Participants: Chris Holland
Series Code: 14ASIC
Program Code: 14ASIC000001
00:18 Grand Rapids and it is ASI time, Danny.
00:22 Absolutely. 00:23 Jim, I love ASI because I love the spirit of ASI. 00:26 Because the folks that come here from around the world, 00:29 this is our international convention held once a year. 00:32 This year as Jim said Grand Rapids, Michigan. 00:34 Yes. The weather is beautiful. 00:36 Fantastic, unbelievable weather here, folks. 00:38 If you live anywhere in driving distance then, 00:41 you want to come and spend a fantastic Sabbath 00:44 with the whole group of wonderful people. 00:47 We invite you to come and be with us live, 00:51 if you can't then we invite you to watch on 3ABN. 00:54 Absolutely, I think this is about my 29th one in a row. 00:58 I can't imagine-- 1985 was a first one, 01:01 I don't about you, you started way back? 01:02 No, no, no, I didn't because even though 01:05 I was a member of ASI 01:07 and even an officer of the local, 01:10 I was always holding 01:12 an evangelistic meeting in all Ohio. 01:13 Oh, okay, all right. 01:14 And so I missed every one until began a conference president. 01:17 Yeah, okay, well, if you have not 01:21 or not familiar with ASI, you will be. 01:23 We're gonna be here all week basically 01:25 all the way through Saturday night, 01:27 so you be watching 3ABN for all the live programming's-- 01:31 programs is coming your way. 01:32 We gonna have music, preaching, testimonies, 01:35 and it's a spirit of camp meeting for us. 01:38 And you know, and when this is over, 01:39 this program ASI tonight 01:42 we will have a live night line from here. 01:45 And tonight the subject is about the bridges work 01:49 that they been doing in San Francisco and Oakland 01:53 where they are treating people absolutely free 01:57 that have no medical help at all there. 01:59 This is really fantastic. It really is. 02:02 So be sure to stay tune for that. 02:04 And Danny, our speaker tonight is Chris Holland. 02:08 Chris is the speaker for the Canadian, 02:11 "It Is Written" telecast, 02:13 which is seen not only in Canada 02:15 but all over the world. 02:17 And so we're going to be happy there 02:20 to listen to Chris as he speaks tonight. 02:22 Well, you can hear the music behind us. 02:24 All right, so I think we'll just join-- 02:26 join with us right now. 02:27 Amen. 02:41 Let's begin this evening with prayer. 02:45 Father, as we begin this ASI International Convection, 02:50 our prayer is the words of John the Baptist, 02:54 that You would increase and we would decrease. 02:58 Father, I pray that Your spirit would be 03:00 poured out in this place, 03:02 I pray that You will forgive our sin, 03:05 and remove whatever it is that would keep us 03:07 from receiving the full blessing 03:09 that You have for us at this convention. 03:12 And Father, I also ask for Your soon return, 03:16 and that what happens here at this convention 03:19 would hasten that day, 03:21 and I pray this in Jesus name, Amen. 03:30 Welcome, ASI members. Am I on? 03:34 Can you hear me? Yes. 03:35 Yes, welcome everyone to ASI. 03:37 It's a blessing that you're here. 03:39 Its Wednesday night where we've been working like crazy 03:43 for a whole year trying to organize 03:44 this wonderful meetings 03:46 and we believe with all of our hearts 03:48 that the Lord has helped us to choose the speakers 03:50 and the presenters and everything 03:52 that's going to be happening here. 03:54 And so again I just want to welc you I-- welcome you. 03:57 I am would like to encourage you all 04:00 to prepare your hearts with prayer 04:03 when you come to these meetings 04:05 because the Lord has something to say to us this weekend. 04:09 He certainly has. 04:10 And another thing I would like ask of you 04:13 is that you don't neglect the exhibit halls. 04:15 We have-- I don't know if we've around 300 exhibits out there 04:19 and we want you to see everyone of them. 04:21 You'll get all kinds of goods ideas and trinkets 04:24 and whatever else is happening, 04:26 you'll want to spend sometime out there. 04:29 Now it's my privilege to welcome Pastor Kyle Allen. 04:34 Pastor Kyle Allen had a great scarifies 04:36 to himself has agreed to become the ASI's secretary treasurer. 04:42 He our brand new ASI's secretary treasurer 04:45 and I'm going to have him to say a few words for himself. 04:48 All right, thank you, Brother Frank. 04:49 Good evening, ASI. Good evening. 04:52 Well, it's a pleasure to be here 04:53 and I'm very excited to be with you. 04:55 How many of you're blessed to be here tonight? 04:58 Amen. 04:59 You know, I believe Frank, with all my heart 05:01 that Jesus is coming soon. 05:03 And He is calling, His church, 05:05 His lay people to finish the work, 05:07 to take the gospel to the world, amen. 05:10 And truly as when we unite together 05:12 that the gospel will go to the ends of the earth 05:14 and that is what ASI is all about. 05:16 Sharing Christ in the marketplace 05:18 and doing that everyday. 05:20 Frank, I want to ask you a question. 05:22 Have you seen this book that I am holding here? 05:25 Yes, I've seen it 05:26 and I probable read it 15 times. 05:28 Well, this book The Desire of Ages 05:31 is a wonderful book and I think today, 05:34 everyone as you registered 05:35 you found it in your registration packet. 05:37 Amen. 05:39 Now I have a question, Frank, to ask them. 05:42 How many of you were brought 05:45 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 05:48 through someone either selling you a book 05:51 or handing you a book or one of you relatives, 05:54 your forebears someone handed them a book. 05:57 Could I just see a show of hands, 06:00 if a book was instrumental 06:01 and bringing to the Seventh-day Adventist Church 06:03 or someone in your family? 06:04 Amen. Amen. 06:05 That's a lot of people, Frank. Yes, that's right. 06:07 And so we want to encourage you 06:10 to share this book, to read it, 06:12 to be blessed by these words in the Spirit of Prophecy 06:14 and to share with someone that could use it. 06:16 Amen. 06:17 So thank you for being here at ASI, 06:19 we pray that you have a wonderful time here 06:22 and we know that as we unite together in prayer, 06:26 pleading for the Holy Spirit God will fill us 06:28 and this work will be finished soon. 06:29 Thank you for coming. 06:30 We're going to have a good time, God bless you. 06:33 Amen. 06:38 Good evening, ASI family. 06:41 So happy to be here this evening, 06:43 I hope you're happy to be here as well. 06:45 It's a blessing to be able to meet together once a year 06:48 and we have an exciting program planed. 06:50 And I have a person here with me Melody Mason. 06:53 In fact, we go back quite a long ways 06:56 because we both went to Oklahoma Academy together 06:59 back in the 80s and 90s. 07:01 So it's interesting to see the way 07:03 God leads different people in ministry. 07:06 Melody, you have something to share with us this evening. 07:08 We're glad you're here. Amen. 07:10 I'm so excited to be here too 07:12 and we're just really excited to have an emphasis 07:15 throughout ASI of United Prayer. 07:20 And why is United Prayer important? 07:23 You know, as we're getting close to Christ coming, 07:26 we see the enemy is angry and he's doing more and more 07:30 to try to disrupt the work and keep us from praying 07:34 and you know, he doesn't care if we're busy, 07:36 he doesn't care if we're doing a lot of things 07:39 if we're really not connected with Jesus Christ. 07:42 If we're not in tune with the Holy Spirit 07:44 and so we need that out pouring in our lives 07:47 and that's I think the most important reason 07:49 of why we need to come together and unite in prayer, 07:52 so that the Holy Spirit can be poured out. 07:54 And we've so many testimonies 07:57 from the Bible in Spirit of Prophecy 07:58 were we're encouraged to pray together. 08:02 You know, the-- the work that is accomplished 08:04 through much prayer that is 08:06 what it is really gonna be efficient for good. 08:08 We're also told to seek from more the Holy Spirit. 08:10 So we just want gather together 08:12 and plead and pray together as ministries, 08:14 as people individuals, families for more the Holy Spirit. 08:18 That I know that you work 08:20 in United Prayer all over the world, 08:22 in fact I'm sure that you've had a lot of experiences, 08:25 and may be you would like to share with us, 08:28 how is United Prayer affecting our worldwide church? 08:32 It's really hard to summarize briefly 08:34 because we have so many testimonies 08:36 on what God is doing all around the world 08:38 and answer to United Prayer. 08:40 But we just see churches coming together in unity, 08:43 we see healing taking place like issues 08:45 that the people were struggling with, 08:48 that they were able to solve any other way, 08:50 but when they got together 08:51 and they began really praying 08:53 God brought the solutions to those things. 08:56 And the story is going on like there is a church that-- 09:00 began praying together and now they have a problem 09:02 they have so many Bible study context 09:05 that they are not able to meet them all 09:07 and so that's a good problem to have right. 09:10 In fact, Melody, why don't you tell us 09:12 how can we unite in prayer here? 09:14 Give us the details of how we can unite in prayer 09:17 right here at ASI? 09:18 We want to come together every morning at 6:15 09:23 before the meeting starts. 09:24 Now you may say 6:15 that's really early. 09:28 You know, there's people around the world right now 09:30 that are getting up at 4:30 entire churches to pray, 09:33 hundreds of people at a time and as a result God's spirit 09:36 is being poured out. 09:37 So we are giving you two hours to sleep in. 09:40 We're asking for 6:15 in the morning 09:42 just come together and pray and just see what God will do, 09:48 and also not just at 6:15 in the morning 09:50 we're going to also encourage you 09:52 the prayer room is not staff throughout the day, 09:54 I'll be leading praying there in the morning, 09:56 but throughout the day its open 09:58 and we just encourage you individually 10:00 and as members get together, 10:01 ministries go into the prayer room and pray 10:04 and just see what God will do. 10:05 Can I share one testimony about Vietnam? 10:06 No, I think your time is up. 10:09 Okay, I just want to challenge you to come 10:11 and the pray room is actually 10:14 you head straight out the door here 10:16 and up the escalators 10:17 and just follow the signs down the hall. 10:19 It's really easy to get to, 10:20 so we look forward to seeing you there in the morning. 10:22 Thank you. Thank you so much, Melody. 10:24 I want to encourage each of you to be there at the prayer room 10:27 and to unite in prayer 10:29 throughout the entire convention. 10:32 We have some other exciting things 10:33 that we want to share with you about the convention, 10:35 one of the highlights for those of you 10:36 that had been here before is our exhibit hall. 10:40 It's just amazing to see how different ministries 10:43 are working for the Lord, businesses as well, 10:46 hand in hand with ministries, church organizations. 10:49 And so the exhibit hall is a place 10:51 that you don't want to miss. 10:53 And in fact, it opens for the first this evening 10:56 right after this meeting at 9 o'clock 10:57 the exhibit hall will be open and it will be-- 11:00 the hours are printed in your program guide. 11:02 Your program guide is very important 11:04 because it's going to guide you through 11:06 what is happening at the different times. 11:09 So it's very important for you to get familiar with that. 11:12 I want to mention one thing that's very important 11:15 and its-- I believe its a first and that is a town hall meeting 11:18 that we're going to have on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 11:22 This is a meeting where we're inviting you 11:24 to submit your questions. 11:26 You can submit your question right now for that meeting. 11:30 You can either email them to questions at 11:35 Questions at 11:37 or you can leave them in the question box 11:40 that is at the registration counter. 11:42 So we would like to invite you to ask your question 11:45 that will be answered by Ted Wilson 11:48 and also by Daniel Jackson. 11:50 And it will be moderated by Dan Haultin. 11:53 And so you definitely who want to be there at that meeting 11:56 and we want to get your interaction 11:58 by asking your questions ahead of time, 12:00 so that we can be pertinent in answering those questions. 12:05 Well, technology always moves forward and advances 12:08 and we have a couple of things this year 12:10 that we are pleased to share with you. 12:15 I want to point you to our website 12:18 and I want to point you to it actually right now 12:22 because our website now 12:24 is compatible on your mobile devices 12:27 and we have a little surprise for you 12:28 that we've never had so far in the ASI convention. 12:32 Have you ever seen somebody come up on stage 12:34 and their name appears up there on the super for few seconds 12:38 and then after that oh, I missed that, 12:40 who is that that's up there? 12:42 Well, I thinks its probably happened to everybody 12:44 and so now you are going to be 12:45 able to have the program details 12:48 right in front of you for each meeting. 12:51 We publish them a little bit-- a few hours 12:54 before each of the main session meetings, 12:56 we publish them in. 12:57 So if you look at 13:00 there is a place that you can click on there 13:03 that says keynote session, 13:04 because this is a keynote session. 13:06 Keynote session line up, if you click on that 13:08 you'll be able to see everybody 13:10 that's on the program this evening. 13:13 So I pray that that will be a blessing to you that will be 13:15 useful to you and that you'll be able to get even more out 13:18 of the program because of that added benefit. 13:22 So I just-- I'm so delighted that each of you're here 13:25 and I just pray that God's spirit will be poured out 13:28 in a very powerful way on each of us. 13:35 Good evening, ASI. Good evening, ASI. 13:39 Don't you love family reunions? 13:42 I know it's always a highlight of my summer to come to ASI 13:46 and see so many friends and-- and those in the family of God. 13:50 And not only are we going to have plenty of opportunity 13:52 for fellowship and for mingling and networking, 13:57 but we're also going to have some wonderful opportunities 14:00 to learn and to grow in our knowledge base. 14:03 And here with me tonight our some of the presenters 14:06 that will be giving seminars tomorrow 14:08 and I just want to encourage you, 14:10 I know there is always, all those people 14:12 we haven't seen for a while, 14:13 but I want to encourage you to make your way 14:15 to one of the seminars. 14:16 In fact, take out your program now if you could 14:19 and it's on page seven, tomorrow seminars are-- 14:22 that they begin on page seven 14:24 and they'll be at 10:45 tomorrow morning 14:27 and then again 3:30 in the afternoon. 14:29 And these are some of the presenters 14:31 that are going to be telling you about their seminars. 14:35 Now they only have 30 seconds. 14:37 So don't-- don't leave here tonight 14:39 and say well, I already know what they're gonna talk about. 14:41 Because you don't really know, 14:43 all of what they gonna talk about. 14:45 They have all seminars to share with you. 14:47 But we're gonna go and let them tell you a little bit about 14:49 what they going to be talking about in their seminars. 14:53 Good evening, everyone. 14:55 I'm Vicky Griffin and my colleague 14:57 and I represent the Michigan Conference 14:59 and Lifestyle Matters. 15:01 We are presenting a seminar entitled Fit and Free, 15:05 Building Brain and Body Health. 15:08 And in the Michigan Conference 15:10 we believe that health education 15:12 is only one small peace of health evangelism. 15:15 So we want to equip you, excite you and empower you 15:20 to do soul winning through evangelism, 15:23 gaining decisions for Christ 15:26 and teaching important testing truths for these last days. 15:31 Those who attend our seminar are going to receive 15:34 the first five professionally produced scripted 15:39 editable PowerPoint programs of the series 15:43 and that includes Building a Better Brain, 15:45 Your Fabulous, Forgotten Friend, Fiber, 15:49 The Great Sugar Scandal, Mind Set Matters 15:53 and Engineered for Success. 15:56 Those programs will be yours 15:58 as part of your introductory training package 16:01 when you come to our program. Thank you. 16:06 Hello, my name is Daniel Mesa, 16:08 I will not be speaking, brother Clark, 16:10 but I will-- I'm representing Pastor Stephen Bohr. 16:13 You've heard of Pastor Stephen Bohr 16:15 from Secrets Unsealed probably. 16:17 He's gonna be here presenting tomorrow morning at 10:45 16:21 and one of the verses he'll be sharing is in Revelation 16:15 16:26 which says, "Behold, I come as a thief. 16:30 Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, 16:33 lest he walk naked, and they see his shame." 16:37 His question will be, what does this verse have to do 16:39 with righteousness by faith and the end time conflict? 16:44 So please come and hear Pastor Stephen Bohr, 16:47 with Secrets Unsealed present this most amazing presentation. 16:53 My name is Steven Grabiner, 16:55 Seventh-day Adventist generally are well familiar 16:58 with certain parts of the Book of Revelation. 17:01 However two of the most important chapters, 17:05 chapters 4 and 5 scarcely receive our attention. 17:08 These chapters are full of instruction 17:11 and comfort and guidance for us. 17:14 If you'd like to see, how the Great Controversy fits 17:17 into the Book of Revelation in a way 17:19 you've not yet seen it. 17:21 Bring your Bible, something to take notes 17:24 and come to the seminar the Uplifted Lamb, 17:27 an exploration of Revelation 4 and 5. 17:30 That's Thursday afternoon at 3:30. 17:35 My name is Antoinette Duck, 17:37 I work with an organization called Mafgia 17:39 my partner Diane Wagner and I'm 17:41 and we're presenting a seminar called Abortion, 17:44 Redemption and Restoration. 17:46 A need, a calling and a hope. 17:49 The name Mafgia is a Hebrew word for intercessor, 17:52 and we are committed to interceding 17:54 for the sanctity of human life, 17:55 from conception to natural death, 17:57 but also for interceding for reconciliation in redemption 18:01 for those who've experience the pain of an abortion. 18:05 Our seminar is going to explore two very profound realities. 18:09 The first is that there are many 18:12 who have experienced the tragedy of an abortion 18:16 and the traumatic effects of that have on those 18:18 who have experienced it. 18:20 The second reality is the glory of redemptive grace 18:24 and the calling that we have as individuals and as a church 18:29 to be instruments through which the captive can be set free. 18:34 My name is Rob Neall, 18:36 excellence is something that we all along for. 18:39 We want to live of meaning 18:41 and make a impact on peoples lives, 18:44 but it seems that so often throughout our existence 18:47 we instead of thriving we find ourselves barely surviving. 18:51 Excellence can be illusive, we see-- we know when see it, 18:55 but attaining that is often a mystery. 18:58 And in recent years has been a huge amount of research 19:00 that isn't been done in the field of outstanding 19:02 achievement and success. 19:04 And in this seminar we're gonna be 19:05 looking at much of this research 19:06 and specifically the seven key attributes 19:09 of living a life of excellence. 19:11 If you want to know how Monroe A at 3:30. 19:17 Art Chadwick, 19:19 we are going to be talking about Creation and Evolution. 19:22 Creation and Evolution our hot topic 19:25 at the Geological Society of America meetings 19:28 and they are hot topic 19:29 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 19:31 I would like to cover with you the issues, 19:33 why does it matter, what does it matter, 19:36 what do we believe and what impact does 19:40 the science have on our belief? 19:42 And we'll go over these issues on tomorrow afternoon. 19:50 My name is Dan Gabbert, 19:54 I have the incredible privilege of sharing with you, 19:58 but I believed to be one of the most valuable 20:01 and important ingredients to a godly healing, 20:08 mental in spiritual health. 20:13 The ingredient that I'll be addressing 20:17 is the Repentance of Christ. 20:21 Not only the repentance He gifts, 20:25 but also the repentance 20:28 that He personally experienced while He was here on earth. 20:32 That is so vital for you and I to understand. 20:41 So choose one of those seminars and I will see you there. 21:22 I can do all things through Christ, 21:27 who gives me strength 21:31 But sometimes I wonder 21:33 what He can do through me? 21:42 No great success to show 21:47 No glory on my own 21:51 Yet in my weakness 21:53 He is there to let me know 22:01 His strength is perfect 22:05 When our strength is gone 22:11 He'll carry us 22:15 When we can't carry on 22:22 Raised in His power 22:26 The weak become strong 22:33 His strength is perfect 22:39 His strength is perfect 22:48 We can only know 22:53 The power that He holds 22:58 When we truly see 23:00 how deep our weakness goes 23:09 His strength in us begins 23:14 Where ours comes to an end 23:19 He hears our humble cry 23:22 And proves again 23:33 His strength is perfect 23:38 When our strength is gone 23:45 He'll carry us 23:48 When we can't carry on 23:56 Raised in His power 24:00 The weak become strong 24:08 His strength is perfect 24:13 His strength is perfect 24:18 Raised in His power 24:23 The weak become strong 24:35 His strength 24:37 Is perfect 24:44 His strength 24:46 Is perfect 25:04 Good evening, ASI. 25:08 Welcome to another offering in action segment 25:12 the first in our convention. 25:14 This is a time when we hear about projects 25:16 that your offerings have funded 25:18 and that your offerings will fund 25:20 during this convention. 25:22 With me is Julia O'Carey, she is the director of ASAP. 25:27 I'm gonna ask you to tell us 25:28 what is that stand for and what is ASAP? 25:31 ASAP Ministries is non-profit organization 25:36 and it stands for Adventist Southeast Asia Projects, 25:40 but since we work in a lot of persecuted countries, 25:43 close countries that also can stand for 25:46 Advocates Spiritually Assisting the Persecuting. 25:50 Now tell us a little bit about the project 25:52 that last years offering fund in 25:54 and what's the status? 25:55 I know there are some different phases 25:57 that happen in our project. 25:58 Where are we right now? 26:00 This is really exciting Debbie, 26:01 because we work in Southeast Asia 26:04 where we encounter a lot of people in poverty 26:07 and we want to do evangelistic work, 26:13 but we also want to help them where they are at. 26:15 And so what we are doing is we're helping the-- 26:21 the lay pastors, the missionaries 26:23 that were supporting to be like tent makers. 26:26 And so some of them have developed 26:29 their own small businesses 26:30 and in doing so they have been able to witness 26:33 just like ASI in that respect through their business 26:37 and we have some pictures 26:39 to show you in a little bit too. 26:41 All right, so I mean it sounds very-- 26:43 like you were on humanitarian work is going on, 26:47 how is that leading people to Christ? 26:50 Well, you know, we do want to work as Jesus worked 26:56 and Jesus didn't just preached to people, did He? 26:59 He met their needs, He came close to them, 27:02 He saw what He could do to open their hearts 27:06 so that they would want to hear His message. 27:09 And I love this verse in James 2:5 it says 27:11 "Listen, my dear brothers, has not God chosen those 27:15 who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith, 27:18 and to inherit the kingdom 27:20 he promised those who love him?" 27:22 Jesus has a heart for the poor, doesn't He? 27:25 And we want to do all we can to lift them 27:28 out of poverty, help them and support them 27:32 to make an income and support their families. 27:35 These missionaries only get small stipends, 27:38 and so we want to make them empower to do the work, 27:42 but also meet the needs. 27:44 Now you have some pictures, 27:45 why don't you walk us through those pretty quickly here. 27:48 Sure. 27:50 The first picture, you see one of our 27:53 lay pastors in Laos, in the front smiling. 27:56 And you see the building behind him 27:58 doesn't that look like a church 28:00 that actually is his barber shop. 28:03 And he received a small loan from ASAP 28:08 and with that loan he was able to buy a barber chair 28:13 and he does such an amazing ministry 28:17 by shaving the gospel, while cutting hair. 28:20 He has Ten Commandments written on the wall, 28:22 he showing love, Adventist DVDs 28:27 and they are getting it, 28:28 all this information they ask him questions, 28:31 and we have many that have come to the church and then baptized 28:35 because of his witness to this ministry. 28:39 So it's very exciting now, the next loan 28:41 that he's asking for is so that his wife can start-- 28:45 they can expand and she can have 28:47 beauty shop with his barber shop. 28:49 And he would come with me to Cambodia. 28:52 This is one of our literacy teachers 28:54 and he spends every evening teaching people 28:57 how to read and write in about the Lord. 28:59 And he loves his work, but he only gets 29:02 $30 stipend from ASAP a month, not enough to live on. 29:06 And so what we are able to do is give him, 29:10 a goyan, and a goyan is actually-- 29:14 You're looking like what is that? 29:16 That is a tractor, like a rototiller 29:20 and it cost $3,000 29:21 but this is impacted not only him and his family 29:25 but the church families, 29:28 all using it to plough their fields for rice 29:31 and they rent it to the people in their neighborhood 29:34 and it helps build up the income for the church 29:37 and it's just been a real blessing, 29:39 really exciting. 29:40 Now even on the other side of a goyan, 29:42 there is something else more basic in your next picture 29:46 that is helping people. 29:48 Yes, the next picture you will see 29:51 is literacy teacher put on in his family 29:54 and they received a cow, 29:56 and its amazing how one little cow for $500 30:00 can really impact their whole life and their family. 30:03 So small, small loans, small ways but big impact. 30:09 That's wonderful. That's wonderful. 30:11 Now tell us some a little bit about 30:13 how we can find out more about what ASAP is doing? 30:16 How we can be involved? 30:18 How we can help? How we can pray? 30:19 How we can understand these things? 30:21 Well, ASAP Ministries, 30:24 there are ways you can get involved in 30:26 and we have a booth here, booth 209 30:29 and we'd love to talk more with you 30:31 about that, about our ministry, 30:33 but we sponsor through God's grace 30:38 about 500 national missionaries 30:40 that are out there in countries like Thailand, 30:43 Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar 30:46 and close countries I can't mention on TV, 30:49 and what we do is sponsor these missionaries 30:52 who know the language, know the culture 30:55 can stay there to do the work and we see incredible results. 31:00 And we need sponsors, we need prayer supporters. 31:04 I have these prayer support card at the booth 31:07 and if you want to commit to sponsoring them, 31:10 praying for them, you or your church group 31:13 I'm happy to give you one of those here at ASI. 31:17 And also I'm so excited about these mission podcast 31:20 if you guys love mission stories, 31:23 you gonna want us sign up, get your email 31:25 and every Thursday night we send our a mission podcast 31:29 and that's Pastors Scott Griswold, 31:31 who's been in the mission field for over 16 years 31:34 and he's sharing mission stories with you, 31:36 fresh from the field. 31:37 And you can share it for vespers, 31:40 you can share it for family worship, 31:43 and I think you'll be inspired and we have our 10 favorite, 31:46 so we love to give you as a little gift 31:48 if you come by our booth as well. 31:49 Okay, and that's booth number 209. 31:52 All right, thank you very much, Julia. 31:54 Thank you. 31:55 All right, let us keep ASAP in our prayers 31:58 'cause the power is in the prayer. 32:00 Coming to the podium now is Keith Mosier and Luke Fisher, 32:04 they are with Congo Frontline Missions. 32:07 And they're going to give some exciting information about 32:10 what has been happening in the Congo. 32:12 First I want to say, I know the Congo Frontline Missions 32:15 has been in operation since 2008, 32:18 and that you and your wife and family, 32:20 you were here last year, 32:22 but you actually expanded your ministry team. 32:24 Exactly. Three fold kind of. 32:26 So tell us a little bit about that, 32:29 then involves a couple of pictures coming up. 32:31 Well, on July 10th this year 32:33 my wife gave birth to a beautiful little girl. 32:37 You see her up there, yeah, and she's gonna be 32:41 going back to with us to Congo in September. 32:44 All right, so that's a team member number one. 32:47 That's right. 32:48 Where are the other team members? 32:49 Well, the others are Luke and Chantee Fisher 32:52 they been on our team since last year 32:55 and actually previously they joined us-- 32:57 on their honeymoon two years ago 32:58 and soon after that said, hey, we liked it so much in Congo 33:01 we're gonna go back. 33:02 So they volunteered on their honeymoon? 33:04 Now that's commitment. All right, very good. 33:07 And so that's team three, so where is number three? 33:10 I mean that's was two, where is-- team number three? 33:13 Well, let Luke tell you about that one. 33:15 Well, Keith was not the only one to have a baby this summer. 33:20 My wife and I had a-- April 27 this spring 33:25 and so we-- we be taking back 33:27 also our son to-- to Congo with us in September. 33:31 His name is Hudson, named after pioneer missionary to China. 33:36 Excellent. Excellent. 33:37 So, Keith, tell us, catch us up 33:39 what is being going on in the Congo? 33:41 Well, in Congo, we've been continuing on 33:43 with our ministry in church planting 33:45 and radio work, we've got evangelism training school, 33:49 also an agricultural training school 33:51 and we have 71 church planters stationed 33:54 in remote places sharing Jesus with their friends 33:56 and neighbors in the community. 33:58 Now last years offering was focused on the radio ministry 34:01 can you give us an update on how that's going? 34:03 Well, the radio ministry is amazing 34:05 because it reaches out to such a large-- 34:08 such a large group of people. 34:10 We have about 3.5 million people on our potential 34:13 listening base around Kisangani 34:15 that we can reach with our transmission. 34:18 Though that's a lot of people, 34:19 how do you have an idea of they are responding? 34:22 Are they receiving it and hearing it? 34:23 Do you know how they are responding to the mission? 34:25 Responding very well. 34:26 We have sermon presentations 34:28 and Bible presentations held there, often calling in 34:31 and desiring to get either in home 34:33 or correspondence Bible studies and then coming to church, 34:36 we find people even coming to church, 34:37 that's exciting to me. 34:39 That is really exciting. 34:40 So the offerings have been put to good use. 34:43 And we're seeing even though some reaping 34:45 that's happening from there. 34:46 Thank you ASI. Thanks to ASI. 34:48 So Luke, tell me a little bit about what you are doing? 34:51 You're part of the team and what is your focus, 34:53 you and Chantee? 34:55 My wife and I, along with the other members there 34:58 teach classes at the evangelism school, 35:00 but one of the special things that we've been focusing on 35:02 starting this last year was health outreach, 35:05 in particular dental ministry. 35:08 Besides equipping people for-- equipping the Congolese 35:12 for sharing the gospel with their fellow country men there, 35:16 we are also equipping them for a service in other areas. 35:19 One of the major needs in Congo is dental care. 35:23 There is not access to any dental care other than 35:26 rudimentary extractions in the city centers. 35:29 So we've been training Congolese nurses 35:31 and restorative and preventive treatment 35:34 and then partnering with the government health system 35:37 there in the rural clinic areas 35:39 and working in conjunction with our church palters, 35:41 they will host us out in the area 35:43 where we were planting a church and will-- we have a cycle 35:47 where we do clinics out of those areas 35:49 and hold meetings in conjunction 35:50 with the church planters. 35:52 Now you not only doing some dental work 35:53 but you doing some gardening or some other work? 35:56 Congo Frontline Missions does also have 35:58 a new agricultural training program 36:01 that we're starting in-- that was ongoing 36:04 since I left even Keith could-- even tell us more about that. 36:09 So we're wanting to teach people to be 36:11 able to have better lives in all areas 36:13 and that means having better food, 36:15 knowing the Lord Jesus Christ 36:17 and having a better family environment. 36:18 So we are try to work on all aspects of peoples lives. 36:22 Now, Keith, I would like you to share with us some story 36:25 which is actually a continuation 36:27 of something we heard last year. 36:29 So just kind of give us some context 36:31 and tell us how are things going there? 36:34 Well, I'll share a story that's dear to my heart 36:38 as a parent having three little ones now 36:41 that were raising as little missionaries for Jesus. 36:44 We have a radio that's very active 36:48 in bringing people in, bringing stories in, 36:50 but there is a very special village, 36:52 it's very different from other places. 36:54 The village of Alebuku, is a place 36:56 where they've come to us and said, 36:58 we liked what we heard on the radio so much, 37:00 we want you to come built a church 37:03 and started church there. 37:04 And so finally we worked on 37:06 getting a church planter ready to move 37:08 and we found a young man who is strong 37:10 and newly married and able to go there, 37:12 and we said this guy will do a good job in that place. 37:15 And who was that person? 37:18 It's someone that I got to tell you about last year. 37:21 Last year I shared the painful story 37:24 of Senga-Jean Nebandrombi, 37:26 who was with us there in Congo, we sent him out to remote area. 37:30 He was working with his family, his daughters, his wife 37:33 and sadly enough they all got sick, 37:37 his son died. 37:38 Later on his wife was sick during her pregnancy 37:42 and she gave birth prematurely, continued bleeding 37:46 and the following morning she passed away. 37:48 Later on that little boy also died. 37:52 And the admonition, the challenge 37:54 that she gave to her husband on her death bed, 37:57 was that he should continue to work for Jesus. 37:59 Take care of our children and don't stop doing 38:02 Gods work was what she said. 38:03 And she-- he continued on with that. 38:05 He said all right, I'm gonna take that seriously. 38:08 He-- his-- I'm proud to tell you 38:10 that his children have a mother again. 38:13 He got re-married last year 38:15 and it's the woman that they know well. 38:17 He married his wife's younger sister. 38:20 And they are continuing on in service. 38:22 We have now sent them to Alebuku, this new area 38:25 that the radio ministry opened the doors 38:28 to start the church there and he and his family 38:30 which you see on the screen are continuing to serve Jesus. 38:33 I have joy for young family. 38:34 I went out and visited them recently, 38:36 preached in this little jungle church made of a thatch 38:38 and I got to go out with them. 38:40 After a church we ate a little lunch 38:41 that his wife prepared rice and beans 38:43 with the church members there 38:44 and then we went out house to house, 38:46 praying with these people, their friends and neighbors. 38:48 They have a joy for little family, 38:50 and a joy for little church plant 38:51 getting ready for heaven 38:53 and I know there is joy up there. 38:55 I tell you, Luke and Keith, 38:56 thank you so much for what you're doing, 38:58 your commitment in the Congo. 38:59 Keep the work going and we'll keep supporting you. 39:01 Thank you. Thank you. 39:02 God bless you all. 39:05 That was tremendous, 39:07 and now another tremendous report from Maranatha. 39:10 We'll hear from Kenneth Weiss, he is a vice president 39:14 I believe of Maranatha. 39:15 That's correct. Yeah. 39:17 And Maranatha and ASI have been 39:19 partner's together working for the Lord for years. 39:23 That's right Debbie, almost four decades 39:26 Maranatha and ASI have done projects. 39:28 Maranatha members and ASI member have done 39:33 all kids of things together. 39:34 I was looking back through the records. 39:37 The impact has been phenomenal from countries A to Z. 39:41 from projects in Afghanistan, 39:43 all the way to projects in Zambia, 39:45 there's been projects where ASI has made this picture roles 39:49 and Maranatha volunteers have taken them 39:52 to churches and to schools and the list goes on and on. 39:57 The impact of partnership is fantastic. 39:59 Now you even-- 40:01 You have some pictures that's helps, 40:02 it actually give a pictorial representation 40:04 of the different places 40:05 where we've partnered together to work. 40:07 Yeah, in fact this picture is a little bit of our footprint 40:10 of what's going on in the world church. 40:13 Let me tell you just in a nutshell. 40:15 Maranatha is a responsive ministry like ASI is. 40:19 You're trying to respond to desperate needs 40:22 of the world church in different parts 40:25 places where things are growing. 40:27 If you look at this map 40:28 from one end to the planet to the other 40:30 there are projects that Maranatha is doing 40:33 with ASI to make a difference. 40:35 These are places where people... 40:38 don't have a church, they don't have a school, 40:40 may be they need a well. 40:42 It is heart wrenching to go to a place 40:46 and see the new members not having a place to worship 40:51 and that takes us to-- 40:53 what's at the heart of Maranatha. 40:55 That's volunteers every one of you, 40:58 every one of us can be and go 40:59 and be a part of the project. 41:01 I want to show you something. 41:03 Most people don't know that about half, 41:05 may be more than half 41:06 of Maranatha volunteers are young people. 41:10 Maranatha provides an opportunity 41:12 for young people's lives to be changed. 41:15 This summer in fact, just a few days ago 41:18 a project called Ultimate Workout, 41:20 where 300 young people went down 41:23 to the Dominican Republic to built projects. 41:28 Guess what happened? 41:29 You think you go down there to make a difference 41:32 to the project recipients and you do, 41:34 you build them a church but there lives our impacted. 41:39 Not only are their lives impacted 41:41 it leads to a change in their soul 41:43 and many of them accept the Jesus. 41:45 In fact, we had a baptism down there 41:47 and that we see often on a project. 41:51 It-- its huge, something else that's interesting. 41:55 A lot of people don't know 41:56 that there is a lot of project opportunities 41:58 in the United States. 42:01 Believe it or not there are places in United State 42:03 that do need a church, and schools 42:05 or the school needs to be refurbished and painted 42:09 and that provides a great chances to change lives. 42:14 In the southern part of the United States 42:15 for example there are projects-- 42:19 We call it a standard church, 42:21 it's a very affordable building 42:23 where a lot of Maranatha volunteers go 42:25 and they help congregations in the United States 42:28 that can't build a church, that's happens here. 42:31 Do you have a picture of one of those churches? 42:32 We do have a picture of one. There it is. 42:35 It's a very simple church 42:36 so if some of you have a congregation 42:41 contact Maranatha let us know 42:43 perhaps a building like that can work for you. 42:45 That is what Maranatha does. 42:47 It helps the church in areas of great need. 42:50 And I have the last item 42:52 and this is a partnership project 42:54 between Maranatha and ASI called the one day project. 42:59 Now two weeks ago, today in fact, 43:02 I had the privilege of traveling back 43:04 to the country of Ecuador 43:05 where the first one day church was built. 43:10 Garvin and a number of other people 43:13 that went down there several years ago to build it 43:18 said lets try this, let's do an experiment. 43:21 I happened to be there and help built it. 43:23 And we said let's go back. 43:24 So two weeks ago when I was there 43:26 guess what we found? 43:27 We found a really nice congregation. 43:29 Now if you look closely, 43:31 it's not a bamboo structure anymore, 43:35 they've finished it not completely, 43:38 it's at the stucco point, but they're working on it. 43:40 And to the left of the building you will see 43:44 they're putting in classrooms. 43:46 So we asked them hey, where your members? 43:48 They said, well, here is a handful of members, 43:52 but our church has grown and split 43:56 and we have planted another congregation. 43:59 So the one day project it is absolutely working. 44:04 Wonderful, wonderful. 44:05 And we'll be hearing more about that 44:07 throughout the convention. 44:09 Not only will you be hearing about that, 44:11 there is key critical project 44:15 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church 44:17 and it's gonna be a key project for ASI and Maranatha 44:21 and that is in the country of Angola. 44:23 There is a window of opportunity there 44:25 and I encourage you and the television audience 44:29 to please tune in on Sabbath, 44:31 you're gonna hear about amazing things 44:33 happening in that country that God is doing. 44:36 Thank you very much, Kenneth. 44:37 We appreciate working together with Maranatha 44:40 for the spreading of the gospel and supportive of His work. 44:42 Thank you. Thank you. 44:44 I would like to bring to your attention 44:45 if you have your guides, 44:47 there is in your list of projects 44:50 we had an omission, we wanted to make sure 44:52 that we brought that to your attention, 44:54 so you would be familiar with that. 44:55 The Family Development International, 44:59 more familiarly know to us as Kibidula Farms 45:03 is one of the projects for this year 45:05 and the amount of $50,000. 45:07 So we want you to keep that in mind 45:09 as you consider and pray for what God can do through you 45:12 to support these projects. 45:14 Thank you and have a good evening. 45:19 All right thank you, Debbie. 45:22 Good evening again, ASI. 45:25 One of the wonderful things 45:26 about coming to a convention like this 45:29 is that you get to meet people from all over the country, 45:31 all over the world 45:32 that are really doing amazing ministry 45:34 for the Lord Jesus. 45:35 And one of those such individuals is next to me here, 45:39 Rich Aguilera is the director 45:41 of the One Mustard Seed Ministry 45:44 and he's actually a new member of ASI, amen. 45:48 He just came last year to the convention 45:50 but this is your first convention as a member 45:53 and he's actually an architect by trade, 45:56 but six years ago God called him 45:58 into full time ministry and I'm sure that's, 46:00 that's another whole story we would love to hear. 46:02 But you're also known as the Mud Guy 46:06 from his column in Guide Magazine 46:09 and you are the nature host 46:11 for the Kid's Time program on 3ABN. 46:13 So Rich, we're glad that you are here. 46:15 Tell us a little bit about your ministry and what you do? 46:19 Well, God's definitely make things 46:21 interesting for me in my life here lately 46:23 since we stepped out in ministry 46:25 we've opened up a variety of different ministries. 46:28 One of them being an events ministry, 46:29 so we travel around the world a lot presenting creation, 46:33 evolution seminars which may be some of you guys 46:35 have been too very creative stuff, 46:36 special effects, geared for kids, 46:39 geared for adults as well and it's awesome 46:40 because you know, for example last year 46:42 we went to about 10 countries, 46:44 reached about 150,000 people in person in around the world. 46:49 People coming up and there are like man, 46:50 I've just-- I had so many questions about that topic, 46:53 finally somebody could-- could give me answers. 46:55 Thank you so much and little kids coming up 46:57 and hugging you and now I know what to say 46:59 if somebody ask me this and that. 47:01 So its been a blessing during the ministries thing 47:03 we rode on the road about 20, 25 weekends a year. 47:07 The other thing that we're involved 47:08 in is a children church. 47:10 We do a children church ministry locally. 47:12 Our idea is that VBS is as amazing ministry, 47:16 but unfortunately we only do it once a year, 47:19 oh, man, so our solution to that 47:23 is to do it every month. 47:25 And I challenge you guys, 47:26 if you guys do children church-- 47:28 VBS extended because our kids need to be reach, 47:31 the community needs to be reach 47:33 more than just once a year. 47:34 So we create basically a VBSish type of program 47:38 that we present once a month locally. 47:40 And we have about 100 kids that come in. 47:42 It's great because we see them in the supermarket, 47:44 we see them in the stores and they come up to you 47:46 and they hug you in there like, 47:48 we can't wait for children church 47:49 it's in four days. 47:51 So it's a powerful ministry 47:52 and kids just they need to be reached, 47:54 I mean that very important. 47:57 During the week we do a lot of production 47:59 of resources, DVDs, books, blogs, 48:04 we're trying to get an apps ministry going 48:06 because we fell like this is such a powerful way 48:09 to reach our young people right now 48:10 and we-- I fear sometimes 48:11 that we kind of dropping the ball on that one. 48:14 So we are trying to develop some cool apps. 48:17 We also have a new ministry that were about to launch 48:20 in March of next year 48:22 and this was kids as you can probably tell by now 48:25 a lot of what we do as for kids, 48:27 but this one's for kids and families 48:29 because it's a new branch of our work called 48:32 Christian family adventures. 48:34 Sounds exciting. 48:35 Yeah, it's basically we want to not just ministered to children 48:39 but really if you think about it, 48:40 ministering to children comes with ministering to families. 48:44 And when I was a kid and everybody 48:46 that I ever talked to say yeah, 48:47 the best memories I have has a kid 48:49 as when we went on vacation. 48:51 And we need to build those memories. 48:53 So this ministry basically works 48:55 specifically on building memories 48:57 through an exotic location 48:59 that I would host five or six or eight families, 49:01 we're doing fun stuff every day, 49:03 zip lining and some water safaris 49:06 and we're having cool worships in the morning and evenings, 49:08 we dedicate one day for a mini mission trips 49:11 so the kids can get introduced 49:13 to serving and to giving others. 49:15 So it's a one week action packed spiritual, friends, 49:20 just a everything build into this week, 49:22 we want to launch that. 49:24 Sign me up, Rick, Rich, Sound good. 49:26 Sorry, Rich. 49:27 And what is an exotic location? I'm just curious. 49:29 Well, the first one that we gonna do 49:30 for spring break of 2015 is gonna be in Costa Rica. 49:33 All right, so-- 49:34 We'll be parked at the base of an active volcano, 49:37 where you can actually see the lava see coming down. 49:39 We'll zip lining, well doing river safaris, 49:41 and caving, and white water rafting, 49:43 its gonna be a thrill. 49:45 And the last one that I wanted to mention 49:48 even though we do a whole bunch of different ministries 49:50 is the video production, 49:52 a large part of what we do is video production. 49:54 Some of you guys had did the NEDs, VBS curriculum 49:59 this year may have noticed one of the segments 50:02 is one that I host called The Big Three, 50:05 and so that's one of the projects 50:06 I just came back from Hawaii yesterday 50:09 where we're shooting next years Big Three. 50:12 We're doing all sorts of crazy things 50:14 involving sharks and cages and other things 50:18 you guys gonna have to just get the stuff for next time. 50:20 Did you get in the shark cage, Rich? 50:22 I did. I did. Wow. 50:24 And some other pretty wild stuff, 50:25 but our approach is basically to use fun and adventure 50:29 to appeal to young people and old 50:31 and lead them to God in that-- in that way. 50:35 Amen. Amen. 50:36 Well, Rich, that sounds really exciting 50:38 what God is doing through your ministry. 50:39 Now I know you have a little clip that we can show? 50:41 Yeah, there is a-- 50:42 just you guys get an idea of a video clip 50:44 of one the types of projects 50:47 that we work on very action, adventurous 50:48 and you can go head and roll that. 51:47 A lot of stuff for youth and a lot stuff for adults, 51:50 but have you notice that nobody 51:51 is really producing films for kids 51:53 and for families and this alarmed me 51:56 so we're actually working on that 51:57 as a new part of our ministry 51:58 right now to developing feature films for kids. 52:01 Amen. Well, praise the Lord. 52:02 How can we find out more about your ministry 52:04 those of us here at ASI 52:06 or if you watching on-- on the 3ABN, 52:08 how can we find out more about what you do? 52:09 Well, our website is 52:13 which is really easy. 52:14 And I will be hanging out 52:16 at the exhibit hall all week long. 52:18 I will be hanging around in the Bund of IDA booth, 52:22 who distributes a lot of our stuff. 52:23 So if you want to find me I'll be there all week. 52:25 All right, thank you so much, Rich, 52:27 and May God bless you 52:29 and your One Mustard Seed Ministry. 52:30 Thanks, Allen, God bless. All right. 52:31 Praise the Lord. 52:33 It's exciting to see what our members are doing out there. 52:36 Well, this next handsome man who is coming out of here, 52:40 his name is Scott Ritsema. 52:41 How many of you know Scott? Have you seen, amen? 52:44 Well, let me tell you something about Scott. 52:46 God brought back us together in this moment here tonight 52:50 because just a few months ago last December 52:53 he actually came to my church, 52:55 I was pastoring the Mentone Church, 52:56 near Loma Linda, California 52:58 and we brought Scott to do a seminar 53:00 for our church called Media on the Brain. 53:03 It was a really powerful weekend 53:05 and our church members were really blessed 53:07 by the material that you presented, 53:09 a two us that we can, Scott, 53:10 so we are so happy to have you back here at ASI. 53:13 I know you presented at ASI before and GYC. 53:16 He is actually a teacher by training, 53:18 but God has called him now into full time ministry 53:22 to do this Media on the Brain seminar 53:24 over the last year and half. 53:25 We're excited to have you. 53:27 Scott, I know that Mentone wasn't the only church 53:31 that you visited over the last 18 Months. 53:34 No, I've been blown away time and time again 53:38 by how many doors the Lord has opened for this message 53:41 and just by quick show of hands, 53:42 how many of you have heard of or seen Media on the Brain. 53:46 Well, praise the Lord for that. 53:47 The Lord has been-- been on a world win tour 53:49 the past 18 months frankly. 53:51 And just about every weekend, every Sabbath, 53:54 having an opportunity to awaken our people 53:57 to the dangerous of entertainment media. 54:00 And in just is some static's that might be interesting 54:02 for those who have not heard 54:04 we are actually living in a time 54:06 and earth history right now 54:07 where there are 19 million 54:09 videogame addicts in America alone. 54:12 Not to mention five million of those 54:14 are playing 40 hours a week 54:17 and the average screen time 54:19 for the American child today is over 53 hours a weeks. 54:21 So these are some serious statistics 54:23 not just applicable to Seventh-day Adventist, 54:26 my passion, yes, is to wake us up to the-- 54:29 to our need for Christ, 54:30 but also to present the Three Angles Messages, 54:33 to the lost. 54:34 And so using this Media on the Brain message 54:37 as a entering wedge is what really gets me excited 54:41 to really help other people outside of our church 54:44 not only learn about the dangerous of media 54:46 in entertainment, and the love of Christ, 54:48 but to come into present truth. 54:50 Amen. 54:51 Now Scott, I heard that right here in Michigan, 54:54 not long ago a church really made this a major 54:58 outreach event to their community. 54:59 Tell us a little bit about, how that happened? 55:01 Yes, I-- this spring was really exciting for me. 55:04 I got to speak at four evangelical Christian 55:06 home school conventions, 55:08 other churches have done outreach events 55:09 using Media on the Brain, Colorado, Maine, 55:13 Michigan, one Michigan church, 55:14 Charlotte, Michigan a small town, 55:16 but they had a big outreach push. 55:19 The way that they perused this was, 55:21 they went out into the community 55:22 and made this a community event 55:25 to be held on a Sabbath evening. 55:26 Well, what really amazed me, you know, 55:29 I thought may be we would see a handful of visitors 55:30 in a small town like this right? 55:33 No, the visitors were streaming in the door 55:36 and we were all going to wow, 55:38 this church full and half of them. 55:40 The pastor told me half of them 55:42 were not Seventh-day Adventists, 55:43 and they were visitors. 55:45 So praise the Lord for that, they made many contacts 55:47 that they are following up on even now. 55:49 One contact that I personally made was, 55:52 a family that had listened to the message 55:53 at a home school convention 55:55 and came to this local event in Charlotte. 55:58 They have now developed their friendship 56:00 with my wife and I 56:01 to the point where they're telling us, you know, what? 56:04 We're frustrated with the churches 56:06 that we've been part of, 56:07 in the evangelical Christian world. 56:09 They're telling me they're so worldly 56:11 and they actually ask me this. 56:12 They said Scott, 56:14 is the Seventh-day Adventist Church 56:16 a church that has high standards 56:18 with regards to media and in modesty 56:21 and other lifestyle issues, 56:22 but also a loving conception of God as seen in Jesus. 56:27 You talk about us softball question, 56:29 this is what we're all about, right brothers and sisters? 56:32 The world is hungry for this. 56:33 Christians outside in these churches 56:36 are hungry for the truth 56:38 and so to be able to use this is outreach 56:40 has been just the greatest pleasure in my life. 56:43 Praise God, so you really able to meet 56:45 a need in our communities through your seminars, 56:47 praise the Lord for how He is using you in that way. 56:50 Now Scott, I know that you've got a lot more invitations 56:52 to come to churches then you're able to handle. 56:55 Well, then numbers of Sabbaths available 56:58 and I've heard that-- you told me 57:00 that there is something you're doing 57:02 to make it possible for more people 57:03 to hear what you're doing 57:04 even if they can't have you on a Sabbath. 57:06 Yes, the Lord birthed a-- an idea 57:09 within our ministry to do more than just one man 57:13 geographically in one proximate location. 57:16 We have-- we have what's called a virtual seminar 57:18 now where churches all through out the country 57:21 are hosting events where they're doing a screening 57:24 of abbreviated media on the brain seminar, 57:27 making it an outreach events, 57:29 developing those context 57:31 and winning souls to the process. 57:33 In fact, I believe they have a clip 57:34 of some of what that virtual seminar is. 57:37 Let's tune into that if that's there. 57:39 What they're learned is that 57:41 what we see with our eyes our brain interprets it 57:45 as if we are doing it ourselves, 57:47 not merely seeing it. 57:49 He's coming from a secular point of view here, 57:51 he's saying these producers of Hollywood 57:53 they are the high priests 57:55 of this new secularized religion 57:58 in our scientifically crafted and engineered society. 58:02 They are the one's, the producers of Hollywood 58:04 are the one's that can get uniformity to happen, 58:07 get everybody thinking in the way 58:09 that we need them to think. 58:11 Where is the Halloween deceptive philosophy 58:12 of this world today? 58:14 It's been put out through the entertainment media 58:16 and we are called to not be taken captive by it. 58:20 But rather we are to take every thought captive. 58:24 But we are going to look at music itself, 58:26 what are the effects of music upon physiology, 58:29 upon neurology, upon spirituality. 58:32 And how can we understand music 58:33 as a motive communication and as a control mechanism. 58:36 Five million gamers playing 40 hours a week. 58:43 May be you're uncomfortable 58:44 with real you like the gamming culture 58:46 we talk about so you create a social networking persona 58:50 that's not real. 58:51 You can fell better about yourself on Facebook 58:53 than you do when you're in real life conversation. 58:56 We have this ADD generation formula 58:58 where we can't have our attention focused on something, 59:02 there is always the potential for an interruption. 59:08 More media, more entertainment 59:10 and I'll be happier unless for the opposite is the truth. 59:12 The more media and the more entertainment 59:14 the less happy you are and the more bored you are. 59:17 When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives 59:19 and clears out anything that's in between me and God, 59:24 what comes out the next morning is the truth about God, 59:28 that He who was His closest people said 59:30 and He was as beautiful as people said and I go wow, 59:34 I never realized that a spiritual walk 59:37 with Jesus Christ could be this wonderful. 59:40 Well, Scott, we praise God for your ministry 59:42 and for those of us here they want to find out more, 59:45 how can they find out more about your ministry 59:47 and bringing you to their local area 59:50 or more information for their friends? 59:51 I look forward to talking to folks 59:53 and folks in the booth area. 59:55 Booth 245, and also for those viewing on the TV, 59:59 you can look us up on the web, 01:00:01 Belt of Truth Ministries 01:00:03 or you can just Google media on the brain 01:00:05 it's the top link so. 01:00:06 All right, sounds good. Thank you so much, Scott. 01:00:08 Amen. 01:00:09 Well, I have a couple other friends 01:00:12 that are coming out at this time 01:00:13 and I've got little something, 01:00:15 I know you probably can't see this, 01:00:17 but does any one know what this is? 01:00:19 It is a-- hey, I just want to share this with you 01:00:24 incase you have something need to-- 01:00:26 you need to do in your spare time. 01:00:27 Well, thank you, I have about 01:00:28 million of these in the warehouse. 01:00:29 Oh, do you? Okay. 01:00:30 Well, this is Nelson Ernst, 01:00:32 he is the GLOW director for the Pacific Union Conference 01:00:35 and next to him is Kamil, 01:00:38 and Kamil Metz is the International GLOW director 01:00:42 and he' also leads a ministries here in Michigan. 01:00:44 Gentlemen, we're glad to have you here. 01:00:46 Tell us a little bit-- 01:00:48 well, Nelson, the GLOW started just seven years ago 01:00:51 and it's grown exponentially to this point. 01:00:53 Tell us how it's going? How big is GLOW getting now? 01:00:56 Well, it's a lot of people are passing our literature 01:00:59 and in fact, this last camp meeting over in California, 01:01:03 I had a brother come at me and tell me 01:01:05 that he illegally printed 50,000 of our tracks off 01:01:07 somewhere in Asia. 01:01:09 Did he do? 01:01:10 Yeah, that brought our total up to 380,100, 5000 tracks 01:01:14 in about 42 different languages. 01:01:16 So yeah, it's growing, 01:01:18 people are passing out the literature 01:01:20 and more and more we find that people 01:01:21 out side of the United States are taking the tracks 01:01:23 and they're distributing them too. 01:01:24 In fact, a story, some Polish young people 01:01:28 approached us not too long ago 01:01:30 and at the Euro cup was coming to their country 01:01:32 and they decided, we want to take your tracks, 01:01:34 translate them in to Polish, 01:01:35 print half a million of them and then distribute them-- 01:01:38 distribute these things at the Euro cup games. 01:01:40 So that's what they did and well, 01:01:41 one of those brothers was-- 01:01:42 was in the Euro cup crowds passing out literature, 01:01:46 GLOW tracks in Polish he got pick pocketed, 01:01:48 the problem is that they got the wrong pocket. 01:01:51 They got his pack of GLOW tracks in his one pocket. 01:01:54 Or may be they got the right pocket, 01:01:55 but anyway they got the truth. 01:01:57 Amen. So, yeah, it's growing. 01:01:58 Amen, amen, amen. 01:02:02 So this really growing. 01:02:03 And Kamil, I know there is got to be a reason 01:02:06 for why this is happening? 01:02:07 Tell us why Glow is growing so exponentially? 01:02:11 Kyle, mike. 01:02:13 I think one reason is, it is inspired, 01:02:16 in the colporteur you read about 01:02:18 how wind be sharing books, 01:02:20 papers and tracks, and it's been happing, 01:02:23 we had tracks for many, many years 01:02:26 but young people got hold of this idea. 01:02:28 They came together, they study, they prayed, 01:02:30 they organized, they went to churches 01:02:33 and preached and we have responded. 01:02:37 I'm glad that we as a church have embraced an idea 01:02:41 that our young people came up with. 01:02:43 Amen, amen. 01:02:44 And I think that's-- that's a big reason 01:02:46 young people are behind this. 01:02:47 Amen, amen. Praise the Lord. 01:02:49 Another reason, Kyle, just before you move on here, 01:02:51 why it's going so quickly 01:02:54 is because it's very simple 01:02:55 anybody can pass out a Bible pamphlet 01:02:58 and we just have story after story about simple ways 01:03:00 of people are distributing tracks. 01:03:01 How hard it is, Nelson? 01:03:03 Well, I mean you just illustrated it. 01:03:04 You basically pull out a track, if you have an opposable thumb 01:03:07 you can grab a piece of literature 01:03:08 and give it to somebody. 01:03:09 We actually have a brother who lives in Texas, Kyle, 01:03:12 and he only has one arm, 01:03:14 and this guy has distributed over three million tracks 01:03:17 the last I talked to him over a year and a half ago. 01:03:19 So anybody can do this, it's very, very simple. 01:03:22 So guys tell us-- 01:03:25 I know there's a lot of amazing stories 01:03:26 about how God has worked through the GLOW ministry, 01:03:29 may be tell us a couple of stories about just-- 01:03:32 how the Lord has used this to reach people? 01:03:34 Sure. 01:03:35 One of things we've done is, 01:03:36 we have tried to find public places 01:03:38 where put a GLOW rack, 01:03:40 okay, so at Laundromat, Christian book store, 01:03:43 your business, dentist office, 01:03:45 doctor's office and there was-- 01:03:47 there was a Seventh-day Adventist person in Michigan 01:03:51 who place a GLOW rack in a Christian book store. 01:03:54 And a man walked in one time 01:03:56 and he picked up the track on Sabbath. 01:03:58 He came home, he read it. 01:04:00 He went right back to the Christian book store 01:04:03 and he said, now you have the Sabbath track here, 01:04:06 but you don't follow what it says 01:04:08 'cause you are open on Saturday. 01:04:11 They read it and now they close on Saturday, okay. 01:04:15 So one great way the weekend participate 01:04:18 actually place GLOW racks 01:04:22 in businesses and other places. 01:04:23 Amen. Amen. 01:04:25 What was really needed about this whole project 01:04:27 is that we have also use it for big city evangelism. 01:04:31 Like last year we produced this custom made prophecy GLOW track 01:04:36 that we used in Detroit, 01:04:38 a man read it came to the meetings was baptized 01:04:41 and now this year we've used same GLOW track 01:04:46 for the big city of evangelism right here, 01:04:48 ASI prophecy meetings. 01:04:50 That man was in charge of the website 01:04:53 for the ASI prophesies meetings. 01:04:56 So you can see you know, we have invested, 01:04:58 we have sown seeds 01:05:00 and we have read the results that way. 01:05:04 So you can share that with people, 01:05:06 but also our website is setup to do social media evangelism, 01:05:12 like I have this, this track called, 01:05:14 Why I Go to Church on Saturday, 01:05:16 okay, so we took this track we posted on Facebook page 01:05:21 and people repost and re-shared, 01:05:23 in just one week 01:05:25 we had 58,000 unique visitors to our website 01:05:29 because of one Facebook post. 01:05:31 We had 150 Bible study requests 01:05:35 and it just went all over the world. 01:05:36 We had people from this Saudi Arabia. 01:05:38 I mean, we had from every part of the world 01:05:41 people were reading the Sabbath track. 01:05:44 Amen. Thank you, Kamil. 01:05:45 Nelson, I know you've got so many stories 01:05:47 may be just one more really powerful one. 01:05:49 Sure. 01:05:50 Well, own personal experience is always the best. 01:05:53 I was out taking people to do 01:05:56 GLOW distribution on Halloween, a few years ago, 01:05:58 and as I was passing out tracks myself, 01:06:00 I pumped in to a guy who is-- who is a full grown man, 01:06:02 wearing a banana suit. 01:06:04 A banana suit? A banana suit. 01:06:06 And I was like this is interesting 01:06:08 and so I went up to him and I said brother, 01:06:09 hey, check this out, so I gave him some-- 01:06:11 some GLOW tracks and he said these are great. 01:06:13 And so he actually took a whole stack 01:06:14 so that he can distribute them. 01:06:16 And you know the banana and I were split 01:06:18 and he went his way and I went mine, 01:06:20 in about half an hour later I met this guy, 01:06:23 this banana guy. 01:06:24 Was he still in it? He was, yeah. 01:06:27 And you know, and he found the track appealing obviously 01:06:30 because he distributed them to all kinds of people. 01:06:33 We met again half an hour later on a different street 01:06:35 and he'd gotten rid of all this tracks 01:06:36 and he asked for whole another stack. 01:06:38 So I mean the moral of this story is-- 01:06:39 you know, random non-Adventist banana 01:06:41 can pass out literature in Halloween night, we can do it. 01:06:43 Amen. Amen. 01:06:44 Very simple. 01:06:45 And if you want to come and hear me 01:06:47 I will tell you a personal testimony, 01:06:48 we're out of time, but there is a young lady 01:06:50 that I had the privilege of baptizing last year 01:06:53 because she received a GLOW track on Halloween night 01:06:55 in her Halloween candy basket. 01:06:57 So praise the Lord. GLOW is a powerful ministry. 01:06:59 If you want to find out more guys, 01:07:00 how do we find out more about getting involved with GLOW? 01:07:02 Go to our booth L-500 01:07:04 or visit our website 01:07:08 Amen. Thanks. 01:07:15 I have been given the pleasant duty 01:07:17 of a introducing our speaker this-- 01:07:19 for this evening, 01:07:20 our speaker for this evening is Pastor Chris Holland. 01:07:24 He pastored for 14 years and then he had-- 01:07:27 we had the distinct pleasure of working with Chris 01:07:31 here as a secretary treasury of ASI, 01:07:33 but it's only a last of it short time 01:07:35 he got called to be the speaker director 01:07:38 of It Is Written, Canada and there is no doubt in mind, 01:07:42 because we've heard him speak before 01:07:44 that he's going to be good. 01:07:45 The Lord is going to use him, 01:07:47 and we're going to be blessed by his efforts tonight. 01:07:50 God bless you. 01:07:58 Good evening. 01:08:01 The song that we're going to sing 01:08:03 is in the language Chichewa from Malawi 01:08:05 and it says that when we get to heaven 01:08:08 God is going to receive us 01:08:09 and we're going to sing Hosana and live in peace. 01:08:12 And to express that happiness and joy 01:08:15 we're gonna use our hand motions to sing Hosana. 01:12:07 Good evening, ASI. 01:12:10 Good to see you all. 01:12:13 I stood here in front of you a year ago, 01:12:16 I was your secretary treasurer. 01:12:19 Sometimes God works in serious ways 01:12:22 that become potential to understand. 01:12:24 [Indistinct chatter] 01:12:45 Okay, we'll use that, wonderful. 01:12:49 You know, folks I want to ask for your prayers for, 01:12:51 It Is Written, Canada. 01:12:53 It Is Written, Canada the ministry 01:12:55 that I'm now leading is uniquely poised 01:12:58 to do something that many media ministries 01:13:00 do not have the opportunity to do. 01:13:03 It Is Written, Canada has secured contract with CTV 01:13:07 which is the equivalent of ABC or NBC 01:13:10 or CBS here in the States 01:13:13 and we secured that contract 01:13:16 and in securing that contract 01:13:20 we have access to 98% of the homes 01:13:24 of the 40 million Canadians. 01:13:27 Just before I left to on our camp meeting circuit, 01:13:32 our negotiator called me and in something 01:13:36 that is absolutely unprecedented, 01:13:38 CTV as we negotiated 01:13:41 raised our rate per week by 0%, 01:13:46 which is unheard of. 01:13:48 Jesus is leading this ministry 01:13:50 and I would just ask that you keep us in prayer. 01:13:53 We have been also uniquely positioned 01:13:56 through the studio that we rented 01:13:58 that our set is permanently setup in this studio 01:14:01 that we can record current items 01:14:04 and we have recently recorded a series on Noah, 01:14:07 addressing the movie that had a little to do with Noah 01:14:10 and little to do with the real character of God. 01:14:13 We're able to film a series on Is Heaven For Real, 01:14:18 again addressing this recent movie that came out. 01:14:22 Friends, we have plans for a studio in our office 01:14:27 and in that studio 01:14:28 we are going to be able to do live programming. 01:14:31 We're also gonna do live lay training, 01:14:33 and then continued networking of that lay training. 01:14:38 And so friends, I just want to ask 01:14:40 that you keep our ministry in prayer. 01:14:42 I would encourage you to stop by booth 600B to learn more, 01:14:45 and you can also receive a free sampler DVD 01:14:48 of our three series that we've done together. 01:14:51 If you don't mind I just like to have a word of prayer 01:14:54 once again as we start, let's pray. 01:14:57 Heavenly Father, we are grateful 01:14:59 for the opportunity to come 01:15:00 and to be a part of this movement of destiny 01:15:06 that You've called forth. 01:15:08 Tonight as we spend some time in Your word Lord, 01:15:10 we know that Your word is truth. 01:15:14 And so we pray for Your spirit to lead us into all truth, 01:15:18 convict us of sin, convict us righteousness 01:15:21 and convict us of the judgment to come. 01:15:24 We pray in Jesus name, amen. 01:15:28 The title of the message this evening is, why Adventist? 01:15:31 Why now? 01:15:33 And as I prayed about ASI 2014 wondering 01:15:36 what is the message for these folks of ASI. 01:15:41 I believe the Lord led me to the answer 01:15:43 and that is to the relevance 01:15:44 of the Seventh-day Adventists Church 01:15:46 in the 21st century. 01:15:48 See friends, we are in a culture, 01:15:49 we are in a society that is comforted in denominationalism 01:15:55 and many have simply relegated Seventh-day Adventism 01:15:58 to just another denomination, just another choice. 01:16:03 They say we are just one option 01:16:05 among the many options 01:16:06 of the crowded environment of Christianity. 01:16:10 In fact, the world Christian encyclopedia says 01:16:12 that they are 38,000 Christian denominations. 01:16:19 In fact, in some realms there has been an attempt 01:16:23 to make Seventh-day Adventism look, 01:16:26 sound, worship and train like everyone else. 01:16:31 And in so doing in many circles 01:16:34 the Seventh-day Adventist Church 01:16:35 has simply been dismissed 01:16:37 in to the realm of irrelevance and insignificance. 01:16:42 So the question we must ask is why Adventist? 01:16:45 Why now? 01:16:49 Is Adventism relevant today? 01:16:52 And so I'm going to invite you 01:16:53 to open your Bibles to Revelation 12th-- 01:16:55 excuse me Daniel 12 01:16:58 and there in Daniel 12:5-10, 01:17:04 they're verses that you are familiar with. 01:17:07 This what Daniel wrote "Then I, Daniel, looked, 01:17:10 and there stood two others, 01:17:12 one on this riverbank 01:17:13 and the other on that riverbank. 01:17:15 And one said to the man clothed in linen, 01:17:17 who was above the waters of the river, 01:17:19 'How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?' 01:17:23 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, 01:17:25 who was above the waters of the river, 01:17:27 when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, 01:17:30 and swore by Him who lives forever, 01:17:33 that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time 01:17:37 and when the power of the holy people 01:17:39 has been completely shattered, 01:17:41 all these things shall be finished. 01:17:46 Although I heard, I did not understand. 01:17:48 Then I said, 'My lord, 01:17:50 what shall be the end of these things?' 01:17:52 And he said, 'Go your way, Daniel, 01:17:54 for the words are closed up 01:17:55 and sealed till the time of the end. 01:17:57 Many shall be purified,'" many, excuse me 01:18:00 "'Many shall be purified made white, and refined, 01:18:03 but the wicked shall do wickedly 01:18:04 and none of the wicked shall understand, 01:18:07 but the wise shall understand.'" 01:18:10 Friends, I want you to take notice 01:18:11 as we look here at this portion of Daniel. 01:18:14 Daniel is instructed to seal up the book. 01:18:17 He's instructed to seal up the book. 01:18:19 Now let me ask you a question, 01:18:20 this is ASI so I know you know the answer. 01:18:22 Is the entire Book of Daniel sealed? 01:18:24 No. No. 01:18:25 Did Daniel understand Daniel Chapter 2? 01:18:28 Of course he understood Daniel Chapter 2. 01:18:30 Did Daniel understand Daniel Chapter 7? 01:18:32 Of course he understood Daniel Chapter 7. 01:18:35 Did he understand a portion of Daniel Chapter 8? 01:18:38 He did in fact, because the angel explained it to him 01:18:41 and Daniel understood portions of Daniel Chapter 9. 01:18:44 But what is it that Daniel specifically did not understand 01:18:49 as he was given vision, 01:18:51 that vision of the 2,300 days? 01:18:53 In fact, in Daniel 8:27 01:18:56 Daniel reacts and what does he say 01:18:58 "I, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days, 01:19:01 afterward I arose and went about the king's business. 01:19:04 And I was astonished by the vision, 01:19:08 but no one understood it." 01:19:10 This word astonished in the Hebrew literally 01:19:12 means to be desolate or appalled. 01:19:16 He didn't understand the vision of the 2,300 days, 01:19:18 and God in his grace and mercy 01:19:21 did not reveal to Daniel the answer of the 2,300 days 01:19:25 because had He Daniel would likely have been overwhelmed. 01:19:32 So Daniel looked for explanation, 01:19:33 but he did not have it 01:19:34 but God in His great mercy gave Daniel, 01:19:37 Daniel Chapter 9 when Daniel prayed 01:19:39 oh, Lord, when will You deliver us from Babylon? 01:19:42 And God told him when He would deliver them 01:19:45 from sin and the permanence deliverance-- 01:19:48 the permanent deliverance of the coming Messiah. 01:19:52 But Daniel as he standing in closing out this book 01:19:56 the angel tells him that he needs to seal up that book. 01:19:59 He needs to seal up that book until the time of the end. 01:20:03 And then the angel explains to him 01:20:04 when the time of the end will be. 01:20:06 It will be after a time, times 01:20:09 and a half a time and I know I'm at ASI 01:20:11 and so I'm moving quite quickly, 01:20:12 but I think you know this 01:20:13 and I think you understand this. 01:20:15 How long is the time? 01:20:19 One year, right, 360 days. 01:20:20 Two and a time is two years, 720 days, 01:20:24 a half a time 180 days 01:20:26 adding that all together 1,260 days. 01:20:30 The angel tells Daniel that this prophecy 01:20:32 is for the time of the end and we know 01:20:35 that the 1,260 day prophecy began in 538 01:20:40 which means somewhere around 1798 01:20:43 the time of the end would begin 01:20:45 and the unsealing of the Book of Daniel would happen. 01:20:50 And so well I'm sure Daniel was disappointed 01:20:52 because he wanted to know 01:20:53 in faith he allowed Jesus to lead 01:20:55 and placed his faith in Him and His trust in Him. 01:21:00 And so you question 01:21:01 what is this have to do with anything? 01:21:02 We'll fast forward about 600 years. 01:21:07 The Apostle John sat on that rocky island called Patmos. 01:21:13 And in Revelation the 10th chapter, 01:21:16 God would give an answer 01:21:18 to the unsealing of the Book of Daniel. 01:21:21 Revelation 10 chapter is what they call in to commentary 01:21:25 in interlude between the sixth and the seventh trumpet. 01:21:30 The seven trumpets are in a one in a series of three sevens, 01:21:36 the seven churches, the seven seals, the seven trumpets. 01:21:40 Seven churches, the spiritual condition of the church. 01:21:43 The seven seals, God's judgment on the church. 01:21:46 The seven trumpets, Satan's attack on the church. 01:21:50 But let's read here in Revelation 10:1 01:21:54 "I saw still another mighty angel 01:21:57 coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. 01:22:01 And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, 01:22:05 and his feet like pillars of fire. 01:22:08 He had a little book open in his hand. 01:22:09 And he set his right foot on the sea 01:22:11 and his left foot on the land, 01:22:13 and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. 01:22:17 And when he cried out, 01:22:18 seven thunders uttered their voices. 01:22:21 Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, 01:22:23 I was about to write, 01:22:24 but I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, 01:22:26 'Seal up the things 01:22:28 which the seven thunders uttered, 01:22:30 and do not write them.' 01:22:32 The angel whom I saw standing on the sea 01:22:34 and on the land raised up his hand to heaven 01:22:37 and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, 01:22:40 who created heaven and the things that are in it, 01:22:43 the earth and the things that are in it, 01:22:44 and the sea and the things that are in it, 01:22:47 that there should be delay no longer, 01:22:51 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, 01:22:53 when he is about to sound, 01:22:55 the mystery of God would be finished, 01:22:57 as He declared to His servants the prophets." 01:23:03 Friends, as we read this 01:23:04 as John would have heard these words. 01:23:07 John undoubtedly was a student of the Bible. 01:23:11 John undoubtedly was a student of the Bible prophecy 01:23:15 and as soon as he would have seen this in vision 01:23:18 all of a sudden it would trigger in his mind 01:23:22 and his mind would be brought back to where, 01:23:25 right back to Daniel Chapter 12 because there Daniel-- 01:23:30 excuse me John would see, 01:23:32 he would see that there was an angel. 01:23:35 He would see this right hand to heaven. 01:23:37 He would see an angels swearing and he would see that-- 01:23:40 swearing by a name and he would see this angel 01:23:43 saying that there would be delay no longer. 01:23:49 The word delay in Greek is the word Cronus in the Greek. 01:23:52 It's from where we get the English word chronology. 01:23:59 This angel is instructing John 01:24:01 that chronological consecutive time 01:24:04 is about to run its course. 01:24:06 In other words, the prophetic time given 01:24:09 is about to run its course and in a reenactment in vision, 01:24:17 John is about to be revealed 01:24:19 the unsealing of the Book of Daniel. 01:24:22 And what would happen 01:24:23 when the Book of Daniel was unsealed? 01:24:27 See the concern of the angel is time 01:24:29 and the opening of the little book, 01:24:32 all of these illusions pointed the fact 01:24:35 that this angel is instructing John 01:24:38 by that little sealed book from the Book of Daniel. 01:24:46 And we already know from the Book of Daniel 01:24:48 that this unsealing of the Book of Daniel would happen 01:24:51 somewhere after the 1,260 day prophecy, 01:24:54 somewhere after 1798. 01:24:59 And if you don't understand the 1,260 day prophecy 01:25:02 you stop by one of our Medimedia ministry booths, 01:25:05 you talked to my friend Shawn Boonstra, 01:25:07 you come talk to me, 01:25:08 you go talk to Mark Finley or Doug Batchelor, 01:25:10 John Bradshaw and will help you with that 1,260 days 01:25:13 as well as and I left out ministries 01:25:14 and somebody is gonna come to me and say, 01:25:16 I could explain it too. 01:25:17 There is many who can explain it, 01:25:19 but if you don't understand that come find one of us 01:25:21 and we'll help you through that. 01:25:22 But friends, sometime after 1798 01:25:24 we should expect to see the Book of Daniel 01:25:27 being opened up, specifically Daniel Chapter 8 01:25:30 and the 2,300 day prophecy. 01:25:32 Are you all following me this evening? 01:25:34 Yes. 01:25:36 And what happens friends, as-- 01:25:38 what happens in this experiencing 01:25:41 of the opening the book in Revelation 10:8 it says 01:25:44 "Then the voice which I heard from heaven 01:25:45 spoke to me again and said, 'Go, take the little book 01:25:49 which is open in the hand of the angel 01:25:51 who stands on the sea and on the earth.' 01:25:53 So I went to the angel and I said to him, 01:25:55 'Give me the little book.' 01:25:57 And he said to me, 'Take and eat it, 01:25:59 and it will make your stomach bitter, 01:26:01 but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.' 01:26:05 Then I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it, 01:26:07 and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. 01:26:10 But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter." 01:26:17 That word sweet in the Greek is the word gluku 01:26:20 from where we get the word glucose. 01:26:24 This is a pure sugar taste 01:26:26 that John is having in his mouth, its sweet. 01:26:29 Sweeter than even honey, 01:26:34 but then it says its bitter, 01:26:39 literally to be undrinkable to be sour, 01:26:44 and it just figuratively used in the Greek 01:26:46 often to mean embittered or resentful. 01:26:51 So John eats something sweet, 01:26:55 but then it's bitter in the stomach. 01:26:59 It all most sounds like John 01:27:00 is having a case of indigestion. 01:27:03 You know, some of us experience that when we go to potluck. 01:27:06 It's sweet in the mouth, right? 01:27:09 As we-- as we filled the plate full, 01:27:11 but then after we eat it we have that regretful moment 01:27:14 where we say, oh, I think I ate too much. 01:27:18 And as the food continues to fall down into the stomach, 01:27:21 you realize in fact, you did eat too much. 01:27:23 And John experiences this indigestive moment 01:27:27 because it's sweet in the mouth, 01:27:28 but it's bitter in the stomach. 01:27:30 And friends we have to understand 01:27:32 as the angel is in acting with John, 01:27:35 the sweet and bitter experience sometime after 1798, 01:27:40 but before the close of prohibition 01:27:42 the prophecies of Daniel were to be understood 01:27:45 and opened and the experience would be sweet as honey. 01:27:49 Well, what's happening in 1798 in the churches all around, 01:27:53 especially in the United States and in England and in Europe? 01:27:58 The churches were teaching something 01:27:59 called postmillennialism. 01:28:01 Postmillennialism is essentially taught the idea 01:28:04 that the earth is getting better and better and better 01:28:07 and eventually Jesus will come 01:28:10 to reign over His church for 1,000 years of Ethiopia. 01:28:15 But friends, it just took looking around to realize 01:28:18 that the world was not getting better and better. 01:28:21 And so on comes the seen these individuals 01:28:24 who have studied the Book of Daniel, 01:28:25 who began teaching premillennialism 01:28:28 and premillennialism teaches 01:28:30 that the only fix of the problems on this earth 01:28:33 is the Lord Jesus returning in a cataclysmic event. 01:28:37 And so all around the world 01:28:40 the Book of Daniel begins to be opened up. 01:28:43 Johann Peter in Germany, John Aquila Brown in England, 01:28:47 William Cummings Davis in Scotland, 01:28:50 Joseph Wolf a Jewish Christian who traveled the world, 01:28:53 Edward Irving in Scotland and England, 01:28:56 William Digby in Ireland and a little Baptist preacher 01:29:01 by the name of William Miller 01:29:03 in the United States of America. 01:29:06 And they began preaching and opening up, 01:29:09 the prophecies of Daniel 01:29:11 and listen to Hiram Edson how he-- 01:29:14 how he described the Advent experience 01:29:17 as he began to understand 01:29:18 Daniel Chapter 8 and Daniel Chapter 9. 01:29:21 Hiram Edson said this, "I mused in my own heart, 01:29:24 saying, my advent experience has been 01:29:27 the brightest of all my Christian experience." 01:29:33 What were they teaching? 01:29:34 They began teaching that Jesus was going to come, 01:29:37 sometime around 1843 or 1844 01:29:41 and people often will say to me, 01:29:43 how could they not-- 01:29:44 how could they ignore the words of Jesus, 01:29:46 when Jesus said, no man shall know the day or the hour. 01:29:50 Friends, they simply explained that 01:29:51 by saying that Jesus when He was here, 01:29:54 no one knew the day or the hour, 01:29:57 but now there that for them to know the day and hour, 01:30:00 that's how they got around this. 01:30:03 But friends, they were excited 01:30:04 because they believe that Jesus was coming back. 01:30:08 They believe that Jesus was coming back 01:30:10 until eventually in the Advent movement 01:30:12 here in the United States, 01:30:13 they set a day of October 22, 1844. 01:30:17 And they looked forward, they looked forward 01:30:20 with great expectation to Jesus coming. 01:30:24 And too often we speak of the great disappointment 01:30:27 as some merely passing moment. 01:30:29 Oh, it was the great disappointment. 01:30:32 Friends, I want you to think about all your hope, 01:30:37 every thing you have, centered and focused on Jesus coming. 01:30:48 When you go out sometime in the morning October 22, 1844 01:30:53 and you get your family out on the yard, 01:30:57 you gather your children together 01:30:59 and you began to read the stories, 01:31:02 you began to go over the prophecies of Daniel, 01:31:07 noon comes, 3 o'clock comes, 01:31:13 8 o'clock comes, 10 o'clock comes 01:31:22 and then midnight takes away. 01:31:27 Hiram Edson wrote these words, 01:31:30 "Our expectations were raised high, 01:31:33 and thus we looked for our coming Lord 01:31:35 until the clock tolled 12, at midnight. 01:31:38 The day had passed 01:31:40 and our disappointment became a certainty. 01:31:43 Our fondest hopes and expectations were blasted, 01:31:47 and such a spirit of weeping came over us 01:31:49 as I never experienced before. 01:31:51 It seemed that the loss of all earthly friends 01:31:55 could have been no comparison. 01:31:56 We wept, and wept, till the day dawn. 01:32:01 Has the Bible proved a failure? 01:32:03 Is there no God in heaven, 01:32:05 no golden home city, no paradise? 01:32:07 Is all this but a cunningly devised fable? 01:32:10 Is there no reality to our fondest hope and expectation? 01:32:16 And then listen to the words of Henry Emmons, 01:32:20 "I waited all Tuesday, October 22 01:32:24 and dear Jesus did not come. 01:32:27 I waited all the forenoon of Wednesday, 01:32:30 and was well in body as I ever was, 01:32:33 but after 12 o'clock I began to feel faint, 01:32:36 and before dark I needed someone 01:32:38 to help me up to my chamber, 01:32:40 as my natural strength was leaving me very fast, 01:32:43 and I lay prostrate for two days 01:32:47 without any pain, sick with disappointment." 01:32:56 Friend, do you find yourself disappointed? 01:32:59 Do you find yourself disappointed? 01:33:02 Do you find yourself grief stricken? 01:33:06 There is an answer, and it's the same answer 01:33:09 that God gave to John in Revelation 10 01:33:13 because even though there would be this sweet 01:33:15 but bitter, sweet but bitter moment 01:33:19 the prophecy doesn't end there. 01:33:22 And friends, we need to read 01:33:23 Revelation 10 right into Revelation 11 01:33:25 because chapter and verse division 01:33:27 didn't come in John's day. 01:33:29 He didn't write that Bible with chapters and verses. 01:33:32 And so what is it say there in Revelation 10:11? 01:33:35 "And he said to me, 'You must prophesy 01:33:38 again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.'" 01:33:41 And what's the very next words? 01:33:43 "I was given a reed like a measuring rod. 01:33:45 And the angel stood, saying, 01:33:48 'Rise and measure the temple of God, 01:33:51 the altar, and those who worship there.'" 01:33:54 Where is John taken immediately in the midst 01:33:57 of his sour and bitter disappointment to the temple 01:34:02 or to the sanctuary in heaven? 01:34:04 Friends, God has an answer for our bitter disappointments. 01:34:09 It is the rise of the remnant people, 01:34:12 the rise of the remnant church. 01:34:13 The relevant of the remnant church 01:34:15 in the 21st century is that the answer 01:34:18 to the bitter disappointments of life today 01:34:21 is found in the sanctuary. 01:34:25 Psalm 77:13 you know it well, 01:34:27 "Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary, 01:34:30 who is so great a God as our God?" 01:34:33 Psalm 73:16, 17 "When I thought how to understand this, 01:34:38 it was too painful for me until I went" where? 01:34:41 "Into the sanctuary." 01:34:44 Psalm 63:2 "So I have looked for You 01:34:48 in the sanctuary, to see" what? 01:34:51 "Your power and Your glory." 01:34:55 My friends, the sanctuary is the blueprint, 01:34:57 it is the puzzle that puts everything together. 01:35:00 The sanctuary ties all the beliefs 01:35:02 of the Bible together. 01:35:03 It's God's blueprint. 01:35:05 And friends, I'm telling you right now 01:35:08 there are some who want to give up on the sanctuary. 01:35:10 If we give up on the sanctuary 01:35:12 we might as all well go become Methodist 01:35:15 because the sanctuary is the blueprint 01:35:18 for God's answer to today's troubles. 01:35:22 The sanctuary, the showbread teaches us 01:35:25 that man shall not live by bread alone, 01:35:27 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. 01:35:31 The lamps teach us that we need the Holy Spirit. 01:35:34 The altar of incense tells us that we need 01:35:36 that continue dependence upon God through prayer. 01:35:40 The mercy seat teaches this the importance of the judgment 01:35:44 and that God is for us and not against us. 01:35:47 The law of God is found in the Ark of the Covenant, 01:35:50 Aaron's rod and the importance of proper administration 01:35:54 and leadership in the church. 01:35:56 The manna is there in the Ark 01:35:58 and teaches us about our full dependence upon God. 01:36:02 The priesthood in its teaching 01:36:05 about the priest stood of all believers. 01:36:08 But above all else why is the sanctuary key? 01:36:11 Why is the sanctuary the answer to the disappointments of life? 01:36:16 Paul said it best in Hebrews 8:1, 2 01:36:20 "Now this is the main point of the things 01:36:22 we are saying, We have such a High Priest, 01:36:26 who is seated at the right hand of the throne 01:36:28 of the Majesty in the heavens, 01:36:30 a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle 01:36:33 which the Lord erected, and not man." 01:36:36 Friends, what's the answer 01:36:37 to the bitter disappointments of the life today? 01:36:40 The ministry of Jesus Christ. 01:36:42 Why is it distinctive 01:36:44 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and our message? 01:36:47 Because friends, why Adventist? Why now? 01:36:52 When the main stream evangelical church 01:36:54 teaches about a Jesus who came and a Jesus who died 01:36:57 and saved you from your sins so you can keep on going 01:37:01 and living like you want to live. 01:37:03 This sanctuary message tells us about a Jesus 01:37:07 who came, who died, who rose again and is alive 01:37:12 and in the sanctuary working on our behalf. 01:37:16 And He's not just any high priest, 01:37:18 He's one that sympathizes with our needs. 01:37:20 He's one that sympathizes with us 01:37:22 because He was one of us. 01:37:25 Jesus understands. Jesus came and He lived. 01:37:29 Jesus is alive, friends. 01:37:32 Friends I've always joked with churches, 01:37:34 I've always joked with churches, 01:37:37 I've always joked with churches. 01:37:40 That-- somebody is playing music. 01:37:45 I've always joked with churches, 01:37:49 they want to put a cross up and I said you know, 01:37:52 you know, we don't need a cross, 01:37:55 we've need a picture of empty tomb 01:37:57 because our hope is the fact 01:37:58 that Jesus is alive, Jesus is alive. 01:38:05 My friends, it is the message of hope for today. 01:38:09 Jesus is actively working in the sanctuary 01:38:12 on our behalf right now. 01:38:16 In John 12:32 Jesus said himself 01:38:20 if I "If I am lifted up from the earth, 01:38:24 will draw all peoples to Myself." 01:38:27 Jesus is alive in the sanctuary 01:38:29 and that my friends, is good news. 01:38:31 The answer today's problems and challenges of this time 01:38:35 are clearly articulated by Jesus. 01:38:38 In the midst of the signs of the time, 01:38:40 Jesus speaks of wars and rumors of war, 01:38:42 nations raising against nations, 01:38:46 famines, pestilences, weather phenomena 01:38:50 in the midst of it all Jesus gives the answer 01:38:53 and what's the answer He gives in Mathew 24:14 01:38:56 "And this gospel will be preached in all the world 01:39:00 as a witness to all the nations, 01:39:03 and then the end will come." 01:39:08 This gospel. 01:39:12 You know Paul warned the Galatians, 01:39:13 that there was another gospel. 01:39:16 Jesus warned that there would be false Christ's, 01:39:19 a false gospel would emerge. 01:39:21 And as we study history 01:39:23 we find this group of people called the Gnostic. 01:39:28 The word Gnostic comes from the Greek word Gnosticism 01:39:34 and it means knowledge. 01:39:36 And see the Gnostic believe they had a secret knowledge. 01:39:40 And so they would come into the churches 01:39:41 and they would say, you know, I know what Paul told you, 01:39:44 but I have something secret I need to tell you. 01:39:49 Friends, I'm afraid we are facing 01:39:52 a version of this in our church today. 01:39:55 I'm afraid that we have 01:39:56 our own set of Adventist Gnostic, 01:40:02 they have secret information, secret knowledge. 01:40:05 And friends, I don't want to come across this too harsh 01:40:08 and what I'm about to say, but I need to say it friends, 01:40:10 because the answer to today's challenge are in Jesus Christ. 01:40:15 Friends, not one person has been saved 01:40:18 by the knowledge of who's sank the Titanic 01:40:20 or what's secret societies 01:40:22 or what the illuminati are doing? 01:40:24 And I know we chuckle in an uncomfortable chuckle, 01:40:27 but where we get really exited about these things 01:40:29 because we feel like we've got extra knowledge. 01:40:33 We don't need extra knowledge friends, 01:40:34 we need to know Jesus. 01:40:36 So Jesus can change us and we can change the world. 01:40:42 My friends, the message of the gospel is clear, 01:40:46 and we make it more complicated than it needs to be. 01:40:50 Jesus says this gospel. 01:40:53 What is this gospel or the good news 01:40:55 that Jesus came to bring? 01:40:57 He told it to Nicodemus that night 01:40:59 that Nicodemus came to visit Him. 01:41:03 John 3:16 "For God so loved the world 01:41:07 that He gave His only begotten Son, 01:41:09 that whoever believes in Him should not perish 01:41:12 but have everlasting life." 01:41:13 But we didn't read the next part. 01:41:17 Verse 17 "For God did not send His Son 01:41:19 into the world to condemn the world, 01:41:20 but that the world through Him might be saved." 01:41:28 It's a whole another sermon. 01:41:31 You go to Dawn McIntosh 01:41:33 and David Fiedler's seminar tomorrow 01:41:34 and they are gonna talk about this, 01:41:36 but that word they are saved in the Greek 01:41:37 it's a special word it's the Greek word sozo 01:41:44 and it means salvation and its translated to be saved. 01:41:49 But in other places it's translated 01:41:52 to be made well or to be healed. 01:41:57 This gospel that Jesus came to bring 01:42:00 is a gospel that has hands and has feet and has a body. 01:42:07 See too often we speak of righteousness, 01:42:10 the righteousness of Christ there, 01:42:11 righteousness by faith 01:42:12 and we speak of it as some theological exercise 01:42:16 or some legal incident that happened in heaven. 01:42:19 But friends, righteousness by faith needs a person 01:42:22 because Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. 01:42:26 He came healing, teaching and preaching. 01:42:30 He healed to reach the heart 01:42:32 so then He could change the heart 01:42:34 and change the person. 01:42:36 Why Adventist? Why now? 01:42:37 Because we've been given the unique opportunity 01:42:40 to be God's last day messengers 01:42:43 that Jesus is alive in the sanctuary, 01:42:46 which is the head quarters of the universe 01:42:48 with one mission and one mission only, 01:42:50 to save mankind providing both physical and spiritual healing. 01:42:58 How is it going to be done? 01:43:01 In the book Medical Ministry, 01:43:04 Ellen white, writes these words. 01:43:05 "My brethren, the Lord calls for unity, for oneness. 01:43:09 We are to be one in the faith. 01:43:11 And I want to tell you that when the gospel ministers 01:43:13 and the medical missionary workers are not united, 01:43:16 there is placed on our churches 01:43:18 the worst evil that can be placed there. 01:43:21 It is time that we stood upon a united platform." 01:43:26 Medical missionary workers and when we think 01:43:28 of medical missionary workers right now, 01:43:29 we have an image in our mind. 01:43:32 Friends, go and study because that image 01:43:35 that we have is not the image that Ellen White painted. 01:43:37 Medical missionary workers were simply people 01:43:39 who would go out in the community 01:43:41 find out what the needs were and meet those needs. 01:43:43 Medical missionary workers chopped wood. 01:43:46 Medical missionary workers providing cloths, 01:43:48 medical missionary workers provided food, 01:43:50 medical missionary workers provided homes 01:43:55 just like Jesus did. 01:43:57 And in winning their confidence 01:44:02 then Jesus paid them to follow Him. 01:44:06 In a world of seven billion people, 01:44:08 how do we do this? 01:44:11 The Ninth Testimony page 166, 01:44:15 "The leaders in God's cause, as wise generals, 01:44:17 are to lay plans for advance moves all along the line. 01:44:21 In their planning they are to give special study 01:44:23 to the work that can be done by the laity 01:44:26 for their friends and neighbors. 01:44:28 The work of God in this earth" listen to these words, friends 01:44:32 "The work of God in this earth can never be finished 01:44:36 until the men and women 01:44:37 comprising our church membership 01:44:39 rally to the work and unite their efforts 01:44:42 with those of ministers and church officers." 01:44:46 The laity and the clergy working together. 01:44:51 Novel idea isn't it? 01:44:55 Friends, God is calling for us to unite together. 01:44:58 God is calling for us to be like 01:45:00 the church of Acts that was of one accord. 01:45:04 They were united. 01:45:06 Literally in the Lexicon when they were of one accord, 01:45:09 look it up it says they were unanimous, 01:45:12 they came together and they worked together 01:45:16 and they worked through their issues. 01:45:18 How come we do this? 01:45:20 Zechariah 4:6 tells us "'Not by might nor by power, 01:45:24 but by My Spirit,' says the Lord." 01:45:27 Through the workings of the Holy Spirit 01:45:29 and the transformation of His people, 01:45:32 this gospel will go out to the ends of the earth 01:45:35 any work will be finished. 01:45:36 But friends, God is calling for us to unite together. 01:45:40 The clergy and the laity to come together. 01:45:43 The health work and the gospel work 01:45:45 to come together and to bring back together, 01:45:48 that which was broken so many years ago. 01:45:52 And the question simply is for each of us tonight, 01:45:55 where will it start? 01:45:57 Because too often we look across the aisle, 01:46:00 we look to another ministry, 01:46:01 we look over there, we look over there. 01:46:05 The question must be, when will I change? 01:46:11 Hebrews 12:1, 2 tells us where we are to be looking, 01:46:15 "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." 01:46:21 We need to stop looking horizontal 01:46:23 and start looking vertical 01:46:25 because Jesus says when He is lifted up 01:46:28 all men, all women, all children 01:46:31 will be drawn to Him. 01:46:33 Because friends, the day is now 01:46:35 that there only really two choices. 01:46:37 See Revelation 13:3 says that 01:46:40 "All the earth wonders after the beast." 01:46:44 Friends, the only way to save the world 01:46:46 from wondering after the beast is to lift up the real Jesus, 01:46:51 to lift up the real Christ, 01:46:53 so that people can turn their back on the antichrist. 01:46:57 When will we take this counsel? 01:46:59 Why Adventist? Why now? 01:47:01 The very story of the fulfillment 01:47:03 of prophecy of our church is the answer to society today. 01:47:07 It is relevant to everyone. 01:47:09 My friends, the church, 01:47:11 the Adventist Church came out of bitter disappointment 01:47:15 and this world that we live in is filled 01:47:19 with bitter disappointment. 01:47:22 The government has let us down, the world has let us down, 01:47:26 our schools have let us down, our parents have let down, 01:47:30 our spouses have let us down, our children have let us down, 01:47:33 let's bring it a little closer to home. 01:47:37 The conference has let us down, 01:47:40 the local church leadership has let us down, 01:47:42 the pastor has let us down 01:47:44 and lay people have let us down. 01:47:46 And friends, the only answer is that, 01:47:49 we will look on to Jesus, 01:47:51 the author and the finisher of faith 01:47:53 and we would be converted in new 01:47:55 that we would be united under the power of the Holy Spirit 01:47:58 to finish the work that God has called us to. 01:48:01 Amen. 01:48:04 Friends oh friends, I want to speak to my pastor friends, 01:48:09 when are we gonna loosen the reigns of power? 01:48:13 When we gonna loosen in the reigns of power 01:48:15 and stop taking ourselves too seriously? 01:48:18 And I don't say this in a snide way, but when? 01:48:23 And lay people, I want to speak to you, 01:48:26 when we gonna allow our pastors to do 01:48:28 what they've been called to do? 01:48:32 Friends, it's a time that we need to come 01:48:34 in mutual respect of one another, 01:48:37 that we need to unite together, lay the plans that are led-- 01:48:42 that we are led by the Holy Spirit to lay, 01:48:46 and go on, and finish this work. 01:48:49 Amen. 01:48:53 Friends, we are in a world that is bitterly disappointed. 01:48:59 Why Adventist? Why now? 01:49:02 Because our church was founded on God's divine appointment 01:49:08 that comes in the aftermath of a bitter disappointment. 01:49:16 Friends, we've often talk about 01:49:18 making the church more relevant. 01:49:21 I would encourage us to get into the word 01:49:24 and get back to the message that is relevant to this day. 01:49:30 Why Adventist? Why now? 01:49:32 The message is that of a divinely, 01:49:34 prophetically called message of Adventism, 01:49:37 of the remnant moment to bring hope 01:49:39 to the bitterly disappointed. 01:49:41 It is the answer. 01:49:43 It is the answer to a world that is bitterly disappointed. 01:49:47 Just last year the General Conference held 01:49:49 an Urban Mission Conference 500 cities in the world 01:49:53 with over one million in population, 01:49:56 the city of Boston has 7.2 million people, 01:50:00 but only 8,000 Adventists there. 01:50:02 Denver has 3.3 million people, but only 10,000 Adventists. 01:50:07 Minneapolis has 2.9 people-- 01:50:09 2.9 million people and only 6,000 Adventists. 01:50:13 San Francisco has 7.2 million people 01:50:16 and only 3,600 Adventists. 01:50:19 Vancouver, British Columbia, 01:50:21 has 2.45 million people and 900 Seventh-day Adventists. 01:50:28 Friends, when I heard these words, 01:50:32 I sat with a pastor friend of mine and I said, 01:50:37 this is impossible, this is impossible. 01:50:41 How can we finish God's work? 01:50:45 And this pastor of mine said, 01:50:48 its not us who finishes the work, 01:50:51 it is as we yield to the Holy Spirit, 01:50:53 that the Holy Spirit can do some amazing things. 01:50:56 Friends, we are called to bring the message of hope. 01:50:59 We are called to bring a hope 01:51:01 to a bitterly disappointed world. 01:51:03 Everything we are about must be about hastening 01:51:06 the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 01:51:09 Jesus is the answer for a sin, sick, sinking world. 01:51:14 Now is the time. 01:51:15 Now is the time to lift up Jesus. 01:51:18 Now is the time to pour all of our resources, 01:51:21 both physical resources, financial resources. 01:51:24 There is an offering here on Sabbath, 01:51:26 they are exhibiters over there, 01:51:28 there is ministries like one day church 01:51:30 and Voice of Prophecy, and It is Written, Canada. 01:51:33 God is calling us now to finish the work, 01:51:36 to pour everything in and lift Him up 01:51:39 because it is only He who has the answers. 01:51:42 It is only Him. Why Adventist? 01:51:45 Why now? 01:51:46 Because we've been given the unique opportunity 01:51:48 to be God's last day messengers, 01:51:51 that Jesus is alive in the sanctuary 01:51:54 which is the head quarters of the universe 01:51:56 with one mission, to save mankind. 01:52:00 Friends, are you committed to sending that message today? 01:52:04 I'm gonna invite Shelton out to began playing again, 01:52:08 and friends, I gonna began ASI this year by making a call 01:52:15 and I'm gonna make a call as this song is played here, 01:52:18 it's a very simple call three very specific people 01:52:22 and so I'm gonna invite us to stand together. 01:52:24 That makes it easier for us to come forward that want to. 01:52:26 It's not a general recommitment but friend, 01:52:30 may be you are someone here who came to ASI 01:52:34 and you been suffering bitter disappointment personally. 01:52:37 I'm gonna invite you to come forward to some of the pastors, 01:52:40 some of the ASI leadership can have prayer with you. 01:52:45 May be you're a lay person who has an always been 01:52:48 the sweet fruit fullness of Jesus, 01:52:51 and you need to come forward 01:52:52 and make a commitment today to say today it changes. 01:52:55 Would allow the Holy Spirit to work in me and change me. 01:53:01 May be you are a pastor or a church leader 01:53:03 that needs to be commit today and recommit to the model 01:53:07 that Jesus has put forth. 01:53:11 A model of the clergy and the laity coming together, 01:53:16 as "He Hideth My Soul" is played, 01:53:18 I'm gonna invite you to come forward 01:53:20 right down here in the front 01:53:21 so we can have special prayer for you. 01:55:51 What a beautiful group, praise the Lord. 01:55:56 Shall we bow our heads as we pray to our God? 01:56:01 Our precious Heavenly Father, we give You honor 01:56:06 and praise for You are our God. 01:56:11 Because in You we have a beautiful hope 01:56:14 that blessed hope of Your second coming. 01:56:19 Father, we want to unite as a church. 01:56:22 We want so much to finish the work 01:56:26 that You have commanded for us to do, 01:56:29 but we need the out pouring of the Holy Spirit. 01:56:33 And tonight we're asking very humbly Lord, 01:56:38 send Your Holy Spirit. 01:56:41 Please Father, fill us up 01:56:44 that we will be able to go out and preach the gospel, 01:56:49 preach that truth that You have given to us 01:56:53 to give to others. 01:56:55 Bless each person that has come forward 01:56:59 in their desire to unite in the finishing of the work. 01:57:03 Father, hear our prayer, for we ask it 01:57:08 in the wonderful and precious name 01:57:11 of Jesus Christ our Savior, amen. |
Revised 2015-03-05