Generation of Youth for Christ 2014

Evening Plenary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Elder Ted Wilson, Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 14GYC

Program Code: 14GYC000004B

00:11 Good evening, GYC.
00:14 We're here to fill you in on what God did
00:17 through the evangelism day yesterday,
00:19 how many of you participated in the outreach yesterday?
00:22 Amen. Amen, praise the Lord.
00:24 There were almost 2,000 people who participated.
00:27 God worked in powerful ways
00:29 and I want to read you a few of the things that happened.
00:32 There were about 23,000 pieces of GLOW Literature
00:36 that were passed out.
00:38 There were 1,300 people who are prayed with,
00:40 24, 000 peoples doors were knocked on,
00:44 a 1,372 Desire of Ages were passed out and left in homes
00:50 and there were 220 Bible studies.
00:53 Praise the Lord.
00:55 God is working in powerful ways,
00:56 and I want to share with you a few of the stories
00:58 of how God works.
01:00 Susan has the first story for us.
01:01 Yes, we're really excited.
01:03 Our Good News TV, we already received several calls
01:05 of people wanting to know, how to tune into Good News TV,
01:08 our Christian channel here in Phoenix 24 hours a day.
01:11 And a couple of them even said,
01:13 I'm gonna go run out and get an antennae right now,
01:14 because they didn't have internet,
01:16 they couldn't watch over the internet,
01:17 and so we also wanted to tell you
01:19 about a wonderful person that received a beautiful book,
01:24 Desire of Ages on the life of Christ
01:25 as well as the GLOW tract and the Good News TV book,
01:27 Martha called in saying,
01:29 "I had a couple of wonderful young people at my door,"
01:31 and she said "I gave a donation,
01:33 I can't wait to read the book,"
01:34 and she said "on this book marker it says
01:37 that there's over a 100 churches in Arizona,
01:39 call for a church near you, and I'm looking for a church."
01:42 And so we told,
01:43 we gave her the address of the church near her
01:45 and she was very excited.
01:47 She want to take Bible studies and we called the local pastor
01:50 and he called her to give her a personal invitation,
01:52 make sure she knew all the times and she said,
01:55 she just wanted to relay a thank you
01:57 to this wonderful young people because otherwise,
01:59 she wouldn't have ever found out about the church.
02:01 So praise the Lord.
02:02 Amen, God is working in powerful ways,
02:04 people are in church and they will be in heaven
02:06 as a result of your work.
02:07 Now Craig has something to share with us
02:09 about another powerful outreach opportunity that happened.
02:12 Well, I believe in music evangelism.
02:14 And I was excited to have that opportunity
02:16 right here in Phoenix in Phoenix
02:18 and GYC did a great job of setting it up,
02:20 they invited us to take the orchestra around
02:21 and all the young people here at GYC,
02:23 they volunteered to play
02:24 with Fountainview Academy Orchestra.
02:26 We went to the large Catholic hospital
02:27 just down the street,
02:28 and they'd arranged for us to go in there
02:30 and play a little concert in the lobby
02:32 and to give out the Desire of Ages
02:33 and GLOW tracts.
02:35 And in fact the sister who met me
02:36 showed me this is the table,
02:38 you put your books here and you give them out.
02:39 Music works magic.
02:40 As the kids were playing,
02:42 all the Desire of Ages we had were gone within 10 minutes
02:45 and hundreds of GLOW tracts went out.
02:46 People loved it,
02:48 everyone coming through the lobby was accepting.
02:49 Very few turned anything down. Amen.
02:51 Then they took us into the chapel,
02:53 where they put us on closed circuit TV
02:55 to 400 patients, who watched the concert from there.
02:59 That was exciting but, folks,
03:02 God has appointments for us everywhere.
03:04 It started out with a little frustration,
03:06 the driver called me up and said, "You're the leader,
03:08 they didn't tell me in the contract
03:10 that you'd have instruments.
03:11 This bus is way too full, it won't fit."
03:13 I told him, "Don't worry, I'm a bus driver,
03:14 I love driving, let's put them underneath."
03:15 Helped him out, made friends, he said, "You sit here,
03:18 and help me go where to find or where we are going."
03:20 So we got chatting and right away he said,
03:22 "What religion are you guys?"
03:23 I said, "Seventh-ay Adventist." He said, "Seventh-day, what?"
03:26 That's not what they told us,
03:27 then he gave me his little spiritual history
03:29 and said, "I'm looking for a church."
03:31 Can you imagine?
03:32 So I gave him the address, he maybe watching tonight.
03:35 Jay, if you're watching, we're praying for you
03:37 and I want to say more than that,
03:38 he told us, when he came back to pick us up, he said,
03:40 "I called my girlfriend and she said,
03:42 she went to a cooking class by your church."
03:44 Amen.
03:46 I said, "Look us up, look us up."
03:48 He said, she asked if you're saying for me,
03:50 just then we stopped at the light.
03:52 I said, "Kids, lets sing."
03:53 We sing our favorite, "Prayer is the key to heaven."
03:55 We want to see him in heaven. Please pray for Jay.
03:57 Amen, God can work in powerful ways.
03:59 Jan, and how did you see the Lord working yesterday?
04:01 Well yesterday, before we started out,
04:03 we prayed, my partner and I, we prayed out,
04:06 we thank God for the divine appointments
04:08 that He was going to give us.
04:10 On this one door where we knocked,
04:13 this lady opened the door and we told her,
04:15 "Well, we're here for community service project
04:17 and your donations for this book,
04:19 The Desire of Ages,
04:20 will help the GYC impact your community."
04:24 Well she said, "I don't have any money."
04:27 But she kept looking at the book
04:28 and I wasn't so sure what to make out
04:30 with her look on her face.
04:33 And, well, before she went inside into her house
04:36 to get some money, she said,
04:38 "God sent you here into my door."
04:40 And so we looked at each other, Atille and myself and we said,
04:44 God is working in this house, we're praying, we're praying,
04:47 and so she comes out with a dollar
04:48 and a couple of cents and she said,
04:50 "God has sent you here in my house."
04:52 We asked her, so tell us your story.
04:55 And she said that she was having
04:56 a very hard time in that house.
04:58 Somebody was putting her down,
05:00 and but she knew she couldn't leave that house
05:03 because God put her there for a purpose,
05:05 and so while she was reading her Bible
05:07 and while she was praying,
05:09 God told her, "Wait for the light."
05:11 I wish I asked her what that light was about,
05:13 but the look in her face showed me that,
05:16 there was something about that book
05:17 that was a part of the story.
05:19 So I was very thankful, I am very thankful to God
05:21 that I'm part of this experience of Him
05:23 drawing people to himself.
05:25 Amen. God answers prayers.
05:28 If you're praying to find the Lord,
05:29 He's gonna send someone, amen.
05:31 And many young people have the opportunity
05:34 to be answers to prayer.
05:35 Now if you're interested
05:37 in hearing more stories similar to this,
05:38 we have a book at the GYC booth called The Open Door.
05:42 If you're not here present at the conference,
05:44 you can go to the
05:46 to order your copy
05:48 but it's filled with testimonies
05:49 of how the Lord's worked in powerful ways
05:51 throughout the United States.
05:53 Now, evangelism has finished,
05:55 but what's going to happen with the people
05:56 that we've met, Kevin?
05:58 Yes. This is super, super exciting.
06:00 So each year we do evangelism,
06:02 we go out into the community
06:04 and get or generate all these leads,
06:06 but what happens to these leads.
06:07 Well, this time around beginning now,
06:09 here in Phoenix,
06:11 we are going to be following up on those leads.
06:13 Amen.
06:14 Well, how are we going to be following up on those leads?
06:17 NETS, Northeast Evangelism Training School
06:20 is teaming up with GYC and very, very exciting
06:24 to actually do a training next weekend here in Phoenix.
06:28 And how many of you are from Phoenix or Arizona,
06:31 Phoenix area?
06:33 Amen.
06:34 How many of you are gonna come to the training?
06:36 If you're not, my question is why not?
06:39 It's gonna be at the Camelback Church
06:41 and we're gonna do what's called the NETS Express,
06:44 that will be all weekend, Friday, Saturday,
06:46 and then all day Sunday
06:47 and training on how to follow-up
06:49 on these leads, and what to do with them,
06:51 and there's gonna be some extensive work
06:54 on following up after that as well,
06:56 with some bridge events, we are going to be tallying up
07:00 all the leads that we're having,
07:02 keeping tabs on them, and so on and so forth.
07:05 So very, very exciting.
07:07 You know, I want to let you know
07:08 that for those of you who have participated
07:10 in outreach yesterday,
07:11 that God has worked in a powerful way,
07:14 and without a doubt,
07:15 we know that people will be in the kingdom,
07:17 I can't wait to hear what happens
07:18 as NETS continues to work.
07:20 And we know that God is going to be faithful.
07:21 And I just wanted to say come by our booth at NETS,
07:24 I think it's 424 and the booth that Good News TV
07:28 to come and get a flyer for that training this weekend.
07:30 Amen.
07:32 So if you live in Phoenix, go ahead and get involved.
07:34 Go to the NETS training
07:35 and God is gonna bless in powerful ways.
07:37 Now, I want to ask a question to Thando.
07:41 What is gonna happen,
07:43 now that everyone leaves the conference,
07:45 they're no longer on buses?
07:48 What do we do for evangelism now?
07:50 The good news, Taylor, is that outreach is not over,
07:53 outreach is never over.
07:54 Amen. Amen.
07:56 And we're really excited this year,
07:57 because we're inviting you
07:58 to be a part of virtual outreach
08:00 on March 21st and 22nd of this year.
08:02 And what we're asking you to do is very simple at GYC.
08:06 You go home and pray and just ask God
08:09 what does my community need,
08:11 and how can God use me to impact my community.
08:13 Once you think about your neighborhood,
08:15 your own backyard, your city, your town, your state,
08:18 and just get together with some friends,
08:20 your youth group and just pray and ask God,
08:22 how can we be of service here in our own backyard.
08:25 And as you do that outreach on that day,
08:27 March 21st, 22nd you can be encouraged to know, Taylor,
08:30 that I'm not alone,
08:32 there's these other young people
08:33 are around the world and even around the country
08:35 that are doing this together with me.
08:37 And that if we all did that in our own community,
08:39 that's why we do outreach here.
08:41 Amen. Amen.
08:42 That we can go back home
08:44 and impact our communities for Christ.
08:45 So you're telling me that there's a virtual outreach day,
08:47 people from all over the world March 21st and March 22nd
08:51 people will be doing outreach in their own communities.
08:52 Yes.
08:54 We know that God is gonna work in powerful ways.
08:55 Now the next question is, what resources can I use?
08:59 Michel, you're the VP of Resources for GYC.
09:02 Do you have any idea
09:04 of some resources that we could use?
09:06 Yeah, Well, Taylor, we've already been sharing with you
09:08 a couple of resources that we have
09:09 throughout the conference.
09:11 But we also want to remind you
09:12 that we have some other resources at our booth,
09:14 at the GYC booth in the exhibit hall.
09:17 Can you hold this for me? Thanks.
09:20 How many of you guys canvas this book, this weekend?
09:24 Amen. Yeah, this is a beautiful book.
09:26 If you read The Desire of Ages,
09:28 you know that it's the most beautiful book on Jesus
09:30 that you may ever read.
09:32 And this book answers the question
09:34 of how or who Jesus is
09:36 and how in just three and a half years,
09:38 three and a half short years of life here on this earth
09:41 He changed the world.
09:42 And so we have this book for sale
09:43 at the GYC booth this evening.
09:47 We've also redesigned the Great Controversy
09:48 and reprinted it again once this year.
09:52 And this book will also be available for sale
09:54 at the GYC booth.
09:56 Both books are available in limited quantity,
09:58 so please stop by this evening and pick up your copy.
10:00 Amen.
10:02 So if you want to get involved,
10:03 if you want some books to share with people,
10:04 GYC has redesigned Desire of Ages
10:07 and the Great Controversy.
10:08 Stop by the GYC booth and pick up your copy.
10:10 Now, Nelson, I have a question for you.
10:12 If that's not satisfactory,
10:14 if those two books aren't enough for people,
10:16 is there any other resource
10:18 that you could possibly think of
10:19 that potentially we could use for outreach?
10:24 I'm not sure. Oh! Yes.
10:27 Thank you for reminding me. GLOW tracts.
10:31 We can use GLOW tracts for VOD, Virtual Outreach Day.
10:35 Not only that but we can use GLOW tracts
10:37 throughout the year.
10:38 In fact, for those of you who didn't hear already,
10:41 GYC and GLOW have combined to create a program
10:44 called the One Million GLOW initiative,
10:46 the One Million GLOW Outreach.
10:48 Between now and the next GYC,
10:51 the next 365 days we're challenging everybody at GYC
10:56 to in a cumulative way
10:57 distribute one million GLOW tracts.
10:59 You think we can do that? Amen.
11:01 Yeah, so really what that translates to
11:03 is about one track per GYC attendee per day.
11:08 And the way that we want to do that
11:09 is to encourage every GYC attendee
11:11 to have approximately 300 tracts.
11:14 If you don't have your tracts already at your church,
11:17 or at your house, you want to make sure
11:18 that you stop by the GLOW booth tonight
11:22 because tonight is the last night
11:23 to pick them up without having to pay shipping
11:25 and all that kinds of stuff.
11:26 So we really want to encourage you,
11:27 pick up your tracts.
11:29 Now, another thing about this million track GLOW challenge
11:32 is that it's interactive.
11:33 How are we gonna know
11:34 that we all passed out a million GLOW tracts?
11:36 It's very simple.
11:37 We've made a website, it's called
11:41 GYC what?
11:42 Challenge--
11:44 Please mark it down.
11:46 I have people come to the booth all the time
11:47 asking what's the name of that site?
11:49 not dot org.
11:53 And when you go there, you'll notice that,
11:54 you can actually click on a button
11:56 that says report and you can report the tracts
11:58 that you distribute every single day.
12:01 And there is a chart there which shows the tracts
12:03 as we're distributing them throughout the year.
12:05 Currently we've distributed almost 4,000 tracts.
12:07 Amen. But guess what? Amen.
12:09 10,000 tracts is only 1 percent of a million.
12:12 So we're not even at 1 percent yet.
12:14 So we got a lot of work to do.
12:16 Only 145,000 tracts out of a million
12:18 have been purchased at GYC.
12:20 So we got a lot more tracts to purchase,
12:21 and only a 117 people of all of you
12:24 have signed up your numbers on this website.
12:28 So we've a lot more people to sign up.
12:30 So my encouragement to you is go to the site,
12:32 get your tracts
12:34 and let's distribute a million GLOW tracts for this next year.
12:36 Amen.
12:37 Imagine what that would do
12:38 if there was a million GLOW tracts
12:40 that are no longer in someone's hands,
12:41 or they're not in someone's hands right now,
12:43 but in one year they could be.
12:45 Imagine the difference that would make
12:46 for the kingdom of God.
12:48 Now, Daniela, I want to ask you
12:49 why is evangelism so important to you?
12:52 So when I was 16, I actually got so sick that I almost died.
12:56 And the doctor like made it very clear
12:58 that unless God interpose
13:00 and some mighty miracle happened,
13:01 I was going to die.
13:02 And so when that finally sunk in,
13:04 I thought about my life
13:05 and just things that I would miss, that I regretted.
13:08 And it was interesting that I didn't think about
13:10 how I wouldn't get to finish school,
13:11 and I didn't think about how I hadn't dated anybody,
13:13 and I wouldn't get married,
13:15 and I didn't think about how I wouldn't make money,
13:17 and I wouldn't get to travel around the world.
13:18 The only thing, that kept running through my head
13:20 on a constant loop was, I haven't done enough for God.
13:24 And all I kept thinking over and over was, you know,
13:26 I just recently found out how amazing God
13:28 and what He's done for me and I haven't told anybody yet.
13:31 And it just was over and over, and I thought about
13:33 all the opportunities I had missed,
13:35 opportunities to share His love with other people.
13:37 And so I prayed that God would let me live,
13:39 so I could tell other people about Him, you know,
13:41 and God answered my prayer and I'm very grateful.
13:44 But I think that for all of us at the end,
13:47 the thing that's going to matter
13:48 is did we know God as a friend,
13:50 and did we help other people to know him.
13:52 And so I think especially when we're beginning a year,
13:54 it's just my hope
13:55 that we all live this year without that regret.
13:58 That we seize these opportunities
14:00 to distribute GLOW,
14:01 to participate in Virtual Outreach
14:02 and just the other opportunities God gives us
14:04 to share His love with others,
14:05 because it's so true that there is no greater bliss
14:08 on this side of heaven than winning souls to Christ.
14:10 You know, by God's grace, I pray
14:12 that we can all look back on our lives,
14:14 and see the ways that the Lord has worked.
14:16 Amen.
14:21 I am crucified with Christ
14:25 Therefore I no longer live
14:29 Jesus Christ now lives in me
14:36 I am crucified with Christ
14:40 Therefore I no longer live
14:44 Jesus Christ now lives in me
15:02 Embrace the cross
15:07 Where Jesus suffered
15:10 Though it will cost
15:13 All you claim as yours
15:17 Your sacrifice will seem small
15:21 Beside the treasure
15:24 Eternity can't measure
15:28 What Jesus holds in store
15:37 Embrace the love
15:41 The cross requires
15:44 Cling to the one
15:48 Whose heart knew every pain
15:52 Receive from Jesus
15:55 Fountains of compassion
15:59 Only He can fashion
16:03 Our heart to move as His
16:08 Oh, wondrous cross our desires rest in you
16:15 Lord Jesus make us bolder
16:22 To face with courage the shame and disgrace
16:29 You bore upon Your shoulders
16:40 Embrace the life
16:45 That comes from dying
16:49 Come trace the steps
16:52 The Savior walked for you
16:57 An empty tomb
17:00 Concludes Golgotha's sorrow
17:04 Endure then till tomorrow
17:07 Your cross of suffering
17:16 Embrace the cross
17:21 Embrace the cross
17:25 The cross of
17:27 Jesus.
18:06 Good evening. Good evening.
18:09 That was weak.
18:12 It's been a long day. How are you all doing?
18:15 Praise the Lord.
18:18 What a wonderful experience it is to be here at GYC.
18:23 I've been to many of them,
18:26 and every single one has been a huge blessing
18:29 to my own spiritual walk with the Lord.
18:33 Before we begin our study together this evening,
18:35 we do want to ask
18:36 for the Lord's special blessing.
18:38 And so I invite you reverently
18:40 to bow your heads with me as we pray.
18:44 Our Father and our God,
18:48 Your people are gathered here in this holy place
18:54 to open Your holy book,
18:57 pleading for the help of the Holy Spirit
19:00 to help us understand the message
19:02 that You have for us.
19:04 We ask Father
19:05 that You will manifest Your power in this place,
19:09 that Christ might be seen in all of His glory,
19:14 and we might be inspired to follow in His footsteps.
19:19 We thank You Father for the privilege
19:21 of approaching your throne boldly
19:24 and we do so because we come in the powerful
19:28 and precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
19:32 Amen. Amen.
19:36 In our study this evening, I would like us to focus
19:40 on the last three words that Jesus spoke to His Father,
19:45 when He was on the Cross of Calvary.
19:49 Those three words that Jesus spoke
19:52 were the following "My God, My God,
19:59 why have You forsaken Me?"
20:02 Words that are found in Matthew 27:46.
20:08 The second saying that I would like us to focus on
20:12 is very short.
20:14 It's found in John 19:30
20:18 where Jesus cried out "It is finished!"
20:25 And the third word of Christ, that I would like to focus on
20:29 is the last that Jesus spoke from the cross.
20:33 The words "Father,
20:36 into Your hands I commend My spirit."
20:40 Those words are found in Luke 23:46.
20:46 But before we focus on these three words of Jesus,
20:51 from the cross at the end of his life,
20:56 we need a little bit of background
20:58 of things that happened immediately before.
21:03 In order to understand what happened before,
21:05 we need to comprehend something
21:08 about the Old Testament sanctuary service.
21:13 When an individual sinned in Israel,
21:17 they would bring an animal to the Court of the Sanctuary.
21:22 They would place their hand upon the head of that animal,
21:26 whether it be a lamb, or a goat,
21:29 or another type of animal,
21:31 and they would confess their sin
21:33 on the head of that animal,
21:35 thus transferring their sin
21:37 from themselves to the animal.
21:42 In other words, the sin was transferred to the animal
21:45 while it was alive.
21:49 The animal bore the sin of the sinner,
21:52 while the animal was alive.
21:57 And then the animal of course was slain.
22:02 It's significant
22:04 that the sin was placed on the head of the animal.
22:10 The head is where our brain is.
22:13 It's where we're thinking, reasoning
22:17 and feeling a curse.
22:23 Now, I want us to visit the events that took place
22:26 immediately before the cross.
22:30 Sometimes,
22:32 we think that the cross tells the whole story.
22:37 But the events that lead up to the cross
22:40 are just as important as Jesus hang in the Cross of Calvary.
22:46 So let's visit the Garden of Gethsemane.
22:51 When we think about Jesus burying the sins of the world,
22:55 we usually think of Jesus on the cross.
22:58 But actually the sins of the world
23:01 were placed upon Jesus not at the cross,
23:06 but in the Garden of Gethsemane.
23:10 I'd like us to turn in our Bibles
23:12 to Matthew 26:38.
23:17 Matthew 26:38
23:20 where Jesus is about to begin His passion in the garden.
23:27 And He pronounces these words of anguish,
23:31 Matthew 26:38.
23:34 Then He said to them,
23:35 He is speaking to His disciples,
23:37 "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death.
23:44 Stay here and watch with Me."
23:49 Notice that in this verse we have a connection
23:51 between sorrow and death.
23:54 Jesus said my soul is exceedingly sorrowful
23:59 even unto death and it's sorrow that is going to lead
24:02 ultimately to His death.
24:05 Now in hard times,
24:08 we usually look for support from our friends.
24:14 But Jesus found none.
24:19 Those who came to save
24:22 would soon be crying out crucify Him.
24:27 The disciples whom Jesus begged to pray for Him in the garden
24:32 went to sleep.
24:35 Judas, whom Jesus called His friend
24:39 betrayed the Lord.
24:42 Peter denied Jesus,
24:46 and the last time that he denied Jesus,
24:49 he did it using vulgar language.
24:54 In the garden, the disciples would all flee.
24:58 And that's the reason why we're told in Isaiah 63:3
25:03 that Jesus tread the winepress alone
25:07 and none were with Him.
25:11 In the seventh volume
25:12 of the Bible Commentary page 934,
25:16 Ellen White explains about Jesus.
25:19 He died outside the camp,
25:22 where felons and murderers were executed.
25:28 There He trod the winepress alone,
25:32 burying the penalty
25:34 that should have fallen on the sinner.
25:37 He tread the winepress alone and none was with Him.
25:44 No earthly support.
25:48 And we're gonna notice that as Jesus hung on the cross,
25:51 it seem like, even his Father forsook Him.
25:55 Because He cried out, "My God, My God,
25:57 why have You forsaken Me?"
26:00 So He didn't even feel the support of His own Father.
26:05 Let's follow Jesus now
26:09 a little closer into the garden.
26:12 Matthew 26
26:14 speaks about a cup that Jesus was going to drink.
26:21 Three times Jesus uttered a prayer of anguish
26:24 to His Father.
26:26 I'd like to read those verses,
26:27 the first one is Matthew 26:39.
26:31 We're told there, He went a little further
26:34 and fell on His face and prayed saying,
26:38 "O My Father" you can just hear the passion in His voice.
26:42 "My Father, if it be possible,
26:45 let this cup pass from Me,
26:50 nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
26:56 And then we're told in verse 42
26:58 that Jesus prayed the same prayer again.
27:01 It says there again a second time,
27:03 He went away and prayed saying "O My Father,
27:08 if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it--"
27:11 Notice, He had to drink what was in the cup.
27:16 "Your will be done."
27:18 And then we're told in verse 44.
27:20 So He left them, went away again,
27:23 and prayed the third time, saying the same words.
27:26 Three times Jesus cried out in anguish to His Father
27:29 to take away the cup if it were possible.
27:32 And of course the question is, what was in the cup
27:38 that was so difficult to drink?
27:41 The word cup that is used there,
27:44 it's the same one that is used in Revelation 16:19
27:48 where we are told that Babylon will drink the wine
27:51 of the fierceness of God from the cup.
27:55 So what was in the cup was the wine of God's wrath.
28:01 And the question is who gave Jesus that cup
28:04 with the wine?
28:06 John 18:11 has the answer.
28:09 John 18:11 tells us,
28:13 this is when Peter took out his sword
28:15 and cut off the ear of the servant.
28:18 So Jesus said to Peter,
28:20 "Put your sword into the sheath.
28:23 Shall I not drink the cup
28:27 which My Father has given Me?"
28:33 The cup was given to Him by His own Father,
28:36 to drink that wine of the wrath of God.
28:41 That's why we're told in Isaiah 53:6
28:45 "All we like sheep have gone astray."
28:48 We have turned everyone to his own way.
28:51 And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
28:57 The Lord, the Father laid on Him
29:01 the inequity of us all.
29:04 That's why Jesus suffered such anguish,
29:07 that's why Jesus felt separated from His Father.
29:12 In Desire of Ages, page 753, we find these words.
29:17 "Satan with his fierce temptations
29:20 wrung the heart of Jesus.
29:23 The Savior could not see
29:25 through the portals of the tomb.
29:27 Hope did not present to Him His coming forth
29:30 from the grave as a conqueror,
29:33 or tell Him of His Father's acceptance
29:36 of the sacrifice.
29:38 He feared that sin was so offensive to God
29:43 that their separation was to be eternal."
29:47 And now notice this.
29:49 Christ felt the anguish that the sinner will feel,
29:54 when mercy shall no longer plead for the guilty race.
29:59 He felt like those will feel
30:02 after the door of probation is closed and they're unsaved.
30:07 Ellen White continues, saying it was the sense of sin
30:12 bringing the Father's wrath upon him as men substitute
30:18 that made the cup he drank so bitter
30:21 and broke the heart of the Son of God.
30:25 The Book of Hebrews, young people,
30:28 describes the anguish of Christ.
30:31 In Chapter 5:7 of the Book of Hebrews,
30:34 we find this description of the anguish of Jesus
30:37 in Gethsemane.
30:39 We're told there, who in the days of his flesh,
30:43 when he had offered up, listen to the words now.
30:46 When He had offered up prayers and supplications
30:50 with the human cries and tears to him
30:56 who was able to save him from death
30:57 and was heard because of his godly fear.
31:00 Notice the words
31:03 prayers, supplications, cries, tears
31:09 that He uttered to His Father.
31:12 So terrible was His anguish in Gethsemane
31:15 as the sins of the world were placed upon Him.
31:18 That we're told in Luke 22:44,
31:21 that Jesus sweated great drops of blood.
31:23 It says there and been in agony,
31:25 He prayed more earnestly,
31:28 then His sweat became like the great drops of blood
31:31 falling down to the ground.
31:34 How many of you ever seen anybody
31:36 so filled with anguish that instead of sweating sweat,
31:40 they sweat blood?
31:42 Perhaps, many of you have seen the movie
31:46 that was produced by Mel Gibson,
31:48 The Passion of the Christ.
31:50 You know, the big emphasis there
31:52 besides the emphasis upon Mary,
31:55 because really it's a movie about Mary,
31:57 it's not really a movie about Christ.
31:59 If you look at the subliminal message,
32:01 but if you look at that movie,
32:03 the emphasis falls upon the severe beatings
32:05 that Jesus received.
32:08 But do you know that Jesus would have died in the garden
32:11 even before anybody laid a finger upon Him.
32:15 We're told in a document
32:19 that Ellen White wrote the Bible training school
32:21 for September 1st, 1915.
32:25 Human nature would then and there have died
32:31 under the horror of the sense of sin,
32:35 had not an angel from heaven strengthened Him
32:39 to bear the agony.
32:42 Human nature would have died.
32:43 Jesus did not die of His wounds.
32:47 Jesus died
32:48 because the pressure of sin crushed Him,
32:52 crushed His heart.
32:54 He would have died in the garden
32:56 before anyone even touched Him,
32:59 if it had not been for an angel coming down
33:01 to strengthen Him.
33:05 Now let's take a look at
33:06 the last three declarations on the cross
33:08 that Jesus uttered to His father.
33:11 In John 8:29, we're told something
33:15 about the relationship between Jesus and His father.
33:19 Here Jesus speaks and He says,
33:22 "And he who sent me is with me.
33:27 The father has not left me alone,
33:31 for I always do those things that please him."
33:37 The Father has not left me alone,
33:39 Jesus said during His ministry.
33:42 But in Matthew 27:46,
33:44 as Jesus is hanging on the cross,
33:46 the sins have been placed upon Him
33:49 in the Garden of Gethsemane.
33:50 He has drunk the cup of God's wrath.
33:53 He cries out in anguish from the cross,
33:55 "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"
34:01 Why did Jesus cry out those words?
34:05 Selected Messages, volume 1, page 321,
34:09 Ellen White explains, and listen to this.
34:12 You know, we can't fully understand
34:14 how Jesus felt.
34:16 You know, we feel the tremendous load of guilt
34:18 just for our own sins.
34:21 But Jesus was bearing the guilt of the sins
34:23 of the whole world upon His conscience,
34:26 that's why the sin was placed on the head.
34:29 We're told there in that statement
34:31 from Selected Messages, volume 1, page 321,
34:34 "The guilt of every sin pressed its weight
34:39 upon the divine soul of the world's redeemer."
34:43 The evil thoughts, the evil words,
34:47 the evil deeds of every son and daughter of Adam
34:53 called for retribution upon himself.
34:58 How many sins?
35:02 Once again, the evil thoughts, the evil words,
35:05 the evil deeds of every son and daughter of Adam
35:08 called for retribution upon himself,
35:11 for he had become man's substitute.
35:14 He said, "I'm going to take man's place,
35:16 I'm going to take the place of every single human being."
35:21 She continues saying though the guilt of sin was not his.
35:25 His spirit was torned and bruised
35:28 by the transgressions of men.
35:30 And he who knew no sin became sin for us
35:35 that we might be made
35:37 the righteousness of God in Him.
35:40 You want to know what His anguish was like.
35:42 The prophet Isaiah describes it in Isaiah 53:4-6.
35:47 We find these words, "Surely he has borne our grieves
35:53 and carried out sorrows, yet we esteemed him stricken,
35:59 smitten by God and afflicted.
36:02 But he was wounded for our transgressions,
36:06 he was bruised for our iniquities.
36:09 The chastisement for our peace was upon him
36:13 and with his stripes we are healed.
36:17 All we like sheep have gone astray.
36:19 We have turned everyone to his own way."
36:22 And the Lord has laid on him, the iniquity of us all.
36:29 That's why Jesus cried out on the cross, "My God, my God,
36:33 why have You forsaken Me?"
36:34 It's because of all of our sins,
36:36 plus the sins that we've all everyone committed.
36:39 They were placed upon Jesus Christ
36:42 in the garden in which He bore to the cross.
36:47 So now we know why He cried out,
36:50 "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"
36:55 But now we need to look at the next declaration
36:58 to His Father on the cross, "It is finished."
37:02 I want to read John 19:30,
37:05 "So when Jesus had received the sour wine,
37:08 he said, 'It is finished.'
37:11 And bowing his head, He gave up His spirit."
37:14 Now the question is, to whom was Jesus
37:16 uttering those words.
37:18 When Jesus said, "It is finished,"
37:20 to whom was He speaking, and what had He finished?
37:26 We need to answer those questions.
37:28 First of all,
37:30 we know that Jesus was addressing to the Father.
37:32 The Spirit of Prophecy makes that absolutely clear
37:35 that Jesus was saying to His Father,
37:37 "Father, it is finished."
37:40 But the question is, what was finished?
37:44 The fact is
37:46 that Jesus came to this earth for several reasons,
37:48 but there are two principle reasons.
37:52 The first reason is
37:53 that the law of God requires absolute sinless perfection.
38:00 I like to ask this evening,
38:01 who here can offer the law what the law requires?
38:05 If you said, I can offer it, that's your first sin,
38:10 because you're lying.
38:12 'Cause the Bible says that all have sinned
38:14 and come short of the glory of God.
38:16 There is none righteous, no, not one.
38:19 We are all sinners.
38:23 We can't offer the law the perfection
38:25 that law requires.
38:27 So Jesus came to this world to live the life
38:29 that the law requires from all of us.
38:33 He came to live in our place.
38:36 He came to weave a robe of perfect righteousness
38:40 that He could offer to the law in our place.
38:44 He did that, but He had to do something else.
38:47 You see, He also had to take care
38:49 of the problem of sin.
38:52 And so after Jesus developed His perfect character
38:55 in harmony with the law
38:56 and wove a robe of righteousness,
38:58 then Jesus took upon Himself all of our sins,
39:02 and He died on the cross for those sins.
39:06 He lived for us and He died for us.
39:11 He lived in our place and He died in our place.
39:15 And Jesus was saying to His Father,
39:17 "Father, it is finished."
39:19 There is now a perfect robe available.
39:22 Now I have died for the sins of the whole world.
39:26 The plan of salvation has met with success.
39:31 Now do you know there's this big discussion
39:32 in Adventist theology
39:34 as to whether that salvation was finished
39:38 at the cross or not.
39:41 The fact is that if you read the writings of Ellen White,
39:43 you would seem to find
39:45 that she is ambiguous when it comes to it.
39:47 Some places, she says that Jesus went to heaven
39:50 to finish His work.
39:52 Other statement, she says
39:53 that He finished it at the cross.
39:56 The fact is that at the cross
39:58 Jesus finished the provision for salvation.
40:01 There was a perfect life and a death for sin available,
40:05 but He continues His work applying those
40:08 to those who through repentance and confession
40:11 and faith in Christ claim what Jesus did.
40:17 In fact, Ellen White says in Desire of Ages, page 834,
40:23 "That when Jesus ascended to heaven
40:25 and met with His Father...
40:30 He said to His Father,
40:31 'I have completed the work of redemption.'"
40:37 Don't misunderstand,
40:38 He had completed the provision for redemption.
40:42 But now individuals must claim what Jesus did personally,
40:48 His life and His death as our own.
40:53 So when Jesus on the cross said, "It is finished,"
40:56 He was speaking to His Father and He was saying,
40:58 "Father, there is now a perfect life
41:00 and a death for sin
41:02 that everyone can claim as their own."
41:06 And then we find the last declaration of Christ
41:08 on the cross.
41:10 Luke 23:46 says,
41:13 "And when Jesus had cried out with the loud voice,
41:16 He said, "Father, into Your hands,
41:21 I commend my spirit."
41:24 And having said this, He breathed his last.
41:28 You know, it's interesting,
41:30 Jesus felt forsaken by His Father.
41:33 He had said, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
41:36 But notice that when He dies, He does not die without hope,
41:42 because He says to the same father
41:44 that he said, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
41:46 He says to the same individual, to the same Father, He says,
41:50 "Father, into your hands, I commend My spirit."
41:55 What did Jesus mean when he said,
41:56 I commend My spirit?
41:58 You know, we usually think of the spirit
41:59 just as being the breath.
42:01 But, you know, the spirit is the breath
42:02 along with identity of the person.
42:06 It is the breath along with their personal identity.
42:10 In other words, with their character.
42:13 See, when we die,
42:15 God keeps a record of our character
42:17 to give us when we resurrect.
42:19 So Jesus was saying to His Father,
42:21 "Father, preserve My spirit, My character in Your record,
42:25 because You promised that if I was successful,
42:28 You were going to resurrect Me."
42:30 The servant of the Lord, in the book Maranatha, page 301
42:33 has this remarkable statement.
42:36 The little old lady understood it.
42:39 She says, "Our personal identity
42:43 is preserved in the resurrection,
42:46 though not the same particles of matter or material substance
42:51 as went into the grave.
42:53 The wondrous works of God are a mystery to man."
42:56 And now listen carefully, the spirit,
43:00 the character of man is returned to God,
43:05 there to be preserved.
43:08 What is that that's preserved, only your breath?
43:11 No, what's preserved is your personal identity,
43:15 your character, who you were during your life.
43:19 And then she continues saying, "In the resurrection,
43:22 every man will have his own character."
43:24 Jesus was saying, "Father,
43:27 You've promised that if I was successful,
43:29 You're going to give My sprit back
43:31 into Your hands I commend My spirit.
43:36 Jesus felt forsaken by His Father,
43:40 but He knew that He was not forsaken.
43:42 You say, well, how can Jesus feel forsaken,
43:45 and at the same time utter these words of hope
43:49 as He is dying.
43:51 Ellen White explains it in a beautiful way.
43:54 In the Bible Echo, September 15, 1892, she says,
43:59 "But when, in his expiring agonies,
44:04 despair pressed upon the soul of the redeemer.
44:09 He relied upon the evidences that had heather to
44:13 that is up to this point
44:14 had been given him of His Father's acceptance.
44:18 And as he yielded up his precious life
44:21 by faith alone, He rested in him
44:25 whom it had been his joy to obey."
44:28 He knew his father from previous experience.
44:33 She continued saying, "Though all was enshrouded with gloom,
44:37 yet amid the awful darkness
44:39 which was felt even by sympathizing nature.
44:42 The redeemer drained the mysterious cup
44:46 to the dregs.
44:48 Though he realizes, but dimly that he shall triumph."
44:52 Notice he recognize dimly that he would triumph.
44:58 He cries with the loud voice, "Father,
45:00 into the hands I commend My spirit."
45:04 He's acquainted
45:06 with the character of His Father.
45:09 He understands His justice, His mercy, and His great love.
45:15 He knew His Father from previous experience.
45:18 He felt separated from His Father,
45:20 but He knew that His Father was not separated from Him,
45:24 because He knew Him from previous experience.
45:27 She continues saying, "In submission,
45:30 He commends Himself to God,
45:33 amid the convulsions of nature,
45:35 the amazed spectators hear the dying words
45:38 of the Son of Man, "It is finished."
45:45 Jesus died a victorious man.
45:48 He did not allow anything to discourage Him.
45:53 He was tempted to allow His feelings
45:57 to dictate the way in which He felt.
46:02 In fact, Ellen White says that the devil pressed upon his mind
46:06 that if he went through with this,
46:09 human beings would not be saved
46:10 because God's justice would not make it possible.
46:13 And then He would lose Himself for ever.
46:18 And yet Jesus did not depend upon His feelings
46:21 and His thoughts and emotions.
46:23 He depended on the promises of His Father.
46:28 Because He knew His Father from personal experience
46:32 and so Jesus rested in the tomb.
46:36 Very early, the first day of the week,
46:39 two angels descended from heaven.
46:42 One removed the stone,
46:44 the other stood before the tomb,
46:47 and with the loud voice said, "Oh, thou Son of God,
46:52 thy Father calls thee."
46:54 Do you notice the connection,
46:56 father into your hands I commend my spirit.
46:57 The angel comes down and says,
46:59 "Thy father calls thee."
47:03 Ellen White describes it,
47:05 "Then the angel from heaven with a loud voice
47:08 that caused the earth to quake, cried out, thou son of God,
47:13 thy Father calls thee, come forth."
47:17 And Jesus came forth.
47:20 His father fulfilled His promise.
47:24 Now there is this question, who resurrected Jesus?
47:28 Was it the Father, was it the angel,
47:32 or was it Jesus Himself?
47:35 Allow me to read your statement from Ellen White,
47:37 and then I'm going to read a passage from John 10.
47:42 Seventh-day Adventist Bible commentary, volume 5,
47:44 page 1,114, Ellen White had this to say about Jesus.
47:51 "He who died for the sins of the world
47:54 was to remain in the tomb the allotted time.
47:59 He was in that stony prison house
48:02 as a prisoner of divine justice.
48:06 He was responsible to the judge of the universe.
48:12 He was burying the sins of the world
48:14 and His Father only could release Him.
48:20 He was a prisoner of divine justice.
48:23 Only His Father could release Him,
48:25 that's why Jesus said,
48:26 "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.
48:29 Make sure you call me out as You've promised."
48:34 Now I know there's a passage that seems to indicate
48:36 that Christ resurrected Himself.
48:39 But let's read it carefully.
48:41 John 10:17 and 18, John 10:17 and 18,
48:47 here Jesus is speaking, He says,
48:49 "Therefore my father loves me,
48:51 because I laid down My life that I may take it up again."
48:57 See, Jesus took it up. But let's continue reading.
49:00 No one take if from me, but I lay it down of myself.
49:06 I have power, the word power is better translated authority,
49:11 is the Greek word Exousia, it's not Dunamis.
49:15 I have power to lay it down
49:18 and I have power to take it up again.
49:20 Why? Let's finish the verse.
49:22 This command, I have received from My Father.
49:28 There's the biblical basis for the comment by Ellen White.
49:31 There was a prisoner of divine justice.
49:34 And He relied on the promises of the Father,
49:36 That he had learned to love
49:37 that He knew by personal experience.
49:40 And His Father resurrected Him.
49:43 What does all of this have to us?
49:45 Listen, folks, we're in this nice place,
49:49 I'm in a real nice room.
49:53 I enjoy my cell phone, my iPhone, the newest one.
50:02 All of the gadgets and all of the advantages,
50:04 and all the conveniences, but you know what,
50:07 all of this is very soon going to come crashing down.
50:13 And we're going to go through the same experience as Jesus.
50:17 Listen to this remarkable statement
50:20 found in the Review and Herald, April 14, 1896.
50:23 We're going to go over the same ground as Jesus.
50:27 There Ellen White explains,
50:30 "The forces of darkness will unite with human agents
50:36 who have given themselves into the control of Satan,
50:40 and the same scenes
50:43 that were exhibited at the trial, rejection,
50:46 and crucifixion of Christ will be revived."
50:50 Did you catch that?
50:52 She says, the same sins
50:54 that were exhibited at the trial, rejection,
50:56 and crucifixion of Christ will be revived.
50:59 Through yielding to satanic influences,
51:02 men will be transformed into fiends.
51:06 The word "Fiend" means an evil spirit or a demon
51:09 or a very wicked or cruel person.
51:13 And she continues saying,
51:14 and those who were created in the image of God,
51:18 who were formed to honor and glorify their creator
51:21 will become the habitation of dragons.
51:24 And Satan will see in a apostate race,
51:27 his masterpiece of evil, men who reflect his own image."
51:35 Therefore in life,
51:38 we're going to go through the same experience.
51:43 Jesus died with nothing,
51:46 not even His clothes.
51:51 Satan is going to try and convince God's people
51:53 that their sins are too great to be forgiven.
51:56 Have you ever read the chapter on the time of trouble?
52:00 That they will never see God's reconciling face.
52:04 Ellen White says that as God's people
52:06 think about the past, their hopes begin to sink.
52:10 But then, like, Jesus--
52:12 they will say Father, "We know You,
52:16 we know You from personal experience.
52:19 Even though we feel that You'll never accept us,
52:22 that we'll never see Your face, we trust in Your promises."
52:27 You see, God's people are gonna lose everything
52:30 while following in the footsteps of Jesus.
52:34 We won't be able to trust our emotions, our feelings,
52:39 human friendships, family ties, material possessions,
52:46 or even a feeling of the presence of God.
52:51 God's people will have no human support.
52:54 It will appear that they don't even have the support of God,
52:58 but they will overcome,
53:01 not because of what they feel or what they think,
53:05 but because they know God and they trust in His promises.
53:10 Like Job, which is a typological book,
53:13 it really is a book that describes this time of trouble
53:16 that God's people will go through.
53:18 Like Job, God's people will say,
53:20 "Though he slain me, yet will I trust in Him.
53:24 I know that my redeemer lives.
53:27 And that in my flesh, I will see God."
53:31 In Great Controversy, 621, Ellen White explains
53:35 about God's people during this period,
53:38 their reflection is great,
53:40 the flames of the furnace seem about to consume them,
53:44 but the refiner will bring them forth
53:47 as gold tried in the fire.
53:50 God's love for His children
53:52 during the period of their severest trial
53:54 is as strong and tender
53:56 as in the days of their sunniest prosperity.
54:00 But it is needful for them
54:02 to be placed in the furnace of fire.
54:04 Their earthliness must be consumed,
54:08 that the image of Christ
54:10 may be perfectly reflected.
54:15 Do you want to have that experience?
54:20 Do you want to have that experience?
54:21 I ask again. Yes.
54:24 Are we willing to invest the necessary resources
54:28 for this to happen?
54:31 You know, basically, it takes three things.
54:34 An intense life of prayer,
54:39 secondly,
54:41 a careful study of God's word,
54:46 and number three going out
54:48 and experiencing what Jesus experienced
54:51 in witnessing to others.
54:54 That's the way in which we form a personal relationship,
54:57 a personal link with Jesus.
54:59 So that when crunch time comes, when the trials come,
55:05 even though we don't feel like God is with us,
55:09 we know, He is,
55:11 because we have learned to trust Him
55:13 in times of relative prosperity.
55:19 I'm going to ask you this evening,
55:20 if you want me to have a special prayer for the Lord
55:23 to give you that kind of commitment
55:25 that you will take a stand, that you'll stand this evening.
55:29 As we have a word of prayer,
55:31 this army of youth has power in the hands of God
55:37 to help finish God's work in this world.
55:40 Let's form that relationship with the Lord.
55:43 So that it can be a reality. And Jesus can come soon.
55:47 I'm tired of living in this sin sick world, are you?
55:50 It's time to go home.
55:51 Let us pray, Father in heaven,
55:55 thank You Father for being willing to send Jesus,
55:58 Your beloved Son.
56:00 We know that it was difficult for You to do so,
56:07 but we thank You that You were willing
56:08 to make this great sacrifice to send Him.
56:12 Not so that He could be one of us for a season,
56:14 but for ever.
56:17 We also thank Jesus
56:18 for what He was willing to come and do.
56:21 Father, we want that personal intimate relationship
56:25 with Jesus.
56:27 Oh, Lord, as we go back to our rooms this evening,
56:32 help us to reflect upon these things.
56:35 Give us the spirit of prayer,
56:38 the spirit of study of Your holy word
56:40 that we might fall in love with Your holy word.
56:43 And Father, help us to see in the faces of others,
56:46 a candidate for the kingdom of heaven.
56:49 For Jesus love them.
56:52 And as His followers, we must love them too.
56:56 Thank You Father, for being with us
56:59 and for answering our prayer,
57:02 for we ask it in the powerful name
57:07 of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
57:11 Amen.


Revised 2016-08-04