Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr
Series Code: 14GYC
Program Code: 14GYC000006B
00:23 They came to Jesus
00:29 In Galilee 00:35 Seeking the master 00:39 To learn at his feet 00:45 How kind his teachings 00:50 How gentle his voice 00:57 And in his word 01:00 Every heart may rejoice 01:06 For blessed, he said, 01:11 Are the humble and meek 01:18 All they who mourn who come unto me 01:26 For they shall 01:28 Find comfort and peace 01:35 I come to him 01:40 Like the multitude 01:47 Fed by his wisdom, 01:51 My spirit renewed 01:56 Trusting his word, led by his light 02:02 Knowing his law will lead me to life 02:07 I come as they came With faith in his name 02:13 I come to him 02:26 They sought the healer 02:31 They brought their lame 02:37 Blind and infirm, 02:39 Their afflicted and maimed 02:46 They cried to Jesus 02:50 In sorrow and loss 02:56 "Thou Son of David, 03:00 Have mercy on us!" 03:05 They reached out to him 03:10 In their suffering and grief 03:16 Trusting his power 03:19 They sought him in faith 03:24 And thus were they healed 03:29 By his grace 03:33 I come to him 03:37 Like the blind and lame 03:44 Seeking his mercy 03:48 To quiet my pain 03:53 For as he blessed his children of old 03:58 I trust in his power to succor my soul 04:03 I come as they came 04:06 With faith in his name 04:09 I come to him 04:13 I come to him 04:18 I come as they came 04:23 With faith in his name 04:29 I come to him 04:52 Amen. Amen. 05:03 Good evening. 05:04 Good evening. Happy Sabbath. 05:06 So nice to see you all of you dressed up. 05:11 The Sabbath has begin, praise the Lord. 05:15 Do you look forward to the Sabbath? 05:16 Amen. 05:17 I look forward to the Sabbath 05:19 even though pastors work harder on Sabbath 05:20 than any other day, 05:22 but it's sacred work, so it's loveable. 05:25 I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray. 05:29 Father in heaven, 05:32 more than ever we need your help tonight, 05:35 we need the help of your Holy Spirit 05:37 as we open the pages of your holy book. 05:41 The message that we're going to study is Solomon, 05:44 important. 05:46 Now I ask Lord that you will enlighten our minds, 05:50 that you will open our hearts 05:53 to receive the message that you have for us. 05:56 We thank you Father 05:57 for the promise of your presence 05:59 and we know that you have answered this prayer 06:01 because we asked it in the precious name of Jesus, 06:04 amen. 06:06 Amen. 06:10 Before the creation of the angels, 06:13 the inhabitants of the other worlds 06:17 and human beings on this earth. 06:22 The Father and the Son 06:25 had a very unique relationship. 06:30 I would like as we begin our study this evening 06:33 to go over nine characteristics of the relationship 06:37 between the Father and the Son, 06:40 before anything was created in the universe. 06:44 The first point that I want to underline is 06:49 that the Father and the Son are two distinct individuals. 06:55 Two separate persons, 06:59 I would like to give biblical basis 07:02 as well as Spirit of Prophecy confirmation. 07:06 In John 17:5, 07:09 "Jesus prayed, "And now O Father, 07:13 glorify me together with yourself 07:16 with the glory which I had with you 07:20 before the world was." 07:23 So the Son was with the Father, 07:26 if He was with the Father, 07:28 He was not the Father. 07:31 In John 17:22 07:34 Jesus continues His prayer, 07:35 "And the glory which you gave me 07:37 I have given them that is the disciples 07:39 that they may be one just as we are one." 07:45 The Father and the Son are two distinct individuals. 07:49 In Ministry of Healing, page 422 07:53 Ellen White makes this profound statement, 07:55 "The unity that exists 07:56 between Christ and His disciples 07:58 does not destroy the personality of either. 08:02 They are one in purpose, 08:04 in mind, in character, 08:07 but not in person, 08:11 it is thus that God and Christ are one." 08:17 So the Father and the Son are two distinct persons 08:22 and yet, 08:24 because they are intimately related one to the other, 08:28 the Bible describes them as one. 08:33 Jesus said in John 10:30, 08:36 "I and the Father are One." 08:40 So you have two distinct persons 08:43 but they are one in the sense of character, 08:46 in the sense of unity. 08:49 In the Youth's Instructor for December 16, 1897, 08:54 Ellen White makes this remarkable statement. 08:58 This is how it reads, 09:00 "From eternity there was a complete unity 09:05 between the Father and the Son. 09:08 They were two yet little short of being identical." 09:15 Did you hear that? 09:17 "They were two but what, 09:20 little short of being identical to in individuality. 09:26 Yet one in spirit, heart and character." 09:31 Two but in perfect unity. 09:35 The third characteristic of the relationship 09:38 between the Father and the Son 09:39 that I would like to share is 09:42 that both the Father and the Son are equally God. 09:47 They are both 100 percent divine. 09:52 Jesus is not a lesser God. 09:55 Jesus is equal to the Father. 09:59 John 1:1, 2 makes that very clear, 10:03 "In the beginning was the Word 10:05 and the Word was with God 10:07 and the Word was God," 10:10 not a God but God. 10:14 Ellen White, always in harmony with scripture states as much. 10:20 In Counsels to the Church page 76, 10:23 she says "God is the Father of Christ, 10:26 Christ is the Son of God. 10:28 To Christ has been given an exalted position. 10:32 He has been made equal with the father. 10:36 All the counsels of God are opened to His Son." 10:41 In the book God's Amazing Grace, page 160, 10:45 she once again emphasizes 10:47 that the Father and the Son are equal. 10:49 They are both God. 10:50 This is how it reads, 10:52 "This Savior was the brightness of His Father's glory 10:55 and the express image of His person. 10:58 He possessed divine majesty, 11:01 perfection, and excellence. 11:03 He was equal with God." 11:09 And one more statement in Patriarchs and Prophets, 11:11 pages 38 and 39, 11:13 "Christ was the Son of God. 11:16 He had been One with him 11:20 before the angels were called into existence. 11:24 He had ever stood 11:26 at the right hand of the Father." 11:29 So Jesus Christ 11:31 is a distinct personality from the Father, 11:35 He is one with the Father, He is equal with the Father, 11:39 fully and completely 11:41 God in every sense of the word. 11:45 The fourth characteristic is that 11:46 there is a special intimacy between the Father and the Son. 11:51 And this intimacy is expressed 11:54 by stating that the Son is in the bosom of the Father. 12:00 That indicates closeness and intimacy 12:03 like when we hug a little baby close to our bosom. 12:07 In John 1:18, 12:09 we find that description in scripture that says, 12:12 "No one has seen God at any time, 12:15 the only begotten son 12:17 who is in the bosom of the Father, 12:20 He has declared him." 12:22 Ellen White States as much, 12:25 in the Review and Herald, 12:28 for February 28, 1888. 12:31 When Ellen White discusses 12:33 Jesus coming to this earth sent by His Father, she states. 12:37 "The father permitted him to leave the bosom of His love, 12:43 the adoration of the angels, to suffer shame, insult, 12:46 humiliation, hatred, and death." 12:49 So this intimacy is expressed as the Son being 12:53 in the bosom of the Father. 12:57 The fifth characteristic that I would like to share 13:00 concerning the relationship 13:01 between the Father and the Son 13:03 in eternity past is that 13:05 Jesus is the express image of His Father. 13:09 Ellen White in the devotional book, 13:12 Lift Him Up, page 24, had this to say. 13:16 "The Son of God was next in authority 13:21 to the Great Law Giver." 13:22 Remember that, the Son of God 13:24 was next in authority to the Great Law Giver. 13:27 "He was in the express image of his father 13:33 not in features alone, 13:35 but in perfection of character." 13:37 So very clearly, Ellen White says, 13:39 that He was the express image of His Father. 13:43 Incidentally, the normal word for image 13:47 when it refers to us in the New Testament 13:49 that we are made in the image of God is the word acon 13:53 where we get the word icon from, 13:56 but this word is not that word 13:58 when it refers to Christ 14:00 being the image of the Father, 14:01 the word is a different word. 14:03 It's the Greek word charakter 14:05 that we get our word character from. 14:08 It's used only of Christ 14:10 in this one verse in scripture, 14:14 so Jesus is the express image of the Father. 14:18 The six characteristics 14:20 that I would like to share with you is that 14:21 Jesus is the Father's second self. 14:25 You know very well in John 14:9, 14:29 "Jesus said to Philip, 14:32 "Have I been with you so long 14:34 and yet you have not known me Philip. 14:37 He who has seen Me has seen the Father." 14:41 So how can you say show us the Father, 14:45 the Son is the second self of the Father 14:49 where the son is, is the character of the Father. 14:53 In a statement that I read once before 14:55 in Youth Instructor December 16, 1897, 14:59 I read that statement again, 15:00 "From eternity there was a complete unity 15:04 between the Father and the Son. 15:06 They were two yet little short of being identical, 15:10 two in individuality yet one in spirit, 15:14 heart and character." 15:16 So Jesus is the Father's 15:18 and was the Father's in eternity second self. 15:24 The seventh characteristic 15:26 that I would like to share with you 15:27 concerning the relationship between the Father and the Son 15:30 is that the Father and the Son 15:32 are composed of the same substance 15:35 because Jesus is the Son of the Father. 15:39 They're co-substantial in other words. 15:42 In Philippians 2:6, it says that, 15:45 "Jesus was in the form of God." 15:48 That word form in Greek means the substance of God. 15:52 The very stuff that God is made of, 15:54 Jesus is composed of that. 15:58 Ellen White confirms this point. 16:01 In Signs of the Times, November 27, 1893, 16:05 she is commenting on the verse, 16:07 I, and my Father are one. 16:09 She says, "The words of Christ were full of deep meaning 16:14 as He put forth the claim 16:16 that He and the Father were of one substance 16:21 possessing the same attributes." 16:24 Father and Son were of the same substance, 16:27 co-substantial in other words. 16:30 In the Review and Herald, April 5, 1906, 16:33 Ellen White also states, 16:35 "Christ was God essentially and in the highest sense." 16:41 Now when she says, "Essentially," 16:42 it's not like I say, 16:44 "Well, He's essentially like me." 16:45 No, the word essentially means 16:47 in His essence, in His substance, 16:52 Jesus is one with the Father 16:55 He's co-substantial with the Father. 16:59 Would it be too much to say 17:00 that the Son has the Father's DNA. 17:04 The eighth characteristic 17:05 that I would like to share with you, 17:07 is that the glory of Jesus is the glory of his Father 17:11 shining in him. 17:14 In Hebrews 1:3, 17:16 "Jesus is referred to as the brightness 17:18 of the Father's glory." 17:21 In John 1:14, 17:23 "We are told and the Word became flesh 17:26 and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory. 17:30 Now notice, "We beheld his glory the glory 17:33 as of the only begotten of the Father 17:36 full of grace and truth." 17:38 The glory of Jesus is the glory of his Father. 17:42 In 2 Corinthians 4:6, we're told this, 17:46 " For it is the God 17:47 who commanded light to shine out of darkness, 17:50 who has shone in our hearts 17:52 to give the light of the knowledge 17:54 of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 17:59 The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 18:02 Jesus is the glory of the Father. 18:06 Ellen White confirms this point as well. 18:08 In the book Medical Ministry, page 19, 18:11 Ellen White explains, 18:13 in the condition of Jesus before his incarnation. 18:16 "He was the brightness of the Father's glory 18:20 the express image of His person." 18:23 In Christ Object Lessons, page 115, 18:26 she repeats the same thought when she states, 18:29 "In him that is in Jesus is gathered 18:33 all the glory of the Father, the fullness of the Godhead, 18:38 He is the brightness of the Father's glory 18:41 and the express image of His person." 18:45 One more statement on this point, 18:47 Testimonies for the Church, Volume 2, 18:49 page 200, she states, 18:50 "The Savior was the brightness of His Father's glory 18:54 and the express image of His person. 18:57 He possessed divine majesty, perfection and excellence. 19:01 He was equal with God." 19:04 The ninth characteristic that I would like to share with you 19:07 is that even though 19:09 the Father and the Son 19:12 are on a level of equality as persons. 19:16 The Son from eternity past has been subject 19:20 to his father's authority as his head." 19:25 That is clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 11:3 19:29 where it says clearly 19:31 "That the father is the head of Christ" 19:34 God is the head of Christ. 19:36 And so Christ in eternity past 19:39 even before the creation of the angels was subject 19:42 to his father's authority 19:44 even though He was equal to His Father. 19:48 "In eternity past, 19:50 in the present and in eternity future 19:54 both the Father and the Son have authority and dominion, 19:58 but the Father has absolute authority 20:02 and the Son has delegated authority, 20:05 even though they are equal." 20:08 Never has Jesus ever acted independently of his Father. 20:14 He has ever been subject to His Father's authority 20:17 and his Father's will." 20:20 You might be thinking, well, that happened 20:22 since the incarnation that He was subject 20:24 to His Father's will, 20:26 even though He's equal to His Father, not so. 20:29 Let me read you a couple of statements 20:30 from the Spirit of Prophecy. 20:32 The first one is found in story of Redemption page 13, 20:36 you know Lucifer in heaven said, 20:37 "Hey, Jesus and me are equal, we were the same, 20:40 and yet Jesus is favored and I'm not favored. 20:43 So the Father had to call a meeting in heaven 20:46 of all of the heavenly council 20:47 to explain the position of his Son." 20:49 This is before the creation of the world. 20:53 Notice this statement, 20:54 "The great creator referring to the Father, 20:57 assembled the heavenly host 21:00 that He might, that is that the Father might 21:03 in the presence of all of the angels 21:05 confer special honor upon His Son." 21:10 The Son was seated... 21:11 Was Jesus the Son already? 21:14 Yes. Yes. 21:15 The Son was seated on the throne with the Father. 21:19 And the heavenly throng of holy angels 21:21 was gathered around them. 21:23 The Father then made known, notice who is making known. 21:27 The Father then made known 21:29 that it was ordained by himself. 21:31 That is by the Father that Christ his Son 21:34 should be equal with himself. 21:36 So that wherever was the presence of his Son, 21:39 it was as his own presence. 21:42 The word of a Son was to be obeyed as readily 21:44 as the word of the Father. 21:47 His Son, He had invested with authority 21:51 to command the heavenly host." 21:53 What had the Father done? 21:54 "He had, He is the one 21:57 that had invested the Son with authority 21:59 to command the heavenly host." 22:02 And then, she continued saying, 22:03 "Especially was His Son to work in union with himself 22:08 in the anticipated creation of the earth 22:11 and every living thing that should exist upon the earth. 22:14 His Son, listen carefully, 22:17 His Son would carry out His will 22:21 and His purposes that is the Father's, 22:25 but would do nothing of Himself alone. 22:29 The will, the Father's will would be fulfilled in Him." 22:34 Clear. 22:37 Another statement that we find in Patriarchs and Prophets, 22:39 page 26, add some details, we're told there. 22:43 The King of the universe, 22:45 notice this is a reference to God the Father. 22:47 "The King of the universe 22:49 summoned the heavenly host before him 22:51 that in their presence 22:52 He might set forth the true position of his Son. 22:57 And show the relation he sustained 22:59 to all the created beings." 23:01 The Son of God shared the Father's throne 23:05 and the glory of the eternal self existent one 23:08 encircled both. 23:09 Before the assembled inhabitants of heaven, 23:12 the King, that's the Father, 23:16 the King declared that none but Christ, 23:19 the only begotten of God 23:22 could fully enter into his purposes 23:24 and to him it was committed to execute 23:28 the mighty counsels of his will, 23:31 that is of the Father's Will. 23:33 The Son of God had wrought the Father's will, 23:36 listen carefully, 23:37 the Son of God had wrought the Father's will 23:39 in the creation of all the hosts of heaven." 23:44 Who created the angels? 23:47 Jesus. 23:48 Whose will was He performing? 23:51 The will of His Father. 23:53 So once again, the Son of God 23:55 had wrought the Father's will 23:56 in the creation of all the host of heaven. 23:58 And to him as well as to God, 24:01 their homage and allegiance were due. 24:03 Christ was still to exercise divine power 24:06 in the creation of the earth and its inhabitants. 24:09 But in all this He would not seek power 24:12 or exaltation for Himself contrary to God's plan, 24:17 but would exalt the Father's glory 24:20 and execute His purposes of beneficence and love." 24:26 Is that clear? 24:29 Crystal, if you read it with an open mind 24:33 and an open heart. 24:37 You know, even after Jesus became incarnate, 24:39 He was still subject to the Father's will. 24:42 In Matthew 28:18, 24:45 right before the Great Commission. 24:47 It says, "And Jesus came and spoke to them saying 24:49 all authority has been given to me 24:52 in heaven and earth." 24:54 Who is the only one that 24:55 could have given Him the authority? 24:57 His father. 24:58 Only His father 24:59 and the Bible teaches that in eternity future, 25:01 the Son will still be subject to His Father. 25:04 1 Corinthians 15:28 says, 25:07 "Now when all things are made subject to Him, 25:09 then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him 25:13 who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." 25:19 I'm not going where you think I'm going. 25:24 I know many of you are saying, 25:25 "Well, Pastor Bohr's gonna deal with women's ordination." 25:32 I'm not going there. 25:37 You say, where are you going then? 25:38 Well, let's try and get there. 25:43 On earth, 25:45 God worked for the better part of six days 25:49 and made everything perfect and beautiful. 25:52 Now we're transitioning to the earth. 25:55 As the crowning act of creation, 25:58 God formed man out of the dust of the ground 26:01 breathed into his nostrils the breath of life 26:04 and man came alive. 26:08 Then God told Adam to name the animals 26:12 and he did so 26:13 but he noticed that each animal 26:14 had its counterpart except himself, 26:18 we're told in Genesis 2:20, 26:21 but for Adam there was not found a help 26:24 or comparable to him. 26:27 So God applied to Adam general anesthesia. 26:34 The Bible calls it a deep sleep. 26:37 And performed the first surgery of history 26:40 as far as we know 26:43 and the incision left no scar. 26:46 And from the rib close to Adam's bosom, 26:50 He created the woman and the Bible says, 26:55 "That God then brought her to man as his gift." 26:58 Were told in Genesis 2:22, 27:01 "Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, 27:04 He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man." 27:09 Now Adam kind of wakes up from his slumber, 27:12 opens his eyes, 27:15 I'm sure he opened them real wide. 27:17 I'm sure that his mouth fell open. 27:24 One like me, and God explained to him 27:28 that Eve had been created from himself. 27:33 She was co-substantial with him. 27:37 She had been created from him and for him. 27:43 Now we've all read that text in Genesis 27:45 where it speaks about the image of God. 27:49 Genesis 1:26 says, "Then God," 27:52 Ellen White identifies this person as the Father. 27:55 "Then God said," 27:58 She says He's speaking to His Son Jesus Christ, 28:01 "Then God said, 28:03 let us make man, 28:08 how? 28:11 In Our image 28:12 according to Our likeness." 28:18 Now we usually think of the image of God 28:20 as an individual thing. 28:22 Adam was made in the image of God 28:25 physically, mentally and spiritually. 28:28 Eve was made in the image of God 28:30 physically, mentally and spiritually. 28:32 We think of the image of God as an individual thing. 28:34 But really what Genesis 1:26 is explaining is 28:38 that the relationship between Adam and Eve 28:40 was to reflect the relationship 28:43 between the Father and the Son. 28:45 It was an exhibition on a smaller scale 28:49 of the relationship between the Father and the Son. 28:52 Let's take a look 28:54 at the relationship between Adam and Eve. 28:58 The creation story makes it very clear 29:00 that Adam and Eve are two distinct persons. 29:04 Because we are told, 29:05 they will no longer be two but one. 29:08 They were two individuals 29:10 just like the Father and Son are two. 29:14 And yet, we are told in the creation story 29:17 that God pronounced Adam and Eve the two what? 29:22 One in a sense of unity, 29:26 in the sense of closeness and intimacy 29:29 they were two but one, 29:31 like the Father and the Son are two but one. 29:36 Adam and Eve stood on a level of equality. 29:41 They were equally human 29:44 and both are referred to with the generic word, man. 29:49 Eve was not a lesser order of humanity. 29:53 She was as much human as Adam was human 29:57 just like the Son was as much God 29:59 as the Father is God. 30:02 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 46, 30:04 Ellen White explains, 30:06 "Eve was created from a rib taken from the side of Adam. 30:11 Signifying that she was not to control him as the head, 30:16 nor to be trampled under His feet as an inferior. 30:20 But to stand by His side as an equal 30:23 to be loved and protected by him." 30:27 Just like the Father and Son are equal, 30:31 both God. 30:33 Adam and Eve were created equal, both human. 30:39 There was a special intimacy between Adam and Eve. 30:43 Eve so to speak was taken from the bosom of Adam. 30:48 In fact, you know in Deuteronomy 13:6, 30:52 "The wife is called the wife of thy bosom." 30:57 Interestingly enough, 30:59 so just as the Son is in the bosom of the Father, 31:03 Eve was in the bosom of Adam. 31:07 Ellen White explains in Patriarchs and Prophets, 31:10 page 46, 31:12 "Eve was created from a rib taken from the side of Adam. 31:17 That's pretty close to the heart. 31:18 It's pretty close to the bosom, 31:20 signifying that she was not to control him as the head 31:23 nor be trampled under His feet as an inferior. 31:26 But to stand by His side as an equal 31:28 to be loved and protected by him. 31:33 Eve because she was taken from Adam 31:36 was in the image of Adam. 31:39 Of course, 31:41 she was in the image of God through Adam 31:44 just like Jesus the Son is the image of the Father. 31:49 Just like Jesus is the second self of the Father, 31:54 Eve was the second self of Adam. 31:57 In the book Patriarchs and Prophet, 31:59 page 46, Ellen White explains, 32:03 "A part of man bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. 32:07 She was his second self, showing the close union 32:11 and the affectionate attachment 32:14 that it should exist in this relation." 32:19 Eve was also co-substantial with Adam. 32:22 She was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones. 32:27 Just like the Son is co-substantial 32:30 with the Father. 32:31 In fact Adam said in Genesis 2:23, 32:34 "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. 32:38 She shall be called woman, 32:40 because she was taken out of man." 32:43 The woman was also the glory of man 32:46 like the Son is the glory of the Father. 32:49 In fact, the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:7, 32:53 "For a man indeed ought not to cover His head, 32:56 since He is the image and glory of God, 32:58 but woman is the glory of man." 33:03 Are you seeing the parallels? 33:05 Amazing parallels. 33:08 The last parallel also holds true. 33:12 Even though Adam and Eve were created equal, 33:17 Eve was created to be subject to the authority of Adam. 33:21 We don't like that 33:24 because the word authority, the nasty little word, 33:28 the word submission is a nasty little word 33:32 because we live in a sinful world 33:34 and we look at those negatively 33:37 but the Bible does not. 33:39 Jesus was subject to His parents 33:42 that wasn't a bad thing. 33:44 That was a good thing. 33:46 The word submission is used 33:48 in a positive sense in scripture 33:49 as long as it follows God's plan. 33:54 And so Adam was created to be the head 33:57 and Eve was to be subject 34:00 to the leadership of Adam. 34:04 Now let's talk about Eve's sin. 34:09 Do you know what Eve sin was? 34:11 Yeah, she ate the fruit, I know that, 34:14 but it was deeper than that. 34:17 You see Eve's sin consisted of two parts. 34:21 Number one, 34:22 she acted independently of Adam. 34:28 And number two, even though she was human, 34:31 she wanted to ascend to the height of God. 34:36 Her sin was primarily selfishness. 34:40 In other words, 34:41 she acted independently of Adam 34:43 even God told her stay with Adam 34:46 and she wanted to ascend to the height of God. 34:51 Ellen White explains in Patriarchs and Prophet, 34:53 pages 53 and 54. 34:55 "The angels had cautioned Eve 34:58 to beware of separating herself 35:01 from her husband 35:02 while occupied in their daily labor in the garden. 35:07 He had cautioned Eve not to separate. 35:10 With him she would be in less danger from temptation 35:14 than if she were alone, 35:16 but absorbed in her pleasing task, 35:20 she unconsciously wandered from his sight, 35:24 independence." 35:27 Story of Redemption, page 32, 35:30 "Eve unconsciously at first 35:33 separated from her husband in her employment. 35:38 When she became aware of the fact, 35:39 she felt that there might be danger but again, 35:42 the thought she saw herself secure. 35:45 Even if she did not remain 35:47 close to the side of her husband, 35:50 she had wisdom and strength to know 35:52 if evil came and to meet it 35:54 by herself independently of Adam." 36:00 That was Eve's sin, 36:02 wanting to ascend from being a human to being God 36:05 and acting independently of Adam, her head. 36:12 What was Adam's sin? 36:13 You're saying what this is have to do with the cross, 36:15 just wait. 36:17 This is very intimately related with the cross. 36:21 What was Adam's sin? 36:22 I know he ate the fruit 36:25 but his sin was deeper than just eating the fruit. 36:30 You see like God the Father, 36:34 Adam had a most precious possession 36:38 Eve, 36:41 and the big question that Adam had to face was, 36:44 am I willing to give up Eve 36:49 who is one with me. 36:52 How can I give up the one who is my image, 36:57 the image of God through him, 37:00 my same substance and my glory? 37:04 How could I tear from myself 37:06 the one who is close to my bosom? 37:09 How can I live without this person 37:13 that I love so much. 37:16 He could not conceive of being separated forever 37:20 from the one that was most precious to him. 37:23 He was selfish, 37:24 he was thinking only of himself. 37:27 Ellen White describes the anguish and the agony 37:31 as Adam struggled with the decision of whether 37:36 he would give up the most precious thing that he had, 37:39 that he had intimate relationship with. 37:42 The book, Conflict and Courage, 37:43 page 16, Ellen White explains, 37:45 "There was a terrible struggle in his mind, 37:48 he mourned that he had permitted Eve 37:52 to wander from his sight. 37:55 But now, the deed was done, 37:57 he must be separated from her." 38:01 See the anguish was whether he was willing to be separated. 38:04 He must be separated from her whose society had been his joy. 38:09 How could he have it thus. 38:11 Adam had enjoyed the companionship of God 38:14 and of holy angels. 38:15 He had looked upon the glory of the Creator. 38:18 He understood the high destiny 38:20 opened to the human race 38:22 should they remain faithful to God." 38:23 He knew that if he was faithful, 38:26 the human race would be holy, 38:29 and the world will be filled with righteous beings. 38:33 She continues saying, 38:34 "He understood the high destiny open to the human race 38:37 should they remain faithful to God. 38:38 Yet, all of these blessings were lost of 38:41 in the fear of losing that one gift 38:45 which in his eyes out valued every other. 38:50 Love, gratitude, and loyalty to the creator 38:53 all was overborne by love to Eve. 38:57 She was a part of himself 39:00 and he could not endure the thought of separation." 39:06 Could he give up his precious Eve 39:09 at the risk of being, separated from her forever? 39:16 We've studied the relationship of the Father and the Son. 39:20 We have noticed 39:22 that they were two distinct individuals 39:26 that they were one however, 39:28 that the Son was the same substance, 39:30 is the same substance as the Father, 39:32 flesh of His flesh and bone of His bones. 39:35 We've noticed that Jesus is in the bosom of His Father. 39:37 Jesus is the Father second self. 39:40 He's the express image of His Father. 39:42 He's a reflection of the Father's glory, 39:44 the most precious thing that the Father has in the universe, 39:49 His precious Son. 39:53 Now we bring this to a divine level. 39:57 The Father was faced with a similar decision 40:01 as Adam. 40:05 Am I willing to give up my Son, 40:09 the most prized possession in heaven, 40:14 the most intimate partner? 40:17 Am I willing to give up my Son at the risk of eternal loss 40:23 or do I keep Him to Myself? 40:25 Are you seeing the parallel? 40:29 It was a struggle 40:31 for the Father to give up His Son. 40:35 We find in Signs of the Times, November 4, 1908, 40:39 "Before the Father," 40:40 this is when Jesus is in heaven, 40:41 the human race has sinned. 40:43 "Before the Father He pleaded in the sinner's behalf. 40:46 While the host of heaven await of the result 40:48 with an intensity of interest that words cannot express 40:53 long continued was that mysterious 40:55 communing Jesus is before His Father, 40:57 the counsel of peace for the fallen sons of men. 41:00 The plan of salvation had been laid 41:02 before the creation of the earth, 41:04 for Christ is a lamb for ordain 41:06 before the foundation of the world." 41:08 And now listen to this, 41:09 "Yet it was a struggle even with the King of the universe 41:14 to yield up His Son to die for the guilty race." 41:19 It was a what? 41:20 A struggle even for the King of the universe, 41:23 He had to make the same decision 41:25 that Adam made. 41:27 In Desire of Ages, page 49, 41:30 Ellen White explained, 41:31 "God permitted His Son to come a helpless babe 41:35 subject to the weakness of humanity. 41:37 He permitted him 41:40 to meet life's peril in common with every human soul 41:44 to fight the battle as every child of humanity 41:46 must fight it." 41:48 Now listen carefully, 41:49 "At the risk of failure an internal loss." 41:54 The Father was willing to risk eternal failure 41:57 and loss of His Son. 42:00 She continue saying, 42:01 "The heart of a human Father yearns over His Son. 42:04 He looks into the face of His little child 42:06 and trembles at the thought of life's peril. 42:09 He longs to shield His dear one from Satan's power 42:14 to hold him back from temptation and conflict. 42:17 To meet a bitterer conflict and more fearful risk 42:22 God gave His only begotten Son that the path of life 42:26 might be made sure for our little ones. 42:30 Here is love one under all heavens 42:33 and be astonished over." 42:37 And Ellen White explains in Christ Object Lessons, 42:39 page 196, 42:41 "For our redemption heaven itself was imperiled," 42:47 What? 42:49 For our redemption heaven was imperiled 42:52 what this word imperiled mean. 42:54 I looked it up in the dictionary 42:55 it means, "to put at risk of being harmed, 42:59 injured or destroyed to in danger to jeopardize." 43:03 God jeopardized heaven itself 43:08 when Je... when Jesus was sent to this earth. 43:11 So the Father had the same basic choice 43:15 under only on a much grander scale that Adam had. 43:19 But God did the opposite of Adam. 43:21 Amen. 43:23 He was willing to give up His most prized possession 43:27 the one He was intimate with 43:29 at the risk of losing him forever. 43:33 Romans 8:32, says, 43:35 "He who did not spare His own Son, 43:39 but delivered Him up for us all, 43:41 how shall He not with Him 43:44 also freely give us all things?" 43:47 In Review and Herald, 43:48 it's good to hear those amen's help me please. 43:51 Review and Herald, July 9, 1895, 43:54 Listen to this statement, Ellen White says, 43:56 "The Eternal Father the unchangeable one 43:59 gave His only begotten Son 44:02 tore from His bosom, 44:07 him who was made in the express image of His person 44:10 and sent him down to the earth 44:13 to reveal how greatly He loved mankind." 44:18 Amen. 44:23 You remember the statement that I read a little while ago, 44:25 that it was a struggle for the King of the universe 44:27 to give up His Son. 44:28 Let me finish that statement now, 44:31 she says, "But after stating 44:36 that it was a struggle even for the King of the universe 44:38 to yield up His Son to die for a guilty race. 44:39 She says, "But how God so loved the world 44:44 that He gave His only begotten Son 44:46 that whosoever believeth in Him 44:48 should not perish but have everlasting life." 44:51 All the mystery of redemption 44:54 the love of God for a world that did not love him, 44:59 who can know the depths of that love 45:01 which pass of knowledge through endless ages. 45:06 Immortal minds seeking to comprehend the mystery 45:10 of that incomprehensible love will wonder and adore." 45:17 So the Father struggled with similar 45:18 to the struggle of Adam. 45:22 What about Eve sin? 45:25 Do you remember what Eve sin was? 45:28 Wanting to ascend to the heights of God 45:32 and acting independently 45:35 of Adam her head. 45:41 Did Jesus face those same two dilemmas? 45:45 Listen carefully folks, 45:47 Jesus was God but instead of desiring to ascend, 45:53 He was willing to descend. 45:56 We're told in Philippians 2:5-8. 46:00 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 46:03 who, being in the form of God, 46:05 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 46:08 but made Himself of no reputation, 46:11 taking the form of a bondservant, 46:12 and coming in the likeness of men. 46:14 And being found in appearance as a man, 46:17 He humbled Himself 46:18 and became obedient to the point of death, 46:21 even death of the cross." 46:24 Instead of Jesus saying, "I'm gonna go up. 46:28 He was up there and He says, 46:30 "I'm gonna go down." 46:32 Just the opposite of what Eve did. 46:36 And instead of Jesus acting independently of His Father, 46:40 Jesus always said, "Father, Your will be done, 46:44 I will do what you say as my head, 46:46 I will do what you say as my leader. 46:50 I will perform Your will 46:52 not mine will be done but Yours." 46:56 He did just the opposite of Eve. 47:00 That's why I say 47:01 the relationship between the Father and the Son 47:03 is reflected on a small scale 47:06 in the relationship between Adam and Eve. 47:13 So the Father was willing to do 47:15 what Adam was unwilling to do, 47:18 give up what was most precious to him 47:21 at the risk of eternal loss and eternal separation. 47:25 And the Son was willing to do 47:27 what Eve had been unwilling to do, 47:30 comedown at the risk of failing 47:32 and being separated from His Father for eternity. 47:37 You know what's most amazing to me. 47:43 That the Father and the Son 47:46 would have been willing to take this risk 47:50 for one, for one! 47:59 Look at the person next to you. 48:03 Jesus would have given His life for that one. 48:05 You say, "Oh, He would have given it for me." 48:07 Yeah, but we need to think 48:09 that He would have given it for others too 48:13 because we should focus on others. 48:15 Those are the ones that Jesus focused upon. 48:19 What is the value of a soul? 48:21 The value could only be understood 48:24 by the risk that the Father and the Son 48:27 were willing to take to save one. 48:32 The Father and the Son 48:35 would have been willing to save only one soul 48:37 and we're not talking about sophisticated 48:39 and refined sinners like us. 48:42 We're talking about murderers, adulterers, homosexuals, 48:46 thieves, liars, idolaters. 48:50 Jesus would have come to die for one of those, 48:52 which we consider to be the scum of the earth 48:57 but which God considers precious. 49:01 Allow me to read you some statements from Ellen White 49:04 on the value of a soul. 49:09 God's Amazing Grace, page 173, 49:13 by the way before I read that statement, 49:17 do you know that Ellen White says, 49:19 that the value of the soul is infinite, 49:22 the soul is of infinite value? 49:24 How do you buy something that is of infinite value? 49:30 Only by paying an infinite price. 49:33 Listen to these statements, 49:35 "The wealth of earth dwindles into insignificance, 49:41 the wealth of earth dwindles into insignificance 49:46 when compared with the worth of a single soul 49:51 for whom our Lord and Master died. 49:55 He who weigh up the hills in scales 49:58 and the mountains in a balance 50:00 regards a human soul as of infinite value. 50:06 One soul is of infinite value." 50:12 In the book, Testimonies for the Church, 50:14 Volume 3, page 186, 50:17 Ellen White explains, "The soul is of infinite value. 50:21 Its worth can be estimated only by the price paid to ransom it. 50:25 You want to know much our soul is worth. 50:27 Look at Jesus, what He gave, what the Father did. 50:30 Then you know what the value is. 50:33 Once again the soul is of infinite value. 50:36 Its worth can be estimated 50:37 only by the price paid to ransom it. 50:39 Calvary, Calvary, 50:41 Calvary will explain the true value of the soul." 50:48 Here's another one Testimonies for the Church, 50:50 Volume 6, pages 21 and 22, 50:54 "One soul is of more value to heaven 50:58 than a whole world of property, 51:00 houses, lands, and money, 51:03 for the conversion of one soul 51:06 we should tax our resources to the outmost." 51:11 Amen. 51:13 Ministry of Healing, page 135, 51:15 Ellen White presents this theme in all of her writings. 51:17 She says, "If but one soul 51:21 would have accepted the gospel of His graced 51:24 Christ would to save that one have chosen His life of toil 51:29 and humiliation and His death of shame." 51:35 Christ Object Lessons, page 196, 51:38 Ellen White explains, 51:40 the value of soul who can estimate, 51:42 "Would you know its worth, go to Gethsemane. 51:45 And there watch with Christ through those hours of anguish 51:49 when He sweat as it were great drops of blood, 51:51 look upon the Savior uplifted on the cross, 51:55 hear that despairing cry, 51:57 "My God, my God why has thou forsaken me." 52:00 Look upon the wounded head, 52:02 the pierced side, the marred feet. 52:05 Remember listen carefully, 52:07 Remember that Christ risked all for our redemption, 52:12 heaven itself was impelled 52:15 at the foot of the cross 52:16 remembering that for one sinner, 52:19 Christ would have laid down His life. 52:21 You may estimate the value of a soul." 52:24 Amen. 52:26 That's why I want to make a call this evening. 52:29 The call is very simple. 52:34 The group that we have in this place 52:36 has unlimited potential with the power of God. 52:42 The devil knows that 52:43 that the hope of the church is found in the youth 52:47 and of the young adults 52:49 because you have the energy, 52:50 you have clear minds, you have the strength, 52:52 you have the desire, you have the vision, 52:57 and so what the devil has done. 52:58 He's caused all sorts of distractions 53:02 to keep us from doing that which is important. 53:05 I want to challenge all of those 53:08 who are gathered here this evening. 53:10 I want to ask, how many of you 53:12 as you've seen what the Father and the Son 53:15 were willing to risk to save 53:18 each one of us that are gathered here 53:20 would be willing to say tonight. 53:23 "God through Your grace, 53:26 and through Your power this year, 53:29 I am going to work to my utmost 53:33 to bring at least one soul to the feet of Jesus." 53:38 Are you willing to make that commitment this evening? 53:41 Do you want to stand 53:42 if you're willing to make that commitment? 53:44 When you go home, you say, "I'm gonna reach one soul." 53:47 It might be a friend, 53:50 it might be a relative, 53:52 focus, I'm an individual, 53:55 it might be a fellow worker, 53:57 it might be a stranger. 53:59 It might be a person who lives on the street, 54:02 but God wants us to work for one soul you know. 54:05 If we work for one soul 54:09 we have duplicate the number that we have here, 54:13 won't that be marvelous? 54:15 And those who are watching on television. 54:16 Wow! 54:18 If they became involved and did it for one soul, 54:23 the church would grow when we finish God's work. 54:25 Are you happy living in this world. 54:28 Listen in heaven we're not gonna need iPhones. 54:32 We won't need Twitter. 54:35 I mean, we'll travel instantly 54:37 from earth to heaven and to the planets, 54:41 you know there's something that really, 54:42 that really is interesting to me is to see 54:44 two individuals sitting by sight 54:46 side by side and they're texting. 54:51 In heaven we're gonna communicate. 54:52 Amen. 54:54 Face to face, mouth to mouth. 54:59 Praise the Lord for your response. 55:02 Now how about we go out there after GYC, 55:07 and just use the energy 55:08 that God has given it to do this. 55:10 I'd like to make a second call, 55:14 perhaps there are some here 55:16 who have not given their lives to the Lord Jesus, 55:18 here that one soul that Jesus came to die for 55:20 but you haven't made a commitment to Him. 55:24 If you're that person, 55:25 I would like to ask you to raise your hand right now 55:28 and say, "I'm going to give my life to the Lord Jesus, 55:32 if He risked it all for me, 55:35 I'm going to give my entire life to him." 55:37 Do you want to raise your hand at this time, 55:39 if you're in that category. 55:42 I can't see very well 55:43 because we have these lights in my face here, 55:46 but is there anyone 55:48 who has not made a commitment to Jesus Christ 55:49 that would like to do that this evening 55:51 by raising your hand. 55:53 I want to have a special word of prayer for you tonight. 55:56 I see some hands, 55:58 several hands it's very difficult. 56:00 Could I ask you please to come forward, 56:02 I know that's the big request 56:04 but could I ask you to come forward, 56:05 that we have a sea of people out here 56:08 and I just can't see 56:09 all of the hands that are raised. 56:11 Could you please come over to this side? 56:13 I want to have a word of prayer with you. 56:16 Please come quickly. 56:19 I thank 3ABN for giving me some extra time tonight, 56:23 to present this message, 56:25 which I consider to be extremely important. 56:26 Please gather right here in front. 56:28 I'm going to have a special word of prayer for all of you, 56:32 don't delay, Jesus is calling you tonight. 56:37 Oh, I'll do it tomorrow you might say, 56:39 well, tomorrow isn't ours. 56:41 We don't know if we'll be alive tomorrow. 56:44 Today is the day of salvation the Bible says, 56:46 we have several 56:47 that are coming forward at this time. 56:50 Praise the Lord, the Spirit is working here. 56:54 Is there anyone else 56:55 that would like to come forward. 56:56 Please walk your way forward. 56:58 I don't want to cut short this meeting 56:59 without giving the opportunity to everyone 57:01 who has heard the call of the Lord 57:03 tonight to come forward 57:04 and answer this call that Jesus is making to you 57:06 not Pastor Bohr, Jesus, through Pastor Bohr. 57:12 Praise the Lord for this beautiful group. |
Revised 2016-08-29