ASI Conventions, 2014

Evening Session / Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 14ASIC

Program Code: 14ASIC000003

00:18 Hello, and welcome to ASI, here in beautiful,
00:23 uh, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
00:25 this is the DeVos Place Convention Center.
00:28 And you know, we did some figuring a little earlier
00:31 and this is the 67th International Convention
00:35 and, Yvonne, people ask sometimes,
00:37 what does ASI stand for?
00:40 And that's Adventist Laymen's services in Industries.
00:44 So we welcome all of you,
00:45 we gonna have an incredible program tonight.
00:48 Yvonne, tell me what you been enjoyed most of at ASI, so far?
00:52 You know, Mollie, I love seeing old friends
00:56 and I get to see a lot of folks here
00:58 that I don't normally get to see,
01:00 and the other thing is,
01:01 that whole idea of movers and shakers for God.
01:04 I love that, I love to be in that environment
01:06 where people are wanting to do things for God
01:09 and ASI is a place for that.
01:10 It certainly is, and you know,
01:12 tonight we are going to hear from men and women
01:15 who share Jesus Christ in their market place,
01:19 we're looking at members in action,
01:22 but after the program tonight,
01:24 Yvonne, we've got something special happing.
01:26 We have a special live nightline.
01:28 Yes.
01:29 And it's gonna be amazing,
01:31 it's gonna be about women's ordination.
01:33 So make sure you stay tuned for that.
01:35 Yes, stay tuned for that,
01:37 but now let's join this program that's already started.
02:08 Amen.
02:13 Good evening, ASI.
02:16 We are so glad that you are here this evening.
02:19 Let's go ahead and began with a word of prayer.
02:23 Dear Father, in heaven,
02:24 I thank you so much for this day
02:26 and for bringing us all here together this evening,
02:29 please bless the speaker
02:31 and the other presentations tonight,
02:33 and prepare our hearts to listen,
02:35 so that we might be blessed.
02:37 Thank You, for the opportunity to be here
02:39 and to worship freely,
02:41 I ask that we would never take that for granted.
02:44 Please protect those who are still traveling
02:46 and may we make the effort, this weekend,
02:48 to gain a huge blessing, in Your name, I pray, Amen.
03:39 What a friend
03:42 We have in Jesus
03:49 All our sins
03:52 And grief's to bear
03:58 What a privilege
04:03 To carry
04:08 Everything to God
04:13 In prayer
04:21 Oh, what peace
04:23 We often forfeit
04:29 Oh, what needless pain we bear
04:41 All because
04:44 We do not carry
04:50 Everything to God in prayer
05:08 Have we trials and temptations
05:16 Is there trouble anywhere
05:27 We should never be discouraged
05:34 Take it to the Lord in prayer
05:42 Can we find a friend so faithful
05:49 Who will all our sorrows share
05:57 Jesus knows our every weakness
06:05 Take it to the Lord in prayer
06:14 Oh, how He loves you and me
06:25 Oh, how He loves you and me
06:35 He gave His life
06:40 What more could he give
06:50 Oh, how He loves you
06:55 Oh, how He loves me
07:01 Oh, how He loves you and me
07:22 Are we weak and heavy-laden
07:28 Cumbered with a load of care
07:35 Precious Savior, still our refuge
07:43 Take it to the Lord in prayer
07:50 Do thy friends despise, forsake thee
07:58 Take it to the Lord in prayer
08:11 In His arms He'll take and shield thee
08:19 Thou wilt find
08:21 A solace there
08:28 Thou wilt find
08:37 Thou wilt find
08:46 A solace there
09:18 Good evening, ASI.
09:20 Welcome to the evening session on Thursday evening.
09:23 We're just delighted that you're here
09:25 to be with us this evening,
09:26 we're looking forward to the blessings
09:28 that are in store,
09:29 we're looking forward to the encouragement
09:31 that we're going to receive here.
09:32 And we have a very special evening, this evening,
09:35 we have something special on your seats
09:37 that we've placed there.
09:38 I hope you've all found them,
09:40 we have a special edition of the "Adventist Review"
09:43 that has been placed there for your enjoyment,
09:46 and to be blessed.
09:48 And in fact, you might notice
09:50 that it says right on there, "ASI Issue",
09:53 and it's been a few years now
09:55 that we've been collaborating with the Adventist Review,
09:57 and it is just a blessing to have this relationship.
10:00 It's a blessing to be working together
10:03 and I'm not gonna be doing most of the talking
10:05 in the next few minutes,
10:06 I'm going to give the time to the two gentlemen
10:08 that I have here with me.
10:10 We have Bill Knott, who is not a stranger to us,
10:14 he has been here a number of years,
10:16 he's gonna tell us how many years in a few moments,
10:19 and we also have Claude Richi, who is here with us as well
10:23 and we're delighted to have him.
10:26 Well, you know, people begin to ask questions
10:28 when there's changes,
10:29 I'm sure you get questions as well
10:31 and you know, with printing
10:33 that is recently been terminated in Maryland,
10:37 by the Adventist Review,
10:39 the Review and Herald Publishing Association,
10:41 you know, a lot of people wonder
10:43 what impact is that gonna have on us,
10:45 so would you like to address that question?
10:48 The Adventist Review, and the Review and Herald
10:51 Publishing Association have, for 160 years,
10:55 enjoyed one of the most special partnerships
10:58 in the history of Christian publishing.
11:00 We have been through so much together,
11:02 working side by side to deliver assurance,
11:06 comfort, truth and mission to generations of Adventists.
11:11 When the decision was made to consolidate printing,
11:14 however, in one publishing house,
11:16 many people thought that perhaps that meant
11:18 something about the future of the Adventist Review,
11:20 that we were, ourselves going away.
11:22 The good news is, no, your Adventist Review
11:24 is going to be what it has been
11:26 and what it will continue to be, by God's grace,
11:28 a journal of inspiration and hope,
11:31 as the add in the inside front cover of your addition says,
11:34 "We're pressing on."
11:35 Amen.
11:37 Well, we're delighted to have you here with us,
11:39 this evening, Claude, in fact,
11:41 Claude and I have something in common,
11:43 we've both spent time in Quebec.
11:44 I live there currently
11:46 and he's lived there in the past.
11:47 He was the Quebec conference president
11:49 and fulfilled other roles there as well.
11:52 So we're delighted to have him,
11:54 he's actually in-charge of marketing,
11:56 he is the marketing director among other responsibilities
11:59 that he has as well.
12:00 And we'd like to know,
12:02 what do you feel people need to know, about this transition
12:05 that you going through right now?
12:07 The transition is not going to affect our readers
12:10 in any way, shape, or form,
12:11 they will continue to receive the magazine
12:13 in their mailbox on a weekly basis.
12:16 What they can look forward to is,
12:18 in fact, a redesign of the magazine,
12:21 we're going to use this opportunity
12:22 also to bring the magazine
12:24 even to the next level of excellence.
12:26 Amen.
12:27 You're already used to excellence,
12:29 and we want to even-up this game further,
12:32 and also to do even better in terms of digital delivery
12:35 by developing a tablet version of the magazine.
12:41 Those of you, who are familiar with
12:43 what we have on the website,
12:44 have noticed that we have done--
12:46 made some significant strides there, also,
12:48 but again, we want to improve as the opportunities allow.
12:52 Okay, wonderful.
12:54 Bill, I noticed here, in the magazine,
12:57 on page six in your editorial,
12:59 some very interesting questions here,
13:02 especially in your article,
13:03 it's called, "The Visit of the Magi",
13:05 would you like to tell us a little bit,
13:07 what's on your heart, and may be some of the things
13:09 that you are wanting to express?
13:12 My geometry teacher in high school taught me
13:14 that the shortest distance between two points
13:17 is a straight line.
13:19 Well, the shortest distance between a spirit inspired idea
13:23 and it's accomplishment in the life of the church,
13:26 ought to be a straight line,
13:27 and with all deference to where I work,
13:29 not another committee.
13:31 My concern is that we need to find a way
13:35 to empower good ideas in Adventism,
13:38 to make sure that we learned how to be cheerleaders
13:41 and supports of what the spirit is doing among us.
13:44 ASI represents such a rich diversity
13:47 of giftedness and calling,
13:49 and one of our goals at the magazine is to discover
13:52 what God is calling people in this organization to do,
13:55 to tell those stories and to see
13:57 what the Spirit is going to do.
13:59 I think that means, for a lot of us,
14:01 that we've got to be-- take a few more risks
14:03 in the name of the Gospel and see what God can do for us.
14:06 Amen.
14:08 Claude,
14:09 Adventist Review actually has a sister publication,
14:12 and in fact it's the one
14:13 we receive up in Quebec, Canada,
14:15 it's translated into French, and it's translated,
14:17 I believe, into about a dozen languages actually.
14:20 No, at least-- as a matter of fact, right now,
14:23 we are printing the magazine and it's daughter publication,
14:26 Adventist World Digest in 29 languages.
14:31 We have just launched, at the beginning of this year,
14:33 12 languages for the Indian sub continent.
14:36 Including Assamese, Bengali, Hindi,
14:39 Oriya, Guajarati, Marathi.
14:41 Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil.
14:46 And we've introduced this quarter,
14:48 Urdu for Pakistan and Vietnamese,
14:51 and at the end of this year,
14:52 we will launch our first languages
14:55 in the African context,
14:58 one being Kinyarwanda for Rwanda
15:00 and Amharic for Ethiopia.
15:04 And we're also looking forward to creating
15:07 a number of additions for the Inter-American region
15:10 where they speak, believe it or not,
15:12 besides French, Spanish or English,
15:14 they also still speak a number of native languages
15:17 such as K'iche, Quechua,
15:19 Cakchiquel, Navajo, Maya and others,
15:22 and we would like to be able to reach those members as well.
15:27 You know, one of the things that really, really
15:29 is important about Adventist World,
15:31 is that, it is a magazine to unite Seventh-day Adventist
15:34 everywhere in beliefs, faith, mission and hope.
15:40 And we are, indeed, perhaps the most tangible presence,
15:45 besides the Seventh--
15:46 the Quarterly Sabbath School Bulletin,
15:51 to unite our members around the world
15:53 and to do that in those various languages.
15:55 Amen, Amen.
15:57 Bill, I think you've actually been coming to ASI
16:00 for a quite a number of years, maybe around 15 years even.
16:05 What brings you back to ASI?
16:06 Why do you come year after year?
16:09 In one word, this is where I find hope.
16:12 I come here each year and I find people
16:15 genuinely excited about their church,
16:17 excited about mission, eager to press on
16:19 and do what the Spirit is bidding us to do.
16:22 It's fun to come here because you're around people
16:25 who have stories of God's grace and goodness
16:27 and those of the kinds of stories we love to tell
16:30 in Adventist Review and Adventist World.
16:32 We've been taking the opportunity
16:34 to give you the window to come and talk with us
16:37 and tell us your stories.
16:38 Many of you have signed up for those windows over the--
16:40 yet today and tomorrow,
16:42 we look forward to meeting you in the hallways
16:43 and learning what God is doing.
16:45 This is where we find encouragement
16:47 and we share it with the world church.
16:49 Thank you so much. All right.
16:54 Good even, ASI.
16:57 Thank you, to our Adventist Review team,
16:59 they do a great job, Amen.
17:01 We want to ask you a question,
17:03 how many of you guys were able to attend a seminar today?
17:07 Raise your hand, Amen. Were you blessed?
17:10 Okay, how many of you wished
17:11 you could have attended the seminar today, the morning?
17:12 Okay, that's great.
17:13 Well, tomorrow you can have the opportunity
17:17 to go to some more wonderful seminars,
17:19 we really believe that it's important to have these at ASI
17:22 because we want you to grow spiritually,
17:24 we want you to have more Bible knowledge,
17:26 how to be a leader, all kinds of things,
17:28 help you in your relationships.
17:30 And just here, to my left,
17:31 we have a sampling of some of the seminars
17:33 that are gonna take place tomorrow here at ASI.
17:36 And so we are gonna hear a little bit from them
17:38 and in just 45 seconds or less, okay, guys.
17:43 Watch your clock-- all right, 45 seconds guys,
17:44 so keep them on their toes.
17:46 They're gonna share with us about their seminars,
17:48 we're starting right now with Ron.
17:50 Good evening, my name is Ron Duffield,
17:52 I just flew in from the state of Washington.
17:55 And my seminar is tomorrow morning at 10:45.
17:58 In 1891 Ellen Right-- Ellen White, wrote these words,
18:03 "Christ, the Great Teacher,
18:06 had an infinite variety of subjects
18:08 from which to choose,
18:10 but the one upon which He dwelt most largely
18:13 was the endowment of the Holy Spirit.
18:16 What great things He predicted for the church
18:19 because of this endowment."
18:21 And tomorrow in my seminar which is titled
18:24 "The History of God's Intervention
18:26 to Bring the Latter Rain",
18:27 we will take a brief look at how
18:30 God sent the beginning of the latter rain
18:32 in around the year 1888, and the loud cry,
18:36 and the result of that in the years that followed.
18:39 And the reason being is we have nothing to for--
18:42 we have nothing to fear for the future unless we forget,
18:46 and if we learn the principles from our past
18:49 it's very good for us.
18:52 That sounds wonderful, I'd like to go to yours.
18:56 There is a lot of information
18:57 and materials on leadership today.
18:59 It's a big subject,
19:01 but as Christian leaders we're different,
19:05 it's not so much what we know, as who, we, as leaders follow.
19:11 Leadership is influence, nothing less, nothing more,
19:16 the question is, whose influence is leading me?
19:24 Hi, I'm Nicole Parker,
19:27 you know, as Seventh-day Adventist
19:28 we have this tremendous message about health
19:32 and we've worked so hard as a church
19:34 to come to the point where,
19:35 if anybody comes up to anyone us and says,
19:37 you know, I wish I could quit smoking,
19:39 I need to stop drinking, I would like to lose weight.
19:42 We have an answer, we know what to say to them,
19:45 and we have the resources to share with them.
19:47 But what about when people come up to you and say,
19:50 I was abused as a child and I don't know
19:52 how to get over it?
19:54 What if they say, I'm depressed,
19:56 is it sinful to be depressed?
19:57 What if they say,
19:58 I'm struggling with panic attacks or anxiety?
20:02 What do we do with these things?
20:03 Do we have a gospel that applies to these things?
20:07 Can we bring healing?
20:09 I believe that we have a tremendous health message
20:12 and one of the most powerful things about it
20:15 is emotional healing,
20:17 but we don't preach it, the way that we should.
20:20 So tomorrow I'm gonna try to condense down
20:22 the masters degree in biblical counseling
20:25 to give you an hour and 15 minutes
20:27 of the most crucial things
20:28 you need to be able to help people
20:31 through these issues and others,
20:33 how you can help them
20:34 break the bondage of darkness in their minds
20:37 because that's where we transformed, right?
20:39 By the renewing of our minds.
20:43 Hello, my name is Scott Ritsema,
20:45 I'm not presenting the Media
20:47 on the Brain seminar at ASI this year,
20:49 but I'm very excited to be talking about a topic
20:52 that it affects all of us,
20:53 whether we have children or not,
20:55 and that is parenting.
20:56 We all as members of the church,
20:58 want to raise up the last generation of earth's history
21:02 and I-- I've wandered,
21:03 what will the parenting be like,
21:05 that produces the last generation of children
21:08 to ever witness the great controversy
21:10 happening on planet Earth,
21:11 and so "The Raising the Remnant" seminar
21:14 will get into the topic of how spiritually
21:18 strong children are raised up.
21:20 And there some very good research
21:21 on this coming from the evangelical world,
21:24 I looked at the Barna Research Group findings
21:26 on how the spiritually
21:28 strong young adults of today were raised.
21:30 We now know what kind of parenting
21:32 actually produces a spiritually strong young person,
21:35 but then I compare that with our inspired councils
21:39 on parenting and guess what?
21:40 It's the exact same script,
21:42 where this is nothing new to us.
21:44 But to understand this, to grasp it, to own it
21:46 and then to look at some practical steps
21:48 for how to apply these inspired councils
21:52 in this recent research on parenting,
21:54 it's going to be a fast paced 75 minutes,
21:57 but I invite anybody there, specially parents.
22:01 Good evening, my name is William Pergerson,
22:03 and I'm very happy to be here with you
22:05 and all of who are watching around the world
22:07 at this ASI entitled "Lift Him Up."
22:10 And my seminar is entitled "Lift Him Up,
22:13 Evangelism's Last and Only Hope",
22:15 and in that seminar I'm gonna be sharing
22:18 my personal testimony on how a message,
22:21 the message of Christ, our righteousness
22:23 was introduced to me 12 years ago
22:26 and how it literally changed my life
22:29 and transformed my ministry.
22:31 And as an evangelist I have had the privilege of traveling
22:34 across America, Canada, West Africa
22:37 and seeing God, use the message of Christ's righteousness,
22:41 the love of God, to literally baptized hundreds of people,
22:44 so many people that, when it's done,
22:47 leaders were shocked at the results
22:49 of simply lifting Him up.
22:51 And so we gonna spend that time on today--
22:53 to talk about Christ,
22:56 His righteousness, how that impacts us personally
22:59 and transforms our personal and public evangelism.
23:05 Speaking of the battle for the mind
23:09 and protecting your mind,
23:11 please come to my seminar tomorrow morning presentation,
23:17 45 to 50 minutes long, starts with the discussion
23:21 of major features in teaching of the emerging church
23:25 and how those features in teachings impact
23:27 the Seventh-day Adventist moment.
23:30 And ends with the discussion about
23:32 the real origins of the emerging church.
23:35 When and where the emerging church originated,
23:39 I will reveal tomorrow.
23:41 25 to 30 minutes long time is reserved for your questions.
23:47 In the afternoon session,
23:48 I will continue with the exposition
23:50 of emergence Christianity, what it is?
23:54 What are its origins? Why it matters?
23:58 And how it impacts the Seventh-day Adventists,
24:01 the creation account, the atonement,
24:04 the three angel's message and the last day eschatology.
24:08 Also questions and answers period is reserved,
24:12 by the name-- by the way, my name is John Markovic,
24:15 I'm professor of history,
24:17 in church history at Andrew's University.
24:20 All right, thank you so much to our seminar presenters,
24:23 we look forward to your topics tomorrow.
24:24 Now ASI, I just want to ask you one question.
24:26 Can you commit to going to at least one seminar tomorrow?
24:30 Can I see your show hands? Amen.
24:33 We didn't come to ASI just a socialize,
24:35 that's a good thing.
24:36 We can make the most of these opportunities
24:38 to learn and to grow spiritually.
24:39 So I want to challenge us to all attend
24:41 at least one seminar and God will speak to us.
24:43 Thank you, guys, we will be looking
24:44 forward to what you have tomorrow.
24:48 Good evening, ASI,
24:50 I am delighted to bring you
24:52 another Offering in Action segment,
24:54 we want you to know how God is using your offerings
24:58 and we'll use your offerings
25:00 to impact the world for His soon coming.
25:03 With me is Natasha Nebblett, she is the president of GYC,
25:08 and next to her is Erwin Nanasi,
25:11 who is the assistant to the president
25:13 for International Affairs.
25:15 Natasha, tell us for those who are new to ASI,
25:18 or may not be aware, what does GYC stand for?
25:21 And what is the organization?
25:23 So GYC stands for Generation of Youth for Christ.
25:27 And it was a moment that was started about 10 years ago
25:30 a little bit more than that by 3 college age, young people,
25:34 that looked around them and said,
25:35 that they wanted to get back to the Bible,
25:38 get back to the Bible with such seriousness,
25:41 Debbie, that we'll be willing die for it.
25:43 As so many have throughout the years
25:45 and also to live that lifestyle,
25:48 to know that when Christ told His disciples to--
25:52 to go in to all the world
25:53 and make disciples of all nations,
25:54 he didn't add an age qualifier,
25:56 and that means the young people are bound to do that too.
26:00 And also to live a lifestyle of excellence
26:03 and an uncompromising life.
26:05 And so we took um, the young people took that--
26:08 those values and that dedication
26:11 and they started having meeting together with their friends,
26:14 out of that GYC kind of as we know it now, was born,
26:17 and we have a conference
26:19 every December here in North America,
26:22 where we get together,
26:23 we seek the Lord, worship, pray,
26:26 we also receive a lot of training in evangelism,
26:29 I mean how to reach out to other people,
26:31 seek that renewal,
26:32 when 5,000 young people to get together
26:34 that have that goal, it is powerful.
26:36 That's powerful, its sounds like,
26:37 just like a little of ASI.
26:39 It is.
26:40 Erwin, I understand
26:41 that you just had a convention in Austria,
26:44 share with us a little bit about what happened there?
26:46 What were some of your observations about
26:47 what occurred?
26:49 Well, the description that Natasha
26:50 just gave is very fitting
26:51 because that's exactly what happened.
26:53 People studied scripture, they prayed together,
26:55 they listened to powerful sermons,
26:57 and the Lord was able to use the speakers
26:59 that we had invited, for the workshops that we had
27:02 and also the evening messages with powerful appeals
27:05 and the people responded.
27:07 And so it was very interesting to see
27:09 how the Lord can use young people
27:11 that lead other young people.
27:13 We have it here, we had it there
27:15 and it was very powerful
27:16 because in only these five days lives were changed,
27:19 people came from all over the world,
27:20 not just from Europe, not just from Austria,
27:22 from all over the world and spending the time together
27:24 and just going through that renewal
27:27 and that refreshing, that revival,
27:29 that can spark a reformation,
27:30 and so it was wonderful to seem
27:32 that young people had the opportunity to do it again
27:36 because we had it before.
27:37 But this time it was very special
27:39 and we are looking forward to what
27:40 is going to happen in the future.
27:42 I just want to pick up on something you said,
27:43 Natasha, you were in Austria sometime ago,
27:46 so this is your second time here,
27:48 you were in Austria couple of years ago,
27:50 share with us some, some of the things
27:52 that you observed might have been different
27:53 from the first time that you were there.
27:56 So some of the differences, we went-- we went to Austria,
27:59 actually same location, same city,
28:01 Linz, two years ago, in 2012 in July,
28:04 and so then we went back, this time,
28:07 I'll tell you, it was interesting
28:09 because we're going back to the same location,
28:11 same venue, everything is like,
28:12 yo, how was the conference going to be different?
28:15 And as we there-- I'll just share a couple of the things,
28:18 that were quite a few things
28:19 that were maybe different to about it,
28:20 but sharing a few of the things one of the first things
28:24 we noticed was just the atmosphere.
28:27 Two years ago, it was kind of,
28:29 a bit of novelty that GYC was coming to Europe
28:31 and we were holding a conference
28:34 that was for every young--
28:35 every young person across Europe,
28:36 as far as you know, we were concerned,
28:38 we want them all.
28:39 And as, so young people were like
28:41 oh, here's GYC they've heard
28:43 about it in America, here it's coming,
28:44 and so a lot of young people came,
28:46 and experienced GYC.
28:50 But this year people understood a little bit more clearly
28:54 what the idea behind GYC was,
28:56 and so our attendance was actually a little bit lower,
28:59 it was about 800 to a 1,000
29:01 but the young people that came, came
29:04 because they wanted to be there,
29:06 they wanted to be in the Word,
29:07 they wanted to be on their knees,
29:09 the prayer times were powerful,
29:10 they wanted to be out doing evangelism,
29:13 and so we saw a difference in the atmosphere,
29:16 as far as the spirit of reverence was amazing,
29:21 it was something like, I have like,
29:23 I don't think ever experience before.
29:26 And the dedication, the seriousness,
29:29 the music last time because of the--
29:31 the music restrictions that they have in Austria,
29:33 last time we just had to have a couple of groups
29:35 just do all the music,
29:36 but this time we were able to let the attendees do it,
29:38 like we usually do here, in North America.
29:41 And it was so amazing to see the-- the amount of investment,
29:44 the buy in, the excitement, during the outreach,
29:47 we did it a few differences with the outreach as well.
29:51 Last time we just went door to door,
29:52 and we went door to door again,
29:54 but we also had a couple of other things
29:55 such as a health expo, we did actually like
29:58 a flash mob, into the city of Linz,
30:01 where we went into downtown and sang
30:03 and a lot of people responded to that.
30:06 We had a prayer booth where we went
30:07 and pray with people in the middle of the city.
30:10 It was just a-- it was just
30:12 such an amazing experience to see
30:13 how the young people responded, acknowledged the Word of God,
30:17 and-- but to also being able to reach out
30:19 to other people in many different ways,
30:21 not just in one way,
30:23 but to be able to use their talents
30:24 in what ever the capacity they had them,
30:26 to reach out to other people.
30:27 Erwin, just in a last few seconds
30:29 that we have left, what kind of impact
30:32 that it have on so many young people.
30:33 That anybody come up to you and say this was really great
30:35 I had a fun time, were they moved spiritually?
30:38 What might they have shared with you?
30:39 Well, with an attendance of 800 to 1,000 people,
30:43 if more than 100 people make the decision for baptism,
30:45 it's very powerful.
30:46 And so many more, when they appeal was made,
30:49 did not just response to be Baptist
30:50 but also to spend their life as a missionary
30:52 and be trained.
30:53 And so those are affects that,
30:55 these results we will see in the future also.
30:58 And so many came back and said this was powerful,
31:00 the songs that we sang and the straight messages,
31:02 the straight testimony, back to the Bible,
31:04 the spirit of prophecy, the hope that we have
31:06 the Jesus is coming soon and we can be ready,
31:09 that was something that was felt and that is heard
31:11 and at this point we also want to thank ASI
31:14 because without ASI we would probably
31:15 not have been able to go there and so thank you there also.
31:18 And the Lord is really blessed
31:20 and we're looking forward to expand not just in Europe,
31:22 but all over the world so that Jesus can come.
31:24 Thank you very much, Natasha and Erwin.
31:26 ASI we have a work to do,
31:29 and our young people have a work to do,
31:30 we are in good hands as long as we train them right
31:33 and support them as they go out to spread the message.
31:36 Now coming to the podium, our two individuals
31:40 that should be no strangers to you,
31:42 I kind of recognize them, let's see this is Jim Gilley.
31:48 I'm Danny, and this is Jim. Okay.
31:50 And this is Danny Shelton. No confusions.
31:51 Listen, we are so grateful, as ASI, for 3ABN,
31:57 because of you the world knows a little bit more about ASI
32:01 we're even more grateful for 3ABN
32:03 because of all the wonderful things
32:05 that you have done and accomplished,
32:06 and allowed ministries to do through your assistance,
32:09 so we just wanted you to share
32:10 a little bit about what's going on.
32:12 So I'm just gonna let you take it away
32:15 and do your thing watching the clock.
32:17 All right. Watching the clock.
32:18 We're good at that. We watch everyday.
32:21 You know, Danny, this is-- how many have you been to?
32:25 This is actually 29,
32:27 my first ASI was Big Sky, Montana.
32:30 Wow. And in 1985.
32:33 That's where the miracle took place.
32:35 Actually, the rain storm. Absolutely.
32:37 And you were able to tell people
32:39 about 3ABN during the rain.
32:42 That's right, in 1985 several folk had heard,
32:45 I was 33 years old,
32:47 you can do the math from that now,
32:48 I was excited, thought everybody
32:50 would want to know about this new Adventist station
32:53 to reach the world, trouble was I didn't have any money,
32:56 didn't have an education in television
32:58 didn't have much for an education period,
33:00 and I thought everybody would be excited about it,
33:02 but some folks started saying, but we want to hear about it,
33:05 but of course ASI says,
33:06 but we plan our programs way in advance.
33:09 So they said that's okay, may be next year,
33:11 and then Friday came-- was Friday afternoon,
33:15 there were gonna be rides up in the mountains,
33:19 and a big rain storm came in,
33:21 any of you who was there in 1985, all right,
33:23 so I got witnesses out here.
33:25 They're are still alive, Danny.
33:26 Big storm came and it's pouring down raining,
33:28 I was setting into meeting,
33:30 the national convention had about 250 to 300 people
33:33 then, was much smaller organization
33:36 and I remember seeing-- Phil Winstead was president,
33:40 Henry Martin was vice president.
33:41 Now I remember him, looking over my way
33:44 and doing like this, so I didn't know anybody,
33:46 nobody knew me, and so I thought
33:48 well, they're not talking to me,
33:50 so they kept motioning for me,
33:52 so finally I said well, I went like this,
33:54 I didn't want to do this, and them say no,
33:57 I'm not talking to you.
33:58 So I did this and they nodded,
34:00 so I finally, I said well, I'll walk by them,
34:02 if they stop me, then I'll go,
34:03 you know 'cause maybe they're still looking,
34:06 so finally I remember Henry said,
34:08 can you do us a big favor,
34:09 I have several hundred people here this afternoon,
34:12 we were schedule for a free time,
34:14 but because of this storm we need to hear your story,
34:19 about this new television network
34:21 you're building called 3ABN
34:22 and that was a start of our relationship with ASI,
34:27 and just a few short years later
34:29 probably three or four years later,
34:31 we were able to start televising those
34:34 literally around the world.
34:35 ASI is an incredible organization,
34:38 we've supported it from the very first time
34:40 I went there, we're so privileged
34:42 and we want to thank all of you
34:44 and ASI for your support of 3ABN
34:47 what a great relationship
34:49 to get the gospel into all the world.
34:51 You know, one of the things that they told me
34:53 before I came on the stage, is, your phone turned vibrate,
34:56 and by the way, the only telephone call
34:59 I ever got on the air was from Danny,
35:02 and we were doing a live-- he wasn't there
35:05 and I don't think he realize
35:07 that I was doing a live at the time,
35:09 but I do want you to remember that-- the 3ABN app
35:15 if you don't have it on you iPhone or on--
35:19 we got on the other one too, the android,
35:21 if you don't have it, get it,
35:23 it's not gonna cost you anything,
35:25 and you can watch 3ABN where ever you are.
35:29 Anywhere in the world, 24/7,
35:31 all six networks on your phones,
35:33 your iPhones, your androids, your iPads,
35:36 that's incredible technology.
35:38 It really is.
35:39 And we're finding people telling us
35:41 that they watching all the time.
35:45 A few weeks ago, we were just finishing
35:48 our anchor series with Ron Halverson,
35:50 how many of you saw some of that, with Ron,
35:53 we had him there with us, in West Frankfort,
35:57 and Ron was, we're just finished
36:00 and we stepped down off the platform
36:01 to have an after glow with the folks that were there.
36:05 Phone rings, and it's my daughter,
36:08 and she says, dad, we've got a person,
36:11 they live in Dyersburg, Tennessee,
36:14 so we have a man that's been coming here
36:16 with his wife have been coming to church for a few weeks,
36:20 we're without a Pastor right now,
36:22 he wants to be baptized and each week he comes thinking
36:26 there is going be a Pastor there to baptize him,
36:28 and today he was really disappointed,
36:31 he thought a man was coming from the conference
36:33 but then he founded out the man
36:35 was not physically able to do the baptism,
36:38 and he is so disappointed,
36:40 we came-- he came home to have a celebration with us,
36:43 if we were to bring him up would you baptize him?
36:47 And I said yes, we would baptize him.
36:48 He will be a member then of the Dyersburg Church,
36:51 we've done that several times before.
36:53 And so they jumped in the car,
36:55 I turned to our group and I said,
36:57 we having vespers tonight at our house, 7:30
37:01 and I bought this house, it already had a pool,
37:04 I wouldn't have built a pool, I don't swim very well,
37:08 but I float a little bit,
37:11 but I-- I said we will baptize him our pool,
37:14 we've had a number of baptisms there,
37:16 it's been a great thing for that.
37:17 And so they got there, about 7:30,
37:21 I turned around to Ron and I said Ron,
37:23 why don't you do this baptism.
37:24 Roy says, I'll do it, you know Ron.
37:26 He's ready and so Paul Hallas came,
37:31 tremendous middle aged gentleman,
37:34 a man who's had a real journey,
37:38 but this journey led him to 3ABN
37:41 and to the gospel of Jesus Christ
37:43 and the three angel's message,
37:45 he knows this message better than I do,
37:47 I tell you and Ron baptized him there.
37:50 And it's happing all over the world.
37:52 Debby just asked us are there any still,
37:54 you know, miracles?
37:56 The way say miracles-- constantly,
37:58 just in the last few weeks,
38:00 we get letters all the time, today,
38:02 Angie Lomacang was telling me, she works in 3ABN radio,
38:06 that a lady called the station a little upset,
38:09 she said, what is happening with my radio,
38:12 I turned to 3ABN and I got 3ABN,
38:16 but it was you know, Christiany,
38:17 what, heavy spiritual, so I didn't want to watch it
38:20 so I turned the channel,
38:22 it turn back by itself later on,
38:25 so she said it continued to do that
38:27 and she finally called the station and said,
38:29 what are you doing to my radio?
38:31 You are controlling the channels of here
38:34 because it keeps coming back, well she ended up accepting,
38:37 you know, the Lord and joining the Adventist Church,
38:39 we could write a book on channels stuck on 3ABN.
38:45 Just the other day, we did a program with Jim and Molly,
38:47 and Molly had some good letters
38:49 and some of those continually say,
38:51 oh, I got my cable station only would get 3ABN
38:56 and for we could not get it fixed,
38:57 people with satellite dishes,
38:59 it's keeps getting stuck on 3ABN.
39:02 God knows who's ready and who isn't?
39:05 And so I believe Jesus is coming very soon, don't you?
39:08 And because of that I believe that there is,
39:11 that God has a plan for each and everyone of us,
39:14 individually, collectively as a church,
39:17 as a people to get the-- undiluted three angels messages
39:21 and to all the world.
39:22 And this November again is 30 years and I think about that
39:25 and I give God honor and glory and praise.
39:28 I'll take the credit for the bad things,
39:29 but we give God the credit for all the good things.
39:32 Thank you for your love and your prayers
39:34 and support of 3ABN.
39:35 You know, Stan and Cathy Smith, were riding in taxi cab today
39:40 and the cab driver asked them what they were doing here
39:44 and they told him what was happening
39:46 and he said, now not by any chance
39:50 would Danny Shelton be here, would he?
39:53 And they said well, yes, he-- I think he is.
39:55 I haven't seen him but I think he is.
39:57 He said well, I just was sure
39:59 I saw him walking down Monroe Street here today.
40:03 And he said, I thought, what he can't be here,
40:07 but it's amazing this is a gentleman
40:09 that watches 3ABN all the time and was recently baptized.
40:14 So your message what you are doing
40:17 in supporting this ministry is having tremendous results.
40:22 We appreciate you being a part--
40:25 our being a part of this offering that will be coming.
40:28 We ask you to pray about being generous,
40:31 there's so many different groups there
40:33 and they all are very much in need,
40:35 as you know we bring ministry after ministry on 3ABN
40:39 to talk about their needs
40:42 and we want you to support each one them
40:44 because God wants us to share and to be with each other
40:50 and to be supporting each other.
40:53 And this year, we're trying to, to get our studio finished,
40:57 our control room in the worship center.
41:01 Because for years we've had to bring our mobile truck up
41:04 and hook up to it, which is okay,
41:07 but that means that
41:08 when we with the mobile truck goes out of town,
41:11 we can't have a television program there
41:15 in the worship center
41:16 or if we're having a program in the worship center
41:19 we can't send the truck out,
41:21 so we would really like to finish that this year,
41:24 and that's what the commitment is,
41:26 thank you so much.
41:27 All right God bless you.
41:32 Ladies and gentlemen, once again welcome, to ASI,
41:36 are you ready for Members in Action?
41:40 Oh, are you ready for Members in Action?
41:42 Yes.
41:43 Now you know that Members in Action
41:46 is the very heartbeat of ASI
41:49 because only what we do for Christ will last.
41:53 And I'm gonna tell you,
41:54 you might not be as excited as I am now,
41:57 but when you start hearing some of the-- the testimonies
42:00 you will be exuberant with excitement,
42:03 okay, right now with me I have Richard Alva,
42:07 who is a nutritionist and health educator
42:11 and we have Elton DeSousa who is a Chaplain
42:15 and Bible worker, now the thing with these two gentlemen,
42:18 they both work at a medical practice,
42:21 Medicore Partners.
42:23 Yes, we have a Chaplain in Bible worker with a nutrition
42:26 and health educator at a medical practice.
42:29 How is this possible? Good evening, ASI.
42:33 Well, we have an amazing opportunity
42:36 the God has provided,
42:37 Medicore Partners it's a medical practice
42:40 that was started by Dr. Manuel and Esther Alva,
42:43 those are my parents
42:45 and they've been in ministry, in health ministry,
42:47 during that work for a few years now.
42:50 So how is the two married?
42:52 Because you know, traditional with you know,
42:55 natural typically doesn't blend.
42:58 What's beautiful is that God is the one that does the work.
43:02 And so because God is the great physician,
43:05 and salvation comes from Him and health also comes from Him.
43:12 God is the means by which people receive health.
43:16 So God uses conventional means, He uses natural approaches
43:21 and that's why Elton and I have the opportunity
43:23 to work together in ministry.
43:25 Okay, so now how did the two of you come together?
43:29 I mean where did you find you know, a Chaplain?
43:32 And a Bible worker?
43:34 For a few years I was working there in the clinic
43:36 giving health education classes and we have that going.
43:40 Inside the clinic? Inside the clinic.
43:42 And so one thing that really laid the foundation
43:46 was the way that the doctors, my parents are physicians,
43:49 interact with the patients, praying with their patients,
43:53 talking to their patients about God,
43:55 winning their trust and their confidence that way,
43:58 introducing them to Christ.
43:59 So when I came along they were prepared
44:03 and ready to hear about nutrition,
44:06 to hear about health, to hear about better living,
44:09 and then Elton came along.
44:11 So Brother Elton,
44:13 you are the Chaplain and Bible worker,
44:15 how are you working this in?
44:17 I mean, you just, I'm sick
44:20 and you're gonna talk to me about the Bible,
44:21 is that how you do it?
44:23 Yes. Really?
44:24 Well, Jesus is the great physician
44:27 and working at the clinic,
44:30 I learned that eventually
44:33 everybody has some level of stress
44:36 and the patients that Richard sees
44:39 everyday, with his class,
44:42 he introduces to the stress management class
44:45 that we have at the clinic and this class--
44:50 when people come to the class,
44:52 they expected to be healed with their stress,
44:56 there will be some kind of a psychologist
44:58 or some you know, person.
45:00 So are they looking for a pill,
45:03 I mean because when I come to a doctor
45:05 or when people come,
45:06 they're typically looking for a-- yeah, yeah, quick fix.
45:10 That's right, they do, in especially
45:13 when they come with their stress they expect,
45:15 you know, way that we're gonna give some kind of a pill
45:19 or some kind of a you know, yoga treatment
45:22 or something like that, but then I tell them,
45:27 I have to be honest to you I cannot help you
45:30 but I know some one that can.
45:32 And when I say that they look at me
45:35 and I bring a "Steps to Christ"
45:37 and I tell them, the Christ is the way.
45:40 Would you like to sign up
45:42 and then continue with this Bible study?
45:45 So you are prescribing "Steps to Christ"?
45:48 Yes. Okay, okay.
45:50 So what happens, I mean you were telling me
45:52 that 90%-- are they Seventh-day Adventist?
45:54 I mean, are they--
45:56 No, 90% of the people that we are working with,
46:00 they are Catholics.
46:01 And in their region, there,
46:03 there is a lot of Catholic people
46:05 so they start reading the "Steps to Christ"
46:08 and they get very impressed to how we are saved by grace--
46:11 Elton, Richard looks like
46:12 he's just bursting with something to say.
46:14 How about that?
46:15 It's incredible because when you see somebody
46:19 who has the right healthy living information,
46:24 but they don't have Christ, it's one thing
46:28 but when Christ is introduced into that equation,
46:31 it changes everything.
46:33 Now since you brought in a Bible worker
46:35 into the practice
46:37 what has been the results?
46:38 Now how long has he been in the practice?
46:40 Well, we are there for four moths
46:44 and we have 105 steps to Christ
46:48 given in the 105 Bible studies set up.
46:53 Okay, so now, Richard, you been there since when?
46:55 Right.
46:57 I started working with my parents in 2003
46:59 with the health education in 2006
47:02 and then fulltime since 2011
47:04 with the series of health education classes
47:07 but since we started making
47:09 Bible studies available to the patients
47:12 we have not seen health out comes
47:15 so quickly as we are seeing now.
47:17 So you're literally seeing
47:18 physical results in addition to spiritual.
47:21 Both.
47:22 And they go together, absolutely.
47:24 Okay, we going to run out of time,
47:25 but I want to see your pictures,
47:26 I think we have a few pictures.
47:30 I want to share real quick, there this man comes to me
47:33 and when he hears about the stress management class
47:37 he calls me aside and he say, how do you do this class?
47:43 Because I went to a psychologist,
47:45 I went to you know, some yoga classes,
47:48 and everybody tells me the same,
47:50 it inside of me that I have the answer.
47:53 But then he calls me and he ask
47:56 are you gonna tell me something similar
47:58 'cause I don't want to waste my time
48:00 and I tell him no I won't
48:02 'cause I believe that only Christ has the answer.
48:06 Amen. Amen.
48:07 So they took our pictures away. It's okay.
48:11 Well, with the results that you are seeing now
48:14 what would you admonish the rest of us to do?
48:18 I'm reminded of John, John 16:13
48:23 where it says Jesus is speaking
48:24 and He says that the spirit will lead you into all truth.
48:29 Christ is truth, and we see amazing results
48:33 that work, not because of us,
48:35 but because of the work that the Holy Spirit is doing.
48:37 Amen. Thank you so much.
48:39 Thank you so much.
48:40 Truly the health message is the right arm of the gospel,
48:45 it's our entering wedge and-- when we use it
48:47 as the Lord has commissioned us to-- you see results.
48:51 I was just amazed, in a medical practice.
48:54 Now Gary, this gentleman
48:57 now who still believes in modern day miracles?
49:04 This is Gary Morgan and his ministry is
49:07 Search for One Incorporated, now first, come on closer,
49:12 explain what Search for One incorporated, what is that?
49:15 What do you do?
49:17 Melissa, Search for One, we're doing a medical ministry
49:20 in the Republic of Kiribati, South Pacific.
49:24 Where, who, what?
49:25 The Republic of Kiribati,
49:26 we are south of the Marshal Islands.
49:28 Not Kiricel.
49:29 Kiribati. Okay.
49:31 It's the local word for Gilberts.
49:33 Formally the Gilbert Islands in the South Pacific,
49:35 so we are south of the Marshall Islands
49:37 and were north of Fiji,
49:38 and about 2,000 miles away from Hawaii,
49:42 so right out there in the middle of no where.
49:45 Okay, so another words,
49:46 you don't have the Hawaiian feel
49:48 and all of the luxuries.
49:49 No, we do not. No.
49:50 How did you get way out there?
49:53 Well, you know, tonight is a very special night,
49:56 it was exactly 19 years ago, tonight,
50:00 that I walked into my very first ASI meeting,
50:03 and I walked in and joined the audience,
50:06 and I was blown away with what I heard,
50:09 the reports from around the world were phenomenal
50:12 and that night I walked through the display booths
50:16 and there was a sail boat set up in the back the auditorium,
50:19 it was "search for one's first ASI"
50:21 and they were there looking for a boat captain,
50:24 and a host family to go start the work
50:27 in Republic of Kiribati.
50:28 I said where do I sign up.
50:30 So I've been doing ever since.
50:31 Just like that. Just like that.
50:34 Now what is the purpose of search for one incorporated?
50:38 Well, we are taking medical, dental teams
50:42 into the outer islands where there are no doctors.
50:45 Tarawa has got a hospital/clinic with doctors,
50:49 but the outer islands do not have any.
50:52 So our focus has been to take
50:53 medical help to the outer islands.
50:56 But that work has been growing through the years,
50:58 we're now taking construction teams out
51:00 to help with building churches,
51:02 building on our Kauma Adventist School,
51:05 we are also taking evangelistic teams out there,
51:08 and we have some big things planed for the future.
51:10 And what are those big things?
51:13 We are looking forward to starting
51:14 a new clinic on Tarawa this next year,
51:17 Dr. Ray Andreassen, from Delta Junction Alaska,
51:21 was out with us this last February.
51:23 And he-- he was so excited with what he saw out there,
51:27 the response from the people and the needs
51:29 that he is looking forward to sharing his staff,
51:34 his medical expertise,
51:36 in time was setting up a clinic on Tarawa
51:39 for the people out there.
51:41 Okay, so now within this clinic,
51:43 how are you and incorporating the building, the evangelism,
51:46 I mean everything that you've, you know, expanded on.
51:50 You know, it all works together,
51:51 but the medical arm of our work is the leading edge.
51:56 Two years ago Dr. Dan Wilson, out of Lewiston, Idaho,
52:00 went with us to a closed island,
52:02 this is an island where they forbid
52:04 any evangelism, any teaching
52:06 other than the established religion on that island.
52:09 With up to a threat of death for doing it.
52:12 So we went in with our dental team
52:15 and we were welcomed with open arms,
52:17 we now have it island opened to evangelism
52:19 because of the medical team that went first.
52:21 That right arm again. Exactly.
52:24 Okay, now were telling me about the un-entered territories
52:28 that you are interested in going into, with the others.
52:31 We still have other islands
52:32 that have never been entered with any Adventist work,
52:36 and we are looking for the volunteers
52:38 that want to help us do that.
52:39 So I mean, do you already have these pegged out?
52:41 Do you know where you're gonna--
52:42 Yes, we do. Can you tell us?
52:45 So there are still a number of islands
52:48 that have never been entered due to the local people
52:53 and local religion.
52:54 Wanting to keep any other influences out.
52:57 Okay, so like right now,
52:58 what is the projected plan to try to enter into these areas?
53:03 Well, we are planning to start a mission college
53:05 for evangelism out there,
53:06 we want to train lay people in doing lay Bible work,
53:12 gardening, fundamental health principals,
53:16 we would like to have a lay evangelist
53:18 in every village in that country, God willing.
53:22 You have a very-- and this is
53:24 what I was gonna tell you about the miracle,
53:26 you have a very special miracle to share with us,
53:29 it's a short story, but it's powerful
53:31 and it's encouraging to know
53:32 that God is still working miracles today.
53:35 You know, God has influence, every trip we've out there,
53:38 but last year we arrived with a construction team
53:43 and we got to the island of Abemama,
53:45 where we have our Kauma Adventist School,
53:47 we're gonna be working on the cafeteria,
53:49 and we found that the island was out of food,
53:53 the seas were running high,
53:55 and the governments supply ships
53:58 had not been there in quite some time,
54:01 so I tried for three days
54:02 to get our large sail boat started,
54:06 and I was unsuccessful,
54:08 I've never had that problem before,
54:09 but for three days in a row, would not start,
54:12 so I looked at Takamais, my local right hand man
54:15 who takes care of the boats out there,
54:16 so Takamais what about taking the old Macgregor 26?
54:21 It was our first sail boat in the country out there,
54:23 but it had been on the beach for a while and not used,
54:25 he said yeah, he said I think that would make it.
54:28 So we put a new motor on the back of that boat,
54:33 spent a day preparing and we took off for Tarawa,
54:35 80 miles away to get a supply of rice and flour and sugar,
54:40 for the school and to share with the island out there.
54:43 Now this happened because you said
54:45 you checked back at the school and they had no food?
54:48 They were opening school with no food there.
54:51 So we made a very quick trip to Tarawa,
54:54 got the boat loaded, 5 o'clock the next evening
54:57 we were back on the sea headed back to Abemama.
54:59 But as soon as we hit the open ocean,
55:02 we knew it was gonna be a rough rugged trip.
55:04 We'd taken twice the amount of fuel
55:07 that we usually budgeted for that particular trip.
55:10 But as we went through the night,
55:12 each time I transferred fuel from our barrels
55:14 to the running tank it became obvious
55:17 that we were running short.
55:19 The wind, the waves we had swells up over 25 feet
55:24 and we were bailing water, we had several ways--
55:27 Not to mention you got knocked up side the head
55:29 and the-- I mean, that's a whole different--
55:31 That's right, by 2 o'clock Friday afternoon
55:33 I picked-- pulled out my satellite telephone,
55:36 I called mission head quarters let them know
55:38 that we are running short on fuel,
55:39 we were 26 miles from the island of Abemama,
55:43 and we were late, it was questionable
55:46 whether we would make shore.
55:47 So it was God's blessing,
55:49 there was a secretary there to take that call,
55:52 she emailed the school principal
55:54 at our Kauma Adventist School,
55:56 he rang the emergency bell they had a prayer session,
55:59 assembled the whole student body
56:01 and faculty at exactly 3 o'clock.
56:04 The very same time that you are having issues with that.
56:07 Exactly, the engine at 3 o'clock quit,
56:10 I went back, opened up the big hatch at the back of the boat,
56:13 to try and pull start the engine
56:14 after transferring more fuel to it,
56:17 a wave and wind caught that back of the boat
56:20 and as I looked up it hit me right square in the face,
56:23 fore head and nose,
56:25 I had blood running down in front of me on to the deck,
56:28 so I called Takamais who is down
56:30 bailing water out of the main cabin,
56:32 I said Takamais, I said need some help back here.
56:34 He looked out and says, Gary, oh, no what to I do?
56:37 I said, through me your shirt or rag something
56:39 I can clean my face with.
56:40 Now jump us to when you get to share the experience
56:44 because they gonna run me out of time.
56:45 Yeah, okay, so anyway that last transfer of fuel
56:50 ran twice as long as all of the other fuel tanks
56:54 that run on the trip and we traveled four times
56:57 as far on that tank of fuel,
56:59 that tank of fuel took us all the way
57:01 to the Lagoon at Abemama.
57:04 So I got in about 11:30 that night to my hut,
57:07 next Sabbath morning I was able to walk in to Sabbath School
57:11 and tell these children, beginning of the school year,
57:15 told them of our miracle the day before
57:17 and how their prayers had saved us at sea.
57:20 So as a tremendous start for the-- their school year.
57:23 May the good Lord bless it and Gary, thank you so much.
57:26 You know, this almost makes me want to cry
57:28 because truly only what we do for Christ will last.
57:31 He is waiting for us to go out there,
57:34 to step out on faith
57:35 and He will work miracles for you.
57:37 Don't be afraid, don't look for that security
57:40 under your feet, walk out on faith
57:43 even if you walking on air with the faith of God,
57:46 He will sustain you.
57:47 Thank you, Gary. Than you, Melissa.
57:52 You know, I don't know if you realize
57:55 how close to Christ's return that we are,
57:59 but when you hear some of these stories
58:02 you will understand
58:03 why the Lord is commissioning us to go
58:07 and will you hear our next couple,
58:10 you'll understand just what our mission really is.
58:12 Come closer, we have Don and Trudi--
58:17 Starlin.
58:18 Starlin, and your ministry-- I just-- I spent hours
58:22 just really going over it,
58:24 their ministry is working with refugees,
58:27 now when we say go,
58:29 are you going into all of these countries and lands,
58:31 where is your ministry?
58:34 Well, we have been involved in four missions,
58:36 between the two of us,
58:37 we have about 40 years of combined experience,
58:40 but now the refugees are here among us.
58:45 So you all are actually,
58:46 you have to tell me more about that.
58:47 Here in the United States of America?
58:50 That's right, approx of the 100 least reach
58:54 people groups on planet earth about 20 of them are now here
58:58 in significant numbers in the United States.
59:01 How is that so?
59:04 Well, five years ago we just found out that,
59:07 there is a lot of refugees, been immigrant to America
59:10 and when I was working in AFM one of our development persons.
59:15 Oh, you worked for them. Yeah.
59:17 And you know, came back and said,
59:19 there's a church that have a group of people coming here
59:21 and they are from Burma,
59:22 that they don't speak the language
59:24 and they ask me if I could help them
59:27 and so I am originally from Burma
59:29 and I can speak Korean and Burmese.
59:31 And so I was able to help them connect
59:34 and trying to explain to them, who they are?
59:37 Where they are from?
59:39 And that's how we got started. Okay.
59:42 Now in some of the-- you know, the information you sent,
59:45 you were saying that you know America has a misunderstanding
59:49 or misinterpretation of what needs to be done.
59:52 Could you explain that?
59:53 Well, most of the refugee that comes
59:55 they are literally coming from the jungle.
59:58 And so they lived in a place there is no running water,
01:00:00 no electricity,
01:00:01 and let alone having to work or learning to drive
01:00:05 as so when they come to America,
01:00:07 they are put in a housing places that--
01:00:11 it's basically concrete jungle and so they don't know
01:00:14 how to run the electricity meters,
01:00:17 that, how to turn the stove on,
01:00:19 you know, the running water and having to learn to drive,
01:00:23 do the banking you know, and learn the language.
01:00:25 So simple daily things. Right.
01:00:29 Simple daily things that we take for granted.
01:00:33 So you're saying that we need to go
01:00:35 and to reach them, here in the United States.
01:00:38 That's right they are here in United States.
01:00:42 They are all around us,
01:00:43 in fact information is on government websites,
01:00:48 various refugee resettlement programs,
01:00:50 that are you can Google that,
01:00:52 find people that are close to you.
01:00:54 Yeah, well, I made a list here,
01:00:55 you were saying there was some needs,
01:00:57 friendship, support their pastors,
01:01:00 what do you mean by support their pastors?
01:01:03 We found as we've gone around
01:01:05 and first of all made friends with the people,
01:01:08 met their needs,
01:01:10 we've discovered that God in his wisdom,
01:01:14 has placed strategically people who are already trained
01:01:19 spiritually amongst many of these tribal groups,
01:01:22 they are here,
01:01:23 but instead as working as pastors
01:01:25 and ministers they're doing menial tasks,
01:01:29 they are slaughtering chickens, they're driving Ford trucks,
01:01:34 they're involved in, in fact there's one pastor,
01:01:37 right here in the Grand Rapids area, from Burma,
01:01:40 who is working at a factory,
01:01:42 making wiring harnesses instead of out encouraging his people.
01:01:46 Or establishing churches, I mean--
01:01:48 That's right, and he could be. So what is that we can do?
01:01:52 I mean, it sounds simple, I mean I can tell some one
01:01:55 how to shop, too good, you know.
01:01:58 Well, I think in North America,
01:02:00 we have been so focused abroad that we haven't realize
01:02:05 the massive influx of refugees that have come in
01:02:08 from these strategically located countries
01:02:11 in terms of the gospel, outreach, places
01:02:14 where we simply cannot work today,
01:02:17 and have not been able to work for many decades
01:02:21 from Bhutan, Nepal, Burma,
01:02:24 and many of the Middle Eastern and North African countries
01:02:27 where work is very hard to do.
01:02:30 Okay, well, now Trudi, you were saying
01:02:32 that we need to rethink strategies
01:02:35 and I had to write this down so I wouldn't misquoted,
01:02:37 rethink strategies for church planting in North America.
01:02:43 Well, basically what I'm, and would like to encourage
01:02:46 everybody is that, look around you,
01:02:51 you'll see the people they may look different to you,
01:02:54 but they are our brothers and sisters,
01:02:57 and when allow this refugee that came to America
01:03:00 a lot of them are Adventist,
01:03:02 already Adventist and looking for Adventist
01:03:05 brothers and sisters to help them
01:03:07 and, they don't understand the language.
01:03:11 Tell them who is helping them, as we're not.
01:03:16 Well, she is really want me to say this,
01:03:21 let me tell you one example, the story that we visited
01:03:25 a family in Rock Island, Illinois,
01:03:28 and we stayed with the host family,
01:03:30 and Sabbath morning came
01:03:32 and they were worship in a home church,
01:03:34 you know, basically in home and Sabbath morning came
01:03:37 and he told us that Jehovah witness
01:03:39 is coming to give him Bible study,
01:03:42 this is quarter to eight.
01:03:44 And Don and I looked at each other and we said,
01:03:47 we hear that all the time,
01:03:49 you know, they Korean people will say,
01:03:51 yeah, Jehovah witness is knocking our door,
01:03:53 but we have yet to Adventist come to our door,
01:03:56 so we wanted to see what they were doing,
01:03:57 so they came, they dressed up really nice,
01:04:01 you know, and they o-- when they got to the door
01:04:03 they take their shoes off, this is Asian cultures
01:04:07 and they sit on the floor, and there is a couch there
01:04:12 but they do not choose to sit there,
01:04:13 they sat on the floor they spread their material
01:04:17 and to our surprise that there was material in their language,
01:04:22 colorful illustrated
01:04:23 and they had the Bible in the Korean language
01:04:25 and they have the father read the Bible in Korean,
01:04:28 and the little girl seven or eight years old
01:04:30 she's attending public school
01:04:31 so she was even reading it in English,
01:04:34 and so guess what's gonna happen that little girl.
01:04:38 We are missing out the opportunity.
01:04:40 So sieze the opportunity.
01:04:42 Yeah, and we don't live by there
01:04:43 so we can't really go there,
01:04:45 we can only go and encourage whenever we can and are able.
01:04:50 Well, we have a commission not only from them
01:04:53 but especially from God.
01:04:55 Thank you, Don, thank you, Trudi.
01:04:58 Our time is run out. Our time, I'm sorry.
01:05:01 But I do want to leave you with the quote
01:05:03 that they had that I-- I want to share,
01:05:05 "If befriended and loved are more open to the gospel
01:05:10 than at any other time in their lives
01:05:13 because their entire world view is being reinterpreted",
01:05:17 We can give them the truth we have the truth,
01:05:21 so let's each one reach one.
01:05:24 God bless.
01:10:29 ASI ministries, they are so marvelous,
01:10:34 we hear from far and near, members working in the Pacific
01:10:40 and members working close by, even Benton Harbor, Michigan.
01:10:44 I have with me, Garren and Bonnie Dent
01:10:47 from the Berrien Springs area,
01:10:50 and actually you have a business
01:10:51 right in down town Berrien Springs don't you?
01:10:54 We do. What is your business?
01:10:56 We have a retail hard warestore in Berrien.
01:10:58 Okay, but now you have been as a family,
01:11:00 involved in some Benton Harbor ministry,
01:11:03 how did that start?
01:11:05 About 10 years ago, Pioneer Memorial Church
01:11:08 was on the campus of Andrew's University there,
01:11:11 started, the students had a-- been pressed by the Holy Spirit
01:11:15 to simply go to our local Intercity,
01:11:18 which is about 12 miles from Berrien
01:11:20 and just pray with people up and down the streets
01:11:22 and out of that they developed a little group
01:11:26 and that group started meeting and they rented a church
01:11:28 and so a little congregation was formed,
01:11:30 as a new plant, start group out of PMC.
01:11:34 And that's called Harbor of Hope.
01:11:36 Right now it's called Harbor of Hope, yeah.
01:11:37 Fits Benton Harbor doesn't it?
01:11:38 It does. Yeah.
01:11:39 So what's the ministry like?
01:11:41 Bonnie?
01:11:42 The ministry has a lot of facets to it,
01:11:46 primarily, what we have is a church service,
01:11:50 Sabbath School then church there's some
01:11:52 youth group activities that go on,
01:11:55 they have what's called Side Rock Sabbath School,
01:11:57 they take a big truck out and they do different types of
01:12:01 street ministries on the street.
01:12:04 Multi faceted, one of the other facets of it
01:12:07 is a food program, and what happens is,
01:12:11 every Sabbath morning we have a breakfast,
01:12:14 and, and then we have Sabbath School or Bible study
01:12:18 and then we have church and then we have a Sabbath dinner,
01:12:21 and that comprises a very unique and diverse
01:12:25 and great mix of people.
01:12:27 We have people that come in off the street, tea, breakfast,
01:12:30 we have students from Andrew's that come to help
01:12:32 mentor the kids and help teach the kids about the Bible,
01:12:36 we have our members that have become baptized
01:12:39 into this congregation
01:12:41 and so it's a really great mix of people
01:12:44 when they come in off the street
01:12:46 and they're eating breakfast, we can sit on and say,
01:12:48 hey, how have you been doing?
01:12:50 Yeah, we have church and we have Bible study,
01:12:52 please stay and they'll stay for church
01:12:55 and that's kind of how we've been involved.
01:12:57 We were initially involved with sitting with the kids,
01:13:00 and helping teach the kids Bible stories
01:13:02 and now we've gotten involved
01:13:04 in the food part of the program.
01:13:05 And about how many young people and folks
01:13:07 come in on a typical Sabbath with you?
01:13:09 Yeah, it varies during the Andrew's University School year
01:13:13 we have closer to, more up towards a 100
01:13:15 because a lot of our students at Andrew's are learning,
01:13:19 how to do Intercity ministry through this program,
01:13:24 but it varies even down to 60 to 100, yeah.
01:13:27 So you started sort of sitting with the kids for a while,
01:13:29 now you are feeding that group.
01:13:32 What's it like when the kids,
01:13:33 young people from the Intercity come in,
01:13:35 and even have breakfast with you.
01:13:37 Yeah, we have-- we have a group
01:13:39 and it's kind of a breakfast group that comes,
01:13:41 it was started because a lot of the kids
01:13:43 would come to church and they were so hungry,
01:13:45 they would say, I need some to eat,
01:13:47 and you ask them and truly they haven't eaten
01:13:49 since school on Friday.
01:13:51 It just home life is such there was not regular meals
01:13:54 and if they found anything, but they-- they could eat it,
01:13:57 if not then would come to church hungry,
01:13:58 they couldn't sit and concentrate for church,
01:14:00 so we started offering just a small breakfast,
01:14:03 and that what we do now, and then the main meal's
01:14:05 of course set after the sermon.
01:14:07 Now how long have you been involved in this ministry?
01:14:10 We've involved for about 10 years now.
01:14:12 So you've seen some Intercity kids growing up?
01:14:14 We have, it's been very exciting,
01:14:16 they just-- they started as young people
01:14:18 and of course they are 10 years at least older now
01:14:22 and they are, some still attend, some do not,
01:14:25 some attend occasionally and we are just praying that
01:14:28 a little bit impact we had when they were younger,
01:14:30 that they-- they will-- it will stick with them.
01:14:33 How many get older?
01:14:35 You're trying to-- you're building relationships,
01:14:38 you're mentoring them, give us an example.
01:14:41 Right, well, it kind of has developed into
01:14:45 deeper relationships, and we kind of saw the need,
01:14:49 I was sitting with a young girl,
01:14:52 a pretty young girl
01:14:54 and we were eating Sabbath dinner together,
01:14:56 and she was new and I was talking to her
01:14:59 about her life and what was going on.
01:15:00 She was excited about a new job,
01:15:02 but she was expressing to me that she had concerns about
01:15:05 how she was gonna get to that job
01:15:06 because she had no car, she was gonna get off late,
01:15:10 at about 10 o'clock,
01:15:11 I had visions of this beautiful young girl
01:15:13 walking home in the bad part of the Intercity,
01:15:16 and when I-- so I said okay, why don't I pick you up
01:15:20 and I will take you home,
01:15:21 and so that's what I decided to do
01:15:23 and so in the process when I picked her up
01:15:26 she was suppose to count out the drawer,
01:15:28 at the end of her of shift,
01:15:30 and literally because of the challenging situation
01:15:33 she had at school, not been able to learn as well,
01:15:37 she couldn't even do that skill,
01:15:38 and it made us aware that there is a huge need
01:15:41 for these people to be integrated
01:15:45 and that's a purpose of ASI as Christ in the market place,
01:15:48 so we felt like, we need to start mentoring these people
01:15:51 at my husband's work not just vocationally
01:15:54 but as you are teaching them these skills
01:15:57 that relate to their work,
01:15:58 you can also help them learn biblical principals,
01:16:02 and you can help them learn about Christ's love,
01:16:05 and you can share that with them
01:16:06 and what we found in that process is it
01:16:09 they have truly mentored us.
01:16:11 We have seen huge character flaws
01:16:13 that we have needed to deal with and that,
01:16:15 Christ has really called us out on through them,
01:16:19 so it's been a wonderful reciprocal relationship.
01:16:22 So you're actually bringing some of these young people
01:16:24 home with you at times,
01:16:26 they're going to work with you during the day,
01:16:27 you're teaching them responsibility,
01:16:30 you really are getting close to these young people,
01:16:31 aren't you?
01:16:32 What a blessing to do that.
01:16:35 I think you living out of bit of Isaiah 58
01:16:37 right in Benton Harbor, and praise the Lord for
01:16:40 Pioneer Memorial Church for doing this initiative.
01:16:43 What would you say our ASI family
01:16:45 from your experience,
01:16:46 that would be an encouragement to us for the future.
01:16:49 I would say that
01:16:50 because ASI members are in the market place,
01:16:54 whether you own a business or work in a business,
01:16:56 I would just ask you to pray and ask God
01:16:59 to give you these relationships that will allow you to work,
01:17:03 we all need to work, we all have our responsibilities,
01:17:06 but how we can integrate that with sharing Christ,
01:17:09 and being mentored by these people
01:17:12 that have life experiences that can enrich you,
01:17:14 while you're mentoring them.
01:17:15 I would also ask you to pray, ask the Holy Spirit,
01:17:19 if you would like to support it financially,
01:17:21 every ministry needs financial support,
01:17:24 you could do that by giving to Pioneer
01:17:26 and marking it Harbor of Hope Ministry.
01:17:29 Harbor of Hope.
01:17:30 If you'd like to learn more about it tonight
01:17:31 during the exhibit time, come to 7:32
01:17:35 and the folks will be there with you.
01:17:37 Thank you so much, Garren and Bonnie.
01:17:42 Well, let's leave this area now and go up to Minnesota,
01:17:46 the land of lakes,
01:17:47 and you're gonna be pretty blessed also
01:17:51 with Jimmy Hansen,
01:17:52 so glad to have you out here with us today.
01:17:54 Thank you.
01:17:55 Jimmy, you-- you were raised a Seventh-day Adventist,
01:17:57 is that right?
01:17:58 I was, I come from a third generation family
01:18:01 of Seventh-day Adventist.
01:18:03 Well, that's wonderful, now that's a privilege.
01:18:05 Now you told me though that, from a youth you had a--
01:18:10 an interest peaked in you that is probably not so typical
01:18:14 of Seventh-day Adventist, tell us about that.
01:18:17 When I was a child I heard about a relative
01:18:20 that was a deputy sheriff, and as child and a boy,
01:18:25 I dreamt about that
01:18:26 and my dreams of becoming a police officer
01:18:29 became a reality.
01:18:31 So you-- you perused a course in law enforcement?
01:18:34 Yes, I did.
01:18:36 So you-- do I understand that you--
01:18:38 you worked as a patrol officer for a while.
01:18:41 I did, I worked on the street as a patrol officer,
01:18:44 and I've worked at, as a police officer
01:18:49 also at a reservation
01:18:50 and now as a chief law enforcement officer.
01:18:54 Okay, and an investigator at one time.
01:18:56 Correct.
01:18:57 Okay, well you have an interesting background up
01:18:59 there in Minnesota, you never know what happens
01:19:01 up in that area, do you?
01:19:02 Correct.
01:19:03 Now I come from a small town it's called Dunlap, Tennessee,
01:19:06 and we have only about 5,000 people.
01:19:09 Tell me about Akeley, Minnesota.
01:19:11 Let's reduce that by a about--
01:19:15 10? 10, we're back to 10%--
01:19:18 500.
01:19:19 About 5 to 600 in the winter time
01:19:22 and may be tripled that in the summer time.
01:19:24 So you really get to know your community?
01:19:26 No, each one of them almost.
01:19:28 Wow, how did you get involved in that community though?
01:19:32 I was recruited actually by a citizen
01:19:35 to come and apply there when there was an opening,
01:19:38 when I was working as an investigator.
01:19:41 Okay, so you were interviewed and they hired you?
01:19:43 Correct. How many years ago?
01:19:45 That is been about five years ago now.
01:19:48 Okay, now you-- you go to church in Akeley?
01:19:53 I do not, I go to church in Wadena,
01:19:55 which is about an hour from where I work.
01:19:58 Okay, but you had a burden for the town you work in?
01:20:02 Correct.
01:20:04 To help people that would be spiritually open,
01:20:07 how did your home church get involved in that?
01:20:11 My home church has evangelism outreach programs,
01:20:15 and one of the programs they have done over the last
01:20:19 three or four years is supply "The Great Controversy'
01:20:23 with the church and the members
01:20:26 to who ever would like to past them out.
01:20:28 And the church pays for them
01:20:31 and orders them and supplies them.
01:20:34 So you have some in your office?
01:20:36 I have some in my office as well, as my vehicle.
01:20:39 And some in the police car. Yes.
01:20:41 So as you're out serving the public,
01:20:45 you looking for opportunities to place
01:20:47 "The Great Controversy" in people's lands.
01:20:49 When somebody shows the desire for a hope
01:20:53 or something better than this life has to offer.
01:20:56 Then I get into action and they get a book of hope.
01:21:01 What you think about that ASI? Amen. Amen.
01:21:03 Chief of the police giving out "Great Controversy."
01:21:06 That's a blessing, we're so glad to hear that.
01:21:09 Tell us what's this like?
01:21:10 When you meet people, give us an example of something
01:21:13 that you've been able to impact through your police ministry.
01:21:16 I will share with you a call that I received,
01:21:20 it's been little over a year ago,
01:21:22 about a lady that needed medical attention,
01:21:25 and it was called in and I receive that call
01:21:28 and went to the call, and found a lady
01:21:31 sitting along side the road, that when you're in Minnesota,
01:21:34 and it's march and it's 40 above that's a nice day.
01:21:38 Okay.
01:21:39 She was out for a walk,
01:21:41 so medically everything was fine,
01:21:44 but something told me to go check on her,
01:21:46 in a couple of days to see how things were, and I did,
01:21:50 and she was not home.
01:21:51 I went a few days later, and I went back to her three times
01:21:55 and each time spoke with her husband and at--
01:22:00 I would say two or three of the times
01:22:02 her husband had some questions concerning Bible truths,
01:22:06 the fourth time I went back, Shirley was there.
01:22:10 We laugh about it now,
01:22:11 she was there all the other three times too.
01:22:14 But she was a little apprehensive with the uniform.
01:22:19 But she asked if I could come back
01:22:20 and give her some more information
01:22:23 concerning questions she had about the Bible.
01:22:26 And they decided to move across town,
01:22:29 she had invited me over to their new house
01:22:31 with her grandchildren listening,
01:22:33 while we talked about Bible questions and answers.
01:22:38 Today she is going to church with her grandchildren
01:22:43 and she is studying to be baptized.
01:22:45 Amen. Isn't that a blessing?
01:22:48 Well, chief, what can you say to our ASI family,
01:22:51 about ministry?
01:22:54 Number one thing that I see today is
01:22:58 the urgency of the hour,
01:23:00 and the urgency of the hour is
01:23:02 God calling each and every one of us to do this work.
01:23:05 And if He can use a person in uniform
01:23:09 at 1am in the morning to share the love of Jesus,
01:23:13 in front of a bar, he can use anybody.
01:23:17 And I didn't choose this,
01:23:18 God choose me or I won't be doing it.
01:23:21 And when He chose me, He also opened up doors
01:23:25 and I'll share this with the audience,
01:23:27 that where ever He plants you, it's already blooming.
01:23:30 And it's a wonderful thing.
01:23:32 Thank you chief, may God bless you
01:23:34 and your ministry in Minnesota.
01:23:36 Thank you.
01:23:39 Now we'd like to tell you about a ministry
01:23:41 that is impacting people all over the world
01:23:46 by the 10's of 1,000's
01:23:49 and I can't wait to be able to tell you more about this
01:23:52 from Merlin and Vonda Beerman, so glad to have here.
01:23:57 Now these both combined
01:23:58 a couple of ministries together,
01:24:00 Vonda is a soloist,
01:24:02 who, actually would be singing for us
01:24:04 in a little while this evening.
01:24:06 She been on 3ABN with quiet hour
01:24:09 and as they have had her music ministry
01:24:13 and as Merlin as helped her,
01:24:15 another ministry grew out of that called
01:24:18 Revelation Publication Internationals,
01:24:21 sounds amazing.
01:24:22 Vonda, how did that happened?
01:24:25 You mean how did it come out of a music ministry?
01:24:28 Yeah. That's true. He was helping you.
01:24:30 That's kind of a good question.
01:24:31 Well, I have the privilege of our sharing the love of Jesus
01:24:36 through music and song, and love my job
01:24:39 and can't believe that the doors,
01:24:42 so many doors that have been opened,
01:24:44 all over the world, including prison doors.
01:24:48 And one of our favorite things to do
01:24:50 is to go into the prisons, and as I give a concert
01:24:54 and men and women's hearts are being led to the Lord
01:24:59 through these songs,
01:25:01 my husband and I felt this need to,
01:25:04 continue to nurture them and it was there,
01:25:10 that a Bible study based on
01:25:12 "The Steps to Christ" book was created
01:25:16 and I'll let my husband finish the rest.
01:25:19 So were you giving out steps to Christ
01:25:21 in the prison sometimes?
01:25:23 Yes, we would pass them out and the prisoners would say,
01:25:27 they would write us back and say, this is a great book.
01:25:30 But I don't understand all the big words,
01:25:33 so to make a long story short, we made a paraphrased,
01:25:36 Bible study out of "Steps to Christ."
01:25:39 And the focus of our ministry now is to-- is very simple,
01:25:45 follow the gospel commission and take them to the world.
01:25:49 So you put together "Steps to Christ",
01:25:51 as kind of a lesson, a Bible study lesson for them.
01:25:54 How did that end up getting into this
01:25:56 Revelation Publication International?
01:25:59 Well, over time, praise God and all the glory to Him.
01:26:04 The study guides eventually spread,
01:26:06 people started asking for them
01:26:07 and pretty soon that ABCs were carrying them
01:26:09 and a lot of the bigger ministries
01:26:11 and distribution within the United States
01:26:14 was pretty good.
01:26:15 But then people from out side the United States
01:26:18 would contact by email or phone and once they found out that
01:26:22 the cost of shipping was more than the book,
01:26:24 most of them wouldn't buy.
01:26:26 And so one day I'm-- I'm on my knees in my office
01:26:30 with the world map and I'm just praising--
01:26:32 or just pleading with God, please take these to the world,
01:26:36 by the power of your Holy Spirit
01:26:37 give me wisdom.
01:26:38 And in that conversation with God,
01:26:40 He impressed me to make a website,
01:26:43 and we have a graphic of that here.
01:26:44 It's a
01:26:48 And He impressed me to put these Bible studies
01:26:50 in every language possible,
01:26:51 at this website for free download.
01:26:54 Well, in my limited knowledge at the time
01:26:56 I'm asking, oh, Lord are you sure?
01:26:59 I'll do it but anybody know anything about the internet
01:27:02 you know, you either have to know somebody's address
01:27:05 to get to their website,
01:27:06 of course nobody is gonna know mine
01:27:08 or somebody does the search engine search,
01:27:12 and some little guy like me is gonna be on page 15
01:27:16 so whose gonna go to page 15 to download the Bible studies,
01:27:19 but I was faithful to Lord said, okay,
01:27:21 sure enough the first year there was about 30 there
01:27:24 and the next year may be 50 some.
01:27:26 Another year or two ticked by
01:27:28 and one day a neighbor came over
01:27:30 and he was telling me about his lottery business
01:27:32 and he told me how he made a ad in Google
01:27:35 and you make a little ad we got a graphic of that too,
01:27:39 if they can show that, these are the very ads
01:27:42 where we use that first day by the way.
01:27:44 And you can make a picture ad or a text ad.
01:27:47 And in that ad you set up key words
01:27:49 where, as people are searching for free Bible studies,
01:27:52 then your ad will popup,
01:27:54 and then you give Google a daily budget
01:27:56 and they charge your credit card
01:27:58 every time somebody goes to your website.
01:27:59 We thought why do we have to loose,
01:28:01 we'll make a little ad, we'll put $5 on it,
01:28:03 and see what happens?
01:28:05 So we did that.
01:28:06 Went in the next morning, seven hits,
01:28:10 I thought praise the Lord that's more than we get in
01:28:12 three month, this is awesome,
01:28:14 well, it gets better, a lot better.
01:28:17 And by the way that was $5, four people,
01:28:20 you know, here's four people somewhere in the world
01:28:23 looking to know the Lord and I can give that to Him
01:28:25 for a dollar and a quarter?
01:28:27 Well, the next day there was 30 some, the next day 60 some,
01:28:31 next day 120, and the numbers keep going up,
01:28:34 and finally the numbers are leveled off
01:28:36 and I'm going, what's going on?
01:28:37 And I figured it out, well, Google is not gonna
01:28:39 advertise for free right, once the money's spent
01:28:42 they're not gonna put your ad up anymore,
01:28:44 so Vonda and I started getting excited
01:28:46 and started putting our personal money in this,
01:28:48 more and more and upping the budget each day
01:28:50 and pretty soon there was 500, 700, a 1000, in a day,
01:28:56 2000 then the day of Pentecost, hit 3000,
01:29:00 we're just praising the Lord.
01:29:02 In one day? In one day.
01:29:04 Praise the Lord. How long ago was that?
01:29:07 This is happened-- took off about two and half years ago,
01:29:11 and to this point, right we have a graphic of that too
01:29:14 of a world map, anywhere you see color on that map,
01:29:18 God has heard my prayer and taken these to the world.
01:29:22 Can you say Amen?
01:29:23 And you can look at a worked map like that
01:29:25 just about any day of the year and it will look the same.
01:29:29 There is two countries that I can see one is North Korean,
01:29:32 where internet is blocked in there
01:29:34 somewhere in the Sahara desert,
01:29:35 there's probably not internet, the God is good.
01:29:39 So Google ads has open up the store for you,
01:29:42 now when we were back stage you were showing me right now
01:29:46 147 people are at this very moment
01:29:49 on your website, at this second 149.
01:29:51 This very second.
01:29:53 How many-- how may yesterday.
01:29:56 Yesterday was a record about 16,000.
01:29:59 In one day, on the internet.
01:30:01 And I want to say this, our budget typically is about
01:30:05 with a-- we are a non profit we have a few donors that help.
01:30:08 It's usually about 3,000 a month.
01:30:11 And we were averaging about 4,000 hits a day,
01:30:13 about two months ago somebody hands me a check for $7,000
01:30:16 so the budget's been up, in the last couple of days
01:30:19 because I wanted come and make a point,
01:30:21 that this is something that each one you could be doing.
01:30:23 We upped the budget, yesterday was a record of 16,000.
01:30:27 And here is the part, on that slide,
01:30:30 to date 4.4 million people at the website in two years.
01:30:35 In two years. Amen every one.
01:30:37 The way this can be applied to each of your ministries here,
01:30:41 when somebody goes on there looking for truth,
01:30:42 they need to find every one of our ministries on page one
01:30:45 and it can happen.
01:30:47 Come to our web, our booth, 115
01:30:50 and we would be glad to talk to you about it,
01:30:53 we have some little tracks we're giving out for free,
01:30:56 that have the website
01:30:57 if you want to point some people to this,
01:30:58 for free Bible studies.
01:30:59 That's networking.
01:31:00 Go by and see his booth and learn more
01:31:03 how to use the internet to reach so many people.
01:31:05 Thank you so much for sharing. It's amazing.
01:31:12 Isn't it amazing to see
01:31:13 what God is doing all around the world,
01:31:15 it's just one of my favorite parts of ASI
01:31:19 is doing Members in Action
01:31:21 and hearing the stories of how God is it work.
01:31:23 Have you been blessed this evening
01:31:25 by the stories you've heard?
01:31:26 Amen.
01:31:27 Amen, well, we are not quite finished yet.
01:31:29 Just a couple of more stories
01:31:31 and I have here with me this evening, Mark Cromwell,
01:31:34 who is vice president for the Mid-America, chapter of ASI.
01:31:38 And Jane Smith on this side who is our vice president
01:31:42 from membership there, and Vivian Neuharth
01:31:45 who is a new member of ASI.
01:31:47 So welcome her as our new member this evening.
01:31:49 Right. Amen. Thank you.
01:31:52 Now, oh, I understand that the Mid-America chapter
01:31:56 did an interesting event for their spring conference,
01:31:59 Vivian, tell us what was happening at that event?
01:32:02 We had an awesome program, and for my first one
01:32:05 in the Mid-America, it was wonderful,
01:32:07 we had like 1, 200 people show up.
01:32:10 We did it in a town called Lee Summit, Missouri.
01:32:13 And we had Doug Batchelor and Scott Ritsema as our speakers.
01:32:17 And so it drew a large crowd.
01:32:20 Well, now, Vivian, I know how these things work
01:32:23 and even if you have Doug Batchelor
01:32:25 as your speaker and just show up,
01:32:26 you are not necessarily going to get a crowd
01:32:28 even though he is a wonderful speaker
01:32:30 and does have some attraction, and what did--
01:32:32 what else was done as pre work to this event?
01:32:35 Well, I think Jane might have some input on that.
01:32:38 Thank you.
01:32:40 Yes, we went to all the churches in Kansas city,
01:32:43 and we spoke to the pastors and the board members
01:32:46 and we asked them if they would be willing to
01:32:48 close their churches for our ASI and worship all together
01:32:52 in one location on the Sabbath that we had that.
01:32:55 And it was a powerful moving experience
01:32:58 and we had over 1,200 people there.
01:33:01 Wow, over 1,200 people and so the ASI event,
01:33:06 all the churches closed, everybody came together,
01:33:08 what was that experience like?
01:33:10 Well, it was powerful and you get to see
01:33:13 how this is bigger than just once small little church
01:33:16 especially being here, that you can see that
01:33:18 this is a movement and the Lord is working
01:33:21 to get this message spread through out the world.
01:33:23 So I understand you had some exhibiters there too,
01:33:25 how did that work out?
01:33:26 We had 18 exhibiters and it was such a powerful event
01:33:30 that we're gonna have the ASI Mid-America conference
01:33:33 in Kansas city again next year
01:33:35 and all the 18 exhibiters are coming back and more.
01:33:39 Praise the Lord.
01:33:40 And so working with the local church
01:33:43 and getting these things to happen,
01:33:45 Mark, I know that there some other things
01:33:47 going on behind the scenes because that's quite a feat
01:33:50 to get, like what, 14 churches to close down
01:33:53 and come to one venue.
01:33:55 You know, it was such a blessing that
01:33:57 we were able to organize in the way that we did
01:34:00 and I thank-- you know, I give thanks to our--
01:34:03 to our team and everybody that contributed their time
01:34:07 and their knowledge and what we did,
01:34:09 those people that we recruited out of the churches were,
01:34:12 we went to the Pastors and really wanted people
01:34:14 that were on fire, we needed help to get pull off
01:34:16 this convention in Kansas city,
01:34:18 we really wanted ASI to leave a footprint behind,
01:34:21 not just come doing event and leave.
01:34:23 So we really got people that really were talented,
01:34:27 really on fire, wanted to make this thing work,
01:34:30 and as a result of that organizing committee,
01:34:32 they stayed together and are forming a group
01:34:36 that's gonna be a grass roots,
01:34:38 lay persons effort to form small study groups,
01:34:43 and small prayer groups, all over the city,
01:34:45 and using these events because we're having ASI back again
01:34:49 to get those people that are coming,
01:34:51 we had over 200 visitors that we weren't prepared for,
01:34:54 and so this time when we-- we're gonna announce
01:34:58 to their Christian community and the community Kansas city
01:35:01 to come back and join us again
01:35:03 and this time we're gonna be prepared with people
01:35:06 that are gonna help them connect with us better
01:35:10 and get to know us, form a relationship with us
01:35:12 so we can mentor them into our church.
01:35:15 So this working together with all these churches,
01:35:18 does this have a name, is there something
01:35:20 you're calling this now?
01:35:21 Yeah, we're Adventist United, we conversed through,
01:35:25 and had a meeting and everybody bouncing names off the wall
01:35:28 and this is what we are, we're Adventist,
01:35:31 we're united on our message, we want to get the message out,
01:35:34 we believe in small groups and facilitating those,
01:35:38 and small prayer groups is the way to go.
01:35:40 We need to build relationships
01:35:42 and so that's what we are doing,
01:35:43 and we're gonna make it happen.
01:35:44 So what is ASI Mid-America union
01:35:46 doing to train these people so that they can do a,
01:35:50 you know, great job with these small groups?
01:35:52 Part of our plan, we had a mission-in statement
01:35:54 and a description for an organization put together,
01:35:59 that basically we develop three or four curriculums
01:36:03 to teach people, so we had trainers come in
01:36:06 for the four curriculums are, New Beginnings, Care and Lose,
01:36:12 Lifting up Jesus, the High Study Program
01:36:14 which Intel card is here with that.
01:36:16 And then a fourth curriculum which is developed on Interest,
01:36:20 so if we have somebody that has an interest
01:36:23 say, creation or the-- you know,
01:36:25 struggling with the believing in the Bible,
01:36:27 we're gonna start them at a study at that point
01:36:29 but this also taught people in that class,
01:36:32 that took their class, what was the next progression,
01:36:35 what was the next logical progression from that interest.
01:36:38 So you could continue on, discover their next interest
01:36:41 and move in a progressive way in that study.
01:36:44 So it's really great because everybody is kind of
01:36:46 on the same page, they're not just doing random studies,
01:36:49 so they can send somebody to another study across town,
01:36:53 it's the same one that they're having here,
01:36:55 and say, you have a friend across town
01:36:58 and you really like to study that your--
01:37:00 Right.
01:37:01 Take it on and you go, hey, you go to same study,
01:37:04 a right of where you live.
01:37:05 So that's why we're kind of keeping it really organized
01:37:08 and keeping them-- keeping things rolling.
01:37:11 Praise the Lord, sounds like ASI is having an impact
01:37:13 in that community there in Kansas city,
01:37:16 Vivian, tell us a story about someone's life
01:37:19 who was impacted by this event.
01:37:21 This is so awesome, the last night of our ASI
01:37:25 we had a gentleman that came by as we had already closed
01:37:29 and he-- I was showing him,
01:37:32 I was working with Scott Ritsema
01:37:33 at the belt of truth, that he had a booth there,
01:37:36 and I showed him this tape and said, oh, sir,
01:37:39 you have just got to buy this,
01:37:41 get this Media on the Brain video tape,
01:37:43 you will not be sorry,
01:37:46 so he went ahead and brought it
01:37:48 and he came back Sunday morning,
01:37:50 we already closed, we were shutting down,
01:37:52 and he goes where is this Scott Ritsema guy,
01:37:54 I want to meet him, and I said, he's already left,
01:37:57 and he goes, well, I want to talk to him.
01:38:00 Well, from that encounter, Scott has been on our local
01:38:05 secular political radio station two times,
01:38:09 they want him back for more and they want him to be
01:38:12 teaching prophecy on this program.
01:38:15 Amen. From our get-together.
01:38:17 Amen.
01:38:18 See how God works when we just step out
01:38:20 in a little of faith for Him now,
01:38:22 Vivian, you're a new member, you just joined,
01:38:24 it was your first time, how did this effect you?
01:38:27 You know, seeing all these booths here,
01:38:29 and to see also at our Mid-America,
01:38:31 what all our church is doing, wow,
01:38:35 we should be so proud as a denomination,
01:38:37 how we are reaching out to the world
01:38:39 that is starving for us, and so what a great opportunity,
01:38:43 it's been very enriching to me.
01:38:44 Amen.
01:38:45 Thank you for sharing with us this evening.
01:38:47 Amen. Thank you.
01:38:49 All right.
01:38:52 Well, you know, it's such a blessing
01:38:54 to have these stories that we hear about
01:38:56 what's happening all around the world,
01:38:58 and at this point we are going to see a short video clip
01:39:01 just before our next interview.
01:39:30 The line began forming 20 hours
01:39:32 before the doors were scheduled to open,
01:39:35 residence of the Bay area, eager to be the first in line
01:39:38 to receive free medical and dental services,
01:39:42 spent the night anticipating relief
01:39:44 with the coming of the dawn.
01:39:46 They came with pain, they came with questions,
01:39:49 they came to bring a friend or relative in desperate need.
01:39:55 By the time the door is opened,
01:39:56 thousands had gathered in both
01:39:58 San Francisco and Oakland, California.
01:40:01 For the Bridges to Health medical and dental clinics.
01:40:04 Which promised free of charge services,
01:40:07 on a first come first serve basis.
01:40:10 Organized by the Western US chapter
01:40:12 of Adventist Services in Industries or ASI.
01:40:16 The unprecedented event included the involvement
01:40:18 and partnership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:40:21 in both Central and Northern California.
01:40:24 The church's Pacific area union head quarters,
01:40:27 the office of the mayor in both San Francisco
01:40:30 and Oakland, the department of health,
01:40:32 and others civic ministry and health related organizations.
01:40:37 Over a three day period, close to 500
01:40:40 healthcare professionals and volunteers staff,
01:40:43 worked tirelessly to provide dozens of medical
01:40:46 and dental services to close to 3,000 local residents.
01:40:51 Volunteers most of whom are members of the
01:40:54 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:40:56 came from all parts of North America,
01:40:58 some even from as far as Saudi Arabia,
01:41:02 driven by a spirit of service and the desire to meet
01:41:05 the tangible needs of those who would come.
01:41:11 The clinics were organized into specific service areas,
01:41:14 each with its team of specialized
01:41:16 healthcare professionals and trained volunteers.
01:41:20 Patients were registered, triaged efficiently
01:41:23 and escorted to the proper area by hospitality volunteers.
01:41:27 Waiting area were setup near each service area
01:41:30 as patients awaited personalized care.
01:41:35 The service is offered were comprehensive by any standards,
01:41:38 considering that the clinics were housed
01:41:40 in multipurpose venues.
01:41:43 Using high end technology,
01:41:45 highly skilled dental professionals
01:41:47 provided crowns, fillings, extractions,
01:41:50 cleanings and necessary root canals.
01:41:54 Meanwhile, on site technicians ensure that the equipment was
01:41:58 well maintained and available at all times.
01:42:02 Close by, patients received eye care services
01:42:05 including vision testing and free glasses.
01:42:08 One patient went tears in her eyes
01:42:11 explained how she would no longer
01:42:12 need the large magnifying glass,
01:42:14 she had carried around in order to read.
01:42:18 In yet another area, residence were able to visit one on one
01:42:21 with primary care physicians, who consulted with patients
01:42:25 and diagnosed a number of concerns.
01:42:28 Specialize medical services were also available
01:42:31 including, pediatrics, OBGYN, STD and HIV screening,
01:42:37 medical massage, physical therapy,
01:42:40 X-rays and laboratory services.
01:42:44 Perhaps the most traumatic example
01:42:46 of the diversity of services offered was a general surgery,
01:42:50 including an operation performed on a patient.
01:42:53 In order to take out a lipoma, the size of a great fruit.
01:42:59 And yet it seemed by the event organizers,
01:43:02 led by ASI's Dr. Lela Lewis
01:43:04 that the Bridges to Health experience could
01:43:06 and should be even broader.
01:43:09 In addition to personalized and professional healthcare
01:43:12 patients were offered a variety of
01:43:14 live musical performances as they waited.
01:43:16 School choirs, smaller ensembles,
01:43:19 solos, and instrumentals fill the venues
01:43:22 as Bay area residence awaited treatment.
01:43:25 Patients also had the opportunity
01:43:27 to take advantage of chaplaincy services,
01:43:29 and those who were there over lunch time,
01:43:32 were offered a free nutritious meal.
01:43:35 In the end, over $5 million in healthcare was giving
01:43:38 to nearly 3,000 residents of the Bay area.
01:43:42 By close to 500 service oriented
01:43:44 professionals and staff,
01:43:47 those could and should be considered
01:43:49 tremendously successful results,
01:43:53 and yet perhaps the greater results
01:43:55 by the intangible one's.
01:43:57 The effects in the lives of those who returned home,
01:44:01 and to their communities with less pain and more hope.
01:44:05 And that is a purpose worth perusing
01:44:08 and a story worth telling.
01:44:16 Brigit Hausted MD and she participated in this event
01:44:21 in San Francisco, and we just wanted to
01:44:23 get a personal perspective from her today.
01:44:28 Dr. Hausted, I know that you were there
01:44:30 and you are serving as a-- in the family practice area,
01:44:34 and tell us a story about someone
01:44:37 whose life was changed by coming to this event.
01:44:41 Well, let's call the gentleman's name Anthony,
01:44:44 he was a 56 year old man that came in
01:44:47 and when he came in, he had his back pack on
01:44:50 and had something going on in his ears.
01:44:52 So he came in, I told him, I said,
01:44:54 you need to take that out of your ears,
01:44:57 so I ask him, do you mind
01:45:00 if I take a listen to what you are listening to.
01:45:02 Oh, boy.
01:45:03 Well, the only problem was that we shared this room
01:45:06 and there was just a curtain between us and the next room,
01:45:08 so he started playing his music,
01:45:10 that was so loud just through his ear bud,
01:45:12 and I said, wow, is this what you listen to?
01:45:17 And then I said to him, I said, so, tell me,
01:45:21 why are you here?
01:45:23 And he said well, I've been-- I've been two years
01:45:26 clean and sober, and for the last little bit,
01:45:30 I have been having terrible, terrible night terrors,
01:45:33 I wake up at night with the sweat and I just--
01:45:36 he said, I find myself doing all kind of strange things,
01:45:38 I've broken mirrors, windows,
01:45:40 I found myself laying on top of my roommate,
01:45:42 so it's definitely creating a problem.
01:45:44 I would say so.
01:45:47 So at that point, I said to him, I said now,
01:45:50 you said you were a deacon?
01:45:51 And what?
01:45:53 Doesn't the Bible say something about,
01:45:55 as a man thinketh in his heart and he finished, so is he.
01:45:58 So he knew the Bible.
01:46:00 He did, he knew the Bible, he also knew that
01:46:05 he finished several of the things that I thought
01:46:08 and so I looked at him and said, well,
01:46:10 the music that you're listening to, do you think?
01:46:13 What are those lyrics saying?
01:46:15 And he said, well, can't you can't hear that?
01:46:17 Honestly I couldn't, he said, oh, it's says you're mine,
01:46:20 mine, all mine.
01:46:23 So I'm thinking night terrors,
01:46:25 starting to get little scared myself
01:46:26 actually, not really, but then I said,
01:46:28 so what else do you listen to?
01:46:30 He said, Michel Jackson, oh, was he a Christian?
01:46:34 Oh, No.
01:46:36 I said well, what does the Bible say about that?
01:46:39 And he said-- he said, I said, so if he's not a Christian,
01:46:44 who's music are listening to?
01:46:46 And he didn't miss a beat, he said, Satan's.
01:46:49 So he recognized that he was treading on Satan's territory.
01:46:53 Yeah, I don't think he connected those two dots,
01:46:55 he just thought that he can listen to his music
01:46:58 and some how medicine needed to help him
01:47:00 with his night terrors.
01:47:02 So at that point, I said, well,
01:47:06 I think we have a bigger problem here than
01:47:08 just what medicine can treat.
01:47:11 So I ask our nurse Tamy Mension,
01:47:12 would please go get the Chaplain.
01:47:14 So well, well, she went to go get the Chaplain, I ask him,
01:47:18 I said, you know, there is a scripture in the Bible,
01:47:20 it's in James 5 and it says, is anyone sick?
01:47:23 Let him call the elders of the church--
01:47:26 And anoint him with oil and the pray offered in faith
01:47:28 would make the sick person well.
01:47:29 So I ask him, I said, would you be willing to get anointed?
01:47:34 He looked at me, he didn't miss a beat, he said, yes.
01:47:36 Wow, so he-- he recognized the value of that.
01:47:39 He did.
01:47:40 So then it was a bit, for the Chaplain's to come,
01:47:43 and so he said, well, how about this,
01:47:44 while we were waiting for them,
01:47:45 let's just pray and you and I will both search our own hearts
01:47:49 and see if there is anything God
01:47:52 is asking us to surrender.
01:47:54 What's interesting though is, in this time,
01:47:56 that thank you for the phone ringing,
01:47:57 because it remained me of something,
01:47:59 his phone went off
01:48:00 and it had something terribly of obnoxious on there,
01:48:03 I said, oh, my lands,
01:48:04 I think we've got little clean up work to do here.
01:48:06 So as I was listening to his music,
01:48:08 I'm like, that's got to go.
01:48:09 So he very faithfully took out his phone,
01:48:12 just started deleting, deleting
01:48:14 and he deleted his music library
01:48:17 but then those ringers,
01:48:18 so, oh, I think those ringers need to go too,
01:48:21 so by the time the Chaplains came,
01:48:23 the music had been deleted, he was open, and I said,
01:48:28 did God impress anything on your heart to surrender?
01:48:31 And he said, yeah, he said that,
01:48:33 he's been hanging around some people that
01:48:35 maybe haven't been the best influence
01:48:37 and he would like to surrender that too.
01:48:39 So it was really beautiful the Chaplain's came in,
01:48:42 one of the Chaplain's came with Pastor Allen,
01:48:45 and he shared his story that he used to be addicted to
01:48:47 alcohol and cigarettes and you know,
01:48:49 I think sometimes whenever we talk to people
01:48:51 they see us keen and they are kind of,
01:48:54 but it's amazing what touch can do
01:48:56 and so we just reached over and I said you know,
01:48:58 I really appreciate you sharing your story,
01:49:01 is there something you would like to tell my friends?
01:49:03 And so they shared a little testimony,
01:49:06 and we prayed over him and it was just amazing,
01:49:09 it was absolutely amazing
01:49:10 how a sense of peace just covered him.
01:49:13 So the work of a physician is not necessarily always
01:49:18 just prescriptive in nature from the stand point of,
01:49:21 you know, drink some more water,
01:49:23 things like that, you're addressing his spiritual health
01:49:26 in that encounter, that's amazing.
01:49:28 Now in this process
01:49:30 how did that affect you personally as a physician?
01:49:34 What's interesting, before we went to San Francisco,
01:49:36 my prayer was, God help me to see these people
01:49:38 like you see them.
01:49:40 And it's easy to look at people
01:49:41 and kind of see them from the out side,
01:49:43 you know, they don't smell right,
01:49:44 they don't look right, they-- but it's like,
01:49:46 when we were in San Francisco, these were my buddies,
01:49:49 I mean, I, it was really a blessing
01:49:51 and they can sense that, that you care about them.
01:49:53 Amen.
01:49:55 So we've got this evening as a report
01:49:59 certainly on what happened in San Francisco and Oakland
01:50:02 but it's also an appeal to you this evening,
01:50:06 about what is about to happen in San Antonio, Texas,
01:50:11 April 8, 9 and 10 of 2015.
01:50:15 There will be an event in San Antonio
01:50:18 similar to this event, reaching out
01:50:20 with free medical care to the community there,
01:50:22 the city has given free use of the Alamo dome,
01:50:26 which is the same place
01:50:28 the general conference meetings will be held,
01:50:30 for three days for this event and the city of San Antonio
01:50:34 has challenged us to serve 6,000 people while we're there.
01:50:38 What happened in Oakland and San Francisco was 3,000
01:50:41 and now they're challenging us to serve 6,000 people,
01:50:45 we're gonna need 1,500 volunteers,
01:50:48 how many people do we have here this evening?
01:50:51 Praise the Lord, we've got about 1,500
01:50:53 I think we all ought to show up and volunteer?
01:50:55 What you think? Amen.
01:50:57 Well, if you'll come by booth 212 over the exhibit hall
01:51:01 we have a brochure for you and we have a volunteer form
01:51:05 that you can sign up and join us down in San Antonio,
01:51:08 April 8 to 10 for a special blessing
01:51:11 that God will pour out up on you
01:51:13 as you are ministering to those in need.
01:51:15 Thank you this evening.
01:51:42 Born into this world of sin
01:51:47 Goodness stops where I begin
01:51:54 I'm nothing on my own
01:52:00 And though I try so to be good
01:52:04 Yet I know I never could
01:52:11 Deserve the love You've shown
01:52:17 But in love you found a way
01:52:25 To pay the debt I could not pay
01:52:32 You gave me
01:52:34 Your life for mine
01:52:42 What love divine
01:52:49 That You would take my sin
01:52:53 And even called me friend
01:52:57 And give me
01:52:59 Your life for mine
01:53:20 And though You love me like I am
01:53:25 Still you have a better plan
01:53:31 You long to make me new
01:53:37 By Your grace I can be freed
01:53:42 From the sins that hinder me
01:53:48 From growing more like You
01:53:54 Plant Your love
01:53:56 Within my heart
01:54:03 And cleanse the sinful, selfish part
01:54:09 And give me
01:54:11 Your life for mine
01:54:19 What love divine
01:54:26 That You would take my sin
01:54:30 And even called me friend
01:54:34 And give me
01:54:36 Your life for mine
01:54:44 By Your I've been healed
01:54:53 And through Your death my life was healed
01:54:59 You gave me
01:55:02 Your life for mine
01:55:10 What love divine
01:55:16 That You would take my sin
01:55:21 And even called me friend
01:55:24 And give me
01:55:27 Your life
01:55:30 For mine
01:55:35 Your life for mine
01:56:05 Amen.
01:56:16 I've been asked to announce that
01:56:17 the exhibitory will be open for your enjoyment
01:56:21 and also in the morning, at6:30 in the morning,
01:56:23 the prayer room will also be available to you.
01:56:26 Let's rise as we have a closing prayer.
01:56:33 My gracious Father in heaven,
01:56:35 this has been a special evening.
01:56:37 We're so thankful, so grateful to be here.
01:56:41 We're so appreciative of our brothers and sisters
01:56:43 who have dedicated themselves
01:56:46 to spreading this wonderful message.
01:56:50 We're thankful Lord
01:56:52 that we have been able to listen to the way they used
01:56:55 such creative ways to reaching out
01:56:57 to bring this message forward.
01:56:59 We thank you Lord that as we go back to our home places,
01:57:03 we can take this passion with us
01:57:05 whether we already have ministries
01:57:07 that we're working with or whether we'd like to.
01:57:09 Lord, help us Lord
01:57:11 to realize this is the message for the hour.
01:57:13 People need this message.
01:57:15 They are worrying, they are concern,
01:57:18 we have an advent hope.
01:57:19 So, Lord, help us and bless us
01:57:22 that we can be a part of this great movement
01:57:24 and we thank You, Lord,
01:57:26 for hearing and answering our prayers
01:57:28 in Jesus' name.
01:57:29 Amen.


Revised 2015-03-12