ASI Conventions, 2014

Music / Offering in Action / Sermon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Eric Walsh, Water for Life Ministry


Series Code: 14ASIC

Program Code: 14ASIC000012A

04:07 Welcome to another offering and action segment.
04:10 We are thrilled to be able to bring to you each program,
04:15 a project that your offerings
04:18 have supported, or will support.
04:21 With me is Gary Bartholomew.
04:24 He is the Director for "Water for Life Ministry."
04:28 And, Gary, I'd like for you to first tell us,
04:31 what will the offerings that you will receive,
04:35 because I know God is going to bless us this year,
04:38 how will that help "Water for Life"?
04:41 By providing funding for Bible workers, Debbie,
04:44 to do evangelism, outreach.
04:47 Okay, now, Gary, I'm a little confused.
04:49 You're talking about Bible workers.
04:52 I clearly see that this is not a Bible worker uniform.
04:55 No.
04:56 And I thought that your ministry name
04:58 was "Water for Life."
05:00 So what do Bible workers have to do with "Water for Life"?
05:04 Debbie, we drill water wells in remote villages of Guatemala
05:09 and that lays a foundation then,
05:12 to do evangelism.
05:14 We build a relationship in those villages
05:17 that we never lose, by providing safe water.
05:21 So you're doing exactly what ASI says and promotes,
05:25 that we don't look at ministry and business as separate,
05:30 but one and the same?
05:31 Exactly, exactly.
05:32 I see. I see.
05:34 So give us some examples of what,
05:36 "Water for Life" is doing.
05:38 I think you have some pictures that you want to walk through.
05:40 Yeah, we'll visit a little bit about
05:43 "Water for Life."
05:45 How many of you are thankful for safe water?
05:49 Amen.
05:50 1.2 billion people do not have safe water.
05:53 There's 10,000 a day, in the world, that die,
05:58 because of lack of safe water.
06:00 Most of those are children under five,
06:02 because they are the most vulnerable.
06:07 And three full-time clinics, another way of saying it,
06:12 three full-time clinics in a village
06:14 cannot do the same work as safe water.
06:17 So that's what we are up to,
06:19 and it is verifiable that where we drill,
06:22 mortality drops, Debbie.
06:24 Well, that's wonderful.
06:25 So you're saving lives not just so they don't die,
06:29 but so that they have a promise
06:30 for eternal life in the kingdom.
06:31 That's right.
06:32 We also provide dental
06:34 and medical help in the villages
06:36 when we are drilling water wells.
06:37 Wonderful.
06:38 Now I know that they have gone--
06:40 They were scrolling through the pictures.
06:42 You had some descriptions
06:44 to go along with those pictures.
06:45 So we're gonna ask if we can maybe start those over.
06:48 And you were talking about,
06:50 on the first picture, "Slower is Better."
06:53 We're not used to that in North America, are we?
06:56 No. Slower is better.
06:57 You can see that's not a new rotary drill,
07:00 that's the old cable tool drill.
07:03 We spend a week or two in a village
07:05 and that's building a relationship.
07:08 Our well drillers there, by the way,
07:10 are non-Adventists.
07:13 "Water for Life" is an all volunteer project.
07:17 And we had one Adventist fellow come from New York this year.
07:22 He had a wonderful time, but we do--
07:25 We build relationships with our drillers too.
07:28 They have a heart to help or they would not be there.
07:31 Tell us about that second picture
07:33 that's gonna come up?
07:34 Can you stick out your tongue?
07:35 ASI, can you stick out your tongue?
07:37 Okay, some of you can. This little fellow could not.
07:41 Our dental team came across him,
07:43 he was tongue-tied, he couldn't eat well,
07:46 he couldn't speak well,
07:48 and they were able to clip that tissue.
07:50 This was the first time he stuck his tongue out.
07:52 You know, I'm gonna-- I'm not a prophet,
07:55 but I'm gonna predict,
07:56 he may be preaching for God someday,
07:58 because he lives just across the trail
08:00 from one of the churches that we built.
08:02 Oh, isn't that wonderful? Yeah.
08:03 And, you know, we're about
08:05 building relationships and trust.
08:08 The next photo shows little Marlene.
08:11 I didn't show the picture before her surgery.
08:13 She had a huge, grotesque tumor,
08:16 right between her eyes.
08:18 It was large as an orange. It affected her eyesight.
08:23 They could not operate, you know, in Guatemala
08:26 because they figured it was too close to her brain.
08:29 We were able to find a Loma Linda trained physician,
08:33 sent her to the States,
08:35 they trusted that she would have the proper surgery
08:40 and now she's back in her village,
08:42 as that picture shows.
08:43 She runs like a race horse
08:45 with all the rest of the little kids.
08:46 The next picture, as ASI members,
08:51 we build up and support
08:54 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
08:55 and this is one of the little churches
08:57 that we've built.
08:59 It's actually fold-of-the-brim
09:00 we've added on to the back of it now, for the children.
09:03 There are so many children that come.
09:05 So you've not only drilled wells,
09:08 but you're building churches,
09:09 and I think you even have evangelistic series
09:12 you're doing that?
09:13 Yes, the next shows that.
09:15 Brenda, on the left, is 17 years old
09:19 and Adrianne, on the right, is 12.
09:22 She said, "I want to go do an evangelistic meeting.
09:27 And you know why? Because my brother did.
09:31 He went down when he was 12."
09:33 Well, they did a series of meetings
09:35 and they had 13 baptisms, praise the Lord.
09:37 Amen.
09:38 The total in the country of Guatemala,
09:40 at this point, is nearing 3,000 souls
09:43 that have given their lives to the Lord.
09:45 So you have quite a number of water wells
09:49 that have been drilled.
09:50 Yes.
09:51 And you have more that need to be drilled.
09:54 But you're kind of, had us at a wait-point
09:56 and that's why ASI's offering is gonna help
09:59 because we need to--
10:01 Tell us.
10:03 Yeah, the Lord-- Help me figure this out.
10:04 The Lord blessed with so many wells last year.
10:06 Usually we drill six, or eight, or ten and last winter,
10:10 we drilled seventeen and so now,
10:13 we need help to catch up--
10:16 With all the possibilities of evangelism out there.
10:20 And I do have a little story to tell about a orphanage.
10:23 Tell us that story.
10:24 A request came to us and said,
10:26 "Could you drill for the orphanage?"
10:28 I said, "Oh, we're probably
10:31 more then full already, we can't."
10:33 Well, our drillers found out about the orphanage
10:36 and they said, "Gary, we'll drill at night
10:39 if we need to."
10:40 Bear in mind, these are volunteers.
10:43 They are there because of the passion in their hearts.
10:47 I'll never forget my first visit
10:49 to that orphanage.
10:50 A little 11-year-old girl, nursing her newborn.
10:55 And we see things like that,
10:57 all the orphans have a horrible story,
11:01 but we can bring hope.
11:02 We brought water to that orphanage,
11:05 that's no longer a stress to them.
11:07 And we can bring the hope of the Water of Life.
11:12 Yes, absolutely.
11:13 Gary, thank you so much for sharing
11:15 and for "Water for Life"
11:16 does for the spreading of the gospel.
11:20 Thank you. Thank you.
11:23 Good evening, ASI.
11:25 It's my pleasure and privilege
11:27 to introduce our speaker this evening, Dr. Eric Walsh.
11:31 He's a graduate of Oakwood University
11:33 and the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
11:36 as well as Loma Linda University School
11:38 of Public Health.
11:40 And he has had the distinction
11:41 of serving on several Presidential Advisory Councils
11:45 on HIV/AIDS for several US presidents.
11:49 He has also been on committees at the CDC,
11:52 as well as committees for a former Surgeon General.
11:56 He most recently was the Director
11:58 and Health Officer for the City
12:00 of Pasadena's Health Department in California.
12:03 And Dr. Walsh is also a much sort after speaker
12:06 on many contemporary public health issues.
12:10 But for many of us,
12:12 we know Dr. Walsh in a different capacity
12:14 and that's in his ministry capacity.
12:17 Although he stays very busy
12:18 in his professional career and public service,
12:20 he travels the world and, as I like to think of him,
12:24 he's a fearless preacher.
12:27 He is also associate pastor
12:29 of the Altadena SDA Church in California.
12:32 And I'm sure you've seen him in various youth conferences
12:35 such as GYC and in many places around the world.
12:39 Now from my knowledge
12:41 and acquaintance with Dr. Walsh,
12:42 one thing is for sure,
12:45 that is that he's not afraid to lift Jesus up
12:48 in all areas of his life,
12:52 and sometimes even at great cost to himself.
12:55 While exemplifying Christian excellence
12:57 in all his capacities,
12:58 he is a man who would rather go to the lion's den,
13:02 than to close his window because of popular pressure.
13:06 And as a frequent speaker on AudioVerse,
13:09 I've seen first-hand the impact that his preaching
13:13 as well as his recent testimony
13:14 has had on countless lives around the world.
13:18 And so tonight, as he presents God's word to us,
13:22 I pray that we may each be encouraged
13:24 to stand for the right, though the heavens fall.
13:33 Good evening ASI.
13:36 And happy Sabbath.
13:40 It's a privilege and an honor to be here tonight
13:42 and to share, for few minutes,
13:45 God's word with you as we wrap up
13:49 what was a very productive
13:51 and spiritual and powerful conference.
13:56 I want to ask if you have your Bible.
13:58 If you turn with me in your Bible
14:00 to the Book of Jeremiah.
14:02 Jeremiah, the 19 Chapter.
14:05 Jeremiah Chapter 19.
14:08 And I want to ask you to read with me verses 7 and 8.
14:12 Sorry, Jeremiah 20:7-8.
14:16 Jeremiah 20: 7-8.
14:21 Jeremiah 20: 7-8, now read in your hearing.
14:27 "O Lord, thou hast deceived me,
14:32 and I was deceived, thou art stronger than I,
14:36 and hast prevailed, I am in derision daily,
14:41 everyone mocks me.
14:45 For since I spake, I cried out,
14:48 I cried violence and spoil,
14:51 because the word of the Lord was made a reproach unto me,
14:56 and a derision, daily."
14:59 A message this Sabbath evening
15:03 is entailed "Fire to Refine."
15:08 "Fire to Refine."
15:10 Let us pray.
15:12 Father God, we thank you, Lord,
15:13 for this opportunity to study your word
15:18 and Lord, to close out your holy Sabbath day in worship.
15:24 I ask now that You, Lord,
15:27 make me a clean vessel, an empty vessel, Lord.
15:34 And fill this vessel, Lord, with Your word
15:35 and with Your truth and with Your love.
15:39 Father God, let no one pay attention to the vessel.
15:42 Instead tonight, let us hear a word
15:43 from the throne room of grace,
15:46 as our prayer in Jesus is precious in holy name.
15:49 Amen.
15:51 If you go back to Jeremiah Chapter 19,
15:53 we're gonna look at Jeremiah's life,
15:57 a piece of his life and some of his story.
16:00 And we're gonna look at some of those verses
16:02 and how they are applicable to our lives today
16:05 and my life in particular,
16:06 with some of the things I've recently been through.
16:09 In Jeremiah Chapter 19, starting at verse 14,
16:12 The Bible says, "Then came Jeremiah from Tophet,
16:16 whither the Lord had sent him to prophesy,
16:18 and he stood in the court of the Lord's house,
16:21 and said to all the people,
16:24 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel,
16:26 Behold, I will bring upon this city
16:29 and upon all her towns all the evil
16:32 that I have pronounced against it,
16:34 because they have hardened their necks,
16:35 that they might not hear my words."
16:39 Jeremiah goes in, he stands in the outside of the temple,
16:43 he stands in a prominent place
16:45 and he had just come back from Tophet,
16:47 where he had pronounced very serious penalties
16:52 against the people there because of their sins.
16:55 He takes that same prophecy.
16:57 He brings it to the temple, brings to Jerusalem
16:59 and he begins to prophesy again, boldly.
17:01 Jeremiah is prophesying
17:03 and he is speaking what God asked him to speak,
17:06 warning the people of Jerusalem,
17:08 warning the nation of Judah, that time is running out,
17:13 that if they are not careful,
17:15 God is going to allow great destruction
17:17 to come upon them and they have an out,
17:20 they can always of course, repent,
17:22 they can come back to God
17:23 and he gives even other options that are interesting.
17:26 Jeremiah also says that,
17:28 it might be better to just go along with the Babylonians
17:31 than to fight the Babylonians on this.
17:35 But Jeremiah gets in trouble
17:36 because there are false prophets also working
17:38 and they are saying the opposite.
17:40 They are saying that God will not allow the Babylonians
17:43 to harm the nation of Judah.
17:45 Israel, of course, by now had already been taken in.
17:48 Their argument is that as long as they do
17:51 what they've been doing, God is going to protect them.
17:56 You turn to Chapter 20 in verse 1.
18:00 Enters in an interesting character name Pashur
18:02 the son of Immer, the priest,
18:05 who's also the chief governor in the house of the Lord.
18:08 He had heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things.
18:10 Now he was upset,
18:11 because he's one of these false prophets prophesying
18:14 against what Jeremiah has been saying.
18:17 Then Pashur smote Jeremiah.
18:19 The Bible says that he beats Jeremiah
18:22 and put him in stocks that were in a high gate of Benjamin,
18:25 which was by the house of the Lord.
18:27 Jeremiah's reward for preaching the gospel
18:29 is that he's beaten and he's placed in the stocks.
18:32 And the stocks, his arms and his feet are put in,
18:35 his head is put in,
18:36 he's in a very uncomfortable position
18:38 and he's left there overnight to suffer.
18:45 The next day, in verse 3 of Chapter 20,
18:49 the Bible says, "And it came to pass on the morrow,
18:52 that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks.
18:55 Then Jeremiah said unto him,
18:58 The Lord hath not called your name Pashur,
19:00 but Magor-missabib."
19:03 Which means, terror on every side.
19:07 In fact the next verse was forced as,
19:08 "For thus saith the Lord,
19:10 behold, I will make you a terror to yourself,
19:12 and to all your friends
19:14 and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies,
19:16 and thine eyes shall behold it:
19:19 and you Pashur and that dwell in that house
19:21 shall go into captivity
19:23 and you shall come to Babylon and there you will die."
19:28 And you will be buried there, you and all your friends.
19:31 Which friends does the Bible say?
19:33 The friends to whom you prophesied lies.
19:39 Jeremiah is a bold preacher,
19:41 after being punished, beaten, put in the stocks,
19:44 as soon as he is released from his punishment,
19:47 Jeremiah gets right back on the word
19:50 and actually condemns the man who punished him.
19:54 He is bold. He's fearless.
19:56 And if you stop the chapter there
19:58 and move on in the story of Jeremiah,
20:00 you will miss really, the crux of what's happening
20:03 because all of this is important as it is,
20:05 historically and in what's gonna happen
20:07 to Judah is secondary,
20:09 in my opinion, especially since what I've just been through,
20:12 to what actually happens
20:13 to Jeremiah in his spiritual life.
20:17 And the Bible begins to reveal to you,
20:19 what happens when you're persecuted.
20:21 What happens when you are the one speaking
20:24 an unpopular truth.
20:29 If you go down, the King James Version
20:33 and many of verses actually switch
20:34 from prose to a poetry form here,
20:37 where Jeremiah begins to pray.
20:38 He begins to speak to God, face to face,
20:42 almost as it were in terms of how open he is,
20:45 and how he allows himself to be transparent with God
20:48 and in verse 7 of Chapter 20, Jeremiah says,
20:52 "O Lord, You have deceived me
20:57 and I was deceived."
21:00 Now why does Jeremiah say that,
21:01 there's a lot of reasons people give for that,
21:03 but if you just go all the way back
21:05 to the beginning of the Book of Jeremiah,
21:07 you find that he has promised
21:09 early on in the Book of Jeremiah
21:11 that he should gird up his loins and that he--
21:14 And in verse 18 of Chapter 1, the Bible says,
21:17 "For, behold, I have made you this day
21:19 a fenced city, Jeremiah.
21:21 You are an iron pillar, of brazen walls
21:23 against the whole land,
21:24 against the Kings of Judah, against the princes thereof,
21:27 against the priests thereof,
21:30 against the people of the land."
21:33 He says, "And they shall fight against you,
21:35 but they will not prevail against you,
21:38 for I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you."
21:43 Now Jeremiah then goes to God and says,
21:45 look, I feel as if I was tricked.
21:49 I was promised that I would be protected.
21:51 I was promised I'd be a fenced city.
21:54 I was gonna be like an iron pillar.
21:55 All of these great promises when I began my ministry,
21:58 all of this was promised to me, but look what's happening.
22:01 I'm mocked all day long. I'm isolated.
22:04 I have been beaten. I've been put in the stocks.
22:06 God, it seems as if I have been duped, Jeremiah says.
22:15 There's often a misunderstanding we,
22:19 as Christians, have about what it means to serve God
22:25 and to sometimes, have to suffer.
22:28 And I could tell you that I've just through that.
22:30 Many of you heard or seen on the internet,
22:32 some of my story and...
22:35 I was there in Pasadena,
22:36 working in a public health department
22:37 in a local government role, a job I really enjoyed.
22:40 Really loved the job, I loved what I was doing,
22:42 I love that I was trained in our institution,
22:45 Loma Linda, with a Masters in Public Health
22:47 and a Doctorate in Public Health
22:49 and I was able to take those skills
22:50 and the skills I learned in medical school
22:52 and applied them to populations
22:53 and try and improve people's health.
22:56 In fact, a week before all the negative stories broke,
22:59 there was a very positive story
23:00 that we'd opened up a dental clinic
23:03 for HIV positive individuals
23:05 and we were able to fund this clinic
23:07 and allow those individuals to get care
23:09 and I took great pride in the idea
23:11 that those individuals,
23:13 often very poor and alienated in our society,
23:15 would be allowed the opportunity
23:17 to get first class,
23:19 first rate dental care and services,
23:22 to go along with the medical care
23:23 and the mental health care
23:25 and all of the other things that we did.
23:28 A week later, the story broke
23:30 and lots of negativity came against me,
23:33 most of it for Protestant Christian stands and values.
23:38 It happened because in the initial spea--
23:41 I was asked to speak for commencement
23:43 for the Pasadena City College
23:45 and I didn't know that there was any back-story,
23:47 so I accepted the invitation to speak for commencement
23:49 and didn't think much of it,
23:51 but found out later on that there was a back-story.
23:53 There was another person who was asked to speak
23:55 and then that person was later,
23:59 had their invitation rescinded and taken back from them.
24:02 And that person was quite upset
24:04 and it was because of some things
24:06 that were found on the internet
24:07 that weren't flattering for that individual.
24:10 And so the President said, "Hey, don't invite him,"
24:13 and he looked around for who he could invite,
24:15 it was last minute and I saw the list,
24:17 I saw some pretty popular celebrity names
24:19 on the list and, I guess everybody else said no,
24:21 so finally they called me.
24:24 And you know, just wanting to serve in a community
24:28 and encourage students, I said yes to that.
24:32 What I didn't know was that basically sparked a witch hunt.
24:35 There were students who decided that,
24:38 it wasn't fair what was done to the original speaker
24:40 and so they were gonna come after,
24:42 I think, whoever was chosen to speak
24:45 and that was me.
24:47 And when they went online to find things
24:50 to damage my reputation or to cause the school to,
24:53 maybe not, chose me,
24:54 what they found wasn't any scandal,
24:56 there was no embezzlement, there was nothing like that,
24:59 it was just a lot of sermons.
25:03 And based on how the whole thing played out,
25:07 they had to have listened to a lot of hours of the sermons
25:11 because they just took little snippets and of course,
25:14 by taking them out of context and framing a new context,
25:18 they really were able to frame me
25:19 as a very terrible person.
25:22 I was called in the papers a bigot.
25:24 I was called a homophobe.
25:26 I was called all kinds of names that simply weren't true.
25:31 And what was shocking as we'll talk about is that,
25:33 many of the simple fundamental Christian things
25:35 that Christians of all denominations believe,
25:38 became fodder to burn and to fire against me.
25:46 And I was caught up in a media windstorm.
25:51 Wasn't prepared for it,
25:52 never thought I'd be caught in it,
25:53 never prepared for it, had no PR person.
25:56 I didn't have a fixer, as they--
25:58 Some of these people on TV talk about.
26:00 I didn't have any of that stuff.
26:02 And I was beat up so bad.
26:04 The first couple of days,
26:05 I was where Jeremiah is in this text.
26:09 Lord, what did I do to deserve this?
26:12 At this point, it began to become clear
26:14 that my livelihood would be taken.
26:16 It began to be clear, after a few more days,
26:18 that not only would I lose my--
26:20 Probably I have to walk away from this job that I love,
26:22 but I would probably, at some point,
26:24 lose even the ability to stay in this field that I was in.
26:30 That my name was being so maligned,
26:32 that it would be difficult for me
26:33 to get a job anywhere after this.
26:36 And I began to ask God, why?
26:40 I felt like I was tricked, I was deceived.
26:42 I thought if I did what I was supposed to do
26:43 and was a good Adventist and preach the gospel
26:46 and the three angels' messages and all of these things
26:49 that I've heard since I was a child
26:51 that I would be protected and that was a fence to city,
26:55 as Jeremiah puts it.
26:58 But instead the storm never stopped.
27:02 And it wasn't long before I was looking at the challenge
27:06 of leaving my job and the other thing
27:08 that happened was of course, I was offered a job.
27:11 At a third interview,
27:12 I thought it was this divine providence
27:15 and I guess it still is divine providence,
27:17 all things work together for good.
27:20 And on that Monday,
27:21 after the fire-storm hit that Tuesday and Wednesday,
27:24 I flew to Atlanta and interviewed for a job
27:27 with the State of Georgia and two or three days later,
27:31 I was offered that job.
27:33 And I thought look at it, God has worked it out.
27:35 I will be able to just transition from this job,
27:37 where I'm getting beat up in the press,
27:38 I move down south where it's,
27:41 maybe safer for me and I'll move down south
27:43 and I'll take that job and in the newspaper,
27:47 one of the activists there in Southern California
27:49 made the statement in the newspaper that,
27:51 they were gonna follow me anywhere I went.
27:54 And they would go after any job I would get,
27:56 and they would make sure that that job was taken from me.
27:59 And it wasn't long before the job in the south...
28:04 rescinded the offer as well,
28:06 and I was found to be without a primary job source.
28:13 That I was devastated,
28:15 at that point because I thought again,
28:17 well, God is gonna work this thing out
28:19 and He's gonna move quickly.
28:21 Because you see, I wanted to medicine,
28:22 I was in the second grade when I decided to be a doctor
28:25 and I just understood it.
28:27 One of the good advantages,
28:28 one of the nice things about medicine is,
28:30 you always know what you're gonna do.
28:31 Employment is never really an issue.
28:33 If you can get into medical school,
28:35 you'll get into a residency.
28:36 If you can get into a residency,
28:37 there are plenty of places that will hire you to work
28:39 and so I didn't ever have to worry about a job.
28:41 And for first time in many, many years,
28:44 I was looking at, "What am I going to do now?"
28:49 Lord, I feel as if You tricked me.
28:54 But here I am now, with uncertainty as my plight,
28:59 a family to support, reputation in ruins
29:04 and feeling more all-alone
29:06 that I'd ever felt in my entire life.
29:08 And I began to read the scripture.
29:10 And let me tell you, when you're persecuted
29:12 and we all better begin to get ready
29:15 because the time of persecution is coming for all of us.
29:19 The microcosm of what I just went through,
29:22 will one day be the macrocosm
29:24 for all those Bible believing Christians in the world.
29:28 But persecution does some things to you.
29:31 You begin to feel alienated and isolated and I get,
29:33 the Bible comes alive.
29:35 Psalms 35, Psalms Chapter 8, Psalm 23,
29:38 the Bible begins to come alive.
29:40 The Psalms, the spirit of prophecy tells us,
29:44 is the book that we're supposed to read
29:46 as we go through persecution.
29:47 And I was deep into the Psalms,
29:49 but God led me some other places
29:51 and one of them was here, to Jeremiah,
29:53 and as I'm laying on my face,
29:55 praying and asking God for mercy,
29:57 praying and asking him for deliverance.
30:01 See where Jeremiah says, Lord, You deceived me.
30:07 And I was deceived.
30:08 You're stronger than I and that has prevailed.
30:10 I am in derision daily.
30:11 Everyone mocks me, Jeremiah said.
30:16 And I began to understand what it means to be persecuted
30:19 because when you're persecuted you will be mocked,
30:22 we will be made to look as if we're completely crazy
30:25 to believe what we believe.
30:26 The Los Angeles Times had an--
30:28 Up an entire piece that was run on that Tuesday night
30:31 and at Wednesday,
30:33 that's when this all began and the writer wrote,
30:36 and beat me up about two things.
30:40 One of them was that I was a creationist.
30:43 And what they said is that,
30:44 if this person is a creationist,
30:48 by default they are unfit to hold
30:51 any scientific office of government
30:53 in the United States of America.
30:57 And they quoted from my sermon,
30:58 where I talk about and I said in one of my sermons,
31:00 I said, listen,
31:02 show me all of the evolving species in the world
31:05 that are in between stages.
31:08 I'd like to see that evolutionary evidence
31:10 of all of these missing links 'cause I don't see them
31:12 and I said in one of my sermons.
31:13 It's quoted and they bring it
31:15 an evolution specialist in evolution.
31:18 And a specialist in the LA Times says,
31:22 evolution, the theory of evolution
31:24 is like the theory of gravity.
31:25 You can choose to believe in either one.
31:30 Now I've an MD degree and Doctorate in Public Health.
31:33 I've done a little bit of science in my life,
31:37 and the challenge with that is that,
31:39 gravity is not a theory.
31:41 Gravity is a law.
31:43 And it's a law because if I take this iPad
31:45 and I throw it up in the air,
31:46 it falls back to the ground
31:48 at 9.8 meters per second square.
31:51 And it does that here, it does it in Australia,
31:53 it does it in the Caribbean.
31:56 It is a reproducible truth that gravity exists.
32:02 So I don't bungee jump, sky jump, none of that skydive,
32:05 none of that stuff,
32:07 because gravity works everywhere.
32:12 But what I want you to get, as Christians,
32:15 as God's remnant people in the last days,
32:19 is that although the science on their side
32:22 didn't add up in that article,
32:24 the comments underneath crucified me
32:28 for believing that God created the world in six literal days.
32:35 I want you to get this.
32:36 I'm beat up over it.
32:37 Now I've been a doctor a long time.
32:39 I've run an apartment for 3 ½ years
32:42 and I had run it flawlessly,
32:43 in fact, if one of the things you will not find
32:45 in any of these articles,
32:46 is anything that says, that any time,
32:49 I didn't do less then an A+++ job
32:53 and they were never any complaints
32:55 of bigotry or favoritism against me, ever.
33:00 But because I believe God created the world,
33:03 I am unfit for my job.
33:06 I remember when Sarah Palin
33:08 was being considered for vice-president,
33:10 and on one of the television show,
33:12 they were beating her up
33:13 and one of the things that one of them said is,
33:15 she can't be vice-president of the United States,
33:17 she's a creationist.
33:19 We don't want a creationist
33:20 as the vice-president of the United States.
33:22 Let me tell you why this is dangerous.
33:23 And why, we as a church,
33:24 have to be wise on this because,
33:26 you see, if God isn't telling us the truth
33:29 in Genesis Chapter 1 and Genesis Chapter 2.
33:32 If we can't believe God
33:34 in the beginning of the Bible, at its foundation.
33:37 If God is lying to us in Genesis 1:2,
33:40 how do we believe God in John Chapter 3:16-17?
33:47 That paddle that we just had on righteousness by faith,
33:50 how do we believe Paul in the Book of Romans
33:52 if we can't believe God in Genesis 1 and 2?
33:56 The whole Bible begins to come apart
33:59 if we can't believe
34:00 that God is the creator of this universe.
34:03 But something else, as Americans
34:05 we ought to be a little worried,
34:06 because you see, I believe that
34:08 there is a divine influence on the Constitution,
34:12 the Bill of Rights
34:13 and the Declaration of Independence.
34:14 I love this great nation.
34:15 I was born in the constitution state Connecticut
34:18 and I love the documents that undergird
34:20 and support our nation
34:23 and in those documents it is written and it says,
34:27 that we hold these truths to be self-evident.
34:31 That all men are created equal.
34:36 Here's the challenge.
34:38 If you replace the word "created"
34:40 with the word "evolve" it reads like this.
34:42 We hold these truths to be self-evident
34:44 that all men evolved equally.
34:50 And I would submit to you that stops making sense right away.
34:53 And if that's the case,
34:55 you can do away with all social welfare programs.
34:57 You could do away with any-- all public school.
35:00 You can do away with anything that tries to give,
35:02 anyone of a lesser advantage a leg up.
35:04 Because if evolution is the law,
35:07 why invest in anyone who can't keep up,
35:09 at the end of the day
35:10 what you want is for the most fit to survive?
35:17 But I was mocked.
35:20 I was mocked because I have a line where--
35:21 In one of my sermons where I said,
35:24 "Disney teaches that when you wish upon a star,
35:27 it makes no difference who you are,
35:28 for when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true."
35:32 And I simply said in a sermon,
35:33 I don't want my children to wish upon a star.
35:35 I want my children to pray to the living God.
35:41 And I was mocked for that.
35:44 And I understand what Jeremiah
35:45 is going through because it says,
35:47 if once you begin to mocked,
35:49 than once this big light starts to shine on you,
35:52 all of sudden it's as if many people begin to fade away.
35:56 Many of my friends,
35:57 many of those who are worked within the city,
35:59 began to disappear and you begin to feel lonely.
36:01 Jeremiah 20:8 says, "For since I spoke,
36:04 I cried out, I cried violence and spoil,
36:07 because the word of the Lord was made a reproach unto me,
36:11 and a derision, daily."
36:14 And all of a sudden you start thinking,
36:15 "What did I do wrong?"
36:17 when you're persecuted.
36:18 You just start to think, "Where did I mess up?
36:21 How could I've done this so wrong?
36:23 And what did I do, God,
36:24 that You separate Yourself from me?"
36:26 But I appreciate all of you who come to me and tell me,
36:29 you're praying for me and those of you
36:31 who were emailing me or sending me
36:34 a Bible verses to look at.
36:35 And one of the Bible versus that was sent to me was,
36:38 is found in the Book of John.
36:40 The gospel according to John 15:18-19.
36:45 And in John 15:18-19,
36:47 the Bible says this and it was very encouraging to me.
36:50 It says, "If the world hates you,
36:53 you know that it hated me before it hated you."
36:56 And verse 19 said, "If you were of the world,
36:59 the world would love his own:
37:01 but because you are not of the world,
37:03 but I have chosen you out of the world,
37:06 therefore the world hates you."
37:14 And I remember thinking,
37:15 "God, you chose the wrong person."
37:17 I didn't sign up for this.
37:20 I'm no super-courageous person.
37:22 I'm, you know--
37:23 If I'm Clark Kent, there is no Superman.
37:27 Just a regular guy.
37:28 Just trying to do his job,
37:29 but I believe what our church teaches,
37:32 I believe our doctrines and so if I stand and preach,
37:34 I'll preach what we believe.
37:37 Didn't sign up for it
37:38 and I didn't know I would lose the career
37:41 and I didn't know all of these different things would happen
37:43 and I didn't understand even the full weight
37:47 of what all of it meant.
37:49 How it would affect the family?
37:51 How it affect my children?
37:55 I said this when I spoke about this, at Island Hope.
37:58 And my daughter was very much affected by this.
38:03 And I'd just been praying a week or two earlier,
38:08 just crying, asking God to make sure
38:11 that I don't mess up and lose my children.
38:14 Praying and agonizing with God
38:16 because the world is such a terrible place,
38:17 such a hard place to raise children now
38:20 Especially living in a city like LA,
38:22 right down kind of in the heart of it all,
38:24 praying and asking God for help.
38:27 When I went to pick my daughter up from academy...
38:32 while I was on a leave of absence--
38:34 The paid leave during this time
38:36 where all this was being worked out.
38:39 My daughter, when I picked her up,
38:40 she slapped me on the shoulder,
38:41 she said, "Daddy, I want to thank you."
38:43 I said, "Jazz, what are you thanking me for?"
38:45 She said, "You know Daddy,
38:46 I'm not sure I was a Christian
38:47 before all of this came upon us."
38:52 All alone, my son and daughter,
38:54 all by themselves will begin fall on their knees and pray.
38:58 You see, persecution has its downside, don't miss this.
39:01 Persecution has the downside,
39:02 it hurts, it's ugly, it's painful,
39:05 it can be lonely and frightening,
39:07 but I can tell you that if you allow God
39:10 to place you in the crucible and in the fire,
39:13 by default you will be refined.
39:23 I will read from Ellen White. Ellen White says it like this.
39:25 She says, "To live such a life, to exert such an influence,
39:30 costs at every step, effort, self-sacrifice and discipline.
39:36 It is because they do not understand this,
39:38 that many are so easily discouraged
39:40 in the Christian life.
39:42 Many, who sincerely consecrated their lives to God's service,
39:45 are surprised and disappointed
39:47 to find themselves as never before,
39:49 confronted by obstacles
39:50 and beset by trials and perplexities.
39:53 They pray for Christ's likeness of character
39:55 for a fitness for the Lord's work
39:57 and they are placed in circumstances
40:00 that seem to call forth all the evil of their nature.
40:05 False are revealed
40:06 of which they did not even suspect the existence.
40:10 Like Israel of old day questioned,
40:12 if God is leading us,
40:14 why do all these things come upon us?"
40:19 Now let me get transparent myself,
40:21 now for a second.
40:22 You see, I had this meteoric rise in my career.
40:27 Things were going so well in the city,
40:29 they called me rock star.
40:31 You know they said,
40:32 "Man, you walk on water, you can do no wrong."
40:33 My department went from--
40:35 almost doubled in the number of employees in a budget.
40:38 Doubled, and all the programs and services we were doing.
40:41 There were those who came to me and wanted me to be considered
40:43 for Sergeant General of the United States
40:45 and they wanted to be, to get a job,
40:47 a county in a higher position.
40:50 And I can tell you that it began to be a distraction.
40:53 I'm just gonna be honest with you.
40:55 And your career, this being ASI,
41:00 and this being Adventist,
41:01 an idea of lifting up Christ in the workplace,
41:04 your career can become the idol.
41:08 Our desire to do more and be bigger and do better,
41:11 innocent in many ways, but if we're not careful,
41:15 we can get caught up in how much our business makes
41:17 and how many clients we serve
41:20 and we can get caught up in titles and in degrees
41:24 and all of these different things.
41:26 And if you're not careful, it can just distract you.
41:28 Just a small bit,
41:31 but that little tiny bit of distraction,
41:33 if you follow the path all the way out,
41:35 if you're supposed to be going this way
41:37 and the distraction is just a little bit off,
41:39 you go far enough out
41:40 and you'll become a great distance from God.
41:45 And I can tell you that God had begun to work,
41:47 I mean, these versus, these words here,
41:50 from the Spirit of Prophecy,
41:51 began to really resonate with me.
41:52 She goes on, she says,
41:54 "It is because God is leading them
41:56 that these things come upon them.
41:58 Trials and obstacles are the Lord's
42:00 chosen methods of discipline
42:02 and His appointed conditions of success.
42:05 He who reads the hearts of men knows their characters
42:08 better than they themselves know them.
42:10 He sees that some have powers
42:12 and susceptibilities which, rightly directed,
42:15 might be used in the advancement of His work.
42:18 In His providence He brings these persons
42:21 into different positions and varied circumstances
42:24 that they may discover in their character the defects
42:28 which have been concealed from their own knowledge."
42:32 Now let me tell you something church.
42:34 The only thing we get to take with us,
42:36 to heaven is our character.
42:39 So God will sometimes allow fire to come upon us
42:42 because He wants to purify that character.
42:46 "He gives them opportunity,"
42:48 she goes on, "to correct these defects
42:50 and to fit themselves for His service.
42:52 Often He permits the fires of affliction to assail them
42:55 that they may be purified."
43:00 I like this.
43:01 She says, "The fact that we are called to endure trial
43:04 because some of us in this room
43:06 are gonna continue to go into trial.
43:08 "The fact that we are called upon to endure trial
43:10 shows that the Lord Jesus sees in us something precious
43:15 which He desires to develop.
43:18 If He saw in us nothing whereby He might glorify His name,
43:22 He would not spend time in refining us."
43:25 Watch this.
43:26 She says, "He does not cast worthless stones
43:31 into His furnace."
43:34 He does not cast worthless stones
43:37 into His furnace.
43:38 And this is why the Bible is clear,
43:40 tells us that we should count it all joy.
43:47 It's not easy.
43:49 But the truth is that it is a privilege for God to try us.
43:54 It's not pleasant, but the truth is,
43:57 as we move towards these last days and you,
43:59 and I'm sure all through this conference you heard
44:02 more and more but references to the science of the times
44:05 and the things that are coming upon this world,
44:07 that we're moving towards, rapidly towards
44:10 the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
44:13 And I submit to you that we ought to rejoice
44:16 when we are tried.
44:17 Why?
44:19 Because they are those that are watching us on our jobs,
44:22 customers of your business that are watching you
44:24 and how you respond to trial
44:28 will be a great statement about the God that you serve.
44:33 And you never know, that in your trial,
44:36 someone might be one to Jesus Christ,
44:40 who you couldn't convince with a doctrinal debate.
44:45 But when they see that in the darkest hour,
44:47 you never speak an ill word.
44:48 There were people who came to me and said,
44:50 in fact there were those who--
44:51 Both-- Two sides of people.
44:53 One who said, "Look, fight it, go on.
44:55 So have a press conference
44:57 and fight tooth and nail and go after them."
45:01 And you know what came to me every time,
45:02 why the word of God is important?
45:04 Every time someone said it and I considered it,
45:06 a verse of scripture came to me,
45:08 out of the Book of Isaiah,
45:11 like a lamb led to the slaughter is dumb,
45:15 so said he not a word.
45:17 And God was telling me,
45:19 "You be quiet, let me fight your battles for you."
45:22 And then there were others who came
45:24 and sent me emails and messages and were saying,
45:27 "Listen, we want to hold a forum
45:28 and we want to give you an opportunity,"
45:30 and what they were really trying to get around to is,
45:33 "We're gonna give you an opportunity to recant.
45:36 We'll give you an opportunity to apologize."
45:38 But I didn't do anything wrong.
45:42 "You can get your job back
45:44 if we work out this thing the right way."
45:49 But let me submit to you that
45:52 if you'll not be able to buy and sell
45:54 unless you have the mark of the beast,
45:56 you're gonna have to begin the practice
45:58 not being dependant on whatever
46:02 sources of support you get in this world
46:06 and that's a difficult thing.
46:09 But it means that you have to step out in complete faith,
46:12 in being persecuted, in being tried
46:14 and you've got to remember that David says,
46:16 "I have never seen the righteous forsaken
46:18 or his seed begging bread."
46:20 And you've got to understand
46:22 that God does not own a thousand cattle on a hill.
46:26 He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
46:30 And that He says more than you could ever imagine.
46:33 In fact, when I got the call--
46:35 The one time I wept in this whole process
46:38 was when I got the job taken from me in Georgia.
46:42 Because at that point I just thought,
46:43 "Lord, this is getting to be too much.
46:45 This is overwhelming."
46:47 And I listened to the voice
46:48 where I knew that that was gonna happen
46:50 and I kept listening to my voice
46:51 as I was getting off the plane,
46:52 and when I got to the third or fourth voicemail below that,
46:55 it was from a clinic that had been moonlighting at,
46:57 and the medical director said, "Listen, we know what--
47:00 We know what they are saying about you,
47:01 but we know you, we love you.
47:02 In fact, one of the doctors is going out
47:04 on a paternity leave and listen,
47:06 we could use you,
47:07 so, if they don't want you come on over
47:09 and help us out in the clinic."
47:12 And although I was weeping
47:13 because I said, "Lord, You've left forsaken."
47:17 God was like, "Man, been quiet.
47:20 I got you.
47:22 Just keep listening to the voicemail.
47:26 You stop too soon, you panic."
47:30 And sure enough, God worked it out.
47:38 Jeremiah 20:9,
47:40 "Then I said, I will not make mention of him,
47:43 nor speak any more in his name."
47:45 When you get to be persecuted,
47:46 one of the things that devil does is
47:48 he pushes you up in a corner and you get to--
47:49 You start saying,
47:50 "Listen, I'm not gonna be a witness anymore.
47:53 I'mma shut up. I'mma put out that candle.
47:55 I'mma stick it up underneath the bushel.
47:58 I'm not gonna let anybody see my light anymore
48:00 because showing my light got me
48:01 into this mess in the first place.
48:02 Jeremiah said, "Listen, I'm not gonna mention Him anymore,"
48:05 and that thought has come to my mind many times,
48:07 even getting this invitation to speak.
48:09 You start saying, maybe this is too much.
48:11 Maybe I ought to leave all the stuff alone.
48:13 You got all these other great preachers,
48:14 let them preach the word.
48:19 He said, "I will not make mention of Him
48:21 or nor speak anymore His name."
48:23 But look at verse 9,
48:25 look in the middle of that verse.
48:26 It says, "But His word was in my heart
48:32 as a burning fire shut up in my bones,
48:36 and I was weary with forbearing,
48:38 and I could not stay."
48:39 Jeremiah says,
48:41 it felt like fire shut up in my bones
48:44 and it wouldn't leave me alone.
48:48 When this gospel gets in you right,
48:49 when it gets in you good,
48:50 you can't help but tell somebody
48:52 how much and how good Jesus is.
48:56 You can't help but introduce to the savior of the world.
49:00 You can't help but introduce them
49:02 to the Redeemer of the planet.
49:03 You can't help but introduce them
49:05 to their creator and the one,
49:07 who'll one day, recreate this world.
49:10 Amen.
49:12 It gets to be like fire shut up in your bones
49:17 and you want to tell the world about this Jesus,
49:22 about His love, about the fact that whatever I suffer,
49:25 it pales in comparison to what my Jesus suffered.
49:29 My Jesus left His throne and glory
49:32 where angels 10,000 times, 10,000 angels worshiped him
49:36 and he was born in a manger, a filthy manger
49:42 and died an ignoble death
49:46 so that each one of us would have a chance at eternal life.
49:50 I don't know how you can be quiet about that.
49:53 I don't know how you can shut up
49:54 when you got a Jesus like that that you serve.
49:57 I don't know how the world could
49:58 corner you so much that you're not willing
50:00 to stand on top of whatever you need to stand on
50:03 and tell them that Jesus is real
50:06 and that He saves
50:08 and that His blood still washes,
50:11 His blood still cleanses.
50:15 And I like the way Jeremiah ends this,
50:17 if you look at verse 10, says,
50:19 "For I heard the defaming of many,
50:22 fear on every side.
50:24 Report, say they, and we will report it.
50:27 All my familiars watched for my halting, saying,
50:30 Peradventure he will be enticed,
50:33 and we shall prevail against him,
50:35 and we shall take our revenge on him."
50:37 Jeremiah says, "But the Lord is with me
50:40 as a mighty terrible one,
50:43 therefore my persecutors shall stumble,
50:46 and they shall not prevail:
50:48 but they shall be greatly ashamed,
50:50 for they shall not prosper:
50:52 their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten."
50:57 He says in verse 12,
50:58 " But, O Lord of hosts, that triest the righteous,
51:03 and seest the reins and the heart,
51:06 let me see thy vengeance on them:
51:07 for unto thee have I opened my cause."
51:10 Let me tell you something.
51:11 When you go into trials
51:12 and it may not in the magnitude of what I went through,
51:15 open your cause to the living God.
51:17 Amen.
51:18 Don't be afraid to take your trials.
51:20 You know what?
51:21 The devil wants to do when we go through these things?
51:22 He wants us to take our trial and our persecution
51:25 and run away from God,
51:27 that's what he wants to have happen.
51:28 I challenge you, the next time,
51:30 you're discouraged, that you have doubt,
51:32 that you're downtrodden.
51:33 I challenge you to pick up your doubt
51:35 and run to Jesus with it.
51:38 Because verse 13,
51:40 is how you get through persecution.
51:42 Verse 13 is the key.
51:44 You see, "Sing unto the Lord,
51:46 you praise the Lord for he hath to live
51:49 with the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers."
51:51 You do two things that will deliver you from persecution.
51:54 The first thing is,
51:55 you praise God in the middle of the storm.
51:59 You praise Him when it seems as if the ship is going down.
52:02 You open up to him and you begin to sing
52:04 what a friend we have in Jesus.
52:08 You start, you open up
52:09 and you start singing all of those black classic hymns.
52:12 You sing "Amazing Grace."
52:15 You sing "When we All Get to Heaven."
52:17 Because the second part of it is,
52:19 when you start going through trial
52:21 like I just went through,
52:22 you've got to have the last part
52:23 that verse down pat,
52:24 you've got to believe in his deliverance
52:26 before you see it.
52:28 Yes, yes.
52:31 You got to know, you serve a God who delivers.
52:37 Well, I'll close with this.
52:40 I think what frightened me the most was the idea
52:44 that I'd have nowhere to go.
52:49 The idea that I will be left in this limbo,
52:51 for months and months and months.
52:55 I was staying at my good friend,
52:57 one of my best friend's house,
52:59 out near Loma Linda and he was asking me,
53:02 "So what are you gonna do?"
53:05 I said, "You know, I have no idea what I'm gonna do.
53:07 I'm gonna have to wait and see what God wants me to do
53:08 because I have no leads and I'm actually,
53:11 literally afraid to even put an application out.
53:14 Because if anybody gets wind of it,
53:16 I think they'll try and do what was done before."
53:19 He said, "Man, what are you gonna do?
53:20 You know, you're working here,
53:22 but I don't think you're gonna wanna stay
53:23 in Pasadena too long."
53:24 I said, "I don't."
53:27 And I said, "You know, I've always
53:28 wanted to be a missionary.
53:31 And I always thought I'd love to do,
53:34 sometime, serve the Lord in Guam.
53:37 I talked to someone who'd been to Guam many times.
53:39 I thought that maybe God would lead me
53:41 to a place like that to serve."
53:44 And he said, "Well, maybe that'd be good."
53:45 And my 16-year-old daughter says,
53:47 "Guam? Guam?"
53:49 I say, "You be quiet.
53:50 You don't even know where Guam is."
53:56 And within 30 minutes,
53:59 an email came from the Guam Adventist Clinic.
54:02 "Dr. Walsh, would you be interesting
54:05 in serving in Guam?"
54:09 Let me tell you something.
54:12 You don't serve a God that isn't real.
54:16 You don't serve a God that doesn't suffer with you.
54:20 You don't serve a God who doesn't know your pain.
54:22 In fact, the scripture tells us
54:24 that He collects our tears in His hands.
54:28 As we suffer, He suffers, He moves with us,
54:31 He walks with us, He feels with us,
54:33 but God knows, sometimes, what's best for us
54:35 and He allows us to go through what we go through
54:38 because it's what we need at that time.
54:42 And if we can just step back and not panic
54:45 and not get nervous and not lose our faith,
54:48 if we can hold on to God's unchanging head,
54:51 if we can let go of this world and hold on to God,
54:57 every single challenge will become a testimony.
55:03 Every time we feel trapped, we will experience deliverance.
55:08 And every piece of doubt that we have to endure,
55:13 will eventually grow our faith.
55:17 And most importantly, like Jeremiah,
55:20 prepare us to hold up our candles.
55:24 Prepare us to tell the world about the love of Jesus.
55:31 God send you into the fire, He sends me into the fire,
55:34 He will send us collectively into the fire
55:37 so that we can be refined.
55:40 Well, like the Spirit of Prophecy says,
55:43 "He doesn't throw worthless stones
55:45 into the fire."
55:47 Amen.


Revised 2015-06-25