Spring Camp Meeting 2013

Music Concert

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Danny Shelton, Tammy Chance, Melody Firestone, C.A. Murray, Yvonne Lewis, Sandra Entermann, Valley View Quartet, John Lomacang, Rosemary Malkiewycz, J.D. Hatfield, Celestine Berry, Justine Terosian & children


Series Code: 13SCM

Program Code: 13SCM000020

00:30 Well welcome back to Camp Meeting 2013.
00:34 And this is our final Saturday night...
00:37 the last three hours of Camp Meeting
00:39 and you've got some special guests. I do!
00:41 I brought my littlest, youngest grandchildren.
00:45 This is Faithie... we call her Baby Faith.
00:47 Hi Baby Faith. Are you Papa's girl?
00:52 And then we have her older brother Jonah.
00:55 How old are you, Jonah? Seven.
00:58 Seven. Wow... what a big voice you've got.
01:01 Are you going to sing bass when you get big?
01:04 He doesn't know yet.
01:06 Sound like you're going to have a big deep bass voice.
01:10 Well they've been waiting all day. They came last night
01:13 from Nashville and they wanted to go up front with Papa.
01:16 And I said: "Well I definitely am going to bring them up. "
01:18 When kids want to get up and do something for the Lord,
01:20 right, and in front of people let's get them used to it
01:23 while they're young. So thank you.
01:25 I love you guys with all of my heart
01:26 and all your brothers and sisters.
01:28 So thank you for being here, OK?
01:30 Daddy is right over there. Thank you. Bye bye.
01:33 All right. Won't be long they'll be staying and singing
01:36 with us, right? Absolutely... I hope so.
01:39 I hope so. I do too for sure.
01:40 Right now we're going to hear Danny, his sister,
01:44 and his daughter.
01:48 We're going to do a song. We've never sung together
01:50 I don't think, have we? with this song and with Lisa playing.
01:53 So we just practiced it a few minutes ago
01:56 so we hope it goes well, but it's a song you all know:
01:58 He Touched Me.
02:09 Shackled by a heavy
02:14 burden,
02:19 'Neath a load of guilt
02:23 and shame...
02:28 Then the hand of Jesus
02:33 touched me,
02:37 And now I am no longer
02:41 the same.
02:45 He touched me,
02:49 O He touched me,
02:55 And O the joy
02:59 that floods my soul!
03:05 Something happened,
03:09 and now I know
03:14 He touched me
03:16 and made me whole.
03:24 Since I met this blessed
03:29 Savior,
03:33 Since He cleansed and made
03:38 me whole,
03:42 I will never cease
03:47 to praise Him...
03:51 I'll shout it
03:54 while eternity rolls.
04:00 He touched me,
04:04 O He touched me,
04:09 And O the joy
04:14 that floods my soul!
04:20 Something happened,
04:24 and now I know
04:29 He touched me and made
04:34 me whole. Now we want you to sing the chorus with us, OK?
04:38 He touched me,
04:41 O He touched me,
04:47 And O the joy
04:52 that floods my soul!
04:58 Something happened,
05:02 and now I know
05:07 He touched me
05:09 and made me whole...
05:15 Amen. He touched me
05:20 and made
05:24 me
05:28 whole. Amen!
05:33 All right! Praise the Lord! Well next we have
05:36 Pastor C.A. Murray... not only a wonderful speaker,
05:40 wonderful pastor, and a great friend
05:43 but also God has gifted him with music.
05:46 And we're thankful that he is here tonight singing for us.
06:04 I'll tell the world
06:08 that I'm a Christian.
06:11 I'm not ashamed
06:15 His name to bear.
06:18 I'll tell the world
06:22 that I'm a Christian.
06:26 I'll take Him with me
06:29 everywhere.
06:33 I'll tell the world
06:37 how Jesus saved me
06:40 and how He gave me
06:44 a life brand new.
06:48 And I know
06:51 that if you trust Him
06:54 that all He gave me
06:58 He'll give to you.
07:05 I'll tell the world
07:09 that He's my Savior.
07:12 No other one
07:16 could love me so.
07:19 My life, my all
07:23 is His forever
07:27 and where He leads me
07:30 I will go.
07:37 I'll tell the world
07:41 Jesus is coming.
07:44 And it may be near
07:48 or far, far away.
07:52 But we've got to live
07:55 as if that coming
07:59 could be tomorrow
08:03 or today.
08:06 For when He comes
08:10 and life is over
08:13 for those who love Him
08:16 there's more to be.
08:21 Eyes have never seen
08:25 the wonders
08:28 that He's preparing
08:31 for you and me.
08:38 Go tell the world
08:42 that you're a Christian.
08:45 Don't be ashamed
08:49 His name to bear.
08:52 Just tell the world
08:56 that you are a Christian
09:00 and take Him with you
09:03 everywhere.
09:09 I'll tell the world
09:14 how Jesus saved me
09:18 and how He gave me
09:21 a life brand new.
09:26 And I know
09:28 that if you trust Him
09:32 that all He gave to me
09:35 He'll give to you.
09:43 I'll tell the world
09:46 that I'm a Christian.
09:50 And I'm not ashamed
09:53 His name to bear.
09:57 I'll tell the world
10:00 that I'm a Christian.
10:04 I'll take Him with me
10:07 anywhere.
10:11 I'll take Him with me
10:14 anywhere.
10:30 It seems like I always get the luck of the draw.
10:33 I get to introduce Yvonne Lewis.
10:36 We have this running joke since I baptized her about
10:39 28 years ago. I teasingly say: "I've been dragging you
10:42 around for 28 years. "
10:47 So I get to drag her around again.
10:51 We've been good friends since those days
10:55 and she is a marvelous addition to 3ABN
10:59 and a hard, hard worker.
11:01 And so we're so very glad to have her here
11:03 and when I baptized her back in the 80's I held her down
11:09 just long enough, you know, to get a good dip.
11:14 So we praise the Lord for her. She's going to be singing
11:16 Marvelous In Our Eyes.
11:28 Look at what the Lord has done.
11:32 He is marvelous in our eyes.
11:37 From the rising to the setting sun
11:41 He is marvelous in our eyes.
11:46 Hey let me tell you where the Savior found me.
11:49 How He saved me and gave me a reason to sing.
11:54 And now I'm living... I'm free and I'm forgiven
11:58 and He's given me everything.
12:01 Oh... Look at what the Lord has done.
12:06 He is marvelous in our eyes.
12:10 From the rising to the setting sun
12:14 oh, He's marvelous in our eyes.
12:19 Hey, look around you...
12:21 Oh, can't you feel the glory like a light in the night
12:25 when we've lost our way?
12:28 Lord of creation,
12:29 the hope of every nation,
12:32 Jesus is still His name.
12:36 Look at what the Lord has done.
12:40 He is marvelous in our eyes.
12:44 From the rising to the setting sun
12:48 oh, He's marvelous in our eyes.
12:52 Hallelujah!
12:54 He is marvelous.
12:57 Hallelujah!
12:59 He's so good to us.
13:02 In one accord let us all proclaim...
13:06 let everybody exalt His name!
13:11 Oh, look at what the Lord has done.
13:15 He is marvelous in our eyes.
13:20 From the rising to the setting sun
13:24 oh, He's marvelous in our eyes.
13:28 Hallelujah!
13:30 He is marvelous.
13:32 Hallelujah!
13:34 He's so good to us.
13:38 In one accord let us all proclaim...
13:41 let everybody exalt His name!
13:48 Look at what the Lord has done.
13:51 He is marvelous in our eyes.
13:56 From the rising to the setting sun
14:00 oh, He's marvelous in our eyes.
14:04 He is marvelous in our eyes.
14:08 God's so marvelous in our eyes!
14:12 Amen!
14:25 Good evening. Good evening.
14:27 We - together with Sanja Kitevski - are going to sing
14:31 a song that we figured would fit in with the theme
14:34 of this Camp Meeting,
14:36 and that's Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.
14:39 Have you been blessed being here?
14:41 Amen! We certainly have!
14:43 And Sanja taught me a little twist to this song
14:47 that we hope you enjoy.
15:13 Come, Thou Fount of
15:16 ev-'ry blessing,
15:18 Tune my heart to
15:21 sing Thy grace;
15:24 Streams of mercy,
15:27 never ceasing,
15:29 Call for songs of loudest praise.
15:35 Teach me ever to adore Thee,
15:40 May I still Thy goodness prove.
15:46 While the hope of endless glory
15:51 fills my heart with
15:54 joy and love.
16:04 Here I raise my Ebenezer,
16:10 Hither by Thy help I've come.
16:15 And I hope by Thy good pleasure
16:21 safely to arrive at home.
16:26 Jesus sought me
16:29 when a stranger
16:31 wand-ring from the fold of God.
16:37 He, to rescue me from danger,
16:42 Interposed His precious blood.
16:49 Come, Thou Fount... come Thou King.
16:55 Come, Thou precious Prince of Peace.
17:00 Here your bride... to You we sing.
17:05 Come, Thou Fount of our blessing.
17:13 Come, Thou Fount... come Thou King.
17:18 Come, Thou precious Prince of Peace.
17:23 Here Your bride... to You we sing.
17:28 Come, Thou Fount of our blessing.
17:41 O to grace how great a debtor
17:46 Daily I'm constrained to be;
17:51 Let Thy goodness,
17:54 like a fetter,
17:57 bind me closer still to Thee.
18:02 Prone to wander... Lord, I feel it.
18:07 Prone to leave the God I love.
18:12 Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
18:17 Seal it for Thy courts above.
18:25 Come, Thou Fount... come Thou King.
18:30 Come, Thou precious Prince of Peace.
18:35 Here Your bride... to You we sing.
18:40 Come, Thou Fount of our blessing.
18:45 Come, Thou Fount... come Thou King.
18:50 Come, Thou precious Prince of Peace.
18:55 Here Your bride... to You we sing.
19:01 Come, Thou Fount
19:03 of our blessing.
19:16 Amen!
19:18 It's my privilege again to introduce to you
19:21 the Valley View Quartet.
19:23 Did you enjoy them every time you've heard them at Camp?
19:26 Aren't they beautiful? I want to welcome them back
19:28 and they are singing for you Amazing Grace.
19:36 Amen... thank you.
19:38 We've chosen to sing Amazing Grace tonight.
19:41 It's probably the most well-known Christian hymn
19:45 that's ever been... although there's some close 2nd places.
19:49 And we know about John Newton and his story, but the story
19:53 also goes a little deeper than that
19:55 because... does anybody know who wrote the tune?
19:59 That's because we don't know who wrote the tune.
20:02 But we do know something about it because it's of...
20:05 It's written in what is called a pentatonic scale...
20:08 a five-note scale. And we know that there's an area
20:11 of the world that's famous for pentatonic scales
20:14 and that's central and sub-Saharan Africa.
20:18 So you know where John Newton heard this tune.
20:21 You know where the words came from,
20:23 and we just pray that you will be blessed by them.
20:31 Amazing grace,
20:37 how sweet the sound
20:42 That saved a wretch
20:48 like me... a wretch like me!
20:52 I once was lost,
20:58 but now am found,
21:02 Was blind, but now
21:07 I see... but now I see.
21:13 'Twas grace that taught
21:18 my heart to fear,
21:23 And grace my fears
21:28 relieved... my fears relieved;
21:34 How precious did
21:39 that grace appear
21:44 The hour I first
21:49 believed... I first believed!
21:54 Through many dangers,
22:01 toils, and snares,
22:04 I have already...
22:10 have already come;
22:14 'Tis grace has brought me
22:19 safe thus far,
22:23 And grace will lead...
22:25 will lead me home...
22:28 grace will lead me home.
22:33 When we've been there
22:39 ten thousand years,
22:43 Bright shining as
22:48 the sun... bright as the sun,
22:54 We've no less days
22:59 to sing God's praise
23:03 Than when
23:06 we first begun...
23:11 than when we first
23:15 begun.
23:21 Amen!
23:23 We are privileged to introduce the best looking, most talented
23:28 most faithful Shelton of the whole Shelton clan.
23:33 As you all know, that would be Tammy.
23:38 We decided... She's been so abused by her family
23:41 we decided to adopt her.
23:45 I paid him. Before we came out here I wrote him a check
23:49 to say all that. She's got a new CD out
23:52 and I encourage you folks to look at that after the booths
23:55 open this evening. Thank you, Tammy. Thank you.
24:13 "A penny for your thoughts" I said to the old man
24:20 as he sat there on the park bench all alone.
24:28 With silver hair, wrinkled brow,
24:32 eyes gleaming... he smiled and said:
24:37 "I'm think 'bout my home. "
24:42 I sat down and we shared some laughs together,
24:49 and the "cinema of remembrance" it did roll.
24:57 We talked about life's gains
25:01 and its losses
25:04 but mostly we just talked about his home.
25:11 He said: "I'm thinkin' about home,
25:15 thinkin' about goin' home.
25:19 Dreamin' about leavin' here,
25:22 ready to be movin' on.
25:27 It won't be long before the sun will set
25:31 and I'll be gone. But until then
25:36 I'll be thinking 'bout home. "
25:41 I said: "Tell me, old man,
25:43 where's your home and what's it like? "
25:48 He said: "Oh, ain't nothin' 'round here
25:52 that compares.
25:56 You see, a King
25:58 had it built and gave the deed to me
26:04 and all of God's family will be there. "
26:10 He said: "I'm thinking 'bout home,
26:14 thinkin' about goin' home.
26:18 Dreamin' about leavin' here,
26:22 ready to be movin' on.
26:26 It won't be long before the sun will set
26:31 and I'll be gone. But until then
26:36 I'll be thinking 'bout home. "
26:41 "It won't be long before the sun will set
26:46 and I'll be gone. But until then
26:51 I'll be thinking 'bout home. "
26:56 Oooh, oooh, oooh...
26:59 thinking 'bout home.
27:02 Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh...
27:06 thinking 'bout my home.
27:16 Amen!
27:19 I'd like to introduce to you my pastor and my friend
27:22 and a wonderful, wonderful singer... and that's
27:25 John Lomacang. And he's going to sing
27:28 A Hill Called Mt. Calvary.
27:30 It's always good to sing about the cross... what do you say?
27:34 Amen! Every one of us here tonight has an opportunity
27:37 to be in the kingdom because of what Jesus did
27:40 on that hill called Mt. Calvary.
27:55 I believe
27:58 in a hill called
28:02 Mt. Calvary.
28:06 And I believe
28:10 that whatever
28:13 the cost.
28:19 And when time has surrendered
28:24 and this old earth is no more
28:29 I'll still cling
28:32 to that old rugged cross.
28:41 I believe that this life
28:47 with its great mystery
28:52 surely someday
28:56 will come to an end.
29:01 Oh, but faith
29:07 will conquer
29:10 all the darkness and death
29:15 and will lead me
29:18 at last
29:20 to my Friend.
29:26 For I believe
29:30 that the Christ
29:32 who was slain on the cross
29:38 has the power
29:42 to change lives today.
29:47 For He changed me
29:53 completely
29:55 and a new life is mine...
30:00 That is why
30:03 by the cross
30:07 I will stay.
30:11 Yes, I believe
30:15 in that hill called
30:18 Mt. Calvary. Can you say "Amen" to that?
30:23 And I believe
30:27 that whatever
30:30 the cost.
30:36 And when time
30:38 has surrendered
30:41 and this old earth
30:43 is no more... Yes,
30:46 I'll still cling
30:49 to that old rugged
30:54 cross.
31:02 Amen!
31:07 Praise the Lord!
31:10 Praise the Lord!
31:12 I'd like to invite Melody to come out: Melody Shelton
31:16 Firestone. I've known her most of her life
31:19 as Melody Shelton.
31:20 But she has moved down to Tennessee... the big city.
31:24 Left us all small-city people up here.
31:27 But she's still home when she comes here. Amen?
31:30 Amen! And Melody's going to sing a song
31:33 Count It As Joy. And Melody, bless our hearts. Thank you.
31:55 When life falls apart
32:01 and you have a broken heart
32:08 God has brought you this far
32:14 so count it as joy,
32:17 count it as joy.
32:26 If you can't find your way
32:32 and think it's harder each day,
32:39 Let Him test your faith
32:45 and count it as joy,
32:48 count it as joy.
32:51 Count it as joy
32:54 when He holds your hand.
32:57 Count it as joy
33:00 'cause He understands.
33:03 Every fine gift comes from heaven above
33:10 wrapped just for us
33:13 with God's perfect love.
33:28 When it's hard to see the light
33:34 and you want to give up the fight
33:41 walk by faith and not sight
33:47 and count it as joy,
33:50 count it as joy.
33:53 Count it as joy
33:57 when He holds your hand.
34:00 Count it as joy
34:03 'cause He understands.
34:06 Every fine gift comes from heaven above
34:12 wrapped just for us
34:15 in God's perfect love.
34:18 When you feel all alone
34:25 and you're so far from home
34:31 God is still in control
34:36 so count it as joy,
34:40 count it as joy.
34:43 Count it as joy,
34:46 count it as joy.
34:50 Count it as joy,
34:52 count it as joy.
34:56 Count it as joy...
34:59 count it as joy.
35:12 I'd like to introduce Rosemary Malkiewycz.
35:15 And she's coming all the way from Australia
35:18 and she'll be singing Wonderful Merciful Savior.
35:22 Thank you Melody.
35:39 Wonderful, merciful Savior,
35:45 precious Redeemer and Friend.
35:51 Who would have thought that a Lamb could
35:57 rescue the souls of men?
36:02 Oh, You've rescued
36:05 the souls of men.
36:13 Counselor, Comforter, Keeper,
36:19 Spirit we long to embrace
36:25 You offer hope when our hearts have
36:31 hopelessly lost the way...
36:36 oh, we've hopelessly lost our way.
36:43 You are the One that we praise,
36:49 You are the One we adore.
36:55 You give the healing and grace our
37:01 hearts always hunger for...
37:06 oh, our hearts always hunger for.
37:14 You are the One that we praise,
37:20 You are the One we adore.
37:26 You give the healing and grace our
37:32 hearts always hunger for...
37:36 oh, our hearts always
37:40 hunger for.
37:47 Almighty, Infinite Father,
37:54 faithfully loving Your own.
38:00 Here in our weakness You find us
38:06 falling before Your throne...
38:10 oh, we're falling before
38:15 Your throne.
38:18 You are the One that we praise,
38:24 You are the One we adore.
38:30 You give the healing and grace our
38:36 hearts always hunger for...
38:41 oh, our hearts always
38:44 hunger for.
38:48 You are the One that we praise,
38:54 You are the One we adore.
39:00 You give the healing and grace our
39:06 hearts always hunger for...
39:11 oh, our hearts always
39:14 hunger for.
39:27 Amen!
39:29 It is my pleasure to introduce to you
39:32 J. D. Hatfield, and he's going to play his harmonica tonight:
39:36 In The Garden.
39:47 What an awesome blessing it is to hear all these talented folk.
39:50 It's almost like hearing the heavenly choir here on earth,
39:52 Amen? Anyway, I hope you enjoy this version of In The Garden.
42:47 Amen! Amen! Amen! J. D., is there really
42:51 a harmonica in there? I didn't see that thing. Yeah.
42:53 Right. I want to make sure he's really playing that
42:56 not just acting like it to attract...
43:01 It's all smoke and mirrors. Yeah, right.
43:04 If that's the case, Jim and I can come out and do that.
43:06 That's a real one right there. That's a real one.
43:09 What kind is that? Is that? It's a Golden Melody.
43:12 OK... Golden Melody. Boy, you do an incredible job
43:15 with that thing. Those are not as...
43:16 Anybody ever played that? Tried those? Those are not
43:18 easy to play. They look like they are but they're not.
43:21 That's in the master's hands right now. Thank you so much
43:25 for what you do. All right! God bless.
43:27 Wow! you know, the music... We have received
43:31 more positive e-mails - good, good -
43:35 about the music than I've ever received before
43:39 from this Camp Meeting.
43:41 So praise the Lord... we've really been blessed.
43:44 You know, this afternoon, Danny, you missed something
43:47 because you were in the back... but we had
43:51 the young people come out and sing.
43:55 And you folks know how much Danny loves kids.
43:58 And the special that we've done about Love Rules!
44:04 Oh yeah, Love Rules! All that? Right.
44:05 Well, these young people were just really outstanding.
44:09 And they sing a song... Matthew 24:14...
44:14 and the young man that leads the group
44:17 and he's been teaching them these scripture songs
44:19 that he's written is a... I think I've got the number of
44:23 greats right...
44:24 he's the great, great, great, great
44:28 grandson of Ellen White.
44:32 Is that right. Only 3 greats? It's only three greats.
44:36 Great, great, great. He's not as great as we thought he was!
44:38 No, no. But I think he's pretty good.
44:41 Right. And well if you go back far enough I'm related to Adam
44:47 but anyway...
44:49 That makes you really great. OK.
44:54 This young man's name is Justin Torossian.
44:58 And we were so impressed we recorded it
45:02 and we're going to play that right now
45:04 and I think you're going to enjoy it.
45:19 Justin Torossian from California is the great, great, great,
45:23 great grandson of Ellen White.
45:26 He's a young pastor working with Steve Bohr
45:30 and he has been teaching us some scripture songs.
45:32 And I'll let him introduce the two scripture songs
45:35 he's going to share. Good morning; happy Sabbath.
45:39 This year... Yes, good afternoon. You're correct.
45:43 Good afternoon! This year at 3ABN Camp Meeting
45:46 we in the young people's departments have been
45:50 recognizing that we can actually help Jesus return sooner
45:55 because Jesus said that one of the things that must take place
45:58 before He can return again is that the gospel
46:01 must go to all the world for a witness unto all nations
46:05 and then the end shall come.
46:07 So the scripture song we'll be singing for you this morning
46:10 comes from Jesus' words from Matthew 24:14.
46:14 And the second verse is the fulfillment of those words
46:17 in Revelation 14 verse 6 where John saw the angel
46:20 flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel
46:24 to preach unto those that dwell on the earth.
46:26 Which is actually a symbol of us as God's people
46:29 taking the everlasting gospel to the entire world.
46:40 And the gospel of the kingdom
46:43 shall be preached in all the world
46:47 for a witness unto all nations
46:51 and then shall the end come.
46:55 And the gospel of the kingdom
46:59 shall be preached in all the world
47:03 for a witness unto all nations
47:06 and then shall the end come.
47:12 Then I saw another angel
47:16 flying in the midst of heaven
47:20 having the everlasting gospel
47:23 to be preached unto them that dwell
47:27 on the earth and to every nation
47:31 every kindred, tongue and people
47:34 for a witness unto all nations
47:39 and then shall the end come.
47:43 For a witness unto all nations...
47:49 and then shall the end come.
47:57 Amen; amen; amen!
48:00 You know, we have over 100 young people in these
48:03 young peoples' classes. Um-hmm. And next year
48:06 you plan to come and bring your children, your grandchildren
48:10 and we will have these classes again. They're really excellent!
48:14 That was a great idea, Camille Gilley, for getting this
48:17 on tonight. Camille said: "We ought to show that...
48:20 that was so good! " And now I'm glad you did. Thank you
48:22 for doing that. We have a few more minutes.
48:25 I think time for... We have Celestine Berry.
48:27 And so I don't know if Michael is going to accompany her
48:31 tonight. Is Michael or are you doing a track?
48:33 Michael, OK... here he comes.
48:34 And so they came to 3ABN how long ago? Moved into the area
48:38 a couple years now? Almost. Almost two years ago,
48:42 and boy are we glad that you all came.
48:43 What an asset you've been not only to the music but to
48:46 our local church and to the ministry.
48:49 Praise the Lord! Amen.
49:18 The Lord is my shepherd,
49:25 I shall not want.
49:32 He makes me to lie down
49:35 in green pastures,
49:38 He leads me beside
49:42 the still waters.
49:46 He restores
49:49 my soul!
49:54 He leads me in the path
49:57 of righteousness
50:00 for His name's sake.
50:08 Yea, though I walk
50:11 through the valley
50:14 of the shadow
50:17 of death
50:22 I will fear no evil
50:27 for You are
50:31 with me.
50:40 Your rod and Your staff...
50:44 they comfort me.
50:54 You prepared a table
50:58 before me
51:00 in the presence of
51:04 my enemies.
51:07 You anoint my head with oil.
51:12 My cup
51:15 runs over.
51:24 Surely goodness
51:28 and mercy
51:31 shall follow me
51:34 all the days of my life
51:37 and I will dwell
51:40 in the house of the Lord
51:43 forever...
51:49 forever...
51:59 forever.
52:58 In shady green pastures,
53:03 so rich and so sweet,
53:08 God leads
53:11 His children along;
53:18 Where the water's cool flow
53:22 bathes the weary one's feet,
53:28 God leads His dear children
53:33 along.
53:39 Some thro' the water
53:42 and some thro' the flood,
53:47 Some thro' the fire,
53:51 but all thro' His blood;
53:58 Some thro' great sorrow
54:01 yet God gives a song;
54:06 In the night season
54:11 and all
54:13 the day long.
54:30 Tho' sorrows befall us
54:34 and Satan oppose,
54:38 God leads
54:40 His dear children along;
54:46 Through faith we will conquer
54:50 and defeat all our foes,
54:54 as God leads His dear children
54:58 along.
55:02 He leads some thro' the water
55:07 and some thro' the flood,
55:11 Some thro' the fire,
55:15 but all
55:19 thro' His blood;
55:24 Some thro' great sorrow,
55:28 yet God gives a song;
55:32 In the night season...
55:42 In our night season
55:47 and all
55:53 the day
55:56 long.
56:15 Amen.
56:18 I walked life's path with an easy tread,
56:21 I wondered where pleasures and riches led.
56:24 Until one day in a quiet place
56:28 I met the Master face to face.
56:31 I met Him and knew Him and blushed to see
56:34 that His eyes full of mercy were fixed upon me.
56:38 And then I turned my eyes upon Jesus,
56:41 looked full in His wonderful face,
56:46 and the things of earth grew strangely dim
56:51 in the light of His glory and His grace.
56:57 Let's sing together: Turn your eyes
57:03 upon Jesus,
57:07 Look full
57:09 in His wonderful face.
57:16 And the things of earth
57:21 will grow strangely dim
57:26 in the light
57:29 of His glory and grace.


Revised 2014-12-17