Spring Camp Meeting 2013

It Helps to Call It Sin

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Magna Parks PhD.


Series Code: 13SCM

Program Code: 13SCM000017

00:31 Good morning and Happy Sabbath.
00:34 We just want to welcome everyone who's tuning in
00:37 from around the world to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting
00:41 2013. We're coming to you live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:46 And we have a beautiful live audience with us here
00:50 and they're very lively this morning. Happy Sabbath!
00:53 Happy Sabbath.
00:55 Oh I love it! You know what?
00:57 It is not only a day that memorializes God as Creator
01:02 but as the One who's re-creating us in the image
01:05 of Jesus Christ. My favorite scripture on the Sabbath
01:09 is Exodus 31:13.
01:11 That it is God who sanctifies us.
01:14 That's His will for us.
01:16 And I just want to as I'm getting ready to introduce
01:19 a song here I want to read a scripture to you.
01:22 Comes from John chapter 10
01:24 and I'm going to read... begin in verse 27.
01:27 This is Jesus speaking and He said:
01:30 "My sheep hear My voice
01:32 and I know them and they follow Me.
01:34 And I give them eternal life
01:38 and they shall never perish.
01:40 Neither shall anyone else
01:44 snatch them from out of My hand.
01:46 My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all
01:49 and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand.
01:53 I and My Father are One. "
02:12 I've heard what doesn't kill us makes us strong.
02:19 And I've heard it's always darkest before the dawn.
02:26 But all I know is that God's promises
02:31 are true
02:34 and He only wants what's best for you.
02:40 We have this hope
02:43 that all hurting will be gone.
02:47 We have this hope
02:50 that all tears will be left behind.
02:56 I know down here life is hard
03:00 and the world is so unkind
03:03 but hold on because
03:06 we have this hope.
03:14 Every one of us has heartaches and trials.
03:21 Just remember we're only here
03:24 for a short while.
03:29 Sometimes I feel I've had more
03:33 than my share
03:36 but He won't give us more
03:39 than we can bear.
03:42 We have this hope
03:45 that all hurting will be gone.
03:49 We have this hope
03:52 that all tears will be left behind.
03:58 I know down here life is hard
04:02 and the world is so unkind
04:06 but hold on because
04:08 we have this hope.
04:12 And this hope for us
04:17 is Jesus.
04:26 So hold on because
04:29 we have this hope.
04:44 Amen!
04:49 I have the great pleasure of introducing you to someone
04:54 who's very special to me. This is Shannon Knight,
04:57 and she and her husband Derek have become members of the
05:00 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
05:02 And they have two beautiful children.
05:05 And they're such a special addition to our church
05:07 because they've just jumped in
05:09 and really done many wonderful things.
05:12 But Shannon, first of all thank you for being here.
05:15 Don't be nervous. Thank you for having me.
05:18 OK, let me ask you... We want you to tell
05:21 your story. You had a relationship with the Lord
05:26 for a long time - right - before you learned
05:29 additional truths, right? Right.
05:31 Tell me about it. We were deeply rooted in the Baptist
05:34 faith... it was over 30 years.
05:38 And just one day driving to work I was changing the radio
05:42 stations and I came across a sermon.
05:45 And it was very powerful and convicting.
05:50 What radio station was this?
05:52 It was 95.9- 3ABN Radio.
05:57 So you were watching... You know, there's a lot of folk
05:59 who listed to our local radio station.
06:02 But you said it was "moving and convicting. "
06:06 Was it different than what you'd heard before?
06:08 Yes. The sermon was on the importance of keeping
06:11 the Sabbath and also how much paganism is wrapped up
06:15 in Christianity. All right. So when you...
06:19 Did you just hear this sermon once? Or did you tune in to this
06:22 radio station frequently?
06:24 Every time I got in my car after that I would keep it
06:27 on that same radio station.
06:29 All right. Now when you came home
06:32 and you started learning some of these truths
06:35 what did you say to Derek your husband?
06:39 I said: "Honey, we're doing a lot of things wrong. "
06:44 Just love to hear that, don't you?
06:47 And you hear it all the time, don't you?
06:50 All right. Now you were really becoming convicted
06:53 because you were having the opportunity to listen
06:55 in the car. What did... How did Derek react when you
06:58 first told him you were doing a lot of things wrong?
07:01 Well, at first he thought I was crazy.
07:05 But the more I told him the more interested he became.
07:08 And we got rid of our satellite television at home
07:12 because of all the negative influences that were coming in.
07:16 How old are your children now?
07:19 Ten and twelve.
07:20 You know, what she just said is a good thing to follow.
07:23 That there is so much negative things on some of the regular
07:27 secular television and it has an impact on those young minds.
07:31 So you got rid of that and then what'd you do?
07:35 My husband put up a digital antenna
07:38 and we could get all of the 3ABN channels very clearly.
07:43 And so he started watching
07:46 and he would call me at work and say: "Ahh, guess what
07:49 I just heard? "
07:52 All right. But you know something? These folk had been
07:54 Christians for 30 years. They were Baptist Christians
07:58 and they were very serious. They even were helping
08:01 plant a church in this area.
08:03 That's what brought you to the area, wasn't it? Um-hmm.
08:05 So they were very serious about their commitment
08:09 to the Lord. But now when you hear these truths
08:13 did that mean that you just immediately hopped in the car
08:16 and went to a Seventh-day Adventist church?
08:18 No. We researched for 4 years.
08:24 Praise the Lord! Amen! Praise the Lord!
08:28 They investigated scripture.
08:30 You got in... you dug in the scripture
08:34 because you didn't want to be deceived.
08:36 You mentioned to me something about truth.
08:39 You said... "We know there's only one truth
08:42 and that it's found in the scripture. "
08:44 Amen! Amen!
08:46 So you weren't just going to let somebody that was talking
08:48 in the pulpit say something that was moving to you.
08:51 You were going to prove it from scripture that it was correct.
08:54 Yes. So obviously your four years paid off.
08:57 Now how did you feel about first coming to the
09:03 Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church?
09:05 Well we were a little nervous about changing churches
09:09 'cause that is a big step and changing faith.
09:14 We were concerned that everyone would treat us as outsiders...
09:19 that we would be the only ones that weren't born and raised
09:24 Adventist and that people would just think we were different.
09:28 And what was your experience, Shannon?
09:30 Oh it's such a loving church.
09:33 Praise God! Praise God!
09:35 And I have to tell you: these precious people
09:38 have been such a wonderful addition because
09:43 they're doers of the Word.
09:45 And they are a wonderful addition
09:47 and I'm just so glad that they walked into a loving church
09:51 and I hope all Adventist churches are loving.
09:53 But you also said something else to me
09:55 that I just think is precious.
09:57 You said since you started keeping the Sabbath
10:00 that something has happened as far as what God is
10:05 doing by the power of His Holy Spirit. Tell us about that.
10:08 The only thing we can attribute it to is keeping the Sabbath
10:12 because we've always read our Bible
10:15 and, you know, stayed in the Word.
10:17 But it is such a deeper understanding of scripture.
10:23 She told me backstage and I didn't know...
10:27 You know, I've known them for some time but I didn't realize
10:29 it took four years of investigation to make sure.
10:32 But aren't you glad that she's sure?
10:34 Amen! And she told me backstage...
10:37 She said: "Our growth in understanding of the Word
10:41 has been exponential since they've begun keeping
10:46 the Sabbath. " And it hasn't been without its struggles.
10:50 There's been some... Your husband's in business
10:52 for himself. Um-hmm. There's been some challenges
10:55 but all in all God is blessing.
10:57 And your children are going to school here now?
10:59 Yes. And they love it. It just have to tell you
11:02 we love this precious family.
11:05 And we're so grateful that 3ABN, and I hear this everywhere I go,
11:09 3ABN is the greatest tool for evangelism
11:13 in the hands of the Lord today.
11:15 And we're reaching millions around the world
11:18 and even in our own back yard. Thank you very much. Thank you.
11:25 Now we have a gentleman here who has a shirt on.
11:29 What does that say on your shirt? I think it says 3ABN.
11:33 Praise God! We've all got shirts on but...
11:34 I mean... well the ladies don't - but..
11:37 3ABN and Bob, you are a full-time volunteer.
11:42 That's correct. God brought me and Alice here, my sweetheart -
11:45 all right - just a little over a year ago.
11:47 OK. We've been here ever since and plan to stay her till
11:49 the Lord moves us on to a hole in the ground.
11:52 All right.
11:53 Well... well...
11:56 I mean you got me going there. I'm laughing.
12:02 Now Bob, your background is a little bit different
12:05 than Shannon's. Shannon was a Christian
12:07 and she took 4 years in study and so forth.
12:12 You had one of those big-dish satellites.
12:15 Yes, that's correct. It was the Fall of 1997.
12:18 Bored to death. Addicted to pornography
12:21 and many other things in my life.
12:22 There was nothing I wanted to watch on TV
12:24 so I started surfing the satellites
12:26 and I came across Doug Batchelor.
12:28 And in '97 3ABN and Doug Batchelor
12:31 collaborated together and they put on what was called
12:34 the Satellite Seminar. It was not a Net
12:36 like most of us are used to like Net '99.
12:39 I watched that. I was fascinated with it
12:41 and two weeks into that program I was a born-again Seventh-day
12:45 Adventist Christian. Amen!
12:46 How am I going to pay tithe? I'm getting pork out of my freezer.
12:49 The rest of it, just... What am I? God help me with this!
12:53 Yeah. Now you had started out in life with...
12:57 You were smoking the time you were what? Seven years old?
13:00 Seven years old. Older children introduced my sister and myself
13:03 to nicotine. I became addicted and smoked for over 20 years.
13:06 My sister took one drag, got sick, and never smoked
13:09 another day in her life.
13:11 Well listen, then alcohol came into your life?
13:16 Yes. Back in the '50s, '60s, the families would gather together
13:20 from the neighborhood. They would sit around and play
13:21 their penny ante poker and their canasta and different card games
13:24 and they always had their alcohol - their liquor,
13:27 their beer, their whiskey, whatever - and of course
13:29 we would pester mom and dad: "Can we have a sip?
13:30 Can we have a sip? " And they finally would break down
13:33 and give us a sip. And therefore for over 30 years
13:36 I was addicted to alcohol.
13:38 All right. And you were always thin like this, right?
13:41 Yeah, except for the time when I weighed 200 pounds.
13:44 Right.
13:46 That was shortly after the Fall of '97 when I came
13:50 to the health message.
13:51 And I would like to clarify one thing.
13:53 We hear and we speak many times of the Seventh-day Adventist
13:56 health message. The Seventh-day Adventists
13:59 do not have a health message, God does.
14:01 He has asked us as a people to preach that message
14:04 and to teach people.
14:06 That's how much I weighed when I came to 3ABN,
14:09 when I came to God through 3ABN and Doug Batchelor
14:12 in 1997. Amen! Baptized in 1998.
14:15 My pastor in the little town I was in would not baptize me
14:18 because I had to study what at that time was the 27 Fundamental
14:22 Beliefs. And I walked in the door and said:
14:25 "Baptize me... I'm ready. "
14:26 And I had to go through the studies so it was '98
14:29 before I got baptized. All right.
14:32 Well they wanted to make sure, Bob, because... You know...
14:34 Yes. But we have this happen over and over again.
14:39 People walk through the door and they know as much
14:42 about this message as they possibly can.
14:45 And some of the pastors immediately baptize them
14:49 and some want to go ahead and take them through studies.
14:52 Well listen, you're now... you're a volunteer here.
14:55 Yes, praise God! What do you do here?
14:57 From 1:30 this afternoon on - that's why I'm wearing my work
15:00 clothes - I will be behind one of the cameras that...
15:02 that are filming or taping us at this time.
15:06 Tear down; set up studios for the various programs
15:09 that are put on. Shuttle runs.
15:11 I also do the shuttle for the Camp Meeting.
15:14 St. Louis airport: people that need to be picked up and taken
15:17 back and forth. Pretty much anything that 3ABN needs
15:20 if I have any qualification at all
15:22 all they have to do is call on me and I'm ready.
15:24 And you and Alice actually moved here, right?
15:27 Yes we did. We came here for the intent...
15:29 We came originally for both of us to volunteer.
15:32 That was our plan. God had other plans.
15:35 During the interview process they actually offered Alice
15:38 a full-time position - paid position - here at 3ABN.
15:41 All right. Which at the time we didn't know we needed. God did,
15:43 and He fulfilled that need for us as He always will.
15:46 And by the way, we are always looking
15:48 for qualified volunteers. So if you'd like to be a part
15:52 of that you can be. You just contact Mollie
15:56 and she begins the process. We go through a process
16:01 of looking at all the different requirements
16:06 that you have and the ability you have.
16:08 But also your references
16:10 and just like we would hiring somebody. Yeah.
16:13 We don't just let somebody drive in and volunteer
16:17 without going through that. So it is important
16:20 and we appreciate all that you're doing, Bob...
16:23 you and Alice both. God bless you.
16:25 Thank you so much.
16:28 I'm here with Eric Zottel and I think I want to start
16:32 with a punch line first. Eric, where are you from?
16:35 West Branch, Michigan.
16:37 In Michigan. How far away is that?
16:39 It's according to the GPS 618 miles.
16:44 All right. Eric showed up here one Wednesday afternoon
16:48 just about closing time. Everybody was gone.
16:51 And what was your request when you came?
16:54 Well, I wanted to talk with a pastor and I wanted to be
16:58 baptized. He came with a request. He said: "I want to be
17:01 baptized and I want to be baptized now! "
17:07 So guess what we did... we baptized him.
17:11 We surely did. He is now a baptized member
17:14 of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Amen?
17:16 Amen. All right, now let's back up a little bit.
17:20 How did you first hear about the Adventist church
17:22 and about 3ABN? Well, I faced a little bit of trauma
17:28 with my dad when he had some heart trouble.
17:31 I stopped by one day to see my dad
17:34 and he said he wasn't feeling well.
17:37 And when I looked at him he was real green in the face.
17:40 And so we had to take him to the hospital.
17:43 And it got me started on something that
17:46 had come up in my life before. Most people have faced it:
17:49 the seriousness of "What are we here for? "
17:52 and "What about death? " and "What's this all about? "
17:55 So I started reading my Bible.
17:58 And as I read and was learning on my own
18:01 I also... soon after, I don't know exactly when...
18:05 I started listening to 3ABN on the radio.
18:08 A local radio station there by the Adventist church...
18:11 the local church's re-broadcast of 3ABN.
18:14 So... When you began listening to 3ABN
18:18 did the truths... the things that you were hearing...
18:22 did they sound strange to you? New to you?
18:24 Different to you? Was it a change in your life?
18:26 Very new to me. The amazing thing is that
18:30 because I had grown up as a Catholic
18:33 and was raised by very devout Catholic Christian parents -
18:38 a wonderful family - that I had never read the Bible.
18:42 I had it with me and I went to Catholic school
18:47 and I never read it for myself until I was an adult.
18:50 So when I read it for the first time
18:52 and then soon after found the radio station
18:55 it became easier for me to accept because I would read
18:58 and study and I would hear things that were consistent
19:01 with what I was learning. Amen.
19:04 What was it like the first time you stepped into a SDA church?
19:09 Well, that was interesting. It's a very small church.
19:12 A very loving church... wonderful people.
19:15 But only about 5-7 people,
19:18 so very small from what I'm used to.
19:21 And there was no pastor there. We have a pastor that has
19:25 three churches and can only be there every other week.
19:27 So it was a bit of a shock.
19:29 The church I heard about on 3ABN on the radio
19:33 when you walk into that it was shocking to me.
19:38 This is where I'm going to go to church?
19:43 Here then is the 64 million dollar question I should think:
19:47 why the 7-9 hour drive all the way down here to be baptized?
19:53 Well, believe it or not I faced some struggles
19:57 with being baptized. Just circumstances kept coming up
20:02 that seemed to stop that...
20:04 both for myself - a little hesitation - and...
20:07 and just amazing things that had happened.
20:10 And I finally got to the point where I was grieved by this.
20:13 And I decided that, you know... The Lord impressed me
20:17 that I need to step out in faith and do something.
20:20 I didn't understand what exactly, but this is where I got
20:24 my spiritual food. A big source of it was from that little
20:28 radio station and 3ABN.
20:31 So I knew that there were people here that were following
20:34 the Spirit, and I came here.
20:37 You came down. It's 5:30 PM.
20:40 I grabbed Dee, grabbed Larry McLucas.
20:42 I said: "Run some water. We don't care whether it's
20:44 cold or hot. Just get some water in a tank. "
20:47 We came over here. I gave him a quick 30-second
20:50 Bible study. He sounded good; he answered the questions
20:52 all the right way and we baptized him in the
20:54 name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
20:56 And he is a baptized member even now.
21:02 Last question very quickly in the last few seconds:
21:04 how does it feel now to be a member of the world-wide
21:07 family of God? It is... it's a big relief
21:12 to have the truth and not have to worry about
21:15 someone breaking that apart on me.
21:17 To actually have something where I can come in and...
21:20 and bring my mind and my intellect and be a whole person.
21:25 That's something that's new to me,
21:27 and I'm looking forward to sharing that with others.
21:30 Amen; amen; amen.
21:32 The cherry on the sundae: he's young; he's Adventist;
21:36 he has his own business; and he's single!
21:44 I'm going to sit down here next to Brenda. Hi Brenda.
21:47 Hi, how you doing? Brenda Keifer, right? Yeah.
21:50 And you've probably been going to Adventist churches
21:53 all your life? Nope! No? No.
21:56 Is this your first time? Yes, sir.
21:58 All right. Everybody glad she's here today?
22:01 Amen! All right!
22:03 Thank you. I understand that you... you
22:06 are from Benton. You live over in Benton.
22:09 Originally from St. Genevieve, Missouri, but
22:11 I've lived in Benton now about, I guess it's been about
22:16 20-25 years... so I'm a Bentonite.
22:19 All right, so you're from Benton now.
22:21 And you've been listening. Today's like we always talk
22:23 about 3ABN television... today's a 3ABN Radio day.
22:26 Yes. So you were listening, switching channels
22:29 or listening to radio and you heard somebody laugh.
22:32 Yes. Tell us about it. Yeah.
22:34 Reverend Murray. I had gotten a new radio
22:38 and I was trying it out and seeing what it could do
22:43 and so forth, and I happened to run across
22:46 the dial and all of a sudden I heard this...
22:50 There was some conversation going on and I didn't know
22:53 what it was about or who it was or anything.
22:55 And someone said something and he laughed,
22:59 and when he laughed it seemed like he just...
23:02 he laughed all over. You know, it was amazing.
23:06 I thought: "Well I don't know what that fellow finds so funny
23:09 but I'm laughing now and I don't know why! "
23:14 A friend of mine came in the room and she said:
23:17 "What's so funny? " And I said: "I haven't the fainted idea...
23:20 not the foggiest. " And she said: "You're laughing
23:23 but you're... " I said: "I don't know why but... "
23:25 I said "this guy I'm listening to, he must be one of the
23:30 happiest people on earth because boy he's really laughing. "
23:34 And his laugh was infectious.
23:37 OK, good. And so I started listening, you know,
23:39 once in a while here and there.
23:41 And then the more I listened the more I realized
23:45 that there was something going on more than just
23:47 listening to his laughter - um-hmm - because
23:50 I've been born and raised Catholic like this gentleman
23:53 here who just spoke. Um-hmm. My whole family's Catholic.
23:57 And I was baptized, of course, in the Catholic church.
24:01 As a matter of fact, I was baptized twice
24:03 because when I moved from St. Louis to St. Genevieve
24:06 the priest down there didn't know that I'd been baptized
24:09 for sure, so he asked me to come down at 11 years old -
24:12 OK - to be baptized again. So I'm the only person
24:14 in Missouri I guess that's been baptized twice.
24:17 But anyway, the more I... All my friends were Protestant.
24:22 And I began reading the Protestant version of the Bible,
24:26 and the more I read it the more it made much more sense
24:28 than what I was reading. Um-hmm.
24:30 What I was hearing. So were you a member of any church?
24:33 Yeah, I was a member of the Catholic church.
24:36 And then after that... did you become... join any - no -
24:39 other churches? No. Right now I guess I can't really say
24:42 that I'm a member of any church because I've stopped going
24:47 to the Catholic church. Except well... There was a situation
24:51 where I went with my family because of a funeral situation.
24:56 I know a church that'd be really happy to have you.
24:59 Oh you do? Yeah, I do. I could... I wonder who that
25:01 would be? Yeah, I don't... I can't imagine.
25:04 Probably... probably right here in this church.
25:06 Yeah, I could be part of it.
25:07 Absolutely. Tell us about C.A.
25:11 Then you heard another sermon by him.
25:13 Oh yeah. Then I turned it on again because I was intrigued
25:17 and remembered what the call letters were and so forth.
25:20 So I turned it on again and I just kept listening.
25:23 Was intrigued by what I was hearing... different people...
25:26 and found out who the gentleman was with the infectious laughter
25:32 and heard him give a sermon. Um-hmm.
25:36 One of the first ones was when he was teaching people
25:39 how to roller skate. Roller skate? And he walked in...
25:42 He sounds like a different kind of preacher.
25:44 He's laughing and roller skating.
25:46 Yeah... that's exactly what I thought.
25:48 The ones that I know walked around like they were half dead
25:52 and I couldn't get that, you know?
25:56 Uh-huh. And so one of the first sermons I heard
26:00 like I said was the one that he talked about
26:02 he would teach people to roller skate and then
26:05 in the evening they'd get together and have a Bible study.
26:09 And I thought: "Boy, that's a clever way to get people
26:11 in... the kids... interested. You know that's good. "
26:14 Um-hmm. And so I kept listening and the more I listened
26:17 the more I liked it. And that's been about two years ago.
26:22 Two years. How did you get in contact with C.A.?
26:24 We only have a couple minutes left.
26:26 I just called 3ABN -
26:30 um-hmm - and I thought: "Well this is ridiculous.
26:32 He doesn't know me from Doodery. "
26:35 You know, and I asked if there was any way I could contact him.
26:39 And they gave me a telephone number
26:42 and I called it. Didn't get any answer.
26:45 And called it again, and he answered this time.
26:49 OK. And we talked a little bit.
26:51 At the time I was going through an extremely serious
26:54 cancer scare - um-hmm - which turned out to be just fine,
26:57 thank God. So did he actually come and see you?
27:02 Yeah, he did about three days ago for the first time.
27:05 All right. Yeah. All right.
27:07 And so what do you hope?
27:09 What's your plans for the future? What do you think is
27:11 gonna happen through all of this?
27:12 You think this is accident or divine providence?
27:16 Oh no, I don't believe anything was accident. No.
27:18 Yeah... God has His hand in this right? Oh yeah!
27:21 Yeah. 'Cause I can tell the progression what's happened
27:23 and so forth, you know. All right.
27:25 Brenda, you're a blessing. We want to welcome you today
27:29 for being here... your first time in church.
27:31 Thank you. You're learning a lot of new truths.
27:33 Yes sir, yes sir... I sure am!
27:35 It's making a change in your life? Um-hmm!
27:37 Um-hmm. Absolutely. Yeah. Even my best friend said...
27:41 She said: "I can see it. "
27:43 All right. She sees me all the time.
27:45 She knows me I guess better than anyone does
27:47 and she said: "Yeah, I can really see it. "
27:49 All right. I'm going to ask for our folks a show of hands.
27:53 How many of your will promise to pray for Brenda?
27:56 All right. Now look at all these hands. Oh.
27:58 See the monitors up here or the screen?
28:00 See all these hands going up?
28:02 See, I need all the help I can get, so that's good.
28:04 Some of them had two hands up.
28:06 Did you see that? Two hands up!
28:09 Like I said, I need all the help I can get so that's fine.
28:11 Well listen, your future? You know you have a church
28:15 here - yes sir - and you're a sister in the Lord already.
28:18 You're no longer a visitor. This is your first time here.
28:20 We let you be a visitor today. OK.
28:22 After this you're just family, OK? OK, and I'm thinking about
28:26 very strongly about baptism.
28:28 Really? Praise... Can anybody say "Praise the Lord"
28:31 on that one? Praise the Lord! All right.
28:33 And now I wonder who would do it?
28:34 Oh I can't imagine. I think his name is Murray.
28:37 C.A. Murray... OK!
28:38 Yes. You know what? I think he'll be very happy to do it!
28:41 I hope so 'cause he's the one I wanted to do it.
28:43 Thank you, Brenda. God bless.
28:47 Just before Magna Parks comes to give us our study for the
28:50 morning we're going to ask Tammy Chance to come and...
28:53 and sing "Through the Years. "
28:55 And we're so thankful for Tammy: her beautiful voice
28:57 and her beautiful spirit. And then after she shall have sung
29:00 the next voice will be Magna Parks - Dr. Magna Parks -
29:04 who will give us the study for this morning.
29:17 "Don't waste your time in lookin' back"
29:21 I've heard a lot of people say.
29:25 "Just keep your eyes on the future...
29:28 forget the things you did yesterday. "
29:32 But every now and then I like to look back
29:36 and reminisce how good it's been
29:40 walkin' on this Christian journey
29:44 and havin' Jesus as my friend.
29:47 Through the years He's blessed me,
29:50 through the years He's kept me.
29:54 The good times and the bad
29:58 He's been the best friend I've ever had.
30:02 Through the years I'll love Him;
30:06 through the years I'll serve Him
30:10 till I reign with Him forever
30:13 through the years.
30:29 Beautiful memories He's given me
30:33 along with blessings by the score.
30:37 Love like I thought could never be
30:41 got sweeter than each day before.
30:44 Oh, I know that I could never explain it:
30:48 the joy His love and goodness brings.
30:52 And if He's been just as good to you
30:56 why don't you join in and sing?
30:59 Through the years He's blessed me;
31:03 through the years He's kept me.
31:06 Through the good times and the bad
31:10 He's been the best friend I've ever had.
31:14 Through the years I'll love Him;
31:18 through the years I'll serve Him
31:22 till I reign with Him forever
31:25 through the years.
31:31 He's been a strong and a mighty tower.
31:34 He's never left me in my darkest hour.
31:38 I know He won't fail me now
31:41 or through the years.
31:45 Through the years He's blessed me;
31:48 through the years He's kept me.
31:52 Through the good times and the bad
31:56 He's been the best friend I've ever had.
31:59 Through the years I'll love Him;
32:03 through the years I'll serve Him
32:08 till I reign with Him forever
32:11 through the years.
32:18 Through the years.
32:26 Through the
32:29 years.
32:35 Amen!
32:40 Good morning everyone. Good morning!
32:43 Now I've been accused of talking fast
32:45 and I tried to slow down yesterday. But today I only have
32:48 35 minutes so I'm going to be talking fast, OK?
32:51 Let's bow for prayer.
32:53 Father, we thank you so much for this privilege of being able
32:56 to come before You on this beautiful Sabbath day.
32:59 We thank you for the testimonies and the songs,
33:01 and as we approach this delicate topic I pray that
33:03 Your Holy Spirit may be with me,
33:05 may be with those who are listening here today
33:08 and by television and radio.
33:10 Thank you for this opportunity and we just praise Your name.
33:12 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
33:15 The story is told by Dr. Karl Menninger,
33:18 a psychiatrist, of a man stand- ing on a busy Chicago street.
33:23 He stood there solemnly and as people would walk by
33:26 the person nearest to him he would point to them and say:
33:28 "Guilty. " Then he would put his hand back down.
33:31 This is a true story. He would stand there for a little while
33:33 longer and another person would walk by near to him
33:35 and he would point and say: "Guilty. "
33:37 The people would look at him,
33:40 they'd look at other people, they'd look away,
33:42 and then they'd scurry along.
33:43 Finally one man said: "But how did he know? "
33:50 We laugh, but every single one of us sitting here today
33:54 are guilty. Do you know what we're guilty of?
33:58 Sin. Lying, cheating,
34:02 gossiping, criticizing,
34:06 backbiting, killing with our tongue.
34:10 We're guilty of sin, brothers and sisters.
34:12 I read a book probably about two months ago...
34:16 no it was more than that, maybe six months ago...
34:18 written by a psychiatrist who I don't think is a Christian
34:22 at all. And the title of the book was
34:25 "Whatever Became of Sin? "
34:30 I want to share this quote that Dr. Menninger
34:32 mentioned in his book. You'll be reading it on the screen.
34:35 And it says:
35:14 We don't like to talk about sin.
35:16 We may mention it here and there
35:17 even though the Bible says we've all sinned and done what?
35:21 You know, we throw that phrase around
35:23 and we say it, but do we really realize that?
35:26 I wonder.
35:27 And we look through the Bible we see that God wasn't
35:30 afraid of sin. He would address sin in different ways
35:33 and He would ask questions like in the Garden of Eden.
35:35 After Adam and Eve took the fruit He came and asked
35:38 questions, did He not?
35:40 We have Nathan appearing to David
35:42 giving him the parable and David realizing
35:45 was incriminating himself.
35:46 Even Jesus... we talk about how loving Jesus was
35:49 and compassionate. But even Jesus didn't stay away from
35:52 talking about sin. The woman who was almost stoned.
35:54 He was gracious and compassionate with her,
35:56 but then He said what? "Go and sin no more. "
35:59 And then the man that He healed at the pool.
36:01 And then afterwards He saw him later. He said:
36:03 "Sin no more lest a worst thing come upon you. "
36:07 So God was not afraid of dealing with sin... but we are.
36:10 And we know the general definition for sin.
36:14 It is what? We as Adventists really know this.
36:16 Sin is the transgression of the law. I John 3:4.
36:20 And I'm not making fun of that but we know that.
36:22 We can quote that. But sin is also other things.
36:25 James 4:17 says that he that knoweth to do good
36:28 and doeth it not... It is what? Sin.
36:30 And not only is sin doing bad things...
36:33 sin is also when we don't do the things we should do.
36:36 Isaiah talks about "Cease to do evil and learn to do good. "
36:41 When we don't do good, when we don't help our brothers
36:44 and sisters that are less fortunate,
36:45 we are committing sin.
36:47 These are the things that we are staying away from
36:49 and Dr. Menninger was concerned about that.
36:52 Now there are a few things that I think have contributed
36:55 to us getting to this point where we don't want to talk
36:58 about sin. The enemy #1 doesn't want us to talk
37:01 about it. He wants to keep us deceived because
37:04 if he can keep us deceived and we don't talk about sin,
37:06 we won't go to the Savior looking for help.
37:08 This is a quote. You will read it with me on the verse...
37:10 on the screen... that the enemy talks about...
37:13 that's focused on when we talk about sin.
37:27 That's his plan.
37:29 And if he makes it attractive, we won't talk about it as sin
37:32 brothers and sisters.
37:34 The other thing that I see happening
37:36 is that we are fearful of offending people.
37:40 Now I am not saying and encouraging us to offend people
37:44 on purpose. But sometimes this fear of offending
37:48 makes us careful of pointing things out.
37:53 And this is happening even in our dear church...
37:56 Christian church and the Seventh-day Adventist church.
37:59 But this woman who was actually a Catholic I don't know
38:05 what exactly... a theologian or something.
38:07 She wrote a book called Speaking of Sin.
38:10 I thought it was real interesting.
38:11 And this is what she said in regards to offending.
38:14 It's on the screen... read it:
38:38 Is grace and forgiveness important?
38:40 But we need both brothers and sisters.
38:43 Not just grace and forgiveness but also sin and repentance.
38:49 We also are hesitant in talking about sin
38:52 because we feel we're going to make the wrong judgments
38:55 about people. And we should be hesitant about that.
38:58 But sometimes in our fear of making the wrong judgments
39:03 we may miss something.
39:05 Mohammad Atta... I don't know if I'm pronouncing his name well
39:08 but he was the mastermind behind September 11, 2001.
39:12 He came into an office in Florida
39:15 and he wanted a loan to buy these cropdusters.
39:18 He got angry at the woman and said: "What about if
39:22 I went behind the desk and slit your throat? "
39:25 Then she had an aerial picture of Washington
39:28 and he started asking her questions about the security
39:32 with Washington and he also did some other things.
39:35 And she didn't... She was so nice to him
39:38 and didn't say much.
39:40 She was interviewed on one of these programs - I think
39:41 ABC News Tonight or one of the others.
39:44 This book I mentioned earlier about... Remember I mentioned
39:47 the book One Nation Under Therapy?
39:50 The psychiatrist talks about in there about how Americans
39:52 have gotten so nice and don't want to talk about and point out
39:55 what's wrong. And the woman said on the show:
39:58 "Why didn't you address this thing? "
40:00 And she said: "Oh, he was a foreigner from out of town
40:03 and so I thought he was trying to adjust to coming
40:05 into the American culture. "
40:07 You say that, brothers and sisters, but we do the same
40:10 thing sometimes. Someone is doing something wrong
40:13 but we're fearful of making the wrong judgment.
40:15 And sometimes we NEED to say something and do something
40:18 and we don't know what we can PREVENT
40:21 by saying or doing something.
40:22 Am I saying we should go around walking, acting as judges?
40:25 No, but there are some things... I heard C.D. Brooks say
40:28 "We're not judges... we're just fruit inspectors. "
40:33 Amen? And when you see the fruit, you can call the fruit
40:36 for what it is.
40:38 The other thing that I think has affected us with sin
40:40 is my dear colleagues... psychologists.
40:44 You know what Dr. Menninger talks about in his book:
40:47 he says: "Certain things that we used to call sin
40:50 now has a diagnostic label. "
40:54 We have a diagnosis for everything.
40:56 Lord help me as I say this, but I see this happening
40:58 in our pulpits too.
41:00 I see our pastors sometimes turning into counselors
41:04 in our pulpits as opposed to pointing out what's right
41:07 and wrong. Now there's a way to do that,
41:09 and I'm going to mention that.
41:10 But this quote shows it real well on the screen
41:13 if you read it with me.
41:33 The quote goes on:
41:54 I see this happening more and more brothers and sisters.
41:57 I have a burden because I see as a psychologist
42:01 and I hear the stories that are resulting
42:05 from us not pointing out what's right and wrong.
42:07 That's why this is a burden for me:
42:10 'cause I see the end results.
42:11 In society and in the church we are moving away from this.
42:15 And what happens is that instead of calling out sin
42:18 we start to place the blame for sin on external factors.
42:23 There was once an American university professor
42:26 who was caught making obscene phone calls.
42:29 You know what he ended up doing?
42:31 He ended up checking himself in for treatment
42:34 and he blamed it on his past childhood abuse.
42:39 External factors.
42:40 We've heard of stories of priests being found
42:43 molesting children, correct?
42:45 On particular priest went to therapy for two years
42:48 and at the end they asked: "What did you learn from this? "
42:51 He says: "Well, I think my childhood was fixated at
42:56 age 7 or 8 and that's why I was molesting these children. "
43:00 The sad part is that might have been related to it.
43:03 They put him back into the parish and guess what he
43:05 continued to do? Molest children.
43:09 It helps to call it sin brothers and sisters
43:12 and to deal with it.
43:13 Not only is this affecting us in this way.
43:16 When we don't deal with sin
43:18 it has an impact on other people.
43:20 Do you remember the story of Joshua and Achan?
43:24 Now if Joshua was a different kind of leader
43:27 what do you think would have happened to Israel?
43:29 After they were defeated and Joshua went before the Lord
43:32 falling on his face and saying: "What's happened? "
43:34 The Lord said: "There's sin in the camp. "
43:37 Thank God Joshua pointed it out,
43:39 was able to follow, and Achan confessed sadly.
43:42 Was sad what happened to Achan's family
43:44 but the point is it was because of sin in the camp
43:47 that they were not able to overcome this particular nation
43:51 that they were fighting.
43:53 Could that be happening in our camps today,
43:55 brothers and sisters?
43:56 I'm getting more and more calls from people who have been
43:59 mistreated by leaders, taken advantage of.
44:02 And they're leaving the churches; they're in despair.
44:05 They're distraught because nothing has been done
44:08 with the leader.
44:10 I'm saying it 'cause I'm frustrated with it.
44:13 I'm going to be honest with you.
44:14 We're not dealing with sin.
44:16 We're transferring them from one church to the other,
44:18 we're doing other things, and we're not dealing with sin.
44:22 And people are hurting and dying as a result of this.
44:25 And this is bothersome to me.
44:27 And then I'm not going to just talk about the leaders.
44:29 There are many of us sitting in here today
44:31 who have secret sins that no one knows about.
44:34 And it's eating us like a cancer brothers and sisters.
44:38 We need to address these things.
44:40 Listen to Dr. Menninger... what he says.
44:42 This is what led him to write the book. He says:
44:44 "As a psychiatrist he was seeing more and more individuals
44:50 who were displaying symptoms of physical sickness
44:53 which were rooted in a sense of guilt...
44:56 both false and real guilt.
44:59 He observed that when he was able to get the individuals
45:03 with whom he dealt to open up through confession
45:08 they experienced great relief. "
45:10 Remember... this is a secular psychiatrist.
45:13 Dr. Menninger wondered why more was not being said about
45:18 sin and the need for confession and repentance
45:21 in our churches.
45:23 He wondered why sin was not being taken seriously
45:27 in our churches and wondered at whatever became of sin.
45:33 Consider the situation of David.
45:36 In Psalm 32:3-4... you'll read it on the screen...
45:39 he says:
45:56 This is a clear example of what happens to some people
46:00 when sin is not called out. It says:
46:15 "Oh, nobody knows what I've done... I'm fine.
46:18 You know, I've covered it up with the death of Uriah.
46:20 I'm just fine. "
46:27 So during that time when nobody - he thought -
46:31 knew about the sin and he's going along
46:33 he's suffering not only mentally but physically.
46:38 Do you know that some people are suffering from physical
46:41 illnesses because of guilt and not dealing with sin?
46:46 I've seen it time and time again as I've spoken with people.
46:49 This guilt can really weigh down on us
46:52 because we're not calling out sin in our own lives.
46:56 David experienced peace, a sense of relief
47:00 after confessing his sin due to Nathan's calling it out.
47:04 This is another aspect of calling out sin.
47:07 We need to be doing it in our own lives.
47:09 That little white lie that you told the other day?
47:12 It's a sin brothers and sisters.
47:15 When that woman walked by and you said something about her
47:19 that she knows nothing about? It's a sin brothers and sisters.
47:23 When you made that little number change on your tax form
47:28 that's a sin brothers and sisters.
47:30 The list goes on and on and on.
47:33 Sin is something that we need to call out.
47:36 And pastors as with Nathan... they have the role of helping
47:40 ministers to see the sin.
47:42 Listen to what Dr. Menninger says
47:44 as we show it on the screen.
48:15 Do you all understand what that's saying?
48:17 Some people are sitting there and the guilt is just there.
48:20 And we can talk about His goodness and His expectations
48:23 of mankind to forgive and all of that.
48:25 But they're sitting there and the roar of guilt is just
48:27 affecting their mind. He goes on to say with the quote:
48:54 Now notice what he says here.
48:56 Not only should you point out the sin but you should also
48:58 point out the what?
49:00 So it's not only about getting up and blaming people on
49:03 the head with all the things they've done wrong.
49:05 People must also know there is a solution as well.
49:10 Understanding this concept helps me to better understand
49:14 some of the quotes I've read in Spirit of Prophecy about this.
49:17 It's like Menninger almost picks up Spirit of Prophecy.
49:19 Some point when I was reading his book I was saying: "Hmmm,
49:21 she must have read some of this. "
49:23 Listen to this quote... Or "He must have read some of this. "
49:25 Listen to this quote. You'll see it on the screen.
49:54 She said this way before Menninger wrote this thing
49:59 about sin. But as I went through Spirit of Prophecy
50:01 there are a lot of quotes that she mentioned -
50:03 I couldn't put them all up - where she talks about the need
50:05 to talk about sin. And if Menninger could read this
50:08 he would be exited to know that there is a church
50:11 who has a messenger who tells us that we should deal with sin.
50:14 Some people don't like the idea of talking about sin
50:18 and when we bring this up they say: "You know,
50:20 we shouldn't get into sin. " And there are consequences
50:23 for this. Look at the quote on the screen
50:26 from Testimonies 3 page 328.
50:50 So when you decide that you want to talk about sin
50:53 be prepared for the consequence. OK? However,
50:57 we must point out sin in the manner that Christ did it.
51:02 Very important. In I Timothy 4:2
51:07 the apostle Timothy says: "Preach the Word.
51:11 Be instant in season, out of season.
51:14 Reprove, rebuke, exhort
51:17 with all longsuffering and doctrine. "
51:22 That last part is really important.
51:24 Notice he says "with all longsuffering. "
51:27 The servant of the Lord in Acts of the Apostles
51:29 says that this has to do with revealing the patience
51:32 and the love of Christ.
51:35 If you're not going to use or ask God for His patience
51:39 and His love, do not call out sin, brothers and sisters,
51:42 'cause you will do more harm than good.
51:44 She goes on to say in Acts of the Apostles...
51:47 you will read the quote on the screen:
52:17 Can we do this on our own, brothers and sisters?
52:19 It's a balanced walk that we need to have.
52:22 Only the Holy Spirit can give us that balance
52:25 where we love the sinner but we lovingly go to them
52:29 and talk to them... when the Holy Spirit leads us...
52:31 to talk to them and share about what they're doing wrong.
52:34 In fact, I believe I've read in one of the Testimonies
52:37 where she says: "If you're not willing to lay down your life
52:41 for that person, you need to think twice about going to
52:43 talk to them. " Because you have to have the right type of
52:46 motive and the love in your heart.
52:49 So that is very important.
52:51 I truly believe - that's why this is a burden on my heart -
52:54 I truly believe that some of the heartache and the difficulties
52:57 we are experiencing in our lives as Christians
53:00 would we redeem if we spent more time calling out sin.
53:05 We need to be shaken and convicted as Christians
53:08 when we come to church, when we spend time with God alone.
53:12 All of these we need to be in situations where we're
53:15 shaken up to see ourselves.
53:17 We've been hearing a call for revival.
53:19 Thank God for President Wilson who's been telling us
53:22 we need revival. But brothers and sisters,
53:24 revival is also connected to calling out sin.
53:27 And we look through the Bible and we see when John the Baptist
53:31 came he called out sin and others. When revival occurred
53:34 amongst God's people connected with that was also
53:37 calling out sin. And we have to put the two together.
53:40 Some of us are shackled by sin; we're imprisoned.
53:44 And unless we identify the sin in our own lives
53:47 we will never get out.
53:48 Another thing about calling out sin that I think is important
53:52 is that... do you believe that we can have victory over sin?
53:55 Amen. Amen! I'm glad to hear that
53:58 because there are some people who don't believe that.
54:00 Because we don't see it happening a lot we think
54:02 it can't happen... but I believe we can.
54:05 But the way that we get to call- ing out sin is by first what?
54:10 I'm sorry... victory over sin is by first?
54:13 Identifying sin and calling out sin.
54:16 If we don't do that, we won't have victory.
54:19 None of these things can occur without God's power.
54:24 The Holy Spirit has to convict us when our sin is revealed
54:28 and then the Spirit drives us to repentance.
54:32 Sweet repentance. We are told in Steps to Christ
54:36 "We can no more repent without the Spirit of Christ
54:41 to awaken the conscience than we can be pardoned
54:45 without Christ. Every conviction of our sinfulness
54:50 is an evidence that His Spirit is moving upon our hearts. "
54:55 Every time we are convicted of our sin,
54:58 brothers and sisters, it is because the Holy Spirit
55:01 is moving on our hearts. And you don't have to be
55:03 a Christian for that to happen. The Bible tells us
55:06 that it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.
55:10 And she says in Steps to Christ that when we contemplate
55:13 what Christ has done for us and we focus on the cross
55:16 and we see and understand God's goodness
55:19 it helps us to see who we are
55:20 and then we start to see our sinfulness
55:22 and we are drawn towards Him.
55:24 But we have to make sure that we get to that point
55:26 where we love each other enough to call out sin
55:30 and then we ourselves are open enough to the Holy Spirit
55:34 to call out sin. You know, there's a song...
55:36 I wanted my girlfriend to sing it with me. I was going to
55:39 surprise you all, but she didn't want to
55:41 come and sing it with me. She's here today.
55:43 Have you heard this song? I Lay My Sins on Jesus.
55:49 Can you all sing it with me?
55:51 I'll say the words: I lay my sins on Jesus...
55:53 I lay my sins on Jesus,
55:59 the spotless Lamb of God...
56:00 the spotless Lamb of God.
56:05 He bears them all and frees them...
56:07 He bears them all and frees them
56:13 from the accursed load...
56:15 from the accursed load.
56:21 Repeat that again: from the accursed load...
56:22 from the accursed load.
56:27 I bring my guilt to Jesus...
56:30 I bring my guilt to Jesus,
56:36 to wash my crimson stains...
56:38 to wash my crimson stains
56:44 white in His blood most precious...
56:46 white in His blood most precious
56:52 till not a spot remains... spain remains...
56:54 till not a stain remains.
57:00 Repeat that with me... Till not a stain...
57:02 till not a stain remains.
57:08 Isn't that beautiful? Amen!
57:10 We can bring our sins, we can bring our guilt to Jesus.
57:14 But the only way we can do it is if we know what we're bringing.
57:20 How many of you all today -
57:22 and the Holy Spirit is moving on hearts, I know that -
57:26 the angels are watching. How many of you today
57:29 want God to help you to deal with sin in your own life?
57:32 See if you're bold enough?
57:33 I know I do. I have some things in my life
57:37 that I want to be able to deal with.
57:39 And I don't want to be too offended if someone
57:42 points it out. I don't want to be like Adam
57:46 blaming Eve and then Eve blaming the serpent
57:49 when their sins were pointed out.
57:51 I want to be open with the Lord because I don't want a spot
57:55 of sin to remain. Amen.
57:57 And I pray that that is the same with you.
57:58 Do you all still love me? Yes!


Revised 2013-09-04