3ABN Homecoming 2014

Sands of the Sea

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: 14HC

Program Code: 14HC000004

00:46 Good morning and happy Preparation Day.
00:51 This is the day before the Sabbath
00:53 and the second day of our Fall Homecoming Camp Meeting
00:57 here at Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
00:59 And if you were with us on last evening, I think you
01:01 can agree that we had a very fine time in the Lord,
01:04 did we not? Good music! Good preaching!
01:07 Good questions and answers.
01:09 And it was really a very, very quick three hours that we spent
01:13 together. And now we get to spend the whole day together.
01:16 Praise the Lord! Some forty years ago
01:21 I was the pastor of the Bethel SDA Church
01:27 in Brooklyn, New York. Youth pastor.
01:29 I'd like to say that I pastored from the cradle,
01:31 but I cannot. But I met 40 years ago
01:35 a young man who was running the streets of Brooklyn
01:37 by the name of John Lomacang.
01:39 He was painfully thin
01:42 and on the edges of the church,
01:45 but he had good parenting and he also had a very loyal
01:50 girlfriend by the name of Angela Marr...
01:53 who made sure that even though he was out Friday night
01:56 doing what he was not supposed to do
01:58 Sabbath morning he was in church next to her.
02:02 And she kept him close until the Lord got a hold of him.
02:05 And several years later he is now the pastor of the
02:08 Thompsonville SDA church and our pastor. I tease him.
02:14 I say he used to sleep on my sermons
02:16 40 years ago
02:22 and now I am not allowed to sleep on his 40 years later.
02:27 He is a good preacher, a good author,
02:29 a gifted singer, and a man of God.
02:33 He told me not to take too long in this introduction
02:36 and I will not do so because he has much to say.
02:38 He is writing a new book that I am very, very anxious
02:41 to have him finish because we all want to read it.
02:45 He and I are both writing at this time.
02:47 I don't know who's going to finish first.
02:49 Perhaps he will... but maybe he'll talk just a little bit
02:51 about that because it is a very timely book
02:55 and something that the church needs to have.
02:59 John is going to be speaking on the subject
03:02 Sand of the Sea.
03:05 I affectionately call him rabbi.
03:08 He calls me bishop.
03:10 When you've known somebody 40 years you can kind of play
03:12 with names like that a little bit. But he is a good friend...
03:14 he and Angela. We love them dearly.
03:16 And he is a talented servant of the Lord.
03:19 Before he speaks Celestine Berry
03:22 and her husband Mike are going to bring special music.
03:25 They have ambled down from Chicago to be part of
03:28 the 3ABN family, and we love them so very, very much.
03:32 And they just fit right in. She is the secretary
03:36 of the church and he is a gifted musician and pianist also.
03:40 Many stories we could tell about Mike and Celestine
03:43 but we don't have time to do that now.
03:45 I am asking from you for our pastor, our friend,
03:48 your undivided and prayerful attention.
03:50 We know that God has given him a message for us
03:53 and we ask that you hear the message of the Lord
03:56 and be blessed. Shall we pray?
03:58 Father God, we do praise You and thank you so very, very much
04:02 for the privilege we have of serving You.
04:06 For the call that brought us out of darkness into the
04:08 marvelous light of Your Word and Your truth.
04:11 We ask just now, dear Father, that You would be with
04:14 the speaker. Be with our friend and our pastor.
04:17 Give him words that will be meat in due season for us.
04:21 And then help us to hear and to do... because it is in
04:26 the doing that we are made like Christ Jesus.
04:29 We thank you and praise You in Jesus' name, Amen.
04:33 Mike and Celestine Berry followed by our pastor,
04:36 our friend John Lomacang.
05:05 Lead me, Lord...
05:09 lead me by the hand
05:12 and make me face the rising sun.
05:17 Comfort me through all the pain that life may bring.
05:23 There's no other hope
05:26 that I can lean upon.
05:31 Lead me, Lord...
05:34 lead me all my life.
05:41 Walk by me...
05:45 walk by me across the lonely road
05:49 that I may face.
05:52 Take my arms, and let Your hand show me God's way.
06:00 Show the way to live inside Your love
06:05 all my days...
06:09 all my life.
06:14 You are my light;
06:19 You're the lamp upon my feet.
06:22 All the time, my Lord, I need You there.
06:28 You are my light
06:33 I cannot live alone.
06:36 Let me stay by Your guiding love
06:41 all through my life
06:48 lead me, Lord.
06:56 Lead me Lord...
07:00 even though at times I'd rather go
07:04 alone my way.
07:06 Help me take the right direction...
07:11 take Your road.
07:14 Lead me, Lord, to never leave
07:18 Thy side all my days...
07:23 all my life.
07:29 You are my light
07:34 You're the lamp upon my feet.
07:37 All the time, my Lord, I need You there.
07:43 You are my light
07:47 I cannot live alone.
07:50 Let me stay by Your guiding love.
07:56 All through my life.
08:02 You are my light;
08:07 You're the lamp upon my feet.
08:10 All the time, my Lord, I need You there.
08:16 And You are my light
08:20 I cannot live alone.
08:23 Let me stay by Your guiding love
08:29 all through my life...
08:32 all through my days...
08:35 Lead me, Lord,
08:42 all my
08:47 life.
09:14 Thank you Mike and Celestine. Amen?
09:16 Amen! News that we need to know this morning
09:20 is that in our lives, in our trials, in our difficulties,
09:23 God is there. Amen.
09:26 I know that "bishop" already prayed
09:31 but I want to ask the Lord to lead again this morning.
09:33 Let's bow our heads.
09:37 Heavenly Father, take this opportunity, Lord,
09:41 to pour into Your manservant.
09:43 I yield myself to Your Spirit's impression
09:48 and leading in Jesus' name. Amen.
09:53 It's amazing what can come out of Bible study.
09:57 My wife and I have opportunity to read our Bibles
10:01 on a daily occasion. And sometimes we would take that
10:05 to the next level and read Patriarchs and Prophets
10:07 together which we're doing right now.
10:09 Sometimes I would read a devotion from Maranatha
10:12 or one of Ellen White's books and we would always
10:15 in that moment be prepared for what's coming next.
10:18 And we have been filled with no short amazement to see
10:23 how God takes our time of study
10:26 to prepare us for what we will face
10:28 either during that day or even during that week.
10:33 The topic of the sand of the sea came up
10:35 and I was immediately pointed to Revelation chapter 20:7-8
10:40 which I will read in just a moment.
10:43 But it tapped me on the back to let me know that there is
10:47 a topic today in Christianity that has for some reason
10:52 been overlooked, been deleted and has been somewhat
10:56 ignored in place of the more common and acceptable
10:59 kinds of sermons and messages that are coming to the forefront
11:02 today, and that is the sermon about the destruction of the
11:06 wicked, the end of sin, the coming of our Lord and Savior.
11:10 And I am excited this morning that one day
11:13 sin will be no more. What do you say? Amen!
11:16 That there is coming a day when every impact that sin has
11:20 brought to this planet will not even be in our memory.
11:25 And sin is now today synonymous to something that the world
11:30 is not concerned about.
11:32 Just recently my wife and I went to Nairobi, Kenya.
11:35 And upon mentioning our plans to go the word "Ebola"
11:39 came to the forefront. Those that work here at 3ABN...
11:43 her boss, our friends, individuals that have come
11:47 in contact with us... said: "Be careful
11:49 because we know that you are going to a region where the
11:51 possibility of contracting Ebola is maybe at a higher risk
11:56 than it would be here in the United States. "
11:59 But I did my homework and assured them that Ebola was
12:01 3,363 miles away from us.
12:06 But still deep in the heart they said: "But there's still
12:09 a possibility. " And I've come to discover that Ebola
12:14 at the mention of its name the neighbors of western Africa
12:20 are filled with fear. First discovered in 1976
12:25 the name Ebola - as I did my homework -
12:27 come from a river in close proximity
12:31 to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
12:34 According to the New York Times scientists now believe that
12:37 bats are the natural source for the virus
12:41 and that humans and apes catch it from eating food
12:45 that bats have drooled or defecated on
12:49 according to the article
12:51 or by coming in contact with surfaces covered
12:54 in infected bat droppings and then touching the eyes
12:58 or the mouth. I wondered how the virus was spread.
13:02 I was encouraged when they told me it was not spread
13:04 by sneezing or just by casually passing in the same region.
13:11 However on Tuesday, just this week, September 23, 2014,
13:15 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said
13:18 that in a worst-case scenario
13:21 Ebola could infect 1.4 million by January 2015.
13:28 The World Health Organization agrees with those estimates.
13:33 Collectively they say that if no cure is found
13:36 Ebola can potentially become a modern-day bubonic plague
13:42 that wiped out 1/3 of Europe.
13:46 Because the U.N. members know its potential as a global threat
13:49 steps are now being taken to contain and resolve
13:53 the Ebola crisis. And today when you turn the news on
13:57 and when you listen carefully there is hardly a place on earth
14:00 that has not expressed some concern for the Ebola virus.
14:05 But now this morning allow me to introduce to you
14:08 a pandemic that has a far- greater reaching impact
14:12 than the Ebola virus will ever have.
14:16 This pandemic has only three letters: SIN.
14:21 And I believe because of its far-reaching impact
14:24 that has been proven, we should invest a deeper interest
14:28 in avoiding the long-term effects of the sin pandemic.
14:32 Because if you look at the statistics, everybody agrees
14:35 with this: that sin boasts a mortality rate of 100%.
14:42 Everyone born is affected by it.
14:45 You don't have to be in the region... you're just born
14:47 affected by it. That's why Romans says in Romans 3:23
14:52 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. "
14:57 When I read that verse and included it in this sermon
15:01 I praise God that there are more verses in the Bible about
15:04 sin, what do you say? It's not the final result.
15:07 That's not the final analogy; that is not the final prognosis.
15:10 And so this morning I have good news and bad news.
15:14 Let's begin with the bad news.
15:17 The day is quickly approaching
15:21 when the sin problem will forever be resolved.
15:25 Soon sin will forever be destroyed
15:29 in the fires of hell. What do you say, church?
15:32 You might ask the question: "What is the bad news? "
15:35 The bad news is those that refuse the cure
15:38 will also eventually be destroyed with it.
15:42 That's the bad news.
15:43 And I look at the world around me... I look at the things that
15:45 God is offering and I compare that on the scales
15:47 of what the world has been offering to man over the course
15:52 of human history and I ask myself the question:
15:54 "How can you refuse what God is offering
15:59 in place of what Satan is offering? "
16:01 How can you settle for that which is temporary
16:04 in light of that which is eternal?
16:06 How can you settle for that which by involving one's self
16:10 degrades and debilitates and destroys
16:13 in comparison to what God offers that elevates
16:17 and ennobles and renews and gives eternal life?
16:21 How can you make that comparison and find there is
16:25 any equity or any comparison in the two categories.
16:28 That's why when I think about the effect of sin
16:31 the teaching that God has an eternally-burning hell
16:34 to endlessly punish sinners is absurd.
16:39 The Word of God says: "I find no pleasure in the death
16:43 of those who die, says the Lord. Therefore turn and live. "
16:47 Ezekiel 18 and verse 32.
16:50 God finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked
16:54 but one day sin and sinners will be no more.
16:59 The other bad news is: preachers are no longer warning
17:04 sinners to avoid the approaching judgment on sin.
17:07 You think about it today. Just turn your television on
17:10 on any given day of the week.
17:11 I thank God that 3ABN is com- mitted to that. What do you say?
17:14 That we are committed to calling sin by its right name.
17:18 And while we call sin by its right name, we don't leave out
17:21 the solution to sin... and His name is Jesus!
17:26 But this is the hour, my brothers and sisters, that we
17:29 must calibrate our spiritual compass
17:32 and check our religious pulse and examine our spiritual
17:36 dedication. So this morning accept my invitation.
17:39 Come along with me on an archaeological excursion
17:42 to unearth long-forgotten scriptural themes.
17:47 Join me as we stroll the halls
17:50 of the Museum of Unpopular Biblical Themes
17:54 and climb on board as we embark on an unforgettable journey
17:58 to an island called Irrelevant Sermons.
18:02 I believe somebody's got to preach what God's Word
18:04 wants us to preach. What do you say?
18:07 As your tour guide the purpose of my trip is
18:10 to resurrect the fragments of out-of-date preaching,
18:12 to open the sealed containers labeled Don't Preach That
18:15 Any More, and to dust off the pulpit where urgent messages
18:19 were once preached. This is the hour that we've
18:22 got to get away from meandering in the maze of mediocrity
18:26 and pondering at the pool of popularity
18:28 and get back to proclaiming with a voice of urgency
18:32 the call that one day sin and sinners will be no more.
18:37 The apostle Timothy records the words
18:40 of an urgent preacher. He says: "Preach the Word. "
18:42 Preach the what, church? "Preach the Word. "
18:45 Be instant in season... and this is a season
18:49 the days of diluted messages have come to the forefront.
18:54 Be instant in season, out of season. That means
18:58 when it's popular and when it's not popular be ready.
19:02 Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering
19:05 and doctrine: that word that people seek to avoid today.
19:09 For the time will come... Can I modify that?
19:12 "For the time has come when they will not endure sound doctrine"
19:17 the Bible says, "but after their own lusts
19:21 they shall heap for themselves teachers having itching ears.
19:26 They shall turn away their ears from the truth
19:29 and shall be turned unto fables. "
19:32 It's been a long journey but we have finally arrived
19:34 at the time where popular preaching is preferred
19:38 above solemn sermons. This is the day and age
19:41 when preachers tell you about financial stability
19:45 and how to launch social programs.
19:47 That's all well and good but you cannot leave out Jesus
19:50 in the social setting for He is as social as
19:53 He is divine. Can you say amen to that?
19:56 But I find it repulsive somehow
19:58 that when you turn on television men that have been called
20:01 by God to proclaim an undiluted message
20:05 are selling out for material wealth.
20:08 I was turned off by one of the preachers that said
20:11 as he continues to raise millions and millions of dollars
20:15 to fund his lavish lifestyle.
20:17 And let me make a point right here: God is not upset
20:20 with those that have wealth.
20:22 Many men in the Bible were very wealthy.
20:25 God is not upset with wealth,
20:27 but it's the love of money that is the root of all evil.
20:30 And when a preacher stands in the pulpit and gives this reason
20:34 for his indulgence in materialism
20:37 when he says: "When I get to heaven I'm not going to go
20:39 to heaven poor" I find that an offense.
20:43 Because I want to tell you: Today, no matter what you buy
20:46 and what you possess, the only thing we're taking to heaven
20:48 is our character. There ain't going to be any trailer trucks
20:52 in heaven. Nobody's going to have any delivery trucks
20:56 coming to heaven. "This is Preacher So-and-So's stuff. "
20:58 It's all going to go up in flames one day.
21:00 So that's why the Bible says: "Do not invest in those things
21:04 that rust and moths will decay
21:09 and thieves will break in and steal. "
21:11 And so today - nowadays - these prosperity preachers are
21:15 amassing wealth. And all you have to do is look at the news
21:19 and see that there are no shortage of preachers
21:22 that want to be wealthy.
21:24 Well I don't want to be wealthy.
21:26 I don't mind having a little bit more money.
21:30 But I want to tell you that the greatest wealth to have
21:32 is Jesus... Amen!
21:35 for My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
21:39 I serve One who doesn't count cattle by the head;
21:42 He counts His cattle by the hill.
21:44 Like the little boy said to the young man who was boasting
21:49 about his father's boat in the ocean,
21:51 about his father's plane in the sky,
21:54 and about his father's mansion on the hillside.
21:56 This little poor boy had no comeback until God impressed
21:59 his humble little heart and he said:
22:01 "Well you see that boat that your father has?
22:04 Your boat is on the water that my Father owns. "
22:08 Amen somebody?
22:10 "You see that plane that your father flies?
22:13 Your father flies his plane in the air that my Daddy owns. "
22:17 "You see that hill on which your father's house sits?
22:21 Your father's house sits on land that my Daddy owns. "
22:24 I tell you friends, it's going to get rough before it gets
22:26 better. But I never forgot the story:
22:27 As one plane was filled with passengers that were gripped
22:31 by fear as turbulence all but brought that plane down.
22:34 But they couldn't help but notice a little girl.
22:37 Couldn't be more than seven or eight years old.
22:39 She just continued coloring in her book
22:41 while all the passengers were gripped with fear.
22:43 And somebody could not hesitate to ask her when the plane landed
22:46 safely: "Why were you not afraid? "
22:49 She said: "Well my daddy's the pilot.
22:51 He was just taking me home. "
22:53 Amen church? It's going to get rough before it gets better.
22:56 But we've got to know that our "Daddy" is the pilot.
22:59 We're going to get home.
23:01 That's why in this day and age messages intended by God
23:04 to wake up a slumbering society have been substituted
23:08 by messages that increase our desire for material gain
23:12 and then at same time decrease our desire for eternity.
23:15 I want to be in the kingdom. What about you? Amen!
23:17 In the midst of covetous ministries, political pulpits,
23:21 and Christians that have their minds set on occupying
23:24 the White House, I can almost hear heaven calling us
23:28 to return to scriptural integrity.
23:30 And the reason is clear.
23:32 The destruction of the days of Noah are about to be repeated
23:37 again on a grand scale. Amen.
23:40 As it was in his day... I don't hear preachers talking about
23:44 that... about the coming destruction.
23:48 They talk about attitudes that your family members have.
23:50 And you know, we've got to find a way to deal with that, too.
23:54 But while you talk about the temporal, don't leave out
23:56 the eternal. A converted preacher by the name of Peter
24:00 wrote these words in II Peter chapter 3 verses 3-7.
24:03 And he says: "Knowing this first: that scoffers will come
24:07 in the last days... " Are there scoffers in the last days?
24:12 There is no shortage of scoffers.
24:14 "Walking according to their own lusts.
24:16 And they will be saying: 'Where is the promise of His coming?
24:19 For since the fathers fell asleep... ' they say...
24:22 'all things continue as they were from the beginning
24:26 of creation. ' " Let me insert something here:
24:28 things are not the same as they were when I was a young man!
24:32 Come on... help me out, somebody.
24:34 Times have changed. I was raised in quite a different world...
24:37 and I'm not that old.
24:39 I didn't mean to use the word old, but I'm not that young.
24:44 Fits me in a category.
24:45 But it's quite different than it was in the 70's and 80's
24:48 and the 90's. Can I get an amen on that?
24:50 So things have not continued the way they were
24:52 from the beginning of creation.
24:54 But the reason is clear: "For this they willingly forget"
24:57 Peter said, "that the Word of God...
25:00 that by the Word of God the heavens were of old
25:03 and the earth standing out of water and in the water
25:05 by which the world that then existed perished
25:10 being flooded with water. "
25:13 You can look at the evidences.
25:14 Although there are many contending in the school of
25:17 intellectuality, it is clear that when you find fossils
25:21 at the top of Mt. Everest people did not take the time
25:24 to carry them there.
25:28 He goes on to say: "But the heavens and the earth which are
25:31 now preserved by the same Word
25:33 are reserved for fire until the day of judgment
25:37 and perdition of ungodly men. "
25:39 We've got to be like Noah in this diluted generation.
25:43 We've got to be like faithful men of God of the past.
25:46 God is calling for faithful men.
25:48 God is not calling for famous men.
25:50 God is calling for faithful men.
25:53 Noah preached and Noah built, and he directed the ark
25:56 and the building of the ark. By faith he built a boat.
25:59 And for 120 years God's Spirit pleaded with mankind
26:04 that became convinced that what God had to offer was not
26:08 worth notice. "And in the year that Methuselah died
26:12 the flood came. " And by the way, Methuselah means
26:15 when he dies the water comes.
26:17 How'd you like to have that kind of name?
26:19 "How's Methuselah doing today?
26:21 I just heard he died... the water's coming. "
26:24 We live in a world just like Noah's world.
26:27 Luke 17 verse 26:
26:29 "As it was in the days of Noah... "
26:32 the Lord says... "so it will be in the days of the Son of Man.
26:36 They ate, they drank, they married wives
26:39 and they were given in marriage
26:40 until the day that Noah entered the ark
26:43 and the flood came and destroyed them all. "
26:44 There's another flood coming. This time it's not water...
26:47 it's going to be fire this time.
26:50 The prosperity gospel has overshadowed the preparation
26:52 gospel. Let me encourage you today: when you go home and you
26:55 think about what to do with your money, stop spending
26:57 your money to support marshmallow ministries that
27:00 avoid telling the truth. Amen!
27:03 Spend it where God will get a clear proclamation.
27:07 Just in case you don't know where that is,
27:11 allow me to give you a hint.
27:13 It's only got four letters: 3ABN.
27:17 Amen somebody? Amen!
27:19 We've got to get away from all this diluted sermonizing
27:22 and get back to the urgency of the hour.
27:25 It doesn't matter how many people you cram into a building.
27:27 What really matters is how many people are going to be
27:29 in the ark when Jesus comes.
27:31 So people boast about the great numbers in a building.
27:33 I want to boast when I get on the inside of the ark.
27:35 Somebody once said the ark was an awful place to be
27:38 with all those stink animals. I'd rather be in a stink place
27:41 of safety than a sweet- smelling place of insecurity.
27:45 What do you say? But today the Bible says:
27:48 "Watch out for how they preach for when they shall say 'peace
27:51 and safety' then sudden destruction comes upon them.
27:54 As labor pains upon a pregnant woman they will not escape. "
27:57 I Thessalonians 5 and verse 3.
28:00 God is calling on faithful preachers to warn the world
28:03 of the coming destruction.
28:05 Don't believe the feel-good Lazy Boy recliner sermons any more.
28:12 Too many of those. Every time I go to a book stand
28:15 "The Seven Habits Of A Highly-Effective Christian"
28:18 and you can't find sin in the entire book.
28:21 And then they say it's the number one best seller on the
28:23 New York Times Best Seller List.
28:26 Well there's a lot of books that fall into that category
28:28 but I'm not concerned about the New York Times Best Sellers List
28:31 because the Bible is still on the top of that list.
28:33 What do you say? Amen! It's still
28:34 the number one selling book of all time.
28:39 Nobody's saying that on the horizon a storm of judgment
28:42 is brewing like none that humanity has ever witnessed
28:47 before. And so if you know where the book of Zephaniah is
28:50 turn there with me to Zephaniah chapter 1.
28:52 Let's begin to resurrect scriptures that have lost their
28:55 impact in modern society.
28:57 Let's begin to use verses that you don't hear on television...
29:00 at least not on that television.
29:03 Zephaniah chapter 1:14-18. You won't hear this
29:07 in that 30,000-seat stadium.
29:10 Zephaniah chapter 1 verses 14 to 18.
29:14 Here is the word of the day from the God who has prognosticated
29:19 the coming destruction. He says in His Word:
29:24 "The great day of the Lord is near.
29:28 It is near and hastens quickly.
29:31 The noise of the day of the Lord is bitter.
29:34 There the mighty men shall cry out.
29:38 The day is a day of wrath... a day of trouble and distress.
29:42 A day of devastation and desolation.
29:44 A day of darkness and gloominess.
29:47 A day of clouds and thick darkness. "
29:50 God continues: "A day of trumpet and alarm against the
29:54 fortified cities, against the high towers. "
29:57 And then He proclaims: "I will bring distress upon men"
30:00 the Lord says, "and they shall walk like
30:03 blind men because they have sinned against the Lord.
30:07 Their blood shall be poured out like dust
30:10 and their flesh like refuse.
30:13 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able
30:16 to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath.
30:20 But the whole land shall be devoured by the fire
30:23 of His jealousy. For He will make speedy riddance
30:27 of all those who dwell in the land. "
30:30 This is not a La-Z-Boy recliner text. Come on somebody,
30:33 say amen. These are the verses that have somehow been
30:36 highlighted and deleted in the pulpits of our world.
30:40 But they are there for God to give it to us
30:45 and let this text of urgency resonate throughout the world
30:48 today... for this day is coming.
30:51 You know, you can ignore a sign,
30:53 but the impact of the sign does not change.
30:56 You can ignore the high-voltage warnings, but the fence remains
31:00 electrified just the same.
31:03 You cannot ignore... And some must believe that missing heaven
31:07 means going to clubs and parties forever.
31:10 That's not what the Bible says.
31:11 Others must think that hell is somehow a place where they
31:15 have eternal alcohol, drugs, and eternal immorality.
31:18 That's not what the Bible says.
31:20 I cannot wrap my head around the idea that when sermons are
31:24 preached and people are pleading to give your life to Jesus
31:29 when sermons are proclaimed and the preacher stands and says
31:33 "Come into the ark of safety" I cannot fathom the idea that
31:38 somebody would miss eternity for another drink of alcohol
31:43 or for another hit of drugs
31:47 or for another moment of immorality.
31:49 I cannot fathom that.
31:51 But as it was in Noah's day so also will it be in the day
31:54 of the coming of the Son of Man.
31:56 The good news is there will be no alcohol, there will be no
31:59 drugs, there will be no party- ing, there will be no clubbing,
32:02 and there will be no immorality in the kingdom of heaven.
32:04 What do you say? Amen! Nothing could be further from the truth.
32:08 Listen to the faithful prophet: Malachi chapter 4 verse 1.
32:11 What is God going to do to resolve this sin epidemic?
32:15 "For behold the day is coming, " the Lord says,
32:18 "burning like an oven.
32:21 And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly"
32:25 the prophet says "will be stubble.
32:27 And the day which is coming shall burn them up
32:32 says the Lord of Hosts that will leave them neither
32:35 root nor branch. " Amen somebody.
32:38 That's why last night I mentioned that fact.
32:40 How are sinners going to be around forever
32:43 when there are no roots?
32:45 If the devil himself is going to be destroyed,
32:48 how can you appoint sinners eternal existence
32:53 when the one who markets their indulgence is no longer around?
32:59 How can you have drugs in your community
33:02 when there are no drug dealers?
33:04 How can you have immorality when all the smut shops are
33:07 closed up? Amazing how America is so conflicted.
33:13 On one hand we talk about avoiding immorality in this
33:16 avenue but we market and we push immorality
33:20 in another camp. We concern ourselves about
33:23 the legalization of marijuana while we're selling alcohol
33:26 and cigarettes by the billions of dollars?
33:30 There's going to be no alcohol and cigarettes in heaven.
33:33 Nobody's going to be blowing smoke in our face.
33:35 Come on, say amen somebody. Amen!
33:37 The only smoke that's going to be up there is "holy smoke. "
33:40 When we stand in the presence of a God who is a consuming fire
33:43 what do you say? That's the good smoke!
33:47 That's why we're going to need immortality!
33:51 Do you know the only difference between
33:52 immorality and immorality is the "T? "
33:55 The cross? Come on, say amen.
33:57 Take out the "T" it becomes immorality.
33:59 Put the "T" in, it becomes immortality.
34:05 Whatever we treasure and embrace more than God
34:08 it's going to be consumed.
34:10 II Peter 3 and verse 10... another very unpopular text...
34:14 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night
34:17 in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise
34:20 and the elements will melt with fervent heat. "
34:26 There will be no ISIS in the kingdom. Come on, help me out
34:28 somebody. There'll be no terrorism in the kingdom
34:32 because the root of terrorism will be destroyed in the fires
34:34 of hell. There will be no kidnapping;
34:37 there'll be no bloodshed, no crime, no violence.
34:40 No pain, no suffering: no crime, no funerals.
34:43 There'll be none of that in heaven because the Bible says
34:46 "both the earth and the works that are therein
34:50 shall be burned up. "
34:55 It's amazing how the scriptures about destruction are so hardly
34:59 mentioned that you may come to the conclusion
35:01 that somehow they have been deleted from the Bible.
35:06 I can't forget the story that one of my members told me
35:09 one day. We had a new member that came to our church.
35:13 Came out of a church he had been in for 35 to 40 years.
35:17 And he asked me the question: "How old is too old
35:19 to be baptized? " I said: "If you're breathing,
35:22 you can be baptized. " Amen!
35:25 And he told me a story as to one of the reasons
35:28 why he decided to exit where he was and to come into God's
35:30 remnant church. I make no apologies about that.
35:36 But he said he looked at his preacher's Bible one day
35:38 and he saw highlighting everywhere in his Bible.
35:41 I think this is one of the reasons why these texts
35:42 are not being used today.
35:44 And he said to his preacher: "You really do study your
35:46 Bible. " He said: What do you mean? "
35:48 He said: "I'm looking at all those yellow highlights
35:50 throughout your Bible. I'm impressed by that. "
35:54 And he said: "Well you know actually when I was in Bible
35:56 college those scriptures that are highlighted in yellow
36:00 are the verses that they told us in Bible college
36:02 not to talk about. " What?
36:06 As they say: "If there is a fog in the pews,
36:10 there is a mist in the pulpit. "
36:14 The reason why these scriptures are not talked about any more...
36:17 I listened to a commentator once say:
36:19 "Why preach about things that bring fear?
36:22 Why preach about things that don't advance social causes? "
36:26 There's only one social cause and Jesus mentioned that
36:29 when He came: "Call His name Jesus for He will save His
36:33 people from their sins. "
36:35 That's the social cause of the age.
36:37 "The Son of Man is come to seek and to save
36:39 that which is lost. " THAT is the social cause of the age.
36:43 You can give me bread, and I can still die in the fires of hell.
36:46 You can give me a nice home to live in
36:50 but I would miss out on my eternal mansion.
36:53 While we address social causes, let's not forget
36:56 that there are eternal causes that demand our attention.
36:59 And Jeremiah the prophet makes it clear why
37:01 we must address those eternal issues: Jeremiah chapter 25.
37:06 Look with me to verse 32 and verse 33.
37:09 We cannot ignore the eternal causes
37:13 in place of the temporary ones.
37:16 He speaks of disaster that's coming. He says
37:18 again, and this morning I say with an emphatic heart
37:22 filled with concern and love for those that don't know Jesus:
37:26 "There's something coming
37:28 that we've got to get ready for! "
37:30 There's a disaster coming that we've got to get ready for.
37:33 Before I read the text - you're turning to Jeremiah 25-
37:36 but as you turn there think about this:
37:38 if the news anchormen and the prognosticators
37:44 and the meteorologists' knew that an earthquake of magnitude
37:48 proportion was coming would they not warn us?
37:51 Can you imagine getting an email: "Tomorrow at 2 o'clock
37:54 there's going to be an 11.0 earthquake. Leave! "
37:57 Would you leave? Would you get out?
38:02 If they said to you: "There's a tornado of apocalyptic
38:06 proportions heading your way, " would you move?
38:09 The problem why people are settled in their sin today
38:13 is nobody is saying
38:17 that this world is about to be destroyed.
38:21 And this whole ideology that Jesus is coming back
38:24 to spend 1,000 years down here...
38:26 He's already been down here.
38:28 As a matter of fact, I even hear people say: "You know
38:30 there are aliens out there. " If there were aliens out there,
38:33 why would they want to come down here and get robbed?
38:36 Help me out somebody.
38:38 Why would people from other worlds want to come down here
38:41 and get beat up? There ain't no aliens...
38:44 that's the devil playing games with peoples' minds.
38:47 And this whole idea about the rapture...
38:48 this second-chance theology: that's a lie.
38:51 The devil is continuing to find ways to keep people inoculated
38:57 from getting ready. As if the Left Behind series hasn't done
39:01 enough damage already now they have Nicholas Cage
39:04 coming out with this movie again... Left Behind.
39:07 Let me tell you something: don't even go to see it.
39:09 Don't go to see Noah... that's a lie. Amen!
39:12 At least the way that the movie producers...
39:14 Did you not know that the guy that produced that movie
39:16 is a self-proclaimed atheist? What?
39:19 That produced the movie Noah.
39:22 And folk are paying money to go see Noah.
39:25 You want to see Noah? Read your Bible! Amen!
39:28 That's where the truth is told.
39:29 Now they have shows on tele- vision like The Resurrection.
39:32 I remember preaching a number of years ago... and I think
39:33 the devil heard me. I said: "You know what? People are not
39:36 talking about the resurrection any more. They're talking about
39:38 dying and going directly to heaven. "
39:40 And all of a sudden a show comes on ABC: The Resurrection.
39:43 I ain't seen it yet and I ain't gonna watch it.
39:45 What about you? Come on... folks showing up knocking on
39:48 your house door, ringing the bell after forty years?
39:51 If somebody rings your bell that's been dead 40 years,
39:54 you better fall on your knees - Amen! - and call on Jesus.
39:57 'Cause the Bible says: "They will enter into rest
40:01 and they will not know their houses any more. "
40:03 Amen! But the devil has now cut loose. He's trying to
40:06 get people to formulate their doctrinal beliefs based on
40:10 what movie producers produce. That's right.
40:13 And he's in charge of their minds. That's right.
40:16 We've got to go to the Word of God where God is in charge
40:19 of their mind. Jeremiah the prophet says in Jeremiah 25
40:23 verses 32 and 33... he warns us again.
40:27 You see the theme of des- truction is clear in scripture,
40:30 as clear as the theme of salvation.
40:33 "Thus says the Lord... " verse 32...
40:37 "Thus says the Lord of Hosts:
40:39 'Behold, disaster shall go forth from nation to nation
40:42 and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the farthest
40:46 part of the earth. And at that day the slain of the Lord
40:50 shall be from one end of the earth even to the other
40:54 end of the earth. They shall not be lamented
40:57 or gathered or buried. They shall become refuse on the
41:02 ground. ' " There will be no funeral directors rubbing their
41:07 hands together for inordinate financial gain when this time
41:11 comes, because either the funeral director will be in
41:14 the kingdom or he will be in the refuse himself. Amen!
41:20 But at the end of that awful time there's another event
41:24 that's going to take place. Go quickly to Revelation
41:25 chapter 20 verses 7 to 9:
41:28 the source of the inspiration for the title of this message.
41:31 Revelation chapter 20 verse 7 to verse 9:
41:35 the source of inspiration for the title of this message.
41:41 The setting is: the saints are in the kingdom.
41:44 Oh praise God! One day the saints are going to be
41:46 in the kingdom. You know, every now and then
41:49 I sit down and think about that. I have a sermon title that
41:52 I have not preached yet, but it's called Living For The City.
41:55 Years ago when I was in the world, Stevie Wonder had a song
41:58 called Living For The City.
42:00 But I'm living for the city. I'm from New York,
42:03 but I'm on my way to New Jerusalem.
42:04 Come on, help me out somebody.
42:05 I'm living for The City. You've got to think...
42:07 you've got to see yourself there. You have to envision
42:10 yourself walking the streets of gold.
42:13 Sitting down and talking with Abraham and Isaac
42:16 and Jacob. You've got to see yourself there.
42:21 The setting is: the saints are in the kingdom.
42:24 And finally that long-awaited period for the eradication -
42:27 the eternal eradication of sin -
42:30 arrives and thus the text unfolds:
42:33 Revelation 20:7-9:
42:35 "Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be
42:39 released from his prison and go out to deceive the nations
42:43 which are in the four corners of the earth. "
42:46 How does he deceive them? Because there's a second resurrection.
42:50 "Gog and Magog... to gather them together to battle
42:54 whose number is as the... " together...
42:57 "sand of the sea.
43:01 And they went up on the breadth of the earth
43:03 and surrounded the camp of the saints
43:04 and the Beloved City. And fire came down from God
43:10 out of heaven and devoured them. "
43:16 You know, the irony of that verse is it doesn't have to
43:18 be that way. It doesn't have to be that way.
43:24 God never intended for destruction to apply
43:28 to His children. God never intended
43:32 for humanity to be included in the destruction at the end.
43:36 As a matter of fact, Matthew 25:41 teaches that
43:39 the fires of hell are only prepared for the devil
43:42 and his angels.
43:46 But God - in His eternal love for His children -
43:49 I need to answer the question that is included in this Ebola
43:53 virus and the bubonic plague and all the other pandemics
43:57 that have gripped our planet... I need to include this statement
44:00 here. One of the reasons I'm looking forward to the kingdom
44:03 is because the Bible says there's going to be no disease
44:07 in heaven. I remember a number of years ago
44:10 when I heard the thought... I heard somebody preach
44:14 the idea that there's a possibility that sin will
44:17 rise up a second time. That angered me so that the
44:20 hairs of my neck stood up and I thought to myself:
44:23 "You mean to tell me that Jesus
44:25 who gave His life to eradicate sin,
44:28 to save sinners, to defeat the devil,
44:31 do you mean to tell me that the sacrifice of Jesus
44:34 is not sufficient enough to eternally eradicate sin?
44:38 Who could preach such? I can't find the word.
44:45 Why could preach such heresy
44:48 that there's a possibility that the sin problem will rise up
44:51 again? When the Bible says: "Affliction shall not rise
44:56 a second time. "
44:59 My Word says... God's Word says: Revelation 21:27:
45:04 "But there shall by no means -
45:07 speaking of the kingdom - "enter it anything that defiles
45:11 or causes an abomination or a lie
45:16 but only... " say only...
45:19 "but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. "
45:25 Amen somebody? Amen.
45:27 I don't know that people understand what happens
45:29 when we are transformed. When we are finally in the image
45:32 of the Son of God, the Man without sin
45:35 who proclaimed that even when Satan came to tempt Him
45:38 He said: "The prince of this world has come and he has
45:40 nothing in Me. " If Satan did not have anything in Jesus
45:45 and we get covered by the righteousness of Jesus
45:48 and Jesus is perfect, would we not be finally perfect?
45:53 So to suggest that in the perfection of Jesus
45:58 we can fall into sin is to suggest that Jesus' perfection
46:01 is not really perfection.
46:07 Heresy... and another nugget from hell.
46:13 I say today: the righteousness of Jesus
46:17 is sufficient to completely eradicate sin.
46:19 Come on, get an amen from the back. Amen!
46:24 So as I wind down, I have to ask you some questions.
46:27 Why insist on attending an event prepared for the devil and his
46:30 angels? Why insist on breaking into a party
46:34 that wasn't established for you?
46:37 Why insist on being in a furnace that has no lasting
46:43 good end result? Why be determined
46:48 to make it into the flames of eternal destruction?
46:53 Why insist on attending an event
46:57 to which you were not even invited?
47:03 But I have to ask the other questions.
47:06 Why miss out on an event to which you are invited?
47:10 Oh today we are invited... Come on, somebody
47:13 say hallelujah! We are invited!
47:16 I remember the ABC News story about a couple that
47:19 attended the White House dinner and their names were not
47:21 on the guest list. I want to tell you today
47:24 there's nobody going to get into the heavenly kingdom without
47:26 their names being on the guest list. What do you say?
47:28 When that trumpet sounds the Bible says in Revelation 19:9
47:32 "Then he said to me: 'Write! Blessed are those who are called
47:37 to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. '
47:39 And he said to me: 'These are the true sayings of God. ' "
47:42 The question today is: is your name written there
47:45 on that page white and fair?
47:48 In the book of God's kingdom, is your name written there?
47:52 Praise God! Make sure your name is written there.
47:53 What do you say? Make sure that your name
47:55 is in the right book. Not the checkbook... but God's book.
47:59 What do you say? The Book of Life.
48:01 The only book that ever really matters.
48:03 I once preached a sermon called The Best Book Ever Written.
48:06 The best book ever written is not the Bible.
48:09 The best book ever written is the Book of Life!
48:13 'Cause we won't need a Bible in heaven.
48:16 But in the Book of Life when the pages are being turned
48:20 and my name... Oh, I tell you, I'm going to be standing there
48:24 antsy waiting till I hear my name.
48:26 Come on, help me out somebody.
48:27 "He's in the L's now... He's getting close. "
48:31 "He's at La... I'm coming up! "
48:35 And when He says: John Lomacang come and get your crown, "
48:38 am I going to be happy?
48:39 Some of you conservative Adventists are going to finally
48:41 learn how to shout.
48:43 Some of you people that talk about "It's too loud... "
48:45 If it's too loud for you down here, you don't want to
48:48 be up there because there's going to be a hallelujah chorus
48:51 that outlasts all hallelujah choruses on earth.
48:54 What do you say? There's going to be a celebration!
49:00 And they're not going to be saying: "I'm glad we made
49:02 the kingdom. "
49:06 That's right, no whispering hope. Praise God!
49:08 No whispering hope.
49:09 We are going to be echoing throughout the ceaseless ages
49:13 of eternity, and I think I am going to say: "I am so glad that
49:17 my carcass has been saved. " Come on somebody, help me out.
49:21 I want to tell you, you're not going to get into that dinner.
49:23 There's a better dinner coming, and we can have our names
49:28 on that guest list. And the dinner's not at the White House.
49:31 THIS dinner is at the right house.
49:33 Come on, help me out somebody.
49:34 "Blessed are those that are called to the Marriage Supper of
49:38 the Lamb. " I had bad news but I've got to end on good news...
49:40 is that all right? Even though many will be lost
49:44 multitudes will be saved.
49:47 And since many will be saved I might as well be on that list.
49:50 Come on, help me out. I might as well be in that number.
49:53 We sing the song. Don't just settle there.
49:55 Oh Lord, I want to be in that number. Let's change the words:
49:58 Oh Lord, I'm glad I am in that number.
50:00 Help me out somebody. Amen! The day is coming!
50:03 Let us not give up that seat for anything else.
50:05 I've said it a thousand times but it fits right here:
50:08 there are only two seats at the end of this journey:
50:10 smoking and non-smoking.
50:11 I'm going to get a non-smoking one... what about you?
50:13 Amen? And I'm still employed by the Lord...
50:17 I'm still selling fire insurance. Help me out somebody.
50:20 And life insurance and they tell me that God's retirement plan
50:24 is "out of this world. " Oh, one day it's coming.
50:28 It's coming. "And He will send His angels with the great sound
50:31 of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from
50:35 the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. "
50:38 I'm going to be in that number, what about you?
50:40 Amen! I'm going to be in that number. By God's grace,
50:42 I'm going to be there. I'm not yet perfect, but God's still
50:45 chiseling. Hallelujah! He's still working. Praise!
50:50 "He's still working on me" the kids sing. We ought to sing
50:52 that song: He's still working on us!
50:54 Amen! And there's enough room in the kingdom for all of us.
50:57 Luke says, that faithful doctor, he writes in Luke 13:29
51:01 "They will come from the east and the west,
51:04 from the north and south, and sit down in the kingdom
51:08 of God. " Oh, I don't know where I'm going to stand
51:11 because they've got four walls. Somebody said that heaven is not
51:14 big enough. That's not my concern.
51:15 I think God is a good architect. What do you think?
51:18 And I think He's made room. And whether there are mansions
51:21 or not, I'll be happy with a sleeping bag.
51:25 Amen. Amen! "All the rooms are filled. "
51:28 "Well just give me a sleeping bag. "
51:31 I'll be all right no matter where I get as my good preacher
51:33 Dr. Henry Wright says: "I don't care if I go in first
51:36 or go in last as long as the door shuts behind me. "
51:38 What about you? Oh my brothers and sisters,
51:42 we can't run from Jesus so we might as well run to Jesus.
51:46 We can't hide from Jesus so we might as well hide in Jesus.
51:50 We can't defy Jesus, and it makes no sense to deny Jesus.
51:55 On one side there will be the sands of destruction.
51:58 But I plan on being on the other side: the jewels in the
52:00 kingdom of God. Oh, I thank God for that faithful man
52:03 by the name of Malachi, when he wrote
52:06 in Malachi 3 and verse 17:
52:09 "The Lord says 'they shall be Mine'
52:13 says the Lord of Hosts. " "They shall be Mine. "
52:17 Oh I tell you: one day we are going to be in the kingdom.
52:19 Think about it. No more blemishes.
52:22 No more need for glasses.
52:23 No dual-strength contact lenses. Help me out somebody.
52:26 No need for canes and walkers;
52:29 no more forgetting to take your medication.
52:30 We will be whole in Jesus.
52:33 No more gates. We just came back from Nairobi, Kenya.
52:36 Lord have mercy. They've got more gates in Nairobi, Kenya,
52:39 than they've got in the kingdom of heaven.
52:41 Gates everywhere... high gates.
52:44 Electrified fences... barbed wire.
52:47 There will be no need for barbed wire in heaven.
52:50 As a matter of fact, sin will be so absent
52:54 that there will be no need to even close the gates of the
52:56 New Jerusalem. Some of you need to move
52:59 down here to Thompsonville to know what we're talking about.
53:03 Some of you people live in the city... scared of your shadow.
53:07 You've got to come down where the only noise you hear at night
53:09 as I said to one of our guests: "If you hear any noise,
53:11 it's probably a raccoon trying to find some food
53:14 or a possum trying to find something to eat. "
53:17 "If you hear any noise in the morning, that's the birds
53:20 reminding you to wake up and feed them. "
53:22 Oh, one day we're going to hear good noise.
53:25 Holy noise. Noise that says to us sin has forever been
53:29 eradicated. What do you say? Amen!
53:32 So my question is: how could anyone choose Satan
53:35 who hates us with a hell-born hatred?
53:39 But how could anyone refuse Jesus who loves us with an
53:41 everlasting love? Ebola? I'm not concerned about
53:45 the name Ebola. Jesus! Just the mention of His name
53:49 brings hope. Jesus: the name above all names.
53:53 Jesus: the One that never fails!
53:57 Jesus: the lion, the Lamb, and the coming King of kings.
54:01 What do you say today? Amen! And I tell you
54:04 there's a lot of books I read. One of my favorite books
54:07 that I go to as I close this message.
54:10 You see, brothers and sisters, it makes no sense...
54:12 Those of you that are watching or maybe listening on the radio
54:15 it makes no sense to miss out on this great eternal
54:18 celebration. It makes no sense for your crown that is being
54:24 prepared for you to be left in a heap of unclaimed treasure.
54:28 It makes no sense
54:31 where there's more room in the Book of Life for your name
54:34 not to be entered there. It makes no sense
54:38 for the blood of Jesus not to cover your sin.
54:41 It makes no sense to turn down a ticket
54:46 whose ride ends in the gates of the New Jerusalem.
54:51 It makes no sense to miss out on hearing your name called.
54:55 It makes no sense to not tell your story about how God
54:58 redeemed you. There are unfallen worlds that need to hear
55:01 how God has redeemed us. And I want to tell you
55:03 my good friend Pastor Batchelor, he said this to me a number
55:06 of years ago. And you know, we always... Whenever we get
55:09 together, he never sings... he always preaches
55:12 and I always sing.
55:14 And he said to me: "John, don't worry about it.
55:17 I'm going to sing like you one day. "
55:20 He said: "When I get to heaven it'll be easy to find me because
55:23 I'll be the only one singing throughout eternity. "
55:25 He does sing; he's a good song writer
55:28 but he knows in which his strength lies. Amen somebody?
55:32 Doesn't make any sense to miss out on the kingdom.
55:35 Why be a grain of sand in the fires of hell
55:38 when you can be a jewel in the kingdom of God?
55:40 Amen! I thank God for the paragraph I'm going to end with
55:45 this morning: Great Controversy page 678.
55:49 This faithful messenger of God has taken our mind down to a
55:54 time when all the issues of sin are finally laid to rest
56:00 and everyone is finally home.
56:03 When we're in; when we can rest; when we can relax;
56:06 when we can breathe. She says: "The great controversy
56:08 is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. "
56:13 Amen! The day is coming when the entire universe
56:16 will be clean. "One pulse of harmony and gladness beats
56:20 through the vast creation. From Him who created all
56:25 flow life and light and gladness throughout the realms of
56:29 illimitable space... " Those billions of galaxies
56:33 that astronomers say are there? We're going to be traveling
56:36 to those. Come on... help me out somebody.
56:39 "From the minutest atom to the greatest world
56:41 all things animate and inanimate
56:45 in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy
56:50 declare that God is love. " Amen!
56:55 Why be a grain of sand on the shore of destruction
56:59 when you can be a jewel on the streets of gold?
57:03 Why be in a flame that's going to burn out
57:07 when you can be a light that shines eternally?
57:11 For those who are meandering in the maze of sin, today
57:14 I am calling on you to consider the end of your journey
57:18 and make up your mind that when this plane lands
57:22 you're getting on it. And when it finally arrives
57:24 you'll be in it. May God bless you
57:26 as you trust Him and serve Him faithfully.
57:29 Let's pray.


Revised 2015-07-01