Series Code: 14SCM
Program Code: 14SCM000020
00:38 Well welcome. We're so happy that you could join us.
00:41 And this afternoon's program is going to be very special. 00:45 We've got a 30-minute program here. 00:47 It's going to be real tight, but we have some special guests 00:51 to introduce and we also want to talk a little bit about 00:55 our country and how much we love this country. 00:59 Yesterday we celebrated the 70th anniversary since D-Day. 01:04 And there were 23,000 Americans that died on that beach. 01:09 I tell you, when you go over to France and you go down 01:13 near Normandy you find those French people there 01:17 still appreciate what America has done there. 01:22 8,000 are still there; 15,000 were brought home 01:26 and re-buried here. 01:28 But this, my friend, is a nation where people have given their 01:32 lives for freedom. The nation has been formed 01:35 one nation under God, indivisible, 01:38 and it is a nation of one. 01:42 Recently a friend of ours, Dr. Ben Carson, wrote a book 01:46 called One Nation. And Danny Shelton has written 01:50 a song that is called We Are One... America, We Are One. 01:55 America, We Are One. And we're going to be singing 01:58 that in a little bit with our choir and with Yvonne Lewis. 02:01 But you see, America is one. 02:04 We want to be one with the world; we want to be one 02:07 with God; we want to be one with each other. 02:09 We want to be one in purpose because I believe with all of my 02:13 heart that this country was brought into being 02:16 by divine inspiration. I've been reading recently 02:19 a couple of history books. A friend of mine, Francis Frost, 02:23 has sent me one that I'm just finishing. 02:26 And in that book you will see how our forefathers 02:31 constantly called upon the Almighty God 02:35 to be with them and how they saw miracle after miracle take place 02:39 that brought the freedom that we have. 02:42 When George Washington was sworn in 02:44 and George Washington made so many statements about 02:48 seeing the divine hand of God 02:50 moving in the battle that took place that brought about our 02:56 freedom. When George Washington was sworn in as president 02:59 when he finished the oath of office 03:03 he added the words "so help me God. " 03:08 Every president since then has used those words: 03:13 "so help me God. " 03:14 And then George Washington did something that people may not 03:18 realize: he bent over 03:21 and kissed this open Bible. 03:25 He kissed God's holy Word. 03:28 This nation has been used to spread the gospel 03:31 around the world. This nation has been used to keep freedom 03:35 so the doors could be open so that more people 03:40 could spread the gospel around the world. 03:42 And from this nation we see the gospel going 03:46 to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. 03:52 We know that there have been a lot of problems 03:55 in our country the last few years. 03:57 We are not politically involved. I'm not a Republican; 04:01 I'm not a Democrat; I'm not even an Independent 04:04 and neither is Danny. We are patriots who love this country, 04:09 who love our Lord, who want to be part of 04:12 a conscience that says: "This is the way, walk ye in it. " 04:17 "This is the way: follow God. " 04:20 That is our calling, and not in any way to be political. 04:25 But Danny, you've got some patriots with you. 04:27 And if you want to be a Democrat, you want to be 04:28 a Republican, you want to be Independent: that's the beauty 04:31 of this nation. You can be that, right? That's it. We're still 04:33 all one and diversity is all right. Yeah, I'm going to ask 04:36 my friends Dennis "Dink" Broy to come up. 04:39 Vernon "Rocky" Morris. 04:40 Mike "Butch" Gunter. I almost forget their real names 04:45 'cause for years it's Butch and Rocky and Dink. 04:48 And I told the folks earlier: don't ask me why they called him 04:51 Dink as big as he is. But Rocky said that he gave... 04:55 Dink said Rocky gave you that name, right? 04:58 You guys were all Vietnam veterans, right? That's correct. 05:03 Now you were in the? I was in the United States Army. 05:07 United States Army. OK. 05:09 Now did you? You are here for a purpose. I asked you 05:13 the other day would you come. And I said: "Would you come? " 05:15 And he said: "I'll come for a reason. " 05:17 What was that? The reason I'm here is so I can stand here 05:20 and represent all of our fallen soldiers 05:23 that did not make it home. 05:25 They are the true American heroes and... 05:31 we can never forget them and we can never forget their 05:36 families also that suffered. 05:38 And that's the main reason I'm here today. 05:41 All right, great. Rocky, come over here just a second. 05:43 All right. We go back a long time as I mentioned before. 05:45 We all of us have played a lot of softball together 05:48 and fast pitch. Of course, Dink played with the Cardinals 05:50 for a while, so he had to leave us here and go up there. 05:53 And Butchgunter over here... we all played together. 05:55 Kenny... brother Kenny... you come. Kenny is a veteran too. 05:58 He served also his two years. 06:00 Come here for a second 'cause we're all friends. 06:02 This is not the time to be bashful, right? 06:04 Let's go. But Rocky, how many of the soldiers 06:08 the little town in this area, West Frankfort area, 06:11 how many of the soldiers that went over about the same time 06:15 you guys did how many came back in caskets? 06:18 I think somewhere in the vicinity between 9 or 12 06:21 that had passed. Our county took a big hit. 06:24 Dink and I were discussing the other day about 06:27 a guy that was raised with us 06:30 and within a six- or seven-block radius 06:33 there was almost 13 to 15 young men - 06:37 17, 18-year-olds - that served the country. 06:41 And that was just within like I said a 4- to 5-block radius. 06:44 And a few of them didn't come back, you know. 06:47 And we always... that's what we do: remember those who've fallen 06:51 who gave it all. They paid the price. 06:53 They counted the cost, you know. And that's what amazes me 06:58 about America - um-hmm - is you have men and women 07:01 across this country that will step up 07:05 in that time and defend and fight for that freedom. 07:08 All right. Thank you, Rocky. God bless. 07:11 Butch, why don't you come up? Kenny? 07:15 These two guys: best friends growing up 07:18 were neighbors. They lived about a half a block away 07:20 from all the Gunters here, and Mike had a number of sisters 07:23 too... and has a number of sisters I should say. 07:27 But Kenny and Mike were best friends and they used to... 07:29 John Hawkins and me, a friend of mine, we were a little 07:32 younger than them, but they would take us out every chance 07:34 they got and they would beat us in softball or just beat us up 07:37 wrestling, whatever they did, but I know we never won 07:41 and I don't know what it was. And then when we got older 07:43 they didn't want to play any more. 07:45 So I don't know what happened with that. 07:48 Butch, thank you for what you have done and... 07:51 Thank you; I appreciate that. 07:52 I appreciate that. You're active? No, no... 07:55 No, no, I'm active in a lot of things but no longer in the 07:58 military. I know that, but I mean you're very active... 08:00 Yeah, in the veteran community... in the veteran 08:02 community I'm very active. I've done that since I retired 08:06 about 11 years ago. As you know, I served in the Marine Corps. 08:09 You were asking Rocky some numbers while ago. 08:12 From Franklin County south river to river here in southern 08:15 Illinois - which is really the heart of America - 08:18 there were 83 young men that lost their lives. Wow! 08:21 Eighty three! In addition to that, and I think Dink would 08:24 agree with this also, the families. 08:26 People understand what type of toll this takes on the families. 08:29 You know, most people here in America 08:32 at night the parents lay their head on the pillow 08:35 sometimes not knowing whether they'll speak to their son or 08:37 daughter again, and that's got to be a very sad thing. 08:41 And then our soldiers come home, our Marines 08:43 or airmen, Navy... whatever it may be... 08:46 they come home and they have these psychological wounds 08:48 that people don't think are real... but they're there. 08:51 You know, you see things that you shouldn't have seen 08:54 when you're in war. When you're in combat you see these things. 08:57 And I want to say this: there's not a one of us 08:59 standing up here and virtually every man that I served with 09:02 in Vietnam... You know, when it really got tough 09:06 sometimes it was foxhole religion. 09:08 But let me tell you something: we turned to God 09:10 because that was important. 09:12 And it is still important today. 09:14 And we appreciate you having us out and 09:17 you know, like Dennis said, it's the entire veteran community. 09:20 They need your support. 09:23 America needs your support now more than ever. 09:25 And hopefully this will play a part in that 09:29 and we appreciate what you guys are doing here at 3ABN. 09:31 God bless you, Mike. All right. Brother Kenny... 09:36 Brother Kenny was a Seventh-day Adventist. 09:39 A lot of folks say: "Well you guys don't go to battle, 09:41 do you? You don't join. " Yes you did. You were a what? 09:44 In the Army? I was a medic. You were a medic. Kenny was a medic. 09:47 So he spent two years of doctoring people 09:51 and fixing people up, right? Doing your part. 09:54 Well, by the grace of God yes, that's right. 09:56 Desmond Doss, one of the most highly decorated 09:58 men in World War 2 was a Seventh-day Adventist. 10:02 Saved what? Two hundred and some odd lives 10:04 literally. Congressional Medal of Honor. 10:08 So we appreciate each and every one of you. 10:10 If you want to go ahead back and sit down, 'cause you're 10:12 a choir member, too. And you guys want to sit - 10:15 remember? - a minute. And then I want to introduce 10:17 John Alexander. We'll make this short 10:19 'cause we've got some music to do. 10:21 But John agreed to come out here from West Frankfort... 10:24 fireman. But he and Davey Broy, Dink's brother, 10:27 came out to see me and said: "We have something we wondered 10:29 if you'd be interested in. " And it's called the what program? 10:32 It's called the Associated Firefighters of Illinois 10:35 Warrior Program. OK... and what you do is? 10:38 We give soldiers who come back from Iraq or Afghanistan 10:43 who've lost a limb and they're from the state of Illinois 10:48 we give them a vehicle that's equipped for them. 10:50 And we've given away at this point 10:58 at this point we've given away four cars just in 2013 11:03 West Frankfort native Chaz Ligon received a brand new truck. 11:07 in November and then Metropolis native Jared Bullock 11:11 will be receiving the next vehicle in September. 11:14 So that's what our program consists of. 11:17 We just give vehicles to the veterans 11:21 and it just gives them such... 11:24 It's just not giving them vehicles: giving them the peace 11:26 of mind that they do not have to worry about something 11:29 for 5, 10 years. And it's just been amazing. 11:34 And Danny's helped us already and it's just a great program. 11:38 Thank you. John came to me and Davey... 11:40 That's all right. John and Davey came to me 11:43 and so I said: "Let me talk to Jim. " 11:45 And so we talked about it. They said could we raise 11:47 $5,000... could 3ABN support us? 11:50 And I said: "We'll do it on matching funds 11:52 if you go to the banks and some of the car dealers 11:55 and other people and raise the money. " 11:57 So Jim and I both agreed: "Yes, we'll do it. " 11:59 And they came back and said: "Hey, you guys got it going 12:02 and now we have a new car. " And this young man's going to be 12:06 getting a brand new car. So thank you, John, for what 12:08 you do. Thank you. If any of you... 12:13 If you're interested in donating from around the world 12:17 I think we have an address we can put quickly on the screen. 12:20 And so there you go: 12:32 So thank you for being here. And what we want to do now 12:35 is we're going to sing a song. I want Yvonne Lewis 12:38 to come up. And Yvonne... 12:41 We just did 4,000 of these. 12:44 We've mailed out 2,500 yesterday to radio stations 12:47 of this song all across the country. 12:49 We have another 1,500 or so to do on Monday. 12:52 But I asked Yvonne to do this song. 12:55 And you know... Many of you know her background 12:57 in the musical world and the secular world. 13:00 And so Yvonne has a name; she's very highly respected. 13:04 And we thought that her - especially - name on this 13:07 showing that radios and disc jockeys would say: 13:10 "Let's give this a play... let's try it. " 13:12 But the song is America, We Are One. 13:15 And again, for the audience just joining us 13:17 if you're at home, when I hear Pledge of Allegiance I have to 13:21 put my hand over my heart. I don't know about you. 13:24 But you do... For the audience here, if you want to stand, 13:26 if you want to sit, whatever you do, that's the beauty 13:29 of America: it's free, right? We can do anything that we're 13:32 impressed to do within the law, of course. 13:34 So we want you all to be blessed, too. Hopefully 13:38 this song is worshipful because it talks about our 13:41 Creator God, and we're thankful that He has brought us together 13:45 as a nation. In America, we are one. 14:46 We, the people of the United States, in order to 14:49 form a more perfect union, 14:51 establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, 14:54 provide for the common defense, 14:56 promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings 14:59 of liberty to ourselves and our posterity 15:02 do ordain and establish this Constitution 15:06 for the United States of America. 15:51 We hold these truths to be self-evident: 15:54 that all men are created equal. 15:56 That they are endowed by their Creator 15:58 with certain inalienable rights. 16:01 That among these are life, liberty, 16:04 and the pursuit of happiness. 16:49 Please join me: 16:51 I pledge allegiance to the flag 16:54 of the United States of America 16:56 and to the Republic for which it stands. 16:59 One nation, under God, 17:01 indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 19:05 Amen! 19:06 Yvonne Lewis. Lari Goss, arranger. 19:10 Our veterans here. How many veterans do we have here? 19:12 I want you to stay standing. If you're a veteran, 19:14 stay standing up. Let's give those folk a hand too. 19:17 Let's see how many you are. Stand up. 19:19 Quite a few of you out here. 19:24 All right. God bless. Thank you so much. 19:28 Thank you guys. You can be seated. 19:31 We're going to have a little bit of fun. We're going to keep 19:33 having fun, so I'm going to ask Terry to come up, 19:37 Reggie, maybe Gene, and do something that we've never done 19:40 together. I got a chance to hear them singing a little bit 19:44 so I kind of got involved and like humming around 19:47 hoping they'd ask me to sing a little bit with them. 19:49 And then Gene walked around and they said: "Well bring Gene in 19:52 too. " So we didn't get to all do this together, but let's 19:55 come out. And Terry, it's a song... This is a first. 19:57 It's a first, for sure. 19:59 This is a song that you... Come on up front here. 20:01 A song that you're supposed to do by yourself, and we all 20:03 kind of just voluntarily joined you. 20:06 So... They make me sound so much better. 20:10 No, no, no. All right... all right. Tell us about the song. 20:14 This is a song that was introduced by my good friend 20:18 Bill Johnson who wrote this song, and we recorded it 20:23 as the Imperials when I was with the group. 20:25 And it just so happened that we introduced it 20:28 and sang it for Evy one time a little while later. 20:33 And she recorded that very same song, and she had 20:36 a monstrous hit on it and we didn't. 20:40 But we still love this song, and I hope that you'll remember it 20:43 because it's an old, old favorite of all of ours. 20:47 It's called Give Them All To Jesus. Listen: 21:02 Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbows? 21:11 Are you tired of spinning round and round? 21:17 She knows it. 21:20 Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life 21:28 and at the feet of Jesus 21:31 lay them down. 21:36 Give them all, give them all, 21:42 give them all to Jesus: 21:45 shattered dreams, wounded hearts, 21:49 broken toys. 21:53 Give them all, give them all, 21:59 give them all to Jesus 22:03 and He will turn your sorrow 22:07 into joy. 22:13 He never said you'd only see sunshine. 22:22 He never said there'd be no rain. 22:27 No... He only promised 22:33 a heart full of singing 22:39 about the very thing 22:41 that once brought pain. 22:46 Give them all, give them all, 22:52 give them all to Jesus 22:55 shattered dreams, wounded hearts, 22:59 broken toys. 23:04 Give them all, give them all, 23:10 give them all to Jesus 23:13 and He will turn your sorrow 23:17 into joy. If you know it, sing with us: 23:22 Give them all, give them all, 23:27 give them all to Jesus 23:31 shattered dreams, wounded hearts, 23:34 broken toys. 23:39 Give them all, give them all, 23:45 give them all to Jesus 23:48 and He will turn your sorrow 23:52 into joy... 23:59 Give them all to Jesus 24:03 and He will turn your sorrow 24:07 into joy... 24:12 He will turn your sorrow 24:16 into joy. 24:22 Yes He will. All right! 24:26 Terry Blackwood. Terry Blackwood. Thank you, Terry. 24:30 All right. Good baritone singer there. 24:33 Good baritone right here. Well I was faking it. 24:35 I was just acting like I was doing it. I thought if you 24:37 look good it'd cover up, maybe they wouldn't notice 24:40 what I was really singing, you know. 24:42 Thank you so much. We only have a couple minutes left 24:46 and what I want to do... Lari, we've got about 2 minutes 24:48 and 40-some seconds. Lari Goss, that wasn't a Lari Goss 24:51 arrangement was it? I know... 'cause Lari Goss has 24:55 arranged... Now he's done a lot of stuff for you, though. Right? 24:58 He has, absolutely. Imperials? 25:01 How About Your Heart that he did this morning. 25:04 That was a Lari Goss arrangement. 25:06 Yvonne calls it "Gossonian. " You have your own style 25:09 it's so good. Why don't you just play for us a little bit 25:12 whatever's on your heart. 25:14 Lari has a brand-new CD he just did here. 25:16 It'll be available after Sabbath hours at our Camp Meeting. 25:19 But we want you just to play us something. 25:22 We're just going to have you playing as we go right out. 25:24 It's a couple more minutes. OK. 27:13 Beautiful! Lari Goss. 27:18 Thank you so much. You can always go on the website, 27:22 go to his website and see the products that he has 27:25 any time, we always say, other than Sabbath hours. 27:27 We're going to just thank you for joining us here. 27:30 We're going to take a break. We'll be back in a few moments. |
Revised 2015-03-12