Generation of Youth for Christ 2014

Divine Service

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Shin


Series Code: 14GYC

Program Code: 14GYC000009A

03:54 Amen.
04:01 Amen.
04:03 Thank you so much for that inspiring song.
04:07 That was absolutely beautiful.
04:10 Good morning, happy Sabbath.
04:13 Oh, let's try that again. Good morning, happy Sabbath.
04:20 It's hard to believe that this is the first Sabbath
04:23 of the New Year 2015
04:27 and we recognize that Jesus is coming soon.
04:32 Amen.
04:36 There is a favorite quote from the Desire of Ages
04:38 that I have the privilege of memorizing in academy.
04:44 And as we look forward to the future,
04:46 it's a quote that I refer to,
04:51 Desire of Ages 330,
04:53 "Worry is blind and cannot discern the future,
04:59 but Jesus sees the end from the beginning.
05:03 In every difficulty
05:07 He has His way prepared to bring relief.
05:10 Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways
05:12 to provide for us, of which we know nothing.
05:17 Those who make the principle of the service
05:20 in honor of God supreme will find perplexities vanish,
05:25 and a plain path before their feet."
05:28 Amen.
05:30 We recognize that we're living in a time
05:34 when the future is uncertain.
05:37 But in the hands of God, we can be assured
05:41 that He will see us through to the end.
05:45 I want to invite you before we open the word of God
05:50 here this morning
05:53 to bow your heads with me as we pray.
05:58 Our Father in heaven,
06:02 we thank You for this opportunity
06:04 that we have to gather together on this,
06:08 the first Sabbath of the New Year 2015.
06:15 We recognize that we're living in momentous times.
06:20 And at the destiny averts teaming multitudes
06:23 is about to be decided.
06:27 We pray that You'd help us to be faithful to the calling
06:31 that You've given to us as the people of God.
06:35 Help us we pray.
06:38 This morning as we open Your word,
06:41 I pray that You would hide me behind the cross
06:45 that Jesus would be uplifted and Christ would be seen.
06:52 We pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to our hearts
06:57 and enlighten our minds,
07:00 for we ask these things in Jesus' name.
07:04 Amen.
07:07 In 1940,
07:10 a gentleman by the name of Dr. Mortimer Adler
07:14 wrote a book that he called
07:17 a classic guide to intelligent reading.
07:22 Dr. Adler was the chair of the board of editors
07:26 for Encyclopaedia Britannica,
07:29 and he had a burning desire to teach individuals
07:34 to become skilled and proficient readers.
07:40 In his book, Dr. Adler contends
07:42 that the first thing that you should do
07:44 when you pick up a book
07:46 is not begin by reading chapter one.
07:49 He said, you should open it to the table of contents first
07:52 and get the overall outline of the book,
07:55 the general skeleton.
07:57 And then he said, you should always,
08:00 always read the introduction.
08:05 When I first read this, I thought of all the times
08:07 that I would open a book and skip the introduction
08:09 and start with chapter one,
08:11 because I thought that it was unimportant.
08:15 Dr. Adler argues that the reason
08:17 that you should always read the introduction of a book is,
08:21 because in the introduction most of the time,
08:25 the editor or the author will put the purpose of the book.
08:31 The reason why the book was written
08:34 is most of the time found in the introduction.
08:37 And he argues that we must know why the book was written
08:42 before we can know the contents of the book.
08:47 Introduction should not be skipped,
08:50 they should be studied.
08:53 And the introduction of Jesus Christ
08:55 by John the Baptist is of no exception.
08:59 And I want you to invite you to turn with me in your Bibles
09:03 to what I believe
09:04 is the most important introduction in human history.
09:09 John 1:29, the introduction of Jesus Christ
09:16 by John the Baptist.
09:18 I'll be reading from the New King James Bible.
09:20 You can follow along
09:21 in whatever Bible you have there.
09:24 Here it is, the words of John the Baptist regarding Jesus,
09:28 the Son of God, the Messiah.
09:31 John 1:29,
09:35 "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him
09:39 and said, Behold the Lamb of God,
09:44 who takes away the sin of the world."
09:51 This introduction is pregnant with meaning.
09:56 And I think to myself, if only the Jews
09:59 had meditated upon, studied, not missed,
10:06 and perhaps even done their doctorial dissertation
10:09 on these 13 words,
10:12 history could have been altered.
10:16 Because in John's introduction,
10:19 we find the purpose of the Messiah,
10:25 and because the Jews missed the introduction,
10:31 misunderstood the purpose of Jesus Christ,
10:35 they ended up killing the Messiah.
10:42 It would do us well
10:43 to look more closely at John's introduction.
10:48 He said, Behold the Lamb of God,
10:50 who takes away the sin of the world.
10:54 In this verse, you find the role that Jesus is to take,
10:58 he said, "Jesus is the Lamb of God."
11:03 The function of the role
11:05 is to take away sin.
11:10 The lamb,
11:12 its function is to take away sin.
11:18 There's a different phrase that John could have used,
11:21 he could have said,
11:23 Jesus is the Lamb that eradicate sin,
11:25 delete sin, expunges sin,
11:28 and these would have not necessarily
11:30 have been inaccurate theologically.
11:34 But Jesus is referred to the lamb,
11:36 and the lamb's function is to take away sin.
11:41 When you take something, the implication
11:44 is that you're taking possession of that entity.
11:48 If I take your debt,
11:50 I'm taking possession of your debt
11:52 and the implication
11:54 is that the debt is being transferred from you to me.
11:57 There is a transference of possession.
12:03 And the whole plan of salvation is predicated on the notion
12:08 that there is a transference of sin.
12:12 The transfer of sin is possible,
12:14 in this case, from the world, it's transferred to the lamb.
12:20 That is how the lamb takes away sin.
12:27 The concept of the lamb taking away sin
12:34 was not a foreign concept to the first century Jew.
12:40 This was not an alien concept.
12:44 This was not a concept that was new to them.
12:47 It was very familiar.
12:51 For 1,500 years,
12:55 they had participated in a service
12:58 in which they saw the role and the function of the lamb.
13:01 Open your Bibles to Leviticus 4:32-34,
13:06 one of the places where it is illustrated
13:09 the function of the lamb to take away sin.
13:11 Leviticus 4:32-34,
13:18 "If he brings a lamb as his sin offering,
13:24 he shall bring it a female without blemish,
13:29 then he shall lay his hand
13:30 on the head of the sin offering,
13:33 and kill it as a sin offering, and place it at the place
13:38 where they killed the burnt offering.
13:41 The priests shall take some of the blood
13:43 of the sin offering with his finger
13:45 put it on the horns of the burnt offering,
13:47 and pour all the remaining blood
13:50 at the base of the altar."
13:52 The sinner brings in the lamb to the sanctuary.
13:56 He places his hands on the head of that lamb,
13:59 confessing his sins on to the lamb.
14:03 He with his own hand slits the throat of the lamb
14:05 from ear to ear.
14:07 The priest is there, catches the blood.
14:10 The priest then ministers the blood on his behalf,
14:14 and it's placed on the horns of the altar.
14:18 Notice that, in order to take away sin,
14:20 there are three parties that have to be involved.
14:23 The sinner has to accept
14:25 that the lamb becomes his substitute.
14:28 The lamb must die,
14:31 and then the priest must administer the blood
14:35 on the sinner's behalf.
14:37 Three parties, the sinner, the lamb, and the priest.
14:42 In this verse, you see that there is a path
14:45 to the transference of sin.
14:48 The sin goes from the sinner to the lamb, to the blood,
14:54 and then is carried by the priest to the sanctuary.
14:58 The sanctuary holds the record
15:01 of the sin that has been forgiven.
15:04 There is a transference, a pass
15:08 from which the sinner transfers his sin to the lamb,
15:13 to the blood, to the sanctuary.
15:20 And for the only way for the Jews to understand
15:26 the introduction of Jesus as the Messiah
15:33 was if they had used the sanctuary
15:38 as their key to interpret John's introduction.
15:44 The only way for the Jews to understand
15:48 what Jesus did on the cross
15:50 was if they used the sanctuary as their road map.
15:55 It was to be their lens for doing theology.
15:58 It was to be the framework and ultimate reference point
16:01 for understanding the purpose of the Messiah.
16:05 The sanctuary was the interpretive key
16:09 to unlock the purpose of Christ.
16:13 And for over 1,500 years,
16:16 the entire Jewish economy centered on the sanctuary.
16:21 They were literally sitting on the key
16:23 to unlock the Messiah for over 1,500 years,
16:28 and yet they missed the Son of God.
16:32 The sanctuary was to be their interpretive key
16:37 to understand the Christ.
16:43 My fear is that perhaps,
16:49 2,000 years later,
16:51 we are in danger of making the same mistake
16:57 that the Jews did over 2,000 years ago.
17:02 But you say, "Come on David,
17:06 what faithful Seventh-day Adventist today
17:10 doesn't believe in the sanctuary?"
17:13 It's part of our 28 fundamental beliefs.
17:17 It's one of the pillars of the Adventists faith.
17:20 We have Sabbath, Sanctuary, State of the Dead.
17:27 We believe in the sanctuary as a doctrine.
17:29 And my question to you this morning is,
17:32 did the Jews believe in the sanctuary?
17:35 Yes, they did it.
17:38 If you were to ask any Jew in the first century,
17:40 do you believe in the sanctuary?
17:43 They would almost be aghast.
17:44 They would be almost offended
17:46 that you would dare ask the question.
17:48 Of course I believe in the sanctuary.
17:51 I would die for the sanctuary.
17:54 Every year, I participate in Passover,
17:56 Feast of Unleavened Bread,
17:59 Feast of Tabernacles, Day of Atonement.
18:01 I believe in the sanctuary.
18:03 The issue with the Jews
18:05 was that they believed in the sanctuary as a doctrine,
18:09 but they weren't using it as their interpretive key.
18:16 The issue with the Jews
18:18 was that they believed in the sanctuary as a doctrine,
18:22 but they were not using it as an interpretive key.
18:26 And there is a fundamental difference between the two.
18:31 A doctrine is something that you believe,
18:36 An interpretive key is something
18:40 which you use to determine what you believe.
18:45 It is the lens through which you do theology.
18:50 The Jews replace the interpretive key
18:53 of the sanctuary with liberation theology.
18:59 They believed in the sanctuary,
19:01 but they relegated it to a distinctive doctrine,
19:04 and they replaced their hermeneutical lens
19:06 for doing theology
19:08 with a perspective of deliverance from the Romans
19:12 rather than the deliverance from sin.
19:17 And this fundamental mistake led them down the path
19:23 to misinterpret and reject the Son of God.
19:32 In 1994...
19:36 an Adventist author wrote a book.
19:43 And on the cover of the book, there was the picture
19:47 of four different Adventists thought leaders.
19:54 When you open it to the introduction,
19:55 the introduction is actually titled
19:58 and I quote, "It's so confusing."
20:04 And this particular Adventist author
20:05 goes on to write that, in the church today,
20:10 the Adventist church,
20:12 there are at least four different versions
20:16 of the gospel.
20:18 Four, according to his assessment,
20:22 promulgated by these,
20:24 these four different Adventist thought leaders.
20:28 He goes on to write that just the fact
20:32 that there are four different views
20:34 of something as fundamental and rudimentary as the gospel,
20:39 shows us that there is a lack of consensus
20:43 in the church today, about something so basic
20:46 as how is one saved.
20:51 And the question arises in our minds.
20:53 How is it that
20:55 the church is in a relative state of confusion
21:01 about the process of salvation?
21:05 How do we get to the place where we are today?
21:12 Dr Fernando Canale,
21:15 Professor Emeritus of Theology and Philosophy
21:19 at Andrews Theological Seminary,
21:23 wrote a compelling article that was published
21:27 by the Adventist Theological Society.
21:32 In his article, Dr Canale, makes the assessment
21:39 that in the 1960s,
21:43 there was a theological turn in Adventism,
21:48 in which we began to interpret the gospel
21:53 through the lens of evangelical tradition
21:58 rather than the sanctuary.
22:02 This is his assessment that in the 1960s,
22:05 there was a shift, not by everyone,
22:07 but by a significant group of thought leaders,
22:11 in which we replace the interpretive key
22:14 of the sanctuary with the evangelical paradigm
22:18 for interpreting the gospel.
22:23 And he goes down on to write his concern
22:27 about this paradigm shift that took place.
22:32 And I quote from that article,
22:36 "The subtle redefinition
22:40 of the sanctuary doctrines role
22:43 from hermeneutical key to distinctive doctrine
22:49 had far reaching consequences in theological method.
22:55 The gospel as understood by evangelical tradition
23:00 became the hermeneutical key
23:03 to interpret all doctrines.
23:08 Seventh-day Adventist should be concerned about this,
23:12 because it is transforming the very essence
23:16 and identity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
23:22 and its mission.
23:25 Dr Canale is making the argument
23:26 that we are in danger of making the same mistake
23:29 that the Jews did over 2,000 years ago.
23:32 Two thousand years ago,
23:33 the Jews believed in the sanctuary
23:35 as a distinctive doctrine,
23:36 but they replaced that hermeneutical lens
23:38 that key with liberation theology.
23:41 And 2,000 years later,
23:42 we also have been given the interpretive key
23:45 of the sanctuary.
23:46 And according to Dr Canale, we are in danger
23:49 because some within our ranks have replaced the sanctuary
23:53 with evangelical tradition.
23:56 And he said this fundamentally,
23:59 when you play it all out, will change the identity
24:03 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
24:06 because if you remove the sanctuary
24:08 as the interpretive key, it changes who we are.
24:18 I believe
24:21 that when we read evangelical authors,
24:26 we need to be very careful.
24:32 I'm not saying that our evangelical friends
24:35 do not have some sublime and profound thoughts
24:39 on the gospel.
24:40 But we need to recognize that it is an incomplete gospel.
24:46 They may say some positive and powerful things,
24:49 but we need to recognize
24:51 that they are coming from a framework
24:53 that is fundamentally different than Seventh-day Adventist,
24:58 because they are not working
24:59 from the totality of the sanctuary
25:02 as the hermeneutical key for the gospel.
25:11 Dr Canale...
25:17 says that changing the framework of the sanctuary
25:20 for evangelical tradition is transforming the essence,
25:27 the identity, and the mission
25:31 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
25:34 My dear friends,
25:36 we cannot afford to replace the sanctuary key
25:41 with evangelical tradition
25:44 as our framework for understanding.
25:49 Some of you may be thinking,
25:50 David, I hear what you're saying,
25:57 but wasn't the sanctuary supposed to be used
25:59 to interpret the cross.
26:03 And then after the cross,
26:06 the sanctuary key is to be changed,
26:09 were to switch paradigms.
26:11 I mean that's before Christ, after Christ, we have--
26:14 we're supposed to use a different hermeneutical key.
26:16 We're supposed to use a different framework
26:18 that was at the cross.
26:20 Yes, Jesus is the Lamb of God
26:21 who takes away the sins of the world.
26:22 John used the interpretive key, and that was valid at the time.
26:26 But we are now living after Jesus' death
26:29 and resurrection.
26:30 We are to use a different key, a different hermeneutical lens.
26:34 And that is an argument that I hear many times.
26:36 Yes, that's before the cross, after the cross,
26:39 we need to shift paradigms.
26:43 We need to shift interpretive keys.
26:48 Open your Bibles to Hebrews 8, Hebrews 8:1,
26:53 this is after the cross, after AD 31,
26:58 after the resurrection.
27:02 Paul is writing his epistle
27:08 to the Hebrews.
27:11 Hebrews 8:1,
27:15 now this is the main point of the things we are saying.
27:22 We have such a high priest,
27:26 who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty.
27:31 Where? In heaven.
27:35 A minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle,
27:40 which the Lord erected and not man.
27:49 This is after the cross, friends.
27:52 Paul is establishing the reality
27:54 that Jesus is our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary,
27:58 which the Lord created and not man.
28:01 The concept of the heavenly sanctuary
28:02 is a biblical concept, friends.
28:05 It's found in the Book of Hebrews.
28:06 It's found in the Book of Revelation.
28:08 And here, Paul is establishing that Jesus after the cross
28:11 is our High Priest.
28:13 What is Paul saying?
28:14 The assumption here
28:15 is that the cross is still to be the framework.
28:19 I should say the sanctuary is still to be the framework
28:23 after the cross for understanding
28:27 what Jesus did after the cross
28:30 upon His ascension as our High Priest.
28:34 It's not only the interpretive key
28:36 for understanding the cross,
28:38 it's to be the interpretive key for understanding
28:41 what Jesus did upon His ascension
28:44 as our High Priest after AD 31.
28:50 This is a New Testament principle.
28:52 Paul is not changing hermeneutical keys
28:55 after the cross.
28:57 He's establishing
28:59 that the sanctuary is still relevant, valid,
29:02 and should be the framework
29:05 for understanding what Christ did
29:07 at AD 31 and after AD 31.
29:15 Paul goes on, Hebrews 9:11-12,
29:20 "But when Christ came as high priest
29:24 of the good things that have come to be
29:27 passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle
29:32 not made by hands."
29:35 That is not belonging to this creation.
29:40 I don't know how anyone can believe
29:41 there is no heavenly sanctuary.
29:44 "He entered once for all into the tabernacle,
29:50 not with the blood of goats and calves,
29:53 but with His own blood,
29:57 thus obtaining eternal redemption.
30:04 The sanctuary is to be the interpretive key
30:07 after the cross.
30:10 And, friends,
30:11 this is what makes us
30:14 Seventh-day Adventists.
30:19 I affirm that the sanctuary is a distinctive doctrine,
30:25 but I would argue
30:26 that it is more than a distinctive doctrine.
30:30 According to John the Baptist, according to Paul,
30:33 it is to be the framework, the lens,
30:36 the road map for doing theology.
30:40 It is to be the reference point for what Jesus did at the cross
30:44 and what Jesus is doing as our High Priest.
30:50 Ellen White,
30:54 Great Controversy, page 423,
30:59 and I quote, "The subject of the sanctuary
31:04 was the key."
31:06 Let me read that again.
31:08 "The subject of the sanctuary was the key,
31:12 which unlocked the mystery
31:15 of the great disappointment of 1844.
31:19 It opened to view a complete system of truth
31:23 connected harmonious showing
31:25 that God's hand had directed the great Advent movement
31:29 and revealing present duty
31:31 as brought to light the position
31:33 and work of his people."
31:36 This is the implication.
31:38 John says that the sanctuary is the interpretive key
31:43 for understanding the lamb--
31:47 the cross.
31:50 Paul establishes
31:52 that the sanctuary is to be the interpretive key
31:55 for understanding Jesus as our High Priest after AD 31.
32:00 Ellen White establishes
32:04 that the sanctuary is the interpretive key
32:06 for understanding Jesus after 1844
32:12 to this present day in the investigative judgment.
32:17 The cross, AD 31, 1844, the same interpretive key,
32:23 the sanctuary unlocks what Jesus has done,
32:26 is doing, and will do.
32:30 It is to be our framework for our understanding.
32:36 Last year, I had the privilege and opportunity
32:42 of speaking in Japan.
32:48 It's my first time to Asia.
32:50 I'm Asian American, never been there before.
32:52 I'm Korean, went to Japan. It just, it ended up that way.
32:56 I hope to go to Korea some day.
32:59 I was in Tokyo at a speaking appointment.
33:02 And since we had never been to Asia before,
33:05 my wife and I tacked on some vacation time at the end
33:08 and got on a bullet train, and went down bravely to Kyoto,
33:12 to look at some sights down there.
33:17 We got off the train, found our hotel,
33:20 left our luggage there,
33:21 and then went back into the subway station
33:24 to catch another local subway
33:25 to tour some of the tourist attractions
33:28 in the city of Kyoto.
33:33 That is when our vacation
33:36 turned into a relative nightmare,
33:38 because we got lost for three hours
33:44 in the subway station.
33:50 I mean there is nothing.
33:52 I shouldn't say nothing, this is an exaggeration.
33:54 But to be in a foreign country and not speak the language,
33:59 and you're wandering aimlessly in this subway station
34:02 walking around.
34:04 We're tired, we're hungry,
34:05 and for those of you that are married,
34:07 you know, what I'm talking about.
34:08 You're starting to get frustrated, walking around.
34:12 And I've never seen a subway station
34:16 that was so mammoth.
34:19 This thing was huge.
34:21 I've never seen escalators
34:22 that went up like seven stories in sections.
34:26 We would get on the escalators ride all the way to the top,
34:29 and then ride all the way down, going everywhere.
34:31 Every time we tried to speak to someone in English,
34:33 they would go like this.
34:35 And we are just, we're at a loss...
34:41 because we did not understand where we were.
34:47 Suddenly we had a hermeneutical breakthrough.
34:56 We found a map...
35:01 In English. Praise God.
35:08 And using that map, it opened Kyoto.
35:19 We went on the bus system, subway system,
35:22 went to every attraction.
35:23 It was great.
35:25 By the end, we were joking amongst ourselves saying,
35:27 "You know what, we've mastered this thing so well,"
35:30 we really didn't,
35:32 "we should become American tourist guide for Kyoto."
35:39 The map became the key that unlocked Kyoto.
35:45 It fundamentally changed our understanding,
35:48 and then altered our experience.
35:53 And I want to tell you today, God has given us the map...
36:00 it's time that we use it.
36:04 We need to believe in it and use it.
36:07 God has given us a goldmine in kindergarten form
36:11 in the sanctuary,
36:12 and we should not be going to the evangelicals
36:14 to understand the gospel when God has given us the key.
36:21 You cannot use a map of Paris to understand Kyoto.
36:28 And we need to understand the sanctuary, friends,
36:32 that is to be our framework
36:33 to understand Christ at the cross.
36:37 Christ after AD 31
36:39 and Christ after 1844.
36:44 The sanctuary
36:46 is the interpretive key for the gospel.
36:52 All right, so the sanctuary is the interpretive key
36:55 for understanding the gospel.
36:59 What does that look like?
37:03 What's the implication
37:05 of using the sanctuary as our framework
37:09 for understanding the work of Christ?
37:12 I've asked them to put a slide of the sanctuary on the screen.
37:19 Well, thank you Eric Low
37:21 for putting together this slide.
37:24 It's a bird's eye view of the mosaic sanctuary.
37:30 And I want to make a simple elementary observation.
37:36 The sanctuary is divided into three different compartments,
37:42 the courtyard, the holy place, and the most holy place.
37:49 There you see it, they're on the screen.
37:51 The courtyard, the holy place, and the most holy place.
37:55 The courtyard has two articles of furniture,
37:57 the altar burnt offering and the laver.
38:00 The holy place has three articles of furniture,
38:01 table of showbread,
38:03 the altar of incense, and the lamp stand.
38:04 And the most holy place has the Ark of the Covenant.
38:08 My question is Adam and Eve back in Edenic perfection,
38:12 where were they before sin irrespective to God's presence?
38:18 They were in the most holy place.
38:19 The book Education says that Adam and Eve
38:21 had open face-to-face communion with God.
38:24 That is not possible today, friends.
38:28 They were right there in the most holy place,
38:31 face-to-face, open communion with God.
38:36 After sin,
38:39 Adam and Eve, and the entire human race
38:42 were placed looking at the sanctuary,
38:44 we're placed outside of the gate.
38:48 We could no longer stand in the presence of God,
38:50 we would become consumed.
38:53 And thus, we can see
38:56 that this sanctuary model presents to us
39:01 in illustrative form
39:03 that the process of salvation is about restoration.
39:11 It is to bring us back
39:17 to where Adam and Eve were face-to-face with God.
39:22 And God does this in three phases,
39:25 the courtyard, justification.
39:29 God delivers us from the penalty of sin,
39:32 the holy place, sanctification.
39:34 God delivers us from the power of sin.
39:38 The most holy place, glorification,
39:40 God delivers us from the presence of sin.
39:45 The theme of the sanctuary is restoration.
39:51 Ellen White, Education, page 15 and 16,
39:57 "To restore in man, the image of his maker.
40:03 To bring him back--"
40:05 To bring him what?
40:07 "To bring him back to the perfection
40:10 in which he was created.
40:12 To promote the development of body, mind, and soul
40:16 that the divine purpose in his creation
40:19 might be realized.
40:20 This was to be the work of redemption."
40:27 The sanctuary,
40:29 its theme is restoration.
40:35 When we understand
40:37 the sanctuary is our interpretive key,
40:40 it brings balance to our understanding of the gospel.
40:48 And the reason for confusion regarding the gospel today
40:52 is because we are not using the entire sanctuary
40:56 for our understanding.
40:58 Evangelicals camp out in the courtyard.
41:08 I affirm the beauty of justification by faith.
41:13 But we cannot get a discount on the sanctuary.
41:18 Our evangelical friends frame their entire gospel
41:21 in the courtyard.
41:23 I study systematic theology. I studied Luther.
41:27 There was one book
41:28 that Luther did not like, the book of James.
41:30 Why?
41:31 Because he centered his whole theology
41:33 in the courtyard.
41:34 I call it courtyard theology.
41:37 It's a 66 percent discount on the sanctuary.
41:42 They take away two-thirds, courtyard theology.
41:45 I want to affirm the beauty of justification by faith
41:49 and what happened at the cross.
41:52 But in order to understand what Jesus did after the cross,
41:55 you need to use the rest of the sanctuary.
41:57 Amen.
42:01 Our Catholic friends camp out in the holy place.
42:08 Sanctification through the seven sacraments.
42:15 They have not experienced the joy of the courtyard,
42:18 they are trying to meritoriously work their way
42:21 to heaven.
42:23 John Wesley came along
42:25 and he said, "Let's do a synthesis.
42:28 We need to affirm the beauty of the courtyard.
42:31 We need to affirm the beauty of the holy place,
42:33 we need both justification and sanctification,
42:36 and they are both by faith."
42:42 Adventist came along and said,
42:44 "We want to affirm the beauty of the courtyard.
42:47 We want to affirm the beauty of the holy place,
42:51 and we want to affirm the reality
42:55 of the most holy place experience."
42:59 The revolution of Adventism is that we had the audacity
43:03 to use the entire sanctuary to understand the gospel.
43:08 And that is the significant contribution of the sanctuary.
43:17 But some in our ranks
43:20 are going backwards and not forwards.
43:26 Some of our beloved brothers and sisters
43:29 are doing courtyard theology
43:32 to the negation of the rest of the sanctuary.
43:36 It's the reduction of the gospel to the courtyard.
43:42 An Adventist version of evangelicalism.
43:47 Some of our beloved Adventist brothers and sisters
43:50 are doing holy place theology
43:53 to the negation of the courtyard
43:56 and trying to work their way to heaven
43:59 through a created system of Adventists sacraments.
44:05 These have not experienced the joy of the courtyard
44:08 in the piece of justification by faith,
44:10 and it's an Adventist version of Catholicism.
44:17 When we do theology with the whole sanctuary,
44:21 it gives us the litmus test
44:23 to cut through the confusion today,
44:25 regarding the gospel.
44:28 It keeps us safe from false dichotomies.
44:35 I hear this all the time, is that law or grace,
44:40 is it faith or works,
44:42 is it justification or sanctification,
44:45 is it what God,
44:47 is it what God does in you or for you,
44:50 is it the imputed or imparted righteousness of Christ.
44:54 And I would say, it is not either or friends,
44:55 this is both end.
45:00 And when you look at the sanctuary,
45:01 you will understand the proper place
45:04 of each one of these things.
45:06 We need to experience the courtyard,
45:08 so that we can experience
45:10 what God does for us in sanctification.
45:16 And friends, my appeal to you,
45:21 here, this Sabbath,
45:24 is that when any gospel is presented, ask yourself,
45:29 how does this fit into the sanctuary?
45:34 And any gospel that does not fit into the sanctuary
45:39 is a false gospel.
45:44 When a gospel message is preached,
45:46 we need to listen to and watch what is said
45:49 and what is not said.
45:52 We need to listen to what is left in
45:54 and what is left out.
45:57 And any gospel that emphasizes a portion of the sanctuary
46:01 to the denial of the rest of the sanctuary
46:04 is at best an incomplete gospel.
46:11 The sanctuary is Christ centered.
46:15 It's all about Jesus. Amen.
46:20 There is no more a Christ centered framework
46:24 than the sanctuary.
46:27 And the sanctuary answers the question,
46:29 what is Jesus doing now?
46:36 And there is no denomination in the world today
46:40 that has a better understanding
46:42 of what Christ is doing right now
46:45 than Seventh-day Adventists.
46:51 This is not a call for triumphalism friends.
46:55 This is not a time for arrogance.
46:59 We should be shaking with humility with the recognition
47:02 that God has entrusted us with the sacred truth.
47:08 And so, I could go unabashedly to my evangelical friend,
47:14 to my Catholic friend and say, "Do you love Jesus?"
47:19 They say "Yes."
47:20 "Do you want to know what Jesus is doing right now?
47:24 Could I share with you? It's found in the sanctuary."
47:33 We're told in Great Controversy, page 409,
47:38 "The scripture which above all others
47:41 have been both the foundation
47:43 and the central pillar of the Advent faith
47:46 was the declaration on to 2,300 days,
47:51 then the sanctuary shall be cleansed."
47:56 Ellen White says that the sanctuary is a pillar
47:59 of the Seventh-day Adventist church,
48:00 but she says that it is the central pillar.
48:04 The implication is that, if you remove the sanctuary,
48:07 the entire foundation of Adventism begins to fall.
48:11 It's no accident that in every generation,
48:14 it seems every four years,
48:16 the notion of the sanctuary has been
48:19 and I believe continue, will continue to be attacked
48:22 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
48:24 Because the devil knows that,
48:26 if he can change and alter this distinctive doctrine
48:29 and interpretive key, it will change the identity
48:33 and mission of God's remnant church.
48:41 Just before retiring,
48:45 in 1978,
48:49 The General Conference President
48:52 Elder Robert H. Pearson
48:56 gave his final address to the church leadership
48:58 attending
48:59 the General Conference Annual Council.
49:06 There were winds of doctrine blowing in the church.
49:08 And Robert Pearson just about to retire
49:11 gave his final appeal.
49:15 I want to read an excerpt from his last message
49:18 to the Annual Council there in 1978.
49:26 And I quote,
49:30 "Brethren and sisters,
49:35 there are subtle forces that are beginning to stir.
49:41 Regrettably there are those in the church
49:45 who'd be little the inspiration of the total Bible,
49:49 who scorn the first 11 chapters of Genesis,
49:53 who question the spirit of prophecies
49:56 short chronology of the age of the earth.
49:59 And who subtly and not so subtly
50:02 attack the Spirit of Prophecy.
50:06 There are some who point to the reformers
50:08 and contemporary theologians as a source and the norm
50:11 for Seventh-day Adventists doctrine.
50:13 There are those who allegedly are tired
50:15 of hack night phrases of Adventism.
50:18 There are those who wish
50:20 to forget the standards of the church we love.
50:23 There are those who covet and would court
50:25 the favor of the evangelicals,
50:27 those who would throw off the mantle
50:29 of a peculiar people,
50:30 and those who would go the way
50:32 of the secular materialistic world.
50:37 Fellow leaders,
50:40 beloved brethren and sisters,
50:44 don't let it happen.
50:49 I appeal to you, earnestly as I know how this morning.
50:55 Don't let it happen."
51:03 This was the General Conference president
51:05 Robert H. Pearson
51:07 in 1978.
51:13 Here we are in 2015.
51:18 And friends, we cannot afford to wander in the wilderness
51:22 another 40 years.
51:26 It's time to go home.
51:31 And in a time when the Protestant leaders
51:32 of America are going back to Rome.
51:37 God is calling for a generation of young people
51:41 who will go back to the Bible.
51:46 God is calling for a generation of young people
51:50 who will have the audacity to use the whole sanctuary
51:54 to complete what the reformation began.
52:02 My appeal to you this morning,
52:06 is it your desire to answer that call?
52:14 If that's your desire this morning,
52:16 as we prepare to close,
52:19 I want to invite you to stand with me,
52:20 if you want to say, "Lord, use me, mould me,
52:25 make me, an instrument, a vessel
52:28 for the building up of your church
52:32 here on earth."
52:33 God is calling for a generation of young people
52:37 who would be faithful to Scripture.
52:40 God is calling for a generation of people
52:42 that will have the character of Christ
52:44 reflected in their lives.
52:46 God is calling for a generation of young people
52:48 who read, understand, and apply the principles
52:51 of the Spirit of Prophecy to their lives.
52:54 God is calling for a generation who will use the sanctuary
52:58 as the interpretive key for the gospel.
53:04 My second appeal is this,
53:09 I know that in a congregation of this size,
53:14 there is someone here today
53:18 that has not been baptized into the remnant church.
53:25 You have not been baptized,
53:28 but you hear the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart.
53:31 Perhaps it's been a several weeks,
53:33 perhaps it's been several days, perhaps a several months.
53:37 You hear the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart
53:39 saying, "Be baptized, make this step."
53:44 Baptism is not graduation, friends.
53:48 It doesn't mean that you've arrived.
53:51 It means that God is calling you
53:52 into the courtyard experience, and you want to make that step.
53:57 I want to invite you to come forward,
53:59 here this morning.
54:00 You have not been baptized, you want to make that step
54:05 and say, "Lord Jesus, I want to prepare for baptism,
54:10 I want to invite you to come forward at this time.
54:11 If there's someone next to you, just tap them, they'll move.
54:14 You can come down, God bless you my friend,
54:16 you have not been baptized.
54:18 God bless you.
54:20 You want to make that step into the waters of baptism,
54:23 and you'll say, God bless you.
54:24 God bless you. Is there someone else?
54:26 You are sitting here this morning
54:27 and the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart today,
54:30 be baptized.
54:32 God bless you. God bless you.
54:34 Don't let what other people think
54:36 determine where you're going to spend eternity.
54:39 We're among friends here today, we're praying for you,
54:41 you have not been baptized,
54:43 and you want to make that decision
54:45 to prepare for baptism here this morning.
54:49 God bless you friends. God bless you. God bless you.
54:52 Is there someone else? God bless you.
54:54 You want to make the decision for baptism.
54:57 Jesus is coming soon.
54:59 Don't let this opportunity pass.
55:02 The Bible says today, "If you hear his voice,
55:04 harden not your hearts."
55:06 God is speaking to you right now,
55:08 and the best time to make a spiritual decision is today.
55:14 Don't let this opportunity pass.
55:15 God bless you my friend.
55:18 Those of you that have been baptized,
55:19 you should be in a spirit of prayer right now
55:21 for those people that are in the valley of decision
55:22 here this morning.
55:24 Eternal decisions are being made.
55:25 You have not been baptized. God bless you. God bless you.
55:30 I know there's someone else sitting,
55:31 standing right there
55:33 and you are wrestling with the Lord.
55:34 The Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart.
55:37 Don't let this opportunity pass.
55:39 Tomorrow is not assured.
55:43 Jesus says, "Behold I stand at the door and knock,
55:47 if any man hear my voice, I will come in."
55:51 Jesus is knocking friends.
55:54 This is not Pastor Shin making the appeal.
55:58 Jesus is calling you.
56:01 Jesus left heaven for you,
56:05 won't you come forward for Him?
56:08 Baptism.
56:14 God bless you sister.
56:19 That appeal is still open. My second appeal is this.
56:28 There's an area of your life
56:31 that God is calling you to surrender.
56:36 Perhaps it's a habit, perhaps it's an addiction,
56:39 perhaps it's a good thing that is keeping you from God.
56:44 And you've heard the Holy Spirit speaking to you
56:46 saying, "It's time to lay that area of your life
56:49 on the altar.
56:52 I want to surrender.
56:54 You want to pray the prayer, take my heart,
56:56 because I can't give it.
56:57 I love this area of my life Lord, take it from me.
57:01 There's an area of my life
57:02 that I need to surrender to Jesus."
57:05 And you want the victory.
57:07 I want to invite you to come forward
57:08 here this morning.
57:10 There's an area of your life that God is calling you
57:12 to lay on the altar here this morning.
57:15 2015, the first Sabbath of GYC.
57:18 And you want to say, "Lord Jesus,
57:19 I am tired of hanging on to this area of my life.
57:23 I want to lay it on the altar here this morning,
57:26 Jesus save me.
57:28 I cannot save myself, I am tired of fighting you.
57:34 I surrender.
57:37 I want to lay this area
57:39 on the altar here, this morning."
57:41 We cannot hold back,
57:43 God wants to use us as his vessel.
57:45 But we cannot cherish any area of my life.
57:50 And you want to say, "Lord Jesus, take my heart,
57:53 because I cannot give it.
57:55 Save me in spite of myself, my weak on Christ like self.
58:00 Help me, do for me,
58:03 what I'm incapable of doing on my own."
58:05 God bless you friends.
58:07 Jesus heals, Jesus saves, Jesus restores.
58:18 Amen.
58:20 Let's bow our heads together
58:24 as we pray.
58:28 Our father and our God,
58:33 we thank You today for Jesus.
58:37 We thank You for the cross.
58:40 We thank You for the sanctuary.
58:44 Help us as a people to be faithful
58:46 to the truths that you've been trusted us with.
58:50 Lord, we don't want to wander in the wilderness
58:52 another 40 years, we want to go home.
58:54 Help us by your grace.
58:57 I pray for the people that have come forward
58:58 here this morning for baptism.
59:00 Lord, we know that heaven is rejoicing right now.
59:05 I pray that you would seal their decision
59:06 with the Holy Spirit.
59:10 I pray for the people that have come forward
59:14 surrendering an area of their life to You.
59:17 I pray that you'd grant them the victory.
59:20 We know that Jesus saves
59:21 from the penalty and the power of sin.
59:23 We pray that you'd grant them the victory
59:26 over this area of their life.
59:29 May you work in and through them
59:33 to grant them power from on high.
59:39 Now on to him that is able to keep us from falling
59:43 and to present us faultless before the--


Revised 2016-07-28