Generation of Youth for Christ 2014

Sabbath School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Michael Hasel


Series Code: 14GYC

Program Code: 14GYC000008A

00:13 It was my second year in college,
00:18 I was 20 years old,
00:19 and I had decided to go overseas to experience
00:24 a dream that I had to study in Europe for a year,
00:28 learning the language that I had grown up with as a boy.
00:33 Bogenhofen was a small school in Austria.
00:36 There are no kangaroos in Austria, it's Europe.
00:40 And we had a great experience there those first months
00:44 since I was studying and learning
00:45 and it was a wonderful small school environment
00:49 coming from a large university Adventist University
00:52 to a school of about a 150 students,
00:54 it was a family.
00:57 One thing I didn't enjoy very much
01:00 and that was the cold.
01:02 It was one of those wet fall experiences
01:05 where you basically have this constant drizzle
01:09 and rain and this kind of wet cold that penetrates
01:13 no matter what kind of clothing you're wearing
01:15 down to the very bone,
01:16 and I remember I could count may be on two hands
01:19 how many days of sunshine
01:20 I had seen that particular fall.
01:24 And now it was November, and one day,
01:27 while I was in the dinning room,
01:28 my father called, and I went to the phone
01:31 and after some small talk, he said,
01:33 "You know, Michael," he says,
01:34 "Your mother and I have been talking
01:36 and we're going down to Florida again this year,
01:38 down to Key Largo for our vacation time.
01:40 We do have done this every year for many years
01:42 and we were wondering if you want to join us.
01:46 The relatives are all gonna be there together,
01:48 there's gonna be about 40 of us,
01:50 camping on the Gulf of Mexico, and you know how it is.
01:54 And I looked outside and it was drizzling again.
01:58 I thought about those blue ashore waters,
02:00 I thought about my cousins
02:01 and I went surfing across the Gulf of Mexico,
02:04 I thought of our scuba diving adventures
02:07 in Pennekamp State Park.
02:09 I thought about all of the things that we did,
02:12 even Santa Claus coming on the back
02:14 of a pickup truck on the beach.
02:16 I thought of beach volleyball,
02:17 I thought of the things we did when we were there at the beach
02:20 during our Christmas holidays for two weeks,
02:24 and my dad said, "Look, I want you to make the decision."
02:28 And I explained to my father that I was actually planning
02:30 on staying in Europe that year.
02:32 I was planning on spending the Christmas time
02:35 with my uncle Kurtz, who is a pastor in Germany
02:37 and my cousin Bettina,
02:39 who was a student with me at Bogenhofen,
02:41 and my dad said, "Well, there's no pressure,
02:44 it's your decision, you're an adult,
02:46 now you need to make these decisions on your own.
02:48 But what I will do,
02:49 I will go to the travel agent this morning,
02:51 I will look at possible flights
02:53 because it's very late in this discussion,
02:55 and I will call you back in three hours,
02:58 and when I call you back,
03:00 you need to have made a decision,
03:01 because we need to act on this right away."
03:06 I remember after lunch going to Bettina's room,
03:10 my cousin's room.
03:11 I had permission from the girls' dean to go there
03:13 because I was her cousin.
03:15 And I told her about the phone call
03:18 and I said, "You know, I don't know what to do,
03:20 I mean we have these plans to go to your house and now...
03:24 I don't know, it's a simple decision whether to go home
03:27 or whether to stay here for Christmas."
03:29 And Bettina
03:32 caught me off guard,
03:33 she says, "Michael, have you prayed about it?"
03:36 I felt a little guilty
03:37 because I was a theology student second year
03:39 and she was a high school student
03:41 and I hadn't thought about praying about it.
03:44 So I said, "No, I haven't done that yet."
03:50 She says, "Well, maybe we should do it right now."
03:53 And I said, "Sure."
03:55 And so we knelt down in that dorm room her
03:57 and her roommate Katrina,
04:00 kind of strange Bettina and Katrina but anyway,
04:03 and I, we knelt down in that dorm room and we prayed
04:06 over what seemed like a very simple decision.
04:11 The plan that afternoon was to take them
04:13 into town in my car.
04:14 I was kind of the taxi of the school,
04:16 because I had a car.
04:18 And they wanted to do some shopping
04:19 so we went into the city of Braunau in Austria,
04:22 and as they shopped, I wandered the streets.
04:26 I went to my favorite sports store
04:28 where all the latest skiing equipment was available and,
04:31 but I didn't look at the skis,
04:32 I kept thinking about that phone call at 3 o'clock.
04:34 I kept thinking about what I was going to say.
04:36 I kept thinking about all the things
04:38 that I would have to deal with when that call came,
04:41 and I kept praying all afternoon
04:43 and asking the Lord for guidance.
04:45 And I can tell you something,
04:46 it didn't work the way it sometimes works.
04:50 I didn't have any handwriting appear
04:52 on one of the store front windows.
04:55 There was no lightning flash that came out of the sky
04:58 that told me or showed me which way to go.
05:01 There was no clear voice that said,
05:05 this is what you should do.
05:07 But I can tell you this, as I continued to pray,
05:11 every time I thought about going home for Christmas
05:14 that is back to the United States
05:15 and to Florida.
05:17 I felt uneasy and every time I've thought about staying,
05:21 I felt a certain peace in my heart,
05:24 and as the afternoon continued,
05:26 those feelings that sense strengthened on both sides,
05:33 and so 15 minutes before the phone call,
05:35 I made up my mind that I was going to stay.
05:38 The phone rang, my father was on the phone and he says.
05:40 "Michael, I'm so excited I just got back from the travel agency
05:44 from Ruth and, and we found a flight.
05:47 It's going to go from Frankfurt to London,
05:50 London to New York, New York to Miami,
05:52 we'll pick you up in Miami, two hours,
05:54 you'll be down on Key Largo
05:55 a beautiful island south of Florida."
05:58 And you know what he says,
06:00 "Even your grandmother is coming this year."
06:02 She's never been to Florida before.
06:06 "Oh, by the way what was your decision?"
06:10 I looked out the window and it was drizzling again.
06:15 My resolve was fading fast.
06:18 There was silence on the phone and my dad said,
06:20 "Oh, by the way your mother and I made a decision.
06:22 We're paying for the flight,
06:23 you don't have to worry about a thing."
06:28 I said, "Dad, I've been praying about it all day,
06:31 I don't know how to explain this to you,
06:32 but I really feel like I should stay."
06:35 There was silence on the phone again.
06:38 ''Your mother will be very disappointed."
06:42 I know.
06:45 "Well, listen the booking will hold for 72 hours,
06:47 I didn't purchase anything, it will hold for 72 hours.
06:50 If you change your mind, call me back
06:53 and we'll buy the ticket, but it's your decision."
06:59 Hung up the phone, I didn't call him back.
07:03 Two weeks later, the rain had turned to snow
07:05 and we were in a winter wonderland
07:08 driving through Bavaria up into Germany
07:12 where my uncle was a pastor.
07:15 It was beautiful, snow-laden trees,
07:18 it just felt like Christmas was supposed to feel in Germany.
07:20 I'd only spent one Christmas before in Germany,
07:23 when I was a child in the black forest
07:24 with my grandparents.
07:27 And that's why I was really looking forward to this.
07:30 Christmas trees in Germany are not like Christmas trees here
07:33 they're real.
07:37 And the lights on the Christmas tree are not
07:39 the kind you buy at Wal-Mart,
07:41 they're real candles with real fire on them.
07:45 I don't know what firemen do there,
07:46 but Christmas Eve but that's what they do.
07:49 The Christmas trees don't go up,
07:53 they don't go up in August,
07:54 they go up in on Christmas Eve.
08:00 When the Christ child comes as tradition has it
08:02 in that part of the world,
08:04 when the Christ child comes and brings everything.
08:08 So I was looking forward to this special time,
08:10 and sure enough the tree was there,
08:12 the meal was there.
08:14 We were soon around the tree and exchanging gifts
08:17 when the telephone rang.
08:19 My father was on the phone and he said,
08:22 "Michael, you need to talk to someone."
08:24 And I think that was probably the most expensive phone call
08:27 that my father had ever had or I had ever had.
08:30 I think I talked to all 40 relatives in those few minutes,
08:33 maybe it was an hour, I can't remember.
08:35 That was by the way
08:36 when a phone call overseas was $4 a minute.
08:40 Probably was the same price as my ticket would have been.
08:45 Finally, my dad got back on the phone
08:47 and he said these words, he says,
08:48 "Michael, I'm so glad you didn't come this year."
08:54 "I'm sorry Dad, you don't miss me?"
08:58 "No, Michael" he says, "It's not that,
09:02 I had you booked on Pan Am Flight 103
09:04 that crashed in Lockerbie Scotland last week."
09:11 My mind went back to the drive from Bogenhofen to Germany.
09:15 The newscast that came over the radio
09:17 as we were driving up,
09:19 747 had taken off from London, Heathrow.
09:24 And while it was still ascending
09:26 to its cruising altitude
09:30 something happened.
09:32 It had blown up 189 people
09:37 on board had been killed.
09:40 People in the city of Lockerbie that the plane crashed
09:43 into a few of them had been killed as well.
09:47 Everyone on board was lost.
09:50 The tree blurred in front of me,
09:52 the lights blurred in front of me.
09:54 I simply handed the phone to my uncle
09:57 as the impact of that moment began to settle in.
10:04 And the next few months as I wrestled with huge questions.
10:10 I can tell you that I don't have all the answers
10:13 still today to those questions but...
10:15 As I kept thinking back on that afternoon between 12 and 3
10:20 when I was praying about
10:22 a simple decision to go home or not.
10:25 My mind kept going back again and again
10:27 to the three of us kneeling in that dormitory room
10:29 at Bogenhofen and asking the Lord for direction.
10:35 It was a crisis in my life unlike I had ever faced.
10:41 The disciples,
10:45 as Jesus hung on the cross
10:50 must have faced a similar identity crisis.
10:55 It was a moment that the entire universe was witnessing,
10:58 the entire universe, the created world
11:01 were focused on that moment in history as the Son of God
11:05 hung suspended between heaven and earth.
11:09 The mystery of unbridled love was being poured out
11:12 on a broken and fallen and undeserving race.
11:17 Scripture had predicted this day again and again
11:21 from the first verses of the Book of Genesis
11:24 in Genesis 3:15,
11:26 when the promise was given to Adam and Eve
11:29 all the way down through the prophets
11:30 of the Old Testament,
11:33 with detail and with precision this moment was predicted
11:37 through the sacrificial system as lambs were brought
11:40 into the heavenly, into the sanctuary.
11:43 This moment was crystallized in the mind of Hebrews
11:48 and people who had studied it for centuries.
11:55 The moment had finally come
11:58 in the fullness of time.
12:03 Nearly 2000 years have passed from that since that moment
12:07 of crisis and triumph.
12:09 And today, we are entering into that time in history
12:13 when the fullness of time has come again.
12:16 Jesus is coming soon.
12:19 What happened at the cross was a prelude
12:22 to the ultimate triumph of what would happen
12:25 at the end of time.
12:27 The time is fast approaching is even at the door
12:30 when Jesus will return victorious
12:31 in the clouds of heaven to take us home
12:34 and we are certainly living once again
12:36 in the fullness of time.
12:38 The appending crisis at this time in earth's history,
12:43 our time will be unprecedented.
12:48 The pressures upon God's people will be focused and relentless,
12:53 and deliberate.
12:54 How will we be able to stand faithful during this time?
12:58 How will the Seventh-day Adventist Church that has been
13:01 given a unique and distinct Three Angels' Message
13:04 be able to proclaim that message
13:06 faithfully through the vicissitudes of theological
13:10 controversies and discussions through all of the things
13:14 and challenges that will arise from within and from without.
13:17 How will we be able to move forward to meet Jesus
13:21 when He comes?
13:24 This morning during the study time together.
13:28 I want to focus on two episodes in Christ's life.
13:33 That we might understand how he faced
13:36 two of the most critical moments,
13:39 crisis moments, identity moments
13:43 in his time here on earth.
13:46 We have learned so much already in this conference.
13:50 And it's been a blessing, hasn't it?
13:52 Amen.
13:54 The first is found in Luke 4, I invite you to turn there.
14:00 We find the temptation of Jesus
14:03 referred to several times in the gospels.
14:06 But here in Luke, at the very beginning of his ministry
14:09 after his baptism in the Jordan River,
14:10 Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights.
14:14 We're told in the Spirit of Prophecy
14:16 that this was a time of soul searching
14:18 and prayer and communion with His Father,
14:20 a time when He knew after His baptism
14:23 that His ministry was about to begin
14:25 and Jesus needed to focus on those things
14:28 that mattered most, 40 days and nights,
14:31 no food, no water.
14:32 Jesus spent in that wilderness.
14:35 I've been in that wilderness, I've been in that desolation.
14:38 It's more desolate than
14:39 the Sonoran Desert here in Arizona.
14:43 There He walked, and knelt, and prayed.
14:49 And after those 40 days and nights
14:51 when He was at His weakest moment,
14:53 Satan approaches Him with three temptations.
14:58 They cover every temptation that you and I will ever face.
15:03 The first temptation was appetite.
15:07 Jesus responds and says,
15:10 "It is written man shall not live by bread alone."
15:16 The passage which Jesus is quoting from is
15:18 Deuteronomy 8:3, and it continues.
15:21 "But man lives by every word that proceeds
15:24 from the mouth of God."
15:28 Jesus points back to the Living Word.
15:30 And in His second temptation when Satan comes now
15:33 with his own quote from scripture,
15:35 "Christ is offered dominion of the world's kingdoms
15:38 and glory and worldly honor."
15:41 Jesus responds, "It is written,
15:44 'You shall worship the Lord, your God, and serve him only."
15:49 ' The end time crisis will be a crisis of worship.
15:53 Who we worship?
15:55 When we worship?
15:56 And yes, even how we worship?
16:01 Christ reminds us that true worship is focused on God,
16:04 not on anyone else.
16:06 Finally, during Satan's last temptation
16:08 for the love of display.
16:12 Jesus responds, "It is said,
16:14 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.'
16:19 With each statement Jesus responds with scripture,
16:22 "It is written."
16:23 Notice, Jesus did not say, "It was written."
16:26 He did not say, "It will be written."
16:28 He did not say, "On my authority I say to you."
16:33 No, instead He uses the present tense
16:35 because you see the Word of God is the Living Word of God.
16:40 It was not spoken for some distant culture,
16:43 some distant group of Israelites
16:45 coming out of bondage from Egypt in the past.
16:48 It was not meant only for future generations.
16:50 No, it is the Living Word of God
16:52 and it is authoritative for every generation.
16:56 It is present truth for Moses,
16:58 and it is present truth for Christ,
16:59 and it is present truth for us today.
17:02 The Bible and the Bible only was Christ's method of defense
17:07 against the most vicious attacks from the adversary.
17:10 Jesus was God, but His defense,
17:14 in His defense He submitted to the Word of God.
17:18 It was not opinion,
17:19 it was not an elaborate convoluted argument.
17:22 It was not with words of personal animosity.
17:25 It was with the simple declarative words of scripture,
17:29 for Christ scripture had the greatest authority,
17:32 the greatest power when He was powerless.
17:38 Over the centuries of Christian history,
17:40 the same power of the Word of God
17:41 has sparked the greatest reformations
17:43 and revivals the world has ever known.
17:46 The greatest Protestant Reformation
17:49 came as the result of the Bible being translated by Wycliffe
17:52 and Luther and others into the language
17:54 of the peoples of Europe.
17:56 The writings influenced Hus and Jerome in Bohemia.
17:59 For the first time, kings and princes,
18:01 commoners and children could read the Word of God.
18:05 They could read for themselves the truths
18:06 of righteousness by faith.
18:08 The Bible which had been hidden and suppressed for centuries
18:11 provided an incredible new light
18:13 that penetrated the Dark Ages.
18:16 Three distinct principles of biblical interpretation
18:20 came out of that intense Bible study
18:23 as these people for the first time
18:25 again wrestled with the Word of God.
18:27 The first one was, "Sola Scriptura" the Bible alone.
18:32 Catholicism had long upheld her traditions
18:34 and teachings of the church beside the Bible
18:36 and with time they superseded the Bible.
18:42 The Protestant Reformation
18:44 called people back to the Bible.
18:46 The Bible alone was to decide matters of life and faith.
18:50 The Bible is the inspired Word of God called for a people
18:53 to be obedient to the law of God.
18:57 Paul writes, "All scripture is inspired by God
19:00 and profitable for teaching for reproof for corrections
19:04 for training in righteousness."
19:05 2 Timothy 3:16.
19:09 The second principle that the Protestant Reformation
19:13 came up with and should still be practiced by us today
19:17 is that scripture is its own interpreter.
19:21 Not every person is his own interpreter.
19:24 The Bible is to be interpreted from within itself.
19:28 The Old and New Testament shed light on each other,
19:32 fulfill one another,
19:33 one biblical passage helps unlock
19:35 another biblical passage.
19:37 The biblical writers themselves employed this method
19:40 again and again throughout scripture.
19:42 Daniel studies his contemporary.
19:45 Jeremiah who is back in Jerusalem
19:47 and based on his writings
19:50 discovers that the close of that time of exile,
19:54 that 70 year period is coming to an end.
19:57 And he prays to God for himself and for his people
20:00 and reformation and repentance.
20:02 Paul makes biblical arguments based on quotations
20:05 and direct references to the first chapters of Genesis
20:08 and many other books in the Bible.
20:11 Peter in this theme text for GYC.
20:13 This year refers back to Isaiah
20:17 and the prophecy concerning the Messiah
20:20 and sees that fulfilled in Jesus Christ
20:23 in the New Testament.
20:24 One inspired writer after another
20:26 under the guidance of the same Holy Spirit
20:28 provides clarity based on earlier Biblical teachings.
20:33 Scripture does not contradict scripture.
20:36 Amen.
20:38 For how can the Holy Spirit contradict himself.
20:42 Jesus clearly states in John 10:35,
20:46 ''Scripture cannot be broken."
20:49 There is unity in the diversity of times
20:52 places and inspired writers who wrote
20:54 as the same Holy Spirit guided them.
20:58 With this principle, difficult or obscure passages
21:02 must be interpreted from the basis
21:03 of less obscure passages
21:05 as we come together as you study the Word of God.
21:08 Study everything that is to be said about a topic
21:12 within the Word of God.
21:13 Don't leave anything out.
21:15 We have concordances for that reason.
21:18 Don't study a subject and use different subjects
21:21 that are unrelated, otherwise there will be confusion
21:24 and misinterpretation, misapplication.
21:29 By viewing all passages on the same subject
21:32 from every side,
21:33 the interpreter can expect to arrive
21:35 with the guidance of the same Holy Spirit
21:39 at the biblical meaning.
21:42 One should not be able to take all passages on a particular...
21:45 "One should be able to take all passages
21:46 on a particular subject from different times
21:49 and different locations and different writers
21:52 and varied circumstances
21:53 because all of scripture is inspired by God."
21:58 By viewing all passages on the same from every side,
22:01 we can arrive at truth.
22:04 On the road to Emmaus
22:08 after the huge crisis that the disciples faced,
22:14 Jesus applied this principle of scripture
22:17 as its own interpreter.
22:19 Luke 24:27 tells us
22:21 and beginning at Moses and all the prophets,
22:22 he expounded to them in all the scriptures
22:24 the things concerning himself.
22:26 Notice that Jesus again at this moment
22:28 of the great crisis for the future of the church
22:31 expound, explains, and describes
22:33 how the scripture from the beginning to the end
22:37 reflected Him and His mission and message.
22:43 Jesus again relies on the authority of scripture
22:47 as He describes to those disciples,
22:52 what really His message and mission was.
22:55 Number three, the plain meaning of scripture.
23:01 There is always a temptation to try to find
23:03 something innovative.
23:05 We're living in the last days
23:07 and the scriptures have been interpreted for a long time.
23:11 This church has been in existence for over 150 years,
23:16 and sometimes it seems to me
23:18 that there are people in our church
23:20 that are getting tired of the same old message,
23:22 and they want something innovative and new.
23:26 But, brothers and sisters,
23:27 this is not the time for innovation.
23:30 This is the time to stand with the Bible
23:33 and the Bible only.
23:34 Amen.
23:36 There is always a temptation to think of something
23:40 that no one else has thought of before,
23:42 but the study of scripture is not focused on us,
23:45 it is focused on God and His will.
23:49 For that reason, it is always safest to go
23:51 with the plain meaning
23:53 or the most obvious meaning of the passage
23:55 to argue for a translation of a word
23:58 based on some obscure thing
24:00 that no other translation of the Bible
24:03 seems to support is to cause confusion among each other
24:08 as we read our Bibles together.
24:15 In Selected Messages volume 2, verse 52,
24:18 Ellen White, has these words,
24:20 "Those who do not accept the Word of God."
24:23 Just as it reads, "Will be snared in his trap."
24:29 And the context tells us that Satan's trap.
24:33 "When we read the Bible, we look not for the complex,
24:38 but we look for the plain meaning of scripture
24:40 that is the same time simple and profound."
24:45 Jesus was simple in His words to the common people
24:49 that He reached out to.
24:52 Children should be able to read the Bible
24:55 and understand the gospel.
24:59 In fact, sometimes
25:01 they surprise us with their insights.
25:04 Young people here at GYC.
25:07 You should be able to open the Word of God
25:09 and come up with the teachings of what Christ has inspired
25:15 through the Old and New Testaments.
25:17 And find new meaning to life.
25:20 Number three, the sufficiency of scripture.
25:24 There is a subtle teaching today that presupposes
25:26 that we move beyond the Bible
25:28 in order to be relevant to our modern experience or culture
25:32 this view argues and it is found in Christianity without
25:36 and it is found sometimes even within our movement.
25:41 The view argues that the Holy Spirit continues
25:44 to guide the church to make decisions
25:46 or take positions that go beyond the Bible
25:50 and may even contradict the Bible.
25:53 This is called in some circles progressive revelation,
25:58 and by other scholars who have come up
26:00 with newer terminology today,
26:02 a trajectory hermeneutic, a trajectory that is hinted
26:06 at by the writers of the Bible,
26:08 but that is really coming into fruition today in the church.
26:13 It holds that the Christ in the Bible writers
26:16 were bound by circumstances in time
26:18 and could not go beyond the confines of their culture.
26:22 Since the Holy Spirit is at work today they argue,
26:25 the Holy Spirit continues to guide the church.
26:30 And that is true, but the model of church authority
26:35 over scripture authority is not a Protestant principle,
26:39 it's a Roman Catholic principle.
26:42 Jesus said in John 16:13,
26:44 "When he the Spirit of truth has come,
26:46 He will guide you into all the truth
26:47 for he will speak on his own authority,
26:49 he will not speak on his own authority,
26:51 but whatever he hears he will speak
26:53 and he will tell you things to come.
26:56 Like Christ who submitted himself to the Word of God,
26:59 the Holy Spirit will not move beyond this authority."
27:04 Ellen White has this powerful council in Great Controversy,
27:08 Roman numeral page IX.
27:12 "The spirit was not given, nor can it ever be bestowed
27:17 to supersede the Bible.
27:21 For the scriptures explicitly state
27:23 that the Word of God is the standard
27:26 by which all teaching and experience must be tested.
27:32 Today, we must continue to hold to the concept
27:34 of the sufficiency of scripture.
27:36 Isaiah 8:20 says,
27:38 "To the law and to the testimony
27:41 if they do not speak according to this word,
27:44 it is because there is no light in them."
27:46 By the word, the word law there,
27:48 torah is an all encompassing word
27:50 that refers to the teaching of scripture.
27:53 Everything must be tested by the Word of God.
27:56 This means that the Bible is sufficient
27:58 and authoritative in all matters.
28:00 It is foundational for every discipline
28:02 whether biology, psychology,
28:04 anthropology and yes, even theology.
28:08 To move beyond scripture is to move
28:10 beyond the example of Christ,
28:12 the author and finisher of our faith.
28:17 The final principle of Protestant interpretation
28:21 and we could list some others as well.
28:23 We don't have time today,
28:26 is the prophetic principle of historicism.
28:30 The Reformers were great students of prophecy
28:33 and the historicist's method of interpretation
28:36 was the great basis of their study and writing.
28:38 Historicism is the method of prophetic interpretation
28:41 practiced by the prophets of the Bible.
28:44 Prophecy is fulfilled over the course of history
28:47 and is inextricably bound with history.
28:51 Thus when we study the prophecy of Daniel
28:53 in Daniel 2 of this great image
28:55 that Nebuchadnezzar dreams about.
28:57 And we see Babylon, Medo-Persia,
28:59 Greece and Rome and the break up of Rome
29:01 into the countries of Europe
29:04 and down to the very end of time
29:06 when the rock cut out without hand,
29:08 comes down and crushes and establish
29:10 is a kingdom that will last forever.
29:13 As he looks down through the purview of history,
29:16 we see that the sequence of these empires are exactly
29:21 as described in the Bible.
29:23 Daniel 7, 8, 9 further expand on
29:25 certain aspects of this history.
29:27 The Book of Revelation continues that.
29:29 And Ellen White tells us these two books
29:31 need to be studied today as never before.
29:36 We find internal fulfillment in scripture
29:40 as Assyria and Babylon is predicted by the prophets
29:43 to destroy Israel and Judah respectively.
29:46 And we see its fulfillment within scripture itself.
29:50 As an archaeologist, I have excavated many sites in Israel.
29:55 And I have seen the destruction levels of these predictions
30:00 that are made in scripture.
30:03 This summer at the site of Lachish,
30:05 we excavated the Assyrian destruction of Sennacherib,
30:11 and we also excavated the Babylonian
30:14 destruction by Nebuchadnezzar
30:16 just before he went into Jerusalem
30:20 to destroy the temple.
30:23 These things, these prophetic points
30:30 today have the tendency to become spiritualized
30:33 and idealized in modern interpretation,
30:38 or there is a temptation in our circles today
30:43 to have many multiple fulfillments
30:47 for some of these prophecies.
30:49 We need to be careful, careful
30:53 that in the search for innovation
30:57 and acceptance in the scholarly world around us,
31:00 we don't lose sight of the prophetic historicist's
31:03 interpretation of prophecy that has made and galvanized
31:07 the Seventh-day Adventist Church to be what it is today.
31:09 Amen.
31:12 But with the rise of modernism and post-modernism,
31:15 the Bible is the basis for history,
31:17 and prophecy has come under increasing attack,
31:20 and the resulting tenants of historical criticism
31:22 places man's autonomous reason,
31:24 man's autonomous experience and philosophical naturalism
31:28 above the script of the Bible.
31:30 A secular scientific worldview has become the main way
31:34 in which scripture is interpreted at universities
31:37 and seminaries across this country
31:39 outside of our church, and yes,
31:41 it is even impacting our church as well.
31:47 But what does it do for the definition of Jesus
31:49 and His mission and message.
31:53 What would we know about Jesus outside of the Bible?
31:59 The Bible defines who Jesus is.
32:03 The Bible defines what He did.
32:09 If you say, there is no literal
32:11 six day creation at the beginning.
32:14 What do you do with John 1:1-3 which states,
32:18 "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God
32:20 and the word was God.
32:22 All things were created through Him."
32:26 Ephesians 3:9 says,
32:27 "God who created all things by Jesus Christ."
32:31 Hebrews 1:1, 2,
32:32 "God has in these last days spoken on to us
32:34 by His Son, by whom also he made the worlds."
32:37 Colossians 1:16-17,
32:40 "For by Him all things were created
32:42 that are in Heaven and are in earth.
32:45 All things were created by Him and by Him all things consist."
32:50 By rejecting the biblical view of creation,
32:54 you change the Bible's definition of who Jesus is.
33:00 If you conclude that Isaiah was not a prophet
33:03 who had the power through the Holy Spirit
33:04 to foretell the future, through the prophetic gift.
33:08 Then what do you do with the account of Jesus
33:10 who stands up to read Isaiah
33:12 in his home synagogue in Nazareth.
33:15 The people have seen this boy growing up in their midst
33:18 and suddenly Jesus is reading to them
33:20 from the Word of God and saying,
33:22 "This has been fulfilled in your hearing."
33:25 They knew what He was talking about,
33:27 they tried to kill Him afterwards.
33:33 If David did not exist and this is a real issue today,
33:36 that I'm involved with personally.
33:41 There are scholars today who said,
33:42 David and Solomon are not historical figures at all.
33:47 But how does that work then with Jerusalem,
33:49 which is the oldest capital in the world
33:51 going back 3000 years.
33:53 Who established Jerusalem?
33:56 What do you do with the Psalms that are still read as liturgy
34:01 in synagogues and in churches around the world?
34:05 What do you do with the defeat of the Philistines?
34:10 And what do you do with Solomon
34:11 and the building of the great temple?
34:13 Because there would be no Solomon if there was no David.
34:16 Most importantly what do you do with David
34:20 as the progenitor of the Messiah,
34:22 for it is through the line of David
34:24 that Jesus is promised?
34:27 What do you do with the last chapter of Revelation
34:29 when Jesus Himself proclaims I am the Son of David?
34:36 History and prophecy are inextricably bound together.
34:41 And both of those elements that have made us who we are,
34:46 are under increasing attack in the world today.
34:52 By removing history,
34:53 the power of the Bible becomes neutralized.
34:55 The Word of God has become the words of men.
34:59 By removing the God who acts in history
35:01 through His Son Jesus Christ,
35:02 we destroyed not only the prophetic word
35:05 but we removed the historical reality of who Jesus is.
35:09 The resulting relativism of postmodernism,
35:12 tolerance for all ideas and cultures
35:14 and the loss of a compass of morals has left society
35:18 without any direction at all.
35:21 And today's mantra, the goal is ultimate freedom
35:24 but it is Jesus who declares ultimate freedom
35:27 through belief in Him.
35:30 As an anthropologist, I was trained here
35:32 at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
35:35 We studied the life ways,
35:37 the beliefs and the practices of different people groups.
35:40 It was drilled into us that
35:42 there is no privileged culture or society.
35:45 Cultural relativism meant that we must come together
35:49 and accept one another's ideas as equally valid and true
35:52 even though they might be diametrically opposed.
35:56 Societies that greeted people were considered
35:59 as equally valid as societies that ate people.
36:03 In fact, the work of missionaries
36:04 was of particular annoyance in the field of anthropology.
36:08 Comments like this are common.
36:10 Missionaries have no right to go
36:12 and then try to change people's life ways.
36:14 We must appreciate these groups
36:16 and study them and leave them as they are.
36:20 But that is not what Jesus did.
36:23 He did not come into this world to study it
36:25 and leave us as we are.
36:28 Jesus came into this world to seek and to save the lost.
36:31 Amen.
36:33 And no matter what culture you belong to,
36:34 no matter what race you belong to,
36:35 no matter what language you speak.
36:39 Jesus came and died for you.
36:41 Amen.
36:44 Jesus was rather exclusive when he said,
36:46 "I am the way, the truth and the life.
36:49 No one comes to the Father except through me."
36:54 The problem with cultural tolerance is that it places
36:56 culture above the Bible and the law of God.
36:59 Today if we label something as culture,
37:01 it is almost reverenced.
37:04 Art is culture and the museums have lines
37:08 of people trying to get into them
37:10 when the churches in our western world stand empty.
37:14 Culture has the norm for determining the life of people
37:17 and also our values, but this begs the question,
37:19 which culture of the world's
37:21 6,500 language groups and cultures.
37:24 Which culture takes precedence?
37:26 Message.
37:29 Is that my culture?
37:30 Is it your culture?
37:32 Is it a hybrid culture?
37:34 Are our modern cultures today really superior
37:37 to the cultures of the past?
37:39 I study the cultures of the past
37:40 and I have to differ, I don't think so.
37:44 Have we been evolving into super humans?
37:48 Why?
37:49 Why do we think that because we have technology today?
37:54 The Middle Ages were known as the Dark Ages,
37:56 because the Word of God was kept hidden from the people.
37:59 But today in the wake of the fastest technologies
38:01 ever invented in human history and with data overload,
38:04 our world has been swept again into a deepening darkness.
38:09 You see, we have access to the Bible as never before,
38:12 we can download them on our Kindles and on our phones.
38:15 We can download them as apps.
38:17 We have them in every room of our house.
38:19 We even have them in our hotel rooms here at GYC.
38:27 Yet with all of this comes such monumental distraction.
38:32 Daniel predicted that in the last days,
38:34 men will run to and fro and knowledge shall crease.
38:36 The exponential increase in knowledge is so frenetic
38:39 that none of us can keep up with it
38:41 and we are desperately trying every day
38:43 to keep up with the flood of emails and texts
38:46 and everything else.
38:48 Last month, I was in New York City
38:50 at the Metropolitan Museum, this country's finest museum.
38:54 And what did I see on display along with mummies
38:56 and Egyptian temple, a statue of Hadrian,
38:59 the Roman emperor, and yes,
39:01 even an inscription that mentions David
39:03 for the first time outside of history.
39:05 What did I see there?
39:08 I saw the first video game
39:10 Atari Pac-Man invented in 1978.
39:16 It was the first video game I remember playing.
39:19 I don't play video games anymore by the way.
39:22 There's no time for that.
39:23 Amen.
39:25 Preach.
39:27 Preach.
39:28 Now this video game is in an archaeological museum,
39:31 does that tell you how fast our culture is changing?
39:34 Yes.
39:36 I want to ask you a question today and it's a question
39:38 that I ask myself, because it is endemic for all of us.
39:42 It affects all of us.
39:43 If we spend so many hours texting, tweeting, emailing,
39:47 Facebook and checking likes Instagram and Connected 24/7.
39:51 Are we really more connected today
39:53 than we've been in the past?
39:59 Is it possible that we spend less time
40:01 on those things that matter most?
40:05 Is the Bible still interesting for us today?
40:09 Is it still relevant for us today?
40:13 Are we spending enough time in the Word of God?
40:17 Are we spending enough time with family?
40:19 Are we spending enough time on those things
40:21 that matter most to the church?
40:23 Are we working for the church?
40:26 Could it be that we are under the impression
40:28 that we are connected but in reality
40:30 we are less connected with each other
40:32 and with God than ever before in history.
40:37 Sociologists are worried.
40:39 Neurologists are writing books.
40:42 I have one at home entitled The New Brain.
40:45 Studies have been published that show us that
40:47 these technologies in the media are rewiring our brains,
40:50 physically altering our neural pathways,
40:53 shrinking the frontal lobe where spiritual decisions
40:56 and moral decisions are made.
40:59 We have become numb to human suffering,
41:01 numb to spiritual realities,
41:03 clothed with an increasing obsession with ourselves.
41:09 But we think our culture is advanced,
41:11 because we have technologies.
41:14 The Bible gives us a very different picture.
41:17 The Bible tells us that when humanity was created
41:20 at the beginning,
41:21 it was created perfect
41:23 and we were created in the image of God.
41:27 The Bible tells us that humanity after the fall
41:30 in the entrance of sin has been
41:32 degenerating physically and mentally ever since.
41:35 What does this imply about us today?
41:39 Should we at the end of earth's history begin
41:41 changing the teaching of God's word?
41:44 Relativizing God's word
41:47 based on the increasing dysfunction in modern culture.
41:52 The grass withers, the flower fades says Isaiah,
41:55 but the word of our God stands forever.
41:57 Amen.
41:58 Culture changes, culture is fluid,
42:02 culture is unshifting sand.
42:06 Look at the reversal in government legislation
42:09 on marriage in this country alone in the last ten years.
42:14 What does this imply for us today?
42:19 What are we thinking about?
42:21 Is it coincidence that marriage and homosexuality
42:25 and gender issues are so contested today?
42:27 Is it coincidence that evolutionary theory
42:30 has even become mainstream in major Protestant Churches?
42:33 Is it coincidence that the seventh-day Sabbath
42:36 has been largely abandoned by 98 percent of Christianity?
42:40 Are or are these signs predicted
42:42 in the prophetic word of God?
42:45 Revelation 14:6-7 says,
42:47 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven
42:50 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
42:53 who dwell on the earth, to every nation,
42:55 tribe and tongue, and people."
42:58 The gospel is a universal gospel.
43:00 It is not based on culture, it is above culture.
43:03 Saying with a loud voice,
43:05 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
43:07 for the hour of his judgment has come.
43:10 And worship Him who made the heavens,
43:12 the earth, the sea
43:14 and of the springs of living water."
43:17 This is a direct quotation from the fourth commandment
43:19 by the way, it points back to creation.
43:22 My friends, it is the very fabric of God's creation
43:24 in Genesis 1 and 2.
43:26 Marriage between a man and a woman
43:27 as the basis of family and culture.
43:31 Seventh day communion with our Lord
43:33 and Savior Jesus Christ that is our fabric
43:35 of our relationship with Him.
43:37 And our belief that Jesus Christ is the creator
43:40 and will recreate us
43:42 when He comes again in the clouds of glory.
43:44 Amen.
43:45 The Three Angels' Messages are more relevant today
43:48 than they have ever been in earth's history.
43:51 We come to the last crisis in the life of Christ.
43:55 The powerful prayer of Jesus in John 17:1-19,
43:59 I can't read it all today,
44:00 but I'm going to read some of it.
44:02 Just before he endured the cross,
44:03 Jesus prayed this prayer for his disciples,
44:06 because he knew what they would be going through.
44:08 And I believe that prayer is still as valid for us today
44:11 as disciples of Jesus as they were
44:14 for the disciples in the first century.
44:18 Verse 1 John 17,
44:21 "Father, the hour has come.
44:26 Glorify Your Son,
44:29 that Your Son also may glorify You,
44:33 as You have given Him authority over all flesh,
44:36 that He should give eternal life
44:37 to as many as You have given Him.
44:40 And this is eternal life, that they may know You,
44:44 the only true God,
44:48 and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
44:51 I have glorified You on the earth.
44:53 I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.
44:56 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself,
45:00 with the glory which I had with You before the world was."
45:06 Verse 14,
45:09 "I have given them Your word,
45:13 and the world has hated them
45:16 because they are not of the world,
45:18 just as I am not of the world.
45:20 I do not pray that You should take them out of the world,
45:23 but that You should keep them from the evil one.
45:25 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
45:28 Sanctify them by Your truth.
45:31 Your word is truth.
45:34 As You sent Me into the world,
45:36 I also have sent them into the world.
45:38 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself,
45:41 that they also might be sanctified in your truth."
45:48 Commenting specifically on this prayer,
45:51 Ellen White has these words in Historical Sketches, 197,
45:57 "It is the duty of every one
45:59 to search the scriptures for himself.
46:03 We cannot accept the assertions of men as infallible
46:07 to those who oppose and denounce our faith we say,
46:09 "Show us from the Bible that we are in error."
46:13 God's word is to judge us in the last day.
46:18 And we want to know what saith the scripture.
46:21 We are regarded with jealousy and bitterness
46:23 because we will not accept as evidence
46:25 the assertions of men
46:26 and the testimony of the fathers
46:27 but we cannot purchase peace and unity
46:32 by sacrificing the truth."
46:34 Amen.
46:35 "The conflict may be long and painful but at any cost,
46:40 we must hold fast the Word of God,
46:43 the Bible and the Bible only
46:46 must be our watchword."
46:50 Christ has given us His word.
46:54 What has built Christ's church over the centuries
46:56 what has sustained God's church.
46:57 What has preserved God's church is the Living Word of God.
47:03 As we enter, if we enter into
47:07 a different method of interpreting the Bible.
47:10 That introduces human reason, human experience and culture
47:16 as the norm above scripture, we will no longer be united.
47:21 We will have theological and cultural pluralism
47:24 and the result will be disunity but most importantly,
47:28 we will be sacrificing the truth.
47:35 That summer
47:38 after Pan Am Flight 103.
47:42 I needed to earn some money.
47:44 I was a college student after all.
47:47 And I decided to work in Switzerland,
47:50 where I heard you could make three times
47:51 as much money as working construction back home.
47:56 So I went to the capital of Switzerland, Bern.
48:00 And got a job in one of the most
48:01 prestigious five star hotels next to Parliament.
48:08 I was looking forward to it
48:09 because my friends were going to be there,
48:11 but my friends deserted me,
48:12 they went to this Youth Congress.
48:15 Praise the Lord for Youth Congresses.
48:17 Amen.
48:19 They went to a Youth Congress in Barcelona,
48:21 it left me alone in a strange city
48:23 in a strange place with a new job.
48:25 I knew no one.
48:30 In all that year, those questions had been
48:32 resurfacing and resurfacing and resurfacing.
48:35 And I had put them aside and put them aside.
48:38 Many of my friends who had grown up in the church
48:40 were facing a crisis of faith and they raised questions
48:43 and they asked me those questions,
48:44 after all I was a theology student.
48:47 But I didn't have any answers.
48:52 But most importantly and deep in my heart
48:54 was that lingering question.
48:58 Why was I not on Pan Am Flight 103?
49:02 What did God want from me in this new lease on life?
49:08 And so, during those two weeks,
49:13 I opened the Word of God.
49:17 I studied as I had never studied the word before.
49:20 There was an intensity, there was a deep longing,
49:23 a need to know.
49:28 I needed to know answers to those questions.
49:31 It had come to a point where I could no longer put it off.
49:34 You know I want to say something here today
49:36 that is extremely important,
49:37 it is not wrong to ask questions.
49:40 Amen.
49:42 It is not wrong, God has put in us this desire
49:45 to know this curiosity, this, this longing to know Him.
49:50 And if we do not ask questions,
49:53 if we do not wrestle with God,
49:58 God will not display Himself in the same way
50:01 that He can when we wrestle with Him.
50:05 It's not time, it's not wrong to search.
50:09 But, my friends, we live in a society today
50:12 where it's very popular to search,
50:14 and to search, and to search, and to search
50:17 and to say, I am searching but in this culture,
50:20 it is very unpopular to ever find an answer.
50:23 And I would submit to you today,
50:28 that the answer is in the Word of God.
50:29 Amen.
50:31 As I studied the Word of God, I devoured the New Testament.
50:35 And then I picked up a little red book
50:37 that one of my friends had left with me,
50:40 it was entitled "The Great Controversy."
50:42 Amen.
50:44 Last year at GYC, we handed out
50:45 thousands of Great Controversies
50:47 in the community and to attendees.
50:51 And I hope that some of you took time
50:53 as I did this year to reread that book again.
50:57 I read it for the first time
50:58 there in that dorm room in Bern, Switzerland
51:01 at the University of Bern.
51:03 And I could not put it down.
51:06 I began to read it from cover to cover,
51:10 it was incredible, because that year I had spent.
51:13 I had put 45,000 kilometers on my car.
51:18 I had traveled all over Europe.
51:19 Europe is not a large place
51:21 but 45,000 kilometers in one year.
51:23 I had traveled all over Europe,
51:24 multiple trips to various places,
51:27 I had studied less German than I was supposed to,
51:29 but I had traveled well.
51:32 I had sat in the church where John Hus
51:34 preached the message of Reformation in Prague.
51:39 I had stood in the room in where Luther translated
51:42 the New Testament into the German vernacular.
51:44 I gazed out the window of the palace
51:46 where a Protestant threw out a Catholic
51:48 and started the 30 years war.
51:51 I was reading, through history that prophetically came alive.
51:56 For the first time in my adult life,
51:58 I understood that I was part of a legacy of men and women
52:03 who have given up their lives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ
52:07 and for the Living Word of God.
52:13 I realize that I was part of a much larger conflict.
52:17 A cosmic conflict, a conflict which centered on this planet,
52:20 and on the character, and justice of God.
52:23 And, friends, it no longer matter
52:24 that I was being trained to be a third generation
52:27 Seventh-day Adventist minister,
52:28 because I realized in those weeks and months
52:32 as I studied that there is no such thing
52:34 as a third generation Seventh-day Adventist minister.
52:37 All of us must become first generation
52:39 Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
52:41 Amen.
52:45 You know, what the most exciting thing was,
52:46 the most thrilling experience of all of this.
52:49 As I studied,
52:53 my questions were answered.
52:58 Those questions, those precious answers,
53:01 those precious answers that came
53:02 in the early hours of the morning,
53:04 and the late hours of the night.
53:06 Every moment, I stopped driving my car to work,
53:08 I took public transportation so I could read my Bible
53:11 and the Spirit of Prophecy on the bus.
53:14 Every break I had at the hotel,
53:16 I was down in the bowels of the hotel studying.
53:19 Every moment I could get, I was devouring God's word
53:23 and trying to understand.
53:26 And you know what?
53:28 The answers to those questions.
53:30 Praise the Lord, were the answers
53:31 that I had received growing up in this great
53:33 and wonderful movement,
53:35 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
53:37 But now for the first time, they were not the answers
53:39 that my parents had given me
53:40 or that my teachers had given me
53:42 or my wonderful youth pastors have given me.
53:44 No, they were questions that had been answered
53:47 by the Living Word of God
53:48 that had become the Word of God for me.
53:51 They were my answers.
53:53 Jesus Christ became real and tangible in my life.
53:57 I fell in love that summer with Jesus.
54:03 Everyone of us here today,
54:06 needs to have that kind of experience.
54:12 For Jacob, it was an all night wrestling match
54:14 with the Almighty.
54:17 For Isaiah, it was the touch of coal upon his lips
54:20 as he saw the Lord high and lifted up.
54:25 For Saul, it was a blinding lights on the Damascus road.
54:30 For me, when I was 20 years of age,
54:33 it was Pan Am Flight 103.
54:37 What will it be for you, my friend, today?
54:43 In Great Controversy, page 595, in that powerful chapter
54:47 where Ellen White
54:49 writes about scripture being our only safeguard
54:53 in the end times in which we live.
54:55 She says this,
54:57 "But God will have a people upon the earth
54:59 to maintain the Bible and the Bible only,
55:03 as the standard of all doctrines
55:05 and the basis of all reforms.
55:08 We need reformation, we need revival today.
55:10 It's the Bible that will bring about
55:12 and prayer and supplication,
55:14 the opinions of learned men, the deductions of science,
55:17 the creeds or decisions of Ecclesiastical councils.
55:20 As numerous and discordant as are the churches
55:23 which they represent the voice of the majority.
55:28 Not one of nor all of these should be regarded as evidence
55:31 for or against any point of religious faith.
55:35 Before accepting any doctrine or precept,
55:40 we should demand a plain thus saith the Lord in its support.
55:45 If there is no plain thus saith the Lord,
55:49 friends, let's not go there.
55:51 Let's be careful.
55:57 That night, that darkening afternoon
56:03 as Christ was suspended between heaven and earth on the cross.
56:09 His disciples had fled most of them.
56:16 He was all alone.
56:22 He felt alone.
56:24 "My God, My God why have You forsaken Me."
56:29 And yet, He was not alone.
56:33 In that darkness, there was one penetrating light
56:38 that gave the Savior hope and encouragement
56:40 that all had not been lost.
56:44 On either side of Him were two men
56:48 hanging on crosses as well.
56:50 One had scorned and rejected the Savior.
56:55 The other one had seen
56:59 how Jesus reacted to the cross.
57:03 How Jesus calmly accepted the penalty
57:09 of something that He did not do.
57:15 And that man was moved and asked God
57:20 whether he might not see Him in His Kingdom.
57:25 Those three crosses represent for us
57:28 something very important today.
57:32 Christ stands at the center.
57:33 He divides history for evermore.
57:37 We still reckon history as B.C. and A.D.
57:39 Christ is there at the center.
57:41 But there is only one question today.
57:44 One question.
57:47 Do you accept Jesus as revealed in His Word
57:52 as the way, the truth, and the life?
57:56 Do you remain faithful to scripture
57:58 as He remained faithful to scripture
58:01 to fulfill all the things that have been said of Him
58:04 so that you and I might have life?
58:07 There were no 50 decisions that could have been made,
58:10 there were no glaze that day in the darkness.
58:14 There was a simple decision;
58:19 will you remember me in your Kingdom?
58:22 Will you submit to Jesus Christ and to His word?
58:27 That question is still for us today.
58:30 And I want you to ask, I want to ask you
58:33 if you want to be one of those men and women
58:36 who will stand by the Bible and the Bible
58:38 only as we face the greatest crisis
58:40 this earth has ever faced.
58:42 We don't know what the future holds but,
58:45 it will be the greatest crisis and it's happening.
58:49 It's already happening today.
58:52 If you want to be one of those people,
58:53 I want to invite you to stand.
58:56 Stand on the living Word of God
58:59 that will remain forever, let's pray.
59:01 Heavenly Father, we thank You,
59:04 we thank You for the Living Word of God.
59:07 We thank You for Jesus Christ the Word incarnates
59:11 that came to reveal God's truth in human form.
59:17 He knows what we are going through,
59:19 He experienced the temptations,
59:21 He experienced all that we experienced today.
59:25 There is nothing that He went through,
59:29 nothing more that we can go through
59:31 that He did not go through.
59:33 So today, Christ,
59:36 in the name of Christ,
59:37 we ask that we would remain faithful,
59:41 faithful to the promises of Your word.


Revised 2016-07-28