Participants: Danny Shelton & Jim Gilley (Host), , 01.Ladye Love Smith "Calvary Says Love to Me", 02.Darrell & Brenda Marshall "Jesus Use Me", 03.Kateena LaForge & Darrell Marshall "His Name is Life", 04.Melody Firestone & Danny Shelton "I Know the Plans", 05.The Clarks "What a Precious Friend", 06.Celestine Barry "The Prayer", 07.Lisa Shelton Yaeger "There is a Quiet Place", 08.Tammy Chance "If Anyone Looks at Me", 09.John Lomacang "He Touched Me", 10.Darrell Marshall "Who Am I", Mollie Steenson
Series Code: 14HC
Program Code: 14HC000008
00:45 We want to welcome all of you to 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting
00:50 right... Spring? Danny, this is the Fall! 00:53 Fall Camp Meeting - all right, I'm sorry - right here in the 00:57 3ABN Worship Center in Thompsonville, Illinois. 01:01 And how many of you are just having an incredible time? 01:04 Amen! In all fairness... in all fairness - 01:07 everybody here knows, but those watching live television 01:10 don't know - I pointed to Jim to take it, he pointed to me. 01:14 We both backed up and left Mollie and she didn't know 01:16 she was going to be on. But what's new? 01:19 These two men are always having me to take the things 01:23 that they don't want to do. But you know, I love doing it. 01:25 Both of these men are movers and shakers for the kingdom of God 01:29 and I'm just honored to be a part of it. 01:31 And you that are here in our congregation 01:37 or in the auditorium here tonight 01:39 we welcome you. Thank you so much for making the extra 01:42 effort to come to Spring Camp Meeting. 01:44 I was telling somebody this morning - we're back into 01:47 Spring? - We're back into Spring... 01:48 Fall Camp Meeting. I was telling somebody... See 01:51 when they mess me up? I was telling somebody... 01:53 You're doing fine, Mollie. I was telling somebody 01:56 at breakfast this morning 01:57 that if we go to all the effort - and it's a lot of work 02:02 to get things ready for a Fall Camp Meeting - yes - 02:06 And so if we were to go to all this effort and nobody came 02:12 although we would have viewers from around the world - 02:14 our potential viewing audience is astronomical - 02:16 it still wouldn't be as good and heartwarming 02:19 as to have you here with us, so thank you for coming. 02:22 You know what? There's nothing wrong with her saying Spring 02:24 Camp Meeting except 12 people as soon as they heard us said: 02:27 "Oh, I've seen this before" and they shut us off! 02:30 So no! Turn your TV back on really. It's Fall... we're here. 02:34 We lost 12? Have you told the people yet that we're not 02:37 going to have Spring Camp Meeting next year? No. 02:40 Did I tell you that? No! 02:43 We're going to have something better. Yes we are! 02:46 We're going to have Winter Camp Meeting. 02:50 Not far from Orlando... Not far from here, only about 02:54 800 miles south... Right. A lot warmer than here. 02:58 You won't have to break the ice to get here... there. 03:01 And we have worked it out to be with the Spring Meadow church 03:07 in Sanford - it's a brand new church. 03:10 Seats over 1,000 plus they've got overflow 03:13 for 600 in one place and overflow for 400 in another. 03:17 And we are really looking forward. We're doing all... 03:22 This has just happened, folks, 03:24 but the 26th - write it down - 03:26 and 27th. We start on the night of the 26th 03:29 of February. The 27th - all day seminars. 03:34 The 28th is Sabbath. We're going to have a great 03:37 music program and sermons and messages. 03:40 And we look forward to that and we hope you'll look forward 03:44 to being with us. The reason we're doing that 03:46 instead of the normal time is because of the 03:48 General Conference session and we would be too close. 03:51 Ours is in June and theirs July. 03:54 So we're making space so ya'll can then make the General 03:57 Conference session. Right. And on top of that, we're doing 03:59 a large evangelistic crusade that starts right when our 04:04 Camp Meeting would normally be on in San Antonio, Texas. 04:07 So the crew has to go down 04:09 when we would actually be normally having Camp Meeting. 04:13 We looked at our schedule. It just... and that's going to 04:16 be something. Elder Ted Wilson and Elder Mark Finley 04:20 will be teaming up to do that evangelistic series there. 04:25 Wow! We're looking... It's going to be a big, big summer - 04:28 absolutely - so you stick with us. And we'll keep you informed 04:30 as the time goes along. Why don't we have a prayer 04:34 and then we're going to bring out some music for you, 04:36 all right? You know, let's ask Mollie to pray for us. 04:39 OK? OK. Pray for this Fall Camp Meeting, Mollie. 04:42 I'm going to pray over the Fall Camp Meeting, OK? 04:44 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus 04:47 and Lord, we praise You and thank you for Your presence 04:50 that we sense here. Thank you, Lord, that You don't leave us 04:52 to our own devices but Lord, You fill us with Your Holy Spirit. 04:56 You give us direction, and we just yield to You tonight. 04:59 Father, I pray for every heart that will hear the Word tonight, 05:03 Father, than now You'll prepare that heart 05:05 and as the Word goes forth it will be planted deep within us, 05:08 it'll take root, and it'll grow. 05:10 Our prayer, Lord, is that You will seal the Word in us 05:12 and You will change us into Your image and Your likeness 05:15 through the power of Your Word that will go forth tonight. 05:18 That's our prayer in Jesus' name 05:20 and everybody in agreement says Amen. Amen! 05:24 All right. What we're going to do. We've been talking about 05:25 our second coming project. Hallelujah! Home At Last 05:29 is what we've name it for the title of one of the songs. 05:32 And so we decided to give you a sample 05:35 tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. 05:37 I think it's 3 to 4:30- isn't it? - we'll have the whole 05:40 hour and a half of all the eleven songs I think it is. 05:43 But tonight we wanted to give you a sample of what 05:46 we did here Wednesday. And it's a song that says 05:49 Calvary Says Love To Me. I was just home one evening 05:52 and picked up my guitar and started singing a little bit 05:55 and decided to really contemplate on Calvary 05:58 and what it means not only to me but all of us. 06:01 And Calvary says love to us, right? 06:05 We're going to sing it for you now. 10:49 Amen! Well praise the Lord! It's such a privilege 10:52 to work with people like Lari Goss and Ladye Love. 10:55 Now Ladye didn't really know that song. I was supposed 10:57 to sing it, but I just wanted her to sing it 11:00 so kind of at the last minute I asked her to... to sing it. 11:04 And she's kind of apologetic and says: "Once I learn it 11:07 I'll be able to sing it better" and I just looked at her like 11:09 "What? " That was so beautiful... so anointed... 11:13 the way she sang it. But what we're going to do 11:15 right now... we're going to bring out Darrell Marshall 11:17 and his wife Brenda. They're going to be singing 11:20 a song for us. Darrell and Brenda. 11:22 We had Darrell last night. This is his lovely wife Brenda. 11:25 We're glad that you all are here. 11:27 And as soon as you guys sing then you and Kateena La Forge 11:30 are going to be singing next. Right? Yeah... Yes, sir. 11:33 All right. Thank you for being here and God bless you 11:35 and thank you for your music. Thank you. 11:49 Dear Lord, I'll be a witness 11:54 if You will help my weakness. 11:58 I know that I'm not worthy, Lord, 12:03 of You. 12:08 By eyes of faith I see Thee 12:13 upon the cross of Calvary 12:17 "Dear Lord, " I cry, 12:20 "let me Thy servant be. " 12:27 Jesus use me. 12:32 Please, Lord, don't refuse me. 12:37 Surely there's a work 12:40 that I can do. 12:46 And even though it's humble 12:51 help my will to crumble. 12:56 Though the cost be great 12:59 I'll work for You. 13:04 I'll stand for Thee, dear Jesus, 13:10 whate're the cost may be. 13:14 I'll spread the gospel 13:17 to the lost each day. 13:23 And if it be Thy will, Lord, 13:29 to go across the sea 13:33 I'll follow You 13:36 though death may come my way. 13:43 He's the Lily of the Valley, 13:47 He's the Bright and Morning Star, 13:52 He's the fairest of 10,000 13:57 to my soul. 14:01 He's the beautiful Rose of Sharon, 14:06 He's all this world to me. 14:11 But most of all 14:14 He is my coming King. 14:19 How many can say Amen? 14:21 Jesus use me. 14:26 Please Lord, don't refuse me. 14:30 Surely there's a work 14:34 that I can do. 14:40 And even though it's humble 14:45 Lord, help my will to crumble. 14:49 And though the cost be great 14:53 I'll work for You. 14:59 Jesus use me. 15:04 Please, Lord, don't refuse me. 15:09 Though the cost be great 15:12 I'll work for You. 15:18 Amen... amen. 15:26 Thank you. It's a pleasure to sing with Kateena La Forge. 15:29 I know you all love her. 15:30 I'd like to have Kateena to come out. 15:32 We're going to sing a beautiful song that she has picked out. 15:36 I tried to pick out a different one but she said "No... " 15:39 I insisted. "I'd rather have this one. " 15:40 So we're singing the one Kateena wants, and it's 15:44 His Name Is Life, His Name is Life, His Name is Life. Amen. 16:09 Some call Him prophet, 16:14 a Man with a purpose, 16:19 and some say He's just 16:23 history. 16:29 Some named Him a teacher 16:33 but few ever realized 16:39 His true 16:41 identity. 16:48 He's Master, Savior, 16:53 Lion of Judah, 16:58 Lamb, 17:00 and Prince of Peace. 17:06 He's the Shepherd, 17:10 Fortress, 17:12 Rock of Salvation, 17:17 Lamb of God 17:21 is He. 17:25 He's the Son of David 17:31 and the King of the Ages, 17:36 Eternal 17:41 Life, 17:45 Holy Lord 17:50 of glory: 17:53 His name is Life. 18:04 Some called Him devil 18:09 because of His power, 18:14 you see they just could not 18:17 understand. 18:23 Some called Him a blasphemer 18:27 because they refused to accept Him 18:32 as anything more 18:35 than just a man. 18:39 I know Him as Master. 18:43 He's Savior, 18:46 Lion of Judah, 18:51 the blessed 18:54 Prince of Peace. 18:59 He's the Shepherd, 19:02 Mighty Fortress, 19:05 Rock of Salvation. 19:09 The Lamb of God 19:13 is He. 19:17 He's the Son of David 19:23 and the King of the Ages 19:28 Eternal 19:33 Life. 19:37 Holy Lord 19:42 of glory... 19:45 He's the Holy Lord 19:51 of glory... 19:54 He's the Holy Lord 20:00 of glory: 20:03 His name is Life. 20:07 His name is 20:10 Life! 20:19 Amen... amen... amen! 20:22 Thank you Darrell, Kateena. Beautiful! 20:26 I'm not calling you any names like I did last night 20:28 by mistake. I think I called her... Meant to say she looked 20:32 dapper and I said dipper or something like that. 20:34 She corrected me on the stage. 20:36 I'm going to invite my daughter Melody Dawn to come out. 20:39 Melody, are you here? 20:41 There she is! She's made me the proud grandpa of 8 children. 20:46 And nothing like 'em, right? 20:48 You guys that's got grandkids? Nothing like 'em. 20:51 You can spoil 'em and send them home. 20:53 And... but they're so much fun. I love these babies... 20:56 all of them. The oldest... Hayley is married 21:00 and you've got Bradley and then you've got all the ones coming 21:03 down all the way to Baby Faith, right? 21:04 Age 7. It's a houseful but you've been a great mom. 21:08 I'm proud of you. And she gives her life for those babies. 21:12 And she should, right? And she's put that 21:15 first in her life, and I really appreciate and love how you 21:18 just love those babies. They're all happy and they 21:21 seem like you have just done everything you can do as 21:23 a parent. Taught them about Jesus, and I'm happy for that. 21:26 For you and Greg, thank you for what you do. 21:28 Now we're going to do a song that Melody wrote. 21:30 I asked her to sing it and she asked me to sing it with her. 21:32 I used to do it with her but it's been a while. 21:34 I'll try to help you. It's a beautiful song 21:37 you and Dave Layman wrote called I Know The Plans, right? 21:57 I know it may seem hopeless... 22:01 the darkness closes in. 22:04 You're tired and you're weary 22:08 as you look at where you've been. 22:11 You can't see beyond the present 22:15 when you're looking at the past. 22:18 You thought things would turn out differently 22:22 then you hear God say at last: 22:26 "I know the plans I have 22:30 for you... 22:33 and they are plans to prosper you. 22:40 To give you hope and a future, 22:45 lead you on life's journey. 22:48 Call on Me and I will see you through. 22:54 I know the plans I have 22:58 for you. " 23:06 The rocks and cliffs may leave some scars 23:09 you thought too deep to heal. 23:12 You're desperate and you're broken 23:16 and life seems all too real. 23:20 The road may take you on a path 23:23 that changes all your plans, 23:27 but that's when God takes over 23:30 and says: "Leave it in My hands. " 23:34 "I know the plans I have 23:38 for you... 23:41 and they are plans to prosper 23:45 you. 23:48 To give you hope and a future, 23:53 lead you on life's journey. 23:56 Call on Me and I will see you through. 24:02 I know the plans I have 24:06 for you. " 24:09 And though your dreams may have died, 24:13 you're hurting inside, 24:17 God has something better for you! 24:23 He knows the plans He has 24:27 for you. 24:30 And they are plans to prosper 24:34 you. 24:37 To give you hope and a future, 24:42 lead you on life's journey. 24:45 Call on Him and He will see you through. 24:51 God knows the plans He has 24:55 for you. 25:05 God knew us before we were ever born, right? 25:08 It says "from the foundation of the world 25:11 He knew us. " I'm glad that God has a plan 25:14 for us, and that's to spend eternal life in heaven 25:17 with the King of the universe. 25:19 Thank you Melody Dawn. 25:23 OK. Now I'm going to ask the Clark Singers to come out. 25:28 We've got Gary and Andrea and we have Chuck. 25:31 And this is Gary and this is his daughter. 25:34 Andrea, you and Melody... you're close to the same age, 25:37 aren't you probably? And I'm not going to go into who's oldest 25:40 and when you were born and all of that. 25:42 And we have Chuck. And so glad that you guys... 25:45 come up here just a little bit. Glad you all are here. 25:47 Gary lives in the area. In fact, we've been... 25:50 I'd say we've been knowing each other for a long time. 25:53 100 years. A hundred years, he says. Not quite... 25:56 I guess I'm a little younger than that. No... 25:58 We have... We've been knowing each other for a long time. 26:00 And I've always loved and respected you and your family 26:04 and your music and what you do. 26:06 Gary's the pastor of a Nazarene church over in Harrisburg, IL. 26:10 It's about 20 miles or so from here 26:11 for those of you that don't know. 26:13 Last night he came and was listening when Lari Goss 26:15 was here, so I called him up on the stage and asked him 26:18 to sing. And then I said... Chuck was there and I said: 26:20 "Hey, why don't you guys just come back tomorrow night 26:23 and sing? " And they're singing a song Lari Goss did for them, 26:27 arranged for them. But it's an old song. Beautiful 26:30 song. My family used to sing it. 26:32 What a Precious Friend is He. 26:48 I've a Friend 26:51 who's always near me. 26:58 I've a Friend 27:01 who always cheers me. 27:08 I've a Friend who is so 27:14 dear to me... 27:19 What a precious 27:22 Friend is He. 27:29 On His promise 27:33 I'm relying. 27:39 All my needs 27:43 He is supplying. 27:49 He'll be there 27:53 when I am dying... 27:59 What a precious 28:03 Friend is He! 28:10 He'll go with me 28:14 through the valley. 28:20 He'll go with me 28:24 all the way... every day. 28:30 Savior, help me 28:34 to have faith in Thee. 28:40 What a precious 28:44 Friend is He. 28:49 Oh, what a friend we have 28:55 in Jesus, 29:01 what a precious 29:05 Friend is He. 29:16 Amen! Beautiful! Thank you so much. 29:19 All right. Appreciate the Clark Singers. 29:21 Isn't that great harmony? 29:24 Amen! Wow! What a powerful voice she has, doesn't she? 29:27 She said somebody chased her down and said: "You sound like 29:30 Vestal Goodman. " I said: "That's probably not the first 29:33 time she's been told that. " But what a powerful voice! 29:36 I'm going to ask Celestine and Michael Berry to come out. 29:40 And what a blessing they are to our community 29:43 and to our church. Wonderful people. 29:45 Dedicated their lives to Jesus 29:47 and Mike and Celestine, we appreciate what you do 29:50 and what great talent that God has given both of you. 29:53 And we love to hear you minister so bless us now. 30:28 I pray you'll be our eyes 30:35 and watch us where we go. 30:42 And help us to be wise 30:49 in times when we don't know. 30:56 Let this be our prayer 31:04 when we lose our way: 31:13 "Lead us to a place, 31:17 guide us with Your grace 31:21 to a place where we'll be 31:26 safe. " 31:29 I pray we'll find Your light 31:36 and hold it in our hearts. 31:44 When stars go out each night 31:50 remind us where You are. 31:58 Let this be our prayer 32:05 when shadows fill our day: 32:15 "Lead us to a place, 32:19 guide us with Your grace 32:23 Teach us faith 32:25 so we'll be safe. 32:31 A world where pain 32:34 and sorrow will be ended 32:39 and every heart 32:41 that's broken will be mended. 32:46 And we'll remember 32:49 we are all God's children 32:56 reaching out to touch You... 32:59 reaching to the sky. 33:09 We ask that life be kind 33:15 and watch us from above. 33:22 We hope each soul will find 33:27 another soul to love. 33:32 Let this be our prayer: 33:39 "Just like every child 33:48 needs to find a place 33:52 guide us with Your grace; 33:57 give us faith so we'll be 34:01 safe. " 34:06 Needs to find a place... 34:10 guide us with Your 34:14 grace 34:22 give us faith so we'll be 34:28 safe. 34:44 That was beautiful. Thank you, Celestine. 34:48 Well, my dad said since I put him on the spot 34:52 with that song he put me on the spot to introduce my sister 34:55 Lisa Yeager. This is Lisa Shelton Yeager. 34:58 She's very talented, and for those of you who don't know 35:01 I have two older sisters and she's one of them. 35:04 And she's very talented and she plays and sings. 35:06 And what are you playing tonight? 35:09 There Is A Quiet Place. 37:53 Amen? I have the distinct privilege to be her pastor 37:58 and she plays at church, so if you want to be further blessed 38:01 you need to come to Thompsonville. 38:03 Let's give her a hearty amen again. Amen! 38:08 This next person that's going to minister to us 38:10 is no stranger to the 3ABN family. 38:12 As a matter of fact, she's been here before me. 38:15 And Tammy, why don't you come on out? 38:18 This is Danny's only sister. 38:21 I don't know who's wiser... he or she. 38:25 But I came out so that I could avoid them having a public 38:28 dispute. I'm just kidding. 38:32 No, Tammy and Bruce are so much 38:35 in our heart and a part of our family 38:37 when I say that I'm coming after her. 38:40 She's been here long before me. Part of the Shelton family, 38:42 now the Chance family, and she's going to bless us. 38:45 What are you going to sing tonight? If Anyone Looks At Me. 38:49 If you know the song, listen. You'll have to bear with me. 38:53 I just came from the hospital and I might have fractured 38:55 my leg, but Camp Meeting's gotta go on. 38:58 But your voice is not fractured. So here I am in heels anyway. 39:01 OK. Well, let's give her a hearty amen. Amen! 39:18 If anyone looks at me 39:23 let them see Jesus. 39:30 Let me be a reflection 39:34 of His love and mercy to them. 39:43 When they start to read 39:46 my life story 39:50 I want it to bring my Savior glory. 39:56 When anyone looks at me 40:00 let them see Him. 40:10 I'm not lookin' for fortune 40:15 and I'm not seeking for fame. 40:21 I'm not so concerned 40:25 that all the world knows my name. 40:34 But I am consumed with one passion: 40:40 to tell what the Lord's done for me. 40:47 And I want my life to shine with the light 40:53 so all those around me can see. 40:59 When anyone looks at me 41:04 let them see Jesus. 41:11 Let me be a reflection 41:15 of His love and mercy to them. 41:24 When they start to read 41:27 my life story 41:31 I want it to bring 41:33 my Savior glory. 41:37 When anyone looks at me 41:41 let them see Him. 41:50 Every good and perfect gift that I possess 41:56 was sent from the Father above. 42:02 In thanks for the way that I've truly been blessed 42:08 I open my heart 42:12 and give to the world His love. 42:21 When anyone looks at me 42:26 let them see Jesus. 42:33 Let me be a reflection 42:37 of His love and mercy to them. 42:43 Mmm-mmm-mmm. 42:46 When they start to read 42:49 my life story 42:53 I want it to bring my Savior glory. 42:59 When anyone looks at me... 43:05 when anyone looks at me... 43:12 when anyone looks at me 43:19 let them 43:22 see Him. 43:30 Amen! 43:35 Thank you, Tammy. 43:37 You know, that's the ultimate desire of all of us: 43:40 people to look at us and see Jesus. Amen? 43:42 I was just sitting down talking to Danny and 43:45 September 26 is a significant date for me. 43:48 Five years ago I preached a sermon about Job on 43:51 the 26th of September, and I didn't know that 43:55 three days from that I would suffer a severe injury 43:58 that I'm still recovering from 5 years later: 44:00 an elbow to my throat playing basketball. 44:04 I should have gotten paid for it, but I didn't. 44:06 And what I learned out of that is that God doesn't need us 44:10 at our best to still be able to minister through us. 44:15 And so this song that I've chosen to sing tonight 44:18 on my fifth anniversary is a song that really 44:22 describes my journey over the last five years: 44:24 He Touched Me... and made me whole. 44:37 Shackled by a heavy burden, 44:44 I was beneath a load of guilt 44:50 and shame. 44:54 Then the hand of Jesus 44:59 touched me 45:02 and now I am no longer 45:07 the same. Can I get a choir? Are you ready? Let's sing: 45:11 He touched me... 45:14 O, He touched me... 45:20 and O the joy 45:24 that floods my soul. You know why? 45:29 Something happened 45:34 and now I know 45:38 He touched me 45:41 and made me whole. 45:47 Since I met this blessed 45:52 Savior 45:55 and since 45:58 He cleansed and made me whole 46:04 Now I will never cease 46:09 to praise Him... 46:13 I'll shout it 46:16 while eternity rolls. Are you ready again? Here we go: 46:22 For He touched me... 46:26 O, He touched me... 46:31 and O the joy 46:35 that floods my soul. 46:41 Something happened 46:45 and now I know... 46:49 Listen: something happened 46:53 and now I know... 46:57 Oh yes, something wonderful happened 47:01 and now I know 47:07 that He touched me... 47:10 O, Jesus touched me... 47:16 and O the joy 47:20 that floods my soul. 47:24 You know, something wonderful happened 47:28 and now I know 47:38 Jesus touched me 47:42 and made 47:47 me whole. 48:00 Amen! Amen? Praise the Lord! 48:06 I'm going to invite Darrell Marshall to come out. 48:08 Darrell... I think it should me Marshall Darrell 48:12 rather than Darrell Marshall. 48:15 He has... Whatever happened to that tie that Danny cut? 48:18 Oh, I've still got it. 48:20 You have two of them now, right? I have two! 48:23 What are you going to sing for us tonight? 48:25 I would love to sing Who Am I? 48:27 You know, that song really talks about our walk with Christ 48:30 and it identifies who are we that He would give such a great 48:33 sacrifice to save us. A lot of times I feel unworthy 48:36 John, of this - God's love - but He assures me 48:41 that He does and He died for me. 48:44 Minister to us, Darrell. 49:02 When I think 49:04 of how He came 49:08 far from glory 49:15 He came and dwelt 49:19 among the lowly 49:23 such as I. 49:29 He suffered shame 49:31 and such disgrace, 49:36 on Mount Calvary 49:39 take my place. 49:43 Then I ask myself this question: 49:50 "Who am I? " 49:56 Who am I 50:01 that a King 50:03 would bleed and die for? 50:10 Who am I 50:14 that He would pray 50:17 "Not My will but Thine" for? 50:24 The answer I may never know 50:31 why He ever 50:34 loved me so 50:38 that to an old rugged cross 50:42 He would go 50:46 for who am I. 50:53 But I'm reminded of 50:56 these precious words Jesus said: 51:00 "I'll leave thee never. " 51:04 He said: "If you'll be true, 51:10 I'll give to you 51:14 a life forever. " Aren't you thankful for that tonight? 51:19 I don't know what 51:23 I could have done 51:26 to deserve 51:30 God's only Son! 51:34 He'll fight all of our battles till they're won 51:40 for who am I. 51:47 Who am I 51:52 that a King 51:54 would bleed and die for? 52:01 Who am I 52:05 that He would pray 52:08 "Not My will but Thine" for? 52:15 The answer I 52:18 may never know 52:22 why He ever loved 52:27 me so 52:30 that to an old rugged cross 52:34 He would go... 52:37 to an old rugged cross 52:41 He would go... 52:45 to an old rugged cross 52:48 He would go 52:51 for who am I. 52:57 Who am I? 53:07 Amen. Amen. 53:10 Amen! You think about the words of that song. 53:16 Who am I that a King 53:23 would bleed and die for? 53:27 Who am I 53:31 that He would give His life for me? 53:38 You think about your own life 53:40 and where God has led you. 53:44 The things He's brought you through. 53:50 The way that He's expressed Himself to you in love. 53:59 And if there's not something that 54:03 puts you on your knees 54:06 then I don't know what would. 54:11 Our Lord, our God... 54:15 He wants us to represent Him 54:19 with our lives letting Him shine forth 54:24 through us. Edgar A. Guest wrote a poem 54:29 that goes something like this: "I'd rather see a sermon 54:31 than to hear one any day. 54:34 I'd rather One should walk with me than merely show the way. 54:39 The eye is a better pupil... far more willing than the ear. 54:43 Fine counsel is confusing 54:47 but example always clear. 54:51 And the best of all the preachers are the ones who 54:53 live their creeds... for to see the good in action 54:58 is what everybody needs. 55:01 I can soon learn how to do it if you let me see it done. 55:08 I can watch your hands in action 55:10 but your tongue too fast may run. 55:13 And the lectures you deliver may be very wise and true 55:18 but I'd rather get my lessons 55:21 by observing what you do. 55:25 For I may misunderstand you in the high advice you give 55:29 but there is no misunderstanding 55:34 how you act and how you live. " 55:41 During Camp Meeting time there's an opportunity to 55:45 recommit our lives to Jesus. 55:49 Right now with every head bowed and every eye closed 55:54 I want you to think about your life. 56:00 Where we are right now in the stream of history. 56:05 Christ is coming again soon. 56:10 How many of you want to join me in recommitting 56:13 your life to Him? To keep on keeping on, trusting 56:17 in Jesus, relying upon Him 56:22 and making Him number one in your life? 56:24 If you feel that way, just raise your hand along with mine. 56:28 Father in Heaven, You see these hands and 56:30 You know these hearts which is more important than 56:34 our giving some type of a response publicly 56:37 is the response of the heart 56:40 to give You our lives, 56:44 our all. To lay it all on the altar, Father. 56:49 We pray for the filling infilling of the Holy Spirit. 56:53 We pray, Lord, that You will take us and use us. 56:57 You've saved us and we thank you for that, Father. 57:01 We pray that You will help us to be witnesses 57:04 to those that we come in contact with 57:08 and that we might share the burden of taking the message 57:12 around the world because these are the marching orders 57:17 that You've given us: 57:20 the gospel... gospel of the kingdom... 57:25 into all of the world. 57:27 And we thank you, Lord, for hearing us in Jesus' name, 57:30 Amen. |
Revised 2015-07-28