3ABN Homecoming 2014

The Storm of Galilee

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley & Danny Shelton (Host), Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: 14HC

Program Code: 14HC000009

00:51 Well, we're having a wonderful time.
00:54 We really are. And Danny, I will tell you that
01:00 I was blessed by the music we just had so much.
01:03 Absolutely. And to know all of these folk, that they love Jesus
01:06 and it's not a game for them... it's not an entertainment deal,
01:10 they just love the Lord. None of them ask for a dime.
01:12 When they come out here they don't ask for a penny.
01:14 No. We call them, they'll say: "We'll be happy to come" -
01:17 that's right - "and minister. "
01:18 That's right. So we're just so thankful for that.
01:21 Amen. And I got a text message from Don Jacobsen and he and
01:24 Ruthie are watching on their iPhones in a motel out...
01:28 They've got a speaking appointment this weekend
01:31 but they were telling me how much they were enjoying
01:34 the music. They said they were really blessed
01:37 by the music, We'll, we're going to have some more music
01:40 in a minute. We are in just a moment
01:42 we're going to have Yvonne Lewis, but our speaker
01:45 tonight is Pastor Doug Batchelor, an author,
01:48 an evangelist. And we've known Doug for a long time -
01:52 yes - and in fact I think it was 1997 was the first time
01:57 he came to 3ABN. We did a satellite program with him -
02:02 um-hmm - and I remember that. And then we've been doing them
02:05 almost every year since. We've... for many, many years.
02:07 And that first one we were in the little Boss Auditorium
02:10 over at the other building over here.
02:12 Wasn't very big. But we had... People at home had all the
02:17 literature so we had home churches. Everybody get in your
02:20 churches, invite your neighbors.
02:22 And I think Doug can tell us
02:24 there was between 5,000 and 6,000 baptisms
02:26 so we said: "You know what? Satellite evangelism works" -
02:30 It does work - and we're going to keep doing it till the Lord
02:32 comes - yes - or till He tells us to stop. " And I don't think
02:35 He ever will 'cause He said: "Go ye into all the world. "
02:37 You know, an amazing thing: when you look at the way that
02:40 membership of God's remnant church has exploded
02:44 it's done so since 1984.
02:47 And television, the media... When people see this message
02:53 you see it's like one of the television speakers was telling
02:56 me - radio and television - not long ago he said:
02:59 "I've got 30 minutes a week, " but he said: "3ABN has 24/7
03:05 that the message is going into homes. "
03:08 You see the difference in that, folks:
03:10 it's not just one time a week with a big bright light all of
03:14 a sudden and when people might be asleep or they might be
03:18 gone to church themselves
03:19 but we are there when they are ready to watch.
03:22 And now we've got 3ABN and 3ABN Latino.
03:26 We've got Dare to Dream, Proclaim!, Children's Network,
03:31 the Russian Network. All that's on the app. If you don't
03:34 have the app, get the app.
03:37 You know, when I'm on the plane I like to share the app
03:40 with whoever is trapped next to me.
03:43 And... and I also give them a card.
03:48 I give them one of my cards which tells how to watch 3ABN
03:52 and so they know who they're talking to.
03:56 And Camille told me... she said: "One of these days
03:59 one of them's going to call you and they're going to say
04:03 'I've been watching, I've made my decision for Jesus,
04:06 and I've been baptized. ' "
04:08 And I'm waiting to hear from that person... I really am.
04:11 It's going to happen. And all we do is plant the seed.
04:13 That's it! The Holy Spirit nurtures it.
04:15 1984 there was not one Seventh-day Adventist television
04:19 station on planet earth. Did ya'll know that? Right.
04:22 Not one. In November when we started there was not one
04:25 television station giving the three angels' messages
04:29 24/7 on planet earth.
04:32 Since then, look what God has done.
04:34 Our church membership in 1984 was around 5-1/2 to 6 million.
04:38 Now we're up around 20 million.
04:40 Somebody said: "Are ya'll taking credit for all that? "
04:42 No, we give God the glory. But it's not just 3ABN.
04:46 Because of 3ABN, many many other ministries said:
04:49 "Well if they can do it we can do it! "
04:51 So other people started going out. You have Hope Channel
04:53 and you have all kinds of channels. It took them 15 years
04:56 before they caught on, but that's all right, you know.
04:59 Well, they got there eventually - that's all right.
05:01 They eventually did it. But the spread of the gospel
05:03 has been amazing and the church membership 20+ million
05:09 right - I'm told now, growing every day around the world.
05:12 And 3ABN has the privilege of reaching people literally
05:16 all over the world. Anywhere on planet earth
05:20 just about on every continent if you want to watch 3ABN
05:23 you can. And everywhere I go now
05:26 we just... we run into not one, not two, but dozens of people
05:31 in the churches that tell us -
05:34 and these are recent converts - that tell us: "We found Jesus
05:39 through 3ABN. " And Camille and I were two weeks ago
05:43 in Takoma Park. A very nice lady comes up
05:46 and one of the gentlemen there said: "You want to talk to this
05:49 lady. She was recently baptized. Did not know anything about
05:54 this message until she saw 3ABN. "
05:57 And so we had a nice interview with her.
06:00 And God is just blessing everywhere with this message.
06:05 And we couldn't do it without each and every one of you.
06:07 Thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support
06:10 of 3ABN. And those of you at home watching from all
06:14 around the world, thank you for what you do
06:16 for the cause of God. Now it gives me great privilege
06:18 to introduce - and we give God the credit - but one of the...
06:23 the greatest singers I've ever met: Miss Yvonne Lewis,
06:26 who is in charge, general manager of Dare to Dream.
06:29 I thought it was interesting that... I think we mentioned
06:34 it last night... but with the iPhone 6
06:38 they have a new commercial out with Verizon. It's going to
06:42 be on every - it is! - on every radio station, every television
06:45 station in America, and guess who's singing on that?
06:48 Well I have no idea. Miss Yvonne Lewis!
06:51 So, ging, ging, ging... I think she's hearing that
06:54 cash register... She's committed it all to Dare to Dream.
06:58 I was going to say I am making donations to Dare to Dream.
07:00 Praise the Lord! Amen! Yvonne, thank you for what you
07:03 do for the cause of God and for your ministry.
07:06 And the next voice you'll hear after this
07:08 is Pastor Doug Batchelor. Amen!
07:36 On Christ the solid Rock
07:40 I stand,
07:43 All other ground is sinking sand,
07:49 All other ground is
07:53 sinking sand.
08:02 My hope is built on nothing less
08:07 Than Jesus blood and righteousness;
08:13 I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
08:18 But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
08:24 On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
08:28 All other ground is sinking sand,
08:33 All other ground is sinking sand.
08:45 When darkness veils His lovely face,
08:50 I rest on His unchanging grace;
08:57 In ev'ry high and stormy gale,
09:02 My anchor holds within the veil.
09:07 On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
09:11 All other ground is sinking sand,
09:17 All other ground is sinking sand.
09:28 His love
09:32 is with me.
09:36 He then is all my hope and stay!
09:43 When He shall come
09:47 with trumpet sound,
09:49 O may I then in Him be found;
09:55 Dressed in His righteousness alone,
10:01 faultless to stand
10:04 before His throne.
10:11 All other ground is
10:14 sinking sand,
10:17 All other ground is sinking sand.
10:23 On Christ the solid Rock I stand...
10:27 On Christ the solid Rock I stand...
10:31 All other ground
10:34 is sinking sand...
10:37 On Christ the solid Rock
10:42 I stand!
10:57 Amen!
11:04 Thank you so much Yvonne. That was just beautiful!
11:07 That's the message: it's on Christ the Rock.
11:14 We've been talking about in our series this week
11:17 surviving storms. You know, before I get into tonight's
11:21 message I shared with you yesterday that I had some
11:24 interesting news and maybe a picture or two.
11:27 A little more than a week ago I was in Australia
11:30 and while there traveled from coast to coast around the
11:35 country from north to south and met a lot of people.
11:37 Had some wonderful meetings.
11:39 But it was very interesting because not only did I go to
11:43 some of the Aboriginal communities up in the Northwest
11:46 Territory, a place called Derby,
11:48 and brought me out to a community called Mowanjum.
11:52 It's what we would call a reservation, but it's for
11:55 the indigenous people there.
11:57 And I saw these satellite dishes on the homes.
12:00 And I said: "You get Christian television there? "
12:03 They said: "Yeah, we watch ABN. "
12:06 "We watch ABN. "
12:09 And I saw it all... I mean, this is way out in the middle
12:11 of nowhere in the outback.
12:14 And that's part of the reason that we went and did some
12:15 meetings there 'cause we were getting responses that people
12:18 were watching the programs. But the interesting thing is
12:20 then I went to Adelaide. And a man came there and he said...
12:25 Said: "Doug, you could relate. You'd really like our church
12:27 'cause our church is in a cave. "
12:31 And... and I said: "Well what do you mean? "
12:33 He said: "No, I'm serious. "
12:34 And I think they might have a picture that they're going to
12:36 put up there for you. It's a place...
12:38 See that satellite dish there?
12:40 See, there's a dish and then there's a line that goes down
12:43 a pipe. Now I want you to look at what's underneath that
12:46 satellite dish in the next picture here.
12:48 Oh, there's the sign.
12:50 This is the Coober Pedy Seventh-day Adventist church.
12:54 There's a town underneath those mounds out there.
12:57 There's the church, and these are some of your brothers and
13:02 sisters out in the middle of a very desolate area
13:05 of Australia. They have these opal mines
13:07 and it is so much cooler. See? That's the entrance to
13:10 one of the churches right there.
13:12 And they just go in, and it keeps it uniform all year round.
13:16 And so here... out in the middle of nowhere
13:19 in the northwest of central Australia
13:22 the people have their satellite dishes and they're tuning in
13:25 to the programs. I couldn't believe it because
13:28 we went to Sydney. We had thousands of people came to
13:32 the largest church there, the Adventist church Wahroonga.
13:35 And then we went to Adelaide. They said it was the largest
13:38 Adventist gathering in their history.
13:40 And a lot of it is because the people had been watching
13:42 the satellite on 3ABN.
13:44 So anyway, just want you to know that the message is going out
13:47 and exciting things are happening.
13:49 Oh, one more thing that I'd like to share with you or maybe
13:52 two little things. But something very big... very exciting
13:56 is about a year ago... You know, the largest country
14:01 in the world is China. Just go to Wal-Mart
14:04 and look where everything's made.
14:08 And 1.3 billion people, and there's a real challenge
14:12 in doing evangelism in that country because it is still
14:15 technically a Communist country.
14:17 We received... Foreigners have not been allowed to do
14:21 public evangelism in China for 60 years
14:24 and about a year ago - a little less than a year ago -
14:27 we received an invitation to come and to do a public
14:31 evangelistic meeting in a city with 6 million people
14:35 in China. We couldn't say anything about it.
14:38 It took a lot of permits and a lot of talking,
14:41 a lot of meeting with government officials.
14:43 But the Lord blessed and we went. We got all the permits.
14:46 We went last May to Wuxi, China.
14:50 It's outside of Shanghai which is the largest city
14:53 in the world, and we were able to do a public meeting.
14:56 I think we have a few pictures actually.
14:58 This is... We were doing a public meeting.
15:00 It was recorded by people in China. Christians in China.
15:04 And they didn't know if anyone would come.
15:07 They let us meet in the main Sunday church
15:10 in that town, and they brought everybody in.
15:13 And not only were they meeting in the church -
15:14 the church was packed - but I think maybe there's a picture.
15:16 This is outside the church.
15:18 The people were all sitting around the front, around the
15:21 windows, in overflow rooms. And we did a full series...
15:25 well, fifteen meetings. It's the first time
15:27 foreign evangelists have been allowed to do a public meeting
15:30 in China and we are so excited.
15:32 You haven't seen anything in the Review or in the papers yet
15:35 about that because we're just now sort of letting people know
15:38 what happened. But we just praise the Lord
15:42 the work is going forward there. And the neat thing
15:43 was they recorded it.
15:46 Because even though there are several thousand people
15:49 at our meeting, what's that among 1.3 billion?
15:53 But media - as you know - makes a world of difference.
15:56 They will copy that and sell it on the black market
15:59 and spread it all over the place.
16:02 Someone will make a lot of money.
16:04 But that's very very exciting.
16:06 And so pray for the work in China.
16:08 There's just a lot of wonderful Christians there
16:10 and it's still difficult some places to practice your faith
16:13 in China.
16:15 And then the last thing please let me repeat:
16:17 pray for our meetings that are beginning in just about a month.
16:20 October 31 is when we start there in Albuquerque, NM.
16:24 And it's a great cosmopolitan town.
16:27 We have just people... such a wonderful spectrum of people
16:31 in Albuquerque. We're going to be up-linking
16:33 Landmarks of Prophecy. Everybody can participate.
16:36 Danny was talking about when we came here in 1997 and did
16:39 our satellite up-link then and we found that's just such a
16:43 wonderful way to let everybody get involved in evangelism.
16:46 So in your churches if they have no plans for soul winning
16:49 this Fall, consider participating in that meeting.
16:52 It'll be right here on 3ABN
16:54 and you can do it in your home, in your church.
16:57 Well, we're going to get into our study for tonight.
17:00 And just pause with me as we pray again and ask for
17:05 God's presence. Lord, as we direct our attention
17:09 to the sacred words of Jesus
17:11 and the stories that are there to teach us about faith,
17:15 I pray that You will speak to every heart.
17:17 We ask for Your presence here, with those who may be watching
17:21 and just speak to us individually, Lord.
17:24 Help us be more like Jesus.
17:25 Be with me as I share, and I just ultimately pray that
17:29 we hear You speaking to us.
17:31 And it's in Christ's name we ask. Amen.
17:36 Now this series dealing with surviving storms
17:40 I think is very relevant because, for one thing, I think
17:43 our world is facing a major storm.
17:46 I mean, beyond the recent war that we're reading about
17:51 in Syria, there'll be wars and rumors of wars Jesus said
17:53 up until the end. But we go through storms.
17:59 And it seems like if you're going to make it to the kingdom
18:03 that your boat's going to rock somewhere along the way.
18:07 Sometimes it catches you by surprise. Sometimes
18:10 the storms come suddenly
18:12 and they take many forms.
18:15 Storms can be hurricanes. They can be wind, they can be
18:19 rain, they can be lightning, they can be a whirlpool.
18:21 Who knows what it is?
18:23 I heard about a man that was placidly sailing out in the
18:27 Pacific Ocean, and out of nowhere a gray whale breached.
18:32 Didn't know he was there and struck his boat.
18:35 And he ended up in a lifeboat for years.
18:38 It actually killed the whale.
18:40 He ended up in a lifeboat for several weeks
18:43 and just went through just terrible trials.
18:46 Just came out of nowhere... beautiful day as 9/11 was.
18:52 Sometimes a storm will come in the form of a phone call.
18:59 I remember when we were in the Philippines and we got
19:01 a phone call about our oldest son.
19:03 It might come from a lab report from the doctor.
19:07 It might come from a spouse shocking you
19:11 with some unexpected news.
19:14 We all encounter a spectrum of different storms
19:19 that come into our lives.
19:21 And there's a couple of stories in particular -
19:23 I'm hoping I get to them both tonight -
19:25 dealing with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee.
19:29 Two storms. And if you'd turn in your Bibles
19:32 we're going to start out with the storm in Matthew chapter 14
19:37 where... you know the story... Jesus walks on the water.
19:40 Peter gives Him a little bit of company.
19:44 And this picks up... It's interesting... right after
19:46 Pastor Gilley's sermon today about Jesus feeding
19:49 the multitude. That's what's happening earlier
19:51 in chapter 14, but you get to chapter 22.
19:54 After Jesus fed the multitude they thought: "Wow!
19:58 this is the Messiah. He can feed the whole army. "
20:01 And they were ready to make Him a king.
20:04 You'll also find this mentioned in Mark 6 verse 45;
20:07 John 6 verse 14. You compare the different stories.
20:11 Trust me, I am coalescing those three passages.
20:13 In the gospel of John it says they were going to make Him king
20:16 and Jesus said: "No... stop. "
20:18 He broke up everything; He sent the disciples away.
20:21 He dismissed the people; that was not God's plan
20:24 for Jesus to come as a lion. The first time He comes as
20:28 a lamb; a lion He comes the second time.
20:31 First He comes as our sacrifice then He will come
20:34 as conquering King.
20:35 The Jews wanted their Messiah to be their king right then
20:38 and overthrow the Romans.
20:40 So He sent them away. Told the disciples to go across
20:43 the sea to Bethsaida.
20:46 And verse 23: "And when He had sent the multitudes away
20:51 He went up on a mountain by Himself to pray.
20:54 And when evening had come He was there alone.
20:59 But the boat by now was in the middle of the sea. "
21:03 Says in the gospel of John they had rowed about 7 miles.
21:08 It was hard for them to use the sails because they were...
21:11 the wind was going directly towards them.
21:14 Sailboats weren't quite as sophisticated back then where
21:16 you could tack back and forth easily with a jib.
21:19 It was a little more primitive and so they just decided
21:22 to row, and they weren't getting anywhere.
21:27 They're out in the midst of the sea.
21:29 John says it was dark.
21:33 As a matter of fact, it was the darkest part of the night
21:35 and they felt like they were all alone.
21:39 "Tossed by the waves for the wind was contrary. "
21:45 You know, if you're going to be a Christian you've got to go
21:47 against the wind.
21:50 It is not natural to be a Christian.
21:55 It's natural to just be selfish because of our fallen natures.
22:01 If you're going to be a Christian, you have to swim
22:03 against the current.
22:06 You have to learn to love... and you can.
22:10 I remember once Karen and I were at an ASI meeting.
22:13 How many of you have been to these ASI meetings before?
22:15 You know? Big Christian conference. They're wonderful
22:17 experiences. And they dismissed after the church service
22:21 and everybody headed to the cafeteria for lunch.
22:23 And it was in this convention hall where everybody had to just
22:26 form this bottleneck and go up the escalator
22:29 to get to the eating place.
22:33 And I gave Karen an elbow and I said:
22:36 "The down escalator is not being used by anybody
22:41 and the line is going to form up there and I'm hungry. "
22:44 So I said: "I'll save you a place in line. "
22:47 So I took off and I started going up the down...
22:50 It was a long one, too. I start- ed going up the down escalator.
22:53 Praise the Lord I'm in decent shape.
22:56 But you know, if you stand... Here's a test:
22:59 What happens if you stand on the down escalator?
23:01 You go down. What happens if you
23:04 walk up the down escalator?
23:06 You don't really go anywhere.
23:08 How do you get up the down escalator?
23:10 You've gotta move it!
23:13 And so I took off and I was... like that.
23:17 And all these people... they're going up next to me
23:19 and I'm passing them!
23:21 And they're going: "Hey! You're cheating! "
23:23 And I said: "No... I'm just motivated. "
23:27 And then I look back and Karen's behind me in her high heels.
23:31 Here's a physical therapist and so they saw the Batchelors
23:34 going up the down escalator.
23:36 And we made it... but it was hard.
23:40 And that's the way it is in Christian life.
23:42 In our natures something is always pulling us down.
23:46 Billy Sunday was a famous preacher, and he would preach
23:50 very strong sermons against sin... and very animated.
23:54 And after a message one man came out and he said:
23:57 "Pastor Sunday, " he said, "you're just always being so
23:59 hard on everybody for every- thing. You just have to always
24:02 keep rubbing the cat's fur the wrong way. "
24:05 Pastor Sunday said: "No, I'm not rubbing the cat's fur
24:07 the wrong way. " He said: "The cat needs to turn around.
24:09 I'll be rubbing the cat's fur the right way. "
24:13 And that's the way it is with us is we sometimes
24:16 hear things that Jesus says and it makes us uncomfortable.
24:19 It's because we're lost
24:22 and our natures are against God.
24:25 So the wind was against them.
24:27 Jesus told them where He wanted to go;
24:30 He didn't say it was going to be easy.
24:34 They were doing what God told them to do.
24:37 Christ said: "Go... cross over. "
24:39 So they were rowing, but they weren't making very good
24:42 progress because the wind was against them.
24:45 "Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them
24:50 walking on the sea. "
24:53 Now this is exciting because it means that the Lord saw them
24:56 where they were. And you never have to worry
25:00 Jesus is going to lose track of you.
25:02 He saw they were in trouble.
25:04 He saw they were doing their best but they weren't getting
25:06 anywhere and He went to them where they were.
25:11 Christ crossed the ocean to reach them.
25:13 There's nothing that can be an obstacle to God reaching you.
25:18 If He needed wings, He would have flown.
25:20 But what God did is He gave Him pontoons on His feet.
25:23 Or whatever it was He did He just said: "Father,
25:26 they need Me" and He started walking right across the water.
25:29 The Bible makes a point of saying they were in the midst
25:31 of the sea. Because people like to always say:
25:33 "Well they were too close to shore. It was shallow in that
25:35 spot. " If you know anything about the Sea of Galilee,
25:38 you'll know out in the middle it is very deep.
25:41 And so Jesus was walking in the darkest part of the night
25:45 in the deepest part of the sea
25:47 and the disciples were doing all they could
25:50 to get where He wanted them to go.
25:52 But they weren't getting anywhere.
25:55 Notice: when Jesus came to them what were they doing?
26:01 They were rowing
26:04 for all they could.
26:07 Did they row themselves all the way across?
26:11 No. But when He came to them I want you to make a note
26:14 they were rowing.
26:16 They were busy doing all they could humanly do
26:19 to obey what God had told them to do.
26:22 And He saw that and He came to them.
26:26 "And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea
26:30 they were troubled and they said: 'It's a ghost! ' "
26:33 Which makes you wonder about their theology.
26:38 "And they cried out for fear. "
26:40 And I suppose we probably would have been spooked too.
26:43 You know, it's dark night, and it doesn't say... There might
26:46 have been some stars. It says mainly this one was
26:48 a wind storm. Doesn't say it was raining.
26:51 But the waves were big, and they're rowing into the waves
26:54 and there all of a sudden they see this apparition
26:57 just slightly illuminated by maybe whatever stars were
27:01 out or by the bioluminescence of the foaming water.
27:04 And they thought: "What is it? It's a phantom;
27:07 it's a ghost. " And all the disciples began to
27:10 shake and cling to each other and shriek.
27:13 And Jesus saw how frightened they were.
27:16 He says: "Don't be afraid.
27:19 Be of good cheer... it is I. "
27:23 "And Peter answered Him... "
27:25 Now I've got to pause right here because Mark...
27:27 Mark makes an interesting statement.
27:29 It says "He made as though He was going to pass them by. "
27:35 In other words, as they're crossing the sea
27:38 and they're rowing; they see this apparition.
27:41 They cry out, but He's not coming right toward them
27:43 He's going kind of parallel.
27:45 It's like He said: "I told you to cross.
27:46 I'm going to cross. I'll meet you on the other side. "
27:48 And when they saw Him they cried out and He said:
27:50 "Don't be afraid. It's Me. "
27:53 And then Peter. He makes this... he makes this
27:56 interesting statement. He said: "Lord, if it's You
28:01 command me to come on You in the water. "
28:03 And I always thought: Well what if it wasn't Jesus?
28:06 Would he have still gotten out of the boat?
28:09 He said: "Lord, if it's You... " You just have to love Peter,
28:12 don't you? It's just... Peter didn't want to miss anything.
28:17 He always wanted... He had a comment on everything.
28:20 Peter had an opinion on everything and everybody.
28:24 Right or wrong. He was always telling Jesus how he thought
28:27 He ought to live His life,
28:29 telling everybody else what to do. And you know,
28:32 being outgoing like that is actually a gift that God can use
28:36 because at Pentecost it came in handy, didn't it?
28:39 Peter was not afraid to be a spokesman for God.
28:42 Peter... he was brave!
28:45 At that point he said: "Lord, I'm scared of the storm
28:50 but I'm really curious about walking on water
28:54 and if You can do it, I'd like to do it.
28:59 We've never seen that before and I'd like to try it. "
29:04 And what does Jesus say?
29:06 You know, Jesus almost always says yes to any request.
29:12 And he said: "I'd like to walk on water. "
29:15 Jesus said: "Well then, come. "
29:18 Does the Lord want to answer our prayers? Amen!
29:22 And so Peter... he came down out of the boat.
29:26 He had to step over the gun walls and put his feet down.
29:30 When I get to heaven I'm going to go to the angel
29:32 and say: "I want you to find this DVD
29:35 in the library. I'd like to see this segment. "
29:39 And you know, he puts his foot down and he feels something
29:43 solid that's sustaining him there. And then he ventures
29:45 to put his other foot down. He's got his eyes fixed upon
29:48 Jesus, and he begins to walk towards Christ.
29:51 And even though the waves are mounting
29:54 and the wind is spraying
29:56 he keeps his eyes on Jesus. He's going: "Wow!
29:59 What a miracle! Here I am out here in the middle of
30:02 the ocean... middle of the ocean
30:04 walking on the water. " And then he began to think
30:08 about what was happening.
30:09 Maybe Peter was thinking... You know, Peter always wanted
30:12 to know what his friends thought...
30:16 Said: "Though all men forsake You I'll not forsake You. "
30:19 That's what he said comparing himself with others.
30:22 And when his friends were watching Peter pulled out
30:24 a sword to defend Jesus when He was betrayed.
30:26 You remember? Peter always kind of wondered if anyone's
30:29 watching. Paul had to chastise Peter because of that.
30:32 Because when Peter - after Jesus died and went to heaven,
30:36 when the church began to grow - Peter was working with the
30:38 Gentiles up in Ephesus
30:42 and as long as there were no Jews around
30:45 Peter was hobnobbing with the Gentiles.
30:48 But when the Jews came, Peter was worried about what they were
30:51 going to think. Paul chastises him in Galatians for that.
30:54 He said: "You had no problem hanging out with the Gentiles
30:57 but when the Jews came, you act like the Gentiles suddenly
30:58 were unclean. " Says: "That's being hypocritical. "
31:01 Peter was always worried about what people thought.
31:04 And so while Peter is walking on the water he's wondering
31:08 to himself: "Hey, I wonder if Andrew and James are getting
31:12 video of this. " And whatever he's thinking
31:16 he looks over his shoulder: "Are you guys catching this? "
31:19 But that's where he made his mistake.
31:22 He took his eyes off of Jesus.
31:25 And when you take your eyes off of Christ
31:29 the miracle starts to evaporate.
31:33 And when he took his eyes off of Jesus
31:35 in order to go from Jesus back to the boat he had to
31:36 look at the storm at least temporarily.
31:39 And while he was looking at the waves and the sea
31:41 all of a sudden he thought: "What in the world am I doing?
31:43 I could drown out here. I am a long way from land.
31:46 The boat could get blown away
31:48 and what's going to happen if Jesus doesn't sustain me? "
31:51 And his faith started to sink and he began to sink right
31:54 along with it. And we don't know how far down he got
31:57 but just before his head went under he prayed the shortest
32:00 prayer in the Bible. And he said: "Lord, save me. "
32:05 I guess technically that's a complete sentence, right?
32:08 "Lord, save me. " If you... Sometimes you have
32:12 a problem, you know, in your car and you start sliding
32:15 on ice it's all you can do.
32:18 As a matter of fact, you just might say "Lord! "
32:23 One of the longest drives in my life
32:26 was going from 3ABN to St. Louis.
32:33 And I don't know if anyone here remembers, but it...
32:36 it snowed. We did a Thursday night Live!
32:39 And that night it was snowing big snowflakes.
32:44 And I needed to be at the air- port to take off Friday morning
32:48 to get back to my church to preach.
32:50 I had scheduled to leave early and I didn't know any other way.
32:53 I wanted to get back before Sabbath.
32:55 And I took off with Jean Ross in two different cars
32:59 because Jean had come from one location, I came from another
33:01 and so we took off following each other in these
33:03 two-wheel-drive rental cars.
33:05 And the snow kept coming until pretty soon there were no trucks
33:07 on the road and all we've got is these deep ruts left over
33:10 from the trucks. And it was a white knuckle
33:17 controlled slide for 3 hours.
33:22 15 miles an hour, and I prayed a lot during that drive.
33:26 It was just every time I'd turn a little bit and the car would
33:29 start to fishtail I'd say: "Lord... Lord? "
33:33 And there's nowhere to even pull off.
33:36 At one point it was snowing so hard
33:37 Jean was ahead of me in his rental car
33:40 and I lost him. And there was so much snow
33:44 I couldn't see the sign... You know, where you get north
33:48 of Mt. Vernon and the road forks and heads off toward St. Louis.
33:52 Some of you know what I'm saying: the freeway splits.
33:54 I couldn't see the split.
33:56 All of a sudden I realize I'm heading to Chicago!
33:59 I missed one turn I had to go ten miles further
34:03 to turn around up there and come back again.
34:05 Jean got lost too.
34:08 The snow was so deep... I don't know, we're talking about
34:11 storms I guess I could tell this story.
34:14 It wasn't in my notes... I had no idea.
34:16 The snow was so bad - so deep -
34:18 I'm not exaggerating - that when I got to the St. Louis
34:22 bridge, the bridge that crosses over into St. Louis,
34:25 there was no traffic on the highway anywhere.
34:29 I thought: "This will never happen again.
34:32 Since I'm at the middle of the bridge and I know it's kind of
34:34 downhill on the other side, I stopped my car.
34:36 Left the engine running. I got out
34:39 and I took a picture. I thought: "Here I am
34:41 standing on top of the Mississippi River
34:44 on the bridge leading to St. Louis
34:47 and nobody can do anything to stop me. "
34:50 Because the whole city was paralyzed that day.
34:55 And we made it to the hotel; it was a miracle.
34:57 We had some adventures but did a lot of praying.
35:00 You know, you pray more in storms.
35:04 I felt the Lord very close that night
35:07 'cause I felt I was that far from eternity the whole trip.
35:12 And you get very serious about your relationship with the Lord.
35:15 He took his eyes off Jesus... he started to sink
35:19 and he said: "Lord, save me. "
35:21 And did the Lord answer his prayer?
35:26 Amen! Immediately.
35:28 Immediately... but not before he prayed!
35:33 But when he prayed, immediately.
35:35 Some of us just assume God wants to save us so much
35:38 He's going to do it without us asking.
35:40 Did you hear that?
35:42 We know God loves us, we know He wants to save us
35:44 but you still need to ask.
35:46 He will not force His love upon you.
35:49 "Lord, save me. "
35:52 The thief on the cross... his prayer wasn't much longer.
35:55 "Lord, remember me
35:58 when You come into Your kingdom. "
36:03 And as soon as he said that Jesus stretched out His hand
36:06 and caught him. Makes it sound like he was going down fast.
36:09 He pulls him up.
36:11 He says: "Oh you of little faith.
36:13 Why did you doubt? "
36:15 Now I want to pause here and accentuate a couple of points.
36:21 All right, let me read just... something else.
36:24 Verse 32: "And when they got into the boat
36:28 the wind ceased.
36:31 And those who were in the boat came and worshiped Him
36:35 saying: 'Truly You are the Son of God. ' "
36:38 So in the storm they came to know
36:42 who He really was.
36:45 It's going to happen again in a moment, so note that.
36:47 Now in the gospel of John - same story - these are parallel
36:50 stories... In the gospel of John chapter 6
36:53 you'll find that, verses 15 to 21.
36:55 It says in verse 21:
36:57 "They willingly received Him into the boat
37:00 and immediately the boat was at the land
37:04 where they were going. " So not only did it become
37:06 perfectly calm, all of a sudden
37:09 even though they were out in the middle
37:10 when they received Jesus in the boat
37:12 they were at their destination.
37:16 The Lord can make an instant difference
37:20 in our journey. He can bring us to the end of the storm
37:24 instantly, and it happened when they received Him into the boat.
37:28 Now, here's a couple of points I'd like to just emphasize.
37:33 When Jesus came to them
37:35 they were doing what He commanded them to do
37:39 using all of their human strength.
37:42 Not making much progress, but they were doing what they
37:46 told to do, and that's what they were supposed to do:
37:48 they were rowing.
37:50 When they received Christ into the boat
37:52 they got to their destination.
37:55 God wants us to use every ounce of human effort
38:00 that we have to do what He tells us to do
38:03 trusting in Him to make whatever difference there needs to be.
38:07 Amen! When David went against Goliath
38:11 He went against Goliath trusting in the Lord.
38:13 But David did use his sling... he did run.
38:16 He did fight; he did grab a sword;
38:18 he did everything any other soldier would do.
38:20 The reason I say that is sometimes we overcompensate
38:25 on one of two sides.
38:27 You've got one group that overcompensates on the grace
38:29 side... it's almost like salvation by presumption...
38:32 and then you've got the other group that compensates too much
38:35 on the work side. It's like salvation by works.
38:37 But in the Bible... I'm not saying we're saved by grace
38:40 and works. We're saved by grace.
38:42 But God wants us to do every- thing that we are humanly able
38:45 to do. I've met people before: "Pastor, I'm just praying
38:49 for a job and nothing's happening. I'm just praying
38:51 for a job. " I said: "You out looking for a job? "
38:54 "Well, I'm waitin' on the Lord. "
38:56 "So what in the world does that mean? "
38:58 Said: "I know God's got some- thing. I don't know what it is.
39:00 I'm waitin' on the Lord. " I said: "Are you getting
39:02 the paper and you making calls? Are you knocking on doors?
39:04 Are you? " "Well, no, no. I'm trusting
39:06 the Lord. He's gonna... " I said: "Brother,
39:08 that's not faith... that's lazy. "
39:12 You know what I'm talking about?
39:13 Have you met folks like that?
39:16 You notice that everybody God calls in the Bible is busy?
39:21 God calls Elisha... he's out plowing.
39:24 God calls Amos... he's gathering sycamore fruit.
39:27 He calls David... he's keeping his father's sheep.
39:30 He calls Gideon... he's threshing wheat.
39:32 He calls Peter, James, and John. They're out cleaning nets.
39:37 I heard one pastor say: "Make yourself useful.
39:40 God's more likely to keep you around. "
39:43 Isn't that right?
39:45 God called... He created us to do things!
39:50 And God wants us to be busy about His business.
39:54 As a matter of fact, give the devil more credit
39:55 for being busy. We say: "He's working like the devil! "
40:02 No one ever insults a Christian by saying: "You're working like
40:04 a Christian. " Maybe that is an insult.
40:09 We ought to be busy. I believe we're saved by grace.
40:12 You understand what I'm saying? Yes!
40:14 When Jesus came to them they were rowing
40:16 as though their lives depended on it.
40:18 And because they were doing everything they could do
40:21 the Lord then worked a miracle for them.
40:27 Some of you know the story where 10 lepers came to Jesus
40:32 and they said: "Son of David, have mercy on us. "
40:34 They prayed that several times. They had to stand at a distance
40:37 because they had leprosy.
40:40 And Jesus called to them and He said:
40:42 "Go to the priest and make the sacrifice
40:44 for cleansing from leprosy. "
40:46 Which didn't really make sense because you don't make that
40:49 thank sacrifice for cleansing from leprosy
40:52 until you're cleansed. They still had leprosy.
40:54 He said: "Go... do what I'm telling you.
40:57 Go show yourself to the priest. Be inspected for cleansing
41:00 from leprosy and make the offering. "
41:02 "Why would we go make that offering for cleansing
41:05 when we still have leprosy? " But they didn't argue.
41:07 The Bible says they went.
41:09 And here's the wonderful verse:
41:11 "In going they were cleansed. "
41:15 As they began to step out and do
41:18 what God had told them to do
41:20 then He worked a miracle.
41:22 And so many people are waiting for God to do something
41:24 and we're not doing what we can do.
41:27 You know, in being a Christian there's effort involved.
41:32 I mean, I don't know how you can read the Bible and not get that.
41:36 New and Old Testament talks about us warring
41:38 and striving and running and fighting and wrestling.
41:41 There is effort involved in being a Christian.
41:44 And sometimes we tend to overcompensate on the grace part
41:47 and we end up doing nothing. And we're to do everything!
41:51 We've got to plead and we've got to pray with God.
41:54 And it takes heart and it takes fiber and muscle
41:56 and nerve to be a Christian.
41:59 And God will... I remember a salesman I know.
42:03 He's got a great sense of humor.
42:05 Bible salesman. He said: "Pastor Doug, it's amazing.
42:08 The harder I work the luckier I get. "
42:14 And it's true: the more you pray
42:16 and the more you put every ounce of human ability
42:19 into doing what God has told you to do
42:22 the more miraculous things become.
42:24 God wants us to be diligent Christians.
42:29 Now it's not that we're saved by that.
42:30 We're saved entirely by grace.
42:33 But God also wants us to use what He's given us
42:37 and there's sometimes a struggle.
42:38 So He gets in the boat; they receive Him into the boat
42:42 and a miracle happens.
42:45 He transports them to the place where they're going
42:48 and the wind is gone.
42:51 There's a great peace.
42:53 Now I want to jump to the other story,
42:56 and this you're going to find in Mark chapter 5.
43:01 Mark chapter 5. Actually you'll find it in
43:04 several passages. You've got the story where Jesus is
43:09 on the sea and this time He's sleeping in the boat.
43:13 Verse 35. Sorry, Mark 4 verse 35.
43:18 Mark 4 verse 35:
43:21 "On the same day when evening had come
43:23 He said to them: 'Let us cross over to the other side. ' "
43:26 Now, one thing you should never forget:
43:29 when Jesus tells us where to cross over
43:33 that means you're going to get to your destination if He's
43:36 with you. But He doesn't say when
43:38 and He doesn't say how hard it's going to be.
43:41 He told the children of Israel to go from Egypt to the
43:44 Promised Land. Did they have any idea about the adventures
43:47 that would go between? Or how long that was going to take?
43:51 Did He get them there?
43:53 He did... except the ones that lost faith along the way.
43:58 The Lord is going to help us do what He asks us to do.
44:03 I've said this many times:
44:05 inherent in every command of God
44:09 is the power to do what He's asking you to do.
44:13 God will not command you to do something
44:14 without giving you in His own Spirit and power
44:17 or in your body the ability to do what He's asking you to do.
44:21 Otherwise, God would be unfair.
44:23 So He says: "Cross over. " They should have confidence
44:26 they can get to the other side.
44:28 But their faith might be tested en route.
44:31 "Now when they left the multitude
44:33 they took Him along in the boat as He was
44:35 and other little boats were with Him. "
44:37 Some others were trying to follow.
44:40 "And a great wind storm arose
44:43 and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling.
44:49 But He was in the stern asleep on a pillow. "
44:54 Talked about this when we talked about the Jonah storm.
44:57 Now we don't know how long it took, but evidently
45:01 there was a period of time where the storm was mounting.
45:04 And the disciples - many of them - were seasoned fishermen.
45:07 They were used to the sea; they knew it like the back
45:08 of their hand. And by the way, Jesus is directing them
45:11 in a strange spot. He's taking them directly
45:14 across to an uninhabited part called Decapolis.
45:19 An area called the Gadarenes that He would end up
45:21 encountering a demoniac... one demoniac over there
45:24 that Jesus would save. Makes this whole trip
45:27 for one person and then leaves.
45:28 But He crosses the whole ocean, so they're obeying.
45:32 They're going across. Goes through a storm on the way.
45:36 So the wind starts to build; the waves are against them.
45:39 Water is starting to come in.
45:41 The waves are swamping the boat.
45:43 It's pretty frightening when you see that happen.
45:45 And they didn't have bilge pumps. They were the bilge pump.
45:48 And they're taking whatever leather buckets they've got
45:50 and they're scooping. They're trying to splash the water out
45:54 and scare it out of the boat as quickly as they can.
45:56 And then another wave would hit and it'd come in.
45:58 And now they can feel the weight of 13 of them in the boat.
46:01 Right? These fishing boats.
46:05 Extra water... level's going down.
46:09 Tackle and gear starting to float around inside.
46:12 They realize: "Hey, we're out in the middle.
46:14 It's cold. There's a storm. We'll never get... "
46:16 You think they had Coast Guard that made them carry life
46:18 jackets back then? You go down out there
46:22 and it doesn't look good.
46:24 And the waves are beating against the boat.
46:27 And finally... I don't know what happened, the lightning
46:31 flashed or something and all of a sudden they see
46:34 looking around the back of the boat there He's so exhausted
46:38 He's asleep on a stack of sails. They call it a pillow.
46:42 It's just a big soft bundle, probably a piece of sail.
46:46 So exhausted from His day of ministry that He's just sleeping
46:49 right there through the storm.
46:51 And they're astonished that He's able to sleep like that!
46:55 And they wake Him up; they're afraid for their lives.
46:58 You know, how often do we sometimes forget that Jesus
47:01 is with us?
47:02 You know, I was thinking of praying before I came out.
47:06 I've got these two stories.
47:08 They're two completely different unique stories
47:12 of storms on the Sea of Galilee that involve Jesus.
47:15 In both cases He calms the storm.
47:18 Getting ahead of myself.
47:20 I thought: why two? In one He's not in the boat
47:24 but they receive Him into the boat
47:26 and they reach their destination.
47:28 In the other one, He's with them from start to finish
47:30 but they forget about Him.
47:33 You know what I feel this is telling us?
47:36 You've got two kinds of storms that involve Jesus.
47:39 You've got one where you first accept Jesus into your life.
47:43 But then ever after people accept Jesus in the life
47:46 sometimes we go through storms and we forget that He's there.
47:50 So you've got the person who is going through a storm
47:53 and they finally realize the only answer is Christ.
47:55 They invite Him in, they reach their destination.
47:57 And then you've got people who maybe they grow up in the
47:59 church and they've been Christians for years.
48:01 And we're so used to doing things on our own
48:03 that we're trying to save ourselves
48:06 when Jesus is right there.
48:08 He only needs to be awakened with prayer.
48:12 As they come to their senses they're astonished.
48:16 "How can He sleep though this? "
48:18 One thing: Jesus isn't afraid.
48:20 He knows His Father's watching over Him.
48:24 You ever pray that prayer: "Now I lay me down to sleep,
48:28 I pray the Lord my soul to keep. "
48:30 I knew that prayer ever since I was a little kid.
48:32 My grandparents used to teach me that and it scared me.
48:36 "And if I die before I wake... "
48:38 Now you know, kids normally aren't going to think like that.
48:41 But just every night she'd tell me to say that prayer.
48:43 I said: "Could that really happen? "
48:46 "Is today the day? "
48:47 I mean, you know, normally you go to sleep and just...
48:50 You're fine. But then there's "Let's say our prayer.
48:52 If I die before I wake,
48:56 I pray the Lord my soul to take. "
48:57 And I didn't know what that meant either!
49:00 So that used to scare me.
49:04 I was coming back from La Paz, Mexico.
49:09 Doing some mission work. We were building a church
49:11 down there - a Sabbath School room actually -
49:13 with our church in La Paz, Mexico.
49:15 Took my son Daniel down there.
49:17 And I came back with the contractors and all the gear
49:22 in a van. And I don't know if you've ever looked at a map
49:25 of California, but you realize La Paz -
49:27 the Baja California peninsula - is as long as the state.
49:33 A thousand miles long.
49:36 And the road is a two-lane road with no shoulder.
49:42 And it's amazing how many Mexican drivers are in Mexico.
49:48 But the lines are only sort of a suggestion there.
49:52 They're not a law.
49:53 Any of you know what I'm talking about?
49:57 I know with the Fjarli's... Been here; they've been to India.
49:59 They know. Same thing.
50:01 And I got tired, but I was so afraid to go to sleep
50:06 because as we went down the road, every time these big
50:09 trucks go by your mirrors almost clip.
50:12 And it's almost like you're having to share part of the
50:15 middle of the road until you just about get upon each other
50:17 and then you both... It's like playing chicken.
50:20 You know what I mean? And then just at the last moment
50:22 you'll go like this so that your other tire's
50:24 kind of on the dirt shoulder.
50:26 You go... And what makes it really scary
50:28 is all along that road - a thousand miles long...
50:31 You know what it means wherever you see a white cross
50:33 on the side of the road? There was a fatal accident here.
50:39 And I'll tell you: it looked like a picket fence.
50:41 There were so many white crosses up and down.
50:45 I'm not exaggerating.
50:47 It's like I'm just surrounded with the spirits of the dead
50:51 that didn't make it down this road.
50:54 And I'm supposed to sleep so I can share with the driving.
50:59 And I laid there, and just every time a truck went by
51:01 it just... You know, you feel the wind from the truck.
51:04 And phlew... Is this the one?
51:07 And you just... And they'd get so close you could even hear
51:11 the Spanish music in the trucker's radio
51:14 as they went by... the accordion music!
51:19 I guess they figure if we're going to go we'll be happy.
51:24 And so it was really terrifying and I thought: "What kind of
51:25 Christian am I? " And then I remembered
51:29 a Psalm where David - he was being hunted by David.
51:33 I mean David was being hunted by King Saul.
51:35 All over Israel they had his poster on the wall
51:38 and they wanted to... wanted to kill him.
51:41 David said: "I'll lay me down and sleep in peace
51:43 because You keep me. "
51:45 And I finally said: "All right, Lord, there's no
51:48 sense in us both being awake. If You're going to be awake,
51:52 I'm going to sleep. And if I die before I wake... "
52:04 Obviously I made it!
52:08 Jesus is sleeping in the storm.
52:10 I think the devil wanted to destroy Him that night.
52:12 Christ was vulnerable out in the middle of the ocean.
52:15 The devil brought up this storm. It was a diabolical stunt
52:17 to see if he could drown the Son of God.
52:19 But that boat that night was an unsinkable ship
52:22 if Jesus was in the boat. Amen!
52:24 And your boat is an unsinkable ship
52:27 if Jesus is in your boat.
52:29 And Jesus... He awoke and He rebuked the wind
52:33 and the sea and He said: "Peace... be still. "
52:37 You know, actually in Greek it's more words than it is
52:40 in Hebrew. Jesus was speaking Hebrew.
52:42 Probably what He said was simply one word: "Shalom"
52:45 which means peace, be still.
52:48 And unlike what you may see por- trayed sometimes in the movies
52:51 where Jesus has to stand up and He's hanging on to the mast
52:53 with one hand and the lightning's flashing
52:55 and He screams at the elements. Jesus doesn't have to scream.
53:00 God said: "Let there be light"
53:02 and light came. All Jesus had to say is "Shalom. "
53:06 And when Jesus got up and He said that
53:09 all of a sudden the wind stopped blowing,
53:11 the waves flattened out.
53:15 The clouds parted, the moon came out
53:17 and reflected on a glassy sea.
53:20 And you know what's amazing about this story:
53:22 the disciples were terrified during the storm.
53:26 They woke Him up saying: "Lord, don't You care we're
53:28 perishing? " What a thing to ask Jesus.
53:30 Does Jesus care if we're perishing?
53:34 And then Jesus calms the sea and He says:
53:37 "Why are you so fearful? Have you no faith? "
53:39 You notice in both stories
53:42 Jesus said they needed faith in the storm.
53:45 They didn't have enough faith.
53:47 Told Peter: "Where's your faith? "
53:49 Tells the disciples: "Where's your faith? "
53:53 Maybe God's telling us for our storms and the ones ahead
53:58 "You're going to need faith. "
54:00 Where do you get faith?
54:02 "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. "
54:05 Faith comes when you pray and God answers your prayer.
54:07 Your faith gets stronger.
54:09 Faith is like a muscle that gets stronger through use
54:12 and exercise. We need to be using our faith now.
54:17 You know there's a lot of stories in the Bible of people
54:19 who became Christians... a lot of stories in history
54:21 I should say... through storms.
54:25 John Wesley. He actually was doing evangelism in America.
54:30 Wanted to be an evangelist but he kind of had pitiful results
54:34 his first endeavor at it. On his way back across the
54:37 Atlantic Ocean they got into a fierce storm
54:40 and he was scared for his life.
54:42 Waves were crashing and the boat was creaking
54:44 and he saw this family of primitive Moravian Christians
54:48 some of the first Protestant re- formers from the Czech Republic
54:53 from John Hus. They were standing on the deck -
54:58 men and their families - singing.
55:03 And Wesley said: "Aren't you afraid? "
55:06 "No, " they said, "we're not afraid. "
55:07 Says: "Your wives, your children? You're not afraid? "
55:10 "We're not afraid to die; we're in God's hands. "
55:12 And he went back. He realized: "I'm not converted. "
55:16 And it was after that experience he really began to read the
55:18 Bible and pray and study, and he had a conversion experience.
55:24 Same thing with John Newton.
55:26 You've sung that song Amazing Grace?
55:28 You know what brought about his conversion?
55:31 Storm at sea.
55:33 One storm in particular was so bad. The water was coming in.
55:37 And John Newton, if you read his autobiography,
55:39 he was an awful scoundrel. We just read it again with our
55:42 kids last year. And yeah, I can't even go into it,
55:47 but he's as bad as an infidel can get.
55:49 Blasphemed God's name... just mocked God.
55:52 But he had a mother praying for him.
55:54 And he was out at sea and water was coming in
55:58 and it looked like the boat was going down.
56:00 And Newton called out to the captain. He said:
56:03 "I'll go to the pumps and if this doesn't work
56:06 God have mercy on us. " And he thought to himself:
56:08 "Mercy? Who am I to think I could have mercy? "
56:12 And he thought: "Well it wouldn't be mercy if it wasn't
56:16 given to those who don't deserve it. "
56:18 That's when he finally realized
56:21 that God could have mercy on him.
56:23 And he began to read the captain's Bible that was in
56:26 the... in the cabin. And that was the beginning
56:31 of his conversion. But it started with a storm.
56:33 Even Joseph Bates, one of the founders of this movement,
56:37 converted in a storm.
56:40 Sometimes we're going through storms. You wonder: "Lord,
56:42 what's going on? " And it's in the storm
56:46 that we might discover Jesus.
56:48 We come out the other side and we realize
56:50 "Thank you, Lord. I wouldn't have known Your power. "
56:53 In the storm where Jesus got into the boat and in the storm
56:56 where they woke Jesus up they both worshipped Him
56:59 and they recognized who He was 'cause He revealed Himself
57:03 through the storm. You know, I think we're facing
57:07 some big storms that are coming
57:09 to the world... to our country.
57:12 It's going to affect us if we're Christians.
57:14 We need to have that per- sonal relationship with Jesus.
57:17 And you who are watching: do you have that now?
57:20 You need to ask Him just like those others we talked about.
57:23 Come to Jesus and say: "Lord, save me. "
57:26 He wants to enter your life and to give you peace.


Revised 2015-08-13