3ABN Homecoming 2014

News from Russia & Sabbath School Panel: The Second Coming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Brian Hamilton, C.A. Murray, J.D. Quinn, Julia Outkina, Mollie Steenson, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: 14HC

Program Code: 14HC000010

00:45 Well hello and welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting
00:50 right here in Thompsonville, IL, at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:54 And this morning we are going to have a mission story
00:58 from Julia Outkina. How long have you known Julia
01:01 Melody? I don't even know how long.
01:05 It's probably 22 or 3 years that she's been - something like
01:10 that - affiliated with 3ABN.
01:12 A lovely lady all the way from Russia.
01:15 And Danny is going to be the one that's hosting with her.
01:19 We're going to ask them to come out here in just a few minutes
01:21 and share the mission story. But Melody, before we
01:25 get started on this beautiful Sabbath...
01:27 Is it beautiful here in southern Illinois? Amen!
01:30 I want to say to all of our viewers
01:33 Happy Sabbath! It's a gorgeous Sabbath today
01:36 and God's Holy Spirit is already in this place.
01:39 But before we get started let's go to our Father in prayer
01:44 and just ask His presence to be with us.
01:46 We're going to be here all day today
01:48 and we want the Father to... How many of you want God
01:51 to touch your heart and change you today?
01:54 How many of you have areas in your lives
01:56 that could stand a touch from God?
01:58 So let's pray and ask the Father.
02:00 Melody, agree with me.
02:01 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus
02:04 and we praise You and we thank you, Lord,
02:06 that it is Your desire for every one of us
02:10 not to be conformed to this world but be transformed by the
02:13 renewing of our minds. That You have predestined us
02:16 to be conformed to the very image of our Lord and Savior
02:19 Jesus Christ. So holy Father, we open our hearts
02:22 and our lives up to You today
02:24 and ask You to sow Your Word deep within us.
02:27 That it would take root and it would change us
02:29 into Your image and into Your likeness.
02:32 Father, we give You this day. We invite You
02:34 into this Camp Meeting into every service and every
02:38 situation. Father, change us is our prayer today
02:41 in Jesus' name. Amen! And Melody, I wanted to ask you
02:47 too. Camp Meeting... have you seen a change in the
02:50 Camp Meetings over the last years? Yes I have.
02:54 And how have they changed in your opinion?
02:57 How have they changed? Well I think they keep getting
03:01 better and better. What do you think? Well, that's what I
03:03 wanted to hear her say... some- thing that we say around here
03:06 so often. And we don't mean to be trite in this,
03:10 but we will say before this Camp Meeting is all over
03:13 "You know, I think this is the best one we've ever been in. "
03:16 And we mean it with all of our heart!
03:18 They do keep getting better and better.
03:20 Well I'm going to ask Danny and Julia to come out now
03:23 and to share with you the mission story.
03:28 Thank you Mollody... Mollie and Melody.
03:31 Mollody... Melody.
03:33 Dobroye utro... dobroye utro... Oh, I mean
03:37 good morning. You do the Russian and I'll just do English
03:40 OK? OK. Tell them what I just said.
03:42 He said good morning.
03:44 You all didn't know I speak Russian so fluently, did you?
03:48 I know like six words, so... but I sure show it.
03:52 And sometimes he confuses them, too.
03:54 Oh, thank you. Yeah, like when I went to meet some
03:58 very important politicians in Russia
04:01 and I just got there. It was twenty-two years ago
04:03 and she said: "They'll like it if you say something
04:06 in Russian. " So I see them and I'm supposed to say
04:09 dobroye utro. That means good morning.
04:11 And I was like do svidaniya and that means good-bye.
04:18 I'm just a little hill-billy. I don't know...
04:21 I don't know how I got in front of all these people.
04:24 Julia Outkina from Russia. Twenty-two years
04:27 of the ministry since we went over with Elder John Carter.
04:30 Seems impossible, folks... twenty-two years ago.
04:34 And it really... you've heard the expression
04:36 "seems like yesterday, " right? Or just last year.
04:39 But what an incredible ministry.
04:41 Julia, we're so glad that you're here.
04:43 You've been struggling, though. You've been here 2-3 weeks.
04:45 Tell us what you've been going through.
04:47 I am going through mono the third time in my life
04:50 and this just... It drains me; it's hard.
04:53 But I praise the Lord for this experience. I know
04:56 that it is given to me for some reason
04:58 as all the experiences of each one of our lives,
05:02 each moment of our lives. There is a reason for everything
05:05 and everything brings us closer and closer to salvation.
05:09 Everything is bringing us closer and closer to a real
05:12 relationship with the Lord.
05:15 Danny, I want... I usually like when Danny leads
05:19 in a conversation, but now I want to
05:22 initiate saying how thankful I am to 3ABN for bringing
05:26 my family here. My husband and son have just been here.
05:30 They spent two weeks, and they say that there is no
05:35 prophet in your home. I am trying to witness to them
05:38 at home but they know me too well.
05:41 So probably my witnessing is not reaching their hearts
05:44 well enough. But when they came here
05:48 they saw what Christianity is really about.
05:51 They were so perceptive, and as I'm telling people
05:54 it seemed to me that the Lord was putting together
05:57 like a puzzle of different meetings,
06:00 different conversations, different testimonies,
06:02 different witnessing. It just all made a...
06:06 Sabbath School... they listened to Sabbath School
06:10 and I was translating for them.
06:12 It all made a beautiful picture of Christianity
06:14 to them and it seems to me that they left different
06:19 from what they were before they came.
06:21 Absolutely. And they went back to Russia
06:24 with cowboy boots. That's right.
06:27 That's what they really wanted was cowboy boots.
06:29 And cowboy shirts. They come from Russia
06:33 all the way to America. Before Julia and the group
06:37 even comes here, guess what they do?
06:40 They look up a western store.
06:42 Don't even come and say: "Hello. How's everybody doing? "
06:44 They look up the western store and go down and just look
06:47 around at all the things. So I thought I had a good idea.
06:50 Two or three days later I said: "Why don't we take your husband,
06:54 that's Tola and Tola Junior, down to the western store? "
06:56 She said: "That's the first thing we did before we even
06:59 saw you. " I said: "Well, we'll go back down there. "
07:02 So they love the cowboy boots
07:04 so they went home in cowboy boots.
07:06 But I saw a big difference in their attitudes - yes -
07:08 and they're wonderful people. Wonderful, wonderful men,
07:12 and I know that God has plans - yes - for their lives
07:15 for sure. Yes, yes.
07:18 And I also have six Russian people with me
07:22 this time, and shall we ask them to come up front?
07:26 Yeah, maybe they can come up quickly.
07:32 You know... I was wanting to do that in Russian
07:35 but you go ahead. You go ahead. You're doing pretty good,
07:38 actually. OK. See? They must have understood you.
07:42 Good job. Um-hmm. Come on up.
07:45 I mean... this is my Russian for come on up.
07:50 They have all come here for their vacation
07:53 and they have come here to honor 3ABN on the eve
07:58 of its 30th anniversary. Out of the thirty years of 3ABN
08:02 there has been twenty-two years of 3ABN Russia.
08:05 And we praise the Lord, Danny, for the vision that you had
08:08 twenty-two years ago to start...
08:10 Thirty years ago you had the vision to start 3ABN
08:14 and 22 years ago the Lord impressed you to start
08:16 3ABN Russia. It's as important to us
08:18 as your first vision thirty years ago.
08:21 3ABN was young and I was young back then.
08:25 Julia and I were young. She's a little younger than me
08:27 of course as you can tell. But it occurred to me:
08:30 I went over there. I think I was only 39 or something.
08:33 And has it been that long ago? Sixty three... you start
08:36 figuring that up. I said: "Maybe I just turned
08:38 40... but it's been a long time. "
08:40 But what a wonderful time. In- troduce for us your guests, OK?
08:45 So this is Daniel, and he is 3ABN Russia's video director
08:50 and cameraman, and he does editing.
08:52 We try to keep everyone versatile there.
08:54 They do multi jobs at different times when they are needed.
08:58 Lena is the general manager of 3ABN Russia.
09:01 You know her. She has been here a couple of times.
09:03 Julia is the producer of News Breaks
09:07 and she is a graphics artist.
09:09 And Tatiana is the wife of Volari, our engineer
09:13 and she is responsible for marketing at 3ABN Russia.
09:17 And we also have two more people but I don't see them.
09:20 They are Lena's daughter and her son-in-law.
09:24 They are friends of 3ABN Russia and they have come here
09:27 to enjoy the Camp Meeting, the fellowship,
09:30 but they are bashful to come up front.
09:32 Probably. They are not the workers.
09:34 Yeah, I know that. I'm bashful too a lot, so...
09:37 But anyway... thank you very much.
09:42 SpaSEEba.
09:47 SpaSEEba paZHAloosta.
09:49 He said: "Thank you; you're welcome. "
09:53 Shhh!
09:56 They won't know the difference if you don't tell them
09:58 that I'm messing up a little bit.
10:00 Well, I'm a professional translator.
10:04 You are. Julia has a Ph. D. in linguistics
10:08 and that's how we met her when we went to Russia.
10:10 She actually came out to Elder Carter's meetings
10:13 just to hear English
10:15 and from that 3ABN Russia.
10:17 We have a roll that we're going to show you.
10:20 And I haven't seen it but Julia said it goes all the way back
10:24 from the beginning. So thank you. Because of your
10:26 love and your prayers - that's right - and financial support
10:29 from around the world 3ABN Russia has been responsible
10:34 for seeing thousands and thousands of lives changed
10:37 over the last 22 years.
11:23 Right from its inception and until this very day
11:27 3ABN has been a tremendous manifestation
11:30 of the great power of the Holy Spirit
11:33 pouring out mightily in these last days
11:36 into the willing hearts of 3ABN leaders and supporters.
11:40 Almost 30 years ago in the town of Thompsonville, southern IL,
11:45 Danny Shelton was impressed to start Three Angels Broadcasting
11:49 Network. Eight years later, 3ABN founded its branch in the city
11:53 of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
11:55 Since then for twenty-two years now
11:57 3ABN Russia has been operating by the power of the Holy Spirit
12:02 for the salvation of the Russian people.
12:04 After the foundation in 1992
12:07 the biggest landmark in our history was the previous
12:10 Fall 3ABN Camp Meeting when by the mighty outpouring
12:14 of the Holy Spirit Pastor Jim Gilley initiated
12:17 the decision that 3ABN Russia goes on satellite.
12:21 Praise the Lord for the respon- sive hearts of the supporters
12:24 of 3ABN that have made this possible.
12:27 Since November 2013 3ABN Russia's satellite signal
12:31 has been covering all the Russian nation with the good
12:34 news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
12:37 Right after the Camp Meeting we started looking for the
12:40 rebroadcasters.
12:48 As we began establishing con- tacts with the cable companies
12:52 we realized that the Lord intended us
12:55 to reach the uttermost parts of the earth:
12:57 that is, the places that have never been reached
13:00 by public evangelism.
13:02 To tell the truth, finding cable rebroadcasters
13:05 is not easy for a number of reasons.
13:07 Each new one that agrees to broadcast us
13:10 is a miracle, and we give the Lord all the honor
13:13 and glory for thousands and thousands
13:16 of new subscribers that the Lord adds all the time.
13:28 Currently we have a tremendous task to fill our channel with
13:32 the programs taped in high definition.
13:35 After 3ABN gave us new HD equipment
13:38 we've been recording our 3 recently produced new series
13:42 Visiting with 3ABN Russia,
13:44 Seven with Spoons,
13:45 Happy School of Health,
13:46 as well as the older ones:
13:48 The Open Book, Challenging Established Beliefs,
13:51 In Other Words Revival, My Character and Me,
13:54 The Harmony of the Living Word,
13:56 Tastyland... for which we have also updated the graphics.
14:00 These programs form the core of our new program schedule.
14:11 Since 3ABN Russia's report at the previous Camp Meeting
14:15 we've added over 500 HD programs
14:18 into our TV library
14:20 of around 10,000 programs.
14:22 Also, we've made around 400 radio programs
14:26 to add to the total radio library
14:29 exceeding 6,000 programs.
14:31 We have a tremendous feedback from our viewers.
14:34 My name is Nelia and I'm 51 years old.
14:38 At the age of 20 I gave myself the first shot of a narcotic
14:43 and got addicted which continued for 30 years.
14:47 I lost everything I had.
14:49 A year ago God found and saved me.
14:52 I give praises to Him day and night.
15:02 This last Fall we received about 1,000 letters
15:06 and 3,000 e-mails. That means that the Internet is becoming
15:10 more and more available which gives people an opportunity to
15:13 take our New Life Bible study course online.
15:17 We have mailed around 10,000 different books and brochures
15:21 that include Bible study guides, Danny Shelton's Forgotten
15:25 Commandment and Does God Love Sinners Forever?
15:27 as well as several other ones.
15:30 These books enjoy tremendous popularity.
15:34 I received your Bible study guides, read them carefully,
15:37 and answered your questions.
15:39 I want to read them over again and share your lessons with
15:43 others. Reading The Antichrist Agenda
15:46 Ten Commandments Twice Removed
15:48 was a great blessing for me as well.
15:50 We are very thankful for the support of several dear
15:54 brothers and sisters in the US
15:56 that have recently made it possible for us to purchase
16:00 5,000 copies of Steps to Christ at a very good price.
16:04 Now we are in a big need to publish additional editions
16:08 of two brochures for children, three on health, and one on
16:12 gardening... 30,000 brochures all together...
16:15 for the price of 15 cents apiece.
16:18 We pray that the Lord provides for these publications.
16:21 We have been out of them since February
16:24 not being able to fulfill the requests for them.
16:27 3ABN Russia actively promotes its activities
16:30 through our website.
16:39 In March 2014 we opened a new website
16:43 that has information directly relating to our
16:46 satellite channel. It also allows an access to our
16:50 archived programs. Our previous website keeps
16:53 operating with the number of visitors and the length
16:56 of their visits growing.
16:58 Our marketing department does a tremendous job
17:02 of making 3ABN Russia known to the public through different TV
17:05 conventions, publications, and other marketing means
17:09 including church volunteers.
17:18 In January 2014
17:21 we participated in the 13th International Expo Forum
17:25 to meet the Russian TV market participants.
17:28 We plan on participating next year with our own booth
17:32 to promote our channel in the Russia TV market.
17:38 We've printed 16 articles
17:40 in different Christian publications.
17:42 In February we were inter- viewed by the secular magazine
17:46 Movie and Television Techniques about our network.
17:49 We also participate in church events held in 3ABN Russia
17:53 Evangelism Center encouraging church leaders,
17:57 pastors, and lay members to promote our channel
18:00 at their local cable companies.
18:02 We also promote 3ABN Russia by sending our best programs
18:07 to different TV contests.
18:09 Our purpose is not to lift up our good production
18:13 but to lift up the beauty of the Lord
18:16 about whom all our programs are so that everyone who sees them
18:21 may say how good God is.
18:31 We sent our program The Power of Sports to
18:34 the 14th International Television Forum.
18:37 The program is about a bicycle race across Russia
18:40 held by Christians for the sake that the orphans find
18:43 their adopted families.
18:51 In August 2013 we were awarded a diploma
18:56 at the Join In Children's Tele- vision Festival from Carousel.
19:00 A children's channel of the first nationwide government
19:03 TV channel of Russia.
19:05 This gave our Tastyland the go-ahead
19:08 to be broadcast by Russian TV companies.
19:12 Our partnership with a group of our supporters from Slovakia
19:16 continues. They keep posting our Face to Face, The Open Book,
19:20 Thus Saith the Lord, Road to Stars, Road to Happiness
19:24 as well as other social and theological programs
19:27 translated into Slovakian language on their website.
19:31 And they hear a tremendous feedback which totals in about
19:35 1,000 visits a month.
19:37 The leader of this group, Lena Polashkova, has visited
19:41 3ABN Russia to conduct a series of seminars
19:44 on management and teamwork which she is an expert in.
19:48 Our partnership with Nizhny Novgorod channel's
19:52 Dialogue and Streagen through the sponsorship of the
19:55 local conference and some Russian sponsors also continues.
19:59 The Lord wants His message to be presented to people
20:03 in the most appealing way.
20:05 For this reason He gives us new talents
20:08 and new discoveries.
20:16 I am the manager of the Radio Department.
20:18 Also I have always enjoyed producing and hosting
20:21 the political program The Harmony of the Living Word
20:25 and the historical program The God of Their Lives.
20:28 This year I've been so happy to discover
20:31 how the Lord leads me to become a host of testimonial
20:35 and social programs. Praise Him!
20:46 I am a cameraman and the video director.
20:48 The Lord gave me an idea of our new youth program
20:52 Pit Stop and video blogs.
20:54 As well as He constantly impresses me to tape different
20:58 video roll materials for 3ABN Russia
21:01 with my own camera. Now I am happy that I have been
21:05 entrusted to be in charge of coordinating in the construction
21:09 of a set for a new theological program
21:12 Face to Face With the Pastor.
21:19 I am the producer of New Break.
21:21 I am so happy to have been encouraged to develop
21:24 in graphics. I liked art before
21:27 but never got any education in it.
21:30 Now the Lord has allowed me to learn certain computer programs
21:34 and I do graphics for News Breaks and have recently made
21:37 graphics for a new children's program: Happy School of Health.
21:48 I am an editor in post-production.
21:50 I have been excited - though rather scared -
21:53 to be entrusted with producing a program - God's Gift -
21:57 about a medical missionary pro- ject in North Caucuses, Russia.
22:01 I'm so happy that the program by God's guidance and good
22:05 teamwork turned out really well.
22:08 This year two young people have joined our staff.
22:12 One of them is Serge and the other one is Sasha
22:16 who started his experience as a cameraman working at 3ABN US.
22:21 By the way, he is the son of Svetlana Christian
22:24 who even though she is a worker of 3ABN US now
22:27 being married to Jay Christian also helps us at her free time
22:31 with graphics.
22:40 I started as a host in the Parables of a Prodigal Son
22:43 and Pit Stop. Now I am happy to be involved
22:47 in production of more youth programs.
22:56 I am so glad that being a cameraman I am entrusted
23:00 with being a video director in certain series
23:03 and now I am going to be coordinating a team responsible
23:07 for finishing of the set for a new youth program.
23:11 As you can see, going on satellite has given 3ABN
23:15 Russia a tremendous impact to develop all our potential
23:19 in producing diverse, high-quality programs
23:22 and in promoting our channel as much as we can.
23:26 We have always thought that we were doing our best...
23:29 what more could be done?
23:31 But at this tremendous time when we can win the Russian
23:35 market for the Lord's truth 24/7 He lets us know
23:39 "Through your desire to serve Me with your humble hearts
23:43 and your feeble strength I will do much more through you
23:47 providing you with My omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit.
23:52 I will crush all the Satans obstacles, no matter how
23:56 insurmountable they may at times seem. "
23:59 Today we want to say these same words to you,
24:03 our dear supporters and friends.
24:05 As long as the Lord is your strength, what shall you fear?
24:09 We are so thankful to you for your prayers and tremendous
24:13 support that have made it possible to launch and continue
24:17 3ABN Russia's satellite broadcasting.
24:19 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
24:22 in all the world for a witness unto all nations
24:26 and then shall the end come.
24:29 Even so, come Lord Jesus. "
24:32 Amen! Amen! Ochen kha-ra-shoh.
24:36 Danny said: "Amen! Very good. "
24:39 I learned two or three words... you know.
24:42 Julia, thank you so much for what you do.
24:44 And I want to thank all of you. Yes. It costs approximately
24:47 $45,000 a month to keep this ministry going and growing.
24:52 And somehow every month ya'll seem to chip in.
24:54 And you do it, and the money comes in. So thank you.
24:57 Satellite costs a lot.
25:00 Now that we are on satellite since November 2013
25:03 this is why the budget has increased so much.
25:06 Absolutely. Thank you, Julia. I love you in the Lord.
25:09 Thank you. Praise the Lord!
25:14 We... I look out here and for Fall Camp Meeting
25:18 it looks more like the audience of Spring. Have you noticed?
25:21 We're just about filled up out here.
25:23 But every time I walk in... When we first built 3ABN,
25:27 started the first building, we used to go out every Sabbath.
25:30 Walk in just the shell of a building.
25:32 Didn't have the people, didn't have the finished walls
25:34 and all the air conditioning and all the nice things
25:37 and the carpet. We would walk out and sing
25:40 Holy Ground. Amen!
25:59 As I walked through the door
26:03 I sensed His presence
26:09 and I knew
26:13 this was the place
26:15 where love abounds.
26:21 For this is the temple
26:25 Jehovah God abides in.
26:31 We are standing
26:35 in His presence
26:39 on holy ground.
26:45 We are standing
26:51 on holy ground
26:57 and I know
27:01 that there are angels
27:05 all around.
27:09 Let us praise...
27:14 let us praise
27:16 Jesus now.
27:21 We are standing
27:24 in His presence
27:28 on holy ground.
27:32 You feel it and sense it?
27:34 Wherever God is it's holy ground.
27:43 In His presence
27:45 there is joy
27:48 beyond measure.
27:53 And at His feet
27:57 peace of mind
28:01 can still be found.
28:06 If you have a need,
28:10 my God... He has the answer.
28:17 Reach out and claim it
28:20 for child, you are standing
28:23 on holy ground.
28:29 We are standing
28:35 on holy ground
28:42 and I know
28:45 that there are angels
28:49 all around. Think about it.
28:53 Let us... let us praise
28:59 Jesus now.
29:05 We are standing
29:08 in His presence
29:11 on holy ground.
29:15 Sing it with me now:
29:17 We are standing
29:22 on holy ground.
29:27 Stand to your feet with me.
29:29 I know that there are angels
29:35 all around. Let us praise...
29:40 Let us praise... let us praise
29:47 Jesus now.
29:52 We are standing in His presence...
29:58 we are standing
30:02 in His presence...
30:04 we are standing
30:07 in His presence
30:13 on holy ground.
30:19 On holy ground.
30:26 And everybody said: "Praise the Lord. "
30:28 Praise the Lord! You may be seated.
30:32 Praise the Lord!
30:35 Wow! Am I on?
30:41 I will tell you that the first time I came here
30:45 when they were talking to me about coming to be the president
30:50 we went into the worship area. Where we meet in studio B
30:54 we just stand around together.
30:56 And they sang that song.
31:01 In one of the most emotional times of my entire life...
31:07 In fact, I slipped out of my shoes
31:11 and my feet were there on the concrete.
31:16 And I felt a whole lot like Moses felt
31:19 standing on holy ground. Amen!
31:23 When we see, my friend, what God is doing world-wide...
31:27 When we see what is happening in Russia...
31:30 You know, we hear a report and a report just does not
31:35 somehow catch the souls that are being touched.
31:40 It's a report. We hear it; we pass on.
31:45 Last November when we pulled the switch to start
31:49 satellite now in Russian around the world
31:53 we increased by $20,000 a month
31:56 what the normal operating is...
31:59 which is about $45,000.
32:02 You made those commitments.
32:07 We're coming down to the end of the year.
32:09 We're going to be moving on by faith into another year.
32:12 You see, we add these things and we had an underwriter
32:15 for last year. We're praying that the same underwriter
32:18 will come back and underwrite this year,
32:20 but we have no assurance of that.
32:23 So pray with us. Amen! Pull with us and support.
32:28 When you're supporting this you're supporting the gospel
32:31 to the world: the second coming of Jesus Christ
32:34 being proclaimed around the world.
32:37 And that is our Sabbath School lesson today:
32:40 the second coming. We couldn't have planned this better
32:44 if we'd have been planning it ourselves!
32:47 Looked down, they told me... They said: "You've got to teach
32:50 that class. " And I said: "All right. What is it? "
32:55 And when I turned and saw "The second coming"
32:57 I said: "Praise the Lord! Thank you, Lord. " That's not...
33:01 I don't think that's accidental.
33:03 I think the Lord put it there.
33:05 We have a panel. I'm going to invite them to come
33:08 and be with us. And Mollie Steenson, our general manager.
33:13 Brian Hamilton is director of finance.
33:16 C.A. Murray, our director of Proclaim!
33:20 And J.D. Quinn,
33:24 who is the director of pastoral ministries.
33:27 And our director of new programming Shelley Quinn.
33:31 And several of these are speakers also on 3ABN.
33:37 Now: our memory verse for today.
33:40 You remember when you used to go to Sabbath School
33:42 and they'd make you say the memory verse?
33:45 Some of you remember that.
33:47 Boy, if there was anything I had to remember it was that.
33:51 Sometimes in the car mother is making me go over that
33:54 memory verse, you know.
33:56 "Do you know your memory verse? " - well... and I
33:58 would start to say it. One of the first that I remembered
34:02 is the memory verse for today.
34:06 And I'm going to ask you to say it in the King James version
34:08 all right? 'Cause that's how I learned it.
34:12 Not that much different in the New King James,
34:15 but it just rolls out easier for me in the old King James.
34:20 Let's say it together: "Let not your heart
34:24 be troubled. Ye believe in God...
34:27 believe also in Me.
34:30 In My Father's house are many mansions.
34:34 If it were not so, I would have told you.
34:39 I go to prepare a place for you
34:43 and if I go and prepare a place for you
34:47 I will come again
34:51 to receive you unto Myself
34:54 that where I am
34:57 there you may be also. " Amen!
35:01 You switched over to the New King James.
35:05 All right. Well listen,
35:08 I really believe that text, don't you?
35:13 Amen! He says "I'm coming again. "
35:15 You know something? Either He's going to come again
35:18 or you can't believe anything else that He says, right?
35:23 And we believe everything that He says
35:26 so we accept the promise He's coming again.
35:31 And we've got a great panel here today,
35:35 and what I'm going to do is move along to each one of them
35:39 and ask them the question. And then the others can chip in
35:42 if they wish. And we'll try to get down to each one
35:46 before it's over. Mollie, going to start with you.
35:49 You know, He promised that He's gonna come back.
35:52 Now, what does that mean to you? This promise?
35:56 Well here in John 14:1-3 He says
36:00 "I will come again, " but the Greek promise for
36:05 I will come again is in the present tense, emphasizing
36:09 certainty. Don't you like that word certainty?
36:12 It could have literally been translated "I am coming again. "
36:17 How many of you believe that the promises that
36:20 Jesus makes He will keep?
36:22 Now I'm thinking of other promises that Jesus has made
36:26 in the Bible that will give us the foundation or the precedent
36:30 for believing that if He makes a promise He's going to keep
36:34 that promise. Remember Jairus' daughter?
36:37 What was her condition when Jesus was called to her?
36:41 Remember what her condition was?
36:44 She was dead.
36:45 But what did Jesus say to Jairus as father?
36:49 "She'll be well. " And was she well?
36:53 Did He raise her up? A condition that you look at it
36:56 from a human perspective that was a hopeless situation,
37:00 was it not? Yes. But did Jesus fulfill His promise?
37:03 Did He tell His disciples that on the third day I will
37:06 rise again? And did He come up out of that grave?
37:10 Again, humanly thinking, is that a possibility? No!
37:14 But if Jesus makes the promise, it's going to happen.
37:17 He said He would send the Holy Spirit.
37:19 Did the Holy Spirit come right on time?
37:21 How many of you received the Holy Spirit?
37:23 Is He still giving His Holy Spirit - Amen! - to His people?
37:26 See, without this promise we would be of all people
37:29 I think most miserable.
37:32 But we've got this promise.
37:33 If it wasn't for this promise do you realize that
37:37 His incarnation - His first coming -
37:39 would have no meaning. His resurrection from the dead
37:43 wouldn't have any meaning. What gives it all meaning,
37:47 what makes everything all applicable to us
37:51 and gives us such hope... Do we have hope?
37:53 We have such hope! It's because we know that
37:57 He's coming again. And if He comes again
38:00 He's going to fulfill all of those promises that He's given
38:03 us, Pastor Jim, in His Word.
38:06 Well, you know, isn't that fantastic?
38:08 I had never tied that promise
38:11 together with those other promises, Mollie.
38:14 That I feel is a beautiful beautiful and unique thought.
38:19 That because He's promised all those other things
38:22 that we see took place
38:24 we can have the assurance that He is coming back again.
38:29 Yes... amen. He IS coming back again.
38:32 Now Brian, we've got the next question which was
38:35 Monday's lesson: why is He coming? The purpose
38:39 of His... of His return. What is the real reason
38:43 He's coming back? Well, our study guide gave four reasons.
38:48 All right. One of them has to do with reward.
38:52 And when you think of reward you have to ask yourself
38:55 "Who's going to get the reward? "
38:57 "What is the reward? "
39:00 And "When is it determined that the reward... who gets
39:04 whatever reward? " The second item that the lesson
39:08 touched on was the idea of injustice.
39:11 We live in a world with a lot of injustice.
39:16 We've all been treated or had situations happen to us
39:20 in our lives that were not just.
39:23 When are the injustices going to be made right?
39:27 Part of the second coming - the purpose of the second coming -
39:30 is to begin that process of righting injustices. OK?
39:37 Third, this earth is... I would describe it
39:43 as the only federal penitentiary in all of the universe.
39:49 God has one penitentiary, sadly, in His universe.
39:54 It's not like us here on earth that have many, many
39:58 prisons and jails and penitentiaries.
40:00 He has one. And sadly to speak
40:04 that one penitentiary has a place of solitary
40:08 confinement. It's called the prison house of death.
40:13 Isn't that true?
40:14 All right. One place of solitary confinement.
40:17 Everybody that goes into solitary confinement
40:20 there is a person - a being - who intends that we would
40:25 never come out of it. We would stay in that solitary
40:28 confinement by ourself in darkness forever.
40:33 That's his intention.
40:35 We're talking about Satan.
40:36 But Jesus it says has the keys - Amen! - to the grave
40:42 and to death.
40:44 And part of the reason of the second coming,
40:46 Jim, is to open that place of solitary confinement
40:51 and open that prison house - that penitentiary.
40:54 Open the doors and let all of us inmates out.
40:59 That's a good hope for us.
41:01 And the last thing that it mentioned is -
41:07 and this touches on Mollie's particular point -
41:11 Jesus made a promise, and His promise was that
41:14 He was going to come and get us and take us
41:18 at least for a period to His home... His home.
41:23 But you know, as wonderful as that is
41:26 as I was thinking about this, Jim, that really isn't our home.
41:32 You see, this is our home.
41:34 I mean, this is where we were born.
41:36 This is where we fought our struggles.
41:40 This is where we gain our victories.
41:42 This planet is really our home.
41:46 And if you study the subject of homecoming further,
41:49 God says: "Yeah, I understand.
41:53 I'm going to move My home to be where your home was
41:58 and that's going to be our eternal home. "
42:01 Wow! What a thought.
42:03 What a thought: that He would bring heaven here!
42:08 And sometimes we forget the fact that
42:11 this whole sin problem didn't get started here.
42:14 It got started there.
42:16 And God... He's not responsible for sin.
42:20 The devil is. But He took the penalty,
42:24 He took the responsibility for it,
42:28 though it was not His responsibility
42:30 and gave His Son who volunteered. The Bible says
42:34 "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. "
42:38 We talked about the blood yesterday.
42:41 And you know something? It's not accidental.
42:43 From the foundation of the world it was planned
42:48 that He would come to redeem us.
42:50 And then He's going to move His throne here!
42:54 Wow! I mean that is really... That's a great thought.
42:58 Now a lot of people are all upset, mixed up
43:02 and concerned about how He's going to come back.
43:06 Because there are different kinds of teachings
43:09 about how Jesus will return.
43:11 And one has been very prominent in recent years.
43:17 But C.A., tell me: how will Jesus come back?
43:21 Does the Bible really clearly tell us?
43:23 The Bible is more than plain, more than clear,
43:26 on how Christ is going to return.
43:28 There are really three general options:
43:32 one... you die and go to Him,
43:36 and you go to Him immediately.
43:38 Well, Revelation 22:20 says: "Behold I am coming quickly
43:41 and My reward is with Me. "
43:43 So if the first option is true then Christ is wasting gas
43:47 because He's coming back for people that are already there.
43:49 So we know that's not true.
43:52 Amen! So then there are two other options:
43:54 one... He's going to slip in and take some people with Him
43:58 or He's going to come back and every eye will see Him
44:02 and everyone will know it.
44:03 OR! Some will slip out and we won't even know it.
44:07 So we need to deal with that.
44:09 We need to deal with the idea that either they're going to be
44:12 raptured or not. Either Christ is coming back publicly or not.
44:17 Now, if you listen to Harold Camping and some of these people
44:20 He's already come back several times
44:23 and nobody's known it.
44:24 So that cannot be an answer.
44:27 The problem comes when you half-read, Jim, a text.
44:31 If the Bible says He's coming as a thief as it does in
44:36 II Peter 3 and you stop there you get one opinion.
44:40 But if you continue to read that verse it says that
44:43 He's coming with a great noise.
44:45 If you read I Thessalonians 4:16 "Behold the Lord shall descend
44:49 from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel
44:53 and the trumpet or trump of God. "
44:55 So the idea that Christ is going to slip in or sneak in
45:00 or slide in unnoticed is not Biblical.
45:04 Even if you go to Matthew chapter 24
45:07 and the Bible talks about two being in a field,
45:09 one taken the other left.
45:10 Still, there is this idea of a great noise.
45:13 Now I'll say this real quick: several years ago
45:15 I came home from a funeral. My front door was open
45:17 and I am told I was being burglarized.
45:21 As I was coming in the house the young lady was coming out
45:24 of the house with the last of my possessions.
45:26 TV... gone. Microwave... gone.
45:28 Even my cologne from the dresser was gone.
45:30 Everything was gone.
45:32 I was being burglarized.
45:34 Now those thieves did not give me advance notice
45:37 of their coming or I'd have stayed home.
45:40 Right. They did not announce it.
45:42 So for me I was unprepared.
45:44 God wants us to be prepared for the greatest event
45:48 in the history of this world, and that is the redemption
45:51 of the saints of Christ. So Christ wants us to be very
45:54 very plain and very very sure about what is going to happen
45:58 and how it's going to happen.
46:00 The Bible says: "Christ shall come to get His own
46:03 and bring His reward at that time, and so
46:06 shall we ever be with the Lord. " Amen!
46:11 Wow! Well listen... now there's a big
46:15 movie that's coming out and books that have been written
46:20 about being left behind. And you mean there is
46:25 real adequate Biblical evidence that this is not the case?
46:30 More than adequate Biblical evidence. And by the way,
46:33 ladies and gentlemen, if you want to by a Left Behind book
46:37 you've got to go to the fiction section
46:42 of the library because it is FICTION!
46:46 It is not fact, it is not Biblical fact,
46:49 it is fiction. So you put it in the same category
46:53 as you put any other Hollywood movie,
46:55 Godzilla, or anything else:
46:57 because it's all fiction.
47:01 The Bible is the truth, the whole truth,
47:04 and nothing but the truth.
47:07 Well let me ask the panel - any of you here -
47:10 why didn't God just make this so clear
47:13 like 1, 2, 3, 4 so that there would be no misunderstanding
47:19 about how these things take place?
47:23 Help me out! See, to me, it is as clear as 1, 2, 3, 4.
47:27 Amen. I mean, it's something... and I'm speaking as someone
47:31 who has read the whole Left Behind series because
47:34 I came out of a church that believed that.
47:37 And when I began really studying... even before
47:42 watching 3ABN... the Lord showed me in His Word
47:46 the truth about death... the truth about hell
47:49 as you're studying in the Greek... and then all of these
47:53 questions that I'd had about the Left Behind
47:56 suddenly made sense. You know the Bible says in
47:59 Matthew 24 that He's coming like lightning.
48:02 It's just going to be SO visible.
48:04 And He's going to come, the Bible says,
48:07 with flaming vengeance for the wicked.
48:10 He says in II Thessalonians 1:7-10
48:14 He is coming to not just... He's going to be revealed
48:18 with mighty angels in flaming fire
48:22 to take vengeance on those that do not keep His will.
48:28 Acts 1:5-11 says that He's going to... when He was going
48:33 up, His first ascension, the angel said:
48:37 "He is coming back in the very same manner. "
48:40 And throughout the Bible it doesn't matter where we look
48:45 the Bible tells that it's going to be a loud event.
48:48 It's going to be a visible event.
48:51 That every eye shall see Him.
48:54 And I don't know how much more clear God could have made it.
48:58 Jim, I've got to agree with Shelley.
49:00 This one is pretty plain. If you're reading the Word of God
49:03 and your eyes are open and you're listening...
49:05 The challenge is: you've got to read the Word of God
49:09 because if anyone trumpets any doctrine loud enough
49:12 or long enough, you're going to get followers
49:14 in this day and age. If you put it on the Internet,
49:17 some people are going to buy it.
49:18 But you've got to compare scripture with scripture
49:20 and you've got to stay in the Word of God
49:23 so that you will not be deceived. Yeah.
49:25 Satan wants you to be deceived
49:27 but truth is here. And if you read truth
49:29 and you go with prayer, God will explain truth to you
49:33 and you will understand.
49:34 Somebody else? Brian.
49:36 Two things come to my mind really quick.
49:39 One is when we've been taught something
49:42 from our youngest years, we hang onto that tenaciously
49:47 because it unsettles us to give that up.
49:50 OK. So that's one reason why error is perpetrated
49:55 is because of our unwillingness to give something up that
49:58 we have believed from our youngest years.
50:02 But secondly, and this is the thing I find as I'm working
50:06 in prisons either there is...
50:10 We don't usually survey the whole scripture on a subject.
50:14 We often just pick 2 or 3 verses here and there.
50:18 And it's kind of like you give up the ton of evidence
50:23 for a pound of uncertainty. Um-hmm.
50:27 That's what I see happening in the world today.
50:29 And there's a ton of evidence. So in other words,
50:31 what we're looking at is "doctrine by exception. "
50:34 Yes. You've got... like Pastor Doug was talking about
50:38 the other night with a question and answer...
50:40 all these hundreds of texts that say something very clearly
50:44 and one or two texts that kind of, you'd say
50:48 "Well, what is that really saying? "
50:50 and you don't interpret them with that great amount
50:53 of evidence. You try to interpret them by themselves
50:56 and so it leads to that kind of a "misunderstanding"
51:00 of a teaching. There's another historical reason
51:04 on the rapture, and you know that this goes back
51:07 to an interpretation that the church of Rome
51:12 wanted to make sure that we understood
51:15 to change the outcome of what the prophecy really says.
51:20 Didn't want to go into that whole Alcazar thing, but I
51:24 wanted to say this: I have a friend. He's dead now.
51:27 He was the associate district attorney for Manhattan County.
51:30 He, his wife, and three children died in that Waco fire
51:33 several years ago. This was an intelligent person.
51:36 So understanding the Word of God has nothing to do with
51:39 your degrees, your intelligence,
51:41 how smart you are, how far you've gone in school.
51:43 It has to do with opening up your mind
51:45 to the will and way of God
51:47 and surrendering yourself to the will of God.
51:50 The Bible says: "If possible... IF POSSIBLE
51:52 the very elect would be deceived. "
51:54 But they will not because they will have studied
51:57 the Word of God. So it behooves each of us
52:00 to study the Word of God for ourselves
52:03 and know the Word of God for ourselves.
52:04 Mollie. You know, talking about believing things that you were
52:09 taught from early on, I was taught in the secret rapture.
52:13 Have any of you ever heard of the secret rapture?
52:16 I think I saw a movie years ago when Hal and I were in Florida
52:20 and like the captain of the plane would just be gone.
52:24 And you know, people would just... all of a sudden they
52:27 weren't there. Just secretly they had left.
52:30 And... But then I read I Thessalonians
52:33 and you know that's a very noisy book.
52:36 A lot of shouting and trumpets and things going on.
52:40 And in thinking about this you know, when Jesus came
52:43 the first time it was very quietly, was it not?
52:47 But boy, when He comes the second time
52:50 He's going to come as the King of kings and the Lord of lords
52:53 and there's not going to be any question of His coming.
52:56 You know, Shelley mentioned it.
52:57 It likens... the Bible likens to Him coming
53:00 as lightning. And you know you can't hide lightning.
53:03 Everybody sees the lightning.
53:05 And so He doesn't want to... for us not to know.
53:10 He doesn't want us to be deceived. He wants us
53:12 to know that He's coming, and He's coming to receive us
53:15 unto Himself. Now somebody says: "But look,
53:17 OK, so He's coming. We're going to know when He gets here
53:21 no matter what it is. What danger would there be
53:25 in believing in a secret return? " Shelley?
53:29 Well, let me say this thought first. I think that ties in
53:33 to it. What Mollie said just kind of launched this in me.
53:37 People used to ask me: "Are you pre-trib, mid-trib,
53:41 or post-trib? " In other words,
53:43 Do you think that you're going to heaven before the
53:46 tribulation? In the middle of the tribulation?
53:48 Which is what some... Or after the tribulation?
53:51 And I used to say: "It doesn't matter!
53:54 Just as long as I go. "
53:56 But what Mollie said about Christ's first coming
53:59 when He came so quietly
54:02 see, the Jewish nation missed the coming
54:07 of the Messiah because they had the wrong idea
54:13 of His coming. They expected Him to come in as a king.
54:18 I believe that we will miss the coming of the Messiah
54:22 if we don't understand that it's not a secret rapture.
54:27 We've got to be prepared to go through the tribulation
54:30 knowing that He will keep His... He will bring us
54:36 in like chickens... little chicks under His wing
54:38 and protect us. But if we don't understand
54:42 His second coming we'll be just like the Jewish nation
54:46 missing the first coming. But Shelley,
54:48 we won't miss it but we might not be prepared for it.
54:52 We're all going to see it, but...
54:56 Let me just give a little personal testimony here.
54:59 I think this fits in here. I was raised a SDA.
55:03 I went through our schools.
55:06 Was very well grounded, and then I don't know exactly
55:11 what happened, but then I found myself evolving from the church.
55:15 And that's a good word: evolving
55:18 because you just kind of erode into the background
55:22 somehow or the other.
55:23 And so then I find myself really not believing in anything
55:27 but yet believing in error... in all.
55:30 It's very confusing.
55:32 And then I met Shelley, and it was very important to Shelley
55:35 that she dated a Christian young man.
55:37 Well, I looked at Shelley.
55:39 "Well, I can be a good Christian young man. "
55:45 And so I bought into that, and I started going to church
55:48 with her. And at this time
55:52 I was more in years and I was more mature
55:55 and I wanted what she had
55:59 because she was very sincere.
56:03 I wanted it. And as we're going to the different churches
56:08 I tried... I tried hard to understand.
56:13 But oh, my goodness, my brothers and sisters,
56:16 that good seed that had been planted early in my life
56:22 would not let go. Amen! And something just wasn't right.
56:27 The rapture just didn't make any sense.
56:31 Not that I could explain the other perfectly
56:34 but enough good seed had been planted
56:37 that the Holy Spirit knew how to work in my heart.
56:40 And I think there's many people that grew up in the church
56:43 and evolved out of the church
56:45 and now are beginning to come back into the church.
56:48 So anyway, what I wanted to say is that if you do
56:53 want to know more "present day truth"
56:57 the thing that I didn't realize is just say "Holy Spirit, help
57:01 me. Let these things make some sense to me.
57:06 Let me be able to connect the dots. "
57:08 And I'll guarantee you, if it's a spiritual issue
57:11 God always answers. Amen.
57:16 You know, we have a real varied example here
57:20 of people who have received the truth of the three angels'
57:25 messages. I'm going to start with Mollie.
57:29 Mollie did... She was a member of another congregation.
57:33 Another group. She and her husband actually were pastors
57:37 of a charismatic church.
57:39 Now, for them to make a change
57:44 and begin to understand what the Bible teaches on these
57:48 subjects and to step out from that, folks,
57:52 you weigh that for a minute. Yes!
57:55 Some of us could not even go against our families
57:59 if it was what they were going to have for dinner
58:01 on Sabbath, you know what I mean?
58:03 And... or we couldn't stand up against things like that.
58:07 They were standing up, and this is a congregation
58:12 that they are a part of and leading and pastors.
58:16 And they could go to another congregation
58:18 even if things didn't particularly work out there.
58:21 So now we have this example.
58:23 Now Brian was raised by missionary parents:
58:28 people who loved the Lord.
58:30 But you know there came a time in his life
58:33 where he had to make his own decision as well.
58:36 But here's Brian, and he had that fortunate experience
58:42 of being raised in the church, staying in the church
58:45 all of his particular life.
58:47 Wonderful! I absolutely...
58:51 This is just another example. I am giving every example.
58:55 This is a guy who at 7 I think it was...
58:59 His folks were not members of this church or maybe any
59:03 church, and then a neighbor says "Would you like to go to
59:07 Sabbath School with us? " Aren't you glad they did that?
59:12 Amen! And they took little Clement...
59:15 What's your middle name?
59:22 to Sabbath School with them.
59:26 Listen... this guy has got...
59:29 This man's got quite a story. God has really led him through.
59:34 You know that we were talking about a little two-year-old
59:38 or three-year-old, whatever- reading Braille.
59:40 His first reading was Braille, folks.
59:43 And God gave him eyes. Were you about 7 or 8 when
59:48 He gave? He was 10 years old before he was sighted,
59:54 all right? And the devil keeps trying to take
59:57 that eyesight away. Please put him high on your
01:00:00 prayer list. We love this guy. He is so much a part of this
01:00:05 ministry and of our lives.
01:00:07 Please put him high on your list.
01:00:10 Now this is another example. This one... he had the message.
01:00:15 He went away from it
01:00:17 but the promise was always there: "If you raise up a child
01:00:21 in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart
01:00:25 from it. " And then there's this one who
01:00:30 again - particularly like these two -
01:00:35 stands up against family, friends. People thought
01:00:40 "She's absolutely lost her mind. "
01:00:43 She had even a teaching ministry in another denomination
01:00:48 but when she found the truth
01:00:51 she said: "I've got to follow it. "
01:00:54 Not long ago my wife... We were at a funeral
01:00:58 and there were some loving, kind, wonderful people there.
01:01:02 And some of them completely totally believe
01:01:07 the message of the three angels
01:01:10 but they're so caught up in family...
01:01:15 just the ritual of going to church at a certain time
01:01:21 in a certain place on a certain day.
01:01:24 Eating certain things for Sunday dinner.
01:01:29 And the ritual of family is so strong
01:01:35 that they're not willing to pull away.
01:01:37 There may be some of you watching by television today.
01:01:40 You know the truth. My friend, I ask you
01:01:45 please have the courage to stand out.
01:01:48 Like... we see a group here that is just very reflective
01:01:53 of the opportunities, the chances... the backgrounds
01:01:59 of individuals and then the opportunity and how we address
01:02:04 truth. There's some of you that have gone all the way through
01:02:07 our schools like Brian but you have slipped away.
01:02:10 You have gotten cold.
01:02:13 Brian didn't get cold... praise the Lord!
01:02:16 But you need to come back.
01:02:20 You at home right now. You're watching on television
01:02:23 and you're thinking: "You know, I... the time of the end is
01:02:27 coming. Jesus is coming again -
01:02:31 Amen - and I must be ready. "
01:02:36 Whatever you do, my friend, please do get ready.
01:02:40 Now J.D. A lot of people are wondering.
01:02:44 We talk about Christ coming back. We talk about the manner
01:02:47 of His coming. And I remember that
01:02:52 you talk about the manner... Hal Lindsey at least 7 different
01:02:57 times gave us dates when He was going to come.
01:03:00 And Harold Camping has done the same thing
01:03:03 a couple of times.
01:03:04 Way back in our history it was not a Seventh-day Adventist...
01:03:09 William Miller was a Baptist lay preacher.
01:03:13 People sometimes say: "Well, he was a Seventh... "
01:03:15 No, he was not. He never kept the Sabbath.
01:03:17 He was a Baptist lay preacher.
01:03:20 He had the truth that Jesus is coming again
01:03:24 that had been lost sight of.
01:03:27 But he was just really wrong on this deal of when,
01:03:33 and he thought he could figure out
01:03:34 exactly when Christ was coming.
01:03:37 When IS He coming, J.D.?
01:03:40 Well I can tell you that it does make big news.
01:03:45 Yes, you can get your name in the newspaper and everything
01:03:49 if you truly think that you have the right date.
01:03:53 It does make the front page.
01:03:55 It also makes the front page the following day.
01:04:07 And as Christ is sitting there after the Lord's Supper and
01:04:12 He's talking to His disciples. And He certainly had their
01:04:14 attention because they're going to a place now
01:04:17 that they haven't really gone before, and that is
01:04:20 "What's going to happen to You, Jesus, whenever You go away? "
01:04:24 And He's sitting there and He says as they're looking
01:04:27 over Jerusalem. Here's the Mount of Olives.
01:04:31 And it's a little hill over here and then goes a little valley
01:04:35 and then here's Jerusalem and there's the temple there.
01:04:38 And I mean... If you have an opportunity to go, please go.
01:04:42 They've got stone there that's running the length of this room
01:04:45 here. How in the world they ever got one stone
01:04:48 that big and put it in place much well thousands of stones
01:04:52 like that. And as they're looking there upon Jerusalem,
01:04:57 that mighty, mighty temple, He says: "This is going to be
01:05:00 thrown down. " And they just cannot believe that.
01:05:08 And sure enough, in AD 70 it was thrown down.
01:05:13 This caught my attention because I was thinking about...
01:05:17 I was thinking about this: how in the world
01:05:21 can some man come in and pull and tear this temple down
01:05:27 when you've got stones that weigh tons upon tons
01:05:32 upon tons. And then in manuscripts in 1906
01:05:36 Mrs. White wrote this. Please listen to this because
01:05:39 this brings a big period
01:05:43 of what God can do at His time.
01:05:46 "Fate of the temple in Jerusalem: that magnificent
01:05:49 structure fell. Angels of God were sent to
01:05:54 do the work of destruction
01:05:56 so that no one stone was left upon another
01:06:00 that was not thrown down. "
01:06:02 It was time. It was prophesied
01:06:06 in AD 70 that this would come down.
01:06:08 The angels assisted at that time.
01:06:12 But now the angels are wondering themselves
01:06:15 "When are You going to get Your people? "
01:06:21 Nobody knows. Very simple.
01:06:24 Amen. Nobody knows. No. All right... thank you.
01:06:27 Now... But the last part of our lesson
01:06:30 gives us a command to what?
01:06:34 To watch and be ready. Thursday's lesson
01:06:37 uses a quote of Jesus from Matthew chapter 25
01:06:42 verses 42 and 44.
01:06:45 He says: "Watch therefore for you do not know
01:06:48 what hour your Lord is coming.
01:06:50 Therefore you also be ready for the Son of Man is coming
01:06:54 in an hour that you do not know. "
01:06:57 You know, when we think about this James tells us
01:07:01 that we must exercise patience.
01:07:04 And just like the farmer who plants the seed
01:07:07 and there's the early rain and the latter rain
01:07:10 but he says: "You also be patient.
01:07:13 Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord
01:07:17 is at hand. Behold, the Judge is standing at the door...
01:07:21 even at the door. "
01:07:24 We must have hearts that
01:07:28 are plowed up so that when the latter rain comes
01:07:32 we will be able to soak it in.
01:07:37 We know that Jesus said He's coming as a thief,
01:07:40 but Paul wrote to the Thessalonians
01:07:42 in I Thessalonians 5 beginning with verse 1
01:07:46 he said: "Concerning the times and seasons, brethren,
01:07:49 you have no need that I should write to you
01:07:52 for you yourselves know perfectly well
01:07:54 that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
01:07:58 For when they say 'peace and safety'
01:08:01 then sudden destruction comes upon them
01:08:04 as labor pains upon a pregnant woman
01:08:07 and they shall not escape. "
01:08:09 But then listen to what he says to the believer:
01:08:13 "But you brethren are not in darkness
01:08:17 so that this day should overtake you as a thief. "
01:08:21 We are to watch and be ready.
01:08:25 Jesus told the church of Sardis in Revelation 3
01:08:29 that they needed to repent, to turn around,
01:08:33 to watch, or else He would come upon them as a thief.
01:08:37 And we must understand this: don't be frightened
01:08:43 by it because it's the most joyous event in the world.
01:08:47 But the Bible also promises
01:08:51 that God is the One who is going to make us ready.
01:08:55 I Corinthians 1:4-9
01:09:00 says that as we: "Eagerly await the revelation of our Lord
01:09:05 Jesus Christ who will also confirm us to the end
01:09:11 so that we may be blameless in the day of our Lord. "
01:09:15 It is God Paul told the Thessalonians
01:09:19 in I Thessalonians 5:23-24...
01:09:22 He said: "May the God of peace Himself
01:09:26 sanctify you completely
01:09:29 and make your whole spirit, soul, and body
01:09:31 preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord and Savior
01:09:35 Jesus Christ. He who calls you
01:09:39 is faithful and He will also do it. "
01:09:42 So the imperative is we are to watch and to be ready.
01:09:46 What it means to be ready is that we have to surrender
01:09:51 control of our life to the Lord
01:09:53 and receive His Holy Spirit.
01:09:57 And as we receive the Spirit
01:09:59 God works in us and He's the One that makes us blameless.
01:10:03 Amen! Amen! Well listen, even when error is taught
01:10:09 God turns it for good
01:10:12 because the emphasis upon some of these teachings
01:10:16 have focused people on the fact that He is coming again.
01:10:19 And if they're really seeking truth
01:10:22 they are going to find it.
01:10:25 I want to thank our panel for each one of these
01:10:29 thoughts that they have presented to us.
01:10:31 Jesus is coming again. Let's stand and sing
01:10:36 Lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring.
01:10:44 Lift up the trumpet
01:10:46 and loud let it ring:
01:10:50 Jesus is coming again!
01:10:55 Cheer up, ye pilgrims... be joyful and sing:
01:11:01 Jesus is coming again!
01:11:07 Coming again!
01:11:11 Coming again!
01:11:14 Jesus is coming again!
01:11:20 Let's sing that verse again.
01:12:02 Father God, as we come now to the close of this
01:12:05 service and prepare our hearts for worship
01:12:07 we ask that You may prepare our souls
01:12:11 for eternal habitation with Thee.
01:12:14 You have made the salvation process
01:12:18 awfully simple: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
01:12:22 and you will be saved. "
01:12:25 It's awfully simple, Lord,
01:12:28 but if we neglect salvation
01:12:31 it's simply awful.


Revised 2015-09-21