Generation of Youth for Christ 2014


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 14GYC

Program Code: 14GYC000010A

00:09 My wife and I work with children
00:12 all over the world,
00:14 but, you know, we have four of our children,
00:17 all grown up.
00:18 And we're kind of out of that emptiness stage,
00:20 it's very nice.
00:21 And not only emptiness, but emptiness financially,
00:25 they don't come tapping us
00:26 for a loan every week, it's lovely.
00:28 But we work with some of the poorest children
00:31 in the South East Asia region,
00:34 countries like Philippines and Sri Lanka,
00:36 Cambodia, Burma, and Thailand, some beautiful kids.
00:40 And I just put a few of them up on the screen,
00:42 'cause they wanted to say hello at GYC
00:44 'cause they couldn't make it themselves.
00:45 You can wave back if you like,
00:47 but it's okay if you're embarrassed.
00:51 I want to tell you a story because, you see,
00:54 you have to forgive my lack of eloquence.
00:56 I am not a pastor.
00:59 I didn't go to theology school.
01:01 In fact, I failed school at year nine.
01:04 So I'll do the best that I can today.
01:06 But I'll tell you some stories at least.
01:08 And I'd like to take you on a little journey.
01:12 Some time ago, I was on a river in India,
01:18 The Ganges River, and I was taking a trip
01:21 to have a look at a place called The House of Death.
01:25 And as I was rowing down with my boat down this river,
01:30 I was able to see just this incredible sight
01:37 of people washing, bathing, rinsing,
01:41 drinking the water of the Ganges.
01:44 Now it's pretty dirty.
01:45 It's got floaties on the top of it
01:47 and it's brown.
01:48 You know, it look like a chocolate milkshake
01:50 or a caramel milkshake from McDonalds,
01:52 and it's thick.
01:55 But I came to the House of Death,
01:59 a quite interesting place.
02:01 And you can see there on the screen,
02:03 this building is to your left.
02:05 It looks a bit skewed because, you know,
02:07 I'm not very good with the camera.
02:10 This is a place where devout Hindus come to die.
02:16 And they believe that there is meritorious favor
02:20 in dying by the Ganges river, at the House of Death,
02:23 where they believe that they will receive
02:26 a special dispensation to eternity.
02:31 If they can die in this disgraceful looking building
02:36 and their bodies burnt by the Ganges
02:39 and the ash thrown out into the river,
02:41 they believe that there is merit.
02:44 But there is a downside to this,
02:46 rather naive and twisted theology.
02:49 And that is that some these people unfortunately
02:52 don't die quick enough
02:54 and they're taken out of the House of Death
02:56 and left in the street to die because someone else
03:00 is more open to dying quicker.
03:03 And so they are abandoned.
03:04 And this day that I was in Varanasi,
03:06 I was with some friends
03:07 and we went to the Sisters of Charity hospice
03:12 that takes care of these poor people,
03:14 these aged cripples mostly that have had strokes
03:17 and suffering and terrible pain,
03:19 and they're left to die.
03:21 There was one lady who had been gnawing at her head
03:24 because she had been left in the gutter,
03:26 was unable to move.
03:28 And I spoke with this lady from the Sisters of Charity,
03:32 a nun, spoke perfect English.
03:35 And I asked her, I said, "Why did you do this job?"
03:42 With absolute profound theological eloquence,
03:48 She said I...
03:51 Now I must preface this by saying,
03:53 the Sisters of Charity hospice is a building almost as grotty
03:58 at the House of Death.
03:59 It doesn't have electricity
04:01 and it has this old iron door that creeks
04:04 as you walk inside into the darkened room,
04:06 where these old people lay on pallets
04:09 and stretches on the floor.
04:11 And she said, with such eloquence,
04:16 "Where else would I want to be?
04:18 I get to hold these people in my arms.
04:22 And in their last dying moments,
04:24 I get to share with them
04:25 the love of our Savior Jesus Christ."
04:30 You know, this reminded me of experiences,
04:37 but it reminded me of my own.
04:42 I haven't been to the House of Death on the inside.
04:45 But you come to a time, you come to a place,
04:48 sometimes in your own life where you feel you may be
04:50 at the House of the Death.
04:52 You wonder where to from here.
04:53 And the same day,
04:55 I had looked into the eyes of these children,
04:59 desperate kids needing something,
05:01 needing food, needing shelter.
05:02 They were living in little huts with made of sticks with clough
05:07 and tarpaulin across the top of them.
05:10 And it took me back to a time in my life
05:14 where, I didn't live like that,
05:17 but where I made a choice
05:19 that I would do all that I could
05:21 to help children like this.
05:23 Let me share with you some testimonial time.
05:27 That was the last truck I drove.
05:28 I drove five million kilometers in that
05:31 and another truck from one side of Australia
05:33 to the other for 17 years.
05:35 That would be like driving from Phoenix to Maine
05:38 every week there and back, 9,600 kilometers every week.
05:43 I don't know how many miles, that is about five and a half
05:46 or six thousand miles, I think.
05:48 And it was during that time that I met this gentleman,
05:52 he was a very nice man.
05:54 And he said to me, David, he said,
05:58 let me tell you about Jesus Christ.
06:00 Then I thought, Oh, no! One of this religious nuts.
06:03 I wasn't religious at all.
06:05 And I was in this little tiny town,
06:09 we call it a one horse town.
06:11 You know, and even the horse had run away.
06:13 It was so small.
06:15 And there was my friend, he was the local
06:20 everything fix it man and I was there.
06:22 We were chatting over a cup of tea about
06:24 whatever it was.
06:25 And he was telling me about
06:27 an article he had read in a magazine
06:29 called "Lock Stock & Barrel"
06:31 some, shoot 'em up cowboy magazine.
06:33 And the article was about the new world order
06:35 that I knew nothing about.
06:37 And he was telling me about, oh, in the future,
06:39 you might have to chain down your fridge
06:41 because all the Froot Loops
06:42 are gonna come and steal your food.
06:44 You know, this is the time of the new well order,
06:46 it's all going to be weird and dangerous.
06:48 And anyway, I'm just smirking away
06:50 to myself thinking the man is crazy.
06:52 And then this guy said to me
06:54 "You will not get through the future
06:56 unless you have Jesus Christ in your life"
07:00 Well, I was very patient
07:02 and I showed the respect that this man
07:04 who is at least 20 years older than me should deserve.
07:07 And I listened how does he talked.
07:10 And he talked, believe me, he talked,
07:11 he talked for three hours.
07:13 You know, he laid out all he had to say.
07:16 I learnt so much in that three hours
07:17 that I had forgot all in that next 15 minutes.
07:20 But anyway, he was a very interesting chap too.
07:24 And he had been to all sorts of interesting places.
07:26 So it wasn't so bad.
07:28 But anyway, at lunch time, I was getting a bit hungry,
07:31 so I walked across to the takeaway food place
07:33 to get some food and he followed me.
07:36 He wouldn't give me peace. So we're walking across.
07:38 And I got my normal lunch, which was probably,
07:41 I can't remember, but it would have been
07:42 at least one hamburger or a sausage roll
07:44 or something like that and some coke and an ice-cream,
07:47 and a chocolate bar.
07:48 And then he said, "You don't need to worry about
07:51 all that stuff in the future in the new world order
07:53 because you're not going to live long enough."
07:55 and he starts pointing at what's on my plate.
07:57 And then he gives me this health message.
07:59 You know, I was very thankful for that man
08:03 because, you know, about 15 minutes
08:06 after I left that little one horse town,
08:10 I was driving in my truck
08:12 and I felt this incredible conviction.
08:15 I felt what he had in his life, I need it in my own.
08:19 You know, it was really...
08:22 It was so simple.
08:24 This man, you know, he had a lot to say,
08:26 but he had a lot of interesting things
08:27 and he talked about Jesus and it all sort of made sense.
08:31 So I drove into Perth,
08:35 a remaining six or eight hour journey.
08:38 And anyway, I got to the office
08:43 at the freight dispatch yard.
08:46 And I said there to the secretary,
08:48 I said, he is my manifest with all my paperwork
08:52 and by the way...
08:54 I actually had known him for a couple of years.
08:55 So I said by the way, I've just become a Christian.
08:58 I said, I am going to be one of the Seventh-day Adventists.
09:01 And she said, "Ah!
09:03 I'm one too" You know what,
09:07 the first thing that I thought of was,
09:10 "Hey, cool, we're both Seventh-day Adventist."
09:15 what he told me yesterday?
09:18 You know, let me just...
09:21 Don't worry, this is an appeal.
09:24 It's a challenge.
09:25 You go out of here and tell the first three people
09:27 that you know that you are friends with,
09:28 who you are and what you believe,
09:29 and why you believe it, and why you thing
09:31 Jesus is coming soon, because she didn't.
09:34 And I've thought about that many times
09:35 when the opportunity comes for you to share Jesus Christ
09:39 and you zip and sit in silence, don't hold back.
09:42 There's crazy truck drivers like me out there
09:44 that need to hear.
09:47 And so she said to me,
09:49 "Would you like to go to a youth rally tomorrow?"
09:54 Well, I said, "Yeah. Sure."
09:55 I guess it's Saturday, I won't be working.
09:58 So she said "I'll meet you at the truck stop,
10:02 I'll pick you up, we'll go together."
10:03 And in the morning, I put on my best clothes,
10:08 which was a pair of old blue shorts and a blue singlet.
10:12 You know, not this $30 suit
10:16 I picked up in a cheap market in Cambodia.
10:19 And I hate these things, I'll tell you what.
10:23 Anyway, and she comes
10:27 in this old clapped-out rusty Mazda 626,
10:31 and she's got her two sons in the back covered in pimples
10:34 and spots from too much pizza, and I think to myself,
10:39 because look at the car.
10:40 It's not gonna win anything.
10:42 And look at the youth I've got to hang around with.
10:43 I didn't know what a youth rally was, you see.
10:45 And so we...
10:47 Then I think, no, well, I did promise, so I'm going.
10:51 And so off we go.
10:52 And we arrive at this park in the middle of the mountains.
10:56 And I discovered that the youth rally
10:59 is a religious congregation and there's a preacher.
11:02 And I had asked her
11:04 when we pulled up in the car park,
11:05 where's all the fancy cars and all the hot rods, you know.
11:09 Anyway, I was learning, but it was okay.
11:11 Now there's another thing that happened as well.
11:13 I had a problem and that was because
11:17 I had just become a Seventh-day Adventist
11:19 and I just told you earlier, you know,
11:22 I used to drive a lot of miles every week.
11:24 You've just taken one-seventh of my working week away, God.
11:27 You need to provide a way out for me
11:29 because I can't physically do that
11:31 many miles in that short time.
11:34 And I needed to be able to work on the Sabbath.
11:36 I had a lot of financial commitments,
11:38 these trucks don't come cheap.
11:41 And I was up to here in debt. I needed this work.
11:48 So I prayed for two days as I drove along.
11:50 I did other things as well. Let me show you.
11:55 I learned to read while I was driving.
11:57 I used to read comics.
11:59 Anyway, it's about straight roads in Australia.
12:01 It's all right.
12:02 And honestly, I only ever ran two people off the road
12:08 and it wasn't my fault.
12:10 And so I started reading a Bible
12:13 instead of reading comics.
12:16 And I was reading
12:18 and I got to this place about Joseph
12:21 and he meets his brothers.
12:23 I'm crying, I'm reaching for a tissue in my...
12:27 You know, as I'm driving along. This is an amazing story.
12:30 And I'm reading.
12:31 I didn't know where you had to start,
12:32 so I started at Genesis.
12:35 When I got to the dispatch office
12:37 on the other side of the country,
12:39 a day and a half later, and I went into the office,
12:42 I had been worrying about this,
12:44 I had been praying about this for two weeks.
12:45 I was wondering what this man was gonna...
12:47 He was like the owner, bus person that makes sure
12:50 that you keep your truck moving
12:53 because his freight to get there fast.
12:55 And so I went in the office and I said, I need to talk,
12:59 and he sort of looked over his glasses
13:01 and he gave me that look as if to say,
13:02 you didn't crash the truck, did you?
13:04 And I said, "Look, I've become a Christian."
13:09 It all sort of fell out wrong.
13:11 I had been rehearsing this for two days, you know.
13:13 And I just said, "I've become one of those
13:14 Seventh-day Adventists and I've got to stop working
13:16 when the sun sets on Friday because it's my new religion.
13:19 And he took off his glasses
13:23 and he turned around to face me,
13:24 and he said, David..
13:26 He said, "You need some religion in your life.
13:28 You can have Saturday and Sunday if you want it."
13:32 And you know what? I was so thankful.
13:36 You know, I didn't even check the speed limit
13:38 as I was driving down the freeway.
13:39 I was on cloud nine as I was going home.
13:41 And that's where my Christian experience really began.
13:47 Having read the Bible,
13:49 someone gave me another book as well
13:51 "Patriarchs and Prophets,"
13:52 I've never heard of such things.
13:54 And it was a good book too.
13:56 And I learnt to read that while I was driving.
13:58 I got the big print version.
14:02 so I got the whole series and I read it.
14:04 And it was so good, I read it again.
14:05 It was great.
14:07 Anyway, and I thought, there's other people
14:10 that must be like me that want to hear this good news.
14:12 Let me go and find them.
14:14 So this was the pre-Google days,
14:16 you know, so I got the phone book out.
14:18 And I wanted to find the busiest place
14:22 in my home city, which is Melbourne.
14:24 The best place to be in Australia.
14:27 And it was the number 96 tram stop
14:31 in Bourke Street Mall, in the city center.
14:34 So I decided that's where I'm going on Saturday afternoon.
14:37 My mates can go and lay activities,
14:38 but I'm going to talk to few folk.
14:40 So I had walked up to the tram stop,
14:43 and before anyone could say no, I'd say,
14:45 "Good day. How are you going?"
14:46 You know, that's how we do it in Australia,
14:48 "Good day, How are you doing?"
14:49 And I'd shake their hands and say,
14:50 "I'm Dave and I want to share with you about Jesus Christ."
14:53 And before they could say no, I'd say,
14:54 "Wait a minute, wait a minute, you got to hear this first,
14:56 then you can say no."
14:57 And I'd tell them a little bit, not much.
14:59 Just simple stuff, you know.
15:01 And I'd say, "I have got something for you read.
15:03 You can read, can't you?" And they'd say, "Yeah, sure."
15:05 I they'd take it and they'd say, "Thank you."
15:07 "You're going to remember what I told you?"
15:09 Yeah, I'm going to remember.
15:10 I'd walk down the tram stop a bit further,
15:12 by the time I got to the end,
15:13 they were all rushing to get on the tram
15:14 because they didn't want to talk to me anymore.
15:16 And I'd get back to the first person,
15:17 I'd say, "Did you forget?"
15:19 "No, no, we remembered."
15:20 Anyway, where do you start?
15:23 You've got to start where the people are, right?
15:26 Anyway, we had a chatter.
15:27 Over the time, there was two mates,
15:29 we used to go together.
15:30 And we were as mad as cut snakes,
15:32 that's another good Australian expression.
15:34 And the three of us, sometimes four,
15:39 we talked to 21, 500 people over a few years period time.
15:46 It was a great experience.
15:47 We got very professional at this.
15:49 What we used to do, we used to take a little table
15:51 and put a few other things on there as well.
15:53 And then we'd do rent-a-crowd.
15:55 I'd get them to stand around the other side of the table
15:57 and ask pretend questions.
15:58 And that would draw a crowd and then sort of, you know...
16:01 Anyway, but there was still, I felt,
16:07 let me be honest with you, let me be frank with you,
16:09 I still felt there was something
16:10 incredibly good about what we were doing
16:13 but I was missing something very, very important.
16:17 There was to me what appeared to be
16:18 a holistic part of the Gospel message,
16:21 what I call the hands and feet,
16:23 the dirt under the fingernails, the doing,
16:26 you know, the bit where I'd feel more comfortable,
16:29 when I don't have to wear a coat
16:30 and I can roll my sleeves up,
16:31 you know, and get in and do stuff.
16:33 I'm a truck driver, farming background.
16:36 I like to do stuff with my hands.
16:38 And I wanted to do something, you know, not just preaching,
16:42 talking all the time, you know.
16:44 And so let me take you on a little bit of a journey.
16:46 Is that all right?
16:48 I'll tell you a few more stories.
16:49 Okay, this is where you need to listen
16:52 because now we've had the fun bit,
16:55 this is now the serious bit.
16:57 Let me tell you, there are 12 million children
17:01 enslaved against their will today.
17:03 This day, while we're here in Phoenix,
17:05 many of them are forced into prostitution.
17:08 This is real, this is how it is,
17:11 and this is today.
17:13 Children are not for sale, but it happens.
17:17 And as a Christian, as a father,
17:21 and as someone I know who has seen these children
17:26 and worked with them for so long, I can tell you,
17:29 when you look into the eyes of a child
17:31 that is held in bondage and they appeal to you,
17:36 even if they cannot speak their language,
17:38 their eyes will appeal to you
17:40 and you turn away and say no and do nothing,
17:45 you have missed the most momentous opportunity
17:48 of your life to share the Gospel message
17:52 as a living testimony to this child.
17:55 We have to do something.
17:57 You cannot just look and look away.
18:02 Let's have a look in the Bible.
18:04 Learn to do good. Are we still learning?
18:06 Yes.
18:08 I'm glad there's three honest people here.
18:10 Seek Justice, help the oppressed,
18:13 defend the cause of the orphan,
18:14 and fight for the rights of the widow.
18:16 Did you know this afternoon
18:17 when you came to the plenary session
18:19 that you'll be seeking, helping,
18:20 defending, and fighting?
18:24 There was a time in England, which is my birth country,
18:28 where there was a great man, William Wilberforce.
18:31 You may have seen the great movie
18:33 "Amazing Grace," came out a few years ago.
18:35 William Wilberforce was a great statesmen,
18:37 as it were, a great man that stood up
18:39 for the rights of the people
18:41 and he, and along with his friends,
18:43 they began a process which took many years,
18:45 17 years, to help the free slaves
18:48 and abolish on the other side of the Atlantic
18:51 the disgraceful trade of slavery.
18:54 Finally, it came abound.
18:57 He was a man that stood up
18:59 in the face of political correctness
19:01 and said this is wrong.
19:03 The Bible today, speaks volumes.
19:06 It tells us what pure religion is.
19:08 It tells us about emancipation.
19:11 It tells us about freedom and what it means
19:13 to bring freedom to others.
19:15 Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father
19:18 means that we must care for orphans
19:19 and widows in their troubles
19:21 and refuse to let the world corrupt us.
19:23 Now I am going to read that backwards.
19:27 If you are being corrupted by the world,
19:28 it is because you're not caring for the orphans and widows
19:31 and you don't have pure religion
19:32 that the Father likes.
19:34 Do you like it that way?
19:37 Because that's how it really is.
19:40 Freedom, it does come with a price.
19:46 Look at this freedom.
19:48 This is freedom on the face of a child
19:52 that was suffering the indignity of slavery.
20:00 The Bible tells us in Isaiah,
20:01 remove the chains of the oppression
20:03 and the yoke of injustice, let the oppressed go free.
20:06 Share your food with the hungry
20:09 and open your homes to the homeless poor.
20:11 Give your clothes to those who have nothing to wear
20:13 and do not refuse to help your own.
20:16 It's very clear, very clear.
20:20 There could be no argument.
20:22 There could be no misunderstanding
20:26 of what Isaiah is saying to us.
20:30 There's a certain desire for justice.
20:39 Jesus shared it and he showed it.
20:42 We can do it.
20:45 We need a new William Wilberforce
20:46 in our century.
20:49 Two centuries ago, he stood up.
20:51 Where is the new man that's going to stand up?
21:02 This lady had had 15 children.
21:05 When I met her, the oldest was 14 years old.
21:09 She was this pregnant with her second.
21:11 Her first was on her arm, 15 children, 10 had died.
21:18 Ten deaths in one family, why?
21:22 Extreme poverty.
21:25 This is one of our sisters.
21:27 She is an Adventist sister, one of our own, same faith,
21:31 in another country.
21:34 And this is her home.
21:36 Check out the cooking pot.
21:38 That's where she cooks. That's her bed.
21:40 The two children close to her are her own.
21:43 The others are just kind of straight them away
21:45 that came in for the photograph.
21:47 And she lives in destitution and she lives in poverty.
21:55 Her children were malnourished,
21:57 so we got them onto a feeding program
22:00 where they came along
22:01 for free healthy nutritious meals a week.
22:04 One of them happens to be on a Saturday morning.
22:07 Special day, Saturdays.
22:09 And because it was on a Saturday morning,
22:10 we thought we'd do some fun stuff for the kids
22:14 and started a VBS program
22:16 because that's what you do on Saturdays, isn't it?
22:19 And the mothers were involved with this program as well.
22:23 They go to work number of shifts
22:25 through the week in the community garden,
22:27 which we provide.
22:28 And they grow food,
22:31 and they cook it themselves for their own children.
22:34 And after a while, these children
22:36 are no longer hungry and malnourished.
22:40 And when these children get tick
22:42 from the municipal health nurses being healthy,
22:45 the moms can apply for a micro loan.
22:47 And today, let me tell you, Sonia,
22:51 our friend is not just a happy mum,
22:56 but her faith in humanity and her God,
23:00 our God, has changed.
23:03 I'll introduce you to a verse
23:05 that you may or may not have read before.
23:08 Micro finance is an incredible concept
23:10 and it's right here in the scripture.
23:12 If there are any poor in your towns,
23:14 do not be hard-hearted and tight-fisted towards them.
23:16 Instead, be generous and lend them what they need.
23:18 It didn't say give, it said lend.
23:21 That's a new concept, isn't it?
23:22 We lend.
23:24 And so micro finance, we lend small amounts of money,
23:27 $120 at a time.
23:29 And over the period that we had been working
23:31 and we now have thousands of micro finance clients,
23:35 we have used this as a bridge into communities
23:37 that we would never otherwise be able to go.
23:40 And I can tell you that with our women,
23:44 we are speaking the words of Christ
23:47 to the men in the mosques of parts of this world
23:50 because the doors have been opened.
23:52 And in the Philippines,
23:53 we have the only Sharia approved
23:55 micro finance program in the whole country.
23:58 And we are brought with welcomed open arms
24:00 to work in impoverished communities
24:03 where Islam is the status quo in religion.
24:08 Jesus will find ways for us to work to share His word
24:13 if it is our will to work with Him in partnership.
24:18 Also, in these communities,
24:19 we see them that they're ravaged by typhoons
24:22 and many of you would have remembered,
24:24 only a year ago the super typhoon
24:27 that hit the Philippines.
24:30 When your house is made of sticks and straw,
24:33 a typhoon will rip it to pieces.
24:36 Hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, they're just so destructive.
24:40 And we found there, we have this beautiful mother.
24:45 Her name is Hannah.
24:46 And Hannah, a Muslim lady,
24:49 was struggling to cross the river
24:51 with her little child to get to safety.
24:52 Her house was demolished. She lost everything.
24:55 The river just took the whole lot away.
24:57 And she was left destitute,
24:59 hardly even with the clothes on her back,
25:01 and certainly none for her child.
25:04 In an instant, her life was just,
25:06 and all her possessions was just flushed away.
25:10 She came desperate for help.
25:13 We started a program.
25:14 Our staff went out and did baseline surveys
25:16 and discovered the needs in the community.
25:19 People needed clean water.
25:20 There were diseases which were in endemic.
25:22 They needed food, they needed shelter,
25:25 they had lost everything.
25:28 We gave food, we opened a school.
25:33 It's like the verse,
25:35 opening your home to the homeless poor.
25:38 We opened our schools and our homes
25:40 where we had so many other children
25:42 and we squeezed these families
25:43 in that had lost everything and had nothing.
25:45 You know, there funny guys,
25:47 they had even brought their dogs.
25:48 We had to accommodate their dogs too.
25:49 You know, like they came in the school classroom.
25:52 And they brought their cooking pots
25:54 and we would give them some rice
25:56 and they would cook it up,
25:57 but it was okay, we were helping them.
26:00 And it was at this time that many of the families
26:05 in this community got together and they came to us united
26:08 and said, we need help but we want to help ourselves.
26:12 What can we do with you to fix the situations
26:16 so we can have housing?
26:17 And so very generous people back in my country,
26:21 they raised some money
26:22 and we were able to provide housing kits.
26:25 And one representative from every single family came
26:30 and they worked and they had to do
26:32 a minimum hours of work.
26:34 And for that, they would get a housing kit.
26:37 It was valued at $220 and it had some lumber,
26:39 and some nails, and a hammer, and a few bits and pieces,
26:42 and some iron for the roof.
26:44 And they could rebuild their lives again
26:46 and have a place to sleep safely.
26:49 And so these ladies came to work.
26:51 Now this grandma came alone.
26:53 She's pretty cute, hey?
26:56 She has no teeth.
26:59 And she, you know, a hoe, right?
27:02 You know, for digging,
27:03 you know what I'm talking about?
27:05 She can hoe a quarter acre a day.
27:08 She is 64, 65 years old.
27:11 She said to me, "I have just my children,
27:16 my grand children.
27:17 There is no one else to look after them.
27:19 I am fit and strong, but I have no home.
27:22 You must help me."
27:24 Anyway, I said, "Yeah, no worries.
27:25 We'll get you started over here.
27:28 I said, "Do you mind if I take your photograph?"
27:30 And she's trying to smile,
27:32 but then she's trying to not smile,
27:33 she's got no teeth.
27:34 It was a little embarrassing moment for her
27:36 and I was trying not to laugh, 'cause I'm just human.
27:40 Stop laughing.
27:43 And, I said, "Do you mind
27:47 if I put your photo on Facebook?"
27:49 And she thought I said you've got a face like a book.
27:52 But anyway, it was okay, it was okay, you know,
27:55 she worked and she worked hard and she got...
27:58 There was another lady
28:00 and her husband was working away
28:02 and the typhoon had struck
28:04 and destroyed their possessions,
28:05 and she had some children and they were sick,
28:07 and she had no one and she was struggling.
28:10 And she said, "I can't come.
28:11 I've got to look after my sick children."
28:14 We said, "That's ok."
28:16 And she had this buffalo and so buffalo came to work
28:19 for five days in place of her.
28:21 And we reckoned the buffalo would plough
28:23 faster than her anyway.
28:25 And so, you know, but the deal was that they help themselves.
28:29 And here was a community, they wanted to help themselves
28:32 to get out of poverty.
28:34 And the day when the lumber arrived
28:35 and the building materials arrived,
28:37 they were so happy because they had done
28:39 the work themselves.
28:41 We had just provided the equipment.
28:44 And our volunteer program, you may not know it,
28:46 but you need to know,
28:48 and I'll share with you at the end.
28:49 But we have an amazing volunteer program.
28:51 And there were so many volunteers
28:52 that came from Australia.
28:54 Sorry, there was none from US but we're going to change that.
28:57 They came over and help them
29:00 and they built with their hands.
29:05 The gospel of the dirt under the fingernails,
29:08 doing some thing physical as well as just the preaching,
29:14 they go together.
29:16 And, you know, Hannah,
29:19 the Muslim lady crossing the river,
29:22 she came back.
29:23 She was the only lady that came back.
29:26 And she said, "Can I please work a little longer.
29:29 I want a house with a cement floor."
29:33 And so she worked an extra week for two bags of cement.
29:37 And she mixed the cement with some mud
29:39 and she's the only lady in that community today
29:41 that has a concrete floor.
29:45 You know, she has such a desire and a hunger for truth.
29:52 She no longer wears the hair covering
29:57 and she has found her faith, a new faith.
30:01 We need you.
30:04 There is a difference between needing and wanting
30:06 and I know you understand that.
30:08 So let me clarify, we need you, not we want you.
30:14 There is a difference.
30:17 We just came the other day, my wife and I,
30:20 to this beautiful part of the US from Thailand.
30:24 We were there with a group of 74 volunteers
30:27 that had given up their school holidays to come
30:30 and work among some of the poorest people
30:32 in that part of the world.
30:34 People from Burma that have fled ethnic cleansing
30:38 to come across to live in refugee camps,
30:41 to live in no man's land
30:43 or to sneak across the border into Thailand,
30:48 and we worked at a number of different sites.
30:50 But this is a place where we focus
30:52 some of the attention
30:54 and some of the finances that we have.
30:57 I'm going to read to you
30:59 because I don't want to say this wrong.
31:01 I'm going to read to you a letter
31:02 that I received from a girl in this area.
31:07 My name is Muttu, I'm just a young girl
31:10 who has come from Karen State in Burma.
31:13 I grew up in a small village along the Thai-Burma border,
31:16 where the Karen and the Burmese soldiers
31:18 always fight.
31:19 My parents are just poor farmers,
31:22 like me, they want to live in peace too.
31:25 For many years, whenever there was a battle,
31:27 they escaped together to a safe place.
31:30 After I was born, their escape became slow
31:31 as they had to carry me with them.
31:33 It was very difficult.
31:35 They had to hide themselves from Burmese soldiers,
31:38 many times was going without food,
31:40 nothing to eat for days.
31:42 It was a great risk for me and for them as well.
31:46 They knew that I would be shot or killed.
31:48 There were bombs, there were mortars,
31:50 and there were shells from the soldiers.
31:53 Because I am a girl, my parents were very concerned
31:57 about my safety.
31:58 I remember one night
32:00 that we had escaped from the soldiers,
32:01 we were hiding in the jungle,
32:02 my parents just hugged me and cried.
32:05 They talked about their concern for me.
32:06 They thought I was asleep. So I heard all that they said.
32:11 They said they have to find a safe place for me.
32:15 A place where there was no soldiers.
32:18 They took our animals, they stole our crops,
32:19 they raped and killed my friends.
32:21 All I wanted to do was go to school
32:23 and live in peace.
32:27 Muttu is like many thousands of girls and boys in this area
32:32 that live and struggle.
32:35 Muttu is a young girl.
32:37 Muttu has had to live through things that no child
32:40 should ever have to live.
32:43 The pain and expression of her face
32:46 is representative of the life and the narrow choices
32:50 that her family were forced into.
32:55 Look what the wise man said.
32:57 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves
33:01 for the rights of all who are destitute.
33:02 Speak up and judge fairly.
33:04 Defend the rights of the poor."
33:05 So I'm not appealing to you,
33:08 I'm not going to appeal to you
33:13 to suddenly jump up and speak up for these people.
33:17 But I want to say solemnly and declare to you
33:21 that if you leave this place and speak up,
33:26 God will be with you and bless you as you do.
33:29 There are thousands of people that you can speak up for.
33:35 We need a new William Wilberforce.
33:39 We need someone.
33:40 Are we or are we not the church of God.
33:43 Are we? Yes. Amen.
33:46 We are.
33:49 Then as a church of God,
33:50 we can do something for these people
33:52 because the scripture tells us, speak up.
33:55 Will we speak up?
33:58 This boy came, you can see, he is in pretty bad shape.
34:05 Look at this.
34:07 Ellen White has to say, "Orphans may be ragged."
34:09 Actually, before I say this,
34:11 I want to tell you something else.
34:13 Where I come from, she is not so popular.
34:17 But where I come from, she is very popular.
34:19 Amen.
34:21 "Orphans may be ragged, uncouth,
34:22 and seemingly in every way unattractive,
34:24 but they are bought with a price
34:26 and are just as precious in the sight of God
34:28 as our own little ones.
34:30 They are God's property for whom
34:31 Christians' are responsible."
34:32 Put your hand up if you are a Christian.
34:35 Then you are responsible.
34:38 Put it down if you don't want to be responsible.
34:41 Thank you.
34:44 I'm just checking who is listening.
34:47 These are God's, our responsibility.
34:52 Six weeks later, the same boy, six weeks,
34:57 transforming lives, restoring dignity,
35:01 bringing hope, and bringing Jesus Christ
35:03 into their lives in a very physical way initially,
35:07 and in a personal way introducing them
35:09 to a Father that will never let them down.
35:14 There are children there today that live behind barbwire.
35:18 I can assure you, I was there the other day,
35:19 they're still there.
35:21 Two hundred and twenty thousand people in refugee camps,
35:23 nine camps along the border,
35:25 still living behind barbwire today,
35:29 still washing like this, still queuing up
35:32 to get their water like this.
35:34 No turn on the nice tap and out comes
35:36 the hot water from the faucet.
35:39 You just go there and join the queue.
35:45 Let me tell you about some of the work we do
35:46 in the schools in this area.
35:48 This is the most modern device from Apple.
35:52 It is the new stone tablet.
35:58 And they don't use a stylus pen,
36:00 they use a rock pencil.
36:01 This is innovation from Burma.
36:06 But this is it.
36:08 They have nothing.
36:10 My friend in pink, Kuty, has devoted her life
36:15 to serving the poorest people on earth at incredible risk.
36:19 Her brother was caught, tortured, and murdered
36:21 by the soldiers on the other side
36:23 because he desired to share Jesus Christ in a community
36:26 where it was dangerous.
36:28 And for that, they took his life.
36:31 These children are amongst
36:32 the poorest children in the world.
36:36 They will walk 10 days to any health services.
36:40 There is no vaccination program in their community,
36:44 but there are land mines to remind them
36:46 of the fragility of their life.
36:49 This is one of their small schools
36:52 that we are supporting with Adventist teachers
36:54 so they can hear a wonderful message
36:57 of hope in a place of hopelessness.
37:02 This young girl, 12 years old
37:03 who should be in school is carrying a 25 liter...
37:07 I don't know how many gallons that is,
37:08 divide it by 4 and a bit, 25 kilograms
37:12 of water on a head strap,
37:14 up in an embankment, out of a river.
37:16 She doesn't go to school. She is a water carrier.
37:19 Will we speak up for the rights of this girl
37:21 as we are called to in scripture?
37:25 In my country, in the back page of the newspaper
37:28 is always the sport.
37:29 And they use words like hero if someone can kick a ball
37:32 from here to the end of the stage there, you know.
37:35 These are my heroes.
37:37 These are the people that sacrifice their life
37:39 at incredible risk to work in communities
37:42 where there is such poverty.
37:45 But there is a certain richness that they see
37:48 because they see a rich and fertile land
37:50 for the gospel seed to grow into life.
37:54 And they work in these places
37:55 because they see that Buddhism has lost its appeal.
37:59 It is failing people
38:01 and Christianity gives them something to hope.
38:03 And this young girl came to me one day,
38:05 her name is Perry.
38:06 And Perry said, "Dave, please, I need you to support."
38:11 She was going through college.
38:15 Her father had died.
38:16 His dying wish was finish your studies
38:19 and go back to the community where you came from
38:23 where we are and bring Jesus back with you.
38:26 And so she went and she was just
38:28 a year and a half away from finishing college
38:30 when her father died and she has got her scholarship
38:35 and she will go back to share Christ in this community.
38:39 She and others like her,
38:41 they will forego the opportunity
38:43 to come to a wealthy nation where they'll earn big money,
38:47 and for 30 dollars a month, they will work
38:49 in some other most remote desolate areas in danger
38:53 because they believe strongly
38:55 in the cause that we are here for,
38:56 the great commission in the gospel
38:58 because they want to see it being spread
39:00 amongst those of the poorest nations on earth.
39:03 30 dollars a month will be her salary.
39:07 How many earn that in an hour.
39:09 Well, you can afford to sponsor people like that.
39:11 You come and see me later.
39:15 Chained and alone.
39:20 I want to talk about something that's very serious.
39:25 I started by telling you how many numbers of children.
39:28 Just to put that in perspective,
39:30 that's 3,300 more children each day
39:37 that are trafficked against their will.
39:44 In my country and yours, you can buy
39:47 for between $25 and $75 a line, a packet,
39:52 whatever you call it, a speed, coke, ice,
39:54 you call it what you want, we call it what we want.
39:57 They all have their colloquial names anyway.
39:59 Depending on the purity
40:01 and depending on the availability $20-$75.
40:04 You can buy a gun in Africa between $1 and $15
40:07 and ammunition so plentiful,
40:08 they'll give it to you for free.
40:10 But you can sell a girl every day,
40:16 20 times a day, every week, every month, every year,
40:21 and the average girl in Asia that's chained and behind bars
40:24 and is being forced to work as prostitute
40:26 from the age of four and nine and twelve and sixteen
40:29 is 78,000 dollars a year.
40:32 And when we run a rescue program
40:34 that frees twelve or thirteen girls,
40:36 we've just cost someone a million dollars
40:39 that keeps those girls.
40:40 And that's why there is some danger
40:42 in the work that we do.
40:45 Just two years ago, we lost two staff.
40:48 They were shot and killed
40:49 because we are able to rescue someone.
40:52 Let's see what Romans has to say
40:54 before I prepare for the next part of this talk.
40:57 "Love your neighbors as yourself."
40:59 Are you loving?
41:00 Are you loving the man that stands outside the Sheraton
41:03 that says "Happy New Year"?
41:06 If you love others, you will never do them wrong,
41:09 "to love, then, is to obey the whole law."
41:13 You must do this because you know that
41:15 the time has come for you to wake from your sleep.
41:19 You're not sleeping out here, are you, after lunch?
41:23 I hope you only had lettuce, nothing stodgy.
41:27 "For the moment when we will be saved is closer now than
41:29 when we first believed, the night is nearly over,
41:32 day is almost here."
41:35 "The night is nearly over and day is almost here,"
41:38 was written two millennia ago.
41:41 How much closer now than
41:43 when Paul wrote this to the Romans.
41:47 I work in places where tribes
41:49 have yet to hear of Jesus Christ.
41:52 But I can assure you
41:54 that the human traffickers are already there.
41:58 What's going first?
42:01 The people who will pimp and prostitute the girls
42:03 or the gospel of Jesus Christ, dare I say.
42:08 You know the answer.
42:10 "Let us stop doing the things that belonged to the dark.
42:13 Let us take our weapons for fighting in the light.
42:15 Let us conduct ourselves properly as people
42:17 who live in the light of the day,
42:20 no orgies or drunkenness, no fighting or jealousy
42:24 but take up the weapons of the Lord."
42:27 I'm just going to back there.
42:29 Let us live like people
42:30 who live in the light of the day.
42:32 I want to address that subject, not theologically.
42:37 I'm not very good at theology.
42:41 There are a number of mitigating factors
42:44 that keep children enslaved.
42:48 One of them is pornography.
42:52 Pornography is keeping girls chained.
42:58 In my country, I'm sure the law
43:01 is very similar to your country.
43:03 If I see a crime being perpetrated
43:06 and if I'm walking along the street here
43:08 and I see a girl being raped in the park
43:10 and do nothing about it, I don't know what your law says
43:12 but in my country,
43:14 I'm in trouble because I kept quiet.
43:19 But to view, online or in magazine form,
43:24 content that continues the brutalization and torture,
43:30 degradation of life,
43:32 and the ultimate death of a child
43:34 who becomes a women, who smiles on cue
43:37 because she knows what will happen if she doesn't,
43:39 because she has faced the pain of torture before,
43:43 and as one after another, after another
43:47 drop off and die, this is voyeuristic murder.
43:52 It's not pornography.
43:54 God sees, we don't need to.
43:58 Let us live like it's the light of the day.
44:03 "No orgies or drunkenness, no immorality or indecency,
44:06 no fighting or jealousy but take up the weapons
44:08 of the Lord Jesus Christ
44:10 and stop paying attention to your sinful nature
44:12 and satisfying its desires."
44:16 A clear holy calling, a clear message from Isaiah,
44:23 a clear message from Solomon,
44:26 speak up, fight, defend,
44:32 learn to do good, was that first Bible verse.
44:35 Who is still learning?
44:37 I'm glad there are more honest people.
44:39 And... This young girl.
44:44 It is not the place to tell you what happened to her,
44:45 but I can assure you this, in the couple of years
44:49 that she has been in our care,
44:50 she learnt something fundamental,
44:54 forgiveness.
44:57 She learnt to forgive the man that abused her,
45:01 that enslaved her, and it brought her freedom.
45:05 Programs like this help in the cause of emancipation
45:10 to really bring freedom.
45:14 Children are not for sale.
45:19 I'm going to read this verse and I'm just going to ask
45:22 while I'm reading it, if my wife comes out
45:24 because she is going to share something with you.
45:26 "The greatest want of the world is the want of men.
45:29 Men, who will not be bought and sold."
45:30 You know this verse? You know this passage?
45:36 Mark it down.
45:38 "Men who will not be bought or sold,
45:39 men who in their inmost souls are true and honest,
45:42 men who do not fear to call sin by its right name,
45:45 men whose conscience is as true to duty
45:48 as the needle to the pole, men who will stand
45:51 for the right though the heavens fall."
45:56 Is there a good man out there?
46:00 Only one.
46:07 Is there a good man out there?
46:08 Amen.
46:11 Because we need them.
46:14 We don't want them, we need them.
46:17 Men, I am appealing to you.
46:21 You set your moral compass straight
46:24 and you stand up for the rights,
46:26 as a father, as a male,
46:30 as a head of a spiritual family,
46:33 you stand up for the rights of the poor.
46:37 That is a gospel appeal.
46:41 If my wife can just come out
46:43 and she's going to share a testimony with us.
46:46 We have a program in the Philippines, Blessed Home.
46:50 It's where we care for many of these victims
46:53 of sexual abuse and violence.
46:58 And it's a difficult task.
47:03 I'm going to let my wife introduce herself.
47:05 Come on up here, Esther. They're not so scary.
47:08 It's all right.
47:09 They've eaten lunch already, they won't eat you.
47:15 My name is Esther.
47:17 When I was 19, I was trafficked
47:21 and forced into prostitution.
47:27 I was forced by some of the contraband
47:29 from the Philippines to Japan.
47:33 Upon arrival, I was taken into a secret place
47:37 by the Japanese mafia known as the Yakuza.
47:43 How did this happen?
47:47 As a child, I grew up in slum area.
47:50 We had no proper kitchen, we cook on fire.
47:54 We had no proper toilet.
47:56 The whole neighborhood shares one toilet.
48:00 We had no running water.
48:01 We had to fetch water from afar.
48:04 We were always hungry.
48:08 One night, there was nothing to eat,
48:11 and I was starving and I couldn't go to sleep.
48:15 So I had to chew some cardboard.
48:18 It was really tough.
48:22 My parents worshipped the spirits.
48:26 And one day my dad became Christian
48:29 and since then,
48:31 they fought a lot about religion.
48:35 It got so bad that they had to split up.
48:38 So my siblings and I were taken into rural area
48:43 to live in a small thatch hut all by ourselves.
48:50 I am the eldest and I had five other younger siblings.
48:55 I was only twelve and our youngest was only two.
48:59 Just imagine, looking after young children
49:03 when I was only a kid myself.
49:06 My mom was not allowed to visit us
49:09 and our dad only checked us on the weekends.
49:13 During this time, my very own dad abused me.
49:20 I was too scared to talk to anyone
49:23 because he used to beat us up.
49:27 Our situation became worse when my dad lost his job
49:33 and we were forced to be put into different places
49:37 away from each other,
49:40 forced to work in return for food and shelter.
49:48 When I was 18, I was recruited to work as a maid in Manila.
49:57 When I was exploited for few months without any pay,
50:02 which left me homeless with no money,
50:06 I felt so vulnerable just like so many other girls,
50:13 who are far away from home with no money,
50:18 forced with narrow choices just like what I did.
50:25 I took the risk to apply for a job
50:30 as a singer in Japan only to find out
50:34 that they were trapped in prostitution.
50:38 Fortunately, for me,
50:39 I was able to escape the Yakuza.
50:43 But with no money and no passport,
50:46 I was eventually caught, detained, put in a cell,
50:53 and deported back to the Philippines.
50:56 But God is good.
50:59 Amazing circumstances happened in my life
51:03 that brought me to Australia to start a new life.
51:08 I was able to finish my studies and I became an accountant.
51:13 I had my own business and looked after my clients
51:17 with their financial affairs.
51:20 And one day, I had a client, I used to go their home office
51:26 and I noticed, wow, they have a loving family.
51:29 And then I found out that they were Christians.
51:33 As we did Bible studies, I found out that
51:37 they go to church on a Saturday.
51:40 That was just so weird.
51:43 But in 2010, I was baptized in Seventh-day Adventist Church
51:49 in Salisbury, Brisbane, Australia.
51:55 Same year, I went to the Philippines,
51:58 we had a family reunion.
52:00 And I spoke to my dad, And I said "Dad...
52:09 What Jesus did for me at the cross.
52:12 I forgive you."
52:16 It was very, very difficult for me to do that
52:18 without Gods help.
52:23 And so I dedicated my life
52:29 and do His work, help this ministry,
52:35 and joined my husband to help the poor children,
52:38 the destitute children.
52:41 So my question is,
52:45 being a Christian, what would you do?
52:49 It's about time to put your faith into action.
52:57 Thank you.
53:02 The lady in yellow on the screen,
53:05 she is coming, I've seen down here.
53:07 If we can just have that. There we go.
53:09 Her name is Psalm.
53:12 Psalm came to one of our medical programs,
53:15 she wasn't sick and neither were her children.
53:19 But she had a bigger problem.
53:22 Psalm, that night, was to be trafficked
53:26 to work in Malaysia as a prostitute.
53:30 And she came to see if we could take her children.
53:34 How the story unfolded? Let me back up.
53:37 When Psalm was this pregnant
53:41 with a little fellow just there in front of her,
53:45 her then drunken husband taken a big bladed machete
53:49 and decided that he was going to terminate the pregnancy
53:52 right there right then with once swipe to her abdomen.
53:56 She put her hand to protect the unborn child
53:59 and took the force of that blade across her arm,
54:02 leaving her in need of surgery and hospitalization.
54:07 She had no money, useless husband ran off,
54:13 and she was left alone.
54:18 She borrowed $50 at 30 percent interest per month.
54:24 She is illiterate, never been to school,
54:28 couldn't even write her name, agreed to the terms
54:31 and conditions of a loan
54:33 that she had no idea of its ramifications.
54:36 And within a short period of time, unable to work
54:39 because of the loss of murdering of the arm,
54:41 she found herself with a debt close to $500.
54:49 She had a young baby and no one
54:53 and her other kids to look after.
54:57 And so the one who took advantage of her
55:03 and gave her the loan with the same person
55:05 that had made her agree
55:09 that if she couldn't pay the loan,
55:12 the children will become his property to exploit.
55:16 She had begged him, "Take me, not the children."
55:20 And that had brought her to our medical clinic
55:24 in the suburbs
55:25 or the urban slums of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
55:28 because that night,
55:30 she was leaving on a plane to Malaysia
55:34 to work as a prostitute to pay back that debt.
55:38 Reality was that she was never going to come back.
55:41 She would never clear the debt and she would die there.
55:44 And we would have her children.
55:46 There was a volunteer team from Australia
55:50 and there was a gentleman in that team
55:52 and he had heard the story as it was interpreted
55:55 and he pulled out his wallet and he counted his money.
56:01 I don't imagine what it was that he was there
56:03 to buy at the end of this trip the next day,
56:05 maybe he's gonna buy himself a pair of jeans
56:07 and a cheap DVD, you know, they built like a mall
56:09 over there for pretty cheap.
56:12 But he brought her freedom that night for $900.
56:17 Good story, but it doesn't end there,
56:22 $900 and she was free.
56:26 It seems to me that
56:30 this is a very practical demonstration
56:32 of what was done on the cross.
56:36 Freedom, the story doesn't end there
56:39 because, you see, we needed someone.
56:41 We needed a staff member and quickly,
56:44 we had just received 30 children
56:47 that we needed to care for,
56:49 they had been victims of extreme poverty.
56:52 Here was a women that had such tenacity
56:54 to help her children
56:56 that had gone to extreme majors to try
56:58 and make sure her children were cared for.
57:00 What a moral compass
57:01 she had set in the right direction
57:03 and we took her to work with us and we took her children.
57:07 And she got a small loan from us
57:10 that was not with interest.
57:13 And she started a small tuck shop,
57:15 making and creating and selling and making
57:18 some profit to pay back her loan.
57:20 And at the same time, she worked part time
57:23 caring for some other children that we were looking after.
57:26 Six weeks later, she asked this question,
57:31 a question that it's possible that some of you may have
57:35 never asked before in this context.
57:39 What must I do to be saved?
57:44 What must I do to be saved?
57:48 She's gone back to her community,
57:51 she's gone back to share Jesus' love.
57:56 What will you do?
57:58 I'm just finishing up, guys.
58:01 What would Jesus do?
58:04 What will you do?
58:05 Well, here's a few things you do.
58:06 You can join a volunteer team, you can join our mailing list,
58:09 you can like us on Facebook, you can rescue a child,
58:12 you can donate or you can come tonight
58:14 to booth 201 over there,
58:16 just go through the first door and turn right in the expo hall
58:18 and you'll find us, booth 201 and come and talk to us.
58:23 On our website, there's a little button.
58:24 It's there. There's a screenshot.
58:26 It says, "Welcome people from GYC."
58:29 You can have a look on our website,
58:31 there's things you can do.
58:32 And right here are the links.
58:33 You can take your smartphone out right now
58:35 and you can plug them in, and you can find us later,
58:39 after your session this afternoon,
58:44 after the seminars.
58:47 We need you. We need your help.
58:50 I want to thank you for the opportunity
58:52 of being able to come and share with you
58:54 a little of what's going on in world in Asia.
58:57 I would like to propose that you continue to pray
59:01 for these victims and these children.
59:04 And please, if you remember,
59:06 pray for Esther and I in the work that we do.
59:08 Thank you so much and God bless you.


Revised 2016-08-04