17 that whole family: Dr. Shearer and then later
45:22 a son and his wife. God said: "Go to Sunnyside. "
45:26 Then a bit later He said: "I want you to go to Yakima. "
45:30 "Go now... the gospel has to go everywhere. "
45:32 "Go to Yakima, Washington. " And I got there a few days early
45:36 and someone said to me: "There is a lady
45:38 who lives nearby here who watches your program
45:42 on 3ABN television faithfully.
45:44 I mean, she just won't miss. And if she has to be gone,
45:47 she'll record it and watch it later.
45:49 I believe it'd pay if you'd go call on her before the meetings,
45:53 give her an invitation. " I did.
45:56 It was a lovely early Fall day... warm...
46:00 and the door was open but the screen door was closed.
46:05 And as I and the pastor walked up the walkway
46:08 I heard a familiar voice. It was mine.
46:15 She was watching me on 3ABN television.
46:19 And I knocked on the door
46:22 and the lady came to the door and she looked at me.
46:26 Her jaw dropped. Her eyes popped wide open.
46:29 She looked at her television set;
46:31 she looked back at me and she cried out: "Oh Lord! "
46:35 I said: "No, it's just Lyle. "
46:56 Her boy brought the mop and we got her awakened.
47:00 We baptized her five weeks later. God said: "Go...
47:05 go to Yakima. "
47:08 "Go to Sunnyside and then God said: "Go by way of
47:12 3ABN television to New York City. "
47:16 I tried to pull up from my feeble mind
47:20 the names and I failed. Some of you would be able to
47:22 help me, but I don't want you to speak out in my meeting.
47:26 For a young man... You remember the story written in the Review?
47:31 Three young men living together
47:33 somewhere in New York City
47:35 and one of the young men
47:37 loved to watch Lyle on 3ABN television.
47:40 And early and late and in the morning... whenever they put me
47:43 on he watched me I guess. Mid-morning, whatever...
47:46 Three in the morning he watched me.
47:48 And his brothers didn't appreciate it, so he dared them
47:50 to watch too. And they were all baptized
47:52 and now they're doing the Lord's work in New York City!
47:54 Amen! "Go... go so I can come again. "
48:03 By way of technology God took my sermons
48:09 to the Great Lakes Naval Base,
48:11 and one year three medical doctors were baptized.
48:15 God said: "Go... go. "
48:18 Then one day when the work is finished
48:24 He's going to say: "Come... come now. "
48:28 He said: "Come unto Me... come I'll make you fishers of men.
48:31 Come. " And then He said: "Go... go into the whole world.
48:32 Do this job and then I'll come again. "
48:38 I Thessalonians chapter 4
48:42 16 and 17. Oh, how I love the verses.
48:45 "The Lord Himself... "
48:48 But I like to personalize it so I say: "My Lord. "
48:51 "My Lord Himself shall descend from heaven
48:55 with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God. "
48:58 Does that sound like a secret rapture to you?
49:00 I think not. No... a trumpet blast awakens the dead.
49:02 The Lord Himself shall come. Voice of the archangel,
49:05 trump of God... "and the dead in Christ shall rise first. "
49:09 My dear daddy may have been the best Christian I ever knew
49:15 and he used to say and pray:
49:18 "I want to be alive when Jesus comes. "
49:23 A few hours before he died
49:28 I told him: "You will.
49:33 He's going to waken you to see the last descent
49:39 on the cloud. I know it! "
49:46 We... us...
49:50 we're still here.
49:54 We're going to be snatched up to meet Him in the air.
49:59 "and so shall we ever be... "
50:04 Wherefore, comfort yourselves...
50:10 one another... with these good words:
50:15 "I will come again. "
50:21 An old preacher whom I love to hear
50:26 once said: "When Jesus comes back, I want to meet Him
50:32 in a cemetery... a certain cemetery...
50:36 and I want to be alive to see certain graves open. "
50:40 And I thought a lot about that in the last few years.
50:45 There's a cemetery on a hill in Baker, Oregon,
50:50 where in 1968 we placed Peggy's daddy.
50:55 Perhaps one of the greatest men I ever knew.
50:58 I was working for him at the time.
51:00 A Caterpillar tractor rolled over on him and killed him
51:03 instantly. We buried him there.
51:07 Six years ago this September I put my boy beside him.
51:12 Two years ago I put my granddaughter.
51:18 Four weeks ago today put Peggy's mother there.
51:28 "I will come again
51:31 to receive you
51:37 to Myself. "
51:39 So shall we ever be with the Lord.
51:49 William Miller -
51:53 Bible prophecy student -
51:58 among others had set a date for the 2nd coming of Jesus.
52:05 1843 firstly, and then
52:09 they changed that to October the 22nd of 1844.
52:12 And He didn't come, and many were so discouraged
52:17 they gave up to walk no more with God's people.
52:24 By the way, as a result of that disappointment
52:27 I am convinced of this:
52:28 there were several things that happened after that.
52:31 The main churches, the big churches, what they used to call
52:33 "the money churches" stopped talking about the second coming
52:37 period. They said: "We took the Bible a literal way.
52:39 It let us down. We don't want to hear anything
52:42 about prophecy, about a literal second coming.
52:44 We want to talk about feeding the poor
52:47 and taking care of folks and doing this and accepting all
52:50 peoples, and modernism was born as a result of the
52:53 disappointment of October 22 of 1844.
52:57 And there was another group. This group said: "We're not
52:59 going to turn our backs on prophecy or on the Bible.
53:02 We're still going to talk about the second coming
53:05 though we've been so discouraged; we've been so
53:07 downhearted; we've been so disappointed.
53:11 It's time that we kind of lift our own spirits if need be.
53:16 It's time that we forget about all this disappointment and all
53:19 of this bad news and we need to come together
53:22 and clap our hands and get happy and bring the 5-piece band in
53:25 and walk on the backs of pews. "
53:27 And fanaticism was born as a result of the disappointment
53:29 of October 22, 1844.
53:31 And while the majority went other ways, there was this
53:34 core group that hung on. And they said:
53:37 "It's true we've been disappointed but the promise
53:39 of Jesus is real. He WILL come again! " Amen!
53:44 And William Miller himself said: "I'm not going to give up.
53:47 Not going to throw my Bible away. "
53:49 He said and I quote: "I have set my mind on another date
53:53 and that is today and today and today till He comes. " Amen!
54:12 When 46 years ago
54:17 I began my public ministry
54:21 had you asked me: "What's your favorite scripture? "
54:27 I probably would have said John 14:1-3.
54:32 "In My Father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare...
54:34 I will come again. "
54:39 Some time later had you asked me, maybe 20 years ago,
54:42 had you asked me: "What's your favorite scripture? "
54:45 I might well have said: "Ah, I love that from Romans
54:49 "By grace you are saved... not of yourselves.
54:54 It is a gift of Jesus and the Father, God. "
55:00 You ask me today and I'll be quick to tell you
55:03 while I still love those others I Corinthians 15:51-52.
55:07 "We shall not all sleep but we shall all be? "changed.
55:10 In a moment... in the twinkling of an eye. "
55:12 And I know some of you folk have been to my meetings
55:14 or have listened to my programs have heard me whine and
55:16 complain. And I do more as I get older
55:18 because my body hurts worse and worse and worse.
55:21 My old logger buddy made me go with him about 5 years ago
55:23 to do a logging job. And I had been a logger in my early years.
55:27 And after about three days out in the log camps my body'd
55:31 toughen up and I'd stop hurting.
55:33 But I went and helped my buddy five years ago.
55:36 I'm still hurting! I'm paying for it.
55:38 Yeah... I'm still hurting
55:41 but one day I'm going to be changed.
55:43 I was in a restaurant with my Peggy not too long ago
55:45 and there were three ladies doing the lunch thing.
55:47 And one of them said: "I counted down today, girls. "
55:49 She said: "I looked in the mirror and I saw these crow
55:52 tracks around my eyes I hadn't noticed before. "
55:54 I wanted to turn to her and say: "Hush up, woman.
55:56 An ostrich has walked all over me! "
55:59 And one day I'm going to be changed.
56:01 One day... I have this old, mustard-white hair.
56:04 I look in the mirror and see a rat.
56:06 How would you like to start your day every morning
56:07 you look in the mirror and there's a rat looking
56:09 back at you? If I had beautiful white hair
56:11 like you folks I wouldn't complain much.
56:14 The face I see in the mirror
56:19 more and more is a stranger to me.
56:23 But more and more I see myself becoming
56:26 the man I never thought I'd be.
56:30 One of these days this hair
56:34 is going to go back to its youthful shine.
56:39 And this little place back here
56:44 is gonna have hair again.
56:46 How about that one there? What do you say, brother?
56:49 Amen? Yeah, I thought so.
56:53 I thought so.
56:56 Hey! I'm in this thing to the end.
56:58 I have set my mind on another time:
57:01 today and tomorrow
57:06 until He comes.
57:10 If that's your resolve,
57:14 then stand with me.
57:17 Don't do it if you don't mean it.
57:21 But if you mean it, don't you sit there.
57:25 God bless you.
57:33 See us, Lord? We're not much
57:40 but we're all we have.
57:53 We give it to You unreservedly
57:58 while we wait
58:00 for our Lord Jesus
58:03 to come again. Amen.


Revised 2015-04-30