Generation of Youth for Christ 2014

Morning Devotion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Adam Ramdin


Series Code: 14GYC

Program Code: 14GYC000005A

00:09 The old rugged cross
00:13 Till my trophies at last I lay down
00:20 I will cling to the old rugged cross
00:26 And exchange it some day for a crown
00:33 Oh, that old rugged cross,
00:37 So despised by the world
00:40 Has a wondrous attraction for me
00:47 For the dear Lamb of God
00:50 Left His glory above
00:54 To bear it to dark Calvary.
01:01 So I'll cherish the old rugged cross
01:07 Till my trophies at last I lay down
01:14 I will cling to the old rugged cross
01:21 And exchange it some day for a crown
01:28 To the old rugged cross
01:31 I will ever be true
01:35 Its shame and reproach gladly bear
01:41 Then He'll call me some day
01:44 To my home far away
01:48 Where His glory forever I'll share
01:55 So I'll cherish the old rugged cross
02:01 Till my trophies at last I lay down
02:08 I will cling to the old rugged cross
02:15 And exchange it some day for a crown
02:24 When we come to the point where
02:26 we have beheld our beautiful Savior at the cross,
02:30 then our response is to surrender our lives to Him.
02:34 We want to invite you to join us
02:35 and sing now "I'll go where you want me to go."
02:52 It may not be on the mountain's height
02:57 Nor over the stormy sea
03:03 It may not be at the battle's front
03:10 My Lord will have need of me
03:16 But if by a still, small voice
03:21 He calls to paths
03:25 I do not know
03:28 I'll answer, dear Lord
03:32 With my hand in Thine
03:36 I'll go where You want me to go
03:42 I'll go where You want me to go,
03:47 Dear Lord
03:48 O'er mountain, or plain, or sea
03:54 I'll say what You want me to say,
03:59 Dear Lord
04:02 I'll be
04:04 What You want me to be
04:09 There's surely somewhere a lowly place
04:16 In earth's harvest fields so wide
04:22 Where I may labor
04:25 Thro' life's short day
04:29 For Jesus, the Crucified
04:35 So, trusting my all unto Thy care
04:42 I know Thou lovest me!
04:48 I'll do
04:50 Thy will with a heart sincere
04:55 I'll be what You want me be
05:02 I'll go where You want me to go, dear Lord
05:08 O'er mountain, or plain, or sea
05:15 I'll say what You want me to say,
05:20 Dear Lord
05:23 I'll be
05:24 What You want me to be
05:31 And now we would like to invite you to join us
05:34 and sing our theme song, "At the Cross."
05:47 Alas,
05:49 And did my Savior bleed?
05:52 And did my Sovereign die?
05:57 Would He devote that sacred heard
06:02 For someone such as I?
06:07 At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light
06:12 And the burden of my heart rolled away
06:17 It was there by faith I received my sight
06:23 And now I am happy all the day!
06:28 Was it for crimes that I have done
06:34 He suffered on the tree?
06:39 Amazing pity!
06:43 Grace unknown!
06:45 And love beyond degree!
06:50 At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light
06:56 And the burden of my heart rolled away
07:01 It was there by faith I received my sight
07:06 And now I am happy all the day!
07:12 But drops of grief can ne'er repay
07:18 The debt of love I owe
07:23 Here, Lord,
07:25 I give myself away
07:28 'Tis all that I can do!
07:34 At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light
07:39 And the burden of my heart rolled away
07:44 It was there by faith I received my sight
07:50 And now I am happy all the day!
07:55 At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light
08:01 And the burden of my heart rolled away
08:06 It was there by faith I received my sight
08:11 And now I am happy all the day!
08:22 Good morning GYC.
08:24 Morning.
08:25 Those watching at home
08:26 and young people here in Phoenix, Arizona,
08:29 welcome.
08:31 Have you been blessed so far?
08:32 Amen. Amen.
08:33 I've been blessed as well.
08:35 It is my privilege this morning
08:36 to introduce our speaker Adam Ramdin,
08:39 who'll be sharing with us
08:40 directly after we have a special music.
08:42 Adam, as you may know,
08:43 comes to us from the North England Conference,
08:45 where he serves as the Youth Director
08:47 and Director of PEACE,
08:49 which is an evangelism training school.
08:52 I have personally have been blessed by Adam's ministry
08:54 over the last several years.
08:56 And I've had the privilege of working with him
08:59 over the last couple of years in Europe doing work there.
09:01 And I'm always amazed by his passion
09:04 for young people to be engaged in our church,
09:07 and to an experience a vibrant life of Christianity.
09:11 Young people, I believe that God has laid a special message
09:13 on Adam's heart for us this morning.
09:15 And I would encourage us all
09:17 to really have a spirit of reverence
09:18 as we hear this morning.
09:19 This is truly our sanctuary for this week.
09:22 And so I'd encourage you,
09:23 as we're in this hall to remember that
09:26 and truly try to make this a place
09:27 where angels would love to dwell with us here this week.
09:31 We would also like to ask that if you feel the Lord,
09:33 the spirit moving up on your heart
09:35 that you'll respond with a hearty amen,
09:37 and refrain from clapping as we continue this morning.
09:40 So I ask that you bow your heads with me
09:42 and as we have a short word of prayer this morning.
09:48 Dear heavenly Father, good morning.
09:51 We are here to listen to You speak.
09:55 We are here to listen.
09:57 Father, I pray that You'll send Your spirit here
09:59 and that You'll banish all darkness from this room.
10:03 I'll pray that You'll banish all darkness
10:05 from the dark corners of all of our hearts.
10:09 And that You'll open our hearts to be able to hear
10:12 Your word this morning and to act upon that.
10:15 So that truly this can be a life transforming time
10:18 that we can truly come here and see You
10:22 from the foot of the cross.
10:25 We want to learn more of You.
10:26 Father, I ask You to be with us now,
10:28 as we go through this time together.
10:29 We ask You in Jesus' name.
10:31 Amen.
14:09 Amen. Amen.
14:12 Good morning, everybody.
14:14 Good morning.
14:16 It's a pleasure to be here with you on this
14:18 Friday morning at GYC.
14:24 It's a pleasure to be able to open the word
14:27 of God with you this morning.
14:31 And as we do that,
14:33 I'll invite you to bow your heads for a word of prayer.
14:39 Father in heaven, Lord,
14:40 we thank You this morning for a new day of life,
14:45 for the health and strength that we have.
14:50 Lord, as we meditate for these moments
14:54 on this great and grand theme "At the Cross,"
14:58 may you impress upon our hearts exactly
15:03 which aspect of this message we need to hear today.
15:08 I pray Lord that You would speak through me,
15:13 in Jesus' name, amen.
15:18 Exactly 100 years ago, this year,
15:22 you may have seen it on the news,
15:23 and you may be familiar with the story.
15:25 A 100 years ago, this year, on Christmas day,
15:29 a unique event took place
15:32 in the countries of Belgium, France,
15:37 and maybe Switzerland.
15:40 Amidst the horror of World War I, trench warfare,
15:43 where it was not a pretty sight,
15:45 and where it was not
15:46 glamorous to fight for your country so to speak.
15:50 On Christmas day, amidst the horror of the war,
15:53 something very unique took place
15:55 and from one trench to another.
15:57 Some of the soldiers in one trench
15:59 on Christmas Eve actually in the night,
16:00 they started to hear the other soldiers sing a song,
16:03 "Silent Night, Holy Night."
16:06 And it wasn't just an isolated part of the line
16:09 between the Germans, and the British,
16:11 and the French and so on.
16:12 It was all up the line, many times it's happened.
16:15 People started singing Christmas carols,
16:18 "Silent Night, Holy Night."
16:20 And then the other side, they started responding
16:22 and singing the same Christmas carol in their language back.
16:27 And when you read the account historically of the letters
16:29 that the soldiers sent home to their parents,
16:31 they say that the next day on Christmas Day,
16:34 as the mourning broke,
16:35 some of them came out of their trenchese
16:37 putting their hands up,
16:38 and then they didn't get shot,
16:40 another, they came out the other trench.
16:42 And as they came together, they spent a few hours together
16:45 exchanging gifts with each other,
16:47 showing each other the pictures of their wives
16:49 and their children they've left behind or their parents.
16:54 History accounts that they played football matches,
16:56 or as you Americans say soccer matches together.
17:00 They're in no man's land in the middle of the war,
17:02 when they're supposed to be fighting each other,
17:04 they were exchanging presents,
17:05 they were having a good time, laughing and joking,
17:08 and playing football together with each other
17:09 in no man's land.
17:11 And it's a very unique story.
17:13 If you've never read it before or seen anything,
17:15 just Google it, you'll find plenty of information about it,
17:18 it happened.
17:19 It's a historical event.
17:20 And it's unique,
17:22 because in the midst of the horror of the war,
17:26 you see this event taking place
17:28 that is so different to anything else like it.
17:31 And it just shines amidst the darkness
17:35 that human nature would have some space for compassion
17:40 and kindness in the midst of horror.
17:45 If you have your Bible, if you turn with me to John 7.
17:48 John 7,
17:49 we're gonna spend a few moments
17:51 and a few passages this morning.
17:52 John 7 and we'll be reading
17:57 John 7, the beginning of the chapter.
18:05 In John Chapter 7, the Bible says,
18:06 and I'll just paraphrase the first few verses.
18:08 Jesus was there and at John 7,
18:11 His ministry has now taken place for three years.
18:14 But at a time of John 7,
18:15 He has been ministering for three years.
18:17 Now we know according to the seventy week prophecy
18:19 that Jesus had to minister
18:21 or be crucified in the middle of the week
18:24 or after three and a half days or three and a half years.
18:27 His ministry was to be three and a half years long,
18:29 and in John 7 it's three years.
18:31 And the Bible says in verse 1,
18:32 "After these things, Jesus walked in Galilee,
18:35 for He would not walk in jury,
18:37 because the Jew sought to kill Him."
18:39 Summary, He's up there in Galilee, northern Israel.
18:42 He does not go down to Jerusalem, Southern Israel.
18:45 Why?
18:46 Because the Jews want to kill Him,
18:48 so His brothers get together
18:49 and they say there in verse 3 and verse 4.
18:52 Basically they say,
18:53 "Listen Jesus, if you really are the Messiah,
18:56 why are you hiding in Galilee?
18:59 Go down and show the world what you can do."
19:03 And then verse 5 says the key verse,
19:06 it says, "For neither did His brothers believe in Him."
19:11 John 7, after three years of ministry,
19:13 His brothers, His own brothers come to Him and they say,
19:17 "We don't basically believe You're the Messiah.
19:18 If you really were the Messiah, You wouldn't hide up here."
19:21 But notice what Jesus response in verse 6.
19:23 Jesus says, "My time is not yet..."
19:27 What? "Come."
19:30 "My time is not yet come."
19:32 Jesus understood that there was a prophetic time on that
19:34 He was living on and He said, "My time has not yet come."
19:38 Turn to John 8.
19:40 John 8, just the page over.
19:42 John 8:58 and 59.
19:45 And the Bible says there in John 8
19:47 that Jesus was there in the temple,
19:51 and He just says that "Before Abraham was I am."
19:56 the Bible says,
19:59 "They took up stones to stone Jesus,
20:01 but He escaped and went His way.
20:04 They could've killed Him, but He escapes.
20:07 Now we're going to see in tomorrow's message,
20:08 not only was it the wrong time for Him to die,
20:10 it was the wrong place for Him to die.
20:14 John 10, turn to John Chapter 10.
20:17 And in John 10, the Bible says there in verse 39 and verse 40.
20:23 "Therefore, they saw again to take Him,
20:26 but he escaped out of their hand."
20:27 So in John 7 Jesus says, "My time has not yet come."
20:30 In John 8, He escapes when they try and kill Him.
20:33 In John 10, He escapes again.
20:35 And then we come to John 12.
20:37 John 12, when the Bible says, turn over the page to John 12,
20:41 the Bible says there in John 12:23.
20:44 We see a shift.
20:46 Jesus is no longer escaping
20:48 and Jesus is no longer saying my time has not yet come.
20:51 In John 12:23, the Bible says, "And Jesus answered them."
20:57 This is His disciples saying
20:59 "The hour is, what,
21:02 come that the Son of Man should be glorified."
21:07 "The hour has now come."
21:09 We see a shift, John 7, "My time hasn't come."
21:12 John 8, He escapes.
21:13 John 10, He escapes.
21:14 John 12, "The hour has come
21:17 that the Son of Man should be glorified."
21:20 And come down to verse 28,
21:22 at the end of this little passage that Jesus speaks.
21:25 He says, "Father, glorify Your name."
21:32 Something about the cross,
21:33 Jesus says, "The hour has come
21:36 that the Son of Man should be glorified."
21:39 Father, glorify Your name.
21:41 See, something about the cross was at that moment of history
21:46 in the darkness of the universe.
21:50 The light of Christ character shone the brightest.
21:54 You see, the total sacrifice,
21:56 the theme for today is the total sacrifice of Jesus.
21:58 The total sacrifice of Jesus
22:01 is a total and a complete revelation of Jesus.
22:06 And at the cross,
22:08 we see the Son of God glorified completely.
22:11 You see it at the cross that we see
22:13 the unfailing love of Jesus.
22:17 It's at the cross that we see the tenderness
22:20 and the courtesy to those who were abusing Him.
22:24 It's at the cross that we see the patience
22:29 tested the most and coming out victorious.
22:32 It's at the cross that we see the compassion of Jesus.
22:34 It's at the cross we see Jesus thinking of others
22:37 and not Himself.
22:39 It's at the cross that we see all of these characteristics
22:42 of Jesus' character shining the brightest.
22:47 It's at the cross where we see
22:48 the heart to save others right until the end
22:51 when He's on the cross.
22:53 It's at the cross that we see the serenity
22:56 surrounding Him in the most unlikely hour.
22:59 You see, when the darkness was the deepest,
23:03 the light shone the greatest.
23:06 Then if you have a candle or a light,
23:09 when you're shining it,
23:11 you see the power of it in the darkness.
23:13 I like to cycle my bike to work every now and then.
23:17 I should probably do it more often.
23:20 From my home to the office, it's about eight miles there
23:23 and eight miles back, sixteen miles in...
23:27 In the wintertime, sometimes I ride my bike to work.
23:30 Now, last winter I was riding my bike to work,
23:31 and the problem is this.
23:33 England lies at 54 degrees north of the equator,
23:36 which means in the wintertime,
23:39 it doesn't get light until about 8 o'clock,
23:41 and it gets dark at 4 o'clock.
23:42 I need to be in the office at 8:30,
23:44 and I need to leave the office at 5:00,
23:46 and it takes about 45 or 50 minutes to ride my bike there,
23:49 because I'm not very fast yet,
23:52 which means, I ride the bike there in the dark
23:54 and come back in the dark.
23:57 Now foolishly, I don't advise you to do this.
23:59 Last year, I rode my bike a few times
24:01 in the dark with no lights on my bike.
24:06 I see some mothers shaking their heads.
24:11 I stayed on the pavements though,
24:12 the sidewalks as you say.
24:17 My birthday was in July
24:18 and my wife was gracious enough
24:20 to buy me an excellent present.
24:22 She bought me a bike light.
24:29 Someone say amen.
24:31 And I said, I want a really good one.
24:33 I don't just want these little few LED lights flashing,
24:34 I want the bright one that can doom,
24:37 shine right in the distance.
24:38 And she bought me this really nice torch, a bike light
24:41 and it says that they had like a 100 meters visibility.
24:44 Now as soon as I got it, I wanted to open it,
24:46 put the lights on, and shine it in my office there at home.
24:49 But it was daylight and I can see the beam on the wall,
24:51 but it doesn't really stand out.
24:53 So that night, when it was dark,
24:57 when I had no reason to ride anywhere,
24:58 I put the lights on the bike and I go out riding
25:01 around the neighborhood that we live in.
25:02 And that light, I'm telling you, it was so bright.
25:04 As I was riding down the road,
25:05 if there was a house on the other side there,
25:07 the light was just shining, and it was like lighting up
25:10 the whole living room of the house where I was going.
25:14 I mean, you saw the strength of the light.
25:19 When it was dark,
25:22 when Jesus died on the cross, it was dark,
25:26 every single evil demonic angel ever was at the cross.
25:32 Satan had summoned of them all.
25:34 They all got their marching orders, come here,
25:36 leave everyone else, come here to the cross.
25:40 When the vileness was poured out on Jesus,
25:44 Ellen White tells us that demons in the form of men,
25:47 they're in the crowd, stirring up the people.
25:50 When all these wickedness is there, being poured on Jesus,
25:55 it's dark, it's extremely dark, it's extremely dark.
25:59 And in the midst of that,
26:00 the character of Jesus just shone the brightest.
26:04 Oh, He was patient six months previous,
26:06 but now He is patient on the cross.
26:09 Oh, He was loving a year previous,
26:11 but now He is loving on the cross.
26:13 Oh, He was kind a year previous,
26:16 but now He is kind on the cross to those
26:18 who are putting the nails in His hands.
26:20 And the character of God shone the brightest at the cross.
26:24 And so when Jesus said in John 12,
26:26 "Father, glorify Your Son, the hour has come."
26:31 The total sacrifice of Jesus
26:33 leads to a total revelation of His character.
26:37 This leads to a total acceptance
26:40 and a total conversion on those who see it.
26:44 Ellen White says in Desire of Ages, page 83.
26:46 You may well know this quote, it says,
26:48 "It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour
26:50 each day in contemplation of the life of Christ.
26:53 We should take it point-by-point,
26:55 let the imagination."
26:59 There's such a thing as writer's imagination.
27:02 Let the imagination grasp each scene,
27:07 especially the closing ones.
27:11 As we thus dwell on His great sacrifice for us,
27:15 our confidence will be constant.
27:17 Our love is quickened,
27:19 and we will be more deeply imbued with His spirit.
27:25 When we see the total sacrifice of Jesus,
27:27 it has a profound impact on us.
27:30 On the day that Jesus died,
27:33 there were some people who in the midst of all of this,
27:38 they saw Jesus die
27:39 and they testified that He was the Son of God.
27:43 When they saw the total revelation of the character
27:45 of Jesus as He died,
27:47 they testified as to who He was.
27:49 Turn in your Bibles to annex six, Mark 15,
27:52 in the Gospel of Mark, the second gospel of Mark 15.
27:55 We're going to read there and see
27:59 someone who testifies.
28:06 The first person we're going to look at,
28:08 we're going to look at three.
28:09 Tradition suggest his name was quote Longinus, Longinus.
28:16 He would have commanded upwards of 60 men.
28:19 He was a hot and he would have been a tough man.
28:23 You had to be in his profession.
28:24 You see, Palestine was a very war torn place.
28:27 We'll get to the verse in just a minute.
28:29 Palestine was a very war torn place.
28:32 You see, in Palestine or Israel in those days.
28:34 If you were a true patriot,
28:36 the highest form of patriotism was to kill a Roman officer.
28:41 And so as a Roman officer, you had to be on your guard,
28:43 you had to be watching yourself at all times.
28:46 You lived in a violent land,
28:48 and you operated according to violent laws in a sense.
28:52 There was a violent people.
28:54 You served under a violent man, Pilate was the commander,
28:56 he was cold and heartless.
28:59 And these men would have served under him,
29:00 and he would have rubbed off on them.
29:02 Now on this day,
29:04 Longinus was ordered to take these certain men,
29:07 and transport them from one location to another.
29:09 Now, it was nothing new for him,
29:11 it wasn't something that he hadn't done before.
29:13 No doubt, he had done this many, many times.
29:15 Take the men from here and take them over there.
29:17 And so we had his men, they would have been well drilled,
29:20 they would have known exactly what to do.
29:22 Certain ones would have taken one prisoner,
29:24 certain ones would have taken another prisoner,
29:26 and certain ones would have taken another prisoner as well.
29:28 Each prisoner would have a squad of men
29:30 assigned to them, and he as a superintendent officer,
29:34 would have just been watching
29:35 and keeping an eye on all of what was taking place.
29:38 Making sure that no one is coming to try
29:39 and release somebody.
29:44 'Cause when there's an execution,
29:46 I don't know what it is about human nature,
29:47 but crowds love to gather.
29:51 Crowds love to come,
29:52 and he knew there was going to be loads of crowds that day.
29:54 And some of the officers would have to keep men away.
29:59 And as they get the men,
30:00 and they start marching them the procession down,
30:02 the awkward narrow streets of Jerusalem.
30:05 They would pass by the city gate
30:08 and they would head out to the hill
30:09 where they needed to go.
30:11 His men were always alert and as they got to Gulgalta,
30:16 the men would all know exactly what to do.
30:18 I'm sure they have certain maneuvers
30:20 as to how to hold the arms
30:22 and legs of the prisoners to restrain them.
30:24 I used to work in a psychiatric hospital,
30:26 and there they would teach us certain maneuvers
30:28 that if one of the patients had an episode so to speak
30:30 and would kick off.
30:35 They would teach us a certain maneuver
30:36 that you could restrain them with no harm to them
30:40 and no injury to yourself.
30:42 No doubt, these soldiers knew these type of maneuvers,
30:45 and when they got there to Gulgalta.
30:46 And they had to restrain the prisoners,
30:48 one on one arm, one on another arm,
30:50 and they pin them down
30:51 and bang the nails go into the hand.
30:53 And as he's watching this, the superintendent officer,
30:55 he sees it all takes place, but something strikes him.
30:57 'Cause after they nailed two thieves to the cross,
30:59 there is one man
31:02 who does something he has never in all his life
31:05 and military history seen.
31:06 He sees one man just lay his hand out.
31:09 No need for the maneuver,
31:12 he sees him lay his other arm out,
31:14 no need for the maneuvers.
31:17 And they put the nails into his hands.
31:20 No crying, no curses,
31:24 no struggling, nothing,
31:28 he's never seen this before,
31:30 never ever seen such a thing before.
31:34 No curses, just prayers coming from his lips.
31:36 And as they put the crosses down,
31:37 and they put him up in the air.
31:39 No doubt, for the first time that day, he relaxed.
31:43 And as they're watching the three crosses,
31:45 he is not paying much attention
31:47 to the one on the left or the right.
31:48 He has seen their kind too many times.
31:53 He's seen those type of people all the time,
31:55 but it's the one in the middle,
31:57 it's the one in the middle that is standing out to him.
32:00 This Nazarene, there in the middle,
32:03 who just calmly there.
32:05 There's a serenity over him in the midst of this pain.
32:10 And he's watching this man, he's watching,
32:13 as the nails are bringing ever bigger holes in his hands,
32:18 as the crown on his head, every time he leans against it,
32:21 the thorns go deeper into his head,
32:24 and he doesn't hear any cry come from his lips,
32:29 just peace and calmness.
32:33 And he hears the words,
32:34 "Father, forgive them,
32:37 for they know not what they do."
32:40 And he was probably pretty confident in himself
32:42 when he heard those words,
32:43 he probably thought to himself, yup,
32:46 that doesn't apply to me, I know exactly what I'm doing.
32:49 My job is done all, everything is fine.
32:53 I was asked to do this and I've done it.
32:55 Not quite sure what he's talking about,
32:57 but he can't be talking about me.
33:01 This centurion would have stood there
33:05 and as a lacerated body is on the cross,
33:08 it just grips his attention.
33:11 He was there in Pilate's place
33:13 when Pilate said behold the man.
33:15 And he's never seen anything like this before.
33:18 And at this moment,
33:20 as a life of Christ is ebbing out,
33:22 God drew the blinds and shut the curtains.
33:25 No human eye was to behold what would take place.
33:30 And at this moment maybe he told his men, be on guard.
33:33 Maybe someone's going to come and take them away.
33:37 Maybe someone's going to come and try and take them away.
33:39 But then they hear the triumphant cry,
33:41 it is finished.
33:44 And Father into your hands, I commend my spirit.
33:48 And in Mark 15:39,
33:50 there towards the end of the chapter, the Bible says,
33:53 "And when the centurion,
33:55 which stood over against him saw that he so cried out.
34:00 He gave up the ghost, he said,
34:02 'Truly this man was the Son of God.'"
34:07 On the day Jesus died, most unlikely of people,
34:11 the Roman centurion says, "This man is the Son of God.
34:16 This man is a righteous man.
34:19 This man has done nothing wrong.
34:21 I've never seen a man like this on the cross before."
34:26 Can any theologian say something as eloquent
34:29 as this Roman centurion said when Jesus died?
34:36 This least likely of men, superintendent of executionist,
34:41 professional killer of criminals.
34:45 On the day, Jesus died, at the moment that he dies,
34:49 this man has just nailed Jesus to the cross,
34:52 and now not more than a few hours later
34:55 he testifies and says, "This is the Son of God."
35:00 Sermon title today is "Three wise men."
35:05 The first one nailed Jesus to the cross, the second man,
35:10 we are much more used to looking at the second man.
35:14 We are used to scrutinizing his life,
35:17 for he was right next to Jesus when he died.
35:19 He was the youngest of the men.
35:20 He had grown up most likely in church circles.
35:22 He had grown around the synagogue.
35:25 He was familiar with Jewish life,
35:27 he was familiar with Jewish religious life,
35:29 but somewhere along life journey,
35:30 he had gotten sidetracked.
35:32 Somewhere along life's journey, he had made bad decisions,
35:35 and somewhere one thing led to another,
35:38 one thing led to another.
35:39 It wasn't so much,
35:41 maybe he went headlong into sin intentionally,
35:43 not many people do.
35:44 He drifted that way most likely.
35:46 He made one mistake after another.
35:49 We're told in the book Desire of Ages, page 749.
35:53 There's a paragraph there
35:54 that says, "He made two mistakes."
35:56 Number one
35:57 he made the mistake of choosing the wrong associations.
36:00 The people who he associated with,
36:02 maybe he was attracted to them, because they were daring.
36:04 Maybe he was attracted to them, because they were risky.
36:07 Maybe he does like being around them,
36:08 because they seem so much fun.
36:10 But one thing led to another.
36:12 And his association with these men
36:14 led him down a crimson pathway.
36:16 And one day the strong arm of the Roman law
36:19 grasped him on the shoulder, took him away.
36:23 But we're told there's another reason
36:25 as to why he was led that way.
36:28 On Desire of Ages, page 749, it says,
36:30 "He knew about Jesus, he wanted to give his life to Jesus,
36:34 but when he came towards him,
36:37 the priests and the rulers turned him away."
36:44 He was turned aside by professed religious people.
36:50 He was turned aside by professed religious people.
36:53 Don't miss that point.
36:55 Those who should have drawn him to Jesus turned him away.
37:00 Maybe your experience today is like the thief on the cross
37:04 and it could be that religious people
37:07 have turned you away from Jesus Christ.
37:14 Maybe your parents, who took you to church,
37:19 who should have been your Christian witness,
37:21 but their behavior at home was anything but such.
37:25 And they have turned you of God church
37:26 and anything that resembles religion.
37:30 And you're like the thief on the cross.
37:32 Maybe it is that you're abused,
37:35 God forbid by someone in religious authority,
37:37 be it a pastor, an elder, or someone in your church,
37:40 be it psychological abuse, be a physical abuse,
37:42 or be it God forbid sexual abuse.
37:45 And it has so clouded your picture of who God is,
37:48 you cannot reconcile your experience
37:50 with God's character.
37:52 Maybe your friends in academy, or college, or church,
37:56 an Adventist one that is.
37:59 It was your Christian Adventist friends,
38:01 who gave you your first drink, your first cigarette,
38:04 or your first nightclub experience.
38:09 Maybe it was your Christian Adventist friends,
38:13 who should have drawn you to Christ,
38:15 who have been the ones leading you away from him.
38:18 Maybe you've got a friend here at GYC
38:21 with a bad influence on you.
38:25 This thief on the cross, he sentenced to die,
38:29 and he goes down there to Calvary.
38:31 He carries the cross
38:32 and no doubt with him, there was a struggle.
38:34 When he got there to Calvary, and knee hits him in the chest,
38:37 someone grabbed his head, pulled his head down
38:39 one on one arm, one on the other,
38:41 and as the nails go into his hands.
38:42 I can imagine the thief was calling down curses
38:45 on the judgment of heaven
38:46 or whoever on these men who were crucifying him.
38:49 And as they lifted up the cross to put it in the ground,
38:51 I am sure that the Roman soldiers
38:52 recognized that this was the last opportunity
38:54 they had to inflict pain
38:56 on whoever it was they were crucifying.
38:57 And I'm sure they had a point
38:59 where instead of gently putting the cross in,
39:00 and I just in my imagination
39:02 can imagine that lifting that cross
39:04 and slamming it into the ground.
39:07 And as they do so, the wounds widen
39:09 and the thief I'm just saying for argument's sake.
39:11 It's not in the Bible.
39:13 I'm just saying for my illustration sake,
39:15 he was crucified before Jesus.
39:18 And as he's up there on the cross and he looks down,
39:20 he sees Jesus doing what I just explained.
39:22 He's never seen it before, he sees Jesus put out one arm,
39:25 he see Jesus put out another arm,
39:27 and he sees that cross lifted.
39:30 And as he's put in the ground,
39:31 he sees a whole crowd around making fun.
39:34 And as he's put in the ground,
39:37 no curses come from the lips of Jesus, none of them.
39:43 And as he watches all of this,
39:45 as he watches the dignified bearing,
39:47 he thinks this is more than self-control.
39:50 As he watches the dignified bearing,
39:52 I just imagine
39:54 his mind goes back to his mother's knee.
39:58 And he remembers a story that she told him.
40:00 As all little boys in Israel heard about Messiah,
40:03 who was to come.
40:04 The memories come flooding back.
40:05 He has broken his mother's heart.
40:07 There is nothing like a mother's heart broken
40:09 for their children.
40:11 He's broken his mother's heart,
40:12 when his dad came to visit him in prison,
40:14 he aged about ten years
40:15 just seeing him there in prison.
40:18 As he's up there on the cross, he knows it,
40:20 his family is going to have to go through the shame
40:22 of hearing his name
40:23 been struck off the synagogue membership list,
40:25 at the next board meeting.
40:28 As he's up there on the cross, maybe in the crowd,
40:31 his parents were there with tear-stained faces
40:33 and broken hearts.
40:34 And he hears a thief on the one cross cursing Jesus,
40:37 he hears the crowd all about cursing Jesus.
40:39 And in the midst of all this, he can take it no longer
40:42 and he says to the thief, stop.
40:46 We deserve this, but not this man.
40:49 Not this man.
40:51 And he turns to Jesus and he says,
40:54 "Lord, remember me,
40:56 when you come into your kingdom."
41:02 And Jesus replies in words
41:04 that are forever movingly memorable.
41:06 And he says, "Truly, I say to you today."
41:12 When I'm nearly dead, he might have added.
41:16 When it appears my kingdom has crumbled into ruin.
41:21 When I came to my own nation and my own nation rejected me.
41:24 Today, when one disciple has betrayed me,
41:29 when one disciple has denied me,
41:31 when the others have left me, today, I say to you,
41:36 on my divine authority,
41:38 when it looks like the end, but it's really the beginning.
41:40 Today, I say to me, because of your faith,
41:43 you will be with me in paradise.
41:46 Here, the second man dies with Jesus
41:49 and the experience of seeing Jesus die.
41:51 The experience of watching him close as can get,
41:55 causes him to give his life to Jesus.
41:58 You see a total revelation of the character of Christ,
42:00 when we see His sacrifice can do only one thing,
42:04 but change our hearts when we behold it.
42:07 Three wise men,
42:11 the first one nailed Jesus to the cross.
42:15 The second one was crucified with Christ.
42:21 The third person is less obvious,
42:22 but nonetheless he played an important part
42:24 in the crucifixion of Jesus.
42:28 He was not from Palestine.
42:31 He was from further a field,
42:33 and at this point in his life, he's not a believer.
42:36 You see, as Jesus left the mockery of the trial
42:38 that he had, had, as he had been whipped
42:41 with a leather strands 78 times,
42:45 as his body was lacerated.
42:49 As blood was pouring down him, as the crown of thorns is on,
42:52 he said, as he's been hit in the face,
42:54 hit in the face over and over,
42:56 as he's beaten,
42:57 as he hasn't eaten or slept for several days.
43:00 They put the cross on Jesus' shoulder,
43:02 and he slumps to the ground.
43:05 I imagine maybe he fainted.
43:06 They bring a bucket of water,
43:08 they throw on him the bucket of water.
43:09 He wakes up.
43:11 They put a cross on him again, he slumps down again.
43:13 In the crowd, men are laughing.
43:15 In the crowd, men are jeering.
43:16 In the crowd, men are saying, you know, pick up the cross.
43:22 In the crowd, one man comes forward.
43:26 And Desire of Ages, page 742 says,
43:29 "He expressed compassion."
43:34 He expressed compassion, and as he expresses compassion,
43:38 he's grabbed by the soldiers, they put the cross on him,
43:41 and say you carry it.
43:43 Maybe as he was walking to Calvary,
43:44 his muttering under his breath,
43:45 why didn't I keep my thoughts to myself, I don't know.
43:48 Maybe he's saying, "I should have kept my mouth shut."
43:52 And his men are jeering, as men are bantering,
43:54 as men are cursing Jesus.
43:56 He's feeling the brunt of it as well,
43:58 'cause He's carrying the cross.
44:00 That rugged wood is pressing against his back.
44:06 Ellen White says,
44:07 "His sympathies were deeply stirred in favor of Jesus.
44:13 And the events of Calvary in the words
44:14 uttered by the Savior
44:16 caused him to acknowledge he was the Son of God.
44:19 It is recorded that forever after that moment,
44:21 he was thankful
44:23 that he had the opportunity to carry the cross.
44:25 See, Simon no doubt stood by,
44:27 and on the top of the hill watched as Jesus was crucified.
44:30 He saw the men jeering, he saw the people mocking him,
44:33 he saw all of this taking place,
44:35 and all he sees come from Jesus that it's just a prayer.
44:38 And no doubt in that moment, his heart is broken
44:41 and he surrenders it to Jesus.
44:43 He had felt the cross press on his back,
44:46 and as time passed on,
44:50 he said "This man is Messiah."
44:56 But the point is this.
44:58 This man did not choose to serve Christ.
45:02 He was forced or conscripted into service.
45:08 And maybe there's an application
45:09 for some people here in this auditorium today.
45:11 Maybe you have been forced in your religious journey.
45:17 Maybe your parents forced you to come to GYC.
45:22 Maybe your parents forced you
45:24 every Sabbath morning to go to church.
45:26 And they say as long as you live under my roof,
45:28 you will go to church.
45:32 Maybe you are forced to go to Adventist academy or college.
45:36 Maybe you wish
45:38 you were not born into an Adventist home.
45:41 Maybe you want to rebel,
45:44 just because you didn't decide to do it,
45:46 and the only choice you have left is to do wrong.
45:51 Sometimes we fight the right,
45:52 just because someone else told us it was right.
45:59 Either way though,
46:01 when you behold the crucified savior,
46:02 sooner or later what will happen to you?
46:05 And the Simon was there,
46:07 even though he was forced into service.
46:09 Simon made a contribution to the plan of salvation
46:11 that no one has made since.
46:13 You see, we never read of Simon preaching at Pentecost.
46:16 We never read of Simon going to the ends of the earth
46:18 and preaching gospel, we don't read about that.
46:20 In fact we don't read about Simon after this story.
46:26 We don't read of him doing great things so to speak
46:29 that we would consider great today.
46:32 He had the menial job
46:33 of carrying a cold hard rugged cross.
46:40 Not doing something great, as we may say,
46:43 but seeing the sacrifice of Jesus moved on his heart.
46:50 He did the one thing that was very important.
46:53 He carried the cross of Jesus prior to His crucifixion.
46:58 Three wise men, one nailed Jesus, stood across.
47:01 One died with him next to him, and one carried the cross.
47:08 One nailed him to it.
47:10 One died next to him on it, and one carried the cross.
47:15 You see,
47:16 each one of these three men
47:18 may illustrate us in different ways.
47:20 Maybe today, you maybe like the Roman centurion,
47:22 you maybe successful, you maybe a leader,
47:24 but you have never surrendered your heart to Jesus.
47:29 Maybe you are like a thief on the cross,
47:31 and because of bad association, or because religious people
47:33 have driven you away from Jesus.
47:35 You have not given your life to Jesus as well,
47:38 or maybe you are like Simon of Cyrene.
47:40 You have been forced, you feel to serve Christ
47:46 or to go along with your parents religion.
47:51 Each one of these men though, listen carefully.
47:53 They illustrate a step in conversion.
47:55 One nailed Jesus to the cross, one was crucified next to Him,
48:00 and one carried the cross.
48:02 One nailed, one was crucified, one carried.
48:05 You see, all of us need to come to the point
48:07 where we realize that we have crucified the Son of God
48:10 and put Him to open shame, just like the Roman centurion.
48:14 All of us have to the come to the point,
48:16 where we realize that we need to be crucified
48:18 on the cross every day.
48:22 And all of us have to come to the point,
48:24 where we accept the master's work
48:26 that he has for us like Simon did,
48:28 and take up a cross and live for Jesus.
48:31 When we see the sacrifice of Christ,
48:33 it should lead us to recognize, he is the Son of God.
48:37 It should lead us to be willing to die to self
48:39 on a daily basis being crucified on the cross
48:42 as Galatians 2:20 says.
48:45 And it should lead us to be willing
48:46 to accept the Master's work.
48:49 How many of you here today have realized
48:50 it's your sins that have nailed Jesus to the cross.
48:55 How many of you this morning recognize and realize
48:59 that you need to die to self every single day.
49:05 And how many of you accepted the work
49:08 that Jesus has for you.
49:09 You see, the thing about accepting the work
49:11 Jesus has for you.
49:14 You can't choose it. Amen. You just have to accept it.
49:20 At the cross, there was another man,
49:21 who was given a job by Jesus.
49:24 John, Jesus on the cross,
49:26 the last one of the last things he did,
49:27 he said, "Woman behold your son,
49:29 son behold your mother."
49:33 It's interesting, why is it interesting?
49:34 Because John had a deep desire to do something great for God.
49:38 He wanted to sit at the right hand of God.
49:41 John had a deep desire to do something marvelous for Jesus,
49:46 something seen, something known.
49:49 His mother also drove that desire,
49:51 and she said to Jesus,
49:53 "When they get to heaven, can he sit on one side
49:54 and one on the other side.
49:56 John wanted to do something marvelous and fantastic
49:58 and amazing for Jesus.
50:01 But what was he given to do to, to care take his mom.
50:07 Look after my mom when she's dying,
50:10 look after my mom when she's old,
50:12 take her to church, take her to see a friend.
50:13 Look after my mother
50:15 when she's sick and she's frail.
50:17 And she can't walk properly.
50:19 She can't shower herself,
50:20 she can't take herself to the toilet.
50:22 She can't do any of that, look after my mom.
50:25 I know in the first few chapters of Acts,
50:27 the Bible says that Peter and James,
50:28 you know, they went around.
50:30 But after the first few chapters of Acts,
50:31 we don't read about John.
50:33 He was looking after Jesus' mom.
50:34 Why?
50:36 'Cause Jesus knew what John needed.
50:39 When you commit to serve Jesus,
50:41 Jesus knows what you need and you may say to Jesus.
50:43 "I want to serve you there."
50:45 Ah, ah, not there, you're gonna serve me there.
50:49 See, Jesus knew that what John needed, and I believe,
50:52 Jesus understanding the character of John.
50:54 He knew that his mother was best place
50:57 to mould the character of John.
50:59 Still as a young man,
51:01 to be someone that would be ready
51:02 to be put in prison for him in his old years.
51:09 If you say, "I want to serve you Jesus like Simon."
51:11 You can't pick your job. You can't pick the work.
51:14 You can't tell God what you want Him,
51:17 what you want to do for Him.
51:18 And then ask for His will to be done,
51:20 no, you can't do that.
51:21 You have to just accept the work
51:23 that Jesus has for you.
51:26 As we come to a close in our message today,
51:28 I want to make an appeal, and my appeal is specific,
51:30 and my appeal has three parts to it.
51:34 As you observe the cross of Christ,
51:37 and you see Jesus dying for your sins,
51:39 you realize it's your sins that nailed Him to the cross.
51:42 And you want to say like the Roman centurion,
51:45 "Lord, I recognize, I have crucified you afresh."
51:51 As you see Jesus on the cross, and you recognize,
51:53 and you want to say, like the thief on the cross.
51:55 I need to die daily, today,
51:57 I need to die with Jesus Christ.
52:02 How many of you this morning want to say,
52:03 "Lord, I realize my sins killed you."
52:07 "Lord, I want to die daily,"
52:09 if that is your desire this morning,
52:11 I would like to invite you to stand, to stand.
52:22 The second part of the appeal is very specific.
52:25 I am not asking if you feel a certain way,
52:28 I am asking if you know a certain way.
52:33 I was at a GYC ten years ago in 2004, in Sacramento.
52:36 When an appeal was made,
52:37 for people to be willing to give their hearts
52:39 to mission service, and 200 people went forward.
52:42 I was at GYC eight years ago, two years after that,
52:45 and I sat there in a room with the president of A.F.M.
52:48 and asked him, "Of those 200 people that came forward,
52:51 how many of them follow through on their appeal?"
52:54 He put his head down, looked up again,
52:58 one, one.
53:01 But I felt people at GYC were honest,
53:05 I thought if they commit something, they do it.
53:07 Two hundred, one, one.
53:13 Lord, have mercy on us.
53:18 You stand this morning, could you say like a centurion,
53:20 I've nailed Jesus to the cross.
53:22 You stand this morning, could you say like the thief,
53:24 I want to be crucified on the cross with Christ."
53:27 Third part of the appeal is very specific.
53:30 This morning, you know,
53:33 you know that Jesus is calling you to work for Him.
53:38 Now there's many different types of ways
53:40 you can work with Jesus,
53:41 but the appeal I'm going to mention this morning,
53:43 you'd feel God is calling you.
53:45 You know, God is calling you
53:46 to work for Him in some mission field,
53:51 far away or at home.
53:53 And you want to say to God,
53:55 Lord, like Simon I will take up the cross
53:58 and I'll do my master's work.
54:01 There may be other ones of you though.
54:03 And you feel this morning, you know, in your heart
54:08 that you need to sacrifice wherever you're going,
54:11 and whatever you're doing to get some training
54:14 to share the gospel, maybe as a short-term training.
54:17 I know in the booth, all there's a plethora of booths
54:19 that will teach you how to share the gospel.
54:22 Maybe you've had short term training,
54:24 and the Lord is calling you
54:25 to go for long term training four, five, six years.
54:31 This morning,
54:34 you want to dedicate your life to full time service
54:39 in the mission field whatever that be,
54:41 I would like to invite you to come forward.
54:46 You want to say like Simon,
54:47 I will take up my cross and work for you.
54:49 Come forward to my left side please.
54:52 Left side of stage.
54:55 If you want to commit to God,
54:59 not just to say, you'll think about it,
55:00 but you want to commit to God to say,
55:03 "I know, God is calling me to change my life
55:05 and get some training to be a missionary at home
55:07 or further a field."
55:09 I want to invite you to come forward
55:10 to the right side of the stage.
55:14 One mission service,
55:18 one training,
55:22 left side, right side.
55:27 And if it's both, praise the Lord.
55:35 Shortly after this, the ushers will come around,
55:39 but just come forward, keep coming.
55:40 We just have a few moments left.
55:45 You want to say like Simon,
55:47 "I'll carry the cross,
55:49 and I will do the work that Jesus has for me.
55:53 I wouldn't pick the work,
55:54 but I'll just commit to do the work."
55:59 Do the work right side.
56:01 To go and get mission training,
56:03 sorry left side, mission training, right side.
56:05 I get my lefts and rights confused, forgive me.
56:12 Keep coming forward, even if you're in the back,
56:14 and you're pretending to ignore the message,
56:17 but the Holy Spirit still spoke to your heart, come forward.
56:23 If you're watching at home later on,
56:25 if you're watching it on a repeat,
56:28 if you're watching at home now,
56:29 and you want to make that same commitment,
56:30 to make that same commitment as well.
56:32 Wherever you may be...
56:37 Let's bow our heads, guys,
56:39 then I close with a word of prayer.
56:41 Father in heaven Lord,
56:43 You have seen Your children respond to You this morning.
56:47 Lord, bless them
56:50 and whatever they may have to sacrifice,
56:53 they may seem great and in their path,
56:56 give them the strength to be able to do so.
57:00 Lord, those who have committed to mission service,
57:02 I pray that You would take their hearts, take their lives,
57:06 change and mould them for You.
57:08 Guide them where they need to go,
57:11 not where they want to go.
57:14 And deepen the burden,
57:16 and desire on their heart from this day forward
57:19 that the conviction may not fade with time,
57:21 but get stronger and stronger.
57:23 For those Lord, that have committed to get some training,
57:26 Lord, I pray that You would guide them.
57:28 You'll provide them, show them where to go,
57:30 provide them with the means
57:32 that You may bless them abundantly.
57:36 Even if it's a short-term thing
57:38 or if it's the beginning of the change
57:40 of their life trajectory, bless them Lord, I pray.
57:45 Use this army of workers,
57:48 we pray for Your kingdom in Jesus' name we pray.
57:53 Amen. Amen.
57:56 Those of you have come forward, there are some ushers around.


Revised 2016-07-18