3ABN Homecoming 2014

Divine Worship: The Storm of Paul

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley & Danny Shelton (Host), Bruce & Jacki Fjarli, Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: 14HC

Program Code: 14HC000011

01:05 In Christ alone
01:08 my hope is found.
01:11 He is my light, my strength, my song.
01:16 This Cornerstone,
01:18 this solid Ground
01:21 firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
01:26 What heights of love,
01:29 what depths of peace,
01:32 when fears are stilled and strivings cease!
01:37 My Comforter,
01:39 my All in All...
01:42 here in the love of Christ I stand.
01:55 In Christ alone, who took on flesh
02:00 fullness of God in helpless babe.
02:05 This gift of love and righteousness
02:11 scorned by the ones He came to save.
02:16 Till on that cross as Jesus died
02:21 the wrath of God was satisfied.
02:26 For every sin on Him was laid...
02:32 here in the death of Christ I live.
02:57 Oh there in the ground
03:00 His body lay
03:03 Light of the world by darkness slain.
03:08 Then bursting forth in glorious day
03:13 up from the grave He rose again.
03:18 And as He stands in victory
03:24 sin's curse has lost its grip on me.
03:29 For I am His and He is mine,
03:34 bought with the precious blood of Christ.
03:47 No guilt in life,
03:50 no fear in death...
03:52 This is the power of Christ in me;
03:58 From life's first cry
04:00 to final breath
04:03 Jesus commands my destiny.
04:08 No power of hell,
04:11 no scheme of man
04:13 can ever pluck me from His hand.
04:20 Till He returns
04:24 to take me home
04:26 here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
04:31 No power of hell,
04:34 no scheme of man
04:37 can ever pluck me
04:40 from His hand.
04:43 Here...
04:47 here in the power
04:50 of Christ
04:55 I stand.
05:05 Amen! Praise the Lord!
05:08 Thank you, Yvonne.
05:11 Going to show you a little short video, a musical video
05:16 in just a moment, but before that I want to introduce
05:19 our speaker today: pastor, evangelist, author
05:22 Doug Batchelor. I don't know anybody in the Adventist church
05:25 when I travel that I've had...
05:28 And I don't want to give numbers, but whether it's
05:30 hundreds or thousands over the last few years
05:32 everywhere I go people come up and say
05:35 "Praise the Lord for 3ABN!
05:37 I've come to know Jesus. " And many of those say
05:40 "and I was baptized through the ministry of Doug Batchelor,
05:44 Amazing Facts, and 3ABN. "
05:46 So what a great "working togetherness" it has been
05:49 for so many years. And then we started our satellite seminars
05:52 way back in the 90's also.
05:55 We continue this relationship because Doug is committed...
05:59 he has sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ
06:02 and is committed to evangelize the entire world.
06:05 And all the resources that we have go to support him
06:09 and many others who are out there on the front lines.
06:12 And so we are thankful that he is our speaker here.
06:14 But right before he comes let's put on this song
06:18 and my daughter Melody is going to sing it.
06:20 This part of the new Hallelujah! Home At Last
06:22 second coming. She sang it; we recorded it.
06:25 For Ever He's Alive.
10:50 Amen! Thank you, Melody. That was beautiful!
10:54 Beautiful new song.
10:56 Also so much enjoyed Yvonne singing a few moments ago.
10:59 I've been sitting back there listening to the just inspiring
11:03 testimonies, and it's a thrill for Amazing Facts to be able
11:07 to partner with 3ABN for these... Well, since inception
11:11 with Joe Crews's programs and myself.
11:15 I think it was about 19 years ago I made my first trip here
11:19 and it's just a delight to be back and to be talking about
11:22 the gospel and the second coming of Jesus.
11:27 And we're looking forward to working together in about
11:29 a month in this special up-link that's going to be happening
11:34 from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
11:35 I hope that you will all be praying.
11:38 You know, the Bible tells us if the Lord doesn't build
11:40 the house we labor in vain.
11:42 And so we're just praying for God to bless this new series
11:45 coming - it will be broadcast here on 3ABN -
11:48 called Landmarks of Prophecy.
11:50 It will be a similar Net event to the Prophecy Code and
11:53 The Millennium of Prophecy.
11:54 People watch those old programs
11:56 still and they say: "Pastor Doug, how come you look
11:58 so different than you did back then? "
12:02 And so I thought: "I'd better get something updated. "
12:04 And so we just encourage you
12:07 to not only pray for it... participate in the program.
12:10 If you have no evangelistic plans scheduled for your church,
12:13 if nothing else you would want to record the programs
12:16 so you could use them. But bring some people to your home
12:19 and bring some people into your church.
12:21 You can go to the website and download the lessons
12:24 and advertising... everything you need.
12:26 It's just very simple: landmarksofprophecy. com
12:29 And so I hope that you'll utilize the program
12:31 and please pray for us.
12:34 Well, this week we are talking about how to survive the storms.
12:39 And we've been looking at a variety of Biblical storms.
12:44 And I'd just like to pray again with you
12:46 as we prepare to delve into God's Word
12:49 that His presence will be here.
12:52 Father, we do believe we are living in the final days
12:56 of the world's history, and not only is there a great storm
13:00 coming that You told us about in prophecy.
13:03 We all encounter storms of varying degrees
13:06 in our lives. And we just pray for wisdom and grace
13:10 so that we can be witnesses for You through these storms
13:14 and survive with peace coming out the other side.
13:17 Speak to all of us through the power of Your Word right now.
13:20 We pray that You will be glorified,
13:22 and we ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.
13:28 Max Lucado in one of his books talks about
13:31 Chippy, the parakeet. I don't know if you've read that story?
13:35 This lady had a parakeet, Chippy. Used to sing,
13:37 keep her company in his cage there in the kitchen.
13:40 And one day she wanted to help clean up the cage.
13:43 And that always made him very nervous because
13:46 she used the vacuum cleaner. You know, some animals
13:49 they leave the room. And Chippy couldn't really help it.
13:53 She thought it was the easiest way to pick up the seeds
13:55 and things in the bottom of the cage. And so one day
13:57 she had the little nozzle off. You know, the little sweeper
14:00 thing, and she stuck the hose into Chippy's cage
14:04 after she got the paper out. She's cleaning up the corners
14:06 and Chippy's making this awful terrified squawking noise
14:09 and the phone rang.
14:12 And she wanted to reach the phone.
14:15 She reached for the phone. She didn't realize she tipped up
14:17 the end, and just as she picked up the phone
14:19 and said "hello" she heard Chippy stop squeaking
14:21 and she heard "choomp. "
14:24 And she knew right away what had happened.
14:26 She dropped the phone. She quickly turned off the vacuum.
14:29 She opened it up. She saw something moving inside the bag.
14:34 She tore the bag open and extricated poor Chippy
14:37 who was just covered with dust and dirt
14:40 and all the innards of a dirty vacuum cleaner bag
14:43 and coughing and sneezing little parakeet sneezes.
14:46 And she felt so bad. She took him over to the kitchen sink
14:50 and she turned on the water. Thought it would help him,
14:54 and she stuck him under there
14:55 and the water just poured over him
14:57 and tried to clean him all up.
15:02 And after she had done that she got him pretty clean -
15:04 soap and everything -
15:08 but Chippy was now shivering.
15:11 So she went and she got the hair dryer.
15:14 And she turned it on high.
15:19 Help Chippy down and blew him over
15:26 and then put him back in his cage.
15:29 Well, she told the neighbor about this... who managed to
15:31 mention it to the local paper
15:33 and the epic trials of Chippy made the news.
15:39 News reporter called a few days later and he said:
15:41 "You know, a lot of people have called in. They're wondering
15:43 how is Chippy doing. "
15:46 And she said: "Well, to tell you the truth,
15:48 he doesn't sing much any more. He makes this occasional
15:52 moan and he just sort of stares. "
15:59 But you can't really blame him.
16:01 I mean, after you've been sucked up, poured over,
16:05 and blown off it can do something to your song.
16:12 And sometimes the storms we go through in life change us.
16:19 Now if there's anybody in the Bible who knew something about
16:22 storms that was the apostle Paul.
16:26 Turn please with me in the scriptures to II Corinthians 11.
16:31 II Corinthians 11 verse 23.
16:35 Just in case you think your storms have been more
16:40 than anyone could endure
16:42 listen to Paul describe some of his adventures
16:45 in serving the Lord. He's comparing himself to
16:48 some of the other apostles and teachers that had cropped up
16:51 in the church and they were dismissing the things
16:53 that Paul said. And Paul said: "You know,
16:56 my experience gives me credibility
17:00 and there are none of the other apostles or teachers
17:04 that have been through what I have been through. "
17:09 And it says here in II Corinthians 11:23:
17:12 "Are they ministers of Christ?
17:15 I speak as a fool... I am more.
17:18 In labors? More abundant. In stripes? " That's when you
17:21 were whipped... "above measure.
17:24 In prisons more frequently.
17:26 In deaths? Often. From the Jews, five times
17:30 I received forty stripes minus one. "
17:33 Five times four is what?
17:36 Twenty. So five times forty would be 200
17:41 minus five lashes.
17:45 395... no... 195 lashes.
17:49 Should have done the math before I got out here.
17:53 That wasn't my strong suit.
17:56 "From the Jews five times I received 40 stripes minus 1.
17:59 Three times I was beaten with rods.
18:02 Once I was stoned. "
18:04 How many people can even live to write about that?
18:08 Paul actually may have been resurrected. We're not sure.
18:11 It says he was stoned and he was laying there.
18:13 For all we know he was dead and God raised him up.
18:17 "Once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked.
18:23 A night and a day I have been in the deep... "
18:26 Floating around in the vast ocean.
18:32 "In journeys? Often. In perils of waters. "
18:35 There he's got the waters again.
18:37 "In perils of robbers;
18:39 in perils of my own countrymen.
18:41 In perils of the Gentiles. "
18:44 That covers everyone: Jew and Gentile.
18:46 "In perils in the city; in perils in the country. "
18:49 Everything from mad crowds to wild animals.
18:52 "In perils in the sea. " There you have it again.
18:55 Paul knew the sea. He was born in Tarsus by the sea.
19:00 "In perils among false brethren. "
19:02 Have any of you experienced that?
19:05 "In weariness and in toil; in sleeplessness? Often.
19:10 In hunger and thirst and fastings? Often!
19:14 In cold and nakedness. Besides the other things
19:18 that come upon me daily...
19:19 my deep concern for all the churches. "
19:23 Boy, he'd been through it!
19:25 Paul was high mileage.
19:27 That's why Paul could write: "I bear in my body
19:30 the marks of our Lord Jesus Christ. "
19:32 His back was all riddled with scars
19:36 for his faith.
19:38 Jesus said: "If anyone would come after Me,
19:42 you need to take up your cross
19:44 daily. Deny yourself. "
19:47 You'll have treasure in heaven
19:49 and it's still better to serve the Lord.
19:53 I know it doesn't sound like the most optimistic advertising
19:56 campaign. You know, a lot of pastors are trying to market
19:59 Christianity by giving everybody what they want.
20:02 But that's not what Jesus said.
20:04 Amen!
20:06 He said: "Whosoever will deny his life
20:08 will find it. If you seek to save your life you'll lose it.
20:12 But if you're willing to lose your life for My sake
20:15 and the gospel you'll find it. "
20:17 Paul, when he finally met Jesus and he saw how much
20:20 Jesus had suffered for him,
20:22 and He said: "Paul, Paul, how long will you
20:27 kick against the goads? "
20:30 And Paul fasted three days. No food... no water.
20:34 That's a pretty tough fast.
20:35 And he gave himself to Jesus
20:37 and Paul was "sold out" for Christ.
20:39 And you know what? He says that everything he went through
20:42 he counts as nothing compared to the riches
20:46 that he had in Jesus.
20:48 The constant joy that Paul was able to have...
20:51 Paul was never afraid of any storm. You know why?
20:54 If you are truly God-fearing, you don't fear anything else.
20:58 Amen! If you're not God-fearing,
21:00 you'll end up fearing everything else.
21:01 Amen! But God said... Jesus tells us that
21:04 He gives us a peace that passes understanding
21:07 so that even in the midst of a storm
21:10 we are fearless - Amen! -
21:12 'cause you know that God is in charge of your life.
21:15 And you know, when you become a Christian
21:18 you are crucified with Christ, you are dead to self.
21:20 How many times can you die?
21:22 If you're dead to self, then what happens to this life
21:28 and this body you're not afraid of any more.
21:31 By the way, if you're dead to self, nobody can hurt
21:33 your feelings. Mmmm. A lot of times we're so offended
21:37 by what others say is because we've got too much self inside.
21:40 Amen! Amen! Paul... he really lived it out.
21:44 Now you know, the Bible begins with a big storm
21:46 in the story of Noah, and you've got the storm of Jonah.
21:51 You've got a number of storms along the way.
21:53 If you turn to the book of Acts 27
21:56 the history of the early church ends with a storm
22:00 at sea. Pretty epic storm.
22:03 Whole chapter 27 is dedicated to this storm.
22:07 So if you go to Acts 27, and let me just give you the background
22:11 of what we're going to read together.
22:15 Paul had been arrested by his own countrymen.
22:18 They just about beat him to death.
22:20 A mob almost tore him limb from limb there in the temple.
22:23 You remember that? And he loved the Lord so much
22:27 here that they're trying to kill him. They're beating him;
22:30 they're throwing things at him.
22:32 And in the middle of all of this as the Roman guards came in
22:35 they rescued Paul from the mob.
22:37 They're dragging him up onto the steps to get him away.
22:40 And as soon as they get him out of the reach of the mob
22:42 and he's behind the Roman lines
22:44 the soldiers protecting him
22:45 he says to the centurion: "Can I talk to the people? "
22:50 And he tries immediately to preach to...
22:54 Boy, that's an evangelist, right?
22:56 You try to convert the people that are wanting to kill you.
23:00 And Paul just wanted to reach as many as he could.
23:02 He knew what it meant to love your enemies.
23:04 He's trying to reach the people that were trying to kill him.
23:06 Anyway, he ended up having to go to court.
23:09 And the Jews in Jerusalem... they continued to accuse him.
23:12 He was in jail for a while there in Caesarea.
23:14 Finally he said: "Look, I'm never... "
23:15 He's been in jail two years. He said: "I'm never going to get
23:17 justice here as long as the Jews are here.
23:18 I need to appeal to Caesar. " That was the Supreme Court.
23:21 You could appeal to Caesar if you were a Roman citizen
23:23 which Paul was because he was born in Tarsus.
23:27 And so they had to go along with his appeal
23:31 but the best way to get to Rome was by boat.
23:33 Took a lot less time by boat than it did walking by land.
23:36 So this is the story of his journey, but he is on this
23:40 boat with a load of other prisoners and some cargo
23:43 on their way to the king - Nero at the time of Rome -
23:47 to appeal for his release.
23:51 So we'll begin with verse 9.
23:54 They dilly-dallied a little too long
23:57 as they were preparing for this voyage.
23:59 And he's in the care of a Roman centurion by the name
24:03 of Julius. It's interesting when you read the Bible
24:06 the Roman centurions all ended up being pretty good men
24:10 and this man was one of them.
24:13 Another good thing if you're going to go through a storm
24:15 it's nice if you don't have to go through the storm alone.
24:18 If you've got friends, that can make a world of difference.
24:21 And you see here that Paul
24:23 when you read up in the early part of chapter 27
24:26 is with a friend named Aristarchus.
24:29 And the one who writes this story is Luke.
24:33 So Luke is with him 'cause Luke says: "We did this
24:36 and we did that. "
24:37 So Paul is with two companions who accompany him.
24:41 Isn't it nice if you've got to go to court to have friends?
24:45 You've got to have good friends
24:46 that are going to take a 1-year journey to go to court with you.
24:49 I mean, this was a big trip back then to go all the way
24:53 to Rome. Those were friends. Stick closer than a brother.
24:58 And so, he's got some friends with him.
25:01 And it's good to have friends.
25:02 They can pray with you through a storm.
25:05 But they had taken too long. The Fall is here.
25:08 The good time for sailing is gone.
25:11 The storm season is about to begin.
25:14 And it says in verse 9:
25:16 "Now when much time had been spent
25:18 and sailing was now dangerous because the fast was over... "
25:22 He's referring to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
25:25 That ought to speak to us.
25:27 They were at the end of the Jewish year
25:30 and that for them was a trigger.
25:31 On their sailing calendar they said: "You don't sail
25:33 after that because you've got a good chance of running into
25:36 a storm. " And they can come up suddenly.
25:40 Paul advised them... verse 10:
25:42 "Men... " He's talking to the people in charge of the ship...
25:45 "I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster
25:48 and much loss, not only of the cargo and the ship
25:50 but also our lives. " "It's too late and too dangerous
25:53 to make this trip to Rome this time of year. "
25:56 Paul knew. He had sailed all around the Mediterranean.
26:00 He was born on it; he understood sailing.
26:02 I mean, this guy had been shipwrecked three times.
26:03 You're pretty good after you're on three shipwrecks.
26:07 And so, you know, here you've got the soldiers
26:10 and you've got the ship owners and you've got the captain
26:12 and the crew. And all of a sudden one of the prisoners
26:16 pipes up and he says: "You'd better not be sailing now.
26:20 It's dangerous. You're going to lose your cargo.
26:21 We'll probably lose our lives. It's too late. " "Who are you? "
26:26 They said: "We're not listening to you. "
26:28 Ha-haa... they were sorry they didn't.
26:31 "Nevertheless, the centurion was more persuaded by the
26:34 helmsman... " - the pilot -
26:35 "and the owner of the ship than by the things spoken by Paul. "
26:39 By the way, friends, you are wise to listen to Paul.
26:42 "And because the harbor was not suitable to winter in... "
26:45 They didn't want to spend all the time parked in this harbor
26:48 that was exposed to the sea. And it would be...
26:50 Boat would be rockin' at dock.
26:52 "the majority advised to set sail from there also.
26:55 'By any means at least we could get to Phoenix... ' "
26:57 It was a harbor in Crete.
26:58 It had a pleasant harbor that opened to the southwest and
27:01 the northwest. 'and winter there. ' "
27:04 You could shop... a little more comfort.
27:06 So that's what they tried to do.
27:10 "And when the south wind blew softly... "
27:13 Sometimes just before the storm things blow softly.
27:19 "Supposing that they had obtained their purpose... "
27:21 "Oh, look at the beautiful weather. We're going to
27:22 make it! " "they put out to sea. "
27:25 Sometimes it's calm. "Peace, peace
27:28 before sudden destruction comes" the Bible says.
27:33 "They put out to sea and they sailed close by Crete.
27:37 But not long after a tempestuous headwind arose
27:42 called Euroclydon. " Related to the word Europe.
27:45 It was a special wind that had a similar name
27:49 because it came down from the north.
27:52 "So when the ship was caught and it could not head into the wind
27:55 we let her drive. And running under the shelter of an island
28:00 called Claudia, blocked from the wind briefly. "
28:02 As the ship was going by this island they thought
28:04 "We'd better tie things off.
28:05 "We'd better batten down the hatches. " You ever heard that
28:07 expression before? "We secured the skiff. "
28:11 They were dragging a little boat behind them...
28:13 their little lifeboat. All the ships have these
28:14 because they'd park off shore. They'd take a little boat back
28:17 and forth. They said: "We'd better haul that thing up
28:20 on the davits and tie it off onto the boat. "
28:27 It says: "We took on board the lifeboat and we used cables
28:31 to undergird the ship. "
28:34 That means that they actually tried to tie off the ship by
28:37 wrapping strong ropes around it
28:39 and cinching it down because they thought they had
28:42 cargo, they had passengers. They thought: "We're getting
28:44 ready to head out into a storm we'd better tie things off
28:47 every way we can... every way we could to hold this thing
28:49 together. " Which is a good idea for us as well.
28:57 "Fearing that we should run aground on the Syrtis sands
29:00 they struck sail and so were driven.
29:03 And because we were exceedingly tempest tossed
29:08 the next day they lightened the ship. "
29:10 Now, they're making this voyage; they're transporting goods.
29:14 That's some of the money. One of the things that they
29:16 found in the Mediterranean they found a number of Phoenician
29:19 shipwrecks. The Phoenicians sort of ran... they were
29:22 the truckers' union in the Mediterranean.
29:24 They had all the shipping trade.
29:26 And they found a number of these Phoenician wrecks,
29:28 and they had... they carried a lot of wine and oil in jars.
29:32 And they would load that at the bottom of the ship
29:34 because it gave the ship weight and stability and ballast.
29:37 And so they found a number of these wrecks where the jars
29:40 were all... they say "in fora"... all lined up.
29:43 And it's one of the last things that they found.
29:46 They found some that were still sealed.
29:48 And so they began to toss some of the valuable cargo out:
29:52 the oil and the wine that they were going to trade with.
29:57 You know, sometimes it's in a storm
30:01 it's a good idea to unload.
30:04 It's hard to run the race in the Christian life when you're
30:06 weighed down. Amen!
30:09 The Bible tells us: "Seeing... " Hebrews chapter 12
30:12 verse 1... "Seeing then that we are surrounded
30:15 by so great a cloud of witnesses
30:18 let us run the race that is set before us
30:20 laying aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily
30:24 beset us, fixing our eyes on Jesus... " Setting our eyes
30:28 on Jesus... "the Author and the Finisher
30:30 of our faith. " If we're going to run that race
30:32 and if we're going to get through the storm,
30:34 you might need to lighten your load. Amen!
30:37 Might need to downsize. Amen!
30:41 Good time... If you've been praying about: "Lord,
30:44 would this be a good time to invest in Your work
30:47 in spreading the gospel? "
30:50 It's like they were saying earlier: "If you're livin'
30:53 when you're givin' you're knowin' where it's going. "
30:56 And you have never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul,
31:00 have you?
31:02 "Naked you come into the world... "
31:04 like it or not... "naked you go out. "
31:06 Amen! It'd be nice for you to have something to say.
31:08 As a pastor I do a lot of funerals.
31:11 And it's really sad because sometimes before the funeral's
31:14 even over the family's fighting over the possessions.
31:19 And they may have gotten along all their lives
31:21 and I've seen an estate that wasn't carefully planned
31:26 tear a family apart.
31:28 But if you make good provision, get those things in order,
31:32 set your stuff up for the Lord's work.
31:34 I've also soon people who are Christians all their life
31:36 they may have children that are not, and they've got
31:38 considerable wealth. And they leave this wealth
31:41 they wanted to use for God's kingdom
31:44 to children that are unconverted...
31:46 that are basically dedicated to the devil.
31:49 I'm just being frank with you.
31:50 I think you ought to show love for your family
31:53 in your will, but you shouldn't give the lion's share
31:57 of God's treasure to the enemy.
32:01 Invest in God's kingdom.
32:03 David loved Solomon, but you know where David
32:05 put most of his treasure? In the house of God.
32:08 He wanted to build up the house of God.
32:10 That should be our plan. So they see this storm is
32:13 just tearing them apart, and they start to lighten the boat.
32:20 "And because they were exceedingly tempest tossed... "
32:23 Like the book of Jonah... "the next day they lightened
32:25 the ship. On the third day it got so bad
32:28 we threw the ship's tackle overboard with our own hands. "
32:32 Paul said: "I still can't believe it. They asked us
32:35 the... " You know what the ship's tackle is?
32:37 That's all the pulleys and the ropes and the things you do
32:39 to operate the boat. But they had extra tackling
32:41 underneath. They said: "Throw it all overboard. "
32:43 Extra sail, everything is getting thrown overboard.
32:47 "Now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days... "
32:51 You know what that means in Bible times?
32:54 They did not use GPS.
32:56 How did they know where in the world they were?
33:00 They'd get out and they'd do some markings and chartings
33:03 and they'd find out the location of the sun during
33:05 the day and the stars during the night and they could
33:07 fix their position. They were pretty good at it back then.
33:11 But it is so cloudy and it is raining and blowing so hard
33:14 they can't even tell where the sun is coming from
33:16 because they're all polarized by these storm clouds.
33:19 And at night there's no moon, there's no stars.
33:21 And all they know is that they are being blown around
33:24 the gray sea during the day and the dark sea during the night.
33:27 I've been in the Mediterranean.
33:31 As a matter of fact, I landed on the same island
33:34 where Paul ends up getting shipwrecked.
33:36 And we were in a storm in the same ocean
33:39 when I was 16 years old.
33:43 I was on a boat that was a school. It was
33:46 sailing around the world and it was in the Mediterranean
33:48 when I was there with them.
33:50 And, you know, I always tell people: "When you look at a map
33:53 of Europe compared to the other oceans of the world
33:55 the Mediterranean's only that big. "
33:57 You know what I mean? It's not very big in the world.
33:59 But you get down in it and you find out that it's a sea.
34:03 And you get there you can't see the land for days
34:07 when you're in a little sailboat.
34:09 And the waves can get pretty monstrous.
34:16 And they were beginning to wonder if there was any hope.
34:19 "When neither sun nor star appeared for many days... "
34:24 Has God given us signs so we can know where we are? Amen!
34:30 Should God's people know where we are in the scope of time?
34:34 Amen! Jesus said: 'You can look at the sky
34:36 and you can tell what the weather's going to be
34:37 tomorrow. " You look and you say: "Look,
34:39 red sky at night... sailor's delight.
34:41 Red sky at morning... sailor: take warning! "
34:43 That's modern translation of what Jesus said.
34:47 He said: "You can look at the sky and discern the weather
34:49 tomorrow. " He says: "How come you can't discern the signs
34:51 of the times? "
34:53 Jesus tells us there will be signs of the times.
34:57 I have never been... And I'm not just saying this
34:59 I really mean it, friends. I have never been
35:02 more excited and stirred
35:07 about what I see happening in the world
35:10 as harbingers of the last days than I am now.
35:13 Amen! Maybe I'll say more tonight
35:18 about some of what the specifics are.
35:20 It'd be real easy to get sidetracked - yeah - by that
35:25 right now. I want to get Paul out of this storm.
35:30 "No small tempest was on us. "
35:33 That's Luke's way of writing when he says: "No small"
35:36 he means very big.
35:37 "All hope that we should be saved was finally given up. "
35:42 You know, people start losing hope if they don't know
35:44 where they are. If you're in a storm
35:47 and you can see your destination...
35:50 I remember one time
35:51 our family went and did some meetings in Micronesia.
35:55 And there's an island. It's supposed to have some of the
35:58 best scuba diving in the world not too far from Micronesia
36:02 on an island called Ant nine miles across the sea.
36:05 Ant - A-N-T - is the name of the island.
36:07 So family - three kids - we went out with a couple of natives
36:12 Pohnpeians, and we went scuba diving.
36:16 And they had thought we were going to spend the night there.
36:18 And we said: "No, we weren't planning on spending the night
36:20 here. " There were no facilities on the island;
36:22 the mosquitoes are just eating us alive. And we said:
36:24 "Any chance we could go back to the mission? "
36:27 They said: "Oh yeah, it's getting dark but
36:29 yeah, well, we'll try it. "
36:30 So they got out on the sea and the sun went down.
36:33 They had no lights.
36:35 And they had this motorboat wide open.
36:38 This is an open boat... no covering.
36:40 It's what they call "a Boston whaler. "
36:42 And the wind came up and the waves got big.
36:46 And all the kids were huddled down hanging on to their little
36:50 life jackets under the seat.
36:52 And the boat just kept going up and slapping down.
36:54 And these guys were wide open. On the way out there, they were
36:57 dodging palms that were out in the ocean and coconuts
37:00 that were out there, and there's coral reefs out there
37:03 that they were looking at. They can see any of this now.
37:06 I hadn't even thought about that.
37:08 And yet they've got the thing wide open
37:09 and it was pretty terrifying for a couple of hours
37:13 to be out there and not see anything but dark and the waves
37:16 bouncing up and down. And finally, you know, I'm poking
37:19 my head up and we finally saw the green light of the harbor
37:24 of Pohnpei... and I felt so much better.
37:27 Because just that one little light gave us some bearing
37:31 and hope. You know, if you can see the end,
37:35 if you can see where you're heading,
37:37 you can endure a lot of things
37:39 if you know it's not going to last.
37:40 If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
37:43 They saw no light.
37:46 And where there's life there's hope, and where there's light
37:48 there's hope. There's a lot of people out there in the world
37:51 and they see no hope. They have no light.
37:54 God wants you to be a light in the world for them. Amen!
37:56 Jesus should be shining and reflecting through you.
38:02 "But after long abstinence from food... "
38:05 Paul hadn't lost faith. Luke is talking about everybody else.
38:08 "But after long abstinence from food then Paul stood
38:12 in the midst of them and said: "Men, you should have listened
38:15 to me. " "I told you so... "
38:19 "You should have listened to me and not sailed from Crete
38:22 and incurred this disaster and loss.
38:24 And now I'd like to urge you to take heart
38:27 for there will be no loss of life among you
38:30 but only the ship. For there stood by me this night
38:34 an angel of the God who I belong to
38:38 and whom I serve saying: 'Do not be afraid, Paul.
38:42 You must be brought before Caesar. '
38:44 And indeed, God has granted you all those who sail with you. "
38:48 God said: "Paul, look... I'm not done with you
38:50 so you're going to make it no matter what. "
38:52 He'd already survived three shipwrecks, right?
38:55 And He said: "You have to ac- tually testify before Caesar
38:59 and so you're going to make it. "
39:04 C.D. Brooks said this happened to him once.
39:06 It's also happened to me
39:08 where I was on an airplane and it was very turbulent.
39:12 And I had been talking to my seatmate, and they found out
39:15 I was a pastor. 'Cause one of the first things you say:
39:18 "Where are you going? " "What do you do? "
39:19 And I said: "I'm a pastor; I'm going to speak...
39:21 whatever. " And we got into some really bad weather.
39:25 And you know that it's turbulent when the captain tells the crew
39:28 to sit down and stop serving.
39:31 And I remember looking around and seeing one lady next door.
39:35 She pulled out her rosary and started counting her beads.
39:38 Now I'm a pilot and I get nervous, too.
39:40 I remember one guy got up because he just had to go
39:43 to the restroom. And it had been turbulent for so long
39:45 and he kept waiting and waiting for them to turn off
39:47 the seat belt sign. And I guess he couldn't wait any more
39:49 and he thought: "I've just got to get up and go to the
39:51 restroom. " And he got up, got half-way down the aisle
39:54 and the stewardess shouted: "Sit down! "
39:56 And he started going back to his seat
39:59 and she said: "Sit down in the aisle. "
40:02 Have you ever heard them tell someone to sit right where they
40:05 are in the aisle? It was bouncing that bad
40:07 they were afraid he was going to fall on somebody
40:08 and really get hurt. They said: "Sit where you are
40:11 right now. " So this guy sits down in the aisle.
40:14 I mean, this was how bad the turbulence was.
40:18 This lady who's sitting next to me said:
40:20 "I'm so glad I'm sitting next to a pastor
40:23 because I figure we're going to make it
40:25 'cause God wants you to go speak somewhere. "
40:31 And I said: "I wish that was always true, but I know a few
40:35 missionaries didn't make it to their destination. "
40:40 So... But God said to Paul. He said: "Look, you've got to go
40:43 to Caesar. " And Paul said: "Well, Lord, since I'm going to
40:45 make it I'm interceding for everybody else on the boat. "
40:50 Now Paul is doing what Jesus is doing.
40:52 And he says to them... verse 22:
40:55 "Now I urge you to take heart; be encouraged.
40:59 There is going to be no loss of life for you
41:01 but only the ship. " Ship's going to be lost.
41:04 All the stuff is going to be lost.
41:06 Only thing that's going to be saved is you.
41:10 Nothing in this world is going out of this world but people.
41:13 Amen!
41:15 We spend an awful lot of time worried about our stuff.
41:17 None of it's going to make it. Amen!
41:19 All of it's going to get burned up. Amen!
41:21 I know we need to occupy till Jesus comes
41:23 and we need to take care of things,
41:25 but when you really keep perspective
41:28 nothing is going to eternity except characters transformed
41:31 by the power of Jesus. Even the body you're wearing...
41:34 you're going to get a new one.
41:35 It's only the characters that are going to be transformed.
41:38 "For there stood by me this night an angel of God
41:41 to whom I belong... " Do you belong to that God?
41:45 "saying: 'do not be afraid, Paul. ' "
41:48 Said "Don't be afraid. " Isn't that what Jesus said?
41:50 "Therefore, " Paul says... verse 25: "take heart
41:53 for I believe God. "
41:56 They could believe the captain; they could believe the elements.
41:59 They could believe the wind; they could believe the boat.
42:01 They could trust in all kinds of things.
42:02 Paul said: "My faith isn't in any of that
42:04 but I believe the Word of God
42:06 that it will be just as He told me.
42:10 However, we must run aground on a certain island. "
42:13 The angel told him exactly what was going to happen.
42:17 "But when the fourteenth night had come
42:19 and they were driven up and down in the Adriatic Sea. "
42:23 You know, I did a message on this once before, and I
42:27 took out my map and I tried to track it. They went about
42:29 520 miles going like 37 miles a day.
42:33 They were battered to and fro going everywhere.
42:39 "About the fourteenth night had come; driven up and down
42:42 in the Adriatic Sea about mid- night... " When does it happen?
42:44 The darkest hour.
42:46 "The sailors sensed that they were drawing near some land
42:49 and they took soundings. "
42:52 What that means is they take these ropes.
42:54 They could hear maybe a crashing in the distance
42:57 and they got ropes with weights on them. And the ropes
42:59 have knots in them. You know, and then they would measure
43:01 how fast they were going. They'd say: "I'm going 12 knots;
43:03 five knots. " 'Cause they'd throw out this rope
43:04 and they'd see how quick the knots went out.
43:07 And they also used that to see how deep it was.
43:09 They'd throw out this rope with weight on it.
43:12 They'd drop it out; they'd let it slip from their hands.
43:14 It would pull very fast. When it hit the bottom
43:15 it would stop pulling. They'd measure and see how
43:17 deep it was... how many fathoms it was.
43:19 And they noticed they kept taking soundings
43:21 and it was getting more shallow meaning they were drawing
43:24 near some land. It's night.
43:26 They don't want to crash on the rocks.
43:29 "They took soundings and found it to be 20 fathoms.
43:31 And when they had gone a little further they took soundings
43:33 again and they found it to be 15 fathoms. "
43:36 Are we nearing shore, friends?
43:38 Should we be taking regular soundings where we are
43:41 in the Word of God and in the prophecies?
43:44 Looking at the signs of the times?
43:47 "And then fearing lest we should run aground on the rocks
43:51 they dropped four anchors from the stern and they prayed
43:54 for day to come. And as the sailors were seeking
43:58 to escape from the ship... " You notice it says they dropped
44:01 four anchors from the stern.
44:04 Hold the boat from blowing up into the shore.
44:09 The Bible says there are four angels just before the end
44:12 that are holding back the four winds of strife.
44:15 Talk about a storm in the last days. There is a storm that
44:18 is all pent up and ready to be released on this world.
44:21 And it's God that is holding back those angels
44:24 that are holding back that storm
44:25 lest it blow upon the tree and the land
44:28 until the servants of God are being sealed in their foreheads.
44:31 That would be now.
44:32 People are receiving the Seal of God.
44:37 "And as the sailors seeking to escape from the ship... "
44:41 They said: "You know, this ship is going to wreck
44:42 and there's only one little lifeboat. Why don't we give it
44:44 to the prisoners. Everyone's going to be fighting over the
44:46 lifeboat. " "When they let the lifeboat down... "
44:49 They call it the skiff. "into the sea under pretense
44:52 of putting out anchors... " They act like: "Oh, yeah, we're
44:54 working on the anchors. " Paul saw what they were doing.
44:57 He knew; the Lord revealed it.
44:59 "Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers: 'Unless these
45:04 men stay in the ship you cannot be saved. ' "
45:08 Well that's an interesting statement!
45:10 "Then the soldiers... " Now they're believing Paul!
45:13 They're taking orders from the prisoner.
45:16 "Then the soldiers cut away the ropes
45:18 of the lifeboat... let it fall off. "
45:21 Boy, they're desperate now.
45:22 Now they're not trusting the lifeboat.
45:25 We think we've got ourselves prepared. I've got money in
45:27 the bank; I've got gold hidden away
45:31 in case the money fails.
45:33 Got a hydroelectric system and solar panels
45:37 and lots of soybeans or whatever.
45:42 Your trust better just be in the Lord
45:45 because all that stuff is going to crumble.
45:48 There's nothing that's going to save us like Paul said.
45:51 And you know what else? He basically said: "Unless
45:53 we stay together, we're not going to make it to shore. "
45:56 Amen.
45:58 The devil wants to divide God's people in the last days.
46:01 "Unless these abide in the boat
46:04 none of us are going to be saved. "
46:07 We need to be concerned about all of us staying together.
46:11 Some of us are thinking: "Oh, just let those sailors go.
46:13 They didn't smell right anyway. "
46:17 "And when he had said these things he took bread... "
46:20 I'm sorry... verse 33:
46:23 "And day was about to dawn, Paul implored them all to
46:27 take food. 'Today is the four- teenth day and you have waited
46:30 and continued without food eating nothing. ' "
46:33 They had been fasting for a long time.
46:36 "Therefore I urge you: take nourishment. "
46:38 You know why they weren't eating anything?
46:40 Have you ever been in a storm like that?
46:42 You don't have much appetite when you're seasick.
46:46 And it's hard to cook on a boat that's pitching and reeling
46:49 and diving and plunging and jumping up and down.
46:52 They didn't even have time to eat.
46:55 Says... Paul said: "You need strength.
46:58 This is for your survival. "
47:00 Says: "Not a hair will fall from the head of any of you. "
47:05 I've never taken much comfort in the last part of that verse.
47:13 "And when he said these things he took bread and he gave thanks
47:16 to God in the presence of them all. And when they had broken it
47:19 he began to eat. And they were all encouraged
47:23 and they took food for themselves. "
47:25 Just before the storm breaks... I emphasized this a little
47:28 yesterday. That's why Noah stored food away on the ark.
47:32 You need to eat bread.
47:34 "Man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word. "
47:37 Now's when we need to be feasting on the Word of God.
47:42 You know, hummingbirds...
47:43 Some of you saw a little Amazing Facts we put out
47:45 there on hummingbirds.
47:47 And it's interesting that hummingbirds... they have to eat
47:50 their body weight just about every day
47:53 'cause they've got an incredibly-fast metabolism.
47:55 They'll die of low blood sugar if they don't eat for about
47:58 20 minutes of flying.
47:59 Except for one time in their life:
48:01 for a week in the Fall they gorge on nectar
48:07 and millions of hummingbirds then make an epic migration
48:11 where they have to fly with about 20 million wing beats
48:14 across the Gulf of Mexico in one trip.
48:17 How they do it they don't know, but they just... they...
48:20 they gorge is the only word I can think of.
48:25 They just eat flowers and nectar
48:28 and then they make it to the Yucatan Peninsula.
48:30 And sometimes they get caught in storms and they have to fly
48:32 right through it. There's nowhere to land.
48:35 And that's where they migrate to.
48:38 We are nearing the storm
48:41 and now's when we really need to be fortifying our minds
48:45 with the truth of God's Word.
48:46 We need to be prepared to give an answer for what we believe.
48:49 We need to be reading our Bibles.
48:51 We need to do Bible memorization in our churches,
48:53 in our families. Feasting on the Word
48:56 to get us through the storm.
48:57 Paul said: "I urge you to take nourishment. This is for
49:01 your survival. " He prayed, they ate, and they were all
49:04 encouraged. It'll encourage you
49:07 to eat the Bread of Life. Amen!
49:10 "Now all... " There were 276 people on this ship.
49:16 You know, they found a boat in 34 AD
49:19 that was made by Caligula.
49:23 Some people say "No, they could never had had boats
49:24 that big. " There by the Leonardo da Vinci airport
49:27 in Rome they need to expand the airport
49:29 and in digging up they found an ancient ship of Caligula
49:33 that was over 380 ft. long
49:37 and it carried 600 to 800 soldiers on it.
49:42 Yeah, they had boats that big.
49:44 Now just notice this: 276 people on the ship.
49:49 "When they had eaten enough they threw out the rest of the
49:51 wheat in the sea. " They threw everything overboard.
49:53 Some day you won't have your Bibles, friends.
49:55 You'll just have what's in you.
49:56 That's all they had left.
49:58 "And now when it was day they did not recognize the land
50:01 but they observed a bay... a beach into which they planned
50:05 to run the boat if possible.
50:07 And so they let go the anchors up from the sea.
50:11 Meanwhile, loosing the rudder ropes they hoisted the main sail
50:14 and they made a run for shore.
50:16 But they came into a place where two seas met. "
50:19 The seas came around the island and they clashed.
50:22 "And they ran the ship aground
50:24 and the bow, the prow, stuck fast
50:26 and remained immoveable but the stern was being broken up
50:29 by the violence of the waves. "
50:30 Waves were crashing beating it back and forth.
50:32 The nose is stuck. "Now the soldiers plan
50:35 was to kill the prisoners lest any of them should swim away
50:38 and escape. " They were all going to be executed.
50:42 A Roman soldier cannot lose a prisoner.
50:45 You remember what happened when Peter escaped from jail?
50:47 Herod killed the soldiers that let him get away.
50:51 "But the centurion wanting to save Paul
50:54 for Paul's sake kept them from their purpose. "
50:58 Paul on that ship kept everybody else alive.
51:02 He's a type of Christ.
51:04 If Jesus is in your boat, that's what keeps us alive.
51:08 And God wants to do through you what He did through Paul.
51:11 He wants to save others through you. Amen!
51:14 Everybody in the boat ends up being saved.
51:16 It's an amazing story!
51:18 "Wanting to save Paul kept them from their purpose
51:21 and commanded that those who should swim
51:24 jump overboard first and get to land.
51:27 The rest, some on boards and some on broken pieces of
51:30 the ship. So they all escaped safely to land. "
51:35 Not one was lost just as Paul said
51:39 because they had listened to the Word of God.
51:41 You know, I believe that our church is nearing the end.
51:47 I think we're going to encounter a severe storm
51:51 and we're going to end up where I don't believe a church
51:56 as an organization is going to be able to function
51:58 in the last days.
52:00 That just stands to reason.
52:02 So what are we going to do?
52:05 We're going to be gathering in little groups
52:07 clinging to whatever pieces of the ship are left
52:10 after we come out the other side of the storm
52:12 and we're going to be making for the shore.
52:14 Amen. And the reason that Paul
52:17 was on that ship is God wanted to save others through him.
52:22 Then he gets to the island. He's building a fire
52:25 and trying to warm everybody.
52:27 Here, I mean, he's done all this to save everybody.
52:29 Paul is serving. He's building a fire; he's carrying the wood
52:32 'cause they're shivering. It's raining.
52:34 And a viper comes out and bites him on the hand.
52:38 A deadly viper.
52:39 And when Jesus said "You'll pick up snakes"
52:41 that's what He's talking about. He doesn't mean you go
52:43 looking for them. It means you take them up.
52:44 He shook it off into the fire.
52:47 The serpent was destroyed; the devil still tried to get him.
52:50 And all the people watching said: "Oh, boy, justice.
52:53 You know he must have been a terrible murderer
52:54 or something because he survived the storm and now
52:56 the viper gets him. " But nothing happened to Paul.
53:00 "No deadly thing will harm you. " Amen!
53:02 And then they said: "Well maybe he's a god! "
53:05 And Paul then prayed for and healed one of the leaders
53:08 on the island. And then they brought all the people
53:10 on the island and he prayed for and healed them.
53:12 All the time everybody on the ship and everybody on the island
53:15 started looking to Paul as God's messenger
53:17 and there was a revival on the island of Malta.
53:20 And there are still Christians there today
53:21 all these years later.
53:23 And God used the storm to save these people.
53:27 Amen! You know, our greatest opportunity
53:30 to witness is going to be through the storm.
53:32 Amen! And He wants us to let our light shine.
53:35 This world is in darkness.
53:38 I remember reading a few years ago about a young girl
53:41 named Ida Lewis.
53:43 She was the daughter of a man named Captain Hosea Lewis
53:46 who took care of the Lime Rock Lighthouse
53:49 near Newport, Long Island.
53:51 This was in the 1850's. Captain Lewis had a stroke
53:55 but his family business was taking care of the lighthouse
53:58 so they had no other income.
54:00 They said: "Ida can do it. " She was 14 years old
54:02 at the time. They had several other children.
54:04 Mrs. Lewis took care of the father.
54:07 Ida did most of the work. She kept the light burning
54:10 in the lighthouse. She kept the window clean.
54:11 She made all the runs. She'd have to row her brothers
54:15 and sisters in this big rowboat that they had -
54:17 14-year-old girl - back and forth to school
54:21 200 yards each way.
54:23 And that's like 800 yards round trip
54:27 doing it twice a day plus the miles around
54:29 the harbor there near Newport.
54:33 And many times there were people who had problems
54:37 in the harbor. Their boats would capsize
54:39 and because of their vantage point Ida would go out.
54:43 This little girl... and she'd save them.
54:45 One time four sailors capsized their boat.
54:48 Some of them couldn't swim, and the water was icy.
54:51 Ida went out. She rescued them all.
54:53 Sixteen years old at the time, and the sailors were so
54:55 embarrassed that they had to get rescued by this
54:58 16-year-old girl.
55:00 Another time a boat capsized that was carrying
55:04 somebody's prized sheep. And the men were trying to get
55:06 the sheep out and they nearly drowned.
55:08 She went and rescued them and then she went back
55:09 and she got the sheep.
55:11 Sometimes she was towing other boats.
55:12 And she was so strong for a little girl.
55:15 That boat was like an extension of her body.
55:17 She was just using it every day.
55:20 Then there was a really terrible storm one night
55:22 and a boat capsized out in the bay in the dark.
55:25 Water was frozen. Ida was sick
55:28 but her mother said: "A boat's just gone over. "
55:31 And Captain Lewis couldn't do it. Ida went out
55:35 in her bare feet terribly sick.
55:38 She rowed out. She rescued three of the men.
55:41 One boy drowned.
55:43 And she made the cover of Harper News back then...
55:45 which was the big magazine.
55:47 Ida Lewis and her lifeboat.
55:49 And after that it tells us that everybody heard about Ida.
55:54 Presidents came to visit her.
55:55 She had lots of marriage proposals.
55:59 She took care of that lighthouse for many years.
56:05 And at one point they wanted to give her
56:11 a reward. It says: "She became a national heroine.
56:15 Ida received fan mail from the rich and famous.
56:18 Even President Ulysses S. Grant went to visit her.
56:21 She also received quite a few marriage proposals.
56:24 New York gave her a mahogany rowboat with red velvet cushions
56:27 and gold braid around the gun walls
56:29 and gold-plated oar locks.
56:31 The boat was named "The Rescue. "
56:33 Over the 50 years that Ida tended the lighthouse
56:37 this small woman rescued at least 18 people
56:40 from the cold and often treacherous waters off Lime Rock.
56:44 Unofficially, the number was much higher.
56:46 When she died in 1911
56:48 every ship bell in Newport tolled all night long.
56:52 The Bible tells us that the ship is supposed to be
56:56 something of a lifeboat.
56:58 We're like a lighthouse.
57:00 We're to be reaching out and to save others
57:04 and bringing them back.
57:05 There's going to be storms in life,
57:08 but the Lord wants us to know if He's in our boat we have
57:10 nothing to be afraid of. Amen!
57:12 God wants us to be reaching others.
57:14 Because Jonah was in the boat people were saved.
57:17 When Jesus was in the boat others were saved.
57:19 When Paul was in the boat others were saved.
57:20 Because Noah was in the boat others were saved.
57:23 If Christ is in your boat, then He wants to use you
57:27 to reach others. Amen! Is that your desire, friends?


Revised 2015-09-02