Spring Camp Meeting 2013

Music and Ministry Updates

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 13SCM

Program Code: 13SCM000019

00:31 All right.
00:32 We were just watching the fish jump here on the monitor.
00:36 And I don't know if you've watched that at home, but
00:38 that's real, right? He wasn't expecting...
00:40 Of course, Tom Mann put this together
00:42 and he wasn't expecting the fish to jump, but when he...
00:46 when the fish jumped it was just too good... he left it in.
00:49 Wow! Well listen, we're going to give you some updates
00:52 on 3ABN, some of the things that are happening
00:55 in radio, television, Latino,
00:58 overseas. We heard this morning from Russia.
01:02 This afternoon we're going to hear from Australia.
01:04 Oh yes! And so we are just really looking forward
01:08 to all these reports. We're going to begin with what?
01:11 With Dare to Dream... with our own Yvonne Lewis.
01:15 And she has been such a blessing to this ministry.
01:18 Do you know what she has accomplished since she has
01:21 been here which is a little over a year - about a year and a half
01:25 now - is absolutely a miracle.
01:28 There was no way that she could get done what she got done...
01:31 but you know what? She did!
01:33 And that's because God is with her every step of the way
01:36 just like He's been with this ministry from the very
01:39 beginning. That's right. You know, we had somebody else
01:42 that was talking over the years - five years or more -
01:46 about getting this network going reaching out into the urban
01:52 areas of our country. That person had talked about it
01:55 for five years. And Yvonne, by the grace of God,
01:59 came and immediately started and we praise the Lord for that.
02:02 And something we have appreciated because to get this
02:05 accomplished she had to have some drive behind her.
02:09 But she's done it with so much grace and dignity.
02:12 She hasn't offended anybody. As a matter of fact,
02:15 what she has done here at 3ABN is she has endeared herself
02:19 to all of our hearts. And so we appreciate you and we love you.
02:23 Not only are you going to share about Dare to Dream
02:26 but also afterward you're going to sing a beautiful song.
02:29 And so we always... It's I Am Amazed.
02:32 So Yvonne, we love you and we appreciate you.
02:34 We look forward to hearing about all the great things
02:37 that are happening in Dare to Dream
02:39 and we also look forward to you ministering to us.
02:42 Praise the Lord!
02:45 Good evening.
02:48 Oh no! You guys ate too much.
02:50 Good evening.
02:53 How many of you have watched Dare to Dream?
02:57 OK... praise the Lord! That's good.
03:01 Sometimes I go to churches and I say:
03:03 "How many of you have heard of Dare to Dream? "
03:04 And they look at me like a deer in headlights. And I'm like
03:08 "Surely you know about Dare to Dream" - because
03:10 God has done such amazing things. I cannot even
03:15 express how thankful I am to our God
03:19 and how powerful He is. Because there's no way
03:23 that what's happened at Dare to Dream could have happened
03:26 without God. I feel like I'm just sitting in the chair
03:30 but God is bringing the right people and bringing the ideas
03:34 for concepts for programs. For example,
03:37 this past year we have by the grace of God
03:41 introduced 20 new programs
03:44 that haven't been on the parent network
03:46 that are on Dare to Dream. Twenty!
03:49 If you had any idea as to what goes into production,
03:52 you would be amazed by that number because
03:55 for a network to be new and to have twenty new programs
03:59 is just... it's just amazing. But God is awesome.
04:03 We have programs, for example, on health.
04:06 We have a new one coming out called Health Guard, and that's
04:10 going to be exciting. We're going to tape that in November.
04:13 We have Taste of Paradise which is our food preparation
04:17 program. The first part of it is raw food; the second part
04:20 of it is cooked with nutritional tips.
04:23 We have a program on money management.
04:26 Because what we're trying to do
04:28 and what God has laid on my heart to do
04:30 is to look at the challenges that confront people in the
04:34 inner cities and then design programming around it.
04:38 And that's what we've done.
04:40 One of the programs that we're getting ready to produce
04:43 and I'm super excited about this
04:46 it's a program for fathers.
04:49 We know that children in the inner city -
04:52 actually over 40% of the children in America -
04:56 grow up in fatherless homes.
04:58 It is a critical piece.
05:00 One political scientist said that virtually every social
05:06 pathology that really plagues our society
05:11 can be traced to fatherlessness.
05:14 And so one of the things we are looking to do
05:16 is to produce a program called A Father's Heart
05:20 where we are going to teach young men...
05:22 because a lot of young men are just kind of all over the place
05:25 and not realizing that they have to parent
05:29 the children that they are siring.
05:31 And so one of the things that we're going to do is have this
05:33 program entitled A Father's Heart.
05:36 And in A Father's Heart we're going to show
05:39 some young men and how they're making decisions.
05:42 And we're going to have a man of God who is a father
05:46 who's going to mentor them. And this is going to be on
05:49 television so that our young men that turn on the television
05:53 can look and see just what a godly father is like.
05:58 What does a godly father do?
06:00 How does he treat his children?
06:02 How does he treat his wife?
06:04 If they are not married - which indeed, a lot of the
06:06 young people in the inner cities might not be married
06:11 and they're having children - so what do you do?
06:14 How do you interact properly
06:15 with the mother of your children?
06:17 These things are critical.
06:19 This is something that no one else is doing
06:22 and this is something that God has laid on our hearts to do.
06:26 It is tremendous... it's tremendous.
06:29 Then we have The New Journey
06:30 which is a program for ex-offenders
06:32 hosted by an ex-offender.
06:34 And I've got to tell you what God has done with that as well.
06:37 We had... First we had Aaron Chancy was the host.
06:41 I don't know if you guys know Aaron Chancy,
06:44 but he is an ex-offender and he is on fire for God
06:46 and he did a great job, but the Lord called him into ministry.
06:50 And so he had to stop hosting and go back to school
06:54 for ministry. So I'm thinking: "Oh Lord, who are we going to
06:58 get to host this program? "
07:00 Because I know... there are programs that you just know
07:03 the enemy does not want to air because it can be
07:07 so impactful against his kingdom.
07:10 So this particular program I know that the enemy
07:14 does not want us to air just like The Father's Heart.
07:17 We've been trying to get this program off the ground
07:19 for quite some time now. And we have these different
07:21 obstacles but praise the Lord
07:23 things are rolling and we should be in production with that
07:27 within the next maybe four or five weeks.
07:30 So we praise the Lord for that.
07:33 But with The New Journey Aaron Chancy had to leave.
07:37 Pastor Marquis Johns was available, and he has done
07:41 an outstanding job. Well about a week or so ago
07:45 Pastor Johns informed me that he's not going to be able
07:48 to continue to host it consistently.
07:51 So now I'm thinking: "Oh Lord, what am I going to do?
07:54 Who am I going to get to host this program? "
07:56 But I know from the way God has led us in the past
08:00 that He wasn't going to let me down. Sure enough,
08:03 I just kind of took a chance and asked Aaron would he be
08:06 willing to come back and continue to host the program
08:10 along with Pastor Johns so they'd kind of rotate.
08:14 And he said he would. So once again
08:16 God provided a ram in the thicket for us.
08:20 God is so faithful.
08:22 He has been so faithful with Dare to Dream.
08:24 The programs that are on now can really make a difference
08:29 in the lives of those in the inner city.
08:32 I think of a Dr. Marco Clark.
08:36 I interviewed him recently.
08:38 Dr. Clark was at 11 years old told by a counselor
08:43 that he was a functional illiterate.
08:46 And he had no idea what that meant
08:49 but when he looked at his mom's face he knew it wasn't
08:52 a good thing. Prior to that Marco had been... he'd thought
08:57 he was just the cat's meow.
08:59 He was, you know, going to school... but he knew he wasn't
09:02 doing that well in school.
09:04 And when his mother and father talked to him
09:07 he felt he had let them down.
09:09 And so as he developed Marco was...
09:15 he began to do things that were living up to his label.
09:21 And that's one of the things
09:22 that happens to our young people.
09:24 When they're labeled they begin to think less of themselves
09:28 and they begin to go things that they might not ordinarily do.
09:32 Marco did that. He began... As he got older
09:34 he got into socially- deviant behavior.
09:37 He began to rob and he began to hang out with the wrong people.
09:42 And he began to smoke marijuana
09:44 and do all these different things.
09:45 But Marco decided that he wanted to go to college.
09:51 And he tried hundreds of colleges literally
09:55 and was turned down by all of them. But finally
09:59 someone accepted him.
10:01 And he went to the school and he was told that he wasn't
10:06 slow... he had a learning disability.
10:09 This was something he never knew he had
10:12 and it changed his life totally.
10:14 And he went from being a student with a 1.3 GPA
10:19 to a student with a 3.9 GPA.
10:23 This is what we want for Dare to Dream.
10:26 This is how we long to impact our communities
10:31 because these are our children. We are a family.
10:34 We are the family of God.
10:36 It's not like: "OK, there's a black situation over here
10:39 and a white situation over here. "
10:42 No. We are the family of God
10:45 and God wants to impact the inner city
10:49 and He's shining a light into the inner city.
10:53 And I ask you... I beg you to join with me.
10:57 To pray for Dare to Dream, to support it.
11:00 I have to tell you this: I have written a little booklet.
11:03 Several people have asked me why did I leave acupuncture.
11:07 And so I wrote a little booklet as a fund raiser
11:09 for Dare to Dream. It's out in the lobby
11:12 and after sunset... We're saying it's free with
11:16 a donation of $10 because we're trying to raise money
11:19 for Dare to Dream. We need staff...
11:22 praise the Lord; we need a remote truck
11:26 so that we can go into the inner cities
11:28 so that we can televise and record and tape
11:33 these evangelical series, campaigns that we have.
11:37 We want to really develop more programming:
11:42 socially-impactful programming.
11:44 Because what we're doing with Dare to Dream
11:47 is we're giving the gospel and tools for living.
11:50 And again, no one else is doing this.
11:54 No one else in the Christian world is doing what God has
11:58 called us to do. So please, join with us.
12:01 Check out the little booklet.
12:03 I know some of you know people who want to get acupuncture
12:08 and they're wondering if they should... or maybe you are.
12:11 Get the little booklet. Read about my journey with that
12:14 and how God brought me out of practicing that.
12:17 I also know and I think you all know
12:20 that you can text to Dare to Dream.
12:23 You can text 252000 and just type in DREAM in the text box
12:29 and that's how you can give $10 to Dare to Dream.
12:32 Whenever you think about it just do that: text... use your
12:36 cell phone and text to Dare to Dream.
12:39 I thank you so much for your prayers
12:41 and your financial support. May God bless you.
12:45 You know, when I think about what God has done
12:50 in my life and how He brought me out.
12:54 I was practicing traditional Chinese medicine
12:59 and God brought me out of that.
13:03 And when I think about how I let Him down
13:06 during the time that I was so invested in all of that
13:11 it just... it makes my heart... it breaks my heart
13:15 to know that there was a time that I let Him down.
13:19 But you know what? I'm thankful that God loves me
13:22 in spite of what I did.
13:24 God loves you in spite of everything
13:29 and anything. He loves you; He has a plan for you.
13:33 And know that one day the Lord is going to come back
13:38 and take you with Him. So I am amazed
13:41 that the Lord loved me enough
13:44 to save me from where I was.
13:50 I'm amazed
13:54 each time I think
13:59 that You would love me
14:06 and you made Yourself
14:11 a willing...
14:14 such a willing sacrifice.
14:18 Yes.
14:22 When all I've ever done
14:28 is cause You pain
14:32 and so much sorrow...
14:38 When I think of what You've done
14:44 well I'm amazed.
14:54 I'm amazed to know
14:58 that soon
15:02 my Jesus is coming back for me
15:09 with a robe of light
15:15 and a life that never ends...
15:21 oh no, it never ends.
15:27 'Cause all I've ever done
15:33 is go astray
15:36 when He said "follow. "
15:43 When I think of what's to come
15:49 yes, yes, yes
15:54 I'm amazed.
15:58 Now I wonder
16:01 what kind of love is this
16:06 'cause I just...
16:08 I just don't understand
16:13 why my Savior left
16:18 His glory
16:23 to die
16:25 for sinful man.
16:31 When all
16:33 I've ever done
16:38 is go astray
16:40 oh, when You said "follow. "
16:47 When I think of what You've done
16:53 well, I'm amazed...
17:03 When I think of what
17:07 You've done
17:10 yes, I'm amazed...
17:14 I'm so amazed...
17:20 'Cause when You...
17:21 How could You shower such love?
17:38 Well... I'm amazed!
17:43 I'm so amazed.
17:53 Oh, my, my my...
17:57 my, my my.
18:01 I'm so amazed.
18:07 God bless you; thank you. Amen!
18:16 Praise the Lord!
18:19 Amazing, amazing, amazing. Am I on?
18:22 I'm not on. Nobody even knows I'm out here.
18:24 Am I out here? I'm out here. All right!
18:29 Well they saw me snoozing back there I think.
18:33 And after lunch I'm about like you are...
18:36 I'm just about as groggy.
18:38 You know, we're so excited about 3ABN Radio...
18:41 the impact that it is having.
18:44 Amen; praise God! Brenda this morning was telling us
18:47 about hearing C.A. laugh on the radio.
18:51 And then she heard him preach on the radio.
18:54 And then she called, but she kept listening to the radio.
18:57 We have as many people walk through the doors here
19:01 from radio as we do from television.
19:03 Amen. I had one man tell me that he was listening to the
19:07 radio while he was doing deliveries in the area.
19:10 I ran into him at J. C. Penney not long ago
19:13 and he said: "Aren't you Pastor Gilley? "
19:16 And I said: "Yes. " He watches television occasionally too.
19:19 He wouldn't have recognized me from the radio I don't think.
19:22 But he said: "You know, I'm still listening
19:28 and I'm now in touch with a pastor. "
19:31 And we're expecting that gentleman to be making
19:33 a decision very soon. Tell us about radio, would you Jay?
19:37 I will. And welcome everyone to the 3ABN Radio Camp Meeting.
19:43 We are so thrilled to hear of the success stories
19:46 of people coming in to the churches.
19:49 And that's one of the things that we're all about.
19:52 We just really want to get the Word of the Lord to the people.
19:57 A little while ago... About an hour ago or so we had a meeting
20:00 here of the people that are at Camp Meeting
20:02 that are interested in starting low-power FM radio stations.
20:06 And I was - to be honest - surprised at the size
20:10 of the crowd that was there.
20:12 I did not expect to have so many people there.
20:15 The Lord is working on our hearts.
20:20 The Lord is speaking to the people that He wants
20:24 to start radio stations for their community.
20:27 And I have to tell you: it is a journey.
20:30 It's a pleasant journey. It can be a frustrating journey
20:33 sometimes, but it is very well worth it.
20:38 And if God is working on your heart, the FCC is having
20:42 another window - an application window for low-power FMs.
20:46 At this point we believe it to be in October.
20:50 They haven't given an exact date yet, but they are
20:52 anticipating October.
20:54 So contact us at 3ABN Radio.
20:56 Go to extension 3500... talk to Nikki Anderson.
21:00 She can give you some of the information, send you a little
21:02 packet and so forth to help you.
21:04 But we have so many stories... we hear from so many people
21:09 about the impact that their local radio station,
21:13 their LPFM - or their cell phone. I was talking
21:16 with a lady a little while ago. She listens to 3ABN Radio
21:20 on her cell phone. And people listen to us on the TV set.
21:26 They set the TV set to us and work around the house
21:28 or whatever. But if they have the satellite reception
21:32 then they can pick up 3ABN Radio, so they do that.
21:35 And our programming is different than 3ABN television
21:38 so it's not just like you're sitting there listening to 3ABN
21:41 television. And it's just very rewarding for all of us.
21:46 Mike Babb, Nikki Anderson, Angela Lomacang, and I were
21:50 sitting around just last week talking about what a privilege
21:54 it is to be here.
21:56 None of us can believe that God has us here at this ministry.
22:01 God has millions of people...
22:04 billions of people from around the world
22:06 He could have sent here, and yet He chose each one of us.
22:09 Kevin Poling has started to work with us a little bit too,
22:12 a recent high school graduate from here. And he does some work
22:15 at 3ABN, and he's part of the family too.
22:18 So he was not in the conversation but I want to
22:20 be sure to recognize him.
22:21 But we were talking about the impact that this radio station
22:27 or this radio network is having on people
22:29 and thus it is having on us.
22:32 A short story: got an e-mail a few days ago,
22:36 I think it was one day last week, a brand new listener.
22:40 And he caught the last 15 minutes.
22:43 He was flipping the dial with one of our affiliate stations
22:46 and he found 3ABN Radio.
22:49 And the topic... He heard a preacher talking
22:53 and the title was: "The Good News About Hell. "
23:00 That caught this person's attention.
23:02 At the end of it he wrote to us and said:
23:06 "How can I get a copy of that program? "
23:08 Brand new listener... not an Adventist.
23:11 "How can I get a copy of that program?
23:12 I have some people I want to share it with. "
23:14 That's the kind of thing we hear from our affiliates
23:18 and listeners. I had an e-mail the other day
23:22 from somebody in So. Africa that's listening to us
23:25 and wanted to know the name of a song that he was listening to.
23:28 This happens all of the time.
23:31 And I am... here we go...
23:34 One of these days I am going to ask God why He did not give us
23:38 three hands. Have you ever run into this?
23:40 I need a hand to hold the microphone
23:42 and two hands to turn the pages for my notes
23:45 when I need them. But in any case, we get e-mails,
23:49 we get comments, we get questions, we get answers,
23:52 we get arguments. Have you ever run into that as an Adventist?
23:55 You're telling somebody what the Bible said.
23:59 "No it doesn't. " "Yes it does. "
24:01 "No it doesn't... doesn't say that. "
24:02 And people are mad because we say something.
24:05 We tell the truth on the air and they get mad at that.
24:09 And so it has just been an exciting experience.
24:13 And for anybody here or anybody that's listening on radio
24:17 or watching on television that feels impressed to start a LPFM
24:20 we'd like to encourage you to do that
24:22 because you can have some of this fun too.
24:24 We are starting... We have continually added new radio
24:29 programs at different times. We are starting a new program
24:31 in August. How many of you liked Dr. Magna Parks
24:36 at Camp Meeting? That's what I thought.
24:38 Many, many hands.
24:41 She did an incredible job, and she's going to do an incredible
24:44 job on 3ABN Radio. She is starting a new program
24:49 called Mind Cure.
24:52 And the inspiration for the name of the program
24:54 came from Ellen White. And it starts, like I said, in August.
24:59 And she's going to be speaking about many things
25:03 that are going to be of interest to you and to
25:07 your family members and in your community.
25:09 And so be listening for that as well.
25:12 We've got some new radio affiliates I do want to
25:16 say hello to very quickly and welcome on board.
25:19 We have a new affiliate in Harrison, MI: WBHL FM at 90.7.
25:25 We also have a new affiliate in Newport, VT: WJSY LP,
25:30 96.1 FM. The LP means low power FM.
25:35 So that's one of our new low power FM affiliates.
25:38 Now I have to say
25:40 that you may not know this.
25:44 I am going to try to pronounce some
25:49 Australian and New Zealand names.
25:53 If any of you have ever tried that before,
25:55 you know what I'm facing.
25:57 I was talking to John and Rosemary Malkiewycz
25:59 in the green room just before coming out
26:03 and you know it was... I'd say "No, no, no, no, like this. "
26:07 And so I'm going to try to say them. If I get them wrong,
26:10 I apologize. But thank you anyway for joining us
26:13 on the network. In Australia:
26:16 Kingsthorpe, Queensland, at 88 FM.
26:21 In New Zealand:
26:23 Taranaki Hawera, 107.4.
26:29 Taranaki, New Plymouth... that was fairly easy... 107.4.
26:34 They're all at 107.4 so they're situated all in a particular
26:37 area. These are low power FMs.
26:39 In Taranaki, Stratford: 107.4.
26:43 Taranaki, Waitara.
26:45 And so they're all in Australia and New Zealand.
26:48 Just brand new affiliates. Thank you very much for joining us.
26:51 In Western Australia there is
26:56 Yarawindah... I think I'm getting that right: 87.6 FM.
27:02 We've also picked up a station in Nassau, Bahamas,
27:06 just recently carrying us all day on Sunday.
27:09 It's a regular secular station
27:12 and a woman that works there is a Seventh-day Adventist
27:17 and they gave her permission to put Adventist programming on
27:20 on Sundays... and guess who she came to?
27:23 Praise God! They're located... it's global 99.5 FM.
27:29 So if you're in the Bahamas then I encourage you
27:32 to listen to them if you're there on Sundays.
27:35 Or local people: listen to us every Sunday.
27:38 I do want to mention before it's time for me
27:40 to turn over the microphone to someone else
27:44 that it has been a very strong honor for me.
27:48 I've been here for 14 years.
27:50 And let me say right up front: no one has ever put up with me
27:54 for anywhere near that length of time in my broadcast career.
27:58 I've been in Adventist broad- casting now for almost 20 years
28:05 and it has been such a blessing for me.
28:09 I've come to realize that I'm not here - and I think
28:15 I can probably speak for the rest of everybody else too -
28:17 I'm not here for what I can do for God.
28:21 I'm here for what God can do for me.
28:24 And I praise Him and I thank Him very much
28:27 for bringing me to 3ABN.
28:29 And thank you all also.
28:31 Thank you, Jay.
28:34 I recall when Jay came what a blessing it was
28:37 to have someone with his experience to take over
28:40 the radio network, and he has just done an incredible job.
28:43 Isn't it encouraging to know that this message
28:46 goes over not just the airwaves for television
28:50 but for radio as well. And the results...
28:52 There's a great harvest with that radio signal.
28:55 And there's another harvest, too. We have a ministry
28:59 that is in the Spanish language. And Johnny,
29:02 the Spanish-speaking world...
29:04 what is the population of the Spanish-speaking world?
29:07 I know you told me this once.
29:09 Four hundred million. Four hundred million.
29:12 Do you think we needed a ministry that would touch
29:14 these people? Well, the ministry here at 3ABN
29:18 to touch the Spanish- speaking people in our world
29:20 today was birthed in the heart of John Dinzey.
29:23 And I don't want to take up any of his time
29:25 because when you get Johnny to start talking about the
29:28 ministry of 3ABN Latino there's no stopping him.
29:31 So Johnny, tell us about 3ABN Latino.
29:34 Thank you, Mollie. It's a pleasure to share with you
29:36 some of the things that are happening in 3ABN Latino
29:38 because there are many.
29:40 I would like to share with you. I am grateful to the Lord
29:44 for our staff. One of the staff members I live with:
29:49 my wife Idalia... so I can tell you a little bit more about her
29:52 than anyone else... but she lives 3ABN.
29:55 Late at night... You know, early in the morning she gets up.
29:58 She's administrative assistant. Jorge Jaque - another worker
30:01 that works hard for the Lord - he's our Production Manager.
30:04 We have our Supervising Editor: Ismael Terón.
30:08 And in editing also we have Carolina Bonilla
30:11 and Ismael's wife, Teresa - Teresa in Spanish -
30:16 she works as one of our... our Production Coordinator.
30:20 Works along with Dee. And we have Irma Murray
30:24 is one of our production assistants and sometimes
30:26 produces programs. We also have Adam Barrón
30:30 helps with 3ABN Latino programming for TV and radio
30:34 plus does some editing when he has time.
30:37 Everyone does a little more than... other jobs.
30:40 We also have Rosio Barrón works in our Call Center.
30:44 We get support from other members of the 3ABN staff.
30:47 The production staff is amazing at 3ABN
30:51 and so we praise the Lord for them.
30:53 And we also are grateful to the Lord for Moses Primo
30:57 and his support, his help.
30:59 We have Hernando Cruz as well, also from Colombia.
31:03 Speaks Spanish. Deyvy Rodriguez... he's...
31:06 has Mexican background.
31:08 And we have others that help us,
31:11 and so we praise the Lord for each and every one of them.
31:14 So, put on your seat belts.
31:17 We're about to share with you some of the things that God is
31:19 doing. 3ABN Latino Radio is very young.
31:22 However, we have a handful of people putting on some of our
31:27 programs in the US and some in South America.
31:30 We'll talk a little bit more about that later.
31:32 And some of the radio stations in Puerto Rico,
31:37 Dominican Republic, and South America
31:41 join us when we have special evangelistic campaigns.
31:45 3ABN television - Latino television -
31:48 the Lord has blessed in a mighty way.
31:50 We're almost 10 years old but we are past
31:54 1,100 cable companies in dif- ferent countries of the world.
31:57 Amen? Amen! And the Lord is doing great and mighty things.
32:02 So let me share with you some of the things that He's doing.
32:04 We have done several evangelistic campaigns
32:07 so far this year, so hundreds of people have come to the Lord
32:11 because of these evangelistic campaigns.
32:12 We do not have time to share with you about those
32:15 but let me share with you some very... the quick version
32:20 of some of the things that God has done.
32:24 In Honduras a pastor -
32:26 a Baptist pastor - walks into the church
32:29 and says: "I would like to speak to the pastor of the church
32:31 please. " And he gets a meeting with him
32:33 and they talk and he says: "My wife and my 2 children and I
32:37 would like to be baptized. " Oh, we are surprised.
32:40 "Well, you need to take Bible studies. "
32:42 He says: "Well, I've already studied with different speakers
32:45 on 3ABN Latino. I've been watching for six months. "
32:48 And so the pastor asked him some questions,
32:50 and sure enough he was prepared.
32:52 He says: "When do you want to be baptized? "
32:54 "Next Sabbath is fine with me. "
32:56 And so next Sabbath he was baptized along with his family.
32:58 In El Salvador, a man walks into a church.
33:01 He's greeted by the members
33:03 and they say: "Well what church are you from?
33:05 We've never seen you before. "
33:06 "I'm a member of another denomination and for over twenty
33:10 years I was there. But after four months
33:13 of watching 3ABN Latino I have learned more
33:15 in four months than in 20 years in the other denomination.
33:18 So from now on this is my church. "
33:21 So we praise the Lord for that.
33:23 And so I now move you to Costa Rica
33:26 where a man wrote to us and said:
33:29 "For over 28 years I preached against the SDA church
33:34 and Ellen G. White,
33:37 and I started watching 3ABN Latino because I wanted to learn
33:40 more so I could have more things to talk about you against. "
33:46 And so after watching for a while he says:
33:50 "I learned that it is a completely Biblical message.
33:55 So this is my third week that I am a Seventh-day Adventist
34:00 and I am keeping the Sabbath. Praise the Lord! "
34:03 And so now I move you to Colombia
34:08 where a man was on the point of suicide
34:12 and watched 3ABN Latino all night and said:
34:15 "I've got to be a member of this church.
34:17 I have hope in Jesus Christ" and was baptized.
34:21 And so I don't have time to tell you about a cable
34:25 executive that was baptized. Came into the church
34:28 and as a result sent an e-mail saying: "Here is a list of
34:34 29 cable companies that you can put 3ABN Latino on. "
34:39 Praise the Lord!
34:40 And so the Lord is doing great and mighty things
34:45 and He's working behind the scenes.
34:47 I could tell you about Mexico where a president
34:51 of a municipality contacted the local conference
34:55 and said: "I've been watching 3ABN Latino
34:58 and there are some interesting things in the Bible
35:01 I have learned. Send me more information about the SDA
35:04 church. You guys are doing what the Bible says. "
35:08 And there a man in Mexico - he was a SDA -
35:12 he went to one of those little corner stores... things where
35:16 they make tacos and things.
35:18 And he... "I would like a taco with this and with this. "
35:21 Great. And they talked for a while. And the man making
35:24 the taco asked him a few questions and learned that the
35:28 guy that wanted the taco was a Seventh-day Adventist.
35:30 He said: "You're a SDA? " "Yes I am. "
35:33 He said: "I've been looking for a SDA church
35:36 because I've been watching this channel called 3ABN Latino
35:39 and I want to be a member of that church.
35:41 Can you help me? "
35:43 "Of course" he said.
35:45 And so God is doing great and mighty things.
35:48 I could tell you about Puerto Rico where a man
35:50 started watching 3ABN Latino of another denomination.
35:53 And his wife came in: "What is this you're watching? "
35:56 "It's 3ABN Latino. Come and see this... this is good! "
35:59 She sat down for a while and said: "I don't believe that. "
36:02 He said: "Shhh... this is good stuff, this is Biblical. "
36:07 And she walked away. The next day he's watching again.
36:10 She sat down and it was interesting to her.
36:13 And the short version is:
36:15 she and her husband were both baptized.
36:20 And the Lord continues to do great and mighty things.
36:23 And I could tell you of another place
36:27 where we have... As a matter of fact, let me go to the US now.
36:31 Last year I had the opportunity to accompany my son
36:36 who was playing guitar in Arizona.
36:39 While there in a Camp Meeting I sat in the back
36:43 as I heard a man say this story:
36:46 "I was a member of the denomination of the Witnesses
36:49 and I was sick and at home for several weeks
36:54 and there started watching television.
36:57 And certain pastors like Pastor Bohr
37:01 kept teaching me new things that I did not know. "
37:06 And so he was being interviewed in the front and they asked him
37:10 "So... where do you see your future going? "
37:13 He says: "Well I cannot say I am a Seventh-day Adventist yet
37:18 but I'm heading in that direction
37:20 and so you pray for me. "
37:23 I continued sitting there. When the next sermon came
37:28 the pastor made an appeal:
37:30 "How many people want to be baptized?
37:32 If you want to be baptized come to the front. "
37:34 And I saw that person that said he was a Witness
37:39 of that denomination come to the front saying
37:42 "I want to be baptized. "
37:44 So that very day he made his decision to follow Jesus Christ
37:48 all the way.
37:49 So we're leaving now Arizona and we're there at the airport
37:52 and my son and I were trying to get something to eat
37:56 because we left early in the morning from that camp
37:58 and there in the airport this lady kept looking at me
38:04 and said: "I've seen you before. I think I've seen you on TV. "
38:08 And I said: "Well yes, I work with 3ABN Latino. "
38:11 "I knew it! " she said... "I knew it! "
38:13 And so you see even in the airports
38:16 people... you see people that watch our channel.
38:20 Guatemala: we are on over 90% of the cable companies.
38:24 And I recently learned that a man of another denomination -
38:28 he was elderly already - I almost switched to Spanish
38:32 on you - elderly already. But he said: "I started watching
38:36 3ABN Latino and I cannot believe that I missed this important
38:41 message all my life. The seventh-day Sabbath
38:45 is God's holy day and I am thrilled to begin keeping
38:50 the seventh-day Sabbath. " Over 1500 members of his church
38:54 he began to tell them: "Brothers and sisters:
38:57 we need to follow the Bible.
39:00 The seventh day is God's holy day. "
39:03 Now you see, God continues to do great and mighty things.
39:06 You see, just two weeks ago we were on a job in Puerto Rico
39:10 and I get a phone call from two of our representatives
39:14 in Guatemala and they said:
39:17 "Praise the Lord! We got another cable company...
39:19 500,000 subscribers! "
39:22 If you multiply that by four - which is about the average
39:24 family - you get an idea.
39:27 Two days later they called back and they said:
39:29 "We have another one! A million subscribers! "
39:32 Praise the Lord! Did somebody say "Amen? "
39:37 And so this week ended marvelously -
39:40 you see - because this week I received a call. They told us,
39:43 they said: "There are two radio stations in Nicaragua
39:46 and they have interest in 3ABN Latino radio.
39:51 And so before the day was over
39:53 Hernando Cruz comes to my office and says:
39:55 "Here is a request for 50 more cable companies for Venezuela. "
39:59 Praise the Lord!
40:01 May the Lord continue to bless 3ABN.
40:03 Jesus Christ is coming soon.
40:09 Amen! Isn't that a tremendous report?
40:13 Eddie Canales is on 3ABN Latino and one of the speakers.
40:17 He told me: "I don't care where I go
40:20 in Inter or South America, when I walk down the street
40:23 they say: "Oh, we see you on 3ABN! "
40:26 So it's amazing the outreach.
40:28 I want you to meet Moses Primo.
40:31 You know him better than you know me.
40:33 But Moses is our Director of Engineering.
40:36 We've got some wonderful opportunities, don't we?
40:40 Well Pastor Jim, how much are you charging for this
40:43 international tour that you're giving to our viewers here?
40:45 It started this morning with Julia - that's right -
40:49 in Russia and we're going to many different countries.
40:52 Moving around the globe, and that's the way the message
40:54 is moving... it really is. I'm going to take them to some
40:57 of the Caribbean islands and then after me John is going to
41:01 take them to Australia also. OK! One of the things that people
41:06 are asking us about all the time is the Internet.
41:09 Tell us, what's going on with the Internet?
41:11 Well, I just want to give a little numbers.
41:14 I was just in the green room and I logged into the computer
41:18 and I checked. Just between last night
41:22 when we started the Camp Meeting and now we've had
41:25 about 45,000 people watching...
41:28 streaming on the Internet only.
41:32 And as we are here in Thompsonville there is about
41:36 18,000 watching right now. On the Internet!
41:40 Not television because we have no idea how many are watching
41:44 on TV. Just on computers they are watching.
41:46 And between last night and today
41:50 there were 75,000 hits on the website
41:54 trying to watch or search for something.
41:57 The Internet is really growing. We can see the ramp of
42:01 the results really going up.
42:04 Channels like 3ABN Proclaim! is watching a lot
42:09 which tells us that people want to hear more preaching.
42:12 Right... that's right.
42:14 Give us a good report. So I wanted to continue the tour
42:18 here by bringing you a little bit to Papua, New Guinea.
42:25 After I participated in the opening of the Production Center
42:30 in Australia when my wife was there helping me
42:35 and my son. And then they came back to the US
42:39 and I went across the ocean to Papua, New Guinea.
42:43 And there with our engineer Dan Peek that was already there
42:47 working before me we were able to start
42:52 a new television station free to air - where people don't
42:56 need to connect to the Internet, they don't need subscription.
43:01 They just turn on their rabbit ears and then they can receive
43:04 the Three Angels channel in the city of Lae.
43:08 This is the second largest city in Papua, New Guinea.
43:12 And then Mount Hagen also.
43:14 If you're watching from one of these places
43:19 in Papua, New Guinea, we want to welcome
43:22 especially you that are in Lae, which is a new station for you.
43:27 Thank you for watching us and we are praying for
43:30 the work to continue in Papua, New Guinea.
43:32 Actually, there are already three other groups
43:35 in Papua, New Guinea, that are developing, raising funds
43:39 and buying equipment, and they're going to be on the air
43:42 soon. So that's going to make seven TV stations
43:45 in Papua, New Guinea. We thank you so much
43:49 for your support that has helped with this ministry there
43:52 and for your prayers, and we are really eager
43:56 to even advance more in Papua, New Guinea,
44:00 and also the Pacific... what we call Pacific Rim.
44:05 The nine satellites that will go all around the world
44:10 they don't concentrate in the Pacific Rim because
44:13 mostly it's water. But there are islands there
44:17 that still need to receive this message of the Three Angels.
44:21 So by meeting with one of the people there
44:25 in Papua, New Guinea, that asked not to give his name
44:31 he is working with us to get a satellite
44:35 to cover all of the Pacific Rim islands
44:39 and he is very active to build television stations
44:45 to repeat this signal in the small islands like
44:49 the Solomon Islands, many other islands that I don't
44:54 want to even mention the names right now because I forgot.
44:57 But these people... some of them don't even have
45:01 electricity. But he has already a system
45:04 that with solar panels and a satellite
45:07 he can broadcast to the people that have electricity.
45:12 So we are very excited to cover the Pacific Rim,
45:16 to continue covering Papua, New Guinea.
45:20 And I want to bring you back to... I'm not going to stop
45:24 in the US for now. I'm going to go right over
45:27 the Caribbean and talk about three islands
45:31 in the Caribbean that are French-speaking islands.
45:36 I received some calls from two people
45:41 in Martinique. And they said: "We really want to start
45:45 3ABN here but - you know - people speak French.
45:49 And although they can understand some English
45:52 but we need to produce programs in the French language. "
45:57 And I receive a lot of calls; I receive a lot of requests...
46:00 but we don't have all the funds
46:02 to accommodate all these requests.
46:05 So I continued busy and I let it go.
46:09 But they started themselves down there to raise some funds
46:14 there locally and they started to produce.
46:17 And they have I would say probably close to 400 hours
46:21 of local content in French.
46:24 And they said: "We want to do a Ten Commandment Weekend.
46:27 We watched this on 3ABN a few years ago
46:31 and you don't do that anymore.
46:32 We want to do it in the French language.
46:35 So we want to invite you. " So I said: "OK! "
46:40 And so I brought some of the footage,
46:43 some of the graphics on the Ten Commandments that we
46:46 used to do here in the US.
46:48 And my wife and I went there.
46:51 We helped them, and for the first time
46:54 in French-island history we had 3ABN in the French...
47:00 100% French language... for 2 days - Saturday and Sunday -
47:06 where we had the Ten Commandments brought up to
47:11 the memory of people. Each commandment was
47:14 preached by one of the local pastors
47:17 and it was a tremendous success.
47:21 After the program was over
47:23 we had the opportunity to meet with the president of the
47:26 conference in Guadeloupe.
47:28 Then we flew to Martinique. We had the opportunity to meet
47:32 the president of the conference in Martinique
47:35 and we also met with the president of the union
47:39 that takes care of all the three islands of Guadeloupe,
47:43 Martinique, and the French Guiana islands.
47:46 So then they invited me to go to the cable company
47:50 because all these three islands they are sort of tied together
47:54 under one cable company.
47:56 Actually there is a major cable company
47:58 and there is another one.
47:59 We are on the major cable company,
48:02 and it is 24 hours a day of 3ABN English.
48:07 And then part of the day they interrupt the satellite signal
48:11 and they play back some local programming.
48:15 So the people are able to actually watch some
48:18 programs in the French speaking.
48:20 They are very... in the beginning stage
48:23 so they felt a little uncomfortable in going
48:27 full time. But this couple is coming here
48:30 at the end of this month of June and they're going to spend
48:33 two months. They took two months' leave from their work
48:37 to spend two months here learning more about how to do
48:41 production. How to take care of the programming.
48:47 How to... You know, learn how to use the cameras
48:51 and everything. Hopefully we can teach them
48:55 and they can go back and develop more of this work
48:59 in Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana.
49:02 So they asked me to go to the cable company
49:05 and see if they would just leave our programs 24 hours.
49:10 Because we were on live for this Ten Commandment Weekend
49:15 but we wanted to stay on 24 hours. So after talking
49:19 to the director of the cable company
49:22 she said: "Yeah, you need to improve your quality
49:27 a little bit. " I said: "Well this was just a live
49:31 production that we did here
49:33 but our satellite signal is very good quality
49:36 and I just want to ask you one other question...
49:40 one more favor.
49:41 What would it take to take this signal
49:47 here from Martinique all the way to France? "
49:51 And then she was a little taken back
49:56 and she said: "Well technically I can push one button
49:59 and make that happen. "
50:01 I said: "Wow! Would you do that? "
50:03 And she said: "Oh, maybe next year.
50:05 We need to see you guys... if you are serious about
50:09 your programming 24 hours. "
50:11 So I want to ask you to pray. The possibility is there.
50:15 We need to continue with this local content
50:18 in French speaking. And the possibility of this woman's
50:23 heart may be stirred by the Holy Spirit
50:26 and that she would agree to just push one button.
50:28 And this cable company can reach I don't know how many
50:33 hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country of
50:36 France. And this would be a really dream come true
50:41 because it is almost impossible to broadcast religious channels
50:46 in France. I've tried; I've been there.
50:49 I've met with cable companies and satellite companies in Paris
50:52 and it was not possible.
50:55 But through the Caribbean islands we can reach France.
50:59 And I know that the Lord still has some souls in France
51:04 that are sincere and they want to hear more
51:08 about God. I just want to show you a little bit
51:12 before my time is over a little bit of our visit
51:16 there in Martinique and Guadeloupe.
51:19 And I ask production just to roll this program here.
51:25 Stay tuned for more of the Ten Commandments Weekend
51:29 on 3ABN.
51:30 We are so happy to be here today that we are uplifting
51:34 the Ten Commandments today... God's law.
51:42 Before I start to tell you about the 3ABN miracles
51:46 let me tell you about the one miracle that happens
51:49 with the Ten Commandments.
51:55 His name is Taylor Lambert. He is the Union Director
52:00 of Communications and he is very excited about the work in
52:06 the islands. He actually accepted just this week -
52:11 he had to consult with the Union - but just this week
52:15 he accepted to be a member of our board
52:19 3ABN Français in the islands.
52:23 So we have somebody that will work with us
52:27 with reaching the churches.
52:31 You see there the audience, and we also had
52:36 a guest speaker. His name is Wayne Atwood.
52:41 He is the President of 3ABN Canada
52:44 and he speaks French because they do a lot of work
52:48 in the French language in Quebec in Canada.
52:52 And he came and he had a good message for us too.
52:56 Here is a church in Martinique
53:00 where they asked me to preach on Wednesday night
53:03 and they translated. A lot of people came
53:06 and a lot of these people are already viewers of 3ABN.
53:11 And I don't know how they do because they don't understand
53:16 100% of the English and they only have a few programs
53:21 in French. But here we have the beautiful music also.
53:26 I want you to just sample a little bit of the music.
53:51 We had some youth coming and singing also.
53:54 We had solos, quartets. It was just a beautiful weekend
53:57 that we spent praising the Lord.
54:00 I also have a picture of a... I believe this is going to be
54:04 a memory meeting that we had with the Union
54:09 and the Conference. From your far left
54:13 you have the President of the Union: Max-René Laurent.
54:18 And then Simon Bolo is
54:21 our 3ABN Français Director there
54:26 and Rose Bolo is his wife.
54:29 And the two of them - the couple - are coming at the end
54:32 of this month to be trained here.
54:34 And then we also have the President of the Conference
54:38 in Guadeloupe. His name is Alain Angerville
54:42 and we were very thankful that they gave us the time
54:47 to talk to all the pastors. The President of the Union said
54:51 "I want you to take time to talk to all the pastors
54:54 and tell them how they can work with 3ABN Français. "
54:59 And put their programs on the screen,
55:02 put their phone numbers, and get the people to know
55:05 that this is a local TV station and that they can come to the
55:10 churches if they want more information.
55:12 So I really appreciate the support of the Union.
55:16 And the local people there... they took us in their cars
55:20 and they showed us around.
55:22 They went to meeting after meeting.
55:24 One thing they have a very tight schedule.
55:28 They take you from one meeting and then they say:
55:30 "Now we're going to eat and then after that we're going to go
55:33 to another meeting. " So it was a very tight schedule
55:36 to meet all these people and help to advance
55:42 the work in the islands... the French islands...
55:46 and to record programs in the French-speaking language.
55:51 I believe this is going to be a tremendous blessing
55:54 for the French viewers that they will be able to actually
56:00 not only try to watch in the English language
56:04 on the cable company but they also will be able to
56:06 to understand more and participate by going
56:10 to a facility that we are going to look for a facility there
56:14 to have a way of... We have a very small
56:17 studio that Simon and Rose have acquired.
56:23 It's very, very small. A very modest camera
56:26 like a camcorder, but we wanted to
56:30 pray that the financial support will allow us to build
56:34 a bigger studio for them and more professional cameras
56:37 and will help them to prepare a more quality program
56:42 that the cable company director will be able to push that button
56:46 and take this signal all the way to France.
56:48 It is my prayer, and I ask you that you pray for this also.
56:53 We are very excited for this last project
56:57 that we are endeavor here at 3ABN.
57:00 Thank you so much for your support and for your prayers.
57:04 And now I'm going to... Oh, Mollie's going to introduce
57:08 John and Rosemary... which is a tremendous project
57:12 there that I'm very excited about too.
57:14 You know what you have just witnessed
57:17 is the birthing of a new ministry here at 3ABN
57:20 to the French-speaking people of the world.
57:22 How many of you feel like the French-speaking people of this
57:25 world need to hear the gospel - Amen! - just as much as any...
57:29 as the English-speaking people of this world
57:31 and the Spanish and those that speak Australian.
57:35 I'm so happy to introduce to you John and Rosemary Malkiewycz.
57:40 And you are about to celebrate your 10th anniversary there
57:43 in Australia, aren't you?
57:45 That's right. And you just had a great celebration
57:48 of the opening of your facility. I'm going to let you tell
57:51 these people of the great things that God is doing Down Under.
57:55 Thank you very much, Mollie.
57:57 I just want to correct Mollie.
57:58 There's two main languages in the world:
58:01 there's American and there's English.
58:05 You know, it's been three years since we've been to a Spring
58:09 Camp Meeting, and I have a reason for that.
58:13 We've been busy doing a new production center in Australia.
58:17 And that's been an exciting period of time
58:20 because we have watched God work miracle after miracle.
58:24 And you know, I just want to praise God today
58:27 that we've been able to accomplish with His help...
58:30 it's not us, it's His... with His help
58:33 a facility that I believe will reach people all around
58:37 the world with the good news that Jesus is coming soon
58:40 and we need to be ready.
58:41 Now before we tell you a little bit about that
58:44 I'm going to ask Rosemary just to talk to you about radio.
58:47 You see, radio is having an impact all over the world.
58:50 We'll just share with you for a moment what's happening
58:52 Down Under. This really is as Jay Christian said
58:58 "3ABN Radio Camp Meeting. "
59:00 This morning we had a lot of reports of people who have
59:04 been listening to the local radio and who are now coming
59:08 into this church. But down in Australia and New Zealand
59:11 there are a lot of radio affiliates: local church members
59:16 and local churches who have started their own
59:18 low power FM radio stations.
59:22 And 3ABN Australia has a high-power AM station
59:26 as well. But I am amazed myself
59:30 with the number of reports I receive of people who are
59:35 now coming into our church through 3ABN Radio
59:38 being aired in their local areas.
59:40 I know a lot of our affiliates wonder "Is anybody listening?
59:44 Is this really worth the money that it's costing us? "
59:49 And I would like to really encourage anybody
59:53 who wants to get involved to do so
59:55 because it is winning souls.
59:57 Let me tell you: up in Papua, New Guinea, where Moses
01:00:00 Primo has been telling you about there are a number
01:00:04 of radio stations. They're just popping up
01:00:07 in the Torres Strait Islands, in Papua, New Guinea.
01:00:10 One of the affiliates... he's given his money and time
01:00:15 to put up radio stations in Papua, New Guinea.
01:00:18 And they're solar powered so that people there can
01:00:20 turn on their radio and listen to 3ABN.
01:00:24 It's really interesting to see how God is working.
01:00:27 And you know, right now in that part of the world
01:00:29 it's 6 o'clock in the morning or just after 6.
01:00:32 And we want to say good morning to you
01:00:34 and please join in with our Spring Camp Meeting
01:00:37 here in the US of A.
01:00:39 You know, I looked at the back. I like the title.
01:00:42 It says Showers of Blessing.
01:00:43 Well I want to tell you Down Under it's been raining
01:00:46 and God has really been pouring out His blessings!
01:00:49 We were very privileged to be involved in this work.
01:00:53 As missionaries from overseas when we first saw 3ABN
01:00:58 we had no intention of doing this work.
01:01:01 And I remember Danny Shelton saying if he knew what was
01:01:04 required ahead maybe he would think twice.
01:01:08 But I'm sure he wouldn't.
01:01:09 I know that as God works in us, if we are His servants
01:01:13 and we walk forward in faith God will use us.
01:01:16 It's not about us... it's about God.
01:01:19 This Production Center that we have in Australia
01:01:22 is God's Production Center.
01:01:24 We are His servants and we have watched how
01:01:28 when we started initially 10 years ago our only aim
01:01:32 was to pay for the satellite that viewers in Australia
01:01:35 and New Zealand and Papua, New Guinea, would be able
01:01:39 to receive this signal. But in 2000, 3ABN made the decision
01:01:44 to go onto a satellite called Thaicom 3.
01:01:47 And for two years that signal hovered over Australia
01:01:51 and over New Zealand... or not, sorry...
01:01:54 over Australia only and India and Africa and parts of Asia.
01:01:58 And we did not see that signal until we came back from the
01:02:02 mission field and made a decision to try and see
01:02:05 if we could get it. And we did.
01:02:07 And the ministry grew. All we intended to do
01:02:10 was to plant satellite dishes all around Australia.
01:02:14 And when we had completed that people were saying: "Well
01:02:17 we can't get it. We need to go on a small dish. "
01:02:19 And so Danny Shelton asked us: Would we be able...
01:02:25 "Do you think that you would be able to pay for the satellite? "
01:02:28 And it was through Owen Troy we became involved
01:02:31 and we officially started 3ABN Australia.
01:02:34 From there we've grown to
01:02:35 what we're going to show you right now.
01:02:37 I'll ask for the first slide please.
01:02:40 Here we bought a piece of land.
01:02:42 God led us to this piece of land I want to tell you
01:02:45 and it's been exciting to see what He did.
01:02:47 The pastor there said: "We need to dedicate this land
01:02:50 to the Lord. " And I can remember him as clear as day.
01:02:54 He turned around, put his hand back there and he said:
01:02:58 "One day there's going to be a building here
01:03:01 that will produce programs to spread the gospel worldwide. "
01:03:06 Next side please. And today I want to bring you this report:
01:03:10 that building is there. And I'm excited to tell you
01:03:14 it's a miracle. We had a number of hurdles to cross.
01:03:18 They never ceased for the whole duration of that Production
01:03:23 Center, and I can only say "Praise God. "
01:03:25 And I want to tell you even more excitingly
01:03:28 this building has been built and we are debt free.
01:03:33 Amen! And that's two hands you want to raise to praise God
01:03:37 like Danny said. Amen!
01:03:40 And so as we go to the next slide please
01:03:42 we were very, very saddened first of all
01:03:46 because Danny Shelton and Jim and Camille
01:03:49 and Moses and Adima were all going to be there...
01:03:53 and Mollie and Hal, too. It's an interesting story
01:03:57 because none of them came. Moses and Adima were there
01:04:01 and I can remember hearing one day a phone ring and Danny
01:04:04 was there saying: "John, I've got some not-so-good news.
01:04:08 Jim Gilley and Camille were ready to get on the plane
01:04:11 and they had some bad news and they can't come. "
01:04:14 And I can remember telling Danny "Well, Moses is here.
01:04:17 He'll have to sing like you and he'll have to preach
01:04:21 like Jim Gilley. " And we had a laugh.
01:04:24 But you know, praise God, there are always people
01:04:27 that are ready and able to come.
01:04:29 And J.D. and Shelley Quinn came and we had an incredible
01:04:33 inauguration. You want to tell them a little bit about it
01:04:35 Rosie? I was going to say that Shelley and J.D.
01:04:38 had two days' notice. I called on a Monday afternoon;
01:04:42 they were on the plane on Wednesday.
01:04:44 Because we only found out in less than a week
01:04:46 that they couldn't make it. So we had a wonderful program.
01:04:50 It was a real blessing. Shelley preached on the Sabbath
01:04:54 at Avondale Memorial Church and then we had the
01:04:57 dedication service on the Sunday morning
01:05:00 so that it didn't interfere with Sabbath activities.
01:05:03 And then after the program at the church we had lunch.
01:05:07 And then at the building Moses was the one who cut the ribbon
01:05:12 because Moses was very much involved in that building.
01:05:18 In the things that went into it, in the planning of the building,
01:05:21 the layout of the flooring, what we needed in it.
01:05:24 And so we thought it was fitting because Jim and Danny
01:05:27 weren't there that Moses as the Director
01:05:30 of International Operations or Development, that he be the one
01:05:35 to cut the ribbon. Could we have that slide please?
01:05:38 We had over 350... 360
01:05:44 people come through the doors of the building that day
01:05:47 to have a look. And we were turning people away.
01:05:51 When we were so exhausted we couldn't stay any longer
01:05:54 and wanted to leave
01:05:55 people were still coming and John would have to say:
01:05:57 "Please come back tomorrow during work hours.
01:05:59 We're going home. "
01:06:01 You can see some of the slides there. That's the control room.
01:06:05 That's completed. This is the audio control room.
01:06:09 That's completed. We come to the next slide.
01:06:12 This is our interview set you'll probably be seeing
01:06:16 on 3ABN or we hope you will.
01:06:18 We will interview people. There will be 3ABN Now.
01:06:22 This is our green screen. Could I just hold it there?
01:06:24 We are doing a program now called Tangible Evidence.
01:06:29 You understand what that means? You can touch the evidence.
01:06:32 We had Pastor David Down
01:06:35 who is the speaker for Digging Up The Past series.
01:06:39 He brought some of his artifacts in there.
01:06:42 In the first program we hold a brick from the Tower of Babel,
01:06:46 an actual brick from the Tower of Babel
01:06:48 4,100 years old and we talk about it.
01:06:52 So that's a program we're doing.
01:06:53 You know, it's interesting to see what God is doing.
01:06:57 We are hoping to produce programs first of all
01:07:01 to complement what 3ABN do
01:07:03 but to be a program that may be slightly different
01:07:08 in the sense that we've been asking the Lord:
01:07:10 "What do You want us to do? "
01:07:12 You know, there's a thousand things you can do,
01:07:14 but to get the right one that God wants you to do
01:07:16 we want to do that and seek His blessing.
01:07:19 So we want you to be encouraged that in Australia
01:07:24 we are doing a work I believe that God has blessed.
01:07:29 As far as I am concerned as a Manager for 3ABN Australia
01:07:33 I want the blessing of God.
01:07:35 Because if you have the blessing of God
01:07:37 you have got everything.
01:07:39 He will provide, and we just need to be faithful to Him.
01:07:43 Thank you for the time that we've been able to share,
01:07:46 and may God bless each and every one of you.
01:07:51 Thank you John, Rosemary.
01:07:53 What a beautiful report!
01:07:55 And Camille and I so much wanted to be with them
01:07:58 and so did Mollie and Hal.
01:08:00 Mollie and Hal had the automobile accident
01:08:02 and Danny had a problem that he had to can...
01:08:07 We all had tickets. Camille and I had already
01:08:10 made it to Los Angeles
01:08:11 when I got word that my brother had died.
01:08:14 And my sister-in-law Evelina said: "Please go on. "
01:08:20 But I couldn't. All of my children, my grandchildren...
01:08:24 we all came to be by the family's side
01:08:29 as we buried my brother.
01:08:31 And he's a younger brother.
01:08:33 That... He was just so close, we were just so close
01:08:39 to each other. We grew up together.
01:08:40 In fact, we were so near in age... We were only 4 years
01:08:43 apart, but he was big and I was little in those days
01:08:47 and so people thought we were twins.
01:08:49 And Mom would dress us alike.
01:08:51 And that didn't help with the confusion either.
01:08:54 Well listen, we've got a great report, Roy.
01:08:58 The Lord has been blessing! This is Roy Hunt.
01:09:02 He is head of our Trust Dept. and Earlenne his wife
01:09:07 stands with him. And I'm going to let you introduce
01:09:10 this beautiful lady. We've seen her on television.
01:09:14 We have. Now you're spoiling it, Jim.
01:09:16 OK. This was supposed to be a quiz.
01:09:20 That's student's prerogative... he's the President.
01:09:24 Good afternoon everyone. I feel like I know each one of you.
01:09:28 I shook many of your hands coming through the door
01:09:31 and we've seen some of you in our seminars.
01:09:34 And we love the attitude of each one of you.
01:09:40 You've come with a spirit of God to visit 3ABN
01:09:44 and to attend 3ABN's Camp Meeting
01:09:47 and to gain a spiritual blessing while you're here.
01:09:51 We've been here about 3 years now... a little over 3 years.
01:09:56 We're not the new kids on the block any more.
01:10:00 We started the department here in Thompsonville -
01:10:05 West Frankfort area - and we're actually here on the campus
01:10:09 of 3ABN.
01:10:11 Some people are still a little confused
01:10:13 as to where our office is.
01:10:15 We have one office, and it's right here in West Frankfort,
01:10:19 Illinois. Our office in California ceased to function
01:10:24 about a year and a half ago
01:10:26 but we still make it out to visit our friends on the
01:10:29 West Coast. We visit on the East Coast
01:10:32 and we visit everyone in between as much as we can.
01:10:35 Earlenne and I have had the pleasure of meeting people
01:10:39 in their homes and in their businesses
01:10:41 and they're so responsive. 3ABN is blessed
01:10:45 to have so many responsive viewers.
01:10:48 When we go on the television network and talk about trusts
01:10:53 immediately our phones start ringing
01:10:56 so we know the message is getting out there
01:10:59 about our trusts.
01:11:01 And we do things from annuities, cash trusts, charitable gift
01:11:07 remainder unitrust, a host of several different documents
01:11:12 that can benefit Three Angels Broadcasting.
01:11:16 So many people ask us, you know: "Why is it necessary
01:11:20 to do something now when 3ABN won't receive anything
01:11:24 until we pass away? "
01:11:26 And we say: "We plan for the future. "
01:11:29 We're not out there... So many people think we're
01:11:32 out to grab your money. We just want a little bit of it.
01:11:38 We know that the Lord's work needs to go forward,
01:11:41 and the only way that's going to happen is by the dollars
01:11:44 that come in to this network.
01:11:46 And it's from our viewers like you that make it happen.
01:11:50 And so many of our major trusts
01:11:55 happen just when 3ABN needs the money.
01:11:59 The good Lord knows when this ministry needs the money,
01:12:02 and at the time it comes in it's just right.
01:12:07 We need it on a daily basis.
01:12:10 We have started something since we've been here.
01:12:14 We used to do and still do on occasion
01:12:17 an hour-long program.
01:12:19 But as many of you have seen
01:12:22 we are doing spots... commercials.
01:12:25 I say commercial very lightly because they're informational
01:12:28 spots to inform you of what the different documents are
01:12:34 that we do offer.
01:12:37 Now I have a lady with me standing right here
01:12:41 and I want to ask her: "Iris, what is your favorite line? "
01:12:47 I'm 94 and I earn 9%.
01:12:54 How many have heard that commercial?
01:12:57 This is the lady - Iris Montgomery - that does that.
01:13:02 And you'd be amazed how many phone calls come in
01:13:06 immediately after people hear that one line.
01:13:08 They don't hear anything I say.
01:13:10 They don't hear anything Earlenne says.
01:13:12 But when Iris says: "I'm 94 years old
01:13:16 and I earn 9%" they take action
01:13:19 because they want a piece of that action.
01:13:21 Iris, what church do you go to?
01:13:23 I go to the Du Quoin Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:13:27 And Du Quoin is just about 35 or 40 miles from here.
01:13:32 And how'd you get here today?
01:13:33 I drove.
01:13:35 She drove.
01:13:41 Iris is very active in her church,
01:13:44 and she stays active and that's what makes her so young.
01:13:50 She absolutely is unstoppable.
01:13:54 You know, she goes where the church needs her to go.
01:13:58 She has a brother that's 98.
01:14:01 Until just recently - he's ill right now
01:14:05 I understand, so we want to pray for him.
01:14:07 He goes to church on Sunday
01:14:11 so Iris drives him to church and then brings him home
01:14:15 for dinner. She's been doing that for how many years?
01:14:19 Oh, a couple... just a couple.
01:14:22 Just a couple. But this is the amazing part of Iris.
01:14:26 There's so many people like Iris out in our viewing audience
01:14:31 that want to do something for the Lord.
01:14:34 She has a very... very good
01:14:39 spiritual walk with our Lord.
01:14:41 She wants 3ABN to see that the ministry of this
01:14:45 network is carried out.
01:14:47 And she's one of our faithful annuitants.
01:14:51 That's an awful word but it's good to us because we know
01:14:55 that she has an annuity and it's working for her
01:14:59 and it's working for us.
01:15:02 Is there anything that you would like to add?
01:15:04 I told her I wouldn't embarrass her or anything like that
01:15:07 so if she doesn't want to say anything that's fine.
01:15:09 But do you have any words that you would like to give
01:15:11 our audience? Well I just felt like I wanted to do something
01:15:16 for the Lord. There's not much I can do.
01:15:20 I had a little bit of money
01:15:22 and I thought: "I want to put that where it will work
01:15:26 for the Lord. " So 3ABN has my little bit.
01:15:32 And we appreciate that so much.
01:15:34 You know, it's the widow's mite;
01:15:37 it's the person that has a lot of money;
01:15:40 it's all of us together that make 3ABN.
01:15:44 And even though you don't think you have a lot of money
01:15:47 to invest, you'd be surprised what a little bit of money
01:15:50 will do for you and for 3ABN.
01:15:52 So give us a call.
01:15:54 You can call us during normal working hours
01:15:57 and we'll talk to you. You may not think you have anything
01:16:00 that you can do but by the time we get through talking with you
01:16:04 the light bulbs'll go on.
01:16:07 And I want to say we do not pressure people.
01:16:10 If you call, we're not going to hound you.
01:16:13 We're not going to run after you and say:
01:16:15 "Hey, why didn't you do something with us
01:16:16 from that telephone call? "
01:16:19 We want you to know that.
01:16:22 Iris wants to take the microphone.
01:16:25 Oh, all right.
01:16:27 I just want to add to what you were saying
01:16:30 that you do not pressure.
01:16:33 And I am so happy with the help of these two people
01:16:38 that have encouraged me and led me to make the decision
01:16:43 that I did to do what little I could
01:16:46 for 3ABN.
01:16:49 Thank you, Iris... and she said it all right there.
01:16:53 Earlenne is my wife. She is also a trust officer
01:16:57 and our office manager and she has a few words
01:17:00 she'd like to give at this point.
01:17:04 I'd like to say that probably most of you don't
01:17:07 know back when you started being educated for financial.
01:17:12 As I thought back about it I realized that when we sing
01:17:16 "This little light of mine" and we're training our children
01:17:19 up to sing "This little light of mine...
01:17:20 I'm going to let it shine, "
01:17:22 that that's not just your religion.
01:17:27 It's because of that that you are ready to donate.
01:17:31 From the time you're little you're realizing
01:17:34 "Hide it under a bushel? No! "
01:17:37 Please tell others about how you're supporting 3ABN.
01:17:41 Please let them know that they can call us
01:17:44 and that we are willing to help them.
01:17:47 We have a lot of different ministries
01:17:51 that are being supported not just only 3ABN.
01:17:55 Now you're wondering "What does that mean? "
01:17:57 Well, we set it up so that your personal needs are met
01:18:02 like having a nice interest.
01:18:04 Some of you have decided to split that interest
01:18:07 and give half of it every month as a gift to 3ABN.
01:18:11 I want to personally thank our viewers
01:18:13 and those here at Camp Meeting for doing that.
01:18:16 Those dollars do make a difference.
01:18:19 We'd also like to thank those who have asked us every month
01:18:22 to take that interest check and put it back to their own
01:18:26 church so that they can do things like broadcast...
01:18:30 broadcast 3ABN.
01:18:32 They are supporting in yet a different way.
01:18:35 We also have people who have said: "Will you please
01:18:38 take my interest and support my children
01:18:41 in Christian education? "
01:18:44 What a fantastic thing to do with your interest.
01:18:48 And like I said we have the monthly supporters
01:18:52 and then there are those of you who said: "I want to
01:18:55 accrue the money that I am getting in my interest
01:18:58 back into my account so that when I pass away
01:19:02 I have more to give to 3ABN
01:19:05 but above all to the Lord's work. "
01:19:07 Thank you everyone. We are so glad you came here.
01:19:10 And to our viewing audience we thank you also.
01:19:14 Thank you.
01:19:19 Amen. And we want to thank you for all that you do.
01:19:22 Did you enjoy that report? Amen!
01:19:25 Always encouraging to hear from our Trust Services Dept.
01:19:29 Well some years ago we - in our effort to minister
01:19:34 to everybody - we had determined that we needed
01:19:38 a network... not a network... a channel for our children.
01:19:42 And what we did was we launched a channel
01:19:47 to the Internet, and the name of the channel was the SonBeam
01:19:49 Channel, and it was just for our children.
01:19:52 And what we were doing was using programming that
01:19:54 was locally produced from our Kid's Time programs
01:19:58 and so forth. And it has been running all of this time
01:20:02 on the Internet. But we feel like we need to have a channel
01:20:06 that we can shoot to satellite just like we do our
01:20:10 English-speaking channel and our Spanish-speaking channel.
01:20:13 All of these different ch... Because our children
01:20:16 need to be reached with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:20:20 So we looked at the ministry of 3ABN
01:20:24 and we wondered: "Now who would be the most qualified
01:20:27 to head up a children's network here at 3ABN? "
01:20:31 Who do you suppose that would be?
01:20:33 Brenda. Miss Brenda... of course!
01:20:35 And so we have Danny here to tell us some of the
01:20:38 aspects of launching a brand-new children's network
01:20:42 here at 3ABN.
01:20:43 I'm not Miss Brenda but I'll give it a shot.
01:20:46 She couldn't be here, but this woman...
01:20:48 I tell you what: she can convince you to do anything.
01:20:51 I'm amazed how she can get people
01:20:54 to come from half way around the world and volunteer.
01:20:57 And when anybody talks about "Well it costs such and such"
01:21:01 she says: "I've been a volunteer for 12 years...
01:21:03 I've never gotten a penny. "
01:21:05 So it ends up you feel like you don't love Jesus
01:21:07 if you don't do what she wants you to do.
01:21:09 So you pretty well just go ahead and do it.
01:21:11 But boy, does she get a lot accomplished.
01:21:14 And the Walshes... I should say the Micheff sisters...
01:21:17 they're what I call "finishers. " Yeah.
01:21:19 When they start something they finish it. That's right.
01:21:21 And they're absolut... They get that from Dad and Mom
01:21:24 Micheff. I've known them all my life.
01:21:25 These are incredible people. But Brenda...
01:21:27 After much prayer we asked her
01:21:30 if she would be willing to basically build a children's
01:21:33 network. That means a new studio, so we're looking
01:21:35 in Chattanooga area. I've been looking at property;
01:21:38 looking at buildings to see if we can literally
01:21:40 start because there's so many more people to pull from
01:21:46 than in this are because of Southern Adventist University,
01:21:49 the academy and all the schools.
01:21:51 And they live down there. Brenda and her husband
01:21:53 live right in that area.
01:21:55 So she's agreed to do that.
01:21:58 So this won't be just... This is new programming,
01:22:01 not just programming we're picking as Mollie said
01:22:04 from the past. But this is a HUGE undertaking.
01:22:07 It's just like Dare to Dream or Latino.
01:22:10 We want to get this on satellite that cable stations can get it
01:22:14 literally all around the world. And I don't know anybody
01:22:17 who could do this the way Brenda Walsh can do it
01:22:21 and the way she already works.
01:22:23 This woman works day and night. When she went to Russia
01:22:26 she helped Julia... she and the two Micheff sisters.
01:22:29 You've seen them. They're about this tall, right?
01:22:31 And that's with high heels on.
01:22:33 They're this tall. They went to Russia
01:22:35 and they helped build the front of our facility there -
01:22:38 the church - to rebuild it, to re-decorate it.
01:22:41 We have a Russian crew there.
01:22:43 There was about I think 10 or 12 Russian men
01:22:46 that helped them. They finally came to Julia and they said:
01:22:49 "We'll have to have 2 shifts. "
01:22:51 She said: "Why? " "We can't keep up with the Micheff sisters. "
01:22:54 Right, Julia? Julia is sitting there.
01:22:57 And they were working like 20 hours a day.
01:23:01 Julia's like: "You Russian men
01:23:03 can't keep up with those little American women? "
01:23:05 And they're basically: "No, those women work
01:23:07 day and night. " So we know that this is in good hands,
01:23:10 that God will bless. We want you to pray about that.
01:23:13 And any offerings that you have
01:23:15 if you have a burden for children, you can just send that
01:23:17 and put Children's Network on it.
01:23:20 And we're still... The name? I think it's still
01:23:23 going or has she settled on? We're calling it
01:23:25 the 3ABN Children's Network waiting for Brenda to give us
01:23:28 a name. She's been talking about just Kid's Time Network
01:23:31 lately too, so maybe that will happen.
01:23:34 Whatever she wants suits us.
01:23:36 And we are excited about it.
01:23:39 You know, we are producing so many new programs
01:23:41 with new networks. With Dare to Dream
01:23:44 you heard all the new programs they're producing.
01:23:47 And Latino is continuing to just multiply the number
01:23:52 of programs they're doing as well as 3ABN English.
01:23:55 We are increasing the number of programs we're doing here.
01:24:00 Our studios are maxed out.
01:24:03 We need more personnel, we need more cameras,
01:24:06 we need more equipment. And so we said: "We cannot
01:24:10 do our kids network here and do a 24/7 kids network
01:24:14 because that's a lot more programming. That's not just
01:24:18 an hour a day or something like that.
01:24:20 That is 24/7, and so we began to pray about it
01:24:24 and the idea came "Why not have a network
01:24:28 there where the people are available? " As Danny has
01:24:31 said, the talent is there... plus Brenda lives right there
01:24:37 and her sister just up the road, the little sister.
01:24:41 Yeah, right... Cinda. OK.
01:24:43 And so they... We are excited about the possibilities.
01:24:49 We're not moving ahead of the Lord.
01:24:51 The Lord, we believe, gave us the idea.
01:24:53 We're waiting for Him now to give us the means
01:24:56 to do that, but we believe that God is in this plan
01:25:00 because the three angels' message is not just for adults.
01:25:05 It's for children. Yes. And when you can give it to
01:25:08 children early and those children's lives can be changed
01:25:13 while they're young, they will avoid a lot of the pitfalls
01:25:18 that comes to a lot of adult individuals.
01:25:21 Absolutely. For the last... I'm going to switch subjects
01:25:24 on account of the time - all right - for just a moment.
01:25:26 For about the last year or longer we've been working
01:25:29 on something we've been talking about all through Camp Meeting:
01:25:32 new highways. Now Jim won't let me tell you everything,
01:25:35 but Mollie and Jim and I and Brian and Moses: we've been
01:25:39 working with an organization - with a company -
01:25:41 that all I want to say is that in the future, in the near
01:25:44 future, what we're working on... And Lord willing, we've been
01:25:47 doing this... we'll share it with you a little more...
01:25:49 that people walking... whether you're driving down the road
01:25:52 you can just go to your cell phone
01:25:55 and watch 3ABN. Anywhere in America you could watch it.
01:25:58 If you have an IPad somewhere, you can watch it any time
01:26:01 you want to. It's broadband that you don't need high-speed
01:26:05 Internet. And so right now, most places you need the Internet.
01:26:08 But broadband is one of the new... it's literally
01:26:11 new technology that's being put together right now
01:26:14 by an organization, and we're going to be in on that.
01:26:17 We're right there, and that's one of the most exciting
01:26:19 things in the world because potentially millions more people
01:26:23 can watch and the younger generation for sure.
01:26:26 They don't even want to go home and plug in the television,
01:26:28 right? Jim, you got a call already today. We did.
01:26:31 We got a call from Bill Einhellig, one of our viewers.
01:26:34 He was sitting with his IPad
01:26:36 but he had to stop and sit in the parking lot
01:26:41 of a McDonalds in order to watch today's church service
01:26:44 up in Colorado. And he's out on the road
01:26:48 on a trip, but he had to pull up to get some Internet.
01:26:52 He was borrowing their Internet
01:26:54 so that he could watch our program from here.
01:26:57 When broadband comes we won't need that Internet
01:26:59 so hopefully driving down the road... He can keep driving!
01:27:01 and watch 3ABN. Hopefully not the driver... No!
01:27:05 but somebody in the vehicle.
01:27:07 We may have to make that off limits 'cause they may get
01:27:10 so excited in that they do a two-hander praising the Lord.
01:27:13 That could be dangerous. That's right.
01:27:15 So what we hope happened this afternoon was you got
01:27:18 a grasp - an understanding -
01:27:20 of the length and breadth and depth of this ministry.
01:27:23 That we are reaching out to the whole world with the gospel
01:27:26 of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we'll be back for more
01:27:29 in what... about an hour or two? Uh-huh. We'll be back.


Revised 2014-12-17