Generation of Youth for Christ 2014

Evening Plenary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 14GYC

Program Code: 14GYC000006A

00:08 Holy day purified, set apart, sanctified
00:15 Enter in to joy divine
00:19 In a temple made of time
00:24 Holy day purified
00:29 Set apart, sanctified
00:33 Enter in to joy divine
00:38 In a temple made of time
00:46 You will find
00:49 Joy divine
00:56 In this temple made
01:01 Of time.
01:27 Amen. Amen.
01:29 It's beautiful, is it not?
01:31 Now, it's your opportunity to sing along with us.
01:34 How many of you enjoy singing songs
01:37 about Jesus second coming on Sabbath.
01:39 I do too.
01:40 And just as they just sang in the last song.
01:43 Sabbath is going to be
01:45 for an eternity in heaven, amen.
01:47 And so not only do we look forward to it for one day,
01:50 but we will have it endlessly.
01:52 Let's sing now together, "Hail Him the King of Glory."
02:12 Tell it to every kindred and nation
02:16 Tell it far and near
02:21 Earth's darkest night will fade with the dawning
02:26 Jesus will soon appear
02:30 Hail Him the King of glory
02:35 Once the Lamb for sinners slain
02:40 Tell, tell the wondrous story
02:44 "Jesus comes to reign."
02:56 We'll have just the gentlemen sing on this song,
02:59 just the men on this verse.
03:10 Nations again in strife and commotion
03:14 Warnings by the way
03:19 Signs in the heavens, unerring omens
03:23 Herald the glorious day--
03:25 All together.
03:28 Hail Him the King of glory
03:32 Once the Lamb for sinners slain
03:37 Tell, tell the wondrous story
03:42 "Jesus comes to reign"
04:01 Children of God look up with rejoicing
04:06 Shout and sing His praise
04:10 Blessed are they who, waiting and watching
04:15 Look for the dawning rays
04:28 Hail Him the King of glory
04:33 Once the Lamb for sinners slain
04:38 Tell, tell the wondrous story
04:43 "Jesus comes to reign"
04:48 "Jesus comes to reign."
05:02 Amen. Amen.
05:04 God truly is good.
05:06 And our theme at the cross this year
05:10 that we should always view Christ.
05:12 Always keeping in mind
05:13 the sacrifice that He made for us,
05:15 and I think often times
05:17 we can become too used to thinking about the cross
05:20 to where we don't really consider
05:22 just what Christ went through for us.
05:24 And this song brings out in a clearer light as well,
05:29 just some of the sacrifices that Jesus made for us.
05:32 And that's "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,"
05:35 and we're going to listen for the first couple of verses
05:38 and then on the last verse,
05:39 we'll all join together and sing.
06:34 When I survey
06:41 The wondrous cross
06:49 On which
06:51 The Prince of glory
06:58 Died
07:02 My richest gain
07:07 I count but loss
07:15 And pour contempt
07:19 On all my pride
07:50 Forbid it, Lord,
07:55 That I should boast
08:02 Save in the death
08:07 Of Christ, my God!
08:15 All the vain things
08:19 That charm me most
08:27 I sacrifice them
08:33 To His blood
09:08 See from his head
09:13 His hands, His feet
09:20 Sorrow and love
09:24 Flow mingled down!
09:32 Did e'er such love
09:36 And sorrow meet
09:43 Or thorns compose
09:47 So rich a crown?
09:53 Sing with us.
09:56 Were the whole realm
09:59 Of nature mine
10:07 That were a present
10:12 Far too small
10:18 Love so amazing
10:23 So divine
10:34 Demands my soul
10:40 My life
10:44 My all.
10:55 Amen. Amen.
10:58 I am being blessed, how about you?
11:01 Amen. God is so good.
11:03 And we're going to sing
11:05 or listen to them sing another song now
11:07 that is truly a prayer and is a beautiful prayer
11:11 and it reminds us of Philippians 2:5-11,
11:16 I'm going to go ahead and read that with you now.
11:18 Says, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
11:23 Who, being in the form of God,
11:25 do not consider robbery to be equal with God:
11:28 But made himself of no reputation,
11:31 taking the form of a bond servant,
11:33 and coming in the likeness of men:
11:36 And being found in the appearance of men,
11:39 he humbled himself,
11:41 and became obedient to the point of death,
11:44 even the death of the cross.
11:46 Therefore God also is highly exalted him,
11:50 and given him the name which is above every name:
11:54 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
11:58 and those in heaven, and of those on earth,
12:01 and of those under the earth,
12:03 and that every tongue should confess
12:06 that Jesus Christ is Lord,
12:08 to the glory of God the Father."
12:11 As they sing this song,
12:13 may this be the prayer of each of our hearts.
12:50 Lord, make me an instrument
12:56 Of Thy peace
13:04 Where there is hatred
13:07 let me sow love
13:10 Where there is injury, pardon
13:17 Where there is doubt, faith
13:23 Where there is despair, hope
13:29 Where there is darkness, light
13:35 And where there is sadness, joy
13:41 O Divine Master
13:44 Grant
13:46 That I may not so much seek
13:53 To be consoled as to console
13:59 To be understood as to understand
14:05 To be loved as to love
14:10 For it is in giving
14:16 That we receive
14:20 It is in pardoning
14:25 That we are pardoned
14:29 And it is in dying
14:34 That we are born
14:42 To eternal life.
14:54 Amen. Amen.
14:57 God is so good.
14:59 Let's stand together and let's sing our theme song,
15:03 "At the Cross."
15:35 Alas, and did my Savior bleed?
15:41 And did my Sovereign die?
15:47 Would He devote that sacred head
15:53 For someone such as I?
15:59 At the cross, at the cross
16:02 Where I first saw the light
16:05 And the burden of my heart rolled away
16:11 It was there by faith I received my sight
16:17 And now I am happy all the day!
16:34 Was it for crimes that I have done
16:40 He suffered on the tree?
16:46 Amazing pity!
16:50 Grace unknown!
16:52 And love beyond degree!
16:58 At the cross, at the cross
17:01 Where I first saw the light
17:04 And the burden of my heart rolled away
17:10 It was there by faith I received my sight
17:16 And now I am happy all the day!
17:48 But drops of grief can ne'er repay
17:54 The debt of love I owe
18:00 Here, Lord, I give myself away
18:06 'Tis all that I can do!
18:12 At the cross, at the cross
18:15 Where I first saw the light
18:18 And the burden of my heart rolled away
18:24 It was there by faith I received my sight
18:30 And now I am happy all the day!
19:13 Praise the Lord
19:15 for such a beautiful song service.
19:17 You all may be seated.
19:21 Welcome to GYC, especially for those of you
19:25 who went out on the Lord's errands this afternoon,
19:27 and have wonderful messages to share about what it is
19:30 the divine appointments that he brought you to.
19:32 Welcome back and thank you for coming.
19:34 For those of you who are just getting into GYC this weekend,
19:37 and you're here to see what's going to be happening,
19:40 welcome and thank you for coming.
19:42 And for those of you who are tuning in online or on 3ABN,
19:45 we thank you so much for listening
19:47 and for spending this time with us.
19:48 We're looking forward
19:49 to welcoming in the Sabbath hours together
19:51 and as we do so, let us pray.
19:55 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You so much
19:57 for everything that You've brought us through,
19:59 to bring us from an old year to a new year
20:01 during our time together here at GYC,
20:04 for bringing us to people in the city of Phoenix
20:06 in order to share Your message with them.
20:08 We pray now that as we begin to enter the Sabbath hours
20:11 that You would be with us,
20:13 that You would help us to keep Your Sabbath holy.
20:15 And that it would be a high Sabbath, Father,
20:17 that it would be a time for us to remember
20:19 Your creative powers in our life
20:21 as well as the redemption
20:22 that You gave to us through Jesus at the cross.
20:26 Please be with the speaker this evening.
20:28 Bless his words, and please be with us all,
20:30 we ask these things in Jesus name
20:31 and for His sake, amen.
20:33 Amen.
20:37 Happy Sabbath GYC. Happy Sabbath.
20:40 Hope you had a wonderful day of outreach
20:42 and I have the privilege
20:43 of introducing to you some of my friends,
20:45 this is Julia from ASAP Ministries
20:47 and her friends, Antenna and Dee,
20:49 they would like to tell you
20:51 about an exciting mission opportunity.
20:55 How many of you would be interested
20:57 in a foreign mission trip
20:59 that could cost less than seven dollars
21:02 and fit perfectly in your schedule,
21:05 your work study schedule, I see hands going up.
21:09 Well, ASAP Ministries we call this,
21:12 ''Reach the World Next Door."
21:14 And God has actually
21:17 preplanned this mission experience
21:20 for you, for your spiritual benefit
21:23 and also for the enlargement of His kingdom.
21:26 And He's done that by sending millions of refugees,
21:30 international students,
21:31 immigrants right here to America.
21:34 Listen to this amazing quote.
21:37 It's from Evangelism, page 570.
21:40 ''We should be able to see
21:42 in the multiplying opportunities
21:44 to reach many foreigners in America,
21:47 a divinely appointed means of rapidly extending
21:51 the Third Angel's message into all the nations of Earth.
21:55 God in His providence has brought men to our very doors
21:59 and thrust them as it were into our arms,
22:02 that they might learn the truth and be qualified to do a work.
22:06 We could not do in getting the light
22:09 before men of other tongues."
22:11 And my friend Antanna, Hi Louis,
22:14 a perfect example of this.
22:16 Antanna is from Ethiopia
22:19 and he came here five years ago.
22:21 And tell me what your life was like
22:23 when you came here to America?
22:26 After I came here America,
22:29 I found myself in a very hopeless situation
22:32 to the point where I thought suicide might be a better way.
22:37 Wow!
22:38 Suicide, can you imagine, the hopelessness
22:40 and so what changed things around for you?
22:45 Through a friend I came to know about the school
22:48 called Tekoa Missions.
22:50 And after going there my life has been changed
22:54 and I find myself in Jesus Christ.
22:57 Amen.
22:58 And what Antanna's doing in one month
23:01 is going back to his country in Ethiopia
23:05 to in faith start a medical missionary training school
23:10 to be a missionary and serve the Lord
23:12 with all his heart, amen.
23:14 Amen. And I want to introduce Dee.
23:16 Dee, tell us about your experiences has been
23:18 with Reach the World Next Door.
23:21 I used to work for an international,
23:22 a community center that was serving a local university
23:25 there were 100 countries on the campus,
23:28 and we had interpreters in eight different languages
23:30 meeting the needs of the family members
23:32 and so on, and I realized
23:33 that these are beautiful people from all over the world
23:35 that are in desperate need of Jesus.
23:37 And so, through this process
23:38 that kind of started the passion
23:40 and one instance of what I had at work was,
23:42 I was working with three different accents of Spanish
23:45 being spoken in my office
23:46 and then I got on my Schwinn bicycle,
23:48 I went to the local university to do campus outreach,
23:51 and as I get there,
23:52 I meet a man who is from Sri Lanka,
23:53 and knows nothing about Jesus.
23:55 The love of my life,
23:56 and this guy knows nothing about Him.
23:58 And so, I explain to him the tenets of the gospel
24:00 which he'd never heard before like to be the person explains
24:02 and they've never heard the gospel before.
24:04 And from there later that on this evening
24:07 or that evening, I got on my bicycle
24:08 and went to prayer meeting.
24:10 And it was held in the trailer
24:11 of our Haitian headed elder's home,
24:14 so I'm hearing Haitian Creole in their trailer.
24:17 Then he tells me of this lady two trailers down
24:19 who is from Madagascar and who is Catholic
24:22 and needs prayer.
24:23 And so we went over to her house
24:24 and prayed with her and sang with her
24:26 and riding my bike home I realized,
24:27 you could reach the world on a Schwinn
24:29 in a community like this.
24:31 And so if you live in a university community,
24:33 the whole world is there.
24:35 It's already there and you can get the gospel
24:37 to these corners of the globe by sharing with them
24:39 and then maybe, they're going to go back home like he is
24:41 and make a difference.
24:42 So that was one of the things I ran into.
24:44 And so, I started to study language more
24:45 just to find out more about it from a biblical standpoint,
24:49 the whole idea of language is for the--
24:51 basically for the preservation and redemption of humanity.
24:54 That's it.
24:56 And so, once I started to realize this
24:58 more has to be done, and so, there are two websites
25:01 that hopefully be showing in just a moment.
25:02 One of them is called, Reach the World Next Door
25:04 and that website is basically filled with resources
25:07 to know how to minister to internationals,
25:09 practical steps.
25:11 There's also a website called
25:15 And this is full of resources of Bible studies
25:17 in other languages.
25:18 They've done the homework for you.
25:20 You had some of those in your outreach cards
25:21 in your bags.
25:22 You can hand that to someone and say,
25:24 I think there's something here for you,
25:25 Bible studies, sermons
25:27 all kinds of things in their language
25:29 and more are coming as they go.
25:30 And so
25:32 that's basically the thing that we wanted to share.
25:33 The resource is available to you
25:35 but there's one charge we wanted to make to you.
25:37 If you know more than one language right now,
25:40 there's only one reason for that
25:41 you're a Seventh Day Adventists
25:42 and you know more than one language,
25:44 use that for Jesus.
25:45 Buy a bilingual Bible, find someone in that language
25:48 and minister to them over the next course of this year.
25:50 If you know, if you don't know more than one language
25:53 but you've been convicted you need to learn
25:54 that's where I find myself a Spanish,
25:57 buy a bilingual Bible
25:58 study of the course of this year.
26:00 And find out how to share just the basics of the gospel,
26:02 find someone in these basic, in one of these culture groups
26:05 and invest in them over this year
26:07 and last thing, the third category.
26:08 Maybe you don't know language any other language than English
26:11 and you don't have a burden to do so,
26:13 or at least that's not really where you are right now.
26:15 Find someone of another culture and invest in them,
26:17 if you're in a university setting or something else,
26:19 refugees, migrant camps, reach out to them
26:22 and find a way to invest in them
26:23 over the course of this next year.
26:25 What better resolution to make than to stretch yourself
26:27 and then make a great sacrifice for Jesus.
26:29 Amen, amen. Amen.
26:30 Can we say amen, GYC? Amen.
26:32 Praise God, thank you so much for joining us.
26:34 What an awesome ministry opportunity
26:36 to reach the refugee next door.
26:38 Well, I have another individual I like to introduce to you,
26:41 this is Michael from Impact, Zambia,
26:44 and Impact stands for, 'Inspired Missionaries
26:47 Proclaiming the Advent of Christ'
26:48 the entire world,
26:50 and why don't you tell us a little bit
26:51 about that exciting ministry, Michael.
26:54 Good evening, GYC.
26:58 I come all the way from Africa,
27:02 in particular Zambia as you mentioned.
27:04 Our ministry basically focuses
27:06 on reaching out to un-entered area
27:08 of Seventh-day un-entered areas.
27:10 And as you may,
27:12 as you may correctly perceive un-entered areas
27:16 are usually far flung areas, remote areas,
27:19 hard to reach areas
27:21 and so we organize young people,
27:23 we train them for service,
27:25 then deploy them to these difficult areas.
27:30 It is important for us to realize as a church
27:35 that Africa is ripe for the gospel
27:38 and so responsive at the moment.
27:41 One third of our membership as the church
27:43 is actually on the continent of Africa.
27:46 Most of the researches that are being done right now,
27:49 Christian researchers are showing that Southern America,
27:52 Africa, and Southern Asia
27:54 are the most responsive at this time to the gospel.
27:59 And we are taking this opportunity
28:01 to share the message
28:03 to all of these un-entered areas.
28:05 We draw our inspiration from the cross.
28:09 We draw our inspiration of doing mission
28:11 from the cross, because at the cross
28:14 we do not find convenience there.
28:16 We do not find safety,
28:18 the path that lead to the cross
28:20 was neither convenient nor safe.
28:23 And so, when we are going to these areas
28:25 as dangerous as they may be, we do not care.
28:28 What we care about is the call.
28:30 As the Lord called us, He equips us, and He said,
28:33 and He sends us to go.
28:35 Sometimes He sends us to valleys,
28:38 sometimes He sends us to islands,
28:39 sometimes He send us into mountains,
28:42 and we first all the challenges believing
28:44 that we have the blessing of the Lord and His guidance.
28:49 And through our ministry from 2008,
28:53 when we started, we've baptized thousands
28:55 and dozens of churches
28:57 have been planted through the ministry.
28:59 And I'm just here to encourage all of us,
29:02 that we need to be involved in the Lord's work
29:06 whether it's serve or not serve,
29:08 because the Lord is calling us
29:11 to, to share the message,
29:13 and we have this burden as well
29:16 from the African context
29:17 because just a little over 100 years ago,
29:21 Africa was a dark continent.
29:23 When you read from inspiration,
29:25 it actually tells us that it was a heathen continent
29:28 and missionaries from here came and did so many challenges,
29:33 just to bring the gospel to us.
29:36 And as being grateful, we will also do the same
29:39 and take the gospel wherever, wherever,
29:42 wherever the Lord will lead us.
29:44 So basically, that's what Impact is all about, amen.
29:47 Amen. Amen.
29:49 How many of you young people
29:50 want to be involved in ministry?
29:51 Yes. Praise God.
29:53 Michael, thank you so much for sharing that with us
29:54 and encourage you young people to wherever you're at,
29:56 get involved in ministry.
29:58 The last individual
29:59 that I'd like to introduce to you
30:01 is Brian, and he's from the Middle East,
30:03 North Africa Union, and he has a very special
30:07 and urgent appeal for young people.
30:09 And why don't you share that with us, Brian?
30:11 Thank you, Jeff. Happy Sabbath, GYC.
30:13 Happy Sabbath.
30:15 Maybe you received this brochure
30:17 when you entered this evening.
30:19 It's from the Middle East, North Africa Union.
30:21 If you didn't get a copy,
30:22 you'll receive one on the way out
30:24 or you can stop by booth 108
30:27 to learn more about the initiatives
30:29 that we are facilitating in the Middle East,
30:32 North Africa region.
30:33 The theme of our brochure is, ''Laborers needed be One."
30:40 Why do we need laborers
30:41 in the Middle East and North Africa region?
30:44 One compelling statistic
30:47 is that there are 500 million people
30:50 in the 20 countries that we serve there.
30:52 And yet there are only 3,000 Adventists
30:56 in that vast territory.
30:59 Can you imagine?
31:00 We have 56 cities over one million in population,
31:05 with little or no Adventist presence in any of them.
31:09 Imagine 56 cities, Jeff, the size of Phoenix
31:14 with no worshipping groups, no youth groups, no churches.
31:21 Laborers needed be One.
31:23 Is God calling you tonight?
31:26 I believe that God is calling many of you tonight
31:30 to enter one of the greatest mission challenges
31:35 of our generation.
31:36 Perhaps, the last great mission challenge
31:40 at least one of them, laborers are needed.
31:43 Please come to booth 108, come see us,
31:45 come talk to two of our young public campus missionaries,
31:52 who are giving their lives, their life blood
31:56 to this challenging ministry sacrificing,
32:00 perhaps marital dreams, academic goals,
32:04 to be there to serve come see us.
32:07 Friends, we can place many of you
32:09 in one of the various initiatives that we facilitate.
32:13 We can place many of you in three to six months
32:16 to serve in this region.
32:19 God willing, many of you will respond booth 108.
32:22 Thank you so much.
32:28 Good evening, GYC. Good evening.
32:30 How many of you had a blessed day today?
32:32 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
32:34 Well, I have another question for you.
32:36 How many of you have heard of an organization called ASI?
32:40 Oh, quite a few hands actually.
32:42 Well, for those of you that don't know what ASI is.
32:46 ASI stands for,
32:47 Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries.
32:50 It's a group of committed Seventh-day Adventist laypeople
32:54 who believe that Jesus is coming soon.
32:56 Amen.
32:57 How many of us believe that Jesus is coming soon?
32:59 Praise the Lord.
33:00 ASI supports the Seventh-day Adventist Church
33:03 through supporting various ministries
33:05 that up uphold the work of the church.
33:07 Many of which are in our exhibit hall,
33:09 GYC is one of them.
33:10 But we also support the church
33:13 through encouraging our members,
33:14 to share Christ in the marketplace,
33:16 whatever their profession is,
33:18 wherever they are to share Jesus
33:20 and to share our message with others.
33:22 And we also have many ministries
33:24 that are a part of ASI.
33:26 Some of them you may have heard of.
33:27 How many of you have heard of the One Day Church Project
33:30 that has built thousands of churches around the world
33:33 in coordination with ministries like Maranatha?
33:36 Maybe you've heard of The New Beginnings
33:37 DVD training program which is,
33:40 it helps thousands of evangelistic crusades
33:42 around the world
33:43 and many baptisms have come as a result.
33:45 But just this year, we by the grace of God,
33:49 a ministry became a part of ASI
33:53 that God laid on the heart of Dr. Lela Lewis,
33:55 who is here with me.
33:56 She's actually our ASI Pacific Union president,
33:58 and God laid a burden on your heart, Lela,
34:02 to reach the people of our cities
34:05 with the message of God's love
34:06 through the compassionate medical missionary work.
34:09 And we want to share that with you just now.
34:10 Dr. Lewis, tell us about your Best Pathway to Health
34:14 and what this ministry is?
34:15 Well, good evening GYC, I have a question for you.
34:18 How many of you have wanted to do
34:21 something really spectacular for Jesus in your lifetime?
34:25 Amen. Amen.
34:26 We should all be raising our hands.
34:28 How many of you would like to do something
34:30 that would just turn the world upside down by God's grace.
34:33 Amen. Amen.
34:35 Well, I'm going to tell you that we had the privilege
34:38 in the Bay Area using Christ method alone
34:42 to service by God's grace 3,000 people in three days
34:46 with medical, dental and eye care
34:49 completely for free.
34:50 And it took the Bay Area by storm by God's grace.
34:53 Okay, so this happened this past year?
34:55 Just this last April.
34:57 And what's going to be happening
34:58 this next year, Dr. Lela?
34:59 How would you like to be involved
35:01 in providing to 6,000 people
35:05 free medical, dental and eye care services
35:07 to the underserved at San Antonio
35:09 right here in the United States?
35:11 6000 people? Yes.
35:12 That's more than we have in this auditorium
35:13 here tonight.
35:15 How is that possible?
35:16 Well, by God's grace like I said,
35:17 we did the Bay Area with 3100 people,
35:20 we had only 580 volunteers.
35:23 Of course, we had the Holy Spirit helping,
35:25 that's the most important aspect.
35:27 And we're actually already have 1200 volunteers
35:30 for the Bay Area, we want 15 to 1600 volunteers.
35:34 So we need your help by God's grace.
35:37 Okay, so, so we need, we need their help,
35:39 but I'm just curious.
35:41 Has God worked some miracles on behalf of this ministry?
35:44 Maybe just a miracle story
35:45 you could share with everyone tonight.
35:46 Yes, you know, as far as making an impact,
35:49 we obviously have the personal impact
35:51 as far as the patients are concerned.
35:53 But when we minister to the patients,
35:55 we actually minister to the secular
35:57 and the influential as well.
35:59 For example, the main dignitary at the mayor's office
36:02 in San Francisco came to the event,
36:05 and he was completely supportive.
36:06 When he came down to the event,
36:08 he walked around the event.
36:09 At the end of his tour,
36:11 he came up to our church officials,
36:12 the Seventh-day Adventist Church officials
36:14 that were there.
36:15 And he said, ''I want to tell you something."
36:17 He said, ''I may be a Jew
36:19 with a very different belief set than you,
36:22 but I'll tell you what, I am the number one supporter
36:24 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
36:26 If you as Seventh-day Adventist
36:28 need anything in the future, you come to me."
36:30 By God's grace, I'm telling you brothers and sisters,
36:33 we have an entering wedge, we have an entering wedge.
36:36 Amen. Amen.
36:37 And God did another miracle, he gave us the Alamodome--
36:39 Yes, sir. In San Antonio for free.
36:42 For free, for three days, brothers and sisters,
36:45 the Alamodome is a 169,000 square feet.
36:50 They gave it to us,
36:51 the city of San Antonio gave it to us for free,
36:54 and they gave us the convention center
36:55 to hold our evening meetings by God's grace.
36:57 And this is the same place where the GC will be?
36:59 Exactly, the exact same location
37:02 where the General Conference session is going to be held
37:04 a few months later by God's grace.
37:07 Okay, so we heard about Your Best Pathway to Health.
37:10 This is coming up.
37:11 How can those of us out there that are hearing this tonight,
37:14 how can they get involved in this ministry?
37:16 Well, first of all, you don't have to be a medical person
37:18 to be involved.
37:19 You don't have to be a dental,
37:21 obviously we love the professionals,
37:22 we need you too,
37:23 but you do not have to be a medical professional
37:26 to volunteer.
37:27 And what we are asking, Kyle,
37:28 is we're gonna have a little session over here
37:30 after the meeting, is that correct?
37:32 Yep, that's right, right down here,
37:34 your right, our left, after the meeting tonight,
37:36 if you're interested in coming
37:37 and being a part of this powerful outreach
37:39 to the city of San Antonio,
37:40 come and meet us after the meeting,
37:42 we will be meeting with you and give you more information,
37:44 you can find our booth also in the exhibit hall,
37:46 and you can find the website which is--
37:48, God bless you GYC,
37:52 let's get involved, let's work until Jesus comes.
37:56 Amen. Amen.
37:59 Saludos, GYC.
38:02 The GYC interpretation team is excited
38:04 to offer the GYC experience in Spanish.
38:07 If you would like to listen into the live interpretation,
38:10 you can pick up a radio at the back table,
38:14 also on GNTV and 3ABN Latino.
38:34 Have a great Sabbath.
38:41 Good evening, GYC.
38:45 I'll be sharing with you a perspective
38:48 on the immerging church and spiritual formation.
38:57 I'm Ingo Sorke, I teach Bible
38:59 at Southwestern Adventist University in Texas,
39:03 and I'm also part of a new church plant
39:07 just south of Dallas, but more importantly
39:10 I'm the husband of a wife for 22 years exactly,
39:15 the father of two teenage sons and a Bible student.
39:20 From 1988 to 1990, I was a theology student
39:25 at a Lutheran seminary in Germany.
39:28 The theology was profound, big names taught there,
39:34 big words were being thrown around,
39:36 and big theology was being tossed around,
39:39 but I made a painful discovery long before emerging church
39:44 became a topic.
39:46 Not everything that wets your appetite
39:51 is clean water.
39:53 And not every thing that is liquid is living water.
39:59 A theological system and practice that is not rooted
40:03 in the great controversy theme is dangerous.
40:06 A spirituality and worship
40:09 that is not grounded in scripture,
40:12 and the Spirit of Prophecy
40:13 is not only dangerous but could prove deadly.
40:17 I sensed a degree of lostness and bankruptcy in a framework
40:22 that pitches its tents outside the safe shelter
40:27 of the remnant movement.
40:29 Jesus' last temptation
40:31 dealt directly with worship and spirituality.
40:34 And since, this is the key issue right now
40:37 with the emerging church and spiritual formation.
40:41 We must be in the final phase of the last conflict.
40:47 We cannot afford to drink from just any streams,
40:50 summit waters are polluted
40:53 and some philosophies are poisoned.
40:55 In fact, Revelation warns us
40:57 that some religious systems are fallen,
41:01 and Babylon has become a dwelling place of demons,
41:04 a prison for every foul spirit,
41:07 and a cage for every unclean and hated bird,
41:10 Revelation 18:2.
41:12 "Come out of her my people, is the call of the hour."
41:19 The emerging church is a global informal movement
41:22 among Christians that emphasis experience
41:25 over doctrinal truth.
41:28 It is wide open to ecumenical efforts,
41:31 and it values relationships at the expense of absolutes,
41:35 it is feeling over facts,
41:38 and sure enough traveling throughout Europe,
41:41 I have discovered that based on these
41:46 non remnant publications and sources,
41:52 we have a principal at an Adventist academy
41:55 that is the head of the ecumenical movement
41:58 in that region.
42:00 Hand in hand with the emerging church,
42:03 spiritual formation embraces practices
42:06 that could be okay in and off themselves,
42:10 simplicity, fasting,
42:13 but they are mixed in with dubious practices
42:17 like contemplative prayer, feeling your breath
42:21 as you're praising Jesus over, and over,
42:24 and emptying yourself to--
42:27 to what?
42:29 To whom?
42:31 It has its roots in the spiritual exercises
42:33 of Ignatius of Loyola,
42:35 and this is where the problem begins.
42:38 This spirituality
42:40 was really the primary Roman Catholic effort
42:43 to counter the Reformation.
42:44 Under the garb of simple spirituality and outreach,
42:48 the content and methodologies of spiritual formation
42:51 really serve an agenda that is contrary
42:54 to the Adventist movement.
42:57 It focuses on prophecy and doctrinal truth,
43:00 we are not feeling based,
43:02 even though feelings are important.
43:05 And the Adventist system has a meditation
43:08 that is defined by Scripture
43:10 and Spirit of Prophecy and nothing else.
43:13 Of course, I have met wonderful, sincere Catholics,
43:16 including on our trip to GYC.
43:19 I had a very meaningful conversation
43:21 with a Catholic in the hallway of our hotel,
43:24 and he sent me a message before I left
43:27 "from your favorite Catholic".
43:30 I was thrown into spiritual formation
43:33 long before I knew that spiritual formation
43:36 was a buzz word and a problem.
43:39 And I am not here to slam people or institutions
43:42 but I would like to share an experience with you.
43:45 To get my Masters degree, we had to read strange books:
43:51 Desert fathers, Monks, Spiritual guides.
43:55 None of whom knew anything about the health message,
43:58 the sanctuary message, 1844, Sabbath keeping,
44:03 or the antitypical day of atonement.
44:06 I still remember a guy sitting next to me,
44:09 innocently raising his hand and asking the professor
44:12 "Why are we reading this stuff,
44:14 don't we have quality materials in scripture
44:17 and the Spirit of Prophecy?"
44:21 He was dismissed by the professor with a smirk
44:23 and some mumbled comments.
44:25 Then I took a class on church planting.
44:28 Again we read books five of them,
44:31 but not Gospel workers,
44:32 not Evangelism and not Acts of the Apostles.
44:36 I ask the question, why are we reading this,
44:40 the authors don't even know about veggie burgers
44:42 and haystacks.
44:46 Do we not have trustworthy materials
44:49 in the writings of Ellen White directly inspired by God?
44:54 The professor's answer stunned me.
44:58 "We read these books
44:59 and then baptize the concepts with insights
45:02 from Ellen White."
45:04 Why it steak when you can eat the veggies firsthand?
45:10 Why spent money quote from Ministry of Healing, 441,
45:13 "Why spend money on that which is not bread,
45:16 and why read this stuff
45:18 when we have been warned directly
45:20 about its background and motive."
45:22 Great Controversy, 234, "It was their, the Jesuits,
45:26 studied aim to secure wealth and power,
45:29 to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism,
45:32 and the reestablishment of the papal supremacy.
45:36 And the devil was wroth with the remnant."
45:42 These strange spiritual concepts
45:45 slithered into the Adventist church
45:47 through a book that I have right here,
45:53 John Harvey Kellogg, The Living Temple.
45:56 I'm not sure why it called it the living temple.
46:00 Kellogg promised that God was in everything
46:04 teaching pantheism.
46:06 It blurs the lines
46:07 between supernatural being and natural thing.
46:13 It effectively reduces God to a mere force,
46:15 a mystical essence that pervades our reality.
46:18 For example, quote,
46:20 I haven't read the book cover to cover
46:22 because Ellen White hesitated to read it herself.
46:26 "The air is God's medicine, good food is God's Medicine--"
46:30 Now watch this, "There is power life
46:33 in the pure water because God's life is in it."
46:38 What is nature?
46:39 Kellogg answers,
46:41 "Nature is simply a philosophical name for God
46:44 who is the active force in natureth the all in all."
46:48 Red alert from Ellen White, quote, Manuscript 11, 314
46:54 "When you wrote that book
46:57 you were not under the inspiration of God.
47:00 There was by your side the one who inspired Adam
47:02 to look at God in a false light."
47:06 "Never teach such theories in our intuitions,
47:09 do not present them to the people."
47:13 Ellen White to A.G Daniels, General Conference 1903,
47:17 "I have something to say to our teachers
47:19 in reference to the new book The Living Temple.
47:23 Be careful how you sustain the sentiments of this book
47:26 regarding the personality of God.
47:28 As the Lord presents matters to me,
47:30 these sentiments do not bear the endorsement of God.
47:33 They are a snare that the enemy has prepared
47:37 for these last days.
47:40 And my theory is if he tried at once
47:44 he will try it again.
47:47 We need not the mysticism that is in this book.
47:51 Those who entertain these sophistries
47:53 will soon find themselves in a position
47:55 where the enemy can talk with them,
47:57 lead them away from God.
47:58 It is represented to me
48:00 that the writer of this book is on a false track.
48:02 He has lost sight of the distinguishing truths
48:05 for this time.
48:07 And here you have the key.
48:10 It is not just the bad, that is bad in the bad,
48:14 it's the good that the bad destroys in the good.
48:18 Ellen White herself said
48:20 "You have virtually destroyed the Lord, God Himself."
48:25 We have so much good theology in the remnant movement,
48:30 this other stuff is a fatal distraction.
48:34 Ellen White says
48:36 Selected Messages One, page 197,
48:39 "Be not deceived,
48:41 many will depart from the faith,
48:43 giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
48:47 We now have before us the alpha of this danger.
48:50 The omega will be of a most startling nature.
48:54 Living Temple contains the alpha of these theories.
48:57 I knew that the omega would follow in a little while,
49:01 and I trembled for our people."
49:07 She also said these are species workings.
49:10 I looked up the word species, I'm English second language.
49:14 Species means superficially plausible,
49:18 but actually, wrong misleading in appearance,
49:22 especially misleadingly attractive.
49:27 Ellen White's counsel is clear and concise,
49:29 let the world go into spiritualism,
49:31 into theosophy, into pantheism if they choose,
49:36 we are to have nothing to do
49:37 with this deceptive branch of Satan's work.
49:42 Acts of the Apostles, 474,
49:45 and I might have to take Dr. Boers offer
49:49 that if I pay him 10 dollars, he gives me 10 minutes.
49:55 Acts of the Apostles, page 474,
49:57 "The warnings of the word of God regarding the perils
50:00 surrounding the Christian church
50:01 belong to us today.
50:04 As in the days of the apostles men tried by tradition
50:08 and philosophy to destroy the faith in the Scriptures,
50:11 so today,
50:13 by pleasing sentiments of higher criticism,
50:16 evolution, spiritualism, theosophy, pantheism,
50:20 the enemy of righteousness
50:22 is seeking to lead souls into forbidden paths."
50:26 These are not just about worship preferences.
50:30 The eternal destiny of souls are at stake.
50:33 Why does all this matter?
50:35 It matters because I did not grow up Seventh-day Adventist
50:39 but I did not find the truths
50:42 through candle's dark rooms breathing,
50:45 saying Jesus 30 times and music that is called
50:49 "a bed lamp of noise and that is CBA,
50:54 not Christian but all approved."
51:00 I want to tell the teenagers in here something
51:03 that I discovered as a teenager myself.
51:08 It is okay to be SDA.
51:13 Doctrines were not a hindrance
51:16 to becoming an Adventist for me,
51:18 they were a catalyst to lead me to Jesus Christ.
51:22 When I was 18, I discovered Sabbath,
51:25 and I was like, wow.
51:27 I discovered the sanctuary and I was like wow,
51:30 1844, wow, Spirit of Prophecy, a prophet in our midst.
51:36 Wow! It is okay to be SDA.
51:43 And it shouldn't have happen that way,
51:45 non Adventist church growth literature would say
51:48 that doctrine is the wrong way to lead a postmodern secular
51:53 neo-pagan non-church going teenager
51:55 to Jesus Christ.
51:58 Guess what?
52:00 Here I am, I can do no different.
52:04 My recommendation to all teenagers,
52:07 number one, appreciate your Adventist identity,
52:12 the DNA of our Adventist identity
52:14 is prophetic not pathetic.
52:18 Number two,
52:20 read and study your Bible.
52:25 You don't need many other sources,
52:27 Loma Linda message 64,
52:29 the one book that is essential for all study is the Bible.
52:33 Number three,
52:35 simply pray and pray simply.
52:42 Do not get tied up with lights, sights, candles,
52:45 sense, smell, sounds etcetera.
52:46 You don't need that stuff,
52:48 you need to get on your knees and pray,
52:51 and you do not need to follow a somebody's prewritten prayer
52:55 except the ones from Jesus Christ
52:57 and scripture.
52:59 Number four, read and cherish the writings of Ellen White
53:03 instead of other writings.
53:06 Third Selected Messages, page 83, 84,
53:09 "Men may get up scheme after scheme
53:12 and the enemy will seek to seduce souls
53:14 from the truth,
53:15 but all who believe that the Lord has spoken
53:17 through Sister White and has given her a message
53:20 will be safe from many delusions
53:22 that will come in these last days."
53:26 Patriarchs and Prophets, 635,
53:29 "It is a perilous step to slight the reproofs
53:33 and warnings of God's word or of his Spirit."
53:36 And please do not call Ellen White a mystic.
53:41 Ellen White was not a mystic,
53:42 Ellen White was a prophet preparing us
53:45 for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
53:48 I read her at age 17 English second language
53:51 you can read them,
53:53 you can understand them, and you can love them.
53:56 Number five, do not leave Christ
54:00 and do not leave the church.
54:04 Testimonies Volume 7, page 16,
54:07 "Enfeebled and defective, needing constantly
54:09 to be warned and counseled, the church is nevertheless
54:13 the object of Christ's supreme regard."
54:17 And you've probably heard about the quote
54:19 that the church may appear about to fall,
54:24 when the church appears about to fall,
54:28 we know that it's not,
54:30 because we have the assurance of Jesus Christ.
54:33 In context very interestingly Ellen White said,
54:36 "Satan will work his miracles to deceive,
54:40 he will set up his power as supreme
54:42 and then comes a quote on the church about to fall."
54:46 We also told that divisions will arise,
54:50 two parties will develop.
54:51 Last Day Events, page 172,
54:55 "And it will be a painful ordeal
54:57 the time when everything that can be shaken
55:00 will be shaken."
55:02 Last quote, and then my appeal.
55:05 Great Controversy, page 464,
55:09 "The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work,
55:14 and before the time for such a moment shall come,
55:18 he will endeavor to prevent it by introducing a counterfeit."
55:24 If you have any sense
55:26 and keep the pulse of the church,
55:29 it is happening right now.
55:32 Young people hang in there until the end.
55:37 Recently my own mother, bless her heart,
55:41 told my little nephew in Germany
55:43 that God is in everything,
55:45 he is not the creator of heaven and earth,
55:47 he is not limited to a certain place,
55:50 but I see him in the nature, in the waterfall,
55:52 in the rainbow and the sunset.
55:55 Looks like John Harvey Kellogg is alive and well,
56:01 and I wish he had stuck to cornflakes.
56:05 And it looks like
56:07 I need to have a little talk with my mother and I did,
56:09 and she said you make me think.
56:12 I also need to have a little talk with my nephew,
56:16 so my question to you GYC,
56:19 will you share the truth
56:23 based on Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy?
56:26 Will you share the truth with a fellow human being
56:31 before it is eternally too late?
56:35 Because it is okay to be a SDA.


Revised 2016-07-18