Generation of Youth for Christ 2014

Morning Devotion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Adam Ramdin


Series Code: 14GYC

Program Code: 14GYC000007A

00:10 You know, as I was thinking this morning
00:12 about this Sabbath.
00:13 It's the day that God has set aside for us,
00:16 the special holy day for us,
00:20 because He wants to spend time with us.
00:22 And this day was set
00:23 from before the foundations of the world,
00:26 because He knew,
00:28 that in His purpose of making us,
00:30 it was to spend time with us,
00:32 because He loves us.
00:35 And we have come to worship Him this morning.
00:37 And as we have come to worship Him,
00:39 we are told by Sister White that when we sing,
00:44 it is as much of an active worship as His prayer.
00:47 So as we sing this morning,
00:48 let us enter His gates with thanks giving
00:51 and its chords with praise.
00:53 Let's be thankful to Him and praise His name
00:55 and bless His name,
00:57 for the Lord is what GYC?
01:00 "He is good, His mercy is everlasting
01:02 and his truth endureth to all generations."
01:05 Our first song is gonna be,
01:06 ''He leadeth me."
01:12 He leadeth me O blessed thought!
01:18 O words with heavenly
01:22 Comfort fraught!
01:25 Whate'er I do
01:29 Where'er I be
01:33 Still 'tis God's hand
01:36 That leadeth me
01:41 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
01:47 By His own hand
01:50 He leadeth me
01:54 His faithful follower I would be
02:00 For by His hand
02:03 He leadeth me
02:08 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom
02:14 Sometimes where Eden's Bowers bloom
02:21 By waters still
02:24 O'er troubled sea
02:28 Still 'tis His hand
02:31 That leadeth me!
02:36 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
02:42 By his own hand
02:45 He leadeth me
02:49 His faithful follower I would be
02:55 For by His hand
02:58 He leadeth me
03:04 And when my task on earth is done
03:10 When, by Thy grace, the victory's won
03:17 E'en death's cold wave
03:19 I will not flee
03:24 Since God through Jordan leadeth me
03:31 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
03:37 By his own hand
03:40 He leadeth me
03:45 His faithful follower I would be
03:51 For by His hand
03:54 He leadeth me
04:00 As we look back on the way.
04:02 That He has lead in our lives.
04:03 I know as I have looked back in the way He has lead my life,
04:07 and I know that He has never ever failed.
04:13 The more you trust Him,
04:14 the more you want to get to know Him.
04:17 And the more you exclaim I would rather have Jesus
04:21 than absolutely anything this world affords today.
04:26 Our next song is, 'I'd rather have Jesus'
04:29 and I encourage you
04:30 and I challenge you to sing this
04:32 as a prayer from the bottom of your hearts.
04:43 Ladies, let's start.
04:46 I'd rather have Jesus
04:50 Than silver or gold
04:55 I'd rather be His
04:59 Than have riches untold
05:04 I'd rather have Jesus
05:09 Than houses or lands
05:13 I'd rather be led
05:18 By His nail pierced hand
05:23 Than to be the king
05:28 Of a vast domain
05:32 Or be held
05:35 In sin's dread sway
05:41 I'd rather have Jesus
05:46 Than anything
05:51 This world affords
05:56 Today--
06:00 Gentlemen.
06:01 I'd rather have Jesus
06:06 Than men's applause
06:10 I'd rather be faithful
06:14 To His dear cause
06:18 I'd rather have Jesus
06:23 Than worldwide fame
06:27 I'd rather be true
06:32 To His holy name
06:36 Than to be the king
06:41 Of a vast domain
06:45 Or be held
06:47 In sin's dread sway
06:54 I'd rather have Jesus
06:59 Than anything
07:03 This world affords
07:08 Today
07:13 He's fairer than lilies
07:18 Of rarest bloom
07:22 He's sweeter than honey
07:27 From out of the comb
07:31 He's all that
07:34 My hungering spirit needs
07:41 I'd rather have Jesus
07:45 And let Him lead
07:50 Than to be the king
07:55 Of a vast domain
07:59 Or be held
08:02 In sin's dread sway
08:09 I'd rather have Jesus
08:14 Than anything
08:18 This world affords
08:24 Today.
08:30 Amen.
08:32 Is that your cry? Is that your claim?
08:34 Is that's what sends you to your knees?
08:37 I pray it is.
08:40 Our last song is gonna be our theme song
08:41 ''At the Cross'' and this is what keeps us,
08:44 looking to Christ.
08:46 Looking to Him and going I'd rather have you,
08:48 is by spending every morning at His cross.
08:51 So I encourage you to stand as we sing, ''At the Cross.'
09:03 Alas, and did my Savior bleed?
09:09 And did my Sovereign die?
09:15 Would He devote that sacred head
09:20 For someone such as I?
09:26 At the cross, at the cross
09:29 Where I first saw the light
09:32 And the burden of my heart rolled away
09:38 It was there by faith
09:41 I received my sight
09:44 And now I am happy all the day!
09:50 Was it for crimes that I have done
09:55 He suffered on the tree?
10:01 Amazing pity!
10:05 Grace unknown!
10:07 And love beyond degree!
10:13 At the cross, at the cross
10:16 Where I first saw the light
10:19 And the burden of my heart rolled away
10:25 It was there by faith
10:28 I received my sight
10:31 And now I am happy all the day!
10:37 But drops of grief can ne'er repay
10:43 The debt of love I owe
10:49 Here, Lord, I give myself away
10:55 'Tis all that I can do!
11:01 At the cross, at the cross
11:04 Where I first saw the light
11:07 And the burden of my heart rolled away
11:12 It was there by faith
11:16 I received my sight
11:19 And now I am happy all the day!
11:24 At the cross, at the cross
11:27 Where I first saw the light
11:30 And the burden of my heart rolled away
11:36 It was there by faith I received my sight
11:43 And now I am happy all the day!
11:50 Amen. Thank you for singing with us.
11:52 You may be seated.
11:56 Good morning.
11:57 How you guys doing this morning?
12:00 Did you sleep well?
12:02 How many of you are happy that it is finally Sabbath?
12:05 Amen. Praise the Lord, it is so good.
12:08 And you know, I'm especially excited that it's Sabbath
12:10 because last year in Orlando, Florida,
12:13 I was so sick all the Sabbath
12:15 that I was in bed the entire day.
12:17 I didn't get to go to a single seminar,
12:19 a single sermon and I was bummed.
12:21 So now I am excited
12:22 to finally be at a Sabbath meeting at GYC.
12:25 Amen.
12:26 So before we get into day's message,
12:29 I just, I found a quote this morning
12:31 that I wanted to share with you guys.
12:33 It says, ''We are pilgrims and strangers in this world,
12:36 but we are traveling to a heavenly country.''
12:39 Amen. Amen.
12:40 ''We shall meet with disappointments.
12:43 But it is our privilege to turn every apparent
12:46 defeat into a victory.
12:49 Satan will contend for our souls
12:51 every step of the way,
12:52 but if we look over to Jesus,
12:54 our present help in every time of need,
12:57 He will lift up for us a standard against the enemy.''
13:00 Amen.
13:01 So even when we face apparent defeat,
13:03 we can turn those into victories.
13:05 Amen. Amen.
13:07 Before we get in, let's go ahead
13:08 and I would ask that everyone kneel
13:10 and as we invite God to be with us today.
13:18 Father in heaven, Lord, we thank You,
13:21 we thank You for the gift of Christ to us on the cross
13:24 and now as He's ministering for us
13:26 in the heavenly sanctuary Lord, we are in such debt to Him.
13:30 But, Lord, thank You that You have given us grace
13:34 and, Father, we put our lives in Your hands
13:36 and we ask that You will be with us today
13:38 in a special way,
13:39 and You will guide us and keep us, Lord.
13:41 We love You.
13:43 Send Your Holy Spirit to be with us, Lord,
13:44 and rain it down.
13:46 Father, we need Him in so many ways.
13:48 We love you, Lord,
13:50 and in the mighty name of Jesus we pray.
13:51 Amen.
13:54 As many of you know,
13:55 we have been having--
13:57 We have been having a lot of blessings this morning--
13:59 Or sorry this week
14:01 in our morning devotionals with Adam Ramdin,
14:03 Amen. Amen.
14:04 And for those of you who don't know,
14:06 Adam Ramdin is again speaking this morning
14:09 and he comes all the way from England,
14:11 where he does,
14:12 where he works with the Peace Evangelism School,
14:14 so I know you guys will be blessed
14:16 and I know that you guys will go away
14:18 with something from it.
14:19 So I--
14:21 have a good day.
14:22 And yeah, God bless.
14:27 Amen.
14:29 Amen.
14:45 I've tried in vain a thousand ways
14:50 My fears to quell
14:53 My hopes to raise
14:56 But all I need
14:59 The Bible says
15:01 Is ever, only Jesus
15:08 My soul is night
15:11 My heart is steel
15:13 I cannot see
15:16 I cannot feel
15:18 For light, for life
15:21 I must appeal
15:23 In simple faith to Jesus
15:29 For whatever if I should die
15:34 Without a promised home
15:36 My tears undone
15:39 And tears and dried
15:41 For fears we lied
15:44 On hopes tonight
15:49 So I will take him at his word
15:54 For his name sake
15:57 Whose spirit spurred
15:59 My heart away
16:01 When first met him
16:04 Sweet promises of Jesus
16:28 His promise remind for bread and wine
16:33 My faith will follow Him for now I find
16:37 My fears resign
16:39 And hopes are lined
16:41 With my Lord's mind
16:47 He died, He lives, He reigns, He pleads
16:53 There's love in all His words and deeds
16:58 There's all a guilty sinner needs
17:03 Forever more
17:06 In Jesus.
17:12 Amen. Amen.
17:23 Good morning. Good morning.
17:26 Happy Sabbath! Happy Sabbath!
17:32 Shall we bow our heads as we start this morning
17:34 worship thought with a word of prayer.
17:41 Father in Heaven,
17:43 Lord, as we bow our heads this morning,
17:49 I pray Lord that You may speak to each one of our hearts
17:55 on this most beautiful theme about the cross.
17:59 Lord, touch us, move us,
18:03 shape us, convict us.
18:06 I pray Lord, You would speak through me
18:10 and in Jesus' name we pray.
18:12 Amen.
18:25 Do any of you know what it's like
18:27 to experience being outside of the conversation
18:31 that's going on in the room?
18:35 It can be a little bit awkward.
18:38 When a joke is taking place
18:40 and you're not part of the joke.
18:42 It's not funny for you.
18:45 We have a saying that sometimes you can feel
18:47 like you are out of the loop.
18:51 When you're out of the loop, it feels frustrating.
18:55 When you're the odd person out, it's uncomfortable.
19:00 If you are an outcast, it's lonely.
19:05 If you are an outsider, nobody, nobody,
19:10 likes to be an outsider.
19:15 Our sermon this morning is entitled 'The Outsider."
19:20 If you turn with me in your Bibles,
19:21 if you have them to the Book of Hebrews 13.
19:26 Hebrews 13,
19:27 we're going to look at a verse of scripture there
19:30 in our morning study.
19:32 Hebrews 13.
19:42 Hebrews 13
19:43 and the theme for today is total saving grace.
19:45 In Hebrews 13 and verse 12,
19:48 the Bible says, "Wherefore Jesus also,
19:52 that he might sanctify the people with his blood.''
19:57 What did he do?
19:59 He suffered without the gate.
20:03 In order it says that,
20:05 Jesus might sanctify the people with His blood.
20:07 The Bible says,
20:08 He suffered without the gate.
20:10 And we're going to take a look at this verse
20:12 this morning step by step and work our way through it.
20:15 What does it mean, when it says,
20:16 Jesus in order to sanctify us?
20:20 What does the word sanctification mean?
20:23 What is sanctification?
20:26 There is a view
20:29 that at the cross
20:30 Jesus deals only with your forgiveness.
20:33 Your justification at the cross
20:36 is all that is needed to qualify you for heaven.
20:39 This theory or teaching goes on to say
20:42 that the righteousness God produces in you,
20:45 after that has no saving value.
20:47 It only gives evidence of your salvation,
20:50 but does not contribute towards it.
20:53 Sanctification is therefore a fruit of salvation
20:56 but not a prerequisite for it.
21:00 Some say.
21:03 Some say.
21:05 But this does not match with 2 Thessalonians,
21:07 if you are taking notes,
21:08 I don't have time to turn there,
21:09 Chapter 2 and verse 13
21:11 where the Bible says,
21:13 "God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation,
21:18 through sanctification
21:21 of the spirit and belief of the truth."
21:24 Just like in justification,
21:25 it's our part to believe in God,
21:27 to choose, to surrender to Him,
21:29 to confess our sins to Him.
21:32 It's God's part to forgive us,
21:34 to count us righteous
21:35 and cleanse us from our filthy garments.
21:38 So in sanctification,
21:40 it's our part to choose, to obey God,
21:45 to surrender our weak fallen natures to Him daily,
21:48 and it's God's part to count us holy to dwell within us,
21:52 to empower us
21:54 and give us the ability
21:55 to obey Him in the areas where He requires obedience.
22:01 When we look at the word sanctification,
22:02 it can sometimes seem like a long word.
22:05 It refers to the work of the Holy Spirit in us,
22:07 from the moment
22:09 we accept Christ until our last moment.
22:12 A work in which our lusts are restrained,
22:15 our faith is increased
22:17 and our character
22:18 begins to more fully reflect the character
22:21 and beauty of Jesus Christ.
22:23 This is the work
22:25 that the Holy Spirit does in us.
22:28 Now, how does God sanctify His people?
22:31 The verse that we just read says,
22:34 "Through His blood He sanctifies us,
22:36 and He suffered without the gate."
22:40 He suffered without the gate.
22:42 We are sanctified
22:43 by the powerful blood of Jesus Christ.
22:46 When Jesus died,
22:48 He accomplished two things.
22:49 Number one, His objective was to pardon and forgive us.
22:53 Number two, His objective is to cleanse us.
22:56 So in sanctification we have to look for the cross.
22:59 But let me ask you
23:00 at the beginning of this year 2015, sorry.
23:04 How has the year been with you?
23:09 How much God's purpose in your life
23:10 for sanctifying you been in this past year?
23:14 Ponder the questions
23:16 if you would.
23:17 In the past year, has your faith increased
23:20 during the year?
23:22 In the past year, have you over come
23:26 some corruptions in your heart?
23:29 Are you living nearer to Christ now,
23:31 today on this Sabbath
23:32 than you were the first Sabbath of last year?
23:35 Do you know more of your Savior?
23:37 Are you approaching Him more in likeness?
23:40 Do you have more power in your prayer?
23:42 Are you more careful in your life?
23:44 Are you more loving than you used to be?
23:47 Are you more decisive for what is right
23:50 and at the same time more humble
23:52 in being decisive?
23:55 Are you in all aspects standing for Jesus Christ
23:59 as your Savior?
24:01 How is it with you at the beginning of this year?
24:04 Whatever you answer to that question,
24:07 from this day forward the key is to press on.
24:11 Now in Hebrew 13:12,
24:14 in Hebrews 13:12,
24:16 we read the verse and it says,
24:18 "Wherefore Jesus that He might sanctify the people
24:22 with His own blood, suffered
24:24 without or outside the gate."
24:28 I want to take a few moments
24:29 and look at this phrase outside the gate,
24:31 outside the gate.
24:33 Why did Jesus have to suffer outside the gate?
24:36 You see, when you look at the Jewish sanctuary
24:38 in the Old Testament,
24:40 in particular the sin offering.
24:42 The high priest offered the sin offering,
24:45 is only when he offered the sin offering
24:47 because it was offensive to God.
24:49 It was burned not on the altar of sacrifice,
24:53 but it was burned outside the camp
24:55 to show Gods detestation for sin
24:58 and His determination to put it away from His people
25:00 and His church.
25:02 In Leviticus 6:30,
25:04 the Bible says,
25:06 "And no sin offering, where of any of the blood
25:10 is brought into the tabernacle of the congregation
25:13 to reconcile in the holy place, shall be eaten:
25:16 it shall be burnt with fire."
25:18 The sin offering was burnt outside the camp
25:21 not on the altar inside the courtyard.
25:23 Now interesting,
25:24 when Jesus came to this world to be our sin offering,
25:28 it's interesting how accurately
25:30 He fulfilled the type in order to be our Savior.
25:35 It's interesting.
25:36 It's remarkable how providence provided
25:39 for Jesus to fulfill the type.
25:42 Had Jesus been killed in Luke 4,
25:45 when they wanted to kill Him,
25:46 it's likely He may have died
25:48 within the realms of the city.
25:51 When you read in John 8,
25:52 as we referenced yesterday in our sermon.
25:54 And you read in John 10,
25:56 as we referenced yesterday in our sermon.
25:58 When they wanted to kill Jesus,
25:59 not only was it the wrong time to kill Jesus.
26:02 It had not yet been three and a half years.
26:04 It was the wrong place.
26:05 In John 8, Jesus was inside the city.
26:09 In John 10, Jesus was inside the city
26:12 and, and as a sin offering,
26:14 He had to suffer outside of the gate.
26:19 Unless, Jesus was put to death judicially,
26:22 it would have been unlikely for Him to die
26:25 on the Mount of Doom, Golgotha.
26:27 It's remarkable, I think it's quite remarkable
26:29 that the Romans chose
26:30 a place outside the city to do the crucifixion.
26:34 If I was the Romans and I wanted to put fear
26:36 in the heart of the Jews
26:38 for disobeying the Roman Empire.
26:40 I would put that cross
26:42 right in the middle of the city,
26:44 where everyone can see it and where the person
26:46 who's dying dies a slow
26:48 and painful death in view of everybody.
26:52 If you go to England
26:53 there are certain cities you can go to,
26:55 I can take you to the city of Oxford.
26:57 And there right in the middle of the city,
26:59 there's a white cross on the ground,
27:01 right on the main street
27:02 outside one of the colleges in Oxford
27:04 near the main shopping street.
27:05 There's a white cross on the ground
27:07 signifying the place
27:08 where Ridley, Latimer and Cranmer
27:10 were burnt to death
27:11 right in the middle of the city.
27:14 As a spectacle, don't defy the church
27:17 or you will die too.
27:19 Today, on the news you watch ISIS
27:21 going around chopping people's heads off
27:23 in the Middle East, terrible.
27:26 But if you compared the number of people
27:27 who have had their heads chopped off
27:29 to the number of people who have died by gunfire,
27:31 it's probably vastly different in numbers.
27:34 But the beheadings is so ghastly,
27:36 it's so raw
27:38 that it strikes fear
27:39 into the hearts of the people
27:40 when they hear ISIS is coming to the town.
27:43 Fear is a great motivator of people unfortunately.
27:48 But the cross
27:49 which struck fear into the heart of the Jews
27:51 was not there in the middle of the city.
27:54 Jesus must not die in a commotion,
27:56 in the midst of the city.
27:58 He must die outside the city.
28:00 And so the Romans had a place of execution
28:02 outside the city limits, that by dying outside,
28:07 Jesus might be our sin offering.
28:12 Let me ask you a question.
28:14 Who was outside the city?
28:18 If you had gone to the great camp of Israel
28:20 there in the Old Testament,
28:21 who was outside the camp of Israel?
28:24 You would have seen that the standard of Dan,
28:27 the standard of Judah, the standard of Ruben,
28:29 there in the camp of Israel, but who was outside.
28:32 If you had looked far into the distance,
28:34 you would have seen some wretched huts
28:36 in the distance,
28:37 and if you would ask someone
28:38 who is living in those huts out there.
28:40 The answer would have come back to you,
28:41 in those huts out there,
28:43 that is the unclean, that is the lepers,
28:47 they're outside the camp, for they cannot come in.
28:50 And if you had wandered
28:51 your way out through the tents
28:54 and you were gone outside the camp,
28:56 and as you wandered around outside the camp,
28:58 somewhere sooner or later,
29:00 you would have heard the cry coming out
29:03 unclean, unclean, unclean.
29:07 For the leper's responsibility was to warn you,
29:10 that you did not come close to their presence.
29:12 Lest even the wind should blow and you would catch the leprosy
29:16 through the wind.
29:20 If you'd gone closer, if you could see closer,
29:24 you would see the leper,
29:25 not with a nice red ruddy lips that you have today,
29:30 but there above his teeth
29:31 would be a white line where the lips had been...
29:34 the lips had been eroded away
29:36 so to speak.
29:37 And as you got closer,
29:38 they would cover their mouth with a cloth or a hand
29:40 and say unclean, unclean,
29:42 unclean again.
29:43 For they did not want you to come there
29:44 into his presence,
29:46 it was a deadly disease, a contagious disease
29:50 of whom is the leper a type.
29:57 The leper is a type of you and I
29:59 in our natural state.
30:01 Without Jesus Christ, we are like the leper,
30:05 sinful, miserable, unjustified.
30:11 Jesus died outside the camp, that He might sanctify us.
30:16 Follow me now, picture the scene.
30:18 Use your righteous imagination. Your what imagination?
30:23 Your righteous imagination. Picture the scene if you will.
30:26 You know, you will not find this
30:28 written in the pages of scripture,
30:29 but picture the scene if you will.
30:32 There is a leper outside the camp,
30:35 he cannot mingle with the others.
30:36 He is not allowed inside to the camp
30:39 and as he is out there outside the camp,
30:40 there are certain things they couldn't do.
30:41 If they came to a stream, you know, probably likely,
30:44 they weren't allowed to drink from the stream,
30:45 lest they contaminate the water
30:47 and people live further on would catch leprosy.
30:50 So maybe, just maybe,
30:51 if they want to get a drink of water,
30:53 they find a puddle, stagnant, dirty water
30:56 and there they sip from the stagnant dirty water.
31:00 If their own father comes outside the city,
31:02 they have to run and go away from him.
31:04 If the man's wife came outside the city,
31:07 she as the wife would have to shun her husband,
31:10 lest she catch the leprous disease.
31:14 And as this leper is walking along
31:16 outside the camp,
31:17 he walks along and he goes around
31:19 some big boulders there in the desert,
31:20 and as he walks around the boulders in the desert,
31:23 there he sees just not too far away
31:27 a cross.
31:31 Lifting up on the cross,
31:32 there is one dying on it and he stops.
31:35 Now he knows he is not allowed
31:36 into the presence of any living person.
31:38 He has to warn them that he is coming,
31:40 but he thinks to himself, this man is dying.
31:45 Surely, surely, he can approach a dying man,
31:49 for a man who is dying cannot die twice.
31:52 And so slowly, carefully, he walks toward the man
31:55 hanging on the cross timidly at first,
31:57 but as he gets closer, he notices that on the cross
32:00 the one who is there is still alive.
32:04 Craving some human company,
32:06 even if it is a dying man, he gets closer and closer
32:09 and as he stands there finally under the cross,
32:12 and he looks up,
32:14 the face looking down at him is a face of love,
32:16 compassion, tenderness, mercy
32:19 and goodness looking down at him.
32:23 Wilt thou be made whole?
32:28 Joy fills his heart. He is outside the city.
32:32 He is unclean.
32:33 But here outside the city, he finds one dying on a cross.
32:38 This man spoke to him.
32:39 Not any old words, but words of life,
32:43 encouragement and joy filled his heart,
32:46 he has been cleansed.
32:52 This morning,
32:56 look to Jesus.
32:58 He died outside the camp where the poor, unclean sinners
33:03 like you and I might find Him.
33:06 The leper would never have been allowed inside the city,
33:09 only outside.
33:11 But as one man was dying, figuratively speaking,
33:15 he gave life to another, the beauty of salvation.
33:20 This is the first lesson this morning from the text.
33:24 Jesus died outside the camp, because that's where we are
33:27 before we accept Christ into our life.
33:30 The leper is a type of us in our unconverted state,
33:33 where we need Jesus outside the camp.
33:35 But the text says,
33:37 ''In order that Jesus
33:38 might sanctify us through His blood.'
33:41 'You see this comes a little closer.
33:43 Now you may say,
33:44 ''Oh, that was a nice word picture that you just said,
33:46 that was interesting,
33:47 but I accepted Christ into my heart 10 years ago,
33:50 20 years ago, 30 years ago,
33:52 two years ago three decades ago
33:54 is when I accepted Christ into my heart,
33:56 and I can't quite resonate
33:57 necessarily with that experience.''
34:00 But you see sanctification is the work of a lifetime.
34:04 It's a school from which you never graduate from.
34:07 It's something that happens every week,
34:08 every moment.
34:11 How many of you can resonate with this?
34:13 You know the feeling
34:14 where you've accepted Christ into your heart.
34:17 And as you're going along your Christian journey,
34:19 some evil propensity comes back to life
34:22 that you thought had gone.
34:23 And you feel in that moment, in that moment you feel,
34:29 as though you couldn't come before God again.
34:32 You feel like you've lost His presence,
34:35 you slipped again,
34:36 and you knew you shouldn't slip up,
34:38 you prayed about the very thing,
34:39 but you still slipped up and went into sin,
34:41 and the same old feeling of sin
34:43 and guilt and filthiness comes back to you.
34:48 You feel like you can't meet God,
34:49 you can't go into His presence.
34:52 You feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling.
34:55 You open your Bible to read it,
34:56 and it seems like God just,
34:58 it is just dry.
35:01 Your religious experience has dried up.
35:04 There have been times when I have gone to church
35:06 knowing what I might be struggling with,
35:09 and while serving God,
35:10 I may feel
35:11 there in the presence of other believers
35:13 as if I am the most unclean of everyone there
35:18 outside the camp.
35:21 How many times,
35:22 have you may be being to camp meeting
35:25 had that spiritual high and on the way back home,
35:28 you're right back to where you were one week previous.
35:33 How is it gonna be for you on Monday morning,
35:36 when there is no GYC devotion to come to?
35:41 How will it be on Tuesday morning,
35:43 when you're back home and you don't have
35:45 2,3000 Adventists around you anymore?
35:48 It's just you and your Bible and audio books and 3ABN.
35:52 Message.
35:55 How will it be?
35:58 You know what it's like to go to Bible camp.
36:01 And on the way home, you load those same web pages,
36:05 you said, you would never load again.
36:08 You go to church on Sabbath, maybe, and that very night
36:13 you're somewhere where you should not be.
36:16 How many of you know
36:17 the experience to preach a sermon,
36:19 to teach a Sabbath school class,
36:20 to be there in some important meeting in church
36:23 or planning the next greatest thing
36:25 to hit the Adventist Church,
36:26 and when you get back home with your wife, your husband,
36:29 your son, your daughter, your mother, your father,
36:31 your brother, your sister,
36:32 you fly into a rage at the slightest provocation.
36:37 Message.
36:42 And you feel outside the camp.
36:46 Sometimes you wonder
36:47 why it's easy to be a Christian here,
36:49 around Christians than around your family.
36:53 And you sometimes wish if only
36:55 I didn't have to see my family,
36:56 I would be ready for translation.
37:03 At this time,
37:04 your faith is sluggish, your hope is dull.
37:12 Who here today
37:15 in this esteemed gathering of Seventh-day Adventists,
37:18 the largest annual gathering of Seventh-day Adventists
37:20 on the top side of the earth
37:22 of Bible believing Seventh-day Adventist?
37:25 Who is they here
37:26 who has not been put outside the camp.
37:30 Who is they here.
37:31 Maybe today,
37:33 you feel you are outside the camp
37:35 physically inside, but spiritually outside.
37:39 Through the actions of thoughts,
37:40 the motives of your heart, you feel outside the camp.
37:43 In the process of sanctification,
37:46 I believe God puts us outside the camp,
37:49 where our sin needs to be forgiven
37:51 and our sin needs to be cleansed.
37:52 It doesn't matter what titles we hold,
37:54 it doesn't matter who we are,
37:56 what position we have in the church,
37:57 the process of sanctification in our life is a real process.
38:01 But don't miss the point, when we're outside the gate
38:04 because we have sinned.
38:06 When we're outside the gate because we have sinned.
38:08 Remember that Jesus died outside the gate
38:11 that He might sanctify us with His own blood.
38:14 Amen.
38:16 He's not there with us in our action.
38:17 Amen.
38:19 He is there to cleanse us when we come to Him.
38:23 Jesus Himself shut Himself out.
38:26 He was despised and rejected of men.
38:28 He was outside the gate.
38:31 No matter who you are today, no matter where you come from,
38:33 no matter how many times you've gone in and out,
38:36 back and forth from the city.
38:38 Today, today the call is, if you're outside the camp,
38:41 Jesus says, "Come back in, come to me."
38:45 Come to me for Jesus died outside the gate,
38:48 that in the process of sanctification,
38:50 He can cleanse us and give us power.
38:52 It's not something
38:54 you and I should struggle with on our own,
38:56 getting ourselves in a fit condition
38:58 before we come back to God, that's often how we feel,
39:00 I slipped, I've gone away from God,
39:02 I've got to clean myself up
39:03 and then come back to Him.
39:07 When we're there outside the gate,
39:10 Jesus is there to sanctify us.
39:12 He died outside the gate that He might sanctify us
39:14 and give us power and cleanse us
39:16 each time we come back to Him.
39:19 The problem is that,
39:20 well, too often when we're outside,
39:22 we think we're too far from God.
39:24 We're too far.
39:27 You know in the process of sanctification,
39:28 Jesus deals with us.
39:31 He brings different points to our character.
39:33 1 Testimony, page 187 says,
39:35 ''At every advance point
39:37 the heart is tested and tried a little closer.
39:39 Some are willing to receive one point,
39:41 but when God brings them to another testing point,
39:44 they shrink from and stand back
39:45 because they find it strikes directly
39:47 at some cherished idol."
39:49 The process what God does with us,
39:50 He brings us and He shows us our heart
39:52 what we are cherishing.
39:55 And sometimes we may overcome and surrender.
39:57 But sometimes we don't,
39:58 and we cling on to it.
40:00 And in the process of clinging on to it,
40:03 we are outside.
40:07 No matter when you accept Jesus as your Lord
40:08 and Savior into a heart.
40:10 We must go through the process of justification,
40:12 forgiveness, pardon,
40:13 opening the heart to God and sanctification,
40:16 that daily moment by moment cleansing of the heart.
40:20 Jesus died outside the gate
40:21 to give us hope in justification,
40:23 but also to be there throughout out sanctification.
40:28 After we've surrendered our heart to Jesus,
40:29 the struggle continues.
40:31 The struggle is real.
40:32 And as we're married to Jesus Christ,
40:35 we see ourselves in ways
40:36 that we would never see our self before.
40:39 I recently got married 14 months ago, amen.
40:42 Amen.
40:43 Marriage is a beautiful thing. Amen.
40:46 The marriage also shows you things about yourself
40:48 that you never knew were there.
40:50 You never thought they were there.
40:52 There're certain aspects of my character
40:54 my wife will tell me
40:55 that I have and I'm like,
40:57 ''No, way.''
41:01 No way.
41:03 Now not necessary, maybe you say this is sinful,
41:05 maybe you say it's not sinful,
41:06 but my wife has told me since we got married,
41:08 I always thought my yay was yay
41:09 and my nay was nay.
41:11 And my wife says, "Uh-uh,
41:14 you exaggerate all the time."
41:18 All the time.
41:21 I don't know, I'm an evangelist,
41:22 we like to play with numbers, I don't know.
41:24 You exaggerate all the time.
41:29 When we're married to Christ, we see ourselves
41:33 in a way that we have never seen
41:34 our self before.
41:38 And Christ shows us, who we are.
41:40 But the beauty is, we have a Savior
41:43 who suffered outside the gate.
41:46 We have a high priest who knows how we feel.
41:49 Amen.
41:51 He was tempted in all points like as we are,
41:53 yet without sin.
41:54 I am glad that today, we have a high priest,
41:57 the one who is in heaven who has walked in my shoes,
41:59 has walked in your shoes,
42:01 knows my struggles, knows your struggles,
42:03 knows what it is like to live on Earth as a man.
42:06 Forever he will share an affinity with us,
42:09 because He died on Calvary outside the camp.
42:13 When Jesus came down here to Earth,
42:15 He took upon Himself a humanity that He forever retains.
42:18 He died as a man to give us an example
42:22 that we can also overcome as He overcame.
42:25 He came to this earth
42:27 not just to provide the payment for the penalty of sin,
42:30 but to give us an example
42:31 of how to overcome through the power of God.
42:36 He shares an affinity with us that cannot be broken.
42:39 I read, there's an army
42:41 in the world called ''The French Foreign Legion.''
42:44 It's a unique fighting unit,
42:45 because they've been around for over 100 years
42:47 or more than that.
42:48 They're made up entirely
42:49 except for the officers or foreigners,
42:52 but they fight for France.
42:54 They have a pretty
42:56 high amount of respect in military circles
42:59 and they maintain a high standard of excellence
43:01 in their ranks.
43:02 Traditionally, some would say romantically
43:04 it was a hiding place for criminals and undesirables.
43:07 Because they could join this army,
43:08 and go and fight in a foreign country.
43:10 And if they served long enough,
43:11 they could become a citizen of France.
43:13 But there was another way they could get citizenship.
43:17 And that was if they were wounded
43:18 or suffered an injury in battle,
43:20 they have a phrase in the French Foreign Legion,
43:22 that says this,
43:24 Francais par le sang verse,
43:27 Francais par le sang verse,
43:30 translated into English is French
43:33 ''By spilled blood.''
43:37 If you spilled blood in battle, automatically you became
43:42 a citizen of France.
43:47 Jesus spilled His blood outside the gate.
43:52 Forever able to relate to understand
43:55 and empathize
43:57 and compassionately judge mankind,
44:00 because He shares an inseparable bond with us
44:03 due to the blood He shed
44:05 while He was outside the gate.
44:09 This morning, you have a high priest,
44:12 a Savior who knows exactly
44:14 what your struggle this morning is.
44:16 He knows exactly
44:18 what sin you are grappling with,
44:20 what sin has put you outside of the camp.
44:23 He knows exactly what it is in your heart.
44:28 Different for every single one of us individually.
44:31 He knows the struggle that you face this morning.
44:38 He knows the struggle that is awaiting you
44:40 come Monday morning, when you go back home
44:44 and you go back to your workplace
44:46 and your boss is there
44:47 who just winds you up like no one else can.
44:53 That teacher you got to go to the class on Monday
44:56 and that teacher does not like you
44:58 and just seems to be able to get under your skin.
45:00 He knows
45:02 all of those individual situations in our lives.
45:07 He knows them.
45:10 He can understand and compassionately be with us.
45:14 Jesus suffered outside the gate.
45:16 Let us remember,
45:19 remember that.
45:21 What are you struggling with today?
45:23 What are you struggling with today?
45:26 Now there's another application that I want to say briefly
45:28 before we close of the verse and that is this.
45:31 And that sometimes in another application
45:33 when you choose to follow Christ,
45:35 when you choose to follow Christ,
45:37 you feel like you are outside
45:39 the gate of the world.
45:42 What Christian is there
45:43 that having given their heart to Jesus
45:45 should not feel outside the gate of the world's camp.
45:49 Can you be a true saint sanctified set apart for God
45:53 unless somehow the world views you as too strict,
45:57 too austere, too something else.
45:59 If your mannerisms
46:01 and everything is like the world,
46:03 you're not outside the camp of the world.
46:05 It could be though as well today,
46:07 another application.
46:11 Maybe...
46:14 you feel it's almost impossible to serve your master today
46:17 without being shut out of the camp of some
46:20 even in the church.
46:22 I did not mean disfellowship for open sin.
46:24 I mean something far different from this.
46:26 Ellen White says,
46:27 ''To fight the battles of the Lord
46:29 when the champions are few, this will be our test.''
46:32 The church has become so lacerate,
46:33 so incoherent in doctrine, so trifling inexperience
46:36 and so on holy in lifestyle that to be a Christian today
46:39 can means that you are outside the fellowship of the world
46:42 and outside the fellowship of some in the church.
46:47 How many times have you seen anger, pride,
46:49 backslidden habits lacks Sabbath keeping,
46:52 disregarding the pillars of Christianity,
46:54 let alone Adventism?
46:56 Today, if you believe in the six day creation,
46:58 you're outside the camp of the world,
47:00 you're outside the camp of Christianity,
47:02 and in some circles outside those in our church too.
47:08 If you believe
47:09 that on the Sabbath you shouldn't buy and sell,
47:11 you should not go to restaurants to eat on Sabbath
47:13 that can put you outside the camp
47:14 of some in our church.
47:16 If you believe that the Spirit of Prophecy
47:18 is the inspired revelation from God,
47:20 it can put you outside the camp
47:22 in some circles today.
47:24 Anytime you dare to be too bold,
47:27 too honest for the average Adventist,
47:29 maybe you will be maligned.
47:31 Don't seek it, don't look for it.
47:33 Message.
47:35 But if it comes remember, Jesus went there before.
47:39 Amen.
47:41 He went there before.
47:47 As we come to a close,
47:50 we are naturally outside the gate
47:52 in our unconverted state.
47:54 Jesus wants us back in, to come to Him to the cross.
47:58 But even after we have accepted Jesus
48:00 and we are living with Him,
48:01 we have this struggle of sanctification,
48:03 and sometimes it puts us outside the gate.
48:05 Remember, when you are out there,
48:07 whatever you may be struggling with,
48:08 Jesus is there with you outside the gate.
48:11 He died outside the gate, I mean,
48:13 He is right there willing
48:15 and ready to accept you
48:16 when you come to Him.
48:18 Remember the text in the Bible where it says,
48:20 "If I be lifted up,
48:22 I will draw all men unto Me."
48:26 This morning,
48:27 what is it that you are struggling with?
48:29 What sin is holding you?
48:30 Is it anger?
48:31 Is it bitterness?
48:33 Is it lack of forgiveness?
48:35 Is it arrogant? Is it pride?
48:36 What are you struggling with today?
48:43 Don't struggle alone, know that outside the gate,
48:48 Jesus died so that you can be sanctified.
48:53 Amen.
48:55 So that you can be made whole.
48:57 This morning as we close,
48:59 I like to invite you to bow your heads.
49:02 May every head be bowed, and every eye be closed.
49:04 Father in heaven, as we come to a close today,
49:08 as we recognize Your word that gives us the encouragement
49:13 that You died outside the camp where we are.
49:18 Lord, we come to You with bowed heads,
49:24 humble hearts.
49:26 And Lord this morning, if there be anyone here.
49:32 I just want to give you an opportunity
49:34 to respond to God.
49:37 That in the silence of this moment,
49:40 what the Holy Spirit has convicted on your heart,
49:43 that secret sin that you
49:45 maybe even planning to do come Monday, Tuesday.
49:51 Or maybe, it's going to side
49:52 swipe you and catch you unaware.
49:54 Whatever it might be,
49:57 that secret sin that one that hold you down.
50:01 That attitude that you may have
50:04 that is destroying you spiritually.
50:07 If the Lord is convicting you at this moment
50:09 and you just want to say
50:11 in the silence of this moment to you and God.
50:14 Lord, take that from me,
50:16 I just want to invite you at this time
50:18 to raise your hand to heaven.
50:21 To raise your hand to raise it high,
50:24 God sees the hand,
50:25 He reads the heart.
50:29 Lord, you know Your children,
50:31 you know the struggles that we face.
50:33 And we thank you Lord
50:35 that You came down lived on this earth.
50:39 And that You forever share an affinity with us
50:42 through the blood You spilled outside the gate.
50:45 Lord bless us. Bless the decisions
50:48 that have been made today, we ask this in Jesus' name.
50:53 Amen.
50:55 Amen.


Revised 2016-07-21